jU,: - !", 1 1. 1 7 I.: U.J. I,J t.r WANT!;:; .Hi.'.lAI.C a r;z i u. 'n o : w ? : i : i a i . s Hi 1 c;.,uti nil ed ) 'AMI 1 AN II. !!. VAI. I. t-:V FAIiil ll.iiflO. iii '(t ill.iiinnii 1 1 v -r t,i 1'ivv H. ill hi 14 ml K b, 64 inn-., S' III 1 11 1 1 i vii t mil ; lo-r. 1 1 m, fruit, ulliiK.i, Mi'! i"'l'. tnli, loamv will. Hrliiiol. I'liiinli aii'l x i' dtiaa; boat lands n (ihii i, II. K. 4 In Will luka f :1111m iiiiliiiiiriiliii 1-1I I'oltlimiJ home at ritbli value, l-uuu mull. IihIhuu time. 81ou FINE tl iiiaa farm, IS milus, car, very easy terms; herrl", trees, pota- tn- iluii driwri. Kellwooil 1 I Oil, WANTED FARMS SH TO RENT Farm with atoek and eniin inant. on aliurea, hv experienced farm er Iti dairying sndae.neral farming, food 1000 Mile Excursion.-$55 pays J1 expenses round trip, Through Uke'-CrooH nd llrny counllnii, cholct homeiitMdii and rolliiaulahmnrila! $78 aurveyinsr. locating IKHit. icaaia Clmrnhr of Coinmrc. J6T ACftld rlliHulahiiient, S6 m'laa from l'ortland! amall cabin, fine wa ter, close to i6lhlor and achool; U mile to county road: fine for fruit ftna clafr. 103g Charnhor of Commerce,- ("SKT 820 or 4SU acrea- of btiat tovern nient land In Qiuhoii, Level, no rock, trrnljer, water, Man and wife can take 800 acrea. ivi tin at. rnone Main in. tmwn 89 TIMJ3KR LANPI BOUGHT AND SOLD. R, NUCK. 3 1 4 t.illwMKHt.lAIi a U-t, , JXJH IB A LIS OH KENT WKACJI rilOl'ERTV pEASIDU eottftge with flvt lota, two ciocua from ruuroaa ana on punu oi UOME8TKAJU3 47 traam. it a aacrlflce! flectrla JlBhta.lfor arooerlea. frulta. nroduca. chicken ic. f, io. naweu, pnone jviaranau U.T.;t .T, 1 7:-jiTT'jrir-rr-sr-frirv KXCUANGhr-'RitlAh iiSXATli 24 lm pen you m uun ou cr ut very gooa bargain u you come quioa. mill payment. ' Houae to trade. for irond timber. r Orchard. 9 acres, good houaa, on eoun . iy roaa, for ouy noma. Can ult you any way you want tt. E. T. PRICK. . '104 Rothchlld Bldr ' ,..omJ HKrtii rT, "L"?S eun" v i I UH IH Mf"M -.' . . -w I , nartiu huarintf nrnnnri loimnar I iown of Me'dford. Address T. U 4'avlor. Medfard. Or. ' i fcg-j-rr ..Liiiami-'.jii.uiH'm," I n.ftajgUa& ii Ymif 1500. no incumbrance, to . w . r- , - - - - '.j: . fni. o v nrnnrrlv , Owner, su I Owner, j,wis oQfr. . rnom no Maln;75l. 1 blocks car. building restrictions, street Improvements paid. Bargain. I34QO,. Exchange for land near Portland hp to 11400. Owner Y-g84, Journal, BUB1M1CB3 property paying over I per eent net, price I &0,0po. guaranteed In. come, or would take a modern horns In exenange. Aoaroaa owner, &i, uur and see If we can match your prop- ii tmi mXn I Henry 'bid " ' VVANTEP-Good 6 paas, automobile, In exchana-e for modern bungalow on B. lst .Br Division, ; Call A. R. Wt- zti i-'ine Bt, warn iis. i "' - ' V 'T t "- .- iw. " i vnn want Pcnnr X, Rakrtr. 444 Rhnv. lock bldg.. 8d and Oak, Marahall 2664. l.il,,,1, i , ' i. ... it..? I .HAVE ? lots to exchange for '"jnlture in a 10 or 12 room house. 213 Rail, T,tZJ?, t ''ri ; r n T VICTORIA. B. C acreage, for Portland. .n8lm,vF0",ig cor' 60xl0- Address lftJ AIKIt,. rani i A i"" - ' i Inn ura all tlllabla. not far from Portal land, cheap, for Portland property. III! 4 , i I HAVE some lota, free of Incumbrance; tn . trnrtn. What have you ? T. to tng, ' MOft trade. What wain K OA U.nn, , 1 ,1 ,r ODERN I room home, corner; 78x1001 1 in exenange ior &unm or jaaoia iana. L-B34 Journal, rOR TRADE New Irvlngton home for Dakota land. Owner. Q-431, Journal i WANTED HEAL ESTATES 31 aaaaafaaaa,iwi WANT muat to buy, 6 or 7 room houae. Pries be right and payment easy, nsnr bout $100 down. B-6Z4, Journal, car. About U'ANTED Owper'a prlca and terms on I 1 acre near Be carllne. r-456. Journal, tiooMiKG nouses 83 1 I AVtj a i room noun cn tin ana i stark, fina furniture. This house! fe "L. ?lc" 'h.aJ ?ff,&d''S mjt, "'. 5i?...aT .2 1 .(ll IOUBV Vrfimu sa iwa u tioawlBle. T. i. wnj. ,main o. lenry bldg. loday's bpecial I room rooming house, rent 118; on suits rents fzz.oo, well furnisnea; worth 8600. First one comes gets 1186. ' Peters, 607 Henry bldg. this fori fclERE'S your bargain; 18 rooms; big 1 income: 660 rent; 8100 handles: be uickjr going W country. 4J1V4 East lorriaon, 160 buys small rooming house, good location. 1 block from Grand ave, 20 room rooming house, terms. Also East 1614. t HAVE a tlSQQ equity )n a nice home I ta trade for a rooming house. 618001 duo in 8.yea, per cant x,. Long. Main 12Bl m i Henry bldg. yOO, BALE OR TRADE First class apt; house, close to. eaet end of Broadway maae. r nwm cgBt , i PANDY 8 room houae, swell location, I new lurmmr. Ji'i, v-wnmor irnoei ror SUPuroan prupsrty, r-,..a w. . I ROOMING house for sale, ?6 furnished f K ' J3d "and tfaVlc? sts 36 K, 83d naaviersts. ;;. iimm m BUSINESS Cfl&ffCKS. 20 1 FOR SALE "Small grocery store, do-1 lng good business. Woodlawn 2047, I Mutt Almost Got Hold of a Swell Job; Not Quite, But Almost SIR, l KNOW YDU. Vt CONN Cmv You k sweiX" CToB; eov BGciie VOL 6,0 "TV. u,ro wv n. town. Of nice .suits , . .aBMaa VV . ' Mm tm W lm-m 4j3ta VJ Main JicvJty Co, . ; 235 Main St. Phono Main 9009 ! J3llNtlll.' 'tlllll,l, Id'lllulS 1 ..,f , . Trades Our fiierluliy, Ti'i 7 room noun for improved clone 111 ncroitufl, l.;iuljy fur tjuto or launch. Wanted to 1 nit 10 to 2o ama dose In. Fur Ulln - KullMlll, )tdvpeldllt lilMtUBd, $4500. Ha loon, Independent IJcsiihp, f 37C0. HmIooh, everything ltideitidut, lin lease, beat location In town, rnu flio. Can arrange tnnua to mm. party wains io retirr. (Jrocery with living rooms, f 1 200, j'oui nail, best location in low I on ir leaaa. nrlre I'JtlHI, Wanted Partner for Poultry Remedy 'o, Guarantees you 816 month the Main Realty Co. n Main t. Phon Main 00l. I AUTOMOUlUi nvliool With high' itraJn expert teachers. Corripleta ROi0 aijiupinoiu iu irain ror nn vumwg voca- tlon. Not run to make rnunev. but for tha aruod of men. Sra or write bud of the All the Year JrUflind Y, M. C. A Ijbjt and Night tfchoola, ot,. Kth nj j uyior aca. , n OH HALK liardwaro atora in HnrliiW- I " ... . I , u 1 1 . . . , A i. . . . 1 1 . Aiiu. ur nit iiiiw bioua, kuuu muiu una, In it town that haa the huat future la tha WlUainettu valley,. Will Uke about 17509, to liaiuiie it, , Owner baa fowl reaaona ror aiung, ;A0area qx 92s, pprinriciii, W Hestaurant Man uall At 80 K. 6th atrrrt and look thla lunch buainraa over. The beat offer takee it aa f have to (to euat June 18th. Have made 140$ a ihqiiUi, ao come and make your own price -fruit for owr 'ner. JTOH BALK Uulna; Into other bualneaa. I Have email Block of ropirlca and fix- tung for aala. liaat location in eity .J-(.land flah. All caah trade. No delivery, l tmw ren Abniil 1700 will handle. Owner, 200 Yamhill at. .1 ' J'"11 wimM .lirocery btore Beat location in city, with llTiug rooma. Rent 116: dnlnir ; qaiiyj worm iv. rice, li - eo ia tiiia weea, aauv, Patera, 607-9 Henry bldg, " MOVING PICTURES. If you want a picture ahow for ong, your own term a, looks thla up; no olaa. grill and ra.taurant ' on nine to omer oumneHa. A-u, journa Whlni,lnl .lnl, ... IHlk . .v " ,. lease IS years; seating capacity, 10, rr ce sijuu. f tv caen win nanoia. Pi, journal. experieuoea puawtes man in cuno ana iljnQveUiea shos; "I same location, nnuaii . tt A n A years in businaas ODDoaite Union denet. Ian i. m m., in niyt nqrni. nees compela me to se to my Box Ball Bowline business tt ai leys, building Tor sam, snd lease) at Council Creat. Hee ms any jay after I p m. uave uarjner, Your Opportunity 80x68 store building, cement floor and' sidewalk, on main county road, 81600. is cum, can j aoor vbn, UJWsr a ruuy lurnisiisd reatau rant lit nrteon a mnat nnnnlar sum, mer resort, Gearhart Park. Price .1160 gSiSn ' "www.uawnan. j -i" ' ; i i ' . . r -r- ,.8.ltuni.J . . v ? r, r. r ' " maVQU I II IBS f vO, sa, inn's. A -a 14 journal. Ings. DON1 X-814, Journal T mJas It, Hersli J1"?8, y,?ur c"V,u 10 tu WCU CDID.UUOUCU business; references and small amount cash required. 8-880. Journal. 1200 AJsD Invoice stock buys cleanest Tur., of cigars, tobacco, candy, etoT. on at side; part cash; rent (8; receipts . . r , . i . it , , i. . ' . in id; mviBii(rate, j Aioina ave. ir.iW't.JV oa i i-:..'. wll.:. " slways full, will exchange part for country property, iau i n Micnigan. 882 Sandy boulevard- Phone East 1086. BEST drug store location in town; es- tabllsnea pusinees, Clean, up-to-date stock. or particulars aaareaa irbil, journal. WKDDINO invitations and announna menta. Kyaer cp., 8S7 iturnsldo BU wain'et)3B. NEAT, cosy barber shop for sale, rea eonable price; owner leaving city. Z Z4, journal fefcApJ.qroeery aud milk store, 6460 if tatten at once, Inquir Wash, of owner. only rs 844 LUNCH room, well fitted up, good loca . tlon, free rent up to July 1. A real hnro-aln! reaaon. piclfnews. 226 V, Sri at mtnrwnV - J.Pi.vJii it b Liainesa. clean, iin tn dat stock. Owner in Door health must sell, w.3j, journal. wmw j i ,.n ' ....'.. -ij....: $U50; 4 nks room, in rear. Bell or trade f or lot. 143 w. Kiiungsworth av, LABORINO class notei ror sals or trade: a baraain If taken this week. 645 HOOd St. A-SbD? 500 Good Business Cards, $ I 611 Buchanan bldg., 286 Wash, at FOR WALE Groceries and confection ery, 6H Williams ave. Wee owner. PARTNER witlv small 7 capital: restau- li TTiVir fflliCMl valval. iCDiau. rant ; Mother'! Kitchen. 190 Madison, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 7 per cenf money, realty mortgages, small cnarge to oorrowsr. waro, at- tornay, Aliaky bldg. ..no to ixoo to loan! on real or coilat- (rai security, for a short time, 807 or'aonlan bldx. ' HAVE money to loan on farina and city property. Clauda Cole, 817 Board of xrade Bid g. jjoNKY to loan, to 8 per cent. W, H v gejtI & CO.. 810 Bpaiainir mug. koMJgY 0Hn on r.;, .,tkte7 A. H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. WILL loan IjO.OOO or! teas, real estate. Farrlnton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE loana, 6 and 7 per cent. uiuil Miomon e uo.. Civ tarn mi. $1000 to 86000 for immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. MCe New PAIR OF SHQS5 5O(V00'U WOK , RlW AND THlN f Per Cent Money to Loan The Friulitilila l At a AhHiii'mire morlol y WW liiuka luiina on ii (i i m ! Iuimii prop, erly to l iintla by iil monthly lu ? n ! iiiionlw over a i.ei ln. of 10 r. Willi tlm additional provision that In event el! death nf borrower, limn in run. eded by n pulley nf II ft limuiaiir 1inhiii1 therewith. Inl rt 6 per limit, Theee loans lira man's only In the better rent-(li-nue JIhIiIcim und rmly on liiiriravmj h'ms. tipr jicml nut riily. Jfom l'urcliH JJi-p'U KaulUUa W 3H Or- rgoniHii nirtur. Money HARTMAN-THOMPSON On o BANK rial Loan estutr Any Amount Call at our Mortgage I,on Pept, Cliamber of Cotunirn e Building. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL EHTATH OR ton BUILDING PURF'OISEB: VKHY FLEXIBLE COWTIUCi'tf; HO COM- MliUlN. CvVMBrA LIFE & TRWST CO., 816 HPALH1NG BLDG. Monev to Loan On Imnrovi'd ciiv and farm nrooartv. JiHPKur a innraeisen Co., sua npaiaipg Lids'. Main 7682. 8ea Mrs. Rldlnirs. LOANB made oiTTniproved city propaTly or for building purposes; advancea mad as building progresaes; liberal repayment privileac. No commlaalon or brokfrage, J'. P. Llpwi-mnb, 48 Btark. loans I r TimiTw 701 Seflina bids'. TO" LOAN Eatat funds on real -tate at current rates. Incrtilre at torney, rooms 10-1 Mulkey bldg.; 2d ana Morrison, MONEY to - loan, imnroved Portland nroriartvt annnlal fuillltlB for In re-a mat's.- 'iitie Trust uo.. tn sna osk. 1 100,000 on mortgages, city - or farm property. lire insurance. McKni Co., Gerlinger oldg.. id snd Alder. Alder. . i ....... I . ,. ,, a i.i ,n. i m W A till paid for tnortaages, note, con - trupta Mnntarana Inunsi Hvwi IHVI IKnai , ivBUHi vt0 VIIubb r , uiS"! rates, p. H. Lew's & Co., 8 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans ; loans: lowest rates; firs in W. Q. Reck. 816-814 Falling. sursnre. . MONEY TO LOAN S CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 fcaaajataaajaaav- Vacation Loans And the place to get thwn. HO to -8106. At the lowest rates. . All ws require la that you bs am ployed on aalary, and you get the money QUicaiy wituout mortgage, inaorser or other securities, Can and ae us. Do It now. State Security Co. SOS Falling bldg. NEED VACATION MONEY T .' Se Us Today. a atoraaa receinta No red taoe. Quick service. Business confidential. You can get 11 tooay. . irUit 1 MjA n U 1AJAIM UU,. 418 Macleay bldg. ELBV (JO. A naflaj Vat place to obtain . money an watchas, diamonds, Jewelry, kodaks, piano warehouse receipts, eto, ijumotr iuxenange oiug. MONEY iOK SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential D. H. Tolman. room 817 Lumber Ex IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on furniture, pianos, autos. warehouse re ceipts. Mortgages bought Bauer, 806 Aider street, A desirable place for ladles and gentle- men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry, at eastern rates. .Diamond faiace, 34 waan., opp. uwi qrug store. MONEY sold on installment: confiden tial to salaried people, if, A. New- 114 U.a kMax SALARIED people wishing credit are cordially invited to see Mr. Drake, 888 1 Henry oiqg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel ry, strictly ronfldentlal, 141H la LOANS' WANTEP HO ; Gilt Edge Security Wanted, from private party, 28009 for years at s per cent, on iza.ooo im-i proved farm in, city limits of Vancouver, Wash. L-48H, journal. WANTED From $300 to 11000 first mortgage loan at 7 per cent on 6 room modern double-constructed house and lot 60x290. 1088 Chamber or Commerce, or Jfnones main so or Kenwood 1B4J. FINANCIAL 01 MONEY to loan on Imnroved real estata security, Sf nesiaier, v r-1 HELP" WANTED MALE VP- WaWTrcrv Phrtatlan man op hnv tn ViaIt, on farmCall H83V4 2d st. between I anil n m Prtftm 11ft SANwanUd'to drive 1500 ib. truck on dommiasion: married man deferred. u-aio, journal. WANTED Elderly man or boy who can milk a rw cows. a. ennnia, wius- dale, Or, F. D. 8. box 76, SETTERS, off -bearers, edgernian, oiler; alao other mill hands. 281 Commer- clal club bjdn. CHEF Headijuarters and Helpers, CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, 2a yamnui st. PHOTOGRAPHER, operator, printer, al ao caller. AyreH. 82 E. Burnslde. HIGH CLASS man for beat seller; noth ing MR It. 644 wasnmgton st WANliiD Stave bolt cutter good Job. I Apply 628 Cc-nett bldg., city, WANTED A rubber, King's baths, Im-1 perial hotel. WANTED A second bread haker at Once. Main , uregon cwy, WXNfEbBoy tonFlde wheel and learn) hardware Business. Appiy ill unit st. AW ALL Situation Wanted -. , A4. mii-i id irt'ii for Ili'iHa in nf work BiKi Willi ur iitinliln iii my for aii mlvi rlin.-iiii nt. (Ivi I lUi'liimim tiniut l') 1'io'ihi.t lo dm oiiit.a pcjatiMnily by tli l'"" numrn'ir woi'K, WANTPDAMletiint to ailvtirtlwliiK manager of liii'ite fl-Jiiiirhni-iit alore, ftl nut ha uupublii of writing foi'i:ifiil. (oinpnUlitg i-ojiy aiid-iiiiilnrHtunil tiroofifacl-, Ing and type dlaiiUy, himis 'xpei'liinri'H, trln rem'fai and aiiliiry xpict'd in i'lrat let ter, M-J:, journal. " . ' , '..,. , ' ' i '- Y. M. C. A. EMl'ivOyMENT.DElT, Kmr loyiiu-nt iiiomberaliip giiarantees nn'ji'ber will sucure uipluymcnt or re fund of nifiiiibarahln fee: alves two uioiilha full nieiubnruhlp pi'lvlloacs. 10 mouths sotilal prlvllogaa and UHilrtaks to keep mwiiibur employed during the full tnrm of memberahlp without fur tiuT cnarae. . Record lor 12 months ending Pec, 61 Call for mim .........2 Positions filled ................... Ia7 e aecreury ffimpioynien depart mrit y. m. c a AT OKCE! Men over 17 can obtain good . jobs at good pay. Easy hours. Chance to luarn ou of 80 money making tradea imnninmiii.. m .au. ulsr fnraian I cruUe next winter. Call at navy re- cruuing station, nauway jxunanaa bldg.. Portland, Or., for Information. Or send1 for booklet, "The Making of a Man-o'-warsman," today, Aqoross bu reau of NaviKution, box ,827, navy de partmnnt, WaHlitngton.- ARE you open for a good Job that will pay you well ' while learning net into the U. S. navy right away. . Many men wlio enter before July 1 will be on big foreign crulss next winter. Call at naw recruitina station, uauway changs bldg., Portland, Or., for ' facts. I Or tnnit ta nnraaii nf NaviSat on. box I Kil Tunw riamartmant. Waahlnaton. for I --.' - , -,- 1 mtoreating iree DOQKiet, vv.-NTKD tialeamani excellent opening with oldest, strongest nursery wst o( Rockies. Our term ar 0 par cent mora libera! than thosa of any other reliable nuraerv. Gat tha best CSSb re turns from your work by connecting with us. Write today. The Woodburn Nur- woodourn. yr, WXNTEDFew yeuns; men to learn nrofitahle trad, day or nirht school. plenty of opening, watch making, n. graving ioh-ool, , 810 Ulobe bldg.. Port- land Or. WIRELESS operators In constant de- mand. this coming vocation taugnt at Y. M. C. A. All the x ear touna uay I and Night BchouU; complete equipment; I Dest on i;oaat WANTED Parties to travel and repre sent ua In all parts of ths United States. Good salary and position to right party. W-484, Journal. PORTLAND mall earners wanted.' ave- rage IW monm. naaaaa examiuauona SOOn. RPBCirucu ciucaiiv'ia rw. j7.a.cin.iu - . .. . . in, k. . ... V a iiiaiiiu it,, M-w a , - I institute, utvi. tti u. tvutiiouior, . to invest small amount; good aalary and position to rigni party, I workers, Mut b familiar with I veneer worn. nuiwi-aiai;in jtibuu Mfg. Co., Box 662 Taooma, Waah, SALESMAN wanted who can book bus! nau nn tha aauare. Wa will deliver tha xroods and nay cash weekly. Address Capital City Nuraery Co., Balem, Or. iUELP WANTESwAliar. ftt INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE dCHOULis, dob MCi&ay oiag. cor. Thira ana tun sis., open wea and Bat nignts, . rnonss: Main 19, A-4121. Answer and drawing paper. ! WANTED Names, of men wishinf t t , become Portland mail carriers. 867 month t commence, Bhort leaves. Pull unnecessary. ia-4U, journal. 718 KOTHCtUJUL) BLDG. Where you get the best value In hair goods. Sunday and evening appoint ments. .'- . "OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Practical Instruction, drlvlntr and re- pairing automobiles, 266-68 iztn et. MEN. women to learn barber trade, 8 weeks; positions guaranteea. uregon Barber college, 238 Madison. 268 Couch. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE KriTnnls 16SU 3d at. (near Morrison). Rooms 7 ana g. wain eyta. A-aue UNCALLED for tailor made auita, 4.6Q ud. Tavlor. the tailor, J89H Burneida, GIRLS, iearn beauty parlor business. Earn money learning, sis i-cotncnua. HELP WANTE1- FEjLVLK 8 WANTED YtJUNO LADIES fOR TEJ- EPHONB OPERATING, WITH OR IfJTHOUT BXPERIENCH. PAID WHILE LEARNING. . APPLY AT THB PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE- uAfii cuAirAWi laAai' ucricw. C- TH AND BAST ANKENY STS., OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER, TELEPHONE EAST 880. WANTED A girl" for" general house. Phone c-Z25ti. WANTEI Ladles to demonstrate; 88 to ft per oa.j. MTt uvirunii, fvuin , 10 a. m, to 4 p m. " WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with 8 children. m :.TlUa. mook at , ; WANTED -An experienced cook,' good niiii'Mi. nn lnundrv work. Annlv to Mrs, Burrell, 828 Hawthorne ave. WEALTHY Iris or middle aged woman to help with light house work. 450 atn st. WANTED Wangle girls, PoVtland"!lo". tel laundry. FfVK girls to learn beauty culture, 408 neaiim nmg.. wannary ranors, V.t3'i.l. QO DOWN TO ' OrFlCE ANT) IU HrMiD WV ;' A THOUSAND D0ULAR.S FOR. Your lAAMepiATe (&xpef4i5n YOU HMC TO OOlS 'i ' ' Lcfrr -I viilil j IV - r .i 'e-gy :...:ttv CEt js. r ' ' - . . . . . " - - - - ('- .- '"-' '- rtv--r,irt iiit rv "f. '.. -P " 1 ' " ", -' ' "' " .' " ' 11 1111 " '! " I i . - ' -' t'"" "" .-..i. i i ir i . - - - Situation Wanted A". 'Iiwt'tud t IB for tliot.u III lif1 of wink nn.j wlio are ur.uiile to iy for an i v. rt ii:m'it t. Ailv;i'ilBHiiii!nt must be luoiigiit tu tHa of jiaiaoually by the Urili B 0HI 'm Wlil'K t'EMALR hflip wanted at the Union ljiumlry Co., 2t and Columbia sts, xiierlDiif'aji) H,uTi,iHily Tor dry giinda store. Apply Hriimhrrg's, for. Huiicon and MllwuuUle ts, Talc rwiwoml r M1LLI.NKUY aiiprentlve, Komf tihanc to li'ai'U ths Itublii'lMH; siiial( wagu wlltle learning, yuri Alitor St. " ' VVAN'i'KtSiTTeavHiiimir for'vloika aiit! sulla, Kurtlinloniew Co., 400 Wssh. I6i WOMEN, cannery work Orugon Parking V.f K. Eighth and Jv. ludinonj HSU WANTEn MALE ASH JLMALI5 K0 MOLICIt BARBER COLLEGE. Wanted Men and woineo tu laarn tha psruer traae in weens, toois ir, a cliirnce to- get In bUHlneaa for youraclr, tend for free catulug or eU at 86. N. 4in nt. WANTKI) Man and woman to wor on rnncl. woman to cook and do housswork for family) man muat be ooa miiKer ana tuiimster. n. v, io, i, wn i, uoseuurg, yr, EN, WOMEN Get" government Juus. big Pay thousands of , appointments, rite for list of positions. Franklin In- Wrlta stitute. Dent. 820. Roahestcr. N. Y. IlAGl'IME piano playing gua ran teed-In 40 to 80 luaaons, It's Interesting, 417 Kiiara ittiig. in ygr'inl,i.ij,f Iftil'.i WAyTEIAOEXTi WE want stunts and salesmen Hi every town' an.1 city on , the pad fie onaat. to handla our ready aellera, BIG PROFIT, au rme fiu, rortiann, , . AGENTb" and aaleauien 'wanted during carnival week to aell our latitat Hum mer patents, juxoiualve territory given. BIG PROFIT. 808 Pine St.. Portland. - WATlYISLwLadles to" take ordelr7or made-to-mnasure corsets: larse nror lta, St. Ixiuls Corset Co,. t J,oulst Mo. 61IUATIO,t .AWLK iafsaiaasf)Baeiifaasl( A MAN of experience and education, would Ilka position as nuraa, or com panion to any needing such; mental thereapeutlcg ft specialty, K-418, Jour- nai, - ' POSITION as " caretaker or landacape gardener soueht by educated and travelled man: part or whole time could ba given. G, W.'H., general dellvery.- MAN'wltli" email family wlshea 'wo'rk on ranch or ranch to run on shares. A-l farmer, stock and fruit man. Address 665 Pearl at., Eugene, Or. BIT wanteJ,' automobile driver, who knows his business, wfll drive truck or private can references, w, ,Q 604 utn avo. a. e. GOOD all around man wants outside work; specialty sign-hanging, paint ing. Competent chauffeur. References ir required, H-872, Journal, WANTED, position driving private car; do own reDalv work. W. L. 11.. 142D E. Lincoln. VSUSiO man, 17 years of age, wants any kind of work. Robert Dunn, pnonq n.ast i4za, GERMAN farmer, good all around hand; wants work: state wages. 804 Madi son mi. w. v, minor. GOOD man wishes position as driver or laborlnr, 86 years old. 77 Texas et Fulton, or. tSITUATION wanted by married man, age 84. Wholesale house preferred. a-4a, journal. YQUNQ man. wants position of some Kina; not arraia or worn, well, edu eated. East 4708. WltX o'clock; ttp someone a books after 4 : am willlna to work a counla of nighty a week. K-427, Journal, BOY 16. wants pom, ion in store; Uik English and German; has bad sum experience, rnone lanor YOUNG man, 17 years of ae, wants any kina or wora. rnone Eaat 1426 KALaOMLVING. 88.60 up; I painting all. Main ' rea' sonable. Call Joe Marab 4140. SITUATIONS M3LLLE A-l stenographers are What every em ployer wants. The place to getjrood stenographers is at tna Kemmgton Ty writer Employment Dept No lee charecd. Call Main 8 or Main 77, 80 7th YOUNG German woman with emallJjoy. aged 1. would like position as house Keeper; can give gooa rerereneee. rnone tj-ZB4Z, MIDDLE aged laav wants place in a small family or with an old lady as housekeeper or companion. 876 Taylor St. yhone wain EXPERIENCED lady wishes to go out serving; special dinner coon, piam sewing r other day work, Marshal) 1SS4. AN experienced fancy cook would ,ik more engagements, ainners, junon ons, etc. Address Taylor rooming house. a06Vt 1st at. Main aaaa. YOUNG girl "attending business. 'college would like work by the hour, or will take work home; have own machine. Call A-8419. ''"', A it!-VEAl.-0L$ girl would like to help With light housework or .take care of a child. K-u8, Journal. GIRL JQst finishing high school wishes a position for the summer, J-S54, journal. WANTED t)ffce work for V typewriting, etenographyf b' jng, - L-838, Journal. months, bookkeep- VoUNG lady, with some experience. wants worg in a store or isoiory. c 1 1 wooaiawn v. h-sib, journal. , CAPABLE and reliable woumii wants plain sewing to do at home. Mrs, Cove. 730 4th st. JltDPLEAGED woman wants position to do light janitress worK. warsnan 4128. Cady bookkeeper, 6 years' experience, wants Doaitlon. Phone A-4689. CXc i curtain hand-laundered. ' Called, 40o a pair. South Portland. M. 8NK, LACE curtains, draperies, linens, laun dered by expert, THhor Sit. '.''I YG-5 J T'M B6tr4 isOOKiN ( yw KAVlJTtfT 1 yss I tom you om6(.. r Iron opr thxis I Ye,l NAU6HYY NAOtiHtY. ' TrlPOT VtH$ti X I at " .Mi,. '.," ... , l" '- . - j. sen y'i G Kit MAN cnm.U would like plai'o t' Wink. ('Itv or roiiiilrv: wife Rood liijuHi'iidciii r. nmn good Mi"',l,r,r, iff can no any inner worn, i(-4H't, .imiiniii. J.I A N a i d V I f a w a 1 1 t"w o i k " farm 1" luiniiii'ii Oregon or on cwixt. L-633, jDIII'lllll. imiJKSMAKING 40 WANTED Dressmaking snd plain sew ing; niKjren a olotiies or oiMC wora, Main 88D1. T.i ' .' "i r - 8-MinaaTWisiaaa ;y. n.-.?;r.-.ay.y Nunsi;s ua A WOMAN wants Jnmsework or con finement vases. Phone Woodlawn MATERNITY nurse wauls i-aaes; will do light hniiaework, Wnnrllawn 2ftH 4 iukmsiio) nooun WIOT SIDE FOR T. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished looms, reaaonabl In price;, fireproof building, vacuum olr-aned, shower hatha. Iwlmming pool, dub faitiUtlaa. spclui latcs at cafeteria,, and loo other fn turna, Full partiuulaia at bualneae of fion. cor. (iih and 'liyior ata. C'AUMIlT UuliuL. American end European plans; heart of city; fireproof building; not and cold water and telephone in every roam, uncial rates, European plan 88 week ana up, American is up Antlers Hotel - Juration. 10th and Washington its. Ratea, to 86 per Week. Modern. With or without bath. StaTi3IsTHotel 18th and WnMliliigton sts, ELEGANT VHVN'V KUOAlH. MODERN, ft.io per werk and up. M. 8608, A-734. TOURfaT hoTel. 160 FIRST. COR, MORRISON. Modern, nicely famished, steam heat ed rooms. 88 weeU up; foe day. U car from 'depot Main ysBl. ,-, pTrTCOLON'lA L itr lotli. ' Nr 4oiC rlon, comfortable, quiet, steam heat Rooms reasonable. Every nor vanlenea. ttooma irom up. HOI New and mo every room. zo. rirat ana rayior, BAKEIiHOTEL. Bfteutlfullv furniahed. modern, steam iirniuii awvmai, t ,,,,iiia ww,, ,H,aiw building. Moderate rate. 26H 6th, f. ..,...4..3t-aaaiajji" ' a ' ' ' - ...Miia".! 1 1 la I f II KWMLWOttlU Jto i ti;tria za st nicely furnished rooms. In heart of dty; rate ,reaonabl; transient go tjRNISHEO rooma In modern hotel. steam neat, natn, i per weea anu up. Hotel Medtord, 188 N , em at. Hotel ford, 788 washi-A. aeiightfui ramuy nqtei; mooern, ciariiioriauis rooms, reasonable: 1 PIock rrogi parn. MAXWELL HALL". 14th near Taylor. Wntnaiika. attractively furniahed. nio. em. parlor, larga porch, summer rates. FSmTPre iMIAftntM Kyms 8.1.28 up. 247 Fifth t per wk. rea phone and bath. Main 7764. KMH a ncV apartments in modern he- ITT,'-.. 9 tel. tX.OU Hi" nu up, 466 Alder. HOTEL E"Ml'ltES4.iSh nd tJtark;moa- ern, 6 weea ana up, up, r phones. M5DlRW.'"-"outalde. clean- traualent rooms, 212 Broaqway, cor, eaimon. r i7furY8riD soon s WIT MXDM PaUYATa WAUU.T 70 NICELY f urnlahsd rooroe for rent Elec- trio lights, not ana coia water, om-ia, 8 minutes from P. O., rates reasonable. 828 W. Salmon t. WELL furniahed sleeping room for I aemployed young men. 110 . month; single, JS or 87; nice location. 667 Kear- rmv at. ' ' WELL furnished rooma, swod location; modern horn. Marsnaii (' aaa Flanders at. RIC"E,' well ventilated rooms, 810 per mo, 471 Morriaom ; FURNISHED ROOMS HAST SIDE S3 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. w. sih and l.forriaon eta., new and mod'ern, steam heated, elevator, large lobby, excellent gnu, sa.ou ween nq p. THE Larrabee, 827 H Larrabea. Rooms 22 wk. ud. Brick bldg., atearo heat hot and com water, trntn, pnone, electricity. TRANSIENT shjeping rooms, reason. able, 881f East Morrison. , BAIT XDB I KIT A XX XAMIXT NICE clean rooma 50o per night; cheap er week; breakfast and other meals, private ramuy. Tvy , aiornsou, fnone r.ast am LARGE airy room, absolutely clean, nawlv furnished, walking a stance, rent reasonable. - 463 E, Mill, corner nth NICELY furnished outside room, all conveniences, modern, private family. reasonable rent. 10 r,aat lvtn at. norm SSWLY fur. home privileges, inc. piano, all modern Improvements. 82.60 wk. East 0171. B-S784. 1 E. J6th North; 3- BOOMS AMI BOARD IP - NORTONIA HOTEL. 11th, Just off Wsahlngton st. Am.rifan and European, beautltful dining room, tea room and roof garden; very attractive rates to families and bachelors. ; ROOM and board In private family and home oooKing. lot tn at. JtOOM AND BOARD PJ11VATB .JAMUVY 78 DANDY 1, 3 and 3 houaekeeplng suites. 88 to 816, newly painted, papered and furnished, In brick building on Wasli-ingtonst.'-4tVi Washington. NICE room and 8 nieala in private fam HV for Of 4 joung peoine; ettay nisi. B. ROOM and board for oouple or two peo- . . . l. . . n , .. ('nil T.kna jia, vneap r i 871. BEST rooms and home oouking, nsaion. able. Phone K. do. t lywnty aye, e 'EL DAYTON. ilern, hot and cpjd water m every room, nates u sna ie.pp weaa. M. M ROOM Atl ; Mi I'm, ill Jiir mom 111 ijiiiiill ai'!, Iii H lino,) Iiimmh , u 1 1 1 j IVAM'LD i;)OM AM 1 (ii'l'lllllll l.nlv III pllV.iti'. I' M " '.i fa ill 1 1 V, X -,H)ii, Joiirn (I SE: ' ,...,. .... ... iioisi:iu i i ixg loom. Wl-sr ritPli THK OILMAN.- 1st rnr. Alter, K.;. niMlind luniH' kiapiiti louiiiM, 41&0 w . up. Main 6X00. IlfiTTiSEkfiEPi'NT and uirinln.iri'oi,itin. G(tm hotel, tiiij 1st at , .Sin. mi IK-HI. new hltltf. ; rooms tl week up; free phone , novstKS;ir.'tTta room WaalT titJDJB fUlVATU A'AWIXY 73 AN opportunity to, get 3 high etnas rooms, I'OitH'li'U'ly funilaiied torll.lv.. In fl.ia phyaioiairs rsaldeiiee, close tn, oii'W(it sldo; flriipiin'w, diwii'l'""'''' bed, Duti'li kitchen, I'm- 4ij nuiniii ly; liuhts. water and phone i'lco, all 4th si. Phone Main Tlhi. Tsr.A j" fill liTaho.l two-riHiiil liuiihi" keeping amte; convenlKncei water in, ' wnikirig .distanrv;., 13 per , witek. Go: Joliimon st." . - : suite of 8 or 4 rooma, uniting lii and ' cold water,, ground floor; yard, fruit,, flowers. 645U Wash., at., near lth... Phone Marshall 8881. T WO corner furnished bouseketifilug rooms, light, clean, quiet; also snisle ' rooms, gas, oleotriclly, bath, reasonable. . whklrig dlStamie. 66th.Mar, 676H. lllfMONTIL S'we'tl furn.sKd"rWniH, . down stair, yard, fruit, gas, bath, phone.' Phone MalsliHlt 4118. FiNE light room wlth'-nriias bedA. sill. floas mattri'sa, larKe lawn and plenty of rusoa f week. 414 Market at LA ItGl'. " room iv fTTa kittTaiiiettr. fur-' , nished for housekeeping; newly pa r.ercd; gas, bath and phone, 85 lllh. Cit'EAPH. K rooms, lights, bath, phone, r 'Wklking distance; 83 up. 480 Clay. A- KUlKLY furniahed housekeeping rooui far rent: Irving street jriiona stain 6618, ' ' . - ' " ' LARGE ' front housekeeping room, $ l $ per month, including gas. IMV, 13th St., between Washington ana Alder. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping foonis. 83 week, nhone, bath. mix. 208 13th st HlCELY. furnished suites ofl. 8 or 8 rooms; also room ana Poarq, a:'a am. 8 ROOM apartment, well furnished, with piano; gaa, pain, pnone, axaiitn, bOl'TE, newly furnished housekeeping rooms, oatn, pnone. ow rjua st. 361 Taylor, cor. Park. Comfortable rooms. Complete for housekeeping. flWsEWEPiNO rooms, reasonable; 608 pavis st. NEAT housekeeping and sleeping rooms close in, adults. 81 N. ntn, weBtsine. UOLSKKEEl'ING IUX31S - EAST SIDE - 4S H, K.4 ROOMS, nicely furnished; bath, laundry.' phone, gas range; no ohleo- tlons to child. 83S E. Stark Et FURN.WHED H. K. rooms, new. clean ana niceiy xurnisnau, iwiu, jmuiroi 82.50 up. suites, and single, 88I E. MorrlMin. ' ' . . 21.60 WEEK up, furnished H. K. room'sT mm ak.. S.rh. latinav Phnna Eaat i06e. 608 Btanton, U car.; NEW furnished housekeeping rooms. rig roo i Un heat 1'ght, bath, ia. li ton. BODBSXXZFmO ROOMS 8SA8C WUPg gMVATg 8?A1W1IiT 7i TWO modern houaekeeplng rooma, well furnished, all convenience, fine lo cation, close In, East Side, no children; 2 people 'oniy, nasi wouco. , im. r;ast issie. THREE nearly new furnished housa . keenlna rooms, private entranoe, down stairs, sink. 664 Ivon, corner E. 16th. TWO nloe roomsTbath, electrlo light gas, very central. 82 East 1.0th. Phone East 168. --"'"- - ' - HOUSES FOR RENT 13 I ROOM house, sleeping porch, hot and cold water, furnace, niee roses and lawn, centrally Jopated, In a good neigh borhood, 825 per month, pall John Diet 648 Union ave. N. STRICTLY modern 14-room residence on Broadway, corner, very reasonable rent to permanent tenant M. E. Lee, 03 i coroeii mug. 'HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER TH KKriJSLHiiifll eon epatuina umg. , Main VHR RENT Up-to-laie modern 7-room rm. . W, 1. . m . n house, Kose city rara; rent, 820 month. Aoniv B8S uaa st. FOR RENT 6 or 4 rooms, modern con venlences, nlcejrsrd, view of city, cor. Chapman and Clifton. Portland Heights. FOR REST Modem cottage, west side. walking distance, very 10 w rent. to. E, Lee, 523 Corbett bkia;, 812 50 SUNNYS1DE sehool 1 block! rooms, gas,, electricity. . Tabor 8586, evenings. 816 4 LOTS, 6 room house, newiy oatnted, chicken houses, 17 minutes oa Oretron Flleotrio. Phone Sellwood 114)9. 178 room houaa and barn, cnicaen yard, 7110 41st ave., Kern Park. Ap ply jeweler, 6338 Foster read, MODERN 8 room noue for rut. Call aa East iDtii at. u. RENT Six room cottage, walking .iinunee. 11. Inciulre 830 Broadway. rpfOOM lioune at Broadway bridge, 82 o' t, w I ma-tZ, .all .. owner, ivihiii opip. GOOD 9 room house, nlee yard, roses. paved street. 798 B. 7th st, N. SEVERAL homes fur rent. Irviiigtoa Eaat 233 W. H. Herdman. FURNI5JHI5D HOUSES S3 WANTED Furnished house. Portland Hta., Greenway or Council Crest; small family, no children; want houae for at least 3 months, beginning middle of- June. Main gthR. 6 ROOM furnished house; piano, lawn, flowers: near minimi ave. sna us- sell. Rent 636. Inquire 800 Graham ave. By "Bud" Fisher