tiii: oiuxcri cunday journal, ronx land, Sunday lionning, i.iay i, Automobiles f. T'f Anybody Can Own a Car Nowadayi If you arc not strong enough ilVancI'.Iy t: 1 , 1913 model, remember that there are hun.h: ' Uwn liiem urn uik: slightly used cars that will render good service. The Journal's automobile column in the classified section t. offers runabouts and touring cars that will please the most exacting. J. 11ELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued) . Situation Wanted Ads Inserted free for those in need et work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by toe parties desiring work. WANTED 3 young ladles between the iFes of 17 and 25, to become expert operators on the Burroughs non-llstlng adding machine; positions secured when expert at good salaries. Apply 403 Commercial Club bldg., 9-10 a. in. WANTED woman about 25 to 85. to tend counter , and cook . short orders In lunch room. Good wages. Call at 403 tt l'st Burmdde, Texas Chill Parlor and . Li-nch Room. ' HELP WANTED 3IALE AND ' FEMALE ;"v,,;,gl 1 MOLHSnBARBER COLLEG1B Wanted Men and woman to learn the barber trads in 8 weeks, toola fret, a chance to fat in business for yourself. Send for f re catalog, or call at 86 . N. 4in sc MKN, w6MEN-kiet government Jobs; . excellent salaries. Write for free list of position obtainable. Franklin Insti tute, uept. 337 C, Itocnester. N. Y. LADY or gentlemen, cleaner and presser to run shop on percentage. Phone to day. Columbia 666. 409 N. Jersey st St. Johns. , YotJNG man wants assistance in higher arithmeuc; state terms. B-922,. Jour nal. . WANTED AGENTS 0 .AGENT'S wonderful opportunity. Act , quick,' sell Ambrew Concentrated Beer j-.x tract. Makes real, genuine, intoxi. -rating beer right at home by adding water, strictly legitimate, no license required. Bui all package, carry week's supply, deliver as you sell. Ambrew Is the concentrated Ingredients of real lager oeer same materials useu Dy- an brewers for brewing the best beer. Just Send -postal, we'll show you. The Am brew Company, Dept. 250a, Cincinnati, onio, MAKE $200 to $500 per month, new in ' ventlons. Kerosene gas lighting sys t ems and portable lamps; 200 to 500 candl power for less than a nickel a week; anyone. can install and... operate them; artistic fixtures for all lighting fturposes; opportunity of lifetime to get nto permanent-mooey-malng business. Gloria Light Co., 1278 Washington hlvrt,, Chicago. : - "'- ; WE START you In business, furnlsiilng everything; men - and women 130 to $200 weekly, operating our "New Sys tem Specialty Candy and Popcorn Crls pctte Factories." Ragsdale Co., Box Z, ii-; -v. "u : vJ'1"-1 1 . . ' WE PAY freight, satisfy agents and customers And bank on rep. at oraers. AM ages and all classes buy. Capital, ex perience unnecessary, sample 60c. par ticulars free cendldo, Cal. A, K. Aaberg A Co., Eb- AGENTSl Se"ll our new household ne cesslty! Don't waste time on dead ftnest Sells itself. Every housewife wants one. Particulars free. Olds Spe- nialty w Box ana, L,enanon, ore. AN Intelligent person may- earn JJ6o monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Send for par ticulars. Prese Byndlcate. TOT , Lock- port. n. r. USH your euare time to build-up a mall order business of your own. We help -ron start for a share In Profit. 27 od- "nortunities. Particulars free. Mutual OpportunltleB' Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y, R L PR EisENT ATI V ES wanted in ail . parts of Oregon on a new preposition that will get you the money. Write or call. L. A. Amlck. 1013 Chamber of Commerce, rortianu. WILL pav reliable man or woman 112.60 to distribute 100 free pkgs, perfumed borax soap powder. Ward Borax Co., 216 TnBtttute place, I'mcago. AGI3NTH New proposition Just out - Does away with extra tire on auto mobiles. Write ouick for details. I Havlln, K8 Sixth st., San Francisco, Cal, AGENTS Make 500 per cent selling Novelty Sign Cards. Merchants buy 10 to 1)0 on sight. Catalogue free. Bul- nvan V.O., van -ourpn at., vnimgo BIG opportunity to make good! money easv; -write toaay; low per cent pro fit, ward Mfg. Co., 86 N. Raymond at, Pasadena, cal. SALESMEN wanted to aid ua in sup- stock. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. 6alem, Or. " AG p;NT8 Salesmen, monthly directory of. newest, best-selling specialties, sent free. Distributor, 120 Liberty st, New York. ( ; . . - HA VB a money making proposition for S rooa agents. iaay or gentleman. tail e.i lienry biag. LIST, boys, 1 have a winner for you; tree particulars, vernon ctuppiy co. 3908 8. park ave., Los Angeles, t;ai. " AGENTS Greatest agents' seller ever " produced. ZOO to 600 per cent. Monro Mfg. Co. X-244, La Crosse, Wis. 1 f vou woulu be happy and make money y write to V, O. Box 2045. M. E. Palmer. SITUATIONS MALE AMERICAN cook, situation, country hotel, camp, mill or ranch; first class references, clean, sober and steady. Box 20H2. Station; A. Portland. Or. ' KXPERIENCED chauffeur and repair man wishes position; sober and reli able. Address 287 Salmon street Phone Main 7927 VVDI.'lin.'VI'l.'n mifntrwihlla Bnft also trlcal engineer wants position .lmme- rtt , 1 . 0 ... . M, M 11.. . rtisieiv,- will rive lor priva iKiiuir. ,K-2:14, journal EXPERIENCED construction and log. ging camp man desires position, sten ographer, timekeeper, buyer, commis sary. "A-ttsi, journal, YOUNG liian with 8 years' experience with a team wants a job driving one horse or a team, write C. Stump, iv v.. 3id st.. city. : ALL kinds of repairing done at nioder ate prices ty expert nuuaers, satis faction guaranteed. Call or address MAN with family, no eduration, has . had -year s- experience with boilers and furnaces, 'wants work of any kind WANTED Position i by general office man, wholesale; experienced book keeper and cashier. B-3219, or D-880, in city. Main -ox. journal. - - . , . - - XI MT1l.Tti PiMltlnn hv Vfltitiir man ultH good knowledge ot land; also expert- . . j 1 . .-. . 1 r, 1 . . . , enc.ea m ornue worn, n-niu, uounmi, WOOKKEEPER. ikw ' employed. wll open, close or write up books In spare time. M. M. MayiRS. bim Montgomery, sary clerk with lumber or -construc tion company. a-j;!, journal MARRIED man wants work as engineer or fireman, or janitor work building, Joe Frltx, 439 Everett st. , WANTED Position, watchman or spe cial ponce, experienced, box e, H i, Orewham.- Or.- - W A NT job us clerk, salesman, machine . minder, etc.; anything; first rate cook. K B. Clarke, Globe, 1st and Couch sts. i'OSTTTON wanted as cashier, book keener or general office man;, long cxperiencn, N-7Z3, jownal, BOOKKEEPER and credit man wants a priKlttmi with local firm, experienced, frn''ew. wtm-iwn, WANTED P(ilton r Jaiilfor by soher, esperieni'ea young man, vv-j.i, jour- "JL'1 '- ' ' T LvvTTpENTER foreman. Honest and ca pable, dcires day oY percentage work V-TiO, Jniirnal. , WANTED Poaitlon as Janitor, watch man or elevator bv elderly man. 'la or .siij..or 3i;a. sain.- ave , SITUATIONS llAlui (Continued) WANTED Position as cashier or other responsible work by competent eastern man of 25. Banking and general bunl-nes"-experience. Location immaterial. Will buy stock later if satisfied. Ad dress A-S37. Journal. POSITION on stock ranch or diversified farming, by married man, 2 boys large enough to do chores. Must be good, steady place- dont care for distance out R-280, Journal. SITUATION wanted as chauffeur and gardener by an educated young man who had eiperience in the lines men tioned above. A-l references furnished. A. Marcus, care Y, M. C.. A. ; YOUNG man, 24 years, German, wants any kind of office work. I am 8 months in LVS. Call Main 376 or 6198. Best references. M. Abrams, 467 V 6th, WANTED Poaitlon as warehouseman and, helper pn wagon, by colored man with good references.-. Address Henry Harris, 104 N. 9th st, 'phone Marshall 324 r. YOUNG man, good habits, experienced in -grocery Duswess, aesires position as clerk, city preferred; best references. Call Tabor 861(1. Inquire for Johnson, oriiMsa, journal. KALSOM1N1NG, i..zo per room and up; fiaperlug and painting at reasonable es; work guaranteed. Flnlay, Mar shall SS2!?. - ' ' YOUNG married . man wishes to run private-car or truck. 628 Clinton. SITUATIONS FEMALE' GERMAN, practical' nurse, care of in valids and sick children or to help el derly couple with housework, city or country. Mrw. Slior, Park hotel, . Sth and Gllsan. Phone A-4402. A-l stenographers ar what every em ployer wants. The place to get good stenographers Is at the Remington Type writer Employment dept. , No fee charged. Call Main 3 or Main 77. 88 7th, RELIABLE woman, 45, good references, desire situation; matron Institution, housekeeper club or apartments, ook, ranch, $36 up. St. Louis agency, 208 Sth. Main 8039. ' COMPETENT Swedish woman with boy "24 years old desires housekeeping; business people or respectable widower; wages 0 per month. WANTED On ranch, or seaside, posi- tion as companion nousKeeper, ny capable young woman r good references. B-bs, journal. YOUNG lady desiring office work, has can give good references. P-676, Jour rial. - ' : ' REFINED, middle aged lady wishes nice home, to care for gentleman; would rent furnished house reasonable to gen tleman. o-45i. journal. WANTED Children to care for by week or month. Good yard. Will make them comfortable. Call at or write 105 E. 80th N. Montavllla WANTED To care for a bab or small child. Good home, with mother s care at 1183 Alblna ave. References ex changed A RESPECTABLE lady, wltn small child, wishes a position as house keeper for gentleman. 956 E. 31st st, N., city, ELDERLY lady would like to take caro 01 ennaren, especially iitiania. nui give them good motherly care and at tention, a-vmu. WOMAN wants housecleaning or" sweep- ln Awutintr nuuVilritf n, 1 1T1 n i n tT nr fl respectable housekeeping position. Phone MR in yi 1, Koom st. WANTEi-By experienced sewer posl lion as helper at any kind of sewing. Can run machine or make buttonholes. ddress Mrs, Alice Gibson, 866 salmon WOULD like - one child to care for; country home, close in; no particular age. Mrs. i. H. Hicks. Miiwaukie, or. R. D. No. 1. A LADY of refinement from the east wishes position as nouseiteeper in gentleman's home. Phone Main 4304 or address H. 1, Hox e, wiusaaie WOMA wlslies position as .chamber maid, dishwasher or any work by the day; must be home nights. Mrs. Mason, Main 2206. COMPETENT woman wants whole oay's "work Monday and Thursdsy, Main 3i2. i.aii room WIDOW lady with nice home would like an elderly lady or child to care for, reasonably, fnone wooniawn ib. i'OUNG woman would like a child to care for. Could room paront. Mrs. Ple Phone wooaiawn uiia. 6lRU neat, good worker, warJts place lll,, Vniiuwnpb tn assist In small family. S-823, Journal. . COMPETENT nurse will take charge of Invalid, hospital position or do hourly YOUNO lady of good references desii office. In or out of city. S-614, Journal. MATERNITY nure wants casea lmme dlatel" and in future; do housework. Main 147 WIDOW lady wishes posltto-e house keeper in apartments or In bachelor's nome. H-untis. LaCE curtains laundered, terms to ho ttls, lodging houses, . Private, 30o up. Woodlawn 2684, WANTED Weekly engagement for washing. on Tuesday. Call or address 703 Leland st. , : VOUNG ladv wishes charge of reoentlon room in doctor's or business office; some stenography, w-azw, journal IjEmonbTRATOR and solicitor wishes work. - Can demonstrate anything. Only salary considered. WO-MAN with babv would like house keeplngr or small rooming house to care for. S-606. Journal. DIEL APT., 790 E. Ankeny, 3rooiiis newly furnisiied ana moaern. tu. iavs. Mrs. M. M. Dlel 11 f , 1 1 ...mi r'l-M , - - 1, inn, t- --r- LACE curtains, draperies, linens, laun- WOULD like care of small baby. 883 Hawthorne av Portland, or. oom n. LADY wants washing, and Ironing, Main Z77. WOMAN wants work by the hour, M. P., 148 w. l'tn st.. WOMAN wants work morning or even Ing bv day. Main 4349. PLAIN sewing by day Phone Main 7196 FJ RST class laundress wants day work. Tabor 8 76 9. EaCE-curtains hand laundered. Special prices to noteis. I'none imn wn. WANTED Chamberwork by steady re- liable woman. V-635, Journal. WOULD like to care for child; price reasonanie. t4fta m. ljincoinisi. SITUATIONS tv-A-NTED-MALB " v: ,: : AND ' FEMALE -;. ' 23 MIDDLE aged couple wish position as " Janitors in small apartment house for Use of furnished rooms or with small wares, exnerlenced. C-466, Journal. EXPERIENCED Janitor and wife want position: would take charge of apart ment nouse. d-ij", journal. CHINA and oil painting taught at pfl "lis home 11 neairea. Place cards made. Marshall 3016, MAN and wife to cook in camp: $80 a .month. Tel. wood! n zooo. M. Butler. DRESSMAKING 40 GRADUATE nUrse desires hospital posi tion: stale salary, etc. B-609. Journal, NUKSES 60 MATERNITY home' at 926 Easy St., with best of care and doctor's refer, encfs. "phone Columbia 832 Mr. B 11. Wills. On fit, Johns csrllne. 1NALID wanting room, rare Of trained nurtie; . home comforts; reasonable; refereni-es. Tabor 221. P R At IT li.'Ali nurne wahts ranea Wages FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms.- reasonable in nrice: fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swimming pool, club facilities, special rates at careteria, and 100 otner iea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. " THE best value In Portland, close In; Quiet, homelike, furnished rooms. 82.60 to 4 week. Every convenience. Free phones, baths, elevator, steam heat Fireproof building. Leeds Apartments, 7iv aiarxet. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can secure furnished rooms at reason able rates in the new fireproof associa tion building, corner 6th and TayLor eta., and have privilege of consulting' advls ory and employment department. CALUMET HOTEL. American and European plans; heart of city; fireproof building; hot and cold water and telephone in every room. Special rates, European plan 13 week ana up, American 39 up. i . . . ' VAN COLDER HOTEL. 105 12th between Wash, and BUrk, strictly modern, free phone, free baths: good rates to good people; walls retlnted carpets cleaned. Try us. Mar. 2790. ISO FIRST. COR. MORRISON, ily furnished, steam a isa. ed rooms, 33 week up; 6O0 day, 8 car irom nepot. Main f 861. BAKER HoTEl. . Beautifully furnished, modern, steam heated rooms, running water, fireproof p'-inaing. Moderate ratos. n. FOR RENT -Nicely furnished sleeping rnnma tl an II KA rv tvanlr t, 114 . 15th St., cor. Gllsan, or call at 515 Flan. ders st ; - ;.;'.. . FURNISHED rooms in modern hotel, steam heat,' bath, 3 per week and up. noiei ja. arora. ixx n. bin st, FurniShed rooms, under new man- agement close in. m bin. faoM jytarsnair 44U. J ,FURMailED ROOM. Large, bright room,' hot and waters Large closet. 891 7th st. -r-r cold THE -KING. 309 Jeftersonj nicely fur. nlghed rnoms; modern, heat. cen trally located. 33.3a week ui. TWO room suite. Modern, close in, rea- -. sonable. 847 Halt Phone Marshall 49S0. HOME in country near O. E. R. R,, for person with lung trouble; good board, I1UI Kills. main 0i99, NICE front room cheap: lower flat. Call luaay. aaoft jyiain St., corner road way, fl.50 WEEK, fine large room. heaf. free phone and bath: also good small room. 31.50 week, 171 th at. THE COLONIAL." 165 10th, near Morrt eon, comfortable, quiet, steam beat, Rooms ressonable. Every eonvenlenca. per wk. Free phone and bath. Main 7764. MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor! Homelike, attractively furnished, mod ernt parlor, large porch, summer rates. NICELY furnished front rooms, with or without board.- Fine location. 787 Gllsan. Marshall 764. SLEEPING rooms for men. 187: 6 th at., near poatof flee. THE OILMAN 1st and Alder. H. K. rms., families and bachelors, $1.60 up. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite! Close in, reasonable. 583 Yamhill st. NICELY furnished room, close in. 81.25 week. 86Q16 1st. ' RvMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 465 Alder. WrST SXSS S KIVATH TAiOX.Y 0 BEAUTIFUL large front arlor and . vu.(..-iini luiuiDiiw iur housekeeping, modern convenience, $20 per month. One nice living room with kitchenette, s$l4; 696 Lovejoy, corner 19th. Marshall 3643. ONE nicely furnished room wth all coni veniences, Including steam 4ieat, orrfy $10 per month. 187 17th st. near Yam- 11 tn. VERY nicely furnished, large, light clean, warm front room. Strictly mod em. Reasonable rent. 883 Harrison, ymimr oiunuway, l liunn AiarsnAU 2bt)J JN1CELY furnished room with board for gentleman. Scandinavian nra. ferred 11 10th at. bet. Stark and Burn- side. MODERN housekeeping rooms, ' single or en suite: not ana coia water. Reas onabl e. 153 1 8th st. Cor. Morrison, FRONT suite for housekeenlna-: heat. running - water, reannnabl. , Phnn Marshall 1043. 414 Mill st. NICELY furnished f'ront room, modern conveniences. 13 week. 404 Clay, near 10th. ' Earge, well furnished front room, AI- so smaller room. Modern homa it ar- shall 8677. 669 Flanders at 827 Sth st Exceptionally large front s room. Suitable for two gentlemen. Modern residence. '- ONE nicely furnished room In private family. Every convenience, 526 Har rison. " NICE sunny large housekeeping room. t-nono. nam ana ngnts. 341 Harrison st. Take 16th st car. LARGE nicely furnished room, 856 11th at, cor. Mill. Phojjs Main 7876. NICELY furnished front room. Sea sonable. 394 Broadway st. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, reasonable. Facing Park. 405 W. Park. L'PSTAIRS clean sleeping room for two men, free phone and bnth. 307 Market SEVERAL good furnished rooms. Porch room. - Close In. Very cheap. 211 12th. TWO ladles can rent one or more nice Turnisnea rooms. is 17th st. H, FOR RENT Light and clean furnished rooms. Private family. 780" Corbett. NEATLY furnished room, modern; rent reasonable. 171) N.Mfitli st. FURNISHED ROOMS -5H .-,,.... EAST SIDE THE CLARNO. 343 H Holladay ave, Modern team heated rooms. 61.66 week and up, with all conventenoea. Satisfaction absolutely uarnnted. THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. Sth and MoriTson at. new and mod ern; steam heated, elevator, large lobby, excellent grill. la.KQ week and tin. FOR RENT Furnished 8 and 2 room suites for housekeeping; miavte en trance. 370 Wiedler st Phone East koh.- f RANS1ENT rooms, B0o per night or 31 ' a week; housekeeping room $2 to $3 per week; , phone, bath and linens. 632 Williams ave. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. East Morrison Rooms 312 month and up; $22.60 and up with bnth.' East 323. ' NICELY furnished rooms, 31.25 weeK up. transient Hotel Stevens. 667 Vv wiinams nve, THE Larrabee, 2s7 Larrabee. Rooms J k., up. Brick bldg., steam heat hot and cold water, bath, phone, electrlotty. NICELY furnished room .$8 per month 419 Graham ave. ' - TUBNISHID BOOMS ZS33 PRIVATE X AMTLY EAST 71 LARGE well furnished housekeeping rooms, reduced rates, close in. . 281 E. tn St., ' TWO ' fimiiHliuu housekeeping rooms, ' light and water furnished; $12. 1004 Belmont at TaDor 174. W'UlMVH w tn v. i"vi ii UAM'Wiii4M ern good room, 2 blocks from Broad way bridire. asi Ross st; East 8010. FURNISHED room 12 BB Commercial st; 16 for '1 per 1110; ror 2; gentleman preferred. Phone Wnodlawn 3167. VELL furnlstifd front" room, gentTnt man, rmth. l.bO weit. sir iteiniont TWO 11. K. rooms, modern, lawn and lrccs .$9 juo. J lllcrtyjitAyvodrn, FTRrrr'TrD rooms EAST' EOS tJilVATB rAMTI.T Tl 24 EAST Sth st, corner of Ash. B-1561. Iirge, newly furnished modern room, one block to .car. . Easy .walking dis tance, 32.50 a week. Board if desired, a month. Furnaes heat llcht and phone. 174 EAST 8tH. One pleasant furnished room. 88 per' month, light bath, hot and cold water, free. Board very near u QPBireq. -. ONE clean furnished H. K, . rooin S. clean, cheerful, furnished H. K. rooms, 312, Large yard, very close in, on east side. 44 East 7th, near Oak. - NICELY burnished, rooms in private family, close In ' on eaet aider nice neighborhood . and good yard. Phone Sell. 1192. . ? , . ... THREE well furnished rooms for rent; free water, heat and telephone. 567 E. Yamhill. - FURNISHED rooms on the first floor, xor rent. . East 3443. 415 E. Alder, corner 6th. TWO front first floor rooms, hotise . keeping. 33.25 "a week, with free lights and bath, 448 E. Oak.- v 4 NICE rooms, f urnlBhed, ' lawn, roses, adults preferred. 1202 Borthwick. UNFURNISHED XUiOMS 10 FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, modern: gas range, dish cupboard; good house, fine view; dirt Cheap; one diock irom Mississippi car. 'uz.Micn-lysn-ave. 'J,.;.- . - - FOR RENT 2 ' unfurnished H. k, rooms in Uolladay addition, separate entrance and clean, $10 per mo. 264 N. Union ave. FOR RENT Three unfurnished house keeping rooms, 1 block to Jefferson cars. asn inapman st. 3 ROOMS, wardrobe, free use of phone. You will have to see to appreciate, at 1 8 rnontn ; no cnuaren. iubb k. wash, TWO unf urnlBhed rooms, 171 13tlt st Main 9451. ROOMS AND BOARD IS The Whitehall- A residential hotel, with larre sun porch, nice sunny rooms .and private Datns, iamuy aining room in conneo tloB, pianos, parlors and lounging rooms. wo 3 tin st ttivu lviu.ui vawia 1 "Willi, niiu v. en- fast board: suitable city gentlemen: hot and' cold water, bath, phone; walk ing aisiance, re&eonaoie. izu n, ism St., cor. Gllsan. Main 8097, BARKV1EW HOTETj. West Park and Montgomery; high ciass iamuy notei, an moaern conven lences. rooms with or without bath, a cellent table service; rates reasonable. NICELY furnished airy rooms with or ni,.iv, www. w, I'V.. T I ... .I'll. N. 17th st. NICE front room and board $8 week. 3 in room $5 each; free phone, ba)L 660 Rodney ave. corner of Knott st kOOM and board, $5 per week,' home privileges; 608 E. Asn st. v IF looking for board and room inquire 139 East 30th st Mrs. F. Love. sooas ash soakii . . J Jflu:TAT?a. AaFn'T M FAMILY of 2 have room and board for 1 only; no other boarders: large front bedroom adjoining bath; right on An keny car line. 124 E. 29th st north. B-1949. : PLEASANT room and board, phone, natn, an nome comrorts, walking dls tance. All for $18 month. 623 Clay. EXCELLENT table board ill' modern home, walking distance. Phone Main 8608. 322.60 up. NICE front room for 8, $ 5.60 " Also sln gle room. Near Broadway bridge. 354 Roas st. Phone East 2195. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANT small room, west side, 16 min utes' walk from journal bldg, $7 mo.; private family; permanent L-472, Journal. : : YOUNG lady desires room and board tn family hotel, close in. State price, JB 682, Journal. tlOUSEKEEl'LNG ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ; . NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 86th and Upshur 'sts. furnished 8 room apartments, $15, $18, $20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment, private phones, pub lic bath, electrio lights, gas range, laun dry room, all free; also 8 room unfur nished apartments, with private bath, $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take 8, 23d or W cara north. Phone Main 869. CLOSHi. in tingle housekeeping rooms heat, hot water, cooking gas, light sua linens rturnisnea tree; SHI i aylori Mam 726. SINGLE and double II. K. rooms, first floor front convenient well fur nished, low rent $30 Taylor, opp. Y. M. C. A. NICELY furnished housekeeping sin" . gle or suites, reasonable, near Wash ington. 26 N. 17th st. TWO large 11. K. rooms and kitchenette frea electric lights, heat bath and pnone. sis i4tn et, cor. Clay. UNFURNISHED hmiknlh alna-la ' rooms and 2 and 3-room suites, near city hall, 82 4th t. HOUbE EiLPliNu and turntehad rwoma. Gem heteL 6S 1st st Steam heat, nrw bldg,: rooms 81 week np; freephone CHOICE place, near Multnomah club7 . good meals, homelike. Reasonable. Main 2219. v HOUSEKEEPING IiOOm1. : One larva room with kitnhanatt Phone, gas and bath. 891 7th et. One and two nice furnished H. K. . rooms and 4 room unfurnished flat 615 Mill el. - tjNWltNlSHEft rooms, Ml, Morrison' . near 18th. Inquire room 1, or 805 Yeon bldg. . - . N1CEI,Y furnished H. K." rooms $2.RS wapx up; wajKing oistarice. 608 Davis. ONE nice, large front room, suitable for houseTteepliig, at 392 Jefferson s t NEWLY papered and painted H. - lC rooms, very cnesp. , bug Ainer. 6NE garsRe, 4 nice front rooms to rent. 024 jacKson street, rnone Mam 095. GOOD H. K, rooms, hot and cold water, tree pain ana pnone. iiusvt 8d st ilcTtjsRKEEPi NG rootns .$3 per week. 324 Main. cor. 6th FOR RENT 2 unturnlshed Portland Hts. 489 21st. ttk; A-i4 rooms 491. W33ST f EIVATB 3f A3CXT W TWO large housekeeping rooms on first floor. Running water. 31$ Market, cor. 6th. 471 MORRISON Housekeeping rooms! steam heat, running water, very rea- sonaoie. TWO nicely furnished 11. K. rooms, fao Ing on Park blocks; walking distance; rent reasonable. 3SH Park at TWO modern newly furnished H. it. rooms. Private entrance. Also sleep Ing rooms. 894 Columhla st. MODERN furnished H. K. suite front rooyiB. tnitj ua st, "fnt.. j if ........ Jl BUITK H. K. roonieT newly furnished. ' Ha-th, -phone, rpasonahle. 80 Ella st FURNISHED H. K. and sleeping rooms, 4,B1Q 13, PP. XI IN. wtn St. ' ' NILE, wean, light rront housekeeping 1 rooms. 600 Jefferson st. . $2 to $3.60" week,- large pleasant house- Keeping rooms. 1x1 lztn, cor. YRtntitii. 1 fci.ii, 4 furnlnhfift U. K fonmi ix' sleM ranseY- 1 f 7trTMairi '45" $8 Newly furnished suite housekeeping rooms, prione and nam. 16 Jnapinan. FOR" RENT 3 housekeeping ' rooms, private ramny. 44U rfi at. TWO room suite, modern. cloe in. rea onahle. 347 Hall.' Phone Main 4980. TWO and 3 furnished H. K. rooms; prl vale" iltaP'J,.P.hoV Ma'n -J.'S 3, I'm 1. v Minn, jroTfrrxxrf rso books VITUS KiSB PRIVATE tAMXLT n (CoBtinnedi TWO completely furnished rooms for t ngnt house keeping, in private fam ily, close in on west uide; 4 burner r range; cozy kitchen cabinet; fine beds; nice carpets: lame outside rooms: hot and cold water; bath, Price $18; gas, ngnis, water and phone free. 614 4th st. Main 2762. SUITE Nicely furnished. modern housekeeping rooms. $4 per week. Free eight, phone and bath; also single Housekeeping room, Jli.ou week, eui i, lay st, $26, 184 Porter, fine residence district 5 nicelv furnlaberi. ntii Inwop floor. beautiful yard; flowers, everything com- I'mic, nuiniii aisiance; parnuuiara t'nuiie owner, penwooq iiu. OR 4 furnished housekeenlna: rooms. modern. rent reanona.hU. . fall Sun day afternoon or after 5 evenings. 64i wasnington, flat U. Phone Marshall 6 MONTH, 2 furnished housekeeping (or sleedns) rooms, front Dorch: working men preferred. 567 2d. Main 9 iv, Monday, THREE large, light nicely furnished. . nawiy renovated nouaeiceeptng rooms, Tel, Marshafl 2885. 481 West Park et. s nana, nnr . i . r a n iwi , . nn tt nat i LARUE, heated room, free cooking, gas, fireplace, sleeping porch, kitchenette; other housekeeping rooms very reason- huib. us rum. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; also 1 large front housekeep ing-room; ootn fi4 per month; modern conveniences. 226 Harrison st HOUSEKEEPiNG rooms. grouuAi, floor. J eieexric ngnts. gas, running water, private toilet; $8 per month. Call 115 in zaq. 1 emma beautiful yard, bath. Mala 2(8. 887 1st St. , $4 WEEK a wo housekeeping rooms, corner flat bath, nantrv. 150U Jef. ferson. , J TWO front rooms, alcove, furnished uuuseKeeDinir. eaa rant, moaern. va v;iay st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nice yard; would care for child during the day. 259 13th. Marshall 5492. tWo nicely furnished, clean housekeep lng rooms en first floor, bath, phone. gas, 833 Couch st. near 1 Sth. FOUR outside, connecting H. K, rooms, nicely furnished: furnace heat 889 utn st. PLEASANT furnished ' housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, walking dlstsnce. 661 Washington st. NICE light housekeeping rooms and . sleeping rooms; hot and cold Water, bath, and phone. 178 N. 17th. TWO" large, clean, well furnished rooms, . gas range, bath, phone, 320 per month. 813 Columbia at, near 6th, uou8ERci3nra nooMS a EAST SIDE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cor. Grand ave. end E. Davis. $3 per week. Wood free. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms In suites of two, $1 room per week each... Belmont Apts. 480 Vt Belmont st HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent 3 days' free rent to pay for moving. 870 ft , East Morrison, .near Union ave. HOUSEKEEPING suites, 2 and rooms. $3 a, week and up. 667 H Williams ave. . ; $14 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 643 E. 27th. Richmond car trf 87th, go 1 block south. NEW FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, neat, nant, natn, im. limn union. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms 490 Umatilla ave. Bellwood 1036. BOusxKxzrnro soomb 39ASI BIDS PUTAT1 yillUT 14 SUNSHINY basement rooms, furnished, modern: also small kitchen and bed room, 2d rioor. rine; walking distance. 664 E. 6th st Brooklyn car. Phone Sell wood 1109. 16-$18 Two or three clean, completely furnished, light rooms; bath, laundry, gas range, phone, large yard, lawn, roses, cherrlea: walkiiie distance. 841 Tillamook. LARGE H. K. rooms, clean and com- fortabla. adults onlv: free llrht. bath. laundry, gas, wood. $9 and $10 month; waiKing distance. Ease I3B, 8 ROOM furnished, entire upper floor, ciosets, porcn, nam, gas range, eieo trio lights, private residence, 1 block from Hawthorne car. Phone B-1949. LAkaF, H. K. rooms, clean and com. fortable. adults onlyi free light bath, laundry, gas, wood, $9 and $10 month, walking distance. East 1376. $1.50-$ 2.25 WEEKLY, furnished house keeping rooms, free heat bath, laun dry, gas. 669 Commercial sf TJ car. oooiawn lOftg. tWO nicely furnished rooms, light wv ier, cuoainK uhiii ana isiepnone, ii pir montn. t uranam ave $1.60, $2.76 weekly, clean furnished ill k. rooms, gas, xree neat laundry, baths. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver, FURNISHED rooms, in private family, 1 blocks of new steel bridge.' 226 V4 uccinent st rnone u-n4. MODERN10 room house. North Mt. ta. oor. 101s or acreage near Portland to H value; owners only. H-820, Journal, TWO nicely furnished It. K. rooms In private nome on east sine; water, gas, elec, lights, phone, $18. Phone B-2743. 316. s nice lurnishea nousekeeplng rooms. 111 rj. aotn, near Morrison. pnone East f3&8 10.60 Two 1L K rooms. Kghl. bath. heat, phone. B. 1ZIB. $15 3 furnished H, K. rooms; gas, eleo, tncity, catn. pnone is. eiT4. i OR 8 furnished 11. k. rooms. 640 E. mar st. BOUSES FOn RENT 13 NICIp little 3 room, cottage, partly furnished, only $7 month; 1130 E, 28th st N. Inquire J. B. Matthews, woojiawn idbi. FlVti! room modern cottage for rent a 878 Front et- 916; Inquire at premises, or pnone wain, nooy Mlf new, modern, 8 room bungalaw, $27.60 tier month, or will sell on easy terms. Phone Main 4988. FOR RENT 8 room house, Woodstock car, 100x100, tinder cultivation; $6 per month. 886 H Alder, room. 8. 11 room house, went side, on oarllne; close in: all modern' conveniences; rent iso; eon tn st. iiTVL-. n..m 1. n ., u I , rl.l.. -.... . V t vi vi 1 1 1 viillfmMn, BVII1.UT llivucll Beaumont, $20; Bold Realty Co., 206 AlJer. : t 185 room house. 2 lots corner 17th and Leland ave., Woodlawn car. Phone k01ERN 7 room house, close In. beau tlful lawn. 8115 E. 8th. cor. Market Marshall 1923. FOR RENT 5 room house in good con dition, west s'lde. 648 Clay at. walk lng distance of town. ; 9 room house, $30, 1 floor, or will rent .en suite of 4 or S rooms, $16, close in, 467 East A eh. Call 43 3d st M. 9424. 8 ROOM houije, 497 Montgomery st, on canine, also wanting distance. Becur (ty Investment Co., 917 Worcester bldg. LAURELHURST HOME. $40 7 rooms, all modern, no children. nrnim-wagoner to., su i.ewis hidg. KEW modem 6 room bungalow for rent In Roe City Park. Phone Tabor 1901. FOR RENT 6 room oottage. Cheap, lil -ftitierta at. $12 6 room hous acre ground. Houth Mt Tanor. pnone Tabor zbos. &1CE.J J',0om,.I,,,s . S'ihvi tf-irml , iil(; walking distance. 57 llaTT, 687 EAST ALUr.lv and 14tll st. room, modern house. , Come and' see. COTTAGE for rent In exchange for board. 647 B. 8Jd. Pellwood 601. ; $18.00 7-room house, 610 E. Clay, near llth. Main en.io or r9t3. 6 ROOM house. hl MlKHlvelppi aiid .Monroe et A-793 1 , Mai n I3t.9. HOUSES FOR KENT 12 (Continued) Irvington Homes $508 room., i more on 3d floor. 19t?, st. --near Tillamook, iegant- modern home. 37u 8 rooms. 2 more on 3d floor. near Irvington club. 3o ana up, many-other irvington homes. R. T. STREET. 229 Henry bldg. The Irvinrton Ral Estate Man. INGTON New, . modern upper flat. 6 rooms and steeping porch. 2 extra rooms In attic, fireplace, furnace, gas range.- gas heater, linoleum in kitchen and bath, hardwood floors, built in book cases and buffet, riy screens on win dows, cooler, nice location and beautiful view. 673 E. 8th st N. Rent $30. rnone jrjast bib. $154 room cottage, Woodstock car. $206 rooms, 651 Overton, near 16th. 825 S room bunealow. Irvlnston dls- triet. . " ' ' 352.60 7 rooms, 768 Marshall, near 23rd. - . . - H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699, A-2683 NISaRLY five acres, house, barn, chlcff en house, lots tree fruits! and berries, close in. So cariine, good for gardening, chickens small dairy. Cheap rent. An other place, smaller, $10 month. Mc Coy, 364 N. 26th, evenings only, 7 to 9; 8 car north on Third to 26th, block south. RENT Partly furnished house with 2 acres, small fruit completely equipped hen houses, 3 minutes walk from station on Oregon Electric rail way. 30 minutes' ride from Jefferson t station. - Apply M. Potts, business office The Journal. . 5 Room Bungalow Good barn, chicken house, etc.,. one tore of ground, adjoining Beaverton, $10 per month. Inquire LOUTS SALOMON ft CO., 229 Stark st, near Second. la, kOOM house, 191 Uth st, eleotrio lights, gas, hot water heating, new plumbing, suitable for rooming or board ing house, or Mght housekeeping, fine French range, already for buslnesa. Don ald G. Woodward aeent. 104 M at un vr A-143B. 40 Close in, 1 block from Hawthorne; never rented before; unusually large rooms; nice, full lot with trees and frass. This house has fireplace and urnace and It a snap at $40 per month. Owner will lease. Be sure to tee this. vv. ti. KOs, ai6 Spalding bldg, HOUSK om pftifif 1 n a Kru ' With large barn, hen coop, gasoline en- sine, Dernes ana cnerries: on telephone line and main road near Newberg. $36 to Dec. Or longer. Work in nrchArd an. cepted. H. L. Amoth, Newberg, Or. FOR RENT One hew, , modern 6 room cottage, one almost new 6 room bunga low; lawn in roses and berries and fruit bungalow has garden planted; right on carllne. Take W-W. car to 89th st. In quire at new building on corner. Phone Sellwood 1844. , A GREAT BARGAIN. lights; corner lot 60x100. cor. Linn and down. Phone Sell 626. O. H. Wallberg, moo a. inin. FOR RENT 9 room house in good oon ditlon: ean be used bv two families: carpets and linoleum on floors; nice varrt nun- inrM r,., ,,,. ,,.. a i am V- - .v,w. . . , , v v. k u i nv, , v ii, aughh, bear 23d; rent $28 to the right party. 1 . . COTTAGE of 6 rooms in Montavllla. $8, plenty shade; some fruit Ntorv house also, a-nott eandttlnrt. large yard, good neighborhood, $10. E. FOR .' RENtf room house, close in. Adams and llasnaln at a Thru. Klnnlca from new steel bridge. Inquire the Ore- son H.e&l Kaiattf- i n liranrt ava and Multnomah st. Phones E. 67; C-1708. 8 ROOM house, nicely furnished, all con- ciiibiilB Buitauis xor two zamiues, z fireplaces, I bath tubs, nioe lawn, roses and fruit trees. 723 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 8167. or East SS07. DON'T pay rent; you will feel better in your own irvington nome, bought now "right," on easy terms, 1 can fit your exact le. R. T. Street. 229 Henry bldg., the Irvington Real Estate Man. ALMOST new moderswa story house, 6 rooms and sleeping , porch. 848 E. Bth t N., near E. Broadway. Key at 828 E. 8th St. N one block south. Rent $80 Would lease for one year. BEAUTIFUL new $ room bungalow, Hawthorne district; all modern con veniences. Will sell furniture If de sired. Owner leaving. Must be rented toaay; go, Z4Z K. 47tn St. Tabor 1475. fF YOU are looking for a modern up to date residence in Kob Hill district, surrounded by beautiful homes, see Miss Kaiser's house, 74$ Everett st; key, Woodward, 104-2. foa RENT 8 room house, furnace, gas, desirable location, rent $25. 833 Kelly st. South Portland. Owner at 838 Kelly st Main 4777. FOli RENT Modern good I room house, sleeping porch, newly tinted, clean, gas, . electricity, furnace, yard. mov m. ig in near morrison, FOR RENT Large $ room house!, not . far from Mt, Tabor car, near 68th st Only $13 per mo. CalL612 Royal bldg., luviimajr, IBEVEN room house, gas, electricity, i urnace, i louets, wasn trays, yard. Central location.. Knott, near Union. In quire 660 Kerby. WILL rent my 3 room modern house, close to carllne, for $10 mo., to the right party. Phone Main 7750, or A- 7374. Calf for Oscar Gustafson. FOR SALE By owner, new 6 room bungalow, strictly modern, on E. 20th; no Incumbrance. After $ p, m.; phone C-2260. East 6096, FOR RENT Furnished houses and bun- r alows,- 8 and 6 rooms, desirable 10 lons. Security Development Co., J7S -in Bt. x-iiifiifi main it&i. BEAUTIFULLY located house of 6 large rooms, modern, freshly papered and paimeo, it mm. out. isica yard.. 114. A-25S0. room house, all modern conven . leiiCes. Excellent location, near car line. Price $20.. 485 Stanton. East 3059. FOR RENT Small 6 room house, all modern conveniences. Near Union ave. t'none woodlawn 1661, c-2457, FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, ln- quire 131 N. lum st near Gllsan. Main 8832. $16.60 GOOD room modern house, large lot; fruit, flowers. 868 Union ave. is, PORl'LANb 'HEIGHTS,'' 'rooms," batT.? gas, reasonable to steady tenants. M. 51' MODERN 8 room house, near 23rd am Hoyt; all Improvements; good attic and basement; rent reasonable. Phone B-2648 FOK RENT Two 4 room cottages, full lots, cherry trees. Call 1221 E. Main. 41 at street. - 10 ROOM house, 637 Montgomery st. Fine view. Phone A-4589. Call fr key at 526 H Montgomery. r INCH2A8E the. rental value of your nouse. l ao Better quality repairing, remodeling. A. E. Wlkstrom. Fast 1324 MODERN 6 room cuttaae. newlv nxlnl. ed and nnpered. window shadf-s. large yard. 613 Delay: take L car; $15. GOOD 7 room house, 3d and College! Inquire at 444 3d st. of A. Thurlow, with Powers, 3d and Yamhill. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6- room modern bungalow; also furnished house. Call at 710 Pwtton road. LOW RENT for 7! room hou8 on E. 24th. near Ankeny; good order, own tr. F.astl55. IodaiMUouaiviutit ,. tluledweat-ra swaue,t ' . , ,. 4, 6 and 6; room modern hoiiMes on Iowa st..- near Orexon Furniture fac tory. Inquiry lift oWa Kl. NEAT 7 room cottage, 332 (frail t st near llfBilwi'V, rvtit T'-'miHifibli. ji 1 1 1 1 m, i,s M.7cTf mi rw . , lei., .-ii r, it" park; vltw of river, j a.i linsmMt, 7 'eet K H ! i M-jH'oi-t h jivi, UOUSE3 ron r.n.T 1 (Continued) Houses for Rent 7 rooms, 165 N l"th st $35.00. - 6 rooms, 7 6 9 Sav ier- t- $ 1 5 . 0 11 - rooms, 813 Savler st. 1H.0 5 rooms, 411 1 1th st 322.60. 10 rooms. 746 E. Burnaide st $33.00. 6 rooms 4ki Dnvla t 111 Oil ' - 7 rooms, 208 N. Union ave. fib.dD 7 rooms. 207 N. Union ave $25.00. 5 rooms, 384 N. 19th St. 313.00. 6rooms, 491 Alder st $23.00. 8 rooms, 608 Front st. $30.00,..- 5 rooms. 189 Caruthers st $10.00. 8 rooms. 20 11th st $27.60. 10 rooms. 69 N. 13th st. 330.00. 8 rooms, 38 N. 31st st $40.00. 5 rooms, 607 Harrison st. East $14.09. 8 rooms, 489 N. 22nd st $22.50. 5 rooms, 600 Third, st $20.00. 6 rooms, 452 Sixth St, $16.00. 6 rooms, 391 Front st $20.00. 5 rooms, 294 Caruthers st $25.09. g rooms, 428 Halt st $35.00. 6 rooms, 658 Upshur st $18.00, ' . 6 rooms, 730 E. Salmon at $12.00. 8 .rooms. 493 Rodney ave. $18.00. 6 rooms, 931 F.. Ankeny st $15.00. rooms. 209 Gibbs st $13.00. 8 rooms, (86 E. Ankeny st. $30.00. rooms, ,34 Front ef $25.00. Flats for Rent 5 rooms, 308 Third st, 330.00. 6 roomsf 861 Clay St $a0.00. 6 rooms, 662 E. Salmon st. $26.00.' fi rooms, 598 Salmon st, $35.00. . Parrish, Watkins & Co, 108 Second St. Houses and Flats for Rent I room modern house. 933 Thur- rnan st ................ ....,.,$30. On 9 room house, 696 Front st...... 25.0D 5 room upper flat, 784 Gllsan st... UM 6 room lower flat 784 Gllsan at., 25.00 6 room lower flat corner 16th and ' Everett sts. ................... 37.60 $ room lower flat, corner 16th and Everett ets. 33.50 t room upper flat, 16th and Everett eta. 33,00 5 room lower flat, E. 9 th and Hani cock sts. 28.00 $ room upper flat. EX 9th and Han cock sts. ..................... 28.00 a room upper flat & 18th and Morrison sts. ................ 20.00 5 room lower flat B, 18th and Morrison Sts. ................. 20.00 The Shaw-Fear Company, Main 85. 103 4th St. A-8500. THE MEIER 4k FRANK STOKE3 WKSBl RENTAL AND INJTORMA- TION BUREAU. Is for the convenience of both port land people' and strangers In the city who may be looking-for homes, apart ments and flats. We havo aa excellent private list, as Well as the combined lists of all real aetata dealers. We ean also give advice as to the new buildings in course oz consiruouon. House Hunters, especially, win. rma relief in this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and ' desirably located. When vou want to rent, visit . THE MEIER ft FRANK RENTAX, BUREAU. 4th Floor. Main Bide. r J J-J J i t J i J J J 3 j j j i 3 3 3 3 3 SAVE time and patience by get ting our extensive free fist of desirable houses and flats "FOR RENT." ' THE FRED A. JACOBS CO Main 6869, 26$ Wash, st, A-6S87. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FOR RENT, B-room hotiaen. "a-oo.l Dlare for rftomara anI hninUMi i-oii Main 1721. ' " ruiuasBSD houses S3 SWJsWiaSsa.Sl FINELY furnished room house, in easy walking distance from west side: close to Washington bisrh school and East Eld library. Anglo-Persian ruV player-plano: rent $40 mo.) references required. Phone B-23 83. $ 2 2 Modern $ room furnished house, west BidSi walking distance? nlsnn yard with fruit trees. Marshall 3764. 334 Gibbs st. SIX room house, newly furnished, with piano. Parlor furnished in. mahogany. Gas. electrio light furnace. 867 Van- couver, near Broadway. 1FAIRLY well furnished room houso xor rent, very reasonable, fine yard, some fruit, Neal Brown, lit Bwetlftpd Dldg. URKISaEfl modern g room h'ouse, i sleenlnff rooms nice yard, on k. Washington between 87th and 88 th. pnone Tabor 394, FOR ! RENT An attracUv modern noma or rooms, completely ur tlshed, conveniently looated. owner g' ing away. Call iui Broadway E 1613. TO responsible party, a new 8 or !- room moaern bungalow; nicely fur nished; Hawthorne district, 16 minutes out. J-482, Journal. $306 room modern furnished house, furnace, fireplace, lawn. Room 3, Washington bldg. Main 4829, FURNISHEb 6 room house, good gar den, rent $15. Inquire 1130 Gladstone ave., near 87th St.; take W-W car., E. ft. 1 FIVE room furnished house and a i room unfurnished flat Inquire 82$ Williams ave. 01697. $138 room furnished cottage, on ear line:' basement, bath, nlmnn Kali- wooa 4ii. iii MiiwauKie ave. HARDWOOD furniture five room flat, nearly new. Reasonable, 363 11th st. FOR RENT Very nice 6 room modem bungalow. 1095 Montana, FOR RENT 4 room furnished house. 14SH Morris st. FOR RENT 4 room furnished cottage on carllne, $18.- 807 Williams ave, FURNITtKB FOB SALE HOUSES FOB RENT 82 WILL sacrifice my furniture of 8 room flat; am leaving olty: flat Iflr rent; 147 nth st, west side; phone Maiv shall 3837, ' 5 ROOM house for rent; $12; turnituri for sale, $ 100) cash or terms; at 401 East Yamhill St., opp. TJ, P, Laundry Co, HOUSE for rent furniture for sale cheap; housekeeping apts. make $30 over rent, inquire sib m. Bin st. FURNITURE neut 6 room cotta; rip neignoornooa; gooa view Of mils; rent $15. 258 14th St. FURNISHED" new s' room flat; bartalni view of all the city. Main 43B0. FURNITURE FOR SALE 03 COMPLETE furnishings of JO rooms for sale; low rent; fin nelhborhoo!; walking distance; rooms all rented; must leave city; nothing beter In snfiil rooming house; will . make attractive price. A-688, Journal.- FURNITURE of a 6 room flat, "clieao rent. Oak and blrdseye maple, A. minster rugs, brass and iron brK cheap. Cash or terrnsr 88 N. 18th. FC'RITURE1 for sale on' en.-ount' "o? .. leaving city, completely furnishcl modern ft room flat; no reasonable offr refused: phone Tabor 8741. FOR SALE Green velour upTvolxtm ! davenport;; good condition; cium ; phone E. 3540. FUllNfTiTRE of 6 room, nearTy ne. tra'le for lot or sacrifice tr cn, i Chamber cif Comnifr'-e, NEW furniture for sale ciieap. Am f.v ing city, must sell. 130 Last ii.n-1 t. Take 8, S. car. - - ; -. Fi'RNff IJRfel of 4 room house: aiT7r.r.';: plete; new range; all for $i: at is. S. E 64tU st, f IJNK buffet,' (i.l.le, rook ."T"' 'WVW, ' ll't'lP b. il ? 1 , f cht.if. W-ipdUmn 1 :!". 1' v ALMOST iiew If tnk.n t nui-e. " Rd').".r.H7: 1 r e.'r 1 r M'". " i, rT' m' : - 1 r ! .1 1 1