c,;::;;an daily journal, i q::tlai;d, ;:avut.iay r;vi:mi;G, 17, 1:11 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' ABSTRACTS JonN A. IiEURY, Att'7.. collwlluns, alrttrsct -examined, wrllti'n i plnloiK on legal questlune. BIT AllHliy M.iit, M ,11 -luill Hs'.:rt. ' 30llN A. BEHIIY; Ally"; ciiiiectlmm, itrcte examined, written oln!on im legal question. ni a unity DWjf, MtHhnii BKxu. ACCOHDEON TLEATINQ K. STEPHAN, lsdles' tailor, accordeon, !) nd sunburst Bleating, button covered, gixida (M "nited, hemstitching. BH Alder. Main i72. ART METAL WORKS ALL kind oi braut Iron and Itfel work, 2. K, iwrr, IloTln it. AETISIIO WIRE AND X&ON RELIANCE Wire tod Iron work. East 10th . nu nenrter at. . East 189S. A8SATEH8 MONTANA Aimr office, laboratory, ore Umt mg, Marahall 27ttn. -IBB Horrlmin, , . APT0 IIEt 'Bgf AIKIWa OREGON" Vulcanising Co,,' "The Tire Shot," W Wtahlnfton. Marahall 879. -. AUTOMOBILE TOE EEMI. $2.50 per hour. Duplet Auto Co. It. 814) 4814. r Office Duo Stark. - " AWNINGS AND TENTS TENTS, Awnrage, Tarn""", Porch Curtalna, Camp Outfit, , Horse and Wagon Cover. , Pacific Tent A Awning Co. 14 8 N. 1st.; corner Aukwy - . Main 19S1; A-1081. JMtAWK BOOK KAREEl HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 100 2d It. Blank - dock manufacturers; . egenie lor unn proved Loom Leaf Ledgeri. Be tht M Bu K'ka Leaf, A-8183. Main 193. ; ;'; ' " CABPENTER ft REPAIRING - ' Store and office flxturee. ' ', General contracting. GEO. W. QOKDON A gONS, )8 4lh at. Maln.8348. J. A. HENDEUSON ft CO., building ehop warlt, Jobbing, We aatlafy. M. St9i P. W. BENNETT, carpenter, Jobber. 632 B. 14 it. N. Phono 0-19M. y ,yCABFEI CLEANINO -1'. JOYCE BBOS,' Electric Cleaning work, car- pete cleaned ana laia, reniung our yrciaii.;. K, -440, B-1903. 204 K.lBth at. K. BI.LB" WAGON SEUVKU doea your work the heat. Board of Trade. - Main oaJ. 7 CAEPET WIAT1SO ''. ) knPTHWirsT nun WORKS, rua from old carpet; rag rug, carpet cleaning.' Ia3 Union prenue. near t.mi niprrmon.- - CABl'ET rug weaving. W'erp furnlnhed. Mr. U K. Kurt. S4I Kuaaeu, PENINSLtA Hug Work, rug made to order, Carpet. 1818 Ptton re. Wood lawn 366f . CKIS0P0DI8T8 rr vrrmin tee at. MurabfcU 6648. WILLIAM. Entelle and D Wane Dereny, the ' only aclentlflc chlropodlat In th city. Par. lore tog Gerllnger bldg.V B. W corner Sd and 'Alder. Phone Main ' . ' ' LB. IVEY treat all ailment of feet without pain; corna, bunion, ingrowing nail apa- rlal ty. '245 Murrlon. ; Main 4844. CHIBOPKACTIO PHYSICIANS DB. M'MAHON, poat-gradnate. 12t. Fourth at. dellrera the good. 810,000 equipment. Dally treatment $10 a month. Out-of-town patient -toara, joom-jnd treatment 810. 1 weea iiu s n I.KHMAN- - HIT Ablneton bldg. HAVE 3Q $10.0(10 EQUIPMENT, I charge ' jlO a week for enpert chiropractic work. , 1U HBI.f.Ni v .i8TO0K. 831 -Mth.i and chronic dlaeaaea. 8 treatment $5. M. 5008. CIECULAB LETTEBS MULTNOMAH Multlgraphlng algnaturea. BOT Ellera bldg. Co.,' faachnll Marahall 2:2. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE'ISonSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, 2.25 . GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.50 ' IN9ID15 GBEKN SHORT, $3.50 - DRY SHORT WOOD ' SAWDUST for fuel and bedding The Portland lab wood -Co. Main 8119. A-700I. "EmT rlnAH tun Or. C 803 CU1CIOCII I UCI KjVt 2303 Beet col. Country Millwood. Cordwood. NEER.& FARR and oak cordwood. Also awed to order. ' Prompt delivery COAL Main 4r.fM3. A-4MT FI'LTON Wood Co., dealers In dry and g labwoon. Try na wnen ordering good dry wood: 1260 Macadam it. Phone Main 7890. A-28H9. Yamato Wood & Coal Co, EAST 818. . B-W67. rit i a hrvrv a i dkuvered UnrtnuuttL promptly Main S767. F. P. EVERTS. Foot Curry street. Pacific slabwoqd to. Main 37on, A-7.i5. (ireen abort wood, blocka, big Inside, email lnlde. dry elabwood. ihort: planer trimmings, TtTtY SLAB and box wood, cordwood. and coal. rnawlnrrt wood to., csar awio; iwwo. AI.BiNA' FUEL CO. All kind of green ' and tlrv wood. Rock Spring and "Mndota Coal, nioEN-IX Fuel Co. Dry wood, $1.78 per load. 624 Tbnrman. Main 8o44. - , . I I.I 1- L..AI P Wood and coal nuiKaio ruci outseiiwood 4. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , HENRY BVRRDING, 487 Front ft. . egga. poultry, veal, hoge. hldea. Butter, CONTEACTINO CEf ENT aldewalk, concrete, .work. Blda nb- mltted. Call Marshall 713. DENTAL -SPECIALISTS DR. A. W. KEENB, Dentlat, Majestic Tbeatr bldg., 851H Wh. at. Marahall 3am DENTI8T ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Specialist on p!atewort. "Thi on thing I do, . " 9wi RinbA birtir.. Jitn ana waanmcton. DERMATOLOGISTS M0LS, wrinkle, acalp specialise. Mra. Court- right. - 4m Morrison, wain wjw. , DESIGNERS AND - BUILDERS u' rjSfl kM.MILLEB"cO.',""",,,, -nlrner and builders, general contractora, 2S6 Shaver. Phone Woodlawn , 8758 evening. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL nrt n K. BROWN, office 546 Wash. at. Rea. "" 91 K. 12th. M. 4(Wfl; East 5440, Dog apeclallat . PEESSMAKING AND TAILORING SCHOOL ' ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dreaamaklitg and Tailoring; reduction to first lo stu denta) teacbera and agenta wanted. 884 H Mor rison i. - '. - DJ1E8BHAKTN0 SCHOOL VALENTINE'S lystera ladle'tllorlng. dretfe making taught. 152 ' Grand ave., between Morrlaon and Belmont. - EDUCATIONAL DANCING PBOFERSOB WAL WILSON'S Dancing School Walta, twoatep, threestep, echoUshe lea aona 25c; every . morning, afternoon and eve ning; all dances gusranteed first leon. ' Do you know that anyone who walka .cnn learn to-tianee? Stage and fancy dancoa taught daily. 85'4 8th at., between lltark and Oak at. I'non Main 7aT, MR-and Mra. Heath' schools 109 2d at., bet. Wash, and Stark, and AliKky-lildff. gd aftd Morrison. Lessona dally ; tairey and atag'e danc ing taught. Walts and two-step guaranteed In . 4 jcmwnn. Clam Friday, 8 to 10 at 109 2d t. BINGLEU liaucing Academy, t'fivfte leaaooa dally-.- Social dance Won., Wed., Eat. ava. , Morrison at Second. Both phone. . . ; MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS BA'aTiM&pianoplaylng pdtlveVtanfht la 10 to 20 lessotia. Succeea guaranteed. U rite for free booklet. ; Cbriatenacft'a School of Popular t Music, 207 CfiediMUgr bldg. A-8944. KAGT1MB positively guaranteed in 10 to 20 leason. The original .teacher of popular rpit'ic in onfturaaon 4if Biier ping, . ,:;B. T1HELHOHN. vloli-eaeber-,---pHP---'eelA -'. 825 FleMner bldg . A-4160, Maraball 1(129. J EXE, XAE, N08E AND THEOAT TREATMENT ty apeclallat. Glarse fitted. Dr. . r. n Caaaoday, 418 Deknm bldg. d-Wah. ELECTRIO MOTORS AND DYNAMOS MOTORS, gwnerature, bonKht, sold, reuted and repaired. We do all klmla of rlalrlg aud re. winding! all work guaioed. II. M, II. two trie; l'n Si N, Ut at. fhmie Mnln 11210. Wli buy, sell, rent aud exchange now and sec . ond hand motor, repair work a specialty, Wcaiwrn Klectrlc works, 2IB Sixth it. ' J FARM IMPLEMi.HH AND VEHICLES B. M. WAPB A CO.. 822 rinwthornewave. Wholesale Kr1ciilturnl-tiiiilnietiti. rOTJMPEY AN P MAOHIMB '8H0g r S fUOENH Iron work. IS. 8d and Iliwthorne, (icneral nm-hlne ami foundry work. F47BNITirSX EEPAIEIMO, BOWERS ft PARSONS, 100 Front. Main 7443. Furniture howpltal; packing. ..-'- GASOLINE 'ENGINES MAKINB and atatlonarr, marine btrdtracc, GAS POWER. SUPPLY CO.. 1(18-178 front at., between Morriunn and Yamtilll. -'rv'"-L. iE.w5a AXl- B1.9r;i', - , , MASON. SCOTT ft TUCKER. . Practical Gsrdeners Landc.p and dealgnlns, pruning and pray ing. Shrubbery and bedding plantH. 834 Bacr-nn-nto wt. Phonea 0-17: Kaat -187T, , . 1 '' 1 p " '" 1 GLASS AND GLAZINO TIMMS, CRESS ft CO., 184-1 M 2d at. Prompt ' aerrlce. Ring Main or A-2023.' -; ' HAIB QOODB : ' FEYBET ft HANEBUT ' Leading wig and toupee maker, finest atock of human balr good; hair dreaaing, nianlcur Ing face and acalp traatmenta. 147 7tb, near Morrison. M. 646. f i HAT TACTOEY EASTERN ' Ht Factory, 64-08 8d at. Hata cleaned and-blocked; 'Tanama bat bleached. Beat til hat on earth for men. Mall order returned by parcel poat EaDIK8. UvnUemVh' bat cleaned and blocked aatlHfactorlly., ltoyal Hat Work, 248 let t. 0. B. KNIGElT, 82-S-30 N. 17th at. Hay, grain, feed, floor and ahlngle. IN8UEANCE MeCARGAR, Bate ft LlTely, 801 Yeon bldg. KTery rorm or manrance.- nonaa. LANDSCAPE GARDENING) . BETTER lanrlecap ana getw SWISS FLORAL CO. enwral gardening, KI aat 6870. r-1614L PACIFIC Landacape Gardening company, 615 Bothchlld bldg. Phone Marahall 2.'1Q8. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA8. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description; kip manufacturer, find,. Ing. j ; ' " MACHINERY B. TREJsKMAN ft C0 hydraulic and apeclai pipe, amok atacki, oil tank, mining ma- chlnery. repair. 104 N. 4th. ' " . ENGINES, boiler, -aawmlll bought, old and pichanged. The J.B. Martin Co., Portland. Or. MATERNITY HOSPITAL PORTLAND Lying-in Hoapltal. Maternity case only. 818 N. 22d t. Marahall i 8584. MESSENGERS ' HASTY MESSENGER C0 open night and day. Mailt 88, A-2158. M0RT0A0E LOANS -j-JORtf K1ER; mortgage loan Inturance, 808 Yeon Bldg. Main uaHB. NATUROPATHS DR.' GRO.TER Paralyala. nerrooa and chronic dUeaaes. 791 Oregonlan -bldg. M. 8148. ORNAMENTAL WISE AND IRON PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS, 204 Sd t. Architectural wire and iron. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLB PATTEBSON,Speclllt on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 415 Co lumbia Ding. Main kiwi. JfAIStj: NO AND PAPERING TINTING $2.50 and up. WALL PAPER. 6c ana up. rainring reasonable and well done. H. T. Crane, 108 10th near Morrison, .wain 2&i8. ' rAiinu rar banging, tinting, corpet cleaning, bottom prlcea. Mar, 2186; Sellwood lioo or eeiiwooa uu. GOOD work my motto. A. Oshourn, 886 East naaningion. n-il til,-taut 4214. PAINTING aud paiierlug; best work; price. W. L. Huxley. Tabor 2328. best FOB beat work, price right, call P. A. Doane. wu. rj niiuiiiiu. npiiwixm jioo. iOHN BLIED Spring bargalua In painting and papering. M. 1S72; A-2225. . . PAINTING AND TENTING fainting, tinting 2.50 per room np. C. A, Barnee, Main 1334.- PAINT, AND SLABS PIONEER PAINT . A-7048. 188 let at. Main 1834, RASMUSSEN ft "High- Standard" oalnt. ' N. B. corner 8 or, m.-A-177l. THE BEAVER VlNIKU WUUKS makea good yniuuca. ab ywr qeaier, PATENT ATTORNEYS WASHINGTON, D. C. -TEtlTI BLDG, . 0. 0. MARTIN - n- ' ' PORTTjAND - 408-9 CHAM. OF COM; BLDG. PATENTS procured by i. K. MOCK, Attorney-at-Uw, late of U. 8, PATENT OFFICE. Book free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. ' PAVING COMPANIES THB BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO Port . land office 60& Klgctrtc-blrtg. PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Fictory and "nfftw cenr 84th and York ita. llaia 8189. PLUMBING AMD HEATING STARK. 0AVI3 CO. i BATH "TUBS, alnka, lavatories, laundry traya, plje, pipe fit 1 1 n g a, contracting, jobbing. Phone Mala IvrHOUtSAUB-wawn. PLUMBERS t40 SALMON BJ CONTRACTING, repairing, boneat prlcea. estl- matea fiirn. T. H. tYnwther, 855 2d. M. 7835, POPCORN CONFECTIONS STANDARD CBISP CO., now at 808 Hoyt, avinsuin vn ii, rilirnilt, BSliefl nUTS, PRINTING AN8LEY Printing Co., 260 Oak.. Main 4671. muting to please. Trial- will eonvlnc.- BROCKMAN BROS.-Prlntlng of aU kind. Wt wittbjb nrwro.. . niwin wB, zwae ptara t. BEFRI0EEAT0R8 AND ICE BOXES BUILT to order, any else. $7 JlO op. P. C. Pd q., iv jnMin ave.. o. base JE43. BOOTING . EVERWEAR Roof Paint renovate and pre. 'aervM stnrt. Imn ftn anif Mm1. . . tractive, durable, economical. Before you put a new roof on your building ae us. With our new preparation, which will laat for years. ve absolutely guarantee your roof from leaking. For further Information write or call L ft h. Rant Paint mmnanr flnft RuMIn hM-. 11 . land. Or. . Main 1590. EUBBEE BTAsJPS AND SEALS ALSO- stencils, trad--check,' braae lgn. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 231 Washington at. Main 710; A-2710. ALSO bras algna, office auppilea, lithocraphlug itt to ikwik-HUDHON COMPANY 92 Fifth Ht. Main 812, A -1254. STENCHES and office atatlonery. Cunningham SCREENS KESSP HIM OUT He la dangerona. W mat acreeua to . measure at aur prlalngly low prlcea. Our ma chinery and facilities' enable ns to do ao. ., Phone na for an rB-2frl3, 44 Union are.' N7L . SHEE J- METAarOBK. JACOB LOSLI. alwet metal worka. hotel, rea. taorant work roofing, general lobbing. Main 1421. 810 First bet. Columbia and Clay au, 2y -a -Hi SEWING MACHIXtS TIKAL BARGAINS IN NEW luai'hlnna, all make, factory irli'. Becond baud $9. up. , Machine rented and repaired. Mowing Machine Km. porlmn. 1(H) Hiir Mnln (H:il. SHOWCASES AND niTUEES TUB JAMES I. MAB3HALI, MFG. CO. New and old ahowcaaea, , rabitieta, aturt, office, window fltnrea, 4thr and (uch. tiUOWCASEM of every dcerripflon. bank, bar aud ator (lxturoa Uiadu to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. ' 'WErilEUN fixture ft Hhowcaee (Xi.Kurnlture mad and repaired. Miir. 774, 4 10th t. OAS AMQ 8H0WCAEDS RFRuFR signs, snow cabds DLnUUn , " 249 Taylor Hrlng till ad and iqt 10 per cent.- WAtlALAN'DKU CO., 618 Coumionwealilr bldg.' Rlmw carda, cloth lttn, window trltna. TAILORING SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladle' a lea" Tailoring Colleg. tailoring. 14:H 11th. Learn rireaamaklng, TAXIDEEMIBTS TAXIDERMIST, rug making, all kind of mounting, V. B, KI tiler. 21 Columbia at. w HE0AIBPC1AL18T ' DR. EALLY, Throat SpecUllat, Broadway bldg., after April 80. . ' -TOWEL SPPPLY CLEAN towil dallr, comb, bruib. aoap. Towel ' Kuuplr Co., 9th and Couch it.. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Coy Phone. Main 410, A-4410 TRUNK MANUFACTURIES MULTNOMAH Trunk ft Bgt Co., 80-88 Beat Water, whoteaala mfgi. trunk, aultcaaea, etc. Hpeelal trunk and caae made to order. TSAN8FEE AND STORAGE OREGON TRANSFER CO. EaUblUhed 1870. ' ,: Trknafer and forwarding agent. ' ' , Storage, free trackage. . Office and etorage, 7t Gllean it. Utb and flllaan.' . , :. Mala 69, A-1108. POTtTT.AKn VANT A RTMliCiK (in.1 nw Ir. proof warehouse luat completed. Furntahe every facility known to modern warehousing. An lnanectlow will convince yon. Honaehld goods shipped t reduced freight rate. Fire, proof warehouse 18th and Kearney. Commercial warehouaa 13th and Everett t recta, Main 6640, A .tRAil ...... 0. 0. PICK Transfer ft Storage Oov Offlcea am commodious four atory brick Warehouse with separate Iron room and fireproof, vault for valuablpa. N. W. corner 2d and Pine at. Piano and furniture, moved and packed for shipping, Special rate made on goods In our through ears to all domestic aid foreign points. Mala ORfl. A-1BH6. BAGGAGE. OMNIBUS A; TRANSFER CO. ctaggBge rnwieu 11 ouuin o oraiiuation, Storage, packing, ahipplng. Main 6980, A-8S22. IV, I . . L I ll.l- ARn A Mill UNITED Transfer Co. Storage and general hauling. Zol jerreraon, mar. ih. A-4nr TYPEWRITERS TYPEWBITEBS. tllchtly naed. U C. Smith aud " ad other "wnw,r"WdW!rtTi'1i''Bir easy term. L. 0. Smith ft Bros. Typewriter ijo., i'B at. MI8S HEMINGTON ASKS: Why not rent Remington (Model ),' 8 month for $5? Ad dre ltemlagton Typewriter vo. (inc.), tm Tth ALL nukes rented, repaired, sold. Cunnluguan) Co.. 2S1 stark. Main 1W7. WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 Sd it., be tween Salmon and Maim WHOLESALE JOBBERS ETERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commis sion merchant, 140 Front at., Portland, Or, rnone Main w. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES Paper Telling of Several Coun , ties in Washington Free . : for Asking,- .. Washington, May 17. On of the larger tasks ok which the United States geological survey is engaged is that of making a survey of tha underground waters of the United States. Many years will be required to complete this survey for all sections of the country, but each year certain areas where the need for information Is especially ur gent are investigated and the results are published In government reports known as water supply papers. The work of tfl-geotogical survey is devct- oping the fact that the possibilities for f urther deyeldj5iri entxfLtha undergrouB.1, waters for irrigation and other uses are very great. The climate of the state of Washing ton 4s of two distinct typest. The Cas cade range crosses the state IrTsuelr-A way as to shut off the eastern portion from Ihe rain bearing clouds of the Pa, cifio ocean, so that the popular term "Evergreen state"" applies only to the western portion, the-eastern portion ing .'semlarid or In some sections 6s- tlnctly arid. The soil, however. Is gen erally very fertile and , therefore the supplies of surface and ground water constitute "an important factor in its development; The water resources of this general region have been studied by the, geolog ical surve.v from time- to tlmo and tha laTest report embodying results of ts studies is Water Supply Paper 816. This report, which contains two maps and 46 pages of text, covers Benton county, the eastern parts of Yakima and Klickitat counties', and the western part of Frank lin county, including Sunnyslde and Res ervation valleys, the Horse Igeaven plat eau, and adjacent parts of the Columbia -tvaf.nl ulna.' i.'K ' '-"-S,'9 . .It contains ft-brtef but- interestln de scription of the climate, soil, vegeta tion1, physiography and 'geology of the region and an account of the irrigation and agricultural developments and de scribes the water resources, giving rec ords of flowing and nonflowing wells And discussing the relation, of. the strat igraphy and structure of the formation to the underground water prospects. It also outlines the areas in Which flowing wells can probably be obtained, ' r Wster Supply Paper 816, entitled ''Oe ology and."Watcr Resources of a Portion of South-central Washington,"' by Ger ald A, Waring, has just come from the press an copies can be obtained free of charge- by writing to the director of the Geological survey at Washington, IX a " . - .-v "'"",:. . -Osrs 'containing appnrratus for dlstn- reatTngeciotir8gaici)f passengers who have been exposed to contagious diseases hem been put Into service by an Italian railroad. '! ; r-wu Business a rWiHrJN ' 87-89 Front. Main 647 or A-224T. mm basins " SURVEYED BY U. S Short Stories Tell Delayed News Resume of the Events of Friday Afternoon nnd Nlslit; Paragraphed for" ' Quick Digestion by Journal Ketulers. FolIUcuI. In session atf IVashlngton, the xeou tlve campaign Mnmlttce of the iicmo ciatlo natIoiiar"ieominlttee has agreed upon pernmnont hepdciuarters at Wash ington, the organization of an educa' tlonal campaign, and . harmonious "cor operation with the Uemocratlo congres sional committee. A continuous , mili tant party organization is planned from now uptll after the next presidential election, President WHson voiced hearty approval of the action takn. . Hi-Presldant Taf t- has 'delivered an other political lecture at Yale. lie -said that .state wide primaries are "extreme measures of political, reform," and that a national primary tor the election of a president and other national officers is "almost beyond though." Taking up the subject of bosses, he Said!. "They have some redeeming qualities.". He laughingly referred to himself as hav ing had the reputation of toejng ono. Sir Arthur Lawley. former , governor of Madras and ft British delegate to the international peace 'Conference, declared that immediate disarmament would, not be advisable, in an address to the peace: delegates at a Chicago banquet ' A resolution providing for the erec tion of a building in Golden Gate park, San Jfranclsco, to, house llf esavers at a cost of not more than $30,090, has been Introduced lit the house at Washington by Representative Nolan of California, Before action Could be taken Friday afternoon on the resolution of Senator Kern of Indiana , providing for a con gressional investigation of the west Virginia coal miners' strike, the Demo cratic senators at Washington agreed to adjourn until Monday. : Kern's reso lution will be taken up at that time, To conduct experiments in towing submarines and to try out the 'engines of the little craft under' cruising condi tions, the navy department ordered the five submarines now at Norfolk to leave for Guantanajno, Cuba, at an early date. The flotilla will stop at some coast port, probably Charleston, S. C. It Is announced at Washington that thw Eparlllan government has ex termed until the end of the present year its preferential, treatment of American flour, cement and other articles. This action is regarded as of the. utmost lm portance to American flour and cement interests. The American trade with Brazil amounts to about $3,000,000 per annum in the commodities affected,, end withholding of the. differential would have turned the whole market over to Argentine. .. A reservation of 800 acres for Alaskan natives of Klukwan village, on the Chllkat river, to be known as theauk wan reservation, has been set aside by presidential proclamation. .Right of way for a United States wagon road is reserved. ' , -W -t Eastern. Judge Lucas, at Kansas City, Mo.,' has decided that it Is against public policy for a lawyer to take a divorce case for a contingent fee that is, that he get a certain per cent of the alimony collected. He dismissed a lawyer's claim of $25,000 Against a wealthy client Iri a dlvorc6case. Harpor's Weekly has-been sold at New York to "Norman Hapgood and associates," according to a statement given out by Colonel George Harvey, Its editor. He. said that the weekly had been losing money for some time, and that it was decided to "accept a good Offer from" good' people." . If the new scale submitted to the national convention of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Tin and Steel work ers In session at Fort Wayne, Ind., is accepted, 10,000 men employed at low wages in the sheet mills of tha United States will receive a substantial ad vance. The higher-salaried sheet work ers will probably make no demand for increases. , Attorneys for William F. Kettenback and George H, Kester, Lewlston, Idaho, bankers who were sentenced to five years each for violation of the banking laws, have appeared, before the depart. mptit nf instlcn nt Washington wrlth arguments for reconsideration of 'thA cases. They seek from Fresiacf.t .wit son a Twpwilng of the applications for nardon denied by ex-President Taft.. A military guard is oeing maintained t Fort Worth, Texas, to prevent fur' ther disorder, after a mgb bent on lynch, Intr Tom L.ee naa aiiacKea me county v -. . . .. . - . . . in n tn4. destroyed $i5,ooo worth or prgjert.y, Ie is the negro bootblaok JWWi a policeman and a negro"and ounded several other, persons. He en shot himself, and is In a critical condition. Sheriff Rea haa taken 111 m from the Jail and refuses to divulge his whereabouts. Mrs. Augusta Dietz has been Jield by a-coroner's Jury at Chicago to be re sponsible for or to .have guilty knowl edge of the murder Of her husband, George H. Diets, a fashionable woman's tailor. He was found dead April 14 in his bedroom, his skull having been crushed with a heavy hammer. Grant Stafford has been convicted by a Jury at Wlnfleld. Kan., on flve counts charging the theft OLfilgara-irom-Win field dealers. When he bought cigars. It is charged, he took more than he paid for. He was fined $60 on each count and ordered to pay the-costs of the trial. Stafford is a banker and on of tha-jarenlthlest men In Wlnfleld. A f edcranrrand Jury, at .Fast st. Louis, 111.;, has filed five Indictments against four railroads and a coal com pany, which are charged with rebating and discrimination on 63 counts. The railroads are known as the "Big Four,1 and are subject to a maximum penalty of $200,000 for each count At Charleston, w. va., juaga eamuei Llttlepoge of the circuit court has up hold the fight of Governor Hatfield to arrest and detain persons under pro cedure of martial law. He , refused a writ of habeas corpus to Frita Merrick, Socialist editor imprisoned by. the gov esnprs orders; Mayor Gaynor has been asuea ny a committee of X00 boss barbers in New York to arbitrate their disagreement Stomach Gas With Baalmann's Gas Tablets The proverbial saying that, one ounce of : prevention is better than a pound of cure fits perfectly when It come to nervous' -dyspepsia and gas. With Baalmann's Gas Tablets you can really prevent the formation of- gas or wind on the stomach. Isn't that. much bet ter than to wait until you are troubled and theft take soda mints, pepsin,, etc., to force th gas up 7 Such treatments are always injurious; In fact theyTtre no cure at all, only temporary. relief for one meaL Of course, sometimes it is Welcome , to get relief from such things, but wouldn't it be murti better to our gas. fer good with Baalmann's Gas Tablets? . Everv drutrrlst sells them for 60c, but Insist "on seUWgthalBenuIoftln 'a, ycl-? low . box, or send for a tree sample to I j tiaaimann. eoo oui anoci, out Francisco. Adv.) with their striking employes,. They told the ulayor that the bosses were ready to concede many of the Journeymen's dumands for more pay and "shorter hours. They also said t,hst'20,000 bar ber shopa In the cty were affected by the utrike. ' Striking barbers to the num ber of 10,000 paraded the streets Fri day. ' ;"' ', . ,. , ,, "When" the governments suit to dis solve the International Harvester com pany under the Sherman anil-trust law Is completed, it is believed that a new world's record' will liave, been estab lished In the amoont of testimony taken. At St, Paul 21S witnesses were exam ined for the defense, and 660 witnesses had previously boen examined for. the deforce in Kansas City, Wichita and othcAcltles. It has .furnished the gov ernment with lists of, 600 more wit nesses., 'The bearing at St. Paul has come to a close, and wlll, be resumed Monday In Chicago. Pacific Coabt.' George II,. BIx by, Long Bench millionaire- banker was fined $2& -for con tempt Of court Friday by Justice Reeve. Blxby had failed to. appear In answer to a subpena to testify, at the preliminary hearing of , Mrs. , Josle Rosenberg, charged with pandering. . After he was fined Blxby waa arraigned before Su perior Judge , Wood-on charger of con tributing lo the delinquency of Marie Brown-levy and Cleo Helen Barker, minors. ... .,-:...., ,- Tha new. hospital which, the Avarys are building at Stevenson, Wash., will ds completed in aoout so days. It lr a concrete building ihi stories In height, and will be one of the most modern hospitals on the Columbia, river, - Edmund M. Price of Los Angeles has been awarded a Carnegie medal for sav ing the life of a little girl) Hazel Owens, whom he dragged from the track at Seal. Gardens, Cal., May 26, . 1907,- Jus as an lnterurban car dashed 4y. ' In ad dition to the medal he received $100, whlcli he will use In part payment on a home. Price is a printer, married; and was the first deaf student to gradu ate from the Washington state school for the deaf at Vancouver, Wash., In 18$3. A fire in the fashionable Blake apart ments at 8an .Francisco 'spread with such rapidity that the tenants were forced to leave by the fire escapes', and loss of life was narrowly averted. Women who returned to' their rooms to save their domeatlo pets were over come by smoke, and were only saved through the bravery of the fjremen. Oregon Briefs. " More than 100 people Interested in the dairy business and better methods of farming attended a meeting at lone, which was addressed by. Dr Wlthyoombe of the Oregon Agricultural college and by:C. L. Smith, agriculturalist' of the O.-W. R. & N. The two visitors were taken on a 75-mlle auto ride through the farming districts, and expressed amazement at the amount Of fine land under cultivation In Marrow county. - The Polk County FlrVPatrol associa tion has been organised at Dallas, and Is. onfl...of a chain. that-are-..belng. .organ. Ized in timbered regions throughout the state. Of the 200,000 acres of Umbered lands in Polk county, 140,000 were rep resented at the meeting. Diplomas were presented Friday tn an address by J." H. Ackerman, former state superintendent of publlo instruc tion, to the largest class ever, graduated from, the Ontario nign scnooi, containing 1 members. -A local branch of the Oregon Citizens' TMii.-ainnai lonffTuh haa heen organised at Dallas with H. I Fenton as presl-1 dent and Eugene Foster a secretary. The new organization will take a prom inent part In the fight against the refer endum of the University of Oregon ap propriation, which Is" also bitterly op posed by the Dallas Commercial club. The revised wool sale dates for Ore gon for the 1913 season, issued at Pen dleton by Secretary Hope of the Ore gon Woolgrowers association; are as follows: Morning Friday,, May 28, Pilot Rock; afternoon, Pendleton; Saturday, May 24, Ech; Tuesday,, June 8, Heppnerj Thursday, June 6. Slianlko; Saturday, June V. Baker; Tuesday, June 17, Hepp- ner; TTiursday, une isr, rrqtmrvoa tor- day, June 21, Shatiiko; Monday, June zs, Madras; Wednesday,. June 2.6, Joseph; Thursday, June 26, Enterprise and Wal lowa: Wednesday. Jul? 2, Baker; Tues day, July 8,. Madras; Wednesday, July 9, Berid; Friday, July 11, Shatiiko. Edgar Shambraugh, an old settler of La Grande, 6 years of age, was found "dead in his home, where he lived alone, by neighbors and .friends who battered down his door. He is belle ved to have died from heart trouble. State Superintendent Alderman is , in Wallowa county attending the gradua tion exercises at each or tne rour nign schools.' 'Through town rivalry, the county high school at Enterprise passes out of existence with this week's com mencement - ' SUICIDE THREAT OVER THE-TELEPHONE WAS ' NO BLUFF THIS TIME (United Presa Leased Wire.) Everett Wash., May 17. Hen ry Garred, 29 years old, divorced Friday by his wife, Is dying from a- self-inflicted bullet wound. He had refused to work, his wife told the Judge. They had been married ten years and Gar red, as a breadwinner, had proved a failure.' Mrs. Garred went to Stahwood, to the home of relatives. Late yesterday afternoon. there came a call on the telephone. It was Gsrred, talking; over long-distance from Everett "Mary," fie said, "Won't, you take me back?" X e 4 4 The wife was obdurate. "Til kill myself if I can't have; ; 4 you," he saia. - i , . .ey . She laughed. . f""T've heard you say. that be- 4 fore." she taunted him. "It's all 4 biuff." ' Ho didn't , answer. There was 4 the muffled report of a shot then silence again, 4 Glr) employes of the Sunset 4 Telephone company ' called the Everett police. The police hurried 4 . Garred to the hospital. 4 4 444 4 4 OLD CLATSKANlE PLANT TO BECOME SHINGLE MILL clatskanle.Or.:JMay ,17. W. U Snider and ton 6f Stella, Wash- have pur Chased the old Palm mill property, re cently burned, of the Rose City Lumber and Shingle company.- of Portland, and will at once begin the work of clearing away the debris preparatory to erection of a shingle mill, which It is planned to have in operation in ths early fait . .Springfield Hural Route. 'Westtrttajteai1 My-4 7i neproeentattte Hawley iias secured thn ejitenslon of rural free delivery route No. 1 out of Springfield. sccommodaMnw two dozen niorejamllles.- CAROrJESS IS" wow AMERICAN BRIDE -. . - i . Mrs. Robert F. Loree, Baltimore,' May 17.-The latest inter national marriage necessitated the dis carding of a title of rank, thereby re versing the' usual order Of such things: When the pretty daughtheft of the Bel gium Ambassador to Constantinople be eame the bride of Robert F. Loree of New York, at the Cathedral here, -a few days ago, she discarded the title of Baroness- Allx Moncheur and. expressed her delight at becoming "plain Mm." EVERYONE GOT IN ON PROFIT, SO OF COURSE, ; THEY ALL WERE HAPPY Her health broken by a long Illness made it necessary - that 4 they, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheel- 4 er, of 474 YamUlU street, break; 4 upt housekeeping and sacrifice" the. expensive furniture they had 4, purchased to beautify tbelr, apartments. - 4 They did not have tlmo nor. 4 Inclination to remain ; long 4 enough to find a. buyer for the apartment as It stood, so- they sold off what furnishings they ! could on short notice among . 4 friends and removed the . re- id) malnder to a boarding house. ' There it was In . Xh&mwJUi,LJl.. Air. Wheeler- was on the point of selling it to a second hand man when he decided be could - make money Tor himself and the persons who bought his furni ture by selling -direct 4 . "By this system," he reasoned, 4 "my buyers and myself can split 4 the profit ordinarily taken by 4 the second hand man from both, 4 and each of us will profit I'll get more for my furniture, and they will ret It for leas than 4 they could elsewhere." ' 4 So said, so donel He adver- 4 tlaed in The Journal's classified 4 columns of oourse the tdi brought customers, and buyer 4 and seller profited as a result Just as Wheeler had reasoned 4 they would. It pays people who 4 are in the market for. furniture , 4 to follow up the bargains offered 4 in The Journal daily. 4 44444444444 SALEM MASONIC TEMPLE TO BE DEDICATED MAY 31 (Salem Bureau of The Journal.) Salem, Or., May 17. The new Masonic temple in thi city, will be formally dedicated by the officers of. the grand lodge Saturday , nighJt, May 31. An nouncement had been made that the dedication would take place next Satur- , day night but the services were post-! poned a week. v , j The new building, which Is six stories. ' is one of the finest In the city, .costing $119,000. The two upper floors are re-, served for lodge purposes, and are ele-' gantly furnished in mahogany and oak. Besides af large lodge room, there la a! large banquet hall, a reception hall, com mandry quarters and commodious ante- i rooms. Six thousand dollars was spent for furnishings." - ' Summer Horticultural Session. .(Special to The Journal.) Hood ftlver, Or., May 17.-Leslle But ler, president on the Horticultural Chau tauqua society of Hood River county, has announced that the sessions of the society will be held this season from July 21 to 28. The gathering will be held on last year's-ground in the tipper, T j valley, and the program committee is ar T I ranging to have a number of prominent Tj speakers present from abroad. Camp j grounds and tents will be furnished for an wno aitenu. RESINOL STOPS ITCHING INSrANTLY It Is a fact that the moment Reslnol Ointment toucbes itching skins, the j Itching stops and Jheallng beglfis. With the aid of Reslnol Soap, t almost al-! ways clears wky all trace of eczema,! ringworm, pimples, blackheads or other' tormenting, unsightly eruption quickly, leavlng-)the skin clear and healthy. ' - And ihe best of it Is you need nevet hesitate to use Reslnol Soap and Reslnol Ointment .'There is nothing In them to j Injure the tenderest surface. "Reslnol! Is a doctor's prescription.' which foi 1 eighteen yars has been used by careful rphysioians for all kinds of skin affec tions, i They 'prescribe Resinoi rreely, confident that its soothing, healing ac tlon is brought about by medication so blantf and gentle as to be suited to tht , njost delicate; of irritated Skin evep ol J 4 tiny baby, ;s.v ':. .- y .' ; , , , j Reslnol fs said b pra'ctlcally" every ' druggist In the Unttfd States, .but yuuj can prove at our expense what n wll flry-fr;yo:WT4oyeDTjptrr?M Reslnal, Baltimore, Md., and-we-wlll send you by parrfel post a liberal trUi of Reslnol Ointmenfand Reslnol Soap. liiiLlihii Ilh.-j iiEi'irieii'LLi;. Huge Channel Protected by v Dyke Included in 19 ; Mile Territory. . (United Presa Leaaed Wire.) Oakland, Cal., May ' 17 Comprahen sive tentative plans have been submit ted to Lieutenant Colonel Ttrtnas 11. Rees of the United States corps to " Mayor Mott and other city officials for the Improvement 'of 19 miles of the' water front here at a .cost of $25,000, 000. '' ,- . ' ; . ' The plan provides for tha building of a channel 700 feet wide skirting the , shore and protected by a dyke, while the plan ia endorsed by the chamber of commeroe and offlolals of the Oak land Commercial olub, Pablla ., Worka Commissioner Anderson declared that In his opinion the plan was not feasible be- . cause Its Involved too large an amount of money. . '. ' , ... . The plans' were submitted by (3ol onel Ree with tna request that the , Various. bodies Interested confer on them and decide the question of their adoption. -v- '''' " ' i - -- "I Metzger Excursion Postponed To b'unUay, May -ti. Callan & Kaser. . ; Journal Want Ada - bring results.' journal ?3utlbmg " 1 11 ',; . -"-j Vice two-room suit fo rent. p mm: w- - - a &a IT. ii;Si J.-'-S Tenants' Directory BAAE, DB. GUSTAV, mKlJl OUffl. A-SAU. ...... BFRfifTB. BROS.. Wailnaner. 816 Ground floor.... ........Tth it BROWNE, DR. A6NES X., Osteopath, Main 8009 606-9 BBUEEE, GU8TAVE E., M. D. MarshaJI M, A-8463. ........ .Wth floor suuiL, w, a., inanrance Main 8976, A-3975.. ....S06 CHAMBERLAIN, DR. CAS. T., Eye, Ew, Nose and Throat, H. 623, A-1371....8I8 CONSEEVATIE INVESTMENT CO., Maui 1007 $07 DALLAS DEVELOPMENT CO., ' Marshall 800. A-1011. ................ .314 DAVIS, JAMES N., Lawyer, Main 674$ ..............409 DAVIS ft DAVIS, Timber Zads, r - Main 7446 .. ...... lKh floor DUG AN W. W., Att'y., Hata 1743,.... 409 BUTKIE-BTRACHA Bl 4k t-O., - . Msin 6786 ...........611 XLLIOTT, J, V., Main 4831... ....816 EUBANKB CLARENCE M., Attorney, Marahall 860, A-1011. 814 EVANS. M. 0 tain 2S69. ............ .809 EVENSON, BOSK, Hairdreaalag, Manicur ing, Maia 708 , 6C0 n,DEAL TRUST CO.. . ...8H riS-K TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION - Main 4836 116 TOE, IBVIN Hi, Optometrlat, Main 823. A-1371.. .-...B16 GARDEN OONTEST LEAGUE Main 6889 .'.SOS GREATER PORTLAND PLANS ASB'N. - Main 8869, ., 809 GRIMM. J. G., M. D., Max. 944 .60S-8 HALL, ROBERT G M. D., Max. 1324.. 907 BEALT, JOSEPH M.. Mais 193 301 HORTICULTURAL. SIRS BELIEF, - Main 8976, A-3976.....V .606 JAYNE ft O'BRTON, Attorneyi-at-Law. Main 867 !.'..: .....atwl-B KELSET, fEANK O.. OivU Engineer.... SOS KiSTNER, IBANK B., ML S. Mar. 161, A-84a.... .10th floor LAKE LYTLE CO., Mar. 4840.. 607 LYTLE, E. E., Max. 4940.. ........ ....607 LIN DELL, J., Chironodiat .r Main 4921, A-4863 $1$ KENEFEE, OSCAR B., Wholeaale Lumber, Mar, $181.,.,.... 60S KENEFEE, L. B., LUMBER CO., Marshall 811$ ..614 MONTGOMERY. SB, I. H., PhysloUn end Surgeon, M. 623, A-1371. ............ .816 MYERS w MARTIN, OateopAtha, , ' , " MarahaU 1H 608-7 NELSON, ABRAHAM, Atty, Main 1007 - ......907 NELSON, DR. EMTL J., Doatiat, -Main 8790 .vj WOHTirWTSTERlf EIEO. CO.. Mar, 6160, A 4401 4tb floor HOBTHWlSTERaT LUMBEB CO., ,, Marshall 6l81rrri- v...60 fimiMlNTAt, LITE nfs. CO.. Ma. 1769 ........$!$ 0EHLEB ft E0BERTS0N, Boat Estate, Mar. 423 $11 OREGON ENGRAVING CO., Mar. 8083, A-6454.... .'.fd floor OKEOON FIBX RLLIEF ASSOCIATION. Main 8978, A-3976 60S PACIFIC LAND CO., i Mar. 611 ....... 423 FHIPPS ft ETTBANKS, AUornsya, Mar. 800. A-1011. 814 PINKERTON'S NAT. DETECTIVE AGENCY Main 938 ......601 PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION ABS'N. OF AMERICA ........8U QUICK, B. &,, Inanranoe Main 3976,v A-3976 ................. .ti REYNOLDS, MISS NANCT. HILL, a S. Main 1431 313 BEYN0LDS, T J0$V W., Q. Main 1439 ,. 818 BICEN. LEO, M. D li, 89S. A-1371. .918 KOBE CITY LUMBEB ft SHINGLE CO., Mar. 8118 ....614 SCHOOL GARDEN CONTEST LEAGUE, Main 3869 .308 BEUFEBT. T. J., Beat Estate . ' Main 198 ...8C0 SILVER FALLS'-TIMBER CO.; Mar. 8113 614 SMITH, EICHABD C M. D. Mar. 861, A-84o8 ... ............ lOtk floor STERNBERG.' DR. J. Physician ami Surrwa. Mala 623, A 1371..... ,.91 BTILES, F. L.i Builder Kj Ti-RRY. MBS. A, Gown . Main 8214 TBOMMALD. DB, 0. T., Main 678 VAN ZANDT, J. H., Real Eotate, 69 WARBlaS CONSTRUCnOJ C0. Ptf Conti-aHors, M. 674, A-44.. . 7th li . r WK8TBROOK, ft WISTBROOIC, AtWra.. - Main 1007 . . . ; . ,u7 WKSIPORT LUMBER CO., THE Mar. 8113 614 WHITESIDE, DB. GEO,, I., PhyakUa nJ Snrreoe, Main W84 .... f "Wll ltN BERG, MASON, Beal ltt, ' ' Marr-9M, A 101 1 ,,.-....,...,....,., S ! 4 WOODABD, M. 0 Mar, 3118 ts WO fcRii a. Oy-1' Al' L, Aaabuuiiag Ut, Main Ui. A li , I 'WBlUiiI-BI.tUOi I r to , LTD Tunbr lauaa, i.ln 745. .....lit f ( "V