The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 23, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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in), ::q.;day ::vi:iai;G, juni:
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rnivATw ,
Patron of J. P. rinley A Bon, the
fbuerai directors, Montgomery t Klfth,
era attained of privacy by a secluded
driveway surrounding the entire build
in f, Modern equipment Perfect sani
tation, iady attendant Day and night
serv! . I'hnnea Miln 9 nd A-1609.
MU EDWARD HOLMAN. ths leading.
runerai director, zau a a st.. corner
Fslmon. Lady assistant Phonss A'
1611.. Main BO?.
Runn nrr X, MknflaLlndartaSsrs
ui ii iii i, u& mvuiiiGGM od rn
very detail.. 7th and Pin.
Malo 430.
A-4tft8. Laflv sssistant.
Leading east aid undertake
r. L,ay assistant U-1M1,
East 7m. E. th and Alder.
Kaat Side Funeral Director.
414 V.. Aldar. RHat 62. R-2B2S,
A H U tHf 684 . Williams,
ni IHCULLUII Wi Roth phones,
pearson .snrr-.f10'9-"9'
HKMSfuCK. 1667 E. 13th. Sell. 71,' H
1123 and University Park. Col. 894-895
LnlOOUU tli. A-2286. 409 ALDER.
Undertakes Co. Mala 41.T3.
A-2:(2I. corner lid ul CIT.
Schumann, Marble Works
Kaat Id and Pine. East 741.
PORTLAND Marble Works. 264-2ti6 4th
at. Opposite city hall. Main 6664. m
. ' BUYERS. .
Don't buy real estate from a map or
photograph until you have seen the
property. .
Don't aim a contract with a real es
tate agent until you have carefully read
It and compared it with tha verbal
statement made' by the salesman,
$2100 Big Bargain ;
.. $200 Cash .
$2100 en easy payments buys 50x290,
facing 3 streets, with 6 room modern
double constructed house with maple
floors in two rooms down stairs, cement
foundation. Juat the coat of the im
provements. Well fenced. Houses for
100 chickens. A few blocks from all
kinds of stores, school and car, S cent
fare. City water, electrio lights and
gas. Fin place for cow and chickens.
Owner leaving, must be sold at once.
1038 Chamber of Commerce.
Beautiful View Property
On WEST SIDE, overlooking ths en
' tire city and' mountains, 7 rooms, all
modern. Will aell for 1600 cash and easy
mommy payments.
Provident Trust Co.
"Second floor Selling bldg,
Don't buy real estate from a map or
photograph until you hav seen the
- Don't sign a contrsct with a rsal es
tate agent until you have carefully read
It and compared It - with tha verbal
'Statements mads by the salesman. '
HAWTHORNE Owner leaving city
will sacrifice ber E-room modern
bungalow, gas, electricity, fireplace,
buffet, .Dutch kitchen, attic, full con
crete basement, wash trays, lot 83 l-3x
100. One block to Hawthorn's ave. 308
E. 44th st Tabor 2187, bargain for cash
or terms,
FOR SALE Fine 8-room residence lc
Irvlngton district; hardwood floors in
very room; porcelain fixtures, tiled
bathroom, - fireplace and - book cases,
beams, panels in living and dining room
and halls; cement porch and steps; hot
water heat; full basement and laundry
trays; garage, C-844f Journal.
Irvington Home
. 15000.
1H story, new, modern, 7 rooms, 1
block from Brosdway, best section of
Irvlngton: low cost at ths price. Owner,
sx . na inner tomraerca main 6&n
UlCE little home, 2 lots, good 4 room
house, fruit trees, berries, nuts and
frapes, will bars closest Inspection;
must sell on account of bad health.
You will bs surprised at the price, cash
only; no Incumbrances; no agents. For
full Information. 8-840, Journal.
I.L. J.L. J.L. J.L. J7L. J.iZ
Lot 84x100, newly, 2 large room house:
cement basement, closet, pantry, patent
toilet E. S2d St., N.; 3 blocks to car;
5850; small payment aown, tai. monthly.
. Lesser, 800 Dekum bldg. Main 2210.
FOR SALE -Fins 7 room house, nearly
jiew, good basement lot 60x120, fruit,
flowers and vegetables. Fins location,
csr passes door. Corns out and make us
an offer. 6625 60th ave., Woodstook, Or.
Irvlngton home, 637 E. 11th N 6
rooms, modern, new; cash or easy terms;
8500 down and 335 a month. Home
evenings or day. Phone Main 7591.
14200; terms; 5 rooms down stairs;
modern; highly improved grounds. 1065
Tillamook st. Phone Tabor 1845.
FOR SALE by owner, 3 room cottage,
Just new. Rose City Park. Near car
line. A bargain. Call room 202 Globe
bldg. Phone Marshall 1560. -
For sals by owner, going east. New, 7
rooms, modern, 637 E. 11th N. 34600.
Cash or terms
IRVINGTON sacrifice, modern 7 rooms
- and sleeping porch, hardwood floors.
Must be sold. Owner broke, gone east.
31500 oeiow cost. Terms, mono E. 6268,
SUBURBAN HOME Oregon City car
line, Evergreen station, 30 minutes'
car ride, 6 Ho car fare, Thons owner,
Oak Grove Black 828.
FOR SALE cheap by owner, 2 lots and
small house. Take iVIt. Scott car to
jjaureiwuuu iaiiuw uuiu iivrwt. oqq
83d St.
Less than H Its valus, cor, lot, 60x
123, splendid garae. East 273. W. II.
NEW 7 room house, strictly modern,
up to date, no better In Portland, E.
6th and Alnsworth ave.; terms to suit
Phone Woodlawn, 1799.
FOR SALE A snap if taken at once. 7
room modern bungalow. Alberta dis
trict. Phone owner, Woodlawn 265.
"ARE you looking for s house?
An v
sixs. Any price.
A. B, iSlauson. 301
Oak st.
ONE acre. - Will sell or lease with
house. 6c car fare. . Between 2 car-
lines. Inquire 854 College st
WILL sacrifice my 8-rooin rooming
house, must leave ths city. Phone E.
360. Call evenings.
A MODEST home In the North Mt. Ta
bor addition for sale very cheap by
owner, n. j. rerry, ifi ta. stn st. w.
6-ROOM house, in Alberta district In.
qulrs owner, lioa m. aist st. North.
OT for -sale, 80x100 on Klrby, betl';
Blahdfna,rreScott"Trassam ravementlF
'all cald for: 81200. Terms. Woodlawn
347. , .
12000 cash buys 'block 82, f Roue City
Psrk. Room-for three stores. David H.
Ryan, 1200 D st, San Qlego, CaL
Choice Building Lots on West
(lliutclyn addition, ret ti'ted district,
limldo 3-tnlla i-lrcla, coin uinuds nil un
olimrurtcd view of Tutiliitln vnlley ami
I Alt. Jlnod; walks, surface graded streets
"ami bull Run wiiler In mil Included I"
price; Fourth street tin rung in rroni
of property, tha electrification of which
In now in process. Prices rang rrom
:)Rf un. Hrlect your lot. and wo will
build (o suit you for small cush pay
tuent down.
Provident Trust Co,
Second Floor Helling Mdg,
$150 Lots $150
IS down and 85 per month: a few
minutes' walk, to 80th and E. Gllsan:
wll situated; Bull Run water; perfectly
level; no stones; on proposed extortion
or new canine: oniy a lew leu. m
Montavllla car.
Fred Widell
2003 "TC. Dllaan, near 80th. Tabor 37.
Lot BOxlOO. H block from Woodlawn
car. Llat rr'c. I7"0- Kuay terma,
per cent. W. B, Reese, owner, jtlaln
8U0n, A-11S3.
lAHQK Fii'iatid lot, $876; terms, 8S
month; graded street and water. ,720
Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 771.
10 Acres, $300 .
410 Down, $5 Per Month
Buvrf 10 - acres of lotted off land.
mile from railroad station, town and ths
Columbia river. Tha soli is ires irom
rock snd gravel and none of this land
overflows, some of these tracts have
running streams on them. Theas tracrs
are ideal for chicken ranches and dairy
purposes, oorfsct title and warrantee
IH Hallway Exchange bldg
FOR BALK 10 acres, 25 miles out on
Baiem uiectrio K. iu 1 mil from
Buttevllle, mile from boat landing.
Ten acres very fins onion and garden
land; beaverdam 12 feet deep, upland
black soil. ; Bprlng and creek; can irri
gate by gravity; fins sit for flab pond,
very cold water; 6 acres cleared and In
crops. New houae. The price is right
Jas. W. Orffon, 390 Vancouver ave., Port
land. Phone C-2478,
5 and 10 Acres Cheap
320 uo to 845 Der acre, on tarma.
Tracts of I acres or more; deepv red
shot soil, well watered: easily cleared;
Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege
tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo
cated on county road, close to live town
on R. R. and river, near Portland. Own
ers. 708 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak Sts.
Main (071. Kvemngs Kaat 294.
IDEAL country home for sale, 3 acres of
land with bungalow and small build
ings, rest planted to cherries and ber
ries, 5775 down, balance sis. a monin:
pries 33600. Take Mt. Hood electric to
Eastwood, walk eaat, 16c car fare, first
house to right on Bass Line. Also 100
xlOO for sals cheap, 320 down, 310 a
month, near Metzger, close to Oregon
Electric. Come and see me, or address
Fred Baker, R. F, P., Box 101, Cleone, Orf
Don't buy real estate from a map of
photograph until you have seen ths
Don't sign a contract with a real -tats
agent until you have carefully read
it and compared It with the vsrbal
statements made by the salesman.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
lasid; Gresnam district, Estacada line,
electric station. J4 mllo. New subdivi
sion, Sunshine Valley orchard tracts;
best soil, free wood; elegant location.
Prions only 375 to 3150 per acre in small
tracts; easy terms; quick train service.
Frank McKarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon
bld. Portland., Or.
v-dood soil, city water, close to ear line,
easy terms; will build to suit purchaser.
Phone Marshall 1685. or Sellwood 471
Jno. H. Gibson, owner. . -
A Profitable Buy
21 acres S3 miles south of Portland,
near good valley town, on county road;
8 acres fine hop yard; gqod community,
excellent soil, all crops go with place
if 01 ken at once, irice oniy 53000.
cash, bal. 4 yrs. 431 Chamber of
HT7Y from owner, save middle man's
profit: I have 22 acres on Forest
Grove electric line, ail clear, best soli;
will divide and give terms; would taks
some resldencs property as part pay
meni. jess iveiaon, cornenus. ur,
816 TO 860 PER ACRE.
E to 20 acrs tracts, good soil, road to
every tract, new scnooi. a miles to Co
lumbia river and railway station, 1H
hours from Portland; easy terms. 216
Lumber Ex. bldg.. cor. 2d and Stark sts.
SUBURBAN home, near carline, on auto
Stark street. Fine elevation, splendid
view. Owner. Lock box 317, Vancouver,
CHICKEN ranch within walking dis
l.nA -,f pnt,i ftf rtlv 19! lrtt run
nlng water; only 31360 for a few' days.
iVt ueruiigeroiuB
SIIRITrBAN summer homeslte. 1 acre.
with shade trees, near river, electric
line and auto road to Portland, J300; 86
per month P-801, Journal.
2tt ACRES for 6720; goqd soil; southern
siopo; close to BUDuroan 11ns station;
310 will handle this. R-845, Journal.
FOR SALE Large tracts logged off
land. H. N. Swank. 8,17 Hamilton bldg.
80 acres, over 30 in fine crops, balance
pasture and fine timoer, gooa son, i:ne
water, cistern, fine site for two fish
ponds; on fine automobile road. 14 miles
from center of Portland; 34 head of cat
tle, good team, over 100 chickens, 2 pigs,
all kinds of tools; everything goes for
8200 per acre; adjoining land sells from
liiuu up per acre, n you Bee mis piaoe,
you will like it Good reason for selling.
This Is a real bargain for the right man.
See owner, D.-tsiK, journal. - ----- -
$16 Per Acre, 2-3 Cash
Balanca 6 years, 7 per cent Located 80
miles from center of Portland by wagon.
10 miles (nearest) town on eletcrio line.
In Washington Co., Or. Lies fine, all a
deep rich shot soil Trout creek and
10 acres cleared. Buildings of little
value, H mile of sawmill. Good road,
Fine range. No trades. Call 1038
Chamber of Commerce.
SNAP in ranch in Washington 40 miles
from Portland arm two miles from
railroad station by purchasing one team
of horses, two cows, two heifers, i 800
chickens, 100 ducks, party can secure a
lease or line io acre rancn wun Dungs
low, barn and outbuildings; fine water,
pasture and timber; free rent for one
or. more , with privilege" of buying. For
particulars address Mrs. L. S. Thomp-
son, xacou, watm. .
Ideal 31 Acre Home
Located 18 miles south ofvPortland,
1 mile from Oregon Electrio station;
large house, family orchard, deep, dark,
loamy soil; lies fine; 16 acres In high
stats of cultivation. This is a snap
for only 388760; good terms. -
481 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
FOR SALE 165 acres land near Wa
mlc, Or.; 80 acres tillable, balance
pasture land; running -water: 4 mile
from school Snd store. Price 34000
Address W, F. Msglll, Wamle, Or.
10 87-100 ACRES, rich 'soil, 6 acres 'in
rrtln narries
rhubarb, rood spring,
wirs fence, near Bishop Scott school
Sroperty. A bargain for quick ssier-Ad
ress R. J. Ryder. Yamhill. Or.
I HA, a some beautiful farms' for sals
near Portland, cheap. Address T.
Wlthycombs, 421 Hamilton bldg.. Port
land, ur.
OR SALE 40-acre farm," good - build
ings. soms Stock, all farm Implements.
Price. 23000. Some cash, balance tlma.
Owns r, O-301, Journal. - -
LEVEL- Oregon lands, 812.60, 825 and
3123; terms. Owners, 810 Spalding bid,
Hill i.M
Km sam. r.K
hi: TIIK
at tlm
1. P Tt. I. AND OKKU'Ifl
A tvfi demonstration exhllilt of th
products t the famous fertile lands o
Western Canada; ('all and rocelvs 8U
thentlc, personal information and
Kre Literature.
I P. THORNTON, Land Agent,
271 I'ln street,
(Multnomah Hotel Ttldg.)
Wall worth tuOuu but ordarad sold by
circuit court of Mnltnomah county; 160
seres rolling land, beat of soli; piling
timber alone worth mirchaae uricm
trout stream snd aevsral good sprlnus
on plure. It's on county road, 10 tnllos
from Kalfttiia, Wssh.
"No real ml Ate deals." Values fllaran
teed ss advertised; terms ars cash, and
minimum price Is 313 60 pr acre. Come
with me and see tns property, van Aiain
00 or nppiy to
JOHN A. TODD, Receiver,
621 Selling building, PortlsnyOr,
WELL equipped dairy, 14 cows, I horses,
tools, etc.; route; good lease I years
on 10 sores: 2 houses, barns, shsds, etc.
Owner Injured, must sell. Inquire prem
ises, 4 blocks east of Gray s crossing,
or 869 Fverett St., city.
FARM for rent. 25 acres, one mils from
,,r.i,n.fl Pr..( r h u n NVir I n f Arm a t inn
call st 35) Brrfnslde st. West side.
HOMESTEADS of value near Portland,
good farm land, timber, water, school,
road, river, daily' malls, . good homes.
Rellnquiaiiments and farms cneap. io
vey, 267 Oak.
SliT 320 or 40 acres beat in Oregon.
New survey, lust ooened. Level, tim
ber, water. Man and wife can take 8 JO
acres, -iv l sin si. wain in
piroiCM homesteads. 320 acres, ex
elusive valley land with railway in
sight.. Malheur county. Aaaress wm,
o Mat. nor. 2d snd Ash. Portland. Or,
HOMESTEADS 8Q miles from Portland!
oniv 2 lert. information u nau
way Exchange. t
FOR RENT -7 room cottage, furnished;
fireplace, water piped to nous New
ton station, liOng Beach. O. F. Whits
house, M. P. Dept., P. O.
NEW' 8-room furnished cottage: 375
for the season. y none- wain iqst.
Want House and 3 Lots
Will glvs a nlcs fresh stock of gro
ceries in a good, location, worth 31600
and earning a good profit, for house and
3 lots convenient to car; will, assume up
to 31000.
Douglas Hewitt .Land Co,
803 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2442.
1125 squity in a 3276 piano; ons Dav
enport, new, cost 365; ons new Reming
ton typewriter, $76; 700 equity in a 5
room bungalow, pries 32500. balance 35
per month. Ths above for diamonds, or
what have you got to offer? Otve
ihons number in reply. J-368, Journal,
Rooming House Owner
I have a laay who has a 10 aero ap
ple tract and some cash to trado for a
rooming house, not too large. Main
WANTED Exchange two parcels o?
' acreage and lot worth 36000 (mort
gage 81400) for new modern home in
restricted district. Will pay off or as
sume equal encumbrance. Owners only.
TO TRADE for Portland oroperty. near-
ly new room handsome, modern bun
galow, fine barn, etc., 1 acre bearing
orchard. This is a beautiful borne in
a fine southern Oregon city. Phone
woodlawn 265.
I WANT to trade good Portland proper
ty with house, barn, fruit trees, etc.,
for cleared acreage within 8 miles of
Portland or Vancouver. No agents. 41
N. 3d st. Stasi. -
YUBA valley, California, Irrigated land,
165i cash. 25 trade, first payment
A. M. Hlghhouse, 441 Chamber of Cora
merce. WILL exchange undivided one-half ln
terest In two corner "business lots,
west side, well improved. Hall, 165 Vs
3d st. Main 946.
5 ROOM house, half acre land, fenced,
Vancouver; 31100 equity, take rooming
house, motorcycls, or other good prop
erty in payment. Hatfield, 166 4th.
$1200 EQUITY in strictly modern 6
room bungalow, close csr. for lot
In Eastmoreiana or oistncu u-Z96,
TRADE for city property or suburban
store building. Beautiful 5 acre tract
In apples and bearing walnuts. 250 3rd
FIVE nassensrer Stevens Duyrea in good
condition"; prefer acreage; will pay dif
ference. Address W. J. Bingley, 227 1st.
75 acres for exchange. Mt Scott dis
trlct 8200 acre. 800 acres Cowllts
Co., 312.50 acre. Hall, room 11, 165 3d.
CLEAR city los for team, harness and
wagon,- farm impitmeau ana cows, jj,
4S, journal.
WE exchange what you have for what
you want. Feper & iiaKer, 444 Sher
lock bldg.. 3d and OaK. Marshall Ztfr4.
WILL trade modern home for farm
Owner. Marshall 8975
other property to trade foi
rooming nouse.
613 Buchanan bldg.
jOT, 2d st. near Grover, Will exchange.
Han, iso ft a s.
200 ACRES fine land for city prop
erty. 81 cnamoer or commerce.
40 acres, $1000, for unincumbered city
lots or acreage. journal.
WANTEJJ Aoreage for Improved oltv
property. Owners only. B-483,
Tmirnfll. t
g ROOMS, furnished, housekeeping, all
rented; rent $36,
Price $160. 128
18 th st --
Bargain Hunter
here Is your ciianes to buy a 62-room
strictly modern hotel, close to the Ore
gon. Hotel at a Driceyou would usually
pay for a 12 or 14-room rooming house.
Following Is one of the best buys
that nas ever Deen put on me marai.
62 rooms, steam beat - hot and cold
water in most rooms, Brussels car
pets, brass beds, a location where it
is always zuit ana turning roomers
awav: takes in from 810 to $16 a
night transient; will clear $300 above
all expenses. This place has never
sold for less than $3500, but on the ac
count of reasons I can explain the first
one comes pti the whols thing
free and clear for $1150, half cash, bat.
monthly; reht is less than $5 a room;
also nas a eood lease. nee my agent,
Peters, 607 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak.
' Read Thfs .
20 room rooming house, all on ons
floor, dandy transient location; clears
$80 monthly. Price $400: half cash.
Call 607 Henry bldg.
WHAT rent will you pay for 46 rooms
and store? Good for hotel: on Lar
rabee; inquire owner, 289 E. 6th. -
. Today's Special
11 room, rooming house, L block off
Wsshlngton; rooms slways full; nlcs
location; cheap rent, worth $600.' First
one comes gets this for $200. Call 607
Henry hid. . .
SACRIFICE 'fu rniture of 10 room mod-
ern house, full of steady roomers.
Best offer tskes It. 889 llth st.
PAYING rooming house. Bussy. street
Might trade. 291 E. Morrison. ,Esst
.i.; iioi
COMR mid over' 9 room room
lug lioiif.f) m l'M('!iln, furniture n.-nc-lv
new, I ( I with owner. Madison
at. bet. 1t ttnd 2d '
Rooms-Si 75 .
Mcs large 1 1 k t rooms, very clone In,
weat sllo location; eimy terms If de
sired. IHilS Clmriiher or Vntuinerce.
11 itOO.M.-i, nicely funiiyhed for house
keeping, dandy home, all rented, clsar
bill mile, cuah or terms, tjhown by ap
polntrnerit only, Cwner. A-7664.
t'AiL V 5 'muis rew fur ii ft u re,' aw el.
locution, all full, caah or terms, or
consider trtule for suburban property.
60 Klin st
, Monday's Soecial
Grocery stors with llvlnr rooms:
rent for all n tha best location
In ths city; stock will Invoice 3360;
fixtures worth 3700; doing 320 dally.
Am U'HVluir cltv so will sacrlflca all
for 3400, Call 607 .Henrv tHdir.
vTATlTo 'Up handl. Portland
manufactured loods. man of lntea-rlty.
business ability, to Invest capital
H5UU0) with me. A cash business, high
ly profitable. References, banks and
business men of Portland., Appointment
for Interview by letter oniv. U-228.
Ai'UiUHiLii; school with high grade
xpert teachers. Complete 310,000
equipment to trsln for this oomlng voca
tion. Not run to make money, but for
ths good of men. ties or write Supt
Of ths All the Year Knun.l Y. M C. A.
Day snd Night Schools, coi. 6th anj
'iaylor sts.
VANTED lad or gentleman to handle
light manufacturinar business, will
give employment to antira family and
be your own boas. Small amount cash
ana mtie property will guarantee re
ults. LteaJ with business people. Home
jinny mrg. co Tit Chamber com,
Full 8 ALE Confectionery and ice
cream business, wholesale and retail,
In a good, ilve town on Columbia river.
12.000 people, and a future. The chance
or a lifetime; good reasons for selling,
Don't wait, buy it now; owner, Price
iouuu. dx-bz. journal.
FOR BALK An Interest in a good pay
ins- country nawanaoer and Tob nrlnt
lng offloe; good reasons for wanting to
sell, tot particulars inauire at Amen
can Type Founders Co.. Portland, or
writs to ri. x. KirxpatricK jbcoanon, ur.
STOCKS and bonds. If Interested in
buying or sellina- any mining. Indus
trial, oil or other stock, consult us.
call, phone or write. Wm. IS. David
son ft Company, 216-317 Lewis bldr,
Will Sacrifice if Taken
before July 3. box ball alleys, building
ror same ana leare at council crest.
bee me evenings. Dave Gardner.
WISH to dispose of a patent an un
usually good one either outright or
part interest to manufacture and put
on ine maraei. f arming implement.
New. Address Chris Lee, Lebanon, Or.
OK oALr, Confectionery and cigar
store only one in live .valley town
or xuuv population, f or particulars ad
ress a. A. Nemetz. new Bcott hoteL
rnone Mam 9913.
n country town near Portland. No com
petition. No agents. NX-328, Journal
Grocery Store Owner
I have a lady who has a 10 acre tu
ple tract and some cash to trade for a
small business, call Main 6877.
Horns bakery, grocery and eon f so.
tlonerr: 8300 cash: will Invoice 1500.
x-soy, journal
Confectionery, cigars, groceries, nlea
nxtures, reason, sicKness. 648 Wash
ington st.
FOR SALE or trade, only laundry in
town of 1200, paying well. Othsr In
terests. E. Dunagan, Btayton, Or.
IRST CLASS grill for sale. 3500 cash;
liquor license; 375 rent 2 years' lease.
Z49 Davis St.; must go at ones.
DRY GOODS and notion stors. sbout
31150; 4 nice rootna in rear. Sell or
trade for lot. 143 W. KUllngsworth av
CANDY and cigar store, good business,
low rent, for cost of stock, about $600:
trial pnven. j,umnriuin.
FOR oALb conrectionery snd grocery
wtore. Good location, long lease; $1260.
JA-bxl, journal
500 Good Business Cards, $1
Oil pucnanan oioy.. gaos wain, st.
FOR SALJS Drug store. Do you want
a store that is paying; proposition?
Inquire K-48S, journal,
WEDDING invitations, announcements.
Ryder Ptg. Co., 867 Burnslde. M. 6584
FOR SALE! Grocery store: cheap if
sold at once. Woodlawn 2047.
423 Chamber of Commerce.
We have the following sums for im
mediate Investment In Portland first
$1000 at 8 per cent
$1500 at 8 per cent
$2600 at 8 per cent
$3600 at 7 per cent ,
$5000 at 7 per cent
$10,000 at 6 per cent.
423 Chamber of Commerce.
6 Per Cent Mon6y to Loan
The Equitable Life Assurance society
will make loans on approved home prop
erty tovbe repaid by fixed monthly in
stallments over a period of 10 years,
with the additional provision that In
svent of death of borrower, loan la can.
celed by a policy of life Insurance issued
therewith. Interest 6 per cent. Thsss
loans are made only in the better resl
dencs districts and only on Improved
homes. Others need not apply. Horns
Purchase Dep't, Equitable Life, 306 Or
sgonian bldg.
Loans on real estate,
- Any ensount desired -
At current rates.
LOANS made on improved city property
or for building purposes; advancss
made as building progresses; liberal
repayment privileges. N"o commission
or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Btark,
age Loans
701 Selling bldg.
TO LOAN Es tats funds on real es
tate at current rates, inquire at
torney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d
snd Morrison,
HAVE $1000 to loan at once on good
Portland real estate at S per cent for
8 years A. E. Foulsen, 719 Chamber of
Commerce. Mar'nsAl 2768.
MONISY to loan, improved Portland
property; special faculties lor large
loans. Title Trust Co., 4th snd Osk.
$100,000 on mortgages, city or farm
property, fire insurance. McKeniie aV
Co.. Oerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. 7
CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con-
tracts; morigags loans: reasonable
atos, F. H. Lewis et co.. s iewis bldg,
ONEY to loan, large loans a specialty,
bunding loans; lowest rates: tire in
surance, w. q. hick, sis-gis railing.
7 per csnt money, realty , mortgages,
smau cnarge to Dorrvwsr. tvara, at
torney. Allsky bldg. -
IMMEDIATELY loan any amount on
real estate.
816 Chamber of Com-
werce. -
X 1.- -.-..-.- -k 1
-,,,. .n-k ,'IAH , n In,- nn rul A kaII...
Oresonlsn bldg.
erai ,ivuMij, . ut Sy, i
MONEY to loan, 4 to 8 per cent. W. U
Belts CO.. io epaiaing oiug.
MONEY to loan on real estate.
A. H. IIAKDINU, in cn, oi com.
WILL loan 320,000 or ". real eatata,
1 urrliiH ion, 4IH Ciinimeriliil I lubtil'U.
Kiuji 1 1 i A , ; li'iuin, d mid 1 per ceuL
Louis Salomon A fo. 221 Rtiirk at.
JTouh" to 8H0uu'for Immediate 'loan on
real eatste.Tabor 77 L
Vacation Loans
And the place to
sat them.
10 to 3100.
At ths lowest rates
All ws require is that you bs em
ployed on salary, and you gat ths money
quickly without mortgage, indoraar or
oinar securities.
Call and ses us.
' - Do (t now. .
State, Security Co.
' 80S Falling bldg. -
Bee Us Todsy.
Ws can procure money for you on your
plain notes, furniture, pianos, sutos or
storage receipts. No red taps. Quick
service. Business confidential. You can
let It today.
413 Macleay bldg.
llLllY 557
A private place to obtain money on
Watches, diamonds, Jewelry, kodaks.
rlanos, warehouse receipts, . etc 3:0
Attn ber Exchange blJg.
and others, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments, confidential
D. H. Toltnan, room 1J Lumber Ex
A desirable .place for ladles and gentle
men to borrow money on diamonds
snd Jewelry st eastern rates. Dlsmond
palace, 834 Wash., opp. Owl drug store,
MONEY sold on installment; connaao
tlal to salarlad people,. F. A, New
ton, 514 Henry bldg.
SALARIED people wishing credit era
cordially invited to sss Air. Drsae, iZ
Henry blag. . , .
MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel
ry, strictly confidential 141 IX '
Have you money )to loan? Do you
want unquestioned sesuritv in the form
,of cltv bonds? Thess bonds bsar 9 par
cent inierejit, niyaDie semi-annuaiiy, 1
have 36000 of these and will sell all or
ps,rt in denominations of $600. It ou
buv thsss from your banker you will
have to - a premium. I will aell at
par value. N-628, Jo urn al.
WANTED Loan of $260.00 for 6 mos..
Improved farm land security. Will
pay 10 per cent but no brokerage.
C. M. C, 221 Oswego st, Bt. Johns, Or.
WANT, to borrow. $1200 for building
fiurposes. Best security on city prop
y Not over 7 per cent X-328, Journal.
WANT to borrow $4000, 8 years 6 per
cent, uooq security, jur-siy, journal.
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate
security. Bell Reglstsr, 801 Gar-
linger bldg.
Situation Wanted
Ads. Inserted free for thoss In nsed of
work and who are unable to pay for an
advertisemsnt Advertisements must be
brought to ths offics personally by ths
parties desiring worlt,
Employment msmbsrshlD guarantees
member will securs employment or re
fund of membership fee; gives two
months full membership privileges, 10
months social privileges and undertakes
to keep member employed during the
full term of membership without fur-thi-r
charge. '
Record for 12 months ending Dec. 81 :
Call for men .... 2265
Positions filled '. 1697
fees Secretary Employment Depart-
ment Y. M. C. A.
DON'T you like your Job? Then find
out about tne line new iods wnicn a
number of young men may get In the
navy between now and July 1. If over
17 call at Navv Recruiting station. Rail
way Exchange bldg, Portland. Or., for
facts about pay, aoura, promotion,
trades, etc Or writs today to bureau
of navigation, box 327, navy department
Washington, ror interesting opomet,
W..NTED Salesman; excellent opening
with oldest strongest nursery west 01
Rockies. Our Urms are 60 per cent
more libera! than those of any other
reliable nursery. . Get the best cash re
turns from your work by connecting with
us. Writs today. Ths Woodburn Nur
series. WoodhurnOr.
SHORTHAND school; expert men teach
ers with 5500,000 equipment, moderate
fees. Not run to make money, but con
ducted by business men to aid young
men in securing- practical education.
Register now. Y. M. C. A., corner 6th
snd Taylor sts.
WANTED Bright young man to learn
operation of vehicles of ths air; travel
through California this aummer. through
Burma and India this winter. Apply
bstwsen 4 p. m. and s p. m. room
Edenholm Apts., 6th and Market,
WANTED Few youn men to learn
nenfltabla trade, day or nlrht school.
plenty of openings, watch making, en
graving school. 210 Globe bldg.. Port-
and. or.
OFFICE man with $2000 to act as seo'y
and gen. office man ror a wnoiesaie
firm that has branch here. Good salary
and position to right party. W-369, Jour
WIRELESS operators In constant Ja
mand. This coming vocation taught
at Y. M. C. A. All ths Year Round Day
and Night Schools; complete equipment;
best on Coast.
MARRIED man on ranch; must under
stand irrigation and stock: excellent
opportunity; references. Columbia Val.
ley Orchards, Ltd., Sinclair, B. C.
MATTR&38 maker wanted. Portland
Mfg. Co. 1249 Macadam Road. Fulton
RELIABLE man to take Interest in
commercial photo business; good open
ing for llve man. Studio 285 1st.
CHEF Headquarters and Helpers.
285 Yamhill st
WANTED Btavs bolt cutters, good Job.
Apply ess Ajoenett oiag., cuy.-
WANTED Amateur acta written and
coached. 845 Wash. Room 10.
WANTED 6 male solicitors. Call at
62 3d st, 6 to 8 p. m. Mr. James.
WANTED-Portland mail carriers, postal
clerks, $800 first year, $100 year raise
to $1200; vacations. Portland examina
tions coming. Specimen questions free.
Franklin Institute. Dept 8S1E, Roches
ter, N. Y. :
ENCE SCHOOLS. 606 McKay bldg.,
cor. Third and Stark sts., open . Wed
and Sat nights. Phones: Main 1026,
A-4121. Answer and drawing paper.
PORTLAND mall carriers wanted, av
erase $90 month. Portland examina
tions coming. Speolmen questions free.
Franklin Institute. Dept 329E, Roches-
ter. N. Y. ,
WANTED Names of men, 18 to- 45,
wishing to become Portland mail car
riers. Commence $87 month, WX-426,
Journal, ;
MEN. women to learn barber trade. 8
weeks; positions guaranteed. Oregon
Barber college. 233 Madison. 268 Couch.
Schools, 166 3d st (near Morrison).
Rooms 7 and 8. Main 4048. A-3044.
Practical Instruction, driving and rs
palring automobiles. 366-68 lltn st
UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60
-- up. Taylor, ths tailor, 289 Burnslde.
GIRLS, learn beauty parlor business.
Earn money learning. 818 Rothchlld.
GIRL for general housework, good cook.
.- m.i IH.iMi illklux flai 1
Johns, or phone Columbia 688.
w. - - . . '
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture.
DaKum Piag.. nannary rariors.
BYrL for
general housework.
home. 654 Halsey,
East 190.
B car.
v.?,iri i
Situation Wanted
Ads, liiRerted flea for thoae 10 need of
woik utid who ate ui aiila to py for an
advn tmemenl. Advet tlai'tnent inuit ha
Iroiik-lit to the oftlce lieisonaUy by the
WANT girffor
nriii-a deslnnr work, i
senei nl liouaewol U, one i
tliat floes plain, good cooking wanteu.
wacns 838; 4 In family; plain -washing
done; Herman ami Hwedlatl preferred.
t IJ m ornjn aJ in lot liajL
WA N l KlJ Teacher for3th and 9th
grades. Small school, 875 per month,
Furiilshml cottagi) on school grounds.
Wood free. Teacher with children pre
fetred. I', J. f'eterson, M I at. Or.
WANT"ED--8lg young lHiiios between li
jnd ii yeais, u take up comptometer
Work; positions are high grade and
work is very agreeable, . aulury good.
Call 0? Bpa Id I n g.
WANTED Widow woman for general
housework. No objections to one
child. Call at 62ft 3d St., between and
II a, nr. ..... . .
WANTETi Girl for general housework,
good cook, Apply 611 Ladd ave. Phone
East 8081, '
SIRES' wanted as chocolate dippers. F.
F, Harsdan fk Son, K. th snd Davis.
Wanted Men and women to learn ths
barber trade In $ weeks, tools free, a
chance to get In business for yourself.
Send for free catalog or call at- 35 N.
4th st.
HI Ksllv tt (! m If iisstllflKAfl f sTfTI.
It V ' v a a v yi.nvisi vt v v -- . . . -
HI mile due north of Lents station. 3
hipcss east. Phone Tabor zos,
WANTED Pickers for all kinds of ber
rles. Home phone. Csll 8. G. Nelson,
Oswe go 22, a fter 6 p. m.
ilAOTlME piano playing guaranteed In
10 to 20 lessons. It's intsrsstlng. 417
Ellers bldg.
AGENTS WANTED Ths money Is yours
If you embrace the opportunity; every
housewife needs It; 100 per cent profit.
Call 464 E. Harrison St., bstween 8:30
snd I o'clock.
boUCIlvtia to handle an easy selling
article, high class, in demand. Very
liberal selling plan; msans large profits
MANUFACTURE AOT., 1T Hsnry bldg.
YOUNO man with sick wife and I chll
. dren, one 1 montfes old the other I
years old, in need, must havs employ
ment at once. I am handly at house
work. Janitor or kitchen work. 8-632,
SWISS-FRENCH, neat, sober man. 87",
good family cook, ice cream, etc..
wants situation private family or small
boarding Place: . references. H-384,
WOULD you kelsomlns thoae rooms at
82.25 up? Papering and painting rea
sonable. Practical mechanic Call Fin-
lay, Main 1329
WANTED Position by thoroughly sx
perlenced cook, city or country; can
furnish best of references, as to char
acter and anility. Main vufi.
BOY 14 years of sge wants any kind
of work. Resides witn parents, can
Mrs. Norris. Phons E. 1425. Alfred
Dunn. '
WANT position to run gasoline engine;
handy with tools, stesdy. don't drink,
also good teamster; married; best rsfer-
K-440, journal.
CARPENTER foreman, honest and cap
able, desires to tana cnarge 01 amj ur
lercentage, work for owner. E-414,
irmiin. wan eoucatea. uuks
several languages, wsnts work; handy
at anything. R-343, Journal.
BOOKKEEPER, now employed, would
like small set of books to keep even
ings. H. M. Hayles, 606 Montgomery.
COM PETENT gardener wishes . work.
Phone after 7 p. m Kaat z.
BOOKKEEPER, several years' experi
ence, mono eneuoraite. wain 1 iso.
FOR basement digging, plowing .and
general team work
orK, can w
mn 3799.
A-l stenographers ars wnat every em
ployer wants. Ths plaes to get good
stenographers Is at ths Remington Type
writer Employment Dept No fee
charged. Call Main 8 or Main 77. 86 7tH.
WANTED By thoroughly experienced
woman position as housekeeper in
small family, without washing, or cham-
bei work by day. Call at 95 10th st.
Unincumbered woman of 86 wishes
position- as working housekeeper.
Rooming house or residence. Call or
address 832 Mllwaukls St. '
REFINED, middle aged lady with
daughter, wishes noma to Keen xor
aged couple or invalid; small or no
wages. J-364. Journal.
RESPECTABLE woman wants day or
week work at light housework, small
family In Portland. Good cook. Wages.
a-dvo, journal
GOOD, reliable woman wants day work;
good dinner cook, also other work.
Marshall- 1854.
WANTED By refined lady, position as
housekeeper for widower; no obje-c
tlons to 1 or 2 children. 412 N. 26th st.
WANTED housekeeping in widower's
famllv bv widow with airl i vra old.
W-37. Journal.
0IRL, competent wants work in small
' famllv closa In. Main 8910 all waalr
Best of references.
EXPERIENCED and capable bookkeep-
er wisnes posiuon wun rsiiaoie iirm.
References. East 3593.
WANTED, by a good dressmaker, fam
llv sewing by day; terms reasonable.
0-442. Journal.
YOUNG woman would like position car
ing for rooming house. Experienced.
Would do housekeeping. D-628, Journal.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main
8468. Room 22.
LACE curtain draperies, 'linens laun-
dered by expert. Tabor 317.
DAY WORK wanted by reliable woman,
ynoay ar.a eaturqay. u-Ki). journal.
GOOD hand laundry wants family waslT
mg. ir'none rapor t ins.
A WOMAN wants work by day, 25 ct h.
Phons East 4269, Mrs. Prultt
WANTED By young lady, position as
cashier or clerk. Phone A-3093.
COM P.E TENT stenographer desires
piece work or half day's work. M. 12.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desire
afternoon work. Main 9187. Room 9".
EXPERIENCED nurse wants situation
at once. Tabor 2343.
WORK done by hour or by day.
LACE curtains, hand laundered."
Main I486.
WANT to care for childrsn or an in
valld in the evenings. L-642, Journal.
LADY wants general sewing or mother's
help by the day. Sellwood 2021.
TO DOCTORS Male nrse, specialty,
D. T. Phone Berry, Main 7764. Mason
Hotel. - :- -- .
T RAINED nurse, long "experience,
chronic, nervous, Invalids, has room,
care. City ref. Tabor 2213.
WET NURSE wanted for 3-months-of3
baby; one without infant preferred.
rnone aast aaoa.
FURNISHED rooms. In modern hotel,
steam heat bath, $3 per week and up.
Hotel Medford. 122 N. 6th at
HOTEL FORD. 723 Wash A delightful
family hotel; modern, comfortably
rooms, reasonable; 1 block from park.
MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor.
Homelike, attractively furnished, mo,
ern. parlor, large porch, summer ratei.
Rooms 11.3a
247 Fifth
Mih t'w and bath Uala 7114.
f " " . . "
490 Morrison, ' Apts. and rooms;
strictly modern; cheapest In city.
hoM3 snd spartmants in modern bo
tel. $2.60 wek and up. 455 Alder.
- - - - - y -'
ruu y, m. c. a : :: m,.; . - - 1
roih,,( J rri N,i:,, J, :l (I. T, i
lilllidihK. Vlli'IIUlt i' ,t',, 'I ' .V I i I
swimming pool, 1 1, i I 1 1 i e
lates at f-Mfrtel'U. ! fo' .-r I
lures. Full 1 n 1 li,"i!.u ul I -i n
tne, cur, i.ih m d 'l iyioi- rir
CAi.1 M i. I liu 1 I I.
American anj e,.i puna; hsr
of ilty; ttrepruor bu.liiing; hot an! 1. , i
water and telephone In evarr room,
special rata, hurotiran plan 13 wm
aim up, Amerli-an J up.
Antlers Hotel
Location, 10th snd Washington sts.
Kates, $3 to 19 per week.
Modern. With or without bath.
Madras Hotel
Hooms $1 iind up per day,
IS, 61) and up per week.
corner 12th snd Wsahlnrton sts,
18th and Washington sts.
$2.60 per week snd up, M. 6408. A-7i84,
Modern, nicely furnished, eiMia tiear
ed rooms.- $i wue!; up; 6 1)0 day. 8 car
from depot. Main 481.
THE COLONIAL, 166 10th, aenr Mor-
rlson, comfortable, quiet, steam beat
Rooms reasonable. Every coi venlence.
Rooms from 82.60 up.
Nsw and modern, hot and cold water
In every room. Rates $3 snd $3.60 weak.
M. 6120. First and Tsylor.,
TORjnSffED xooiis
ids ruivATs rAsm-T
$12 FURNISHED 1 rooms and pantry,
sink, gas, phone, torches, yard, base
ment. in jiooseveii. near JO.
shall 4116.
KiCELY furnished rooms, $1.75 weex
up; also housekeeping rooms: free
phone, hnth. 1 i2 12th st,, cor. Wssh.
FURNISHED1 front room, single or for
two, near In; no other roomers; men
only; bath and phone. Marshall 633.
630 DAVIS BeautifuTTurnished rooms
' for one or two ladles or gents, $3
week. .
LA ROB front room, with alcove, beau
tlfully furnished, suitable for two,
406 W. Broadway. Phone Mar. 1806.
690 COUCH i nicely furnished rooms,
absolutely clean, centrally located.
NICELY furnished room, modern con
veniences, central, 33 week. 404 Clay.
NICE light room for $2 per week: larg
lawn and verandas. 414 Market st
WELL furnished room In nsw modern
home. Reasonable,
427 Front st
AT 310 Main,
room for cantlaman;
close in.
Nls-E outside sleeping room w
distance, 32 week Main 3979.
E, 6th and Morrison sts., new and
modern, steam heated, elevator, large
lobby, excellent grill. $8,50 week anl up.
THE Larrabee, 227 Lar rabee. Rooms
$3 wk. up. Brick bldg., steam heat hot
and cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
NEWLY furnished room in private fam
ily east side, walking dlsanoe by steel
or Broadway bridge, 188 Halsey st
11th, Just off Washington st
American and European; beautiful
dining room, tea room and roof garden: .
very attractive rates to families and
j WORKING boys away from home sarn-
lng smaii salaries win una agood
plaoe to board and room at the Y. M.
C. A, Boys' club building $4 per week.
Call at Boys' depart Cent Y. M. C A,
or phone Main 7066. '
ROOM and, board for young women,
walking distance, $3 per week. Phone
B. 4788.
ROOM 'and board In private family.
190 17ti st Phons E-1339. Mar
shall 2236.
BOOM and board, privets family, rea
sonabls, or will board children.
Woodlawn 94.
NICE furnished room and board at 163
N. 16th. Phone Main 6654.
IF LOOKING" for board or room In
quire 130 E. 19th st. Phone E-4251.
room, board, nam, noms cowing, $6 a
week up. Table board, $4.60. 284 Main
BOARD and room in private family, at
$5. 806 14th. Main 4861.
ROOM and board. 11 N. 10th st Scan
dinavian preferred. - -
TWO large basement rooms, running
water, wood stove and gas plats, $12
month. 273 Montgomery, southeast cor
ner 4th st
LOVELY suite- of housekeeping rooms
for $15.00 a month: 8-room suite,
$20; good home. 362 College st.
THE CAMBRIDGE. 8d st, corner Morrl
son, furnished and unfurnished H. K.
rooms. Main 945.
THE GILMAN 1st cor. Alder. Fur
nlshed housekeeping rooms. $1.50 week
up. Main 6800.
TWO outside rooms, fur. complete, free
Ujfht and phone. 270 Lincoln, cor. 4th.
LIGHT, airy 2 room suites and sleep
ing rooms. Bz miu, ntar stn.-
$12 FURNISHED i rooms and pantry,
sink, gas, phone, porches, yard, base
ment. 773 Roosevelt near 23d. Mar-
shall 4116.
SUITE of 8 nicely furnished housekeep-
lng rooms, modern, ground floor. Nice
yard, fruit, flowers. Phone Marshall
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.50
- up. r ree pnon ngai ana cam. ivo
12th st.
LARGE front housekeeping rooms, very
reasonable. 128 13th at. between
Washington and Alder.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
upper floor, t room bouse, 625 Thur-
man st. - ' - --
NICELY furnished housekeeping
rnnmn. rent reasonable. 648 Tuvlor.
A-8376. -'
wees; sleeping rooms. $1.60. 124 Main
corner 6th.
THREE rooms, well furnished for house
keeping, with piano, gas, bath and
phone. 885 11th. . . ,
NICELY furnished H. K. roomsj 8S0
Morrison at Bath and light Main
2387. - ' : -- '
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished housekeep
.. lng rooms; Iig)it and watsrjv 37 per
month. 383 Benton, nr. Broadway bridge.
FURNISlfErThousekeeplng rooroi71!t
Uth st. ' - -
$1.50 WEEK, small light housekeeping
room for one. 171 lth St.
FIVE housekeeping rooms. $56 Colies4
st. cor. Park.
KfiWLY furnlsedTT
IC. rooms, $2.(0
per week.
454 Columbia.
TWO furnished -uekeeplng rooms In
private family, 691 Wsshlngton.
SMALL housekeeping room, $16 per
month. Main 9451. 171 13t st.
TWO room suite in modern flat, rent
$16 per month. S950,Hean.
AT 810 Main st, desirable housek,elu
suite; close in. .
tWO nice furnished housekeeping room,
226 ISth, between Salmon ard M!n.
UNFURNISHED pouaekeaplnr rouu.n.
179 Stout, block south of Vah
east ml::
$1.50 week up, clean furnl-' --1
rooms, gas. free baths, j' :,
Phone Y,,K fl"2S 2"3 Hi "'-'- J
Nt,W furnidhed t.o '
heat l-iit bath. .',. li'.- ,