i I k THE OUEGON SUNDAY JOUKNAL'. rOilTLAND. SUNDAY. I.IOIilUlJG, HAY IS, lCi: 41 WiLLlE MM r re HIMSELF. YESTERDAY'S BATTLE .Seals' Pitcher Leads Team " mates Through . to' 3 to 0 Victory, : Ran Franelaoo, "May IT Tin lleale on by a Score of t tod. McCorry was th flrat pltrhar on th Job for tha ieale Irt th game Friday. He lasted just long nouth for four bitumen to face him Three of them mad thr barer and n ilttibf four satisfied himself with single. Thatwa th flnlah for We Willi but tt merely at ruck Manager Dal ' Howard a a an off day for M , brlda groom slahster. 86 lia aant Willi bank today and McCorry demonstrated that It bad ben plucked at a rlpa moment , It waa In tha third inning that $he Scale got busy.'" .Willi Hoa-an' struck out Than Heinle Rlrrimerman presented hlmaalf, at tha plate and took tha first bait bitched in tha email of tha back, thereby Winning hie way to flrat baae. Just to do a bit of paraphraelnf, nlght remark that whether the bat ter lilt a tha pitcher or tha pitcher hits tha batter, It goes 111 with tha pitcher. tt went ill with Bill Malarkey rlht at thla particular -point, for ftoy Uortmn promptly lifted a single to center which Zschr bdoted. Just enough out of hta retch after a long run and an attempt ., t scooping It, to permit Zlm to go to . third. . " ' ' Cartwright; tha timely, was on deck -one attain. Tha pinch hit waa needed and Carty delivered, scoring Zimmerman, Walter Schmidt slnaled to cenUr and Corhan acored from second, Zachar mak4 . mg a poor throw to the plat and Bchtnldty getting a far aa second, with Cartwrlght on third. Carty acored the third run for tha Sea la on McCorry'a . Infield out, Leard to frees,,' " A for. Oakland, thar la nothing to say, aa they only were able to get three hit off Wee Wlllla McCorry at scattered Intervale. " - ; -' Thaseors: ." :: : ' lAK r&Asciacd AB. R. H, rn. DID YOU THINK HE . HAD A SMILE IN HIM? I. : ' . '' ' ' . . i .. . atutirfnrrf', rf. MrArrile, , jonnaivs. II. ....,.... I ,D Hca, It, J 0 torhnn. f rrlrtt. Hchmliil, e. ,,, 4 ; I 2 Uc-Uorrjr, . Os 0 ; S 5b. ......... i 1 U .... ...... 8 j 0 1 i ....,. s o t . 3a. ........ 4 13 4 0 10 I ft 0 A. 0 1 0 0 iOtii st 3 10 ii . OAKLAND AB, R. H. fO. Urblftf, If. 4 0 ft liftrd. Sl. r 5 0.1 Kirher, ef.' ............ i , 0 Q 0 6 Sm, 11, 1W0 ( 0 1 (t 0 Hflllnf. lb, 4 ; fl look, U. ....,......,, k 0 Rnhrr, e. .............8 0 "ray. P. ... o Backer, er. ....... 1 0' 0 1 0 Gajdnet .........4;.,,. 1 1 0 0 0 0 tttai .....,....i....Si "i " rf 14 5 8 COR 8 l l.fMJfCS "," Bib Frinelico ......0 SOOOOOOO S Hlle ............... 1 1 fl 6 1 6 CI-IO Oikltad ...t,i....,,...0 0000oQ60n Hlta . .t...... ........ ,.0 0 1 0 0 1 0 l- I Batted ft Welifkt la titntb. Tbrea rune, T bin . off Malarkey . la . t In. alnga. Charge defeat to Malarkey. Two baaa klta Lnard. .Sacrifice hlte-Hotaa, Zlninicr toao. Stolen kaieaJohnaton, Baaa' on ball! Mff McCorry g, off Malarkey a. Striirk put Br Medorry I, Malarkey 8. ky Gray 9. lilt ty pltcher-gUDWeraiafe by Malarkey. Tlett ef game 4:80. lplrf Held and Newhouae. VANCOUVER WONDER, ; WILL ADD FINISHING TOUCH BEFORE FANS (Contlnued from Flrat Paga) Tbla photograph ihowi Johnny Evers. better known as the "Crab," aa he never appeared un til along bout the third week of the 1913 aeaaon of the , National Baaebftll league, when he. aa the , new manager of the Chicago. Cuba had hta team at the head of the proceislon la spite tt the. discour aging predictions that bad been made before the season .started, by baseball prophets In all parts ui tue cuuniry . American Ainoclatlon 'Results. At fit Paul B. it. E. Columbua .......... .......... 11 1 St. Paul.................. 4 1 Batterlea Cole and Smlthi Rleger,' LeRoy and James. At Minneapolis ' R. M. B. loulsvllla ........ II 1 Mlnneapolla ...................3' 7 0 Batteries Woodburn and Ciemona; Mogrldge and Snvlth. At Kanaak City , R. If. K. Indianapolis ........... 3 Kansas City R 10 0 Batteriea Morse, Harrington and Cotton: Powell and O'Connor. ;-v aril ... (.mi known and fought himself into a fol lowing of thousands, so Anderson la bunding for himself j and should ha win decisively aver Mandot, a match be tween "Bud" and th Mexican would necessitate th enlarging of tha arena building. . . , , Manager Dick- Donald made ah Inter, estlng talk today concerning the cnances of his protege. . "Anderson's beat puhch is h!a left hook." said Donald. "Ha had little or no ehanc td Use thia blow agalnat Brawn, aa .'Kayo' fight with his right hand extended. . ' ,. "The left doesn't travel far, but It is a wicked punch, and It win atop a man of Jlandofa build.. We realise that MAftdot is a fast and clever boxer, it we were foolish though to- try and out box him, wa would probably be out pointed In very round. i "What w Intend to d IS to keep on top of Mandot and mak him fight avary iftr-n of th way. 1 am aa aura that Bud Will stop Jo tnaida 'th limit as t am that 1 am atandlng here." JdandoL worklnr et Venice, has grained faithfully. Jo figure that Anderaoh has been greatly orer-eatl-mated and take It for granted that he will have an easy time of it with the Oregoa youth. . "W know exactly where h stand In this affair," said Manager Tommy Walsh tonight. "We hav been brought out here to act as a trial horse. W are willing to be called a trial horse so long a It get us th money. Mandot la mora clntiflo, la a better rlnar gen eral, and ha had much more experience tnan Anderson. H will make this young p jook UKe a noob. " STANDS FALL UNDER HORDES WHO COME - TO HONOR THEIR IDOL 1 (Continued from First Paga) At Mllwauke Toledo , . . . i . i . . . . i i i . . . Milwaukee ... fiatterlesetvg and Slapnlcka and Hughea.- R. H. E. ....11 14 1 ....-): 1 Llvlngatsn; Lightning la more frequent In Flor ida and Illinois than in any other states. - DICK GHAfiT BARRED BY ONE YEAR RULE FROM SCHOOL MEE d . Dick Grant, th sensational 4. ' alnter" of the X till Military ' rtcadomj', will not be allowed to enter In tha lntersrholaaMo track 4 and field meet, There la little likelihood of the league, director . voting to change th una year Tula, which waa inserted in the by-laws last winder. AMERICAN LEAGUE OAMKS Drowns Trlh 1X1 Sox. ' (United Trwa l.eaad. Wire.) . St Louis, Mo., Ma 17. ITamllton held the ,Ited, Fox helpless at times when a hit would have brought vletory, and th Browns took th gam ty cor of 4 to 1. The soora; ' R. H. R. Boston. ...... ....1 t .1 8t Louis .....................4 T ! Batteriea O'Brien and Camgan Hamilton and Agnew. ' - Senator Win From Tlgertv (Unitd I'rtaa Uaaed Wlre.k , Detroit. Mich,, May l7,--Washington evened up .things with th Tigers this afternoon and, took th Second gam 'of tha series. 5 to I. In th lghth Bush sneaked horn while Wllllama held th ball, but both b and Henry Were In jured in a collision at th plat. C6bb, In tha meantime, stole second and third. The score: . R. Hv'B. Washington ............. I ! & Detroit I 1 Batteries Groom and Henryt Kla- wltter, Hall and Rondeau. ' ' i r -i Athletics Pear Jackson'a Bat (United Preu Leised Wirt.) Cleveland, O., May lT.--Connl Mack uaed four Dttchera In a Vain attempt to atop th Napa thla afternoon. Th score was 7 to 3. Kamer went , ma nur route for Cleveland, and tip to the ninth a owed but tare runs. Tn feature of th gam was th Athletics1 fear-of Jack son's, bet H Was pur posely paaaed three times In suoce alon. Th score: " ' R. H. E. Philadelphia 1 Cleveland .....................7 14 1 Batteries Pennock, Brown, Bush, Taff and Lapp; Kahlef and O'Neill. Tigers Take Four Straight v- (gpelal t Tbe JeuraaLl Tacoma. Wash., May 17 With the help of Keller's horn run. which sent In two other men on baaa, Tacoma beat Spokane today by th seor of I to 3. This makes th fourth straight gams th Tiger have taken from Joe Cohn'a aggregation, most of which have been tight squeezes. Bcorei R. IL E. Tacoma . ........ .,6 6 3 Spokane .,.3 6 0 Batteries CAncannort and Harris; Rlsberg and Auer. Giants Win Another. Seattle, Wash,., May 17. Seattle beat Vancouver today by th scors Of, 8 to 3 In a hitting Spree that mad th game Interesting to th fan who likes lots of baa running. Th baaes were eluttered with baseball players, a good shar of the time, and soma brilliant base run ning was featured. Tha score: - - - R. H. E. Seattle 8 15 1 Vancouver .1 a 1 Batteries In gtr soil and Konntok; Fullerton and Cadman. WAVERLY PROFESSIONAL TO BUTTE POLO COSTLIEST AND MOST RECKLESS SPORT . ' ' " 1 ' ' y. ' - . 1 " " ' " . ' 1 1 " ' 1 1 Ing went along well enough at first, but weakened In th late inning. In th ixth Collina atarted trouble for th lranke yuhgstef by scoring two slngl. In th eighth he waa yankeS"ut to fiv gterrett a chance tor pinch atlck work, and Klepfer went to th mound. Russell twirled steady ball . . aw m waj mrougn. acore: r. h. E. New Tork . . , .... t 4 Chicago .... i . I 10 3 . Batteriea Keating, Klepfer and Swee- . ney; Russell ana Bchilk. , . Umpires O'Loughlin and rrgus6h, ' . t'mps Hal Screams. ' Chicago, May 17. Th big crowd at ; ine v.nauc' uy" ceieoraiion ; ai co mtskey'a park this afternoon forgot the vaudeville performers; forgot frank' Chance, the ball gam and everything else when Umpire O'Loughlln and Fer guson loped out upon th diamond k a fitting final to an exhibition of fir : WOrka. ' "Ge, ahoiited a kid from th top of ' tha atand, "her com th angel a." ; Th fay's of a declining sun ahon on th apotleaa whM flannel uniform of tha "umpires," glinted off th gold bratd piidibcuaoukti;oviaXlialiacI.fluU tlon in point of brlllfanoy. It waa tha flrat pMp American leagu fans had of th gat day Cog ordered for th arbi trator by President Johnson. llllllifeJl':, mii " W: tez George Turnbull, th professional Irt struotor of th Wverly Golf club, who leaves today for Butte, Mont.,' Where th Paclfla. Korthweat championship golf tournament openS next Tuesday. Turnbull will ntee..tb competition for thapa .hamplMUp. . ' flayers from all carta of the nortbV wast hav entered th tournament both In th amateur and prof eanlonal" ranks. Th Waverly Golf club , has no entries In th amateur ranks at th present time, and It la hardly possible that any of tha local players will be abla to go t Montana on account, of th prea f business. . w v,r Butt ha made xtri arrangements for th entertainment of the visiting gnlfers, "and It ir-wirpagttdtTiatths t tournament will b th largest held in the northwest in recent years. U'lay lh th toOmarhent Wilt list (VS day, .'. .r ( - -r". ' . i . . - ... ' 1 ' . Wj Herbert Corey. Every now and then some lummux sneer at polo! "Tlmt," say ha'aromfuliy, "la noth- inif but a inilllonalre's gutne. , What clymce hav you and me, bo, to play a surne jiKa nmtr' Nrtne. whatever, Mister. Not a chanct In tha world. W haven't got tha money or the ' seat or tha hands. Also; we hnVen't the careless necks, or the facility of snroutlna new leara add arma when the old ones are broken off. tast of all, our feet are too sensitive to alight barometrical dupresslona, - "It looks to me," said Dynamite Johnny O'Brien, who used to run on- had such a good time being shot ati "it look to me as though a person who play that gam hue an Intellect llk k Mexican bean," , , Kvpty now and then oh mlllionatr, mounted on a horse that like to run with its mouth wide open, 1 met half way by another mjlllonalre who Is rid ing another four-legged aentai parior, Then th attendants hurry out from th aide line with wrenches and twist th four apart, and sort them oiit aa well a possible and start them going all over again. That is just an Incident of a day play, Which is on reason why th. proletariat IS dus to feel a cool breese on th baok of tta neck every time any on suggests that th gam b given 'over -to th working clasees. Best Play r Bckla. Th better the Player th less he care how soon he enter Into a happy eternity, Tb English okll W. 8. Buck master the beat poLp player l ths World. He waa captain of th Kurllng ham team until h raced his pony over wet and. slippery ground, and th pony fell with him. Every other player on tha team had a fall that day. They all know they could not escape. Bucktnas ter finished the game with a few lig ament , tendons and things stretcnea and torn in his shoulder. Then he had himself tied up, and finished the full week of practice play, , Then bia doctors put him to bed.' lie couia not aaii wnn the Kngliah team on May 7. On our std w hav Devefeaux Mil burn. We call him the beat back in th world. Ho was chasing the ball at Ce- darhurst. It happens -that on end of tho Cedarhurat grounda dtp very sharp ly. Just out of bound. .Mtlburn knew all about that out, yon See. ther wa that ball. He ardently desired that bait So ha just rode Ms pony over th end of th earth, and th pony stepped On his faca and chest In th act of getting up. The doctors said that any man not In perfect training" would have been winking at th street light In th New Jerusalem after that experience, mu bern walked to tho clubhouse and had little liniment rubbed on. That'a th aorl of parlor gam polo la The only other thihg that' played n horseback that shapes up with it is a night stam pede of two year olds OVef a country that's full of dogholeS. Simplest Gain of AU. Polo IS tha simplest game in th world. As ail know, It is played by four mounted men on a. side. Each man has a long-handled mallet Ths aim Is to bat a wooden ball between goal posts fixed at either end of a field that la ap proximately BOO feet long and 400. feet wide. If you can't hit th ball th way you want It to go your next duty Is to keep the fellow on th othei1 Side frOftl hitting It the way he wants it to go. One way of accomplishing this end is to rid a tearing maniao of a thorough bred horse over him, As his horse Is Just as thoroughbred and Quit as In sane, this feat sometimes naa a spectac ular Interest Still, death are very rafs among the devotees or tn sport Foxhall Keen, for example, ha had ao many bone broken that ha rait lea like bag of dominoes. -But he is practi cally aa good as hew. Expert say the horse Is SO per cent and the man 40 per cent. The English 40 per cent- eca Captain F. G. Rltson, Leslie st C. cheap, Vivian Lookett and Noel Edwatns. Captain FY M. Freake is first reserve', and Lord . Wodehouas is Second reserve. These men were se lected from the first dozen players In England. It is believed they will prot V v . f ... if 4 I - ' . I t 1 Harry Payne. Whlttiey. Ihemaelvts to bs of equal class with th Meadow Brook four, who. will likely ba as in Ull, Harry Payn Whitney captain) Devereaux Mllburn end, "Larry" and "Moftt1' .WaUrbury. The "Ameri can hav played together so long that they even think alike.. Their team work la perfection Itself. Th Inexorable' hoo doo of the British Isle Is pursuing th Hurllngham team. Two year ago they were outpointed. This year Buckmaater'a withdrawal has shot th team to pieces, while bad weather ha deprived them of th practice they needed. Individ ually, however, they ar players of ths highest rank, - . : , PonUs mal thing. The 0 per cent th pony part of the circus perhaps win mor attention from those of us of th plain common people, who wouldn't chase a ball with a road roller. The Hurllngham team shipped 32 ponies on th Minneapolis a few days ago In advance of the de parture of the players. The 82 ponies are valued at 1100,000. The 32 pontes cable dispatch or something Snore than 18000 each. - They are tha top notch "lntrhatlonals"-V-tlr choice pon ies of th 100 originally placed at the disposition of tn Hurllngham players Two weeks bsfor sailing Urn there were 41 'internationals," but a rigid cull ing eliminated the least perfect. There ar none (00 many, tor polo is played In four periods ef 10 minutes each and there ian't a second of any minute that the ponies are hot at top speed. An extra deck was - chartered on the Mlnneapolla and covered with tanbar k, So that the grooms can give th nags their dally exercise. Two year ago It was discovered that the ponies grew stale after being in this country for alt weeks. Therefor they. were not shipped until a later date by compar ison With 1111 and mar b expected to b lh the teat possible condition. Th DUk 6f Westminster, who put up (300. 000 of the 1600,000 , this polo invasion coat th uthuslasts of England, has stated that -the 31 cannot ba excelled by any ponies in th world. On th American side an undoubted advantage is gained by the fact that the ponies are th choice of possibly 300 toD-notchers. owned by th fastest nlav- r of the nearly 160 clubs which are Bettors on Kilbane-Dundee Go - Had Seve ra I Anxious M ojfiehts New York Italian Should Have Slugged Instead of Trying to. Appear Clever as Champion at Boxing End of the w ;. Game .Because Clevelajider Was Tired, By W, W. Nanghton. Ban Francisco, May 17. The results ef world's championship fights from tim to time have served' to show that "expert opinion" Is not always to be de pended upon. For' that matter there have been few blue ribbon affairs In which tha wisdom of the so-dalled good Judges has not received a rebuke. - In the latest championship event th ' Kllbafte-Dufidee bout there were times when tha fellows who thought they knew were oh the anxious Seat. They feared that another Tefry McOov ern'Young Corbett catastrophe was in store. There were trying moment in deed for the .educated sports who had bet 10 to 4 right up to th ringing of th starting bell and who were loud in their lamentations, over th scarcity of short end sports. The outcome of the fight wllL mean a boost for young man Dundee and a corresponding setback for Champion Kil- bane. The latter started out loaaea witn confidence to the Plimsoll mark carry ing a deck load of fat but th experi ence of the first few rounds played haVoO with his self-fellanee. . Couldn't PlnA Dundee' Jaw. Kllbane evidently thought that all h had. to do waa to feint Dundee into leavlnar' an opening and then whip the right across to tna point or tna cnin But Whatever his shortcoming fn other departments 01 tn ooxmg game, juun dee has quick eye for menacing rights. Not once- but scores Of times ft con verted KUbanea best meant snort Into misses. I hav no doubt that the freauahev with which Kllbane's dexter gioy bumped into nothing but thin air had a discouraging erreot upon th charapiotu Old flgfite used to sajr that the Jaf Which foljtowe when one's best nunch clows atmosphere is al most as bad as being made the mark for a blow, and such being tns case it is vefy likely thatJfcllban fallut to find the Dundee jaw caused . ffie cnampion to tlr earlier than he would have done had he made connection. 1 . There ar many who "think that Dun dee missed the chano of his llf in $he Los Angeles fight. KJlbana, despite his talk of excellent condition and his announcement that the Dundee gn was largely in the nature of a valedictory as he intended to Invade the lightweight ranks, put up one of the sorriest show ing of hi career. He was palpably tfre6irkeYeTai-?rwno--while- Dnnaee seemed ehuck- full or strength and gin ger. Had Dun,de waded"lH mor de terminedly" Instead of trying to Impress upon the crowd, that he was equally as olever as Kllbane, New York might be boasting world's champion .t the present time. - . ; feints for Nothing, To th writer Dunde appear in th light of a youngster who possesses fine natural fighting qualifications and does not know how to use" them, He seem Imbued with an Inordinate desire to feint without having any uppercut object In view. H keep ducking when there is nothing to duck Trout and he is slow to follow Up an advantage. H showed conclusively that Be had good punching force. Som of the stiff, est smashes dUrlhg the bout Were the body rights with Which Dundee count ered KlibanS'S glancing right banders. Instead of plllhg in after landing heav ily in th mantief described," DUnde straightened np and feinted and-flddled because Kllbane fainted and fiddled, and you can apend upon it that the New Yorker's tactics suited tbe fast tiring Kllbane to a nloety, ;.. A Another fault In Dundee's methods Is the frequency with Which. ha' leaps in the air when trying to score with the left. This trick enable him to reach his opponent's face but when h does con nect thefo 1 nd force to th delivery. Now, however, that the easterner has earned tn right to travel In select com pany, he mayjjfwr to correct om of hi shortcomings, nff h'doe not make the attempt he will not be able to show the best that It in him. ,. . The tam Old Ixons. " There never was a fight yet that was not followed by -excuses or explana tions of som kind or another, and thla Is no. exception. Scotty Monnelth, who trains and handles Johnny Dundee, told the dajTafter (the bout that Dundee in the last hours of training was Seised with feaiw.'ol -defeat ' Here is th way Monnelth tells tt: Everything went along SWImmiHgiy uhtll the flay . before the bout.- Then Dundee 'waa aelsed With a stubborn stomach ailment I treated him. and ad minfshered medicine but the little fel low became gloomy. When he had him on' the slab at the training quarter-hi cried and said 'Here is on fight in Which t km going to be beaten.' - W did our best to cheer him un and after a while he grew better and 1 heard no further complaints W4 ar well satisfied With the result but lust tnekanif TWtntnlrmg tmtlf JdhflilSliaJ not had that touch of sickness the day. before th fight h could hav taken Kllbane's- championship away from hlra." 1 . .. ;; : . affiliated with the Polo association and that they are.on-their own grounds. The English ponlea, however, are to be fed on hay- aftd grain selected in England for the purpose, it is probahle that 40 pouiea will b selected as I'internation als" by . the Meadow . Brooks from the field of 100 Which remained after the first sweeping eliminations. - The qual ity of the horse flesh on both sides and. to a slightly leaser degree the qua! Ity of the man flesh makes It certain that this will be the fastest eerie vr played. .The doctors of the art on both sides agree te this. ; American Style Bashing. Th 1109 and 1911 series convinced the Englishmen that they must play th American gpme to win against Am erican. The. English game had al ways been a close-knit, careful compar atively slow game; The Americans op erate In wide, circles, ride at furious spted Captain Harry Payne Whitney has a way of yelling like an Indian elder filled will wood alcohol that fairly erases his men and their horses and generally play a bolder, more dashing and mor brilliant gam. Until tlfl last International series for th Newport cup the English atyl had quite as many friends as the loos and apparently open American plan, But It waa demonstrated that team work can b bf higher quality in the modern style. Tha manner in which one man riding at top spaed will drlvs the wooden ball toward thai par ticular corner , bf ths field Where he knows a mate will b waiting to receive It IS a revelation to he greenhorn spec tator. ' ' - ' . , 1 The series Will be played at Meadow Brook on-Jun 10 and 14, where a gai lery Of 40,000 persob Is anticipated at each gam. It Is regarded kS th one game which is restricted to nigh society. But the last two series have shown that people who merely like fast horse and Cossack horsemannip and bright ti)vf and a shimmering sky and the pleasant tinkle of breaking bones turn out by. the thousand. This year th betting may be at even money, or possibly a slight turn of Odds on the Englishmen. And the betting will bS higher than a ateeple if the practice play shows the team to be evenly matched. "5ATIO& WOLVES a!!0 TIGERS lil h TOUGH 9 KG CONTEST TO A DRAW Umpire McCarty Calls End to Battlq Because , of v Rain. Which Started in Third- Bacramentb, ca!.. May, 17. the BAc-' rajnehto WolveS fought a hard uphill game today, overcame' tha Tlgere '.two run lead and went out In front only to have Arellanes walk -Carlisle in tha ninth, and then feed Dick BayJess a groover, which was straightened out for a two-bagger and tha tying run. : Th toil stood three all in the finish of .tlie ninth, when. Umpire McCarty called hostilities on . account' bf rain. which had been falling since the third- Inning. . ., .v ;,...",.. .." Venice took a - two-run lead in the first frame, when Meloan lifted one beck of second for a slngie.and scored ' ahead of Hosp, when the latter drove one to deep center for a home run. Th Wolves came barjrwith One Tun In the opening'Traine, when ehina. walked, atols second -and third, and acored. on, M&'ran's sacriflcs fly to Me ' loan. " ' v ': '.'- - fast double Plays nipped runs tn the bud for the Wolves in ht third aud fourth, but lit th sixth Hltt was the victim of a slippery ball that enabled the locals to register a couple uf in field hits, and the score was tied. With the rain falling steadily, Moran broke up the two to two tie In the eighth, when he drove one te deep left, the halt -rolling to the fence for a home run. The score; ' ' TBN1CB an a t tn i , ... ... MJH . K.t Carllall, If. y Mtlo.ii, cf. 4- J 1 SI 1 1 Barleaa, jt. ,,,.,..,.. 4 , $ ; 1 S 0 IKKD, H.. . , 1 1 I. 1 1, lb. ....). s O ; u. Patleraoa. nrninnir. no, ........... a Hnlllnao, Bb. S Elliott, 8 Flltt P. Knetaert p. t.i. ....... 0 Kan 1 total a 0 13 1 ISO 1 O I 0 a 0 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ... g BiCRAMKNto ab. n it. Pi. RMnn, bo. Toil or Worao Vaa Buren Kenworthy, Sti, Tennant. lb. 4 BUM. c. 8 Arellan, p I 727 H .. I 8b. .......... ,;. 't-, 1 . S 0 , at. ....... .... ,j(4 0. O S t - 0 ft- "8 : 1 g .1 ' O 0 luren, rf. 4 J 1, 6 0 1 a 0 (Total .. N. .3, b tr tt ninth. Kan batted for Hltt 3ar called Irt ninth Inning t rain. ' BCOBB BI INNINGfl Venice .......3 O O O 6 6 0 O J- Hltt 2 0 1 0 1 O O 0 Scramento .........1OOOO10 1O3 itt .,..t.,..i...,,..i.O 1 O 1 1 H M M aree runa. 0 klta off Hltt la innln. Home runs -Hoaa. Mora. , Two baa Mt- Btjlei. fiacrlfli-e bits Arellanet. 8eririr fly Moran. Double playt Melnaa to 1'atlpr- aon. Stolen baaet Shinn t. 'Htruek oat Br Milt 2. by Koettner 1, by Arellano 6, Bkk on balls Off Hltt 1. off Koeatoee 1. off Ai-ellane 2. Double clay Ralllnaa to ti. teraon; Arelianra to Henworthr; Arellanet. Tlmt of gasi--l :&3. aleCarthy aad Uulh. Tennaiit Impl to fAL LEAGUE GAMES Pirates-Oiants Play Tie. New York, May iT.TesreaU and Ad ams staged a pitching duel today, and the Giant and Pirates went ll In ning ta a -tie - when the game was called on account of darkness. Tes reau was relieved In ths eighth, so that Pinch Hitter McCormiek could bat,' and Adam stepped aald In th tenth for Hyatt to bat for him. Hendricks and Crandall continued th, struggle. The core: , ' - ' R. H. B. Pittaburg :. ,. 'i4,i.-iv.l I 0 New York ...., ,,ri 1 I 1 Batteries Adams, HahdflckS ihd Kelly and Simons; r Crandall, Telreau and Meyera. t., -,r -. Western Trl-Stat Besults. At Boise-- -R.'ft E. Boise ..................5 t 4 Walla Wtlla .......... t.. ...,t 3 Batteries Flnley, PtttmSn and Gar d; Laird and Brown. - At Baker ' tt. H. JO. Baker.................. Ill g Pendleton ... 5 Batteries Krause & Cress; -McGar-glle, Augustus and Byrnes. At ta Grande R. fr. K. Korth Yakima r...,....l 5 0 La Grands .....0 6 1 Batteries Kile and Stanley; Jamison and King. Girl's Vault Record Broken. , Paynesville, Ohio, May . If. Two world's track record for girls were ' broken at th Lake Erie-Vassar dual meet her today, Virginia Hamilton, Lake Erie college, won the pole vault at 6 feet 4 inches. The previous rec ord wa half an inch lower. Charlott Btraw broke th (0 yard low hurdle rec ord by one fifth of a second, going th distancs in 9 4-1 seconds. . ,1m. mi. nfiiin 1 inn 1 , mi n n n James Beats Cincinnati. Boston, May IT. -B6ston beat Cincin nati, t to t, jtoday In the second gams of the series, James held th Reds to six hits that were scattered, except in the sixth, when a single and a double brought Irt two runs. Three Fingered Brown made his Initial appearance f the season at th start of the game, He waa taken out to let Aim era bat In the sixth. The score; : t r. it Cincinnati .................. ...1 -S i Boston 6 8 2 Batteriea Brown, Hartef and Clarke; James and Whaling. fc Wiltman-Idaho Tie. . Watia Walla,. Washrf. May 17. Whit man and Idaho played nine Innings in a driving rain storm, called at that time with score 9 to . Baker struck out 14 men. Score; - '. 1 . tt. II. EX Whitman A t 4 Idaho , t. I 9 9 Batteries Baker aad Rblstad; - Cfer lough and Robinson. ' 111 1 i . . 1 ' s 1 "' -; L -Wli:,:- ..... , 97- Geo. B. Cellars FOR COMMISSIOPTER Economy, efficiency, morality, fidel ity, integrity. Proof! My private life and public ' record. '. , (Paid Adv.) " 2fc Latest Styles in Fine On Exhibition at Salesroom 46-48 Filth St., Portland Let Us Figure tvllh Yoa on Your Netv Dor Outfit , the DruRswicIc-Dnlltc-Collcndcr Co. V '.