.1 1 XJ I I I i topic: HJKHEB BUYOUT BtIESCai- ion a. wilts 70a f 0 away oa yo vacation, have. The Journal fol low you a the regular rate of IS Cants wok, by mall, Of the following agents wm supply you at regular rates 1 JBarvlaw of Qarlbaldl, Or. IX. B. BrlnihaU, Bar Oltr. Of U, J. Millar. Carton, Wash a 1 V h t d B Springs. qearhart. Or. Mrs. O, L Sl liot, anA Hotel aearhert. Xlweoo, Wilt-2L B. Wood ruff. 1 tonr Beach, Wash- iawrenoe Dlnossn (delivery to ell points on JTortu Baaob), Xegler, Wash, Moohfeld B) Bloom. ... Hewport, OrvOlea Howard, Bookaway Beach, Or. Tloyd H. Wllklas and . F. Millar. Baaalda, Or. Alvah Werton (dallvarr to all parti of Bee Ida). Baavlew, Wash. Josstafcls li Futnam and Xawrenee Dtaneen. , Tillamook, Or. J. B. Lamar. WlJUiolt Bprlafs, Or. T. W. ICclerea. IN 'l. 'I In tlol.it! m ,: t V. Iili-H n In fin innllnn w,i; I., 1,1 (hi'mirll I Mo (II til t attorney' ( i ( 1 1 n novtutl wfi lis bk, roiiMlsli',1 in (h0 incut if n (I'lnntlty ot "VVliii la Oil" soap, h funKlcltlo, frmn rortlund lo Vancouver, Tim noun, tha government alli'Kv'l, hud bemi nilNlabelfd In atntlng tho quiintlty of tha various Ingredients tioiiiulnmt. Kour clmfKPa were Hind", but AMllnnt United titatea Attorney ()noro O. Mowry thla morning annulled three qf the charges. Thla was Mowry'a limt cue an an aaiilatant United fctates attorney, aa ha la to ba auo- j caeded tomorrow by Robert It. Rankin, n appolntaa of Clurenoo Lk..Renmea. li Viiln" i III lllllll ItlL IU UIUIJI iMEIl IN EARLIER DAYS Oregon Sportsmen Have Three Months to Read Up on Changes. 4 TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS BWWO KIrfiOi and Uoniaoa. Lyman B. Howe's Travel laatlTaL CurUln al 8:80. BAKES Broadway and Blxth atreeta, pair - Morrteoa. Tba Baker player la "Tka Olrl In tha Tail.". Curtain at S:1B. LY BIO Fwirta and BUrk. Eaatlof A Flood Mmleal Co and company la "Tba Jolly Bob- oer." Curtain at T and 0. fANTAGKS Broadway and AMer. Veuoevllle. Curt. In T:1B and 0:10. COLUMBIA Blith between Waihinftoa and Mark etraete. Motion plcturea. OAKS AMUSEMENT PABK Royal Italian Band and vaudeville. Every aftarnooa at B:80jewry erenlnr at 8. Weather Conditions. Portland and vicinity Showers toolflrt, Toaa aay uiri aonu to waat winaa. Ortfoa and Waahlnfton ahowara weat por tion tonight, Tuaaday fair: abowara aaat por tion tonight or Tuaaday; aotitn to watt wlada. Idano Hbowtra toalfht or Tneaday. i EDWARD A. REALM. s IHatrlct roracaatrr. Kalaa Win tars Bon flit. Helen Win ters, 19 yesrs old. Is thought to ba In Portland, and la askad to Immediately communicate with tha pollcs relative to tho death of tier father In Chill. Fa trolman Sherwood id today making" a serch for tha glrL Ha has Information that the sirl'a father was killed in an accident, 4it which case his properly Is to-be turned ver to the girl. A man by the name of Jack Evans was with Winters Immediately- before he ex tired. It was to Evans that the In- lured man appealed, to make a search for the daughter, and place the prop erty In her hands. Any Information relative to tha girl should be placed In the hands of Chief Blover or Patrol man Sherwood. ays Wife Eloped Another story of a broken home Is contained In a short letter .received this morning by County Clerk Coffey from John Fabian, 24 North. Mill street, Kansas City, Kan. Fabian aaks that no marriage license be granted to John Lucas and Susie Fabian If they apply, as the woman Is his wife. Mrs. Fabian left her home oh May 1J, taking with her a 12-year-old daughter. Fabian says his wife Is unable, to talk English and the girl does the talking for her. No application for a license has been made by. anyone answering tha de- scription. Judg Jones Sustained. -J- For the fourth time on appeal cases from the district court, Circuit Judge McGinn sustained the decision made by Judge Jones. The latest case was tha suit of K. M. Oatewood against Archie Ma son. Gatewood alleged that Mason agreed to sell soma hops at. a stipu lated price, but sold them to other par ties at a different price. Judge Jones had held that GateWood was entitled to Judgment. Judge McGinn upheld bis decision. J Woman Taken in aiiL Eight more women from, the north end questionable rooming houses ware arrested Satur day afternoon and evening by the po lice on state vagrancy charges. In the municipal court this morning five pleaded guilty and were given suspend ed sentences. Two pleaded not guilty and will be given trials. One Is to be heard July 2. Early last week 28 wo men were gathered In by similar raids. Tha object of tha raid waa to check ac tivities of such women. Admitted to V. M. Court. Newton a Smith, Robin Day and Frank M, O'COn noil, attorneya. were admitted to prac tice in the United States district court this morning on motion of Charlea 1L Bchnabel before Judge Robert 8, Bean. Tho Beml-Aanaul Examination of the Oregon state board of medical examiners will be held at tha Lownsdala school. Fourteenth and Alder streets, on July i, 3 and t. All applicants must be pres ent at I o cioclt aham. Tha T, b. Taylor Co, realty firm, nave removed their place of business from 404-5 Lewis butldtna- to tha offlcea formerly occupied by C. aK. Henry Co., as jrourta street, $ round floor, Henry uu.iainr. . Oregon sportsmen have three months in which to study the proposed govern ment game protection code for migra tory birds, enabled under the Weeks McLean act, panned by congreas last winter. Ths code, whatever it .will ul tlmately be, will go Into effect October 1. The biological survey of the depart- ment of agriculture has drawn up such tentative code wmch is. now neing sent out broadcast over the country for sportsmen to, study and crltlolse. Later hearings are to be held in all the states at which the sportsmen wlll.be asked to be present or communicate with the committeeman who presides at the hear. Ing and to suggest changes. J William L. Flnley. state garos warden, has been chosen commissioner of Ore gon and Washington. ' He will hold meetings next week, probably a num ber in all parts of his territory, and Xotormaa Bankrupt, A petition tn bankruptcy was, filed today by Edward Jav Price, a atraet rat mnrnrman if thla city. Debts are scheduled amounting to sportsmen are being let know that they was born nine months lster on December At tha roront meeting of tha pioneers In rortlund I mat Cyrus A. Walker. "I am a pioneer of 1 38." enld Mr, Walker, "and a native aon of old Oretfon. In tlie early BO'S there was ft great ml alonary revival. Ona of tha texts most prwiched from in those days was: "Oo ye into all the World and preach the gospel." - My father volunteered to go as a miailonary to Africa. Jost as h4 wns about to leave for Africa a war broM out in Zululand so ths mission board sent him to the foreign mission field n tha almost unknown and un explored Oregon country. My father and mother came on horse- back with three other missionary couples, all of whom, es wall ss 'my father and mother, were newly married, so. that it was an eight months' honeiy. moon trio for them. My father snd mother and Cushln Eells and Mrs. Eells were sent to Tshlmakatn mission. It was located In the Spokane coun try and is now known as Walker's prairie. They established ths mission in 13. ' "In tha winter of 4B and '4 I went to school at the Whitman mission. Andy Rogers, who was later killed at the Whitman massacre, was my teacher, My parents were married on March 6, IMS. in Maine, Just before starting on their long trip across tha plains Gu.iUr (IF Fll.! mm mi rwp HUH UI CU0 2000 Lodgcmen and Families Make Merry at Bonneville Picnic. 1830.75 with no assets; Steamer Jessie Burkina for Camas,' wasnougai ana way landings, cany ex cept Sunday. Leaves, Washington street dock at I n. m. Oratorio "Samson Tonight, Xasonlo Temple Dr. Shaw's Handel society, (0 members, five eminent soloists. Admis sion EOo and 76c. For Sent Stable, 19 stalls, 7( East Ash street Rent 140 per msnth. 717 Board of Trade building. Batt-Blsta Bread, Haines Tea Jtora. Third at.. beL Morrlaon and TamhllL A Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. Sr. X. O. Brows, Eye, Bar, Mohawk. Store for Best tn Journal bldg. are expected to attend this meeting. 7, 17SH, shortly after their arrival at Tha department wants to get a statute the Whitman mission. If there is any that will give general satisfaction, for thing In prenatal influence I should be It is going to last a long time. very fond of travel, for my mother was Tba Weeks-McLean law is the biggest constantly on horseback for eight thing for bird conservation that has months prior to my birth. The saddle ever been done In this country. By It, I on which she rode across -the plains Is tho country Is divided into two Immense at tha rooms of ths Historical society. zones. Generally speaking, tne norin- "in the fall of '45 my father and ern states all tho Way across the coun- mother had come down for the annual try from the Atlantlo to. the Faclflo are meeting They met that year at the In sone 1. The southern half of the Whitman mission. Rev. fipaldlnr had en i n 1B0FHU. Al Fresco . Performance of "Creation" by Utah Stu dents at N. E. A. country, latltudlnally, Is tha second sone. Tha statute creates laws for eacn sone. Tho birds hatch in tho northern sone and they are to be protected abso lutely throughout ths breeding season. They winter In the south and limited seasons for shooting only are allowed. The main idea that stands. out In the whole statute, however, Is tha fact that spring and summer shooting Is not to be allowed anywhere In the - country of birds that migrate from state to state, Shooting is allowed in the fall and win ter when the birds are In th beet con dition and there are no young to suffer through the death of parent birds. Tha proposed law Is contained in a circular Issued by the buneau- of biolog ical survey. It Is known as circular 9t There are things In tha present statute that are not going to satisfy Oregon gunners and' the government Is giving them thla opportunity to straighten It out before it Is too late. AWARD ESSAY Batons Marriage Xilcsnaa. Leon San , dusky secured a license to wed Shafry i, Carroll on January I last This morn ing he appeared to ask the return of the S3 he paid for the license. That Miss Carroll refused to accept him whan the critical moment arrived was the reason tha license was unused. He returned the license In response to a letter sent htm asking; why no return had been made of the wedding. Jndffe Calkins - to Betsnu Circuit Judge F. M. Calkins, who has been hold ing court for the past month assisting in clearing tne local aocxet, win com pleta his work here today, and leave for - his home in Medford tomorrow. He will - hold " court In Jacksonville next Monday. Ha has disposed of 27 cases during the month, an average of more man one a oay iur mvu tuuu uajr, Weiss Awarded Damages. Ernest M, Weisswas riven a verdict for $1800 damagea against the Portland Taxlcab company in Circuit Judge .McGinn's court , this morning. . He . received i broken wrist while cranking an auto - mobile under tha direction of his em oloyers. - Nine members of the Jury signed the verdict, the other three hold ing out for higher damages. ' Snes Machinery Company. Alleging that $2975 worth of fruit fermented ana sDOlled last year when a can closing ma china leased from the American Can company failed to work properly, R. J, Holmea of the Woodburn Canning com pany is seeking to recover the value of the rruit rrom tne carr company, i ne suit Is on trial before Circuit Judge Mc Ginn. sV.v ;:C i .'. Woman Seeks Damages. In a suit on trial before Circuit Judge Morrow, Helen . Bissett Is seeking $50,000 damages on account of Injuries received when two cars met in a headon collision on the Cazadero line between Anderson and Hogan stations. She, alleges she was thrown from ths car Into a ditch 15 feet away, and permanently injured. Word Oot ICarrlsg-e XJoense. Thomaa Marshall Word Jr chief deputy in the office oi nis ramer, onenii wora, se cured a license this morning" to marry Muss Ruth Hansen. Mr. Word and Mlsa Hansen are both University of Oregon graduates.- Xing Company Fined. Represents- vea ot the Ulumauer-Frank Drug com-. 7 . " . ' ' I L..... T.'.J--.l f... '. pany opyetircu uciwn j-rwni uuq Bean this morning and pleaded guilty to a charge of violation ot tha federal in- Salt Lake City, June 30. Special ar rangements have been made by the Utah executive committee of the N. E. A. for an al fresco performance of the oratorio, "Creation," by the University of Utah Musical society, under direc tion of Professor Squire Coop. The University society has achieved more than a local reputation for Its singing of "Creation" and "The Mas- sian. -me executive committee was gratified, therefore, to be able to an nounce a performance of "Creation" on the beautiful 'university campus the evening of July 10. With Utah's leading singers in the principal roles snd other notable artists in tho chorus and with the accompani ment of a special augmented orchestra of trained musicians, the forthcoming production of "Creation" is looked for ward to as a noteworthy event by the people of this city and Is expected to furnish a treat to the thousands of N. E. A. convention visitors. Salt Lake City is gaily decorated. awaiting the coming of the N. E. A. visitors. The convention opens July 6 D. W. Springer, general secretary, and E. T. Fairchlld, president of the Na tional Education association, are al ready here and have opened the official headquarters at the Hotel Utah.- The registration office and school exhibit In tha Keith Mercantile building on South Main street, near Broadway, are in readiness. , CONTESTS ARE MAD Eon to BO a 1 Tha awards in tha prize essay contest j conducted by the Oregon society. Sons of the American Revolution, for the best essays written by pupils of the publlo schools of the state, on subjects coma over from PopwaL They left me at tha mission to go to school that winter. Next rummer my teacher, Mr. Rogers, took me home. Wa went on horseback the 150 miles to our mission among the Spokanes. Traveling was somewhat more difficult In those days than It Is today. The usual croaslng of ths Snake liver was Just below where the Falouse river enters the Snake. The Indians who were camped there took -the traveler across in a canoe wnue hi horse swam. When we got to the Rnaka tha Indians were gone, so we hsd to go to the mouth of tha Touchet, where we found some In dians who took us across their ca noes. That was In the early summer of 1846. 'That fall Dr. and Mrs. Whitman cams to visit us, "Besides Dr. and Mrs. Whitman there were my father and mother, Cushtng Eells and Mrs., Eells and Dr. and Mrs. Spalding. Dr. Whitman brought with him as a great treat a doten apples gathered from tha trees he had nlanted at ths Whitman mission'- T was given half an apple the first one I had ever tasted. I can remember this day how Rood It tasted. In 1883 some English officers had bj-ought over few apple seeds and riven them to Dr. McLoughlln at Fort Vancouver. Dr. Whitman had gotten some apples from those trees In 1839 and In 4 I was tasting my first apple from trees grown from seeds brought over from England. -rossiDiy what made my first apple taste so good was the fact ltwas the first fruit I had ever! tasted. Mother JJG1 kOrl A J A A EC a,v WiO A wa w wvimi j ""'I L... . . , have Just been made. Following are the ?"ht lot" ' wild stmWberrles, service nam, of th winners, with tha list of cr,,ea "na nucicieoerries. rrom tne in prizes awarded: Bugs, School. First prise, $26 Opal B. Brets, Lin coln Hlrh school. Portland, "Women of the American Revolution." Second prize, $15 Esther Johnson, Lincoln High school, Portland, "Benedict Arnold. Third prize, $10 Herbert Berrlan, Medford Hlrh school. Medford, Or.; "The Confederation and the Constitution.' Grade Schools. First prize, $10 Averlll Trotter, Am ity, Or.; "John Paul Jones. dlans, but I had never seen nor tasted rnilt such ss pears, peaches. aDDles. Plums or cherries. Food was not always abundant. When my mother was nursing me in the win ter or 1838 all she had for a considerable period waa boiled wheat and horse meat not a very dainty fare for a nursing mother less than a year married and accustomed to all the substantial com forts of a back east farm home. Alice Whitman was born in Waroh 1837, and when she was 18 months nM she toddled down to the rfVer. fall In and was drowned. The next white child born west of the Rocky mountains was Elks and their families, at least 2000 of them, enjoyed themselves at ths first annual outing held yesterday at Bonneville. The blggeat turnout waa from Portland lodge, two full train loads leaving this city1 yesterday morn Ing. A special filled with mambera of the fraternity and their families from The Dalles also came down from Wasoo oounty. . Ths Portland Elka were accompanied oy tne lodge nana, which dispensed munio throughout the dny, (f ' - wnue tne uixa zrom jne fanes were lesser la number they were greater In prowess in several Instances that ths Portland delegation, notably In the base- Dau game. Five or six Innings were played in five or six hours, with the Wasco county whirlwinds st the plate most of the time. No record waa kept of the runs made, except to note the fact that Portland made none while The unites mace a great many. Eight entered In the fat men's race, wnico was won oy jiay Barkhurst J. T. Langley was second and H. Raw- mussen third. Among other entrlea was uiiy Treasurer William Adams, who on ly weighs 226 pounds. "Bobby" Adams, qis nrotner, j. R. Gilliam, J. Osborne and Ike Schults were other sprinters In ion wvenu a. LMt of The Dalles won tha free-for-all. Tha wearing of a tight skirt was the one quatinoatioa that every woman had to possess who entered the women's rsce. Mrs. D. R, Bell won, with Mrs. AN ENTANGLING NET OF DIFFICULTIES is drawing today around many a man who is feeling secure in the value of his title. A Guaranteed Certificate' of Title would tell him the truth about any de fects and give him a chance to cdrrect them, Investigate. Call for booklet. TITLE and TRUST COMPANY Fourth and Oak Sts. tit yUS Of 9 rnra, A1ttl'tMi J. T. I.('.!ey wa a ; 1 a1 1 1 noil llilnl. I or irlila iin1ir lli'l'iii M.illoy won l 1'nrr wnn accond anl Kulfl Carr f!u Ulie.t third. f Carl llyan won tha rncn for bays, Tom DuiiMtnora and I.ewia IHain flnlahlng In tha order named. Tha ro.cn for boys of all aeos waa won by Jailc Dundore. Leater Kelly was second and Harry Cormllus third, Monroe Goldstein was Judge of the kanxaroo curt, which around out "Jus tice" all day. Andy Walnhergar was the officer of the court and 'every one on tne ground waa pinched at least once. ' Hurry McAllister announced the events, f Muslo was furnished by the band for dancing. FUNErL OF CHINESE MERCHANT IS HELD Frank H. Baker, the well known Wil liams avenue Chinese merchant, who died FrldAy afternoon, was burled at noof. A large number of American and. Chlmise friends of ths deceased followed the funeral car to the burial ground. The funeral services were held at the Baptlat Chinese mlsalon, 353 Burn- side street Rev. Frederick A Agar of the White Temple and Rev. Chan Sing Kal of tha Methodist mission at First and Aider officiating. Baker's Chlneae nam was Hong Back. He had been a merchant of Portland for 80 years and was 46 years old st tha time of hla death. He was one of the most popular members of his race in Portland, numbering his friends by the hundred. Ha is survived by ths widow, , , -ni i,,i i,,. in .in minim n Mum a w ". vl i , . , ', - f , 4M Devoted to optics. Iwayi irliabie. Yir.6f Experience. ThousanHa of references. Office itnost rnodern. No cxainination charire. L BTESZOKT SPEC1AXX8T 608-B Swatland Bldg.,, 8th and WasX rifts rioor Fifth Street Entranoe. Second prize. la L,aura Biurm, etepn- TB.nri T.. . ... ----- .. - . m . v rviii vf uirju ss. l uirin mrtn ens school, roruana, isauia ox earn- Who was buried with bt. .". r . .. : ' v., niuiii . Maria pitman Lea . in th T. FIRE LADDIES'. TRIP TO Third prize, 15 Nellie FIndlay, Thompson school, Portland, "John Paul Jones." The three grade pupils above men tioned received medals of the society and medals were also given to the fol lowing grade pupils who submitted es says; Mae E. Dulin, Thompson school, "val ley Forge": Bessie Singer, Falling school. "John Paul Jones"; Joseph P. Ostby, ' Kerns schools, . "Jonn raui MFW YORsf IMnflRSFn Jones"; Marie Hartman, Holladay school. a.... win inwviiwtaw ,,.,, r--". Rn.li Rtn.nn. Fall ins- school. "Battle of Saratoga"; Mae Brown, Irvlngton school, jonn taui Jones": Claude Leslie Norman, Crow Foot achooL Lebanon. Or., "John Paul Jones": Joe Freedman, Holladay school, Battle of Saratoga"; Aiexanaer crown. Falling school. "Valley Forge"; George Colllson. Stephens school, . jonn raui Jones." The committee In charge or the con test was composed of Harold C. Steph ens, John K. Kollock and D. D. Clarke. "I heartily Indorse the plan of the members of the Portland fire depart ment to make the trip to New York late in August to attend the International convention of fire chiefs," said Mayor elect Albee yesterday, 'The men are going on their own time and will pay their own expenses." The proposition has already been In dorsed by the Commercial club, the East Side Business Mens club, the Trans portation club and Other organizations. and now a ibid is being made for the general support of the people. The firemen's band, which is the only organization of Us sort In- the world. will be one of tha biggest' features of the convention, as it will lead all the parades. A concert to provide tha funds Is to be given In the near future by the com bined, bands Of the police and fire de partments. The police band Is also the only one of its kind. They are both credited with being excellent musical organizations. The firemen's band has been so ar ranged that there is one member from every company, thereby making it pos sible for all to meet without crippling the department.' Neither the police nor the firemen ever play for hire nor ap pear where professional musicians would otherwise be employed. Elabo rate plans are being made for the annual plcnlo to be given by the firemen at Estacada on August 15. The feature of the plcnlo will be a band concert by the firemen's band all, afternoon, and spe cial orchestra muslo at the pavilion for those who desire to dance. , World's Christian Conference Raven issues of The journal, including one 8unday paper, giving complete re ports of the Second World's Christian Cltlsenship conference, from June 29 to July S, mailed to any aaaresa ior 10 cents. Leave your order at The Journal office. For quickly raising to the' surface of the water a disabled submarine an Eng. lishman has invented a buoy to be re leased from the boat, carrying up hosel through which air can be pumped to fail and lift the craft nam atkf mm . a mw m """i""'- -mo next cnua oorn was Eliza Spalding at Lopwal. She is still auve. i was tne next chHd to h ho and I am the oldest living white man oorn west or tne Rocky mountains. Journal Want Ads bring results. By choosing BituKthic, Portland taxpayers guard Against the substitution of inferior substitutes and the accom- w panyng bills for repair and upkeep. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT AT 'HOLLADAY PARK The Portland park band, W, E. Mo Elroy, director, will play this evening at Holladay park. The concert begins at 8 o'clock and the program will be as follows: " PART L March "New England'a Finest". Clarke rerture "Morning, Moon and Might In Vienna" ................... Buddb Walts "Eternelle Ivresse" .....Ganne Suite '"Americana" . ........ .Thurban 1) March, "The Tiger's Tall." 2 firenade."When Malindy Sings." 3) Sketch. 'The Watermelon Fete." Vision, characteristlo intermezzo ...... ., von Dion PART ir. Excerpts from the opera "Wizard of tha Nile' Herbert PstToV'ninw1 OewfS" TaradevMerrllT 1 Oraml selection "FaurH" Gounod Madley PODUlar sonra ..Lamna March National sirs. u i The Daintiest Little tamera ror 3o.uu You Ever Saw Premoette Jr. Just a trifle larger than the plo ture It takes. Loads In daylight Has auto matic shutter, tested lens, and makes surprisingly good 94x2 i pictures. . We do the better kind of de veloping and printing. , i Columbian Optical Co. 145 8XXTK 8TXEST. DENTISTS We are now located between TTourth and Fifth on Washington street and are prepared to give you first class work at reasonable prices. Rubber Plates ..$5.00 and up Gold Crowns $8.50 and up Bridge Work $3.50 and up Porcelain Crowns..... Jitt. SO and tin Silver Fillings ......... 50 and up Gold Fillings Sl.OO and us OS, H, r. SEWTOK, Mgr. Round Trip To A MONTAMARA ii JSS3i FEST0 l i THREE DAY TRAINS T" Yok li Observation Car, Coaches, , Better (j Diner. U , Go 1 ONE NIGHT TRAIN NN, Standard and Tourist Sleeping xV Cars and Coaches. ,i, v. AV 7 DAYS IN THE WEEK EAST "ll-O t . TVorthern pacific D ail way I I sf em. . m i nv . ' Tn,-...li sk t-j a v f ffMBaTfkk MsBw VsW .assk V - W --- am OBWia AlfjaiWamw aM aatvub;u ua i nn Oa BBTrailaBi n U 9 l i y J J TIOEETS, a55 Morrison Street. A. D. CHABX.T01T, A, G. V. A, Fortlssd KV . VI Oregon Humane Society Office 830 Oaios AveH Cor. Market St, rboae Bast 1433, B-asis. 1 Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a momant'a notice, prloes reasonable. Report all cases of erueltf to thla office. Ooen day and slsbt Bl- I &JAMrt SI CCHWAB PRINTiriC COJ WBtN F.GREENE. PRESIDENT 345V STARK - STREET Meat Prices Cut Again for Tuesday "THE MIDDLEMAN ELIMINATED AT FRYE & COMPANY'S MARKETS TOMORROW (TUESDAY) THE FOLLOWINQ SPECIALS WILL BE OFFERED, AT OUR MARKETS Veal Shoulder Roast I K, I -per lb. lOln Beef Shoulder Steak ; 1 rn per lb J-tlL Boiling Beef . ........ Mutton Chops ll1' :lba a ..10c per Oregon Ranch Eggs-1- OC per dozen adOl Best Oregon Butter QA per lb. .'. OUL Wisconsin ' Cream Brick a OA Cheese per lb A)L Wisconsin Swiss Cheese 0- per lb. ZOC CITY MARKET 106 FIRST ST, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND STARK One Door North Washington Public Market STATE MARKET 221 FIRST STREET CORNER SALMON rOUR MOTTO: ' From Packing House to Consumer GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS Look for the U. Scurpls JBl.jssVjMaagfc-MMfcMiaMiai. tmi i-.y,.rJw im- hmi,w- Mniaa. ih.hi npi in i y. MMW-w4if'aiiiaaiaaaaaaaaSiaaasfc.jwtJi..fc, . Stamp. It signiiie punty and quality. in 1 I I n h u .n- ii. i i" t bl'l'll armttl(n. J, ',1 V tiey fur Vanil.lU. r.u.t r . ! " rnuntlrs by IHalrl-t Att rtic ,- i H. t'Mohn. ly this ift.'iiiiii.fit 1 peoie In tha auction f !; i will !e rellBVfd of liavln t ) i h county sr-m In tram.ti-tiiiir ,MI"! with the dlatrlct attorn.-y'ia trf!' , ft.1!".. . . -- Your Vacalicn V Will be more enjoyable if you leave your stlvarwnra, tumlly keepsakes, ate, in our mbdnrn Storage Vaults Where they will be fraeifrom danger of loss through ravB, SCCIOZITT om txxty. Best and ohsapest lasruasoa yoa, oaa bay. INSPECTION INVTTB7D, J ,v fciirVst , I, 1 I SM Oak aTenry I J Street , Bldg. -rl 'it The Journal Building btoi. amr watt ttstd . thiovoh OUT HUB BUILSIXO laffle room ea stita floav . for rat Ona alnala room oa altth floor for rant Oo largo and one anaU atore for rest ea sroaaway. Kaot raaaoaable. mil t m 7 x.4.4 -7 . n i H H3JJ . WSJ T 2.J at at . ST Httu . Tenants' Directory SM at w e sa SeteewaeaS el0ut BAU, SR. GUBTAY, y.l.- lull aAtna Bi-HOEH BkOB., Wail'pipaV, Oround floor BBOWKE. 9S. AOKX8 X., Oi Main S09 BRURE. OTTBTAVE K.. X. n. Marahail Sol. A.-84S3 lOtk, flao. BULL. W. a. l.nM.n I . Main 976, A-S97 ....-.tOS OMAJISASUilK, Da. CuAB. X.. Xy. . V . . j -r i . . w aa A ..1 bi. ' Witt ,UIH,i JK, V.O, i . W . O0N8BVATIV lifVSIJlBI CO Main 1007 . . J0 maraoau ow, 1 1 1 . ,n . in Main 67iS ........ em OAVIB SATIH. Ilmaaa tnAL Main T44S ,. .. .... .. ..Ilttbfloev DUOA1T, W. W., Att y- Vala vm.tox DUTHlli-BTHAClIAjr a CO, .17 main auo .. ILIJOTT. J. v.. Main U3t. EUBANK8 CLABENOB K., Attoraay, Mar. hall J0O, A-1011.. ..MJ14 ZTANS. M. 0. jaaia IS69 aoa XTEKBOM, BOSS, , Hairdraaaiag, jUatawr. ins. Jtaia inua Mua Mar. 100, A-1011 tflf I IB. XAUOSS' ASSOULAXIOS Main s86 rOX, Iivmr B., OptomatrUt, Main m, A1371 OAEDEH C0HZEBX LEAQUB Main SS6 -...,,....301 Mam Ss HAIL, BOBEBX B., M. D., Man I381.S07 DcirV TftUC DtF W U... lau a.- t EA baii 4, , HVDAA AS MS 'SStlU St boi t a SaSSSr4U A HOHT1CULTUBAL 1'IHE kILiSJ, Main m, A-S976 .....,S0S JAYME A) OBEXON, AttoraayMta. Main til SOl-3 XEL8EY, FBAKK C, Civil ngiaaar.M Mt KIbIUEK, fKANK B., M. D. . Mar. 161, A-E463 UOthflaw LAKE LYI1E CO.. Mar. 430 tof IYXLE, S. E., Mar. M0..MMM.MMM7 LIN DELL,- J., Cbiroeodiat, Main 4921, A-4SS3 , ..i.. fit MLNEFEE, ObCAB, B . - T U.. kill mtkm .UUUMW WUUUWJ 1 I ,, , MENEFEE, L. B., LUMBEE CO., MarabaU 1US ..KIS MONIQOMEEY, OB. 3. H., rkyaloiaa,ad Burcaon, M. 123, A-13T1 ..ilU MYEB.S MA&T1B, Oataopaiha, . . Marahall 1876 BDAJr SEL80N, ABBAHAM, Atty. -- ! WWI .............. . M&iMVu, ua. ajLUi i., vtuu Main 8290 '. .SOT XOKIHWESXEBH ELE0, CO., v Mar. 1180. A 4401 ..lkr1a. BOKIKWESX.S LUSBba OO , jiaranau oiei ' .-....aof 0CCISEBTAL LIFE IH8. CO, Mar. 1768 ..,...M.SJS Utnus Auo.Aiau., sou junta, Mar. 428 ......Ill OREGON EBGRAVUIO CO.. Mar. BOSS. A-6464. . . . ... .... ; . .SJ floor OKEttUS tUUi B.LW.r AOOUU1A11QJ1, Main 8976. A-3976 ana PACU1U LASii W., j- . , Mar. 422 ...........Ill FHIPF8 ECBANK3,, Attoraaya, -jtar. ouv, A-iui...... , ,aia PINEEBTOM'8 BAT. DETECTIVE A0INOY Main va , .001 PLAYGROUND ABO BECBBATIOS ASS'N. Of AMERICA ....Ill QUICK, B. Inauraaoa - Main 8976, A-8871 ,,......,108 BEYNOLOS. MISS KAMCT SOX. 6, t, Main 143S ......lit EEYB0LD8, JOS. W, 0.. B. - ' BOBE CITY LUMBEK SBmOLX cb.. mar, an ....'....sit SCHOOL GARDEN CONTEST LEAGUE. Main S869 SOS BEUFEBT, T. 3 Eaal Eatate ' Main 193 .)..,. ..,. 300 BILVEH FALtS TIMBER CO., Mar. 1112 ............Ill SMITH, RICHARD C, X, O. Mar. 151, A-M63... .......... ...Iftth ftoor STERNBERG, SR. J. p., rhyaioiaa ami . Burron, Mala 123, A-1371 ,,.ei BT1LEB, F. L., Baildar ...... .tui TERRY, MRS. A., Oowaa Main 2214 ink nnumin nn n t u.i. . . VAN ZAUpt, i, H.,- Ral EaUte sua WARREN C0N8TRBCTI0V CO., PatiBf Contractora, M. 1718, A-1244. ;..Tt floor WE8TBR00S A) WESTBR0OK, Attoreara. Main 1007 .....807 WESTPORt LUMBER CO. THE Mar. 811S ......114 WHITESIDE. SB. OEO, S hytlaa a--l Burroon, Main 1324 M -WITTENBERG. MASON, Baal EiUta, Mar. 800, A-Wll. ......214 W0BARD. M. 0.. Maa, 111 it W0ERNER, PAUL, Bactanoios at, , . w..n sai. A-nri i ; H-RIGHT-BTODGETTCn.rtrD. ' Tunkor laaaa. Main uta ro,t -