1 " 4 ' 7 .THE OREGON' SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. ; SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 13. '1913. 12 Our Monthly Sale of Toilet Hcqaisitcs anil Drags Dcgins TomorrowrScb Pari: Page of Section Four This Paper Special nOcLunchccn Exclusive Distributors in Oregon tor Jndcstructo lrunixs, ustcrmoor laaurcsscs ana jtcqsupss uitcncn uapinot Uaily rlunc "I Bought It at Mgfer&iw f Excepting Contract Goods, Groceries & VPre-Shovin Womens Apparel for Fall Wkfa Every Arid Etotfocal ii' i ii" r - mi I 1 II 1 1., ill. .1 ' III. IHMMH '.- HI IP'" m" 111 i.li....iMMlWf.l.1wiiiii.B f 'i f 1 1 1 1 I",1 1 " 1 1 a 1 1 ii r-r. Ml 1 1 11 ,. ' .- . ' : ' .: . . ' . . . . " TT . A - - . ..... . :- " 1 7 . ". ' 1 " " 1 i1 1 " " ' '" i " . " , I JjT j t. " Begins the Second Week Tomorrow With Increasing Activity Through Underselling Spend a Few Moments Here You will find it time well spent and most interesting to visit our Jewelry and Leather Goods Departments, where you will find all . the newest novelties and Fashion's latest designs, which are always sent to ns' first front the large importers -and manufacturers the. world over. Every article" is sold with the Meier & Frank Co.' binding guarantee of satisfaction, ' . first Tioor Stow uUdin No other merchandising event in all Portland can be -compared ; to this unprecedented Midsummer Gearance Sale,-which enters with added-vigor on its second -week tomorrow. Our mammoth stocks of new merchandise all included, with but few exceptions (as noted above). t , . The deserving patronage of this sale during the past week proclaims' the confidence of our patrons in the undeniable value-giving that surpasses all attempts to ' equal anywhere. Come tomorrow this is a sale in which you should participate, owing to the money- saving possibilities offered you now in selection of all your neecjs. r 'To $1.25 Embroidery Bands and Flounces the former 2 to 14 inched the latter 9 to 27 inches, on Swiss. A large selection awaits jyou and you will find them very appropriate for use on dainty sum-: mer dresses and waists.;,' Choose tomorrow at the extraordinary ' price of 49f. 1 -... , ' , . . 2$ Infant Flounces-18 to 27-inch, both hem and scallop edges dainty floral designs in Swiss. Priced for quick tlearance t 4DfV To 12c Embroidered Edges and Insertionof cambric and Swiss, 1 to 3 inches, suiuble for children's wear, for Clearance at 5N .- . Courtesy Dependability Service ' 25Q Garments Formerly $3Q to $48 ,' Largest Stocks Newest Goods Lowest Prices Those who have won in the vacauon vomesi: Ow-ar -Heiola j ......................11.024 Jofan Bum .... ........ ......... .11,644 Inia rlvkmaky ................... .iu,u , tEHDijra coHTiSTAirrs. Hirry Hhului.H ........IWTf Kthil Plilengw '.i,,.'. .............. ...8aT . .on ,.8T .5790 u.rry nocaieio ...t...... Units PniM iwnui jrrai ........ .4.... T. MrMuUea ......... v-... M9 Omr SellMW ...t...... 4220 Arrlile Leunrd .................. .....42 Ad. Ooofny jiv.-. . 8Tf8 Itue Lrkl ........ ........ ...8614 Idt indry .,.8375 Jm WeluUln ...827S Nellie Rem .8250 Helen Bennett ...... B183 Roy- Dledrlck I. ................. ......3084 Harry H. Hamilton ..................8081 MiKle Sbulmaa .................. .....804S M1 M. Manciet ...,....,..,... .......8014 CUra Clarke ......................... Oeorje Qulolan .......... .............. 29iO John St. Karaer .2890 M. O'Maller .......2870 Helen Meaner . 2808 Uum a Ba ........................2688 Brassiere A Most Important Factor in Women's Dress The Brassiere; so rapidly increasing In popularity. Is a. wonderful help to good dressing, and once worn is convincing in its adaptability to wear with the corset in conforming the bust and breaking the corset line. Our assortment of models are the very latest of fashion demands and are now priced very low for clearance. 00 Brassieres, Clearance price 89 $1.80 Brassieres, Clearance at $1.22 $2.00 Brassieres, Clearance at $1.47 $2.80 Brassieres, Clearance at $1.95 $3.00 Brassieres, Clearance at $2.67 $3.50 Brassieres, Clearance at $2.89 $5.00 Brassieres, Clearance at $3.95 V 5 : ComfortersUnderpriced , Replenish Jyour supply rof Comforters now while they are "i priced so 16w, for Clearance. v They're silkoline covered, In beautiful floral and Persian "designs, and are all filled with .pure white- Lanated' Cotton, full size. V ' ' .... ' , " :(V;. $1.35 Comforters, Clearance $1.05 ' '. 41.75 Comforters, Clearance $1.29 $2.00 Comforters, Clearance $1.55 $25 Comfortera, Clearance $1.80 $2.75 Comfortera, Clearance $2.15 $3.00 Comfortera, Clearance $2.65 $4.00 Comfortera, aearance $2.95 . salU BttUdiafThlra Vlooiw M ' til : '. W.50 Cluny i J . 1 LOW f "W1tl I I gg-ag Beautiful Curtains Phenomenally Priced A most unusual opportunity is this to further adorn jour ;hbme.with these beautiful Curtains so phenomenally, priced. They're a Jarge assort- ment or broken lines. ' " ' $35.00 Brabonson Curtains $12.5Q $27.50 Arabian Curtains ' $13.75 $10.00 Cluny Curtains ...... $5.50 $9.00 Arabian Curtains. .. . .$4.50 $9.50 Cluny Chirtains......$4.75 Curtains...... $4.25 White Cable Net . ,$3.95 White Filet Net ..$3.00 Filet Net . .$2.50 $4.25 Arabian Cable ' Net . . $2.29 $2.75 v White Nottingham 1 .$1.89 $3.25 Arabian Nottingham . $1.75 $2.75 White Nottingham -..$1.40 $1.75 Arabian Nottingham . . . .65c $1.00 White Nottingham Panel 65 $3.50 White Arabian Scrim Q8 85c White Nottingham-Curtains 45e . .. . ' Xfelx riooiwMaim Bulldtd Just 250 handsome and beautiful Fancy Tailored Wool Suits are included in this group of $30 to $48 models, and offered for tomorrow, with unrestrict ed choice for only $15. Space does-not permit adequate description. You must see these Suits to appreciate in full how unusual is this offer. Four styles, as pictured, were sketched f rorri this lot in our Garment Salons. Every conceivable mode that Fashion.has decreed for this season is represented jn this group. The materials are serge, poplins, tweeds, eponge, etc., in all de sirable shades. Wo Suits from this group will be sold on approval and no phone orders accepted. Sizes included range from 16 years to 53 bust meas ure. Some conception of this extraordinary sale may be had by viewing our large Fifth Street Window Display. It behooves you to come early tomorrow for comprehensive choice of these $30 to $48 Suits at $15. Linoleums i- --..--- Mm 1 Nainsook Goivn s All Women's & Children's i and Combinations 'Th GOWIIS ace rom'this new and popu- lar material are snowy white and of fine, soft texture. : They're specially well made garments and becomingly trimmed in linen lace and swiss embroidery. Special price fQr only ..... , "Oc The Combinations .najnsook, are wonderfully aaapiea ror summer wear ana Parasol 8 All $1.50 Women's Parasols plain and fancy borders, in mercerized cotton etiects, priced lor Clear ance. traveling. They're pure white, soft and comfortable, in styles ui4i arc ixriani io picac. inese are specially pne '"(' f 1 SuPPlv vour Summer-needs tomorrow at low price Tremendous Clearance of Furniture in nil 1) j .1. 1 i i i ii inm'i ii.iMMi' r ........ ' ' .. , . ' ' Imported Grass Furniture One Third Off All Reed Furniture One Third Off All Rattan Furniture One Third Off , , ' AH High-Class Bedroom Sets Consisting; of All Wood Beds. ' ' - Dressers, Chiffoniers, Toilet Tables and fiomnoea, 1-3 Off Upholstered Furniture ' Sofas, Rockers, Chairs, Etc, One Third Off All Brass Beds, 4x6 and 3x6 Sizes. One Quarter. Off . , ; " All Complete Dinuig-Room Sets One Third Off ' All Dining Tables, Buffets, China Cabinets, Buffet Servers and Chairs, 1-4 Off All Life Tims Furniture Davenports, Rockers, Chairs, Couches and Desks, 1-4 Off : All, Bookcases One Third Off -. . AU White and French Gray Enameled Furniture One Third Off r 98c $1.79 to $2.50 Parasols for Womenpongee, taffeta, linen, plain hemstitched ; tucked colored borders and in-, sertion effects, regulation 22 inch, long plain A 0 and carved handles, for Clearance at. p 1 . ) All $3.00 and $3.50 Parasols for Women of silk taf feta and pongee, 8 and 10 ribbed, 22 inch frames, large assortment of colors, silk cords and tassels toArt Mr matenj for. Clearance at. .................. , 41 Our entire 'stock of Parasols for children at greatly reduced prices, from "play" Parasols to the daintiest, for most important "dress-up" occasions. ' 25a-Japahese Parasols, for Clearance. ;": . 50c Japanese Parasols, for Clearance. . . . ... 29c 25c Domestic Parasols, for Clearance...... 21 50c' Domestic Parasols, for Clearance. .....43 75c Domestic, Parasols, for. Clearance.-; . . . .63 ) 10 ' At Extreme Redactions Here's welcome news for you, for, home needs a new.; floor, covering. '.'''.You .'may;'cbmeVto;r'ou.r? i store tomorrow and choose :fr,om. greirwpsTpf beautiful Linoleums and Rugs ats prices reduced to the verv extreme.. : :,."v .-A'fr'r-.-.-'" . :: .''iAS ' . A ' ', ' ;:;A -a:, 0ikj& aowu Yards ot imaid i-moieum, a choice selection of pat-' terns'both light and dark; all new and in first class condition;! $1.40 Grade, for Clearance 95c 'CK'ff.ii $1.60 Grade. Extra Heavy, for Clearance $1.10 67c Grade, D Print, for Clearance 49c 60c prade, E Print, for Clearance 45; Large Selection of Beautiful Imported Grass Rugs and 5 Japanese and China 'Matting $8.00 8x10 Rugs, for Clearance: . . . .$5.9S $9.00 9x12 Rugs, for aearance ;V,. ..$6.c';;:-a;; Our Entire Stock of 30c Matting iPriced for Clearance at 22c $23.00 Searrdess WUton Velvet. Rug -green, with beautifully designed borders, for Clearance 1 1 ;a.a ExtraQualityHigh Qrade.Uton Rugs " , "J-1 $5000 92 Wilton Rugs ' :-i C$39.5o';lS :-i ?' ! ' .' $3&00 9x12 Wilton Rugs & . -.'V .". $3465Sfti' iatic Reductions on Undermuslins During Our $1.00f Domestic Parasols, for Clearance. :.. ;78tf $1.25 Domestic, Parasols, for aearance . Q8s. f .$180 Domestic Parasols' for Clearance;. ; 81.291 OdmifAnnUAl $2.00 Domestic Parasols, for Clearance. .. SI. 73 ClCcir ailCC SalO $2.60 Domestic Parasols, for Clearances . ; S 1.08 ' Tint riooriuia Mnuatag MAIL ORDERS 'V"A:(Ajrt 1 ,f. ' ,. .-! ' '. . ' H . mtil 1r '-i,!.1 .lectnclrons VV -itj 'ia ' ' i. 'vY.. i ,A ' A,, "A ' ; . ':- ' r " ' 'I' " f.ijVM'. ' I J,; 1 ; For convenience, comfort' and economy's sake owri'a "Hotpoint" EUc trie, Iron, they've .so many desired features. -The point of the ordinary iron when in; use, beings constantly pushed'-into -the co!d damp goods,1 cools rapidly,1 but the i-VHotpoint"; Electric-Iron .is so constructed that . additional heat is projected into the poinr; keeping it always ready- for . constant iise. ; . u'r yy.y r- l-livill(J Tv ,,V'. i The',"H6tpoint" handle is 'always cool, kept sovby heavy asbestos in- ' Sulation on the inside of the Dressed steel cover; which also lieloa to hold f the heat , a jnudj (longer time, than' other Irons and consequently" the': ' electric, current need, be .used only "a portion ' of A v ' y -.- sr the time. r Each Iron is equipped with an attached .'i-'" Zr ? stand, which does away with all luting. , ,' And very important Is. the 10-yeaf. guarantee t which covers any.damageresulting to the heating y element, under normal use. Come in and see the many mecits of the "Hotpoint", Electric :Irort" ' demonstrated ; .''.? ''?.;tfyt,t V'-- f a-o, noipoini irons t , ana o-io,... ,.o.uu . i ' i ' 1 J r i-t 4 i . . ., . f .0 J