THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", VQllTLAUD, UGUDAY EVENING, JUNE Z3, Kll SIB! 11 RISE to fr0t street ifmiibjiies Willamette Will Mount Still Higher Than Present Stage, According to Today's Fore cast; Weather Prediction. 'Should the rain continue to fall at It ma for the paat few days tha river win v tlU mob Front street," said District . forecaster, 12. A. Beala thla morning, in iprsklng of tha critical condition kmnirht ihout bv tha heavy ralna of . iha lat six daya. Tha reading at 'clofc thla morning ehowed tha river it d stage of 22.6 feet ana tna roreeasi for a alight rlae during the next two lays, reaching 22.7 feet Tuesday ana 12.1 feet Wednesday. Weather condltlona for tha next 24 ' to 21 houra will be showery, aaya Mr. beala, and tba run-off of rain Into tha ipper Willamette river. where there la a Ise reported at all atatlona, win ne re rponslblo for the alight rlaa predicted tere. , However, tha ground haa now be . toma saturated and a continuation of lie heavy ralna would bring tha river - r k m amiiinf tnar nil i i inn if the lasfslx daya during the winter teason when the ground la thoroughly - ret would bring the river up to 10 reet ir. nvi the weather man. During tha paet atx daya the rainfall tera up to 10 o clock thla morning nes i Msen J.M Inches, while the total for lie monlh 'to date was .e5, Inches. The , lormal to and including June a la i,n tichea. The rainfall at Eugene was 2.19 ( itches at Albany, 2.13 Inches: at Salem, ' 1.19 inchea, and at Wllsonvllie It was L1 Inches. Tha wettest June on record here was , Ji 1882 when S.38 Inches of rain fell. In Uia 43 years from 1871 to the present rear Inclusive the amount of rainfall IBS, exceeded inree inrnen on dui mur rccaslons. Tha rainfall for the entire rionth laat year was 3.03 Inches. . In his forecast District Forecaster Beala stye: "Showers tonight and lesday with southwesterly winds." TOWED 1XTO rORT chooncr Enternrlse Reaches New port In Disabled Condition. (Special to The Journal.) Newport, Or June 23. The schooner -' Enterprise, Captain 3. L. Anderson, of .: oo Bay was discovered off Yaqulna ay Sunday morning flying distress aig ' lals. The launch Ollle 8. and lifesavers - owed her Into Newport While bound 1 Vnm fnnm Xabv PrtrMan , Vi a .vllnrinf. jacking blew out off the Umpqua river mj It took two days to sail up to T taqulna utilising an eight foot hatch over for sail. Having no flaga a table ' loth and an emDtv oil ran were used f make the flag and ball distress slg- ' lal. The ship anchored outside the bar, urninr flares all nieht. which could tot ba seen on account of the heavy '- tor. -The Enterprise belongs to tha , tlacleay estate and haa been out of com- i nlaslon three years. She is on the way This la the second call for the life crew ti 24 houra. ' MAPLE LEAF LIXER HE GROWS MORE LIKC ME EVERY DAY." - - - - mMi W w v-V-. ' I . ' ' ' ' Tom Tyr . i'eit Steamer Due to Roach Tort- land Latter Part of Month. ? Advices to A. T. Prichard, local tgent of Frank Waterhouse A Co., who , aandle the business of the Maple Leaf dne here, thla morning stated that the iext steamer of that line to come here :o load cargo for Europe will be tht ivorwegian steamship Arna, Captain O. D. Jentoft. She la now at Vancouver Sischarging a cargo of steel product from New York, and will be due to ar . rive here the latter part of the month. She will take on a large amount of lum oer at Westport and wheat and tallow are. The wheat in her carjro will imount to about 25O0 tons. She will DrOceed from harm to Run Pranriurn in take general cargo for Salina Crux and! then copper ore from there to Swansea. ine weekly report of Waterhouse & , lo. snow tiie steamers of the Royal Hall Una as follows: jiaijjauus sanea irom J-tongKong for Manilla, June 19. Falls Orchy at Vancouver. B. C. Flintshire sailed from. Portland fnr fokohama, June 10. Harpalyce arrived' San Francisco June 13. To load on Pacific coast for Orient ibout the middle of July. DECKLOAD IS SlfilTTFn Hay Be Submerged Wreckage of Steamer Riverside. Apparently the cTeckload of the sunk en steamer Riverside Is still floating bout in the vicinity of the wreck, as I radiogram to the I'nited States local oiniji.ii njuiusrapnic ornre, tlaten nt 6 a. m. Saturday, from Captain KoffoM 9f the steamer Chehalls, stated that they passed through a dckloaJ 10 miles to the northwest of Cape Mendo cino. Mr. Moore, (second offk-pr of the" Brit ish steamship Empress of Russia, re ported that on June 1 they passed a piuiiB mpmasi witn the rigging at tached In latitude 44.28 north, longitude 183.30 east. It had evidently been hut a abort time In the water and there was the appearance of submerged wreckage. Captain Lorenzen, master of the American ecnooner S. T. Alexander re lng wheat In the hold today and she will proced from here to Raymond for a deckload of lumber for San Franclaco. F. C. Schubert, assistant United States engineer In the First district, haa re turned from a vacation trip to Califor nia polnta. The steamer Oliver J. Olson, Captatni Anflnsen, arrived last night from San Francisco and la discharging 400 tona of cement at the Supple dock. She also had 200 tons of asphalt for Montgomery No. 1. Bringing 200 cases of cheese, the gas schooner Delia, Captain Caaaday, . ar rived from Nestucca yesterday morning. The Japanese steamer Senju Maru la discharging 160 tons of coal brought from Karatsu and which will be loaded on, the next ateamer to arrive here to load for the China Import & Export Lumber company. Carrying a full llat of passengers and 800 tons of general freight, the Dodge ateamer San Ramon, Captain Jamleson, arrived at Couch street at 10 laat night from San Francisco. She will load a return cargo of lumber for that port. The steamer Jim Butler, Captain Hut- ton, arrived at 3 o'clock yesterday morning on tne Doage line and la dls charging 300 tona of aephalt, 300 tona of cement and 334 tons of general ireigbt. EELS BEINGTAKEN OFF ROCKS VANT BILL TO INCLUDE IL BEER AND ViNE Because the Benson Mil recently pre entud to rongrrss forbidding the manu facture and sule of J lit t II ltd alcoholic Ilijuors does not Include beer and wine, opposition developed to a resolution pledging support which was Introduced at toduy'a meeting of the Methodist M DICED El LANET SVINDLf hG CASE C MS. II II I) AI) RATI::' I C, Hammer, the second of five men Indicted for attempting to swindle Mary J, Cole out of 83 acres of land on the Btiaa Line road. Uorth'IU.475. Is f 'r tumtUm. . . " l I " v" Hue "a niiMit'iiwiii inriion. on trial before ClrcultJudge Morrow. !n0 i ukm 1m limn inc. In rff.rt A ! II I, KM J ALL rUKVKMM KAII S A VTIXtD tbll AliVMlTlrw-.Mt.Nm k !!! m BunUo, 1 tlrnn, 0i par llu. 3 couavruUve lliui-a, So rr Hue P'r Inifrtlnil. I or uuirt ciiimiillv llmitK. 7 lr line pf liiBocllon; ur 1 lii'Krlloiia (t price t 0. No ad counted for Irat than SI llnxa. Tli luuTt nln appl tu "Nnw Tof" ind II oiher cUlflci.tli.iii rti'rpt Hllutllnus Wnul. Id, Tu Knit and Waulcil In Krul Hltuatkina Waiilwl, 'la !(: and Want'd to Raut (da (Aparltuaul aud llulela tcpltil), (be raira ra: Ministers' asNodatlon. was introduced by Rev. C. K. Cllne and read as follows: "We, the mlnlstera and pastors of the Methodist Kplscopal churches of tha city of Portland, wish hrreby to convey to you an sxpresslon of our sympathy and -staunch support in your effort to suppress the manufacture and sale of distilled alcoholic liquor. The best people are with you, May heaven blest you In your purpose." Following- an animated discussion in which some of the speakers objected to supporting a bill which prohibits the distilled liquor trafflo but does not strike a fermented liquors, the resolu tion waa adopted. Rev. M. C Wire, D. D.. presiding of fleer of the Portland district 25 years ago, and one of the organisers of the Methodist Ministers' association of this city, was present at today's meeting and made a brief addcess. Rev. Benjamin J. Hoadly read a paper on the "Care of Childhood." S. Benson, the Portland tlmberman, recently sent Attorney E. E. Coovert to Washington, D. C, to urge congress to take such action that would be neces- sary to prevent the manufacture of dis tilled alcohollo liquors. i , , m , , , The solution 1 1L-hi!.t" S?"!!'? 1 '" and now out of the penitentiary where j coawuti iiu.a,'(ic par line pr Inwrtloa. SUN SHINING THROUGH GLASS STARTS FIRE As a measure of sanitation, the board of fish and game commissioners haa ordered Master Fish Warden R. E. Clan ton to begin the taking of eels off the rocks at the Oregon City falls and burn ing them. The eels are running up the river In great numbera at the present time, and thousands of them are going over the fishway every day. Many, however, get Into the pools on top of the rocks and as the water goes down they die. During the week the eels are Imprisoned In these pools, but when the paper mills shut down on Saturday night, the water pours over the dam walls again and these dead eels are washed over Into the river to drift down. Every summer residents" along the river between Oregon City and Port land complain of the stench. Often the eels drift into .the banks where boat landings are' made, and the odor Is so bad that it 1 Impossible to remain around the place. Deputy Wardens Jewell and Gore are now engaged in re moving these eels from the pools and burning them, or piling them on the bank and covering with chloride of lime. Small mesh nets have also been spread across the mouths of the small channela that lead off through the rocks, and thla prevents the eels from getting Into places where they cannot get out The state fish department la not tak ing eels any more as food for young salmon. The eels have to be kept In cold storage for a long time, and at the cold storage plants they leave an odor that contaminates everything else about the place. Consequently none of the cold storage houses want to keep them, and they will not be taken for fish food purposes. Smelt can be taken cheaper, and at a more seasonable time for fish food purposes. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Due t Arrive, Str. Geo. W. Elder Baa Diego July Btr. Alliance, Eureka June 29 Mr. ttreamiter, voot nay June 29 Btr. Bearer, Sao Pedro-.,. June 25 Btr. noanoae, can mego June 23 bit, near, nan rranciaco July Btr. Bote City, San Pedro Jul Due te Depart, Btr. Alliance, Eureka June 23 Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego June 25 Btr. Koae City, Ban FTinclaco June 28 Bir. nearer oan reoro July Btr. Koanoke, Kan Diego jajy j urr. ureHKwaier, uooe nay juy Btr. Bear, Ban Pedro July lo lea San franclsco. Str. Harrard. Ban Dlearo inn, "a Sir. Yale, Ban I'edro jUD. n M Bout to low Lumbal. Name Balled rrn Arablen. Dan. str. , Aatwers Alert. Am. sub Ban I'edro uauie Auoey, or. aoip Ban JTraaclaee Dundee, Uuaa. bark Santa Hupert City, Br. air Vaaconrer, B. O. Defiance, Am. sea., ....Ban Pedro iVm. U. Bmltn, Am. sefe Valparaiso Beaolute, Am. eeti g,a pedro Kblnau Mara. Jap. etr..., Eonolulo Manchester Cltiaen, Br. a Manila Alliance, Peru bk Iqolqul m jwui mi Aaia, uraia. Name. Adelaide, Ger. bk Aagerd, Nor. ab British Ixlea, Br. ab Clyde, Nor. ah Crocodile. Br. bark Krnent LeKoure, Vt. bark.... Ualgate, Br. bark Ulenesalln, Itr. ship Harvealetiude, Ger. snip.-.-. Hebe. Ger. bark , Hlupmoa, Br. bark lureraron, Br. bark Inreresk, Br. bark Jean, Vt. bark - kaasal, Uelff. ablp Laiigdale, Br. ablp I.juton, Br. bark Marco Polo, Nor. bark ...... Milverton, Br. altlp I'ulladelphla, Br. ablp Brhurbek, Ger. bark Kegura, Br. ablp TUIlbek, tier, bark ThJstlebank. Br. bark ....... WaDdsliek. Ger. bark Werner VIntieu. Ger. bark .. Westgate. Br. chip 8alled from. Belfaat Cape Town Callao Callao ClUo ........ Glasgow St. Ho. I la Santos .-St. Jtoaalla ....St. Koaalla . .Newcastle, K. Callao Iqulque ..Buenos Ayrea Hatnhuig ....West Coaat Bt. Rosalia .Galeta Buena ...Callao Callao 8t. Rosalia Callao ...8t. Rosalia ..Buenos Ayrea . ...Ht. Rosalia west Coaat Weat Coaat from Cool Bay. Arrlred down at S p. m. British steamer Btratbtlllan. Ban I'rancleco, June Zi. Balled Steamer An rella for Bau Pedro. Bulled at 8 p. m. Steamer Willamette for t'ortland. Bootb Bend. June 22.--ArrtTd Steamer Qui nault from Portland. ' Astoria, June 23. Condition at the month of tbe rlrer at 8 a. m., smooth; wind aoumweai, n miles; weatber, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Xucaday High water, 8.BS t. m., 7.1 feet; B:28 p. 01., T 8 feet. Low water 10:56 a. m., 0.9 foot; 11:38 p. m., 8JS feet. DaDy Rrrer KeadinRS. TATIONI Wenatcbee Lewlaton Rlparla ' Umatilla Tbe Dallea Eugene Albany Ba lem WllsonTllle Portland ) Blalng. ( ) Falling. a) s A 8g Si r &2 P fct C- Om C&ei 40 I 44. tt 0.3 T 24 KJ.aj 0.8 .34 30 10.20.7 .08 25 21.6 0 O 40 37.2 0.8 .02 10 7.0 2.0 .05 20 4.7 .08 20 4.8 .09 87 8 1.6 .30 15 22.6 0 .66 AUMSVILLE MEN PLAN BANK AT AIRLIE, OR. (Bpedal to The JoornaLi Airlle, Or., June 23. A. P. Speer of Aumsvllle, Or., was In Airlle Friday looking after matters pertaining to the opening of a new bank at this place. It is ' understood that Mr. Speer and Charles Random, his partner in the mer cantile and lumber business at Aums vllle, will control the stock of tbe new institution, and that both will take active part in Its management. Mr. Speer made a thorough canvass of the citizens of the town and farmers in the surrounding country , and the Kings valley country, and met no little encour agement in the new undertaking. A permanent building will be begun as soon as a charter is obtained. CAPTAIN MEYER DEAD Head of Well Known Shipping Firm Was 72. Advices to Alfred Tucker, local man ager of Meyer, Wilson fc Co., stated that Captain If. L. E. Meyer, head of the firm and well known here, died ot Han Francisco Saturday following a paralytic stroke. He was 72 years of age at the time of Ms death, and had been one of the firm of Meyer, Wilson &. Co., shippers, for more than 40 years lie had not been actively at the head of the firm for some time prior to his death- Bfo- entering the shipipng business he was a well known shipping master. The advices stated that thu funeral would take place In San Fran cisco this morning. Misoellaneoua foreign to Anira, Arna. Jor. atr Vannnn..,. that on June 1ft they passed a ! "rtV uiPUvTH& big log 20 Teet long and 20 Inches In I Colllngbam, Br. str Eureka diameter In latitude 47.18 north 138 0J frovrn of ctlle' Br- San Francisco t inthe path between this coast "au March siapan. Kelnbek. Ger. ahlo n b-T.ii" Baxonla, Ger.- str., March 30 Bamburs tsebome, Am. sch., April 22 Sydney Grata Fleet in Port. Arracan. Br. bk., Houser f 4 rj Klna, Dan. as Irrlng Lumber Fleet to Port, Name Xo Ball for Berth. Mario, Peruvian bk Aatorla Aiuaion. Am. bktn., Valparalno.Nortb P. Lbr. Co Norwood, Am. as Prescott Rochelle, Am. ss Preacott Merced, Am. as , Kf. Helens Mlscallaneous la Part, Rose City, aa Alnsworta Kei,Ju Maru, Jap. ss. ; Bunkers Kona.Am. sa Portland Drydock .MARINE NOTES AtOYG THE WATERFRONT Major Jay J. Morrow, corps of engl rifera. United Statea army, and R. W. Vliiiamn, one of his inspectors, went to Lewlston yesterday and will make the trip down the river in the United States ateamer Wallowa as far a Celllo, mak ing an inspection of the Snake "and up- er Columbia rivers n. tha. nay, ,i1 Colilo the Wallowa will go on the ways te have a new hull. Tha steamer Thomas L. Waiia Is load- Astoria. June 23. Left np at mldnlght-i-Rtcanier Klraure. Arrived at 1 and left up at 4 u. m. Sicanapr Geo. W. Elder from Baa Diego and way ports. Arrlred at 4 and left up at 6:f0 a. m. Steamer Yoaemlte from Ban Fraa claco. Arrived at 4 and left np at 7 a. m.- Rteamer Thomas L. Wand from San Franclaco. Arrived at fs and left np at 7;30 a. mv Bteunier K. 8. Loop, from South Bend. Ar rived at 7 and left np at 9 a. m. Steamer Portland from San Francisco. Ban Francisco. June 23. ArrtnA t Steamer fleer from Portisnd. r-ureaa. june ia.-saiied-Steamer Alliance for Portland. . Ban Pedro. June 22. Balled Steamer Bea ter for Portland. Astoria. June 22. SalM at 8 a. m, Steam er yuluault for Willapa Harbor.' Balled at 8 30 ?i.7.WP!..yp.rir''1f',':-S!''.t"r"n'-1'''--Ar--!. ' "' i' ii up ur 8 TT sa. Steamer han Kamno (ma Ban Francisro. Arrived at B:DO and left tap at 7 a. m. Steamer Ollrer a 1 r? m n rn,'l',,' Arrived at 7:451 uy m wa, m f tenner rBeakwator HORSES DROWN IN MIRE MADE BY BROKEN FLUME (Special to Tbe Journal.) Walla Walla, "Wauh., June 23. Two valuable horses belonging to W. Tj. Rus sell, a rancher living on the Yellow hawk, were drowned Saturday morning when a ranch hand drove a four horse team attached to a weeder into a quag mire in a tract of plowed ground on tne Russell ranch. Water from a broken flume had seeped into the field and settled In the place where the horses went down. All four horses, the weeder and the driver sank into the soft toll and water, and it was with difficulty that the driver regained solid ground, lie called help and after several hours' work two of the horses were saved. WILLAMETTE WINNER OF BEACH TRACK MEET (Special to Tbe Journal.) Columbia Beach Conference, June ?. -Willamette university won. the con ference track meet on ' the beach on Friday afternoon. . The ecores of the leading delegations were: Willamette unlvcraity 26, Faculty 21, Pacific uni versity 20, University of Washington 17. Tbe most grilling race was the wreck race over a course of perhaps y, miles. Tupper of Pacific univer sity won In a pretty race, the time be ing 29 minutes Anderson of University of Washington was high point winner with 16 to hla-credit Homan of Wil lamette and Needham.of thFaoult tied for second place witn jjjointet track. The summary of events follows: 60 yards Brace, McMinnvIlle; HenJte, Faculty; Rice, Paclflo U. Time, 6 4-5 seconds. Standing high Jump Cole, W. S. C, Roberts. O. A. C; Anderson, U. of W. Height. 4 feet 11 Inchea. 100 yards Needham Faculty; Rice, Pacifle U.; Van Horn. U. of W. Time, 10 2-5 seconds. Wreck race Tupper, Pacific TJ.; Ten pleton, University of Montana; Hubbard, Pacific college Time, 29 minutes. Standing broad Jump Roberts, O. A. C; Cole. W. S. C, and Henkle, Faculty, tied for second. Distance, 9 feet inches. 200 yards Needham, Faculty; Rice, Paclflo university; Homan, Willamette university. Time, 22 seconds. Discus Doane, Neustel, Homan. all or Willamette university.- 81 reet 1 inches. 440 yards Homan, Willamette; Need, ham, Faculty; Tupper, Paclflo univer slty. Time, 67.1 seconds. Running high Jump Anderson, Unl. verslty of Washington, and Dibble, Pa cific university, tied for first. Height, 5 feet. Hammer throw Anderson, Univer slty of Washington; Todrem, Faculty; Doane, Willamette. Distance, 107 feet Broad Jump Homan, Willamette; Rice, Paclflo university; Doane, Wil lamette. Distance, 19 feet 2 inches. Shot put Anderson, University f -waanington; poane, Willamette; Ho- man, Willamette. Distance, 86 feet t Inches. t...,..'j . (Culled Press Lotaoe Wire, Winnipeg. June 23. The hot sun shining through a defective window pane in a new house on Garwood ave- ue, Sunday morning, fired the building. high wind spread the sparks and 12 houses, some empty and some occupied, were damaged, four of them being de- troy ed. The cjiurch of St. Michaels and All Angels suffered to the extent of about 1600. The fire loss aggregates about $11,000. he was sentenced to serve from one to five years,, on a trusty parole, was the first to be tried. The other three are IL O. Luker. C. F. A. reck and J. C, Luther, They are not considered prin cipals In the deal but were looked upon as tools of Hammer and Whlteaker. The indictment charges obtaining a signature .by false pretenses. It Is alleged that they represented them aelves to be directors and owners of the Lake OH. Gaa & Pipe Line company, which owned 800 acres of the finest paraflne oil lands In California. This land they asserted was worth 1500,000 and stock In tha company was worth f 1 a share. To gain the confidence of Investors they would show a bottle of oil which they asserted was taken from holes three feet In depth on the land. By these representations they secured Mrs. Cole's land In trade for T950 shares of stock in the company. Whlteaker, following hlav conviction, appealed to the supreme court, which af firmed the conviction. He waa com mttted to the penitentiary in March of this year and went without a aruard. Governor West granted a trusty parole 10 mm in recognition of this fact and until the outcome of Hammer's trial. Deputy District, Attorney Magulre Is prosecuting the case. 7 or mors eouaevutive time, tto per lint per . inssruvn. Tue above ratea apply to "New Today" and all other clatalftcatloua, eicapt "Hlmatlone Wanted,, to iteait and Wanted to Rent" ads, Situations WeutiMl, To Hvnt and Wanted to Bout ads (Apsrtuienti and llotslt eicepted) the rats Is 7 per Hue per Insertion. No ad charged for leas tliun two lines er' 15. The Journal will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertise Stent ordered niurei than one time. Contract ratea ui.n application. A phoue call will bring a solicitor. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS ... SHIELDS. J. II 105 Oerllngcr tddg Main M ' 1 ' ORKOON UK AT, RMTATK CO. THE. Grand ave. end Mu 1 1. H, 67, C-170, CHAPIN-HKRLG YVTd TO. A TRUST CO. H7 Chamber of Commeroe. Main H4. BUILDING FERMITS SDR YCML BILL WILL BE SIGN EO TODAY LA ROCHE SELECJS TWO II. IL Tomllnson and L. E. Latouretta deputies In the office) of City Attorney Frank S. Grant, have been asked to re main under the ' lnoomlng reslme of City Attorney-elect La Roche. Mr. La- tourette. has decided to stay, but Mr. Tomllnson at noon today had not made any statement as to his future lnten tlone. Deputy Ray 6ullivan, who has been In charge of the police court work of the office for the paat several years, said today that he would retire when the present city attorney goes out of orrice June 10. Deputies Cahaltn and Everson have not yet announced what tney win do. Realty Associates tract one ttorr derailing. at 0U4 Kaat th at., between Alice and Mltckv II: builder, Parker Banfleld, I200O. Library hoard -Erect stuns wall win easy crete foundation. 10th between Xamhlll anal Taylor: builder. McCann Stone Co., luVKiO, B. r. Waasell Kepalr 4 story apartment. A Morriaon and 13th; builder, Otis Elsrator Osw ltO0. r. X. Roy Erect en story dwelling ea East 76th at., betwea Morrison and XamhUl; builder, same, 11000. North wast ra Bldg Co. Erect a no story dwel. ling, East OOth it., between Klickitat and Fre mont; builder same, 13000. , ' Orrllls J. Former Rcpelr one sad eae kalf story dwelling, 4W1 2d at. a. t, bear (Otk ' aeo.j builder, same, fflfiO. R. B. Quick Erect 1 story frame gwelllar, 3d tve., between 60th sod 61st SU. builder, r. B. Uallock. 11600. . . City of Portland Eroet t story fire house Oliaan between 14tb and 14ti builder, J. AV aieter, 114.000. . Joe Montaf ETect 1V( story frame CweMIng, IwfTtew betwea Ms son and Bkldmoret builder, 8. Hynnee, tiQ. ' Body Prilled From Grays Harbor. fSnaclal in Th l,nm,l i Aberdeen, Wash., June 28. The body of an unidentified man was taken from the harbor this morning. There are no marsa or identification but the body Is ueuevej 10 do or a sauor. Leabnrg Shcool Needs New Staff. (Special to The Journal.) Leaburg, Or., June 23. Friday, June 20, ended a very successful nine months' school at the Leaburg grade and high school. Many improvements have been made the past year, and the school was standardized In May. The teachers were C. N. Patterson and Miss Lois Padden, neither of whom will return next year, as Miss Padden will be at her home in Creswell, ' and Mr. Patterson will re turn to college. The closing exercises consisted of a program and plcnlo in the school grove. About 70 attended. Journal Want Ads bring resulta TRANSPORTATION ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Safl Every Saturday to and From New York Londonderry Glasgow Ocean Pasaase 7tt daya. Moderate ratea. For Book on Tours. Bates, etc., spply it HENDERSON BROTHERS General Agents, 85 West Randolph St, Chicago OR ANY. LOCAL AGENT (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, June 23. President Wil son Is expected to sign the sundry civil appropriation bill this afternoon. It la probable that he will Issue a statement giving his, views on the provision in the 1 bill which exempts organizations of la- j uurrri auu iarmers rrom prosecution un der the Sherman anti-trust law. It is expected that, the president will criticise the provision! pointing out that it does not prevent such prosecutions. QUAKE SHOCKS BELIEVED TO BE IN THE ALEUTIANS (United Press Leased Wire.) Santa Clara, Cat, June 23. The seis mograph at Santa Clara university, it was announced today, recorded a slight earthquake as occurring at 5:58:24 yes terday morning, followed by a more se vere disturbance 10 minutes later. Less severe shocks continued for several houra Professor Newlin bellevea the disturbance to be a recurrence of heavals in the Aleutian islands. TRANSPORTATION up- CHAMPION RAGGER DIES AT END OF FOUR HOURS (United Press rinsed Wlre.i New Tork, June 23. Mrs. Edna Wag ner is dead from heart disease, re suiting from four hours' continuous, ragging" In an effort to become cham- plon dancer of RIdgewood. More than ! 1000 couples took part in tha dance, i which Is held annually on the asphalt , pavement in Silver street by the RIdge wood Block Party association. Woman's Republican Leagne. The Woman's Republican league will meet In The Journal building audi torium tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, instead of tomorrow afternon at 2 o'clock, as announced. An Improved summer ohrlsiten fmr of a hard winter. , TRANSPORTATION BAN FRANCISCO, 1X53 ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT North Pacific S. S. Co. S. S. ROANOKE and 8. 8. ELDER all Every Wednesday, sllernstely, it I p, sa, ticket office 122-A Third Bt.. near Alder. Phones Main 1314; A-I314. MARTIN I. HIQLSr. Pas. A (eat. W. B. SLUSSEU. Frelshl Asent, AMERICAN If. T.-Plym on th-Cherbourf-Southampton ATLANTIC TRANSPORT New Tork London Direct RED STAR Vew Tork 'Dover Antwerp WHITE STAR New York Queenstown Liverpool K. T. Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton V. Y. It Boston Hediterranee Egypt. Canadian Service, Ballings Every Tuesday From Montreal and Quebec By the LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS Inoluding the iAurentls July 8, Canada July II, Merantio July ltf, Teutonlo July 26, Send for folders of the Short Land .locked St, La wren oe Bouts to Europe. A. E. DI8NET, Pass. Art., 619 Id ate., doors from Cherry, Seattle, or local railway and steamship agents. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Kaiser Wllhelra XI Jnns 14 Xronprlns Wilhelm July 1 Kronpriniessis OeeQle July I Fast Mall Ballings Bremen July I Fried rich dsr Orosse July 10 Barbanste July II London-Paris-Bremen Baltimore-Bremen dlreett eae eebla (11) Wednesdays Sailings ea SAXUSDAT for THE MEDITERRANEAN Princess Irons July ft Xoenlg albert August Through rates from Vew Tork to Egypt, India, Far East and SOUTH AJCERICA ria ETJ&OPE. largest, Newest, Finest Bhips in this servioe, AJtOtriTO THE W0HLD ftfilfi Independent Trips eOAO la 113 lh North lAwyd eamrrlca more) pas sengers la all elaaeea, rfVst, ScsMa4 sad Sleeraeje cauttMerji1 sad west-baae1-Nrth Atlaatle ervlcc.lkataaajeUicrllaie OELRICHS ft CO., GENERAL AGENTS. S Broadway, N. Y, ROBERT CAPELLK, O. A. P. C, HO Powell St., near Bt ErancU ho tel. Geary St.. Baa TrauiaiaiMk. 09 C23 400 100 itoeo American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. rrxKAUiffTEPro xotttz" Freight Service Between New Tork Portland-Europe. Treanent Scheduled Ballings, l,ow Bates C D. KENNEDY, Agent. tlO Railway Exchange Bldg. COOS BAYLINE Steamer Breakwater 8a Hi from Alberi Dock No. 8, Portland, 8 a. a., Jane 0, 14, 19, 34, 39, July 4, 0, 14, 19, 24, 29. and thereafter every S days at 8 a. m. Freight received on til 6 p. m.. axctDt dar previous to sailing j previous day, 4. p. m. Paaaenger fare first clsss 10, second class $7, Including berth and meals. Ticket office at Albera Dock No. 8. Portland A Coos Bay Steam hip Lino, L. H. Keating, agent. Uala 6868; A141. XXf San Francisco and Los Angeles 8S. Boss City Balls B a. m., Jnne Be. 8B. Beaver Balls 9 a. July 1. The Saa rraaelseo a Portland B. Oe. Tioket Offloe 3d and Wash, (with &. Si BT. Co.) MarahaU 4800. A-S13L . rrrxcTTVu mat aa, 1913. 'S.S. Prince tpert, S.S. Prince George NEW TODAY AGATE BEACH Why are purchasers ot lots, and build ers, at Agate Beach so happy? Ask them, and they will tell you. Write us and we will send you a list of lot owners and home builders, as well as Illustrated DooKiet ana outer information. . . , ITjrAPP k sfiCtBT, Main 8010, 813 Board of Trad Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS r. O. UcOrew and wife te Thaollna BY Manner et al. Inta 14. la. In. IT ana 18. block 8, Krelra I B. Hamblet and wife to Henry Haber. nan, lot 1 and 3, block 89, Falrpoct PorUaod Trust Co .to Oarl Oscar hue- eon, ot sL lots sad s, sieca e. Brldgetoa v River View Cemetery asa'n. te Wnu J. H beery, lot 8, block 104, said eeme- tery i!,,A- Barry W. Crawford and wife te H, Ro sUd, 80 acres beginning 1980 feet norm or eeciion comer scum w, , 24 and 13, township 1 sooth, range 8 east Ladd Eatate Co. to Thomas Tigers, lot 19. north H lot 18, blocs so, juuimore Und e UB0 Thomas O. Hunter to Uary a Cudsworth lot 13, block 8, Crystal Springs ad dltlon - "W Alice W. Jordan to Herbert Gordon, fct 1, block 187, Eaat Portland 8B,0N Ladd Estate Co. to Thomas Vlgars, lot 9. north 10 feet lot S, Dtoci trt, aast moreland v ViC". Howard 8. Amos Co. te D, U W, Wll llama, lot 8, block "T," Snbnrbaa Boms Club tract A. F. McKay to B. B. Bankla, aorta 100 feet lot T, block 9, Granville.... 0. F. McDermott sod wife to B. 8. Pw ell. 200x219 feet beginning 10 reel south B. A. O. Dunbar D. U 0. la section 27. township 1 north, range 8 east, and T20 feet eaat of southwest corner said claim Chae. Lomertne and wife to J. M. Carr, east 20 reet eaat una i ana block X West Piedmont Fred Marx and wire to W. H. Vincent lot 10. block 10. Rosemere Bertha Carrier and husband to Clarence B. Wagoner, lot B, blocs e, arcatua mAMttna ... Welleeley Und Co. to Michael J. A1U- bouse, lots s sna e, owca u, sii Park A. U Holt to A. R. Johnson et aL sonth H lots 11 and 12, blocs a, uoaa Vista addition Portland Trust Co. to Arthur a Tomlln son lota 1 and 8. block 10, Merlow.... The Independent Land Co. to Lewis F. Bates, lot 4, block 27, Zenith addition to O ( Fred K. Jacobs and wife to Ulna Cooler Thompson et al, lots S, 6 and T, block IS, Berkeley , Hlbernla Barings Bank te a IL Osborne ln in 1. DANIELSON At the family residence. Best 88th and Pine, June 23, 1918, Daniel Daniel son, aged 42 years, 11 months, 10 days, beloved husband of Belma Danlelaon. Remains at Pear son's funeral parlors, 869471 Bosaell sL An nouncement of funeral lster. CERTIFICATES of title made. Title os Trust Co., Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. MM 809 eoo MM UN 408 808 1.4B8 283 434 4S0 MEETING XOTICES 41 R. K. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frt. ave. Mancheeter bldg.. 85 V. Ith SC MAllRIAGE LICENSES Mike Madroleeto, 80S Thnrmaa it, 84. sad Haggle Smith, 743 Overton at;, xa. A. D. Thompson, Kelawns, B. IVir, RhMhsn. Hotel Orecon. lezaL Dan Davles, Seattle. Waah., legal, aad Maad Blngley, 284 Porter it., legal. , Fred Naegell, 658 2d St., legal, sod Ifkrr. Anna Tannler, 1181 Gladstone sve., legal. Fay Marvin Wllllame, Aberdeen. Waah Ft, and Franle Belle r.rlfHlh, Olmpia hotel, 22. W. B. Welch, 698 TB. 49th it. K, 21, and Florence Bommerfeldt, Kendall station, 21. Fred W. Bmlth, 812 B. Ash it, 23, and Ann F. Tynan, 891 B. 24th it., 21. James Earl O'Brien, 872 E. 6th St, U, and Illzabeth Tripp, 409 Harrison st, 18. Harry Miller, 1034 E. 25th it. V., 21, and. Fannie Pcbigorlik, 688 8d St., 19. Ole Aune. 780 Roosevelt it.. 27, and Serine Anderson, 780 Roosevelt St., 23. W, G, Smith & Co,"cS&l Washington bldg.. cor. 4th on wash'ton, tRtiSS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 BtarK st. CLARKE BROS., florists. ana floral aeaiirns. ito. , ... . Zit Morrison st BIRTHS BARRAGAS To Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barragaa, Itma fit aanatnrlum. June 18. a air I. TIBBS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Tlbbi, 609 Clifton at., May 11, a girl. , SCHULENBUBO To Ur. and Mrs. Carl Scow- lenbnrg. 98 10th it.. "une 11, a gin. LAW To Mr. and Mrs. G. F. "Law, 153 Ham ilton in . Mav 13. a bor. ' BBRRT To Mr. and Mri. James J. Berry, 483 Columbia it., June 6, a girl. CLARKE To Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Clarke, 1108 Height are., Jtino 18, a gin. sSTe Seattle, Wash, KLDWIOBT WXDXBSBAT ' For Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Granby Bay. leave Seattle, Wash. HXDBXOKT STJ2TDAT For Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Stew art. ; CONNECTING AT PRINCE! -RUPERT WEDNES DAY for Port Simpson, Massett and Naden Harbor. CONNECTING AT PRINCE RUPERT SATURDAY . for Poacher Island, BkldegatevPacofi, Lockeport, Jed way, Ikeda and Rose Harbor. GooaMer-iuaarn"nhe sawiytOBsrririiaorrmTnrrr J. S. BITRQLSH. BEBTEW.AT. anTTSTP Phone: . Marshall 1979. v Passenger DeDartment City Offloe, M Fifth Street, Portland, Oregon.' Aazara roB eUaZi xxjlBs-atxajttzo HEAL ESTATE LOANS s. KOITBT OB HABD For first mortgage Joans on Portland residence and inside business property. Mortgages Bought. COMMERCE SAFE DEPOSIT ft " - MORTGAGE CO. 1 TXXBB STBEBT. CITY AND FARM LOANS . 11000 and up at lowest rates C.M.ZADOW 414 Corbet. Bldg. A.141S. Mar an all ea. FEAREY BROS. nr. r kts we JJuy noies- 141 JSsmoa fit. . .Malii liii. Ama. DEATHS AND MINERAlfl EDWARDS-Of Calathamet, Wash. In this City, June 23, filva tiaroer nawaraa, agea OJ ears, wife of J. M. Edward of Oathlamet, Vaah.,' and mother of Win. B. Edwards ot Ba-' lem. Or., Emma E.i Barber of Portland and Mrs. Era Graham of ! Cathlamet. Wash. The remains will be forwarded by J, P. Ftnley as Son on Tuesday morning, june Z4, to (jata lamet, Wash., f )r eunai in me ramny pint. ; BENNETT Mrs. Martha Bennett, aged (it vears, died at ber borne, 101 Simpson et. at 10:80 p. m., June 22, 1913. Remains will be forwarded Tuesday morniug, June 24, by Cham bers Undertaking Co., to Eugene, where Inter ment will be made. K1,LS WORTH In till city, June 23, As ber y Tobln Ellsworth, aged 64 years and 19 daya. The remains are at the new parlors ot I. P. Flnley A Son, Montgomery and eth sts. ., So ties of funeral hereafter. HENGEVELI At Llnnton, Or., June 23, Anna Heugeveld, aged 80. years. The remains are at the new parlors ot J. P. Flnley A Bon. MonU gornery and 6th sts. funeral notice hereafter. UUBttAY Jamea C. Murray, 664, Couch at. Juoe 20, 00 yean; cancer. MORKISOil Elisabeth L, Morrleoa, 168 Idaho st., June 20, 04 years, apoplexy. SINCLAIR Peter Sinclair. 616 Lorejoy street, June 19, 48 years; pneumonie. BAUAGE Hasel f. Ramage. 6S04 77tb sL 8. E.. June is TON&KTH LOKAL, CO., 133 lb, choice cut flowers for all occasions; prompt service Main 5102, A-1102. MAX M. Bilh'H, florist, 141 to St., In Selling bldg. Main 7216? - -s- 'J