Is ill Order 'These Spring DatJS Them's a way (g make comparisons, ami tohdju:.:d .ifJILtL Hats and apartments are available, andjearn all abcutArxirk: conveniences and prices. Be sure to read and use the Want Ads in The Journal's 'Tor Rent" Cc, ' ' , ; - : ' . ,-. ' ; Hot&elimting- FOR SALESnSCELLAKEOUS 19 ' (Continued) pipepi ri3 nrre. . '4 -inch pipe, 2c foot. -lncu pipe, IKo per foot. 1-lnch pipe, Sc per foot. - 2-Inch pipe, 65 foot. 3- lnch pipe, 12c foot 4- IticM ptre, 17J loot. All new thread and couplings. We carry a large and complete line of pipe nrl fittings and can fill your orders promptly. We hav a large lint of 2 and l la-Inch gas pipe, also 10 and 12-inch pipe ana fitting. . v , J, SIMON & BRO., -' Front and Grant street. Take "S"' car golngyouth on Third. Standard Machinery Co, 16 SECOND ST. . M'erentorsellCONCRETK MIXERS. We rent or sell ELECTRIC. HOISTS. We rent or sell HOISTING ENGINES. We rent or sell HOISTING ENGINES. We rent or sell ELECTRIC MOTORS. We rent or sell POWER PUMPS. Wife rent or sell BOILERS, ENGINES. ' "We rent or sell ROCK CRUSH ER8. We rent or sell CONTRACTORS' equips tllnn f all rrAm ' Standard, Machinery :Co, WE RENT OR BEL . Bargain 'in a Gas Range ' 4 New idea gas range, porcelain fin jni, been used about 8 months; house being leased and range has to bo moved. ' mat i;ueil L, v w fuvun. vvv, vail u MiKht for $26. If interested call at : c' The. Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A-3500. Manure in Car Lots " rTtockvards manure in car lots. SI per ton f. 0. - b. cars North Portland. Hook vour orders early. v PORTLAND UNION STOCK YARDS COMPANY. ' NORTH PORTLAND. OH. " PI f1!? PIPE - PIPE We save you money on anything In the pipe line or plumbing supplies, pipe, 14c, ft; 4,lii. 15c ft, Slzea to 6 in, black or grfivanisea. . .ft, . PORTLAND PIPE CO.. '269 Front st. ' - Main $325. b OR SALE New and second band carom and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alley e. .d accessories, bar fix .tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 48-41 6th st. Phones Main 769. A-1769. POUlt room houseboat, completely fur nished, bath, sleeping porch, sun par. lor, hot running water. Easy terms or will consider real estate in exchange. Business hours, Main 2142; evenings, Sell, 1717. Oregon Yacht club moorings. A NICE lot of furniture, stove, kitchen utensils, carpets, in fact anything you may want, to be auctioned at 288 Rus--nell st on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, at 2 p. m. E. 4432. C-1102. STORAGE sale, SO sewing machines oi ail makes. $2 to $25: perfect stitchers and guaranteed; machines purchased of WliU Co. storehouse. Seattle aewtnr rnnchlne emporium, 190 3d. near Yamhill 6 ROOM houseboat, partly furnished. $500. , t)esirable location; Also 16 ft, ' Morris canoe, $45. Good as new; cost . , $80. Phone Sellwood 1450 , or 0-447, Journal. SECOND HAND aewing machines; fine io of drophead machine, $8 to $20, all makes, guaranteed, cash or pay monts; also rents and repairs. 292 3d t,. near Jefferson. Main 4728. .GOOD gas ranges, $6 up. Good steel ranges, $15 up. M. R. 6EATKR, 848 Hawthorne. E-3134. bEOOND hand modern soda fountain in working order, c -sap; Also splendid 'top, carbonator and supplies. Address, MX-700. Journal. - - SAFES New t-nd second hand, large asEortmen";: safes opened and re paired. Mokler Safe Co, 108 2d st Phone Main 7678. ; A G OK J 12 DAGOR 6x8 lens,' com pound shutter, both new, cost $92; price $60 cash. C. S. Reeves, St Helens, or. , IF you don't want the plaster to crack in the corners of your new house, use the HUFFMAN CORNER STUD. Phone Tabor 236. ' . - - FOR . SALE Victor phonograph and records by Caruso, Bond, Constantino, Nordlca and others; fine condition. V ery reasonable. D-7261 Journal. RESTAURANT outfit cheap; 10-ft counter, 30 stools, hotel range, hot 4 plate, dishes, etc. A snap If taken Mon day. Ford Auction Co., 211 let st. WHY buy 2nd hand refrigerators when we build better ones for less. P. C. Hid Co 64 Union ave. Eaat'243. i.'iin a i. is f!HEAP Horses, wacons. harness, dry stove wood, gasoline .aw, -.tump puller, doors, etc 861 Grandve. .- i.wvy CASIO for ouuldeuse, 26x26, 8- cornered plate giass, o. v-au morn lnirf. 40t itn et. api, J. 1-OK SALE 26 sacks A-l Burbank po- iatoes, 360 per 100 lbs. w, . way, JS 82nd st. north, clty, ' Cvui sai.F. Chesn steamer ticket to Eureka or San Francisco. Call Miss . Fisher, Sellwood inaa. FINE 3 room boathouse for sale or rent for season, uopa ou ooosaug siovs. Piionn A-4763. mornings. 10x12 t.-nt 10 OZ 45 Colt s revolver, belt, etc, trunk, sultcasoi t mi vr ave.1 639 Van- FTDlSON Improved exhibition model projecting machine, 24,000 feet film, bargain, oa v khuw. FOR SALF Four harness Newcomb loom: will sell cheap for cash, 501 Vancouver ave. - ' . ' ' ' : - ' " . . m , . .1 w. . n .... 1 B K. 49th (near Taylor). Call evenings, U 8. ! oitSALE Motion picture camera, good make, and win teacn you now to operate it. N-70, journal. PE itFECYTON washing machine,' new tent; also run-oiooa nun urpingxon oc kerel cheap. ; Ftione wooaiawn -jvae FOR SALE by owner, cheap, confection ery, ice cream, cigars uiu tuncn. Phone Woodlawn 803. $12.50 Drop head sewing machine with attaenments. jaii -m urana ave. WAOTED- mSCELLANEOUS 5 p.v. hnut nrlc for vour second hand -furniture, carpets, stoves. Main 8023. ?04 First, near Taylor. wit. I. store furniture (to include Dl - ano) for use of the piano. - Have no children. 664 Lombard at. Phone Co- lumbia 605. 1 want to buy ' counter: also large map of city. Frank L. Mo Gulre.4 M. 1068. Abington bldg. lilGi-lEST prices paid for office and housenoia , xurnuure. . t-iione nun tti ' ': . v: BK WIPE, get mor ror your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8961. A-244S. " WAfJTEiJ To buy combings: switches made to order, 651 E. Yamhill; phone East 1710. ' - ' " WANTED 200 or 300 oords first growth fir wood, delivered on car," Can 275 . fine pt, cor, 4th, 6"Vsx8 VIEW "CAMERA, enlarging - . camera, background, wide angle lens, r.3 Vancouver. , -; WAN'ljaD a SVixSW or 6x7 camera must be be o-lop lens. Graflex pre- . ferred.. What have youT u-vw, Journal: " wiNTKD A irood second hand marine engine.. ss tt. i. L, P.,,,, I ' herg. ur. , B ffSED sewing machines; must be sold at bargain counter prices; box tops ' sa nn: droriheads. $6 up. 349 Morrison WANTED Oriole go-banket " , r , t, , Must be cheap. Phone Tsnor nortoi dftcin mihtirban home for child 3 or years old. K. D. 1, Box 363, Lnts. waaied Miscellaneous (Continued) WANTED X' room and kitchenette, fur. Dished for light housekeeping, within walking distance, by lady employed. Would like nice clean place whore I could be permanent. K-67J, Journal. Wanted Second hand launch, enainn 2 or S h. p., in good order. George I Bmry. Hood River, Or. " LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 231 Front at., buys Becond hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools or any kind. Jf you have any thing in this line, call Main 9072. $5000 WOKTH of second hand furniture wanted. Phone Sellwood - 469. ' """" LOST AXD FOLSD 21 Ankenv barn. April 25: Dhone A-6131 -I suitcase, 1 grip, 2 gloves, 1 palrf of ruBDers. Sellwood barn. Dhone A-6131 2 lunch boxes, 1 grip. 1 jack, 1 pump valve, 1 Drtmn, i pacHage or stationary. Bavier-street oar house, April 25, phone A-6131 -1 suitcase, 1 overcoat, 1 package liquor. ; y - .FOUND A watch on Washington $i. near Eleventh, Tuesday, April 22. Owner can have tame by describing watch and paying for this ad. Journal office. LOST Umbrella. Carved (tralaht wooden handle, at Lincoln high audi torium Wednesday evening. Name of owner scratched on handle, , Beat it to journal witn aforesaid snower buck. LOST White English Setter dog. year old. Answers to name or ian. ue liver to J. W. Brown, 875 Kelly sL and pet rewaro. riUND at -23d and Johnson eta. Frl day afternoon, a 'woman's gold ling. Owner may obtain same from The Journal office. .small gold hunting case watch with man's photo inside. Attached with chatelaine. Reward. Tabor 8294 LOST Ladles' cloth handbag with sum of money and articles, envelope with NT. P. Staples name. Reward. , Phone PellWQOfl 646. LOST Sunday, April 13, between Alberta and Grand ave.. small handbag con taining small purse and 2 keys. Please leave at Journal office. Reward.' LOST Lady's small openface gold watcn wun monogram, m. r. o. on back. Liberal reward if returned to E. L. Krtiae, First National bank. wanted Houseboat to rent or buy, cheap, good condition. Reply mail. 1019 cnamDer or commerce ouig. GLASSES found on west end of Burn side bridge. Owner can have same by paying tor mis ma. can at journal. LOST Mason emblem Wednesday. Re- 4 -ward. Return to Journal. LOST A silver bar -in with initials A. T. Telephone A-4637. $2000 to loan at 8 per cent on good se- cumy. rnone Marsnaii louav .AIREDALE dog. Answers name of Vick Licence no. 216. Reward. Main 6943 PERSONAIj 22 JOIN our club, become acquainted, get married. Information, fun, marriage for all; select, confidential; choice se lections for ladles or gentlemen. Ad dress Unity club, Spokane, Wash., in closing self-ad dressed stamped envelop ior run miormation. PRESENT address wanted of E, J. O' Reeves, M. F, Wllshire, Leo Wills, Mrs. Jenks, C. 0. Jeffery, Mrs. J. Kan hi and mish u, m. tsu gent, n;-4a. journal. GET MARRIED - Matrimonial paper containing hundreds of adverisements. marriageable people from all sections, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, Catholics, mailed sealed free. , The Cor respondent, Toledo, Ohio. REF-INED lady alone wishes the ac aualntance of refined, srood aDoearlng. dark eyed gentleman, past 30, with some means or automobile. Object matri mony. P-661, Journal. NEAT appearing lady, 31, desires ac ' aualntance of aentleman between 30 and 45 years, with means or good sal ary; object amusement or matrimony If uited. A-538. Journal. DEFINED widow, unincumbered, well versed room! nit house business, de sires partner, gentleman preferred. ' Z- journal. STRANGER in city, between 40 and 60, dark, would like to get acquainted with blonde lady between 80 and 36. B feet tail, about 120 wt. PX-664, Journal. LESSONS in French, Spanish, Italian, py ' experienced teacner; jsngnsn taught to foreigners. Mrs. B. Louan nault. 344 E. 10th. Phone B-2747. MARRIAGE paper, highest character, incorporated.. 16th -year. 8000 - mem bers, paper sealed. -send 10c. - L. L. Iove, Box 1600. Denver, Colo. ' MARRY Thousands wealthy will mar ry soon. All ages, descriptions tree. Write at once. Western Club. D-9 268 Market, San Francisco, Cal. ' MARRY Hundreds of wealthy mem oers, rename c,iub. Mrs. wruuer. Dept. 74. Box 26, Oakland. Cal. iONESOME, would like to meet lady or widow., view to matrimony. C-400, journal. ANYONE desiring marriage Is invited to write Eventide Club, 13-60 Oakland, Cal. GRADUATE Chiropodist,- manicurist scientific masseuse. 404 Buchanan bldg., 286' Washington at MAKE money. Clean your wallpaper UKe new. rrocess .sc. u. ciaw son, Lockland. Ohio. - - WORKING man, 88, desires acquaint ance ct working woman, oDject com pany. P-688. Journal. WIDOW, 44, unincumbered, would meet refined business man. State particu lars. Object matrimony. D-835, Journal. MRS. BEATON, medium and healer, cir cies xuesaay, Thursday, nours irom z to p. m. 233 6tn St.. room h. bi'l o.c-tx? 'Jll-.J'" ,l1 scaip ana electrical treatments. : 12, 6th St., room 2. YOUNG ' gentleman.' 8. with ? means, wishes - lady correspondent:- object matrimony. -, journal. MATERNITY home graduate midwifa Mrs. Horiman, 6.2 Clay, cor. Chapman, Main 1369. LADY wishes roommate; beautiful room, every , convenience for young lady employed. Phone A-6681, room 605, A YOUNG working man wishes to meet or correspond wttn-" working girl; oojeet matrimony, r-680, journal. ANYONE going to Houston, Texas, in near xuuire win una it to their advan tage to phone East 2845. ' LESSONS in business Dsycholocv bv P. J. Green, psychologist and minister of the Temple or Truth: 618 Ellers bldg. I WILL not -be responsible for any aeots incurred oy my wire. '- -;: IL - F. TAYLOR. DRTG. V. KETCHUM -Women's mala dies, and acute disease. Wash, bldg., for. 4th and Wash., room 41. Mar. 448. MLLE. ROBERGE; physical culture, ot rice . a. aa tioor, sdut Morrison st, KLECi Ric oaae oven treatments for rheumatism; expert chiropody. 201 V4 2d BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women. bu uavis st Msln 9316. USE Bassett'e Native Herbs for conatl. pation; 60 tablets, 25c. All druggists; SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suit case at 633 waan., at l7tn. MRS Hamot. spiritual and mental scien, tist; consultation dally, 201 3d st !MRS. POTTER, chiropody, facial and scalp treatments, Office 326'4 Stark. LADY,S"barl)erTiop 6n'TCbuch7'bet.Etli and 6th Bts. Face' massage, 36c' . VoUNG business gent ' wishes to meet young lady. journal. . SPIRITUAL medium, 128 lStiist " near Washington. Readings daily. fc' SPORTING postcards, 10c. Mls Alice '.Banner, box 6, Bta, it, N. Y. City. 2a WHY REMAIN ALONE 7 The Ideal Intro- uucuun ciuo fi a smcwy private, ue pendable medium for placing in corre spondence congenial, marriageable peo ple; highest character; patronized by best people; hundred of testimonials from satisfied clients; Boventh success ful year., If wishing to marry, investi gate our plan it's different.- Literature and full information lOo. Mr. Wilson, nox 1776, Vancouver, B. ir; DliUGLErJS face wash that v. ill ri-niove that greasy, shiny look from the skin and leave and keep It soft,, white and beautiful. Simple and quick. Contains no poison, costs a few cents to prepare enough at home toi last, for months. Secret samnla and full 'directions, only 25 cents. Address, The Oregon Specialty Co., uepi. u, 1411 Agate ave., Eugene, Oregon. .. . 1 "MARRY." Marrv Tin to data matrimonial caper with description wealthy, marriageable people, an parts united states. Am making marriages for others. Why not you? Read marriage testimonials show intr rflliahilltv and service for vears. Best proof is results. Paper, sealed, 10o,j Mrs. well, isle Magnolia ave o n geles, Cal. . .; TREATMENTS for men and women. The finest eaulnned nrlvate office on in Pacific coast. Radical cure by the latest natural healing methods. We use radium, light, heat, vibration, baths, manage, manipulation and adjustments, uvery electrical treatment we give. .No medi cine or operations. 4 Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath, 312 RothchUd bldg. All con-auHtl-jns are free. THE Mutual Sociar club, located at 961 ti. Morrison ana ma, is ror loneiy, busy people that can give good refer ences: recreation Program for the sum mer will be discussed at next social, May 2d. All ladles taking a (-month membership at this time, practically free if taken Immediately, Manager is a memoer of w. o. T. U. THE HEIRESS WANTED Mary Th. Dietrich last heard from in the west. For identification bring let- vers,,, papers. Any, mtormauon concern ing ner uneraiiy rewaraen. can ir pos sible at once On J. Herman, executor agent, room zzi LaDDe . Didg., Jf oruana, ur. MAtiKEUR iNn NATIIR.UPATH. Dr. N. V. Meleen has removed to 111 Swetland bldg. Electrle. vibratory and mechan-therapy treatments for rheu mausm. stomach trouble, poor circula tion and nervous disorders, acute or Chronic: lady assistant: oldest estab lishment in Portland. Main 1683. A-2820 LADIES' Antiko Mixture No. 8, the safest, harmless and best non-poison ous remedy for diseases of .women known, for sale and guaranteed In Port land by The Heldfond Drug Co., 222 worrison sr.. near nrst. THE place for bair work, banltary beauty parlors, 400 to 414 Dekum bldg. Mar. 1702, Switches made 9 Sc. switches oyea II,. snampoo ztc. nair aress eac, massage 260. scalp treatment 26c. Larg est up-to-date parlors on the coast aSTHoLOGER foretells future, bust ness. love, troubles, etc: formula list blrtbdate, ,6c stamps. My predictions come true. tror. t, oidds, jaast Jfeoria, in. MIDDLEGED jWorking man wishes the acquaintance of a working woman, not over 4u; matrimony u suited. &tate par ticuiars in the first letter, 615. Abnrdeen. Wash. Address Box MRS. STEVEN6, it years Forelands - leading palmist and" clairvoyant has ner late dook, -palmistry uaoe n-aay, on i sale. 1H Williams r ave., corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m MISS PERRY, eastern araduate, the New York school of G. & D., treats rheuhiatism, paralysis and nervous cases. 290 13th st; 13th. st or Jeffer son cars. Open Sundays. Main 7861. A REFINED and well educated gentle man of 82. holding aood situation, de sires to meet a lady of corresponding age; no objection to widow. Object mat rimony if suited. c-397. Journal. GENTLEMAN, 39, with some means, desires to meet lady, 25 to. 85, "re spectable and good looking;. Matrimony if suited. No tririers. Give phone. J- 491, Journal. WORKING man, 45, with small home, would like to meet working woman; same age (or younger), unincumbered, .with view to marriage. Can give good references. GX-285. Journal. GENTLEMAN Respectable, employed. desires acquaintance plain, sincere woman with some means;- object mat rimony. Give full description. Trlflers neea not answer. C-3SH, journal. WILL dress your hair by week at your ho ma; shampooing, manicuring, scalp treatments and facial massage. Wood lawn 3076. ' SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, REV. MAY A. PRICE. READING. HEALING. DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. 2; WED. AND PUN., I. 804 MONTGOMERY: MAIN Ittl AiNi EL J00 ladies to take 25c faciai massages of Orea Gean Massage Cream. Office 3501s Morrison, rooms s ana 4, ATTRACTIVE , widow of Z&, unincum- nereu, nesires to meet a rerinea gen tleman; matrimony if suited. Particu lars In first letter. J-472, Journal. VOUNG widow, stranger in city, unln cumbered, wishes to meet a gentle man. . I desire a home. Object matri mony. Address N-708, Journal. . WIDOWER, over 40, with some means, desires to meet lady from 25 to 38, matrimony If suited; no trlflers. L-470, Journal. SCIENTIFIC Eleotro-Magnetio Treat ment far all chronic and nervous dis eases. Consultations free. 602 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington at , mm 8&0, $1 down, $1 week, fre advice. Wood, 439-441 Cham. Com. DIABETES can't cv see the case 1 cure (no drues). Dr. Douglas, D. C, 338 Union ave. N. NOTICES 20 SEALED bids will be received at the Office of the UndersiGrned. 402 Tllfnr,! building, Portland, Oregon, until 12 m., Wednesday. April 30. 1813. for buildlnRa situated on lots 8 and 4, block 87, Sell wood. at 17th and Harney streets. Tha houses bear the numbers of 627 Harney sireei, jnaotr.. inn street, ana ltsy Kin street Check for 10 per cent of the amount of each hid. fiBvnhlo tn It H Thomas. ' school clerk, must accompany eaoh proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, . -Rr TirTHOMAS, rSchdOTTJlelfRT Dated Portland. Or.. April 25. 1913. SEALED bids will ba received at the of- flee of the Port of Portland 850 Court House, "Portland, Oregon, until 11 a. m. May 6, 1913, for supplying about 21,000 ft. b.-m., of either iron bark Or oak. Boecificatlons mar be procured upon application. The right to reject any and all oios is reserved, j. if. uuxue. Clerk, of the Board., WANTED In Portland. E.F. Olson who secured deed from Blanche O. Wells on,. 1900, to lots 43 and 44, in Block 1, Stanley, tyultnomah county, Oregon. Address Henry E. McGinn, judge. , , 1 ' - .' , $5000 on $12,000 farm at Troutdale. $300 on lot valued at $1000 in this city; 8 per cent interest. F. M. Phelps, attorney. 204. Falling bldg. Main 7141. WANT $2500, 2 years, 8 per cent, on 12 fine lots worth $6000. . A. N. Searle. E, 76th and E. Gllsan Al-V car. phone Tabor T44.-2"v -' ' ;;T'':.:y''-'- C'-" BECK ot 272 Stark st. wants to bor, row $80,000 on property that cost me $104,000 cash and Is leased for $500 per nion 1 n. - ... . . ,.. . , . . : WANTED $2500 ou house and lot near Btn and jy. tavis sts., at 1 per cent; private party. id, ,iuurnai BEST of security for $1800 loan inter est in advance, at top rate. Call Mon day. 167 Park. Marshall 2306. $100, v-8 per cent mortgage '.for sale; no piscouni. 1'none xaoor ttjvo. PEKSOXAIj (Continued) LOANS' "WANTED (Contiuusd) WANTF.LWFrom private party the fol lowing towns ror 4 years hi o , if'ftfin. tIROO and 62000, Will pay coHts, but no brokerage, .rhone Main 1222 or-call 610 RothchUd bldg. Ask for Kievm. I WANT to borrow $300 for tx months on a fine player piano. Will Py rea sonable interest and give useof piano frpe for this time. Address P. O. box 947. city, - - - . . WTLTTVive mortgage on farm land for $700 loan for 3 months: 10 pur cent interest: private party. W-337, Journal. SWANT to borrow $70nfor 1 year on - S-; good eecuruy. u-ian. jui "" . FINAKCIAIi 01 WE -buy 1st arid M mortgAges, aria eellers, equity in contracts, ana bm 1st mtg. loans. : tt . J. t 1 Jl.M-ur. v . ua r:nriinin.r bldar. WILL, pay highest rate Interest and bonus ror use iu,uuw w,! I months. Security ample. , No brokers. Write X-449. Journal. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES r oiiar'a .miitv In contract' of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. -E. NOOle, Lilimneringns mus. SHORT lima chattel loans at reasonable rates. K. A Frame, z.i uw uiu. Main 6239. - . MONEY to loan on improved real estate v ... ,-. . a- w i ja ani r , rt security, tien ct itegisier, v. linger bldg. . . - '- - 1 ' ' ' MONEY TO LOAN 07 CHATTELS, SALA1UKS We Will Loan- You $10 to $200 Today on your bauakx. nuuocnuuu GOODS. AUTtS. PIANOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS or LIVEHTOiJl-i. AT THJiHlfi KA i Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. Weekly Pays a, $40 - Loan. Weekly Pays a $50 Loan. Willi Rebut Allowed. Ecelpt in full given in case of death or total oisaDiiuy. Portland Loan Co. 413 Macleav bldg. Bet 4th and 6th on Washlngtop st Salaried People ' tf you are in need of Financial Assistance We will loan you from . $10 to $100. TiMl rates In Portland. All we require is your personal note; no mortgage; no .inaorser or eecuriiy. Hnainaua Btrictlv confidential. Call and investigate our easy payment plan. State Security Co, 308 Faiiing Bldg. OtJTVATR! PAtkfY LOAN'S On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, dismonas, leweiry, o.. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 820 Lumber Exchange. ELBY COM r a in i , A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds nd lewelrv at eastern rates. Diamond palace, 334 Wash., opp. Owl drug store. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE mi nthpra nnon thel own names cheap rates, easy payments, confidential V. rl. luiman, room i ."'r!p SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS Vnu can aat tS to 8100 today St cheapest rates, best and most private terms u. u. urawe. ai9 iienry mu, MONEY sold on installment: confiden tlal to salaried people. F, A. New ton, 6'4 Henry bldg. fMMKDIATE and confidential loans on furniture, pianos, autos, warehouse re ceipts, watier, 2Uo Aiaer st, MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel try. strictly confidential. 141V4 3d. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 37 To $ BOO Loan $ 800 On $1000 Real $1500 Estate $2500 - At IjOw Rate Of Interest HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK Mortgage Loan Department Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208 . A-2050 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL E.STATB OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMI3 BION. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO, 916 SFA LDING' BLDG. Mortgage Loans On teal estate security at reasonable rates in sums from $500 and up. THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 4th St. Between .Morrison and Yamhill. LOANS made on improved city proper ty or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repayments privileges. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 248 Stark Mortgage Loans I"L.HVH1TE. 701 Selling bldg. H ART MAN-THOMPSON BANK. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. If you wish to borrow on real estate, eoarer with our mortgage loan aepu MORTGAGBioans on real estate secur ity, $500 and up; Island 2d mortgages and sellers' equities in contracts bought Jr. A. Beard, 613 Oerlinger hiog, MONEY on hand to loan at lowest rates on improved city and suburban prop erty. It will pay yau to see us rirst A; K. HILI rU w., 419 Henry bldg. 2C00. tlOOO and uDwards on improve real estate. Favorable terms; no delay: no brokerage, John Bain, 214 Spalding bldg,.' ' : "- '.' -'.- " M ONEY loaned on Improved preperty. Terms to suit customer, Call Jamison, 430 Vfrcester bik. Mam i40. MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; nre in- surance. vv. (j. Bee a. Blb-gis failing. CASH naid for mortgages, notes, con tracts: mortgage loans: reasonaoie rates. F. T. Lewis A Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, for a short time,4 207 uregonum oiog. - - MONEY to loan. Improved Portland property; spwciai. laciuties .ior. large loans. Title t Tr.ust uo., 4tniana uag. $100,000 on mortgages, city i or farm property, fire insurance; McKenile & Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d end Airier. TO loan, .estate funds onHreaKesiate at current rates Inquire attorney, rooms 10-151 Muixey piog.. za ana Morrison, $2500 OR $1600 to loan on Portland property. Security Development Com pany, 276 fine st. WANT TO BUY MONTHLY PAYMENT fcocond mortgages or seller's contract Smith-Wagoner Co., Biz Lewis bldg, $500 AND $1400 to loan, real estate. Smith-Wagoner up., 31. Lewis bldg. WILL 4oan 120.0GO or less, real estat Fa rrmgton. 4is commercial yiup Dldg, $260 to $2000 for loan on houses, cost papers, worn, zm nKy mat. MONEY to loan, 6 to per cent W. U. Belts ft Co.. 310 apaioing nidg. "Bo0O or part for immediate loan. Phone at once. Tabor 771. $500 TO $2000 to loan, reasons)! "W. S. Moore. Wloox bldg. e rates. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. Harding. 111 inamoer or tjomjnerce. TJSTtTOA nrr-T.t'r N -Citr-a n d - rt rm: Henry C. Prudhomme. 806 Wilcox bldg, MORTGAGE loans, and 7 A Loots Solomon A Co.. 229 per cent Btark st $500 to loan, one year or will buy good mortgage. .Zi-bsu, journal, MONEY to "loan on'feai "estate. 66 Van couver ave. Professional, and business. directory AESIEACXa JOHN A. MSRRf. Atty.. callM-tldD. blret exiDiloMl. nrlttea aiilulu ua wzul qunuona. 611 Ah.kf h)t. MrliBll 8f.J. A0C0SOZ0X PXIA1150 . BTEl'UAN, UdiM' ullur. kceordmo, ld Dd nuburtl pltln, buituaa corl. guetw p'd, tirai'lltrbln. 8x aitlw. Mills AST METAL WORKS (Nw l(al KMHto WftBtlnn.'t AkTIBTIO W1HE AITO ID.0H (8e Reel Etate Bectloa.) AagAYsaa MONTANA A May ottice, UburmUvr. ere teit- IDg. Mnrtball .7. I Mi Mnmixn. T AITOKMEXi-AT-LAW FT. leetlonii. jm Ry. tjarbaaas bids.,- Martb.HW. AUZO TUtS il-AiAU.a OKEQUN VclclDiliog Co.. The Tire Stop,' 000 wmminctoa. MarntiRll its, AUX0U0B1LE 10 AtHX $2.50 per hoar.4 Duplex Aate Co. II. 14j A- -aier urfie goe Bturt, AWKIiIGg AMD TEXTS TENTS, Awnlngt, Tarpaulins, f urcb Curtalu., Camp OutlllJ, Hume and Wagon Corns. Paelfla Tent A Awplng Oo. 1 m., cor, aumdj. Main '19H1, A-19K1. JXAJiK BOOM, MAJJ HOWB, DAVI8 COMPANY. 109 8d st Blank bnok muufaturarai acaaU for Joaaa ln proved tuouaa Ua( todgera. see tbe sew So. rcka iat. A-ifa. Mam laa. OARPEIIIIR St REPAIR1SQ (See Real Batata Bectlon.) CARPET CtEANIKQ JOTCB BBOS., Eltf trlo Claaulng worki. peta tlcacM ana taiu, relittiag our apacuuiy. 44, B-1WW '4 B. lfttb at W. ULAM WAUON SKUV1CE doea your work, the beat. U!1 Hoard of Trade. Mala B03. (,AJl.x.X waAVUia JiOHiaVtUbT BUO WOUKS, rugs from old carpau; lag ruga, carpet cleaning, tu uaioa nuc -nar Kaat Morrlaon. . - irfcAlftttoLA aliia WOttlvb, ruga from old la. grain and tsmaaeia carreut; aiao rag, ruga, IB is I'atton kveuue: Woodlawn 2688. CAllPliT rug weaving. Warp furnished, ilra. L it. aurti, zti nuasen. OaUiiOlfUDiallS WILLIAM, EateUe and De Waaa DSTeny, tbe ani a,-inntl(lc rhlroDodUU la the eltr. Par lor 302 Uerlluger uldh'., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. I'hona Main 1301. DU. IVlflf treats all allmenta of feet without Dalai coma, bunlona. Ingrowing Delia a apt- elalty. 246 Morrison, Main 4644. CH1R0PBACT1O iHY8I0IAg nR McMAHON. tioat-araduate. 121 4th st. 810.0U0 equipment. . Dully treatmenta $10 a aaonth. Out-of-town patleuU tboard, room and treatment 10 a week, "l,u it it 1.U1.MAN. 1117 Ablnaton bldif, HAVE NO $10,000 KQLIPMBNT. I charge $10 for eapert tJiropraeie wors. i)B. HELKNA COM8TOCK. 8B1 14th., ner-oui . and chonlc dlaeaaea, 0 treatmenta ! M. Btaja. CIRCULAR UTTRS UCtTtGRAPBlNa, printing, iteoosrapkert. Hill ft Co., 222 Henry bldg. Main SilOB. MLLTM'itfAH Mnltlgraphlng Ignaturea. 607 Ellera hide. Co. lacalintl Marahall Zm. COAL AND WOOD . 0 Prompt Delivery BY eiKW8l:: Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot '-'-'ALDID9A WELCO.' Phcr.::: E, 182, C-1117 Country mill wood. Cord wood, 4-foot or sawed. - Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 803. 262 Btark St. C-2303 quality service. (T SPKCTAt, .8 EPRit'pa Or. URKEtJ SHORT WlHlU. (jUEBN 4 FOOT WOOD, 4 ' IvutliD ru t?1S ! tt 11 f U'H -. WDiI"J I U.. aj aa J aa, a, 4 BAWUL ST tor tu t b-tdalnf The Portland SlabwoBd Co, Main 8119. A-TOOt Kaat Edlefsen Fuel Co. c- S3u3 tftwt eoat. Conntry Millwood. Cordwood. CONtUMliRS' rt'Eb CO. (Amei. Coal Mining Co.). Coal direct irom mine to eonaumer, 't middlemen prom, ban lis, ai-iiia. naaaara r;at Klmt and Taylor, lff-r 0 tAI3D Vi LLn - Oi 1 Ann and oak eordwood. Alo sawed to erder. pro-apt oeiiverr f'flAI ,-4r,4f. wi it. DRY wood, timber, plank and board aawad Btov length -and 'dellTerad, regular lre two horn loud, u-ivii or s. iaue. aru a. 10th and IJncoin. fCLTON Wood Co., dealer la dry and green labwuoa. Try n wren oraenng gooo err wood. 12S0 Macadam U I'bone Mala ittW, 'im. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST Hi. B lrl7. UkJ-iVBiiliU PROMPTLY Main ami. -V. kvkiiih, root uurry atreet. 1Af:tgid SLABWOOD CO. Main HioW. A-73id. Ubeen anon woou, djockb, nig main, araaii inalde, dry lDwoq, nort pianer dimming. DUV 8LAH and boi wood, eordwood and coat t-tandrrt W.-Xl to.. Kaat il: H-IBW. LiRY wood $2 per lead. Yard lit and H. Stark. VmmX 884. ueuverea nywnere. ALlrtiNA U tL CO. All kind of green and dry wood. kt !!irinc huh Mennnta rnai. I)RY wood. atoe length. $160 per load. JB-11171. or Bait 2W!9. Ira k. hud ano l.inenin. rilOBNIX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.75 per load, KM Thornisn. . : bibw aww. FKOl'LES' WOOD A 1CB CO., foot Ball at. SorTlce our apecumy. i COMUUtttalOM ME&CilAJilB HBNUY KVKRDINU. 45-47 Front at. Butter, egg, poonry.- eeai. n,ora. Bine. HENRY EVERD1NO, 45-47 Front it. Butter, Egg, Poultry. Teal, nog, Hide. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS (See Real Betwte Section,) DENTAL SPECIALIST!, DR. A. W. fi.KIC.NK, DentlKt. Malestle Theatre biag., ait vo. t. warenail aaoo. DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS .eePoal. TCstnte Section. m DLNTiSX ARTU'ICIAL TAKIU Bpectillut on plate worth "Tht on thing do." ) Ulobe hid-.. 11th and Waahlngtoo. E&MAX0L00ISI8 MOLKR, vrlnkleea. healp sreeiallata. TdrB, Court. right 451 Morrison. Main 6U42. Ml OA 2.60 B DOS AND HORSE HOSriTAL Pit. O. K. BROWM, offlta 84t Wash. t. I!. HI K. 12th. M. iS; Mut SM0. bug aJiwlaliKt DKESEJIAEUI3 ICHOOL TALENTINa, 8 ajramm ladlea' b.iU.-1nT. , agaJltiiC laugbt 151 (iraui BfS butwucl Suf- JBSVCATXOSAX. SAHcrso PBOTESSOrt WAt wILSO-f'-f Pantlo School WbIU, tvroatrp, tbrctep, athouUcbei. oB 25e; tvrtj mnruiug, altirnooa and ava lug; all dances gnoraotrad (lrat lcaaoa. , Do B kaoar Ibat auyone wbu walk can tears to (lancet Stage and fancy dam-aa taught daily. 5V 5ib it., betweeu Attuk and Oak . at. Fbone Main 7637. kilt AM S4UH. HWATfl S arbnola. aliaki Mia . ltd and klorrtann a ad 1( 3d at,, bet. ,Wab. tnd Stark. LauKiou dallf, fancy and ata enrtn( taugbt: wait an4 two atap gnaranlard la 4 leaaona. (Hnaa Ifrt., 8 to 10. at tee 3d at UJNUlJiB baneing' Academy, l'rtyata teaooiia dally. Social dunce Moo.. Wed., Hat . , eve, Morrlaon at Htwirtid. Both phonpa. JTTJ6I0 SCH0018 aUfD TEACHERS Plano playing txwlUmy tantbt tn 15 to XO I-a-fona. Burema gnaraetecd. Writ fiw re book lot. ChrlBtrnwn's school of Popular Muale, 207 Ooodnonek Blilg., A -8044. BAGTIME poaltUaly gnaruntvod lo 10 to SW Iraaona. The ' origin! tpuchora of popalar inaic Try one lfawm. 41T r.llcra Bldg. fc. I'niKI.IUlHN. alalia (mrnvri MoacU, Ban Hlfln nifv. A-4ltVi, Warntiall WW PIANO tcamma 6io. I'limie ' Marlmll 17HT. EI.ECTBO MOTOaS Aim BYHAMOg MOTORS, generators, bonabt told, tented and reoalred. Wa do all kinds of reualr- Ing ana rewinding: all work guaranteed, a M. a. tiectrie Ul., l Morta riraf siraet. Fbon Hals 8210. - WB BUY, aell, taut and eiebanga sew and aeeoed hand motor, repair work a ipaelalty. Weatera Klectrlr? works. 213 Bluth street. . TBBATMKNT by iDeolallat. Slaaaea fitted. Dr r. r, vanaeny. 41M iieknm em.. ). JFAiUi UafiAtUiXfi 4X2 VAiUUtAS B. M. WADB CO., 822 Hawthorne Wboleeal aartrflltural tinnlemenra. I00M9RY ABO atACiiUIg SUOI' PHOK.MX IroS work. B. 3d and Hawthorn. Qeneral marlilne and foondry work. rURiimRE BEPAIRINO rURN'ITl'UE repairing, reflniahlng, beds enam eled at your home; eatluiatei ou packing. Phone E.'2Ml. ' BuWhUS r'AuSOiNJ luuVj FronL felals 7448. garniture bonnltali paeklng. T OABOUBS EBQUiRB UARINB and sutluuarr, oiarlue hardware, OAS POWER BCr'rLY CO.. 188-173 groat U between Morrlaon and YanihllL GLASS AND GLAZINO 9ee Real Eatnte Section.) 2LAIR OuODS FKVRKT HANEBCT , Leading wis and toape ataker, ftnnt (took of haman kair good; hair drawing, manl cur lug, fae and acalp treataient. 147 Ttb. near Montana. M. MB. UAI fAOTORT B ASTE ay Bat gactory, 4-6tl Sd st. Mats cleaned and blocked. Panama hat bleached. Beat S3 bat b . earth for men. Out of town I order taken by pa reel post. "ftoval Hat Works V5& st Ledlei, gentlemen' htg cleaned, bloeked; Panama hata hlearhed. Sntlof actlfin cnuranteed. W manofaelnre beat $2 hat. Mall ordera aollelted HAY ANA URAI . B. KNIOBT, 328-80 N. 17th it. Bay, grala, feed, flonr and ahlngle. ' HARDWOOD FLOORS (gee Real lCntte Heetlon.) HIDES AND FTTH 8. , KAHN BROS., 191 rront at Best prle paid LU. lift uiurv. INSURANCE MeCABOAR. Bate Lively, 101 YM bldg. Every lorn ot insurance, ponn. LANDSCAPE GARDENING ttRTTER landaeape and general tardenlng. SWISS FLORAL CQa fAt'lFlC Landaeap Uardenlng aimpauy. Bothehlld tilds. t'Bone Marnnau LEAZiLER AND ilMUlMQi CBAS. L. MA STICK JO., 74 rronts. Leather ei avarg ocripiiou r- uiaua&aciurer. iiira- llACUUIEftr WD- make a apeclalty .of machine and gear work, tool and die work, alao model work, at onr new location, 15th and Couch, Uenrjr Funk Auto Co. . . ; ..: :.. b. THhNKUAN . CO., hydraulic ud apectal pipe, amoae aiaraa, ti taa, miuing a ehlnery. repair, tin w. tn. . EMilMa. Dollera, aawnilil bougkt, aol'd M exenangea. ine 4. iv. aiwrii rorrieait, ur. KAlARNi'iX ROBPIIAL PORTLAND Lytng-Ia UoapltaL Maternity OUiy, BIO w. o at. iparnaii aowa. MESSLNttE&g UASTT. MESSBNOEtt CO., open nlgbt and day. Ma IB OB, A-ZIUd. MORTwAOX LOAN JOBN KKB, mortgag loaus, losaraac. SOI Ikd Bldg. Main Baa.- . NATUROPATHS DR. GROVER Paralyala, nerroo gad chroal dlee. 7U3 Oregonlan bldg. M. 8142. ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND IROM (See Real Ktte Section.) OSXEOfATUlO PHYSICIANS DR. L1IXKBKLLH I'ATTEaSON, Spaclallat oo serve, acute na enrente aiaease. 41 Co Ituebla-bldg. Main etetu. . )U. AG.LS" W. BROWN, K Journal hlda. Honra 10:.0-4:m. M. SflOS. Re. Tabor S921. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS (See Real Estate Section.) rAINTINO AND P APES IN 0 PAPKRHANGINtJ and painttne and tlntln 0. L Shurman, 8l Sherman trent, will do work ngnt nnn reaaonaDi. I'tutne Mnla 15(41. (Seo Real Estate KectTun.) PAV1NQ COMPANIAS TBS BARBER ASPHALT PA VI. NO CO., Pwt lana oirice wo r.ieemo panning. PATNT AXXORNEXS PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK, Attorncy-at-Law, late of O. 8. PATENT OFFICE. Book free. HHP Hoard of Trade bldg. PATENT ATTORNiTI WASHINGTON. D. O. VBLATl BLDO. O.O. MARTIN " PORTLAND r 4ff CHAM, OF COM. BLDO. PIPEWOODPIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and of He near 24th and York st. Mln B4i. PLUMBING AND PLUMBINO SUPPLIES (See Real Estate Section.) PLUMBING AND HEATING 3r" (See Real IStte Bectlon.) POJeCOHN OONTE0T1ONS -i' STANDARD CRISP CO., 2S Oltaa. POIKW T-1 'OwSi" eJr,e4f$t -rafV J 4)agA w .4"y44S-f- -'" PRINIINC AKSlEY I'rtotlng Co.. 3r,c, nk. Met 4j;i. Printing to ilfae, Triul will rimtini. RETRIOERAT0RS AND ICE I :sri (Si- Real tate t-.fiUdiu.) ALSO ataooila, trade ctie--k. bra-a '''' PAClk'IO COAST -STAMP 931 Waablegiua at. Wain T10: A J.' , !. A1M Waaa aiirna. oilii-e ai.pH-. ll:u...'jH'li'4. THE lKV.'lS-tliP0., LOiira.a 92 Fifth Kt. lin X13. A-1J m tjlkNLHJ aim uffic autiuuary. Co.. Jill Stark HkIo 14I.T. BAKXIAgnm NISBETH'S 8AN1TAKIUM A aanttarlntii tvf urikaL amoat. ebrool ana all S'ae sot t-onugloua; alo maternity Hyilro. painie e.iupaient an a ni'. ."f", BCREESB ISee Meal Eatate IWtlna.) BHIET METAL WORKS See Real Eafiito Feotl'.n.) BEW1MQ MACHI1.S NEW, all makes, any prtce. Huixind hand (2 np. Uchlna .'enled and repaired. rirlm Machln Emporium, 190 3d at., near YacuhlU. SHOWCAfiiU AHD-TtStlJRES TUB JAMES I. UARSBALt UrtJ. CO. Xew and old abowcaaea, eablneta, a tor. oMr, window fliloree. 4th and Coueh. eaoWcAStel of vry deacrlption, bank, bat and ttor fixture nuda to. order, Th Lotk Wtr.-Co. .; - ' :- - ; ' - . ' ,.'." ' .'.' '. .'.V WESTEttN Fixture A Showeaa Co. Kurnltut . made and repaired. Mur. 774. 4H 10th at. IONS AXO BHOWCAREi BERGER ; BIGNS,24lHTaTiof.AgD8' Bring tbl ad and 10 per cent WaUALANDbM IU, H(t toaimoaweaiia BlUg. Show earda. eVitb alrn. window rrltn. TAIXOHillO SCHOOX, KIFATER'S tadlea Tailoring WWk Areaanaklng. tallorlnr. Uti tlth. ler TAXIDERMISTS TAXIDERMIST, rn Slaking, all kind of tnonntlng. F. B. FlnleT. 849 Colnmhla t. TMTISO TINTTNO, $2.50 per room up, Painting, paper hanging. C. A. llame. Main 1334. THROAT SPECIALIST DR. BAIXY. Throat SpecialUrt, Broidway bldg. after April . CLEAN towel dally, com. brk, aoap. Towel Supply Co.. Hlh and Coach Bta., ft per moot, Portland tenonf Co.. Phone JMntw 4tl. A 441". TRUNK ICAirOT ACTURERi Multnomah Trunk A Bag Cb., 80-86 Kaat Wa ter, wholesale mfgs. trunk, sultcaaes, etc. Spe rial trunk nd eae made to order. - 'AAvavatawavJi AhA BlOiAuB OREGON TRANSFER CO. GUhiltAw4 W70. Tranafer and forwarding agent. Storage, f.-ee rrackaga, v Cffleee and (tor. 414 tilbiaa freet. )8U an iilUaa, . Slala B9, Avttda. riREl'HOOP BTOHAOB PORTtAKD VAN A STORAGB C4).'B Bow fire proof warehouse Just completed, rurnrabe every facility known to modern: warehousing. Aa tnapeetloa will convince you. (louaebnid good ahlptied at reduced freight rate, rir. uroof warebona 13th and Kearney. Commercial J3ti end Brtwt BUMta, Mala MHO. -151. ". :'".. C. O Fit . Trawler Htorag Uk. oCdca sad eemiBodios foar torg brick wareboa, with eparat Iron room and fireproof vanit for valuable. N. W. corner 3d and fin an. Piano and furniture gooved and packed for (kipping. 8pdl rate anad on gooo n aiir through car to U aoinaeu aun avcvia iwiuu, Main 89. A-1906. BAGfiAGB, OMN'IBl'S A TRANSFER CO. n.,.i7c. heekeA at borne to deattnatt.m. Btorage, packlrig, hrr.plng. Matn tS0, A-8322. Taiteab eervlce Main 2r0. A-2242. liNITKD Trauafer Co.-sfStong nd general A-tWVrt. haallng. 851 JerreroB. Mr. gw. XYSEWAUIERS TYPEWRITERS, (lightly . nsed, L. C. Smith and all ou,er maae 11 reuueva pncea and eaay terms. L. C. Bujlta a uroa. Typewriter tlo., una treei. AtlSS REMINGTON ASKS: Why nut raut a Kemlngton (Hodei sr, a monua tor go. Ad dreaa, RemlngtoB Typwrlter Co. (Inc.), 88 7th. ALL makeB rented, repaired, noitfi Vuiuiluguunt Co., i'il Stark. Mats WALL PAPER (See Real Ketat Bectjon.) WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVCRDINQ 41 FARRELU produce ard eommta. alon merchant. 140 Front at., rortland, Phon Main 179. " ' '- --.y ALLEN A LEWIS UROCKMES CLASSUTttD AD HAIKU la effect April 1. lOia. ALL, PHSVIOLS RATES CANCELLED. (JASB AbVEUTH-fCMENTS Dally e auaday, I time. Se per line. , eonaeentlT time, 8e per line per htaertloa. 8 or nxtr eoniecBtlva times, 7 pot line aer lunrtloB; or 1 luaertiooa for prtcs ef 6. . No ad con a ted for les tbaq i Una. Th above rates apply to "New Today Bad all other claaalflcatlou except Situations Wast ed, To Rent and Wanted to Rant ad. . BltuatloiM Wanted, To Kent and Wanted te Rent ads (Apartaienu and liolul Aeptd). th rates arat . k per iln flrat lnrtfoa, e par line each ubequnt Itiaarttoa, No aa taken for lea loan 15e. CU4KUU ADVKAX1S1.MKN7S 1 dm. loc per line. . 8 eoneentv time, 0 pee line pe Intertlon. I or wore coneecutlv time, tie per Una pee lnaertkin. The bov rte apply to "New Today" end all other elasalflcat'.OdS. except "Situation Wanted, To Kent and Wanted to Real" ad. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted te Rent ad (Apartments and Hotel excepted) th tat is 7c per Una per insertion. No (d charged for less taas two line or IV. Xhe Journal will not be raaponaltd for mora thaa on Incorrect Insertion of uy advarti Bnnt ordered more thaa on time.- Contract rate upon appUcallua. A phon fall will bring a ollcltne. ) ruuuuifci-.'Uiyiyiiii mm ie it vour name atu;ir I t VT-ltfier phone boon v an telepnone your I t iMy-'r; l and have it f 1 ir -jVLl..B,V ! ct it y l,,p - VI