o: DAILY JOU..:,AL, rOI'.TLAIJI), 17. VAX ii- 1 (Continued) i '' Mr, Homeseeker I have too much wont to do, on ac count of my physical condition, have to sacrifice our beautiful home of 8 rooind, strictly modern ' in every re spect, except furnace, 1 urn going to" eoll thin, properly, next ' Sunday at my home, No. 1162 Ivoii nt., I'ortlurid. Or. Take tlie.W.-H. car, got off at 39th st, go north 1, block, turn, went to the 3d house, facing the north.' I could go into details and describe the property, but In orutsr to get its lull value, cume and tee, .There- 1 a large porch, .7 Nee rooms and sleeping porch Large closets in anvil ueuruuin. uuicn luicncji. ail white enameled,. in good condition. Very expensive electric fixtures. ' j ' .' Now, Mr. Homeseeker, tf 'you- have 1600 or more, come out. We will surely make a deal. You may think from the description "of. thin property that It is ..iibout a f 4000 Or $5000 piece.of property, which it is. .But my price 1b below this. Call and nee for yourself. I moan busl- Jim. Don't destroy this add: cut It out ltd noon aa you see it and bring it with you. Hrter p. m. tsunuay. Am leaving town and must sell my noma in nose city ra.ru, Mas roome. sleeping porch and den,-alo hardwood -.win, 411 evince, ,iui imi;a) niin liwdci. bookcases, full basement.' fine electrio iixtures. nice lawn and' aiiaue trees. -Prefer to sell for cash, but would five reasonaoie terms, wee ma at onici, Crew, owner, 509.' RothcmiJ bldg. . FORTY ATTRACTIVE HOMES On the North Mt. Tabor slope have bear built by the TJmbdenstock & Larson ' 1 lomebullderg' Investment Company the past few months. More are under con--traction. Look them over Sunday. Take . ivasi Aniceny-Montaviua car to 70tn anu Ullsan. Architect will be on ground from 70 to 4 with 200 plans, costing $20 tu $28 per month to build. Bee Sunday what "Portland's pioneer building com pany la doing. , . A GREAT BARGAIN . To speculators, homesteaders and build ers; must sell at once at a great sacri fice four 60x168 foot lots. In North Mt Tabor; 7 room house, outbuildings, fruit of all kinds, garden In: Ilea level, good , roil; a fine home. 2 blocks from good car line; worth $5500, my price if taken at once $3666; $1000 cash. By owner. K-297, Journal. T '- , '''- HOMES. I have 15 homeftftes in Piedmont dis trlct, 20 minutes from center of city, all Improvements in, one block from park, ,6 blocks from high school, 4 blocks from library, fine view. This Is a restricted district.- I will build a home for you here on your own terms, Mr. Renter, don't miss this. . , ; Call Main 7760,. ask for MiJteeley. BUY FROM OWNKR New 6 room bungalow in Waverllegh Heights; no Incumbrance price $3200, small payment down, balance like rent J.ouble constructed and well built home; hardwood floors, beamed celling and all built-in conveniences. Only 2 blocks from W, It'car. 1120 Ellsworth, near $7th ' SACRIFICE SALE. -WlUeU ou.c.anxfortahleriedniQnt home, 100x100, T rooms, near Jefferson high, 2 blocks from Holy .Redeemer Catholic school, at a special sacrifice. weaving city, f none wooaiawn 23, o. W. Henderson. why PAY RENT? . . W Will sell you rt room1 hous, new and moJern. corner lot, 60x100, concrete side walk,- 1 block from car line, $100 down and $25 per month. - BRONG-MA NA R Y CO., 607- Lewis Bldg. "' SACRIFICE SALE. 8 room bouse, first class orchard, all kinds of berries, 14 acre ground. Your own terms and price if reasonable. am leaving town and must sell quick. Tabor 1580, FOR SALE! Modern 7 room bungalow northeast Irvington; lot 100x100, east racing; tots oi berries ana flowers; large new gas range and water heater -Price' $5600.. or house and 4 lots $7000, all very easy terrns. Owner. Wdln. 8079, HAWTHORNE ADD Owner leaving city will, sen moaern op to date, 6 room bungalow sacriflcer-part cash. Owner. No agents. 308 E. 14th st. Tabor 2167. "HOUSE and lot 60x100, concrete side walk, 2 blocks from car line.- Price sssu. oown ana siz.au per month. 'BKUNO-MANAKi CO., 607 Lewis Bldg. - - '. ' AT COST. Eaulty of $1050 In a 6 room bungalow on Hawthorne line, balance 7 per cent and 6 per cent; easy terms; discount for cash. Phone B-1490, . FOR SALE Furnished cottage; lot 60x ' 100; near Council Creut Mar. 5206, POK SALE? JLOTS .0 COOS BAY LOTS Must sell a bunch ol 25 lots, all in one block, well located, in addition that ad loins the Mtv ol 3lArsbiild4no wildeat -sale; wlH stand investigation. Price Only $1&50 cash for the 25 lots. Lots in the same dis trict have been sold as high as $126 each, Yoif cannot beat this, either as . investment or speculation, for future returns, vvnte f. v. isox zs, Marsh- iieia. on . BEAUTIFUL VIEW. LOT ON COUNCIL CREST. A real bargain. Must be-sold at onee. Worth $2600. Will go for $1400. AW cash. - Lot 61x98. Street improvements an in ana Donaca.- xne cnoicest build ing site on the .hill. You must hurry, See Ward. ' , : ... - WARD A YOTTNGKR, v , Suite 426 Yeon bldg. $600 Lots 50x100 Windsor HeiKhts at 48th and Clinton sts., .graded street, Water and cement walk; 2o crown and $19 monthly. Also a fine lot with 2 large cherry trees, 60x100, on B. 46th, tiear Stark it; cement walk, pnly $800. This is $300 below market price. Paul WOidt, jzdy neimont st. OH. YOU BARGAIN HUNTERS $600 cash for full corner lot, 3 blocks east of Laurelhurst in restricted dis trict, assessed at $500, worth $1000. There is nothtnit the matter with this lot Lies fine, 3 blocks to car. - F-371, journal. LOTS between E. 7th apd. K. kth ts., 1 diock rrom canine, 6 minutes' ser vlce . $10 down and $10 per month.. No l ()V. HAL I sJOt SKM 111! I . ., . . 'ntpoMrt.Mi mi tv rri 607 Lgytw Ht.lg. - FOR A BUILDER. Choice corner lot in Jonesmere, one block north of carllne. - Second mort gage privilege. Low price. Phone B- 1490. "'-'-. ':"- "IX)T oOriOO wi'K. 6th st., concrete side walk; only , $ 10 down and $10 por niouiu. . . ' BRQNG-MANARY CO., 607 Lewis Bldg. FINE view lots, 6 ct. carfare. SI down. $1 a week. Prices Way below other properties, owner, so I - Halfway Ex. bldg.. 4th and Stark- fts. ' . . IIOSE CITY PARK lot for sale at a sacrifice. I paid $750 for It; will sell for $600 and give easy terms. J. Q, MaoGregor. 775 Brooklyrt st lUX0 OUXJW, WBOl B1UO,. - A- lO OlOCKS to 6V4c. or 10 blocks to 6c car-far.e. 22 minutes; $100 to $476; easy terms, Own er, 807 Railway Exchange ilrig. . CORNER lot, Hawthorne district. Pebble-dafped with pressed marble. See this before buying. By owner. Tabor 1782. ; . -- r COME to piedinoni bulla a home; save cost of lot Jlan. $. ; - ' A. H. FABKR;Architect. $60 Alnsworth Avenng. , Phahe C-2791. ' 6EE Le Noir & Co. -for west side prop, erty. Exclusive df tiers in went side realty- 8 8 1 Cham ber of Co m meroe. BEAClIlor for-eaS AiF'ttHo forwoodt - A oargain. n .YawinnKion-;v-.a-oog; EQUITY ill lot in Rped 'college district FOR BALK Pa rt or aU.-QlF"i5ta on .carllne, .t?rms.,-jouraairl LOT in Overlook addition. 944 Borth- wlck u , yoouiawn hqz. i on yi Kixmi. (Continued) $150 Lots 5150 , Fieri n park . $5 down end $5 per, month; a few minutes' Walk to 80th and li Gllssn; well eltuat'd; Hull Run water; pniect ly level; no, stones; on proponed exten sion of , new rarllne; only t few luft. Take Mxmtavllla car. , . Fred Widell 20(12 K. fil Ifiiri, lU'nr Mi'h. Tnhir 378. LAkG E ' Firland .lut," I i ternls"" IS month; graded street and .water. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 771. ACREAGE 07 - A WHOLE CITY BLOCK, '.' $?oo a'';."' ' INCLUDING "IMPROVEMENTS ....;"..' '. AT GltESHAM. ' ReJuced cost of living -with a poslilvo future In the Investment. ' $0-Jnonthly. Two carUne from First and Alder. "UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., 28Oak'St . Main 7750. -: JO Acres, $300 $10 Down,-$5 Per Month Buys 10 acres of logged-off land. 1 mile from railroad station, town and the Columbia river, The. soil is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows some of these tracts have running' streams on them. ' These tracts are ideal for chicken ranches and daiTy purposes, perfect, title and warrantee deed. : BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, ; 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. LITTLE FA'RMS PLEASANT HOME. I 'J 1U IlbUU. ,6 YEARS TO PAY. ELECTRIC TRAINS ( , . FROM FIRST AND ALDER- EVERY CITY CONVENIENCE. . UMLDENSTOCK LARSON CO.. , " 288 Oak St. Main. 7760 BAYNES 1, 2, S, 4 and 6-acre tracts 'make deslrabln sunurhan hnmea. splendid Investment, self -supporting, en abling you to save your wages; $17$ to iuu per acre; easy terms: close 10 fori, land, auto road, electric car. store school, telephone, daily mall, electric lighted depot;' some with running-water, especially adapted for poultry; also farm lands ready for plow; ZS to $50 per acre. J. W, Hefferlln, 307, Railway Exchange bldg. IMPORTANT POINTS to consider when buying land. Soil, transoortatlon. nrico .and terms. conveniences. This combination of features we offer you on the Mount Hood Electric. Get our pook, ''Little Farms." ,,, . UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO.; --288 Oak 6 Main 7760. 5 and 1 0 Acres Cheap $20oin. to S45 .tier acre, on terms. Tracts of 6 cfesTr-more: deepj red Shot soil, well watered; easiTycteaM:d Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road.. close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th a- d Oak ate. Main 8078, Evenintrs East 804. "A CHEAP BARGAIN. 24 acres covered with fine nlllnir. flume to river near It, lies well, 20 or more acres plow land, creek touches one corner for 200 yards, In a hop growing section, 6 miles south of Sherwood;-a fine proposition, either- to hold or for a home. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 2d Floor Selling bldg. SNAP. $1250, WORTH $1600. Acre tract, Mt Scott line, 6o fare, Bull Run water, gas, graded street, level, all Cleared. Small payment down, balance monthly installments. TakeMt Scott car, get off at Lents, go north on Main street. See agent at Halloway'a store, on Main st, CadweU's add., or Inquire Whitmer Kelly Co., 70 4th st. Be Wise ' and Get Independent My neighbor, Mr. . Loron, made last year $400 from 1 acre of loganberries. Adjoining him I have 30 acres, all in cultivation, which I will sell In 6-acre tracts at $150 per acre on yery easy terms. See me at 20 .Washington bldg. Cladek. owner. A REAL BARGAIN. ' I will ell by 6 acre tract near Bur- MnA-fnti llr en TTnltort .or l!ti. A mnm house. 2 chicken houses and yard, sheds, (FOR, SALE 28 acres on Columbia rlv etc, fruit of all kinds; mile fromj er. "ear Lyle, 16 acres 3-year-old ap schooL Price $1600; $200 cash, $15 per I Pies. Newtown and Delicious. 17 acres month. L. H. , Smith, Hlllsboro, Or., R. t . ! , WO, 1. OX 10 J CHICKEN and fruit ranches r.ea-r Port ' land; GreshUm district, Estacada line, electrio jstation 14 mile. New subdivision,- Sunshine VaHy--erehr4-tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to $150 per acre In small tracts; easy terms; quick train service. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon. bldg.. Portland Or. v . , . Half Acres $475 $10 down, $5 monthly, Oregon City line.-25 minutes out cleared, level nlrht. ly, extra fine soil. We build to suit. A .MiaLer8' , ii.2 Wllc0x bWff, Main 3517, - Tabor 1770. GOodeoil, city .water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or Sell wood 476. Jno. H.-Gibson, owner.'- , . T ' CAN YOU BEAT IT? " $350 per acre. 7 acres. mile pleetrf line Only 35 minutes from eenter of Portland, spring, some-'beaverdam, good terms; worth. $600.' Lies, fine, all good soil, no rock or gravel. Ideal for chick ens, ducks and truck, F-372, Journal ; ,60x180, $350 - . $10 down: $5 monthly: 30-miniit nnr on electric line. Free improvements. School and store. A, C. Maester. in Wilcox bidg. Main 3517: $15 TO $60 PER ACRE."" S to 20 acre tracts, rood soil, mad t every tract, new school, 8 miles to Co lumbia river and railway station.. 114 hours from Portland; easy term's. 215 Lumber Ex. bldg., cor. 2d and StarS sta WANTED" 5-acres lmnroved wtfh 1 nr R room house 'on nr line, unincumbered. State location, unh and terms; must be cheap. Or476, Joni-- nai. . . ...... , 5-ACRES. 2 blocks of station on electric line, close in; best of soil. Price JlfBU. V-669, Montly payments will hnv hiY Journal.- ' ' $1400. . 414 ACRES. 214 miles from I'arKpiace, ur a acres cultlvaterf. Terma. Max Dietrich. Orecon ru route 6. - : 2 14 ACRES on auto toad, 5 blocks from electric- station: aood inaeHn.. Price $875. Easy , terms. R-298. Jpur nal. , ' 14 ACRES, deep, rich soil, all cleared" I withm 4 blocks- of electric station' I rice $650. Easy terms, Y-689. Jour-1 al. ... ". ;'-.. ''!---,.h- ; t;- ,,,) ii, acres S et caffar ii a;t ifa rntnth!' Prices' belowSthVr t-rtlesT Owner, 307 Railway Ehfidx i fin ami pv. - - FOR SALE or .rent. 1 acre, line soil, 'rood well. 4 room house. clns in Sr. fare. Chas., Kirk, Capi.tol Hill, Oregon uTACKES for $726: close to electrio line; fine soil, good drainages hda trees; $12 per month. F-375, Journaf. - p50 Suburban home site, 1 1-2 arrva. , runu biii. nmnoKu, tine v i w - u,, trio line; $10. ytt month. Q-465, Journal, CITY acres, Hawthorne ave. carllne kx- 'Il-4HlviBt, ovii v isirai, vYer ,aet 3S60'. ' ":'t :-- jj '. '...' ' ' $475 ONE acre, close to elei'trle llnej - go'od soil, all cjiUivated. View, $8 per month. A-558. Journal. ""' line; no cmvui, iivi 1 , 8C7xJournaJ. . .- . ' - - ( Continued 1 mm ttPKt 'Sl'BUmJAN TOWN TO rnilT' LANlJ. Three cornel lota with new room plastered lioue. tiood a.t'dcii all rlnnted. City water, siiirlitlv location. tiood ea.rden all I'iiiH piiioe tuil nn for icsu than oho half Its .value. Price $ 1 800; part caah, ItRiunoe caf y terms. Two nightly cor ner lots, 1500. ' l-Mnrht roniri nlnwtered liOue and twtf nice lots, plenty of fruit; L200(, part cash.. AClUMilE in MIL- "Ai ivi iv ior tno price or l'ortland iolfl. Think of this, One acre chicken ranch, new cottaKe, 60 line fruit trees, trardcit planted, chicken houso 14x80 feot elirht smal) houses and other buildings, all new, for tins small price of $'i()00, part cash. We have many snaps too numerT ous to mention, Call at our office, opt posite the o. vv. p. station at Mllwaukie. tnone jnnwauKie uiack saa. "UEUMOND ft. M'OOVERN. " " "RUBY" .CHICKEN. RANCHES. TWO eij:ctrio Mnes ANt) BASH LINE ROAU .','' WORK IN TOWN." ' - LIVE AT, RUBY.. .- LARGE- TRACTS. " . ' - ONLY $16.00 iMONTHL.' UMBDfJNSTOCK & T.AROrTCX, " W Oak St. r , Maiy J75(), ,v : and acre on-Tailine, 25 minutes from 1st and. Alder, $500 to $650, terms $10 down, $10 per month. Phone owner; Woodlawn 8058. V-67S, Journal. FOlt SALIC- FAIiMS 17 , - THREE GOOD BUYS. 'I . 7 acres, land all in high state of cultivation and within eight blocks of station at Beaverton and within one fourth mile of new car shops. '. Plenty of fruit for family use. All personal property to go with the place, which Includes 1 good mare, years old, iiar ness and wagon, plow, harrow and all small tools. Hay to last until haying time. .65 full blood chickens. Wood sufficient for 6 months' use. Good rarigiruand some other household goods. $2000 ' cash will handle this eal, the balance on very easy terms. The own er of, this little farm is compelled to go east, so It will pay .you to see htm and make an .offer on one of the best buys to be found In the Tualatin valley. ANOTHER." 6.69 acres, land all in high state of cultivation and only 10 minutes' walk from station at Beaverton. Good 5 room farm house, piped for water, hot and cold water In house, bath, toilet -etc. Good new barn and other outbuildings. Land nearly all fenced with woven wire fence. Plenty of fruit for family use besides about one half acre of berries. Tins place has been held at $5500, but on account or sicKness in tns lamny tne owner Is forced to sell and is prepared to offer a bargain. $2800 can stand on tne buy. Make an or e an ,ori;exj,aUiOUr,eJQF up-to-date farm. B-3. Oregon..,c:itiLl tlikely 'to "ge Ua bargain! STILL ANOTHER, ' 6 acres, 4 acres in -cultivation, bal ance, easy to clear. " CThly one hay!' mile from station on Oregon Electric. On county rood. This is all good land and will bear Investigation. The price Is only $1600. Make us an offer as to your first 'payment - IN GENTSRAL. Beaverton is eight miles from Port land by wagon road and only six miles by direct line. We truly believe that -we.-a.re in line for the next real develop ment aTmmd.ortland and are sure that we can offer yorr-eome of the best buys in this part of the Tualattn-.-vallfiy,. Why not get in line and In touch with "The people who have the situation In- hand. J. STROUD & SON, ... '. Beaverton, Or. BY OWNER.. Chicken, hog nd fruit farm, close to Portland, close to electric car. 40 min ute service;' about 8 acres In fruit, part bearing, air kinds; fine patch clover, some timber, 7 hags, fine cow and calf. work mare, 350 chickens, z incunaiors, 3 brooders, all implements needed, 1 gaa WIITK IIIH.TH I! 11 Hf I1H. It UlUUUatUI Oi ti t-tn, ),. fnlr l.ntliHnL's. cood water. best of sandy loam soil, price $8500, trade for Portland property to $6000; $1000 cash, good time on balance,- 6 per Cent. Phone WoodlaVn 1125, or write W. F. LINDLEY, 826 Haight Ave., Portland. $27,000. Fine dairy ranch, 239 acres, best farm in Skamania county, 314 miles from railroad and boat landing at Mt Pleas ant; on mail and cream route, school house on place, 9 room house, largA barn, family orchar3, all crops - in, 3 j neau oi eiock, 2 nprses, iu uihuiijuoi j and farm Implements; water piped to house and barn. Will sell for cash or trade for good Portland city property; $8000 cash will swing it. Write to Kocher Bros., owners, Washoagal, Wash. R. F. Dr No. 1, Box 35 ' - strawberries, packing house, Irrigation water and flumes, uumaie ana scenery unsurpassed. On county road, R. F. D. and telephone, also near boat landing and It R. Half mile to school, church and store. A good Investment Write or- cril eveTitngs - T. k. ion. atis Ktutn si. For Sale -by Owner A good dairy farm of 80, acres, good ITduse and barn,rstanchlons for 12 cows, team, cows, cream separator, cmcK ens, pigs, farm tools, farm well watered, close to Oregon City and Portland. Will take city property In or out of Port land, easy terms. C .A. Rosecrans, Or egon City, Oregon, route .1 box 36. Bargain Must sell my 30 acres close to Ore gon F.lectric, 40 m,. Portland, finest of soil, all in cult, small house and barn; 10 acres In crop. Low price, easy terms. Might take $2000 city property as part payment, Cladek; owner,. 20 vyasnington piug. FOR SALE or rent 19 acres one mile north Butteville, on. Oregon Electrio R. R.; part crop In, fine -hp.averdara land, spring and creek, new house, barn. Chickens, cow, household goods. Must have about $300. Phone C-2478. - 890 Vancouver ave., city. ,- FOR SALE OR TRADE A 40 acre ranch all in alfalfa, In Payette valley, Idaho; good - house - and barn. 609 Everett st. Phone Marshall 1464. . SUMMER hoihe, Coiuaibia river, sta tion, wharf 200 feet of door; good house, orchard. East 273. W. H. Herd man. . - ' Ff you want a fine farm or extra fine registered Jersey cattle, send for my Palo catalogue. T. Withycombe, 421 Hamilton hldg, Portland. Or. i FOR HALE 18 acres, gram, dairying. and fruit. 214 miles east of Dallas, Or. Write Box . Dallas, Or. 200 -ACRE' good stock and, dairy ranch' to- be sold wittt stock or without stock. A ppi y to A.,-Gaiiagiier. una, or. FOR SALE 3t acres pn Sandy river: 2 ' miles above Salmon river; swell ihr summer home. M. E Knotts, Bend, Or, AM owner of several farms. If you .want bargain, and easy terms, write box-832, Portland. FOB RENT FARMS 14 $10 pr month For lease, chicken ranen 1 ear or more, 2 acres, house of 3 rooms, chicken house, 114 acres wired In root chicken wire, 4 acre clear, Bhed cellar, well, 40 minutes' ride from Port-, land, 6 mjnutes..tQ want to car, school; ?T 1' Churchy Oreshnm 'or Cbz -h-J2lal H03IESTEADS 47 S20 ACRES of fine land in Malheur couhtv, -2 miles from R, R. etation. Two years' development work done. WIW . 'relinquish, Tor $20oo. "Can secure patent In flneParr' Quk-k action neCes4 rin ,v. i. t.i'"-."- "i'"c iimei. i flijMlCSTEAD In the. best farming lo . caHty.ln Oregon; good roads, school, close to It. B. tewn; good water; loca tion guaranteed. Call room 6, Oak hotel, Oak st; ---' ,--:'. . - ADVENTIST settlement .80 acres- to J.eelli- How .many- acres do you want? Icvcl, good soiL-j ehced, part-Improved; Terms, ZX-227t Journal; . aT!Torn7afaTi3 excursion to Yuba 'yiatvalley May 17: free-fare coupon.- a. Mlgnhoune. 441 Chamber. Commcre. iu)Mi:mv..m (Continued) 1000 Milo Excursion, $55 s all expenses round 'trip. .Tlinniyh l.iiKc!, Crook and Ilurnny countitfn, choice liomcsteail.'t i. nd il)tiiiliiiiiiii iilH; i fa .'"r . y"IK Jau" lees- AlcKets V - 1- I. IIU1IUMT ML TV-"M I f IJI-1 UC' U'OS'T wait untiralf the nood lands are gonoi use your lund rlpnta on th best iu us ijhu, ju or au acres, near rail road now building: level, rich-soil, no roolc, good water; timber free; unlimited piocK range; Rinin N774, 11 nn St. 80 ACHE homestead, Lincoln county, 40 - tillable and nearly cleared,, good, soli; I16U. 513 Huclinnsn bldg. . TIMBKH TIMBER LAND8 lJOtJOHT AND BOLD. L. n, NUCK. 214 COTWM BRCT AL BIN, fOll SALK OR IlEXT . -BEACH 1'IlOPJEKTy BEACH cottage for ent H of'room" double cottage' on Cannon, beach,, par tially furnished, to rent for season, U Is located In ope of the prettiest spots on Cannon beach, where.it is quiet, beautiful scenery, fine mountain .water, and excellent bathing place. Rent very reasonable 'to Tight party. ' Apply John S, Beall, 809 East YamhUl street. PlAttTnG PROPOSITION, Ocean beach frontage, ,5 acres, thee milen north of Gearhart Park. Price low for quick ale. Bo 412, Seaside, Or'. ANY part of 1000 beach lots at $12 each to trade for improved Portland, prop erty. Malft 1464. ; FURN JIS11KD cottage at Bay-Ocean for rent All or part of season, Phone Main 1917 or call 608 .Henry bldg, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE or exchange, at Ncwberg, 214 acres with uood 7 room house and outbuildings; all kinds of fruit; price sbu; wui consider, nouse ana lot, grocery or confectionery: for particu lars, write owner, box 7Sfi. Nawbert-. Or. Prefer 1st. Johns car line. ItiO, AOKKS Souii Dakota land, u-nen-cumbered. .same county state caoitol. to exchange for good east side residence of 6 to 7 roonie; will assume. Y-6D2, Journal. . ' - ' 20' ACRES, Is miles Portland; no lm - provements; trade for stnall .house 'to $2600, or vaca,nt lots: 1W miles to sta tion. 432 Chamber of Commerce. '. WILL EXCli ANU B 83 acre dairy .farm, near city limits, Vancouver, Wash., for Portland "Income property; no com mission. Owner. Call Tabor $571. . $900 eaulty. 21 well furnished house- kepln rooms, all full, to trade fori nouse ana iot or gooa b passenger auto. 409 E. Salmon. Phpne B-1971. HAVE a beautiful new home in fine residence district, hard surface' pave ment In and all paid for; will take au tomobile a8flrstpaywentP,. O. box 28. a i.lUHT room nouses, a lots and a ponrl luilrrv hnnlnANH fni ahIa nr ti-ada rjT-K-3?rr".T(inmar TTO EXCHANGE rirs,t class 17 room -' and - boarding house for milk ' cows, rarm equipment, etc. wm pay airier ence. G-874. Journal, ' $700 equity In good 6 room house in South Portland to trade lor a I senger auto; 629 Hamilton bldg. ANY part of 1000 beach lots at $12 each! to traae ror improvea x'oruana prop erty. .Main 1463. , . UNINCUA1BEHED property wanted; will exenange a good business ror it. B08 uernnger Diag. FOR SALE or trade for Benj property. 6efe.-near..Meldr.uin. Oregon City car line. wwiei, uui j.oo, joeiiu, or. WILL take your lot, light auto or small store on nandsome 6 room new bun galow ; owner, B-384, Jotirntff' 1 HOME- telephone bonds at par, acreage or lot as first payment on new $5250 house. . i EXCHANGE House, and lots for im proved or Dartly Improved farm. B ) Jurnal- ; . - - - I WK exchanKe wDat you have fort-what , you want .Peper & Baker, 444 -Bher- lock Didg.i 3d ana oak- warsnau HOUSE and lot, 6 rooms, price 41350, easy terms. 432 Cham, of Commerce. SWAP COLUMN S3 WILL sell cheap or what have you- to trade for a high class runabout or nearly new player-piano, ,or for both? Must nave quick action. Address o, box 947, Portland. ' WANTED RE A & ESTATE 31 WANTED An acre of land within half mile of good small town on river not over 30 miles from Portland. Owners only. Address W. S.. 417 Web sttr st - " -i ROOMING HOUSES S3 A GOOD clean rooming house of 22 housekeeping rooms, for sale; 14 cash, balance in monthly payments; newly renovated; godd furniture; cheap rent; good location; Inquire 868 K. Morrison. TWELVE neatly furnished rooms, sin gle anddouhei. a. bargain Call-on McSorley, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. . . house, all furnished, for $300, Rent $30. $76 down, bl. $20 per month. Call 8ft Grand ave. East 294. ' WILL sell tor trade my Interest In rooming house, for lot or land; 195 N. 23d st BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE: Cheap for cash, half in terest in paying drug store; good lo cation; clean, up to date stock; last in voice of entire stoek, $4800. Party leav ing city. Y-280, Journal. WANTED A lady to Join me In taking over a fully equipped halrdresslng and manicuring parlor, $250 required, experience' not necessary. . Mrs. Evans, P. O. Box 636. IF YOU have anything anywhere you ... want to sell or trade, I uiake a spe cialty of exchanges of all kinds. See BlacK. Hq will match you. 451 Jcfjfer- nn st. Marshall 5725. A-4940. WANTED Party to take the manage ment or raccory ana maniiTaeture our ?roduct.m California- or Washington. 1JA 1st sC. TItllitv Mfer. dn. FOR SALE OR TRADE Sawmill out fit; will give three .years time; per fect bargain. Owner, 212. Railway E change bldg. ' . $250 Investment will give the right party an interest in a dandy little restaurant, centrallv located. ., See my agent at 519 llen-ry Qidg. . iUlK UffUKi'lMIl. New 66x60 frame store building 4 room residence and 113 ft. frontage f-v only yzftuu, j-a-casn. tiwupr, Taoor a.571 " : ; DENTAL OFFICE. Best location, large territory, oppor tunity lor big practice, inquire world irug tjo., ptL iBi. WELL- established millinery store, for sale bv owners, small amount of cash will handle this,-- Must .be seen to be I'ppreclated. '.phone East 6i9.i. DUNN CO., Concord bldg., 2d and Stai-k'fltreets: investigate and advise In all investment. ' 1 STOCK of ' groceries and fixtures; gi location,, for sale. cheap, Apply J. ood A. Henry, zoq. 1st nx.f : , . ---v A SNAP; grocery, all new tock; will .11 ttiAAM . Trtrr 4 tra e a. ilita Tabor 4643. C-1648 FOR-SALE Ladies furnishing store, : just , the place.. for lady; nice living room, .low rent. .20114 1st st. . - . RESTAURANT for sale cheap. North 17th. , C; B, restaurant mornings. ., ; ' . . ' 383 Ca;l . I .- t 1 .' I , Utn.u , nldrtA D,I,-. a,l9-;-well e3uriid ; monthly rate 3 ei CHt. - 231 FHedner bldg. Main 6239: REb'f AURANT and delicatessen, - bar- fain; good business; sickness forces sa le. F-8, 527, Journal. -. 606 BUSINESS CARDS 76c; Rose City 'Prlntery, 19214 8d t ' 600 BUSINESS CARDS , $i. Ryder Ptg. Co.Tth-BHideMSJBS; WILL sell at sacrifi ILL sell at sacrlflcPr restaurant; gopd I FOR KALI Ismail grocery store with I ...foort.-trudci . Woodlawn $0 ii, ni slush k .( :i;s (Continued). VOIINfJ MAN CoriHiiit Ailvisory and Employment Doi.nrtment of the Y M C, A. Iiofnre invest Intr. We never tell WIIICIU-;, but 'freiiintly nro able to nd vlwe whern NOT to invest, so nn to save money. Y. M, C. A. memljers also have win jtiviipsw or perurins rooms at rea soiiablo rules In the fireproof associa tion hlltlrilnl" I! r.f irvniniKiiim: Hwlm. fmlnR pool, siiower baths., and 100 other lea lutes. AUTOMOBILE 'school witn nich (trade, i expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to tra n Tor this comins voca tlon. Not run to make money, but for the good -of men. See, or write Supt of the All the Year Round Y. M, C. A, Day. and '.'Night Schools, cor, 6th 'and isyior st. WANTKii. -I'Uimers' society that has solved thn marketing nroblein wants local, county, and 'state representatives to put the new system-in operation. All or part, of time. Exceptional oppor tunities with promotions for live men. President, .227.went Washington fit In ill" n Ji r o ! ' 1 n : FOR 'SALE-i-C'onfectlonery. soft drinks, sfchodl aupplies epd light groceries; fine place for ice cream if I was able Id do the work; fine living rooms with bath: furniture' aoes with tlie'rooms; hot and cold water in kitchen. ' Stje owner ai losa linsan sc. ... AT MILWAUKIE. . . Nice Main St. 'boardln house: fine la cation and a money maker; cheap "rent. its. a -tiargatn. ... UiSUMOND Bt M GOVERN, Phone Mllwaukie Black 392,. iRY UOODS and notion store, clean stock, cash busimss; good proposi tion; will take inventory price, $1500;, lease arranged; no incumbrance. If yoa want-something good,' investigate. M' GOOD grocery for sale; sales $2000 month: kood buy: -lnvestieate. Owner. A-iVj, journal, MOA'EV TO LOAN .- 27 :rik l x llEA ESTATE .; , :. v -: MONEY TO LOAN - ON IMPROVED REAL'ESTATR OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VRRY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS: NO COM MISSION. : - . . COLUMBIA LIFE s TRUST CO., 916 SPALDING BLDG. LOANS made tin improved ny proper ty or for building purposes; advance! made as building progresses; liberal rrnivminti nrlvllezea. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 24.2 Sterk MONEY TO LOAN Oil real estate security. . llARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bid.. Main 208 A-20BO Mortgage Loans 701 Relllne hide. MONKY-to l-oun; Urgs-loans a sprclatty, building loans; loweet ates: lire in surance. W. i. BfCK. l9-8l failing. 1500.' S1000 and upward on improved - real estate. Favorable terms; no delay; no "broke rage. John Bain. 21 4 Spalding. $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, lor a suon nine. v OreKonlan bldg. ' ' MONliY. to loan. Improved Portland -; spv-lal facilities for large tie & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts: mortgage loans-: reasonable rates. F. I.' Lewis Co.. "3 Lewis bldg. $100,000 on mortgages,, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxle & Co.. Gerllnger bldg., 3d and Alder. TO loan, es'late funds on real-estate at current rates Inquire attorney, room 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. $250'to $2M)0--frluaii..on houses, cost papers. Word. 210 Alisky BTdg-. ? MONEY to loan. 6 la per cent. W. li . 8IU & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg (BOOO or part for Immediate loan. Phone at once. Tabor 771. MORTGAGE LOANS Prompt service, Geo. H. Thomas, 267 Oak St., room 2. MONEY to loan on real estate. A, H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real eatatp. ,Farrington, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan on city property 7 ner cent No brokerage. Y-6H1 journal. MORTGAGE LOANS Cltv and Farm Henry C. Prudhomme. 806 Wilcox bldg, MORTGAGE loans. 6. and 7 per cent. " Louis' Solomon &'Ce. 29 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES , 7 . We Will Loan You $10 to $200 Todav On your SALARY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, AUTOS, PIANOS, HTORAGB RECEIPTS or LIVESTOCK. AT THESE RATES. 30 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. 66 Weekly Pays a $i0 Loan. $0.3 $0.6 il.l 10 Weekly Pays a $60 Loan. . Full Rebate Allowed.' Receipt In full given in case of death or total disability. Portland Loan Co. 413 Mucleav bldg. Bet, 4th and 6th on Washington st --. Salaried People If you .are in need of Financial, Assistance - We will loan you from $10 to $100. Lowest rates In Portland. All we require is your personal note; no mortgage; no innorser or security. Business strictly confidential. Call and Investigate our payment plan. State Security Co. 308 Falling Bldg. PRIVATE PARITY LOANS On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds, leweiry, Koaaxa, . $20 Lumber Exchange. ELBY COMPANY. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their . own names; chean rates, easy payments, confidential. V. H. Toiman, room iy luiuoer SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get 95 to 1100 today at cheapest rates, best -and most private terms, ii. u. DreKe. sax Heary mag. MONEY sold on installment; conxideu- . tlal to. salaried peoule. F, A. Neir 7ih. Bl4 Henry bldg" " MONEY loaned op dlamonus and Jewel ry. strictly confidential. 1411j 3d. JLOAK& WANTED 30 WANT $2000 for S years at 8 tier cent on. fireproof store building, 48x60,. and 3 Jots. Tabor 3671, WANT to. borrow $650 from private par ty, gilt edge security -and bonus. Box 832, Portland. " - FINANCIAL 51 WE buy 1st and 2d mortgages, and sellers, equity in cohtracts, and make ist toig. loans. F. J. STEINMETZ. 603 Gerllnger bldg. CASH PAID FOB MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in wasnmgton .or Oregon. H, E. fc'oble. Lumbernens bldg. Ioans. MO.NKV to loan on-improved real estate i .'-. r,-ti & , . . . nn r security. ecu a i.esisier, vi ur I'-ner lildar. , - . - ' HKLP WANTEI 3IAJLK GOOD live hustlers to solicit orders for watches, diamonds and jewelry n $1 a week plan; commission or salary to- the right party; reference required. unman jewi'iry 0 207 coroott mug. RANTED At one?, two men to learn auto repairing and-driving for epring work, Hawthorne . Garage. 445 Haw-thorfie-Bvnl ' ; "--j OFFICE man, folr Import ; and export firm onenlnsr oranca here: small cash bond required. G-650, Journal. WANTED K man at once to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Aonlv Madison Oarage, 1111 Hawthorne ; ave. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINS DEPOT. ggfr yamntu street. I'JtOTO agents, something new, a snap. W A NTED Ex fo rienced man to dlg and liulKh essigjpopL at 1325 Denver- ave. 1IL L1 iv A vrr: r n 1 A L r, (Continued) Situation Wanted Ads Inserted free for those In Beefl of work and who are unable to pay for is advertisement. Advertisement must be brouKht to the office personally by the parties desiring- work. Wanted at Once We need right now, 12 of the n ' . , men In Oregon. , Experience In the real 'SITUATION - WANTED Experience J estate business Is not an absolute ei-1 rhoreman and farmhand, summer r -sentlal. What we want, and what w sort or farm, $,1$ and" found. Slate par must have is. men with enthusiasm, jtlcnlars.- R-300. Journal. "stlck-tO-it-lveness" and enouirh amhl- ii a ut .ivi.-h 'rT,..x;,',.i;i rI...,..,7Ti LUon to work at least 6 hours a day. We itiii So, Al Hi. iT 7J9 1?eopli v's - - - vh v...u uitu , l. . . i v i'i, uiois man we couia uanaie we expect more next Sunday, and must have good, clean cut men of character to handle the prospects; . Call M ono and ask for Mr. Wllloughby, ' . SMITIL.WILLOUGHBY ,C.O., ; ) . 90 6th it, Pertlarid. Y. M. a A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membershtD guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months, full membership privileges. It months social privileges and undertake! to keep member - employed during the full tenn of membership, without .fur- mer charge. Record tor 1$ month ending Deo. lit Call for men ,226$ Positions filled 1697 See Secretary t Employment Depart ment Y. M. C A. WANXJj:D FOR U. ti. AilMX AbU Ooa led, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 85, citizens of United States, ef good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writ the Eng lish language. For Information PP'T to recruiting officer, Worcester bulla Ing, 8d and Oak sts., Portlsnd. Or. VV.NTED Salesman; excellent opening with oldest srrongost nursery west ol Rockies. "Our trms are 60 per- cent mote libera', than those of any other reliable nursery. Get the best cash re turns from' your work by connecting with us. Write today. The Woodburn Nur- feries, Woodburn. Or. SALESMAN wanted;-good proposition to offer those .who can sell clean, re liable nursery stock. Protected terri tory. Cash weekly. .Outfit furnished. For particulars address Idaho Nursery Co., Welaer, Idaho. . WANTED Few young men. . to learn profitable trade, day or Bight school plenty -'of-openings, watch making, en graving school, 210 Giope bide. Port lend, Or. v . ' ' WANTED At once. 4 men to learn auto - driving.. Call at garage, E. 7th and Hawthorne ave, ' - - WANTED Stave be' .cutters, good Job. Apply.22 CQrbett bldg., city. HELP . WANTED -MISC. 4 LEARN Wireless. Big Pay. Short Hours. Those . desiring; to see the world. 1 .. . .. iv vixerit Ail vvi'Jituii'ikj t uneauaiea. More, oosltlons than applicants on lst-class battleships, ocean liners, shore stations. Also thorough course In telegraphy. -Special summer rates now In effect Call or write Pacifie Const Tel. met., commonwealth bldg. v Expert In struction by expert" In st r u 0 tors, shop and field work;' tuition part 'c ash, dis- -C-U4J-t...f0X. cash. Ore- con Auto & Gasoline Traction School,-266-268 11th. FREE Illustrated Book tell of about 300.000 protected nositlons In 'U. 8. service. Thousands of vacancies every year. There Is a big chance heTe for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime em ployment., ask ror oooKiet. r-3tts. JEan Hopkins, Washington, D, C INTERNATIONAL . CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOLS, 606 McKay bldg, cor. Third .and Stark ets., open Wed. and Sat nights. Phones: Main 1026, A-4121. Answer and drawing paper, WIRELESS operators in Constant de mand. This coming vocation tanarht at . Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round. Day ana i-vignc ocnoois,; complete equipment; best on Coast PORTLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. - OPENED MAY 1ST. . PREPARE FOR EXAMINATIONS. T1LFORD BLDG. MAIN 664. MEN, women to learn barber trade, 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. Ore. reamer t,;ouege, as MH'imon, nsn coucn. M. & M. Practical Telegraph School, 633 636 Chamber of Commerce; day and evening sessions. ' INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONbENifi . Schools. 165 'A 3d st (near Mnrrlnonk. Rooms 7 and 8. Main 4048, A-3044. UNCALLED for tailor-made suits, $6.50 up. iayior. ine tauor. zs Hurnslde. GIRLS, learn beauty parlor business. Earn ''money learning. 613 Rothchild.T INDIVIDUAL Instruction, clay and night i. vv. v, a. enortnana school. HELP. VANTBl FEMALE a Situation Wanted Ads Inserted free for- thosa In nA nf work and who are uneW to n fnr advertisement Advsftlsements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. Saleswomen .Wanted ' We have ODenlnga for IS woman who are .willing to work at -least 6 hours a day.- Experience not an essential all we require is a wiUlngness to work honesty, enthusiasm and grit. We have the choicest and best advertised subur ban realtypropositlon lnlhewest everybody Is Interested avrvbnv buys. Over 700 Visited our tract last Sunday. See us at once. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY CO.. 90 6th st., "Portland. HAVE stock of new oriental silk goods from China and Japan. Want party to open ana manage branch store. B- 703, Journal. . ' WANTED Ladies to demonstrate; $2 to $4 per day; colt room 4j 35014 Mor- 11DUII Dt, MlDiLE-AGED lady for general house- . worn ana are or tna cnudreh., 330 rj. iuiii st, . . .. j . LIVE women canvassers can make $3 to $8 day.. Something- new. t,-.v.w woman bUVS. H0O F11ertne- hlrtn- VANTlDExperieiiced sklit and waist neip; .uo coiumoia Dltlg. ; . FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 400 uesnm Diog.. sanitary parlors. UEL1 WANTED MALE AND ; . FEMALE 29 L MOL.R BARBER COLLEGE ' "Wanted f en nri mn n i--n' K barber trade in i weeks, tools free, a chance to get In businees' for yourself. Send fOr fre- C-taloir. or eall ui ts hi 4th st. - ,'- .' , " WANTED Vaudeville actore, amateurs. wrue acta, ttoonn jo, Hrook bldg. SITUATIONS MAt- A MAN of good education seeks posl- Hon as companion, nurse or secretary. gii-., eanjr iciiub. u-aoo, juurnai T1U3. window cleaner and houseman wants wo.rJe.py. Uie day. Phone earl v. Marshall 462. ' A MAKKIED man wnnta work us Jh. iior or engineer, or fireman In building in city. T-623, Journal. , GOOD machinist wants work. . 0-4,77,'' V.lll OKI PAINTER wants work by day er con tract. AonreBH h. t.oooe. zl Id. EXPERIENCED collector wnnts Pos - tlon, Phope Woodlawn J235. lura vcgtluT work. yuLw. - .4 - ,l. - 4 toqo p. ni. ii-.sjy, journal JOIJ. AVell drillers. Box 86, It 2. GresU- um nr ----- - - - I K T X X X t i GF.RMAN tiui n 1 is ; uf at once. Di.-hwii.stL-r or 5"' I Janitor work nlw. Am willli-- t f.ir living w.i-. . . 11. 1. Lii.t Ui e E." rWisiiti, Jiiiil.in V !"'r. W AK;TEI ) i-;yyIng muiTivd take charge; of well linpi-ovud l.uni. salary, liest of references furiiit.!,' 'I. Address UX-296, Jonrtml. MARSHALL A FIN" LAY Wo . p..i..! ing, ' papurhanglngt tinting, gTalnifK. from a" burn to a inansion. Call M.uu ' In the cafe of lawn, flowers end ve- ! tables;, best of "reference; X-483, Jour- yiai. YOUNO man with mother to Support would llko work on ranch where moth er could work for her room and board. V-666, Journal. WiMTI,-rt.l tif.ult.An rn 1, 11 a run, -It' have had years of experience in the east. Call or address 1040 K. Taylor st.,- after 6 In evening, p. A. Rater. YOUN(J inarHed man wants employment . at once; previously engaged in Chris tian work; - best references. . Address 2926 71st stf 8. E. WANTEDPosition as watchman; can give Al reference; not particular about the wages,- as I need the position; "a member of seven orders. T-296, Journal. , YOUNG man desires position as asslst ant bookkeepers general office worlc 8-349, Journal. '. ' . , SITUATION wanted in a, furniture store by upholsterer, carpet layer and shade man. B-392, Journal. f WANTED Lady to'do light housekeepu ing, 123 7th ave; Lents, D-363, Jour nal. . SITUATIOJTS FEMALE MIDDLE-AGED woman, with little girl. - want. nouBWKenper iuiiiuti, ueai, ru'hi cook, good disposition; wants a- 4(ool home; reasonable wagusj - bachelors or widower, W-341, Journal.- A-l tenograptiera are what every em ployer wants. 'The place to get good stenographers Is at the Remington Type writer Employment . dept No fee charged. Call Main I or Main 77. 66 7tty AN experienced teacher wishes a posi tion as a governess; state wages. Ad dress Marguerite Fltzslmmons, HUla boro. Or. -. -. KEFINED, middle aged lady wouUllike position as housekeeper In bachelor's or widower's home; fine cook. Phone B-2863. ''- : WANTED ChUdren to care for by careful attention given the little ones. Call or write 105 E. 80th N, Monta- villa. MIDDLE aged woman, cook, ew; no wash; no small children; home object $10 mo.. 1341 Wilbur stj St. Johns car. MIDDLE AGED lady wishes position in widower's home as housekeeper, wfth or without children. -R. 1, box 69, Hillsdale. . or. . - 1 A MIDDLEAGED woman, would aasist with housework part of a day. 346 Broadway. . ' . ' WOMAN wants sweeping and cleaning. Suite 309. Phone Main 6886.,.;. Carl furnish best of references. . -, t A YOUNG Swiss girl just from the old country would like work la a German family. Phone Main 9558. YOUNG WIDOW, wishes position as housekeeper for respectable gentler man. at Once.- Y-686. Journal. SWEDISH lady wants work 6 or S hours a day, laundry or noueecieamng. Please call or write 6111 88th ave, S. E. WANT bfibies to board, reasonable. Best of care. References. - Phone Wood- xa yy h..a it . . WANTED housekeeping; widower's or bachelor's home.: Call at 4806 61st st. S.-E. '. - ' ' -: PIAKO player, one who Improvises, would like situation In picture house Aonress a-617, journal, EXPERIENCED woman will care for children at their home afternoons ana evenings. Phone Woodlawn 1891: WANTED' by competent young lady, a F'Osition as bookkeeper; can . furnish erence. Phone Tabor 211. LADY wishes position as housekeeper la . rooming house; can give -references. Call Gilman hotel. MOVING picture operator with eastern licenses wants position, v-too, journal LaCE curtains, draperies, linens laun dered by expert Tabor 317. - WIDOW woman wants charge of apt nouse. 4fs tseimont. fnone uast ism. LADY wants work by day or hour; 105 Park st. - MRS. FRENDBERG yants day work Main 4349. L SITUATION'S WANTED MALE . AND FEMALE 23 A YOUNG married couple would like position In apatment house or on a mall farm; call or address 397 Mor ris st., city. " ' DKESSMAKINQ 40 DRESSMAKER wants engagements by, day or. at home, $2.50. Call evenings, Marhall 3639. - FUKNISH ED i:OOMS A WEST SIDE POD V XX n A .t t.' .l D IT"T? ... fiirnlaka . rooms, reasonable In price; lireproot building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swimming pool, club facilities, special fates at cafeteria, and 100 Other fea- t u res. Full particulate at' business of fice. cor. 6th and Taylor sts. ; TRANSIENT Y. M. a A. MEMBERS can secure furnished rooms at reason able-rates In the new fireproof associa- . lion building, corner 6th and Taylor sts., and have privilege of consulting advls ory and employment department. Standish Hotel " 18th and Washington ets. ELEGANT FRONT ROOMS, MODERN. $2.50 per week and up. M. 3603. A-7534. - CALUMET HOIEl American and European plans; heart of city; fireproof bu.laing; hot and cold water and telephone In every-room. Special rate, European plan $3 week anrt upi American $9 up. . ' Antlers Hotel Location, 10th and Washington sts. Rates. $3,to $6 per week. Modern. With or without bath. TOURIST uor., v 160 .'IRST. COR. MORRISON. ' Modern, nfcely furnished, steam' h' ed rooms, $3 week upt t9e day. -B.var from depot. Main 4861. THE. BEVERLY Nicely- furnished " rooms, light and sunny, steam heat, free baths, hot and cold water, $3 to $5 per weekr transient 60c to $1 per day.-, Corner Park and Yamhijl. V BAKER HOT fit Beautifully lurnlshed, modern, steam heated rooms, running water, fireproof bulldihg. Moderate rtt?. '265 V fcio. THE COLONIAL, 165 loth, near Mor rison, comfortable, quiet, stwm heat Rooms reasonable. Every convenience. Rooms from $2.60 up. . .. HOTEL DAYTON. New and modern, hot and cold water in every room. Rates $3 and $3.60 week. M. 6120. First end Ttylor. WMt UKi'AWJi basemant room, uit- able- for single man. Clotie In. 3s7 Taylor ut Main 768. ' KIKG, 0if Jefferson; nl.ly"TV7 - Dlsbed - momsr mouern, neat, cn trally loceted. t.iH week : NICELy-'fiirhlflied rooms. ll.Rn e ..... r- rthin n,l ItnIS' I'll I 'ln ai,v, , . i 1 - -. ... -,... sf.,' cor. WsBhliigton. FOR REN T Fine I y " furnished '' ' roTmoX hot and cold water In evry room, rent $3 to $4- pr week. 190 'j Fl rstjft. pr wk. Free phone ;ind M"'; . .Msin 77' t; ltw'jMrt end pirtitiejii jo ihoJii )io tel. $2 60 week- and up.. 4 .15 Alder. ,"-roRWtJrrio boom WZ.T ftXJDIl VtilVAtB TAmzr ONE targa.-tlwfl- rtittrl'rs T'u-' ' I s - tliu - uv i.til , ....... , . I tent for lht lio.ia i-i I . Hoyt St tCuaUuutl ea lsol i