THE OliEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, 1C13. Ml OF THE OPINE CHURCH 00N WILL BE HERE S Portland Congregation Consid ered Fortunate in Inducing Rev, L K. Grimes to Accept, VAr (""'",OT'mi'l'l;ii!!""""'l'1,":i".'ii1,"'ilti'fe mV xCf !!;,.,,;;::. fK f .'. , "x'i Rer. L, IC Grimes. Rev. L. K. Grimes of Superior, Wis., rsstor-elect of the Hawthorne Perk Presbyterlsn titurch of this city, accom- fanled by his wife, will arrive In Tort' land Friday, July 4. Rev. Mr. Grimes was a delegate to the general assembly t Atlanta, Ga., whence he and wife In tendedSto visit Panama canal, but short ness of time compelled them to return 'to Superior to make ready' for their 'western trip. " The Portland church, It Is reported from the east, Is very fortunate In se curing Mr. Grimes, and was successful "only because he had the western "fever." 'as not only his congregation, but the business people of the city were deter mined to keep Mm In Superior. Rev. Mr, Grimes Is already favorably known "by several Portland people. He Is well known as an organizer and church build- ' r, the Hammond Avenue Presbyterian (hurch of Superior, the finest In the .city,' being a monument to his untiring - efforts. , , Congregation jterrets loss. The following resolutions were adopt. ' d by the congregation of Hammond venue Presbyterian church at a special meeting at which Mr. Grimes' resigna tion was accepted; ' " "In accepting Mr. Grimes' resignation we do so with great regret, and we wish to express to him formally and publicly our great appreciation of his faithful and efficient service during his pastor ate of Hammond Avenue Presbyterian church. : Under his ministry the church has prospered greatly, while both he and his wife have endeared themselves to the people to a remarkable degree. "While Mr. Grimes has been strong in his convictions and fearless in his expres sions of them, yet he has shown that rare personality which has enabled him to stand firmly and exert a decided in - fluence for what he believed to be right, and at th same time do It so tactfully and with such kindly spirit that people have been won Instead of antagonized "Not only has he commanded respect and admiration among" his own people, but to an equally strong degree In the community at largo. Few pastors have had a wider acquaintance or a warmer place In the hearts of the people of a city than Mr, Grimes lias had In Bu perlor, among whona people he Is unlver aally held in high regard. As a rcmilt his genial smile and hla cordial liutiil shake will be wildly minted. "In the pulpit ha haa always pns seined a vigor snd Intensity of earnest neae alike In his thought snd In his de livery. He haa thus been able to make a powerful appeal, not only Jo the minds, but also to the hearts and Uvea of hla hearers, who have gone away from his sermons saying not only "what a fins sermon," but slao, "t wonder how nearly my lift Is measuring up to that stands rdT rastorate Yery inoeessfnl. "Such piachlng flas naturally at traded large audiences, which have often taxed the. capacity of a large church, and seldom has It failed, even In the moat Inclement weather, to draw out good sited audiences, both Sunday morning Snd Sunday night. At the sams time, many have been led to make their choice, becoming members either by pro fession or by lettsr. 'We do not forget, In addition to all this, that during Mr Grimes' pastorate and largely through his , efforts, our present large and commodious edifice and equipment have come to be realities, which ar greatly enlarging our field of useful service, and .in which we Jake Just pride , "We shall miss Mr. and Mrs. crimes very greatly, and we sppreclate fully that It will be no small task to secure successors who can lead forward the work that has been achieved. However, sines the Lord seems to have called them slsewhere, we have faith to be lieve that he will provide for his work hers: We therefore give them our heart iest good wishes and bid them godspeed in thair new work." 3 PORTLAND MINISTER HIGHLY HONORED f. ' BISHOP GIVES ADVICE REGARDING CARE OF. CHURCH'S FINANCES LEAVES AFTER BEING PASTOR HERE 10 YEARS Rer. Henrr Marcotte. ReV. E. Neison Allen and wye. Rev, E. Nelson Allen, who has re signed the pastorate of the Hawthorne I Plan Closing Concert The closing concert of the season will be given by the choir of Calvary Pres byterian church, eleventh ana ciay street, on Friday evening, June 27, at I:3 o'clock. The chorus has been under direction of Miss Metta C Brown. Miss Marga ret Lamberson is organist and Miss Lllah Rogers will contribute two so prano solos. Following Is the program: Chorus ...... Blanche (choral march) KUcaen, "in. Violet ana the Bee ' csiaicou Solo. "Dost Thou Know That Sweet Lsndr (opera "Mlgnon"). . . .xnomas Miss Rogers. Chorus. "Nightingale and Rose".Lehnert "Bells of Shandon" Nevln Solo, "Erlkonl-" Schubert Miss Brown. Chorus, "The Waves Were Dancing lightly" ... ivucaen "Sing a Bong of Sixpenoe". . . .Barnett "Gaily in Our Boat We Row". . Wolley Organ solo. "Flnlandla" Sibelius Miss Lamberson. Solo, "Faithful Johnnle"i.... Beethoven Miss Rogers. Chorus. (-Daybreak" Gaul a C. E. Officers Named With the closing of another year's work, the society of Christian Endeavor of the First Congregational church puts 13 months of Interesting history behind It. Officers were elected recently as follows: President, Edward A, Albrecht; vice president. Walter Ferguson; record ing secretary, Gertrude Wylle; corres ponding secretary, Emma Chrtstman; treasurer, May Chenowetb. The organ- ration has done exceptionally good work during the past year, now having a membership of over 0. Among the fea tures of their work has been the hold ing of services at the Poor Farm at dif ferent appointed times. No definite plans have as yet been formed for the coming year, but It is expected tnat maritea advance will be made. The new presi dent has been for the past year super intendent of the First district union and will be an able leader of the organisa tion. Mr. Ferguson, the new vice presi dent, headed the work during the last year and has been Instrumental in bring ing about the results that have been ac complished. Young people are Invited to attend the special Christian Endeavor service at the First Presbyterian church at 6:80 tomorrow evening, when Dr. Boyd, the pastor, will deliver a special lecture to the society, Hla subject will be "The Leadership of Christ." He has given this same lecture under another name and under .different auspices before. i 'Newly-Elected Wardens, Ves trymen and Treasurers Ad vised by Bishop Scadding, In an open letter, just Issued, Bishop Charles Scadding, of. (ha Oregon dlo case, has taken the opportunity to dl cuss the matter of church finance with the, newly elected wardens, vestrymen. an dtreaaurers. In which he has warned them of the evils of slipshod methods In church affairs, snd counsels them In the manner In which affairs should be cared for.' The bishop's letter, In part, follows: "With all my heart I wish to thank the wardens and vestrymen of our par ishes and the official committees In our missions for the faithful and effective serVlce you are rendering as a whole to" the church in this diocese. Great re sponsibilities rest uoon you. Yours Is A great honor has been bestowed on a chiefly , a ministry ,.of administration, Portland minister, Rev. Henry Msr- a cure of property, a building up of tne code, pastor ,of (ha Westminster Pres- wmporauuea or me pansn or mission hw,,!., h.-i, ,. i.t to which you belong. The Lord's busl- , T nl Should be carried Oh., With as mat Park Pra.hvT.rlan r.h.rrh. and Mr.. AI W?&U&&. i"1 "d ri.", 2 If-: rilme gues'taof honor at largs his alma mater Thli hnnnr rm im. ...DC. VM ... rCeption given at tne cnurcn, .aasi nlMMw Mtk g?d y,Uf .1,? ur PP1!ltment Twelfth and Eaat Taylor streets, last KK? fiflS!rttmJ parlor. , wse h w P.iiM hefor. h fumitv t .h. beautifully aecorata ror ins occasion from whirh h. .r.Au.i.A a eonsdeniiousness. with a profusion of roses and plants. venr. n nrt inform. of th. Taas w TTnpalo. i In the course of the evening Rev. Mr. of the board. . . , I It has happened in soma places that Allen was presented a check ror iido, Rev, Mr. Marcotte left for the east Donaa ,ewr assessments, ana mstai- ana Mrs. Alien was given a Deautimi om t mM arn. for fh niirnnn of neni payments lor sireei improvements wavsjo rug, an arucie maao oy tndin- th rommtnnmnt rri... . have been allowed to lapse so that It Navajo squaw at Houck, Aria. Lake-Forest university The honor! became necessary to pay them In full; I Mr. Allen will remain In Portland that has been bestowed "on him Is es-dA lots have bean sold for taxes and until after the World's Chrlstlsn Cltl- una iu .ua reucamea an dpcbubo i sensmp onierence, ino iiri ween in warOens and vestrymen have failed to I July, and then he and Mrs. Alien will be careful about the business end of go to California in the hope that the tneir parian. it is not- uncommon for I change will prove beneficial to Mrs. tne loose onerings, so called, to receive Allen's health. They have been in Port no check or audit whatever. Sometimes fand for 10 years. work in Portland, and who took the mat- "Jed to i the) treasurer by this ' Tha presenUtion to Mr. Allen wss ter up with the school fsculty, when It ?T. " 0ln" Peon wno niy mils by C. W. Paliett tor tne cnurcn wan known that Rer. Mr. Marietta In. aPPn t0 on hand. ; Worse still, members and Mrs. C. O. Tipton made tended to make the trio east. Hs had they re ceslonalIy lerl r some time the rug presentation to Mrs. Allen. miiIS " t nr.Vh .7 L !" fasln In tha vestry or choir M. V. Morrison, representing the aid services, last 8unday, at the university. ViV 'r. i V 4f-. a I,.Jt ltTU ot lh fnurcn- ma leT lnal Rev. Mr. Marcotte was first asslaned "'f " remarxs ana enerni ura vvuru. a ior- tn work in Astoria, whers he served fori ,m " Hu"""" " sonai rnena 01 air. aiioo, xprcbaea re- - - ' S ataAMig Viinela rn' s las aa iiiiIIah mSfb eight year He was then called to the .V .h. ".hi church over which he now presides, and ri" "l " ..."Vi, -1".. jle.-.I could be forthcoming. Slipshod and haphazard methods In church affairs are a reproach to the church and nerve r&cklnr tn everv imrlrht man. Rlahon I K. Potter onca brought this matter before A sacred concert Will be given to n morrow nleht at St. Michael's and All Ulhufora tha enrl convention n1 nrn. Angel's. Church, under direction Of Mrs. tha Piedmont nosed ths following canon: Nella Noyes-Feemster. The progam fol- The amount of other offerings- re- iwws: peclally great, In that only three such degrees have been conferred by this In stitution in 20 years. It was brought about through the In fluence of friends and' parishioners In I Portland, who hava appreciated Jilal departure and CllfiiSU CONFERENCE PLAN TO BE URGED -BY PASTORS 111'. Business Men Will Jill Num- beof Pulpits in Interest of Meeting,"" v The campaign for the coming World's Christian Citizenship conference will b discontinued In- local churches tomor row, a number of pulpits being filled by business men who are members oX ths general committee having In charge all local preparations for the big gath ering, to be he'd June 29 to July 6. Samuel Connell will speak In the morning at ths Hawthorne Presbyterian church. At. the University Park Bap tist church will bo G. Evert Baker. J. E. Werleln will ba ths speaker et (he Cen tral Methodist Episcopal church, and Dr. J. Hunter Wells "at" the Sunnyslde Congregational. At Millard Avenue Pres byterian will be M. C. George and at East Bide Norwegian, Professor William F. Ogburn. J. Allen Harrison will speak the support, he had i Montavllla Chrlstlsn. church snd s in fighting the evils w- Raymond at ths First Christian, tv . In the evening Dr. J. Hunter Wells will his work here has been wonderfully suc cessful. a w Church' Cornerstone r -a Sacred Concert xns cornerstone or Presbyterian church and community house now under construction In Pled-1 i Annctin Hrn av avica Processional. mnnt. will ha laM hv K K. RiTlar i. .... .k.i..h k.i .kn v. .....I Gloria. president of the church congregation, at talned by the wardens, or two vestry- vJnJ'Diml'ttls g ociock tomorrow aiiernoon. men. or two other persons appointed by Unth.m -Rut tha T.ort la Mindful The services will be held on the sec- the rector and wardens for that pur- of His Own" (Lohr) ond floor of the new building If It does pose.' Duet, "Love Divine." (Stalner) not rain. If rain falls the services "In some cases the treasurers present L , Mrsi Feemster ..n v. k.ivr - .v.. i . , : IRolo. "Tha Good Sheoherd. win us jiciu in vf, uiu cuuivu uuiiuiiifi no iiioniuiy Biaiemoiii, reucirv no J. xv. i - s ,r A ttt. .- ailAfnlmr T) v .fnhn TT TIavH rtntA, An K411a tn Ka nalit anA naa fhall. torn I ................... I ll of the First Presbyterian church, will wide discretion ss to what will be paid Anthem with Contralto Solo.' "Hark. deliver the cornerstone laying address, and when and how. In such cases both Hark My Soul," (Shelley) and will be assisted by Rev. J. E. Sny- vestry and congregation are apt to be I Mrs. K. u rurse. yuaneiio wmi jlciiut isuiu, .seen, n der. pastor of the church. In Ignorance of financial conditions. The building, when completed, will There have been instances where the 'i;; st in the neighborhood of $40,000. It clergyman's salary was In arrears, MrB- Pur' B01, Mr Rodda!' regret at the pastor's thanked him for given the official Of cltv ant ciuntv Rev. Frank Dewltt Flndley. of the I """. assort, ounn ana United' Presbyterian church, compll- Burnside streets.. ;. mented Mr. Allen on his work In Port-1 .. Sunday, June It, the opening day of land and . expressed regret that he' Is eonrerenc pulpits of various to depart. Remarks were also made by I churches will be filled by distinguished H. I.. Sheldon . aunrintandnt of tha I speakers from this country and abroad. Anti-Saloon league, of which Mr. Allen both tor ths morning and evening serv. was formerly president. Mr, Sheldon I 'c-" In the afternoon the first session told of ths work that Mr. Allen did as of the conference will be held at a an officer of the league. Rev, John H. I o clock at the Multnomah stadium. Rev. Boyd and Rev. Benjamin Young spoke I Kooert F, Coyla, Denver, Colo., will feelingly of thetr association with Mr. apeak on "I Am for Men." and Rav. Allen and of their appreciation of his I James T. MoCrory, of Pittsburg, will frlt-ndshtp. . I deliver an address on "Government of Mr. Allen responded to the remarks I the People, by the People and for thu ana afterwards, with Mrs. Allen, re-ireopie.- oelved the guesta In tha reception room of tha church. ' . Music was furnished by the church 1 1 "f;nrtk'" FnTOrtofn with Mr. CUttnrA Moor. ..1 wwww k-lllWI IU1II leader, a saxophone quartet, and by I Miss Edith Collaln, vocal aololst. An Interesting even tonir Mr. Allen Is one of the state com- evenlnr at th. Aihin. KranM, e h- mm-. nving in cnr ma coming oon-1 reopie's Insutute, Alblna avenue and ferenca of the World's Citizenship Con- Goldsmith street, whan u,. lercuca. i me afternoon eooklnr rt... .,.,. ineir mothers at supper. .1 cost will be used not only for religious serv Ices but as a community house In which meetings of all sorts may be held. n . -fl j St. John's Day C 55 Portland lodge No. 65, A. F. and A. M.. has Invited all the Masonic, lodges of the city to Join with It In the celebra tion tomorrow night pf St John's day, In honor of which Rev. Benjamin Young will preach. His topic win be "Truth, Light and Life," a Masonlo text. St John's day la next Tuesday and the se lection of Sunday was made because the date was the nearest The members will meat at Masonlo temple at 7 o'clock and will march In a body to the First M. E. church. Dr. Young Is the chaplain of Harmony lodge No. 12, A. F. and A. M. where Insurance premiums were over due, taxes unpaid, fuel bills unpaid, and all tha while the vestry wss in inex cusable Ignorance. "The question has come up repeat edly as to whether church treasurers should be bonded. Tha question ' was not raised because of any feeling of In security about the funds oz the church. The underlying motive was the protec tion of the treasurer's good name and the church's business reputation. The convention of the diocese of Chicago In 1908 concurred In the following recom mendation of Ita committee on finance: " Thafall parishes and missions take steps to bond their treasurers. Espe cially would we suggest that the treas urers themselves urge that this be done for -their own protection.' " A ltttla a4r1 tal(aa .v.ratkln v father says, showing thst ahe does not take after her mother in all respects. xenor boio Mr. Ackies Address, Rev. T. F, Bo wen Offertory Solo, "Abide with MJj,e) "".""Mrs." Feem'ster Anthem, "Praise Ye the Father. TteceiiKlonal. Accompanist, Mrs. C. C. Shay, Excursion a Success east Atlhough the moon did not keep her agreement to shine, -all evening, the First District Christian Endeavor Union excursion on board the Bailey Gatsert last Monday evening, was a complete success. The trip down the 'Willamette and onto the Columbia was enjoyed by S10 persons. An orchestra, composed of Christian Endeavorers from the Central Tha voune- Chrlstlan church, gave many selections, women of this class have been looking Basket lunchson on board the boat forward to. time when they might proved a novel plan and waa much ahow to their-mothers the knowledge liked. A short business session waa "i, l tneir course held. The following person, were ?' r1"'. L'y "' elected to office for the ensuing year: cfa.,; together with the ow conducted John Jensen. First Presbyterian society, in ths evenlnr. has been v.rv ., superintendent; Walter Aplanalp, Fourth m Its work, the girls learning not only rresDytenan cnurcn, assistant supenn-1 new tnings to cook, but also how to tendent and treasurer; Richard Lofstedt, I cook In the bct and quickest and clean- Marshall Street Presbyterian church, seo- way. Miss Anderson, who haa been retary. i in cnarge or me worg, was very pleased These new officers will be Installed 7"" B "? maae, ana is looxing after the first of . July, and will take , 4h 'w V"" Ir .,.,. ,.,,, ., Th. fa'I. when the work reopene after the h.c,J?u.t , mmti lyl. Tw , vacation period. Miss Denholm. offer District Union is composed of the socls- - v I ..lac.ion aasistad in ties of Christian Endeavor on the west J. :" ' MBlBte4 ,n last side of the river, having total mem- vZ.Jtt.Z 'l, ..-, , bershlp of about 600. L.fn J'-l!?!? ".hT1" ""J " a ., i,M. , I being entertained at tha country home coming World's Citizenship Conference ?f fcr;1.H!l,5 Lftd C?rbttJ; T.7 wr was given In the cabin by George H. L. taken Ihere by launch, and will return Beeman of Greencastle, Indiana. He is bv. u'- Good work has been accom- here for the conference and will have P"f.ned by this department of the Insti- a prominent part In its program and I ""J wont. work. The society from the First Christian church had the distinction of bringing the largest number of people to tha ex ourslon. Several representatives of so cleties from other parts of the city were present also. The United Evangelical church at Ockley Green, Willamette and Gay Streets, has been undergoing repairs and Improvements. The Inside haa been new ly calsomlned and tinted In a beautiful shade. The pulpit platform has been changed. A new choir loft built, and an altar rail, has been placed. New car pets hava been laid and tha whole In terior looks like new. Sunday has been set as the day for the oepnlng. Rev. J. A. Goode will preach in the morning and Rev. C. C. Poling' D. D., In the evening. The Boys' club, under the direction of Clarence Sphague, is growing In num bers and In work. Gymnasium drill for a part of the evening, with a gam period, club meeting and shower baths Is the routine for each Thursday even ing. About 25 boys are registered in the class at the present time. Hikes and other special features will be con ducted during the summer months. The Friends (Quakers) in the city will enjoy a missionary treat In the vis It from one of thefr missionaries from the African Industrial mission. Rev. Arthur B. Chllson. He will apeak Sun day at the First Friends church In Sunnyslde at 11 o'clock la the mornlna-. at the West Piedmont church at 2 p. m, and at tha Lents church at t o'clock In the evening. The publlo is invitea. n. e. cox is the pastor. PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY SERVICES AS ANNOUNCED BY THE VARIOUS CITY AND SUBURBAN CHURCHES Statist. ' . nrat White Temple, Be. Waltar BeaD. Hlnaon ana r. A. Air. Blbla ackooL 10:UO. ewrices H and T:30. Toplca: "A City t Mil Uonalre." "A Hen and Ood." Uat Hide Rev. W. O. Saaok. patter. Sarr. tcea, 11 ina 7:801 SaodT school. 10( B. X. P. V.. 6:15. Topic: 'The Unipcakabls Joy vt HIght Choice," "Exenaea Analried." Culmry Ke. I. N. Monro, 11 and T:M; . B.. 10; B. Y. P. V., 8:30. Preaching by W, T. K Hi,rlcir. Arleu He. Duneas M. MePhalL Saaday cbuol, 10; B. X. P. U., B:1B. Berricea u and 7:30. HIghUud Bar. C. B. Elliott B. Y. P. O, $:XO. Kuodar achool, 8:46; aerTleea 11 and 7. SO. "A Life aud Death Hatter," "About BnptUin." SeUwood ttev. F. W. Hayci. 11 and T:80; a 8. 10i Y. P.. IJ., :. . rjulTariltr Park Rev. A. C. Baxtoa, paator., 11 aud 7:10; 8. 10; B. T. P. U 1. fiunuytid : (Ueruiaa) 8. 8., 9:45. Co arid Wrx, aupvrlutendent bt. Jobm iUeraian) Rer. Karl Ftldneth. . :; 11 and 7:l. Y. P. V. 1. iL Jobaa Charlea J. Waeblthe, paator. Serf- I cm 11 and 7:80; H. 8., 10 a. m. Urace UoaUTilla, Ktv. U. T. Caaa. 11 and 7:80; X". P., a:80; 8. 8., :48. Cbineta Mlailva 8. 8., 7; i. U. llalona. ao - ftarlnteadent. . lirat Uerman Bar. J. Kratt 11 aad 7:80; . 8., :&. Second GermB Rer. Frederick Boerrmas, 11 aad . :SK; 8. 6.. 9AS; Y. P. V., 8:46. Eut Fortf-flrta Su-eat Rev. A. B. Walta. 8. 8., :4ftt preaching, 11 aad 7:80 p. m.; B. Y. P. C., 0:3 Toplca: "Tha Proof of God," "Do ing Thins." . , leat fiT. J. M. Ncltonji8. 8., 10; II nd 7:80; th Y. P. C, 8:80. Topic: "Hie Real Tet W Ability," "Tb Uttl i'oxe Tbat Spoil tha Vina." Uouat 011et Rev.W. A. lligett, paitor. II and 8 p. tn ; . 8.,' 12:30. Xtberoacu-iteT. uoueri or 7, paitor, ser mon. 11 and 7:3; 8. 8.. 10; Y. P., 6:30, Toole: '"Ka7-solng Cbrlatlau," "A t'al View of God," Third Her. W. ff. Bearaa, 11 and 7:30; B. t. P. V., 6 90; 8. 8., :45 a. in. Prrr erTica'.Tburd, 8 p. m. Toplca: "Tha Be . cliiiilng of Jems' Miulatry," "The ColrJratlon ut riih.' 8wlUb Rev. ' Frederick Linden,. 10:18 and T:4S. 8. 8.' 12; 8. Y. P. U 8:30. fallen lMlpn Rer. Frincefco 8annlla, pas tor. , aerricea 11 ana 1. B. a., 10. " '.' " Xttaodlat. ' '' First Eplwopal Her, Benjamin Yooeg. 8:30, morning ela aaeetlnt; arrrlre. 10:30 and 7:45. Topic: "Tb Lemon or tb Bummer lima," "Ufht, Truth, Ufa." 1 riolt.- lte. Charle X. McPberaon, II and 7:5": . 6; 8. 8., 10. Morning aubct by Rer. Frnh Caldwell of Maliern. Iowa. Swedish Eortbwlck and . Beach, Ka. i. V. Buraell. pacr. It and S; 8. 8., o; B. U t. tpwortb Rer. - Frank Jam. Berrlrea at 11 aud T:30. Toplca; "Tha uat CoudlUona," "TS Often) ef the Cr." Flrat Morwtalas Danlth Bar. Ellas OJerd ln. paator. Il aud 8. Y. P. hi.. Tndy atng. Prayar SMctlng Tburaday. B. U, 8 .30 p. a. Karwegias Paalh Vaneourar tad 8k 14- mor, Mr. C. I. Laraan, 11 aad 7:46; 8. 8., 12 m. Sunnyatda Rer. Wllllani H. ' Fry, D, D. fl and S p. m. 8. 8. :3o a. m ; E. L.. 8:45. intBe Rar. Oelmar Q. Trlinbl. D. wiw. r afcmr vmrrw a'iuui l in n ik1 t:4. Topic: "Tba Rread ot Ufa," "Ererr Min i Ufi a Plan of I.r(wwd Ber. C I. Cook, pastnr. Serricet 11 aad 1 .3o; 8- 8.. It) a. a. 1'rojar meeting. k t. m. l.uirl Vanrfwrar arvnoa aad Fargo. Rer. t p. m. Topic: "Tha Cbmlng Kingdom of God," "The Strongeat Teat of Discipline." fit. John Rer. J. J. Patten. Berrlce 11 and 7:30; 8. 8. 10; E. L 6:80. Japanete Miaelon Bar. Eilaea Blbara, 8:30 aad 8:30. 8. 8.. 3:80. . Chlnew Ulsalon Chin Sing Ral, 11 and 7:80. German V. A. Schamann. 8. 8., 9:45; aurr Icea 11 end 8. Epwortb league, 7:13. Woodln Rer. LoDls Thomat, paator. 8. S. : preaching 11 and 7:30. Monurlua Bar, W. H. Hampton. Barasos at 11 aad 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; B. U. 6:48. Sellwood Rer. Jamea F. Hawklna, 11 aad 7:80; 1. E. U. 8:30; E. U. 8:30. Unlrenlty Park Rer. W. J. Doailaa, 11 and 7:80; 8. 8., 10 a. m.; B. I... 6:15. Toplca: "Joaeph Our Model," "A Great Canyon." Clinton Kelly Memorial Ber. C. 0. McCol locb. B. 8., 8:45; preaching 11 and 7:30; claai meeting, 12 noan; Junior league. 8; 8. S.. 10:30. Toplca: "Uuldlog On to Uud," "An Enlarged Heart." , African Eton Bar. W. liattbaws. 11 and I; 8. 8., 1; E. 7. Patton Ker. George Bopkina, pattor. Preach. Ins 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10 a. m.; E. 8.. 8:80. 8. 8., 8:43 a. ra.; E. L., 6:30. Toplca: "Dlsaat. Infled Heart," "Cbrlat the Anawer to 'Am I My Brotber'a Keeper V " Caraon Ilelrht Rt. H. T. Oraena. 8. 8., 10; sermon, 11. Bethel Her. J, L. Craw, paitor. Berrlcea, 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 1:15; 0. k, 7. Mount Tabor Rar. C. L. Hamilton, 11, 7:80; 8. 8.. 9:43 . m.; B. L., 6:KO. Tnplca: "Good Cheer," "Tba Tak That I Too Great." Lenta Rar. W. Boyd Ifoort, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; E. L.. 7.. Boas City Park Roia City Park clubbouie. Rer. William W. Yonngaon, pastor. Berrlcea It and 7:45. "A Vision of tba Latter Daya," "Tha Ptralyala of Peaalmlam." Woodatock D. W. Moore, paator. 11 and 7:80: 8. 8.. 10; B. U, 6:30. Lincoln Htreet u. a. m. U. Bee a, pastor, 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10. - Oak Grota Rer. Jamea T. Moor. 11 - and 8; 8. s., 10. Westmoreland Bar, H. T. , Greene. 8. 8., 8; sermoD, :ao. Wealeyan Rev. 0. C Wicker, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 10; Y. P. !., 7. Flrat Grmao-A. F. Cramer, paitor. 11 a. m.; iv a. m.; o. s., b. i, s. X. E. Church loutk. Union Arenue Metnodlst f. Hardy Bennett, Saator. Preaching 11 a. m. abd 7:80 p. m.; . 8. 10 a. m.; E. L.. 6:80. 1 Treabrtarlaa. ' First Presbyterian cnurcn Rer. Vobn 'Boyd, mlalater. Morning worahip, 10:30; ereniog, 7:30: Blbla school, 12:10; C. E., 615. Calrarr Eiareuth and Clay atreeta. Rer. Thomaa Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 1:45; Bible acnooi, nom; v. at., o:ov, KanllWMtJi Rar. Leall Kirk Richardson, paator, U rnd 7:30; Blbla acbool, 8:43 a. m.; V. P. 8. C. E., 6:30. Toplca: "Peterlnr." "Tha CrlminalT-A Btury and Study of Crime." ' Mlapah Rer. Harry Laads, paator, Bermoa, 10:30 a. m.; 8. S., noon; C. E., 8 p. m. Fourth Ber. Henry Q. Hanson, paator. flerr icea 10:80 aad 7:30; 8. 8., 12. Toplca: "Tba Surrendered Ufa," "A Vltloa of Cbrlat." Third Rer, A. L. Hutchlaoa, paator. Srr Ice. 10:30 and 7:45; 8. 8., 12; C. E., 8:46. Hawthorne Park Dr. E. Nelson Allen, at 10:80; 7:30;-8.. 8., 12; Y. P. 8. C. ., 8:80. Forbea Rer. Henry H. ' Pratt; 11 and 8: 8. 8., 10; V. E., 6:30 b. m, Hope.. Montarllla Iter. 8. W. Beeman. 8. 8. Unity H. C. Maraball, mlnlttar. 8. 8., 10. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rpokan Arenna Rer. Robert Dlvea. 11 and T:80; 8. 8.. 10; C. E.. 6:30. Anabel Robert N. McLean. Berrliw 11 aa f:45; 8, 8 8:48: a E.. 8:45. 8. 8., 8:45. Topic: "CbrUtUn Btaadfaatnass." Marthill street Rer, William J. Bplra, paa tor. ll aud 7:30; 8. 8, 10 a. m.; X. P. B. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Mount Tabor Rer. William 0. Moor, pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. m. Berrlcea 11 and 7:80 0. B., 7 p. in. Weatmlmtter - Rer. Henry Marcotte. 10:80 and 7:49; 8. 8., 12; Y. P. 8. a E.. 6:30. Millard Arenue Rer. Let! Johnson. Serrlcee U and 7:80: 8. 8.. 10. Vernon H. N. Mount, T). D., pastor. Serv leea 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10 a. m.; Y. P. 8. C. B., 6:80. Rosa City Park Serrlcee 11 and 7:45; Bar. Boudlnot Beely. Chinese 1454 First. 7:45; 8. S., 6:48. Arbor Lodge Rer. Jobs A. Townaand, 11 and 7:45; 6. 8., 10. Trinity Rer. K. Benson, pastor. Berrlcea 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. Reformed Frank D. Fraier, Preaching, 11 and 7;3U; 8. 8., 10. United Presbyterian. Flrat Frank De Witt Flndley. 110 aad 7:30 : 8. 8.. 9:45: C. B.. 6:30 D. m. "Tha Un changeable Cbrlat," "Shifting One'a Allegiance Godward." Third W. A. Spalding, D. D., pastor. S. 8. 10. Berrlcea 11 a. m. and 8 p, m, Tb Church of tha 8 1 ranger Rer. 8. Barl Du Kola; 10:30 and 8. Toplca: "How Seeming Misfortune Are Channels ot Bleaalnga," "A Divine Keceaity." Kenton J. S. Cola. Services 10:15 a. m. and 8 p. m. 8. 8. 10 a. m. Chrlatlaa. Flrat. Park and Colombia atreata TV. T. Bea gor, pastor. Berrlcea at 11 and 7:45; 8. 8., 8:45; C. E 6:30 p. m. Central Rr. Samnel B. Hawklna, pastor. 8. 8., 10; C. E.. 7; serrlces 11 and 7:46. Topics: "The Beat' Religion la tha World," ".Baptismal. ' Rodney Arenue Rer. B. W. Base, pastor. Serrices st 11 and 7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 10; C. F, 6:30. Montarllla Christian Tabernacle Berrlcea at 11 and 7:30 p. m.; B. S., 10 a. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Gladstone Rer. Roy L. Dilhn. saater. Berr lcea at 11 and 7:30 p. m.; 8. 10; Junior U, E., at a p. m.; c. e.. o:so p. m. Kern Park Rer. R. B. Maxay, paator. Berr. Ices at 11 and 7:30 p. m. Woodlawn Ker. Herbert F. Jonea, pastor. Bt. j oon Her. j. n. jounson, paator. nery Ice at 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10: C. E.. 7:80. Bcilwood, corner Nineteenth and Nehalem Rer. J. A. Mellon, pastor. Berrlcea at 11 aad 1:30 p. m.; S. 8., 10; C. E., 8:30. - Vernon Dr. J. F. Gbormley, paitor. Berrlces 11 and 7:45; 8. 8., 12 m. Topic: "Moaea." Erangcllst iiamuel Gregg will apeak In tb erenlt g. Conrrecatlonali Flrat Rer. Luther R. Trait. T). d ' 11 a. m. and 7:45. p. m. Topic: ''The Do'mlafelToi Qooaant Perfect rece. ' , Lnireralty Park Rer. W. C. Kantner, D. D., pastor. 8. 8., 10 a. m.j T. P. 8. a E., 7; morning eertoon by Dr. George E. Pcddock. Srealng aermon by Dr. J. M. Lowden. . Flrt Germaa Rer John H. Hops. 10:30 and T:30; 8., 8.. 8:15; C. E 6:80. 10 and 8; C. ., -tjjj; "". Mnderhurit Rer. D. B. Grart 8. 8.. 10: lerrk-es 11 and 7:45. Toplca: "The Ploneera," j ne dud vhdv twin ioi n a i:nriatian." 8. S. 10; C. E 8:18. Toplca; "God's Wondroaa Dwalllng Place," "Tha Half-baked Caka." Pilgrim Rer. D. V. Poling, paator. Preach ing at 11 aad 7:30; 8. 8., 0:48; C. E 8:30. Morning topic: "Mr Personal Interpretation of Conrragattoaallsnm." - Highland Rar. B. 8. Bolllngcirf Barvleas 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10. Atkinson Msmorlal Rar. F. W, Gormaa, pas tor. Serrlcaa, 11 a. m. and 7:45; B. 8., 8:45. 8t. Johns Br, Jamas Marnhr. 11 and Si s. a. lu, ZpUoaraL TVlnlty church Rr. Dr. A. A. Morrlaon, rec tor, eerncea s ana 11a.m. ana r:so p. an 8. 8.. 8:43 a. m. Pro-Cathedral of Bt, Btaphaa the Martyr Bar, u. au Kamaay. eerrices 11 ana 7:30. Bunaay acnooi, 10. Church of Our Savior Woodstock Bar. B. H, Clark, berrlcea a ana ll. Bt. Mstthaw'n Mission Bar, W. A. M. Biack. rlcar. 8. 8. 10 a. tn. Sermon at 11 a. tn. Erening aerricea at Bt. Helens on the Columbia rlrer. Bt. Darld' Rev. Henry Ruasal Talbott, 7:80 ceieDration ot tne noiy liucnariat: 8:45, 8. B ' Bt. Andrews. Portsmouth Rer. V. W. Baum. rlcar, In charge. 11, prayer and aermon, l;3u; 8. B 10. Celebration of Holy Eucharist tba first Sunday in the month. Erening aerrlcaa discontinued until October. AU Sainta' Rer. Boy Edgar Remington, rec tor. Service, 11 and 8; 8. 8. 8:45. Commun ion iirst rjunaay in eacn monta. Bt. Mark's Rav. J. E. H. Blmpaoa. rector, Holy uucnarist, ?:ao a. m.; 0. a., a;4s a. m. Matlna and Litany, 10:16. Holy Ebcbaxist 1 1. m Eranaona. a: Grace Memorial Rer. George ' B. Van Wa ter and Rer. Gawald W. Taylor, Holy Com munion la a; 8. B., 10 a. is. Berrlcea 11 ana Ht. John'a Choreb Rev. T. T. Bowan. a 2: vrenina nrarer and aertnori. t. uooa anennera nar. ooa nawaoa. ll and 7o; B. B 10. Bishop Morris memorial inajjei Good Sa maritan noapnai. ioapiaiu r rcaerick K. How. ard. Holy communion, 1 a. m. Prarer and aermon i :u. x Ascension inanei roruana ueighta, 8. 8. s:au. ' HL John's. Milwankle Bv. T. r. Ra.. 8. 8., 2; erening prayer and aermon, 8; xrr- ice, a. . . : . 8U Paul's, Wood mere Rev, Oswald W. Tay. lor. 8. 8., 8; aarrleaa, . Bt, Mlchaera ana Alt Angela- Bar. T. F. Bowan In charge. 11 aud 7:80; 8. 8., 10. Bt. John'a Church, Sellwood Ber. William B. roweii in coarK. dbiuih at o viocs nun day morning. PorumouUi Hereford at. near Lombard at. Ber. k U. Baum, vicar. 8. 8. 10. Patton, Michigan and Alberta Genre F Hopklna, pastor. 8. 8., 10; aermon, 11; aar mon, 7:30 P n. .Kenton Fir hall on Brandon at. Bar. F. M. Baum. rlcar. 8.' 8. 10. Kraalng aerrlcaa Snf aermon 8. Holy commnhioa on third Sun day of each month. ;. . lutharan. '. Swedish Immannel Rar. J. Richard Olson. 11 and Hi 8. 8.. 8:45. Bt." James" Engllah Rer, J, A. teas, paator. Strrieea 11 and 8. Toplca; "The Inner Ufa and the Innr..,MIloa" -TrareU of St. Paul." Bt. Paul's. Lutheran A. Krauaa, pMtor. 8. 8.. 8:30; serrlces 10:80 and 8 p. m. 8t. Johns 8. 8.. lot preschiog, 11. Zlon'a German (Missouri Brnod) H. B. Kn. I ..... n -n,i a n n. .... . , Hawaro- wreet J.' ar,-Le-den.-tiaetor.-" ervr"&ma mi," lo : 15, T: 45 '. S. 8.7 8:1 r ikrTT' 1 rnantr ...i. " fwaveSf1 , Helgbta-Rer A. W. -B,,nd. pastor. W.fii 9AVfc 8. KraoH. p.or. fcs Tt iC'ili WorshlB 1! and 7:30; B. 8.. 10. Toplca; "The Berrica Jo:30 and 7:30 (German and Engllah) n m - ' B" ' ht to ReaMJelJ?CI,"W "A Uit " tUig at P B.dlc.l-R.r. T. J. Cocklln. paator. Berrica. ,feUurUeJUn )tJ, BUub. 41 atl A I flraca 'SaglUh iUieearl 8)-Ktbr ,a V b v'JtmZW kt.Tirui v.!.?: ..v 1 . - ' " t - , wi a ( --, aajp- ai i -aaaay. f aaaaw i . it asavamaj BJ I Fargo. Bar. Carl Hassold. 10:80 and 7:80; 8. 8. 8.80 Swedish Mission Ber. B. 1. Tbortn. 11 snd 8; 8, B., 10; X. r., 8:80. Alblna (German) J. H. Dlrkaoa, pastor. 0. F. Ruicbj, local alder. Berrlcea: 8. 8., 10 a. at. ; preaching, 11 a. m.. Trinity German (Missouri Bynod) J. A. Blra kach. 8:15; 8. 8., 7:30. . Kiln Chapel Rev, B. J. Thorsoa. 11; K 8., 10. . immanqal German (Sellwood) H. C. Ebellng. 10:80; 8. 8., 8:80. Bwedlah Aaguatana Bar, H. E. Bandatedt 10:46 and 7:45; 8. 8., 8:80. Lenta 0. J. Cummlnga, paator, Serrlces: 8, 8., 10 s. m.; preaching, 11 and 7:80 p. m. Bethany Danish M. C. Jensen Engholm, paa tor. Berrlces u and 6; 8. 8., 10. Y, P. U., S p. an. erary xueaaay. Boman Cathollo. Holr Redeemer Ber. Ed. K. G ant we IL C. 88. B. ' Low masa, 8;. high uaaa aud aermon, tu:su; oenaaictioo, . Bt. Isnatlus Rer. F. Dillon. 8. J. Low man S and 8:80; mass, sermon and benediction, iu:u. Bt. Joaepb'a (German) Rt. Rer. Jamea Ranw, v. u. uow snais, o; man man ana sermon. 10:30; reaper ana oeneaiction, s.'&u.- 8t. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Moat Rer. a Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and 8; high masa and sermon, 11; reapers, instruction and beneaictioa, 1 :o. fit. Francis Rer. J. H. Black. Low mu 6, 8 and 81 high masa and sermon, 10:80; rea pers, instruction aim ueiieuicuuu, 1 .Ml. . t. Lawrence's Rer. J. C. Hughea, I Low maaa, a, s ana v nign mass ana aermon. 10:3o; reapers snd benediction, 7:80. Bt. Patrick's Her. S. V. Murphy Low maaa. B; high masa and aermon, 10;30; reapers hnd neneaivtiou, :w. imnuicuiata Heart or vary Bar. w. Dalr. Low maaa, 6, 8 and 9. Hiab nana and aermon, iu;i; reaper auu oeneaiciion, 7:80. Ascenalon. Montarllla Kar. i. r. ritxDatrlck Maaa at 8; high uaa with crmon. 10:30: Sun. flay acnooi at v; ueneaicuou at s:au. Holr Rosary very uer. u. a. Kellr. Lmr maaa, o, I, e ana v; oiga mass ana aermon, 11: reapers and benediction. 7:30. acred Henrt. Milwaukia Ker. Georra Ra. bla. O. 8. B. .Low mass, 8: blab maaa ana rtnon, i'i:.)o; resper ana oenaaiction, 7:80. Holy uon, unirermty t-ark Bar. J. p. Thlllman. V. 8. C. Low ansss. 8:30: hleh maaa ana aermon, io:ao; reepers ana Deneaictloo, 1, Bt. tttepnens ner. yv . a. want. Lam maaa. 8:30; blgb mai and aermon, 10:30. . St. Andraw'a Rar. Tbomas Klarnaa. Low masa, 8; nigs maaa ana aermon, 10; reaper, Detraction ana wncuicuvo. i BL 8tnllau (Pouh) Ber.. FL Matnaaaw. kl. Low ma, 8; high mas and aermon. Ifk.QA ' IV.W. Tnitad Zrangtlioal. First Rer. C. C. Pollnr. Berrlcea 11 a m and S o. m.: 8. B.. 10: K. L. C. E.. S:4R. wcaiey wreea iter, b. u. ioreii, psator. II and 7:30; B, ., 10; R. L. C. E., 7 p, m. Bt. Johns William Stephen Plowman. Pmaen. ing 11 rna a; av jo; k. u c. B., 7. wirnita er. a. a. rarnnam. caatne. Preachlnc aerricea every first and third Bun- daya of each moptb. 8unday school second and rourts aunasys. ,, United Brethren, first Bev. Charlea . L. Wllllarna. na.tnr. Brrlcea 11 and 7:80: 8. 8 10; C, E., 6:80. Becona Aioena, ner. . r . cprecner, paator, Bar. B. a. Bamerlaa, paator. Bar rices 11 and 8 p. a.; 8. 8, 10; Y. P. 8. C. B., 7. Unitarian. Church Of Out Father Bar, T. Lr-aTltol D, D., paator, minister emeritus, Bev. W. J. Eliot Jr., minlatar. Berrica 11 a. an. Teple, "Be yond," rrianda' Ohorck. tonnyelda East Tblrty.nrta anal Hats streets. Homer Cos. pastor. - Berrlcea -11 and 7:80: a. 8., 8:45; 0. 6:80; prayw maaUng, Thnra- aar, ?:w p. m. Lent South Mala street, Myra B. Bmlth. Preaching. 11 s. a.. 8 p. m.i Bible aehooL West piedmont manoa Rav. T. I. Cabnra. Praaehlna 11 a. an. and 7:cJ D. m.r Blhla acnooi, 10 a, m.; a, s., 10 ; u, a.t sua. ' ' Advent " Adrent Cheater F. L. Smith, Preaching, iu:so ana i;w, suouay acuooi, ; r. a, u. Evangelical Aaaoelatloas. Carson Heights J. Blocker, paator. 11:80 ana is o. iu:w. a First German Krasgallcal H. ' Bchakaacht, pastor. Memorial Calrin I. Bergitreasar. pattor. 8 8.. 10: 11 and 8. Y. P. A.. 7. V First English East Blith and Market streets. Ker. K. i- nornscnucn, paator. B. a., 10 a.,m. Y. P. A. 7 p. m. Berrlcea 11 and 8 p. m, - rormd. . First German G. Hefner, paator. Serrlces 10:45 a. m. ana s p. m.; s. n., s:w a, ari, P. &, 7 p. m. Second A. B. Wyaa. Columbia bird, and 83d at. 11 ana s. o. o. iu m. Third Bev. H. Scheldknecht naator. S. .. 10 a. m. aerrlc 11 a. m. German achool Bat- nraays, iu a. m. . ' TJfalraraaliat, Church of the Good Tidings Bav. J. D. Cor by. Berrtcee at 10:43 a. m. "A Spiritual Dec laration 01 inaepenaenee." a. a. 12. x. P. 7. Christian Saleaoa. First Church of Chxlat Serrteaa at 11 and 8 p. m.; 8. B.. 11. Lasaon aermon, "la tba Unirene, Including Han, Brolraa by Atomic orc7" . Eecoud Sunday aernce, 11 a. m. aad 8 p. 8. 8.. 8:45 and 11 - a. m. Laaana "la the Unlraraa, Ineludlag Has, Crolred by Atomls Force 7" . Third Eaat JZtb and Balmoa ata., 11 a. m. Leon aermoa, "la the Cnlrarae, Inclndlng Mas. Erolred by Atomic Force " - Fourth 246 Kllllngswortn arr.v-B. 8., 11; aerricea 11 a. 'U. and S p. m. Laaaoa um "la the Lnlrerse, Including Man, Erolred by Atomic Force t" .aTaaarana. ' Behwood -Church of tba Nasarena 8. .,io s. m.; preacnlng 11 a. in, aad 8 p. m. vi-af 1 i, lire a ul lam nmo u. r. t . . rd Dana, va.wr. . . aervcea 11 and 8; etreat meeting, 7; Y. P.. 7:80. ' . urentwooo iun v. la fiasarene -Bar i.-a Walla. 8: 8.. 10; aerricea 11 mad a, J' p. ., 7; prayer meeting. W.dnaaday, 8 p.'B.i Young People a metUng 7:80. " ,? ' . tavanth Bay Advastlat, " vf t. Reaular aerricea of this deivtmi.oil are nam uu di.-j. Kir.l Mi;too U. 8b Johns, nasto b. tcs: ttabbath acbool, lo a, m.; preaching. 11 Mouut Tabor Ber. a t. Cummlnga, paator frrlcee: ttabbath achool, 8 p. m.; preaching, Jnt-0. Wmmlnta. putor. ifcrrtoasj - Alblna (German)-J. H. Dlrkaoa, pastor: V F. Ruach, local alder. rWrrloeaT tUbbtti acbool, 10 a. m, preaching, 11 a. m. MoaUvUla Sarrleaai Sabbat sebooL 18 a1 sa.J preaching. 11 a. an. . . " " it Johns feabbatb achool, 10 proa ch lag, Jlt tattar Day BabU Chsrca af Jeaua Chrlat ef Latter Day Saints (Mormon) 444 T.mb aU-A 8, m li:o ana i. Montarllla (not Mormon) 8. tv ' a:ts au... leea U sad T:80. .. . . Tree Xathodlat. First Church , cornr East Ninth and Mill Bar. W. 1. Johnton, pastor. Sunday aerricea 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. a. " Central Church Rar. W. H. Boddy. a, a 10i nrrlcea 11 and 7:80. t, p. hL. tM. B'' fit. Johna-11 and 7:80. ' Barrloes for th Daf, Church of tha Kw Jerusalem. Charch of tha New Jurualm Charles A Koaabaum, paator. K. P. ball. Berrlcea 11 a! m. and 8 v. m. Toolca: "The Laa, e c.- glreness," "Tha Power of faith." Miacellaaeoue, r New Thought Templa of Truth Ellara tmiMt Ing, P. J. Green, paator. Berrica at a. Toole: HUi flu Ruth." ' J" wyiv. ... Bahal meeting, 403 Eilera bulldlns. Bnndaa afternoon at 8 o'clock. ' Dlrtna Truth Ctntar Ber, J. M. . llinard paator. Berrlces u a. m. Bsiratloo Army Coma No . 4. snr atreet, Adjt. and Mra, Baldwin tn charge. Sunday aerrlcaa at 8:15 and 8. Adjutant line man will apeak. ealratlon Army Corps No. 1. 47' North a end street. Adjt. and Mra. Whitney in charsa. Buuday aerrlcaa at 0:10 and 8. Church of tba Brethren (Dnnkards) Rer George A, Carl, 11 and 7:80; H. fl., lo; a W 8:80. Christian Yoga Christiansen's hall, 171 Uth at. Berrlcea 11 and 8 p. m. Frank f n.-.. son will preach. Topic "The Resurrection." Bwedlih Corpa Balration Army 430 Burn, aide, 11. 4:80 and 8. . (JonircgatioB uai ouohiu oerrtce at 8:36 and a. Volunteers of America Mission nn w Ankeny street, nesr ad 8:80 and 8:15. Erangellcal are cnurcn (Scandinarlan) 878 Uulon arenue. Berrica 11:45 and 7:45 - , i, J. Peteraon. paator. The Church of God Ber. J. T. Nal,, pastor Berrlcei at 10 (Uermsn), 2:3o, 6:45V a g' ' l;30i tasumony ana uraiae meeting it r . vourcu vi. .M..-. ,racuina: II anA t-JUt. Bible Class 10 a. m. ' " . Lenta t'burcb Myra B. Smith. Praaehlna . 11 and 7:45; 8. 8.. 10; C. E., 6:45. " Plaah Mission, Lenta run goepel Bandar 10:3oa. m. and 2:30 p. tn. Tueada .Ba"Kff'l eranlns at 7:30. ' Intaruatloaal Blbla Students Odd fellowa' hall ' Blbla lon. 1:8): prayar and pralsa aerrlM S. 45. Beraaa Bibia atuay 1:30. -"in, KtB; Craatlos." Dlscours by Win. A. Rak.. ktv. . Oath Bound Corenant." Xi h. c. A.oixtn ana Taylor. B. B p.,.- 1 klaa, religions director. Man's maatins' at a BB." , . ... Tv W .C. . AcrBroadwaijind,TMlae-. Taanaa aerrlca 4:30. "Meagcs From tba Out of j Doora,P a Trip Abroad." by Carrie A. O'Dell. The annual convention of the Naw . Thought Temple of , Truth followers will s held next Wednesday nlaht st tha MulUiomali hotel,. . , , 4( i t' ' ' ( t y -v 1