THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOI'NING, JUNE 'l', 113. mn girls L Splendid Discipline In Steph f ens Public School Results From System of Pupil Gov E ernment; Officers Elected. It may b. truthfully ald that th Pliclptln of the Stephen achoo, East , peventh and Harrison streets, Is equal to that of any other achool la the city ht Portland. Thla la due In a treat hi assure to tha style of pupil govern- bient which la maintained In tha school. - Thre years ago the pupil tovern. fhent of the "Stephen School City" was II rat Introduced Into the achool. At that ima many of the parent of tha dis trict did not take kindly to tha new Idea and many' of the, teachers also thought that It would Increaa their putlea to a treat extent. Today tha pu pil government of "the school runs as smoothly as any well-oiled plec - of tnachlneryl the parenta ar all heartily tn favor of tha system, while tha teach- Wednesday Will Be "Red Letter Day"-10 Gold Bond Stamps Free to All Who Bring Their Books to 5th Floor Groceries, Bakery and House Furnishings Again Located in the Basement Store-Note Basement Hourly Sales We Serve the Best Lunch in All Portland in Our Basement CafeChoice Meats, Delicious Salads and Pastry $1.75NightGowns$1.23 All-day sale on the Third Floor of Wom an's , Wash Silk, Crepe and Fine Muslin Night Gowns, all daintily trimmed In faces and embroideries; beautiful gar ments,' regular $1.75 values, (1 oo on special sale at only, each a$l.t) n e uearaice From 10 to 11A.M. 2l2c Ginghams 7c Yard rrom 10 to 11 A. laVfiOOO Tarda of Dress Ginghams In all desirable stripes, plaids and plain colorings, two to ten yards In a piece, regular 12 Ho value at, a yard I C 2Vzc Muslins 62c Yard Great On - Hour Sal from 10 to 11 Jl X. of 3000 Tarda of SOU Ends of Muslins and Xrfngcloths, full patterns. Keg. 7o vaL for d this bour, at only, yard U72C 7c Calicoes at a Yard rrom 10 to 11 A. M. 4000 Tards of Btaadard Quality Ught and Dark Dress Prints In a large variety of and dark colora, regular A SSo Tals, during this hour t2C 98c Scrubbing Outfit 69c Trom 10 to 11 A, M. -Combination Cleaning and Scrubbing Outfits on. mop, one mop stick, on red fiber scrubbing brush and one gal van laed pail, S8c value, CQ complete, this hour at only UC Monday Penny Notion Sale From 10 to 11 A. K- Main Floor Kegnlar l-for-oo Tnlmbles for It Regular B-for-6o Ironing Wax lc Reg. a-for-6o Darning Veedles li Reg. 3-daforCo Pearl Buttons le Reg. S-for-6o Basting Cotton 1 Reg. a-for-5o Wire Hairpins at ljf Reg. 8-for-6o Cotton Tap at le Reg. 8-for-5o Darning Cotton le Reg. 8-for-8o Collar Stays for le Reg-ttlar 2-for-6o Shoe Laces lc Sample Curtains 35c Each rrom lo to 11 A. M. lOOOBample ao. Curtain Ends, 1 yards long and 48 to 60 Inches wide, of the finest quality cable net and Not tingham lace. In regular length the same qualities sell at $3 to 18 a pair. Choice of these ends, og on to six of a kind, at, ea. ODC Great All-Day Sale of Rog. crs High-Grade Silverware Greatest Bargains in Portland In Wm. Rogers' Arbutas Silverware Set of Six SUver Knives at $1.87 Set of Six Silver Porks for $1.87 Set Six Sliver Teaspoons at 98t Bet Six SUver Soup Spoons $1.62 Set Six Butter Spreaders at 81.18 Set of Six Coffee Spoons at 5)8 Set of Six Orange Spoons at 08f 'Set of Six Oyster Spoons at $1.12 Set of Six Salad Porks at 81.79 Silver Gravy Ladles at, oa -19 Silver Berry Spoons at. ta. 59c Sugar Shell, Butter Knife, net 59c Sliver Cream Ladles at, each 39c Silver Pie Bnlfe, upecial at- $1.-9 Set Six Dessert Knives at $1 69 6t of Six Dessert Porks at SI. 19 ON THE FIFTH FLOOR $1.00 Dress Gootjs forl9c All Day on the Plfth Floor Igor. elty Wool Dress Goods, 42 inches wide, fine for outing suits and children's dresses, $1 value. r on sale at the lyw jrjce,of 17C 18c Suitings Monday at9c AU Day, or WhUs They Last, on tb. Plfth Ploor Heavy Linens Suitings, in blue, gray, tan, etc, St Inches wide, fine for 8um- o mer dresses, reg 18c val., yd. VC Remnants on Sale Only, 5c AU Day on th rifth Floor Rem. aants of Laces, Trimming, Em broideries and Ribbons, Vs to 1 yard lengtha, values to 45o, r" special tomorrow only, each OC 75r Band rimmingrl 5c AU Day on th Plfth Floor 3000 Tarda of Embroidered Band Trim mings, 1 to 1 InChea wide, all colore, values to 75c, at, yd. IDC rrm ara relieved of three-fourtha of their monitorial duties. Nor Is better discipline the only point in favor of the pupil government plan for It has brought about a very valu al io spirit of harmony and co-operation between pupils and teachers. It rives an effective training In right aoclal living. To get a correct tar a as to tha true value of tha plnn It might be well to so Into tha different phases of tha School City Government." Tha offl cers consist or a mayor, ponce, city court prosecuting attorney, two asso ciate justices, (one pupil and one teach er) and a city clerk. Thes. orrioera are elected each achool term. The plan of electing' these officers thoroughly acquaints the pupils with the workings of our own city govern ment. The plan of a regular city election la followed In very detail. They have a regularly appointed eleotlon board; a registration book, and printed ballots. Although the school does not as yet boast of a direct primary their, method of nominating officers has proved high ly satisfactory. Each room above tha third grade electa two delegates to the nominating convention. Thla convention meets two, weeks before election and nomlnatea two puplla for each office. Pupils also have tha privilege of run ning Independent but thus far tha In dependents have not tnet with much success. After the nominations have been mads th different candidates ar given tha opportunity of meeting with tha en tire achopl In the assembly hall to gtv their platforms and tha qualifica tions for tha different offices they seek. This gives the pupils the best kind of experience In public speaking. Tha police system and th city court 10c Spool Silk at 4 for 25c All-day sale Monday of the well-known 'Carlson Currier Spool ; Silk, 100-yard spools, in black and all colors ; made for the finest kind of work; regularly sold at 10c the spool ; specially priced n at a spool; or 4 spools for ZjC ' From 11 to 12 A.M. 35c Embroideries 14c Yd. rrom 11 t. ia A. H. BOO0 Tarda of Pins Embroidery Edges and In smona.. scores or airierent ae slgns, 4 to 13 Inches widegood fast edges, values up to 86c ii a yard, during this hour at ItC I6c Curtain Scrim 10c Yd. From 11 to 18 A, BL 8000 Tarda of Pin. Soft - Finished Curtain Scrim, 40 inches wide. In cream and ecru, regular Ho value. 1 for this on. hour at, a yard XUC Clothespins at lc a Dozen rrom 11 to 13 A. M. tn the Base ment 6000 Doien Wooden Clothes pins,, regular three dozen - for So kind, for thla on hour at n tb very low price of, dozen 1C $2.00 Hammocks for 98c From 11 to 13 A. M. on the Third Floor Large-Blse, Closely-Woven Hammocks, with concealed spread ers, throw-back pillows, all qq colors, values to $3, at only JOC 25c Collars Monday at 14c From 11 to 13 A. BL 100 Dossn Woman's Hot and Silk Collars, In many colora and designs, suit able for dainty Summer 1 dresses, regular 25o val., ea. liC $2.00 Lace Curtains at 98c From 11 to 13 A. M- 1000 Fairs of Ho tt Ingham Lacs Curtains, 2 yaras long ana as ana 40 inches wide, nice patterns, values no up to S2, for this hour, pair OC 15c Percales Monday at 9c From 11 to 13 A, M. Good Yard Wide Percales In a large variety of neat stripes, etc, regular j 15c values, on sale at the yard ZfC 35c Wash Goods 10c Yd. From 11 to ia A. M. 6000 Tards of Figured Lawns, Batistas, Dimi ties, Swisses, etc., in colored grounds and plain white striped and barred lawns, embrold- " f ered Swisses, etc.,. 3oo value 1UC 25c Voiles at 5c Per Yard From 11 to la A. M. 1000 Tarda of Plain Colored Toil. In red and brown only, regular 26o grade, C special for this hour at only OC $1.50 Vanity Cases at 87c From 11 to 13 A. M. Vanity Cases in plain oxidized gun metal, leath er covered ana me new striped er fects, fitted with change bolder, mirror and powder puff, Q7 $1.50 values, special at only OC 50c Jewelry Monday 14c Prom 11 to 13 A, VL 5000 Pieoes of Fancy Jewelry La Vallieres, brooches, beads, scarf pins, links, purges, opera chains, etc., regular 60c value, for only itQ 25c Wash Ties for WAc from 11 tn 19 A M wi. ttr.."iT Ties, four - in - hand style, plain white and neat stripes, in light patterns, regular 25c value, ini for this hour at only, eachlslSzC Jelly Glasses Dozen 24c From 11 to ia A. M. 6000 JeUy OUsses, Vi pint slse, with heavy tin covers. , Specially priced n a for this ons hour only, do aVgC Bo Phone Orders, go C. O. B. $1.00 Pictures Priced 25c "Prom 11 to 13 A. K, on th Third Ploor 1000 "Plshsr" and "Chris tyM Pictures landscapes, colored pho tos, seplss, etc., in gilt frames. alses 10x11 to 12x21 inches, nr values up to (1.00, special il C J SCHOOL COUT MEETS TO TRY OFFENDERSiONCE. EACH WEEK 1 (-v.-;- -ii kY SxV fa : ' , , , . ; - r - - i Ilk NM t ) : -n U v ' M : Jr. ' ..,.'-':. BSaaBBJSBSSJSaSSSaBBBBSSJSBaBJSBBBiSiBJBSBBBBMSSSB' Students who are acting as officials Dewey Reed, chief of police; Vlda Chrlstensen, city clerk; Glen Bottom row, left to rights-Frank fearatta, mayor; Edna Hepp, Judge of elate Justice," ' ,' ' ', , '. are tha!' most Important functions of tha achool government . Tha chief of polfce . appoints a boy and girl police from each room. These police are ifltHIMIllHli OIIWHWSi8llMli!ji n ir ana yreai From 12 to 2 P.M. 25c Devonshire Cloth 14c From 13 to 8 P. L Th Haw Pab rlo. Which Wears Like Galatea and Za Absolutely rast Color. All stripes and colors In lengths of two to eight yards, 25o value, on sal at low price of ltC $2.00 Handbags 98c Each Prom 13 to 8 F. M. Matting Hand bags, 14, 16 and 18-Inch sizes, with brass catches and lock, $2 de values, these two hours for HOC ar All Women's Suits h Our entire stock of Women's Tailored Suitsthis season's up-to-date styles, in elegant quality Bedford cords, eponges, shepherd checks, hairline stripes, blue $45.00 Suits, Special Price $22.50 $30.00 Suits, Special Price $15.00, $40.00 Suits, Special Price $20.00 $25.00 Suits, Special Price $12.50' $35.00 Suits, Special Price $17.50 $20.00 Suits, Special Price $10.00 WonWs $20.00 Coats Only $12.50 Great June Clearance of Women's Spring and Summer Coats in fancy mixtures, Bedfords, cheviots, etc., and a number of Rajah and Taffeta ti a rf Silk Coats ; values to $20.00; specially priced for this sale . at ) 1 Z ,u) $3.50 Silk Petticoats $1.98 Great all-day sale of women's Silk Pet ticoats in the face of the silk mill strike which is driving prices-upward ; well made garments in shades of Nell rose, shamrock, cerise, Copenhagen, old rose, gray, brown,. tan and Art black ; $3.50 values, only 5 1 0 Mens $3.00 PanU $1.95 rrom 13 to a P. It lOO Pairs of Men's All-Wool pants of plain all wool fabrics, tweeds, cassimeres and worsteds, m e d 1 u m weight, light end dark, colors, &f AC 12.50 and )3 values, for 173 75c and $1.00 Shirts 25c Prom 13 to a P. M. Men's Keck, band Shirts in light and dark col ors ,neat stripes with cuffs at tached. 76c 'and $1, JC. sixes 14 H to UV,, at, each ZOC $1.25 Embroidery for 49c Prom ia to a P. M. BeanUfoi Embroidery Flouncing. 37 . Inches wide, in eyelet, French and baby Irish effects, all popular designs, values to $1.25 a yard, ape- Af cial at the low price of only HVC $1.00 Shopping Bags 59c Prom la to a P. M. Women's Large Sis. Leather Shopping Bag. moire lined, with heavy ailver and oxidised frames; also small CQ. dress purses, $1 values,, ea. OVC Notions for Monday at 3c Trom'ia'to' rriCTaain'Woorr oo wir. coat Kaag-srs at only 3C 60 Wood Coat Bangers at only 3r Bo Stocking IXamrrs for only Qe So Hair Vets, Xairpin Cabinets 37 So -Safety pins. Snap Fasteners n So Asbestos Zrom Holder only He in pupil government at Stephens quired to maintain discipline during school hours, recess periods and even before and after school. This Idea of re-'giving the police authority to maintain II'MUWI (iirt n u I From 12 to2 P.M. $1.50 Gloves Monday 49c rrom ia to 8 P. M. Women's Kid Gloves, In wrist length, two and thre. clasp, "menders" with Blight imperfections, black, whit, and colors, values up to $1.50 a IQ pair, on sale at low price of f7C 39c Cut Glass Monday 11c rrom 13 to 8 P. VL Twenty Bar. rels of Bich Cut-Glass Tumblers, In star pattern, thin blown, 11 values to 39c, on sale at, ea. 1 1C jraai.Tk. .W M . I r.1 a. .1 til at l 3) $1.50 Dresses for 89c All-day sale of women's House Dresses in a large and attractive assortment of patterns, styles t and colorings ; ging ham, percale and lawn in stripes, checks, dainty dQtted effects, etc.; regular, values up to $1.50; qa -specially priced for this sale; at QuC $1.25 Sad-Irons 93c a Set Prom 13 to 9 F, 11 Mrs. Potts' Sadirons, triple nickel plated, thre. Irons, stand and handle, no. regular S1.25 valu. at, a set 7dC $2.50 Couch Covers $1.39 Prom ia to a P, M. Tap.stry Couch Covers, In pretty Oriental striped patterns, reversible ana largest slse, regular i2.CI)(i qq values, special at, each p l,OU $150 Pumps $1.49 a Pair Prom 12 to a P. M. on tb. Main Ploor Worn, n's Whit. Canvas. Pump and Sllpprs, with turn soles, regular value $t.60ai AQ a pair, special for only 1 i 5 $5.00 Cut Glass for $1.79 Prom a to a P. U. Thxee-Fiiit Water 7ngs, Eight -Inch Bowls, Eight . Znoh Bappies, Twelv Inch Celery Trays, Pourteen-Inoh Sand wich Trays, Sugars and Creamers, two patterns, deeply cut, rich cut glass, $3.60 to Is. 00 tq values, on sale at onlypl7 ON THE FIFTH FLOOR nOcValuelcencnrYafd Prom ia to a P. M 10,000 Tarda of Fine VaL Lao. Insertions, in white and black, scores of pat terns, reg. values up , to 10c . special these 3 hours at, yd. 1C public school. Top row, left to 1ght Grau, prosecuting attorney. city court; Tyilbur Wlest, ';';; asso- dlsclplln after, school hours has helped , materially In the Juvenile bet terment Of tha whole district Th school court is held one a week 5000 Fruit Jars Only 49c a Dozen All Day in the Basement Mason's Fruit Jars, pints, a dozen, 49J Mason's Fruit Jars, quarts, dozen, 59 No C. O. D's. No phpne orders filled. We reserve the right to limit quantities. From 2 to 3 P. M. 50c Collars Monday 23c rrom 8 to 3 P. M, 1000 Pretty Lao Collars in ecru and white, In rouna, square uiq poiniea eiiecia, also .fancy low Bulgarian OQ. collars, 60c vals., on sale at OG Specials in Grocery Dept rrom 8 to 3 P. VL In th. Basmnt. Sweet or Sour Pickles, quart OA Jars on sale at low price of swtC California Asparagus, large can on sale at low price of 17c $2.25 Ironing Boards $1.69 Prom a to 3 p,f m. Folding Iron ing Boards, made of whit, pine, regular $2.25 values, for ai fln one hour on sale at, each fUl.Oi $1 Lace Flounces for 39c Prom 9 to' 3 p. M. Elegant Shadow Lac. riounclngs, 18 to Inches wide; also al lover laces 'la white and ecru, In shadow. Orient- qn. al and Venise, vals. to S3 yd. 0C $4 White Shoes for $2.98 From 3 to 3 P, M Women's White Bubuok Button Shoes, with medium heels and soles, regular fco qq values up to 4 a pr., at pZJO 75c Union Suits Only 43c rrom a to 3 P. M. -Women's Band ed Top Union Salts, made low neck and sleeveless, lace or tight-fitting style, slies 4 to 6, 76c value, tO during, this hour on sale at HOC 50c Pictures Monday at 5c Frdm 8 to 3 P. M. on th. Third Ploor lOOO Posters )ln sizes from 7x9 to 16x20 Inches, such subjects as "The Hermit,". "The Sandman. etc. value to BOe. for do- f 1 -tmreirsjne, . at .peeial price- OC $3.98 Clo. Wringey $2.95 From a to 3 P. M Plain Bitrinr Clothe Wringer, with hardwood frame, good rubber roll- o gf" ere, $3.9 value, at, each Price m t which time all achool offenders ara (tlven a fa Ir and Impartial hairing. This . Is the only part of the school government whre the teacher, must hike a Hart. If a pupil Is convicted of the Offense with which he is charged the two associate Justices, one of which Is a teacher,' always mete out th prop er punishment, and invariably, the rul ing of the teacher associate is supreme. The regular election of school offi cers for next term was held June 12, at which tlm aeveral "dark horses" sprang to the front and won out. A few days before th election it waa practically concedud that Wayne Tarry would win tha offioo of, chief of po lice. He had been a policeman for two years and had proven his worth on more than one oocsslon; In fact, he waa one of the moat trusted and efficient police of tha entire school. II based his candidacy on his "record. Proves Self Politician, However, Dewey Reed proved himself a future politician, for he handled his campaign Ilk a veteran and won from Wayne by a large majority. Dewey has never before held office under the pupil government. His ability as a pub lic speaker gained him many votes, for his campaign speech was very clever for a youngster. , I I'Dnva and mivm . r9 th Dl.nn.n, ' school city," he said, "I want to be your next chief of police. I have never yet held a position of any kind Intwur city government but I know that I am capable and all that I want is a chance to show my ability. If I didn't know that I could make good I wouldn't ask for your votes. If I am elected to of fice of chief of police, I assure you that every pupil In th school will gtt a so,uar deal." Ajiother surprise waa sprung when From 3 to 4 P.M. Boys' $1.50 W. Suits 98c rrom 3 to 4 P. XL Boys' Busslan Blousa Wash Baits, with sailor or military collar, blue, tan and white or striped, nicely trimmed no. and finished, $1.60 vals., at fOC $6.50 Clo. Wringers $3.93 Prom 3 to 4 P. K - GuarantMd Steel BaU-Bsarlng Clothes Wring, srs. with hardwood frame, $6.50 values, for on. hour on sQ QQ sale at low pric. of, ea. pu.O Men's $1 Union Suits 55c rrom 3 to 4 P. M. Men's Union Suits of derby-ribbed Balbrlggan A Knit tin And white. long or short sleeves, ankle Cfi. lenath.. tl values, this hour UJW 50c Cluny Laces 17c Yard rrom 3 to 4 P. Bt SOOO Tards of Whit Cotton Cluny Laces, one to five inches wide, with edges and insertions to match, regular 1 y values to SOc yard, at only If v, $3.50 Oxfords $1.49 Pair .a a v n Woma n'a - - mm Osf nrda. In tan and patent leather, regular d values up to IS.fO pair, pltiJ Specials in Grocery Dept rrom 3 to 4 in Bassmnt 1000 FaokagS ox jeuyoon imuj BA,ii.. An sal a n f nAckase 1000 Larg Cans of Blp. no. OUves, on sale special, a can 3C $3.50 Parasols Only $1.95 Parasol, with striped, checked or zancy aim iup, ngweii lung Han dles and silk tassel, val- 1 nP ues to $3.60, on sale for $l,iJD 50c Leather Novelties 25c Prom 3 to 4 P. M Odds and Ends of Leather WoveltUs, Children' Parses. Drinking Caps, Picture Frames. Card Cases, Moale Bolls, Collar Bags, etc., values to og 60c, during this hour at only auC $1.50 Waste Baskets 47c 1000 Fancy Wloksr Wast Basksts, all styles and shapes, plain and in colors, all slses, up to $1.50 AJ values, offered now at, each tf C Notions at 5c for Monday rrom 3 to 4 P. M., Main Floor ngerle Tap and Bodkins 5 loo Lhure: 100 rinishlng Braid, Blck .Back K lOo 6-yd. Corset Laces at only 5 100 Cub. Fins wurunr irons ze 880 Pl'n W'sh'ble Dress Shields Kt lOo C&Udren's Hose Supporters 5 25c Ribbon at 17c a Yard rrom 3 to 4 P. M, . 3000 yards of Satin. Moir and Drsdsn Blbbons, f;ood heavy quality, four and five nches wide, excellent for hair bows, sashes, etc., regular 1 7 25c values, special, the yard A I C ON the: fifth floor $3.50 Shoes $1.89 a Pair rrom 3 to 4 P. M. on th rifth Floor Women's 3-50 White-Top Shoes, with patent leather vamps and welt soles, Cuban f QQ heels, special at, th pair pl.O! 25c Belts Special Only 5c rrom 3 to 4 P. M. on th. Piftb Floor Sample Belts, patent leater, suede and wash belts, values r -up totfcr,- wpectal-pnlTT-f acft DC 15c Stationery on Sale 5c Prom 3 to 4 P. M. on th. Fifth Flooiv 10OO Boas of Linen Sta tionery, 48 pieces in a box; regular 16o value, special at OC Krank I!arat won the mayoralty con tent from Jtloherd Agnew. ltlcliard Aiirinw hus bnun a school officer aver dlnrn the organization of the pupil gov ernment. He la Jimt finishing a very efficient term aa chief of polloe. learning City Government. Frank Ouratta hud never before held an office under the tpupll government, but his powers of persuasion when it cam' to vote-getting were so much greater than his youthful opponent that ha waa elected mayor ty a comfortable majorfiy. ' "it has taken' thre years to build up our pupil government to the present state of perfection," said I'rinclpal n. it Steele, I'but the beneflta which accrue to both teachers and nuDlla mora than offset the extra; amount of work which was necessary durlna the nrooeas of formation, ' Cooperation and right ao clal living ar the most salient features of th pupil government plan." Air. oieeie said that th charter would probably be changed at th beginning of the next school term so as to embrace tn commission form, of government. This will be dona in order that tha pu- pns - may thoroughly acquaint . them selves with the new government of our city. Mr. Steel smilingly declared that h would see to It that Insofar a th government of the school was concerned the mayor would not be a "czar." , 'Girl Typist" Was Man. (ftr the iDtertatlonal Nwi Bertie.) Berlin, June II. It has Just been dis covered that a person named Schwars. aged 29, who attended the girls' high school at Marlenburg, In" Prussia, and afterwarda became a "girl typist," la' a man. . Men's $15 Suits $10.50 All-day sale tomorrow of , Men's Spring and Summer Suits of all-wool fabrics, in a great variety of patterns and colorings; well tailored and finished, good, service able . Suits for present 1 A CA wear; $15 values for only 31UmU morrow From 4 to 6 P.M. Men's $3.00 Hats for 95c rrom 4 to 6 P. M, 1000 Men's Cloth Kats, in all colors, mixtures, checks, and plaids, ftdoras and telescopes, $2.00, $2.60 and QC $3.00 values, on sale at only VOC $1.50 Clo. Baskets $1.15 Prom 4 to 6 P. M aerman - WiUow Clothss Basket, with bamboo bot toms and handles, extra values at $1.60, special 'during d1 l these two hours at. only' pltlO Specials in Grocery Dept Prom 4 to 8 P. tt in the Basement 600 Large-Sis Bottles of Cross B BiaokweU' Luoca OU on sale for the low price of, bottle I OC Peanut OU, In large bottles, 624 Swedish Wafers at, a package 9t 25c Sox, Six Pairs for 89c Prom 4 to 6 P. M. 1000 Boxes of Men's Begular 80o Egyptian Cot- tnforced heels and toes, box QQ of six pairs at low pric. of OS7C wm mvm umm. mu null cuiore. re- $1.75 Marquisettes $1.19 Prom 4 to 6 P. M. Lovely SUk Marquisettes, for waists, dresses ana araping eirecis, line quality, all delicate shades. , val- in ues to $1.76 a yard, ap'l ipltAJ Misses' White Shoes $1.59 Prom 4 to 0 P. M. Misses' Whit. Canvas Shoes, In sizes 8 f gn to 10 H, on sale special at ipl,Dj 1 Sizes 11 to 2 special, only Si. 79 Child's 35c Un. Suits 19c Prom 4 to 6. P. M. C h 1 1 d r u'i Oansa cotton Union Suits, low neck and sleeveless, with tight knee and drop-seat, regular in, 860 value, on sale at only lJt $1.75 Suitcases for $1.10 Prom 4 to 6 P. M Good Leather, tt Suit Cases, full 24-inch size, neatly lined, have 'Strong handle and brass lock and ff in catches, $1.76 value, only $2.50 Croquet Sets $1.43 Fxom 4 to 6 P. M. 800 Croquet Ssts, eight-ball, plain varnish and fancy painted, eight -mallets, wick ets, etc.n complete, value t'i to $2.60, on sal at, a set $1.00 Fountain Pens 63c rrom 4 to 6 P. M Th Sola PounT tain Pan, guaranteed 14 karat gold, assorted nibs, self-fillers, with gold band, regular $1 Up values, these two hours,, ea. UJC Great Special. Notion Sale Prom 4 to 6 P. M., Main Floor , 85o Silk Cv'd W'sh'ble Shields 1D 85o Skirt Markers, special for 10-7 loo coi-a kick 9aca, saginga suo vsivst urip puni oup irs 85o Twin. Shopping Bags at 88o Sanitary Belts, all elastic ON THE FIFTH FLOOR $3.50 Oxfords $1.39 Pair rrom 4 to J P. Mk Women's Viol Bid, Ounmetsl, Tan 8nd and Telvet Pumps and Oxford, all sizes, B to EC 2to 8, f 1 4A On 6th floor. Vals to $3.50 )L jjf 12Vc Ginghams 7c Yard From 4 to 0 P. M on th. Fifth Ploor rlne quality Dress Ging hams, - In all desirable colors una patterns, stripes and plaids;1 sy -a4sjp-4IHe-raie-mtr yard" C 10c Muslins 52c a Yard From 4 to P. M on the p 1 f t h Floor Bemnants of Muslins and Longcloths. 2 to 10 yards In r. a piece, 10c value, at, ard 3JC fa