THIS OniXOU DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1013. EXCHANGi; r.EAIj ESTATE 21 (Continued) Who Has 9535,000 Worth of unincumbered prupurty, either Improved or unimproved, that lliey wiau to convert into a goon, Dig mm) ui umi nn kAf tnn Tn itrnn fiiir imnrove- monts; nrlo of farm $4,0U0, differeno can run at per cent - 1120 acr farm. 800 best' of farm land, 4 mile to K, It. tatlon, clear or fix ruin ""v Elegantly Improved farm, 204 cre, clone to Lebanon, price 186 per acre; tsk food property to 110,000 $3000 to f 4000 cany paianca can run. $17 Bo9rd of Trade, Portland, Or, wiwfyn . IFORNIA HOME. to acrea ninh v improved, new inni room -house, barn, chicken nous, bio, I horeepower. pumping. p ani, wiiiUHiMi and lank, water piped n nan l n rn miiiMH nnu yard, punt in mine, ewv; i kiw : alfalfa, Nn4 tandhwUtv Hon pore - a. . . . . -J.. jffet. etc.': 7 acre in ?er month, riace is on mm wu oad 7. mil. twm.Lodl and It mile. irora B.ocxion. ni piaos w'i ., I air aii mnnaet fAm the i U I t . IWU HI VIID T Vill till : . neea Inlereata keep me here eo I will trade for Portland property. Valu $.; 000. Incumbrance $1800. per cent tank loan, lonir time. Bee ownerFlaher vjLiifir uhii- tin. man. cos Railway ttxehanire Bid r. fc'intiT ..... iJ a room iiouae in Kear no, V'1". .. . ..Tul been a homa place for 80 yeara and good for $0 yeara more. Built to atay. I will eelf It for $5000r-wlll-trdelt nav. Kih nnc in town. hub TnrrnJl nrnnartv. AlaO a 3 room house and Iota, 1H blocks from court Jiousa and main street. I lots l01" ft., I lot 601$0 ft. II trad, for Port- Sand property. $1500 for all. Btr'ctly . Ynnirn t room oottage. 1 H blocks from. NashvllU -.U. Qnrtt fioott car- fin. n tuno Vnu own terms. conaldef trade as first payment,' yh, 2S Dekum bldg. . Rfinton Countv 120 ARIoa K1VKK BO ft AflRKS TINDER CI VY.itf aV.'n' :J ANp IN AIjj - ,,,n (jDiui'iDil.T.V IW DATS AND IN ,i llOODJ R(X)M H01J8B. LARaB BARN AND OUTHOUfiKb'; AlLi IN GOO I.) COND1TION!V TH15R13 13 A ilAEF MILK OF RiVER FRONTAGa PRICE a r i r i ta r wri it i iiul'u l'in i.v I'l.tiAnr.if. 8100 jrKK AVtlci: rit jinwum . jRANftSSwWILL TRADD ALL. FOR " "PORTLAND nwrKKIl- ' . CALL AN KABKR, 722-24 Yeon blJg. w iwrriwi muro ved troberty in lrvi ington, also- Laurelhurst, for gooJ -lots closa In, tnm of iiicumbraiice. . . . a room hunaalow. modern, cheap, easy terms; will tak propsrty In r near as Trltahn. i Jl"",J . k Wanted, small acreage, also ranch on eiectrio una, ior gooa ony yiwv"' Bee ciarx. .r.."m -w FRED A. JACOBS CO, Z6 waen, et. v'ANf "i r 10 acres, close to canine with good house, price not 4..e?iceed $4500, in exchange for modern I room v 41th anil nratee. fur ITBIUUIK Q , M " ' ' " . iace. flraDlace. hardwood floors, large built in sideboard. Prlca $7500; mort caa-a I3o0. - J OODDARD WIEDRICIC 643 fitarK--t mtt trade equity of $S06o mortgage, 12500 in modem new . room nouie, r....i.ih infill, flijitrint. . corner Marguerite and Ellsworth; hard surface street run cement wwratm. - -double constructed: will consldor mall farm lmprovd; will also assume. ,4 mkYer Investment cp, 1 60$ Henry bldir. Mar. 5782. " Trade " Trad your property for a rooming bouse Of 8$ rooms, that clears $200 per month; 8 room, brick bldg.. long lease. am leaving city, no wui traae or " thing I can go away and leave. Peters, ap7 Henry bldg. WAN 'Suburban home with houaa an kuii i hi ii at be close to eooi carlln and easy men or cuy. nan" L",?r"..T"hVT"irving ff :f".-v.''lV",",ru -T.i .nii: house and barn: a good place. Owner af Kb Oerlinger bldg. - 1 WiWP an automobile: have some lot t .t i.nnir. and some' cash to pay. Titaln 1264. WANTED REAL ESTATE ... tir i wt-n flwi.ll .....oa . alan ranrthpl I nniu-siii , on iectrio un. aiso near uio for good city property. FKr.D A. JAU OBS CO.. 269 Washington st. nfAMTirTTjit in Irvlnaton Fane; i"TS 4v Bt H "J-m us vwa - - s a-lva lnt and block number, , price, I terms and unpaid assessment. 8367, Journal, ROOMING HOUSES 53 This Week Only . . . iiiiw) 1 ww. ,"J.m ' I Best trannlent house in city, 27 rooms brick, In heart of city, an modern con veniences, clear $'J00 monthly; long 1.. will nav for itself druing car tilvai: worth $4000. my prlc if sold tula week, for alt $700 Hair caan. i sier, 607-9 Henry bldg. Snao. $150 Down, Hurry! KnaP! 4l6U.,duwa..-- -All.18' ScrW.f i$ rooms, beautiful corner house, taam heat and all modern conveniences. rent $40. Inroin $106. Price out from $1000 to $601 owners must sell. T If. IB. James R 10th, near Rtark. Today. Only 16 room, modern spartnu nt house, on r... am a-nod location, rent $25. This Is a nice. heat, clean place and si warn fuli; worth $1600, my price if sold to day $360 for all. Peter, $07-9 Henry t.lda- . ISHINGtoiaTuTadvHntage of Michigan nM e.imitura! trim from Innumbrance.: excursion rain, win sun 01 touw i 11600 cash if taken by Jon 1st. Terms if desired. Se owner, 336 Clay. Mar shall 8887. . ..... ... ROOThTNG house, 10- rooms, 3 house. keeping suites.' 1 'lfpln; roym, ff family use;, ntci -yHl wlttj 1 TrUlt nd chicken yard. Inquire $09 Russell t; rant 19K 11 room anartment house. rnt $4 ner 1 T- . - , .1.1. ... room, For sale or trade at about half price. Will assume, no mortgage, nor pay commission, inquire cwner, v.. a. A"1 VenV St. WANJT to sell my eguily in 6S room rooming house, nowiy lurnisneo; rum tins will sell or trsds for property. Pes owner, 801H-1t Bt..cof ColumblB. it 1 - 'i v j " 1 v"" '..'Vy v,-": I WHY pay rent when $175 will "ton it I . andiye you auinooni beside .So us and live on west side. 229 Lumber Exchange bldg. - ' v - . Ii ROOMS, ail IL K., always full, Rent $85.. $450, Terms. 874, . a St. . BUSINESS CIL1, LADY or gentleman to Join inroomlnrl hnnsa hiilness. MU"F'mvo iboo .and ba willing to work. C1873 or 0-27S.I . v -.1. vi w .... 1 I Journal. LARGE general mrcnandis store witn I . 1 . . ,1 in . .1 furnished roomlnr house above. lease, cheap rent: fin locality; oolle town. F, K Merdock, Monmouth, Or. ego TWO Chair barber Shop, well equipped, nominal rent, only shop in eastern Oregon town Of 700 people, ddres Box 125, Weston, or. BARGAIN Grocery. milk; irood loca tion; cheap rent; steady, established iraae: - oay proru on mux alone; paia THtt, win sen 1 op oui. wssn. ?5R RENT or tak partner. "liambcrger! oft, drink and ic cream place at . beach, near danc hall and theatre. Main 8 7-7, -...;. AT A SAORIFICET SAt;i , Thi Grocery store. fhe best location In the city, ah easn trade. 149 .3d st. N. Fo"R SALE Established rea taurunl 1 BOOA leaae: $1200: will SXr.hanaa tnr RmJKrAfl'. o'neorii' a .d ciesr lot, or- acreage.' A-ass, Journal, B..n. Tnvaattvata ht .XI .Ti .,t . j - 'U ll I inveeimenis. TOClC of arooerles and flXtureat ad looauqn, tor aaia, eneap. Appiy j, A. jiwnry, . let si. J : .ili.aAli4ndy Atore. with -$. yemnfain" cheap. Unable to attend it. 104 6th N. 600 BUSINESS CARDS 75o." Rose Cltv Prlntery. iftVj art at. 800 ULHlNi-S) CAKDfl Ryder Ptg. Co.. 8th-Burnslde. 6 SSI. ' FoYrTULE S'mall aroueiy atura .ith gwva tr.-ti ,iuuiu.wn jvtT. ; . LTSINI.:;.. CII IXCES SJ (Continusal Al Kinds of Business Meat market, well located on WMt me, iiuh gouu iriun, win eijuiyimu, ivn icm, uum suuvt uunuun, I General stock of merchandise In good i central Oregon town, invoice aunut 14000; It's a hummer of a town and u money making business. Mmin.r-,,or. located On aaai aide, fine room, low rent, good fixture, clean atocic; win invoice. Bakery in outside town. Everything Iud to date, liai apienaid trade, oniy one in town. Owner obliged to quit In laid work. It's a real bamaln, Muut I huva about 11800 cash.- n - --- ...... .i,... , on .... .m.i ,.rlltlon , . - , k . . , i . i v. ' . . - t i rent, no delivery; $1500 cash required. tiavW other grocery wh jM-0-0-" 4 i cream, confectionery gnd cUar , one of the finest equipped an'l best ln .... cltlr. term on Bart: I . ' - - - . - - - alao aeveral amaller place la aaiue Una, Oarate' in aood town not far from Portland at a bargain; 1 car, agency and uppueaj can maa terms. Ilarneaa and aaddlerv atork and burl- peas tor bbio, huiiui i Jnd Nctti grown j -: . ; :,"v " neaa lor aaie, about 80 mnea rrom fore 809 uwetiand bidg. Saloon for Trade -J. K Sban foV'iame "well Owners of this saloon wish to retire Jaitiiocaiea iota or acreaae. iney nmvm mi well established business, have been in tneir nresent location ior a numoor of years; are doing a good business now IBIIU At ana nave aiwaya aone a gnoa ouBinee. They have ttc, 'pHe,' independent license, gooa cash resrtster. nool tablo, $8000. If lntereated call Delicatessen, - Grocery and Bakery CahvSAlefl averaaed 144 day since fan. 1. Finest west siaa location: rent IS& month, This is an old established business and as never been offered for I VUDIIigps SB-IK before. rice $1400. Raloh Ackley Land Co, 204-5-4 Falling bldg, $d and Wai Waah. VOUNO" MAri ConsuU Advisory and - Employment Department or tne x, m. C, A. before investing. We never ten WHERB. but frequently are able to ad viae where NOT to Invest, so as to save money. Y. M. O. A. members also have the prlrllege Of securing rooms at rea- I son able- rates in the fireproof aaeocla. '11 n a .iiu . i imui ! riTii l-i; p ; P anmP Ml Hnn nOX raCIOrV. ' V -"o -"""' Tu ..r..-..T.";. i. Wall L By 111 HI wi siviiia a1 m uib uub.iobb iu llTLil: w.ii in a weu paying iswiuui, imii'ii This 1. T H?i propo' ....,.. . ..i tn Mnin, von. th'ond of men. Be or write Supt Putr v in in ma m aa iriiiriss v . uiia. i fir of the AH the Year Round Y. M. CT A, Day and Night scnoois, cor. em ana i Taylor sts. I I . J.. U),i. n' . T0UT1S LaUy VVUII13 raitliCI Ta hfiln manmiB small rooming house and restaurant; must have $325. can mak Dig money; genueman preterea. linr.Rta a anai Confectionery, cigars, winwr .....s. tooacco, noun louuiam, ui uea u. living rooms in the rear; all fixtures and I - n. i.tAnlr tn f 7KI1 Rm .TAh N.hFI. &2S I 1IVTC l,V. n. . w,w.. - - " Z.' . I .. : 1 .' 1 : 1 111 rJn aa-anra 'i nnnr z 111. LHV GOODS and notion store, clean -,at,M cash business: good proposl- Mon: Will take inventory price, ltoo; take inventory price. $1600; leas arranged; no incumbrance, ir yon Want omething good, investigate. iu- 803. journal r . - . 1 -i 1 VviMTF.1V-Ideaa. Writ for list of ln- vantinns . warned bt. nianuiaciurera and nrlxe offered for invention. Our four book sent free. Patent secured or fee returned. Victor J. Evan & Co., Washington. D. C. A GOOD paying restaurant, centrally lOCaieu; Wllu uviui ruum in uawi 1 jUst, the thing for man and wife; rent only $16 per month; $100 down, $00 on time. I am going north for a new gold field, phone Owner, Main 7125. WANTED Party to represent us ln Waahlna-ton or Calif., as mlfff. agent to manufacture ana market an esteD Ushed soap paste. Will consider prop erty as guarantee, noma utility Mfg. -ft H tj gCWTTTIH I. PARTNER wanted, cleaning and dye works. Too mucn ror one man, win Fell lllirico, " . rn,.,, The Alameda, $16 Sandy Blvd. Phone East 22r4. . terant In navlnsr dru store: I cation; clean, up to data stock; last in- vole of ntire stock. $4800. Party loav mg city,, journal, fFYOU" hav anything anywhere, you want tn sell or trade. 1 make a sne- clalty or exchanges or an ninos. ee Black. He will matcn you, 40 jerrer- son t. MarshaH ,6725, A-4940. WAliTkf - M0fiey - to place hon time wuan,: well securod; monthly rate 8 231 Fliedner bldg. Main B2S9. per 1 HAVE you $300 to Invest and are yon wi ni to worn g hours a nay ror to. Call 32it Liimher Exonange ping. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE C7 LOANS mad on Improved city proper ty or.ior building purposes; .suvancc aondrlaa. htikerv . and fruit Stand. alSOlWANTKn TVom nrlvate nartv 11400 r;1M,T.Tib..A fclW ,.,t Lufalna- Vnnaa. i-IU IVOCKies. UUT IfcrniS are OU ik!. 1 1 ji i m ::,-w..7,.h" V; ..1. -1'bora! than those of v,,,...-., reliable nursery. Get the best traae, uv, wwi.or Bo..., v.. , ' turn from your work by con DUy in t-ortianu, ren. ier u uuuuin iu u WrHa tndav TKa .hw Ufm T..S1S Journal : ' I UB:.. .V.i!" i?aav- "B riL"" ' . .'u";.::' a" ....i LrJlnurn.. ur,- I' Uti piiljlli Vliemii iirr i nrui, iioji. 111-1 vl, , EOOd-, 10. I 1. rnafl a punning progresses; uosraiioriiijuiii,..waii v., , repayments privilege. No commission I f bRTLTNOiajlToarri l? Strlj"3. P ."Lipscomb. 842 Stark "age $o rnonttr. pc rage , Loans I. Ii WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. "vri-e nn !i6.6oo fo ioXW at e per cent on close I Itornla wants sober, reliabls man for mM !n. lncome bearing property. Come box office; good salary; indefinite en - -- . ... nr, lnana Tj.ii A Ttff at 0. I en renien t : soma moiiAv refiu1ril. ti. 'ig.P I hhrtvd: ,r,fAm .'V VrvtHFiaip WAWi'vou gf!COn3 mortgage apd . Boiler's con- . . . 1 . 1. 1 1 . . . . in r . w 1 . Irani, auiivii-vraaviiaft ww,, a uvn pldg, : -. : i TIAkTW- . - I..., In... . .r,I.U. wyi-iifai iw -"' -.t.w - -. bulldina- loans lowest rates; 11 fir in Surancei , w. u. Been, sin-aie raiun . . . . . ... ... . $600, $1000 and upward on improved real esjate. ravoranin ternj; 110 li-iny-, ho brokerage. John wain, zis npaiaing. iToiTTO-l3oTToioanon real6riui? flow iu -V "V"" u".Lzr,.Tl.?v,?, nr.o-onlan bid. -' U arai aecuniy. ur auur. uii, ui 1 '.PJ'tW mtl r "";r pciai iaoiiiiiea ior . lars a Trust co., 4m ana usk. r.Abii Dftld for mortaaaes. notes, con trasts: mortgag loans: reaaobabl r t es. F. t Lewis ft Qo.t 8 yowls bid. -TO loan, ..tat. fund. out... estat. at current rate Inquire attorney.. room ie-18 Mulkey ping.. r.a ana Morrison' ailONEY to loan, to per cent, W, id. Selts A Co., 816 Spalding bltlg. $?00 ot part for lmmediat loan, Phon t once. Tabor 7T1 .' a".1 v a 1 v;, -" "' ihL'J? '.'.....) , , . n . 1 . 1 I ' . .vs.- . r r. 1. . n S t A. . I-" Geo, H. Thomas, 267 Oak st, room 2. MONEY to loan on j-eat. estate. - A. H. HARDING. 818 Ch-of Coni. WlL4-iwii $.,v- r-"tess.- real estate.'' Farnnaton. 4is rommerclnl Club bldg. VfflH-rOAUIC I.I11NM Cll- and . ITuMrT Henry c. prudhomme, bos wncox bid,- $1000 TO loan on Improved city prop- I erty. ash tor m r. .... naminon nifi. 1 MORTrjAnre loan, t nd 7 per cehtlooon man to mlllc Ahil do chores. aVJJB cvtOBiuo S W, a. pltt-f l . at $500 AMOUNTS $2000 so OF. 2r00 $1000 , ' $.1000 SHOO ' fOUOO I AND Ul- to loan on real, estate) 1iartman thompson bank, MoMkhko Loan Department Chamber of Commerce bide. Main 80 A-.060 ON IMPROVED URAL KBTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VKHi FLEXIBLE CONTRACTU: NO COM- MIH-UON. . CWA.UMBIA LIFBJ A. TKlTnT CO., 018 SPALDING BLDO. I'lilVATK F M O IXIAN AETFI ow: 1300. isoo. 1800. nooo. naoo. . titoo. 11600, $1700, 12000, 12600, 13000.' $4000, 16000, $7800, $9000, $10,000, JlU.000, $1?,- 000. McKenzle, 11$ Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder eta. ' Mortcace Loans On real eetate aecurlty at reasonable nates in aume rrom l&oo anq up. iniu uawkjcmck'cu., id m ei. , Between Morrlaon and Yamhill Money' to -Loan- On improved cliy and farm property. riacKor a inerKeiaen co bus paming bldg. Main 762: 1100,000 on nioriKagvs, eltr or arm srocertT. fire Inaurancek. McKeosIa A oity or M;, V;v.".";;r"-i"", r;?.-;j ANV m.nt from $50" up to loan Jon 1? Bpaldlpy Bld'g. , .-., MONEV TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALA1UES 07 ' We' Will Loan You $10 to $200 Today On Vour SALARY. HOUSEHOLD OOODS, AUTOS. PIANOS. iUCCKXPTS or LIVESTOClt, AT TU $ 0.10 Weekly Weekly $1.10 Weekly AT THESIS RATES, . fays a ft ixian. Pay a $60 Loan, Or Pays a $50 Loan. Full Rebate Allowed. Receipt In lull given In case of deatb or total disanuity. Portland Loan Co. , 41$ Maclear bldg. Bet 4th and 8th on Wawhlngton st -Salaried People If you are In need of Financial Assistance We will loan you from $10 to $100. , . Lowest rates In Portland. All w require is your personal note; no mortgsge; no ihdorser or security. Business strictly confidential. Call and lnveatlgate our easy payment plan. State Security Co. 30S Falling Bldg. PRIVATE PARl'Y LOANS On rurnlture. pianos, storage receipia. watches, dsmonas, Jeweiry.-Kpaaas. STRICTLY confioe.ntiau ,a T tttYthsif lTTOhonfff KLBT COM PANT. ' -wONEY FOR SaLARJED PEOPLg- I ceiuts. Morteasres Dougnt. I SaLArV LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. i s t n vj iit, avv You can get 45 to IVOO today at cheap. terms cheapest rate, best and most private it. II. uraK, sin Henry oiag. UiokEY aoid on lnataltment: conflden "tlal to salaried people. F. A. New Ion. 614 Henry bldg. HONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel , ry, strictly confldfniiwi. - 141 H la. LOANS AVAVTED 30 for S years. 7. Will give first mnrtrav. nit mnil.rtl K vArtm hitn trtt lnvjr ...w. .uv v.. ........ .... . ....... ....n...w , Kdarthnrnfe iiatrint ni i v rnnrnoi ui.. 1 . ' " . vvAJvTiJi S1U00. id mortKat-e. on In come nronerty. Total loan less than 50 per cent. Z-703. JouriTal SO npr cent. FINANCIAL Si CASH PAID FOR MORTOAQES Or seller's equity In contract of sal en real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Nome. 1.11m ttermens mag. Loan. MONEY to loan on improved real estate security. Dell & Register. .01 uer- ll"Ber bldr. - UELjF WANTED Mj'VLK 1 ACT at once! AVIdn awake men over 17 have unusual opportunities lust now in the Navy. Big foreign cruise planned. Good pay. Channel to learn trades. Get in fine pbysicnl condlUon, see some thing of the world, save up money. Cnll et Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Exchange 11.1,' Portland, or.rW wfITe7 Bureau of Navigation. Box 327. Navv Department Washington, for interest ing nooKiet. r WANTED Salesman; excellent opening, with oldest, srrongest nursery west of Per cent any other cash re- nectlnc with wooaburn Nur- rn,,. ur. ANli.i All around, married farm and.' familiar with horses. " to fakn teady position on large orchard at good wages. Must bo willing to locate on small tract ln neighborhood. Small cash payment required. Sohool and tor on premlKHn, fll -306. Journal. AT ONCE, an ice cream order clerk, must be familiar with ice cream trade. know-Portlajid and how-to out express shipments and able to do tne work. Otherwise please do not answer. Y-273, Journal. WANTED Few, young men to learn profitable trade, day or nleht school. plenty of openings, watch ntaklnsr. en. ? raving school, 210 Glob. bldg. Fort Rnd. Or. . . GOOD live hustlers to solicit orders for watches, diamonds and lowelrv on it a week plan; commission or nalary to the right party; reference, required. Brilliant Jewelry Co., 207 Corbett bldg. ers wanted, ave- nrllnnil Aitnmlnn. tlons coming. Kpeofmen Questions free. KrankTin institute. Den t. 3.7 1). Rouh. ..... . v . KAtTRICA it coinpany en route to 01- ilf, Journal. ' TEACHER Otj PENMANSHIP, good mixer. La urando Business . College, La Grande, Or. nv ANT a man to. take the agency in Fortiana ror a good household article. For appointment address Mit I'miIi Ynncouver. Wash, j . SALESMAN wanted who can book busl Li nM" 9n th? uar-t We, will deliver Itha aooda and nay rash weeltlvAd.lra.. :-,t. . .ir.. . j: - t Pta V'ty ior8cry o i-aim, . UT-. I WAN WANTED experienced harne maker to out in stluher. Seventh Day Advnn. tlst preferred. 1314 Sandy road. "MAN who understand cliarpittln wanted to Clear two acre near Rwwi. vllle, Or. D-400, Journal. " . WZ&WWFti&fg&Ste. w-m. ' ' " 1,. w us lamniii Btre treet BARriKR Must be, flint cFhs in every reHdect: no other need annlv. Rogers' tieroer snop, iqrnstt Ding. PAINTERS wanted at 873 E fitti sL can after . O'clock thla venlna. one East 6485,. ! f MAN to dig. basement evening -6 to 10, .uo nour. u-.gv, journm. fiiOTQ ng-Uts.-ilomaiitini-aWi-srfihap.- Tan Dyck. 404 Wash, st. WANTED-Stisve bOlt cut tor, good Job. Apply 22 Corbet t bldg.; city. . SOLICITOR for printing. M-309. Jour- nn 1. $03 . Jl. .a (. -H, . . , MONEY TO LOAN REAL INSTATE ' (puurwo,ol 1 I, HELP WATTEH 3IALE (Continued) . Situati6n Wanted Ads inaerteti free for thoae in n4 work and who are unable to pay tor an advarllanment. A4vrtlamenta mil at be brought to the office peraonally by the l'BMIf dwlrlng work. b M. C A. .EMPLUYMUNT UKl'T. member will aeour employment or re fund of membership fee; gives tw montha' full memberahtp 'piivllpges, 10 months social privileges and undertake to keep member employed during the full tnn of membership without fur ther charge.- Record tot 11 months- ending Deo. $l t Call for men ....228 Posltlona filled K7 e Becretary Employment Depart men i j, a. JsaLEjSMAN wanted; good proposition to offer those who can sell clean, re- i can sell 1lablurBcirrBcKrProtecreiTFrri tory. Cash week I y. Outfit furnUhed. For particulars address Idaho Nursery Co., Welser, Idaho. HELP WANTED M18CV AO JL.EARN Wireless. Big ' Pay, Short Hours. Those desiring to se the world, It offers an opportunity unsaualed.- More poaltlons than applicants on lst-claas battleships, ocean liners, shore stations Also" thorough course In telegraphy. .Special summer rates now In effect. Call or write pacific Coast Tel Inst; Commonwealth bldg. Eipert In struotion ty export I n s t r u o tors, shop and field work; tuition part cash, dis count for cash. Ore on Auto & Gasoline Traction School, . b-8BB inn FREE UlustTated Book tell of about $00,000 protected positions in U. B. service, Thouaands of vacancies every year. There is a big cnanc nere ror you, sure and generous pay, lifetime em ployment, ask ror Dooaiei. j.-ts. ian Hopkins, Washington, D. C. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE; SCHOOLH, 605 McKay bldg, cor. Third and Stark sts, open wra and Bat night. Phones: Main 1026, A-4121. Answer and drawing psper.. L ii. '.TittJDENTS, notioe. Fraternity smoker Wednesday, iay ii, I p, rn.. It k. Harris. H. V. Reed. I. C S. Mgrs. Phones Main 1010, A-4111. WIRELESS operators in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C.A. All the Year Round, Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on (..oast. . PORTLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. OPENED MAY 1ST: PREPARE FOR EXAMINATIONS. TILFORD BI..I.HJ. MAIN 5B4. WANTED Names of men wishing to bedome Portland mall carrier. $67 month, commence. Full unnecessary KX-41-, journal. id KN. women to learn barber trade, weeks: positions guaranteed. Ore. Barber Collets. 288 Madison. 28(1 Couch. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Schools, 1.0ft BCi St. I near morriaun Rooms 7 and 8. Main 4048, A-2044. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.50 up. Taylor, the tailor. 886 Burnalde, GIRLS, learn beauty parlor business, Earn money learning. 418 Rothchlld. INDIVIDUAL instruction, day and night classes. Y. W. C. A. Shorthand school HELP WAXTE1 rEMALB 2 Sitiifltinn Wanted Ads Insertsd free tor those in peed of wa.It ... .ki . r. unahla tA riav foe an advertisement. Advertisement must be brought to the office personally by tb lifa.ri.ii-e UBBiniiai vji m WANTEDr-TOUNO LADIES rORTEI. EPHONB OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 8TH AND EAST AN KENT STS. OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260, SIX lady solicitors to complete city crew: no competition; extraordinary Inducements. See Mr. Cunningham to. day and Thursday a, m. 723 Chambor of Commerce bids:. WOMAN to tak charge of hous aiiil 3-year-old girl, man and wife em ployed. Cook two meals. Age and sal ary expected with answer. Suburban. Y-278, Journal. TEACHER OT PENMANSHIP, - good mixer. La Grand Business College, La Grande, Or. DRESSMAKER wants a first class h e4?4 er. Coma prepared to go to work. Morrison t WANTi?P flood cook; a .county home. 4 ln family; will ray 335. At Shat tuck station. Main 7937. FIVE girls to learn oauty culture. 400 Dekum bids-.. Sanitary Parlors. $VOMAN.for general housework, family of three. 886 K. Aider. COMPETENT stenographer who llvesln or near ft. Johns. i-4i, journal WANTltD-GIrT for light housework. 676 6th St. WANTED I-dy barber, steady. 20l4 Morrison st. . HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 WANTED Young couple to work in private family. Wife to do kitchen work, and man to do genersl work around the hrtuse.-Salary $60 with board and room, uooa place tor ngnt party. Address W-843,. journ at. - . ... MOl.'.lt MAMUCK COLLKOH) Wanted Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 Weeks, tools free, a chance to get in business for yourself. Mnd for irea catalog, or call at 83 N. "t!!.,t - """'Z .: ' ' SeNTTvVOM F,'S (Te t " go ve nim pn f Jobs, big ray: thousands of appointments. Writ for list of positions. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 82ltl),' Rochester. N. Y VVTNTFllBy June 1. "o sTrawberrv 'pickers. ..Ta Ak MeCllntock. White flal'J SITUATIONS MAIajS a AN hontyit an1 respectable 17-yeaivold boy wnnts- tolearn auiomobll rs palrjng in. a garage, Jtav had oms experience. Will tak small salary td begin with. Write W-846, Journal. WaNTEI Lawn walks, steps, "base . ment and basement floors -and gen eral cement work. All work guaranteed, 1,628 Ofttman St. , Woodlawn 3427. ETiJfTf second haml baker -or helper. Address Harry . Warner,, 1005 Glenn ave.. Portland. Or. - ' CARPENTERS', helper, experiencodl want pOBitlon, Call phon Woodlawn Z484, LONG uterienced bookKeeper and teno desuTe position , lyoeai reierence. wui leave city, F-284, Journal handy ;Vlth tools, must havo work of ome kind. Address, P, 438 E. 12th t SINOXjir man, good "worker, ' experienced farnt Jiand want work. A-360, Jour nal. A BOY, 14 years, would like a Job as offlc or delivery boy after school and all flajMSaturday.' 231 Grant at " YOUNG married man would lik to get jo 111 IOTTSmpTTg"oOOlrt.Ttfty8 Itifi to help. V-iTO, Journal. PAINTER waAt outside work, Woodlawn 2226. Phone BOOKKEEPER, stenographer abstract-! er wait," oN Tt-416, Journal. ' - WOULD like position - drivlnr ;ani or tlalivery wagon, Flwat B-1.41 . , I . te-" a SITUATION wanted by flrt class snu ' shks milker, exiicrloucdl ln Blnui;htvr hoiiNo, Utoudy work, .city or country. UpMnIrs at 84 4th it YOUNG man, married, duslre a posl tlon, 6 yeiirs' exiiprlence os collector, flood roforerice. P-1178, Journal.- SITUATIONS FEMALE "WANTED SHuatlon with photographer in noma goou location, i nave viuw camera -and gullery- outfit but haven't the money to start In bunlnexs. I un derstand inside work and view work especially. J-834, Journal. . A-i atanoicraptiers ar what every em ployer wants. The piece to get good stenographers Is at the Remington Type writer Employment dept . No fee chBragd. Ceil MUn or Alain 77. it 7th. WIl-'OW with boy 11 would like o tion as housekeeper; am capable of taking-. chargo- of apartment or rooming hounw. C-4fo, Journitl. , WANTEO Children to cre for by' careful attention given the little one. Call or write 105 E. 80th N.. MonU villa. . . Yl5tJNQ woman with two young chll dren wishe .position as tiouaekeeper for refined eentleman. More for home. f-none woogiawn l40 GOOD reliable woman needs work, day work preferred; good laundress, cook, or will go out aarvlng. Marshall-U64 COLORED girl wishes chamber work- or day work. Call ail. the week, Mar. lailS604. COMPETENT awedish' lady wani laundry work- to tak Itome." 'Please write to 6111 SSth are.-fl .K SWEEPING and cleaning! can furnish oeai or rererencea Phone Main $886. riUlte 309, WA NTKO - Housekeeping; widower's xr bachelor home. Call at 4806 $lst St. B. K. Mt Ecott car. , bWELLsll lady wants to go out toi do laundry work. Experienced, 43., 76th. S. T7, HAVE children to support, would like fancy laundry to. take home. Main 6889. A-1638. LADY wishes work by the day. - Phone A-2406. LACE curtains draperies, linens laun- oerea oy expert. TSDor 117. WANTED To care for girl 3 to 6 year old; good home. P-858, Journal, r LADY wishes work by .day. Call East 8013, room 10. COM PET ENl? woman wants chamber work or work by th hour. Main 4349. PlUOflCAE nurse wlshe position. 888 14th st Marshall 4640. - FLTtNISHED ROOMS 0 WEST SIDE FOB ; Y. Mf C? A. MEMBERS Fu'rnlhed rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swimming pool, club facilities, special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea ture. Full particular at business of floe. cor. 6th and Tsylor sts. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can secure furnished rooms at reason able rate in the new fireproof associa tion building, corner -8th and Taylor sta and have privilege of consulting advls ory and employment department ' Standish Hotel - -. 18th and Washington st. ELEGANT FRONT ROOMS, MODERN, $2.60 per week and Up. M- 8603, A-7534.' CALUMET HOTEL. American and European plan; heart of city; fireproof building; hot and cold water and telephone In . every room. Special rates. European plan 13 week and up. American 18 up. Antlers Hotel- Location, 10th and Washington at. Rates, $3 to $8 per week. Modern. With or without bath. -TOURIdT uOTiviA 160 FIRST, COR. MORRISON. Modern, nicely furnished, steam hear, ed room, $3 week up; 6O0 day. 8 car from depot. Main 4861. BAKER HuTEIa Beautifully furnished, modern, steam heated room running water, fireproof building. MoJerate ratee. 2654 6th. THE COLONIAL, 166 10th, near Mor rlson, comfortable, quiet steam heat Room reasonable. Every convenience. Rooms from $2.60 up, KENILWORTH hotel. 228 ft 2d st. Fur nished rooms, steam heat hot and cold water, rate per week $2 up, day 60c, fl. HOTEL DAYTON. New and modern, hot and cold water in every room. Rate $3 and $3.60 week. M. 6120. First and Taylor. BEAUTIFUL room, better than aleep lnr porch: east, west and south win dows; 33.60 per week: 10 minutes' walk to postorripB. ; 414 Market, cor, 11th. 'URNISJIKD rooms in modern . hotel, steam heat bath. 13 per week Bnd un. Hotel Medford, 123 N. Blh St. THE KING. 309 Jefferson; nicely fur- nisneo rooms; moaeru. neat, cent trolly located. 12.25 week uev ff(V . Rooms 81..5 up. -vi Firm st 2 Mntw TTj - ; " " ' ,V, nn In family per wk.- rrepnone snonaTr ONE or two nil a frint mm of two adults. 168 17th 8 ujMS and .HpRrtinents In modern ho tel. 12.60 week and up. 465 Alder. FUKKIsrrtMS ROOKS SCDB PRIVATE FAMILY 70 WEST DESIRABLE large furnished room with board in private family for ladle employed; close in; all modern conveniences; 2 in room; $40, 669 Kearney st. 448v Taylor Nicely furnished rooms! suitable) for 2 voting men. rent retiaon- shle. Marshall tfiOR. BEAUTIFUL front room, also smaller room, moriem home. 669 Flanders. Marshall 3677. FOTTtt EN T 3 'a n d .4 J 0QiuaitltfiS-fwt lyTUrnlsnedV with pvivato bnth: Main 17S3. ... FJIONT room, alcove, fiirnTTied housed keeping, gas. range, porch, laundry. 475 Clay. ' very clean little sleeping room. .68 12th st. AIM.!., wen tiirnisheii room for 2 gen-. Ttemrn, w mnnjji. - nun, ' ONE fine front room, bentitlful neigh- borhood. $8 month, 454 Columbia. . FURNISnED r.OOJ'H EAST SIDE (---- - S2 TH CLARNO. 24Sft Holladay are. Modern steam heated rooms. $1.50 week and up, with all convenience. Pm lafactlnn nbaolutolv rusrsnteeif.. ftooM torrent, prefer olderiyltenl tetnaii; qnici nome, no cniioren. aio ior ront 6-room biingalow and store building, Call at 1035 Vernon ftv., A cur. THE CLIFFORD ilOTEU E. 6th and Morrison at. new and mod ern, steam heated, elevator, large lobby, excellent grill 8.1. SO wek and up. LARGE furnished f rjont. room to gentle, man or ladits employed, frre phone nnajnatii. walking aisrnnce, 17 tnoniu for one, $? for two, - Phone Kflst.-137f). El K Morrison, cor. K. Sth Nloely furnished rooms, very reasonable rates. THE T,arrat-e, 2.7 H Larrahe Room 83 wk.. uo. Brick bid., steam heat, hot nd ro'd water, hsth, pnohe., electricity. THBEEiJfutsniah,ed jooms to rent Phone Easf401. A.S.Walker. NiCKLY furnished rooms, lt.25 week up, transient. 557ft Williams ave. rtrXBIStfTTTJ XtOOKR SIDE PIVATE PAaCtLT 71 BAIT NEVTjY furnished room and bath. $7 month.8jl)rej?onstune8rJ4t;i. ROOMS AND BOARD IS The" Whitehall , A. 1 residential hotel, with large sun porch,, uiai urnf- rf"t axi-rlvt. baths, ! family dining room iu connec tion, pianos; parlors and Lounging rooms, 253 6th. st " ' ' ' - . EORTONTA HOTEL, , ' -llth, just off Washington t lAmeilcan ami Enn-iviin, hcautltful dihlng room, tea romii and roof garden: vory atti'acUvn tuttsj to fj-mlKg uiu sacHolorS, - r- f k' . SITUATIONS MALE (Continued) ROOT A WD fcOATtll 7$ EXCELLENT table board In modern home, walking dlatanc. .Phone Main 5B0K. $25.00 up. ' WANTED UOO.M AND EOAUD 3D WANTED by bv a c doctor, room ln private family within 15 minutes' walk or center of town. A-349. Journal. BAClfElLOlt wants neatly furnished room in private, house within $ miles of cnnteiv Reply toN-288, Journal HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS WEST SIDE UNB'URNISHED $ and 8 room apart . mnnt. A. A rT W hMi rt nj Tay lor. .07' V6. l-'ree' Phone and elevator. Very" neatly furnlehed housekeeping 90 12th sb rooms, 11.60 per week. Fine view. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en euite,$2 up. 271 Salmon St. 1 1 ; . lajTlNitjiliib and unfurnished apart ments. 225 Market st. ill MOHRiSON. Nlci housekeeping rooms, one front room, , is S'EWLY papered and ' painted houne keeping rooms, Very Cheap; 508 Alderf HOUSEXEBFIHa BOOMS W1CS-? SIP II 8ttIV ATal AMIIiY 73 BIENDID . largo rorn with kl tehen- ette. heat, Jights,water.-phone., sef Vlce, laundry, lawn, porches, desirable locution, walking distance to city. $2J0 to $& week; rates by month,- 675 Couch, cor 16th. . ,- : '. HHT21TcTcan,TfghV connecting H. K. rooms. 1st floor, heat, llxht, bath. laundry trays,' phone Marshall 2886, 461 W. Park st., Sunday,, or after $ p. in. week days. HXSEMENT housskeeplng rooms, warm, dry. cool in summor. laundry, lawn, suitable for plain working men or small family, $6 to $10. month. "675 Couch, cor. 18 th. $ 10 per month. furnished ica a ilate. IT K. room, Clean a wax, large closet ... n , L. 1. . . . 1. . 4 . If l.lrtiilj. P. O.; save carfar. 288 3d St., near Jefferson. LARGE front suit for housekeeping downstairs, gas range, piano, for i or more persons; also smaller suite. Phone rent reasonable. 848 Clay st. CHEAP housekeeping rooms, kitchen Privileges, sleenlng rooms, conven- tenets. $1.60 Up, 80S utn st. SUITE of room suitable for married couple, $81 Harrison St.; rent reason- able. Phone Marshall 6688. LARGE room, furnished complete for nouseiceeping, fui ana ill. til Thurman st. tvO housekeeping room with privet Dam, 11 got, neat ana not water, ire, $20 month. 865 Salmon st FOljR adjoining H. K. rooms, 472 Yam- 11111; . joining h. ic reoinjt. isi tn, across from. Portland hotel. NICE ii. K. front suite and single sleep- Ing room; running water and furnace. iftg istn, corner Morrison TW'6 large H 1C reoms, hot and cold water, nantry. as and bhone. 110. 246 v . . - - i..i(tn si, 10520TH. COR. FLANDERS Neatly rurnisnea nouiekeepin room, large ara. A HUH front i-oom for housekeepini r. $12 per month. HI 18th, er. Yamhill. f.lA i . ...1.. J.. f IT MA1.UJM 1VU. IWIUj IU11H ,UI .1. A., f, heat, bath. 246ft N. 17th, cor. Marshall NICELY furnished room, Close in. 824 4tn st 81.60 per week upwards. $14 4 furnished H. K. rooms, gas plat, steel range; i 7tn. wain 4., HOLSEKEEPINO ROOMS EAST SIDE ' 8 ONE 2 room connecting ault of H. K. rooms, range, also aa for oooklnr. Hot and cold water ln kitchen; every- tning lurnisnea tree wooa. gas, cam. laundry and phone. ,. These room must be seen to be appreciated; easy walk ing distance. 816 month, to adult only, rnone r.BBt 137a. kot'SEKEEPING room. t240-ta,l. w..v- al..n1n PAnmi Ii 19 w... ek; Mean linen f re, phon and bath.- 62. Williams ave. FURNISHED houeekeeplng room, cor. Grand ave. and E. Davis. $2 per week. Wood free. $1.50 WEEK up, furnished H. L rooms, gas. free heat.- baths, laundry. Phon East 6039. 208 Stanton, U car. 2-ROOM unfurnished apt, gas plates furnished, ft room per week each, Bel mont Apt. 480ft Belmont. NEW FURNISHED housekeeping room, heat, llsht. bath. 115. ft Union. HOUSEKEEPING suites. 2 end 8 room $3 week and up, 677 ft Williams ave. KOVBCKEXprtrO XOOMS EAST SIDE 7BIVATB 7AMII.Y T4 TWO and three furnished and unfur nished housekeeping and sing'e rooms, near Brondway bridge. 882 E. 1st st N. HI. 2495, $1.50-$.. 26 weekly, furnished housekeep ing rooms, free heat, bath, laundry, gas. rfi9. Commercial st U car. Wood lawn ions, ilVjQ. Jiousekecplng room oUmmi to Mad"- ison bridge, $3.fS week. S82ft Haw- (home, corner Union. A FURNISHED 8 room apartment, llsht. water, piano, all for-$15. In !? y lro B'ihmnt, j ONE housekeeping room. Hlnk. lnrge cioset. ciose to Aiauisnn oriage. TIawthorne, corner Union. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 $12.604 room cottage on Woodstock . . car, $18.006 room modern eottRge, near Jefferson high school. . V ' $20.006 room cottage, 651 Overton' at,. ' near 17th. $60.00 room modern house, garage, Willamette Heights. JLL. IL1PALMER-JUJ-N E8--P4.)?r-! 4ft4 W i lenx bldg, Phones M. Kg. A-28 63.' l'IVKroom miMlem fiat for only $ IS.fin, with all improvemetils. furnace, eras and lectrlo fixtures, fine bnthroom, ce ment cellar, large clothes .closets, fine location at ST. 5 flilpev st. Gel the kev next door or phone dn'yttm East 728 or xnarsnsu or FIVE room modern-louse7'r'Vvve7iy Heights district, lft blocks from car, 16 minutes out; $20 per month, MEYER INVESTMENT CO.. " ..6?.8 J'enry bid g. Mer. 6763. . NEW' end modern 6 end 7 -room houses, $20 end $26. . fall Tabor 44,89, after noon-., llWSES,AN,t,H".Xt$ FQR RENfT HACEER TrtERKF.rjiEN CO, V 306 Spalding bldg. HVK room, clean, lnodnrn, house, west side. gasp electricity, bath, yard. 842 ft Vaughn St., peer 25th. Take "23d" or cars. Only 115. . ITnTTfiilN'T 6 room- house, ,ii2; f'urni" ture for sale $75, Ca-h or tornis, 408 E, Yam hill st, opposlteJJ. !, Lsupdry. l.o SD rooms, on iS7- 8th, near Ev erett .Smith-Wagoner Co., 813 Lewia oiag. ' . . . .. -..' y . '- $15, MODERN 7 room house, room foi" 200 chlcKen. Room 3, Was'n Bld g. Marshal 4261, . - FOR RENT A 10-room house, large yard, 615 Milwaukee st, Phone Sell 02- ' - - FOR- RENT"-Up-to-date) modern 7-roowi house,' J2de City, $kki reni$D month. 'Apply 832 lift k st.-iy r - UNFURNISHED house, modern, 'splen did location; rent reasonable. Phon MsrshHjSa, . No" --IU . Porter .Sf-.--,: . IA)W RENT--House 7 rooms, hsth etc, in good order, on E. 24th, near Ank.ny, B'f.16. w ' -.. : . : . : - ' FIVE room bouse,'-, modern and clean, $14. Walking distance. 72$ Division t. near If. 81t r MODERN $ room hou, reasonable, 465 Skidmora. , Phon Main $663 from $ to 6:30. v. ? -, $12.60. Six room Sunnysld house. Own. er, Tabor 8586, evenings. 248 Ky 81st COTTAGE 34S E. 7th St., i rooms, bath, full lot, near Stephens -school, $15. E.ROOf house, with bsth. 842 E. 15th N' .110 per pio. I'hnn '.'Ml 112 4 room huu-a on carllne; bath, BJick-n fcoasv, Ht ilSlwyakl. .va. FL'i;nis:t::d e; COMPLiri--:LY fiirnlilif-l (i r..! 1 story hnusq with slecilng u h 1 full cement husemnnt ii'-r J - l lege in VVf-liiiorelnnd. Two r mice and fireplace; Umulrv: : i - r i -. library, baby Kran,l r'" ". e'l". l.v" thing new ami strictly . modern. S . I lease, tornis to suit tenant, uw nr, .- 851, Journul, 1 1 iB'O U R roo io? 1 1 rTiTsTTt"-iT"c i 1 1 i 1 1 carllne. Ruth. U41 Mtlwaukie ave. Phon Hellwood 411. FOTlii nice room., well furiu.iiuJ, lawn, adults. ' 1202 Borthwlck st I'll KNiSl'lEi) 7 rooui h"Urt, on cnrllne. 81st, E. Gllnn sts, phone Hlark 67 1. FLTINITI'KE I OK SALE J HOUSES FOR RENT , 10 ROOMS furtiltur. dandy plac on Broadway; 8K0 cash and terms to suit.' Evans, 212 Ra Uwa y : EkcIi nnge. r FilUMTUEO0lF8ALEJ5 SACRIFICE. Heavy dining room table and I lath f bottom chair to match. $26. 4 o on. White Sewing machine, I1..60; i box spring oouciv cover and 10 pil lows, $10; on heavy brass beJ, springs anj mattress, $30. A bargain for om one. Call 489 Jefferson st. KUhM I'URE 4-OR RESIDENCE -Comprising elegant dining room, par lor,' living and bed room furnishings; great opportunity- for those starting housekeeping. Call Immediately, 701 Northrup. ' ' , FURNITURE 4 rooms for sale, apt for rent. Splendid opportunity for man and wife, as on room pay mor than half of rent Apt. 23 Chetopa, 18th and Flanders.. A-4426. COMPLETE 'furnishing for "i roo-u house, everything new and first class., Will sell all or part to on buyer. T 288, JejirnaL 1 ' - - I OH SALE Furnitur and rugs by the piece Or lot Including new piano, Cat! at-once, 633 ft Montgomery at Phono Main 807. APAltT.ME.MS 4.1 San Marco "Apartments We invite all looking for elegant, tyllsh, comfortable, homelike apart ment. Everything i absolutely new and modern, apartment either fur nished or unfurnished. Each one is equipped with direct Pacific telephone; located, on. block from the carlln. and 15 minutes' walk to business district. Th summer rates' will surprise you. East Couch and 8th t East 2778. DESIRABLE 4 room apartment fur nlshsd or unfurnished; best ln city for rent location and arrangement; all outside rooms, private bath, direct Pa cific phone: close in, low rent best service. Sheffield Apartment. Vi Broadway, corner Jefferson. BEST , value ln Portland and clo In. Strictly modern 2, 8r 4 room fur nished aportment $18 tip.. Private phones baths, elevator, steam heat. Jani tor, Every convenjence. Fireproof. LEEDS APARTMENTS, . 210 Marker. -- CARMELITA v JEFFERSON AND 12TH STS. , ' 4 AND S ROOM UNFURNISHED APT8, 6 MINUTES' WALK TO P. O. MODERN. EXCLUwiVE REFERENCE. 4 Lucretia Court Apts. Lucrctla st, bet. Wash, and Everett Finest unfurnished apt, in city, reason able rent References required. Mgr. Mar, 1613. Janitor Mar. 1600. A-2337. THE WHEELDON. Corner Park and Taylor Sts. Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 3, 8. 4-roam apartments; building new and strictly modern: service first class. JUST finished, elegant two room apart ments. Bath and dressing room ;n each apartment, finest ln city, unfur- msnea. is minutes- wans to posior flce. Rent $18 to $22. Jefferson and Chapman car. 855 Chapman. r . MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick building, cor. 3d and Mont gomery; 2 room apt., furnished com plete, private bath, phon and elevator service. All outside room, 7 tnln, wsM to P. O. Rates $20 to $30 up. M, 9466. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Ground floor, 4 rooms well furnished, piano, gaa, electric lights, furnace heat, water, phone, all Included: $35. Others cheaper. Phon Tabor 180. Call 1117 E. Market. , . APARTMENT HOUSE FOR RENT 16 room house (3 apartment. -large basement), nlcelp furnished. Also ft puh lio garage adjoining. 80x80 feet will rent reasonable to right party. Phone Tabor 190. Call 428 Lumber Exchange. hTTNZE APARTMENTST 14th And Columbia. Furnished 2. 3. 4 room apartment, all conveniences; first class, homelike, rea sonable rates; ref. M. 7S87, A-3615. NEW JIARTtapts., 170ft 2nd st Newlv furnished. 2 room apartments with or without baths, cooking gas. light bed. launury anu pnone mciuuca ror ies rent than elsewhere. A-804H, Marshall 6331. THE CHELTENHAM SUMMER RATE,-. Beautiruliy furnished 3 and 4 room partment in the Nob Hill district S.-V these before deciding. 255 North lit, Phon Marshall 4. GMANDftSTA APARTMENTS. E. Stark and Grand ave.. modern fur nlshed apt, private bath, private phone. Excellent service. Always clean and wami. Hunmier rates. Phone East 208. - SUMMER RATES. ' $ room nicely furnished apt 11 nle large outside rooms, 132.50; bath end phone, on carllne. . U-3041 or Tabor 2293. ' .. .-. ;:-- . : OoDFRElf COURT. 100 Vancouver ave.. new brick build Ing. ittnds by Itself. 1 and $ room apt. Nicety furnished. Private batn and phon. in each apt. Phone East S4i -LTnco1rrApartriientsTT (It f83U JsM III W I ' Vll.r-ivn. rit apt... 621 60 to 880. Main 1377, A-3472. FOR RENT 2 room, strictly ' modern i apartments, west side, walking dis tance; special summer rate, m, k, ls, 1 623 Corhett bldg; , ! ' TiiL- 1 1 1 1 v.v," A w I vvk !M vi rn . mnti . A J I IT. ... ' . . . . ... ...... . . . room apaitmeiits, furnished nd un furnished, play a-round for children. - Fhona Marshall .027. -: '; - 1 The Chetopa ti. IMth, Main $189. Nteiy furnishad rooms, summer rat: all modem conveniences. . . . - - - Morton apartments. . King nd Washington- St. $ and 4 room modern apts., furnished or unfurnished; walking distance, THE ORMOSDE and 6 room spaTt-" n lent s, Furnished or unfurnished, modem, sunitiier rate. 654 Flander Bt. Nob Hill. Main S25L BURCH APARTMENTS. 1 Nrar City Park: modern 2 room snart. ment, furnished, dressing room. Msr 4141. 110 -lt vv car oirect rrtint npnt, ,' ' VHE VEZESDOfti'. . ' 208 16th, near Taylor. One hsnriohie!l' furnished 6 mnm arwt Ohe S room unfurnished wprtnnt. Park Apartments and 4 rooms, furnished and unfut'- ii flieKlms. lt 14th St. Modern 8 and I -room furnished apts.; loca tlon. wstkln dlirtancejiesson.ble. TifiTAYNlvdOtV 109" N." 1STH . 1. 2 and 3 room, newly furnished apis., for rent. JIS ahlf iS. 61aln 819,1., , VfTfiASTiYE 2 looni a prurient, JhJ-' floor front gas range. he, eomplefe, etc in. 57 14th, msr Tsyior,. TRelef f e rso ri i a n rn' jeVri on. Bsreslns in .--x rwra nt. f urnllie1: TUli DURFEl 30S ft'taiitoo. i ml .1 room sins., fiirriished,.; iinfiirnui d. large porchesnfsldejronm. V,ni nnS fB2D SJc KwTCOCI. 0 it ii"ti i i i F a r . nlabed 1 end 8 room in.icUrn outsid pts.. wesrllelrht. Msrshall 8J. j Li ATT E f urninlird and ;ui)f'uriiTiia i room Aiiuu. tor. - i i.Ok jiuus-'" . - A-3511. Mar-..iH FTTtNlcSH'O cleans rent Phon,. rnr'..a" ITf T; .'-' I 1 " Very nal ; ' f tii-ni vnr . , 1 . f -,.., r , , i'..- . I . !