THE OKEGON SUfJDAJ JOURNAL, rOUTLAlJD, CUIIDAY MOI'IIING, HAY 13, AX IVDRI'KNrrVT KKWHPArTa I I i I I I K I A I 1 ttTAM h. ..nlliiMA W1.UaiiiimiHai hn. ...111 , & .1.. ..... I ill H JI JrlIMI I - ' v aii...i v.uyanuu uiai UJ nui oo iouowou me ana uttie more, na was etalod re :a w i a aa .i'vu, nucu mm uuio iuuico mvi """mou nm. Hrntiv from n. T'nrllnn.l 1,,H1 Boston Is flhdlnsr. pro-vocational "Who would dq my work here If ...... -v.. employers i enould got down from the pulult r nlonood h... n . r. .. . . . a-"-!". h i h f VT V 7 "wum ana attempt to, settle wage and un6ui. uu WHO will JUIDD 1UIO ma Ifthnr dlnnntna?" - naVA h i-L , , - - , . ""'u,vu ' HUB IUI11- juu auu uinaa gooa irom me mart, later. England Is undertaking much the K.-lIXt KM'lN. Iuhi.rr 4ruhiiiiii rrery arming (.frpt Sundayi and t dimflif morning it 1ua Journal Balli) if. Biuuilwif (iid Vaaitilll ata.. rortland, Or. fc.uirr4 at Ui piwlofflra at Portland, Or., for tranamaloa flirougb tb tnalla at. awoad rl.a atNtrr. Si t U HONIJS Mala T1TS Huma, A-aoM, All department reached by tliaaa Bambara. th mwt'i tnr .h.t ftnrlmnt ana want. lHh.JON aliVEUTlHlMU KKI'KESItNTATl V P'njamln A Krntuur Co., Urunawl- Bolldlna i irra Tnn. New or uu a-ii" Hnllrtlna, rhlcaan. . euhaerlptloa Terma bj nail or to an addraaa m uia uauuia a La t pa or MMivai Om raar ..IJ.oo I 0m swots. ...... .1 -"M ' BUN" AT .' On rar,,.,., ,.2.M 4 On month. J DAILY AND BCNDAT On Mar. ...... .17.80 I Ona mootk........l .US . The king-becoming (races Art Justice," verity, temperance, stableness, ' Bounty, perseverance, . mercy, .lowliness,. ,', ' Devotion, patience, courage, for. - tltude. :. . 1 ' ; ' ' ... j Shakespeare. A PEOPLE'S OPPOITOTTY FOR p, al, lOR the tint time In history the people of America are to have ruling roloe In tariff legisla tion. .They will not be able to rote directly on the bill pending In ' the United States .' Senate, 'but In the voters of thirty-two states .will have the opportunity of re-elect ing or defeating senators without Intervention and manipulation of legislatures. : , ' This' opportunity comes ' through , ratification' of the constitutional 'amendment providing election of senators by direct vote. The people have already spoken In the election of a tariff revision house. Now the decent liquor dealer will suffer wjth the Indecent. A chief argument against the sa loon Is to be found In the saloon It self. The Reed colleEe conference was not a gathering of fanatics. The, men and women of the confer ence are sane, observing and lovers of the humtfn race. Recommenda tions of that conference -were based largely upon observation of .condi tions In Portland. The brewers and saloonkeepers, If nothing more than good business men, with ears, to the ground, should heed the warning, Letters From the People Who Would An flfa "wnrlrt fh- same work in a different manner, great mass of human beings are at Deputy Consul Farr reports that tmnfin t a m. t... v. S f"" Mnt to n Journal for It" "i1 1'" ' "l1" ' Pl''. houl4 not .... i -Wor'1 a I"" ll "nil inutt la a-. con,r,anld bjr ,h. name and a.Iar.aa of Ih. a"uj. If tlia writer l,..a not de.lra to a. Uie ww pubiuiied, be abould ao ,uu.) Why the Lonjr Paced Knocker? Imiula. r thought of tli o fortunes nt mine, made from tlio KtrnphnnKcr lionln; (mil then, hh tlin tor lurolif.1 Into a curvo, uuumu or tna sous in the stock. 1.1 y this time wo were nurlng Forty ninth sti-Pt, a lady viicated a sat, 'a man pointed It 6ut to me, but as the Jpeea of the car was only equal to the illume pace, i itiz.i sample case sn.l n.u a "lePPed blithely from the car ..u unce in many moons I did no ve io oo the ."walk back." I live on jorty-nlnth, but the cars flon't stop luuay i aronnnd ihrtt la !. possible the car went on. n my vest pocket was an outlawed CROWN PRINCE TAPS HIS SWORD 1 employment exchange for the benefit to th tr... f, L Th of children and-youths tinder seven- here anri r,w . " ' thi -.""L,!v""? un. teen years. But the Sheffield ex- Th nre. t- i ,y,v .v. wss well-timed snriiT.i-.. -w"". 7- transfer. AthY. ,Z"T.vZ"r,Z: Change will be more In the nature miyrir tit. . ... ..Ir1 bX every person in Portland I in the pianola and it did in.t what.'r .v of an employment agency." with less bound inmnHm. r L ' . JbZJ,2' 0I? "turning from south- Pi. " Wll--Played one of B- attentlon tr. tratnirtorhiM . -...j .v" .7V " . " "f.amased to flad -ao- wea. Pnrtu-- -h iH. 7T7 , ' V u lflroun error Or misjudgment. 01 ur people engaged In that sort omorrow I start on a new tour of the .v.v.UUv. v dvuvui ui liouto in UU-UJUt it la not SfAndlno" aatf 11 n I. ! ."uai uaaip, ana that too In rha I wopinsr the lonn and am wnn. Misuse of , opium and cocaine Is ln BI excellent work In behalf 'of denying Its milDlt to humankind L.. vict ?,' buUdins per. "nf ?.w,lon-my arms will be by the candidly, discussed In ih-... nnrt hoys and glfls able to Comnlete the Th i. . , ZZ' rZT. w"w eupment of w more. These vices are said to be Of,pom- r rade, but It is not de- and pulpit . It If no time for Hn paratlvely recent origins but they BlKnd for the child that must leave lng criticism, noi for loose talkers, of fn lncr'e. Prices for all kinds know 1 k 4- The very ideal nave grown to Harming proportions ugo aeata or parents or Dogma must give way to brother- .ibi. e a-v: vcan,; a lew rears... common uba of wuiw uune oeiore ine .grammar hood.' Two snwat foxM - ...j u ihni. 4,. "V-.'T w niw- k..--TT. --."IT'-i" . . . i w.. --r ." i .1.:- .: T" - i these drugs by fallen women is course,, la completed. Such a child must coorjerate, given as tne reason why few of them ,B noi-eqmppea ror tne work , m care. to return to decent lives. tnft' school. . ThA ATlent nf ffllanoo n l- I With . w. . u.,uus,v VI ViMUUI and cocaine ures showing fore Importation there be any lona? .,..' i t.,i.. I Forty-ninth atrt W . . V Mi.i-j .r: i.hbui ..v iivi uomerea witn tornadoes orl "" "uu uionjage on it. mt. . , ..' i in- mi mun taut nn h.. ine newoem urannm wants in i . h.. -- ---- .. "-1 fr.. ... . a faoasihlo nw nolir., t,. kn. h. . M,h ' i i-l." F7 s, iiooa. or wcisoist i;anoiaaies. 7 Iv .x v . .. I. . wuiuw wu ' ii , iot mvt Had In roruand, :- or.. Mar To Is demonstrated by fig- OP1"1 i the city schools. It may doing, anyway, with $10,000 worth g that In one-year, be- wel1 or tn9 board to give atten- of . diamonds stolen from her by itlon of opium was pro- t,on t0 1116 Ree1 college confer Portland crook. Don't bother us. . An A A taAmmAwlsiU Yaf V.. t. : . Iil . . " southern riif,-i- ".1 " - o . me nV.94Jh!.,40hn'r ,ace ther'- ' w" "'Wndlctment f p,!ty The people there are ontlmlstlo. whiu PollUelana" if i. ..ii- " .".; n. so, man v of n,.r n,Ani. k .7 ii :,i.7.".r.r""y una m mo hlblted. when ,60.000 pounds met e.nce. "commendation. If pre-voca- brother, with . local -questions like !fk In talking of olvio or carfoon th. editorial tZ'lZVt. the medical needs of the country. xnstructlon Is desirable for that when we are engrossed with I J2I "?! i. i.'or uppi "i m the snt, all certainly indict tha grait sys- 728,500 pounds vere imported man3r of Portland's ' children the the tariff, . currency reform and the. .umV. ,uu ln tb MiorMl te!" f011"01 Prtie. 7 whin iJaJoViliTioTIiS f?f,18 z1?1 r1 ,ve 'oma jp-eseimbrogiio' m -""LT fr'Ssssxi szgjgsi c-atKaastt -.I7 .V w vnuul "unaauon. in all tne rour old Una parties, -we hava Ttt cases, they are the last thln in tha odd candidate- ".iT?. naI..B0 w .-...v, aWBojLiiiK Dinoa nr rna The death rate in the Pahama " vI..:.- th. othe; canal sone. accordter to a for year 7 r .;mr:""V.""! ."a. n"rnatlona party report 7.1 r. ar medical needs. 185.000 ounces were tent,on to H. and, If necessary, cat bors. Imported. uown expenauures xor less practical China Is qultung opium: America pu2reV 'r . . ' - :t la eontrartln th- -. ..'. ccnoois are ror maKing good citl mmi uu vua uuj vi giri wuo nas the better start ln life makes the better citizen. America ends missionaries to China. PEACE DAY BfEX AND WOMEN i ET us hope that the result of Portland's .city election .will not require Professor Neumeia- r01JAT Is Peace Day, the four Iteenth anniversary of The Hague conference. Civilisation has attempted to make Mav 1ft a' linthA1iAn4 I.. IV.. t.'-i' the world, for nnfv;ai itariff baron, are making their stand (fulfilment V the brotherhood of n. 'h "a Dg8Ti!' n " n ...,l. iMift. ani ira man Pnmmand h h -l . a I " Of PPUCA " ' ivywuw .ai uiguuiuugau me uay nas aaaea significance ln America because Of the presence of English representatives to arrange an anniversary celebration of the Treaty of Ghent " " i avsi ii Liimi si - . svvvub - waw a,V ' aBl. I1VII V t illaY IS1 V T a HJIJ f.a I " by Colonel Oorraa was aw euPPort, and the thouahtless arid u.a-lln for nrinil -lT."... VT Bl"u: aonallty of a 1 nai thn.n t . ess gossip Is dona- a ireat dpai to thought f ..r,. I.:.', r.Ti. tanowa tnat. From the Los Angelos Express. . The Oernmn 'Crown prince has written a book, lie beats the tom-tom and de clares that "the sword will remain the final and decisive7 factor until the world's end." . Here Is a discordant note sounded at ' a tlme'when the enlightened conscience or mankind la looking hopefully, forward ,' to a cessation of the cruelty, barbarism and waste of war. Vet this, discouraging attitude of the prospective emperor of ." great and resourceful people should not 1 oe taken too serlouaiv Th. ...i.. of Germany has been frequently rep resented as a mailed war lord htnf Art conquests-Yet" the" actual record of his reign has Proven thar h. i. to the appeal for lnterntinnLHni colmerTtdy t0 aTrt wr 'aU,er thn The crown prlnc la not narman. ui. statement that only by tha aword Is Germany s place imonr tha nn.... be maintained. and her rlvhffnl Ai achieved,, Is an unbalanced view of tha situation. It Ignores the principal fao tors which have been maUi n or frits tha upbuilding of Germany during the last 40 years when the word nt th haa been In Its sheath, ; ' Germany's areatneaa haa a firm.. h. ala than tha strength of her armies, great aa that Is. Her htrhaat .u.... of strength realde in those thorough .nH substantial qaulltles of manhood and of cltlaenshlp that find their beat develop ment ln an era of r"t , It lS Well enouah for tha crZan k,ln auvno me enmusiasm of his people by ahowing something of tha fighting" associated wita the per prospective klnr. but ha Germany has In a lontr ara developed a national spirit, a V ana soundness , that war . uv wu iUO" wn engage in it do not much aa you Ilka on thaa .i. -.hi " 0 sounanesa , lU 1905. When it Is whittled down ap any benefit. On the contrary they have ' "prtneftS and tand smtur fo? WOUld hv ,on PO'tPoned.. , to nothing, Uncle Sam will have to , tatmr It, and it will re-act over ad'ovS .. oe rich enough to give all of us a NSTh 7ims 77. -urm 9r piiel f?'nam!t M' polticlan. Job on that canal. who From tha Detroit Vawa cn ciciaen m the city. have, do and a ways win Vort th. no i k W""JIn "e war spirit has been The writer, during the past twenty- ttcai game, looking to a'elf iiteSsE i ht .t0..'Uoh of PerfecUon - raa ' h . i 1.1 r r "cli JnieresiS, I aa Ona mlarh vnn In ji . The Countess Siechenyi fformarlrl frop.prospect- s-ood as this -year. Gladys Vanderbllt) ha. become lm- from some Veon tLbil ' w " "V llU tnree years, has never seen ' general been complaint Do Not "Single Shoot.'' . a w. barzxo. tormulatlng for frightening the peo ple into submission. Closed fac tories and crippled Industry may be the bludgeons. ' ' There is more to this propaganda than appearr on the surface. The United States senate has been the bulwark Of privilege. It haa, been possible In many states to defeat the , voters' -will because the voters had no effective device for enforcing their will, Comparatively, few states had adopted the Oregon system." In some of the few states requiring candidates for - the United States senate to go before the people It Is now charged that successful can . dldates or their friends paid an av erage of more than two dollars a vote for every vote they received at the primaries. It was not all money . for bribery, but much of It could well be called bribe money, for It - bad no legitimate use In the pri maries.' That charge has been made .In the Wisconsin legislature. . The situation now takes on an other aspects Two dollars a vote ln thirty-two states would be too heavy a drain, and It would be money wasted. The bludgeon of re duced wages and lockouts may be taken up. The sovereign people of America are to be coerced Into vot ing against their own Interests. ' ' Was ever' rank anarchy more rank? t What does all this talk about re uniting the Republican and Progres sive parties mean? ' Both parties . have declared for a protective tariff, and now Mr. Taft Is brought for ward as' the titular head of the re united party. . Titular, because he was the defeated high-protection candidate last fall. The tariff barons got what they wanted when - Mr. Taft was , president, and lost nothing they had when Mr. Roose , velt lived 'Is the White House. The probable political effect of the plan Is being discussed ln Wash ington. Seventeen Republican and fifteen Democratic senators . will be . seeking re-election. It Is conceded "that the Progressive defection makes victory uncertain in most of these ,'HepubIIcan states; hence the effort . , to reunite the two parties under "safe and sane" leadership. But mere holding of these seven teen state will nrjjt restore the sen ate to wgn protection. It will be OCATIONAL training in ' the puouc schools, recom by Reed college conference, is not a ran. Vocat .tonal t,nt -w 0-a rawvwaaa( , b Will JJQ V 1 k.1 UIU necessary to win twenty-one to make. . proved its worth ln Europe That celebration may contribute much toward world sentiment for world peace, for no two nations ever had a more bitter quarrel t h a n the quarrels that plunged America and Great Britain into wars. Other nations have been at. war and are preparing for wars. America Is pleading for peace and happiness. Sanguinary Events of the last dec ade apparently discount the useful ness of The Hague conference, for It did not stop war. But if It has not stopped war. It served a great pur pose in calling attention to the rav ages of war. and when the world comes to full realization that It is surely destroying Itsejf by destroy ing iis airerent members, sanity. If not brotherhood, may dlctatel The Hague conference, presided over by Baron de Staal ofVthe Rus sian delegation, seating delegates from twenty-one European powers, me unuea states, Mexico, China, Japan, Siam and Persia, was the nrst open forum In which nations or the world met for agreeing upon advanced methods for destroying each other. Nations did not agree to cease fighting, but they did agree to use more humane methods in killing. The. terrible dum dum bullet legislated out of use, and projectiles diffusing poisonous gases were con demned. It is significant that the unitea states and Great Britain, claiming to be the two most civil ized countries, were the only ones 10 tuana out against the latter pro posal. Today America and England are arranging a great peace celebra tion ln the hope that It will hasten peace. It Is Important that peace may be celebrated hopefully. People make nations and nations make war, War will be Impossible When tha n.nnla -- w VUIUC strong- argument . for woman suf frage. - -The average man, he says, thinks on one subject only, makes himself poverlsned ' through t h speculations of her nqble husband as one might expect in these days of 1m- aswauve zmanoe. we have known for soma tlma hat tha bankers Wert tha ru war maaera ana peace makers ln Juckless en frosen and had to be reseeded," or Th, Ei . , ! th tor. of Burope, but It is only now dawning I "anrlv w.-rv, .....i it I -lie JOUTOal "Slnarla ahnt" tnM.. ...Inn 11 a that ... - 2 " --i- iiiannni 1 " ... nniiu.r 1 au H Tna 1 t . -. - . . eap In the treea and following frost had ' ele-lUlnanclal enterprise an hundred times hi." i '"u mpsKner ex-inore iruiuui tnan war. . i peclS niS man tO Win on flr.r nl. I Thl nlaln ona . ...... ... ... W V4 T. . lU. K1A1 LlTir harvesta are now. assured. ' h.wT. lr many vt)te, ,n tn eld7l contract on food, clothing and arms, the We have1 more railroad and bulldlni fill?.6..16!' m.?n ur the "single J aeUlng of decrepit yachta to the ov. Ions ln view than ever before. lA ti,7r7. Wttlng'spme second ernment at high prices, and all the but ane naa paid dearly for a tltiod rrr..".1"? "owinl v - - . in 111 rmn toa - vaati a i a. . a avia a- i name that resembles a cross . be- such ?ompl. vm on fir.tXhplce ' wueeze ana a sneeze. . . ... : Umh... 11 IS a Weil Known fari thaf ,. I .vw man ever oerore. snfi hf- .knt.I n, . y " "vvu" u,a un tu Dur- Tnrlfan h. I --T " tft T"8 wnoe' )tata Is being bisected by S't-m. choice votea from aupportera den of real warr amounting in the United Indian has always been a greater interurban and electric cafllnea! 1, Win S5lriv "M"" b Ptojr"- the-game Statea to an annual loss. It gain i maybe. x a ... i w Biunkui luiuiiwii auu Him: inn riir ihhil Waal i i a. . expert n mat and passes up every- trespasser than his white brother," " irrigation projects, all ot which 1 !fh candid. r w ' of ' 7.00,00, and comprlalng three tujus 'ao, mo reouii utJiiiK inai ne aays ine enaieton i-fva w v. i mure lo-x-ornt I. . . . . . - ' 4W.1..U V 10 uarrow-minaea. lncananio or raai I inn a Ad . . Ha ho. v... a niu.imu mura ouniiaenca in i ti. . . . .. ma ' ,..t uu, uccu ireai auRinr i . .. i.uiBuuiifliLj ana no niriv.n a.m ... i . . . . : . . , ... ; .. is a '"c'r wwn. , . - - "! iv ia piayea id Europe unaer the armed thinking and a menace to progress around ever slnea tha rtra.HJ ft. 1U. .11 . . .. - - nunc uu me omer nana, rroressor Neu- prother saw his land. meister nnas the American woman s brain cell normally developed. . Even Sartorial ambition is carried to How can we lmnress rftweomara n. or..nira- "rafting votes, he will peace proaram. vestors. new manufacturers or 'busi. .f.5l .moeT " eta a chanca. The amount paid out br tha Oarman ness agents to locate among us if we knows T tV.LIf.r. .P.wv . cndldate people to maintain tha army and the nn ria-ir noirai aAi.. s. ui. .. . a - -w wa waaew liib Hiiiiriai annr ' WOMAN VOTER. do not have absolute faith ourselves? a i . illiterate women have greater think, extremes at Los inu. . " . a I , a, , ww 0vu vaiiuii n llClf VV11 a9IU VittllltK II II fl B SSavav aaaa. aaaa -a. m I I " B WW faa VA kUA UJi Mali IQf ff9MC1 lng capacity than educated men. bttrglar broke. Into a morirue and Me puriShase of one of our fine homes NEWS FORECAST FOR TH P year would reduce the cost Instead of S Of a corpse. Since thousand dollars; was In- v PHMIMfi WCCl I incre"n But armed peace la pre- w"imiu ttr. navy annuaUy haa Increased annualy alnce the Franco-Prussian war in such aum that a war of that character each The professor's findings are in- stole the clothes teresung -but not news. I, he the latter made no objection, the StuW . i . -F "v i un a c lui in liar i it ii n nitiRi wna mof tw wisnes to get on the front page he Incident la worthy only of passing aome of the knockers, -who told him of tTaahlngton, D. C May 17-The flrat eon"nuoua opportunity for graft ferred to war In certain circles in-Ger many for the reason that it offers a this firm being In trouble and that firm I meeting of the exacutiva Tha Krupp scandal la not the first being, in poaalble trouble and If he would of the Republican national eommitta. candal ' tW aort. But It U the first wait . llt.1. w. u i v l.i v uauunau commiltee l.-.ndal whlnh rh. v i must reverse himself. notice Will Portland women fnmtah fh - vmv ... ..... ... . ... I " WH. VUUimiLLBB f . ... . . . . . T argument for reversalf ' The Wardner, Idaho, council la T. ? -I.- -.iI.',?uI, v cheap, ainoe the November election will be held hVi-ld i..7.!;I mwif.". Mn mni.llnir tha a-i.h 1 "..".'"" w u"m p" any in waahlngtOB Baturdav. At h. r.Tr.- V " a Tcuaeanco. aooa 10 mane moss siatemenu, but It thara wtii h. . , auj.icien iw aay; -wnat, tne itruppa Reporters are to be herded together deadeBed th aentleman's ardor, and ,ten hoii t . Z I to w,Mkt ermor-plate to Germany at 180 a PULPIT AND PRESS T anu press. cut tne press should repudiate its senseless at Its meetings, and may only write th elty of Portland possibly lost a "l"," l" f national wn mora than It retsa;ihe United . . ' umjr wnw I,. .v... , .v . I Organisation tO hrina th. I KtnteaT Imnoaathlal f.mft V. .v.- ..micii, Miu fciiaifc 19 iuc m . -j iuui o I , " ' - Nuiu alia ay it works. w.uaoijr in wuoa with, the progressive I "'"" eeugnw io nonor, the Krupps, We need population, we need man I lle of the times. kaiser's Ideal partlotaT Impoaaibler with moneys brains and ability to uae William M. Wood. ts. ' .., But at last aa lnveaUgatlon baa been An eastern Unlvwal professor JZL?& Ztc2. ih.e.m,n . American Woolen com- 'Tft w .w. w--w- - - aw' a iwTVI Ww VI VilV HPlRm la n ,. T ah... . -----o- h" " . I"" " aDOUl Wtftt Place, Without wav It -oV un ma 1 1 m r in i near woan wt ini i , - " vv- uuxumen- or ineir own, m ii .... .... I . TJ '-" i 'T" i'wiowiui . a.a ' . . . - . I " . d in ifiu a netSA. rocnivna rrnm aini.t. m it a viawa .. .A - ."-.v.ulwi, uuau-aioar nimtiuiiDB. nut tna araiaa nmtuiui1 h i ...a l. .. ... j . I T wwkj i .i " " - .v. ...tA. uumi luuaio- I arul t-mri .....I.. .... . " --... u.u. .11 -urn io oe uonewora tnat more than he -creates. He's ahead ly hoM here... We have the natural on- uemanas cooperation, not discord. of the game himself' to inaf .w. eitions, we nave the . producave soil LRev. Dr. Mark A. Matthews, mod- the extant of M. .oi " and 7n that tenda to make man ... -a .... . . .-.a. erator of the Presbyterian general assembly, in Omaha the other day A biplane collided with a mono- taiu. i no man wno roiiown ah. mane at a ha rtt nf m. ... i hippy and to upbuild the city. Why hot eacn one do bla sharer- .' - .,. : , CHARLES K. HSNRT. e Straphanger's Plaint. Portland, May 11 To the Editor ef solutely the public press on any Germany, ; killing one aviator and eioou mora! issue or upon questions injuring three othera. Un. .U.v. Vm,Zim'r.: . r.."r-"; nf-ahsnlnta fan .v..ii i . ,t-v ..V.. - V" 4"rn--i oaay i paia a Dicaei ana .Vfc UOJ, iuuum icoo; nray qpn i mey fence their ror e w.oooth ; time, since coming to uvoru ui aiieniBis appomtea aenai rignts of way!1 roruana, naa tne aatisracuon or know- to, Inquire Into his -sanity. The one - lng my coin rang the bell ln.tha register Sav 11 Vf? haV6L d6ath ,hre f ' keif'r cr SX, tone, today which is left absolutely free heart over lost ball games ahouM of that little-bell ranr or oaaiad. t and untrammeled, and not subsl- become epidemic at Portland a w1come to the nickel that completed a ji-.j i .v. ... .. Mm WD tana .Tn..titnu i. ah... r uiicu, ia me puipu. Bnuaaer to contemplate the reault. h;..h.v a... . ,c A strantter in Portlanrl ttndd ant mortals " a ;..a"i.r. 'T' . .. - . - , a vw vviia sua uoRuaiwu my aainpie caae on a groucn s uo ut nor cuurcneB last Bunaay, ueavers. ounions, my traveling bag on Clnde- went away humiliated, and said- ' rella's slipper, took a look at the cash "My thoughts had been turned Those patriotic statesmen-Demo- Siffi.w 'ilZl9 neavenward by the beautiful music crac and otherwise who want the - Thus freighted the car took a iels of the choir, but I was suddenly tariff reduced only where they want ur,1y -alt. and, being unable to read the brought back to earth with a clash" it reduced, have succeeded In dafi. performances of candidates, I gave when th minister mod h. . nltelv lor-ntin, tMid a 7.,.. . niyseii over to a review of my, rldea. --- M.. mo ibium ito.uCuk vYusons as the car ground along, at snail pace, tne past arose before me like a dream, I saw myself standing on the Why should the baseball ofa, J?ornep wa,HPf ',or. car". th wre off " - - rna trnrJC. I Tlt th vein -la. i.a.h I ' ' " " uv 1 uitt V KAa7 -wITll VOOATIOXAL TRAIXING 7 that he was like some Reverend backbone, Jones, somewhere, who had said he wished his choir was ln hell. When this Jones was asked what he meant cel - Wore pay than members of my. collar while I waited tZ tZ. ZZn. j ou-u an cAijreaaion, ne replied s 51 a wiioia queauon. Be-uuvlur " jieriwiium iransrer slips, that a choir could break nn . cause he swats the. SDhera whiia 1 tn long line of cars, filled. to the it impossible for vice President Marshall to cast the deciding vote. "-""There are six states from which the antl-Democratlo party -can hope .to get senators; they are Oregon, ; Missouri, Nevada, Indiana, Mary land and -Colorado, Bays aWast lngton dispatch sent out for the pur pose of paving the way. "Protectionists cannot stand for -- another Democratic congress and they must have peace," is the threat. PeaceT when there Is no peace! LIQUOR AND DRUGS WITH public attention centered -upon vlee ln. commerclaiiiea form, findings of the Phila delphia vice commission are timely. The .cgmoilsaloji has Just . reported that drugs and liquor are two great factors in dragging girls Into Infamous life. Conditions found In Philadelphia ho doubt prevail, In ericotoi icon uegree, ia every city of any size.- : : The commission found that almost invariably the llqnor traffic is con nected, with the girls' lives. "It playk a part In the ruin of young (jrlrls says the report, "it ,. adds to the -profits of men and wo - men Who keep resorts; It is an es sential part Cf the libertine enter. ! talnmants 'rlwn fri hit. .... . . upD vl- DOt . i - ----y ouu.uonai instruction la UluitrAtafi k.t notorious resorts. The saloon laieaaaa r k luVr.ate1 by uu America, it IS a nrar-Mnol A ior conservation of the youth a means for saving him from fruit less effort and wasted years ln dis covering an occupation , best suited to his abilities. The current num ber of Survey contains an article describing the Dractlcal wni, Boston's ocational counselors, of whom that city has mora than 1 nn in her public schools1. chiefly Is with children obliged to icao Bcnooi at earlv e.a tv, .LIU .- . ... " ' 7IW IB Kuiaea while In school, as sisted in finding emnlovmonr suited to him, and counseled while oi worn until ne reaches" a point when further guidance is unhecea- ooiy. This department of school work has been In operation two years and results have proved Its worth Close touch Is kept with employers, parents jire consulted and the child's wishes are glveri due weight. Ex perience has shown thai rnmnaro- tively few children, driven from school by the -stress of circum stances, find employment offering iuxuio io mem. They leave the public school, with no special train ing to aid them and too-often are lauurea m. ma., school ef knocks. church, or anvthine on' earth. nd h they, fear the swat of mi hi ir. :eIL.f"p"..r.. mlV,t'onl bel.r hA.d v" ..7 1 . .. " ta .'"ng wi oanoy nouieyard on jiCu-iv migui ureas up nen. I a smgie. tracki I saw the procession "I am writing this in the hone - r" "J corns to a halt; heard the ordera to that it may do some good, and that Shaking for the nonce of new -.DS? ltZ:?TtL 1 ,aw ? mud after . I am gone this Minister may ZJ?'. Oakland SSs'SoSTi VaSh'anl rise above such things and be a mancied-attekrf-dynamlte ceehaldto9jrLslon of a cross man." - to his head and touched off the fuse town, car pulling out as X alighted from iese -are tached inc,dent8-wa91naclaM by bimaeif- so:o7'it They prove nothing except that - ,t , . Johna train, only to find it wa headed forces designed for rtrnmr,tinc h. 11 colonel Kooseveit-longs arafn for the barn. I saw tha atraara an. good should, cooperate: not wast- ,or adventure, a little trip with the wUrn concrete, double rails laid for 1 . i a ww . . ... ... I tha oar, fnimrl mvsaif an itiaa. . a. a, - better service, only to find they didnot stop "Whare l meat often wUi. to alight And I thought of the fares I had paid of the seats thaf , were never mine to have and to hold of the hours I had spent in hanging to straps of the miles I hsd covered on foot, standing etlll. And I thought of : the cars I had bought, of the rails and tha ties and the wire; and then thought of the dividends I had paid the salaries and Interest on i uu iwo associates with conspiracy la defiance of pnbllo opinion. General von connection with the "planting" of dyna- Problalski, minister of etatt, and chum mite in Lawrence for tha nurnoaa in. of the kaiser.' was later let ont of a flaming puhllo opinion against the atmUr raft scandal by saying that it striking mill operatives a year aro. I- w wlfab not nt wh0 oepted graft The second trial of Burton W Gibson. tnm tn Deutsche Munitions company, the New Tork I lawyer accused' of the nm Mnw involved with murder of Mrs. Roaa Man.Mv c..k. the latest Krupp graft scandal. Greenwood Lake. N .r ti. The Krupp firm is, formallv ohamd scheduled to begin Monday at New- "h mulcting the state out of hundreds burgh, N. .T. The first trial of the '"""a. nd of proposing that the case was held last Novamhax German people levy a new tax ef ILOOO.. suited in a Jury disagreement. 000,000 ior new armamentav the necea- Six corporatlona and eighteen Individ- lt t0T which Is based upon deoelt, uals, who are alleaed to conafttnt. h. fraud and treachery. Lecturers, nominal coaster brake teust, are to be placed orators and writers had been hired to on trial in the federal ennrt a lm about tha oountrv and nr.h tin. Tl1.1?di5r ,on lents charging them l8m In en endeavor to portray the im mL T.olat,na o' the Sherman- act Imlnence of a war with France and with The bla SVent Of tha waolr ahmil 1 TRnaland In ardar 4a.drtva Ilia rc.- . be the marriage of Prlncesa Victoria People Into this new enormous expend 1- IXlUlse, daughter of the OarmAn am. tura on armamant FhrorA.au1 PI,DJJ Ern8t Auust, son of And the. German people "feH for If 'hJ .uk Cumberland. The royal even the socialists. The cry of the wedding festivities will lat th... a v.nn. ... ,'r....i . mV. St.. TnuShraV. AwtA a.l. ' a-- -a. a avaO,j I ASa AA V4a B-AAwl VXOA IUBU1 tUVUv Klltal D1UUU Wftl "o.THnUn05e!non3r on stuJV. ready to pour lntd the Coffers of the ' vonVan h comparaUvely Kruppa and of their parasitical royallat . young man. who was adnrat.f , I m .v. . . .. nell nnlvaraltv -,111 v. , ainnah nen ma exyuaura came. BUI me cession to Jose Mia-nai n;!." .V. .'"'""?' laS wnaw xne aama tima lnViT.,. f ,v Kaisere gooa menos grartera and hypo. bnVand X"ilVJ"on W1J orlt..t tapos.lbl.l- Voesnr : .em " av-w t.avCU be strength In discord. This straneer MeMcan Federals might edlfr him. aenteo -a - pmpit, ooghfpi bTievolce H ; . , v in the press. Why? To rebuke an I PTO e Baby Crop., individitai . .. iv.-'i From the Chtcaro -Keonrd.TTaraM .....uu.i uui mo cnurcn. nor n,.. k..t...l.... ... even the niilnlt Th nw..-' 7. 1?.:". " r!"!ru. "?us appiea . r "ovvci ib i uvi in 1110 leant aisiurointr the ae. tne people's forum; that forum Is rnly of the east. The east could buy not the pulpit. Church nor pulpit ?hXlft div d,a,B Cnaemne4 beU8e Ct in- that Oreba.u7ned fror;;p : dividuals. , culture to baby; culture and proudly The Reverend Doctor Matthews oast" that Oregon tables are at least is another loose talker. 'Not onw 1, iiea" .. ;ne . crop that, he JudgesVwithout dlscrlmlhal ltesrowed?- anTtw uTemacyT the tlnn . . TT. JIIJ M la.. AS A . . -W u( mtj -tiuiers irom tne Stranger CBBl senousiy toreacenea. mentioned in that he condemns tho k iienc ine : w,w Ior w eofanjlttee institution Instead of the indirlrlnai KT.S. a!J. ' f"1"1".!.."0'00? "a - ..... in. ui yaus oi ins oumry in an He Is a poor shepherd to pick sheep effort to "standardize" the. American hard The scope of Boston's pre-voca- Brewers and saloonkeepers who do not want to see their occupations 'gone 'WWeirtliirmDf warnlAgsthat tetfr-thenii-iiAri- .wakening pubUo oosscienct mix Drovldlnp am. ployment Saturdays and vaoaUnna . Dioi, wun tne idea of addinn ft-lda ihltyf' .... .. ... ; . " freyenUnf a vaft of Um ta an from the goats. There are "yellow" newspapers subsidized newspapers, untruthful newspapers. The more . the nltv. Are there "yellow' ministers, sub sidized ministers, 'untruthful min isters Nobody asks or expects peo ple to follow, absolutely, the, press on moral or otner questions No body expects Infallibility In a news paper, because It Is a human Insti tution. Has anybody discovered In fallibility m the palpttr-ls the pro portion or subsidized,; newspapers greater than the proportion of sub sidized ministers? What' Is meant b subsidized newspaper?; Ia such a paper entire- fcfIpjlkt.lJitJi fi.mlnIsterwho .10lte&emQnjjclej congregation, whg chooseB texts tQ cead4eHie-pewi h the .clurcli essentially fdealls- baby. The committee,eof course, doesn't eapeci reauy io "sianaaroise" the baby, and so the term Is not a happy one. It wants'td discover what the development of the normal, healthy youngster Is at various stages, ana, ir it happens to be oeiecuye, now weir i responds to sclen tifte feeding and care. Prizes will be iioieu noi uniy ior ine oest babies but also, for those that show the most marked Improvement ' In better sur roundings. , Oregon has, done well to Jog us out of our complacency in mis matter. Wa pave' aevoiea aiiogeiner too much at tention fo improvln our Vegetables And our live stock and not-enough to im proving Our human stock, which -a .it know' to' be the roost important of our' assets. The proposal of the New Tork milk committee is doubly welcome ba. cause It need rouse none of the opposi tion which more drastic proposals made by eueenlsts Invariably encounter. Tn. ueea, . ii . seeing- prooaoie mat It Will Artumberof Important cnnvantlnna are acheduled for the week, among them mo aumvoraary meetings of the Uni tarians, In Bostons the Northwest Bap tist convention, in Detroit: tha Katinn;i Association of Railway Mail ri.rir. Cincinnati; the Brotherhood of Railway To Inm.n In C n n t . - ..w..u.ou, ,i. oau rrauciBCO, me Na- nuuai AHsuciauon or Katafl - St LOUis; the National Aaannlaflnn' ManufaoturerSr in-Detrolt.-he National vumerence 01 cnurcn uiubs. ln Rnatn. and the Associated Harvard Clubs, in SJ j aWVUlal, ' Also eontrlbutlnr to tha n. 4 .v. week Will be the celebration of Empire .'"i:-??". V- "ia,n, tne ob- .o.tbuvv va tua xucnara Wasrner can. tenary, Denver's first election under the commission rlan of rn... ... hhe consecration 0f R,y'. Henry O'Leary p b r ';' " v-nanotretown, arloaa it over. It Is Baffin a- (A ha 4hr even In Germany jgood healthy blood and money fighter can't . Indulge his manly war spirit ln peace graft. Woman gets divoroa w.i... h...h..a insisted,, on getting breakfast, washing noors.. xne ways nmi.ii ituiuan van anow naMiAntM.i. ness are innumerable. . BOY WANTED '"'Br Dr. Frank Crane. , Copyright, 19X1, by . Frank Crane.) Wanted A boy that stands straight, sits straight, acts straight and talks straight; A boy whose f Riser nails are not in mournmg, whose ears are clean, whose snoes are.' polished, whose clothes are brushed, whose hair Is combed, and whose teeth are well cared for. A boy who listens carefully when ha la spoken to, who asks questions when he does not understand, and does, not as question! about things,, that are none, of hta business; . ,i A boy who moves quickly and makes aa little noise about It as possible; A boy who whistles ln the street but aoes not whistle where he . ought 1 1 Keep still; A boy who looks cheerful, has a ready amiiB ior every uouy ana never suikb; A Doy wno is polite to every-man and respectful, to every woman and girl; A boy who does not smoke cigarettes and has no desire to learn how; :. A boy who Is more eaaer to know how to., apeak good English -than to talk slang; thing the f lb uanjiP'nyr ulwJL"$lAJ07 that never bullies other boys the fathers - and mothers of th .nii. iiAZiz-.irrrrJ4 ma .miuf wnicn I A nor wno. wnan ha dnu tint Ihas . brightest lr-ta aayranreng aU-f athera and wthsjthtflg,vBays't tor.and wBn ara, ' .-: " " " ,-.-.-.-'-'he has made m mistake aavs "I'm aorrv lTf Mk do a says 'Til try: . A boy who looks you 'right in eye and tells the truth every time; Knni,-. ' va0 u a8r vto read good .A.ib'l Wh..0",(1 rather put in his mumim blllltj Bl in Y M I' . A srireWtna. a. I.. than to gamble for pennies in a back room; ... A, boy who does not want to .be smart" nor ln 'anywise to attract at- tvniiuu, -A boy who would ratha lna. M.' 4v Or be excelled from anhnnl'fh.n a in ur ui i cia; A boy whom other hnva lllra v A by who Is at ease In the company A boy who li not mnrrv fnn fiamaai. - r - - aawa auiiUCU iiu aoi lorever ininmng and talking about hlmenlf. r " . 8 A boy who la- friendlv with hi. mother., and mofe Intimate with her Mmu wun anyone else; -- , . A'boy.who makes vou faav nnd -,h. ... . " - . " " -.,,B he Is around; ; . , A hoy who Is not goody-goody, a prig, ' a .little PnarlaaA hut ln h.ouu.. hapvv and full of lira ' TThJ M 8 n a every wh e re." Th e Kmny VantshlmhsrschoorTrvants him, the office wants him. tha hnva jnT nlHTIhe-ijrlTlB want him,. aU cre- uua waaiB mm, . -'LJ-i Pointed Paragraphs Kisses may come home to roost, " a a' . .'. .. And many an onght-to-be man Isn't All men are bora equal to any amount of foolishness, ", '',.,;i':V Ifs a, Jong honeymoon that doesn't. get eclipsed. . " .-- e - ; y The mule has flawed tn the uplift of many a man. Shortly after marriage many a man has discovered what real happiness was, . - .Fraying for China,. . From the New York Mail. The offering up of cravera in tha churches "of thla and other ceuntriaa ' for the Chinese republic that " and happiness land truth and Justice maybe established among these anolent people forever," and that they may be "led forth Into years of plenty" la a most Impressive as well as a most un- -usual thing. No one need be a devout man. nn even a believer in the efficacy of prayer, 4 tn uiucr iu u muvea Dy , ims spectacle of international good will The most Inspiring thing about It Is the fact that 1 the expression should have been asked and answered in such good faith A great German general, ln a book which has been widely read, has lately told us that good will, benevolence and altruism- are not at all ylrtuea of - the nations that nations cannot-be gov erned In their relations by any othar . sentiment than mutual suspicion, and' willingness to seize any advantage, by -fair means or fouL that may ba aafai carried Off. ' - The f new Chinese republio does-not start Out ln that way, and the resnonsa of the American churches to its moving appeal 1b a sufficient Indication that the American republio does not take that view of the basis of international rela tions either. Praying- for China is a nroof th. h. American people have the sort of senti ment for the Chinese people upon which ' enaurfrig:menash!rr-mayrTr6 end .put of which. the new dlacanaatinn of peace over all the world may gradual-. ' ly be evolved. ; - Trr f . .t.-- . - -