Ti.vr: io ':r r. . v ' r ' " ""ill A i :;r IX 1 - r Ml JI cnAi.c::' l; :-. ll (J , " vv. ' uh i tyyfidl t 1 "' id LJ5i 4a J p., ( vaa Kin! Lndr-Well? fcolid By)Tetr Kind Indr kin f ft. Wry four alarm' clbckr 'oot galeeD ' I guttfl walk it Up, 'CKI'f It aju't no ado-! walker. Brief Items of Tuesday's Late News Bhort 8tor4e of Wprld Happening Not Received In Time for YeaUrr . day' Jasue of The Journal. , Congressional. The senate bs adopted Senator Ken yon" resolution Instructing th Inter- state Commerce Commission to Invest! Kftta th receivership 0f tin Bt, JVuJ . & Ban I'm pel mco railroad ' When - Senator Stone asked the Ben- ate to proceed with the consideration of the Indian appropriation bill, Monitor Lane objected, and the bill went over, la reporting the bill, Chairman Blone and a majority of the committee broke faith with Senator Lane, who la a mem ber.' Several amendment were omitted which Lane wa assured would be made, and several ttums were reported without 'hi .consent. The appropriation for the irrigation of the Yakima Indian land was cut from 11,800,000 to IHOO.OO0 bf the eommlttee. 1 , Senator- Jone pf Washington has beea engineering a lngl-)ianded fllibqaler ia oraer to aecure rrom the senate an extra clerk. lie wa taken to task Tuesday by Senator Williams, and oth er senator -fiad remarks to make, but he continued to take advantage of the senate rule to block the Introduction Of "bills. ; . r . ' ? , Eastern. The fate of Martin Powell, who is ftghtinggainet extradition to Canada for alleged Implication In the $87, 000 robbery of the branch Bank of Montreal at New Westminster, B. C, now Jles In the hands of the United States circuit court of appeals t Cincinnati. A party front Richmond, Cel., passed through Chicago Tuesday on their way to attend a conference before the B.lv ers. and Harbors board at Washington, June 11. They carried a big chest lab eled, "Plplomatlo Peace Cocktails," con taining grape-Juice for Secretary Bryan. Former President Taft and former Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh were given a clean bill of health by a federal Jury at Chicago which Judge Land) empaneled to Investigate the ole- fa j, catena me .vu 01 divorce - was me sud- Ject of Arthur Brown of Portland, Or., In the oratorical contest for the Junior ciass at noire lam university. South , Bend, Ind. He wa adjudged . the win ner. A strike riot occurred Tuesday night ouisiae tne hosiery mills at Ipswich, . Mass. I. W. W. pickets interfered with the 600 English-speaking employee as they left the mills, and bricks and hot- ties began to riy as the police-charged the ' mob. One . woman was shot and giuea, seven other persons were wound ed by bullets, and many persons, Jn- siuuing several policemen, were nurt by flying missiles. The dead woman waa a spectator. Seven Industrial work ers were arrested. , The Massachusetts stare senate ha i passed bji appropriation of $:'50,00 for the San Francisco fair, and the bill now goes to the governor. An attempt to cui me amount to izoo.ooq failed, .' Pacific Coast. Joso Vuljara is in Jail at Los Angeles. charged with being an accomplice 'of Juan Soto, who stabbed to death two girls- and a man in the Mexican quarter . iwo weens ago. no trace or soto ha oeen rouna Dy tne police. - A man representing himself to be D. C. Wainwrlght champion golf player at Del Monte, clubman and society pet. Is being sought very earnestly at San . Francisco. He la suspected of having passed worthless checks to the amount or 14500. A great fear pf war and future blood shed dwells In the hearts of the people of lower California, according to pp. lone W. Parks, who has Just returned to San Frn nelson from La, Tea, on the (Julf af California,---They cherish the memory1 of . the .murdered Madero, and nothing can reconcile them to the Huerta government J.- Turner was found in a suburban shack at Vancouver, B.C., with fits throat out almost from ear to ear. The dead man was 83 years old, and had been a British soldier for IS years in India and South Africa, Four boya have been arrested at Lewlston, Idaho, on a charge of lar ceny, having been Influenced to theft by "movies" and dime novels. They were found wUh $200 worth of plunder, the fruits of five months of potty thieving. They are James Cronin, 17-year-old son of the manager of the Pot-1 MOEHGLISH DJCTIONARY CERTIFICATE if . -1 EVii I OREGON JOURNAL, JUW U SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET ..lu-.-....., . 1 j - - Show Tons endorsement of this ting ont the above Certificate cf Appreciation wlta five others of com seontive dates, and presenting them at this of floe, with . the expense bonus amount herein set oppoiit any style of Jiotionary eletd (whloa cover tbe items of the cost ei packing, express from the factory, oteck. lag, clerk biro and other necessary sx?xirs3 . Items), and you Will be presented with you? choice of those three book. UMf tXaTHXt (Like illustrations in the announcements from day MODERN ENGLISH , ? lx) - -It ONLY entirely NEW coropila. HiUyLrU1liUU0n .tiori by the world,, greatt athoritiei frefnlea.i. fnf!0 inT universities is bound jn lull Limp" Ltathey, S al flexible,' stamped inrgoldi on back - nd. ide, St" "01 ilt ' printed on Bible paper, withered cdgei and corner! 1 rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Resides the gen. eral contents, there are maps and over 600iubjectj beautifully illustrated -by 3-coIor plates, numeroua subjects by monotones,' 16 pp. afX C of educational charts and the latest United States Census, r-ff Present at this office SIX Consecutive Certificates and HALF XXATHZS It Is exactly the MODERN ENGLISH EX!1 hSW imp DICTIONABT Illustrated fnual te Atiy H. tilinf lot 3. DO except I n th style of binding. which is in half M w i t iiQlr aea .and with I L e co in era, tiUJ X ,oliye edges square cu Certificates and Any book br n qss Mr Ho!loWby r the Bait og- tsrliins? , , Uollo Tlie butcher wouldn't, fire tl)i-H toy wore cred!,. latch Lumber cninpttrryxJDanl! Barne", Bert Harrington and Gall Croy. , ," City Detective Gilts Humphrey and another officer engaged in a pistol fight at Heattle with Abe Turner, an 18-year old youth.; who - attempted to rob a streetcar conductor. Turner was per haps, fatally wounded, and Humphrey waa dangerously hurt. The apparent outcome of the recall saltation at Hnokane is that all 'five city commissioners win have to stand for reelection in November, with ths exception of Zora Ifayden, who declares that he will not run again. Mrs. Ava Weetman, charged at Seat tle with, having murdered her husband With an ax. April tl, has pleaded not guilty. Her bond was fixed at llO.ooo, yire a t Nanalmo, B. C, cause unknown, did $10,000 damage to the Windsor hote annex, a four story structure which is nparlng completion. The loss is covt ered by Insurance. , J'hyslpians at San Plego r wonder lng over the unusual case of pstelia Bradbury, years old, who fell 48 feef from a bridge upon hard ground with. out a bone being broken. She was part. ly unconscious for a time. Jurors have been sworn at Baera- mento for the second trial bf Mrs.L.ll lian Belle Haskell, charged with the murder of Frank J. Fisher, tier com mon law husband. , The first Jury dls aareed. Dan Trogen, goused of holding up a fight promoter when he was counting the proceeds of a bout tfnd getting away with $UQ0, la wanted at Bakersi field, Cal., and (Joverndr Johnson has issued a requisition. , Trogen is at Lovlock, Nev. ' foreign. At a Lisbon procession in honor of the Portugal poet. Luis do Camooqs, one person was killed and several others injured by an . exploding bomb. The bomb thrower wss also Injured, and. expressed a wish to commit suicide. rinHnir th eelabratlon of Russian jtscepslpn day at Vyatka, a Kussian vlllaae. CO persons were drowned by the sinking pf a dilapidated ferryboat while crossing the river, Tcbeptca. Angered at laxity of police supervision of the, ferry, the people engaged In a riot It Is reported from Takio that Japan has decided to omit from, the text of Us rejoinder to the United State, the contention that the California alien land law violate the fourteenth amendment This point Is left for discussion between the Japanese ambassador and Secretary Bryan. It Is thought at Toklo that Japan' case as a nation will be strong, er if based upon the contention that the land bill violated the. existing treaty, MUceUaneouB. Aviator . Harry . N. Atwood . baa sue ceeded In flying over Lake Erie ip hydro-aeroplane, making the aerial voy, age In a night, from Kcorae, Mich,, to Sandusky, Ohio. ' 1 It -4s announced at Princeton that Mrs. Russell Sage has agreed to five Princeton university 1100.000 for a new dining hall, provided that ynlver ity raise $400,000 for the ame pur Vh. inotttnMn ho. rivd about 1608.000 this year' for endow, mcnts.- and 121 J.flOO f for current ex penses. It will eventually receive about $2,S0,000 through the bequests of P'err ris S. Thompson and William u. Keea T. On the 'around of cruel ana inhuman tnolmanl. faiiit 1.1 vtnffatone Wateiv I bury ha been granted a, dlvprc from Watnrluirtt at Port land Maine. Waterbury Is A member of !& AmnrlP.n Mm defendinr Dolo team. AUSTRALIA GOES AFTER TIME-EXPIRED SOLDIERS Melbourne, June 11. Australia 1 likely to increase Its Immigration short- Jy by encouraging the entrance of tlmt nire! .oldler. from India. , ProDOsals along- U ' thV-i T Unea have beep 'put up t4 "varlou. state governments snd It i, th.t. .migi Hif. the .ha.aII.. Kl)nuA hat antwtlal nuolef. ace and land grants will be offered ' ' . ' - -J. I The South Aqatralian government Has already an agent in India who la eek, ing to persuade soldiers to go to th rontmi st.t. .ft.i. tj,ir tin. in India, i - 7 V MK1 I - ' ' IT 3 El : - m - wMw!vw,M srreat adncatlonal onnortuBltT br ont. -CtOlH SOVVH Is ln plain cloth filODERN ENGLISH Wl.n'dbal SICTXOVAKT - ha earn papee, XUastrated same Illustration uat u Anr . an uiiiBf for sa.ot e f . a e for 'AO SI ter-TU i ttUJlatea . and are otnitted. ; Si wiiiKiva ana, , aatre for eostsffe. , The Stage Manager I ssy, Heary sldej The Lady Macbeth Well? Iti Staj?e Manager When yon spenk the line, "Out, damned spot!" tn the sleep-walking scene try to imagine your're cleaning a, silk shirtwaist ( not putting the dog outdoors. Hood River, White Salmon and Goldendale Systems to Be ' Operated as One, (Special to The Journal. 1 Goldendale, Wash., June Jl. A con solidation of the telephone systems of thB Home Telephone company, of Hood. Kiver, the White' Salmon Valley Tele phone company of White Salmon and the Goldundale Telegraph and Tele. phone company of Qoldemlale has been effected by the transfer of all the prop erty, including franchises, leases and contracts, to the -Oregon-Washington .telephone company, an Oregon corpora tion recently1 organised at Hood River. Deeds were filed at Goldendale yester day conveying the holdings of the White aimon ana uoucnciaie companies to the Oregon-Washington Telephone company. A mortgage and deed of trust given hy me uregon-washington Telephone com pany to the Portland Trust company of Oregon to secure the payment of a bond issue for $250,000 worth of six pet cent sinking fund bonds was also recorded. The bonds will he Usued in denomina tions of $1000. $508 sad $100 each. The White Salmon company had 700 miles of lines with 341 phones and a Incorporated for $50,000 with a paid up capital pf $27,000. The Goldendale 00m. pany had $00 Phones In Gqldendal with 270 phones on connecting rural line covering close to 1000 miles of wire. The Goldendale company was incorpor ated for $50,000 with a paid up capital of $30,000. The consideration In the deal is not disclosed liT the deeJs Wt Is understood to be principally a trans fer of the stock in the merging com panies for stock In the Oregon-Washington company. W, J. White, wbQ was the principal atpckholder In the Goldendale system, startej the line In 1$30 a a telegraph connection with the Western Union on the O.-W, n. & N. railroad at Grant station. The White Salmon com pany and the Goldendale company had control of the long distance service In Klickitat county under contract with the Pacific States Telephone company. The new company took possession of the local plant June 1, but has not yet as. sumsd the ictjve management . Klickitat Fair Dates Soft (Special to Tie Journal.) t Goldendale, . Wash., June " IL Tho dates for tho fifth annual county fair ana race meeting to be, held under the auspices of the Klickitat County Fair association nave been fixed for October 15-18. Farmers have been worklnar 011 grounds and race track for the past we urieen neaa or narness horses are m training at the track. H. C, Davis, owner and driver of Bunny Jiui. a pac ln8T stallion with a record of 2:114. has his hprses here and says Goldopdale 18 f, best Plac ln he portbwest to condition race horses. The innovation r 'ate dates last ear proved a great . 0 ""7 "1,u, 18 Flwu iuHwijr M IUOB reSUUS Will DS - - - RED LlfiHT DFMI7FWQ " " v.,a.ii hLfch r-HMM MflHsHFIFI Tl ' " . nufw... i - rdneelsl fq The Journal 1 warstirield. or.. June 11. Binoe the new state law governing the closlna of Immoral resorta has gone into effect there has been a general ejodus of the red light district of Marslifleld. Deputy Ky Zw'fd ,TkTrv iL.!l.0,u. It?. ?.VT3 . rrosecuting Attorney Wtfeqvlst an ad " "?w "w. 10 ur,v" 1,18 rea iTtL Z .Ttr IT,? .CVu y' 1Ve," MfL Properl and t-'os'ng t.ie resorts. "' " .a'.t2! rr '.'Z. "l . "co"' . Qtirl manw a laui'ln ,r rrthd k...v . ". some nun. llBbl?rt-J "."VT'll1 theso have been sold for but a few dol- lars in comparison to their cost. Mr nujoq.wi nays nis crusaae will exxeiHl to all parts of the city and that he will 111 l. 1 .-j. , prosecute the owners and proprietors of any hotels or rooming house whioii are found to be guilty of harhoring any of tne req jignt aisirict residents. Improvements at East Side, iSiwvIh! to Tlift Jnurnnl.V Marshfield, Or.. June ll.-The city or. iastsiae, opposite Marsnneld on the east side of tne bay, is starting several Improvements, among them the grading of some of the streets which have not yet been opened- . The city Is also plan nlng to change1 the landing place of the county ferry connecting Marsjtfield and Eastsida so that the residents of. the place can more easily reach the boat than tinder present condition. The city council also plans to build a con crete city. JalL although soma of the citizens question the necessity of this Improvement, owing to the fact that in Eaatslde there Is never any drunken ness and there has neyer since the city waa incorporated, been but one or two arrests. Paving Ilesidence Street. (Spednl to The Journul.) Independence, Or., June 11.- With the principal business street of this city already paved, : the city council has awarded the contract ,for paving Mon mouth street. This street 1 a continu ation of the fine, straight road which leads directly to Monmouth, and ia at right atiglea to the business street, ex tending north and south along the river. which is already paved. The contract was awarded to Llndon, Klbbe & Co. for $33,874.80. Agreement was made for a four Inch concrete pavement with a wearing surface of one and one half inches. The pavement is guaranteed for five years. . Eight contractors filed bids. Shingle Price Are CutL, peattle. Wash.I June 11. Shingle makers gave notlcel:;tdy of further cui.4o-4h -piu.f SM1 olilnale,' tm a result of the light detfiand and uncer tain market owing to the ponding iari'ff. "Wars" are quoted at $1.55 per thou-1- eana ana ; Clears-' at iz.io. Tli Btranser Whea you get time drop In and ace me sad )'U tire yea some boneet work. Bllnkev tb f'f terroan Whes I git time I Iluh! De Jury Jus' now ghim free, years' time for burglary. The Stringer Ho I thought, Tm wardea of the penitentiary. , BANDON, OR., HIGH 1 In rear George Kronenberg find Cbatburpa nd Pearle (t nlted Pren Uased Wir.) Melbourne, June ll.The temperance alliance is planning a strong campaign to make Australia drlnkless by 19 ll, and there Is no small possibility that It will succeed, The leaders of the movement are go ing to snend four strenuous year of propaganda work in readiness fy big crusade when the present no licepse act is ventroduaedtfo amendment purposes. In 1917 thef "wowsers," as they are called, hope to have a majority In par. llament to carry out their scheme. Its success is made possible by the fact that many of the labor party's par liamentary representatives are staunch temperance supporters and will do all in their P0Vr to carry out tb object If the labor party I In power la that year and its units are still of the same mind, they, with, the temperance advo cates of the opposition, may end Aus tralia into the biggest drought ever known ln history, IB " ' RANCHER DROWNS WHILE STRIVE TO MAKE ALL AUSTRALIA DRINKLESS APTTIlin IIMIITI'D riin I' Pw V weaving U4 GETTING WINTER rUCLjdlplomas. The graduates are: Marlon ici.i tn Taa jnniu.i Wenatchee, Wash., June JL While inn K,tchum, Gretchen Kreamer, Carl drawing log'out of the Columbia river pjrsen, Ira M'x, CitU picfiardsor, Vlo t his ranch on mile north of the east! tor Seeley, Leona Sperling, Ernest Wl- end or tne wenaicnee rerry, j. v. nciuw was drowned last evening. He was as sisted by a neighbor, J. C. epuriine, ana lliojr fiuu nsjcu uV c uvu. ....w .- from which they were spearing logs With a long pike pole and dragging them oui mu huicu. .nVohas enough -wood to supply next winter-! fuel The river Is nearly s reot aDove low water, the highest since 1894, and an immensa amount of timber Is float- . Hn.n ThA ari-Idfint was caused bv the alipplng of tha pike pole on which the two. men were leaning. Both fell Into the water. Knurling coming up on the stream side of the log, lie coujd sot swira. but wa able to grab the pike pole and lift himself onto the boom. Just then lielmes cam a up on the down) side of tne Doom, a was peing car-1 ilea away py me current, oui ppunipe quiOHiy Blip van iu viau puis uu uiu Helnns caught hold, but was unable to keep his grasp. Either cramp or his rheumatism weakened him so that he could not save himseir. He floated down and was not seen again. The drowned man leaves a widow and flv children, lie was about 43 year of age. MARY PENN0YER ESTATE . APPRAIQAI RP TRFRI Fll ri i iiniwnta wa. ia.MM.bv (Bnltai Bureau ol Tbe JournM.l otutini, ur mie xi.-xmppiaiavra vm i r r.. ...,.., n DA..u.l I nliicpd a valuation of IST.500 on th tat. for th. riBtarmination of tha amount if tha amount state tress! he 'collection of Inheritance tax. The urer'b office, which has the of the tax, objected to the amount and 1 n&ked to h.v thn aDnraiaement raised tn 1300.000. If Biitufnotorv asrreement brtwapn tha anniaisers and th. aiata urer will roautre a reapprUsen,ent pf the property, . ....... This piece "of " property "ia' two' lot covered by the new Olds, Wortman A Uu building ln Portland. Th. nroii. artv t. una.!, l.aa. ten so v t th. end or winch time tne puiioing revert lo the owners of the block, a Drooortlon- ate share of which will go to the Mftry I Pennoyer estate,, It is understood the! auruifiorB niu not ihk into ouns meiA i not take Into ttonsideia- but based tha valuation S tne two fota for tha iSuT?'?' t0T th? tion this fact, n r flia Innnma 4 UU AIV 4tbUHIO - VIII V II W t, TV V VlO AUi LlltS 1 first 10 year period of the lease, Funeral of William II. Morgan. Philomath, Or., June ll.rThe funeral of, William It Morgan, who died June , was neia at tne rnuoinam irst United Ilrethren churoh by the Rev. I. H. Hurfhey and tr. Fisher. Mr. Morgan was born In Waterloo, N. "Y.,. July .81. 1849. In 1880 be ws married to Miss Naomi Webb. About 1S89 he and Mrs. Morgan returned . to New York state from Nebraska, In 1896 tbe family set tled- in Marlon, Or., later moved to Cor vallls, and in 1918 moved to Philomath. In bis trouble, progressive paralysis. he lingered long and suffered untold IAD V. - - ' I CASTOR I A For I&faiits and Children. T7i9 Kir, j Yen Wm Bears tne Cjpantura Asker What do yoa think of the Itooa f.l smile? f .ooker-I don't like it My ' wife smiles Just like that when she thinks I'm lying. DEBATING TEAMS Ernest Watklns. In front Kato Cralne, from Jeff to r!gb,t. (United Preit Untti Wlre.l . Washington, June 11. The following nominations were sent to the senate by president Wilson: Cornelius Ford of ?Jew Jersey to b public printer; Herman Craven of Wash ington to b civil service commissioner; Frederick Brown to be United States judge for the Third district of Alaska; A. B. Qray to be United States marshal for Nevada; Mary Stevenson to be post mistress at Imperial, Cal., and 'Alexan der Ludwlg to be postmaster at Bed ding, Cal. Fourteen In Graduating Class. (SixHiil tn Tha Journal.) Independence, Or., June 11. The Inde- Scndepce High school graduated 14 stu ents Friday evening, when a play was given arid afterward commencement ex ercises. The Independence High school chorus furnished musio for the evening, and Professor E. D. Ressler of the Ore gon Agrlcultral college and a "former president of th Oregon Normal school, delivered tho das address. Attorney B. JY pwope of this city presented the ICuthbert. Levlcr Hamilton. Marie Jones. nams. ThM Pescepi l BkyUght, . fH0Hal In Tha Jnnrnal rh K nl n. nb 11 an. Tha Artie? ,wr ftf UwU jobDS(m ,B tbu VM entfred Saturday night and about $5 the. mister. Tbe thieves .irai1l thmneh' th aVviiirht. -7" -.,r"Z Zy.hw. i an They went to Albert Webbs barn nd Ppropr)ated a pair of hi long dray harness lines, wiilcn were used in low- srlng the robber Into the building. A C.olectlon of old and odd coins belonging to Henry uani was iso laaen. a smaii amount of mefchendlM va alsq mlss- ing. No clue has been found. Henry Dahl bad been In the habit of occupy- ing a room In the tear end of the store BUt wa away upon thi occasion, which It ...nu was known to tha . buralar. ftiLafe Va'AaA UlllUaie raUcUi Medicine Effective Rest, fre-sh air and well cooked, nour- shin oort l heln many twrsoris Buf. fering with lung trouble. But ln many caaea tlie disease Is only temporarily Srl for throat and lung trouble and has broght about many complete recoveries io recoveues i jn many fases where tne i v x-ases where tne surroundings i wer not ideal. Judging br tho many aannrta nf rncovcrles received, we ne- l ie0 anuutq p jiaea iii -yveij- i ., , .... 1 1 V 1 1 A iwin. flful.lt. Tfl. I es-llowsf Weldon, III. "My. pear Bir: Through your inairu- "My Pear rir: Trougn your iniru- "eonTeceTr U0?, j.waB, taken with typhoid pnettinsnla, which develoned into, consumption.;; In Knlirimrv -1905. I wont ta Fort Worth, Texas, and later to Canon City, Colo- rado. After being there two weeks, my furnaX jj00Wr having given me no assurance of reacuin tnero alive. "7 ''On July U, 1S05. I began taking Eck- man wundorfua remedy for .consump- Hon. Today. I weigh. US pounas. stout and well nd can do anyt kind work about my grain elevator. (Affidavit) AltTKUK WBDH. i . . . . . . . . . a rvMi utiTi tir ii Villi, nuuui itij a."'.' :':-.'... - .1, (Above abbreviated) mere on request.) Koknutn's Alterative has boen proven by many years' test to be most etiica- clou in eases of severe threat and lung affections, bronchitis bronchial asthma. etuoborn colds anu . in upbu Id ng the or man y jvuia a.lAaan SoSiTr' Ibfrnin? drugs-r sale Health Hint for Women Tvree's AnMseptfc Powder contains ho poisons. Better than 1 liquids. The ideal hous- I noio geiiiuriae or wasii. y 25o and tl.OO, AU drug jitsts. Booklet and Sarn .liAi ait j j, g. TYBSE, Chemist. Washington, d. O. Tl a . - t ' 111 a i vivuvii' ivi - rr uuivii ;- DRaGUNN'S Improved livpr pillS Cur Constipation. BllioNnw. Sick Head leha. SourStomai-h and Indiaention hv makinr ilma mm au.iv. ami iaa Uiwaia r. Thev ar. a Derfact AftetvDinnei. Pill ami mr fill i that bin line taken after meala ill relieve t hat hinated. diatraaaed feehng wltmut pain orailpina. , I is, a Has. BKND PORTAL KOlt SAMi'I.Kft. L I hr.BakC.82iNaethSt.I'aUM '1 rail m io HEAD SERVICE hy Tne uwi I'rug ki-, unmr tpa aeveiopuig urns, which ib insiae tne drugglBt?.a.vVrHe ".WM camera, Model H Is GHxSHxie inches bPverVe in si.t and weigh 8 lb. f ox. Model, denoe. -- T " i a. v ana ere x?xiu ana weign W Elesnere 1 wonder why Caroline la flurrying so early in the day? Marlon Afraid George might fluff his mind before noon. CIP.IEBMS, CHOOSE OFFICERS Carl Koch. Spokane, J s Grand High Priest; Centralian Is ; Grand Senior Warden, ' ' . (Rpw lid Jo The Journal.) ,. Walla WallA.VWttjBh., June )). Vtw XJrand Kncamptnent, which is holding Its thirteenth Annual assembly In this ltlr lb connection Ub tli thirty-fifth an nual session pf tb ftrand Mdge of Odd Fellows, has elected officers for the cpmlng year. The Bebekah assembly, Which is In its twenty-fourth annual session, also elected pfflcers. The offU'eri elected by lb Gracd fin emnment are: Carl ' Koch, Spokane, grand high priest; A. C. Owen, Centralis, grand senio warden; h. V. Hart, Ta coma, grand scribe; J. B. O'Donnell, Ta coma, treasurer; George W. Blanchard, Seattle, grand Junior warden; II. A. Thompson. Tacowa, grand representa tive for two years; H, F. Henderson. Walla Walla, grand representative tor ope year. ' The officers chosen by the Rebekah Assembly arei Iol CaanpbeH, Taconoa, Dresldent: Fannie P. Ankrom, Cheney. vice president; Corra A. Coffin, jOrting. wardeni Neuw t. eon, o.vub, secre tary; Agne.i B. Jamison, Georgetown, trtaeurer; Eva Y, F-l'spcrnian, Blaine, Orphan' home trustee for five years. The officers will be Installed Wednes day at which, time appointive office w be filled. . . Drilling lor Oil In Polk. (Spedul o Tb Jou'rptl.) Rlckreall, Or., June 11. A. final at tempt will be made by the Oregon Oil A Pipe Line Co. to secure oil on tbe Whiteaker farm, five miles southwest of this city. Many attempts have be- fqr been made ana mucn drilling ba 1 REVOLUTIONIZED BY NEW INVENTION Films, Plates and Dark Room Made New Camera Takes Finished Pictures in Two Minutes Mr. Edmond F. Btfalten, of New York ?mJ!rl: ? - V. r ' iW9.mmmw, n poo away wii.n in expense of buying films or plates and I tpe r0Uble, expense and delay of having developed aud picture, printed by a photographer. T1.Is camera. which la called tha Gor- . ..... uen camera, is Demy manuraciurea Dy tho Gordon camera UorDoratlon. 1980 Htu vvasant "Hulldlnsr. ' New Yark. W ' V - - T . -w r '' T . , 1 - ' M W are ueairou or niaKinjf U known In every locality, they known in every locality, tncy are "ak,"P WW offer to our, .rcadr. lor a limited time they wll (.ell njotlels 8, O, K and J at half price. The reg ular price of Model B, which takes pic tures 3x54 Incbes, Is $10, but It wW lures 3x& inches, is J0, bt it wl ?!fe.RrIc", W Zx5, ; also 2Vix3H inches, will cost ST.60. Model II (regular 7 price 8), which takes pictures 3x4 ipche. will cost 4, while , Model J .(regular prCe 1), which takes all three of the at. aiaew, ww v vijr ., nicn -i .111 - . .!.. . iitli.l ever one you order, inclose 89 oents - dditonal to cover uarcel coat. aenaltliBrt . Ap. cards and deveK The sensitised aVlrht loading. cards and developing powders. cards are wrapped for daylight loading, and the powders make e. developing- solution to be put inta I about 4 lbs. xne cost of taking pictures with the JvTn camera is . aimo IWillug in comparison to all other cameras. ICxtra ....in.. a .),. itu.tut: ... w- bought for 1H cent each (8x44 for k cents, and 3UX6 rat 3 cents 1. and 10 cent' worth of developer will develop ' - . r i over 4 9 pictures, Too Gordon. Corpora tion sells flash light lamps for 10 cunts, which will enable you to take picture . at flight In your own parlor, or jut of . door. . -' The operation of this new camera la so simple that any person ef ordinary : intelligence can easily take pictures : with ft efter reading the directions ent I "v?TthJtT6ne('u underv this ' soeulal offer 'be aura, ti, .'. , . . 1 , " I I mention that you are a reader, of The S I 1 l'ortlaad JOUBNACr ' j,-.. JL PHOTOGRAPHY Unnecessary Mrs. KMdor1y-"Why Ih If that m .riffor hear of the ,cut thing yon? children nyJ All the otU-r mother are .bropritlng eboiit tliolc"-" Mrs. I'ilTlton Wheeze "You aee. n y husbapd writes the smnrt snvitift pf t!i little ones, and hen any or onm .uja anything worth repeating ,he takes it down and soils It ben done. That there Is a .good bed of oil. .burled di'ly down seem .certain U oil men here, , - : StefunsNon to I'liuse. Karluk. rll'nlleili Praia Iiiiuid WlnM Seattle, Wash., Juno 11. Arrange ments are bclnsr .made by VUbJalmer flefanssoo and severul of his si'tetitli'l,; tttuff to remain in Seattle for a wiek or more aftor the A re tit- nteunu-r Kihilc sails from Victoria for tlieliviong crultia in the far north. They will sail from hr on a fust liner and Join the Karluk at lome. . , . ' .( How English Beauties Keep Faces Youthful .orlsUao Miller, J,; Jtioted Eng lish beUh expert,, attrjbul tlie early aging of American women mainly to the "national nervousness." The women of Ifngland. she say, can teach us the In ehUmable lesson of yeppee. ' Another valuable leason to be learned from the English .woman Is that she doa not go in much for coimietlca tba co.uioual ut of which munt ruin anr complexion. The beauty devotees of King George's realm have tbe merco Used wax habit, a more wholesome method of keeping tbe face girlish look, lng and healthy. Ordinary 'mercollzed wax, usd lik cold cream, rejuvenates the worst foinolexion. American wom en may easily auquire the habit thl wax being obtainable at drug stores generally ,in the United StOen. It i applied at night and washed off in the morning. One ounce is sufficient to completely renovate a bad complexion, it has a peculiar action ln keeping the face free from the particles of dead and dovltalljyid scarf nkln which are constantly appearing.--Woman's Herald, Adv. - ' I i And Itching SorcSi Started with Pimpks. Dreaded io Put Hand In Witter, Scratched Until Blood Came. Cured In a Month by Cu ticufa Soap and Qintafint - . ' B. jr. D. Ko. f , Crystal Ukf. IH "X n4 a most painful Itching right sand from tba thumb ta tbe wrist. It was covered , with deep cracks ana Itch ing sore, II started with small white pimples that Itched terribly and wbea I ecratcied (hem would opes, and a warlike stuff would come out. : jScabs would, form to my annoyance, and they would then com off aa4 leave tba aaa4 sed and' I dreaded to put my band ln w. a K would hurt awfully I sometimes would scratch until blood fame end then, (be burning ph was enough te set a person erasy. I was ashamed to let anybody sea my band fpr it looked awfully. Bow I sur fered, aouf can imagine, I weulfl wake ap; BjgbUi tro vein caused by scrstchinf- I' had Jt for twe years. It omeUine wouldU hal and break eut again. ..'..4 " I tried " aalve but tba only mads" It wore. : I wl different lve Pu did r Ie4 Wtfl I used Cutlcur fleap' and Ointment. Now I have no more trouble tad there I net a sear to ba seep. In a' month my band f M mFed by pytfnira 8op' and Ointment." (Signed) Mr. Tbeo Frel burger, May S5, 1913. ' . Ciitloura 9op?5e. nd Cutlcura Ointment EOc are sold everywhere. ' Liberal sample of. each mailed free, with 82-p. Skin Book. Ad-' areas posVeard "Cutlcur. Pept, T.Boston." 9reqder-fsce4 men should us Cvtleura fiop Shaving Stick. 2Sc gamole fn. Be a Wise Man! If tou are fighting Dtflod trmihla, chmritc or nervoua dlstaw, DH. IIKUVV Hl'K t'IFlO ANTIDOTE will jir.iv a gmiulif blcnaing to y unffprpr. No iriHttpr wlwt has fullod, von UHT trj tills "Uitir(ul (llcpry. Kn U wmi'lBtiilx nirwl un til pVpi-v nartlrle of the (tluiiB him h'n nnioTH(l tmm .the - vlwalstkat. -'i ' HPKi'lf It J AS'l'tDOTK kih dou llllo tl) tikl iiml KtBiiilUy and iin-li diiv.mt fr. tM)t'U flf tbe tnfeetkiii, ,v tHni'f tlpky; hU4 tr(il nuuiiHi mi v viminifit ike Miai.it $ny or lm y.f tlijltoitii t Bienifint. loi't nmtmi W wltS the -tiuKiMud vt Worth It PMtrut IiIkhI ttiwih4iia or nm k viireo. Thta ta tint a "ikie' r 'tthysle,' but nmif(ii pi'i;, C1F1C ANTIDOTE. Vou am mil ankrit 1 ek Hrliimnt with It for uiuolli or ion tn. (IX UOTTLK will murliK-e jnu f uir kill aiHlun lljmn tUa lil'Kxl-limklnj arlt.l. 1km' I baattat; gat a bullia lilr H-m.i.i-ber. it will tmt you nuthltur lo'irira (hi. m aouiplrte trial. Jf yea fall ta r ' ' we will DOaltlwla rfuiit nur ai.'i-v. t ,, ole u il.t f-wraiitwil lu I'cr'luii'l li 1u Uclilloiia Wing lvrrliii, jji'iir t iri "BE. OFT ' Clet Prompt aa4 Ffi'ml V'- ( ithaiii imoiivi,i-j' , in tjj . IZQ&JL CC5IJ.NATL'. t. f : Naetfcar ireatn f'n,!. I. BEEPBRAEKS mm ID very sore. " V NitfV '