THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1013. 12 i-oufrrrmta rooms (Continued) 1 i i I fc. . I ' I ' N'T i M ...l.t.....'.. .... !.. In hi i j u i in w iuuyv w nuiiic, IO rouii o. . ill IKH. luinisnell nuunr ' -i-XHir looms, pantry Willi sink, Bill fold water, tim. Very on vmv easiest of term, at A JIi-Hsoimble. Cull "ft Onnti-hbeln ave, T WO iimiJcrii housekeeping ruoniM, well I'kei'lillilf . completely furnlaliud, lower floor, pri. vale entrance, walking dlslnnco; reuson i iwn i-.. i., - I1.6U-J2.25 WUiKH. tool. light airy . housekeeping rooms; fine bath, laun dry. yard, ana ranges, 6tiV Commercial at Wood lawn 1066. THREE newly famished housekeeping . rooms; bath gas, big yard, tree, ,, Tabor iiil. 1094 K. Taylor. HOUSES TOR JtKXT J J 1 J SAVE tlma and patience by let ting our extenalve free Uai of deetrubla houaea and flats 'i'OK IlKNT IBS TOED A. JACOBS CO., ' ilalu C86, 269 V.'aiU. at A-6i87. J J J J J J J J J J J J J -T J J J J. J J KARLY 4 acres, crops planted, cue r- - 1 a ii 1 ii !. ... ries ana oernes xasi ripening, iur nuuse, ciiy wmor, yw iiiiuu.0 carline. alt Tabor district, good for or gardening. of living. Four tnda, flue chick- in; $10 month, chickens, small dairy CheD rent Cut cost: ivom house, large ground Hnap. liill or AlcCoy, 10S Fourth, ucar Z i - I..- , 'Utt.."u- . r"Vm . '""'" ..'""""! , newly painted, uectrlo Rights, gas, fur- walls ain newty iiuieu atiu .wwn i , nace, cemeni oasement, anu siaiionery wash tubs, front lawn and back' yard ,fth plenty of rosea. f?d.n5'h''orhood, 'MJ'i.JS. fhone A-J58S. PALMYRA BUNGALOW. dfatrict, near Mt Tabor, carlUiegt blocks, :r"""" rr:iT-'-Jt ri,i:.i.. city in view: rem reaauuauie. ruruiu ' lars Main 7805 1,'10-ROOM houae for rent furniture for '"le- ,U in good order; suitable for "roomer, and foarde?.; good' location. 813 Clay St.. between 6tU and 6th .ta. Vhone Marshall 8418. ItiiAuflFU'L. new. modern. room cot - tage, never Deen occupiea, iuw tot, 'lawn, roaes and berries, half block of . . . - I . . . . " car, on 39th at. No. 836. Phone tiell- wood 114. - ; O D LI eon O nuuiil nuuiCi vpu I4S Milwaukle at: key at 663. or phono Tabor 1703; walking distance, Xots or roaes. . tiOUbKS AJS'D t tiAia tun Htnii HACKER & THERKELa.r CU, 306 Spalding bidg. Main 1 0 sr.:. - ijK RENT room house, modern, . - electricity, gas: 300 Skldmore at; 2 ; carllnes; nice yard; rent only $18. In- quire McKlnley-Mltchell. 2024 6Urk at. -LARGE 4 room modern cottage, $8; 4 Hats. 18 room., all. iia. AH on aou- ble track carline. south, a 1L Piggott owner I42H Zd st Room Z4. Morrison st. 7 rooms &49U Morrison! Wl., I IWUIh VUI JCIItCU 111 W ted singly or to- , 806 Yeon bidg. cicon. modern getner, ora Hengstase, .VEST tilDE, room, clean, modern house, aas. electricity, bath, yard. 862 Vaughn t Take 23d or S car, only in. MODERN 6 room bouse, large grounds, closa la. two block, from car and Brooklyn school, low rent to permanent tenant A.K. Hill. 419 Henry bidg. ilODERN houses on both aide, at river, 4-6-8-7-8 and uu to 30 rooms, suit able for roomer, and boarders. Call 276 Pine at, cor. 4th. $16 NICE, cleaa 6-room house; chicken nouses; e iota; partly furnished; new jy painted- 17 minutes out on Oregon . Electric rnone eeiiwooa iiu. COTTAGE 91 N. 16th st, near Davis, $25 (repair some). Drake, 412 Van couver ave.; or pnone, noon onjy, Main Z17. ' : V'EST SIDE 6-room house, modern, land. 286 Cable st Apply 600 Clay Bt A-3671. NEW modern 10-roora house, Nob Hill, West Side. For particular, phone . Main 8023. . FOR RENT At Lenta, 8-room house, 3 block, from car, corner lot $7. 328) K 17th at. ATTRACTIVE 7 room house, nice roses, lawn, best car service. 939 East Main, Hear 31st at Phone East 1510. 6 ROOM modern cottage with garden; tent $16. Call at S09 Minnesota ave, cr phone Woodlawn 412 or Marshall 2663 A MODERN 6-room house, with sleeping porch, 144 E. 17th st. North, near ytroadway. Inquire 647 Weldler at. (26 New 7 room modern house at 968 Hawthorne ave. Furnace, gas heater. FOR RENT 6 room modern house; $18. 1030 K. 15th st Key 1028; block from Alberta st. FOR RENT A neat cottage at Ryan Place, on Oregon Electric; partly fur tilshed. Sea C. Hines. Main b392. $20, WBLL furnished 6 room cottage, 1H blocks from car. Mt Scott line. Z-240, Journal. 4 ROOM house 186 Halsey st, at end of Broadway bridge. Cheap rent Phone Wain 1721. BTRICTLY modern 7 room house with all built-in conveniences; In fine dis trict and close to car. Tabor 4469. FOR RENT Up-to-date modern 7-room house. Rose City Park: rent $30 rnonth. Apply 833 Oak st "NEWLY remodeled 10 room home, 2 baths, 460 Montgomery. ' ' Inquire at louse or pnone neuwooq m&i MODERN newly tinted 8 room house, sleeping norch; Richmond car. In ouire 919 Ellsworth st. Sellwood 1551. furnlHhi.ii. all conveniences, fine lo- I xTt.Mr t r, .,,. i,.rn,.d alAnti!- and I ration, clone In, Kant Side, no children; Uvlng I)orcliUa, Kurugo. garden. 4 b'k; J5 nfinuu!' , j. v.i.. i4 wmu. - rrroru inr, r ami aim jiuiiibkib ""The aiiinm ' last 1 J 1 it. ..i...., .. il ,M.. f,l,.l horn for ailrn- I.1."" ii I itiit .'ll mi win. ... ... " . .. - -- ji Mat t Mll'n ! T WO connect in, housekeeping tooiiim, nier: 140 per mouth. Phone Tabor 377J. S FOR RENT 5 or 6 rooms, modern con !i veniences, nice yard, view of city, cor i Chapman and Clifton, Portland Heights' CHEAP rent, 6 room cottage, yard, fruit flowers, electricity. Phone Marshal. 4122. NEW 7-room house. Bleeping porch, fur . nace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. Cor. 865 Clinton st. STODERN 4 room house near Piedmont barn. 313.50. 1166 Alblna. Woodlawn 280, $12.60 SUNNYSUE school 1 block; 6 rooms, gas, electricity. Tabor 358C, evenings. : ICR RENT Nice 6 room house and lotj east side, fruit bearing trees. Phone A-6452. 8-ROOM house, electrio lights, nice yard, $8. Inquire 760 i Alberta st, Mr. D. McGulre. -19Kf?E-?or rcnt east elde- CaU SIal" 1 i5S. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 649 Eat . Burnaide St. t. V A . " : s room house for rent Call 82 East 15th -st. NEW modern 4 room cottage, 31 C. 1607 . K. Hoyt. Take M. V. car to 63d at. ' 7 ROOM bungalow, walking diKtance- price cheap to right party. 422 Wasco. NEW 4 room bunnttlow; 115. Mold Realty Co., 206 Alder at. feEVEHAL homes for rent IrvinKtoh East 233. W. H. Herdman. 8 FoUR room cottage, bathk electricity niiu ptou. ivi uniwuuKfc at. (Soil C'J FURXISHED HOUSES 30 FOR RENT Furnished house in Irv '. Ington, July and August Phone East 1727. ' to ROOM furnished houae as long as de sired; lovely view, 651 East 39th st ror Ellsworth. W. R. car. FOR, RENT Furnished cottage. $22.60 per month. Keys at 255 E. 23d, cor ner K. Madison. nun", wru xuiiiirrietl. fine view, Willamefto Hplghtn. Mntn. 7536, "KT.1';.M Cfilnblelelv furnlahua h room bungalow aj ,;. jlal"ht ave. f T'Tt'N' fsl nODTroom lioiiseTor rent, 961 ' ' a"h IKt. N, pining Marshall 4t4l, i p7)"M curlier flat, f iiniluhed, good" : nana 676 Eftat Salmon,' , runxisiinn nouses so (Continued) Vll'l.? pnvu R rnnm linn ell to w. completely I . . . v . . . i . i .. I i rui n Nlitu. Uoou residence uihirni, i - (,,,,,. ,.m. "ll in' llilii ri 1)1)1 ht ll,MIII.Ha ....nter: 825 nor nmnth or will i,MMrnlii. Owner. Tabor 324. I Kefcrencfs. - u)ap ,., i5 K tfuu'urd at. Kenton. i j(0y puy.1 ten i jionse rurrnsneu, una or lot for 3 years, l tie rurniture aione - worth more, Good garden, using now. I Will sell the lot If wanted. THREE cloun, well furnlahed room; gus, hall, pantry, bath, ba lawn and flowers: paved stree adults. 762 liaat Btli at. North, baaemen i. treat; 18, corner Fremont. 11 hi; ilvid it ii.i.i.,. i; rnnina nml Imtli. on corner lot, cloe to Heart or city; lol a of roaes, piano, rum, electric llsht; rnt very reaaonab.u. Aiarsnaia ti.oi, Or C-23ni. - SIX ilX room hotiRe completely furnlehed, Kus, bath, stationary wnah tuba, base- rnent yortf, flowers. Near 20th and K. Morrison, I'hone MRrMiinil oaj. i u i,ru, - i:..J.. t ,i..i,-,i hmi.a. lrfrtlni pnr t1? iir month. T)Uld 10 1 J.t. T..i.s. tof.rt a 14th at litaiMon iui,i.,o.r... unrt AlH..r rTT-ViTT-it r:..a r. .Trri:.K...i i f " V ' I in it iiiji rriiL uur t. ui i nnou nujiitj wa h- Bummer. good furnltora, piano, ,nwili fruits, chickens; reference. War- Shall 4110 $30 Furnished ' house, vlnno, "ltrla .;',5h,"jHw;rn!,wtH Spr.3 ' iMedmont I"""! hlvd, Thona Wdln. 682. I iedmont diatrict. , ( ipH HKNT 6 room furnltshd hoiw, t4 Foster . road.- Mt. Buott car. get f f .t Mvni- pric. 6 ROOM furniahed houae; piuno, lawn, flowers; near Williams ave. and Rus- sell- Rent $36. Inquire 800 Graham ave. t,5-S ROOM modem bungalow: Dutch ..Wtol;. 'P" block to far. I'hone Marshall ,3169. NICELY furnished 6-room houae at Unl - .,...tli, tn r Lr int I1fl DlrHun In l roaea, nice nome. o ou.u uis. S.itoou huniralow for summer: blano. lawn, garden, rose. 83s Tlbbets si., Waverly. 6-ROOM furniahed bunKaiow. WHlam- ette HelghU; fine view; no children. Main 8984. 1:!!..'' I In Irvlngton for summer months. Call irn T .mfuib mt n n v.hnnA ! u , XXM uu jnmnw w. FURNISHED 4-room cottaxe. 1087 Bel- mont; best :ar service In. the city. ' HOUSES l OH REM FiTitviTrnns for salb 82 hiqh.grade furniture, a 6-room Rose rltv pBrit bunnalow. ararden and lawn l in; rent fzu; living room lurnisnea .in mission fumed oak, dining room in wax f.?.',1e" ?drfiT i?,.!'irf.".ey?.,m.ttp1.!: match; Dutch kitchen with a good .teel w iituii vrircL nnu uouusas auno '-' I range, gaa piate. win men cueap. u- am. journal. f 1 6NAP1 1 T-room nouse, on corner, auwxiuv; xv nic uncu n V ,re I0,1?" A"1- r.T.w.ii" .inn fi- tvv' I iY,?, " Vi- Viir . ,rn,t -';- ..... -.its 24:ROOM house, jfurnlture for eale; will trade for lot Y-296,, Journal FLKMTUHE FOIt SALB 05 Stock PETERS FURNITURE CO, On sale at factory at less than factory cost "W-W," Sellwood. nr "W-R" car. 543 East Mth St, NEW furniture for sale, consisting of a solid oak dining table. 6 leather-bottomed chair, to match, for $20; 1 large oak library table, iia; 1 oak aresser, $12.50; 1 White sewing machine, In good condition, $12.60; 2 oak rockers, $1J apiece. Call at 489 Jefferson st CHEAP for terms, furniture of -room flat; good location; flat rent $38, in cluding water and steam heat; rooms now renting for $48 per month. Inquire landlady. 401 10th st. South. BEAUTIFUL new furniture of 3-room apartment for sale. Owner leaving city. If interested, address W-360, Journal. FURNITURE of 8-room boarding house. Owner, 895 North 19th st. H. K. FURNITURE Roll top desk, gas range. Call labor 228. FURNITURE of 5 room house for sale; rent $13. 286 East 60th t APAHTMENTS 43 THE CHELTENHAM. SUMMER RATES Beautifully furniahed 2 and 4 room apartments in the Nob Hill district. See these berore Gtcldlng. i'oS X. 19tn. Phone Marshall 4599. GRANDESTA APARTMENTS. E.. Stark and Grand ave., modern fur nished apt, private bath, private phone. Excellent service. Always clean and warm. Summer rates. Phone East 208. MoRTUN apartments corner Klni and Washington Bt, o room furnished apt, also front 4 room basement apt, cheap rent walking distance. Main 1082, A 6749. , GODFREY COURT. 600 Vancouver ave., new brick build ing, stands by itself. 2 and 3 room apts. Nicely furnished. Private batn and phone in each apt. Phone East 841. BEULAH. Nice 3 room furnished apartments, $16 and $18. Disappearing beds. Wood lawn 616. THE CAMBBRIAN. Close to Columbia; largest 2 and 3 room apartments in the city, new and thoroughly modern, close In. Mar. 2693. Trio lffo re Anion Main 1 6432 I lie Jtl l&i ouiilttil 514 Jefferson. Furnished apartments, 2 room, $12 to 15; 3 room. 2D; not and cold water. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th, near Taylor, One handsomely furnished 6 room and one 6 room unfurnished apartment. If You Want Something Nice See that u room furnished apartment at 228 East L'Otli st.. near Hawthorne. C L 1 N T ON AFAR TM E NTS. Furnished 3 room suite, new, modern. Private bath, outside, rooms. Summer liMP: Phono Sellwood 1032. 523 B 16th. THE HOWAHD-T22S N. 2uth. 3 and 4 room apartments, iurmsnea and un furnished, play ground for children, I'hone Miir'shall 2027. Lincoln Apartments- ' 4th and Lincoln; ull outside 2 room apts.. 322.60 to $30. Main 1377, A-3472. CINCINNATTI COURT. 401 loth" st. . Nicely furnished 2 and 4 room apts-.; also one . unfurnished 4 room apt. Every modern convenience. THE c. MONDE, 4 and 5 room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished, mod ern, summer rates. 65'6 Flaudcrs st. Nob Hill. Main t251. SPECIAL rates; 3 room nicely furnished apartments; all nice, cool, outslda rooms; $22.50; bath, phone and on car line. 1.-3U41. Tabor 2293. - Park Apartments 8 and 4 roins, furnished an4 unfur nished. T'nrk arid Harrison. Mar. 3070. Hj; ELMS. 191 14th at. Modern 2 and 3 room furnMied apt.; excellent loca tion, walking distance. Main 4175. MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furniahed. mod. ern, parlor, large porch, summer ratea. FURNISHED 3 room apartments for carnival visitors. i per day.- 790 ! per cay.- , t..., rTltb;nic THK DKICKSTOW, 448 11 th ; nicely fur. nlahed 2 and 3 room modem outald aptr.. near Hetchts: Marshall 87. THK WARNSWOOD. 11)9 N. ISth st, 2 and 2 room, furnished upts.; 16 to $25 per monUi. Main 8133. 1 BANKRUPT 43 San Marco Apartments Wi invite all looking- for elegan stylish, comfortable, homelike auurt ments. Everything la absolutely new ana modern, apartment elttier fur nlahed or unfurnished Euch one Ii eaulnned with direct l'uctflo telenhone block from the carline ana walk to btislnea district, er ratea will surprise you anu Mth at. East 2779. TUTl. I 1-ftHlrt ...... ) I t I I dreuMlnr room. new. modern, fine looa. Hon, attractive summer ratea. Alatehall 4141. no N, 21t at. Halsey Court auu wiiiiHtim uvk. Large, cool, nicely furnished" t and S room atartmanta. with tirlvut baths, aiatunce. low summer raten. jl'eywlll please you, i'hone Kast 3273. utsiUAliLbJ 4 room apartment, fiir- I Iilalied or nn f in nlnh.rl . heat In c :uy for rent, location and arrangement ail outside rooms, private bath, direct Pa- clflo phone; close ln low rent best ser. i"-"- Dimuitia priiuuu, tit way, corner jerreraon. I , P A H Af F"T .TT A JEFFERSON AND 13TII 8TB, I 1 A 1 Utl K llA k 4T tlklLMTflKIt u t11TT au o a Tjria t e in fi , ,?KvWirMWi'irlf EiS WALK TO x. O. , . II. 'M 4 1,V. . Il'l' . Marshall 502 23. 20th at. North U"" urnUhJ apt for Itoaa Car- nlvul visitors. Modern in every way; reasonable rent; play ground for chil- dren; -beat of accornmodwt.onit. UMiUM (Mlffiffi -Wve an partment I Ivw n Vf M l with private bai cony. . furmaned or unfurnished? Right prices. . lladdon Ittll 414 ntn ,t- jJarHmu in!.' t,,ni . ,M,,.. ., .. -,,m. 7rLe Zt. Mi coTd Va'ter"; trio l.ghU.tnd-telephone furnished; .11 new anj ciean; nice lawn and flowers. 1 rnone Kast 4oQt 146 N. urana ave, I iii-ik"., . . . ......... .itij I I4tn and Columbia. Furnished: 1. 3. 4 room upartmente. all conveniences; nrsi ciaas, noineiiKe. rea- aonaoieraies; rer. M. A-atit. I lirrPtlfl Cnilrt Ant LUC rCIItl UOUri MPI5. FlBMunWahed antV Vckv t fb?.Mr.nlW"i.',e Everett reason reuulred. Mgr.' Mar. 1618, Janitor Mar. 1BU0, A-3837. THE WHKE I.DON. Corner Park and Taylor St a. Walking Distance. Furnished comulete. 2. 3. 4-room apartments; building new and strictly modern: service first class. NEW 4-room apartment, unfurnished. Inquire 407 Jerrerson St. FOK KENTFLATS 13 elecant irvington flats, east dtit a vii ii i vi'fAMi- ii WALKING DISTANCE , Modern uooer B rooms and den. Hard wood . floors, tiled bathroom, separate basement and attic. Key 472 Hancock. tastbDTO. FOR RENT, One upper and one lowen flat, unfur nlshed: 6 rooms, strictly modern: on carline, West Side. Western Oregon Trust Co, 272 Stark St. Main 937. MODERN 4 room upper and lower flats, d ba.ement, bith. gas and yard $1f 475.475 'Failing. Union ave. cars, call Woodlawn 1943-Tabor 289. $20 Very desirable 4-room flat fur- nanm .lAAnlntr nnrh harilmnnH rlnnr J 1 361 Larrabee, near Broadway bridge. ' Xtnln NEW modern 3 room flats, easy walk ing distance; finest location, E. 7th and Conch. East 1816. MouEKN newly tinted 6 rooms, first floor. J14. Take Brooklyn car. Trot- ter, 514 Brooklyn st. 6 ROOM modern flat choicest location, west side. Inquire 629 Everett st, corner 16th. WEST SIDE, walking distance, 3 and 4 room, flats, modern, city view, $10 and $12.60, Including water. Phone A-4 105. FIVE ROOM modem upper flat $20. Near Williams ave. and Russell st Inquire 800 Graham ave. FOR RENT A new, modern: 4 room. and bath, upper flat; price $11 month. Phone Woodlawn 1696. ONE new 6-room upper flat, close In. Phone Tabor 1808. MODERN flat in irvington. 407 E. loth N. Take Broadway car. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats, fine view, low rent. 668 Market Bt. 4 ROOM modern flat, $12,50; walking distance. Sellwood 69. irAV 3 room flats, very reasonable, 706 Vancouver ave. Take ! car. FUKX1SHEP FLATS 60 EXTRA nicely furnished 5 room flat, $32 and 2-room apt, $16. including phones and water, beautiful grounds, walking distance, cor. Union ave. and Multnomah, 2 blocks N. Holladay, 5 blocks S. Broadway. Phone East 3680. NICELY furnished 4 roo om flat, wood Inquire 799 E. range and gas, $15. 7th st, N. $21.00 NICELY furnished 4 room flat walking dlst." 444 uodney. K. 4S. 148 E. 33d st, neat furnished room flat, near carline. Reasonable. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only; n.tru and up. SUMMER RESORTS SO BEACH HOTEL. Something good, 16 rooms furnished ready to start. Located at Manhattan Dcai'ii, tne rirsi ueacn stop on the l. It. &. N. on the new (Tillamook) beach. Round trip, $2. This Is the com ing beach for lJortlan,l visitors. Hotel located at R. R. stutlon, very close to surf. Good all year round place; chance to make money outside hotel; $2000 with $500 down, or liberal discount if all rash. See owner, H. Ii. McEwen, 129 Front st FOR SALE Or rent, nearly new 4-room cottajre. Columbia Beach, on ocean front, furnished; will sell at a bargain, or rent very reasonable for the season; or will trade for Portland property. J- B2.i, jounai, TENTS furnished for housekeeping and houses for rent on Oarlbaldi Beach, (Tillamook.) Good water piped to tents. Plenty of wood. Address F. L. Sapping ton. Rockaway, Oregon. CENTRALLY located cottage at Sea- view, Wash. Well furnished, good wat pr. I'hone East 324b. THE STEINLEIN cottage, Hennossa Park, Seaside, 1 block from ocean, for sale, 31I0Q. phone It-2514 JBu.00, SEASIDE, flv room furnished cottaree. Key with .Mm. wurtae. Main and Jerome sts. Phone Wropdlawn 2133. SEAV1EW Desirable 4 room bunga- low. near ocean; completely furnished. electric lights. 100 E. 11th st. B-1209. STORES AND OFFlCKb 11 FIVE nice office rooms, suitable for dentist or doctor, 917 Union ave. N car. Skldmore. Inquire of Llnd & Lwauman, 919 Union ave. N. Phones Woodlawn 46, (M25, FOR RENT Rooms 10-11-13 Mulkey bids.. 2d and Morrison sts.: Inlaid linoleum and fixtures now there may be nought; .sn tier montn. , STORE, with or without living rooms, Kood place for grocery, confectionery. or manufacturing. Cheap rent. Hill or Mccojf; ii;i 4th st, ni'nr stark. FOR RENT 2 office looms, or 3 mod ern neatly furnished ' housekeeping rooms. MiiA Mississippi ave. NEW storerooms, best location, on Mt. Scott line, rent on v 310, Inaulre 6823 72d st, Tremont station. A FINE privato office for rent, $1 . per month incitMing pnone. Finner- itoeiim ii. tna ixHiivarTnnrfrtiafr DESK room, $5. Light office, phono. Room 600 Concord bidg., 2d arid Stark. . per month Including phone. Fhher- FOR) RENT Store "JOxlOO; rent $25. 63 (North First St.. bet Couch and Duvla. FOR RENT Two roiiinsi ultab! foi APARTMENTS (Continued) nron i rarruiui 1Q)MW workshop, $8 a month. ' 431 Alder. V 1 - .-'".,;--' STOULS AXI) OITICKS 11 (Continued) FOn RFNT. IN THE NlCW KMIJti:flS THEA. THE RUil.DlNd. 7th and Yamhill. First class offices upatalrs, de sirable atore rooms on ground floor, suitable for high claas con fecllonery, florlat, optician, cigar, . . etc. Elegant space In basement arranged for high class theatre grill. Right In center of thea tre dlatrlct Inquire McCarger, Bate. St Live ly, 301 Yeon bidg. FOR RENT Waiting room .ultable for confectionery, lunch and Ice cream parlor and burber shop. This Is the finest buslnevs opportunity at the end of the now extension of woodtock car line: cars will run In a few days. Come out and investigate tills proposition tiunday. Call bell wood 1233. W. H. Hetts. ' TTv'O STORES IN JOURNAL BLDQ. For rent to high class tenant, at an extremely low rental. In fact the low est In town, location conaldered. Apply Journal buelneas office. $10-Plaie front store and basement entrance . streets, xine tocaiion, gooa ease. Apply Jeweler 6838, Foster road. . 1 11 . i ; WANTED TO KENT 1 at eaie,..-.. -wa awaew.sawaa) WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ROOM BUNUiALOW. KIT1IER 1RVINOTON, ALAMEDA PARK OR LAUREL HURST. IF RENT SATISFACTORY, WJ4.U 1.1'jAHI';. MUST RUi MUDlUMi NO CHILDREN. Y-Z92, Journal. wanted houses . to rent.- If you want to rent your house, list it with us. We have a number of peo ple waning for nouses. UA1BDUNSTUCK & HARMON CO.. ?8 Oak at. Main 7780, WANTED By couple, t or 4 house keeping rooms completely furnished, convenient to AlDlna Shops. N-306, ournai., biiALb upper riat , furnished. Uive description, location, price. Printer, el MODERN bungalow, about 6 room a; de- aorine particulars; AlDlna preferred not eaaentiai. journal. WANTED 6 or 6 room furnished apart inent or bungalow; resnonalble partle. i'-oi, journal. ' WANTED desk room In office with use reception room. L-530. Journal, HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC 18 SEVERAL good cheap rancn or delivery norses, express wa, on. ana harness. In need of a horse come and see ma. We ten you u.t what you are ouying. 14 Union are, cor ner 01 m. asd 1 MATCHED tram of 2600 lb. horses, S years old. sound and good workers, with double harness, for sale. 1967 E. Stark st. Montavllla. Trial allowed. ONE 1100-lb. ranch horse, god true worker, .ingle and double, $46 take. Mm, i67 l-.ast Ktarn at, Montavllla. FOUR nice mules, I team horses, 2800 lbs. aged 6; 1 horse. 1700, aged 7; 1 team, 3500 lbs, aged 7; 1 rubber tired buggy and harness. Ten good delivery wagons cheap; 2 colts, aged 6. broke double; 1 dump wagon. 281 Water at. west sioe. Auction Auction Monday, June 9th, 10 a. m. Horses, mules, vehicles and harness, sold on commission: The Murphy Horse & Mule Co, 240 E. 8th st, south. Phone r.ast t3i5. Hawthorne Avenue Stables Horie and wagon, of all kind, for rent by day or month. 420 Hawthorne ave. Fhones Kast 7 2. B-1369. MUST sell at once, leaving for Cali fornia, one good, honest farm team, rew harness and nearly new ball bearing tarm wagon, all for $226 If sold this week. w. Hosier, 14 Union ave. LlVERY stable doing good business for sale cneap; good lease; must sell at once; very nttie money win handle this. Phone Tabor 1709 or write L-324, Jour nal. u-sn, matcned team mares, young, sound in good condition; weight 2100; one 3000 lb. team, good condition, ready lor any heavy work; see them; 145 li iiii urai muiiisiiij, $160 Y'ou can have your choice of two teams, weight about 2400 lbs, sound and true workers. Including a light iarm wagon, gooa as new, aid harness. .01 a. iztn, near itawtnorne ave. HANDSOME first class double driver and bay caddie horse, about 900 sound and safe, swift hi mile east Courtney station. Oregon City car. C. James Ivcey. Mllw&vkle, Or. RESPONSIBLE party wants cheap mare, harness, buggy, cash, pay more on Installment or would care for horse m exenange ior Hgnt anving. M-322, Journal. 6-YEAR-OLD, 800-pound mare, broke single ana aouoie, xina and gentle; She has 3-weeks-old colt, halter broke. buggy and harness. 146 E. 7th at, near Aiorrirnon. PI.ASSV rnoHalar oca 7 19nn 2800-pound team, wago'na, harness, 4 cneap norses ana ouggies. it40 Mac adam st; take "F" car to crossroads. PASTURAGE, 60 acres, near Clackamas, 40 acre, cleared, bottom land, green all the year. Spring water. A. N. Mer rick. Clackamas, Or. FOR SALE or exchange One tank wagon for gasoline and oil; almost new. win traue ior lot or sen on easy payments. C-583, Journal. PASTURE. Ladd's Canyon farm, 3 mile, west of court house, 10 cent, per day. Phone Main 4819. T.'o business on Sundays. WANTED To hire 35 saddle horses for parade Thursday, June 12, at 1 p. m. Must be gentle. Apply Kramer. Riding School, ltitll and Jefferson sts. FOR SAl,E 1 mar. 7 years old, gentle, weight 1005 lbs. Call Monday City Dyeing & Cleaning works, E. , 3d and Atsh. NICE, gentle horse, buggy and har ness. This horse i. safe for a lady to drive or ride, cheap. 251 E. 12th st, near Hawthorne ave. SPAN of 1200 valley horses, good work ers and gentle in all harness.. Several sets harness. Also wagons. 446 Flan ders st. - FOR SALE 4 team, 6 and 6 years old, weighing 2900 pounds; 1 team, 6 and 7 years old, weighing 2800 pounds. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE 1 rubber-tired buggy, in first-class condition, 2 covered dellv ery wagons, nearly new. 226 Russell Ht $40 TAKES good sound horse, good worker and gentle. Phone Tabor 3292. . " PASTUREi-Good pasture, 3 miles out, Willbridge station, 6o day. DeLash- mutt; It. F. P.; Llnnton: -'- FOR SALE Fine span of drlvina- horses, with harness and surrey, if desired. Phone Sellwood 934. FOR SALE Cheap, good saddle horse, or will trade for 1200-lb. delivery horse. 1029 K. Yamhill. ON E team heavy horses and-4 wagons. Apply Oregon Box & Mfg. Co, 1326 Macadam st STYLISH pacing mare, fine buggy and harness, at reasonable price. T-594, Journal. . ' - ' FOR SALE Three-year-old colt, un broken. Home Phone, Oswego 22. EQUITY In good lot for team, harness and wagon. 1248 E. Madison. FOR SALE one steel tired top buggy iicnrl-- new, mono fieuwooq miz. FAT black horse, weight 1100 lbs, for sale cheap. 1029 K. Yamhill. General team work, hauling, grading, contracting. 426 E. Yamhill. East43f GOOD 3160 lb. team, harness and gravel wagon, $500. Tabor 1868. CLOSING out harness at wholesale price; 200 jjii, corner Taylor. J--V... . . J r.. . jmn. . r i " i nary omy&eoh$7st5 stark .t JVl?nj!::. " ' , ,-' i 'inn u BARGAIN on team of horses, 2800 lb.. 1' Hellwnod 1788. F5)t BALKMatched team of ponlesi little tnin, Btt. zob yArtnur m HORSJ2 afld buggy tor .ale. 353 Ilos it. HOUSES, VEHICLE.1!, ETC 18 (Continued) A MQHT spring delivery or liUHlnes wagnn,fiow ly painted; only t,IH. 707 Reed at., N. Port I mid, M u I n6N5 1. TuNY. half rihtiiTaiid, calTifrd ave. and Marie St., Iventa. block south of Mt Pcott car. C. I. Ulnlr. LIVESTOCK 33 NOW Is the time of your life to buy foundation nera or man c ues no stein eatlln fell Til I r. It. I ..n.l t n l,-nul In " . w. nun .uiidiiiUiii) tested, from the euat. Will sell to re- naoie party, puir cusn, balance terms. 2 registered Jioiatein heifers, 2 year old bred to registered bulla, one registered llnlateln bull. 'J U. Ii,lri ..1.1 A l.r..i well dovelopej Holsteln cows, freah, 4 to 6 years old, 17 large Holsteln heifers, 2 to 4 year, old, springing, Ooorge It. .Mokel Cow Co, 607 Commercial blk. Main si zo. ONE fine Jaraev Ifi mnritha nlil bull Kt Lamberts breed, registered, and of beat blood: 1' cow. Jersey, capable to register, together with her calf, a good one; also 1 rubber tired buggy, and en tlroly ney net of hand made buggy har ness. Air of this stodlt 1. exceptionally gooa anu win prove a splendid buy Block can ba aeon Mr W M ' lra, ),i .i ,i ' u , ...ii. eMn. 1 1 1 ...... . . i v. while 'owner ran i f nimS f rVir- OOVa hotel Pnrtinfi Or i h f i.riv ' i ,, . ' .. "JT 'r jia viii v or s large Durnam cow. l will sen. au iresn with calves. Big milker, and good testers. A. Hesa, Fos ter itoaa, p Diocg. cast ients. Alt bcott car. 1 WE now have a complete list of all breeds of dairy cows and helfera. Call and see' us. Geo, R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. BROOD SOWS in farrow, some with lit- ters. boars and niars for aula. P. Hern. ier, uresham. Phone Farmer. J3. Ranch near- Linneraan station, Kwtacada line. TEAM, harness and wuiton. 1150. J. W. Spivey, Oak urove. Or, po.tofflce; Oregon City car. - - TWO young cows, one fresh, .one freah In the fall; both good milkers. 771 Ten mo ave. - MUST sell my high-grade Jersey cow. a wonaenut milker, kind, cheap. 420 oraxee St., near union. FOR SALE Cow giving 4 gallon, milk, Must sell. 4402 79th at Mt Scott car, i-iriana station. FOR SALE 2 brood sow.; will farrow In 4 to 6 weeks. Call 351 Burnslde St. W. 8. WILL sell off my cows; have some good fresh ones with calves at the right price. Call 764 E. 4th st, "W-W car. FOR SALE Fine cow, forced sale, ac count death of owner. 3711 76th at Ml. Scott car. Flrland station. 40 HEAD of goat, to trade fdr one extra good milk cow. Phone Wood lawn 380. TWO extra fine Durham' cows, one with heifer calf; heavy, rich milker. 259 Bain st, U car. SOME good milch cows for sale reason able. A. A. Curtis, Llnnton, Or A GOOD fresh cow with calf for sale cheap. Call 764 E. 34th. W. W. car. WANTED A young, fresh cow; state the particulars. . B-470, Journal. FOR SALE Good cow. 2044 Haw thorneave, Montavllla. 3 FRESH cows that are good ones. 1594 Division, near suth st "OW for sale. 265 82d st, Montavllla, POULTRY 37 TO MAKE room for growing stock, offer ior saie iuu oi our yearling pure bred Buff Leghorn hens; a heavy laying strain and layina heavilv now: will Erobaoly continue until September; will e good layer, next vear and th heat of breeders; $i each. Eggs for hatching, , per setting, tiu per luu. Woolsey s Poultry Farm, Route 6, Vancouver. Wash. WE SELL YOUR SQUABS Join US In the movement to Imnrnve the squab market of Portland. We are progressing rapidly. Always glad to explain. A limited number of first class homers, Carneaux, Maltese and white Kings to sapre at price. Don't delay but phone Woodlawn 2644. Ore- gon squap association. Portland, Or, GREAT ANNUAL, SALE of 8. C. Buff Xjegnorns. Prize winner at leadina- COaSt Shows. Pens Of 1 mala mul R females: this season's breniiera. w must make room for our vigorous, grow ing young stock, and quality is yours at little cost. WM. CHRISTIE. 1027 fi. 23rd Bt, North. Woodlawn 3077. tOR SALE 30 White Loghorns, four WTiite Orpington and rooster, Keller strass strain, all laying and thorough bred. Woodlawn 31U0. 1140 Minnesota ave. JUNE hatches raise the winter layers. Our stock among the best. White Minorcas, Barred Rocks, Anaconas.- W.iite Indian Runner ducka n.ioa Journal. OAKUURST POULTRY YARDS For Sale Pens Buff Ornlno-tnna Barred. Rocks, S. S. Hamburgs, R. I. Reds; also eggs for hatching, 1184 E. 18th N. Woodlawn 2906. 100 S. C. R. I. Red hens, aood lavera: 100 chicks 2 and 8 weeks old: 7fi R- weeks old; 10 hens to hatch in a week, will sell cheap. Mrs. Spivey, Oak Grove PostoffiCe. Oregon City car. TRAPNESTED heavy laying S. C. White Leehorn liens tor nul. Vmm m breeding and exhibition Dens. Newbfll, 420 Brazee St.. near Union 9. ACRE, with chicken house and 250 blooded chickens. !s minni.. frnm Hawthorne bridge, $1275, $10 down and ui per montn. w-867, journal. FOR SALE, white Orpington cock, win- ner Of two tlllzea and S nna vr nl.l hens, Kellerstraus stran, for $15. Phone iumanail TOUO, OIU n. JDtn FURE bred Buff Orpington cockerel 3H months old. 1 in l s. lbs. From fine laying strain; $1 each. Cor. E. 64th and Burnslde. Tabor 4409. FORCED, sale 150llaying hens, 1 6 gal lon cow; must sell at once. 83 East 47th st. N. Montavilla car. 100 THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte . baby chicks 16c each. 1110 k. 17th k Aioena car. BUFF Orpingtons All my fine breed ing biock cneap. j. r. jNeison. 7 E 82nd at. Tabor 2068. ONE prize winning White Orpington cock and 15 hens at a bargain. Phone A-5847, 3 rings. BABY chicks, 2 to 3 wks old. 1214c and' 15c each. Phone A-5847. 3 rlnirs FOR SALE Bronze turkeys, young and 1 ,1 ll'. , AT..!.. Cl'nA old. Phone Main 8600. BUFF Orpington laying pullets $10 per doym. 1005 E. 25th st. N. A car. - FOR SALE Black Cochin bantams. ij. t:iay t. fOR SALE A few pairs of good homer pigeons, cheap. 1164 E. 18th N. ONE full blood White Leghorn rooster. 7 :t rvi n r rra tir vv aah i a vina ORPINGTON babies, buffs and whites'; a iew ver cnoico. main oils. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rocks wlth '5 ,yiSiie.n5tJieK, st. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD i'ETS 40 AIREDALE dog, 15 months good hunter arm ratter; reariess ana every inch dog. Edw. J. Ladd, 180 Front st. GOOD pit Bull Terrier pups from prize winning siocn. iur naie. none tast 3219. AIREDALE pups 4 months old.. Dell Elliott R. R. 1. Portland. Phona Ta- bor 2261. VAT) ellK Par hull nun li.!.. marked, prize Btock, $16. 417 SanJ " n M 1 Tjaa JCIO n HUNTING doss for sale; 10 montha old Airedale .win roiiow game now; ii Knarampea. pox an, jeiroit, . wr. WJ I-L civ a away to right parties a brlKht fox terrier, feinale. Tabor ilita (.n eJih art A Diir.uLIA BOSTON bull pup for sale., female. 8 months old. Dr. ' C. E. Braun, ofric tnVb wasnington si RISH Wkter Spaniel pupa for sale. P, M. Boore. Home Telephone Co. Fort- land. r L-vi-ir 1 'itiidU" Ptipai-Heratiwf old breeder cheap. H. Miles. 1000 E. lay ior i. MALE Fox Terrier, 3 months' old, thor oughbred. 1447 Mallory ave, Wood lawn 165S. i a . LA AVE yourdogs clipiicd at 2i1 Uiik, Phone Main 2G63. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD TETS 40 (Continued) BOSTON TERRIERS, 115 to $35: English bulldog pupt, -plreU by iilacltstono; ,foxterrlr pupa, S-jotcli collie pup. 15; Splu, $7; Airedale, $15; Boston Ter rlr nuiia. bull terrier. if cocker spaniel, prlzft-wln- n mu ureat Dane, lioaton terrier, French und English bulldogs at stun, uoyu. so ( waaiuugtoii, liuaiu 2-1 34. ' 100 BIRCH BIRDS. 100; canaries, Jap anesa robins, finches, 20 Panama parro 2134. arrots. Boyd, 607 Wasulngton, Mali) HAVE your dog. and horae. clipped fur hot weather. Portland Veterinary hospital, 131 15th st, bet Wash, and Alder. Main 7412. A-56B6. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 Wo Uzia Jnmo Qornnrf HflnH iiw iiuiu uuinu ubwuu iimm Car. at the right price. We buy, sell or trade. Com. and our r Stock. AUTOS REP i ...n AND PA1N1H.D. LIVJB AUTO EXCHANGE. N. Z8d st. - ... i. , a . l i m o HAL,h, or trade for real estate; 7 passenger WHITE STEAMER, newly painted and In GOOD CONDITION. Car look fine. -Owner will. assume mort- fag or pay cash difference on Jealrabl city or country property priced right "Li n THE FIERCB-ARROW SALES CO ., H. B. COLTER, - North Fourteenth and Couch. Marshall 339 A-6E$. . BODIES, WHEELS. SPRINGS. General Repair pain"no .209 Front St. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AUTO WK8. M SPECIAL AUTO VALUE A few 1912. allirhtlv uaed. 4t IX. P. elected lighted, fully equipped; .pe dal price $1100. 83 H. P. new and .lightly used, special colors, $860 to $1200. JttltJHIUAN AUTO A BUGGT CO, 614 Alder st., corner of 16th. Hawthorne Avenue Shoos We mak tnr klmi nf auto bada. aiao inane auto SDrinea. weia axiea. etc. Get our price, before placing your or dera East 72. B-1369. 420 HAWTHORNE AVH. AUTO TRUCK WHEELS, BODIES OF ALL. KINDS MADE AND REPAIRED AT WILLAMETTE CARRIAGE AUTO WORK'S, 632 2D ST. AUTOMOBILE tire, tires, tires, $3.00 to $20.00 each, we also have a larae stock of new tires and automobile ac cessories at cut rate prices, mall order promptly and carefully filled. Paciflo Tire and 4Supply Co, -330 Burnslde. Used Motorcycles. Low Prices, Cash. All Accessories. Bicycles; Supplies, Hamllton-Blocker, 228H First St. LATE model 2 passenger, fore door, tor- nurln hnHv fir) IF P Overland fina run- nlna order and ali new tires, mohair top and side curtains for $400 cash. Call atlo - Murphy' store, Whitwood court. United Railways or Linnton road. Main 6046. HANSLMA1R and Crabb, 125 16th, be- tween Alder and Wash. 1 6-paen- ger Ford Juat being overhauled, will sell on terms. 1 6-passenger Flanders, first class condition, will trade for real ...... I eauiiB. CAN take your auto trimmings off re- plate tnem ana put naca in z days. Have your auto plated ln time for Rose r estiva). Portland Plating & Mfg. Co.. 22d and Thurman. A-6282, Main 943. PASSENGER auto truck can secure a contract with the Nlcolal hotel to haul passengers and baggage, and large side money can be made. Address box 26, Newport, or. WILL trade a beautiful lot 60x100, sit uated 3 block of carline at wood mere, valuation $450 for automobile of enual value. Owner 4827 70th st. S. E.. and Foster road. Tel, Tabor 4099 MOTORCYCLE Bale, secondhand ma chines at cost, a few 1912 model, at reduced prices. WEST COAST ' SUPPLY CO, 81 No. Rroadwav. Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 16th st. WANTED No. 1 old auto tires, 7c lb, -J 1 i ,1 K" ,i 1 II,., K ,i IK . In. ner tubes, 14c to" 23c lb. J. Leve,' 184 Columbia st. Main 5198. Ww. n,.,.,.!, v.i.dl ..i, tVnn Vpii ,il '.nU " braceWOforn ffrT'cla roadsterT?!.' Main 9201. A. J. Horn. FOR SVJE or j trade, one 5 passenger Jiuick car, 30 -horsepower, all ln good repair. Cull at 445 Hawthorne ave. Phono -East 163. FOK TRAUE Real estate, value $1800; will take auto in traue tip to $1000. O. H. McKee, 1013 West 18th st, Vancou- ver, wash. WAVTT.Ml liriil .tiia 5 nassenaer auto, in exchange for two fine lots on ;i;idHtone ave.. value iii'uo. jour- nal. FOR SALE $2500 electric runabout at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city. No reasonable offer refused. Address Y-291, Journal. run DAXtCr is i-aywu iiiuiitu iuuiui - cycle, full equipped. Call Tabor 4663. D-608, JournaL FOR SALE 1912 2-speed Indian motor I HAVEsome i close in eat side lot to ,.lrau,ei. ros trir.. " ' ?VAv.c tinnn eo.ltl in. a r room I HAV E a $1 500 equity Irv a , room house to trade for an automobile. T. J. Long. Main 1264. 620 Henry bidg. ' a. if A b'OR SALB $160 Yale motorcycle twin STriCTLY A-l Hariey-Davldson Mo 5, used 5 months, fully equipped, cost torcycle. Guaranteed ln every way ji. hi iv: ""-""."I, , iltl3 TWIN Merkle motorcycle, fully equipped; used 3 weeks; must sell. Phone Woodlawn -584. WOULD like to buy, a first class 6 pas- senger auto irom uo to jiduu spot cash. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder. Motorcycles second. Davton Cvnle Co., 247 Ash St, near Id. Auto Repairing "Wk. John j...zimmer. in ana in bin t w. WANTED uooa auto or Dungaiow ror 40 acres in xamniii county, on Agency Blair. P. O. box 628, i.ents. creek; clear; owner, Y-298, Journal. ONE Thor 2. h. p. motorcycle In good TO exchange equity In house and lot for order, $40 or trade, Stein's pawn shop, auto. Main Realty Co, 235 Main st 26 N. fith, near Burnslde. Phone Main 9009. lo H. P. runabout for sale cheap, cash FIVE pass. White Steamer, first class only, $700.- condition, cheap, or trade. 675 Jeffer- FRANK C. RIGG8. son st. i9i3 Motorcycle, 9 H. P, twin De Luxe AUTO SPRINGSmaiarnedd " Mrtor; bargaln: terms- H'3S9, J1"" Frank- Lange,- 228 Salmen,- M.- 18L FOR -BALKMotorcycle, 1 H. K PACKARD 30 Roadster; must sell model 1912; leaving clty cTieap-for- quick; owner leaving city. Apply cash. 661 Everett at. Packard Garage, 23d and ' Washington. ElEGANT up to date, large 6 pass, au MoTORCYCLE, Harley .Davidson twin. tos, $2.50 hourly.' Rex Auto Co, 350 Owner leaving city. Must sell. A-877. Alder. Both phones. Journal. - MOTORCYCLE for sale ln good order, Apply at wu . mn st, oetween s ana iv a. in WANT light 8 pass, auto for gilt edge real eBtate. woodlawn tri77. CALIFORNIA PLATING WKS, 248 2D. Auto trimmings piateq ana enameiea BARGAINS in slightly used tire: vui canizlng. 25c: repairing. 207 Madison, AMERTCANlTnderslung. $860. Must .ell. t. MAKTELl auto repairing, radiator. lamps tapaireu. af- ii. loin. m. wosv. liAVE your auto repaired by experts. FUNK AUTO CO.. 14th and Couch. FIVE acres land near Salem, to trade for automobile. T-313, JouriiaL FOR SALE 1911 16 horae Maxwell 1 Runabout. Phone JI-2741. Sam Wagner. MAllejAlN-..0erMndeTaliilac N, 5th st, 8276, ' I lk90 CASH buyr good 1911 runabout If sold tlj,ls week. C-628, Journal. FOR KA1J') Twin Excelsior motorcy cle; tandem, cheap. Phone Tahor 1248. FlANDERrt 29 roadster, newly paint ed, pew tires; a .nap. Tabor 6uL AUTOMOIIILES-SIOTOUCIXLES 4$ (Continued) WE have many good bargains In used curs, We are listing u, fw today that are exceptionally good buys. Our prices aro very iuw and you ahould cull lii- at once und get first cholcu. One 7-puss, Pierce Arrow', One 4-puss. (Iiirford. Una 6-iiuas, 1912, 4 door Premier, Two 1910 Cudilluca. ' , ' One 1910 E. M. F, 4 door. One 4 door 1912 LJttle Six. 'Two 7-paas. Uarfords. . One 6-puas. peerless, Two 4-door Flanders 20; late 19UT1' One 2-pasH. Studctiaker, One 1910 40 h. p.lvnox. ' On Bulck runabout On E. M. F. 6-pasa. One Locomobile roadster, Ono 4-puss. 1908 Bulck. . One Bulck truck. S Other autos thoroughly overhauled chil.eV that owH b.Troud'' to own .9 in first Class running order. M nu you snouia carefully consider tnai SL 4rft.nt".e' H.our "took, and we are urn- id nay, we do not misrepreaent I any car. Uur (lenionatrallnn liunurlmmit ifiLKSZM la at your service. Onan all day Sun CXJf I i$Y .NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, I J I 681 Alder ar. - Kfuln SI91 A.71 ' 681 Alder st. Main 8121, A-7612. Unusually Good Buys in Used Cars. . . . H12 Chalmers, 30, 4 passenger, fore-; I ooor. .torpedo oodv. rullv eonlnnert everv- thing In finest condition, must be seen to be appreciated: original cost $2000:, our price $986. r',- 1913 Overland SO. S-pas's, ' fore door, fully equipped, used, very llttl and like new, cost $1200. Price $764 lsJ3 "eKal 30. underslung. fore door roadster, practically new, cost $1150; our price $660. y - 1912 Oldsmoblle 40,' 6-paas, foredoor, fully equipped, left hand drive, center J,,.,V,, OICUIUW IHflllCU, I US, VlllJT OOVU T miiea, original cost i4uu; .our price I860; car is guaranteed by factory. iiv uverianu so, o-pas., t(B. 1910 Oakland 10, roadster, $383. 1911 Bulck 40, 4-pass,.$660. 1911 White gas 30, torpedo, $950. Over 80 cars in stock. v Write for list ' - v CU8TOM ltOTTSW AUTO CO, Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. Oregon Auto Exchange 16TH AND ALDER. One 1912 Everett 4 cylinder only run a few hundred mile, fully equipped and in first class condition. $1000. 1912 Hudson fully equipped. Very rea sonable. Terms. 1913 Oakland Roadster, a bargain. $760. Terms. 7 passenger Studebaker Garford, $800. passenger studebaker uarrora 3t. 4 passenger Bulck. all new tire, and In fine shape. $275. Bulck truck. $275. Bulck truck. $600. Oregon Auto Exchange Cor. 15th and Alder. Main 1161. Ar4337. REBUILT AND REFINISHED WINTON SIXES. We are not In the second hand busi ness. All cars listed were traded In on new Wlnton Sixes and we made our profit on the new cars. Ln temmt hand cara rnere are no Drokcrage iees, no prom We are glad to .t what thev cost us. There are no lame "ducks" and no "come on" cars. Every traded In cur on our floor Is worth owning. Further- more, we'll be at the same old place Of business to make good on every sale, Let u show you the great value that you'll be proud to own. PViiilif wlnfftn 'K1t Rebuilt Wlnton Sixes". In 4, 6 and 7 P8 "f",' Packard 7 passenger. Peerless 7 passenger. 8teven-Dur- J. Pa8e"gHejr jVINTOf ssenaer. INTON MOTORCAR CO, 23d and Washington. GOOD AUTOMOBILE BUTS. B passenger Ford, Just overhauled by. us, and found to be in good shape throughout; run fine, $350. Great buy In a 6-psss, 40 h. p. ante- J T " ZZZZZ.l.iJr cast iisuu, for but; fine ana aanay Dig car. Must be taken at once. 191! Warren-Detroft roadster, bourht last fall, and is Just like jieW, with ex tra equipment, cost $1660, for $850. Big bargain for something good. Several other very Rood buy. C. L. BOSS & CO.. 615-617 Wash st Phones Marshall 4023. A-4959. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN: Owner having purchased ona of our larKcr models, offers 6 passenger Pleroe- Arrow tourmg car ror ituu. car is in 8plndld condition. This -Is a. rare oppor- W l bUy bCaU"fUl " THE PIERCE-ARROW SALRS CO, H. S. COLTER. North Fourteenth, at couch. Marshall 3,19 A-66M Only $500 Down on 1912 7 passenarer Oldsmoblle. oaiance mommy payments. This car will make you money during the Rose -"jj",j-j"''Lj".".rT. arnlval: snap price. H. QUNTHBR. 823-S24 Teon Bidg. PACKARD "30" runabout, for sale. cheap; rebuilt; 80 h. p. runabout, ln A-l condition. With our guarantee. -FRANK C. RIGG3. .... . r , i r JUST like new 1912 twin chain Flying t ?erkie,Brna 11w 'P,rnenst(ll8:htn,a a gmviiM snap. Cost 290. phco $210, $50 down. $15 monthly. 850 Alder. WILL exchange latest style elegant $200 Talking Machine for first class motor- eycle- Portanl Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder Bt mechanically, price siia.Bi); 2a aown, $10 monthly. 850 Alder st. INDIAN motorcycle, 1913. reg. model,' full equlp,( ndden 6 weeks, for sale. Bargain todays W. S. Fleming, 148 B. 34tn. .pnone w-zbuz VILL consider a eood automobile in exchange for beach property. 422 r Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange high grade player piano and $50 worth , of muslo for good second hand auto. Phone Tabor 8109. FqT'TTv fn h""" and 2 lots for sale or trade for auto .up to 4ou. o. v; wivT to huv a 86x4V4 auto tire. First class only. Portland Phonograph Aeencv. 850 Alder st TRUNK rack and complete set side curtains for iia rianaers sv. cu cheap. Main 9527. LAUNCHES AND BOATS , 04 FOR? SALE 71 1 glass" cabin, family X 'oNSLOW, uis'eStT, st. 28-FOOT motorboat, equipped with 30 II. P. motor; must be sold st once; no-reasonable--trf fcr rrfuseit; will con wlder a real estate trade. East 2850. 26 FT. motor boat, 8 H. P., heavy duty engine, top arm an equipment; cneap. 1483 Macadam at. Call evenings. WANTED Motorcvi -in or motor l,pa house, p journal. 18 FT. LAUNCH, everything complete, for $85.-. Call Sellwood 820 Sunday. Journal. A GOOD home ithkTc 16 ft, canoe for sale. 82R. 8K0 MllwanKI t. - I Continued on Seat Page) As-