Tiin oi:i:go:j dajly joukhal, roirrLA.jn, Monday Kvnrnnc. join: V i; i rum uooJvtl ,ii i t-lViii! iAl.LT I ) 1 'M ill H Ikht liu'irk-i-'lM(j room I'l I'IImiIm fiiiiilly, K rimfi.1 floor, nl.-ij IiuiikciI. 1U4 KHl-t cue l ,'i,,,ti-. ll-?::3'J va,vii;i i tf young men in t i r l "in, I tui'li! oth.'l' rooms rlirnp, Elifc K. 1 ' vl w. Almi cheerful liouaeket-p-. I'-nr ruoniH, walking illetnnoc. li. KT "lloil.MS, ii.iiy""furii'liihi!, bit III, 1 n mil j', ilnm, git t'Hiiic'i HO objec tion to chilil eL'o K. rHnrk at. ;r.Ki.Mi;is ICumiuuiil) 431 rot ii nv uotsi.a ion KKNT 12 For ' Rent Very attractive new modern home on Ml. Tabor, 1 block from cur line, Mont select neighborhood, To refined po iinly, on yearly lcaas. j'oMweaMon nly let. Inspection by appointment. Phone Main S.'uo week Jay unit Tabor $984 Humlays and evening". Kuitte Bros., 61$ Henry bldg. v. Yiin n iKvnn . im ra ii,r.rrt nrrrvnrrcu Two romn alii., furnlahed, bath, ilrinhlmr muni. iii'W, rnuilnMi. fill linn, n 1 1 met i v Kuiiuitfr mioM. Marahall 4141 1 III N. nt, VV cur. depot. DlC,--iii. ui.i'. 4 room MLiurlniaiit. fur iilnlit.il nr unfurnished, beat In city for i tut. locution vnU arrangement: all oiitHlile rouiiia, private Lath, direct clfio phone; t loan In, low rent neat aerv Ice. Kluffleld Apartments, 372 Uroaa Way, (iilluT Jefferson. 100 R. C. It. I. ltcta, SO, 6 weika olJ; 75, 2 week old ; will adl rlmin In one tiartv, Mr, ImiIvcv. Oak drove bout- office, iirrunn i it y cur. 250 YEA Itl.lN'ti liens .must rnll. Tabor V A XI L 1 M H r I . I . L.l M X) I ;4. (Coulluued) LFVIN Hardware fc Furniture Co., 221 riont at., buys Second hand furniture, rarpets, nlovi-i, raugi-a, liardwure o tool of any kind. If you have any ming liLtnia linn, rail Mala Mli. Ou buyer i-ii I In prompt 1 y. For" CARMKLlTA JEFFERSON AND 13TH BTB. 4 AND 6 KOOM UNFURNISHED ATTS.. o M1NCTKH' WALK TO P. O. MO Dill UN, EXCLUSIVE REFERENCES, 43SH, t,iU 4 I'll a vi-. 5TLUT'KN7itriff mi Wtiltoa; iirUieia llKlit. M it I M (121, Aak for VVIIklnHon. - - -i DOGS AMJ IIOrSKIIOLD I'ETJi 40 lilXL. TICIU11EHH at atu!; beat on the coaHi, i'os ror-aain, noga tionrael. KLASMlJijirr KKNNLKH. RLU. Phone Tabor 30. 1119 64th at., H. B. eaconq nana nmiHnluilJ ooda M 1L ALTUAIUUILEHOlOTOnCYCLKH 41 nil HawtnoYne ave CRvuitTZ .FUHNiTirnn BTona i!U Iff I' MAUHHALL tum. wlir pay beat price for your furniture, carpt'ta. atovra, eta., eta New andc onn-nann rurniture our pifllnlty. 1 VVAN'IKD 1'eople of l'urilund to knW mat l pay ma hiahrnt caih price fr a. in n Kaat S134 KKNT ll I'UllllllliJ ilrllilllH. room liounet two batha. two flicnlnofs. furnace, laundry, xaraae, large KlUHHlf in taiony imiamic vaat wim inaniii rent view, blot'k from 1'orllHiitl 'UclKhta .car line, f minute aervlee. Will tent to rllit party on limif leaaa at $00 ptr rnonth, fall at Sift Spalding hltl. L H.N JHiiKL) nuiium-r Home, 3 acres Lucrctia Court Apts. Lurretlu at., bet. Waah. and Everett Flneat unfurnished apta. in city. leaaon- able rent. . Kt'frrencea required. Mr- Mar '3, J h niii r M a r.l 6 1 1 u. A-37. 'rut- wiii l'i luiu around, i room houae. barn, fine well water, family orchard, email fruit, two blorka from OreRnn Klflctrlc, lOo fare to Portland. Inquiie room 11 Cuiiibild) bldy. Main i!. 't KoO.M houae, klurpuiK porch, hot and cold water, furnace, nice roaea and lawn, centrally locatfd. In a good neigh borhood, K'i per month. Cull John IUck, Union ave. N. i'OH KKNT 6 room liousa, $20. I,oca- tlon, central Eaat Portland. K. Waah lngton and tin it. Modern,-' clean, newly renovated. J. 1 V lii room liouae for aumuW, cloae to sand bank; garden. Going taaU fall between 11 and 12:30 K. 6JU. ouK tlrove, 1 blocka fnm atatlon. & loom modern cottage on Corner 1'nrk and Taylor Sta. Walklna Dlaianca. Funlahed complete, 2, I. 4-rom apartmenta;. building new and strictly modern: service flrat Maaa n apartment I you"Il be Droud to own. iienum winton "eixas" in t, s ana i paaaenger. l-'ackara 7 passenger. ftIT Have with private bal ronv. furnished or unfurritKhcd? night prices. Haddon Hull. 414 11th at. Marahnll 1171. REBUILT ANT) ItEFIKISHED WINTON SIXES. We are not In the second hand bual- neaa. All cars listed were trailed In on new Winton Klxre and wa made our profit on the new cara. i nere are no brokerage Tees, no profit on second band cars. Ws are glad to get what they coat ua. j nere are no lanie "oucks - ana no come on" cars. Kverjr traded In car on our floor la worth ownln. Further more, we'll be at the same old place of bualnesi to make good on every aale. i i.et us snow you tne great values tnat COVKLD FUHNITUHM HO, Pays beat price for your aecond hand furniture, carpets, atovea. Mala Ivlll Z04 Flrat, near Taylor. UiGlihbT price paid for offlc. houaehold furniture. Main 2344. lAJbt AND FOUND Ml Gray Gables Kew 3 room aijla . 1 ifO tin? atiiant httaf electric light, walking distance. tii 10th. A-l'29. Peerless 7 pntaenger, yea, 7 paaaenger, 8tevens-Dur- Lozler. 4 paaaenger. THE WINTON MOTOTtCAR COH 23d and Washington. FOIt IlEXT FLATS 13 5-ROOM and bath, ateam-heated flat, unriirntuhu liK mnnthlv '"I h nHa ' S07 11th St., near Columbia. A, IS. Poul een. luK RENT east ride, Meln 1765. clone In, low rent. Call t-ROOM houne, 11th and Allierta ata., for teady tenant $10 per mo. Roth child bl'lg. Boothlnck stand. MODKHN newly tinted & room hbuBe, sleeping porcn; Richmond car. In A ul re 1 Ellsworth at. Bellwood ltBi. t-ROOM modern cottage with garden and yard at 60 Minnesota ave. Key at 806 Minnesota. Phone Marahall $663. NKW'LY remodeled 10 room houae, 2 batha. 460 Montgomery. Inquire at houae or phone Bellwood 1551. t'OR RENT Up-to-date modern 3 -room houae. Rose City Park; rent $30 month. Apply 333 Oak at. i"OR RENT S or t rooms, modern con veniencea.'nlce yard, view of city, cor Chapman Jind Clifton. Portland Heights. VERY' desirable 4-room flat, furnace, sleeping porcn. hard wood floors. 861 Iarrubee near Hrondwny bridge. Main 4xi;s. FOR RUNT. - ' Modurn 6-room flat, 1010 Savler it., ' w car. NEW, modern 4 rooms and bath flats, $18 month. ,1033 Maiiory ava. wood- lawn i'4H. MODKRN four-room upper 434 lfcofi ege. view, walking distance. $13 Modern 6-room furnished flat outside rooms. Commercial. NEW 3 room flata very reasonable. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1963, M.ODERN 6 and room flat, clean, price reasonable, inquire ez Everett at $17 MODERN -room houae on 71st St., near Stark. Phone Col. 406, bet 9 a. tn. and 4 p. m. NEW modern bungalow $27.60 per mo tr will sell on eaay terms. Phone own er Main 4i36. FOUR room cottage on Chester st, near Caruthera and Hood ata. $10. $12.6d Sunnyside modern 6-room houae. Owner Taoor 3586. 248 E, 31st st Fl'KXISItED nOUSES 30 122.60 $ room modern furnished house lawn. Room S Washington bldg. Main 4529; J-KOOM FURNISHED COTTAGE! $.S0 ' Close to school, at ores, car, etc Fred W. German Co., 932 C. of C.Both phones. BURNISHED Irvlngton home for July and August; rent reasonable. Phone East 3841. 6EVEN-ROOM houae. well furnlahed. fine view, Wlllametta Heights. Main (0.10. NEWLY furnlsheJ five-room bungalow; piano and linens, yard and flowers. W. W. line. 6103 42d st 8. E. East 14C0. FURMSITEP FLATS NICE clean 4-room furnished flat for rent. Call at 664 Vancouver ave. rhone Woodlawn 8421, PROSPECTrVB auto buyers will save considerable by looking qver our list of cars before deciding. We have one rive passenger touring car anj one road ster of last year s mOJel. Not demon strators. They are absolutely new and 4t a price. . W1CHIUAN AUTO &BUGOT CO., A-6626. Main 96. 614 Alder at , PODlEa, WHEELri, SPRING. General Repair ing PAIN UNO 109 Front St. COLUMBIA CARRrAGE AUTO VK8. Hawthorne Avenue Shops We make any kind of auto beds. alao make auto SDrlnaa. weld axlea. ate. Get Our Drlcea before -niacin vour or. dera. East 72. B-1389. 40 HAWTHORNE AVB. USED motorcycles; low prices, caah; an accessories, bi cycles, supplies. Hamilton - Blocker, 228 H F1t st MSB THE following articles were found on the cara of the Portland Railway. LIkIiI & Power Co. and 4urned In at Uie airrorent division points. Owners may aecure same by applying at barns, aa In uicniea Found on cara June SI, 1918, fiellwootl barn, phone A-6131: 1 packagb of col lars, g umureuas, l package of pictures, 1 pair white gloves, 1 rain cape. Found on pars June 21, 1813, Piedmont barn, phone A-6131! $ suitcases, 3 grips, 4 umbrellas, 1 baaket, 2 lunch boxes, 1 pair gloves, S packages. Articles wound on the cara June 21, 1913, Savler street car house, phone A-4121: 1 suitcase, 1 package merchan dise, 1 rain cape, 1 book, 1 glove, 1 purse, 1 handbag. Found on cara June 21, 191 S, Ankeny barn: 2 umbrellas, t packages, 1 knife, lpslr glasses. - ' COHT Saturday raffia bag containing purae with money and card case, two keys and cards bearing ownar'a name. Return to Goodyear Bhoe Co., lit 4th St. Reward. vVt'LI. the' party Who took black silk urn. lire Ha with hoM handle from Trinity church vestibule Sunday a. m. kindly re turn same to Chestorbury Hotel, room; LOST A silvar watch, letter J on out- Professional and Business Directory ACCOnDEOM rLtallMO K. HTEI'IUN, liemitlti'lilng, aocorilUn, anil uuliiiral nlullluji; lull l.nia uytumJi fiwiei-il. ViA Alilr-r. Muhi num. iw(K WONTAKW Ihi; Office, laboratory, ere tat ln. Mtrihall 71 I llnrrlaiin. AITOHVZT-AT-LAW saasaaaB"" GEO. N, FADU1N, 7(4 Helling bll(.. practice an eouru. aixiracU eiauiluad. ouunjaniuia, dlrurri, eiillerllnnii Kre idrli-a. Mefernr, AUTO TUX lEPAikIHa OUKUOM VII.CANIlNa CO., -Tbe Tire BUup." t 680 Wi.lilufiun St., at 114th, Uanliall u.w. We but aud sell until tlrea aod do FIRST IXaRH TIHK RkHAIRINu BLANK 800X HJJUIB BOWS, DAVIS CUMPA.NV, 109 3d at. Blaol bouk naoufacturera; agauta fur Jueae liu prod Loom Leaf Ledtera. Hea tbe ltW tu reka Uaf. A-H1K3. Mitla 13. BIABS AMD IIACUIMX W0KKI UARf'BR'g Uraaa Worka. llnaa eaitlog aod aaa rnina wura. ion oi u at. ai. ma, CAEPEMTia AJfO EEPAISINO CPDCCMQ LATEST, BKaT blore and efflee flituree, (jeoeral Contractlug c.r.a. is.auu.UKia riONd li-iH. 4tb at. Aloln "348 , , j- CA&PET OXXiUDia Jitu liuus, lectrie iieiniuf wvaa, rtn peta cleaned aod laid, refitting our apevlalt, . 440, B-luaS. k'. link it. N. llLLK ,WAUON bl.uvict; Uoe yuur ware nt. ens Hoard nf Trad. Main nn.ie. CASFET ,'WZATLVO side of-aae leather fob. with flu A. Reward. Call EaBt 8088. B. 1793. LOST Toy fox terrier; collar; no 1U cense, iteturn to LAurei notei. no ward. Answers name of Bobble. PERSONAL 23 FURMSUEU flat for rent 614 Vi Com mercial at FU1LVISHED four room modern flat 614 Commercial st OVER I years of unsurpassed success In treating sick men and women of ui uaiiu, ui ak upaiu viuil uiiuex 111 treatments. I use Radium. Light ilea every known electrical treatment. Baths, Massage. Manipulations and Adjust ments. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. ait Koxncnna Dtag. N0RTCWK8T RUO WO UK 8. rum from old earpeta; rag run. earuet cleaning. 183 LBlua avenue, near r.am Morriaun I'UMNsULA Uug Work, ruaa made to order. Carpet. 1018 Pattoo ". Wootllawa 3H5. CAtl'tl rug wtavlug. U It. Kurlt. 341 Kit Wary furulabail. iell. . Air. CHLROPODlBIg 1IAT yACTOttY BAHTKR Hat roftore. UMli) ad at. Hats c';-n4 and liliickad. Panama bal Llnarbtil. Heat li bat on eartb fur Dieu. Mall order relumed hf parrel poat LaUIKS. UrHlleiiieii'a ball cleaned ami ilnrkej allfarliirlly. Ili.ynl lint Wra. at let el Ulgl'UUfCX UiTlRGAH. Bate Urtly, 801 Xeoo sldg, Kerj nrm ef Inanrance, ixmna. LANDBOAJfl OAEBEMIMOr RETT Kit landecape and genei SWISS FLORAL CO. eneral sirdenlng. Eaat CiJIlA :-lfll4 lUitbrhlld I'l i (Heap tig. I'h hone Uirairall 2'Kia. 6 IS LIATMI AMD rpiOIllOI CIIAB. U UASTICK Sj CO., 14 Front. Leather of vry deacrintlwni klu maouiaoiurer. iiuo' Ing. ' UACHIXEBX B. TURKMAN CO, brdraolle and apeelal ' Dtki, oiuoae aiacaa, oil lauai, t luiumi eblaery. repair, lot 14. 410, k7N (Jl.Sfc.fi. bolla.a, aawnillli buught, sold and eirbanaen, ine j.r;, uarilil u roriianq.tir. . MACHINE AND MODEL W0X.K8 WOltKINO model and machine work of all kind: light manufacturing. Portland Mi' thin Mile work, I42H 4ih at. Mala 82.1a, M0ET0A0I LOANi 3011 N KKR, mortgage luaoa, taiuraace tug Veoa blrtf, Mala Wh.1. MATTEE88EB . DNITED WATTREHS AND UPHOLSTERING. t'O. Virtball B40 lit (. ne-upuoiaiar- Ing of all kind. Mttree made over and to order. rlrt claa work guaranteed. NATUE0PATHI0 PHYBICIANg DR. CKOVEIt I'araly!. aervou' and reroute dlaeaava. 1H3 tiregimlan lililg. M , ana. OENAMENTAX, WUtX AND IEON POUTLAND WIRE t. Architectural IRON WORK, m fu and Iron. O8TE0PATAU0 fUYUCIANB DR. IVET traata aU ailment of feet without rialtr. Uorrlaon palaj com, bunion, lagrowtng nail a ape llate 4S4. 6U5DLER RESORTS 66 BEACH center, completely and comfort ably furnished 4 room cottage, ready to occupy: beach lot. trees for ham mocks; $60 the seaBon. Phone Tabor 2314. GEARH ART Fine large ocean view cottage, six beds, elegantly furnished. Full season. $400.00. Other cottages. D. J. Durand, Gearhart. Or. well AUTO TRUCK WHEELS, BODIES OF ALL KINDS MADE AND REPAIRED AT WILLAMETTE CARRIAGE at AUTO WORKS, 263 2D BT. AUTOMOBILE Urea, tlrea, tlrea, $3.00 to 320.00 each, wa also have a large stock of new tires and automobile ac cessories at cut rate prices, mail ordera promptly and carefully filled. Paclflo Tire and Supply Co.. 328-330 Burnalde. MOTORCYCLE sale, secondhand tn- cninea at coat a lew 1912 modela at reduced prlcea. - WEST COAST Bt'PPLT CO. 81 No. , Broadway. , POPE motorcyclea, $176 to $265. F. P. Keenan Co., northwest dlstrib- utora, HO 4th st, MASSEUR AND NATUROPATH. Dr. N. F. Meleen has removed to 118 Swetland bldg. Electric vibratory and mecnano-tnerapy treatments lor rneu I1I1BIII V4VIJI)VU HVUUlDj JIVVI WIVMIO)- non ana nervous aiaoruers, acuta or onronic: lad" aasistant: oldest estaD- llahment In Portland. Main 1683, A-2820. LADIES Antiko Mixture No. 8, tbe moat successful and harmless regu lator of the womanly function known. Contains no polaona, guaranteed and for sale In Portland by the Heldfond Drug uo., & ornson, near First Main 3858, A-7916. GRADUATE chiroDodiat. manicurist, scientific masseuse, formerly 614 De- gum Diag., and th ana Washington sta., located now 404 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st opposite Perkins hotel. SEAVIEW Attractive bungalow. furnished; electric lights. 100 East 11th st. Phone B-1209. 6 ROOM cottage furnished, lot 60x100. CAN take your auto trimmings off, re- stock of human hair gooda; hair dreas- FEBVET &. HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest at Long Beach. Wash. 8700 cash. Will lenae for season $76. M-843, Journal. PLEASANT furnished 6-room cottage at Seavlew, Wash.; nice yard, reason able. Phone E. 6062. ONE furnished 6-room house and 1 4 room, unfurnished flat Inquire 628 w imams ave. v none C-1697 FOUR' room furnished cottage for rent tin s montana ave. Take L car. 6 ROOM, piano, bath, fruit garden, block Woodlawn car, $25. 1444 Fern. FIVE room, modern house, nicely fur- msnea. Hair diock or canine. 260 3d. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house; references required, 265 Borthwlck. FURNITURE FOR SALE pa MUST sell my furnltura and rent house as soon as possible on acoount of family business; floe location; 8 year lease; Insurance paid. 861 Tamhlll at. corner Park. A SNAP Furnitura of 9-room house, .c.e1t!LallJ;,1(cted' WMt Blde' upstalra iltted for light housekeeping; low rent; J Pd paying proposition. Call Main COTTAGE at Seaside, $30 per season. inquire owner, F. Abendrotn, Jeweler, 813 Morrison st. OCEAN CREST apts. Furnished, light Housekeeping. Kocxaway ueacn. Kea aonable rates. HOTELS 64 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan oniy: i.au ana up. STORES AND OFFICES 11 9 ROOM house for rent, furniture for ..?aJ-e:IarUes oIn Bell cheap. 4o etn. gt FURNITURE of 6 rooms, house for rent, 16 minutes' walk from Mt Scott car. Tabor 3148. FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 A SNAP Furniture of 9-room house. .c.ltrealljr,.I(cd' weat ,l0. upstairs fitted for light housekeeping low rent: good paying proposition. Call Main 7293 CONTENTS of 4 rooms and pantry, com plete for housekeeping, $40, rent and phone paid; Tuesday only. 110 Gibbs at FURNITURE sale, 6 room flat sell c.ieap. 11 North 10th st FIRST CLASS grocery store, corner room, plate glasa front; fixtures all In; furnace heat; eatablished trade, at Nashville addition on Mt Scott car line, in new concrete building; only $30 rent ror an. nee owner, Philip Schneider, 109 Vt N. 8d st. BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rem, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Pub- lihhlng Co.. Broadway and Yamhill, FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable for workshop, $8 a menth. 431 Alder. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 MEAT MARKET for rent, cheap, with counters and racks, in the suburbs. Owner, stall 16, Yamhill Sanitary Market. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENTS 43 GRANDE3TA APlBTMMTa E. Stark and Grand ave.. modern fur nished apt, private bath, private phone; -xcellent service. Always clean and warm. Summer ratea. Phone Eaat 2J8 WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. If you want to rent your houae. Hat It with us. Whava a number of peo ple waiting for bouaea. UMBDENSTOCK LARSON CO.. 288 Oak at. Main 7750. FIVE or six room bungalow, modern Improvements, good neighborhood, close to car line, rent must be reason able; willing to lease. A-853 Montana ave. nlate them and cut back In 2 days. Have your auto plated In time for Rose reatlval. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co., 22d and Thurman. A-6282, Main 943. NEW and used bicycle reasonable: terms. Re tiring; supplies. Port and Cyclery. 130 13th st WANTED No. 1 old auto tires, 7o lb.. delivered: No. 2 auto tires. Be lb.: in ner tubes, 14c to 23c lb. J. Leve, 186 Columbia at. wain big. Written guar antee with every spring. 28 N. itn St ing 147 manicuring, face, acalp treatments, Mroaaway, near Morrison, m. 64, THE place for hair work. Sanitary beauty parlors, 400 to 414 Dekum bldg. Mar. 1702. Switches made 95o, switches dyed $1, shampoo 25c, hair dress 25c, massage 26a, acalp treatment 26c. Larg- eat up-io-qate pariors on tne coast. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism, lumbago, eta. massage and batha. 226 13th at, bet Main ana naimon. Mar. ou33. ('pen Sundays, $225 $225 $225 $225 6-passenger car, completely equipped and excellent condition; newly patated and overhauled. Tabor 1S45. A..4 Donoir-in- LIGHT MACHINE nuiw ncuuiinift work. LIGHT w John J. Zimmer, 121 and 128 6th at N. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant has her late book, raimistry Made Eaay,' on sale. oo7tt Williams ave., corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. MAGNETIC HEALER. Prof. C. H. Jones, now located at Olymplo hotel, 6th and Irving, treats all enrome diseases; try nun. raonea a 2377, Main 8755. MSW AND RECOND HANTV: Dayton Cvcle Co.. I4iAsh 8t., near 84. Motorcycles SOBER, Industrious widower wishes the acquaintance of respectable lady, age so to a. UDjeot matrimony. H-445. Journal LORA C. LITTLE, health expert again taking pupils. Health simple and sure li you are teacnanie, Batisiactlon guaranteed. Phone Tabor 1673, (iKNTLEMAN wishes acquaintance) of iifHr 1111017 I nil v . j. in xit- nniarr anm- AUTO SPRINGSMACaIRED r"y. "lrlmony Jf .ultoj. x4ai.W rrann iange, ztn saimon. yi. m. FOR SALE 1912 E. M. T.. used care fully as a family car. Owner, Tabor 313. WANTED at once, 2 men to learn auto repairing, driving, for sprln work. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. CALIFORNIA PLATING WKS., 248 2D. Auto trimmings plated and enameled. BARGAINS In slightly used tires; vul canizing, zsc: repairing. 307 Madison. TRY ZORO LOTION. Make yellow or wrlngJed neck smooth, soft and white. Postpaid tQo per onuia, wrue oox ZD, city. HAVE your auto repaired by experts. FUNK AUTO CO.. 14th and Couch. POPE motorcycle in fin codltlon, $100. 431 Btarg st. 1500 LB. I. H. C. auto truck for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 15S0. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM REV MA? A. PRICE. READINGS. HEALING, 6UNH 8. 304 A MONTGOMERY. &AIN 7227. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acute disease. Wash. bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Mar. 448 GODFREY COURT. 608 Vancouver ave.. new brick build ing, tUaJnds by itself. 2 and 3 room apta. iicely rurnlshed. Private batn ! no; pnnne in phci apt. Phone East Ml. " HE1NZE APARTMEN1S. ' 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2, 3, 4 room apartments, all conveniences; first claims, homelilco rea sonable rates; ref. M. 7337, A-315 LINCOLN APTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN'! All outside 2 room turn, apts.; low rates; Includes light, heat, private phone, A complete room, clean jnulljjii let. Park Apartments J and, 4 rooms, furnished and unfur nlshed. Park pur Harrison. .Mar. aoru FURNISHED 3-rooin apart nitriT nw" -modern; private bath, outside' rooms," Close in on east side; no childi-m; nuin mer rate $21. Phone Sellwood 103. MORTON Apts., cor. King aniTVaatl ington, 3 room furnished apt., also front 4 room basement apt., cheap rent walking distance. Main lOSu, A-5749 The Jeffersonian if'irson. rurnisnea apartinents, romn, $p 16; 3 room. $20; hot an. I cold writer THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th, near Taylor. Ona bandsomeiy furnishtxl 5 room and 4ne room unfurninhi-d apartment. THE HOWARD 228 N. 20tti. 3Tnd4 room apartments, furnished and un-, furnisbed, play ground for children. Phone Mnrshall 2627. j THE O-tMONDE, 4 and 6 room apart- ments, furnished or unfurnished, mod. crn, summer rates. t5J Flanders st HORSES, VEIUCXEfi. ETO 18 SEVERAL good cheap ranch or delivery horses, express wag one and harness. If in need of a horse come and see me. We tell you Just what you are buying. 14 1 nion Ave., cor ner of E. Ash. Hawthorne Avenue Stables Horses and wagons of all kinds for rent by day or month. 420 Hawthorne i nones ftast 73; B-1369. PASTURE 3 nilleg out, WilbrlJge sta tion. $2 month. DeLashmutt. R F. D l.innlon, Or. GOO! heavy covered delivery wagon cheap. Call Main 2420. except Sunday. lbs.. Oak to TKAM, harness and wagon. 2300 Rood pullers. J. N. Splvey, --l!..Lv.i.'''-L' uregon mty car. BAY' TEAM Weight 500 pounds, sound and good workers, $160. 267 I'-a ft St'n st. South. LAUNCHES AN1 BOATS 64 FOR SALE or trade tow boat doing paying business; carries 60 passen- rera. Have you an auto to trade. DX 27, Journal. QTHMAPU Trouble. W ish to see case Dr. ran't rnr inn Ariitrn Douglaa, D, C, 338 Union ave. Nr. MRS. TANNER Spiritual medium. Cir cles Hon. and Thura. eve. 240 6th room 4. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Continued) 44 ELECTRIC bakeuoyen treatments for rheumatism; expert chiropody, 201 U 3d st. ABSOLUTELY new Knabe piano In fine Circassian walnut case; taken in on trade deal from factory representative; for sale for cash at a tremendous sacri fice. M-320, Journal. MRS. JEROME, SPIRITUAL MEDIUM. READTNfiS DAILY. HEALINGS. 231 6TH ST. EASTERN trained operator gives mas sage and electric treatments. 126 6th st., room 2. MUST sell my fine piano. Will accept almost any offer. Nearly brand new. 716 Wayne street. Main 6280. FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Manure in Car Lots Stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton f. o. b. cars North Portland. Book your orders earlv. PORTLAND' UNION STOCK YARDS COMPANY, NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON. BEATRICE VAN BURGAR, room 45" 4th floor. 350 Morrison. Palm fstry. MRS. Hamot, spiritual and mental sclen- ubi; consultation oauy, 01 3d at SAVE 82 to $10 by buying your trunk or buu caae at ooz wasn.. at I7th. BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women, ovo itgvia bi. xwain i!lo. NEW YOHK State chleopedlat Corn, banlona, Ingrowing nail; palale, 81 per month. Dr. H. a. . i)mi, fnon A-inw, b uuy. CHIEOPEAUTIO PHYBICIANi DR. McMAHON. 121 4th at, $10,000 equip ment; treatment $10 a month. Out-of-towa patleD'a bord. room and tretment. 3t,76 week DR. ULLENA COM3TOCK, 8ol 14Ui.; nervoua. chronic dlaeaaee. treatment a ti. allin tXSm. C1ECVLAE LETTEES MULTNOMAH Hultlgraphlng Co., faidmll algnaturea. 607 Kllera bldg. Hariball 2:3. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE i"clL ow SLABWOOD GREEN 6HORT WOOD, $3.33 (JREEV 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60 INSIDE GREEN SHORT, 33.30 DRY KHORT WOOD SAWDL'bT for fuel and bedding The Portland Slabwood Co, - Mala 8119. A-T001. "E"t Pdlafcan Tuol Pa 803 lUIVIOUII I Ubl VWi 1203 Beet eol. Country Millwood. Cordwowd. MCUD S. L A DD for A l dry 4 foot fir I4ii.ll VJ6 I 11111 and oak cordarood. aawed to order. Prompt delivery Main 4.W A-4B47. Alao COAL I'LLTON Wood Co., dealer la dry and green slabwood. Try aa whea ordering good dry wood. 1240 Macadam at Phone Mala ThtaX A-2M99. ' Yamato Wood & Coal Co, EAST 818. B-1887. DELIVERED OUADriAl unnnuunL promptly Mala 8787. r. P. EVERTS, Foot Cnrry atreet- bmii;in or inivnnn rc Main a?.ia . ti. Green abort wood, block, big Inalde. mU Inside, dry lapwoori. ahort; planer trlmmlnga. DR. LILLEBELLH PATTERSON. BpecUllat oa oerve, acute ana cnroaie aueaaw. sis v lumlila bldg. Main WWl, TEAKbira AND BT0RA0E e " f '. tfjji5HovmrJ Tea Dig and auto vaua for lung dlnauue 'UJUtlllg, T-AS front. Main or A-K4T. OREGON TRANSFER CO, , ' Eatabllahed INTO, ,Trannfi-r and forwarding agent, ktoraga, free trii'kaga. Office aod storage, 474 lillaaa st, 18th and UlUau. , Main 00, A1109, 1'KlTfc.D Trm.fi'r Co, - Hlnrage and g-ner.l seining, Kill jerrnrtnn. Mar. VIM, TYPEWE1TEE8 TYPE eVRlTEHH, tllghtly uied. L. 0, Bmlth and all other Diakee at railnced price and term. L, V, Hiultb Uro. Tpewrlter Co.. 2NO lnk at, UENT "a UKMINUTON, i IH I'KR ilONTll. Remington Typewriter Co,, ad Benadway. Al.l. Biakea rented, repaired, aulil. Cuuulugbaia in., ic.ii erara, Main 4l7. WALL PATEl . MOROAN WALL FA PICK CO., 330 3d t, t iween naimm ana wait,. WHOLESALE 30BBEBI . EVERDINO EARRELL, produce and eotnnila. alon nercbenta, 140 f ront at,. PerUand, Or, rnno, wain liu. AI.I.KN A LEWI S O IKKJ R It 1 KM WIKD0W CLEAMEHB EXPERT window cleaner; employing ealy erp, while help, fall for prlcea M tt-tyT 8,3 Burnalde WHITEWA8HIK0 AVD IEEE FRAYIH0) COLI MBIA Whltewiabl cold water Da Inline coioe. aiain on.io. blnTo! W , tie apray hltewaablng. praying by ni- "gAKIUia AMD f Af EAMHO) TINTING- $2.80 and Vo- WALL PAPER, aod ap. Painting reaeonable and wU dooe. K. T. Crane, 10 luu near Morrlaoa. Mala iuo. a'Al-Vl'I.N- Paper baugtng, tinting, eorpel cleaning, boiloin price. Mar. Sltto: Bellwuod 12ud or Hellwood 21h2. TINTING, PAPERING .r. UOOD work m, Weahlngton y motto, B-2187. A. Ua bourn, kaa Uaa r.aai exit. ti)U beat work, prices right, call P. . Doaae, oea b. B-ajiigiun. oviiwooa iiuo. JOUN BUED Spring tMrgalus la-palntlug aad papering, ai. ioij a-uj. 1AU1T, OIL AMD LAM PIONEER PAI.ST CO 18 tit st Mala US. A -7043. RASUlbbEN N. E. corner 3d and Tavlor, CO., "illgn Btandard" paint. M.-A-1T71. PAXEJIX- ATT0EJT1.YI WABHINOTON, D. C. VELATI ifUXL O. O. MARTIN PORTLAND 408-0 CHAM. Of COM. BLDO. tAl'KMS procured by t. K. MOCK, Attare-at-Uw, Ute of C. fc). PATENT OrriCEL Book free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. PATQTQ COMFAKIE THE BARBER ASPHALT PAV1NO CO., Pert- uno otnre qua fciectrie ping. PIPE WOOD PIPS PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and office near 24th and York at. Mala 84M8. rLUXBOia .AVD' PLUME ISO IUPPLIX8 DRY SLAB and box wood, rordwood and coal. Standard Wood Co., Eaat Z31B; B-IAP9. AI.BINA FUEL CO. All kind of green and dry wood. Koca spetnra ana Mendot Coal. PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood, $1.73 per load. 624 Thar an. Mam 3, nd coaL lwnOLtaLt-T.it. tray, pipe, . pipe flt I PLUMBERS tinge, contracting, V 9 salmon t V lobbing. Pbooe Main Holgate Fuel- Co. BATHS. Toilets, eral contracting. Jobbing. M. 6: basioa, boilers, pipe, arT, gea- 827 let. 4. COMMISSION MXECHANTS HENRT EVERDINO, 48-47 Front ft egg, ponltry. veal, nog, plde. Batter, DAIRY -ND CREAMERY SUPPLIEB MONROE A CRISELL, 143 Front. Dairy, cheese ferory Diacninerr and suppile. DERMATOLOGISTS POPCORN CONFECTIONS 8TANDABD CBISP CO.. now at 80S But. Popcorn Crip. Kornut. aalted nut. PEiNTiNO) " BROCKMAN BROS. Printing of all kind. We iwaya pieaae. main Mja. zavt Btark at. ANKLEY PR1NT1NU CO., 20o Oak. Mala 4671, Printing to pieaae. Eatabllahed 1002. yetf MOLES, wrinkle, acalp (peelallsta. Mrs. Court- rlgnt. niM aiornaon. main Q4Z, PKINTINO aa ru want it. Metropolitan Pre, 211 Oa k . Price right. rnone vstw. seases My Specially I TEEM GJJCEESSFILLV Catarrh, Throat, troubles. Weak Lungs, R h u m a tlam, Nervous Dis eases, Stomach and Intestinal troubles. Kidney, Liver, Blad der and Urinary Diseases. 8 km Dis eases, Rupture), Flies. Fistula, and all Rectal troubles. ABILITY AND BKILL should be considered wnen you select a physl clan to treat you. A correct dias nosis Is absolutely necessary for suc cess In any case, and In many cbronlo aumenia tne average pnyaician nas not tha ability to make the proper diagnosis, and, of course, could not apply the proper treatment Many years devoted to Juat this Una of worn nas enaoiea me to become tn usually successful and my diagnosis of a caaa will stand the test of tlma By correct diagnosis and knowing tha proper treatment to give, I. am able to Cure obstinate dlseaaes of many years standing and after fail ure of many other treatments. MY METHODS anneal to , those who Ilii.NK and wno want tne bene fit of the LATEST SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS that drives DISEASED GERMS out of your body. My advice la KREE and valuable, whetner you are treated or not. If you need help, make your wants known to an HON ORABLE SPECIALIST. No matter about money. COME If possible. IT'S BEST. I will expaln to you my methods of treatment Consultation -SSa.'a?& FlO P H ing person should AV C C neglect this on- portunltr to get my expert opinion about their trouble. Mr office is open dally from 9 a m. to Bp. m., 7 to 8 evenings and Sundays from 10 to 12 only. Ailing people out of town who cannot call, writ for ad-. vice. fPn I Mil FIB- ifa uua u uuu usu-uua uuua iua 221 Morrison St, Corner First PORTLAND, OREGON DESIGNEES AND BUILDERS THE E, M. MILLER CO. Designers and builders, general contractor. S26 Shaver, rhone Woodlawn 2758 eveninga. REFRIGERATORS AND ICS BOXES BCILT to order, any site. $740 tip. P. & Bed u.. o union ave. f. taut 243. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. O. E. BROWN, office 040 Waah. st Res. 81 B. 12t&. M. 4W8; Eaat 6440. Hog apectallat EDUCATIONAL DAN CIS 0 HEATH'S SCHOOL, 109 2d st, bet Waab. and btarit, lessons. auy lancy and stage danc ing taught, wait! and twostep guaranteed In in lessons, t.iasn rriqay evening. 8 to 10. BINGLEK'S Academy Special umme rate. Dancing guaranteed four lessons. Daily in. traction, finest oauroom, nest teachers, Mor- rlson at 2d. DRESSMAKING AND XAUOBXHO SCHOOL VALENTINE'S syatem ladles' tailoring, dreaa- maaing laugni, ios vrranu ave., Dec. Uorrlaon nd Heimont. ratifrne cut io measure. EUBBEB STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO atenclla, trade check, bras signs. rainiu tuioi BlAllf WOUK9 HI Weahlngton f. Main T10: A 271rt. ALSO bras elgns, oflice auppUes, Ulbograubloa Tum imi'lv uikiiunxi , . , , , . . . . 1. warms 82 Fifth St. Main 812. A-1254. STENClLi) and office stationery. Cunnlngba- IQ.. ail tetara. nam 1407. 6CBES KEEP HIM OUT. He Is dangerous.. We make screen to uieaiur at sur prisingly low prices. Our ma chinery and facilities enable aa to do ao. Pbon as for an atlmat. Ward Brom. K tl. B-2B33. 44 Union are. N. FOR the best and cheapest window scream csll C. Ziegler, Woodlawn 2132. ; BE WING MA CHIN s ' " ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dressmaking and Tailored Suits and Conets. Teachers wanted, uoou pay, ava xamniu st. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for conati, I atlon; 60 tablets 25c. All druggists. EASTERN operator gives electric facial ana scaip treatments. Stark st 10 UK ad of good work horses that are working every day can be seen, 267 Kast Hit), near Hawthorne. ci.om.m; out harnets at wholesale price; JOo 2d, corner Tavlor. Noh -Hill. Main S251. SPECIAL rates; 8 room nicely furnished apartments; all nice, cool, outside rooms: $22.60; bath, phone and on car line. 1 -3041. Taho- 2:93. KOR RENT 5 room apartment in ile building. First cor. Sheriihtn Sfram heated, $25 per month. MarBhnJI444:i ' IllK ELMS, 1 91 14tlr ijt Modern 3 and 3 room furnlnhed apts.i excellent loca- llon, walking distance, Main 4175. THE DRICKSTON, 48 11th; nlcelyfu tilahed 3 and 3 room modern outside artg veer Heights. Marahall 87. lllE iVAYNWOOD, 109 N, loth at. l j . and 3-rooni furnished and unfurnished apts, 312 to $25 per rnonth. Mairj Wi E V ELY N APTS., 267 N. 21at 3orn .ern, private iath; low tent.' ilar l;:l L -.L APT.. 0 E. Ankfenv. 3 rooms . newly furnished and modern- Laat 180$ j iierui team work, hauling., trading. ":'' j't:l'.4-'(i Yamhill, East 4634. M' K ti-iing wagon cheap. See It 707 IJ'cl hi. Main 657. WILL trade my $100 talking machine ""i1" Lhr,r?? and buggy. Tabor 1087 LIVESTOaCK 85 HEAD offresh milk cows, Jersey, Guernsey. Durham and Holsteln, 2 to 1 years old; give from 84 to 6 gals, per Iplnn?' from.41' o 64 Per cent: will fcell one or all; special price made on Mgill 4 blociw weat and 1 block nortM. XVhLriH,v e a co"iPlete list of all breeds of dairy cow. and heifers. Call and see us. Geo. R. Moke! Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 120 u,,"v. FOH SALEn head cows, U fresh, bai Jer?ev f 1BO0"-.If(?l8ln' rhum and f63rBFyoateVrIoae UCk" ,Mt ' LMt- FOR n.AUt 1 WO an a.- wiTu Vie- cheap; for Information call 451 Burn loe Kt., west aide. PRKKH cow and calf nti. . t,a ".t2K1dt.; Pt Johns 3 1)40 .0(iD 'TT.r.- Two f n vision at. good fresh cows. f resh E.,28th sC w;-W. 'Car7 ' FOR SALE New and second hand carom send pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix- tllfaa 4 1 1 L- I II el u tnair c r m A . mi Brunswick-Balke-Coljender Co., 46-48 5th Bt Phones Main 769: A-1769. MRS. 388 CLARA HAY, Spiritual medium. jenerson at Sewing Mach. Exchange. Second hand Machines. $3 to $20. Guaranteed. Cash or terma. . 207 Third street EAFhS Mosler Safe Co., manufactur ers. Low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Bargains' in second band safes. 108 2d st. Phone Main 7676. FOR BALE hoistln ment LADIES' Barber Shop now open at 6th and Yamhill sta. Face Massage, 35a LADIES' Barber shop now "open-at6th and Yamhill eta. Face MaBBageL35c. MILLS ROBERGE, physical oulture, of- flce 26, 8d floor, 850, Morrison; st R'OTTCES 20 OR RENT Logging and ting engines, contractors' equip Railway Equipment Co.. let & Oak tDISON phonograph, big snap, $20, In- olilillnir SO rAr-nrrin T.nmh., 320 Lumber Ex. cnange Diag. -v DERBY DESKS and office' furniture." naiey uegg vo ziu Broadway. M 687. PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVE- OTtilNlB tVlTllilJ. CONDON, OREGON. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the recorder of the city of Condon,, Or., until the 80th day of June, 1913, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the avlng of Main street a distance of five locks. Roxol pavement on a macadam base to be used, and thenec,essary curbs, drains and appurtenances to be con structed, all in accordance with ninna and specifications on file with the re corder. Proposals to be accompanied by a certified check payable to the city of Condon for an amount equal to i of tha proposal, to be forfeited as liquidat ed damages In case the bidder, fails to enter into a contract and furnish a suit able bond . in case his proposal Is ac cepted. The bidder to Accept improve ment bonds of the city of Condon at fiar value In payment upon his contract, n whole or in part The council re serves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive defects In bids in the Interests of tbe city. J. D. WEED, Recorder. ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN You are hereby notified that I h GENERAL house cleaning, floors waxed; this day and date withdrawn from'Hhe l2.60 Drop head sewing machine with attachments. Call 152 Grand avfe ' PlPYf UPQ Bargains new and used DIOIUI-LO wheels. 2ag 1st St. CHEAPEST place to buy your furniture In the ctiy, ill Grand ave. TENT 18x20, for sale. Price) $15 Call Main 1859, A-7981. WAKTED msCELLANEOUS 6 BR WISE, get tnor for your second band furniture by selling It to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8981. A-2448. by day or hour. 2 Tabor 3768; Thorap- HKiHEST prices furniture Call Marahall REFLEX or Oraflex, 4 paid for household B358. complete. bv E camera. bi Vancouver avenue. . partnership of the concern known aa th Brad SesUrIaxestmaot Cn . a eopaa,. nerbhlp, and that I will not be responsi ble for any debts that may be incurred by the remaining partners, E. H. De Wold and W. D. Tiprce, from and after this data, A. B JIESHER. MUSI0 SCHOOLS AND" TEACHERS RAGTIME Piano playing positively tanght la 10 IO w lesauus. oucceea susranieea. vrita for free booklet. Chrlateosen School of Popular UU'c. vi jwumniK,u- umy. A-oua. Ml'SJO teacher, student of Wisconsin Conserv atory of Music, wants pupils. Phone Wood- lawn uioo. &AGT1ME piano pluying la easy and Inter- tstlug. Ve guarantee to teuch beginnerr! in IO in tenuous, hi E.iiera oiog. REAL BARGAINS IN NEW machines, all make. factory prlcea. Second band $8 up.. Macblnea rented and repaired. Sewing Macblna Em. port ll m. 190 Hil. Main MAX. SHEET METAL WOEEJ JACOB L08LI. sheet metal works, hotel, ex. taurant work roofing, general jobbing. Mala ojv nri-E w. viiiumnii ttna t lav ata SHOWCASES ADD FIXTURES " E. TUlbLHUUN, vlollu tracber, pupil BercU. ma neioner nioa;.. n-tirto. siarenaU 1829. EYE, EAR, HOSE AND THROAT TREATMENT by specialist, (.lasses fitted. Dr. r, e- vnaiieuay, ,10 wmuw mug. oa-WSab 7.MH W A. 11 to 1. aattouALu MF.O. CO. New ana via uuwawi, caoinets. atoe nffina window fixtures, 4th end Ooach - - ' tmuwLABUi oi every description, bank, bar I sou iwit usiurca iuaue ujoraer. Xho Lutkt , DR. 1 1 urn FECKUST ' Chronte and Nervods Dis eases readily socenmb to my thorough and oihans tlve method of treat ment ' when they are rerefully and conalatently followed. Mistake are at a tnlnlmnm, be rsuse I have treated successfully thousand of cane txtettf like your own. it la aa error not to aeek the advice of a Specialist who ha ,. bad years of experience and give eielnslv peraonal attention to the treatment of each case. 1 am llcenaed to practice In tha ata tea of Oregon, Waah tngton, California and Nevada. My office la thoroughly equipped with every electri cal and mechanical device necessary for the sclentlflo treatment of your ailments. 1 administer the World' latest ramedla. I Treat Successfully: CHRONIC, NERVOUS. BLOOD, 8KIN, BLADDER' LIVER add KIDNEY DIS EASES, EHEtTMATIBM. NEUHASTrTBNIA, ECZEMA, BORES, ULCERS, PILES and FISTULA. Consultation and Examination rail. 0 to 67 to S Dally 8undj 10 to L J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-11 Lafayette Bldg. 81314 ,. WASHINGTON ST.. COB, . 6TH, PORTLAND, OR, Mfg SIGNS AND SHOW0ASDS ELECT B.0LYBI8 MOLES, superflnoul .hair removed. Mrs. M. rt ill. inn , 1 1 , . n , , .. u. fiiii, rntruiii?r lililg. niHin tva. ELECIEIO MOTORS AND DYNAMOS uung, onow UAUUS 249 Taylor ad ana aav 10 per rent. WAHALaMjER CO., olo Commonwealtb bldg7 dhow cwruw, n'lii ikiiw, wimiuw Tnma. BERGER Bring this MOTORS, generatora, boueht sold, rented and repaired. We do all klLds of repairing and re- wiuuiiig; an wora guaranieea. tl. ai. a. KJeo- mc to., ai . lt at. Flione Main 9210. TAILORING SCHOOL WE buy, aelL mot and exchange new aod sec ond nana motors, repair work a ipeclalt. weaiern ciecirio worse. gJil sixtn at. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R, M. WADE CO.. 823 Hawthorn Wholesele agt'lcnltural Implement. are. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP PHOENIX Iron worka, E. 3d and Hiwtbora. general macniffe ana roondry work. r ' rOENIIgBE REPAIRINO BOWERS A PARSONS, 100H Front Mala 7443. rurpiture noapuai; pacaing. OASOUNE ENGINES MARINE and tationry, marine hardware, OAS run sin as surrbi m 10S-1TJ FTOBt at.. wiiiitu eiornaon anq lamntlt. ' GLASS AND GLAZING TIMMS. CRESS CO., 184186 2d at Prompt s ! a(II aaiMIU Uf A'AUatd HAIR O0OD3 EIESTER'S Udlea Tailoring College. Oreaaniastng. tailoring, mtj lltn. TAXIDERMIST, rug making, all kinds of mounting, r . B. rimer. 24 Columbia it. ; j; ' i TOWEl JTOPIT ; ' CLEAN towel daily, eomo, oruan, aoap. Towe, Supply Co., tu ana imucn ta., il per month. Portland Laundry Co.. Phones Main 410, A -44 10 TRUNK MANUFACTURES MULTNOMAH Trunk A BagCo., 80-88 East Water, .wholesale miga. trunk, aultcaae. etc. Hpeclel trtinsa and esaee made to order. IBANSFEB AMD STORAGE F1REPROOI" btorage PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.'S new fir. proof warenona ust completed. Furnishes every facility known to modern warehousing. An Inaucction will convince yon. Bouaehld good anlpped at reduced freight rate. Fire- proof warehouse 15 tb and Kearney. Commercial warehouse 13th, and Everett streets. Mala Sd40. A-1520. C. O. TICK Transfer" Storage Co. urflree end wHua mm elery rii aisietiouee1 wlln FOR HAIRPRESSINO, SHAMPOOING. FA C1ALS, KliE.NCH .PACKS. SCALP TREAT mr..Mo, msaiiuiunu ok HAIR CALL AT THE PARISIAN HAIlt MAIN SOOS. S ALDEtt, WORK. 5T0EE. separate Iron roome nd fireproof viult for valuable. N. W. , corner 2d and Pine sta. Planoa and furniture moved Jnd packed for shlp,lng. Special rata made on gooda la eur through rsr to all domasUe e-4 furelga poiats. Main l CM, A-lMr3. . . J . . Leara Si ' f ' ' JfflL WANT.'iADS Ha&lu jOjd your name appears ia JwHi ffleithar phone book you KSv&Mfi lf rai:an telephone your ad td MAIM -71 73 - M M aar aa Vj av xtl ui aa I Hi I I raw- U- aAV 4 and have It charged, Bills will be mailed tc , 1 - . a ou ine iouowing aaj The Journal - cannot e-uarantee accdracv ni assume responsibility foi 'errors of any kind oo. v-orrlrlir in flenhnnAil Advarusamaata. f , u -