Tin: o:u:gon Sunday journal, Portland, Sunday morning, hay is. . 101: Because They Want Something You have something you wish to dispose offrame up a. want ad and insert it in j journal Someone wants what l you have. The cost is but a trifle. " -...LI .-.f. .""..I,,... ,,. . ,., .1.1. I I. ..I , II .I,.,.,,, - Thousands Read Journal Want Ads 17 (Continued) TUHEH GOOD BUYS. 7 aCres, lurid all In IilKh state of cultivation and within islght blocks of station fit Deaverton and within on lourth mil of new car shops. Plenty of fruit for family use. All personal property to no with the place, which Include 1 good mare, ft years old, liar noun and wagon, plow, harrow and all small todlav Hay to lam until' haying time. 66 full blood chicken. Wood uf flolont ' for C montha' uae. Good ran and aoins other household goods. $2000 cash will handle this deal, the balance on. very euay terms. The own er of this little farm la compelled to no east, so. It will pay you to aoe him and make an offer, on one of the beet buys to be found In the Tualatin valley, :.; ...-,....,. a voTUk.n. ....;..,:,.., : 6.09 acres, luud all In high state of cultivation and only. 10 minutes' walk iiuia muuun ai rttverion uuvu v tvum turn) house, piped ' for water, hot and cold water In house, bath, .toilet, etc, Good naw barn and other outbuildings, 111$ nearly all fenced with woven wire fence.1 Plenty ofvfrultfor family use . besides snout one ha it acro.ot urri. This place has been held at $5500, but on account of sickness In the family the owner Is forced to sell, and la prenared to offer a bargain. 12800 can stand on the buy. Make an offer and you are likely to get a bartejln . STII.T. ANOTHER. A- . ' j i ui.,.IIa tint. actus, acres m cuhiyuu"i airce easy to clear. Only one half mile rrom station on uregon jMecinc. w county road. This Is all good land and will bear investigation. The price la onlv 11600. Make us an offer as to your first pavmcnt. r . IN fittNKRAL. Bearerton la eight miles from Port land by wagon road and only alx mllea by direct line. We truly believe that we are In line for the next real develop ment around Portland and are sure that we can offer you some of the beat buys In this part Of the xuaiatin vauey. wiiy not set In line and In touch with the people whd have the situation In band. i i j, r lfluiju oc nun, , Beaverton, Or. - .- .25 Acre Farm All in Cultivation sr.-iiiTo farm, hlvhly Im- proved, all In cultivation, ttUlt new buildings, close to rail and river transportation, for $4000. SO miles from Portland. Land, is all tillable and planted to... crop: good new 8 room house, new barn, chicken house. Terms. Dorr E, Keasey fit Co, 2d Floor Cham, of Com, - .Choice Farms for Sale 12 Acres Near Vancouver, rich deep .. 06IU New9 room house; good outbuildings; . 4 acre orchard; 10 acres In croh. This Is a snap, as party In leaving the j state. Price $5000. 960 Acres Choice wheat land neaf Heppneri Or. Well improved and part In crop; $28 per acre; 1-3 down, terms on balance. T ,f. jPKl'FERT, 300 Journal bldg. BY OWNKR. Chicken, hog and fruit farm, close to Portland, close to electric car, 40 min ute service; about I acres in fruit, part bearing, all kinds; fine patoh clover, some timber. 7 hogs, th cow nd call, work marer 360 olitckens, 2 incubators, 3 brooders, all Implements needed, 1 gas runabout, fair buildings, good Vler, best of sandy loam soil, price 600. trade for Portland property iu ow, $1000 cash, good Uine on balance, 8 per cent Phone Woodlawn 1125, or write W. 1. 11NUL,BX, 828 Halght ave., Portland. Bargain Fine for Dairy Farm S3 acres, 2 miles N;V. of Gaston, Or , on main county road, telephone line: V4 Is in crop, balance pasture and first growth timber; fair buildings, good stock and everything that you need to make a Hying; lies rolling; .? $1400 runs 7 years at 7 per cent i - o ' ' . r U ) fJC I U6 n U 1 1 i (J 1 M J , ?12-21a t rnuniwr nn oinnnnc ty, tv.-ft'-'d-'. a rhnir 10 acre ranch Fi miles out on the Oregon Electric, tVi ...ji u nr fii.im Tl trior rl III Oil ttlfl 1 U- h latin river. 1 mile fi-om Tualatin. A vmmg orchard coming into bearing this year ntw room pTastered bungalow, good barn, chicken house arid cow BtabK PlprtVie lights in house and bftrn, 714) sores will be. in cultivation this year. W th all Btoi-K n4 Rino. iasad this p4''0 cn be had for $6600 r $350Q ..J.hTr nn hii ancp. . For fiirthel particulars address owner, bo 161, R. V. T. No. 1, fcsnerwoon; ur, T5T6M Fine dairy ranch, 239 acres, best farm uimnin uuuiitv. Stt nrilos from railroad and boat landing at Mt. Plea i, i. M mail and cream route, school house on place. room house, large barn, family, orchard, all cropa In. S head of stook, 2 horses, all machinery and farm Implement; water piped to liousa and barn. Will tell for cash or trade for good, Portland- city Vperth snrt rnsh will Swing It. Write to Koctier Bros., owners, Wttshougal, Wasn. R. -F. D. N Otl.Wtft-; - r- - VOli BALK 38 acres on olumbla er, near Lyle. 16 acres 3-year-ol pies. Newtown and Delicious. 17- r. . i ... ..IiIhi ' hAtlta 1 111 0 nbla riv id ap . acres itiawberrles, packing house, irnjKwn water ana numes. vmu i,ur. " unsurpassed. On nty roeA and telephone, also near boat landing and R R. Half mile to school, church tVv A ffood lnvestmtit. Write or ".n ritMr T. tl Coon. 265 K. 60th at Tot Sale bv Owner -"A' good dairy farm 6r 80 acres, good house and barn, stanchions for 12 cows, ,..L.S 5 m. Wvatir seuarator. ChiCK- FOh SAL15 FAKM3 ims hits, farm -teols- ftriti welt watweJ, .. J?om to Oregon City and Portland. Will take city property iu or vut. wi land, eady terms. C. A. Rosecrans, Or eaon City. Oregon, route 2. box 36. gf6ck ranch, 479 acres, fenced and cross fenced with, woven wire, house, barn, orchard, 120 acres- Tich bottom land and under cultivation; H nlles from Sutherlin on S. P. R. .4 TThlt Is luv rich Irrigated apple belt, and line purchase at $22.60 per acre. ----- j SECURITy DEVELOPMENT CO -276 Pine St. : v Bargain Must sell my 36 acres close to Ore gon . Electric, 40 m. Portland, finest ' of soil, all in cult., small houe and barn; 10 acres in crop. Low price, easy terms. Mlglt take $2000 clty property ss part payment. . Cladek. owner, 20 Washington bldg. FOR SAIJS or fent. 18 acres one mile north Buttevllle, on Oregon Electric R R.; part crop-in, fine beaverdam . cblckens. cow. household goods. Must have- about $300. Phone C-2478. 3U0 Vancouver ave.. city. b6 NOT SPECULATE. See me and learn how a small Invest ment will make you the owner of prop erty that will take care of your, family i and self the balance of your life. - P. O. , Box 49S. , : . ,, . iio ACRES of land 4 miles from The ' Dalles, on good county road;, school- .'.house on property; 240 aoret farm land. , balance psatare, prKe $2Saper acre, half trade, asy terms. Box 192, The Dalles, Or. WHY TAKIJ CHANCES WheWtttO-iiriYw poeeessinn of pre) .make you inaependentr Box 4B5. 1 AJI owner of several farm. If you want I ' bafrrain and easy terms, wTite bo 832, Portland. ' . . " ' ' . ;. . 17 e i ' The Rancher's Chance 660 acres, 400 acrea very beet river bottom, 160 ncrea pratrje, 176 acrea bottom land in crop, houses, 7 and 8 rooms; 1 large dairy barn, 3 other barns, large power creamery plant, complete . with all kinds dairy ma ' chlnery; work shop, black-' smltn shop and tools, gar- . age, poultry houses, -root cellars, stock scales; water piped to house and bams; set of farm machinery; barbs will hold 600 tons feed; ranch will produce enough feed for 200 head of ' cattle; plenty water and , , pasture;, nice place to live: thickly settled community! I miles .to town; railroad -1 station on land; school on 4 land; groceries delivered, at -your door: telephone in house! handy to bent mar kets In state; good wagon', and auto roads; Income over $8000 per year. - This . ranch can oe bought for ' SO per cent less than pres . ent actual value; price $73 per acre; $16,000 oash, bal- ance years, 0 per cent In terest. -Owner will oonaider -' trade up to 118,000 or $20. 000 A-l Portland or Seattle ' Income property. Full ln formation at our office. . 40 acrea, best shot .clay, land, 8 acres In cultivation, balance in pasture, easy to clear, Stt miles to town, H mile to lnterurban railway; small house and barn; price $2260; $700 cash, balance 8 . years,' 1 per cent Interest. ' 6 seres; no better soil anywhere; 2 ft acres in . clover, balance ' easy to clear, ' mile to round house, machine shops, shingle and sawmills, H mile to city limits of the., fastest growing town In the state; land adjoining this can't be bought for $600 per acre; price $220 per acre; 1300 cash, balance 3 years; 7 per cent Interest All kinds of ranches, -farms, timber lands, Im proved and vacant suburban and city property; also sea . coast bathing beach prop erty. Prices very low and 7 "Riverside Land Co. 4 Railway Exchange bldg., -or 266 Stark at., Portland, Or. . 43 acres, 2 miles from railroad, 6 acrea in cultivation, $2700, $400 cash, balance 6 years, per ent. 240 acres for $10,000, $2600 casli. tVill take Smaller farm In Willamette valley, good house, barn, 39 acres In cultivation. 160 acres in Marion county at $20 an acre, $260 cash will handle it. Bat. 10 years. 68 acres, 3 mile from R. R. town; 15 acres (Jn cultivation, or chard, 2 cows, 1 yearling, team, etc., Implements. Black soli, $2600, $1000 handles it 2d floor Chamber Com. bldg. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, BANK TOOK IT IN. Stock and Grain Ranch, - Don't you want a stock and grain ranch- where conditions are perfect for certain success? We have got it In a remarkable bargain cheapest good ranch we know of r 640 aores la Gilliam county, Oregon, near Condon,- all under fence, 260 acres In wheat, about 40 acres more suitable for alfalfa, balance fine eraaa land for cattle and hoes. With 2 living streams running through It. Here living streams run; FOH v8 ALE r'AI'.MS (Continued) FARMS ON EASY JTlCfEDfy) yotf 4ave- plenty of grass, plenty tun0wn6f wiU furnish implements, good; nine: water and plenty of grain land to grow feed for cattle and hogs. Every condition for success. The 260 acrei of wneai iana are worm auuui wnai we are asking for the 640 acres. A bank loaned on this ranch 7200, which makes its probable value about $12,000. We are authorized to sen u ror jsuuo, zouu Cash, balance easy terms. 603 Veon bldg. Marshall 2443 40 Acres $800 Excellent soil, good spring water and line trout stream through lana. on county road with R. V. D., 9 tniles from railroad, near Kelso, Cowlits county, Washington. Few acres ' under cultiva tln, 8 acres seeded to tlhiothy and clov er, uooa sningie nouse. caoin ana out buildings. Young family orchard. A snap at $800, $600 conn. Kauftmann k Moore 325 Jaimber Exchange. Choice Farms for Sale 787 Acres Near The Dalles, All deep . sou ana piow tana, a-i ouzia , lug; 235 acres in gram; 260 acres hog fenced; $10,000 Will Handle. 200 Acres Dairy ranch hear Drain twoa buildings; rich sou; stock ana crop goes witn farm, will 1 take all or part Portland prop. - 'rty-Price $10,000. T. 3. ..SEUFRRT,- 800 Journal bldg. 1 60 Acre Bargain $860 an Sere. 20 acres mmtdow lanrt balance rolling with lots of pasture. Some piling timber, about 8 acres has been cleared, one mile from school and cheese factory. About 1 mile from main county road, located in Seotlon 38. town ship 8 8., R. 8 west; near own of JACOB HAAS, 808 Grllnger bldg. ' ,. POULliRY, FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACT. II aores. good rich soiL all nniW oniti. vation, small bearing orchard of prunes, cherries. SDDles and bears. eom rranna Also young orchard, small house and wen, located on mam road within 1H miles of modern little, town: Ideal for Doultrv: eood market: unhiovmoni rienruy n uemrea; a oargain ror $1380; one fourth cash, balance easy ' terms. L-814, Journal. . Look! Just Think. 489 ACRES. 80 In crona nH good 6 room house, 2 good barns, other uildings, fine stream, good orchard 3 acres, also several hundred grapes, 6 miles n R. R. . atation- aoh Only $26 per acre. Terms. I have others. $16 Chamber Commerce. Ideal poultry and fruit farm; 140 acres, located on Main county road 1 mile from depot at Mosler ;e acres of tht Is f lue-orchard- land, io acres under cultivation and balanra a.iiu cleared: good spring; ideal for poultry and fruit; price $10,800. Will take unltw cumbtsred Portland xfroperty up to $7500. E-877, Journal. CAN Y6U J.1EAT TH1H 160. acrcs,underixilgaUom $i3.s-n acw Water there now, every acre good and under fence, miles to Baker City, uii miun. iuhu, cnu kiso aet lavorable lease on adloinlng 160 fully Improved. il m. carquevilLei . T03 Selling bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 (Continued) There Is N6 Excuse For you not owning a little farm. 20 ACRES. All deep, rich soil, mostly now In good open pasture, easy to clr-ar, a little timber for fuel, Nice spring, creek. On main county road, 4 miles from town, 36 miles from Portland. Price $600. Fa vorable terms. 2 Acres " Practically all in cultivation good soil, family orchard, spring water piped to house, 3 room house! good barn. etc. Abundance of free outrauga. On' phono line, Tfe tn jrx L. .. l ......... . n iv. r. u., iiktu unc iuau. a miles from town and 40 miles from Portland, Price $860, Borne terms, . 40 Acres - " Good soil, lies well, practically all .tillable when cleared, Xxk acres cleared and In cultivation; aores grubbed and piled ready to burn, balance piling and cedar timber worth ar least $400; M acre of strawberries; -young family or chard. Spring water at the house, Nearly . new house; small .barn. On main county road and phone HnercioSCto R. F. 1). and school; 24 miles- from town, -40 miles' from Portland. Price $2000. Terms $300 cash - P, E, Alvord til Board of Trade. STOCK RANCHES. 160 acrsa all levvl. prons ail In. house. barn, running water; sDrlnsa. cattle. horses, wagons, tools, Implements, ma chinery, everytning goes with place for $3250. Terms, $1600 down, 2660 aores, 400 bottom land tinder Ir rigation, 100 acres alfalfa, 200 acres train, I miles from main line railroad own. Vlulldlnia mat I id. 0(10. 100 Clydesdale horses; $6000 - will handle this lace. -140 aores. on river: house, barn, fruits. berries, lots of feed and government out range, 7 miles rrom town. Ail Kinas or fish: deer. bear. lk. eta In the coast country. $24.90 per acre. You can take a homestead adjoining If desired. Terms if desired. 1600 acres, controlling water holes of very extensive range, 2 sets buildings. Range permits, 400 acres In cultivation. a great piace. fiz.ou per acre. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. TT St. Charles Hotel, Portland, Or, Diversified Dairy Farm' First class Investment that will beat the strictest investigation. Two ad joining farms comprising approximately 886 acres, valued at $65,000 In addition to Improvements: thrt dwellings, sev eral feed barns and the most modern dairy barns on the Paclfio coast with spring water piped to the buildings; tttrt lap allna nntlChtn Kt1ln. Ice house, laundry buildings; registered cows and horses at inventory value. The milk product selling off of this place for $2000 per month and increasing. Own er who lives In the city Is unable to give the growing business the proper atten tion. For sale or exchange foe city real estate. 8-493, Journal. WANTED FARMS 88 FARMS wanted; sell direct to buyers. cut out agents and savw commissions, write for selling plan immediately. Mu tust Realty Aesn., uept. 6, Soledad. Cal. uuuu ranch near the coast; will give gooa city property and assume, Clark, xwain B8, Z6 wasningto-n st. FOR RENTFARMS 14 $10 per month For lease, chicken ranch 1 year or more, z acres, nouse or 8 rooms, chicken house, 1, acres wired In 6 foot chicken wire, acre clear,- shed ceuar, won, 40 minutes' nae rrom fort land, 6 minutes to walk to car, school, grocery ana cnuran, uresnam or cas aflero ?ar, rare 10c z-zzs, Journal. 13 ACRES, half in cultivation, rest cleared in pasture, house, barn, out building, on Powell valley road; cheap rent: lease, uast 1V4. TO RENT Improved farm; you must nave two norses ana narness ana eeeq. house and barn. Box 832, Portland. 120 ACRES near Portland, 30 cultivated, good improvements. Marshall 4440, mornings, evenings. SMALL well located Improved raftoh, crop bldg. ready for harvest. 620 -Henry DAIRY ranch to rent. 4 miles to city, perfect road, running -water. Chap- mwn, goa i.,timper Kxchange. J. R03IESTEADB 47 sssejstAsSa'asrfeisw 191$ edition Advantages of Oregon. 140 page book" describing Oregon and amount of government land open to homestead in each county, for what best adapted; new homestead law, desert, timber, stone, coal, mineral laws; school land in each county, laws, price, how to obtain; describes government land open 10 nomestead in every county in v. . Book 2 Sc. Oreiron man ahowlna tl. 8. land districts, R. R. in operation, under construction and proposed, Including eastern and central Oregon. 26c. Ed- ward Nim,mo, 424 Hamilton bldg. SALESMAN- for general mercantile trade in Oreeon. to sell a new urono- ettlon 6f nierlt. Tfaeancy Juhel7 At tractive commission contract, $38 week ly ior expenses. Miies v. nixier vo., wnoiesaie jewelers, an uarim oiag. yisYeranu, uriio, 1000 MlOxcursion, $55 Pays all expenses round trie. Through Lake, Crook and Harney counties, choice homesteads and relinquishments; $75 pays surveying locating Tees. Tickets 622 Chamber of Commerce. , $20 ACRES of fine land In Malheur -county, a miles from R. R. station. Two years' development work done. Will relinquish for 32000. Can secure patent in one year. Quick action neces sary. , C. B. Clement Annex hotel. 120 ACRES homestead relinquishment, 60 acres guaranteed vine maple bottom land easily cleared,' .balance fir timber on nice creek and wagon road; near new R R.;$300. 603 Oregonlan bldg. CHOICE homesteads ancTdesert claims, exclusive valley lands, with railway In sight, Malheur county.- Address Wm. Oscar Mast, cor. 2d and Ash sts., Port land. HOMESTEAD In the best farming lo callty in Oregon; good roads, school, close to R.' R. town; good water; loca tion guaranteed, call room fi, Oak hotel. Oak st. .; - ' - ADVENTIST settlement. 80 acres to sell". How many acres do you want? Iivel, good Soil, fenced, part improved. Terms. fcA-yzr, journal. TWO homesteads, will cruse 8 million fine timoer, i mne irom Jtt it. ana river. Price $500. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO., . 20 ACRES irrigated homestead relln nuiahmant. near -Hermiston. Or.. : ex change lor casaor value in trade. J- 481, journal. - - HOMESTEADS, des(rable, good . land location; one dav from Portland; near town and railroad. Covey, 267 Oak. Room 21 WANT to hear of a good homestead or relinouishmegt. (tve price and loca tion. i45, journal. JOIM California land excursion to Yuba Valley. June 14; fre f are coupon. A. M.JnhhouHe..r441Chambtr.Coinm ere aj JOIN California land .excursion to Yuba valley May 17; free-rare coupon. A. M. Hlgnhouse. 441 Chamber Commerce, SO ACRW homestead. Lincoln county,. 40 tillable and nearly cleared, eood soil: $150. -513 lluchanan bldg. 1 . HOMESTEADS . 47 (Continued) 120-ACR10 homestead within 2 miles of Waldport. On coast, In , mile of tidewater, abundance of fish, Stock and dairy farm. Fine hunting.. $600 cash or equivalent. JIOMKKTEAD EEALTf CO., . - 2.H2V4 WeshliiKton St. L6N"r. wait until all the good lands are gone; use your land rignts.on the bt to be had; 220 or 480 acres, near rail road now building: level, rich soil, no rock, good water; timber free; unllmltd stock range. Main 8774, 11 4th St. FIIUT LANDS 43 40 ACRB8 frultland 16 miles trom White balmon, Wash., and half mile from Gilmer poetof flee, hotel and school. This land can ba had at a bar gain, If taken nt once. Price $28 per acre, i nave 120 acres of land 6 miies from Mosler. Oregon. Price $14 per acre, peter Dohm, The Dalles, or., 60 M. 2nd. - TIMBER 28 TIMBER In' large and small tracts up to o,uuo,ouu,uuu icet, Oregon ana Brit ish Columbia, also sawmill propositions. If you are looking for timber or mill, see me.1 D. Stevejia 622 Corbett bldg. Ti Mb H.H LANU8 llOUOHT AND bOl.U. I R. NUCK. 214 COMMERCIAL BDQ, FOR SALE OR' RES V BEACH PROPERTY BEACH cottage for rent; V, of 8 room, double cottage on Cannon beach, par tlallr furnished, to rent for season. It is located In one of the prettiest spots on Cannon beach, where It Is quiet, and excellent bathing place. Rent -very MCH,.,. Ul PI.CIICI J . IIJQ I11UUII ,1.11. T. H . I , reasonable to right party. -Apply John b. Mean.' 309 Kast ysinnin street. " PLATTlHO PROPOSITION ' Ocean beach frontage. 60 acres, three miles nortn or uearnart rarx. rrice low for quick sale. Box 412, Seaside, Or. ANY part of 1000 beach lots at $12 each to trade for Improved Portland prop erty Main 1488. j FURNISHED cottage at Bay Ocean for rent. All or part of season. Phone Main 1817 or call 608 Henry bldg WANTED Beach hotel; have city prop erty, w. Kf cummins, k. 7 tin in. FOR SALE Cottage Long Beach, Wash. fnone wooaiawn zuiz. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Acres for Equity 4 acres on Germantown road, price $2500, and worth It; trade for close in bungalow or house to $3600. See Cowie, 402 Wilcox bldg. . 160 ACRES Houlh Daaoterwland, unen cumbered, same county state capltoI. to exchange for good east side residence of 6 to 7 rooms; will assume. Y-G92, Journal. i'OR EXCHANGE Modern new busl- ness block in southern Oreeon town of60G0. Income $1400 per year. Price $18,000, to exchange for Improved farm near Portland, TX-627, Journal Orchard for House I0-A., fins young orchard; no mort gage. Will exchange far- equity In a louse, w. H kosh, 61 B ppaiaing Diag. TO EXCHANGE A good general busl- ness. in (rood place, ror trade ror a good small farm not too far from Port- nnd. in is is a good chance, value aoout $8000. KX-392, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE h3 acre dairy farm, near city limits, Vancouver, vvaan.. for Portland income property; no com mission, owner, can Tanor 8S71. 800 equity, 21 well furnished house- xeping rooms, ail run, to trade ror nouse anj tot or good 5 passenger auto. 4u fj. taimn. i-none u-ivii. TO EXCHANGE 2 lots, 60x108, worth suou, ror grooery, conreotionery, rur- niture. auto, diamonds or wnat nave you valued Viik and upr u-48, journal. FOR SAlik or trade for Chicago prop erty. Modern 6 room house on Tabor Heights, elegant east view, fruits, eta Price 33600. See Harbolt, Dewls bldg. f OWN a house and 6 lots, also several rich acres at big resort, best market dally trains; debt compels sale or partly trade. 388 Amsworth ave. LEASE and furniture, paying apart ment, Portland property, olose in acreage, to trade for a good farm. V 071 T 7 EXCiiANOB In - Koe City Park, on 62d St.. bet. Tillamook and Thompson. will exchange 2 lots for first mortgage pn city property. p-$ti, journal. 1HE finest corner on Dekum ave., In eluding a store doing good cash husl ness, for a modern bungalow. Phone Woodlawn 2388. . : - HAVE $100 in two choice lots. and 1912 80 Jl. P. Roadster, mechanically Per fect; exchange for -house. Will assume g;rrerence..g.rBA.,J.ournni. HAVE a beautiful new home in fin residence district, hard surface Days men t in ana an paia ror; win take au tomobile as first Payment. P; O. bo 28 ii EIGHT room houses.. 3 lots and a trOOil bakerv business for sale Or trails ror up-io-aate iarm. jB-a, uregon City, or K-381. Jonrhst. 700 equity in good 6 room house in South Portland to -trade for a 6 pas- snnjrer buto oev nmranon oiar. ANY nart of 1000 beach lots ni 113 nrh to trade for improved Portland prop erty, main utis. UNINCUMBERED Dronertv want..! will exchanga a good business for it. 808 Gerltnger bldg. YOR SALE or trade for Bend, property, 6 (tres-naar Meldrum. Oreeon Cltv car line, uwnur, oox irena. or. WILL take your lot. Usht auto or amal store on nanuwime 6 room new bun galow; owner, u-sn, journal, 40 ACRES land to trade for 4 pass. Ford in good condition. Box 80. Garden Home, Or. HOME telephone bonds at par, acreage or tot s iirni payment on new louu nouse. ; - EXCJIANCE House and lots for ni proved or partly improved farm. . B am, journal. WE exchange what you have for what j w tl nuw lefBi uc jL.aaA, 111 oilvr- iock bldg., -3d and uak. Marshall 8154. WANTED To trade my 8864' eouitv in Portland lot for milk cows or work horsrs. Box 225. Bllverton Or. V IN P. Portland home and Vancouver cottage to tradefor farm or acreage. 3. M. Venard 60f McKay bldg. TEN acres for sale or trade for city property. Oregon juiectric. ties owner, y ti. zuin st. WE have all kinds of property to trade Dotn in ana out or me ouv. wortnen st Anyeil ii yiiam. . oi vommaroe. 40 ACRES yellow pine and good land,' clear of incumbrance, to exchange for store or pusiness. toi loucn Diag. SOME lots,, clear of Incumbrance, on joos way, to exenange ror conreotion ery store. Boms cash also. 60$ Couch. HAVE acreage to exchange for grocery .store, or some other good business. L-818, Journal . - CLEAR land to exchange .for good -'.'equity or clear 6 room modern house In restricted district. P-677, Journal. 80x100 lot. small house, no incumbrance, $2600.. Trade for farm or -acreage. gmlth-Wagoner Co., 312 Lewis bldg. WILL trade- my fine Bull dog for. mu. -cal instrument; what have yout E 6399. - ' . . . f '-, ' BEAUTIFUL 5 acre tract near San Di ego, Cal., to exchange for clear Port land property. 8-96$, Journal. 11300 EQUITY 10 acrei in cultivation. , near oity, small house,, well, chicken nnimrs; w-i, journal. SPASHEN'GER auto. Jiist overhaul for good bonding lot. Pnone Tab 66 ACREAGE In exchange for residence. MV K. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg, 55 MR ER'tland to exchange "for house and lot. Address a-317, journal. . . EXaiANOK REAL ESTATE 21 (Oontlnnsd) : MERIT ' 80 acres, fine fruit land; 4 H miles Lyle, Wash;, all tillable, 8 acres cleared, 3 room house, large barn, spring, 50,000 ft. big timber, also, some small scrub oak. $5200; clear Qf Incumbrance. Want vacant lots in Portland la exchange. . , 23 acres, $700 an aore, 1 miles S. B. Mllwaukle; .all under cul tivation, mortgage $5000; equity $11,000. Want good quarter block; will asssume some; pre-. fer cast side residence district. 80 acres, $10,000; clear of In cumbrance, -fi miles Lyle, wash., all tillable. 8 to 10 aeres in full bearing orchard; balance sae brush and pasture; all fenced, 6 room, t story house, barn, sheds, fruit cellar poultry park, 1 wells. Want Income propertv of same amount or double. Will, assume or pay cash for the dif ference. ' - Dorr-E, Keasey &-er- 2d floor Chamber oi Commerce bldg, , For Oregon. 'Wash, or Cal lands, either arrtcuiiurai or timber, or improved larm. as rouows: $350,000 i.;.-rr;; Income $30,000 iatiO.UOO ....... ..Income $24 000 826, 000 .......Income $30,0nn ttk nun . tnm. Tie VVe can exchange all or part of the above property ror western lands. 609 Rothchlld bldg. 14 f-4 Acres on Electric Line, Trade, 14 acres, facing on Or. Elee. " . line, all finest rich black loam garden land; Small grove for wood, close to station, store and school. Just the place for a raying chicken ranch; fronts on wo county roads; clear title: no mortgage. . Price $2850; will trade fojjfcPortland property. Dorr t. Keasey & Co., 2d Floor Chamber ol Commerce. Overlook Will Trade . $3850 7 rooms, block to car; has paneled living and din ing room, library. 1 bedroom on basement, furnace, lot 60x100. Will take lot In iod location as flrt payment on this verv desirable property. Dorr E( Keasey & Co. r2d floor Chamber ol Commerce bldg. HAVB A FINE GROCKRT In best location, to exchange for acreage partly improved, or house and lot. Price 11760; no equi ties. See Robards, IHAPIN-HERL,oW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 84 Floor Chamber of Commerce. MR. HOMESEEKER, Any one desiring a location In 8-mile circle less than 5. minutes to car, nearly ft acre with neat little bungalow, fraded streets, sidewalks, city water: he place 1 adapted for chickens, fruit and garden truck. Price $2000, good terms; would consider trade on C. & E. Railroad at Toledo, or-westtoNewport, st same value. S. U Hanson, Rv F. D. No. l. Box 904. Portland. Or. $20 ACRES; 8 acres first class, 9 year old annie orchards; oug.it to bring in 21600 this fall; 1,600.000 ft. timber; al falfa and clover field: 200 acres, tilla ble; fine oreek, good countv road; tele phone, R. F. D.; price $10,000; will take all or part In city property. C. McCoy owner, 650 Taylor, si. .. Trade in Your Lot On new 6 room bungalow, cement base ment, best plumbing, electric lights, all tinted, window shades, cash value $2500, Balance can be-paid $16 month. 616 ADington ping; 6 ROOM house with improvements, fur nished completely. Terms can be ar ranged or will exchange for something clear. Call C. F. Parker, Main 1721. A- 4101. ..- I WILL trade mv 660-acre ranch near Toledo. Or., on Main Co. road for ood Portland property;, describe runy in first letter;, will deal with owners only, W. D. Mixter, Albany, Oregon FINE 7 room house, furnished and large business lot located on r ok tier Koa.il lot 40x100. on corner. Must sell be. cause of sickness, at-ence; Call Cs F, Parker, wain ljzt, A-48U1 Lots for .Eduitv 2 lots Berkley addition, corner, price iisoo. trade ror nouse close in to 13000. wee cowie, 40 wiicox Diog. HOTEL for sale or exchange: 130 room in best location in Portland, doing fine business, but must sell on account of other business. Can c. r , Parker, Main I72lv of. A-48.pi, 13 ROOM apartment house, also some beach lots to trade; sunurban prop erty; will not assume; owners only, - 8 348, journal. 80 ACRESTCoos Bay, ft mjle from deep water; want tract near Portland, or good home. Price $3280. T. F. HadJev, aio HPammg tun k. HAVE modern 6 room bunsolow to' ex' change for lot in or near sunnyside district, yaii c .,raraer, main -ivtit Or A'DI. .. . ;. WILL trade 40 aeres wheat land at Eureka, Wash., for Seavlew ' cottage; this land produced 1200 worth of wheat last year. Room 2T Wash. Bid r. MY- modern bungalow on .Corner near car, east side, restricted district; for your lots. Show me What you have. Z-223, Journal. . . r ' 22 ACRES in Beaverton; all in cuitl- Vation; ft nour riae rrom Portland. Kanv terms. " Take some trade. C. F. Parker. Phone Main 1721 or A-4801. 160-DfAiIOND ring as first payment on city lot. not over 1400. A-343. Journal. ; ANY amount from $50 up to loan on lots or houses.- W. IL Seits A Co.. 310 Spalding ma g. WILL trade 10 acres for house and lot. price $1000. Coil C F. Parker, Main iyzi, or A-B. WANTED, olose in, 7 or 8 room house and small -lot. call C F. " Parker, Main 1721 or A-4801. 7000 WORTH of City property,- ex change for land: no Incumbrance. i aoor jtawa. : . " ' WELD located bosses anr4 lota to trale . for small farm acreage. x-Staley, 213 itauway.r.x. HA V IMews- lH,-an4 wH4 trwde f or f - auto, diamonds or auvthinr of valua. Pee Bcott, 620 Worcester Pld lr. 160 ACRE rellnquishmeut; anything of value. V-297. Journal. - - . BUSINESS corner" for sale, or trade for" residence property. i-;,8. Journal, MMM INCOME EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 (Continued) " ' For Exchange 10 acres, 7 cluHred, nouse and barn; want lot and small payment rash, balance long' time; price. $2800. " ; Vi acres, all cleared, 6 acres orchard; fins soli; close to car line and station; 13 miles from city; price $2800. Want house and - lot same value. Have two lots In fine district, cluar of incumbrance; want small acreage same value. Have nice 6 room house and lot, no incumbrance, to trade for . 6 acres: must have some" orchard and buildings; pride $2300; Will not assume. One of the finest orchards In the northwest; 80 acres, SO acres In bearing fruit and has full crop' this year. , Orchard will nay $2500 this year. Located In fine fruit district, close to Portland; 2 Mi miles from good town; pries $25, 000; will take some trade and ar range balance to suit . Dryer & Dryer THii; ACREAGE MEN ' 204, Railway Exchange bldg. 8 t2 'Acres Near Salem This is a hlahlv lmnrOvad llttln farm. lies on two county roads; "Just a short distance out of Salem and close to the H. P. railroad and station; all in cultlva. tlon and -the very best of rich garden land: nice house and outbuildings: dandy family orchard in full bearing with va riety of fruit. The cash price Is $3800, but will trade It off for a home of the same value in the city if your value la not Inflated;-You -ean't beat this trade If you want' a small farm. Kalph Ackley Land Co, ' 204 Palllns- bids. 2j ACRES, beaverdam, fine old orch ard, all In high state of cultivation; right at eleotrio station. Want larcer farm farther out.. 6 -room modern, cottage on 50x100 corner, clear of incumbrance. ' Want small farm partly improved. Will as sume. . ... . - ,- ' 820 sores nlow land at Arden. Itarnev Co., clear of incumbrance. Will trade ror wiuamette vauey, ana assumq. 80 acres unimproved in Clark Co., clear of incumbrance. Will trade for City and assume. 614 Abington P1K. Main 8843. HUE, SEE CLARK. We have timber, farms, acreage, home-" steads, houses, lots and good income flats free of Incumbrance. Our clients will give, you a good trade and assume If you mTve what they want. tub imri a JAiinR fn. Mailt 6869. 269 Wash. st. A-6267. WANTS FARM AND EQUIPMENT. $3500 first Payment, consisting of house In small southern Oregon town. and partly improved 160 acres In same locality, an unencumbered, we orrer this as first payment on Improved farm with some stock - and equipment, and will assume or give mortgage for bal ance. This proposition should appeal to any one who has a farm to sell on rood terms. Lueddemahn, Ruley & Co., 13 Chamber of Commerce. AM called east and offer my 10-acre tract at Clackamas station, all in cul tivation, good buildings, ohickens, ducks, Incubators, $225 worth of -strawberries and lots of other small fruit. 40. fruit trees, 4ft aores potatoes: a very desir able home. Will, take $3000 Portland property and give time On balance. May oonaider eastern property.- 639 Homll- ton Didg. Exchange We have desirable property to ex change, houses and lots for acreage, and acreage for houses and lots. If you want to exchange on a cash basis, sea us. , GLENART REALTT CO. (Ino.) 421-423 cnamber or commerce. iO-ACHE farm near Pacifio Highway. miles north Vancouver, Wash., ail In crop, orchard, grapes, lft acres aspara- gusr beaverdam, good for $2000 a year in onions; buildings, troutstream water power. Trade for auto or city property, reasonable basis, c. A. cook, 628 wor cester piag., roniana, ur, 80 ACRES near Carlton, Washington County, well Improved and v fine rami: acres prunes, walnut trees, Price $7600. Will accept Portland property up to $6000; . must be good time on balance, s.iy Hamilton bldg. $0 ACRES, 45 in crop, fair house,' new barn and other improvements. Also 105 acres partly Improved, both near elei-trlo line in Idaho. -Will trade -fer Willamette valley or Portland, and as sums or Dav difference. See owner at 1614 Abington bldg. 146 AN ACRE. 160 acres in Lincoln county, all stocked with cows. 8 horses and neces sary implements: 40 acres in cultivation, i acres rine orcnara. i acre smau rruit. Will uke all or part trade. - 403 Lumber rcxchanire,. 2d and Stark. FOR TRADE 35000 residence Dronertv in Portland, Or., to trade In as first Fiayment on smau nairy or siock rancn, mproved with, stock. Coast counties preferred. No agents, owner, 1031 E, iitn stj worth. FINE 5 roonr bungalow,:-all -improve ments on lot, 50x200, located in Al horta Hlstrlr-t. PrlCA 12300. half eumh will handle, or will exchange for some thing clear, call C. a, Parker, Main 1721. or A-480J. . . ' ' ' - 160 ACRES Improved farm In Lincoln county, 4 miles from town on rail road, close to school, on level county rnad. rich soil; , cash price $3200, clear or incumbrance: want city nronertv. uiauae coie, si? Boarq or Trade bldg. ' WANT 2 small hew houses; will give splendid east side apartment Slte..lear from in cumbrance. See owner. Sltt'Srialdino- bid. for bale, or exenange, acrea of bea verdam land, leased xor $350 per year, right at Beaverton; will sell or ex change for house and lot or larger farm. uwner, sazft Mississippi ave, -. EXCHANGE BY OWNER. 81500. Corner with 9 room house, 60x100 lot. close in. land or city property; Price must be rlg.it. Address B-387. Journal, 76 ROOM, new furnished hotel, located in tne heart or Dusmess district. Must sell on account of Other business. Call C. F. Parker, Main 1721.A-4801. TRADE. 2 stood beaoh lots, no incumbrance. SO by 100 each, for piano or furniture. ' Y 647, Journal. , FOR SALE or . trade, modern 7 room house In Portland for Califoroiarprop erty or vacant lots In Portland. Phone Hellwood 626. FOR EXCHANGE by owner, 160 acres A-l fruit land, The Dalles, Or, SO acres A-l fruit land. Hood -River, Or. B. C. Fisher. 894 Jefferson at. 35 ACRES -In Yamhill Co., near Bherl- dan. Want bungalow. Will assume mortgage and buy furniture, X-467. Journal. : r . ' MY equity In 5 room bungalow, 10 mln-utea- from 1st and Alder; -will take horses, cows or clear lot. P-272, Journal. $aoo EQUITY ln-8-gooif lots-in Klamath . Falls. Balance due 3800.- What hava you to trade? Phone Sollwood 660. WPLL trade my 16-room apt. house at 172 Broadway, for a clear lot. Call Main 910.1. WILL tra-te $SOo6 Portland home. for ttmber - tarn for1 wnrmproredprot'erty. f N-278, Journal Jk . WILI 000. trade SiletS' timber claim, g.Odo, for Portland property or acres. 0-2US, Journal. TvTTA. traile 4 iassenirnr ro(iiier for cheap city lot. U-4, Journal. EXCIIAXGE-UEAL EST AT V. '. (Continued) Exchanges Priced. Right 7 room rnoiit-rn bungalow, on loiir lot 80x101; line gas ratine and vni- r heater; price $;i50i; wants ranch of ti u less than 80 acres with some linj.roe ments. 8 room bungaVow on 8$i3xlf)0 lot; Price $8600, mortgage $1060, 7 per cent; wants acreage close In or store in sub urbs. , " " ' , . 640 acres In Lake county price onlv $10 per acre; will trade for house hvhi to full alue; will not assume, I acres near White Salmon; nothing better anywhere; want house, spurt mcnt house or business here up to $500. .- .- . - 80 acres raw Jand In Linn " count v, price $2000; want house in city; wi.l assume,. We exchange property that Is prIcA l right, and try to please both parties. If you are not satisfied with -what you have now. see our exchange denartmenL and get what you do want. ; , -,.- . KXohange Department or HOMB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY,' Builders of ' H " Tallor-Made Homes." lMlXhartibat-of-tmmert- Main 744T. Wheat Earm Over 2000 acres, very well improved, 800 In wheat, a sroori all-around nluce: consider any good mninoumbcred prop erty to $85,000. , rnis is la dandy, 00 acres, r, r. sta- .-V.. " V. I .... I. Ul .HI III. tilt? 1 I Kll.l I . I , 75 ready to put In alfalfa; very fine house and barn, ZOO good wheat land, $40 per acre; take good Portland prop erty, 1120 acre farm, 100 best of farm land. 4 miles to R. R.. clear of mt.. rri: $26,000; consider good Portland prop erty. . ' . . 3880 acre farm, nearly all under plow. of expense to owner; outfit and horses worth $20,000; - water piped into very best of buildings: everything clear of Incumbrance; $30 per acre; , consider good Portland property.- ' Fine farm, close to Lebanon, over 200 acres. $85 per acre: want some Cash. remainder good Portland property, . V. u k. jutKJKN, 617 Board ot Trade sing. COUNTRY HOME FOR CITS' PROP ERTY. -15 acres. T acres bearing prunes'. li acres apples and pears, 2 acres garden land, 2ft acrea young prune ori-napi, 3 acres grain and meadow. Fair hous and barn and outbuildings. On good auto road, 1A mile oity limits Van couver, ft mile graded sehool, only 3 miles Vancouver high school, telephone and R. F, D. -This place will make fine home and par 8 per cent interest mi the Investment, besides good living for large ramuy. Terms syuju, iz&uu - in trade. $2600 In cash-and assume $2000 mortgage running 2 years at 8 per cent Come quick if you want this. Owner muBt make turn account other business. ATKINSON ft GILBERT. 112 West 6th st. Vancouver Wash. WHEAT" LAfJD TO TRADE. . 960 acres. A mile from station in fine eastern Oregon wheat district, all under plow and about half in crop this yean good buildings and fences;, some stock and equipment. A fine wheat farm at-. no per acre, will take gooa rortian-i property -in trade or in part and givi long time On balance. auo acres eastern Oregon wheat lanj,- 2ft miles from station; all has been cul tivated, but not in crop now. Rome im- - provementa, including well. price-32 -per acre, and will trade for Portland or western Oregon property. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY A CO., V vis cnamoer or commerce. Owner Will Sell or Trade for City Property - 8ft acres with 2 room house, $900. acres with good new buildings, hot and cold water, windmill, all fenced ready for seeding, $3000. , , 2 acres, $600, $100 down .and $3 pr month. . 7 - t 1 acre, $200 $1 down ahd $1 per week. " All on the Salem Eleotrio line about 4u minutes' ride from city limits. Inquire of owner. 211 Failing bldg., ; td and Washington sts. - ......... Exchange Wanted, 10 or 20 acres, Improved, in Washington county or near Portland and carllne, in exchange for 45 acres river bottom land near Independence, 8 acres in hops, looking fine; 8 acres alfalfa, balance fine pasture; new 6 room house, barn, hophouse, etc. R. F. D. Phone in house. Owners ohlv. ,R 281, Journal. i r - Hawthorne Bungalow Wanted" . Will trade 10 acres. 1 mile from IW- fverton, part m cuitivattonrair miiid- ings; prioe 3ooo, ror modern home )n Hawthorne or SunnyaJde district. BaJph-Ackley Land Co 804-6:8 Falling bldg., 3d A Washington. I260 ACjUTstock ranch, city property. 60'rbom hotel to exchange for ral estate. - . 14 room, swell furnished, horns ti trade for real estate. ,80 acres to trade for rooming house. I room -Jiouse and lot to trad tor acreage. - : ARNOLD A CO., Hotel Brokers, . . soi i.oucn- oiug.' ' Hotel for Trade 1 Art rArtrVi hnfal Anra a.MJ floor lobby, cheap rent; price $3500; win iraue ior cuy property. ror city property. Raloh Acklev Land Co. j04-B-8 Falling bldg., 3d A Wsashlngton Will trade Improved 10 acres !., for a summer cottage . . 4 at the seaside. Fred F, Huntress ' 413-415 McKay bldg.. 3d and Starkr jffnearly new' country home on" batik- . or Willamette, 40 minutes out, vsitie HKnn-' ins Qnn,i or Art. - m - exchange for Portland property and as sume or Dav cash. P. II. knseland 2Si Oak - St. --Main 1750.''''"' '' "7". OET A GOOD IRRIOATKn FAftW And be Independent. 110 acres: hous" and outbuildings ready to go to making money; account of poor health I must move; will trade for any good value. bee my agent. 229 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE or trade, 20 acres Irt the" ' OOOdno HillS. Wash UK mllno aur ' of The Dalles. Price $3000, for good city property of equal value, 8, Presnall. aeianq, waiem. or. OOOD home on Oregdn City - line to trsue ior jroriisna property,- - Iowa Realty Co, 1 629 Chamber of Commerce, Mr. enf I WANT a geheral ftore or a hardwaio in Port In nil Hnhiirh fii- nniinu ........ Value $6000 or less. Wish to exohanK my residence find, pay some cash. It 191, Journal. EQUITY in a fine 70-acre farm, Hi acres In cultivation. Owner wli make a big sacrifice for etiti. or ri,,- tity property. See Mr, Fulton, Ueavci- !?,U?lfti..' t Q-. 0l Bwstlund b) rf g. KXCHAKUE id acres tienr hun j- ... Cal.: also 10- acres near Riversi.i-. Cal. Clear. W'hat have you T V-3: journal. - . . . ' WAITED Modern 8 room binm!.-,. ' not to exceed I.lfiOO: - will tr-l t-iv eoviity in 2 lots ss first payment. 1 'hoi .... Tabor 8073. v lOt'Bli 8 rooms fnilt tr!, ef."'.7" esrllne, Tor srresge. Unproved, to transportation. 423 Clwrtibt-r Comrneive. . - V, acres In cultlsifoii, ! .. , - I $.'U.20; 10 e re-) ii n 1:.. L . ., Will. cI.H,d;r fi I ' 1. 1' ;-!. , !25V 421 l.a.nier "f I INK I'nr, lot, iif'ir ( i.i ,. (t . st'., IJ'lOli, no iii.irf. 'Ik, !, i 1 I Improved acres g, .Um fey s U 4 4K t (t - i. i t