THE OVXGOU DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY LVLNING, JUNE 21, 1DK 17 (Contlnu-d) LAND BARGAIN. ' $18 AN ACKK. 100 acre of land In loiigli county. About 2,00.),0u0 feet of saw timber; 20 acre slaahort: 4 Here In berrlc. or chard anil other fruit, Box house, 16x 18. with 8 foot norch anil kitchen; burn 16x20, with a .2x1:0 ahed; goat shed and fcrady, Main Restaurant, lXood Jilver, a fw other building. Uood amail 'Oregon. sawmill wHh a turbine wheel and a dam I MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. In one that coat f 3 60 to build, and 1 a perman- of tne bAlt i0(.atlons of Portland, rnt dam. This la a splendid little place paC9 ,. ovvned by rny8eif aa lady part for a man to make himself a home. Priu nuT: aha la in tha hoanltal and f am for the 100 acres itioiuaing wwrnm, UUliUltlKV 1.11(1 CrClJMHUfl, V.43J a vvw A. A. FISHER. Ill Lumbermen bldg., Main 8711 j : FOR HALE--166 acre land near Wa mlo, Or.; 80 acrea tillable, balance pasture land; running- water: M mile from acbool and atore. Price 11000 Address W. F. Mnarlll, Wamio, Or. FOR RENTFARMS 14 LEASE FOR SALEIS acrea potatoes, garden, $90 digger, $4160 cultivator, all for $350; includes uae of houae, barn, 6 acrea for use till Jan 1, A bargain; muat leave. Inquire atore at Sycamore atatlnn, Cadero lino. HOMESTEADS 4? aa--a"Bi'-aaaaa,"a .41 ACRE relinquishment for aole oheap. . 9 milea from ,a live town, fir and , cedar wood, aprlng water, good land, Srar nrlghbora, Kor particular, addreaa . V. w box H Yamhill, Or.: xursz- -To" i sw.. 'nV .U.y Ju.t op tr . M.n n,i wif. mn taic re.:-ll 4th st Main 1774. " ' "-' TD1BER TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND iOLD. L. R. NVCK. 114 COMMERCIAL BDQ. . FOR SALE OK RENT BEACH PROPERTY OCEAN CRE8T gptr Flirnlshed, light housekeeping. Bocluway Beah. Rea gonable ratea. - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S4 TO TRADE 108 tcre. 15 clear, 1J. 000. 50 acre, all clear, 16600. 101 acrea, little cleared, balance fine tlm- ber, f 8000. These farma are near Auro- ra ana in am oeai larmmi . u un i nvmw, vineri neea not appiyT Home valley. Want house and lot on each, I Purchase Dep'L, Equltabla Life, 101 Or tal. long time. Good reaaona for mov- egonlan bldg. ing to Portland. I wiu five eaon anawer Immadlata attention. 'Hurry UP. . Ao-i -xiurry up. Ad- . , , ,ourr""- r--j Alfttt grain ano aioca rancn, mirun auiuuinu fUrtroES: VERT in cultivation, sou in crop, zov um- mer fallow, well stocked with hones and cattle. Reaidence cost 810,000, furni- ture 12009. Barn and outbuilding $5000. Everything giea at 1130,000. Located close -to Spokane. WIU sell or exchange for good city Income property. LX-663, r i YVAMTIUU uxenange two paroaia oi acrea fn(i lot worth 16000 (mort- 11400) for new modernt home in I sage J. win Atf n a I mV..l.ncumb 1-841, Journal. TO TRADE for Portland rroperty. near- ly new S room handsome, modern bun galow, fine barn, etc., 1 acre bearing orchard. Thia is a beautiful noma in a fine southern Oregon city. Phone Woodlawn 265. WlLL trade my 24 acrea 3 miles west of Forest Grove for city property. ik.. mrA ! wttii utfMi. twniHAVE 31000 to loan at okce On aood iStrii lln 281 E 76th at N M-V" car. eiectno linea. zai ii.n bu n. m. t nr. liuv ... . . nl. JOnna ca.r lur iui iu reairiuiou district or acreage. Phone Woodlawn 054. ; 15 ACRES Fine soil,, good house, barn, - beautiful view, near Mosier. Ex change for Portland property. 610 Mo- Kay bldg. CLEAR city lota for team, harness and CAt" J2"f D"l,ln w'SSSg:! lmn nd coy'- E- rates. gCT.fe. jw?,ffi 16.)' 1.. flookane valley' orchard land. MONEY to loan, large loana a Specialty. level and -od soU for Portland prp7- fhty. Hotel or gen. Store, i t:nmnar Commerce, bldg. lis -aeree adjoining Portland. Will sell or traae tor lmpsovea city property. 116 Oregonlan bldg Phone Main 2240. WE exchange what you have for what you want, reper ft Baiter, 44t ner lock bldg.. 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. WILL trade modern home for farm property. Owner, Marshall 8975. LOTS and other property to trade for rooming house. 613 Buchanan bldr. LOTS in city to trade for mortgages. 1131 K. 81st st. N. C-2118. ROOMING HOUSES S3 160 BUYS small rooming; house, good location, 1 block from Grand ave., terms, aiso zu room rooming nouse. East ioi4. COME and look this over: 9 room room- A desirable place for ladies and gentle lng house at bargain, furniture near- men to borrow money On diamonds ly new. Deal with owner. 233 Madison and jewelry at eastern ntea. - Diamond st. bet 1st and 2d. 11 ROOMS, nicely furnished for houao- keeping, dandy home, all rented, clear bill sale, cash or terms. Shown by ap polntment only. Owner, A-7664. $160 WILL buy 18 room house fur nished for H. K., 3 years' lease, full. Main 1783. . WHAT xent will you pay for 46 rooms and store? Good for hotel; on Lar- rabee; Inquire owner, 289 E. 8th. PAYING rooming house. Buasy street. , Might trade. 291 H E. Morrison. East ,2663. BUSINESS CILaACES 20 ON ACCOUNT' oVVickness'andeak lns ud of family will sell mv delica tessen and Store at y KHUngsworth ave.; Invoice $1000, for $600; take St. jonns car, get oif at car barns. - Max Roony. FOR SALE with lease $2200 will buy 8 room furnished houae and ice cream and confectionery store; store clearing 8100 per month; house used as rooming ana Doarpng nouse: always run; rent P'd untirApni. in. inone K. 8677. ' Will Sacrifice if Taken before July , box ball alleys, building for same and lease at Council Crest. pee me evenings, juaye uaraner. ' FOR SALE-Dandy little restaurant, - doing big business; long lease, cheap rent; good location. If you want good proposition investigate, a-shy, jour- FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar store omy one in live valley town Of 2000 population. For particulars ad- press Ai jyemets. new ecott, notei. Phone Main 8872. FOR SALE for a few daya at a sacrl fice. modern 6 room house and lot 60x100 feet, on union ave.. near Shafer Street, all street Improvements In and paiq ror, K-444, journal. 11 FOR SALE ' 11 , FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS In country town near Portland. No com. ?eition. no agents, nx-823, journal. STifliance-In city to obtain interest bjwell establlahed business: refer ences and small amount cash-required; work for yourself Z-267, Journal, WANTED Some aood live county man- agers with small capital to represent us. Australian iceiess Kerrigerator Co., Poom 218 Edwards otel, east side. OR SALE Grocery and confectionery store, 8500; will lriVolce $800. 881 - Thurman st, FIRST CLASS grill for sale. $500 cash; liquor license; $75 rent 2. years' lease. 249 Davis at.; must go at once ' DRY GOODS and notion store, about $1150; 4 nice rooms In rear. Sell or trade for jot. 143 W. KUIlngsworth av. CANDY and cigar-store, good business; low rent, for cost of stock, about $500: trial given. 448 Ooldsmjth. " DELICATESSEN and lunch room, will sell Dart Of all. Bond mnn mi,.. Cheap rent.0ood location 44 il.4.A-J 600 Gdod EBusiness Cards, $1 511 Buchanan hldg., 286t Wash. T. " WEDDING invitations, announcements, i Ryler Ptg. Co., 86T Burnalde.-M, 530. LI VERY barn in city: Dai-t raali hai. ance trade, 330 Lumber Exchange. . GOOD paving blarkamithahop on west , ida,$500.I6'2. Jourcal... EUSLi;r;:i m-i.Ncr.3 ( Con tl niied) RESTAURANT for mile In tho beat town In -Ori-aon. Twnlily chairs, 14 stools, with 7 ruritlMied sleeping- rooma till filled. Doing- 185 a iuy. .Everything in flna shape. Cheap I rnt. H' ! newa and old ana online for acillnir. Cl .(red over $2200 laat year. 1500 chhIi. Addrea F. J compelled to leave city at once. If you want a bargain and have $00 caah to invest, come and e Mr, Tannanr, at the Franklin Hotel City, ' AUTOMOiULli: achoOl with high' grade expert teacher. Complete 110,000 equipment to train ror wis coming voca tion. Not run to make money, but for the good of men, See or write Supt oi in ah me near Kounj T. M. o. a. Day and Night School, coi, 0th anj Taylor ate. j . . . , WANTED ludy or gentleman' to andl lffrhf ttiannfaatiitMna' imlnAMi awtl give employment to ntlr famiiv and be your own bona, Small amount caah ana uttie property win guarantee re suit.. Deal with business people. Home FOR SALE Confectionery and ice cream Business, wnoiesale ana retail, In a good, live town on Columbia river. 12.000 Deonle. and a future. The ohanca or a lifetime; good reaaons for gelling, uon i wait, ouy it novj owner. prlc aooo. ux-624, journal, UAUBEii shop urst class in every re 1" l' 1L .L-'. I " ' 1. -"1L I 111 , 1 ' ' spect: 8 chairs and bath:, in rood lo, ?' .to settle the aetata of . Andrew ff'ai"?' 7 8 FOK BAUS--Contectionery.and grocerv aiore. uuoa jouauon,.jvng jeaae: 11260. JX-B21, Journal. . i MONEY TO LOAN. 27 REAL ESTATE .. 6 Per Cent Monev to Loan The Equitable Life Aaauranca aoclety will make loana on approved home prop erty to be repaid by fixed monthly In tallmenta over a period of 10 year. wiiii-, me aaauionai - provision tnat in event of daath fit hnrrnwa, Inon tm mn celed by a policy of life Insurance iaaued therewith. Intereat t per cent. These loana are made only In the better real- dence district and only on Improved tnv -.n I 1U 1UAI1 ON IMPROVED REAL EflTATB OR riAiouij v.u,nikauh; "NO COM MISSION. - - J w Cwi.UMBIA LtfE & TRUST CO 118 SPALDING BLDO. - 1 " WB haira money to loan kt-Jow" rates on irnprpved real estate. WAttTfflAN-THOMPSON BANK. L6aN3 made on Improved city property . kh.h r ..r . X""""' . advance repayment privileges. No or proaerage, J. r, t,ipaoomhf 848 BtarK. jaee Loans I. I WHITE. 701 Belling bldg. TO LOAN Eatate funds on real es tate at current rates. Inquire at torney, rooms 10-18 Mulkey bldg., 2d ana mornion Portland real estate at 8 per .fcent-for . . w p-.-i.-n -loV-hamK ijommerce. warsnan I76i. MONEY 'to loan, improved Portland property special facilities for large loar.a. Title & Trust Co.. 4th and oak. 8100.000 on mortgagee, city or farm property, fire Insuranoe. MeKehkla A uo., weninger niag., ana Alder. JSKiJiJ w v 7 per cent money, realty mortgages, email cuarga 10 ouiruwcr. , vyara, at' torney, Allsky bldg. 8100 TO 1800 to loan on real or coUat era! security, for a short time, J07 Oregonlan bldg. ' MONEY to loan, 4 to 8 per cant W. U. twits at to., iv epaiaing mug. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. WILL loan $20,000 or teaa, real estate, Farrlna-ton. 416 Commercial :iub bid. MORTGAGE loana 6 and 7 per cent Loula Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st $1000 to $6000 for immediate loan on real estate. Taoor 77V , MOXET TO LOA CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 Palace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl drug stor. MONEY sold on Installment: confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New- ton. 8i Henry tiag. .w - SALARIED people wishing credit are cordially Invited to see Mr. Drake, 828 Henry bldg. Mutt Wasn't There in a Pinch .-...--..,-;...'. .t ...... -.:. :... .-. . . t'..--. i- a -. x - ' '-' "' .'-. - - - vVVtV'"l7Q hXKKf. I KCT pftSP, 1 . WHWPtfeOtN-rMiT V VOWvtr 6oY fWlYHin -Hugg; . v - - i . . '. i r .t- wr spw r 1 v C7 All we rnulre is that you be em ployed on salary, and you get tha money quu-Kiy wiinout worigagu, lnauraur or oiner Necurniea. Call and aee us. ' Do It now. State Security Co. 80.1 falling bldg. - , ' .', VACAT10Nm6NEX7 ' fiaa Ila Today. Wa can nroaure money f of you on your Plain note, furniture, piano, autoa or atorag receipt, no rea tape, yuicn service, busiuess confidential. Toucan get It today. PORTLAND LOAN CO. 411 Mii'ltav hide-. , ELUY CO. ' i A private plao to obtain money on watches, diamonds, jewelry kodaln, piano, warehouse receipts, etc 12b Lumber Exchange blag. -MONEY tOH fcALARiKD PtOPLB and othara. unon their own namea: (heap ratea, eaay payments, confidential. i, h, Toiman, room i7 Lumntr a. MONEY loaned on diainonda and Jewel' IT1" ry, strictly eonfldentlsL 141 H miNar', wanted; $500 FIRST mtg. 1 year 8 per cent on two good building lota, value 61000, li aiiwi .i.a tdr.n am 1 1 acres at Estacada for $t60. E-487, Jour nai. WAf to borrow Jliol jor WWIng iiuii'vsng, gyvvij mqui a via vity, i wut eny. jvot over i per cent, x-aaa, journal, WANT to borrow 84000. 3 years per 4000. 3 ye ty. L-M9. cent. Good seourl Journal. riNAXClAL. 81 MONEY to loan on Improved real eatate security, lieu Register, .01 uer- l:rr oidg. HELP WANTKn MALE Situation Wanted lmSnTnShKuatMS memoer win ecure empioymeui or fun f mamhaeahin arWea two member will secure employment or re --.v- ""-w"...t ::iTii..i ii rsnip lee; givei oersniD Dnviiese. iv roooths social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the v . . . ' run term or memoersnip wunoui iur- tner charge. Record for 12 month amllnr Deo. II: Call for men 2265 Positions filled ...1627 ' tee Secretary Employment Depart ment t. m. u. A. i I, i ll ' ' ' KOM.Y TO LOAN CIIATTIJi?, KALAKIO (Conllnnefl) - Vacation Loans : And the plaoe to ' get them. $10 to . - 8100. At the lowest ratea. . aos. inarted free for those in neea oi aAKit in tn ..... lUn... work and who are unable to pay for an (&?Jgg w &omMmmU$ advertisement Advertisement must be " ? iJffmilvniaSf v?hiWi M&ton&Swi pM'0naiIy by th W;' OermanridfsrV parties aeairing woric. r-aii a,min-. tin m.H . - w..tiu salesman; excellent openinmMrs uuy w. Taioot, 262 King at. witn oiaeai, strongest nursery west oi Rockies. Our ttrnis are 60 per cent mote libera! than those of any other reliable nursery. Get tha best cash re turns from your work by connecting with us. write toaay. ine woooourn xxur- series. Woodburn, Or, SHORTHAND school; expert men teach- ers with 8500,000 equipment moderate fM Not run to make money, but con Aaoted by business men to aid, young men In Securing practical education, kee-ister now. Y. M. C A., corner 6th and Taylor sts! WANTED Few youna- men to learn profitable trade, day or nlrnt echool. plenty of openings, watch making, en graving school. 210 Glob bldg., Port- ana, ur. OFFICE man with $2000 to act as so'y anil sail, vmua tumu iui niwiron firm that has branch here. Good salary I and position to right party. W-4J9, Jour nal WIRELESS operators In constant le , mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; oomplets equipment; best on Coast. 'w v "' RELIABLE, sober man for dramatic road company, take tickets, handle cash; com money required. B-4S2, journal. MARRIED man on ranch; muat under stand Irrigation andvStock; excellent opportunity; reierences. - (joiumbia val. ley Orchards, Ltd., Sinclair, a. q. CALL! CALL! Dramatlo people In all lines. Spe- ciaity people preierreq. v-i)U4, journal. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. f 285 Yamhill st. WANTED Stave bolt cutters, good job. Apply in upmeti oiqg,, city BOYS wanted with wheels, write L. Nathan, 76 3d st. Call .or WANTED State and county agents for a gooa seller, ztso Oregon Hotel. WANTED Amateur acts written and coached. 348 h vveyh. Room 10. KNITTERS on hand machines for sweat er coats. 212 1st st, top floor. WANTED Mattress makers. Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur sts. WANTED Yard man. Leighton's Dairy Lunch, 332 Washington. FIRST CLASS machinist J for mo oei works. 142H 4th st 'TWA UP e aa w P" JF t aaam -i III-LP WANT IE D MISC. , 43 WANTEP-TnrtUnd mall carriers, postal dork. 1800 firnt your, 1100 yerrBie to Jibuti), vocation, l'orlitinil exHtnlnu. tloria coming. Specimen question free, h ran klin Jnatltul. Dept. ltoclitsi ter, jv, r. lN'l fc-KNATIONaL . COKItK.dt'ONL- ENClfi KCiI001,H, BOB McKay bldg Cor. Third and btaric at., open Wa and Bat. nlghta. Phones; Main 1024, newer and drawing pa par, I'OKTLAND mall carrier wanted, av eraae 890 month. Portland examlna tlona coming, Bpeolman queatlon free, Frankiininatltute, .Dept. giltfis, ltoclies ter. n. r. VvWi'ED Names of men, 18 to 48, wishina- to become iortiana mail car rlera. - Commetio $67 month. WX-420, journal. OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. ' Practical Instruction, drlvina and f pairing automohiies, 8B.s nth at, MhiN. women to learn barber trad weeks: noallions guaranteed. Orea-on Harner coiiepe, tun jviaaiaon. ins uouon iNl-KttMAttONAL CORREP(5ND.raa Schools, 166 Vi 'd at. (near Morrison), Room 7 ana i. Main 1U4S, a-8044. BHOKTHAND, any ayatam, aypewrltlna' bookkeeping, rapid short courses posi tion guaranteed. 620 Worcester bldg. UNCALLED for tailor mad aulta. 14.60 Tayiqr, tne tailor, 88h Hurnaide, laarn beauty Parlor bualneaa. Earn money learning. .413 Rothchild. HELP WANTK1 FEMALE a 1 .-.Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted frea for those In need of V-Sf: be brousht to the office Daraonallr br the partite aeairing worn, WOMEN EXPERIENCED IN BILLING. Apply Perore :so.e. m.. aunerintena ent's office, 6tk floor, THE MEIER WANTED teacher for" 8th and" Jth" rradea. Small achnol. 278 nap month. iKurnlahed cottage on school grounds. wooa iree. 'jeacner witn children pre- xerrea, i. VVaKIed An elderly lady who will nn(,h, rnn(i nPmant hum, w l2cn'. ooai JrSrnisnsni nome, wages per mo. . . 1, oox l, Mooa I IT I i ni.' v ll ,V, i : ; r- I PIANOlessons given In xcHas e for Instruction in Dookkeeplng or dress- maaing, K-i7, journal. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, small family, good wage. 1021 Quimby. Main 8969. WANTED Experienced second airL tll.n. Mil- 1 It 00 a. 1 R i ) J- . . V . ' ju-lu AV v. W, VI V4, CALlLl CALL! Dramatic ceoDla In all lines: aneclalt people preferred. U-327 journal. f 100 WOMEN, cannery work. Oreaon Packing Co., E. Eighth and E. Belmont' FIVE glrla to learn beauty culture. 401 Dekum bldg.. Sanitary Parlors. GOOD home for an orphan girl; state age. A-894, ,Journal. HELP WANTETJ aiALE AND FEAL1LE 29 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Wanted Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to set In business for yourself. gffa.or frM C'Ul r C&U " " N" 1 A . i WANTED Man ami woman to work on ranch, woman to cook and do housework for family; man must be good milker and teamster. R. F. D. No. 1. Box 87, Roseburg, or. STRAWBERRIES. Come pick them yourself at 60c per crate and get them fresh. Geo. W. Cook, Wichita, Gresham car. RAGTIME piano play inaw guaranteed in 10 to 20 lesson. It's interesting. 417 Eiiers oiag. - WANTED AGENTS SALES agents and salesmen, 150 per cent profit selling Gates.. Edger, for lawn ana garaen. write ror particulars. uates Mrs. co zso parxer ave., De troit, Mich. SALESMEN wanted, A-l general agent ror uregon; no charge ror rights. C Ackerman, 235 Oregon tiotel. SITUATIONS MALE BOY 17. good stenographer, wants do. sltlon in law office. Has knowleda-e of law. U-326. Journal. CHAUFFEUR, steady, sober and relia ble, wants position In or out of city. Main 8433. Mr. Sullens. BOOKKEEPER, now employed, would like small set of bocfts to keep even ings. H. M. Hayles, 505 Montgomery. MIDDLE aged man wishes position as pantryman or janitor. W-S76, Journal. FOR basement digging., plowing and) ! work, call-Wdln 2799. general team HeMt TU H I iC'ft' i. .!. a FAiftrinn. m il up "' "' - v.---t - .-. ----i-v-a i-;- .? ,-,-a ''.'. ,''' '';',-.'".' : -V W. r . '' f 11 CATIONS MALIi Continued) SITUATTON wanted by young ChlrnRf) t nian who has moved to Portland to live. Am 25 yviira of ae, high school and iitUveralty education, and in tu-at of henlth. Have broad .riews)ir circulat ing experience an well us selling ex perience of reputable Chicago motorcy cle, concein. Can furnish hvxt of refer ence as to my character and ability. Address Arthur Merita, 433 Uroadway. i-none Main 8433, Agents don t anawer POSITION wanted bymun experience In clothing, furnlahlnas store. Mar riea, carf ufrnlah references. Will go oui or cut,, journal. . t..JT..J . ! -. ' WlHJlU you kelaornln those rooms a 62.26 UP? Papering and painting rea sonable. Practical mechanic. Call f in lay, M ain 1329. ' ' WAN ifcy position as assistant in drug tor; wining and anxious to learn wages no object. James Ahern, 241 Dal aey at. BOY 14 years vf aae want any kln! of .work Kealde with twrenta. Tail Mrs. NorrlB. Phone- E. 1426. Alfred Dunn. VVANTKD-R epair work or cement or caini na- dv man witn ramnv. Aa dres 369 K. Morrl. YOUNG man would Ilk work in garage, drlvina or teamlna East 6913. Ask ror Miner. SITUATION, experienced moving picture operator. East 6649. Call 8 to 11 a, m SITUATIONS FEMALE V A-l atenosrsDher are What every em ployer want. The place to gefgood tenograpnera is at tne itemington Type Writer Employment DbdL No fee Charred. Call Main 8 or Main 77. 8 7th A YOUNG refined and well appearing woman wouia like nouseaeeping ror a party of means. WouKt go to country, itererenoes vexenangea. A-89B, journal NEAT, respectable young girl,. , 20 wants Doaltlon a housekenDer in rooming house br widower home where trustworthy gin is nceaeo. a, 3d. Belmor, Koorrt 64. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with knowl- edse of stenography desires perman ent or temporary position, Pbone Bell- wood 822. WANTED By thoroughly experienced woman position as housekeeper' in small family, without washing, or oham berwork by day. Call at 96 10th at. A WOMAN want light housework In ror nana in smau larany; gooa cook. wage. A-DQ2, journal. MIDDLE-AGED lady, a position ai housekeeper. CSll 6610 68th St B, E. Portland. WANTED ihousnkeeplng In widower's lamnr by widow witn sin a yre old W-373. Journal. GIRL, competent, wants work in small family close .in. -Main 3910 all week. Best or rererence. ELDERLY lady would like care of one or two children; mother's care. Phone Tabor 1633. LACE curtains, draperlea, linens laun nea ny expert, 'labor 117. COMPEI EN T stenographer desires piece work or half day's work. M. 12. POSITION a housekeeper in rooming houae or In-country. J-372, Journal. EXPERIENCED-stenographer deaires alternoon Work. Main 9187. Room 9. EXPERIENCED nurse wants situation at once. Tabor 2343. LACE curtains, hand laundered. Phone Main 1486. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE .j AND FE3IALE , 23 MAN and wife wish work on ranch; wife good housekeeper, man good rancher and, milker, or cook in small camp, K 366. journal, MAN and wile watated to cook In camp, I..Y;' L285Q. out oi town. Jura, noriman. -labor MAN and wife want poaition to cook in . camp out of town. Mrs. Hees. Tabor MAN and wife would like to take mrm of apartment house; best of refer ences. Call East 2270. NURSES 60 PRACTICAL nurse wants more cases; terms reasonaoin. eeuwooa 74s. FURNISHED KOOMS . WEST SIDE ' HOTEL DAYTON. New snd modern, hot and cold water In every room. Rates -it and 33.60 week. M. 6120. First and Taylor. FURNISHED rooms in mouern hotel, steam heat bath, 88 per week and up. notei Aieaiora. lit it. otn st, NICELY furnished room at the Llndel hotel, $1.60 and tip per week. 269 Market st. HOTEL f6rD. '733 Wash A delightful family hotel;., modern,' comfortable rooms, reasonable; 1 block from park. MAXWELL HALL. 14th near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mo, ern. .parlor, large porch, summer rates. Rooms $1.5 up. 247H Fifth st per wk.- Free phona and bath. Main 7754.' jMH and aDartmenta in' modern ho. tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Alder. MODERN, outside, ' clean, transient iwiu4ii uui.i--i-a 1 v. aii( v sail 01 1 rooms. 212 Broadway, corner Salm on. "l ?V';:" i1 CS'-eSf -:V - v -i ; 4 "" ': '' , " ,'.''"" " : ' , '. 'l'-'gr-" i - 1 , - lLRMSMirD HOC." WEST KIDC (Contlnnafl) FOR Y. M. C. A. MKMUERS rurnlahed rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower bath swimming pool, club facilities, special ratea at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full pui ticiilura at business of- rice, cor, gth and Taylor ata CALUMET HOIEU American and European plana: heart of rlty; fireproof building: hot and cold water and telephone In every room, Special rate, European plan $1 week ana up, American 39 up. Antlers Hotel; .Location. 10th and Washington sta, Rates. 2 to 6 per week. Modern, With or without bath. StandlsTHotei llth mil Ulihlnvlnn ata ELEOANT FRONT ROOMS, MODERN, Si.DU par WeeK and Up. M. 8603. A-744. 150 Flf.ST. ODft MOHRISOM. . Modern, nicely furnished, steam heat ed' room. $3 was!; up: 60a day. S car irom oepot. Main 4H61. , ' THE COLONIAL. 'i66 10th, near Mor rlson. comfortable, quiet, ateam heat Rooms r4aonable Every coi venlence. Room from $2,60 tip. FRONT room. brick bldg. $: Newly furnlahed. In a ', 645 Washington at ruKjrisirrn booms WriT ' SIS- VsUVATB I"AMTT' 70 - - gff ,-1 ri n. T- .. i. -Ti "U L I $15 FUTtNlSIIED 1 rooms and pantry. sink, gas, phonn, "oruhes, yard, 'base ment. 778 Roosevelt,: near 23d. Mar- snail 4116. , , ' MOaiVW M tllQlITTIS, 1 I J U IUVIU, I T CI Jf convenience. -370 13th, -west side. Mar- anan it4i. NICELY furnished rooms. 11. 7j weak up; also' housekeeping rooms; free pnone. natn. Hi a-'tli St., cor. waah. and duubl - sleeping - rooir rooma, verv feaannahla Phone-and bath. 221 i"sth i ;. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. 630 .Davis. Nice room: rcarm-tahla wormnginan or woman; 1 1.50 wek. THREW rooma, well furnished for houae- keeping, with piano, gas, bath and phone. 885 llth. 630 DAXIS-r-Beautlful furnished rooms for one or two ladles or gentlemen. $3 week. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, niod- em, rneap, us r ourtn St., west, NICELY furrdsheJ room, modern cort venience. central. $3 week. 404 Clay. ivlCE light room for,$i per week; largj lawn and verandas, 414 Market st. NICELY furnished clean front room, $6 per montn. aia'ji jerreraon st FLKMSHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 02 "- aa,--.-.. - - ai, - L -(j-fT THE CLIFFORD HOTEL, ? E. 6th and ilorrlson sts.. new and modern, steam heated, elevator, lara-e lobby, excellent grill. $3,50 week and up. THE Larrabee, 227 Larrabce. Rooms "32 wk. up. Brick bldg.. d. Brick bide steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. ruaurisninj 100X6" BXDB raVATB VAJaX-t SAIT NICE large front room, walking dls tance. the best home cookinav 71 11 llth st. E. 6101.- ROOMS AND BOARD NORTONIA HOTEL. llth, Just off Waahlngton st American and European: beautiful dining room tea room and roof garden; very attractive ' rates to families and bachelors. ' . WORKING boys away from borne earn- lng small salaries will fin 'a crood place to board and room-at the Y. M. C. A. Beys' club building $4 per Week. Call ttt Boys' depart Cent Y. M, C. A. or phone Mam 7066 ROOM and board for yotlng women, iwatlnB distance. 13 per week. Phona K. 4732. i- - : '.. - BOOM ABB BOAXB PRIVATE rJtT n MOST deslralfle rooms with all modern - conveniences, including excellent table board, easy walking distance. 564 E. Madison at, 13th and Madison. Haw- Ihilpna nop s ROOM, Doara, oatn, nome cooatng, ! a week up. Table board $4.60, 284 Main. NICE furnished room and board at 163 in. lBtn. rnone Main t"64. IF LOOKING for board or room in- qulre 130 K. 19th .st fhone. E-4252. : HOUSEKEEPING ROO.U 8 WEST SIDE LARGE, .front,, clean, housekeeping rooms in a brick blag. Bath, elec tricity. ' J?ree pnone. D4t ft washing ton. cor. 16th. THE CAMBRIDGE, 3d st, corner Morri son, furnished and unfurnished: H. K. rooms. Main 845. THE OILMAN 1st cor. Alder. Fur nished housekeeping rooms , 81-60 week up. Main 6800. - - - f NICELY furnished single H. K. rooms. moaern: ia.ow ana up per weeK. sszy, 4th. Main 7104. TWO outside rooms, fur. complete, free light and phone. ,270 Lincoln; cor. 4th, I V A I TWO lar iien:iHt front U r: plilllie, lllfht, ,Hlll, I'll'., ailtl;, arniill family tyard), r i siiul-ie. Marahiill ;t, or cill 1 Ch.-n...., LAl'iCIC 2 riom suite, f umlnlied plete for 1'O'iark eplim, m per month, t;ll Thuiiiun, Mu. FUitNIsiiED liuiiMckt-eptng ri'i, up. Free phone, 11k lit and bu 12th at. 2TT "TTTTn l''ut IliMlieil tiouni'ki room: wulklnif tliaiance; no oiijei umi to children.. Main 6h$, LAHolo front notiMekoepIng rooins. v reasonable. lanvi.lJ Waahlnitton and AldirA uii St., DxUViivo Foil RENT 2 unfurnlM'IKd houHi-kaep- lng rooms; light and water; $7 Jpi montly 8ti3 Benton, nr. Uroadway bridge. ii -1VHI luce houaeKeeplng rooma, nut water iay ana nignt. tvi jonnen mi. TWO nice furnished housekeeping room. 226 13h, between Pnlrnon and Main. FL UNTtiHED housekeeping room. 18 ill 10th st. sTjITE housekeeping rooma; also slnil room, modem. 171 N. 17th at. F'UUNffillKb. H. K. rooms, reasonable rent. 181 Bth., opp, notei rnrtiano. .UOl'SEKEETCCO ROOMS ' , ' , EAST SIDE 48 $1.60 Week up. clean furnished H. K. rooms, gaa. free baths, yard, laundry. Phonei Kant 60119. 203 Stanton. U car. ; g roo i Un heat, light,- bath. 61,6. 116 Ion. MOOSEKIEPIltO BOOMS XASX S1DB VtUTATB rAMIXT LARGE modern front H. K. room, pan- trv, closet K93 commercial at. near , Fargo. Hummer rate. NICELY furnhed lower suite; free gan. bath, phono. reusonaDie eov cn- inn ave. i UWO rooniH, bath, gas, electric light. tl E. 10th st. Phone E. 168. Clnsp, In. DOUSES FOR RENT 1J ON account of sickness, will rent to re- sDonslble party my 6 room modern cottaca with ona acre o fround. berries. fruit tree and garden In; chicken nous- es ana runs. No Children, ml bcott car to Firland station. 8709 79th st 8. E. FOR RENT 7 room house In splendid condition, fully modern except fur nace. No. 994 E. 19th St. W. Key next door north. Rent $18 a month. Main 3712. il i ROOM house. Bleeping porch, hot and cold water, furnace, nice roses and lawn, centrally located, in a good neigh borhood, $25 - per month. Call John Dick. 649 Union ave. N. $14. Fine, high location; new houae; 4 l.tts fenced; prune trees; chicken houses; 17 minutes on Oregon Electric; 6c fare. Phone Sellwood 1109. $12.50 Sunnyside school 1 block; six rooms, gas, electricity. Tabor 8586, evenings. ' FOR KENT Up-to-date modern 7-room houae, Rose City Park; rent $30 month. Apply 333 Oak at. FOR RENT 5 or rooma, modern con veniences, nice vard. view of city, cor. Chapman and Clifton. Portland Height. 7 ROOM house on St Johns car line for rent $1$ month; phone Wood- lawn1054v . ,'- - $156 room cottage, 4 blocks Broadway bridge 436 Ross. Inquire 309 Stark. Main '614. ' NEW modern bungalow $27.50 per mo., cr will sell on eaay terms, rnone own er Main 4936. NEW 6 room house in Beaumont, 1 blocks from car; every convenience. Phone Woodlawn mo. NEAT modern cottage, west side. Walk ing distance, cheap. J. it. morris, Main 8976, or Marshall 4947. , 13 ROOMS, beautiful cement block house, east side, furnished or unfur- nlshert. reasonabla 1085 Garfield. 1 3 ItOOM, 4 room and 6 room cottages, reasonable. Call 391 Union av, near E. Harrison. $9 PER MONTH Large 5-room house, Fulton Park. Inquire 450 N. Union av. $16 NEAT 6-room cottage with range; walking distance. East 4627. FOUR room cottage on Cheater at," near Caruthors' and Hood sts. $10. v FURNISHED HOUSES ?' 3tt , NICELY furnished 8 room house at Uni versity Park, $18 month: nice home; rosea, garden. 603 Couch bldg. 3-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE $.i)0 ( Close to school, stores, car, etc. Frea W. Gennan Co., 033 u. or u.tfotn pnonew. 6 ROOM house with piano $17. Take. Woodlawn car to 18th st, walk. 3 blks south, one East 703 jueianq ave. FURNISHED Irvington home for Julr and August; rent reasonable. Phoni East 3841. FURNISHED cottage for rent In , cttonge for board. Phone Sellwood 601. FURNISHED cottage for rent in ex--change for board. Phone Sellwood 501. (Continued on Haxt Page) Vll V FT! Uv list By "Bud" Fisher i'