Tin-; o.i:go.i guiju ay jqu;:::,l, ro.rrLAtU). -Sunday noumi.o, may r, ion. Some Young Married People prclr a smaf furnished apartment, others want a little bungalow, Largd assortments of cpurt;;:.;:: houses arc advertised in the "For Rent" columns of the Journal React these little want ads. You'll t. likely find something that suits. LAUNCH KS AX1 BOATS 04 (Continued) MOTOK BOAT FOB AUG. "MOTOR HOAT," SJ FOOT. 12 VAS- 1 ItKAL MILKX Mill.. NKW CYL INDER KNtUNK,' !!& II. P. STANDARD "MAUN ETO" STORAUK BATTERY, IfiTC. ELECTRIC lORN. FULL KUUIPMKNT, WORTH ViQO, (WITH NliW HOATHOUSIC.) WILL KEM TOR I1IB0J HALF CASH, OH TRADE FOR DIAMONDH. REAL EHTATH OM WHAT HAVE YOU TO OirKKJ AM BUYING A "RACER;" CAN'T USE TWO BOATS. ADDRESS OWNER, F, O, BOX 228, , ; ; , HNAH liUV Motor hoat Launuh "Tea wcr" and it boathuuH, In splendid condition. ' gour-rycllnder Bcri DDK en- gin wn eqniiipi'd througnoui. Orlgl. nul coat over ISuuu. If turned iu okly can bo hud for 2U0. Chi- Co.. Alder, at 'Th Moore Motor Sixteenth. I'hon jwiranan bush. POirgATlld K glass cabin lHUtlok ' gen light and completely equipped H b n engine, jui ovvrnauiea iiiu in A NO. 1 condition; launch suitable for Mirlit taurine, or iiusui.iiiinr service! 9360. Oil I aland It. Yamhill Sanitary Market, ' 2(1 at"?.'T-nl''"-''-'.., FOR SALE 2ift. Taut plHHur Uunch, It li. p. CuMhmun engine, reverse, , lights, eto. speed about II mile: oom t'ltte with food jHUiMth houae, 6428. U V. Waldt, last jq,it4.nont,at. FhO" Tabor 1113, ''' V' i- 8KB Miy tilaaay HoUn launch with top, fully equipped, 82x17, Including boat boune, at .Wimon'g dock, foot f Wash ington at.', east , side, if you want tha bmt buy on the river, lo can YITTT- i-htt-- -irrr inr.T-TTT 71 MLSlCAL INSTRUMENTS 84 PLAYER , tilan for ali 88-npt alia htly ud for sample), food a new, 35. Vary aaay payment If do. el red. l flown and 110 a monm, wun lota of fin music rolls, Sherman Clay Co., opposite post of floe, 8th and MorriHon utreere). "HANOii, 7)JifiAW AND" MUSICAL. Orcheatrt a-rand piano, upright wal nut c. Coat till. Owner, forced .to loava city account poor neaun, win aell for a aonv. Call at I Camar Apts. or phono MarahaU Bll; . WHY pay'lUB and "M'S'for UBd. worn pianos, wnen you can ouy new oou uprlahta with all the latent improve- menta for l7 11.25 weekly. At Grave Mualo Co. removal aaie. advertisement, naae . aectlon Bee WKSlwji BUOfl. aoldea oak. cabinet Krand, case In fine condition, fully guaranteed, 1176. Bold on email pay incnta; 16 month if dosivl. Hherwan ( lav & Co., oppoette post orfioe, Ith and Mrrrlwon atreeta. MU8T 8ELX PIANO. Leaving the city, must bava some money, balance on terma: fine oak fln lah, cost $300; quick aaie tion. M, B. 8CHOUWEILER, 1T Ablnyton bldg. liOBART M. CAuLK mahogany, largeat and flneat atyle, In perfect condition. 1290. Sold on very a mall payment if desired. IlO down and $ a month. Sherman Clay 4 Co., oppoalt poet of flea, th and Morrlaon atreet. -CHUhv-rt organ for aala.'perfeot condf tion, golden oak, 1( atopa, fine tone, octave, marked to aell for $5; eaally worth 1200. fihefman Clay A Co., pppp. alt poet office, tb and Morrlaon ata. HANO cae orran,-quarter aawed got. den oak, almoat new, M0, Hold on email payment. 14 a. month if dealred, Hhtrman Clay A Co,, oppoalt poet of flea. 6th and Morrlaon atreeta. K-MliRWON piano for ala, Franeh burl walnut, cout nw 1400: only allghtly used, 80. Sold on ainall Dayman! if dey'red. Sherman Clay $, Co., opposite coat office. th ana Morriaon ureaia. I860 PLAYER I'lANO with lateat Iro nrovementu: will aell for ciah or trade forTjnlnoumbered city lot, journal, 8CHUBKRT piaiiot nke hew! I need thi moneyj ooit I500l make offer, P, O. Bo lT. ' FINE mahogany piano, quit "new, .for caah or wTl trade for fret and clear cltv Wit. T-S09. Journal T-103, 500' KttANWll A BACH uprlghi for tltO: II monthly. Grave lano luaio Co. removal ala, 111 th t, PIANO .JSletant mahogany upright, a mnai row laaa than II BO: trreataal barrain f Itvt immediately, toi Nortnrup. firat clam enndltion. reaaonat Die, go Lnbbe bid., t4H Weehington t. PIANO" for eale cheap. Phbn Ea 401 Tnnulra MIS Rait Morrison St. FOR aALlOKlectrlo piano oheap. iUSi Mtarlr at. PIANO for al cheap" for caah i "Tabo i PIANO, cheap for" oaeh, almoat- new. i iror till. FOJt BALK iVHSCKLLANEOUi 19 FOR BALB Fruit crop of I ore Cher rie. currant, gtrawoernea, gooseoer. rles, apple and pear, ill Columbia Blvd. Wdln. 1781. . . -j .i FOR-SALE) Small aoda fountain "and iue oream plant equipment Few ta ble and ohaire; good order) aaaap. Ad drpaa nX-400. Journal. bAViLbWNew Md aeoond hand, large aaaoristenit aarea opnonii re paired, Mosler gafg Co- 101 Id gfc r-non wain tits. VOU fiALBJ-Hdlaon DhonbarraDh" and .rgoorda, all in good condition, Large aluminum horn, coat foo, au at a bar gain, tl N. Id at., room IT. BAKER'i ovsn for sale. MoDowell port able, one deck oven, capacity io loaves, g-ood oonultlon, oheaj) for caah. Call at i 108J Belmont t. '6R flXtE.' """""" ' ' Law library ry of too vol., letter preai abtnet for blank forma, II and flllnv o, journai FOR flALE--Tent, Jlxll, a anapj' uaed 6 month. 11.60. Caaadero car, Errol Ptft. , b. to oiover aaa. namwr, A FW uncalled for Dundee auliaririj" alteration free. iunae woolen Ul. 8DJ vvaningion t. UL.ACK. Prince Albert coat and veet."al most new, alia If, price 11,(0. Phono L. :C. mitU" typewriter," Hall' aa botn in (ooa oonaition, cueap. u-tsa. Journal. ? 3 NICK slut 'porch curtain, Ml Knowles ave, Vhona Wooalawn tU4, t-ost Sll-TB, will e pr half. i-OK BALli 1 Dayton, computing aeaU, n atvle 144 in gobd hape, - 2001 B. ruara si. WHY buy nd hand refrigerator when we bulla better one for ie.,p, C Bid-Co.. 14 Union ave. East 848. REMINGTON typewriter with Wah! adding attaehment Ilk new, a anap. 201 Alder t. FOR SALE English 7 perambulator (wnuney), rirm own conaiuon, S Oantenbeln ave. - -XZ. )BLI(3ED IVKRH A fOND PIANO FOR 1175. CALL ROOM 114 CALUMET HOTEL. ELK head, mounted, very large and beautiful; aell cheap. Tabor 1171, "CHKAPEfaT place to buy your furniture In the city,- 111 Grand ave. FLAT top sanitary oak desk, almost newt pnrgain.. nt i namner or commerce. im.BO Drop Mad eewlng machine, with atuenmente, tan ion orand are. D1PVP1 PC Bargain new and used" piUTlL L wheel. I8IH let et. FOR BALE One Layion meat alloer, anA t, a, Li UKRBY pkbks and oflioe- furniture. Haley Desk Co.. S10 Broadway, M. 117. FOR bALk. liljfli oven Jewel ga range! ' almost new. J.4DI, Journal. - VAiVir.viAKliR lath for,.!, nearly new. K-4fi8, Journal. IDEAL :oiii;rele 1'iock inai-'hlii for sale cheap,. T-304, Journal. illO.ST blcjcle buy on eaMy Installments: severa) fine girls' whe-lo. ISO 13th. sn tmririyrT wncy-y FOll B.tLLC MrSCIXLAKCOVS 10 (Continued BANKRUPT Stock PKTEU8 rURNITUHIfl CO. On aalo at factory at leea than factory eoat, w.-w Heiiwood or w-lL car. 543' E. 14th, Standard Machinery Co, H alEOONU HT, W rent 9t aell CONCRKTB MIXKRI. We rent or Bull KLECTRIO HOI8TB. W rent or aell HOI8TINO KNOlNKS. We rent or aell KLKCTRIC! MOTORS. : Werentereell ptJWKH PUMH. ' W rout or aell WOIL11HH. UNOINESl, we rent or aell ltUi'K tJlU,HitliM We rent or eell CONIJRACTUtt' tqulD' nient of all klnda. Standard Machinery Co, WW HKNT OH IHLU rOR tiALE DrrDu1teiy''orf all elxea. rang tiiaT from 1 liiuhn to it Inche in di ameter, and with faoea ranging from I Jnuhea to 12 inehea preaHed ateal pul 1: leya, aaei iron puney ana wooa pu i v iiiuv oi iaupai, collar and leather belting, all in aood conatuon; will aell a a wnoi or lunar ately at half thelnarket valua Np Junk dealer need apply, J-804, Journal. li "Itaie eewlna" machlifea'.' I ii muat be gold neat 10 day, all make. many ' ilk new: boxtoo Dontent o. Whit, dinger, Standard. Wheeler A WJW on, Is toll, drophead New Home, Bin r, White, Standard, Wheeler & Wilson, pomeatld lateet niodell f I to f 0. Batle factlon guaranteed, caah or payment. j oa i., near jerrereon. Main Manure in Car Lots Stockyad manure in oar lot. $t er ton f. o. b. can North Portland, ttkT0riONrljJ?lTC)'3IC YARDS COMPANY. NORTH PORTLAND. OR. SICWTNUM ACHIfjKfl, " BBwTM ACHINKtf. 10 maohlnea in cood worklna order at IS. 10 eaoh. Aleo a number (lightly uaed machine at very reduced price. iSii itonriaoQ. Pacific phone Main 1(46, Ilomo phone A-ltlt, FOR iiALJL'-yew ana eeoond band carom and pocKe, billiard table, and bowling alltj i.d arceaaorle. bar fu ture of all klnda, eaay paymonta. The brunewlek-Balke-Collender Co., 4 Ml Ith at. phones Main 71. A-176. hOL'BJCaOAf: I Room Furnished Bargain. Reatrlated and aaleat neighborhood. Moat dealrable location in city. Both phone, electric lights. Bull Run Water. Am leaving city. Phone Sell wood 1460. A NICK lot of furniture, atove. kitchen Utonalle, earpeta, In faot anythuigjrou may want to be auotioned at til Rue. ell U on Monday. Wednesday and rrldnya. at I p, nt. K, 4411. C-llOI. ONU) Barker vibratori t Blielton ribrv tor; i aieotrio raaiator: et or rerer one and word book of the medloal goiencea; on Standard dlotlonary: aell on or all. Make me an offer. Main I09. ACM1N a,-9. 10 machine n good working order at IS. tO eaoh. Also a number aliarhtlw uaa.i machine at very red u cod price. 1114a Morrison, I'aolfla phone Main 1145. Home Bhena A-lilS. PRESSMAKCR haa Uh on )mna, i beautiful aootoh-glngham dress trim mad with border, will aelj for tha cost of making, ) II or SI. Alteration If6. -"ic v'U marnint. 101 flfjUlNci i.6llNE&-i, of all make, drop head and attachments, complete UIM vi. complete and guaranteed, l up; Knaps', bin Emporium. 110 Id. n dewina Mao: hill. near xam t, " CT ELEGTRie-oof I ee itM" doubl Ann afain r, nun (n a Ian 11.. ... -il Unk, coinputlna aoaie. ooffe urn for gale: terms; will trade. What have you H. Htumbere- A Hon Vancouver Wash FOR SALiSUff legged derrick' n4 lCtrio hoist In gooj condition, ult- ur niisceiiaiisou consiruotlon Union Meat Company, North Portland, V JUBT like" new visible L. C, loinith type' KOi r i"'ur, aiaj.t tua, tiuo, price 110 down. 13.10 month. 860 Alder. WAA TEDMIS CELL.iJ(tOl.l. Q$XVR1? FURNITURE 8TORB. 201 lsTT Minanil.l. kaii Will pay best nrlca for vnur fiirnitnra oarpeta, atovea. etc, eto, Nw and eo- pim-nanq furniture our specialty. LEVIN Hardware A Furniture Co., JU Front at, buya aeoond hand furniture, carnt. atove. range, hardware or I thl lnet call Main 07. BK, ael wiorf for your eeeead u V'i I C" Min "P'ft BR WIBS, nana Auction CO VELL FURNITURE CO," 'y boat price for your second hand urnUure, carpets, stovsa, Mala 1021. ) u r u a. I a , i . -14 to II inch wlng; t hand in A-l condition, C- new, or saoona 496, Journa i, WAN iEPBeuond hand tnt with flyT about Kxlli. Main STla aa Idros post of floe bos gsa WILL exchange first" elasS' talklngv ma Chin outfit for oement work. Pmt. iiLi i l . j l J. i r 'I 7t o Alder WAKTO&An 'Oriole' go UfCsi." second 8Sv, Jour nal. WANtfilO to ' buy epmbi naa, Switches Yambll. njaae to order, knn. 1Tji.Ii fflli ' til East il y a,.a.v. 6000 WORTH of aeoond" UnJ uroiturs wanted. Phone Bellwood 4t. jytlGHEST prioes paid for houaehbld WILL buy seoond band carpet loom" 48s Eugene street ft, IVfr"l.T L.. 'a.,a '.'J '!. J Nil.,! .1, , v4 w pu" 'ure ipr careterta; mut be good and. cheap, Main 8478. WOMAN, wlshe child I year, to car mr i our numc. vvouuia lawn 2238. HIGHEST "price paid for off." e aa household furniture, Main 5344 LOST AND FOUND 81 raa-sTie,aaa' LOST -Friday. May 21. largf telescope containing valuable paper, watch and olothlng, on Canyon road between Beav. erton and Portland; liberal - reward to tinoer. rteturr o journal. reward LOST Amethyst ring with, engraved initial R set with fir pearl, Ltt In ladles room at tha Owl Drug Co, R. turn to The Owl Drug Co. Reward. LostFrom BeTTwood oar. 2d land A1-. fT, a small coin pur oontainini mofley and key. Return to lit Lovaii St. and receive reward." LOST A baby gold cross and chain bet, Yamhill and Morrison on Id;' rift of godmother. Initialed, Return to The i ou rnai ornoe; rewaro, WILL PARTY who picked up watch n HrooKiyn car return to uasei Heney, 407 K. Grant Bt., East 1778, " Lost ooid fob chain "VUk "" liP tlala W. If. R. on aea.1 . Rarvti to 3 ournal. Reward. LOST iold pennant from watch fob, initial F. W. V. .Pleas return to The Journal. F-429, Journal, ' LOJ&'f White feiiialg bim terrleiv- R nm 111) pi. Tin at. Nnwan . toSTOold mesh fob. InltlaJ a J". Pi WANTEP People of Portland to know that J pay .ing highest caah price for seoond hand household good, ii R, Beater, 141 Hawthorne ave, East 1114. t,ui Bunaay vening, May ' 18. be. tween list and 16 th onPowell at,, plain gold tie pin. monogram J. B, Pleaae return to I7fi E. Slat anA Vnwaiii iteinrn 10 juuinai , , , i L09f AND FotND l ' (Ouatlsaed) TiHO following ertlole were found on the car of tht Portland Railway, LUht A Power Co., and turned in at the different division points, Ownora may Hsuiir aain by applying at barn, a la d(Htd:v Turn1 in at Ankrny baru, May til Op knife, I pair of ahoes, 1 paint rani 1 piece of ga tove; 1 window shade, 1 ultiwse, 1 box containing hat and dresa Turned In at Hellwood barn, May II-- V7t toi t-none A-fieti ine saw, i package collar. 1 ran of varnish remover, force plug, 1 pair of overalls. 1 book car ticket, 1 book, 1 boi of tea, l.ault vae, i nana oag. ' Turned in at Piedmont barn, May II x-none a-siii uune auiica, giors, i string bead, 1 package.' Turned in at Bavler atreet barn, May 2S: On hand grip, I parcel, 1 glove, i purse, LOBT-xColll duK, female7ilght tan wltn full white collar ana front; 110 re ward, to an von that locate or find mi nog, anq no question asnea, .. rnunt janor je PKIIMINAL 1 WHY REMAIN ALONKT The Ideal IntrO ouction club la a triotiy private, a. pondablo medium far niacin In corr uonqenea congenial, marrtPgeaute pay pie; highest charaoteri patronised by neat peoplei hundred, of testimonial from satisfied clients; seventh success ful year. If wishing to marry, invest., gate, our Dlanlf different. Literature and full information 10c. Mr. Wilson, Box 1776, Vancouver, B, C, uvKit i year or unurpaasa uosep; In treating alck men and" women of Portland. Not a death while under my a.......-. ' . t. ii.. f I .h, Maaf iivauiivais. t us euiuin, awisnw auaw lawiaBta .Uaaalnal ...afm.nl lljllha. Una.... Ila.lni.l.tlrtna . .1 A .1 IIBta, Hi Rothohlld blJg. MA6KUH ANU NATUKOPAia Dr. N. V Malaea haa ramoved to HI Bwetland ldg. Electric, vibratpry and raechanc-tnerapy treatment for rheu matism, atomach trouble, poor, elreula. tion and nervoua disorders, aout ar Cbronlot lady assistant; oldest eetab- nsi ment in Portland. Mam use, j-t. GKUMAM THA1NKD aNURMK ANU MAKSiCUSE, Long experience, best rtference. treat ment for rheumatism, lumbago, etc., maeuage and bath, tl 12th t.,bet Mslo and Salmon. Mar. 1031, Open Bundaya, THi place for hair worn, sanitary beauty parlors, 400 to 414 Oakum bldg. Mr. 1701. Switches made Ito. awltchs dyed II. aharnpoa Ito, hair dree Its. massage 26c, scalp treatment 26c. Larg est up-to-date parlor on the coast MATRIMONIAL" paper "containing do aurlption of one of the -wealthiest read'niarrlage testimonials; paper sealed luo. Mr. Bel(, Magnolia ave., juu Angeles, California. RKV. cliGENE HELLMAR, spiritual medium and healer; reading and heal ing daily, circle Monday. Wednesday, Friday at I p, m. Consultation free; hour to I. 4.1 Alder St., near llth. Main lit. LADY of SO year wishes to correspond rnatrimony in view; am refined, good housekeeper 1 none without, horn need apply, Address Box 4, Cornelius, Or wasuinEion oouniy. CtAMAN-AMKRlCAN,' Protestant, 'age 6, meonamu, ateay position, wisns to correspond with lady, age 21 to 10 give description when answering; oojec rnainmony, A-it, ournat, HARDWORKING maiden laay 48, want the acaualntanc of aentleman over tf with food bornei object early marriage; aaareaa nira. w. fuaneuani, ua, vt.i Seattle, Wash. BACHEUOR" farmer, 42 years old, In prosperous ciroumsianoes, wisna tu correspond with Protestant woman, It to 40 year oia. upjeot matrimony. ax-s, yournai. AlaTHOLOGER uredlots future." busl nesa, love, trouble, to,i formula Mat; birth data, q stamps i my predictions ooms true, rror, uiooa, jtoums. ilk MRg." BTKVENI, 18 year " foriland's g paimist ana ciiryoyaa, book, ''iHimTatry Mads Ea 147 U Williams ave.. son her la on sa Knott Office hours 10 e m. to 8 a. m. 50" tnunrtnrflB' ACKal. aiCALP rRBATMENTS. MANICURING or HAIR WORK call at The PARISIAN HAIR UTOHK. wain Idas. 414 waeninstan REWARD Anyone furnishing m with the present address of W. H. Fits Patrick will be liberally rewarded. 111 1 inane ai interei are at siaae. 887. Journal. LADY tto join ' fentleman in buying apartment nouse; musi nave uuu, ana pe wining to uo a pari 01 cuaniuer wui a. Matrimony it congenial, o.isjs or . 868, Journal. FARMER, widow lady, German, 88, tired itf hotel business, desire acaualntanc with Benton county farmer, object mat. runony; no rooiisnness. mvi partiuu lars in first latter, HX-44Q, journal. "pa.RRYT " eastern graduate, th New Vprk Sohool of O. A P.; treat rest rheumatism, paralysis and . nervous cases, l0 llth. St.; 12th or Jefferson cars. Open Sundays, Main 781. REFINED widow, middle ag, with nice nome. weuia meet gentleman wun mean or income to support boms, J- Doa, journal 804 SWETLANB BLDO. Mutual " Social" Club, " at"" s81Jl.' orrtson and d, is for husyjonejy )ie that can e-ive Kooa reterencea anager la member of W. C. T. U. TORyUl'' ' Ti'OuwndsVealtKy members, tired llvlnsr alona anxmus for marriage: particulars free, Unity. San Francisco, Cal, Mission WANTED First olas dressmaker Vr tailor for sewing in exohanaa for best massag traatmonts. 280 llth st. Main 71, UUBiNEHS man, 87, wants to meet r nned iaoy or wiaow between o an a. j qojeci amusameni.1 .matrimony suited, D-477, Journal, UXftRf AdBS ' PAPER." HIGfIEa1?".HJ ACTER, incorporated: 18th year i 1000 members; paper sealed; send lOo. L. L, Love, tot 1809, Denver, Colo, MARK Y-Thouand wealthy, will marrv soon. All area, daacrlntians free. Western Club. Dent I. 288 Market pt-, nan grancTSCQi i. ai OWtXfe!M"AW, aao' ii!" "would" jks"la' meet working j-lrl, ag 20 to 27, stout lf V,V.ak..aMl ' Ahl.A, mot.lmaNO T . 187, Journal. MARRYThousanda wealthy, will mar- ry soon: all ages; descriptions free: write at once. Western Club, Uept. I, sos Maraei, oan rrsnciaoo,. t..aj. MARRY- Hundred " of " wealthy menv bars, reliable club, Mrs. Wrubel, JDept ept. 74. Box 28. Oakland. Cal. MECHANIC," se 0. with means ali3 moloVed. wishes lady corresuondant n-t to, journal. EiESVONSIBLE "bualueas man going east: would consider attending to your business mere, as-ma, journal. SUglNEaeTgent. wishes to meet a tali; nice appearing ieoy, 10 0i givg articular. E-418. Journal, w XDOW, no inoumbrance, wld awake in rooming house business desires entleman partner, W-846 Journal A BACHELOR, 40. desire correspond ent: object, matrimony, south Bend. wean. aasii, yuurijni, spiritual MflftWM. UL iwr bt: NEAR WASHINGTON. READING DAILY. BUSJaVKflS man. ' li," etranger in oily; woum una io rnnei inuy aooui e, 00. ect matrimony. LX-128, Journal LlSGTBi2 baki oven treatment for rheumatlam; expert chiropody, 201 Vi 3d st. 1 ' - - ----- MRS. Hambt, spiritual and mental sclen- ttt; ooiisuuation qaiiy. ynvi sa st. JOIN Post "Card Exchange dub; send 2uc. Exchange, box. fb, Toledo,, o. - Z2 Coutlnued) lJtTaaekaM BMHKRUPt . itock PJCTEna FURNITURH CO. On sale at factory at Us than factory oot. W..W,, Hnllwood or W.-lt. car, 543 E.14th. Electro Medical Doctors W trest all ohronlo disorders of either sex, We sr qualified physlolans and our mods ct treatment is nw, original and up to data We us eleutriulty. massage, vibration, serums and animal extraots, the nature of the case re. quu, w ollclt long atandlng, stub born cases of the blood, akin and ner vous system that hav failed to find re. lief elsewhere. Consultation and exam. Inatlon free, whll our fee sr so low s to b within tha reach of all. Offices, 291 h Morrison st. ' LALIKH Antlko Mlxtur No. I, the ; most successful and harmless regu lator of the womanly function known. Contains no poisons, guaranteed and for sala in Portland by (lie lieldfond Drug Co., m Morrison, near First. Mala !M, A-T91t. lEB'INEI), beat young lady, stcnogrii phor. desire acoualntance of tall, dark coniplexloned man between 21 and 86, of pleasing- manner and good habit; prefer southerner. Strictly confidential, u-o.ub,, journal. kEFlNED Vileman of 13 dlr t meet lady capable of backing him I 1 in huslnes. Big money and happfnes for u both. Z-T18, Journal. gClUNTJFIC Electro-Maanetio Treat tntnt for all chronlo and narvou dis eases. Consultations free, 101 Buchanan bldg.. I8U. Washington St. MATRIMONIAL paper with 1 es'crip' riagea tion; many wealthy: many marriagee. paper iue. Mrs. Hell, 1916 M agnolla av., .os Angeie, uaur, GENTLEMAN, age 89, would like to meet deeirahl lady or widow, view matrimony. Please reply In German, jn-ei, journal. piroF. (T'iiurrav: Phrenologist end Mental Bclentlsti consultations daily; hours 10 s, m. to tl p. m. 8QH it St., cor. Taylor. PitllTUAL MEDIUM, REV. MAY . A PRICE. READING, HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. i: WED. AND BU.V.. 8. 804 A MONTGOMERY. M. 7227. QIUfcUATEJ Chiropodist, Manicurist, Ucientlfic Masseuse, formerly 4th and Washington. 404 Buchanan bldg. Op- I oaite Perkins hotel. 288 H Washington KKINEP American lady wishea cor respondence with respectable gentle man who owns house; matrimony of suited. E-456, Journal. KNTEOJWCAt Voung Tady desire.' to meet young man up-to date, clean cut, rentleman. about 88 years of age. u (tfl lnn.n.1 resew, "clean' and block alt traw hat: good line assured, Mma. Olloa, Mi llth et. A-14BS. EASTERN "trained operator give facial! acalp and electrical treatments, lit em si., ruori, ABOUT June J we move to 50t pekun'i building; Ird and Washington sta, uo-uperauvs, neaiy uo, U.!'1' "'a J 1 ' I1 'J.. . " tR. G. V. RE'iCHUM vV'omen'e mala- dies, and acute disease. Wash, bldg.. eor. 4th and Waslh, room 41. Mar. 441, B at a.'..' 'a, . la twak " ' . . 1 -J ",.'1. 'a 1 1 . Hits.. rARMEtv-wpirituai medium' droits Monday ana Thursday eve, etn, rouble. Wish to see case can t our tno orusrsi Pr. pouyla, D, C.. 288 Union ay W, YOunG tnari wouliiiorreepond " with poor p Ut honest youna womani ebJoot rnairimony. - 11-4.1 journal. MANICURING," facial and acalp "treali mrnta to ladle and gentlemen. Open Sundays p. tn. j04 B wetland bldg, BACHELOR, ago 0,"wlshs to meet young lady who would approlat a good home. A-616. Journal. MLLE. ItbBERGB.'physlcal culture, of." rice t. q floor 860 H Morrison St BEATRICE VAN BURGAR, room 4J, 4th floor, 166 M Morrison, Palmistry, Uflh Bassett a Native Herbs for I. paiion; to laoiei. e. All aruggists, pa tion; to tablet, 86e. maiviuuhinu; most thoroughly anj eaiisractoryj tu; jvortnwest OlOf, BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women, ospsvis st. Main 9Jll 5av B II to 810 by buying your trunk suit eee ej 88 Wash." at iftb. or i fOUNG man "Si would marrv If suited. No general U( elivery. J-8S2, Jc ourn ai. SOTICEa 80 NOTICE Of Sala Of Bonds flalA em, posal wlil b i received by th board of dlreptor of Th Horsefly Irrigation t)i'!ir0ntl . Q. Klamath county, Oregon, until Saturday, the J4th day of j"ns a, j. jiij, at in nour or i o'oiock i m. at the office nf uM hnar nt A rectors (at which time and ulac seal a .1 uuvaiie iw pur d considered). lurchass of 180.000.90 of Ths Horsefly Irrigation district registered ooupon lionds. -y. abli fly par cent of the whole num. bcr of bonds payable at tha expiration of eleven years from date of issue;, at th expiration of twelve years, six per uvuii ai . iue expiration or Mir lean years. Vvn r per otnt; at the expiration 4 of fourteen years, eight ner cent: at tha, oniMtin, t ii.voen year, nine par cent at th expiration of sixteen years, ten per cent; at tha expiration of seventeen year, eleven pr conti at, the expiration of eighteen, years, thirteen per cant: at in expiration or nineteen years, rif teen per cent- at the expiration of jwen. ty years, sixteen ner cent. Said hnnda bearing interest at tha rats of six ner uom uor auiiuiii uuereat payaojo semi annuallv: principal and iniarest nav able at the office of the treasurer f Thi rioreanv xrnaation district, in gold co n of ths United States of America. Bald bonds to be issued in denominations ot on nunarea. xive nunarea and ana tnnueano aonar. Said bond are issued for ths pur doss of provldln funds for the prelim- iiairjr supnnae pi ronstruuiinar me irn ration system of Th Horsefly irritfU. ;ion district, and were authorised at an election held by th legal voters of ths said Irrigation district, on th Ith day of November,' a. D, 1918, and ar to b orrerea for sale pursuant to a resolution of th board of dir actors of Th Horsefly Irrla-ation district adopted at a meeting of said board, held on ths th dav or April, mil. Said bond will be sold to ths highest bidder for not lr than ninety per cent or in race vaiuctnereor. Eaoh nropoaat to purchase said bonds must bs accompanied hy a certified eheik for five per cent of proposal and certified by some responsible bank, certified by some responsible payable to ths treesurer of Th fly Irrigation district. Said bo be sold for cah, paid down at th of delivery thereof. i nor- bond to the time The board of directors of Th Horse fly Irrigation dlstriot reserves ths r(nht to reject any and all bids and proposals, ProDosal - must be aealed arid ad. dreastd to the secretary of fb Horse. fly Irrigation district, Bonansa. Klam ath county, Oregon, and endorsed "Pro posal to purchase bond." r KAJisi J. iyvia. Secretary of The Horsefly Irrigation district Binansa, ures-on. Patsd at Bonansa, Oregon, April llth, is WANTED in- Portland. ItK Olsoiv. who secured deed from Blanch O. Wells on February 21, 1900, to lots 4l.and 44, in Block l, Stanley, Muitnomari.oounty, Orebn.LlAddrsafrHenrir:T E. McGinn. 4UO, OROC'SfiYijWSlOlnTTocatlon, 1 f odd trad, rent 20: 6 rooms, bath, gar den, near car. owner: half cash, bal ance terms or lot Wdln. 2897. PERSONA! PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOCOftDKOV VLKATIXO gmritAf, hemitlti'RInf teeordtaa, side and suotmrat platting i buttvne eur4 guede mnifad (iB Al'ler. Mala B AIT MXTAL WOaXI ' aa, a.Na aaaa i.aaa. (Se Heat Kitate Sertlen.) AIT18TI0 WII AMD MOM (See HMl gitate Seetlow.) AB8AYM1 MONTAf.V Ami Offloe, laboratory, or tst Ing, MarahaU tJlW. 19S Mortlan. auto tui airAiaiga .a ORttUON YUUIANIKINQ CO. "TB lire glxn)." VulonnUliif-'flr Heiislrlef. 5ftO Wub. Nt. Murtlull 879, AVTOMOBUXa T0 IIKT. I M per hour. Pnplet Ate Ce. M. 814 4I4, Office o trk. SLAVIC BOOS KiUll rOW, T3AV18 COMPANY, 109 Xd It. BlanX hituk niinafeatumrsi ' lm- sroead Liwae l eaf l,ei(ara. . set tkl aw Ut, A -Hit I. Mala la, : 1 ' '' OAHPENTEB KEPAIEINO (See Keal Ketiite. Heel Ion.) CAHPET CLEANINO JOTC TlltOI., Xlaetrle riesvlng works, ear pets elaaned and laid, refitting nor specialty. , 440, H-ll)il:l. an K. lUth at. N. CLUB WAGON 8KttV;K'does ymir wnrk the beat Beard of Trade. Mln IMt4. r oaariT -wzayuti KOHTHWBST RUO WORKS, rug frei eld earpeta rag ruaa, ear pot elcanuis. 168 Ualoa Ifennv. aear Baa Merrlann. L'AMl'B't ru aeavlnx Warp furiuied. Ur. U K. Kurta Vl Nttaiall. PENINSULA Una Works, rusa mad te ordefi Carpeta. 1618 Pstto . Woodlawa 36H3. CHIaOIOOMTI WILLIAM, Betel! tad rle Was DeTesy, tb tely aoUsllflc ohlrapediate In tb rlty. Par lors 802 Oerltnser bid.. . W curoer M tad Alder. Phone Main l.lol. , pit. IVtY tr.ala all allnenta of feet without rain) conn, bunions, Inarowlnf nails a sse. elaltr. 845U Morrlaon. Main 4o44. CRlROPBAoTIO PHY8ICIAH8 OR. M'MAIION, noet-fradoata, 121 ruortk ft delivers the foods, f 10.000 equipment. Pally treatments 810 a month. Uut-of-lowu patients hoard, fool tod treatment IIP e wees i 8, it. LElTlilld, 817 Atitnstu bldf. I niVr. HO tiOuK, FOI'IPMl!.Srr. I eharce UJl, Btt(NA" J.BTOCK. m 'lith.. uereoua 10 a wees fia? tipert fniropraHie wore 1, e treatmeiua aa, ai. w. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTNOMAH Multlgraphlng Co., t'tlllt alsnaturee. 507 kiUera blrti. Marshall 3m, COAt AJTO WOOD mm Prompt Delivery Anv Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot kmik mix. iso. Phor.::i E. J82, G-1117 Country mill wood, Qprdwood, 4-foot or sawed. . Edlefsen Fuel Co, East 108, 262 Stark St c-iaoi cjuainv--nervioe. NOTICE fttfcotr SLAB WOOD OREBS SHOUT WOOn, OHBBV 4 9"OOT WOOD. INilDa QRKBM HORf, uwr auuT wood SAWOUST ff Ml md bedding The Portland Slabwooo Co, Mais SI1B.- A-TOOl. BT.- Edlefsen Fuel Co Best eoal, Oenntry Millwood, Cnr( 80S d. NEER&FARR.,nd.wU?0Vi'iJ awed te arder. Prompt dtUTtry THAI Main tOMB. A-4MT. wwni. ri'faTOS Weod 0., deslei Aft led greea tlabwood. Try us wbe ordering aoaef drr weod. 120 Mtoidain it, fbanes stols T88d. a -sut&a. Yamato Wood & Coal " Co," JUST SIS. R-186T. au a onr a r dkuybreii " '"'' unnuvnt. promptly Mala S7QT, r, r, wyaarn, root t nrrr atreef. Tl.t.(V PftV TT VVfcf 'W ..!. aaf.hli,, Oreea short wood, blocks, blf iaatfla, small Inline, dry sinnwaen, tnnrti planer trimminga, e-ai il'al .a.1' 1 . T , . w , - , i"1" l BLAB end box wood, eordwnod end eotlT KUnnar wwo ye., icait im n-)fln, -rrr.". a.L.'J.A" ' ft"";.. ATINAfri3L C0.-i.AU kinds of green "and iry wood.- Hw SPHnitt anq sienflota uot). PHOENIX U1 txi, urr wood," 1,78 jwt W " ... . aaa Avaa (1114 Thnrman, ainin flpe, Holgata Fuel Co,u.XA'&rl C0MXISBI0 KEJ10HARTI . sl'rgitljhjpr HENRY RVKU0IN9. dR-47 Went It, ttr, tsea, poultry, yesi, pege- pioea. DAIRY XD CREAMERY 8UPTUE8 MOM ROB at CR1BELL, 148 front, Plry, fhttt faatorr waenmery tnq supplies. xiUTTAL rxciAxnn R, A, W, KIRNB, Pestlit, Msjeetlo Theatt bid., 88! H Waafi. . WarenaU BVoa. DIRTIgT-ARimCLU, TEXTS RneeltUit en plat work. "T6H ene thing I de " goo uHipa omS'i ii in f. tn B SXXsUTOiOOIITI MOLES, wrinkles, sealp tptelallata, Mr, Coart- rlfttt, BHk Morrlaon. wnin no4a. SZ8J0VXXI. AYS BUXLOXRI J See Real Katate Bectlen.) C0 AITS X0XIX S0IPITAX DR. O. 1. BROWN, efflee 648 Wah. st. Res. I si. l'B. eoeei ! po. nog apeeiaini 9RUBsUXlXavAX0 TAHOIWa B0K001 ACADEMY or rtnsita actttttin prtstassung ass Tailoring, TtacBtri oa agtsi wanted. SM worrieon tt, SRX88XAXUr9 ICSOOt 'rsssSs.Satss YALRNTINB'B intern Isdles' ttllerlng. greea. making taught. 12 Oraol its,, set wees Morrises and Beltneat. XflUCATIORAL SAXCXXO) HR. and Mrs. Heath's arhoola 199 88 tt., bet. Wish, and Sterk. sod AlUky bldg., Sd ted Morrlaon. Leaaont dally I fancy and state daae. ing taught, WaJtt end two-i ten guaranteed It e iMiHun, v iiMjnaijjB re it 0 t IPS ltd tt. ,JtV8IC.. SOTOOISLASB JCXACBIXBS. RAOTIMB Piaee playing poeltlvely taught la 10 te SO leaaona. Snrreae guaranteed. tSrlti foe free booklet. Chrlstensen'e Reboot , of Popular Music, 201 Uoudnougr bids. A -3944 - WOOD! Cnl atTJBIO IOH00IJ AJID TEAC1UM RAdTIUB pmltlvel fill fuarintoad I 10 to 30 ... ....... . eaauea, in erlslnal Try one lexin. 417 tllrrt T.t.lar. t'laiiu. tiiiBl.lnwrr urn. (..,.;, mrm-i lueuiuuit, yiaitv ,ur i" ''. "? Jarrerun St. ' t.1iTlt.l.lldai, alullii IfHoUor, uill Aevctk 8ft Kleldiier lildf ., A -4 1 '10, Mrlmll 12tt. . IYI, IAR, noil AMP IH10AT aa, TKBATUKNT hr ipeelallat. tiaraes fitted, Or. r. r. t'saady, 41k Ueknm blilf. M Waah, ZIXOTlOLYtlB UOUrs. uparfhKus hair remeied. Mrs. I. lllll, 4W Klledner hl1 Main 847H. HI.ICTII0 K0T0RI aiVO PYXAKO MOTORS, ineratora, boiijht, told, rented sad vpalrtd. W do all klnda ( rciialrhif ud re. wlmlliiK; ell work st'ranteed. ll. M, U. Kltf tTlr C'o 31 N. let et. i'boi't Mnln 0810. Wki bur, aell, rent suiTexi'liaiike uw aiul aee oud bind nmtora, repair wurk t Ipeclalt, weaiern oiertrie worn, 113 Bitib at, TASK mPLEMi.NT8 AND YEHIOXZS R. M. -WADB CO.. 322. Ilawttiorst ti Wreleaale agrlfiHIural Iniplementa. att, fOVMDSY A0 atAOHIMI SHOP PHOENIX Iron works. E. 8d Slid Hi wthorne (.eneral niachlne and fDunilrr wort, ' f VIHITVal 1IPAISIK0 (See Benl Katnie Bailor ) OA80UN1 XVOIKES aJ,'eW4Ws eaasrv -aii sasaaaalsai'ea, -" H V jBr'SetsaaaaM il MaRIKB and stationary, marine hardware. Oil . COWgR BljpfLY CO., I88-I72 yreat at., Between aiertiaen ai)n yemnlll. OEXESAL 0BDEINO tgee Hesl Katate Beetlon.) CLAaO AKDjStAlIVa (See Real Ktte tectloa.) AU O00PI l''''' "--wWw-vt. arsatWaiseasaast FEVRET HANKBUT Letdtn wis and tounee makers, finest stock tf kunnu hair goult) hair draaalns. manlcur. ug, fee and arelp irealaienta. J 47 Ith, sear tlui-Hann. M. 840. SAX FACTORY tUSTKHN Hat ractorj. l-a 8d st. Hats cleaued ssd blonked. Panan halt bleaehrd. Beet fi bat on earth f,,r men. Mull orders returned or parrel poat, LAbltS. aalUfa Ueutlemrn's hata cleaned and blocked etor.ly, ltoya Inf Wnrka, 248Uj tat et, Y AMP tlRABf O. R. KNIOUT, 8XS-1IO N. Iftb st. Bar. frela, feed, flour and ahlngles. UISUaANC (Bee Real Estate Beetlon.) LAJTUaOATI! OA19ZVDf0 (get Heal Ratatt geetlon.) tXATHYR AJID YOlonrOI CHAR L UASTICK A CO., 74 freDt. Leather at everr eeseripuosi sis puquianturers, iBo- ea.MI, I" nil. XACttlXERY plot, tmek stsekt, oil tauki, siloing u. ekliiery, repairs, 104 N, 4th, ' - sTNOIKBB, boilers, 'eawmltii'VublsVld "t'n4 eohnged. Tht J.88. Martin Co., Portland, Or. MATOXITY UORPITAIi PORTLAND Ljrtns-ls tfoaplttl. Maternity es tplr, 818 W7 2-d itrMrahair9S64, stBBviraSRI Malt 8. 4-2168. M0STOAQI 104X1 OUR RIB, . mortgage otni, iatsre. S08 Yeea bldg. Main lMfl. XATUR0P4THB R, OROYBR Ptrtlyil. Bertans md ehrealt dlaeeaee. T99 Qregmilaii -bldg. M. 1 1 41. OXXAXXXTAL WIRI ARB IB0X "4. FLfJ; 1 (Set Real Bitate Boettos.) OBTX0PATRIQ PSYBIOIAXR PR, LILLRBBLLII PATTERSON, Speoltllst e . ,'"t,J,0",. end ebtoal dlaetata, il Oo, lueinis piug- aiam eoqi, 9AIXTIX9 AXD PAPIRW8 JBee'' Besl Bettte Beetiop V PAIXT, OIL ARB SLA88 (See Real Rttalt Beetlen.) PAIXJTX4 AMD TrXTTXw rBJ0jeafaejfH KALCIMIKINU 82 60 per ronm t PI Piper hang ing. minting ruaeoinrne. ta)l Mi'.Iar, if. 4)140 PATEXT ATT0RXZYB WABBINQTPR, D. p. O. O. MARTIN YKUTI BLDO. PORTLAND 408-9 CHAM. OP COM. BLnti PATENTS pnwured bj gured bf , K. MOCK, Atti of u, Oaten? oypjos, ard e Trtds bldg. t turner tt-IatW. lift ee free, 1010 Board PAYIXO COXPANJEB r.y w . tT.lLJII.iJ.il 11 I mj.. ,C " Flt " . '" , 'eajjajirjlSSji Sj,aaJ.gtH M"W - M JJ. IfYBt BJIJB, eWain 4Hi, immrnwmwmrmtnmr" ,lltrl9jr" (Bee Real Eetttt Beotloa. pipt, w t oki jttf ai, popoorx covrxcTioxi susfeti ,, m. . fVf--Hn rgsfBj llTRi nrj .jstT BTANPARD CRISP CO., new at 0 Bert. Pepwre Cript Korniit, salted ants, ' mxirxa isrJiteBtriaimk AN8LRY Printing Co,, ISO Oak, Main 46T1, r"j i pme, iii win eonnnr. BBpcKMAN BROi-Prlutln of sifTlds7"We ra pietae. Main WM. WStfc Stark St. . XXYRIOUATOSI ASS ICI ROXfB, .. -law. ( Set Real gatttt Seellon.) toonxoi (See Real Katate Beotloa.) RVBRXR ITAXPB aXD BXAXI ALSO ttenelli, trade ebecka brtat llgnt. - WAfiaiii-i nuim t rivfii vrtof. 281 Wahlngtnn at, Mnln Ttflt A-H710. ALIO 'bliat ilgue, offlee auppllee; iithuiraobii MB IKWIN-iHlDSON COMPANY 9 Fifth tt. klaln 819. A-I2B4 . Jt4 RNC1L tod ef flt ttttivhery, . Cuunlughi ce.,- m etars. Main mwt. BCRXtMB (See Reel Betete geetlon.) , BIWTXO VACSIXZS RKAL BARGAINS Iff KPW uaehluea, all mikta, factor prleea. Second bead 88 ttp. . lUaehlnet rented sod repaired. Sewing Machine But. hortum, ISO Id. Main 9481. IXXXX VITAL WORXS (Ret Real Estate Sect low) BH0WCA8IB ARD XIXTURXB TBS JAMM 1. MARSH ALL lira. CO. New sad eld shewcaees. eabluete. store. afflo. window filturee, 418 ted l?eui;kr T . frOWCABBg of 1 eeefyeytirrlpttwiriitis.-'eitf sad ature flsturee made to order. 'Jl. t.uika Mfg. Co. TkaTtR 11. lure A kliumu, . Kuruilure mi'le and repaired. Mar. 774. 49 loth it, , I. ' . :fc . ' v - I- sUQWfl AVO 8S0W0ARC8 BERGER "u,rx'.r,ABUS llrlng thla ad and "' HI 't-r rent. WAIIAI.AM'KU I !., 6le C'uiiu.,nweallb bid. Wlmw eanla, el"th e lana, wl mtiiw trlme. l lAitcaiiia coo& KlfnTRR H Ladles' Tailoring College, rtreennnhlnir tailoring. I4ai llth. Ltara TAXIDERMISTS'' TAXIDKRUIST, rug making, ill klada BKimilliig. f, B. f filler, W CV'liimMa at. ef CI.EAM towtll dally, enmb, brush, map. Towel Supply Co.. fill end (rn eta., f I per month, Portland Laundry f n-. I'bnne Main 410, A -44 10 TRVHK . If ARCrAOTURUB MCLTNXIMAH Trunk Rag Co.. 80-M Baal Wet", wholeeale mfga. intiika. tultetaes. tte. Hiei-lii( truiika and rtet eiade to erdor. TRAVB7IR ARB STORAOR esefSkajaasaaBVagyeaasrktBSr OREGON TRANSFER CO, ' Ratabllabed ItTO, Trmafiir and forwarding agtsta ' Slnrngt, free traekage. Oftloea and Storage, 474 (illas tt 18th sd Uluuta, Mst 89, A-114. S7-9S rrnot. Main 84T Bt A 2J4T. TiRKPHOOr STOfuSaT PORTLAND VAN 4t STORAOR CO.'S Sew fireproof- werehonee )ujt completed. ' Psrnlibet teery faelllt knew to modern wlrehoueieg. Aa Inspection ' will eonrlooe yea. Ueuerhld goods ehlpiied tt Tedueed freight r'. fire, proof waeehnuet IRtb and Kearney. Conmerelal wtreboose llth tad Everett ttrests. Mala 4Seo, A-1620. 0. 0. I'K K Transfer A Bterago Co. OlfWiee end oummodlous four story brick warehouse will, separata Iros rooms and fireproof rtult for veltishlee. N- W. enrner Id nd Pin its. Planes tsd furniture saoved ssd parked for eslputag. Special rates made en goods la eor tkroea tars to all domttti si.4 fort If polstt. slat 606. A-lnfto. BAOUAGB, OMNIBIJ8 THA. NUKE R CO. Baaeaae checked et home te deetlnatlon. Storage, packing, shipping. Main 608(1, A-3322. Taileab aerrlce Main 2,V). A 2248. TJKITf-I transfer Co, W Storage tu4 general haulln, V Jeffervw. .War R. A-4MS. TYPRWR1TERB TYPEWRITERS, slightly need. L. O. Smiths tad 11 Other mqkea st reduced price snd easy terma. L. C, Smith A Rree. fipearrtter iio., ru naa 11 It Kill NO TOM ASK. BKBi Why set rent - a Remlngtaa (Model S), 8 montkt fer lit Ad- dreae Hemlngton Typewrttet Co. (Ine.), S8 Tth ALL msa ren tea, regalred, tii. Cuttalugbaat Co.. 231 Stark. Main If if. WAiL PAf XR X (See Rett Ettkt Beetle ! VHITXVASHarC, Let as figure ea it before bavins It done. Barns, ehlokea bouses, wtrehoueee. eto. Alt work guaranteed. It sure will tl"S. Address -Ob as. B. Lewrls, Portland, Or., Oea. Del. WSOLEBAUt ;0SBB BYBRDRVa j fARRRLL, produe tsd semmls- ttoa mercbints, 140 great rerut, or. Phone Main 179. "" " " Ullni tBwiiPdBo'cfcftifeC"" 1 : WINPOW CLXAXSSS .ag'ajaaajn EXPERT window cleaneni employing only exp. -whltt help. Cell for prtcet.M.tm 8?8 Burnilile UISI.LS3 CAltPa si9BjaiSBasjs) W, G, Smith & co.Ta.y Washington bldg., cor. 4th on W nf and care?. ath ton. PRt.ri4 suits' tor Vent, "all iea, Unmuo ltiiorinff co., sos atara t. CLARK W UHOA' florists, fins Ilower sno riorei qeaign. ftp aterrieon et. CliHTll.-lCATt8 of title mad, Title 4k I rust ca, Lewis bias 4th and "C)s a. Schumann Marble Works East 8d et Pine Ent T49. P0RTLA1V1) Garble Works. 14.188 4tn st; Oppoelte city halj. Main 8e64. SHIELDS. J. U. 298 Oerllngor bldg Mala 8490 OR 1EQON REAL ES'f ATM CO TRH T eye, and Mult, E. 47, 717J9 ran CHAP1N-HEHLOW MTO. Jk TRUd'P CI) sai unamDer or t-'ummerca nam ists. CliAlstilFISIl All NslBjBBj8lSJB Is sfreet April I, IBIS. ALL PBSVJOl'B RATES CANCELED. Uau ADysuTuskiivJi j Pally, et Baadai. (time. Be per Una, eeaeeenUfe times, B etr Use set tottrtlea or more fonaecuilre times, fe pel Use per Insertion! et f insertions for srfea ef 8 pe to eoenit roe tees pa a uuee. The abate rites -SPuly to "New Today" sad ell ether tltailftratluii etcept aUtuttlont Want ed, Te Rent end Wanted to Seat Ida. situations wsoiso, 19 item sua wis?ea t Bant ds tAptrtaitat sad Metal ecesiited), the late erei te eer lint prat iBoertio. 4e pel lint tack tubteauant ttMOf tteg, Rasa isken for lees jhs Ltieaus) avTa44a,Ma aiH AI 1 time, loe Mr Hue. (toaeecntlfe timet, 9t ft lino set tnitrtioo. ei wore oiwteeutir tlwts, 8 set Us pot inssruoa. - lbs abort ntet apply tt "New Todayw tad ill ether tlaaalfloatiedt, tietpt 'Sltattlone Winted. TO Kent and Wtoted I Bent" ads. niiuauone wantau, to aeni one wasira r Rent ads (Aptrtmtntt tad Hotels artutt4) the te it tc per use per ineoroeo. No td tharsed tot has till twa Itnes sr la Ths Journal will Sat be responsible for more this en Uioerrtttt Insertion ef tuy sdftrUte stent ordered more tha sae time. Contract rttst nnoD ippllctUae, " A Phoo call will hrlug tt.lleltor. - - . a.r,rs tf e y JcurrStig In t " adsititniicta 1M 8IWW3S B W'JSsf MKllS)A8aiPPl8 Wk WAKT. -'ADS. f'i J atf your nama appears In jr! Hi I either phone book yu Y"trV lO-an telsyhon yuur sd to y' 1-8851.: lli A and hav it crge4, " ItllWea UlllS will be mai.ed t --T- Illjr vou-.th folloair.f d A V for iptyiiitfil. I The Journal rennet A -,' a"Mt rpoi..!.i'f- ' F, : ".ernirs C.f 'I f ;" " f - icurrStig In t'-. I t