DAILY JOU: r.WL. I 01.TLAII1), nOHDAY I.VI.I.'I rG, juiji; .), viz M RMES OF SEASON FROM LOCAL PLACES ARRIVE TOADY initial Crate) of Season Cotnrs to Mark Levy From Oregon Citj Quality la Excellent and the Crop rrospects Are Blj. Today's rrodao Trade, Eggs selling higher. Chicken prlcea lower. Butter and cheese firm. Four cars cantaloup. Tomato prtoea off. First raspberries, arrive. Lemon verx scarce, . Strawberries rula hit bar. Peaches ara lower. Asparagus very firm. Flrat local grown raapberrlea of the season were offered on the local market today. The ahlpment waa from Oregon I'ity and waa on display at the whole kale produce house of Mark Levy k. Co. The flrat of ferine waa of excellent quality and waa quoted at Uo par pound. According to apeclal report received by The Journal, the crop of raapberrlea In the Willamette valley thla aeaaon will be the heaviest on record. Reporte Indi cate that the crop la ripening feat and shlpmenta to Front atreet will become fieneral within a few daya. The acreage 11 raapberrlea thla season la greater than ever before at all local pointa, while In the Interior a further increase has been shown In the bearing acreage. This, together with the very excellent rr output than the local market haa ever received. fceeauee of the email erop of canning utawoerries tnia aeason. it is naeiy that there will be a much larger call for loganberries and raapberrlea for thla burpose. The former crop outlook la very ravoraoie. TOMATO MARKET IS LOWER l;eat interests to eel hand of law of pure" food act Will No Longer He Allowed to Mar ket Product! That Do Not Com ply With Provisions of the Pure Pood Measure, IIS Alt'D CATTLE iff I III SITUATION ERE TODAY STRONG ER Value l'p About a Dime Over Bat urday In Both Lines; ' Montana Swine. Come Forward to North Portland Yards. t.f With rather heavy supplies of toma toes available in the trade hero at Dree ent. the Front atreet market la showing weakness with lower prlcea generally resulting. Bales of California boxes are being made at ii.ootji.zo. 'EGG MARKET IS ADVANCED There la'a firmer feellna all through the local egg trade. Receipts from the valley ara extremely light, ana while only a few Interests have advanced the Piuotatlon to 26c for candled, the trade a showing strength, everywhere. Caae I count blda are ranging from 21o to 22o a dosen. i LEMONS FIRM AT $10 CASE Market for lemons la very firm at $10 a cane. Supplies here are ahort and ef forts to replenish them nave failed be cause the south is not willing to make more than small shipments at thla time. f ii .1 CHICKENS EXTREMELY WEAK i i Market for chtckena opened the week with a very alugglsh tone. Some few cleanups were reported Saturday down to 12c a pound, but othera were not able to get even thla figure. Heavy sup. pliea were therefore carried over by re ceivers. ' STRAWBERRY MARKET FIRM 'Market" for strawberries waa firm along the atreet and on the Farmers' market today. Salea were reported by growers at 76c to 85c a crate for aoft varieties, there being only a very limited ' amount of canning atock available. On the atreet sales of the former were made at 11 and the latter at $1.35 a crate. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE First arrivals of California freah black flga of the aeason were reported In today by Levy & Splegl. Sales at $2.25 a crate. Regular tralnload of bananas arrived on the street in good condition. Peach ea are In larger supply with ths price down to $1.26 a box. Green corn la coming more freely from the south with sales at fOo to iOc par dozen. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS No longer will the publio be at the mercy of food interests that have re lied upon former rulings of the pure fobd bureau of the government to mar ket produots that should not be offered for sale, according to a decision of U. 0. Attorney General Mclleynolds. rrobably the moat radical and far reaching exposition of the food and drugs act since its enactment waa made when Secretaries Houston, McAdoo and Redfleld, . charged With enforcing this statute ruled that meat and meat pro duots in interstate or foreign commerce, which hitherto have been exempted from the provisions of the pure food law, may be aelaed If mis branded or adulterated. Beginning at once, manufacturers of meat foods will be reaulred to comDly strictly with the food and drugs act aa wall as with the meat Inspection law. The action was taken on the strength of an opinion oy Attorney General Mo Reynolds. The three secretaries re voked a regulation adopted In October, HOt, only four months after the pas sage of the pure food law. which had frevented the department of agrlnul ure, according to a statement by Sec retary Houston, "from nrossoutlna manufacturers of meat.fooda under the pure food law, or ordering seizures or prosecution' for1 misbranding or adul teration of domestic meats.'' Secretary Houston said he could not understand why meat and meat tiro- ducts were not food In the sense of we wording or the pure food and drug act, and why his department could not seize adulterated or mlsbranded meat once it had entered Into Interstate com merce. Therefore he had aought the ad vice of the attorney general. He says: "Under the meat inspection act, meat Inspectors have absolutely no power to seise meat or meat food producte that have become bad or have been adulter ated after they have left a federally in spected estsbllshment The only rem edy, under the Meade act. is to proceed against anyone selling bad meat, but even in this event, bad meat cannot be aeised nor Its sale prevented. With the regulation revoked the department can aee and prevent the sale of bad and adulterated meat only If it has crosaed the atate line and remains In interstate commerce. . In case spoiled meat again reaches a. federal inspected establish ment, it cornea, of course, under the federal meat Inspection law and can be deatroyed, as heretofore has been done Under the new action the government can control meat from the hoof to the retailer, subject only to the regulations of the powers of the federal government In Interstate commerce. The depart ment is empowered to require all man ufactured meat, products to conform fullv to Its labeling regulation and can enforce its penaltiea and seisures for misbranding and adulteration. Secretary Houston has appointed a committee to provide a clan for co operation between the bureaus of chem istry ana animai. industry in exercising full control over meat and meat pro ducts. In aivlng his opinion that the pure food law should apply to meat, Attor- 4 Cattle Are Very rim. There was great strength In the cattle trade at North Fort land for the day, with cows sell ing up to $8' and heifers brlngng the same price. The shipments that secured thess prices were brought In from California by VV. I. Dlshman, the well known local shipper. Calves from the same section sold at $9. fOBTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. Cattle. Csls.sbep, Monday M. 12fig Saturday ., ( Friday ,., SO Thundiy , 2M Wednesday ....... 64 Tutaday r, U04 Week ago 1301 Year tfo u4 Two rears age.... 3uT AS MS , to va 47 135 M 'J SB S3 9 M e n sift M ra S67 17811 A1 682 1410 2781 Weather bureau sends the following foreesst to shippers: "Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against maximum temperatures ,vi aooui in degrees; normeaai to Spo kane, SO degrees; aoutheaet to Boise, 86 degrees; south to Siskiyou. 84 degrees. Maximum temperature at Portland this aierwHiu, iDoui uegrees. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES These prices are tboee at which wholesalers sen 10 riiirr. exrepi oioerwiee Stated: buxtbk jvominai. city creamery, euhee ana tuo, c; prinu, wtaatfte; state creamery, iw.i wen. w KG G Nominal. Candled 1ocI xtri. 24o roe count, per ipot buIof prjc. 21Q22c ir t. u. ruruauu UVE POCLTRT Hens, UMQltc- broilers, jo .in., mo; geeaa, cj pens ducka, izc; maun nunners, uut; turkeys. 2oei dreated, IWttMc; pigeons, old, $1; young, $1.60 CHEESE Nominal. Freah Oregon fancy full Young America, 17Hc ' BUTTE B KAT Produeera' price for Portland Hops, Weal sad Rides. - HOPS Producers' price, 1812, lSfliec, aeeord- iag to qoalitj; 1U18 contracts, 19c. WOOL Nominal, 1918 dtp, Wl ley, coarse, cotawold, Joe 1b. medium Shron- I hlre. 18c; choice fancy lota, 17c lb.: eaatarn in-exon - 10J6c,- aoordlns to ahrlnkase. - - ClllTTIM OR CA8CARA BARK 1618.' ear lul, 6c; leas than car lota, 4t4c. , nivt.B mj niaea, xiquc 10. green. He: ii salted bldea, lies bnlla sreea salt. 8c; kloa. !i lZil3ci caWea, dry, 24ffl25c: ealf aklna, salted If - or green, 17 18c: gre hides, le leas than I .Kiueoi aotei) jieit, aausu, aseanngt, 10Q30c; I MOHAIB 1018 Nominal IO32ei sw I ; Fruits and TsceUbles. r" C ; FRESH FBUiis vranfea, f4.888.00i ba- f: - HDH, -iiot iB-l icmona, U(jJ.0; umea. BEBKI1CS trswberrlas, Dollars, 8LOO1 i iaiss, t'w .- u, vii, eaaMoerries, 8Vc ib. . A,ppltUD PPI,..2aii cooking apples, 7500c: new crop, $2.26. ; ' VEGETABLES Turnips, 73c; beets, Tooj sew pirron euv uuwn ouui;uvi paraoipe, 700 sack: cabbage. 82.26; Texas tomatoes, box, 8160: lallfornts, 81.0001.26; hot-bouae, 25c per lb. alrlug beans, lOe lb.; green onlona, 12 (4o doaen buncbea: peppers, bell, 80e: bead lettuce, ll.V dosen; celery, 810 doaen, $. 60(25. 00 per rrnte; egg plant, 26c lb.; cauliflower, ll.206i 1.26 per doMo; rhubarb, local, 1 cents; artlcbokee, 75c don;- iprouta, 10c lb.: aa- paragua, locvefi aosen ouncuea; walla Walla, $125 box; spinach, local, So lb.; pees, (7c: green corn, 4060c doaen. POTATOES Selling price: Extrs choice, $0 (IOc; choice, 60c; ordinary, 30a per sack; buying price, carloads, 8i(S40o country points; sweets, 4ft5c per lb.: new potatoea, 2408c lb. ONIONS 8080e. Association selling price, (ti370c per cental f. o, b. selling point; job bing price. $1.21; new reds, $1.26; garlic, TMI 8c. , Meats, Tish and Provialona. ' DRE1CD M8AT8 Country killed: Rots, SHIPMENTS WANTED OF Eggs, Poultry, Hogi, Veal Outright prices set, so Commission f. o. b. - Peetlaad Jeas.alley -t gs 22e doteai.Auu, ter 22c; cblckens, I2l3c; aprings, 182uc; fan. ey pork lOHUei teaU, fancy, left 15c. frempt payment. Good antll June 97. - uvmr CO -: ."- ' " 197 Tront Bt. Portland, Or. . , . , . . r AsseU $30,000.00. . nay General McReynolds said: 'Both statutes bad the common pur- rose of preventing the shipment in ln eratate and foreign commerce of im- fiure and unwholesome food. The meat nspectlon act is enforced only by crim inal action; it doesn't provide for the aelsure of the meata themselves, and does not reach meata which have be come spoiled arter leaving an ornciai establishment but which are stilL in interstate commerce. The food and drugs act, on the other hand, accom plishes Its purposes, not by an Inspec tion preliminary to the inspection nut Dy maKing criminal mo jiiiriain ouni- merce la adulterated foods and drugs." CHICAGO 6IIEEP ADVANCED Market CI$se8 With Rise of 10 to 15 Cents ;,CatUo L'p a Dime. Chicago, 111.. June 38. HogsRe: celpts, 4,000; left over 2200; receipt year ago, 45,000. .Market steady at Sat urday's average. Mlxej and hutrhers, $8.46(98.75; good and heavy. $8,609)8.70; rough and heavy, $S. 8508. 50; light, $$.6008.75. Cattle Receipts, 18,000; market, strong, lOo higher. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; market, strong, iuo to ito nigner. OMAHA CATTLE LOWER There was a firmer feeling generally in the livestock trade at the opening of the week's business at North Portland this morning. There waa an advance of 20c In the price of swine, tops reaching 88.(0' early Ih th dav. General aalea of this quality were made around $8.60, however. There was a very good run of hogs In the yards over Sunday, totals being 1282 head comDared with 1604 a week ago, 64 a year ago and 207 head this same' day two years ago. Today's advance In the price of swine at North Portland Dlacea the market here on a par with Kansas City and above Chicago. Of all the American markets, Chicago is the only one to show a higher price than jtortn Fort land today. At Chicago there was a steady tone In the price of hogs for the day with tops at $8.76. Kansas City hog trade ruled steady at $8.60 for tops. North Portland general hog market: Best light $8.858.40 Medium , 8.5008.86 Medium heavy 8.00 8.25 Rough and heavy 7.00 7.60 Cattle Sales at Advaaoe, One lot of steers sold at an advance of a dime over previous prices at the opening of buHlness In the North Port land yards today. . Bteers were In ex cellent call and early transactions were about lOo over the figures which ruled late last week. Outside of the cattle which came di rect to IfUlera and were brought In by their representatives, there was only a small supply available for the trade on the local market today. These were quickly ploked up. At Chicago there was a much firmer tons in the cattle situation with an ad vance of a dime in the price. Kansas City cattle market ruled strong with an advance of 6c to 10c over Saturday. Norm Foruana cattle range: 8.80 8.2898.86 7.508)7.76 8.16 7.80 .00ffl.05 7.60(58.00 5.0006.60 6.50 4.50 6.7 Market la Down a Dime Today ; Hogs and Sheep Are Steady. South Omaha, June 28- Cattle, 270). Market steady to loo lower, steers, 8.2609.75. Cows and heifers, 88.25 Market steady at $8.40 88.21 1.26. Hogs, 7800. 8.65. Sheep, 284. Market steady. Tear lings. $5.000 6.00. Wethers, $4.B05.O. Lambs, $6.00 7.60. Ewes, 13.75 5.10. Kansas crrr livestock Hogs Are Steady but Cattle and Sheep Are Higher (or Day. Kansas Clty Mo., Juno 23. Hogs Receipts. 6000; market, steady; to pa, $8.60. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; market, 6o to 10c higher. . Sheep Receipts, 8000; market, 10c higher.. Money and Exchange. London. June 23. Consols. 72 18-i6d: silver, 2t; bank rate, 4,. New York. ' June 23. Sterllnar k.n 1... ISKIX lliArf 1 ? IT. M ver bullion, 680. San Francisco, June 23. Sterllnsr ex change. 60 days, 4.82W; sight. 4.86 U: documentary, 4.814; transfers, tele graphic, 4 premium; sight,-1 premi um. ! fancy, HQllUei ordinary. I9er roagb and heavy, Be; fancy reals, 14tc; ordinary, : poor, IOc; lambs, 10c; mutton, 10c; scats. Mm c: picnics, 1214c; cottage, 18 He. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Hams, 1921Ue; breakfast bacon, 17H328c: boiled bam, 28Hc; picnics, 12Hc; cottage,' 18c. MEATS Packing housA Steers, No, 1 stock. 18(9 14o ; cows, No. 1 stock ( ); eerse, 2i tiei wethers, lilfllSc; yearllug lambs, 13 lie; porn tuina, c. LARD Tierces, iSo; compound tierces, 10c. OY8TEKS Sboalwater bsy, per gallon (); per 100 lb. sack ( ); Olympla. per gallon. $3.2B; per 100 lb. sack, $5; canned eastern, 6ftc cai: 86.60 doaen; eastern, in shell, 11.75 4f $2 per 100; rasor clams. $2&2.2T box. r'ISH Nominal. Rock cod. IOc lb.: dreeeed flounders, Te; halibut, t&Se; striped baas, 20c; catfixh, 12c; cblnonk salmon, 12c; steelbesds 7e lb:; solos,' 7c lb.; shrimps, 12ici perch, 80 lb.; touend. 8c lb. 1 lolistsrs, 20e )b. black bass. 20c; sllrer smelt, 8c: shad. 8c: black cod, 6c; sturgeon, 12: 13c lb. Oreoeriee. ' . SUGAR Cube. $5.55: powdered, SS.40t frutf. or berry, $5.28; beet. $.M; dry granulated. 3.15; o yeuow. 11.0, (Above quotstlons are SO dsrs net cash.) RlCkWapaa style. No. 1, 64(8.1e: No. 2, 4c; New Orlesna heed, K7c; Creole. 614c HONK New, 62. T5 per caae. n SALT Coarse, 1 half grounds loos. 810 ' tier ton; 60s, 810.75; table dairy. -AOs. 818: 10a. 617. 60; bale. 82.2n; extrs fine ban-ela. 2s, 6s and 10s, 66.23(36.00; hi nip rock, $20.60 per too. BEANS eimall white, 4c; large wblteh 6c; pink, 4Vic; bayou. 44c; llmae. fl'jc; reds, 6c. raian, coai ou, xuv : LINBEKD OIL Baw. bbla r tse se eal.; kef. i tie boiled. Dbla., sue sat.; raw eases. 63c: boiled caoea, 65c gallon; lots of 200 gallona, lc leas; on fitr aenT.'ftfpef1 tea. '" " 1 r 11 1 WUITB LKAD Ton Wi, 8e per lh. 6001b, lots; 8e pr ib; less lots. 8Hc per lb. ' OIL MEAT. -Csrloaa lote, I..3. TURPENTINE In esses. 73e: wo4 barrels. 70c; Iron barrels, 66c per gsllos: 10 vase lots. Heavy steers Choice steers . Common steers Fancy steers . Fancy cows Fancy light calvea . Ordinary light calves Heavy calves Best bulls Ordinary bulls - Sheep Market Remains Soft. Softness continuea to be shown the market for mutton at North Port land. There was a fair run over Sun day. but killers continue to look else where than the sheep pens, because they already have supplies sufficient for their immediate needs. For lambs th market continuea In quite good condi tion, with' topa still quotes? up to $6.50 in tne yams, aitnougn it takes excep uonai quality to onnr mis rirure. At Chicsgo there waa a firmer trend In the mutton trade for the day, prices being forced 10c to 16c higher than tsaturaay, Kansas City sheep trade ruled firm, with an advance or 100 lor the day. North Portland nominal mutton pric range: Hprinr lambs $8.0096.50 Yearling lambs 6.00 Old wethers 4.5041-4.7 Ordinary ewes 2.754,00 Fancy ewes 4.254.50 Today's livestock Shippers, Hogs Herrett & Stillwell, Ganges wat.ii., 1 ioaa vvaua vvana Meat corn pany, Walla Walla, Wash., 1 load; W, cnancier. jjayion, wasn., 1 load; Enter prise. 1 ioaa; u. ssi. nenaricKsen. Enter prise, I loads; Gester Showman, 1 load J. w. Chandler, juostine, 1 load; Wauo wa, 1 ioaa; u. w. warnicic, Joseph, load; Talbot ft Son, Logan, Mont., load. Cattle Allan Thompson. Echo. loads cattle and calves; J. W. Chandler, Imbler, 1 load; 0. pinKham, Nampa TJ.kA 1 lA.if T XT Da Cal., 1 load; Red Bluff, 1 load cattl ana calves; a. tr- Hunt. Nora, cal., U.Jai IX f T tMeriman Tar4 a. 1 lUaUS f IT. (V)UUUI Wa i SS, V t loads: H. Trowbridge. Grand Dalles Wash., 6 loads; M. J. 8evere, Plymouth, wasn., 1 ioaa; w. e. jenKins, Mail Mont.. 1 load. Sheep P.' B. Haines, 1 load; C. N, Stewart. Roosevelt. Wash.. 2 loads. Mixed stuff W, I. Dishman, Gaselle Cal.. 1 load calves and hogs; J, W, Chandler, Wallowa, 1 load cattle and hogs. Disposition of Llvestoek. Following were the purchases of IlTeatock St iNortn roruana ir ine weei enana oaiur dey. Those of tbe Union Meat company In OUTLOOKISFORIIEAW CANTALOUPE CROP spot oats me III 111 SUPPLIES NOT THE IMPERIAL VALLEY Shipments Coming Forward Rather Fred, Four Cars Being in Today; John Arakellan Rays Production Will He Good. Tlie cantaloupe shipping season in the south Is now in full swing, and local arrivals are extremely heavy. Four car- loads came forward to the Front street market from the Imperial valley, Call- t .nlu thl. mn,nln. All 4m Atf. iwi iiiai ,iun ,,, on n . , cellent condition. The market Is rather nd.. will. -..!. a. 1 1 .M n,Hl.a .ml unnyj " I . tl mm mm 99 ,v (wilir. .iu $3.60 for standard, while specials are going at 81.25 generally, it is neiievea thet these prices will be ahsded later. John Arakallan of Arakairhn Bros., the big shippers of California, arrived In ths city from the south today. He will make his headquarters In this city dur ing the remainder of the seaaon. T'The shipping season for cantaloupes in tne sotiin is now wen unner way, ne says. "Shipments sre coming lorwsra in mucn Detter conaition tnsn over do- fore. The shippers of the Imperial val ley nave at last learned now to pacx their cantaloupes and when to send them forward. For that reaaon I ex pect little trouble In regard to quality this season. ' , "The croo outlook ewhen I left the south wss rather good, although in snots blight and aphis was shown. I lo not believe this will seriously affect the output this season. I Intend to stay here durinr the remainder of the aeason and see that shipments come forward In th best possible shape." WANTED BY BUYERS; Efforts to Sell No. 1 Stock at $31 lr Ton Fail j Even Milling In- tercets Won't Purchase i (Jraln Trade remains Quiet. WHEA T AS LOSS TODAY Chlcigo Market Is Lower Both at the Opening and Closing of the Trade, Chicago. 111.. June 2$. Wheat ODtlons suffered a net loss of o to o a bush el at the closing today. Market opened with a loss of o to c. Crocs showed ud somewhat better ac. cording to today's advices from various experts. This had a direct effect upon the trade, and liquidation was plainly shown with aelling pressure renewed by shorts. Broomhsll cabled that at the onenlns the Liverpool wheat market responded to the steady American cables on Satur day and opened higher. During: the morning the market became dull and incnnea lower as a result or favorable reports from Germany and Russia and pressure of cargoes waiting orders. World's shipments from principal ex porting countries (flour Included), for week ending June 21: Bushels, From United States and Canada 6,J28,OO0 From Argentine 1,734,000 From Australia 960, Oon From Danublan ports 828,009 From Russia ..2,835,000 From India .....1.836.000 Total Wneat on passage: .12.217,000 For United Kingdom Continent w'k. end g W'k end g June 21. June 22, 'if. ..24,480,000 25,480,000 ..23,752,000 27.121,000 Total .48,232.000 (2,608,000 elude Durchases at country noluts: i sine, (.aires, tiogs.sneep, Union Meat Co Bterrett & Onerlee Frank L. ftmitli M.-J. GUI Bay talrcblld Misc. Portland ........ Misc. Oregon Feeders) Oregon Oarstens Packing Co... Fire k Co James Henry , Tscoma Meat Co. ..... Barton le Co J. E. Connolly Misc. Washington- .... Feeders, Washington... 640 53 0 79 ii 1 44 M 75 85 Totals Section. Caltfornls California Washington Washington uregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon, Oregon Oregon .1318 Monday Horning Bales. CALVES Ko. Are. lbs. 21 217 S3 220 HOGS 80 ............ K OS 2038 2207 89 4 is6 'Hi si 84 .. 133 6 005 JW2 .. 47 .. 99 182 m ii 120 1608 185 35fi 4852 Washington Oregon , . . . Oregon Wsshlngton Washington Montana Idaho ... 98 .105 100 loa l ..... i ..... l BULLS ..... 1 S STEERS SOT 212 219 , ISA sa 178 210 370 SW 14 24 18 25 27 29 California ti rrr(UD , ...... Washington Oregon . ... California , Calirornle . Wssblugtoa cowa ............10 1 23 22 BEIFEKS 25 ...... 2 l.VS) 110 loss 1118 1110 1778 17 981 M33 im) 1000 954 941 954 46 Price. $900 9.00 18 .00 8.50 . 8.50 8.50 ".50 8 50 T.50 7.60 T.50 15.50 0.00 18.80 . s.as 8.25 8.10 T.tto T.90 I'.OO 7.5.) - T.75 - S OU $8.00 8.00 $7.50 There"are 290 hermits In Italy living in moiintaln caves, according . 4o the latest census, of whom there are several centenarians. Is over tS years of age, while all the others are over SO, ' Range of Chicago crlces furnished bv Overbeck & Cooke Co., 216V217 Board of Trade building: WHEAT Open. High, 90 91 4 CORN ao4 oi4 at aiw 68 6 S OATS 0 414 Month. July Kept. . Dec. . Jnly Sept. Dec. Lew. 9014 90U 83 ' Rft nou 67 H Close, AOVtB BOttB 93HA 6mj eon 674B 4 4 . By John Xnglls. 4 , Fargo, N. IX, Juns 23. Wheat e down the valley from Grand 4 Forks Is looking much better 4 than in other parts of the state. 4 With perfect weather It will e make a fair crop. The Agrlcul- tural college at Bismarck told 4 me the total acreage of North e Dakota would fall below 7,000, 4 000 acre ' , e WHZAT BEIT VSATJOIB TOatEOAiT dbt vpo Oregon aad WMlilaftoa-lliowan 1A1, SUFFHiGiSTS EVADE mm PROBLEM (Cnlted Pres taseS Wire. I Budapest, June 23. A threatened cnn. troversy among the delegates to ths congress of the International womana1 suffrage allianre over the question of whether militant methods should be In dorsed or not, wss narrowly averted by Mrs. Carrie Chapman-Catt, president of the organisation. Mrs. Helena M. Bwanwick of London Introduced a resolution to the effect that In countries enjoying full freedom, edu cational methods were best adopted to gain enfranchisement for women. She wished the congress to rebuke . Miss Anne Cobden-Sanderson snd Mrs. Char lotte Deapard, two English delegates who had in lmpaesloned , addresses ad vocated violent methods to gain suf frage. . Taking the ground that since the congress had alrsady assumed a neutral attitude toward thla question, Mrs. Catt persuaded 'th delegates to Ignore the reaolution. For a time, however, It seemed that a controversy was the bast that could be expected, while " many feared an open split would result from the issue. WS ennlflrlie mS ltiMAmv iIiawmi at portion toBltTht b Tuesday south to wast winds. Idaho Showers tonitht or Tuesday. FOREIGN WHEAT MARKETS Llrerpool Wheat cloasd nncbangsd. flerlln Wheat closed Ho lower. Antwerp Wheat closed oncbanged. Paris Wheat closed hi to Ho higher. Budapest Wheat closed o higher. PORTLAND GRAIN BECEIPTS -Cars- UHNK HARTER QUITS Tl ILLAMOOK MAYORA LTY (Special te The Journal.) Tillamook, Or., June 23.-r-The resigns tlon of John R Harter aa mayor has come as a aurprlse to Tillamook. Mr. Harter recently returned from an ex tended trip to California and threatened WbeatBsrley.riour.Oats.Hay. Monday ........ 61 4 19 '68. ii Vear ago 22 .. 15 22 12 Seaaon to data.. 17. SOU 23A2 2AI3 IWiJ 2.121 Ysar ago .......14,4oo 889 2199 16SW 2iui I to discharge all his appointees because . . , r ,. . .. I of nts dissatisfaction with the city's There is a weaker feellnr in the oats ,,.., K ,.M ! iowVr. Efforts U sell No. i oat. here at un"i "V"!! $31 a ton have failed, according to el July Sept. Dec. July Sept Jul fiept. Oct. July Bept. Oct 4f 42 41 4i5 FORK 40 4l5 oe 2t 2O07 ao0 2087 A nV......2047 2070 2045 2070 A LARD 1112 1117 1112 HIT A 1127 1132 1127 1132 B 1135 1140 1132 1140 A RIBS 11P2 1182 11TT 1180 1175 11S0 1175 1177 1162' 1165 1155 1165 A STOCK PRICES ARE LIFTED Mr. Harter was reelected mayor last KlAiiamhas I a m. . U.. A TV sen n.ii. leading shipper of the Willamette valley, J". i"'"" ' i"'.' , , who has freely offered stock on sample Pln the defeated candidate. Great civic at this rlgure. iiiniiurnien nave Decn maoe auring This change In the market is a com- his term. His resignation is the sec plete surprise to many interests, as all ond of the month, Councilman F. L. Sap have believed that the atrength In the ntnvtnn h.vin. r..i i... ...- i'J1'" ""i.. "LV'iXZ weeks ago. I.'vn I hi lnrilnr rere.l interest, ara I A SUCCeSSOr to Mr. HartST Will ttoh- out of the market at the preaent time. sbly be chosen at the council meeting There is nothing doing in tne wneat tonignr. trade at the moment, wmie mere is sun sn excellent can ior spot ciuo, iiiuo tfonnwlna. th nnetti.. ee la offering For contracts the former .?uowln Prcce of presenting rt .trenrth In th trade here la con- wnue gloves to msgistrates in recognl tinued, but growers are showing no dls-1 tlon of -the absence of crime, the St, position to let go, I Asaph, England, district council gave special reports received oy ine jour- lt, meid officer a nalr hacmtiaa hla nal fenm siaaff 1 fl n aAPrinAnflfirl inrii. I . w - urns a f done to hay by neavy rains, wnicn nave conimuuuy. been general in tne interior recently. Damaaa to wheat in the heavy land sec tions is confirmed. Both Umatilla and Walla Walla counties report consider able wheat oown aa a reauit oi tne heavy rain a Even the light land sec tions are crying for sunshine to mature tbe crops. WHEAT Nominal, jproaucerr prices, track basis: Club. 93HO4o; milling. bluestem, 97018c; red Russian, ll92c; fortyrold, 94Woc; luraey rea, c; wi lajnsitte vallsv. 95c BARLBT Nominal, producera prices. iracK oasis; ceea, is.ouj orewing, rolled, $2$. OATS No. l feed. $10010.501 mining. $30.60 a ton. Firum Renins- Dries: Patent $4.70: Willamette valley. $4.70; local straight, $3.854.io; export, s.60Vs.5; batters', ti KOlflM.70. HAY Producers prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $15j ordinary, $11012;' eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tlmnthv. 117: alfalfa. tl$912.60t vetch and oats, $104)11: cheat, $1011; clover. $8P9 per ton. Allliiraiurra "Dviima yiiu.i . $26.60; middlings, $21; shorts, $27.60 per ton. GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, $9,110 1.26. immmmmT NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Clearings Monday ... Portland Banks. This week. $1,885,438.17 Tear age. $1,688,003.90 Taaoma. Banks. Clearings $ 607,418.00 Balances 69,838.00 Clearings Seattle Banks. ,$2.638.ST4 New York Cotton Market, There's a wonderful satisfaction and sense of security in being able to live on a little less than you earn. It means youare paying yourself a dividend. Your savings earn you 4 per cent in terest here. $1 opens an account. See us about it to day. Hartman Thompson B A N K Ch. of Com. Bldg. Fourth and Stark. :EGkO SHuJIS Li. OF POLICE: ISLELy (By the International Kewa ferrt'-e 1 Amerlcua, oa., Juns tl. Willis Mow din. a negro, was taken away from of ficers Saturday night, dragged through the streets of Atnerlcus at the end of a rope which was fastened around his neck, and strung up to a telephone pole. The mob, about 6000 strong, then riddled his body with bullets, a hundred shots being fired. The rope was shot to pieces and the negro's body dropped to the pavement. Olliwas then poured over the body and aiatch applied. As the blase shot up the fire department answered a call , extinguishing the flames and dispersing ths mob. . Tlowdln had shot Chief of Tollee TV. C. Barrow. , Depositors' Interests Qur First Consideration Your account Is Invited, with the assurance that it will be given " the atten. tion which is a leading factor in the service of this modern institution. .Cum DERM ENS National Bank RESOURCES 7 MILLIONS Fifth and Stark The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE, Toronto, Canada. EiUbiiibed 137& ;'4 ; .2, A Central Btnkinf Bu$!ac$i TraniactciL laterett pM oa tima 'depoilu PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sta F. C MALPAS. Manager, New York Market Scores Good Rise; Selling Pros are Results From Bank Message. New Tork. June 21. Prices In ths stock market were generally given a good lift today. Later when the presi dent's message on currency and bank ing reiorm became Known there was some selling pressure but the movement was not extended. " All or the specialties came In for bis; advances today: there being a rise of 14 points in union Pacific and IV points in Reading. London advices stated that Germany secured euii,ouu tons out or tne total offerings of 760,000 tons of South Af rican gold today. Pence of New Tork Drlces furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 218-217 tjvnra or xraao punainy. Open, January .... 1138 fohruarr Marob.,..,114J May 1151 June ...... .... July 1202 August . .,, 1191 September ,. 11$ October .... 114$ November 1138 High. Low Close 1141 December .. 1143 1143 1151 lltl 1205 1194 116 1147 113 1147 1147 1131 1148 114T MM 118$ 115$ ii 113$ 1139 1138 1134-35 1137-33 1145.44 1149-51 1 1097-98 1 $00-03 1190-91 1161.82 1143-43 1135-33 1142-43 1140-42 . L III I . U. ii Efficient Banking Service tlESCRIPtiON lUpouiiilKb I Low Amalgamated Copper Co. I 62. I 4V H ncan u. e.... oi 4144 o American O. A F.. e Amerleaa Ceo, e.... American toco., c... American Smelt, C... Am. Tel. Tel...... Anaconda Mining Co.. AtcbtaoB, e. ........ Atchison, pr. I Baltimore A Oblo, e. Breoklra Rapid Transit! Canadian Pari fie, c.... Chi. O. W., e. Chi. A O. W, pf , (.ni., m. as sc. i'. ...... Chi no Copper Cbeupeaae m on 10 Colorado F. Ic I., e.... Consolidated Uaa, ...... Cora Preducta. e. Denrer A B. (1., e Erie, c Brie, at pf sortaern, nr.,. IllilnOla Central Inter. Barreater Lehigh Valley Louisville A Kanhellle.. M., K. A T., c Mlaaourl Psolfle Kerada Conaolldated . . . . ' Vork Central...... Northern pacific. . c. .. . Pennaylvanla Railway.. Ray tons, copper., Read Ins. e ... Reading, 1st pf.. KeoublK!. St 8.. ur Rock Island, c Rock Inland, pf St. UAH. I 2d Pf.... Smitberu Pacific, c Soulbern Railway, e.... Tenn. Copper Toledo, St. L. e.. Union Pariflc. C. V, 8. Rubbw. e V. 8. 8tel Co., e tab Coppr Virginia Chemical W. U. Telesrarh Weatlnsbouae Electric. . . Wlsconirin Central, e. ... SfiVa 28 si 82V4 8Tt4 218'A in 2ft 122 10 m 33 81 U 122 10S i)5 20 1 9i lOTHilOOH hohiioo 1574 t0 75 15V, 9414 21V I 2"'.l 106 i 1101, JUi 1,M, o . 74 1J 3M Money Tutsi sales 274,800 shares. Kan Francisco Grain Calls. San FranclsW. June 23, Grata ca! BARLEY. Ooen Uirh Low CInaa JUiy 1S3NB - ' ' Dec. .1394 139 K 189 Way ......... ,I42i4 142 lljl4 138A 1394 Barnes Goes to Distributors. Milton, Or., June 23. H. A. Barnes has reslrned aa director of the Walla Walla Fruit Growers' association and ac cepted the position as resident manager or tne waua waua aim central wun or flcea In the Baker-Boyer bank. J. L. Ramsey has - been elected to fill his place as director while W. A. Wallace nae taaen nis piace as sci-eiary. MORGAN WILL SAID TO BE MODEL ONE Pittsburg. Pa., June 23. In address ing members of the Pennsylvania Bank ers' association today, Daniel S. Rem sen of the New Tork bar advised that it was unsafe to copy the wills of E. H. Harrlman, Charles T. Terkes, Mrs. Mary Baker -O. Eddy, Robert Mather and others. Mrs. Remsen cited the will of J. P. Morgan as a type that Is safe and sound. is one of the reasons for the constantly growing list of our dr" positors, .Your account whether it be large or traillwill receive our careful attention. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Surplus and Capital $2,000,000 Third and Oak Sts. Fatal Fire in Montreal. Montreal, Quebec, June 23. Four fire men were killed today by a collapsing wall, and property destroyed to the ex tent of about $250,000. Tbe dead: John C. Forsythe, 28; Patrick Hamlll, $4; John McDermott, 22; Webster Moleson, 26. Starting presumably from shavings lying in a Fabian avenue doorway, the fire gained considerable headway before the department reached the scene. Men and women take desperate chances sometimes for Instance, when they get married. 0YKKKO0ICO toeks, xToads, Cotton, Orala, Ctv. 8l.aiT Board of Trade SaUdiag. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES . Members Chicago Board of Trade. I Correspondents of Xiogaa ft Bryaa Chicago. Hew Tork. J. C. WILSON & CO. sfxxBzms NEW TORK BTOC'K EXCRANQM 4 EVVt JORK. COTTON KXCHANQ JL THE) STOCK AND BOND EXCUANCW rOHTLANU OFFICB - Oak Bt. Oreaad rioov, X,swis The Bank of California NATIONAL ASSOCUTION ; , of San Francisco Founded 1864 Capital paid in - - - . - ; $S,500,000 Surplus and undivided profits - 8,050,061 Commercial Banking and Savings Department PORTLAND OFFICE Third and Stark: Streets FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' CAPITAL $1,500,000 v SURPLUS $900,000 - OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE I ROCKY MOUNTAINS CORNER Fi-RST ANDlVASHlNGTONnSTKEETS" raoaes aausaau t.dv, ev-sisr. ... ... . -. 4 ; '.";'-' ;;v."-'.-l . 1 .Vi.7' r