The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 08, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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State .Insurance Department
Reiterates Charges of
rr? . '.
(Salem Burns of ,Th Journal.)
falem. Or.. May 8. Alleging that the
Union Pacific Lift Insurance company
of Portland baa perpetrated Bros fraud
mid doceptlon upon the people of -the
Mate, Assistant" Attorney General I. H.
Van Winkle hae filed in the Bupremo
court ad answer to the alternative writ
issued by the court against Insurance
Commissioner J. W. Ferguson..
The .alternative "writ was issued on
complaint, of the Insurance company
that the Insurance commislson unjustly
refuses to Issue the company a license
to transact business In Oregon.
In the answer, Insurance Commission
er Ferguson, through his attorney, al
leges that since the Inception and or
ganization of the company It has been
violating the Insurance laws of the
state, .tie alleges mat m
has beelt and now Is carrying on a sys
tematic campaign of misrepresentation
and fraud In selling and disposing of
Jts corporate stock to various purchas
ers," and that "the company has, dur
ing Its corporate, existence, perpetrated
gross fraud and deception upon the peo
ple of the atate of Oregon, by engaging
In the Insurance business, soliciting and
selling insurance and collecting prem-
. iuma therefor. In direct violation of the
laws of the state of Oregon, in a sum
exceeding $1,000."
It is rumored here that a move will be
made by the company to effect a com
promise with the commissioner, prob
ably through the removal of Mark .T.
Kady from the presidency. In docu-
, ments filed in this case Commlsisoner
Ferguson has stated that be did not con
elder Kady a fit person to be at the
head of a life Insurance company. But
It is not known that his removal would
atlsfy the commission that foe com
pany was entitled to a license.
Spring Time Auto Time
Perhaps if you knew of an opportunity
to buy an auto at a bargain you would
not hesitate in. taking advantage of it
There are auto snaps offered every day
in The Journal's automobile columns Id
' the classified section. Keep an eye on
this column and in a short time you
will find the bargain you can handle.
Almost anyone can succeed at almost
anything, if he knows how and does as
well as he knows.
AT Wilson Auction House. 1 1st st.
Special auction sale 10 a. m. tomor
row. ,
FORD Auction House, 211 1st at, auo
tion sale 2 p. tn. Special offerings.
Real Estate
508-9-10 Northwest Bldg.
yvyK -?r jf
This baantifiil hnma In Kcuf -
Zrnngton. Too largo for owner's re
(tulrements. Moot artistic Dutch-colonial
residence in Portland. Living room,
dining room, kitchen. 3 large bedrooms
billiard room, large sleeping porch, 2
toilets, all finished in white enamel and
hardwood floors. New garage. Will
consider part cash and some trade bal
ance on easy terms. Phone Owner 522
East S5th st north. Phone East 57S9
i New, modern, 7-rnnm home, with
garage. Easy terms.
Ask for Mr. Bcamer
Main 7592 306 Spalding Bldg.
Irvington Home
An elegant new 7-room residence
with every modern convenience, 1
block from Broadway car, for only
$5300. Terms.
Main 7592 306 Spalding Bldg.
I must have cash. You can turn this
and make 11000; 60x100 corner, 7 rooms
leaping porch, fireplace, buffet, den,
cement basement, wash tray v furnace,
rai end elrrtrh; fixtures.' This must b
en t.vt. 6pnfaciu;teitTrrice'is i;Mi"
will give terms' on 11000. Owner on, e:t utim Bt N,
We Buy Note?
tit Salmon fcU Main S3S9. A-177:
The first "Townsite of. Importance" ,in
On Grand Trunk Pacific railway, on Era
ser river at entrance of Peace River coun
try and Cnrlhoo mining district. Not
only on Grand Trunk Ry.. but the ter
minus of the Pacific & Hudson Bay and
Cariboo, Bnkersvllle r Willow River
railroads. Over 1000 miles or navlgaDie
rivers; heart of thousands of acres of
finest agricultural sua timoer lanas
only 16 miles from the Bear river ooa
lands; the logical distributing point for
that whnl nnrth rnuntrv.
Willow River will be a "great city"
an Kiimontqn west of tne iiocKies, i no
uranu rrunK j'acirio is nearing mwn.
All kinds of Industries are going in this
summer. An Investment in a few lots
now will be the. nucleus or a fortune.
Prices are low; terms easy, "A word to
the wise is auftlcient.'
V. Page Harris
. General Solicitor tor Oregon,
; 600 Henry bldg.
6th Street Corner $6,250
One ... 10-ro'om house, arranged for
two families; one 7-room house. Both
in nrsi-ciass condition. .
. Few minutes' walk from City Hall.
Tays 10 pcf cent net,
495 DAVIS ST., Room 12 '
For first mortgage loans on Portland
residence and Inside business property.
- f 1000 and up at lowest rates.
414 Corbet Bldg, 4-1418. Marshall 98.
$37 Chamoer of Commerce. Main 184S
$05 Oerltnger bldg
Main 1430
Grand eve. and Mult. E. 67. C-17JS
If your name appears in
either phone book you
can telephone your ad te
A 8061
and bave It charged.
Bills will be mailed to
you the following day
for payment
The Journal cannot
guarantee accuracy or
assume responsibility for
errors of any kind oc
curring In telephoned
In effect April 1. IBIS.
Dally or Sunday.
I tlma. te per line.
I enaaeentlve timea, 8e par Una per Insertion.
I or more ronaecutlva timea, 7e per line pat
inacriionr or i maeruona tot price or o.
No ad countad" for. leaa than 2 lfnaa.
Tba abva rate apply to "New Todav" and
all other claaalflcatluna except situations Want
ed. To Kent and Wanted to Rent ads.
Situations wanted, To Rent aud Wanted te
Rent ada (Apartment and Uutela excepted), tba
ratea are:
c per line first Insertion.
4c per Una each aubaeauent insertion.
No ad taken for lee than lSe.
I time. 10? per Una.
conaecattTe time. Be per Una per Insertion,
7 or more consecutive times, 8e per Una per
The above ratea apply to "New Today" and
all other elasalflcatlods, except 'Sltnatlona
Wanted, To Kent and Wanted to Rear" ada.
Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted uf
Rent ada (Apartments and Hotel executed) tbe
rate la 7c per line per insertion.
No ad charged for leaa than two line or lDe.
Tbe Journal will not be responsible for mora
than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertise
ment ordered more than one time.
Contract ratea upon appUcaUoo, A phone
rail will bring a solicitor.
66, Woodmen of the
world, meets every Fri
day night in W. O. W.
Temple, 128 Eleventh
street All members -requested
to be present
Visitor WAlpnrrtA
A. U BARBtm. Clerk.
A. F. & A. M. Special com
munication this (Thursday)
evening at 7:30 o'cJocK, ,. War
sonic Temple; labor in the M.
M. decree: vlsitinjr brethren
welcome. By order of W. M.
rKEU U OL.SON. secretary.
R. N. A. Ure. Itosa Camp, meets FrU
eve. Manchester bldg., gbv. 6th at
M n P!iL P. Weddlna- and
VV, U, Oil II III UU, Visiting Careja.
Washington bldg.. cor. 4th on Wash'ton.
iJliKSri Hints for rent, all sizes. Unique
iHjiorinR to.. aw KtarK it.
CLARKE BROS., floriuta. fine flower
ana tioral designs. 2S9 Morrison st
CERTIFICATES of title made. Title 4k
irut ;p. Lewi Didg.. 4th and Oa
GRANT At tbe family residence Is Mnnton,
May 7, Jemima Margaret Urant, aged 68 year
4 month 4 day, beloved wife of William Grant,
devoted mother of Mra. Annie Miller, Mra. Hu
nan R. DuKKan, Mra. Ague Watt. John Wil
liam -Jr., Joaeph M., Jame R. and George P.
Grant. Friends Invited to attend the funeral
service, which will be held at Uolman's par-
'Jim, turner luirn ana rvaimon srreeta, eaturday.
May 10, at 2 p. m. lntermeut River View Cem
etery. ,
SOMMERS In this city, at St. Vincent' hoa-
piui, may Mrs. Anna ijrdla Bommer,
Seed 63 Tear 10 months. hplmret wife nt Jnaenh
Hoiwciert, molher of Samuel J. gammer. Friend
Inrfted to attend funeral aenli-ea whleh will
be held at the Portland Crematorium at 2!p0
p. m. tomorrow tniaT), May , Kematn at
rtoimair lunej-al irlom until 1 p. m. frlday.
Take flellwood ear for Crematorium.
-ir"77TTii-L.W"lri''11' .. I .: ' i.K:".- f 1 ' H"ttff
iLi-pf tn at i,t.m ai., April.
Karau I.ney Hutrliffe, aged 701 yeara. wife of
II. Suteliffe of Oil city." Ilenifiln are at tha
new parlor of J. I. rinler Sc Son. Mooteomery
and Fifth atret. Notice of funeral la later
Mue, In llila ,.ilv. Itair 7 ttMItar.l 3.
-Steele, aged au tear. Ue'maln are at the
oew r..ra (r J. p. yinley & M. Moatg-om-try
aud fiftb lUecu. JSoUc lu laier Imuv.
min -ww
M'KEKLY Mny 7, at h! late realclenr. 4Rt
Kaat KlRlith atrrrt North. Ihulck Hlltimi
Mel'eely, gi-d W yeara, Ik'IovmI fatlicr of Mary
mid Margaret kli-Keely. funeral will take Blare
from tbe abora realilunre ISaturdu. Mny 10. (U
81 a. m., thence to Kt. Mary'a thiirrli, corner
Wllllnmi HTuuiie ami Ktanton street, wliem
nervlci-a will ) hulU t t o'cl-k. Frli'iuln
respectfully Invited. Internirnt Mount t'lilvary
cemetery. The deeeaned v.a a member of ,tli
Ancient Order of Ulliernlana.
CAMl' In tUU city. May t. at the residence of
lila mm, H. JU t:amii. S19 Kaat Halmou mroet.
Jnhtf J. f'anip, Ked 18 year, beloved Imaband
nt Mra. Katie ( amp and father of t;eore J.,
Herbert L., or thl eityj KilKar I-. i ureii
f'ltr. or.: J. fttla of Netr York, and MrH. Anna
Haiui of Freewatar, Or. The funeral twTlces
will be held at Ihe atmre r mini nee at i :.tu p.
m. Friday, May 9. Interment In Mount Kontt
ram cemetery, uregon my anu ntw
papera pleane I'opy
CAMl' In thla city, May 7, at the renldence of
' lilm arm. Herbert I.. Camn. HIM KHKt Halmon
at., John J. Camp, beloved huahand of Kulle
("amp and father of Ueorge J., Herbert L. of
thla city and Kiicar J, of Oregon City, J. OH
or new xors ana nira. Anna iiannan i rnr
atcr, Or. The remalna are at the parlnri of
Die Knt Side Funeral Direr tori. 414 .Kant Al-
der at. Funeral notire lu a la tee laauo. Oregou
Ity paper pleaas oopy
RUSH In tliia city, May fl. at hla late realdence,
7iiO MHli in. 8. K... Flavlnna 0. Rook, aired
yeara. beloved father of Elmer 1.. William
O. and Mra. Fred Wittenberg. The remalna are
at (be parlors of'tlie Kaat,. Hide Funeral XMrec
t.ira, 414 Kaat Alder at. Fuuursl uotlce lu a
later lamie. " 1 ' . '"'
IMMOVH Iii thla cltv. Steven Tlnmiona of
l)ii Orand avenue, sued .'17 yeara. Heinnlua
are at t new pnnora oi . ruuey on.
MontKOmery and Fifth atrecti. . Node . of
runerai in later lasue.
TONSETll FLORAL CO., 1SJ 6th, choice
cut flowers for all occasions; prompt
service. M: 6102. A-1103.
Bl'V your carnations at the Peoplea' Fruit
Produce Co. Per 100 $3.60, per doxen 60c.
Fifth and Alder atreeta. Venn bide.
MAX M. SMITH, florist 141 th IL.
In Selling bldg. Main til a.
are assured of privacy by a secluded
driveway surrounding the entire build
ing. Modern equipment Perfect sani
tation. Lady attendant. Day and night
service. Phone Main 9 and A-1599.
MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading
funeral director, 220 Third street, cor.
ner Salmon. Lady assistant Phones A
1511. Main 657.
Dunning & McEntee m"
every detail. 7ti and Pine. Main 430.
A-4BKX. Lady assistant
Leading East filde under
taker. Lady assistant B
1888. E-781. E. th St Alder.
East Side Funeral Directors.
414 E. Alder. East 62. B-2IS.
HEMSTOCK, 1687 K 13th. 8ell. 71, B-
1122 and University Park, col. B94-39.
A. R.ZELLER CO. Is o t h nhonee.
DCADCHM Undertakers. E. 1080. 161-
871 Russell st
LnlooUINem. a-2236. 40 alder.
Schumann Marble Works M - Pins Vaat 743
PORTLAM) Marble Works. 24-2 4th
st Opposite city hall. Main 8584.
FOR RENT A large ball on second
floor. 40x40, well lit also oth-i'
large front rooms, suitable for offices
or light manufacturing at 243 Ash el.
THREE room house, corner lot 67x100,
water, streets graded, cement walks
being laid. This, is a snap at $1350;
terms to suit: no triflers or agents need
answer. 1 mean business. A-548, Jour
3 good plastered rooms, hot and cold I
water, toilet, etc. Nice view lot. ad-
joining Keed couege aisinci; iiwa, ja
down, $10 per month, II. Atwater, 628
Henry mag., margnau at j ( .
FOR SALE by owner: Modern, 6 room
cottage, two lots, barn, roses, fruit
trees, berries and-garden. Two carllnes.
Graded school 2 blocks away. Substan
tial cash payment will secure real bar
gain. Phone Hellwood 1531.
-nn vnn w 4 NT
A modern 4 room bungalow and bath,
100x100 ground 7XThe price 1s right and
terms easy. Phone Mr. .Metcalf, 310
Ycon bldg, Marshall 2432.
6 IlOOM modern bungalow, full base
ment, attic, laundry tubs, gas, electric
ity, 20 minutes out fine location, best
car service; $250 down, balance like
rent Snap. Main 8199 or Tabor 4524.
NEWLY repaired and painted, 4 room
house with bath, electric lights and
?as, on car line. Alberta district: worth
2000; will take $1700 and give easy
terms. Owner, Tabor 2891.
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow at sacri
fice price: must sell in 10 days; money
talks, ML Tabor district,, 2 blocks car.
Ford & Co., gup Ky.
IRVINGTON modern bungalow $4800,
full lot, 10th fit. This is a first class
home at a sacrifice. Call at 275 Pine
St., cor. 4th. ' '
DON'T buy an unsatisfactory home; you
can nulla ior lees, rians o.
A. H. FABER. Architect
360 Alnsworth-Ave. Phone C-27M.
FOR SALE or rent. By owner, mod
ern 6 room house, partly furnished,
good view; terms to suit purchaser. 1166
Burrage st., near Killlngsworth ave.
FOR BALE 6 room house, E. 85th st.,
.1 boeks-Mt. Tahor car. ooxiou lot,
with fixtures and shades, $2850; terms,
rent. Font & Co., ; ay. fax.
NOTHING down and $20 per month, In-
eluding interest, btiys room modern
bungalow, 25 minutes out. Kelley &
Simpson, 40S Henry ping.
FOR SALE 5 to 7 room, strictly mod
ern: Davment down, balance rent; E.
34th; hard surface in and paid. Ford &
Co., 309 Ry. Ex.
Two two-story residences, finished
oak and mahoganv. very cheap. Als)
three lots Kwst. ?7fl. W TT "'"'"
12200. easv ter-ms. 6 room house. Sun-
nysido school 1 block. Owner, evenings,
Tanor aao. ina r, aist at,
FOR SALE 5 and 6 room bungalovs! 2
V. Innb. nMlt1 HawthhrnA An V. 47fl
payment down, balance rent Ford &
Co., su ity. m
LARGE 7 room modern house, lot 60x
110, In Rose City Park, $5100. Terms.
Tel. Alain szy. Manor nun
FOR SALE My new 7, room, strictly
1 1 fiOT T.-. 1 , U XT ClUAMMn
Nelson, owner. Office phone Main 7591.
I HAVE 6 room house and lot. in fine
inftlnn for Kale nr trade. Cull owner.
Mr. toone, maniMTO
$800 EQUITY in new 6 room modern
Dungaiow, rr city luis-ur auiu. aula
ealty Co.. zua Aiaer st.
$17005 room house, 60x100 lot, 1 block
from Mississippi carline. Security Ds-
FOR SALE By owner, ,8 room house,
modern, near Broadway; $4500 .for
quick sale. Marshall z&3.
MOST Convenient home in Laurelhurst.
.waa.4cx cent ao wd-j. e
Ovner. 1260 E., Everett
NEW modern 6 room ' house- cor. th
and Sumner sts., $3000rpart cash, rest
on payments, ny owner. ;i r.merwon wt.
tafre. snd lot. Marshall 1991.
$50 DOWN. $10 month nl e hpiiee, near
car burns aud school. Woodlawn 624.
$2100 to $4600
Bring This. List
We'll Show the Houses -
$21007 rooms, E. 19th North;" full lot;
$500 cash. , . . ,
$1750 6 rooms, laree attic, cemented
basement, Wash trays, etc.: white
, enamel sleeping rooms and kitchen,
panclod dining room, built-in con
veniences, fireplace, mirror doors,
. tin II, porches front and back, lot 60s
100; nejv, can be occupied in less
than two weeks; less than 200 feet
, to car line; j.hfk L'aa st ri, this is
a beautiful little home. The builder
hardly makes wages on Its con
struction. - . . . . .
$35005 rooms, on 24th st. ft., near car;
.full lot; flnoly finished and well
built; $1000 cash will handle this.
$32005 rooms, large living and dining
, rooms, neamea ceilings; on ju. abtn
st. N. 'Has large attic, where two
' rooms 'can be added. Lot 40x100.
. Terms $500-.xash. ' . -
$3500- 8 rooms, on Rodney ave fulllot
" ca eir t nwt .-,. ... f
$4000-7 rooms, Overlook sddltlon, half
block to car; paneled living rooms,
den, full basement, furnace; now
rented for $26 per month.
$4250 7 rooms, complete In eveiry way;
lot 60x100; will, sell furniture with
this home If desired. This is one ot
the cozy homes in Piedmont and la
exquisitely furnished.
$4600 5 room bungalow on paved street
in i'ieumont; nas cove ana Deamea
ceilings, fireplace, hardwood floors,
furnace and every Item of newness;
completed last fall. Terms can be
Dorr E. Keasey k Co,
232 Chamber of , Commerce.
Hawthorne Bungalows
6 room modern bungalow, near 32d
and Hawthorne; fireplace and all built
In effects. Price $3ui0, $300 cash, bal
ance to ault
6 room modern bungalow, good fur
nace, 60x100 lot: only 1 block from Haw
thorne ave. Price $2900, $400 cash, bal
ance to suit.
5 room modern bungalow, hardwood
floors fireplace, all built In effects;
only i block to Hawthorne car. Price
$2900, $300 cash.
6 room bungalow. 40x100 lot, all kinds
of bearing fruit; paved streets. This la
only a few blocks off Hawthorne ave.
Price only $2100. Terms.
204-5-6 Falling bldg., 3d and Wash.
Well constructed, built in 1912; en
trance room, front room, dining room,
kitchen and pantry on first floor. 3 bed
rooms, pasa nail, closets, sleeping porc.i
and bath room on second floor; full
basement cement floor and wash trays,
fireplaces and electrio fixtures, back
porch and all windows screened. Lot
60x100, good chicken house and run;
roses; cement walks; connected with
sewer; everything paid. For quick sale
$1800, $800 cash. Two blocks from W.
V. car, near East 3Sth. Call at 113a
Francis ave. or phone Sellwood 1542.
On Terms
House and Lot
In Gregory Heights
Take Rose City Park car to 72d st.
Gregory Heights office.
Week days or
Gregory Investment Co.
HAWTHORNE bungalow at a sacrifice.
Having located permanently in the
east I will sell for $3500 my house and
lot, bought for a home last summer, but
never occupied. Value $4000. This
place is located In the Mallory addition
at 360 41st st, near Harrison. Eight
rooms, three with hardwood floors.
Fireplace. Built - in bookcases, buffet,
desk, etc Cement basement Every
thing modern except furnace. Address
inquiries to R. B. Collis, Benton Harbor,
HAWTHORNE district home, 6 rooms
and sleeping porch, Just completed
and modern in every respect. Fine
place, built-in bookcases, buffet and
Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, paneled
dining room, shades and fixtures, double
constructed; $200 cash will handle, bal
ance monthly payments, liberal discount
for cash. You pay no agent's commis
sion, as we are the owners and builders.
Sprague, room 309 Railway Ex. bldg.
Phone Sunday, Tabor 4232.
S. E. cor. 51st and Hancock St.; has
6 r. on first floor, besides a music R.,
1 R. finished in attic; strictly modern
and new. Owner going to Seattle. Prica
$3650., all imp. paid. Easy terms to re
sponsible purchaser. . STILES, Owner,
Tabor 3663.
NEW Irvingteon home, 7 rooms, high
class, full basement, furnace, fire
place, oak floors, plate glass windows,
old gold lighting fixtures, Tiffany glass
ware, imported waif decorations, laundry
trays, lawn, shrubs, etc., lot 60x100, 1
block from Broadway car. Best part of
Irvington; price $5350; terms. Denier &
Denier, owners, 824 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 6594. Hes., Wdln. 2209.
$100 down, balance monthly payments,
5 room bungalow, modern, in re
stricted district. IV blocks south of
Hawthorne ave., doubly constructed,
fireplace, buffet and Dutch kitchen,
hardwood floors, paneled dining room,
shades and electric fixtures, and tho
price is right Bring this "ad" with
you. Sprague Bros., owners and build
ers, 309 Ry. Exch. bldg.
4 rooms and bath, electric fixtures,
nicely tinted,, concrete walks; 4 blocks
to car; 20 minutes out. Adjoins East
moreland college; $2000, $50 down, $20
per month, Including interest. 11. At
water f28 Henry bldg. Marshall 3117.
One acre, first class fruit land In per
fect condition: Must be seen to be afv
prclftted. Business taking me away is
reason for selling, Unincumbered. Apply
owner. 6c car fare. No agents. D-46I,
AT Heaverton. 30 .minutes from Port
land, thoroughly modern 6 room house
and 2 lots; electric lights, bath, phone,
city water, for sale at a sacrifice by
owner; some terms. - Address E. D. Sum-
merri,-Heaverton, or., or .u-ii. journal.
FOR SALE New 7 room bungalow, hot
water heat, strictly modern, furnished
or unfurnished. Owner. Tabor 138.
COME to Piedmont build a borne; save
. n 1A Plana IS
A IT T? A 13 C R Inilillut
30 Atnswor'th Avenue. Phone C-27l
LOT for sale, near Mt. Calvary . ceme
tery, on Barnes road; chicken house
and fenced In. LClauss, Barnes road;
dox i it. "
60x100 lots, $550; sewer, graded streets
water, gas, etc.; $50 down, $12 per
mitiun, imo cci "!.i. xsnvHi xi. xtyan
1200 D st, gan Diego. Cal.
FOR SALE Two choice building lot.s
t T ...... t . aIaca tf-t,ni. Phin. ,
LOT for sale, -near P. R. L, & p. barns
and S. P. . shop, inquire- 601 E. a2th
South. ' .'-
$2500. REDUCED to $1500. Quarter
block, corner 47th and Alameda, ex
cellent barInPhoPeowmMar. 6195
erty. exclusive aeaiera in west siae
realty, ssi cnamner oi commerce.
LARGE Firland lot $375; terms $6
month; graded street and water. 720
Chamber, pf Commerce. Tabor 771.
BACRTFICE I have 60 towh lots in
K Florence, Or., that must be sold. Geo.
Israelson, Eugene, Or, . i , ,
Don't pay me anything down. I'll
soli you a lot worth $r00 for $300 and
all you pay la $5 a month. No-first
payment. I'm the owner or 1 couldn't
lo it. Pig lots 65x117, on west side,
25 minutes to heart of city; fine car
service, electric lights, phones and
water pipeu to tot
On Oreiron JOlertrlo. . fVima out and
look.. Coma Sundayr any evening af
ter p. m., or tirop me a card ana in
call and give ou details. Address O.
u, aiccormic, owner. Garden Home, Or.
Glenelvn Addition, West Side
Choice bufldlng lots on west side, re
stricted district. Inside 3 mile rirclo,
commands an unobstructed -view-of Tu
alatin vauey and Mt. Hood; walks, grad
ed streets and Hull Run water in and in
cluded iq price; car line in front of prop
erty; $350 and up. Select your lot and
we will build to suit you; small cash
payment uuwq. :
Provident Trust Co, ,
fVeond Floor Selling Hldg.
,$150 Lots $150
15 down ande.$5 per month; a few
minutes' walk to' 80th and E. Qllsan;
well situated; Bull Run water; perfect
ly level; no atones; on proposed exten
sion of new carline; only a few left
Take Montavliia car.
Fred Widell
200! E. Gllsan. near 8th. Tabor' 278.
GARDEN HOME 38 -trains dally; 7o
- fare;, let mc show-you the best in lots
and acreage: 1 acre 1950: 1 acre,. 2 room
house, furnished; well, etc., $1350; 2
acres, $1675. Terms. For appointment,
address J. A. King, Garden Home, Or.
$625 for a lot in heart of manufacturing
-district on peninsula. 2 blocks to car
and school: ouxht to bring- $900 inside
one year; $10 per month. Hardwick.
Main 3517, A-7340. - - -
$350 'for one lot and one half adjoin
ing lot in baautitful East Crcston. 8210
down, balance $5 per month. Inquire
su Htepnens st. -
BEAUTIFUL view lot, west side, only
20 minutes' car ride. Ideal for a home
or Investment Price $350 to $400 each,
$10 down, bal, $0 per mo. M. E. Le,
on uoroett Picig.
BIG activity in-.Woodstock, a splendid
lot, water, gas, close to car, $400,
$75 cash, bal. $5 per mo, Claude Cole,
917 Board of Trade.
FINE view lots, 6 ct. carfare, $1 down,
ii a week, t'rices way below other
properties. Owner, 807 Railway Ex.
bldg.. 4th and Stark sts.
A $28,000 BARGAIN.
Family hotel or apartment site, lOOx
100. southwest corner 12th and-Hall sts.
Terms. Owner. M-697. Journal.
LOTS 60x100. west side, 1 to 4 blocks
to 6c, or 10 blocks to 6c car fare, 22
minutes; $100 to $475; easy terms. Own
er, 307 Railway Exchange hldg.
WILL SELL block 32. Rose City Park,
for $3000; cash; room for three
stores; wire or write me, David H. Ryan.
1200 D St., San Diego, Cal.
i-ar, Cheap for cash. Owner, Tabor
$575 LOT, $10 PER MONTH.
50x100 lot on Commercial st, near
Portland boulevard. Call 275 Pine st
$50 to $100 under the market.
I have 5-10 and 20 acre tracts, 12 to
13 miles out on Salem Electric and For
est Grove lines. These places are all
resales by parties who are hard up;
most of them are cleared and close to
school and station. I have only a short
time to turn these, so you will have to
act quick.
See DART, 212 R'y. Exchange.
5 and 10 Acres Cheap
$20 up to $45 per acre, on terms.
Tracts of B acres or more: deep, red
shot soil, well watered; easily cleared;
ideal for general farming, fruit, vege
tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo
cated on county road, close to live town
on R. R. and river near Portland. Own
ers, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th ai d Oak sts.
Main 8078. 'Evenings East 394.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land; Gresham district, Estacada line,
electrio station V4 mile. New subdivi
sion. Sunshine .Valley orchard tracts;
best soil, free wood; elegant location.
Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small
tracts; easy terms; quick train service.
Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon
bldg.. Portland. Or.
Must sell my acre. You can make
your own terms; price, $950; splendidlv
located, near Powell Valley road. 30
minutes out and about 5 minutes' walk
to car, 7V4c fare; water is piped to this
acre, and you have electrio light and
telephone conveniences. Give phone
number. J-317. Journal.
FIVE and one half acres, fine, deeo soil,
with running water, 3 miles from
Gresham, on electric carline. This
ground is on ft hard surfaced rond and
beautifully located for country home or
truck gardening. Price $1950, and on
easy term's to responsible party. S-508,
Journal, :
20 acres on estacada car line, in city
limits of good town; best of land, worth
double the price asked, $2200; $600 cash,
balance to suit. Don't trifle unless yon
are in a position to buy. Owner, 420
Swetland bldg.
FOUR acrs of my fruit farm, with a
good variety bearing fruit tress,
strawberries and gardtn land; no gravel;
also half acres, quarter mile east first
house south from Kendall, Estacada car
line. E. W. Clark. Phone Milwaukia
Red 494.
TWO acres of splendid soil, near Fellers
. station on Salem Electric; lies nicely,
on county road, running stream, no rook
or gravel, growing community. To sell
qUickly, $250 cash takes the 2 acres.
It's all paid for. This Is a snap for
some one. Address owner, F-30, Journal.
$400 BUYS 10 acres choice unimproved
land, near school, postoffice, mill,
etc.; good roads, fine water, free wood;
soil will produce anything grown in
Oregon; guaranteed as represented;
part in cash. Harding Furbeck Co.,
80 4th st. Phone Main 5465,
f...a nl1 l4r maras aIada s -w. m
easy terms; will build to -suit purchaser.'
Phone Marshall 1585, or Sellwood476.
1 If nihffiAn nivna. .
inu. i. yj, " .. . .
$565 BUYS 7 acres, unimproved, all
smooth and tillable, no rocks, deep,
rich soil, suitable for fruit, vegetables
or poultry raising; 2 miles from county
-cat i hour from Portland. Guarsnrrl
as represented. Part cash. Harding-
Furbeck uo., bo 4tn St., cor, or uak.
' '$15 TO $60 PER ACRE7"
e . O A Iraflfl Crnnd anil vnnA
every tract, new school, 3 miles to Co-
ItimDia " - ...... . i vj . i , ys
hours from Portland; easy terms. 215
Lu mher r.x. mag., :r. to. uu otarK sts.
SO ACRES About 20 acres cleared and
da at1v elenrefl. 1 i f f 1 a 1 1 w.
on place, all stock and tools go (with
.. x anil v..!. nil I . a
place, Hovu umiw ouiH n' txn iii.
dress C. F.. care Journal, Vancouver,
FOR RENT acres, good house,, ftood
barn, $8 per month; mile north Base
T.ine. Tako Troutdale line; near Bar nse-
dale station. J. L. Angell, owner.
THREE acres all under cultivation.
right at station on electric line, close
in, best of soil. Price $1460; pay for
k.v t V. n mnnfll ' A-A!. T rt.l ltl a 1
Kim vy ,110 " -i w.. .......
and acres 5 ct. carfare, $5 down,
$5 a month. Prices below other prop
erties. Owner. 307 Railway Exch. bldg.,
BHi nm' o.
40 ACRES near Moiaua, ii in grain,
level, no rocks. A bargain at SCO
per a'-re. Owner. Q-37i, Journal.
- minutes "from Portland; aood soil:
$260 acre, terms, .ft-nsa, .lonrnai.
1U, ACRKS for $(2o; close to electric
line; fine soil, good drainage; shade
trees; $12 per montn. r-avt), journal.-,-
J"650 Suburban home site, 1 1-3 acres,
good soil, cultivated; fine view; elec
tric line; -$10 per month. 0-165, Journal,
1 Acre for $550
$10 Down, S5 Per Month
Buys l acre of level fertile and cleured
land free from rockg and gravel; ad
joining tno city limits or uresnam;
Gresham has a population of 1000, and
will soon have another electric road
running within two blocks of land,
which Is 12 miles from Portland; haB
three main county rouds .running into
Portland, We have 60 acres for you t
choose from, and this land sold last
year for $750 an acre. I told the owner
If he would U it for $550 an acre that
I would sell It In 30 days. Now you aro
ouying mis innn at wholesale price, ana
it you are looKiug ror suburban prop
erty, I don't think vou will find any
thing In Oregon that will compare with
thisbUy for price, location, terms and
111 I UIU. , , t . - . ,
Bell Real Estate Company,
; 212 Railway Exchange Bl.ig.
Choice Acreage
Suburban home sites, Hnest In
terurban electric (Jars; inounialn
w.ater. "electric J lights, good
sohoolsj' dolivery of mail and mer
chandise,' rural phone service, .
graded roads" and sidewalks, close
to station; wtll make our large
platting the. finest suburban dis
trlct near Portland. The ride Into
the city will only be 30 minutes
when the electrio cars are running
about July 15. Any sized tract,
$250 to $500 per acre. You only ,
pay $25 to $50 down and the bal
ance small payments monthly.
Let us show you some of these
tracts. . - .
TheShaw-Fear Company,
Main 25. 103 4th st A-35U3.
Choice Acreage Near.
Willalatin Park
ZM miles from 5a car fare.
United Railway; close to school
and Germnntown road; 5 and 10
acre tracts fronting on graded
road; $176 to $250 per acre; $17.60
to $25 down, the balance small
monthly payments. -
The Shaw-Fear Company,
Main 35. 102 4th St. . A-3500. .
10 Acres, fe00
$10 Down, $5 Per Month
Buys 10 acres of loeeed-off land. 1
mile from railroad station, town and the
Columbia river. The soil is free from
rock and gravel and none of this land
overflows, some of these tracts have
running streams on them. These tracts
are ideal. for chicken ranches and dairy
purposes, perfect title and warrantee
aeea. .
212 Railway Exchange Bldg. '
Choice Acreage, Close In
We have for sale on both the east
and west sides of the river, inside of
the 64 mile circle, very choice acreage,
located close to car lines: best of soil.
good drainage and on good macadamized
roaas; platted in l and z acre tracts;
prices ranse from S350 to $1500 per
acre. Some of this Is stump land, some
cleared and in cultivation and some is
in bearing fruit trees of a commercial
variety. We will build to suit purchaser.
Provident Trust Co.
Second Floor Selling Bldg.
To make a aulck sale this 20 acres, of
which 7 acres is genuine beaverdam, 18
uies from city and mile from Ore
gon .Electric station. Is being offered at
less than the 7 acres is worth. Similar
land is selling dear Tualatin and Mulloy
ner acre. Remaining 13
acres Is bench land, fine for fruit of
any kind; lies on county road and has a
line Dunning site, rrice jauuu; gooa
terms. Provident Trust Co.. 2d floor
Selling nirig.
45 minutes out on the Oregon Electric.
All in fine state of cultivation, deep,
rich soil. You can get employment at
fair wages the year around, and can put
in all your spare time improving your
property. The first payment is only
150 and the terms on the balance are
very easy. Let us give you further
Mar. 2359, A-7718. 1203 Yeon Bldg.
- Only
$25 Down and $5 a Month
These tracts are located -only four
miles from city limits on 2 electric lilies.
close to stations; a snap at 23a.
210 Gerlinger hldg.. 2d and Alder.
BAYNES 1, 2, 3, 4 ana 5-acre tracts
make desirable stiDurban homes,
splendid investment, self-supporting, en
abling you to save your wages; $175 to
400 oer acre; easy terms close to .Port
and. auto road, electric car. store
school, telephone, daily mall, electric
lighted depot; some with running water,
especially adapted for poultry; also
farm lands ready for plow; $25 to $50
per acre. J. W. HeiXerim, 307 iiatiway
Exchange bldg.
60x180, $350
$10 down; $6 monthly; 80 minutes out
on electric line. Free improvements
School and store. A. C. Marsters, 2J2
Wilcox bldg. Main 3617.
General Purpose Farm
25 Miles From Portland
113 acres. 65 in cultivation, half of
balance good pasture and half timber;
all tillable; running water, extra good
fences; modern 10 rOom dwelling, barn
as Rood as can be built 60x7j; grafonry,
slicds, etc.; all buildings as good as new;
bearing family orchard. Soil is black,
deep and loamy. Ideal for hay, forage
and feed crops. Location, roads and
surroundings advantageous. Includes
considerable personal property. About
one third cash and balance 10 years at
6 per cent.
him o n i i i i
- - neiian 5r rarKniii
RliVvThlS Now
rich," black, heavy loam. This is soil
mat win proauce ji acres ciearea, i
acres slashed, 2 acres of timber, all
fenced and cross-fenced, in anhickly set
tled community, with bcIiooKj church and
stores; a 4 room house, barri and other
outbuildings. This is a snap at $3500;
let me show you this. Perry Kitzmiller,
432 Chamber of Commerce.
$100 Per Acre
15 Miles From Portland Court
-- - House
. . -100 Acres
'40 acres in cultivation, 40 acres more
can be cultivated; good two story house,
with fireplace and all conveniences;
good barn, chicken house, all outbuild
ings, good sprtnar and running water
year round, 6 acres of bearing orchard,
different Varieties; all kinds of small
fruit; on county road; cash, balance
5 years at 8 per cunt.
444 Sherlock bldg.
iry Farm
lfiO acres, In Tillamook county, m
miles from bav and Ocean beach; 80
acres open meadow,- running water voiir
rntnioT,ltritTc mtffTsfihoorTinirrneesr'
factory; a flhe dairy ranch; buildings; if
vml nra n rlnlirv fvrnn hare n vmir f.hnnHn
half cash, balance at, 6 per cent. Peper
& Knkeiv, 444 KhenocK nidg.
,- !l y
iF youiWHnt a fine farm or extra fine
registered Jersey cattle, send for. my
sale catalogue. T. Wltnyeombe, 421
Hamilton bids., Portland, Or. . t
juo acres; 2to plowed, flti acre in Tu
wheat, balance pasture; hiost of It till
able; 4 cpringH on. place, 2 piped t'i
I.. - 1 . 1 I.... (.... -.1.1. T'
wire and bouriis in three fields; 2 acre
vi iH'uring oirnaru, - penciies, , appicn,
plums, pours, cherries, almonds ami wal
nuts; nt-ar -Uuldendalc, Wash.; lies all
It. mi. V....I... &I....A n ,..ll. .........
unv , ru.m niuiPQ i. iiui ill, n.iiu'.
stock. and farm mncniuery; phono and
R. K. H.: terms, cash, balance can be
arranged. , '
444 Sherlock hhlg.
- 20 Acres $600
$1 fare from Portland. mii-Iiius and run
ning water, splendid farming land, close
to school, close to town, $100 cash, bal
ance easy or will accept $20 down and
110 a month. Claude Cole, 917 Board'of
Trade. ,
SPLENDID opportunity to lease; 6 acres
near car. Vancouver: 4-room imrtlv
furnished ' house, barn, chicken- anil
brooder , houses, incubators, fruit Hni
berries. Apply Boody, care. Mcolt the
Tailor, 108 3d st.
160 AQRIOS, 12. miles east of Oregon
City; 80 acres' underv plow, 40 acres
plowed, fine soil, good orchard, fairly
pood buildings, well watered; 1 year or
longer Ball & Kunts, 431 Lumber Ex.
130 ACRES near Gresham, 30 cultivated;
good "house, barn, fruit, water, pas
ture; fine for hogs, chickens, cows, gar
dening. Phone Marshair 4410 mornings
or evenings.
10 ACRES, $3 per in., good house, well,
fanced: acres, cleared, on car-
line. Inquire 1445 Fern St., Woodlawn.
TO RENT 40 acre farm, all implement
ana hiock complete, noom o, waaii
ngton hldg. f
WANT to rent farm on shares by an
experienced raimer. 1j-duj. journal.
Some good claims close to R. R.. on
good county road, close to school and
water, good soil: also good timber claim.
Call at room 6, Oak hotel, on Oak St.,
net. Hroaaway ana Farn sts., fortiana.
1)0'T wait until all the good lamia are
gone, use your land rights on the best
to be had; 320 or 480 acres, near rail
road now building; level, rich soil; no
rock, good water; timber free; unlimited.
Stock range. Main 8774, 191 4thVt.
FOR SALE, homestead relinquishment
2 miles from railroad, good Improve
ments. Address R. C. Hillman, Culver.
mem; tzu acres. win consider
trade. What have vou? Owner. 391
Guild. P-686, Journal.
PRA1RIK land homesteads, located tn
the wheat belt of eastern Oregon. For
particulars address George Newell, Olex,
Uiiuarn county, or.
JOIN Califrnla land excursion to Yuba
valley May li; free-fare coupon. A.
M. Highhouse. 44l Chamber Commerce.-
A PRACTICAL man to take an interest
in sawmill as manaeer. contracts al
ready made for logs to be delivered:
also contract made for sale of a large
art ot cut This requires about $6000.
). Stevens. 622 Corhett bldg.
TIMBER in large and small tracts, up
to 1,000,000,000 feet, logging and saw
mill propositions. D. Stevens, 522 Cor
bett bldg.
Who Wants to Trade
For a fine wheat and stock farm? Price
$15,000; any good property that is unin
cumbered considered to $35,000, remain
der 6 per cent .
1120 acre farm, clear of Incumbrance,
for city property. Price $25,000.
800 acre farm, Sherman county, 690
under plow, very well improved; $30
per acre. Consider -any good property
to $14,000. Remainder can run 17 yeara
at 6 per cent.
517 Board of Trade. Portland, Or.
Highly Improved farm In famous Ken-
newlck district, 20 acres in alfalfa that
produced 7 tons to the acre last year,
6 acre orchard, some small fruit aspara-.
gus. balance or land all good and with
perpetual water right, good buildings.
Less than mile from railroad station and
boat landing;, price .$16,000; will tradt
ror rortiana nouses up to mar. value, or
will consider stock farm close to Port-
913 Chamber of Commerce.
100 Acres Near Corvallis
65 acres In cultivation and in crop.' I
room house, good sized barn. 6 acres
orchard, balance of place (n pasture, all'
can .be cultivated when cleared; good
soil and fine neighborhood. All for
$7500. Will take house and lot to $5000.
balance long time and easy rate of in
Chittenden & Neill
' 310 Oak St. -
Improved half section east of Cal
gary to trade for Portland property or
acreage close to Portland. Good new
acres in crop, all fenced. Price $27 per
acre, including stock and farm machin
ery. Mortgage sofuo, payaoie on very
ea sy terms. X-501, Journal.
WE have a large listing of first clas
properties to exchange, both city and
country. If you wish to do -business
on a cash basis, our proposition will
- 404-5 Lewis Bldg.
FOR SALE or trade, ;flrst class board
ing, livery and sales stable, long
leae, cheap rent. Will trade for land
or city property. What have youT-D-382,
Journal. . '
160 ACRE improved farm In Lake coun
ty, 2 miles of town, clear of Incum
brance. ' Cash price i3200; want eitv
property. Claude Cole, 917 Board of
Trade bldg.
IF YOU have anything worth $1000 to
trade for $1500 -equity in-modern
room house, double lot oft car line, phone
Marshall 5548.
WILL sacrifice for cash or give good
trade for cltv property, 100 acres fine
land near Forest Grove, $5000 will han
dle. Phone Tabor 4346. Res. Tabor 1143.
TRADE modern 5 room bungalow and
lot 49x120, in Boise, laaho, for farm
In Willamette valley; can show picture.
J-31 5. Journal. 1
2 EIGHT room houses, 3 lots and a
good bakery business for sale or trade
for up-to-date farm. B-39, Oregon City.
or K-331. Journal. -
FIVE acres to trade for 1912 Model
motorcycle or horse and buggy. K-
678. Journal.
WE exchange wnat you have for what
you want. Peper & Baker, 444 SheM
lock nldg.. a son uaK, ftiarsnan za.
WILL take lot on my new 5 room.
modern bungalow Thomascn, 4431
63d ave. Phone Sellwood 1 13. .
I HAVE one diamond ring, value $140,
to trade. for horse, buggy and har.
npss' of counl value. Address J. Phil
Hps, foot Washington Bt. ; -
NEW Edison phonograph to trade for
typewriter. Phone Sellwoorl m7.
WANT dwelling shout 6 rooms; give .-;
location and price; have for first
payment bungalow, two lots,, corner,
unincumbered, value $2000, Lents. E-
i i kJQ".M- I, i "
W A N T E LwLo t in Rose (Jit 1'ark for B
room home in same diwtiict. - Here is
n i-lmticn tn cet a Rood dwelling at a
Jargaln.- A. Bi Slaurton. 304 Oak St.-
OOOb 6 room lioimo ror 12000 equity
in fine 9 room vouse. Z-715. Journni, v
VANTED A find; home In exctiange for
, (Continued)