The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1913, Page 17, Image 17

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.It, l
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Large;... list, of Bpxers and
WrestierS"-Mate It Neces-
sary to Compete in P. M,
(Dotted Pnn 'umi Wlrt.
Seattle. Wash., May lg. Nlnty-four
amateur boxers and wrestlers. Including
'89 local boys, lmv assembled here' to
day for the Paclflo Northwest assocU
, tiott champlonhU)gpwhlcli began this
. afternoon aJLthBesMlaAthleWaclub.
This Is the first year the champlon
hlDs have been lield In Seattle. V
The Multnomah A. -C,. is represented
by- the neatest number of title holders.
Vancouver,- Victoria, Spokane and Ta
.roma have ., sent down i' stfong delega-
lions. -. s ; .... ' ':; .
It was originally planned tosfage the
boxing and .wrestling contests Friday
and Saturday evenings, but the large
entry list necessitates .afternoon bouts
also. Tha SeatUe Athletlo Jubr wttfi
Us 36 entrants,, promises to' make a
string bid, for the tltWs.The fight for
the 1S- pound boxing title should be a
pretty one;; The 8. A. C. rias three good
buys at this weight In Plnkham. Glea-
- son and Marshall. ..
The 108 pound boxing chamjpIonsMp
should go to Cavles of the James Bd
A. C. 'Archie Wyard; 8. A. C, Will make
a strong bid for the 125 pound boxing
honors, While the 135 pound boxing
contest la conceded to an outsider, the
local club has a gqod chance tn the 146
pound Class With Duvall. The 8, A. C.
has no entry in either the Hi pound or
heavyweight boxing division,-. Neither
- does Seattle looH forward to a cleanup
In the wrestling. .
Owing o the fact - that he has be'en
In a batting slump and the further fact
that !'( too high priced a man for the
Northwestern" league in view of his In
ability to deliver with the willow, Judge
McCredie yesterday released Chris Ma
Roney, the, Colt center gardener, outright,
s announced in last night's Journal
sporting extra, . - .,.'n-.-.:.:.''
Along with the Information of the re
lease' of Chris comes the intelligence
from Sacramento of h(s engagement to
Mls Elizabeth Shlnn of Sacramento, a
sister of Outfielder Jimmy 'Shinn of the
Senators, the wedding to take place in
Portland Wext weR. ;''''
Mahoney is kUkeabls. chaft as w,ell
as a good ball player when he is going
right and will have little trouble catch-, on with some of the other flubs
kiuiik me stope. - e was jet go oecause
of the necessity of the Colts to- cut
Mown to the player.41mit of It men.
They .were Joshing Cy Swain yester
day when he went out to second base
to take the place of Bert Delmas, whose
hand was split in covering second base
Wednesday,:- Cy had. a chance, to give
them Sjll a laugh as reference to (he
box score, will: "show that -ha handled
10 chances, six putouts and four assists,
perfectly. Cy had just hopped off the
Shasta and only haoVtlme to get into
a uniform. - His batting eye was bad
for se fanned four out of five trips to
the plate, orjce with the bases fuH, '
Multnomah Team Badly Weakened.
- Tha Multnomah Amateur Athletle elub
left a better wrestling team at home
than the one which went to the Seattle
hieet, OwlnK to the Inability of several
of the wrestlers to get away from their
employment for two days, the winged
"M." team Is so badly weakened, accord
lug to Instructor O'Connell, that It will
be only, a great .streak of luck that will
give the club's athlete even one of the
Here are the men who couldn't j?et
a way-when-tlw-teamJ! left-last .-'night,,
three of them 'p. N. A. champions;
Uavlscourt, ; heavyweight champion-;
Convllle, heavyweight; McCarthy, mHd
dlewelght champlon', Franske, light
weight champion, and Klrjc , Montague.
Kdgar Frank want along with the team,
but will mot enter on account of lack of
condition. The club will have nobody -In
the heavyweight class and a green rep
resentative amo'ng the lightweights. It
Is ihe most discouraging prospect the
club has yet had to face In Its wrestling
department. -
Maskell and Brant Will Be
Ready to Ride After Their
.- '.''',
Outfielder Experienced Slump
in Addition to Being Too ;'
Costly for Payroll,
The professional motorcycle racs
t ho f warA tn h air Kaan V. .1,1 r J.
...... w sim u u. vji iiqiu av auiou
ver, Wash., last Saturday and Snndaj,-,
and that were postponed on account
of the weather, will be held tomorrow
and Sunday. These races will likely
he the best set of SDeed content that
.. loeii,! devotees of the sport have had a
fimnce o witness. -
. The riders -entered and the machines
'that they will have are Blttsky, Pope;
Zob.Harley-Davldson; Brant, Merkol:
Maskell;" Indian; White, Thor: . Brush,
' Kxeelslor; Brown. Merkel; Marquette,
rope; reppei. Excelsior, and Hunt. Ex
eels lor. '
Maskell was badly Injured In prac
tice on the track at Vancouver last
week, but will be in shape to ride,
. and Brant, who was hit by an auto
yesterday, will also be ready. Special
car service has been arranged at Van
couver and the crowd will be well
handled. Tills ts the first race meet
of the year In the northwest. The racis
start at s:9 each day,
Boise. Idaio, May 18. Walla '"."Walla
beat the locals 4 to 1, yesterday by
. HmelSJilttlng. Both team played good
uaiimi tne lieia.
Tje score: R. If. a
walla Walla 4 8
lioiso . l 9 j
Batteries- Kelly and Brown; Plttman
', anu uara,
Baker. Or.. May 1. Joel Berger was
In great form yesterday, holding Baker
to 5 hits while his team mates pounded
Coleman and Pest. Pendleton won, 10
.to 2.
The .score:- ' . , " R, IT. BL
. Pendleton ...;...,......vv.10 n 1
Baker ......, ,..;.3 B 2
Batteries BeTgeP and Byrnes; Cole
man, Pejt and Foley.
..... . ' .( ,' '".
La Grande, Or., May' 18. Yesterday's
game between the locals and North Yak
ima wasrpostponed on account of rain.
' ' Hoppe-Iiiirns Bout May 27.
' (United PrtM LaMd wire.)
Oakland, CaL, May lt.T-Promoter Ro
han of tho Oakland Wheelmen's ylub
announced ttSrtav that Via hoif Aai-AA
v-Hlon Tuesday night,',- May , 27, as the
date for tne lO-round bout between W1I
Y Ht Hoppeof San Francisco and Frankle
Burns of this city., . ,
(. Journal Want Ads bring results.
" JJenjlfunt has been sold by President
Wattejet to the Chattanooga club of the
Southern league and departed for the
south yesterday. Mis place will be tak,
n by. Pit cher Alberts, purchased from
Sacramento. Alberts arrived yesterday
with Swain.
Seals Becker, the former Ner York
aian,t outfielder, now with Cincinnati,
had agreat day with the bat against
the. Boston Nationals yesterday. He se
cured 6 hits In five trips to the plate
off Pitchersjiess, sXQnaerYal9ani
Strand. The last two named are former
Northwest league twlrlers. Joe Tinker
secured four hits In a 11 ke. number of
trips to the plate Off thft sape twraersr
. Chief Johnson, the InAlan twlrler re
leased by the White Sox, won his fifth
straight game for the Reds yesterday.
Hans Wagner got three bits out of
five trips to the plate off Pitchers Dj
maree and Wlltse of the Giants, Oio
of the hits was a four base smash. Kd
dle Mensor is leading off for the Pi
rates; and got away yesterday with one
blngle in threo times up and scored
two runs
Philadelphia secured 13 hlta off Over
all, of Cubs, and put .the Cubs at
the head of the Second division. Tom
Seaton gets credit for the victory, al
though lie pitched but onai Inning.
Fisher, the Brooklyn shortstop, got
four safe ones In four times up off the
St. Louli' twlrler. Hugglns, the Cardi
nal manager, made four hits In five
time up, '
In tha National leasua vtriinv 11
doubles, six triples and six boms run
were maae. nan jopnson s circuit play
ers mado flve doubleSf three triples and
31aybe We'll Get Him.
I H lklitl ta Ilia I.Mivnal a
Cleveland,' Ohio, May 16. L, E. Hln
ton of the University of Arkansas, . a
southpaw,' will come hero Monday for
a tryout with the Naps. He's a six
footer and has ' pitched two no-hit
games tnia seasons ,: ...
Lorenzo Wins Manbccster Cup
ICuItod t'ren Lnsnl Wlr
Manchester, England, May 16. . Leo
poid De Rothschild's Lorenzo won the
Manchester cup race here today. It
was; worth J15.000 to the winner. F1U-
yama was second and Adam. Beds thrrd.
" 1 sB i i" '
. ' Men's Spring Suits
. .Elevator up, price down. Men's suits
114.75, cost lo In ground floor stores.
Jimmy Dunn, room 31a, Oregonian bldg.
Arrest UDO Traffic Violators,
ITTnftfMl PrMia r.anaAA Wlp. i
tos Angeles, May 18. This' city has
a new set Of traff lo laws, effective yes
terday." More than 100 cltlsens were
forced to appear In police, court today
to explain violations. Orders to con
tinue the arrests until the laws were
' S m o c ,
as Ya uy ,
Tfit iGirff r) If
Withithe ,J n
Xive t)
f . LISLE,
t ;,- - 1 25.Cent
V"f4 S1LKT'
yj y
California Crevy Arrives at Se
.. , attle to Meet-Washington
" -Champs Hext' Week,
....... nnltd Prus Leiwd Wlr.
. SeSttle, Wash., May 18. Pulling a
steady, smooth, powerful stroke over the
full distance, the University of Wash
ington crew yesterday afternoon rowed
the old four mile course, on Lake Wash
ington in 21:25. - There was no distress
or exhaustion In the boat at th e end of
the pull.-";"- ' .;:'..'-.-,;,..
The oarsmen wer Jubilant OTerthe
time made- The, course, as measured by
engineers, Is less than J50 yards short
of four miles, the real time made surety
was well under 2! minutes. The time
made at Pougnkeepsle, where the eights
rbw with the current, averaged between
1 and 20 minutes. Races have been
won with times as slow as 2o-0,' and
the only- record below 19 wlnutes ver
made .on the course' was by the wonder
ful old Cornell crew with 18:63.
The California crew, accompanied by
Graduate Manager Donald, arrived this
morning from Berkeley by steamer, and
will be quartered In the varsity boat-
house' on Lake Union untlj tha day of 4
tne great race to be held here May 22
or 24 over a three mile course on Lak
W'ashlngtori. , The California men will
practice this afternoon.
"Our crew is pulling a longer stroke
than a few, weeks ago," said Donald,
"and" we hope to make a much better
showing than at Berkeley." -;
Two-Dajr Strike Planned.
'-". (0ultd Prew ratted Wh.)
Paterson, N. J., May 18. Industrial
Workers of the World are planning to
day a great demonstratldn as a protest
against the oonvjotlon of Strike Leader,
Patrick Qulnlan on a charge of "InQltiiig
to Hot. The Industrialists afe urging
alf trade unions to go on a two day
sympathetic strike. The stoppage of
work, If the plans prove successful will
Include both street car and light com
pany femployes. ' ."''-
D arrow Trial Postponed.
. (Unites PrM Leiie4 Wire.J
Cos Angeles, May 16. The date of the
third . trial of Clarence Darrow on brib
ery chvrg?s growing out of the McXa
mara case Is uncertain today. Acting
Presiding Judge Wood of- the superior
court having taken the case off the
court calendar. The trial had been
scheduled to begin June 16.
y This action was taken when Darrow'a
counsel produced a telegram, from their
client stating that-business matters
wduld make it-difficult for him to ap
pear on that date. Also Darrow, who is
In Chicago, has not entirely recovered
from a recent illness. The district
attorney later will move to re-set the
case, ' V . - ... , . .
The first electric railroad In tha ca
nal.. son .is bt-'lnj? built from Panama
City to La Boca. " "
r i i t it i i i i i
l '!
rishing lime
' . almon .. fiphing is 'in full
swing;-the trout are begin- '
ning to. take an interest in
. "flies, and even Mr. Bass, is
.. showing, signs of life. And,
no matter which kind of
fishing you prefer, we are
ready to supply just the
right - fackle. - - - -
"Wi stUl have soma of those
Anglers' Ouldes."
Liak. Your Interests to This Cfaaia cf Credit Stores
Put Your Credit to Work: for You
. " '. 'v .. '. ''. . ..: ' : ' .- ','"
For one thing, make it take care of your. clothing It ;
will do so. very nicely aadcost you no moje than if jpu paid ,,
cash. -Re well dressed aVless expense, for Gately's hundred -stores
buy for less and sell for less.. . - ' "
The Recommendation of a Well
Paid Credit Account Is Ahoy
of Intrinsic Value
Suits ft?r conservative men, plain blue serges,'
'browns,-grays and blacks, in three button sacks,
. bho.wing good style yef not extreme. ;
' . ' ' '.'.' ''"'' -", ' W 'i'xf1" '',:''' '-''P.
' , -' v:; ' - ' ' .-- ' '' '
Prices $ 18.a0 to $30
With More Style for Young Men
in fancy tailored mcjdels,. quite English in:kp-"-pearancc
or Norfolk, 2 or 3 buttons with long
lapels, braided ve'stvonts and tenriel belt loops.
Prices $14.75 to $00.00.
enjoys that satisfactory feeling that the company
sold him his truek is right back of Tt ready to make good every
oromise and more. The regular inspections by. White Truck ex
perts and the constant help ofttho Service Department make yfM
for increased efficiency, r ; r -- -- - - .
The White Company
E. W. HILL, Mgr. In the Business pistrict
69 BROADWAY - for Your Convenience
Sswki n
H.-i" ft
H - :l h
R' l-V' i
H v. ,
Boys' Suits Excellent Values
Lots of suits for the young man with the right ' "
amount of quality to withstand severe wear and
colors and styles that will please him., yf
Priced Low as $4. 75
Open Saturday Evening Until 10 o'clock.
$1.00 A WEEK
133 Tenth
Between Washington and Aider.
$5.00 mqnth; fa
Special excursion .next 'Sunday, via Oregon Electric,
leaves Tenth,, and Stark at 9 a. m., Jefferson Depot
9:20 a. m. Come .with us, and enjoy a day in .this
beautiful park; - plenty of swings and equipment for
the children.- Water, better than Bull Rufi. Lots are
full 50x100 and we invite comparison in value, loca
tion, water and price.- Oregon Electric runs through
the property. " Good car service of 22 trains , daily.
Wafer to every lot. " 'We have a church, good school,'
postoffice and general -stores. Tickets on sale only
at our office; fare 25 cents rouijd trip, including: lunch.
Will you come and spend an enjoyableday with us?
Glaii & Kaser
722-24 Yeon Building
Members of Portland Realty Board
To I acoma, Seattle
Four Trains Each Day
: " - '':, ' " ' - -
. v .. .... .. ..... ... ,
Three Daily to AberfJeerr
and Hoquiam
Northern Pacific Railway
- Monday, May 19 th
Low Fares From Other Points
sYou can go to Medford. with the Odd Fellows on Southern ,
" Pacific Special Trains at very low rates. .
D'aylight Special Leaves Portland 8:15 a. m., Monday, May 19. t
- ; Night Special Leaves Portland" 8 pi m.' yi : r '
Ask' about low round-trip fares on. other trains.
. Tickets limited to .May 26th.
(let tickets and slctping-car rcserva-
- r tions at
P. City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth St.,
- - . Corner Oak ; ; '
iOHNMr-SCpTTTOeneral PassrAgt.;-
Portland, Or, ,. . .
High Back Seat Coaches, Observation Cars, Dinihg; Cars on Day Trains, Coaches
and Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. '
. Electric Lights on All Trains. ' '
.'. -". - - -
Round Trip Excursion Tickets
: : .' " to the East : :"ll-f 11
. On Sale daily May 28 to September 30.'- -
The Only.Geyserland. "" -- Season June l5jo September 15.
i1". 72 :
like Service Returning
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A.
, 255 Morrison Street, Portia !
t , f.
i o O 5TON-"'
. . '.