TOWN TOPICS TOMC'UX'S AMUSUMHXT3 ItKU .(! F.lffnnth anil lrrlaon. Cbnunoejr 01 ' wit 111 "The luln U' Divhiiih." ' BAKKIl Tlmarhvav hikI NIjiII) almoU, MmrlK.m, The Unkcr i'lurers In 'Titty Slllc-a Krnni WoHtAtt." , OiCf'liKl!M Uroadwajr and Taylor. Advanced vaudeville. , , LYltlC ronrth and Mark. KVatlna; Flnnd Mimlral Cointdr cmniitnr la "Ino iwii) lie broiva." r.NTAiK8-nrnilwy and Alder. Vaudeville I'or amuaement ailvei'tlalng PUS 2. 1Vca(hcr Conditions. I'nrllnnd and Vtrlldtr! Khnwera tonight or Wcdneiicliiy. l.lirhf front , ttinlKlit. Variable TilmU uiuatly weMerly. Oregon: Bboer tonight or WdneailHr. I.liclit rr.iHi went, ncnvjr .from earn pormiu .(ouiuni. WMlerlr elnda, ' Washington: Show tnntirlit er Weiliiea (lav. Jloav.r froat punt, light flout weat portion Idaho': Show era J(iiilht or Wi'diedar. tleaTjr BOWAK1) A. BKATS, Tltrlrt FnreeaMei' Portland Commons Meeting. Special meetings will be held at the Portland commons Front and Burnslde etreets, every night this week. "'.Tuesday. Rev. James Crookes and wife, well , known evangelists, will have charge of the meetings.. Having a few days to stop over In Fortland, Mr. Crookes kindly consented to vialt , the mission. ' It Is hoped Hint the attendance will be good. Rev. Kd Blackmno, who has worked ' hard and faithfully for a year as super intendant, and In that time become a ' fcry familiar figure In the neighborhood I of Burnside and Scuond streets, will close his labors in this field and take a ' much needed rct. Mr.. Blackman's suc cessors will be Introduced in the meet ing Wednesday evening. Services com mence at 8 o'clock, preceded by an open air meeting, frienda are urgently In vited to attend. ''.' ' Boggs to Be Brought Back. -After much international parleying, George W. " Boggs, under arrest at' Vancouver, B. C, on a charge of swindling several Port , landers,, has been surrendered to the , Oregon, and will be brought "back to the city by Deputy Constable JIunter. il left here last night for Vancouver.. Boggs Is alleged to have passed bad checks amounting to. several thousands Of dollars. ' Boggs served several years' in the Washington penl- ' tentlary for the misuse of public funds while treasurer of pierce county, Wash- ". ington, finally securing a pardon. Some ' of those who were instrumental In get ting him hie pardon, are among those alleged to have been swindled. Boserians to 00 to Worth Yakima. Plans are being made by the Boyal Ru sarians " to attend the Third Annual Blossom Festival : to be held, at North Vakima on May 1 and 2. An edict has been Issued by W. J. Hoffman, . prime mInTsTerorTne " RoyarRbarTaRsT To? all members to be prepared to make-the trip to North Yakima, and it Is expect ed that a large jiumber will attend. The - Itosartans have been advertised as one , of the chief features of the Blossom Festival.. Elaborate plans, have been made for the entertainment of the Ro - rarlans. The Rosarlans will be speclal ly entertalnsd on May 2. ; Denies Making Threat Jn Bleeps Mrs Eliza Harler, aged 70 years, who was arrested Saturday on complaint of ' Mrs. Delia Dent, landlady at 809 East Sixth atreet, on a charge of threaten ing the young son of Mrs. Dent, was yesterday dismissed by Judge Taswell, when it was learned that Mrs. Harler ' had taken her departure from the Dent home.. Mrs. Harrier denies that she ever made any threats, while asleep or awake against the son, but says that she did tell him to keen W of tba woodshed while she was working there. She -also denies that she made any statement whatever In court, regarding the case. Brings Suit Against City. John .T. Fraser, owner of a parcel 'of eroperty near Irvlngton, would force the city to remove a sewer constructed across his property and put the land in as good condition 'as it -was before the sewer was" placed, according to a sulf filed In the circuit court against the city. He claim that the sewer, was laid across Mb property without due' process of law and. asks an Injunction against the city to restrain - it " from collecting f 6S3.80 assessed against the property on account of the sewer., -' : ' Trip to Pern. J. II. Morton .will give , an illustrated lecture on "To Peru With . Locomotives," at the Alblna ' bi-ansh library, 330 Knott 'street, on Wednes dny veiling. May 7, at 8 o'clock. Mr. ' Morion went to Peru to superintend the Unloading 6nJ setting up of 13 locomo tives for the Southern Railways of Peru and will Illustrate his lecture with pho tographs taken during his trip; show ing not Dhly the handling of the en gines, but many scenes of Interest all along t way, . - J'v.w Kellafier to Speak. Dan Kellaher, candidate for mayor on the Progres . slve ticket, will deliver an address at the North Portland--library, Killings- ' worth 1 avenue and Commercial street, next Friday night, on Municipal owner ship, tha Heusnet franchise and the in terstate bridge. Mr. Kellaher is '.a . warm proponent of all three. At t same meetlrig, W. C. Benbew will speak in behalf of the proposed "commission charter, "Will Socialism Benefit Humanity." Is the subject .that will be discussed by Mrs. Bailey at the East Side library, " tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. At these meetings given under the auspices, of the East Side Brjnch, Socialist party, ministers," teachers and speakers of all " creeds "are "invited to speak along : the line of political economy and ; the la bor problem. Kvery one Is Invited and no collection will be taken. . Socialist books are loaned to readers. ' KlUingsworth Avenue Club A meet ing of the Killlngsworth Avenua Im provement club will be held Wudn.s.lay night at the hall, corner KIUhiBSWcrtli avenue and East Nineteenth stre-t Crotis-tdwn carlines, wihi special refer ence to the extension of a line from Alameda to the Alberta district, will be discussed at the meeting. All citizens of the oommunlty are urged to attend the meeting. Lectures oa Panama CanaL L. M. Lepper delivered his very instructive and entertaining "Panama Canal" ; lec ture last night before the member of the Working Girls' club, in th Deru mer building, 149 Fourth street. The lecture was illustrated with mora man 230 stereoptlcon views which Mr. Lep per secured while working in the canal lone. Civloi Clnb Postpones Masting The meeting of . the Portlapd Civic club, ncheduled for tonight, will be held in stead Thursday noon from ,1'Z to 1 o'clock In the Baker theatre., Rabbj Jonah B. Wise will speak, on commls- Jel o'n. B9X "nicnt. The public is in- vittd. , Want Hey to Go to Oonyention May or "Ruahllght has receive' a communi cation from the local . branch of 'the National 1,'ninn of Journeymen I'Jumb ers RKRing that the city plumbing In-.- v . . 1 . .. ...,' M'rrtnr, V.'illhmi llry, ln. scut (is :i 1 1 I -:i t i to iiil'inl llio 11n1111.1l convention of I'hirnliitur iiiHx'Cti)i'H iinil nanit.'iry cnsl nr!rs to lie lu?Ui nt Louisville, Ky., tlic week l.i'Klnnlng May 'in;. It Is believed that inan: valuable Ideas for the new pluiiihliig ni'dlnance now being drtiflcd for this city can be obtained by nondlsm the c:ity,offli.'lu! to, the convention,. . Offer to Return DUmond. Although attempt have, been made by fi rends of Frank Murray, Who Is now under arrcft at Denver. Colo., to liuve Miss, Kmma Cllne, who alleges that Mhrray etole a ring from Imr, drop the charges, this will not be done, lixtradltlon papers have been prepared and Countable Weinberger will leave this, afternoon to bring Mur ray back. , The plea came In the form of a telegram slgmd by O. jr. Kulffen (c Co.,' stating that If alio would drop tho 'charges against Murray the ring would be returned to her. Upon the ul- Vice of . District Adorney Kvans the plea wan ignored, Kdward White, who pawned the. ring for 'Murray,-has signed an affidavit, which will be taken back by Weinberger, to add more weight to the charge. ' - White , Slay Telia Story --For two years a 19-year-old girl giving the name of 'Nellie Jones has lived the life of an underworld woman, turning her earn lngs over to William O'Neill, who was arrested last night by Patrolmen Long and Wise. He was turned over to the federal authorities today. O'Neill says the woman Is his wife, claiming to have married her at Pendleton. She made a complete confession, telling how he had forced her td fallow atl Immoral life. He was a bartender last summer In Port land, and Is 32 years old. ,t . . . Home" Wanted for' Baby Chief of Police. Slover wants a home for a one-month-old baby boy. In his mail this morning was a letter , from Mrs. 11. Larin of Castlerock, Wash., Inquiring about a local baby home. In which she wishes to place the child.' Th mother died at the birth of the boy. The fa ther is unable to support It. The child Is now at St. Helens, but Chief Slover will give any information about the child desired. - Jndge Kavanaugb. to HlUsboro.Clr- cult judge Kavanaugh expects to con vene court In Hillsboro next week for Circuit Judge Campbell of Oregon City. Judge Campbell has been hearing the McGinnls & Reed suit against the M. A. A. C. and Is behind in his work. Judge Kavanaugh expects to be several days In the Hillsboro court. His work here. wm oe carea ror (by tne other Judges. Body Still Unidentified. The body of a man found Friday under the Burnsldo bridge is still unidentified," On a note book found in his pocket Is the name of John Siavln, but. the coroner does not know If this Is his name. In the coat was found 150 In currency.. The man was about 30 years old, short black "hair, round face, weighed about 160 pounds. and was' a laborer. Bicyclist . Injured- While riding a bicycle east on Washington street last evening Charles Abbott, a messenger, ran fiown Mrs. K. A. 'King, 202 Twenty first street, as she was crossing at Twenty-first street. - Mrs. King was not Injured. Abbott was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. Patrolman Reek as sisted the woman to her home. Trading Stamps of Weeks Stolen. All the trading stamps saved the last sev eral weeks by Mrs. J. Thorne of 1410 Greeley street were stolen last night by a burglar. Mrs. Thorpe left the home early In the afternoon, returning at 6 o'clock. She found the house had been ransacked, the trading stamps and a few old coins taken. Fays State Tax. County Treasurer Lewis this morning turned over to the state the entire balance from, the 1913 taxes as collected in Multnomah county, for the state fund. This amounts to $98,188.48. Congress of Mothers. The Portlanl Council of the Congress of Mothers wJil meet Thursday, May 1. In' the Y. W. C. A. auditorium at 2 o'clock. A full at tendance is desired as. election of of ficers will take place. $7SO,000 Company Incorporates A 1750,000 company to be known as the Oregop Mercantile company has been incorporated-by W. C Hoag, E. L. Hoag and E. V, Sells, and articles- of incor poration filed with County Clerk Coffey. Baby Contest Starts Today. $35 cash prises and $100 photograph prizes to the 20 most beautiful babies photo graphed' by Cutberth leading photogra pher. Studio, Dekum bldg. Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Wa'shougal and way iindings, dally ex cept Suoday. .Leaves Washington atreet dock at t p; m. - - W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. - , Dr. Christie, osteopath. Macleay bldg. Or. . C. Brown, EyeTEar. Mohawk, Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J.-Callan wish to extend sincere thanks to their many friends, for sympathy and kindness shown them in their recent bereavement, and for the beautiful flowers given in- remember anee of their beloved son. , We wish to extend tharlks to our many friends for sympathy and kindness shown us In our recent bereavement, and for the beautiful flowers given In remertiberance of our beloved husband and father, - MRS. SIOUTD FREDEEN, ' . : ' . . MARGARET DANFORD, ' .. CLARA KING, .... 1 HARRY FKEDEEN, . -FRED FREDEEN, , ' . . LILLIAN FREDEEN. ' OEORGK FREDKEX. Crawfish Choice crawfish, cooked In wine. Very appetising. American and Chinese delicacies.. The New Republic Grille, 347 Morrison street, corner Park. . Do You Need Money? Title ft Trust Company, Fourth and Oak. will make first mortfrasre loans on Improved city property, and also loan money to home bulldeis. Journal Want Ads bring results ' OUR LOCATION , " ' . . . VI . -J . . '.'-!,--, ' in the heart of the shopping district makes this .. the most convenient bank for women who have either checking or sayings accounts. If you have no account, open one and find out in how many . ways the bank can be of service to you. SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY "Fifth and Morrison Streets ' Capital and Surplus IN EARLIER DAYS liy I rt'il liOrkley. Something over'20 yours ago an llllt 'erate Frencli-Canadlan secured a Job an a section hand with the O. R, & N. com pany. 'Finding that lie could make bet ter wages In the liarvent field he quit his Job on the railroad and went to work on a farm on the Grand Rondo valley, Ills name was Peter Bcaudoln.' Pete had two things, both of which were val uable possessions. Oils' was a girl In Canada to whom he was engaged, and the other was an ambition to make good. Home time ago, while In Wallowa county, I visited Mr. Beaudoln's sheep ranch. Sheep shearing 'was In full swing. Thinking to find out where I could see the owner of the ranch I stopped where, a roughly dressed, mid dle aged man was separating the ewes from the lambs. He stood In a narrow, passageway where the lino of sheeii were driven into the runway. An a ewe would com along he would oper ate a small gate allowing the ewes to go Into one corral while, with a quick motion he shut -the gate, sending the lamb into another corral. ' 1 .waited my chance to speak to him, but before I was able to someone called, "Look out, Pete don't" let that ewe get back with the others."" I waited till he had disposed of the bunch of sheep with which he was working, and then went over to him. "I want to talk with you a few mo mcnts," I said to him. , With his sunburned, bare arm he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said," "You had better come to the house; : the sheep make so mucn"ho!se we can't hear each other talk." When he had Introduced me td his wife and children he said, in answer to my question, "I came Into this country on foot with nothing but my. blankets. At that time I was very Ignorant but now I can read and sign my name", but my children they are getting a fine ed ucation. . "I was born in the Province of Que' bee on i June 8, 1855. In 1880, When I waa 25 years old, I met a girl that I wanted to marry, I had no education, and I saw that I would always have to. work hard for small pay and never get far ahead, .so- I decided to go to the United States where I heard that people who would work hard could do well. I went first to. an eastern lumbal camp, and from there I went out to Montana, where I worked on the grade of tho Northern Pacific. The contractor cheat ed me out of my wages, so I quit them. I got acquainted with . a man who loaned me some money to come from Bozeman to Oregon. I worked for -a while for the O. R. & N. company as a section hand, and then came up to work In the hay harvest in the Grand. Rondo valley. When the harvest was over I took-my tirankets-end-started out look lng for work. ; I walked into tne wai lowa valley. " Here, where my home ranch Is now, I spread my blankets and I decided I would make my home, I homesieaded ' this quarter section. : I found work and when I had saved enough I went back to Canada and married the girl who had promised to wait for me, and We carar out to my homestead here. After a while I saved some more money and bought a band of 800 sheep. I paid 12 t head for them. For the next three years I camped, with those sheep, driving them wherever the feed was good, and doing all of my own herding. The money rrom their wool and from some' I sold enabjed me to hire a herder. 'Now 'I own 6000 acres of deeded land on Prairie creek, and on Biff Sheep and Little Sheep creeks, and have over 18.000 sheep. Right now, on the home ranch here, during shearing time, I have over 100 men, at work, shearers, herders, cooks, wool haulers, wool weighers, camp tenders and packers; I am shearing about 10,000 sheep. "What I care for more than all of my sheep and all of my land are my seven children. All 1 have got I have worked for. Out of 100 men that I have ''Step W ttap atylaa for men have 00m a dawn to a eemmon-aenaa level. Now they an tha embodiment af bodily oomfort and alio tha moat becominf and practloal faahiona aea hare aver had." faahlon Magazine. ' If you'll try on one of . our Benjamin Spring ; Suits, you'll realize the ' full truth of this. , . J The coats are just a convenient length ; no padding or haircloth .- - ffameworksimply soft and easy. The trousers just common-sense width ideal for looks. J Our Suits from $20 to $35 include all these good points. ; '. Buffum & Pendleton 311 Morrison, Opp. Postoffice - . - $1,400,000 S,ii! HE CLMPPKII1 Are Determined to Have Cor vallis Shipshape for Mil- . , itary Day., r . : , (Special to Tha Journal.) :. 'Corvailla, Or., April 23.The Women's Auxiliary of the Corvallls Commercial club hat started a campaign for a spring cleanup of yarda, parkings and alleys, etc. The date set for the com pletion la May 8, the day following be ing tnllitary day at the college. ... As the railroads have granted excursion rates from all points between Portland and Eugene, the women believe Corvallls will have hundreds of visitor on May 9, and are determined to have the city shipshape. . . . . . - Heretofore the womn have sold tags, hired scavengers and superintended all the work themselves; This year they rebelled against the Idea of being straw bosAs, and decided' on a different method of procedure. They will urge upon the mayor to Issue a proclamation declaring some certain day as cleanup day end ordering every citizen td rako, scrape, burn, mow, clean and carry away tall grass,. rubi?iah and litter from al leys, back yards, front yards, parkings, etc.-- . They will , also ask' that t' Beats be placed on the courthouse lawn for the accommodation of members of the Ben ton County Growers' association and other out of town visttdrs on May 9, The growers' association will start the season of 1913 at the local cannery on that date, and! has been invited to as semble at the cannery paring room for a picnic dinner. There are more than S00 stockholders in the association, and with their families It Is believed that not less than 1800, people will be the number of picnickers on inspection day. working for me, only one can throw me, so you see I am strong when It oomea to work like that, but when It comes to books my littlest children are stronger than- their old dad. "If a man is a good manager and will not fight booze he can do well In this country, but even here you will see men Who have, owned thousands of -sheep who have swallowed them all and who now tramp around with a roll of blan kets looking for a chance to work for the man who jsed to work for them. "It Is no trick' to make money in this country. The trick Js to save it. When I came here I did not own enough lanJ to-spread ny-bhwket-iw; Nowl;-pay-more taxes than anyone else in the country." - . - ZS : Afternoon Tea and Concert ' For the especial benefit of women Shoppers, the Hofbrau has inaugurated a special series of afternoon concerts, from 3 to 5 p. m. The "SAXONS," a cele brated European concert orchestra, as slated by Miss Viola Barrett, lyric so prano, have created a decided impres sion with their renditions, which em brace a comprehensive repertoire of pop ular and classic compositions. For the afternoon shopper special light refresh ments are served, and the Hofbrau Tea, Coffee, Ices, and French pastry . have achieved instant popularity. . a E H. IANGF0RD SUFtTBLZOAX OAimZSATB Councilraan-At-LargeU (Paid Adv.) ' ; DENTISTS We are now locatpd between Fourth nd Fifth' on Washington street, and are prepared to irlve you. first clasa work at reasonable prices. Rubber Plates 85. OO and up Oold Crowns ......,.3.50 and up Brldgre Work ....... .$3. 50 and up Porcelain Crowns., .. .jj.i.SO and up Silver Fllllnxs ......... 50 and up Gold Fllllnffs ...1.0 and up SB. H. r. KWTOM. MgT. ' 1 HOTEL S7ETOBT SMI FMUICISCO Geary Street, above Union Square ' European Plan $1.50 day up ""American Plan $3.50 daiup"-J Nw steel and trick atructure.-' Third U dittos of hundred rooms now building. Every tnodero convenience. - Moderate rates. ' Center of theatre and retail die. trict. On carlinea tranrferrfnt U ever city. EUttri aauikai eaata traiaaaaa tttaaitra. , ; ; v y s H - K v ' . ' ; T': U- BOSTON PARSIFAL Pr.ESENTED IN PLEASING MANNER Another. large ' crowd asHembWl last evening in Christiansen's hall, 'the oc casion being the second In ,lhe series of music dramas being presented by Dr. Clement ft. Kliaw, last night's enter tainment being Wsgner s "Parsifal," The opera was Introduced by the original story of Wolfram von Kachenhach the source of Wagner's work. 'This-pro logtffe alone has 78 viewH, each exqulalte ly 'colored. Then followed the opera itself, Ur. Shaw giving the plrturesque story while the 'various scenes were flashed1 on the screen, The first act a ?t,an Shirts at $2 as shown here are as complete and comprehen sive assortment from which to select your Summer needi Also at $1.50 to $4.00. S. & H. Morrison Street at Fourth CRUSH the MEAT TRUST PAY LESS FOR YOUR MEAT FRYE & CO. The Largest Meat Packers on the Pacific Coast Give YOU Your Opportunity In opposition to the big meat combinations which seek to maintain the high price of meat, FRYE & CO. have entered the meat field of Portland by establishing two large and up-to-date meat markets ; One at STATE MARKET, 221 First, Cor..Salmon The Other at FRYE & CO., 106 First Street, One Door North of the Washington Public Market Boiling Beef.....) 1 7Tj w Corned Beef.;.... & -V- V Shoulder of Lamb) Pound BACON, PER POUND Great reductions, on other meats. , REMEMBER Our meat is Government inspected. Look for the purple stamp. It's the Government stamp, and indicates pure and better meats. " il r - - . Sale Dates: DAILY May 28 to Sept. 30 Stopovers Oolny and Xeturnlnf. TinU Betnm' IJmit October 31, 1913, Have your tickets read one way through the Canadian Rockies. Your itinerary should include stops at Banff, Glacier, Field. Lake Louise, The l'oho and other resorts, . i. v : ; .;. r . TRANS CONTINENTAL MtaTDAIMCnAlf V -sUi- avnai eaj- Tor Descriptive Matter and Pnrther Pine (Multnomah Hotel PXAHX B. JOHITSOW, O. A. allowed the Domain of the Grail and MoiiMilvnt Castle In Gothic, Rpaln. Tim second act depleted Klinj?iir's Maifio (.'anile and Garden Destroyed. In the lust act Parsifal Is rrowned king of the Grail. This 'laat work of the great German composer, and tlioiiKh by many to be lila greatest mingles religion and norcery in a truly magic manner, , the' whole com bining to make a mom delightful and in structive evening. A special feature of the evening wm the exhibition of the painting. "I'rlscllla." by W. 1 Everett Knowles. ' TO DISCUSS FAMOUS . ROSE FESTIVAL TRAIN To discuss plans for their famous nose' Festival train, to be run on Friday of the Rose festival this year, people of the Northeast side will meet in the It's here That Popular $5.00 .. Stamps Given Upon TWO STORES 20c Excursion Fares East THE TRUE SCENIC ROUTE Tbe World's Greatest Transportation 8rstm A few of tne points Minneapolis .... . . . . . St. Paul ............ Ohlcaro quoted ere i .....$ 60.00 ..... 60.00 . .... St. ZiOttiS Indianapolis ., Detroit ...... - Hew Tork t . . Syreense , . . . . Philadelphia .. .... Portland, Me. . Ottawa, Ont. . . Montreal, F. Q 70.00 . 79.90 83.SO 108.30 99.70 108.60 91.50 110.00 110.00 103.50 105.00 f axaa - a a ) , ,.-,...,., ,, , Partltenlara Apply at Third and Bids;. j, or Addraas P. POBTXtAKS, OK. .ll! I'l.lll.L aveniM nrnl ' o'clock Thui h The in !'".: h i B. C. Nit'lmlH, .-,--.-!.Mt. :'i. auxiliary of tlie N"rt:i IV merclnl club. .1, If. i i i ager of the train. This train consist of d. .-., .u - i ' cars, and Is run from the I" : -i through the prlnrlnal KaM J1'1' ''' to the center of town. tn of i . t: , i to bo dlHcusHfd Thur-iil.iy niKni l'-i !. route this year, and the nuvoiii r of ' that will compose the train. Already elRht cars have been enKced. Of these the United Artlsant have t-tk-u four. Kenton -one car,, and St. Johns three. Other lodges are expected t take one or more cars, Mr. Noitn f. that he hopes to have 20 cara In line, Thursday night's meeting will bn in the committee room of the library ami not the main auditorium. ' at twenty-five dollar the Norfolk Suit ,: built for the man who seeks the late style,'yet free from freak ideas. It is conservatively cut and hand-tailored by the House of '.Kuppenheimer. Also all the other models, including Semi-English and box; in the demandablehomespuns and tweeds and in, the serviceable, worsteds. There are oth- Panama hat-is here in the shape to fit your appearance. 1 "JM'aj. 1 Request I Third St Juit Off Morrison o E O PI 5 -Qffi; Whan In Portland stop at tne Ho tel Seward .Ton will find tt one of the newest, most artistlo, modern and elegantly appointed hotels in tne Horthwest. iooated at .Tenth and Alder streets, la heart oil retail and theatre district. Bates fl and opi with bath, S3 and np. Baa meets all trains. W. M.. SEWABO. Prop. By my treatment I can stop your head from aching and make you feel like a new per son. Consultation free. CHiROPaACTQR I t& 4 p.m 410 COMMONWCALTft BLDQl The Kind OPfQThat iGrow! Keep Them in the Ground" J. J. Butzer 188 Front St, Portland, Or. Your Want t Ads to The Journal Main 7173 A051 n . ai Lk..j Oixtce 330 Union Ars Cot. "-! ( 60ae IM.IU3. k ; . . . Iloxae aiuLuiatx e tr -anlmale et e rnotoent's f--- resonbl. Rej ort all :' ( ' to this efflce. Ciitn - i tt t Journal YUnl ; f t P 3a 7f-,aT PHO NEQ' Oregon Hum