Tin: omxori daily joukhal, I'Oktland, fkiday evening, junk 0, inx Mm PIES POULTRY MARKET- IS Ill III! AGAIN: SUP IS H MARKETS TODAY GREATEST YEARS Heavy Showers iof Lnt Few Day I'rlre Lose Fully 4c a 1'ound Within ('huno I)f relse lit Offerings on Ntrwt With Japanese About Only Offerer. - Period otKUDayg on Front Street Country Shipper Should Hold Hack. ' y i i f Tliei'e was a sharp advance In the prlco of strawberries in the local mar ket today. , Receipts were nevcruly 'cut Today'a Produce Trade. Kfca murket higher. , Chickens quoted lower. . Mutter and cheese firm. Cherry trade poor. Hop situation stronger. Country iiitatsstuudy. Cantaloupe price cut. More Text tomatoes coming. Ureen corn lower. Poultry pilot were again lowered along Kront street today. None of the., big; buyers are now offering above 12 12 Via for supplies, although a few deaoups were reported late yesterday afternoon as high as 13c a pound. All handlers would be willing to' ac cept this figure or, even 12 He today, but they are unable to affect a movement because of the targe stocks held by re taller both here and In the north.',- The present slump in. the price of chickens along Kront street, is the greatest ever shown in 'the wholesale district for a similar period, for many years. Practically io a pound lias been cut off thicken quotations during the last mx days and the outlook, is seem 'NTTHM TOM ITA'f IIUIIUII IIUIUL IIUUl PORTLAND RUN REMAINS HEAVY Sale Are Generally Reported at lie (Tdced Prices. Cattle Market In Firm With Value Maintained Hogs Rule Steady. on account of the . heavy, rains of . the lltLlutllli iJJj16' altl,ou" iut .ur ,iavn iinri th miuiitw howpd chlcken at the present time are-con-t!1 IXL&S? .S. H-iLw"'! f by those who have poultry-supplies at this time. Under normal . conditions the market will do better within a week or 10 days, there fordvery shipment mode at this time results in a Dig toss to the producer, the eirects or the continued snowers.- facilities to take care of thm. f On 'the Farmers' market sales werel Country interests would make con- Riada this morning at, Btio to per I siaeraoie money, by Holding back their crate Tor ordinary varieties, tnere oeing practically no Clucks or Wilsons avail ablo. 'f "', v" ' ' ' The Japanese were practically tho only offerers of berries on the Farmers' market this mornlng'and they made their own orlces. Alona Front street berries sold from tl to fl.10 per crate I for tho .better offerings, and demand was aood at the higher figures, no snip- menu were made to outside points be cause of the absence or suitable quality. None of the commUaton men. were will- ins to take clmnues, with the iruu. Much of the crop is rotting on tin vines because of the continued showers J and the season Is fast subsiding. Condon Men Hell 700,000 rounds at .10 ic to 14 Tic Some Are Holding Fleece. CHEESE SITUATION STROXQ Condon. Or.. June 20. The wool sales Much strength is shown in the local here, yesterday ufternoop were an im- i heese situation. Stocks are practically mense success. There were 40 wool cleaned up and the price is being main- growers here, and all but a very, few tamed quite easily at the recent ad- sold their slips and -seemed to be well vance. While some weakness developed pleased with the prices received. The , in California recently, it was not serl- prices ranged from lott to Hc, al ous. though one small choice lot was sold to , . . .- The Dalles scouring mills for lSc. Prac- ciM;nnv MllfUiT u r2I1'TTK"I tlcally 700,000pounds of wool were sold CHLItul ' MAliKET Ja ULLII&U ag 0n0W8: Two hundred. and ninety thousand pounds to Dufur of the La Glutted condition Is still showing In Grande Worsted , Mills; 100.000 poun ls the cherry trade along Front street. Re- to Wagner of Luce & Manning and The celpts continue heavy and all sorts or fallen scouring Mills; 5,ooo pounds to values Are shown because of the wide Angetl of Hallowell, Jones & Donald; range lu quality. Some rather good 150,000 pounds to Green of Botany Kings are coming from eastern Oregon. Worsted Mills; 30.00(1 pounds to Bine- Ineimer or Koniana to,, ana j&.uuu ?.n0.Hooper ' t,arnworth' Thayv The. growers who sold are Charles Steadiness Is shown in the market for Owens. 4797 nounds. at llic: John Day country killed meats. Both veal and I Development company, 23. 238 pounds, at hogs are lioiuing wen: uie latter arellc; jonn Monatian, ia,64 pounds, at 11c to Imc a pound, while- best offer- I 114q; Butte Creek company, 121,663 inss of the former go at Hftc gener- pounds, at 13ic: R. K. Wright. 14.628 ally. pounds. 14c; Mrs. W. J. Russell, 21,244 pounds, at H'ic, William Campbell, COMMISSION MAX TAKES REST 875 Pund"i at 12c; E. R. Shown, LU.1WUB1U. Via itxncr, iwvo. n23Q pounds flt Mc; Monfthan Murtha. 11,009 pounds, at 124c; H. D. William If. Dryer of the commission Kris 19164 pounds, at 12c; F, O. house of Dryer, Bollam & Co., left last Shown, 11,711 pounds, at 1314c; Sid nlrht en route to Alaska, where he will Sale, 10,853 pounds, at 13M,c; Charles combine buslnena with pleasure. Mr. Bro-kler, 25,222-pounds, at 12 V4c; R. C Di ver wai formerly a resident of Alaska Adams, 9829 pounds, at 12c; James and like all previous citizens of the seo- Murtha, 49,830 pounds, at 12 c; J. B. tion. likes to return once In a while. He Butler, 4625 pounds, at 13ic: Jackson will be absent several weeks. & Klrby. 11,807 pounds, at 12c; 8. S. Barry & Sons, 9667 pounds, at HC, ANOTHER CAR OF. TOMATOES am.es Hut,. 'SiJ K".S2? tl liV?. h Hardie, 9183 pounds, at 11C; R. Another carload of tomatoes Is due n Donnelly, 9930 ounds. at 18c; W. A. to arrive from Texas for the local mar- Helms, 241 pounds, at 14c; F. E. Smith, ket tomorrow. The market has been 03 pounds, at 14c; E. Straus, ' 769 in gJpd conditioner .offerings from the pounds, at 13c; William Stewart, 1076 our mint. rnio nrm mill ui I pound. 13-JfcC Cliaries KOyce, I3U H.75-o S2.p8' a crate today,'- ' pounds, at 13c; A. Klmberly, 1024 pounds, at I3c; JUave Haraie, ftuva pounds, at 13 He; Marie & White. 13.952 pounds, at 12 Vc; Oilman-French com- Further' Toss of price is shown for Johnson, 'l4,529 pounds, at 14. James cantaloupea on, t.ie local market. Sales Stewart, 211 pounds, at 14c;Ben Ire- a crate, although many were askmg 50c above this-. ; Standards are quoted 60c 4 " Today's Livestock Market. . 4 4 ' North Portland tlogs steady; 4 cattle firm; sheep weakv, . , 4 Kansas City . ifogs 'higher; 4 ' cattle steady; sheep lower,- 4 if . i 4) 4 Chicago Hogs higher; cattle 4 4 and sheep steady. 4 South Qmaha1 - IJoga higher; 4 4 cattle, slow and weak;, sheep , 4 4 steady. . 4 . ' ' ' , t'WUTUXD LIVESTOCK RUN Uofl. Cittle. Calve. Bbeop. frlly ........ Thurdiy Vt'edneauiy .... Tuedy (,,,,, Muniliijr Ha I Urdu jr VVevk Mgo...... Yor agu Two a i(o. HO . . aus . , 5M4 . .. m .. JH1 .. KM .. VIM I ..11A2 I1A AH 1.5 an 4 . 2 8ft 02 I t& 1 4 is nt 17.15 SlIK HIT uw CAXTAMHTES DOWN AGAIX higher than ponies. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS monger, 9162 pounds, at 12c; James Cameron sold at lac. William Rettie got the top price or 14'ic. Several growers are holding tneir clips for better prices With the exception of sheep there was only a handful of supplies offer ing In the North 'Portland market to day. The situation in the mutton trade continues to show weakness for every thing except lambs, and only a nominal number of these have been received-M late. ' Sheep market . trade at most other points In the country is weaker -.with lower prices generally forced. At Chi cago there was a steady tone in the sheep trade for the day. Kansas City sheep market roled weak with a loss of a dime from yesterday's price. Sheep trade was steady at South Omaha thl morning. North Portland nominal mutton price range; Spring lambs .16.00 4j 6.50 Yearling lambs ' 6.00 Old wethers 4. 50O4.75 Ordinary ewes 3.7 jW 4.00 fancy ewes 4.;54.50 Cattle Market Is rirm Strength continues tb be shown In the market for cattle at North Portland. There was only a very small run for the day. and these were quickly picked up by buyers at former values. There was nothing available worth more than $8.35 in the steer division, but this price was paid for a few. Killers have purchased quits liberally of cattle at California points recently, and they are likely to nmke every effort to hold up the price here for the nom inal local offerings At Chicago there was a steady tone in the cattle trade for the day, prices be ing unchanged Kansas City cattle market was steady at former prices. South Omaha cattle market ruled slow and weak for the day. Nortn fontanel cattle range: EGGS EACH IIIGIiEU E AT 24 CENTS UPON STREET TODAY Market Is l'p Another Cent for Candled Stock Although Case . Count Is Quoted Weaker Because of the Poorer Quality. ' F.gg quotations are up as high an 24i a dozen along Front street today for candled stock. There Is a ranee or ruliy 2c a doxeti In quotations at this time, soma selling down as low as 22c, with others asking 23c and. still others asking- tire maximum value. Receipts of local ranch stock are small and demand M , increfolng. As yet the eastern stock has' had no effect upon the lo a l product. It Is quite prou. able even that receivers of the eastern stock will be boosting the local produc so that they can undersell it by quoting a lower figure. This Is a very old trick and will probably be tried soon here again. , . ,. Leading eaa handlers report that con Iderable poor btock is now coming for wurd. Losses on cae count are now said to b so heavy that many are re during their quotations, although chargf ing more for the candied goods. They claim this Is absolutely necessary in view or the poorness or case count or firings, first class local eggs are bringing more money, . i DEPRESS METAL SHARES Amalgamated Copper Hit Soft Placea With Lous of i Points lor the Day. New York. June 20. Metal shares were responsible for a general depres sion of the stock market today, resulting in almost general loss. Amalgamated Copper was the chief loser of these sue dailies with a net decline of lMt points wnue Anaconda was uown a point. Ca nadian Pacific came in for Its usual share of weakness with a further loss of 2 points. Reading was a half point nignev and tnere was a fractional gain in isew York central hut aside irem these the market was down. .$ 8.K0 R.2! if? S.35 7.50(817.75 8.15 7.50 9.00?r9.06 7,50 8.00 5.00 6.50 5.50 4.60 6.75 Weather bureau ' sens the following 12140; wethr. 1313o; yearling lamb, 13H forecast to shippers: Protect shipments as far north as Se attle against maximum temperatures of about'70 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 85: degrees; southeast to Boise, 85 de gree;, south to Siskiyou, 75. degrees. ti Mi-: Dork loins. 2' I.ARD Ttcreet, compound, tierces, 10c. OYXTERS 8bolwlpr bur, per gallon ( ); per 100 lb. nrk ( ; oljrmpla. per fallnn, $:l-23; p?r loo lb. rk. A; canned, pastern, SSc-wi: tft.&O doin; eanlmi. In ahell, $l.75(i Maximum temnersture at Portland this W fw or i-lams. 2ii2.2r. box. . - if .1 . .1 " . . I . UUU V . ,n inl litM-tr aval Ik Hi. ' ar lernoun, nrjuui tv uegrees. PORTLAND JOIIBIX PRICES mlnal. Fresh Oregon fancy full 1 HHi. $5.8.W; lump rock. $20.50 per ton. id triplets, 164c; daisies. 17c: I BEANS mall white, 8c; large whlta, flc ; . "WV4e. , ' ' pink, 4)4e; bayou, 4c; llmas, BVjc; reds, 6c. These prices are those at which wholesalers lell to retailer, eneept as otherwise staled: BL'TTKIl Nftnlnal. City orenniiTj, cubes, and tubs, 28o; prims, 23(y LDe; slale creamery. 2K- lh.; dairy, 21c. IXiUS Nominal. Candled local extras, 2ifJ S4c; case count. 22c; spot buying price, ac f. n. b. PortlMlid. . tlVK POlillKV Hens. 12H12VSC: broilers, 2ie lb; utaga, lie; geese. 11c; 1'ekln ducks, 110: Indian Runners. ll!Ur: turkavi (Ni- di-esaed, a3Q25c; pigeon, old, $1; young, $1.80 I h uoBcn. CIIEEBK-Nouilusl rreain twins and loune Amerira HUTTEK FA T Producers' nrica for Portlsnrt delivery, per lb., SHStc. Hopt, Wool and Hldaa. HOPS-i-rroducers' price, 1012, 13ilSc, accord ing to quality; 1913 contracts, 15c. W OOL Nominal, 1013 t-lip,- Willamette- val ley, ijoarae, t'otswold, 15c lb.; medium Shrop. shire, -.lac; choice fancy lots, JJc Ju.; eastern Oi'egon, lltie,. according'-to shrinkage.' CH1TTIM OK I'AMCAUA HAItlvlUlil, car lots, 5c; less than car lots. 4'sc HIDKS Dry hides, 21ft22u' lb.; green 11c; salted hides, lie; bulls, green salt, He; kips jaitl'l.'IC; calves, dry, 24(ft25n; calf aklns, salted or green, 174U8ci greea hides. In less thau salted: sheep pelts, aaltcd, shearing, M30c .M0UA1R lOJar-Nomlnal SOftfMc. Fruits and VegaUblea. FRESH KHI JTS Oranges, 4.853.00; -'banana, 4tt43e lb. t lemons. $0W9.ftO; lime -per 1; grapefruit; t'allfornln, 3.O0(ft3.5U; Mot-Ida, f0.0uy8.50; pineapples, Jo tb.; cauta- F18H Nominal. KoHt eod. Hie ll.j dreoned flounders, Te; halibut, Hi&Se; striped bass. ic; catfish. 12c; chluook salmon. 12c: steelheada 7c lb.; soles. 7c lb.; shrimp, 12c;. perch. Hr lb.; toim-txl. hK Hi.; lobster. 20c- lb.; black bss. 2oc;. allTer inelt. He; (had, 3c; black cod, 8c; sturgeon, 12'i;lc lb. Grootrlea. SICAR t'uhe. $5.65; powd-red. $5.40; fruit, or berry, $5A"; beet, $4.W; dry granulated, $.r.15; D yellow. $1.46. (Above quotatlxus are 30 day net cash.) " RICK Japan tyle. No. 1, Sffj.tc; No. 2, 4W,ci New Orlean. head. BiH7v; Creole, 5!ic-, HON KY New, $2.75 lier case. SALT Coarse, half grounds Wfia, $10 per 50a. tl0.75: table dairy, MM. 118: 10. $1.7.60; ..bales, $2.26.; extra tine barrels, 2s, 6 Faints, Coal Oil, Etc MNSEED OILHnw, bbl., rc per gal.: ket tle boiled, bbl., 60c gal.: raw cases, ;jc"; boiled Heavy steers Choice steers Common steers ..... Fancy Bteers Fancy cows Fancy light calves . . Ordinary light calves Heavy calves Best bulls Ordinary bulls Hog waxxet is Steady. No general change was shown in the swine market situation at North Port land for the day. There' was only a portion of a load reported in and this was not sold until rather late in the morning. It was shipped in from a Wil lamette valley 'point and did not show the extreme quality of the stock that brought $8.40 yesterday. At Chicago there was a firmer tone in the hoc market with art Advance of 5c to 10c in the price. Kansas City hog market ruled firm at an advance of a dime. South Omaha hog market was a dime higher today. North Portland general hog market: Best light t 8.40 Medium 8.30 ft 8.35 Medium heavy 8.00(8.25 Rough and heavv 7.00&7.60 Todays Idyestock Shippers. Cattle A. Adams, Deer Island, 1 load. Sheep R. N. Stanfleld, Huntington, 3 loads; S. Wann, Canby, 1 load. Mixed stuff Wuster Bros.. Aurora, 1 load cattle and hogs; J. D. Densmore, West - ado, 1 load cattle, calves and hogs. Friday Morning Bale. STEERS - - - No. ,. H 2fl LAMBS , 07 ........ 2:1 s : M1XEO STl'fT 5ft 14 Range of New York Drlces furnished by Ovcrbeck & Cooke company. 216-217 Hoar a or J raae Dunning, :OpeuHlgh U I Bid Section, Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregou Are. lbs. I21M 14!8 71 55 Price. $x.:i5 7.75 $H.5! .5.00 Amalgamated ('tipper Co Anierlran ('. & F., c. Amerlcaa Cotton Oil, c.. American Luco., c Amerlcau Xuielt. e Am. Tel It Tel Auai-ouda Xlinlug Co.... Atchison," e. ; Baltimore & Ohio. e... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian I'acmc, e... Chi. A O. W., e Chi. It (i. W pf Chi., M. 41 8t. V Chi. A N: W., c Chi no Copiier Chesapeake k l)hlo , . Coiurado F. A I., c... Consolidated lias Corn I'rodncta, t. Denver t R. O., ...... Erie,- c , . Erie. 1st pf .... ....... li. Northern, ore landa. (I. Northern, pf Ice Securities Illlnot Central ....... Inter. Metropolitan, c. Inter. Metropolitan, pf Iiehlgh Valley Kansas City Southern. Louisville lc Nashville Missouri, Kan. ft T., e. National Lead Nevada Consolidated.. New York Central.... N. Y., O. & W Norfolk & Western,1 c Northern Pacific, e... Pacific Mail 8. 8. Co. Pennsylvania Ily , Ray Cdns. Copper Reading, c Republic I. AS., c... Hock Island, c........ Ruck Island, pf Ht. Ixiuls ft 8. W e.. southern I'selfie, c... Southern Railway, c... Tenn. Copper ......... Inion I'aclflc, c i . M. Rubber, c....... I'. 8. Steel Co., e.... 8. Weel Co., pf.i. t'tah Cojiper Wabash, '. Wabash. f W. C. Teb-graph Westinghoiise Electric. nr 6,V, H4S, M 4214 43 414 36 W HH ;ih 804 -Wi' 3 ID 4 2 (U 1H 1 mt, 12 12s 33'j 33V4 32 -t-'i 05 95 m 04 94 .'! 87 87, X7 86 2UH4 2l7Vi 2ini'2lfl 13 13 12 124 2S 27 28 S 2S loaS H3fl 102 ua 128 128 128 128 34 ft 34 V 334 33 '4 67 D7 56 M 21 27 27 27 12M I2M 121 . lo4 H',4 in 16 1(1 16 16 24M, 24W 23 2:14 37 37 37 37(4 21) 211 '4 211 211 123 123 122V4 1224 22 22- 22 22 I oil liiOM, low lou4 15T4 K 18 1614 58 68 M 67 160 150 14M4 140 27 27 2HV4 26 1W 131 1301 i:m 20 L4 20Vj 2iMl 2014 45 '4 45 Mj 4514 45',, 14 14 14H U wut (mi4 00 tm'-i 3214 32Vi 31 '4 31 H HW 102 102 im 108 107 107 HI 01 10 18 110 110 110 110 17 17 16 16 15.8 ' 158 157 157 18 18 18 18 15 15 15 15 26 26 25 25 26 26 26 26 l4 H4 94 H4 21 21 21 2114 2tt 2(1 28 211 145 145 144 114 68 68 57 57 '4 63 53 52 52 104 104 103 lo:r 41 41 41 41 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 61 61 60 60 5! 5(11,1 5 : 5s Kx. div. 75c, Total sles 203,400 bre. Money 22. OREGON STONE WILL Iti E AT WHEAT FALLS INTERIOR POINTS WITH HEAVY RAINS Ib'poi-ta Intllcntfl Some Damage to (Growing Crop but Condition In Not Kt-rlouit-ltlover Hay Js -ported ' Down in Vallcjr. A Bona Damage portod, Speolul reports received by The Journal ' from correspond ents Indicate that some luunuge hits been done by recent rains In the wheal belts of the Interior. Home grain is reported down there. In the valley some dum age hag been done to clover. . OEAIW BSZiT WXATHEB TOBEOAlT Oregoa. Probably fair tonight and Saturday j easterly winds. Washington Showers west tonight or Saturday, air . east portion tonight- and Saturday: southeasterly winds. Idaho Tair tonight and Saturday J cooler southeast portion tonight., , " V LIMITED. CARflO DEMAND ; London, Jitrte 26. Whest cargoea on pa tgc, quiet Mth limited demand, , FoRKltiN WHEAT MARKETS ; l.lveipool Wheat closed d lower. Paris Wheat cluaed tle higher. Berlin Wheat closed c higher. Berlin Wheat closed r loner. Antwerii Wheat closed uucbanged. PORTLAND GRAI.V RECEIPTS i ar- Monday ... Tuesiluy . . , Wednesday Thursday . , Friday ..... Tear ago Wheat. Hurler. Klnur.Oats.llaV. 48 20 20 15 17 17 Season to date. . 17.2m Year ago 14.37!) 6 9 2 6 ) 5 1 2-156 38U 16 a 10 11 5 2 257H 2480 V 4 2 3 1 3 1585 1380 2763 It 8 '7 a 6 228 Special report comes to The Journal today from some sections of eastern Oregon and Washington that, recent rains, while 'doing much good to the grain of the light land sections, have caused some of the wheat to fall down In spots. While this latter condition is by no means general it Is attracting much attention Trom the trade by reason of the fears that the rains may continue for some time. . From spots in the Willamette valley. reports come telling that clover has been beaten down by the heavy showers but no serious damage ia as yet re ported. Reports indicate that some slight damage may be done to cut alfalfa by the rains but all of the rumors are Indefinite. Grain trade Is oulet but firm for both spot and contract deliveries. Oats seem to show th only activity, but even n this line It is not marked. Talk of ori ental btislness seems to be mere rumoru, for nothing can be confirmed among the leading". exporting interests here; W111SAT: Nominal, producers' price. track basis: Club, 8314 r!Mc; iiilllln bluestem, 97r9Sc;' red Russian. 91rff92c; fortyfold, !i4r!95r; Turkey red, 96c; Wil lamette valley, 95c. BAKIjI'JI Nominal, producers price. track basis: Feed, $26.50; brewing, 127, rolled, tia. OATS No. 1 feed. I31.60&32; milling. $32 a ton. KIAU K Helling price: Patent. 14.70: Willamette valley, $4.70; local straight, 3.K6l4.i; export, 3.euj3.o; bakers. $4.60C(l)4.70. ha x-f-froaucers' prices:, wuiamette valley timotny. fancy, 11&; ordinal v $11(112; eastern Oregon-Idaho - fancy timothy. $17; alfalfa. II3W 13.6(l: velcn and oats, J10?ill; cheat, $1011; clover, I8f('t per ton. - AI 1 1 u r r s Belling price: Htan, $26.60; middlings, $31; shorts, $27.50 Der ton. KAiiN bauss io. i Calcutta, i.iirrj) mwnw SEHTl ICiiPiLE Sale of Revolver Used in Hold up Gets 20 Days for Sec . ond Hand; Dealer. : Hack Goldstein, second-hand dealer at 208 Main street, was sentenced to 20 days on the rockplle this morning In the municipal court for selling a re volver to Oscar Nelson, who, had not obtained a permit to purchase the gun. Nelson Is the 20-year-old - sailor who held bp and searched RosweH Dosrh last week on the Slavln road, using the revolver bought from Goldstein. : Nelson told on the wltnem atand how he bought the gun. , , ' "I was walking .past his store. , when lie stopped me on the. .sidewalk and asked If I wanted to buy something," he said. "I told him I didn't, for I only had $1.40 in my pocket. Ho kept talk ing to me, and urged me to come Inside the store. Uolilstetn first wanted to sell me some clothes. I told hi in I was going but on a ranch to work and did not need any clothes. "'Oh, if you're going oh a ranch, you'll need a gun,' he said. to me, and Showed me the revolver, "He first offered It to me for $2, then said he would sell It for $1. He also said that 'I would need it on the ranch. After buying the- reovlver, Goldstein told me not to tell anyone where I bought it, as It was against the Jaw to sell or carry It. Then he told me that I could get bullets for it Just around the corner from his store." The revolver was bought at -noon. That night Nelson stopped the Dosch party, using the revolver In the hold up. Last Saturday evening he intended using It In a second holdup, but, was captured by Patrolman Chrlstofferson and sentenced to 200 days and a (Ine of $100. Judge Tazwell said that the prosecu tion was a step in the right direction in breaking up the sale of firearms, and sentenced Goldstein to serve 20 days on the rockplle. An appeal bond of $250 was filed, thereby Keeping Goldstein out of Jail until the case Is heard on appeal. The prosecution of Goldstein Is the first under the new revolver law passed by the legislature. her In line , j miii., I i,. '- roll In tin,, mi. I in,. 11 v 1.1 ti. 1' ).i 1 The strict 1 ,i.l w ;i y 1 ".hi-.i ti v U 1 vldu spci-liil cilia Tor the v.uh'iin l' no that lin y tuny be I i iiiihimh ti l l- I assembly ground lu a body. rortland rSumliiy fnhouls will nl. par ticipate in the electric patmle whiili iM be repeated July 4 for the coof tcii i visitors. The streetcar company vu'l man the floats UHd In the H'ee l'cuv il and transportation will be furnliitud In special curs bearing church chuhs. Young wtimen for the flouts will be chosen from the Sunday schools "! will bo dressed In white, high necks und sleeves being a part of the stipula tion for the costumes. Will Kee the rrrsldent. (Washington Buru ot Tha lournil.) ' Washington, June 20. 1'hllip . Bales and eight "Liberty bell girls'' arrived here last night. They will see the president and leave Haturday. BANKING CONVENIENCE LENGTH PARADE IS T 0 BE RECORD BREAKER J BEARS CONTROL July In Only Option to Show an Ad vance in Chicago Market for the Day's Trade. Oregon Orvgua 100 125 $4.oo 3.75 QMAHA HOGS HIGHER cases, 05C gallon r lots of 260 gallons, le less; I heifers. H.5(i.25. Market Up a Dim With Tops at $8.60 Today. South Omaha, .June 20. Cattle .157. Market alow and weak, Kteei-s $.20ffiS.Sic eow and oil cake meal. $44 tier tou. WHITE LKAD Ton lots. 8c ier Hi.; 500 lu, lots, 8e per lb.! 1 lot, 8 Vie per lb. OIL MBAfy -Carload lota. $:3. Tl'KPfiNTINK-In cases, 7:(; W'ihhI barrels, 70,-; Iron barrels, Otto per gallon; 10 case lots, 72c. 25 BLRBIKS . gtrawherrles, Oiillars, firnl.IO; llarks, $1.36 per, 21 lb. crate; goaeebeirles, ; - A Pi'IiF.S Eating epple. fyiglW; rooking aiitiles. 75(ii!Xc; new crop, 12.25. VKUETABLKS Turnips, 75e; beet, 75c; new i-arroia oue nosen onucnea; parsnips, 75c sack' raliliage. 2.25 Tesaa tomstoeas lioi. $1.75! tallforuia, $1.25W1.&0; hot-bouse, 25c per lb.; airing beans, 10(fi12c lh.; green onions, 124e . doaeii bunches; ppiers, bell, 3oe; head lettuce, u.V dzeu; celery. $1.60 dosen. I4.50ftj5.oft Seattle Pi-oduce Market, (United Pres Leased "-utre. 1 Heattle. June !0. Hggs Local ranch 2tte: eastern fresh, 22&24c. ' Butter Washington- ereainery, cubes. 20c; do brick, 2i)c; city creamery, aoc; Oregou cube ae. Cheese Tlllmoof,.:'..lTej. .Washington twin, 16V4t triplets lt, ..... Onion Bermudaa 1.25il.4o per crate of 50 lbs.; eryatsl wax, $1.76 per crate; Callfor nia red. $1.25 per sack. Potatoe Old $ 3S!3c per 10. Oats Basteru Washington $346j-'5 per tont I'uget ound, $;i4i35. , . f Hay Kastern Washington timothy, $24 per ton; Paget sound, $15(310; wheat hay, $17M J8; alfalfa, $1413. Hogs 7022. Market 10c higher M $S.4a(t S.tKi. Wlieen 257. , Market steady. Yearling $5.25 00.00; wether. $5.otirt'5.0; laaiba, .wJiT,tiu; ewes, $4,2610.25. CHICAGO HOG8 HIGHER HAVE CONSIDERATION Market Is Up 5c to 10c for Day With . Tops at $8.75 In Yards. Chicago, June 20. Hogs lo.onn. Left over 7300; yei-elpts year ago 14.000.' .Market 6i 10,: higher. Mixed and butchers. $S.45i'8.75; good and heaty. $S.o?8.7o: rough and heavy, $s.35 ;8.55! light, f8.45riH.7S. Cattle 15O0. Market steadr. - Sheen- 12,000. Market steady. 12 per ton; new Garnet,1 k KANSAS UI'X UVGNTUIK Hogs a San Francisco Produce Market. (fnlted Pres Tossed Wire .J erate- van i.luivl. 'JIw lh ...i llfl...... i Toi.ii I Mn raneisro, june . noear .-nortnern 1 25 dCi- fhTibseh wii it bluestem. ll.77Kttl.SO; club, $1.70fti 1.72K: srftehokes. V'&K'Tlli Turk., red, $l.75(il.80; red llu.... $1.87 nBT-.nl?1L.hLUUi.e7r. .W.S,la W"'l' Hariey-rer cental, feed. $1.30rl.37K. iTATlkSelli,, K 1 r"otate-Per eenttl. Oregon Burbank, 75o ;0Swcf'naPr 1.00; river d. 55fea5c7 Early Boe.'$l ZZ 2rl?W Oniona-Per eental. California ailve, .kln.O OVIONB tWOc. Asaociatlon selling price. .fe70e per cental f. a -b. selling point; Job blug price, $1.25; new red, $1.25; garlic, TK " . ' Mtat. Fiik and ProvUion. IiRKSSKO MEATS Country killed; Hog, fancy, lifeline; ordinary, lulic; rough and heavy, 8if.-!nfcy Teal. 14Kc; ordluary, J4c; iwor, 10c; tsitib, Joe; mutton, 10c; goat, 4c; plcnfes, 12K:,' eoltage, 18Kc HAJW BAIO.N- KTC. Ham. J9t21e; break rant bacon. 17Kf28Kc; boiled bam, 20'ic; . picnic, llifee; cottage, u. , ''selling house Steers, No. 1 'stock, 13a.l4c; cows, No. I to-k-( ); ewes. J2i ftfc75c: Australian brown. 35iU45c. Butter Extras, 25c; first. 22 Kc: second. 20c. Cheese New California flat, 14ifT17Hc; eait- tern, ai'e. v Oranges rer box, navel, (tandard, H.mft 2.0O; fancy, $3.76(94.50; do choice. $2.2SU New York Cotton Market. Mar. May July' Aur Oct Dec. .1145 .......1159 Dl'l.'lizoi 1 205 ,. 1158 V 1165 Open. High. Low. 114 1173 1224 1215 1173 1173 1143 1166 1208 1201 1U3 1161 Close. 1101 117173 117877 1219r:0 1208009 117S8 11 6( 67 SHIPMENTS WANTED OF Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal ...tlyllil asil a ' ii iii Portland, Kresh valley eggs. 21 Ke oWn, hut- 13-11; bank rat, 4K. tor 22c: chicken, lli I2e:. nrW ih im. .... I ' ;-rw jihb, ,nnr iroill fsenHnyr: ling, Money and Exchange. cy pors, lU!4jues veals, fn.'.r. 14fti cUIUri wu.H lllllll une 1 , BTJBT Ik CO., 107 Front St., I'ortlmid, Or. Assets $30,000.00." 4.8.1; short, ,4. hrm diver bullion, 58!e. Ssn Kranelsi-o. June 2o.8tertliig irfiiiee: flo dv. .4;": sight. 4. SOU; doc. 4IH. iraiwtcrs, .Jelvg) sphlg if.pr.ailuai; lght, par. Dime Above Y'esterday , Sheep Values Off. Kama City, June 20.-IPg !)0O0. Market 10c higher. Tops $8.85. Cattle 700. Market steady. Sheep 2oii. Market weak to 10c iower. San Francisco Grain Calls. Ban, I'ranctaco, June 20. Barley calls: ' ' Ppen. Close. Pec. '..1.HIKK 14HI4A July ;......................i.l.-14KB ' 137 -A NORTHWEST HANK STATKMKXT Clearlngsr tIdsy .... Thltruilav Wednesday ... ., Tuesday ........ Monday Week to date. Portland Banka. ihla week ...... $1,729,808.4 t.7o7.275.24 ...... 2,t5,5fl5.52 2.W2.IW5.17 Year ago. $1.500, S04. 04 1.507,1.14.49 1,952..I14.3 l.tWI..170.S 2.223.707.80 2.573,889.02 .$0,708,540.21 $0,115,004.31 Clearluga Balunce Taooma Bank. 3A4.aiH.n 61,527.00 WINS HIS SUIT, BUT Application of the "usiyy" law. was wade yesterdaywhiw rrrutt-iwfir',iHtr4iitt' ins ordered R. J. Kirk wood to pay $396.57 to the school fund of Multnotnali counly. Kirkwoorl yesterday, won - verdict against J. W. Farreil, who was suing" him for $734.71 on two notes'.. V Klrkviood asscrteit . tfiat "tfie." iiofes ; Sherman Allen, assistant secretary of the treasury, has assured the Chamber of Commerce, through Congressman A. W. Lafferty, that Oregon or northwest ern stone. will be given full considera tion In preparation of specifications for the new postoffiee building. While architects have not yet been named and the stone will not be decided on for eome time, the way is opened to north western quarrymen to compete. . In furnishing stone for the new post office building, one of the hardest tests yet undertaken in support of the north western stone industry is on. This movement is conducted by the Chamber of Commerce the Manufacturers' as sociation and the Stone Cutters' .union. h. J. Biron, representing the St&ne Cut ters' union, has appealed to all the com mercial bottles of the community to co operate, and In response to this appeal a careful survey of the northwestern stone Industry is In progress. It is the purpose to get a complete statement of every quarry operating, ; the" possible output and other conditions. - Assistant Secretary Allen requested that samples of stone be furnished his department. Congressman Lafferty har; offered to see that all such samples are put in the right place if sent him. and he will be furnished the names of all quarry owners. . , Owners of quarries that could be of possible interest to the builders of the new postoffice are requestej to furnish the names of their companies ana ad dresses to the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, with a statement of the stone they have -already produced the buildings, Jn which It was used, and the present capacity of the quarries. This data is to cover the whole northwest, but It Is assumed that the Oregon pro ducwould have preference, if price and quality are equal. WHEAT .-J, Month. Open. High. Low. Close. July lo Hoi no (NHS, A Hept IKiVa 01 V 1") 00 B Dec 3V ' 04 83V 3 B CORN July iKiTi , 1 oo'.j iki'kA Sept. 111 2Vj Hi's HsB Dec 51) HOI, 511 'a 511 1 j A OATH July , 41 42 41 'i 4 Hi Kept 41ft 42-tf, ' 4IT, 42 Dec. 43 43 ft 42ft 43', POttK July ..2'W5 2087 . 2u7.'t 2080 A Sept 2047 2060 - 2045 2n45 A I, A HI) Julv ,..1112 1115 HOT 1107 A Kept 1122 1127 1122 1122 A Oct. ' ...1125 ' li:a 1125 1127 A it IKS July' ,., llS'l UNO 1170 1172 A Sept. 1170 1172 1 1117 1170 A Oct. ..1117 H52 1147 1147 A were. given to guarantee notes which he Accepted as agent for a, life insurance company for premiums on ,llf Insur ance, He alleged that he j-eeeived the amount of the notes in commissions, and MIICT ftlC OTATC DyPTt0.""180 meant merely iviwoi uiib dinit rwiii ior a blind In ease the assets of -the company were examined bt-.the insur ant commissioner.,. He declared that the rrr Mm on the notes was usury, and . the Jury accepted his plea.? .' ,i t'nder the statute it will be necessary for. hirrt to paythe amount he received from the company to the school fiind aa a penalty for accepting, the samV ' " Chicago. June 10. Bears held control of the wheat market today. Trade opened with a loss of ' to kc a bus he with September the wpak feature. Clos- nsr was 4c above yesterday for Julv ftc off for September -and c off for December delivery. Trading In the wheat market was of small caliber today with more of an evening up movement In the trade than anything else. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overlieck & Cooke company, 216-217 Board or xraae miiifling. MAJORITY OF ONE IS KNELL OF CABINET (United Press I.cswd Wire.) Melbourne, June ,21. The cabinet headed by Andrew Fisher, premier of Australia, resigned today because the liberals at the last election obtained a majority of one in- the house of repre sentatives over the labor party. At a recent meeting of Sunday school woikers at the Taylor Street Methodist church, plans were put under way to make the Fourth of July parade of the World's Christian Citizenship con ference three times longer than any parade that has ever been seen in Port land. The line of march from the plaza blocks between Park and West Park streets to the Multnomah stadium, by the route marked out, will be one mile and two blocks long. All taking part In the parade except children that are too young-and the aged who are too in firm, will walk. Headed by Mayor Albee, attended by his Sunday school class, the "Play-fairs of Westminster Presbyterian Sunday Sunday school, the various Sunday schools will march in the following or der; with A. A. Morse as field marshal aid three assistant marshals: Baptist, W. R. LIUenberg: Christian, W. 8. Hollis; Congregational. W. H. Phil lips; Evangelical, C. A. Staver; Method ist Episcopal, C. L. Weaver; Presby-V terlan, J. B. Werleln; miscellaneous schools; schools outside the city, H. L, St. Clair. , ' ' . fTtae schools will compete for prizes Bor best float, most unique feature, best school bunner, best class banner, best representation of foreign speaking BChool: foreign speaking school present ing most unique feature; greatest num-1 is another . reason-why this, bank enjoys the patronage of so many business men and institutions. Most conven iently situated in the heart of Portland's . business '. - -district. Your, account is invited. LUMBERMENS NATIONAL" BANK Corner Fifth and Siark Strtg RESOURCES 7 MILLIONS The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE. Toronto, Canada. Established 1876. . A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest paid on tini deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH. Corner Second and Stark Sta. F. C MALPAS. Manager. The United 1 States National Bank has the equipment to serve and its customers find it has the willingness to serve weii. : ' UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Surplus and Capital, $2,000,000 Third and Oak Sts. J. WILSON & CO. MXMBEXS .' NEW TORK S'l'OCK EXCHANOH NEW TORK COTTON KXCHANQg CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADB THB STOCK AND BOND KXCHAN03 BAN FRANCISCO POKTLANI) OFFICE 169 Oak St., droned rioor, tewls BMA Pboaes HarsbaU 4130. A-41IT. - 0VERDECK&CO0KECO. tfce:ott,...OrlM-w--"i gie-aiv soara or xraa BnUdtag. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Mmbrs Cblosgo Board of Trad. torrponlat of t,ot a Brjras. , GUlcago. Hew a otk. . i Ladd&Tiltonfiank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock . ----' - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND S A V1NG SAC CO UNTS Letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks issued, available in alt part3 of ; the world. Co r n e r Third anil Washington St r c e 1 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' CAPITAL $1,500,000 . .. SURPLUS , $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE r - ROCKY-MOUNTAINS CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON' iSTfEETS