Tin: OKKGori daily jouknal, roirrrArjn, Monday j;vi;ninc;, juiji: rr.nrnn r-rr -riiir.r Tlrir I I A MO I in orAI lTAn IM nmiM AD Ci7DIL70 ASTORIAfJS INVITE AUSTRALIAN RUGGERS SCARE CALIFORNIA dLwlko rutx ntu iiivil hminu ur ocml vioiurw in rcpjuLnrv oli.l.o local yacht club Li WE UGH 100 MUCH FOR SEALS MO GARNER BOTH GAMES Afternoon Gamb Is Humme and Portland Finally Wins .Out in Ninth Inning Rally, 1 (Siwdal lo The Journal, Fan Franciaro, Cal.. June 23. McCm die's men took both tame yesterday and the Portland com will wnJ 111 "West analnst tli Souls thla afternoo-i In a postponed gam In an effort to make It five out of elcht aames. Hlg , ainbotliam hung It on Doc Thomaa In the morning game, 3 to S, wlilla th 'exciting afternoon contest, which waa twlca tied up by tha locale, want t-the northerners by a 6 to 3 ration. Mc iCredle waa forced to uie three twlrlers to pull the game out of the lire, lunar man. Carson and West, A ninth Inning rally gave PortlanJ the edge In the afternoon. The Bcav era acorej the first tally In tha third Inning. Berry arorlng on an Infield lilt, a aacriflce and Cartwrlght'a overthrow of .flrat. Four liita and an error by Hagerman In tha fifth gave the 8eaia a one run lead. In the eighth, however, the Beavera took a momentary lead. After Korea forced Lindsay, he took .second on a wild pitch and Ppeaa waa lilt by a pitched ball. Lpber'a grounJ r "rolled through Charles and Korea 'cored, fcpens going to third and scor- In on Berry'a aqueeze play.' Charier xorce eut or. Munaow at .second, the former1 a ateal and Hogan'a ,lngl tied up the acore in th locale' ilf of the eighth. Th northerners put tha gam on Ice in th ninth. Derrick started with a Islngle and Lindsay doubled, which put ith aklJa under Baker. Douglas 1 re lieved th southpaw and a tow pitch which got away from Schmidt let Der ' rick score. Korea squeezed Lindsay 'across th plate. ; Score: Homing ram , 1'uuilam) I iax rsixcisco AB.H PO.A.I AB.H.PO.A. -TBiflb ne.lf. 6 Ilerrlck.lb.. 4 IUKlger.2b. 4 LlndM.ab.. 4 Koree.aa... 8 Gpeas.rf... t lb,lf.,.. t Bwry.e I . Ulg'b'bam.p 4 Total ...83 11 2T 12 Total ....81 7 27 15 For 1 1, iid 1O00O2O0V 3 uitt ..u a 1011811 lu Can rraudsco ., .o 0001 10002 Hltt 0 10 1 1 2 0 1 17 Runs Drrrlck, Kore, Kpcai, Joboiton, Cor bin. Errors Hogan. Tare bat hit Johnston. Two baa blta Llndeajr, Cartwrlgbt, Brry. fbadbourne, Hpeaa. tSacrlflre hlta Uartwrigbt, Blaa. Sacrifice fljr Berry. Klret baa ou called balla Off Tbnmaa 2, oft Htagtnbotbaoi 2. htruck out By Tboinaa 1, by Ulgglobotbam O. Double play jas to Korea. Biulrn baaee .Derrick, Lober. Charles, Corbao. Left on bae Saa Franclaco 5, Portland 7. Paaaed ball Berry. Time of game 1:30. Umpires McCarthy aod Buab. Bancroft. 3b.... 21 Coltrln, aa 23 Totals Coltrln, 8b..... r 24 8 2 O Mundorff.rf. 1 13 O Cbarlea.2b. 4: Jobnaton.cf. 0 llogan.lf. McArdle.lb.. 4 Corben.ee. 2 Curtw'bt.Sb. 8 Tooneman.e. 8 Tbuuwa.p... S 0 1 1 4 1 8 1 1 1 10 1 8 1 2 1 8 0 O Afternoon game PORTLAND AB.H.PO.A. Cbaflb'ne.lf. 6 DerrU-k.lb. p Bodgera.Sb. 5 l.ludssy.iib. Korra.aa, .. Pprae.rf . .. Uber.lt... Berrjr.e. ... llag'man.p MoCorek.. t'ereori.p... . WefUP SAX TRANCISCO AB.H.PO.A. Mnndorff.rf. Cbrle.2b. . Jobui'D.cf.lf Hogan.lf.cf. McArdle.lb.. (.'urban. e. .. t'artw'bt,8b. Ki'bmldt.e... 1 Baker.p. 2 2 Total .32 8 27 11 "lin'mail.ef. Doug laee.p. , tlloward..., Total 3 2 O 0 0 0 1 0 AND COLTRIN T FURNISH A CONTRAS Ground-Covering Ability of the , Colt Infielders Plaster Spot on Statistics, , ' An Interesting study Is revealed In the fielding of Dave Bancroft and Bobby Coltrln. Nick Williams' saw-off infield era, who, by the way, cover more ground than any pair in tne itorinwvetern league. Figures prepared by Statistician Col ver at the requeat of Manager Williams, ahow that from a finding atandpolnt Bancroft at third and Coltrln at short the first selection, performed over 80 points better than Bancroft at , short and Coltrln at third, tha way they are playing now. However, Manager Nick la perfectly satisfied with the preoent line up of the pair of midgets. Here are the figures and tha games played are almost equally divided: O. V, O. A. E. A vs. 42 to ti ll 37 68 71 129 70 3 1 7 8 12 10 Ml) .941 .965 .921 .88(1 108 10S 22 .902 Totala Bancroft can cover more ground than Coltrln. but there Is nobody In the world who can get a ball away faster than Bobby, and for that reason Wil liams relies on him to kill off bunts down the third baseline. Both boys are quick thinkers and despite the reve lation of the.flgurea It la apparent to the fans that Manager Nick Is playing them la the poaltlona In which, they will prove the greatest aid In the defensive play of the club. KOESTNER PITCHES TWO ' GAMES AND LOSES ONE (Rpedal to Tbt Journal.) Los Angeles, June 23. Elmer Koest- ner took a chance at flinging two gamea yesterday against the league leaders. In tha morning he was backed by time ly hitting and clean fielding and beat the Angels 4 to 0. In the afternoon he was opposed by Perrltt, who twirled a four hit game against the Venetlana. Koeatner waa touched up for eight hits and two runs. The score: Morning game VENICE) AB.UTOJl Carllale.lf.. Kane.cl.... 4 BaylHa.rf.. 4 McDon'elUb 8 .ItuchUb.. 4 Kourke.es 8 Pat'eoo.lb.. 8 Elliott. C... 4 Koeatuer.p. 4 LOS ANGELES AU.H I'O.A. Page.2b.. EUla.lt Moo re, lb.. . . Maggart.cf. Howard, rf . . Metager.Sb.. 1 1 Goodwin, . 2 Brooka.c.... bjjarkaon.p... 0 2 8 1 4 0 0 12 ISO 1 1 0 0 2 8 0 O 4 1 8 O 1 0 1 Total ...81 8 27 16 Total . . ..28 t 27 12 Venice O 0 0 2 0 0 1 04 Hlta 2 10 1 2 0 0 2 08 Loa Angelea 0 OOOOOOO O i Hit 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 Kuna ('ar)lale, Kane; Barleae, Koratocr. Er rort Goodwin and Jarkaun. Stolen baara Carllale, Kane, Baleaa 2. O'Rourke. Two bate blta McDonnell 2. 8acrlflce bit Moore. Bacrl flee fir Kane. Baaee on balla Off Jackwn 3, off Koeatner 1. Htrurk ut By Jarkaon 3, by Koeatner 4. Double Blare Metreer to Moore; Moore to Page; Koeatner to McDonnell to Pat- teraoa. Time 1:41. Lmplrea Hnney and Van Cleef. Afternoon game LOS ANGELEH MOISTURE PUIS COLT M HAN I0SSERS OUT OF SUNDAY BOU Brown's Vancouver Club Ar rives for First Week's Se- ;' ries With Nick's Equines, Joe Conn's Spokane Indians departed and Bob Brown's Canucka arrived laat night In a volley of moisture. Twenty fourth and Vaughan streets, resembled duck lake yesterday and this morning. duck lake yeaterda and thla morning, Colin was hit pretty hard financially by the lose of the (Sunday game, although the crowria earlier In the week were conalderably In excess of previous series In the Northwestern lesgue. Tfe fact that Spokane Is a tall end club seemed to make no difference. The Colta have proved tha drawing card and the nifty aggregation assembled .by Nick Wll Isms Is making more money at home now than at any time In Its career, The fana like winning ball, a fact that lias been demonstrated by th at' tendance at the Colt games. Nlg Tctera may be replaced thla week by Frank Gulgnl aa the regular flrat baseman of the Colt team. Pete re has been unable to get started with the atlck, while Oulgnl la a pretty fair hitter. Jeaa . Garrett and Matt Hynes will be given another chance this week to show whether they have the necee aary class to stick with the club. Wll Ham's Is over the limit and must cut down. Fltzslmmons, the young 8L Marys' college shortstop, has signed a contract with the Spokane club and may edge the veteran Harbison out of a job. Harbison Is the fellow that Walter McCredle was ready to draft from a Southern league, when the New York Americana beat him to It He Is fast In getting a ground ball to the left but Is an erratic thrower. Fltzslmmons played at St. Mary's with Oulgnl and Pappa, Emll Frlak, the veteran Vancouver outfielder, In all Ilk II hood eatabllahed a new baseball record the other day In the Vancouver-Victoria series. Frisk Is left handed batter and he got five hlta off Southpaw Kantlehner of the Beea. It is a surprise when a left handed hitter gets three hits off a left handed pitcher, but when he gets five In five trips to the plate It la worthy place In the baseball hall of fame. Vancouver Is springing a young pitch er named Crawford on the local fana. Outside of Crawford and Walsh, who aa been with the club since the open ng of the .season, the lineup Is well known to Portland fana. STANDING OP THE TEAMS .83 13 27 IS Hatted for Hagerman in alxtb. tBatted for Douglaa iu ulntb. Portland 0 0 1 0 0"H 2 28 Ulta 0 2 1 1 1 10 0 28 Ban Franclaco 0 0 0 0 200103 Hlta 1 2 1 lyfO 0 2 213 Kuna Derrick, Lindsay, Koreafipeaa, Berrr, Charles, Corhnn, Baker. Errara Cbarlee it, Cartwrlght, Hagerman. Two ruua, 8 hlta off Hagerman, in & Innlnga, One run, .2 blta off Caraon In 3 Innlnga. Three rune, 8 hlta off Baker; taken out In clntb with two on and . one out. Tbree baae bit Rpeae. Two baae bite Oorban, Llndray. Sacrifice hlta Hager man, Lindsay. Korea 2. Flrat baae on called balla Off i'araou 2, off Baker 4. 8trurk out By-Hagerman 4, by Baker 4. by West 1. Stolen baaea Chadbourne, Charles, Jobnaton, Bcbmldt. Hit by pltcber-Speaa 2. Charge de. feat to Baker. Credit Tlctory to Caraon. Paaaed b.lia bn)ldt 2. Left on baaee Portland 10, Ean Francltco 7. Balk Caraon. Wild pitches ".Baker, Hagerman. Time of game 2:07. Um plrea Baab and McCarthy. . VENICE AB.H.PO.A Carllale.lf.. 8 0 o 0 Kane, of.... 3 1 1 ayleaa.rf . .411 MoDo'n'll.Zb 3 0 1 LitachUb.. 4 0 8 O'Rourke.es 3 0 3 1 Pat aon.lb 8 0 10 0 Elllott.c.... a 2 5 3 Koeatner.p. 2 0 0 1 Ueloao.. 10 0 0 Paite.2b. Ellla.lf Moore, lb. . , 2 Maggart.cf, 8i Howard, rf.. Metiger,3b.. Goodwin, ee. Bolee.c...... i'errltt.p.... AB.H.PO.A. Total ...29 4 21 10 1 0 1 0 io 1 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 0 2 Pacific Coast League W.L. Pet. I W.L. Pet. Loa Anrelea.47 82 .ntfl Racramento.. 88 88 .473 Oakland . :..3fl 80 .ftoOi Portland. . .. 84 80 .4Ht) Francisco. 41 41 .600 Venlr 38 44 .463 Total ....27 8 27 16 Batted for McDonnell in ninth. Venice 0 00O0O00 00 Hlta 1 0 1 00 100 14 Loa Angelea 0 000 1 1 00 2 . Hlta 0 1 0 0 8 1 2 1 '8 Kuna Moore, Metzger. Errora Metrger, Bay leaa. Three base hit Maggart. Sacrifice hit Koeatner. Baaea on balls Off Koeatner I, off Perrltt 2. Struck out By Koeatner 8, by Per. rltt 6. Stolen baaea Moore, Goodwin. Double plays Ooodwln to Moore; Metwer to Pago to Moore; Elliott to Patterson, iline l.J! plrea FInuey and Van Cleef. Cm- To protect feminine bathers' hair while in the surf a New York man has patented a cap made of a single piece of rubber and fastened with ornamental rosettes at the ears. SACRAMENTO PUTS OAK BUNCH BACK TWO GAMES (Special to Tbe Journal.) Sacramento, Cal., June 23. Sacra mento trimmed the Oaks In both games yesterday by the scores of 2 to 1 and 3 to 0. The double victory yesterday gives the locals one game margin on the series. Williams and Lively al lowed but two hits In the morning game. The acores: Morning game OAKLAND I SACRAMENTO AB.H.PO.A. AB.H.PO.A. 3 1 4 3iToang.se... 8 114 3 0 5 OiLewla.lf 4 12 0 4 0 2 W Moran.cf 2 0 4 0 .401 0 VanBiircn.rf . 3210 3 0 8 OlK'wortbT.2b. 2 0 14 8 0 1 SI Hnlllnnn.ab. 2 10 2 0 2 SiTennnut.lb. 4 0 1 2IBlla,c 1 0 Northwestern League. Seattle 42 24 .6.161 Victoria ....81 85 .470 Vancourer ...38 27 .591 Ta coma 81 88 .449 Portland 32 30 .5161 Spokane ....23 43 .848 Western League. Dearer 40 19 .6781 Omaha '..83 80 .624 Dee Molnet..33 28 .550 Sioux City... .24 AO .464 St. Joeepb...32 27 .542 Topeka 28 88 .877 Lincoln 33 28 .54l Wichita 21 40 .844 National League. Philadelphia 44 14 .750 Plttaburg ...27 81 .488 New York.. 32 21 .004 Boston 24 80 .444 Brooklyn .. .29 -23 .55SSt. Lonla 24 85 Am Chicago 32 27 .542! Cincinnati ...19 40 .322 American League. Philadelphia 42 15 .737) Chicago ....88 .532 uiereland . .39 23 .2 Detroit 25 89 .891 Boston 81 2fl .544 St. Lonte. . . .23 42 .854 Washington. 33 28 .641 New York.. ..17 41 .293 'American Association. Columbus ...38 24 .013St. Paul SI 82 .492 Milwaukee. 41 0 .nStli Kannie City.. 83 85 .485 liOiiiaTllle.. 33 32 .5081 Toledo 27 88 .415 Mlnneapolla. 33 32 .B0S Indianapolis. 24 38 .887 LEADER BROTHERS JUST LEARNOF DROWNING Arthur Leader Lost Life While Swimming; Lister's Tele gram Enthused Crew, Seattle, June S3. Ed Leader and El mar Leader, two Portland boys, who rowed Nq. I and No. 3 on the Washing ton varsity eight In the big raca a Poughkeepale Faturday, were not told of tholr brother Arthur's death, which oo curred three weeks agduntll after the big race. Young leader was drowned whjje swimming at Itoaa, Wash., June S It was feared lliat If the Leader twin heard of their brother's death It would unnerve them for tha race, In which Washington finished third, Governor Wires Kncouragcment, (Hneelat ta The Jonrnal.l Olympla. Wash., June 23. Juet before the Saturday race Governor Lister of Washington sent the following telegram to the captain of the Waahlngton crew: Accept my beat wishes for the suc cess of the University of Washington crew. I hope and believe you will win, but do everything In your power, and the state of Washington Is behind you win or lose." The governor today la In receipt of a message from J, D. Farrell at New Torn, who was one of the most enthuslastlo wltneases of the race. He wires: "Great credit Is due the coach, mana tee and men of the Unlveralty of Wash lngton crew because of the showing made at Poughkeepale yesterday. They have HI made a splendid impression In the eaat. and complimentary references are heard on every hand. Tour tele gram encodraged them very much." LEDOUX HAMMERS LEACH CROSS AROUND ARENA (United Preaa Leased Wlre.l Loa Angeles, Cal., June 23. Hla training finished, Eddie Campl, the 6an ranclsco bantamweight, took things easy today, and will do no more work until the bell starts the lampi ani Ledoux 20 round go tomorrow night. The San Franclaco lad announces his condition the best of his career. Ledoux has shown something in training at last. In a friendly bout with Leach Croas yesterday he forgot that Cross is his friend and put up onu the prettiest fights one could wish see. Tearing after the New York dentist, he swung a wild right to the mouth, bringing the blood. Then fol lowed two rounds of mixing, with tho Frenchman holding his own against his big and clever opponent. Fana who saw the go proclaim Ledoux a pockjt edition of Wolgast. to CHIE SURPRISES I IS FRIENDS SHOWING Tw representatives of the annual AatorU regatta will be present at the epeMal meeting of the Portland Motor Hunt flub to be held In the club house tomorrow evening. Commodore Boost received a letter this morning stating that delegates would be here to extend invitation to the local club. The local club Is planning to have a cruise to Astoria. It Is quite likely that the admiral's staff will be trans ported to Astoria by boat Instead of nhnmninn Shnws lln WpII In travelln on traln' thereby snowing OUallliVlUII OIIUWv) ULi VY.CII III out thecustom of the old Astoria regatta By WEIGHT TO BE 138 1-2 ,; Practice Bout; Rivers Draws dJi Crowd ta Beach Camp, ttJnlM l'ir In'd Wire.) finn Franclarn, Oil,, June 2.1. Ilugby enthualaets of flan .Francisco today are digcMtlng a rude Jlt received from Secretary Avery of the Now Zealand ftiiR-tiy union, whhh was to have sent a team over aena, arriving hare October 2. Avt-ry rubied that the New Zealand Huggers would not arrive until October 30. Edward Pornerny, of tho California Rugby union, cabled back: "You muat arrive October !," for the reason that a complete schedule had been arranged. Now Pomeroy and his friends are pn the anxious seat for a' New Zealand reply. Journal Want Ads bring results, (United Prase Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Cal., June 23. Fight I fans her who were full of prophecies a few days ago that Willie Ritchie, king of the lightweights, was really a welter, are digesting a big surprise today. In his fust real workout at Ban Rafael ivitchle weighed in publicly at 238 Vs. I and there la not a doubt in the world that he could go under the 154 required when he meets Rivera on the Fourth if he felt so Inclined. . Ritchie showed up well In his prac tice bout, hitting Henry lllckey of Oak. land at will with the left and making Joe 'Aievedo of Hacramento receiver for a couple of right crosses that made the Sacramentan dltiy. "They tell me Rivers- sticks out bli jaw as an invitation," said Ritchie, "J hop he does. I waited II rounJs for Wolgast to uncover his Jaw. When he did, he went down." Rivers drew a' big crowd to his train ing camp at the beach. He worked well, dropping young Dempsey for the count in the first round of their training bout. The referee for the Independence day go will probably be chosen tomorrow evening. , ' Even Money on O'Leary. Ban Francisco, CaL. June 33. Even I money la being laid here today by ad mirers of Johnny O'Leary, feather weight champion of the northwest, and Lee Johnson of Oakland, who meet to morrow night for the coast feather weight title. Johnson xacenUy got a I hade decision In four rounds and the 10 rounds they are carded for la ex pected to settle the question. Young Abe Attell of Denver and Walter Soott of San Francisco are I carded for 10 rounds aa the special feature of the bill. Conlon and Bunu Tonight, Kenosha, Wis., June 23. Johnny Cou- lon, bantam champion, and Jersey Frankle Burns, his hated rival, meet here tonight for the title. Both boys are In excellent shape. couion li favored in the betting, but the odds are narrow. Bacon and Eggs come to the table with A Mbit Appealing Flavor when you insist upon having. mm. .. e Your dealer has it UNION MEAT COMPANY RACES POSTPONED TO SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Western Tri-Stat League. Wslla vfr'lla 87 15 .711 Bolae S3 18 .847 Pendleton ..27 23 .651 N. Yakima .29 27 .41 Caldwell ....ia 81 .840 Baker 15 40 .273 Leard,2b... Gardner.lt. Zaener.cf.. 4 (oy.rf 4 Neea.lb.... 3 GuestSb... 8 Cook.sa.... .1 Crlap.c... 8 Abies, p.... 3 I Am Talking to you, Mr. - aTquarter- Smoker! I want TOTT to know that my Juan de Fuca - "lONDBrg BIiUKT" is the blggept and best 10c - Clear Havana Cigar In the World GET OXS TODAY VV. II. DEDMAN JR. pe repairing a specialty. Log Cabin Cigar Store . 167 THIRD ST. Total Oakland Hlta Sacramento ... Hlta Kuna Leard. Crip. One run, .29 2 24 17 VVIIItKiue. p . . Lively, p 1 in 0 8 0 n 1 0 Total ....27 7 27 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 tt 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02 0 1 (10 0 0 01 2 w.O 1 2 0 1 0 2 1 7 Morau, Kenworthy. Errors 2 blta off Williams In 5 l-;j Innlnga; taken out with men on first and sec ond and one ball called on Gardner. Credit Tlctory to Uvely. Three base bit I.eard. Two base hit Tennant. Sacrifice hits Van Btiren, Kenworthr. Stolen bases Leard. Vouii(r. Ken. worlhy. Struck out By Ahlea 1. bv Williams 6. by Lleely 1. Pases on balls Off Abies 4. off LlTely 1. Wild pitch Abies. Puosed ball Crisp. Hit by pitched ball Young;, Kenworthy, Morsn. Leard by Williams. Left on bases Sacramento 10, Oakland 3. - Earned wjns Oak land 1. Time 1 ;40. Lmplrea Held and Phyle. Afternoon game OAKLAND AB.H.PO.A. Leard.2b. Cardner.lf.. Zacher.ef . . Cov.rf NeM.lh.... Gueat.Sb. . . Cook.sa. . . . Mltze.e KUlllay.p. . SACRAMENTO J AB.HPO.A. American League Games. At Cleveland First game: R. H. E. Detroit 7 14 0 Cleveland 6 12 8 Batteries Wlllett, Lake and McKee; Falkenburg, Blandlng and Carlsch. Ten Innings. Second game: R. H. E. Detroit 1 6 1 Cleveland 2 7 1 Batteries Dauss and Rondeau; Oregg and O'Neill. SILVER LAKE ANGLERS HIT BY NEW GAME LAW Centralis, Wash., June 23. Disap pointment has been created among the fishermen of southwest Washington by an opinion Just received by Prosecuting Attorney Klrby of Cowlits county from Attorney General Tanner, in which the latter holds that the game law paaaed by the last legislature cloalng the baas and perch season from May 1 to July 15 includes Silver lake, . In 1911 the legislature passed a bill creating a spe cial game law to cover Sliver lake, but according to the attorney general, this lawbecame Invalid when the new law went Into effect early this month. MULTNOMAH frCNIC HELD NEXT SATURDAY The annual Multnomah club picnic will be held next Saturday at Sucker lake, near Oswego, Or. Professor Krohn la perfecting arrangements for the pic nJc, which will be one of the largeat ever held by the club. All the Junior, girls, intermediates and senior members are Invited to attend. A splendid athletic program haa been arranged and there will also be several swimming races. The Portland Automobile club has prevailed upon Bob Burman to cancel The fans like winning ball, a fact main over for the Portland speed car nival which will be held next Saturday and Sunday afternoon, made necessary by the rain of yesterday. Thla la the limit of time which Burman ran re main here, as it la essential that he spend some time becoming familiar with the road at Tacoma, "I usually spend three weeks on a course," said Burman this morning, "but as the local club haa sustained a great loss, I feel that j It Is up to me to help out I will remain over until next Sunday night, and hope that sunny skies will smile on us before then.". Tbe Automobile Polo players, will also be compelled to cancel a date at Seattle. While the big cars were to be working out at Tacoma, the Polo players were to have gone to Seattle, walla walla and Spokane. i ' l If Froix - At Chicago First game: R. H. E. St. Louis 2 Chicago 0 Batteries Leverenz and Agnew; and Schalk. Second game: R. Chicago 2 St. Louis-', w 0 Batteries Walsh and Schalk; man, Allison and Agnew. 6 0 2 1 Scott H. E. 4 2 9 2 Well- National League Games. At Cincinnati R. H. E. Pittsburg 5 9 1 Cincinnati 4 11 1 Batteries Adams and Coleman; Ames, Brown and Kllng.. WESTERN TRI-STATE LEAGUE GAMES Walla Walla, Wash., June 23. The Walla Walla team defeated Baker yes terday by the score of 8 to 6. The game was featured by heavy bitting by both teams. The scorei R.H.E. Baker 5 9 0 Walla Walla 8 12 8 Batteries Shader and Brown; Krause and Troeh. Other games postponed on account of rain. 3i Yonng.as.'. .. 3 f! Lewis, If.... 4 0 Moran.cf. ... 3 0: VanBuren.rf .1 1 K'wonhy,2b. 3 0! Halllnan.Rb. 8 8 Tenuant.lb. 8 1: Bliss. c 3 0 Arellaues.p.. 3 1 H 0 4 0 0" .1$ 2 24 -TIPMTINGM Sa.BO 8er Koom aad TXp. Also rXlXTlSa. Phoae feUwoot t Total Oakland Hlta Sacramento Hlta Buna Youiiar 2. base hit Tennant. 81 Total ....28 B 27 32 0 0000000 00 0101000 002 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 002 1 200 5 1-ewis. brrore Coy. Two struck ont By Killilay 3 by Arellanes 4. Baaea on balls Off Killilay 1. off Arellanea 3. Double nlsy I Cook. Stolen bases Ness, Cook.. Young. Left on baaea Oakland 4, Sacramento 2. Time 1:25. Lmplrea Phyle and Held. Win Junior Tennis Titles. (fiUted Press Leased Wire.) Delmonte, Cal.. June 23. The title of coast Junior tennis champion today dec orates the record of Bowie Detrlck of San Francisco. He defeated .H. Van Dyke Johns of San Francisco- here yes terday. 6-1, 6-1, 6-3. With Johns as partner, Detrlck also captured the Junior doubles from Roland Roberts' and V. Henry with a score of 6-4, 1-6, 8-6. , A new variety of orchid displayed at ty s annual show Is named the Suffra gette, because It has a tongue, that is continually wagging. At St. Louis R. RE. Chicago v. 6 10 1 St. Louis ; ,t 0 1 1 Called at end of fifth inning on ac count of rain. Batteries Pierce and Bresnahan; Per rltt, Burke and McLean. American Association Results. Inrllanapolis-St. Paul game post poned; rain. Louisville 4, Milwaukee 3. Columbus -12, Minneapolis 4. Toledo 4-1, Kansas City 2-0. Southern League Result. 'Memphis 6-4, Chattanooga Montgomery 4, Nashville 1. Mobile 8. Birmingham 2. Atlanta 4, New Orleans 2. Western League Results. Den.ver 0-2, 61. Joseph 1-1. , Sioux City 16-11. Topeka 10-6. Wichita 14-8, Omaha 7-2. Lincoln 11-4, Des Moines 8-8. Mclvor Gets Beating. (Special to The Journal.) Seattle, Wash., June 23. Mclvor was touched up for 16 hits yesterday, in cluding five home runs, and the league leaders lost to Victoria by the score of 10 to 3. Swain, Rawllngs, Delmas and Alberts were the star hitters of the day. The acore: R. H. E. SeiTne" Victoria . .1 , Batteries Mclvor Hardin and Shea. t and 8 1 .10 16 8 Cactman; Tigers Beat Beavers. (Special to The Journal. Tacoma, Wash., June 23. The Tigers defeated the Beavers yesterday by the score or 2 to 0. Jimmy Clarke had a hard time getting started and 'allowed two runs to be made In the first in ning, which resulted In a victory for the local. McGlnnlty was invincible with men on the bags. The score: R. H.-E. Vancouver . 0 6 8 Tacoma 2 2 0 Batteries Clarke and Lewis; Mc Glnnlty and Grindle. " ' - . - i Doc Moskiman Pounded Ont (United Presa I.essed Wire.i Santa Rosa, Cal., June 23. Pounding Doo Moskiman, out of the box, an all Filipino team which is to tour the country made an 8 to 4 win over Santa Rosa here today. The Filipinos will leave at once for Chicago and the east GRAMMARS' ATHLETIC MEET POSTPONED AGAIN The grammar school track meet post poned from Saturday and which was to have been held on Multnomah field to day, was this morning postponed until Wednesday on account of wet grounds. Provided the weather Is fair the orig inal program of events will be held on that day. a rans Dacranoiogist, analyzing a cubio Inch of mud pie made by his son, found 10,750,000 assorted bacilli, of diphtheria, measles, smallpox, lockjaw, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Picture Making Is Easy the KODAK-all-by-daylight way it is especially easy for our cus tomers. Our interest does not cease with the sale of the Kodak. If you wish to do all the work yourself, the advice of our experts is gladly at your service. Should you prefer that we finish the pictures', we have the facilities for producing the best possible re sults from every exposure. We carry a complete lins of KODAKS and CAMERAS. Columbian Optical Co. The Clicquot Club Ginger Ale Plant is located at Millis, Mass., solely because of the wholesomeness of Clicquot Spring Water. This water flows from bed rock strata, is thoroughly filtered, carbonated at 80 lbs. pressure, and piped directly into the bottles with- out even an instant's exposure to possible impurities. af..a.rai.DaM aw GINGER ALE There Is true "body-to Clicquot Club, for Its rich, heary syrup is made from the purest sugar and real ginger root, with dashes of lemon and lime. . Absolutely no adulterants are used no saccharin, no coal tar products, no preservatives, no soapy foam producers. Other Clicquot flavors: Birch Beer, Root Beer, Ssnaparilla, Lemon Sour and Orsoie Phosphate -f Penn R. Watson Co., Wholesale Distributors, Seattle, Wish. BSBBBSiaSBSaeSBSBiaSBSBVBBSSBBBaf BaHSasBBalBBjBasaBBaaassSBaaeSaaaSaaavasjBsaalS 4 fi000rri0 j 145 SIXTH STREET r Figured from the d 'savedhef WHITE MOTOR TRUCKS actually shows' a saving from month to month. Let us prove this. I v, " -i The White Company E. W. HILL, Mgr. In the Business District OROADWAYWc-YoiirCetrmiience- THENEW DJCTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BYTHE OREGON JOURNAL, JUNE 23, '13 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET T 9 ft. MTanv'ie"pFNB ct r.m .1-. '.y , Y, , , Y f Y Y Y y S5 ENGLISH! a .l- r, tv? J Show your tndors amant of ta la great educatioaal opportunity by cut. ting out tbe abore Certificate of Appreciation with five others of dif fer ant dates, ana presenting; them rt this office, with the expense bonus amount herein set apposite any style of Dictionary selected (whlofc covers the items of the cost of paektu?, express from tbe factory, check tnr, clerk hire and other necessary 2XFEXTS3 items), aad you will be presented with your choice of the se three books. limp leather (Like illustrations in the announcements from day MnnFRNFNfiKH day) Tt is the ONLY entirely NEW compila hWULIUI tauoa tion by tbe world's greatest authorities from lead dictionast jng universities; is bound in full Limp -JLeather, xuustrated flexible, stamped in g,old on back and sides, ulua ' fei ilti printed on Bible paper, with red edges and corners rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the gea. eral contents, there are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by 3-color plates, numerous subjects by monotones, 16 pp. r of educational charts and the latest United States Census. rTfaff Present at this office SIX diferently dated Certificates and half leather it Is exactly the MODERN ENGLISH "rbo'oT Illustrated ' Vl0tt. b2AlnJt Equal Aar as. .which Is In half tallica tot la.ot 1 e a i n er. -Hy fjyf aim wll iquiri corners. Kiia e Any bock by mall Sao extra for postage. CLOTH BQTND la In plain cloth MODERN ENGLISH .nWvnWal SICTIOstaaw . u has same pacer. Illustrated same Illustrations iqual te Any Ra. but all UUiBf for 12.00 Ot J- mrnrnHihartsIKv-' are omitted. Six Cer-TIVS tlflcates aad........... - ' - - A 4 f.