The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 19, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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    tiic o:;::con daily journal, voutlmid, Monday Kvnai.v,,
u! ob;d
; Tbs Tort Townssnd Commercial club
V,ss nt to rortlsnd a call for help. In
an peri let tr to ths business men of
Portland tha commercial club of port
J"ownsen1 asks that ths port bs Investi
gated as Portland's natural Alaskan out
let "
"In view of the extraordinary awak
ening all over the Olympic peninsula, we
feel confident that the time la ripe for
. general demand that the Northern
J'aclflc Railway company complete the
port . Townsend . southern extension,"
mids the letter to the Tortlnnd business
"fllngle handed we can ope for prac
tically nothing-; any pressure thla city
rould brlnir in hear would be more than
offset by the Inluenoe of Seattle. Manu
facturer, wholesalers and retailers
there fully realize that, under present
transportation t Conditions, practically
every dollar of' Olymplo peninsula busi
ness Is compelled to go to' Seattle.
"This " business has grown tremen
dously during- the past two years.' Bank
deposits here touched almost the mil
lion dollar mark at the recent call of
the comptroller. Forts Flagler, Caey
and.Worden surrounding Port Towns
end now have a payroll of 10,000 per
month, which comes regardless of
weather, business , or labor conditions.
Several fine valleys tributary to Port
Towneend are rapidly filling ..with set
tlers and, each year, their consumption
of foodstuff, clothing and general mer
chandise will be greater and greater. It
practically rests with Portland to say
whether or not Keettle shall continue
to skim this cream.
"Hurely every shipper In your city
Is aware of the unfair discrimination at
Seattle against Portland merchandise
and that Portland shipments are load
ed after all others If there Is still room
on the northbound boats. Just ai long
as a sack of Portland flour or wheat
or a pound of Portland merchandise
routes via Seattle harbor will such dis
crimination continue.
"Portland, Townsend Bay Is Port
land's natural Alaakan outlet, and
Alaska business Is growing tremendous
ly. Railway rates from Portland to
Port Townsend would1 doubtless be the
same as from. Portland to Seattle, the
dlatanoe In rail miles being practically
the same.
"We feel that the completion of the
Tort Townaend Fouthern I vital to both
your olty and ours,- that the enormou
volume of business from this section
would ff exceed all eipectatlons."
C. I McKenna, candidate for mayor,
has opened campaign headquarters on
the fifth floor of the Beck building. To
night he wJU speak at 120 Fourth
f" 1 n'elock ' and at Woodman
hall, Axleta. at :80. Tomorrow after
noon he will address the Women' Po
litical Solence club In the Medical build
Ing, and In the evening he will addTWa a
gathering at Montavllla. Wednesday
night he will speak at University Park
and at 4 o'clock Thursday ha will ad.
dress the Degree of Honor at 129 Fourth
fm mm ME
The world hss Its crises. Creation,
the flood, falling of the Tower of Babel,
advent of Christ, fall of the Roman em
pire, and the discovery of America aro
some of the world's prises. Life als6 has
Its crises. The text pictures to us the
crisis in the life of Bclshatzer, king of
Chaldeans. He had been placed -at the
head of a world power, but Instead of
adapting himself to his responsibilities,
he was given over to drunkenness, revel
ry and profaning the sacred vessel of
God. As a result, ha was weighed in the
balance of divine Justice and found
wanting too light."
Bo declared Itev. C. I Williams, of
the First United Brethren church, yes
terday In his sermon on the text, "Tekel,
thou art weighed In the balances and
art found wanting."
'We are wont to look to the distant
future for the great day of Judgment;
but every day Is a Judgment day. Every
day we are weighed In the) balances of
our Judgments, the balances of the pin
Ions of men and In the balances of Al
mighty Ood.
"False balances and weights in the
present commercial world are commo.i
customs of felony. But no more com
mon than the employing of false bal
ances in the Judging of our moral stand
ing. We weigh ourselves in the false
balances of comparative excellencies,
and find that we may be as good, or even !
bettor, than some we know. Or we are
weighed In tho balances of our own opin
ions, as the limn who went to the wed
ding without the proper nrh; the five
foolish virgins, or tho proud Tharlsec,
who boasted of his supposed virtues. Or
we may Weigh ourselves in the balance
of the opinions of men snd find that
there are always some who speak well
of us, no matter what our standing may
bo." Hut thee are all false scales. , Tin
only true balance la Divine Justice, end
lie places opposite to us" in that balance
His written word, by which every man
hall be and la being Judged."
For havestlng pea and bean vlnea
without bending the back a Michigan
man has Invented a rake-like tool
equipped with a cutting blade : that
gathers the vlnea together In bundles
as they ire cut.
W57 -9 leia .
The- QjjalitY' Stows or Portland
"Onr Special La
1 1 1 1 1 11 1 j -. i if 11 n
: 1 ...... .
w 1 1
Cold Storage for
Yoiir Pars
Arrange , now to have your, Furs
placed in our Cold Storage, specially
constructed (or the purpose. They'll
reinsured against fire, theft and moth.
Newest Fiction
Wa Eyes Harrison-1 1 .35
Within the Law Bayard Veiller, at
Polly Anna Porti. $1.25
Precious Waters Chishblm, f 1.25
i Bookstore, basement Annex
Hall Orders ruled
-rwherfi mothers may leave
infants and children In the
cafe of a trained nurse
while shopping in the store.
Fonrtn Floor Mala Building
You'll Be
Better Pleated
with the result of , yourT
kodaking wnen you. bring
your Films here to be print-
ed and developed by an ex-
pert from the. Eastman fac-'
tory-Mst. Floor, New Bldg.
j . v
These ,
r,"i !,':,:!' ,'i l 1 ' '
for 5000
yiftfe jnoo
Attend Tfus ijbrtdnt Event Tomorrow!
AlRopiffSale of Farnitttre Prices Unequaled)
Four jGreat Lots of Laces at Less Than xh Price I
Women's I S.50 to $18.50 Coats fm 1 2.65
"fTKree "Groups of Women's Wew' .Suits. Heduced
$25.00 to $30.00 Suits at Only $ 16.50
Suits for Misses arid Small Women, $ 17.50
$32.50 and $35.00 Suits at Only $23.50
. f
Beautiful One-PieceDreoses at S8.8S,$11.85,15.45, 13.50
Tailored and Dress Hats, $6.50 to $ 1 5, Offered at Jfo Price!
r. - - . . -
j Three Full Pages la Sunday Papers Detailed Scores of Oar Extraordinary Anniversary Events
S. H. ?M. Petticoats
Guaranteed 3 Months
The .makers 6 the famous S. H.
& M. Petticoats attach to each gif
ment a binding Three Months Guar
antee that these Petticoas-will not
crack or split durinp; that period. For
out Anniversary Sale,' we make ex
traordinary reductions on this line.
Theyre Petticoats of the new Duch
ess messaline, made in four styles
flounces pleated, or pin tucks, 'with
-inch bias folds. Another style
has pleated ruffle, with rows of fine
tucks; Ouster of pleating combined
with pin tucks. The popular two
toned shades and plain colors are included. Owing to the
extremely, low price and there being only 25o Petticoats
in this sale, we cannot accept telephone orders. Early selec-
Li- ! - J'- - 1-1 - r ! i.L.! ...
tion is advisable. During this
sale, your choice of these $6
and $6.50 S. Hr& M. Petti
coats at special CTQC
price'of . . . ..... .tJO.yO
Seton&fioor, Main Building,
Mail Orders Filled BMffrrl
E 5
WA Mi.
S. K M. rMk t tBI aMkte aww mm
USe New Willamette
This ts the first appearance of the New "Willamett Rotary."
Twould be most difficult to improve on the mechanism of these pop
ular Sewing Machines, so we are offering an improvement in style
Snd finish the Drop Front. Ask to see this handsome machine to
morrow. The new style has all the exclusive features of the regular models,
including the AUTOMATIC TENSION, by which the sheerest fab
ric and the heaviest materials may be sewn without the slightest
. .1. . r - j:.... i t:-
inaiigc ui BujuMincni. , lis
impossible also to clog the
"Willamette," and it may be
completely oiled from the
top a wonderful saving of
time and annoyance.
Come tomorrow and let
our expert explain this won
derful machine to .you. The
price is $35.00.
We've other styles of "Wil
lamettrs" at f32.50, f 35
and 90
Third TlooT Kala BnUdlBf
i l w if
j Jd La!
Our Trunk Department Is a BigFac-
tor In Solving the Question of Luggage!
Tomorrow's Special
$6.50 Oxford Bags
of genuine cowhide, durably made; has out gusset
leather corners and leather lined; two pockets; fij C 1 A
16-inch size.- Special tomorrow only. ..... .IiO U
Guaranteed for 5 Years
Against Fire, Theft, Loss
Damage or Destruction
! Ribbons!
Thousands of Yards at
Anniversary Prices
Demonstration and Sale ot the Celebrated
15c and 20c All-Silk Ribbons of heavy plain
taffeta and fancy warp prints; 3 and 3J4 inches
wide. Anniversary Sale price, special the 1 1
yard.;.. ...... .....r:.. ................ .1ZC
20c and 25c Ribbons of plain taffeta; alsd
fancy self colors and beautiful warp prints in all
colors, and 5l2 inches wide. Arini-
versarySa?e price, special the yard. .. . .. IDC
25c.Ribbons plain and heavy. Also, stripes
and fancy warp prints in all colors. 5 and 6
inches wide and wonderfully suited' for in
hair bows. Special the yard... 1C
Lingerie Ribbons
in 5-yard pieces; plain and block patterns,
white and (sky, pink, l a vender and red.
Nor i , piece 5c r t lA V piece 7c ; 2; piece 9c '
35c All-Silk Ribbons of heavy, taffeta, with
narrowafency edges. Also fancy prints in light
anddarksilrs ; 6 inches wide. Special p
therard. . , . .Z J)C
50j Ribbons of French faille,in attractive'
millinery colors.' Also fancy Bulgarian and
fancy warp prints. 5 and 7 inches wide. Q7
Special th e yard ................ . . ..... C
65c and 75c Ribbons in fancy Bulgarian col
ors and warp prints in dark colors ; 6 and 4
inches wide. Reduced for our Anniver- Jy
sary Sale, special the yard........ TfC
2 5c Messaline R ibbons
in all millinery colors, jas well as staple
colors. Offered special for this' sale, 1 A -the
yard.r..;........... 1 VC
w Aluminum Ware
55c "Wearever ' Sauce Pans
as illustrated, are ' light ;
will not discolor? Handles
are tinned to prevent getting
hot. For this Special qj
event, each . . , ... . ajftC
' 5
65c 'Wear-EverttewPana
-K)f pure aluminum, in 3-pt
size. They are 6ubstaritally
made and, will not - easily
acni. unered spec-
iauy at ea
9Sc "Wear-Ever" Preserving
Kettles of aluminum, in 2
quart sird, They're especially
suitable for use in canning sea
son; and can not be affected by
acids, or" become cor ff J
jtoded. Special,-aach-owty 0 x L
H.25 -Wear Ever" Covered
Sauce Pans of aluminum, as il
lustrated, without ipints, seams
or . soldered, parts. .They- are
3-quart'1iiie7"conyeni'ent fofJn
numerable hou sehold Oi,
uses. Eacrnmrty, : . i . . . : Cx V
25c kerchiefs, Ga. 9c
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, . gathered , from
broken lines that sell regularly from 15c to 25c. Of
fered tomorrow, each 9. They're of pure linen, and
sheer in quality.. Also broken lines of fiae lawn Ker
chiefs, with hand-embroidered "or machine work letters
in great variety. Hemstitched borders and najrlyall
letters are included. ' , -
50c to 75c lyeckwear; 33c
Women may choose tomorrow, dainty Neckwear of
latest conceits at greatly reduced prices Robespierre,
nf.j:.: i : i ..ii i i . ii..
racuiv.1 auu imperial collars m large aui uucui. mu
Plaueh Lafce Collars in white and ecru. Regularly r
50c and 75c. Special tomorrow, each for 33
All-Silk Velvet Ribbon Sale
Black and Colors -. -l'a
In. No. 9 Velvet Ribbons. Yd. 20c
2 In. No. 13 Velvet Ribbons. Yd. 25c
2'a In. No. 16 VelvetRibbons, Yd. 30c
25c Crochet Bovs at 10c
Threafor25c r
New Irish Crochet Bows, in variety of patterns,
attractively made with velvet colored ribbon. These -bdws
ire regularly 25c. Special tomorrow, 3 for 25
each 10e ' - ,: .
..,.,! ;- . ' w4(aU Ordsra TU14 '
sa -"ssi -
vniE- Q.ualitV Store- or1 Portland
, m flftlv xti'MoTTl90t Alder am ' ; ;