12 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY .MORNING, APRIL 27, 1013. APARTMENTS 4J ' (Continud) j j jl j j J j j j j j j a ; x j j -r THE MUNCKY J S3 Clay St.. Near West Park. .1 4 room apartment, completely and J artistically furnished: all . large J rmtside rooms , excellent neigh- t J borhood; walking distance. A cool 3 place to live tills summer; $40; J references required. J J J J J J J JJJJJJJJJJJ J J J J J J.J J J J J J J J J J J . j ; J i J ; j j j : j j ! J j ..... j j IONIAN COURT. J 3 8th and Couch, Near Washington 3 and 4 room unfurnished cor nier apartment. All outside rooms. Built-in conveniences; free phone; vacuum cleaner service, electric J J J J J J J , J elevator, etc; references required, J! walking distance: 130 to 537.60. J J J J J J J J JJJJJJJJJ J J J J . j , j j . j j , j , j j j j j .. j j j j JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ; - THE BERYL, - -695 Lovejoy, Near 21st 2 and 3 room unfurnished apart ments, large and light rooms, built-in conveniences and disap pearing beds; phones. Elevator ervice, etc. Large ' ' summer porches, refined neighborhood. Reference required. $22 to $35. Inducements made to perma nent tenant. Apply on premises or call J J J J J J J J J J J J J THE FRED A. JACOBS CO, Main 6869. 269 Wash. st. A-6267 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J BELLE COURT. AnnrtmehtH. Trinity Place, near Washington. An apartment building embodying all the elegance, refinement - and artistic ap - pointments or me paiauai nome, s ana 4 room apartments witn sleeping porcn ft. Call and see them today, induce ments made to permanent tenants. TUB FRED A. JACOBS CO., Managers. ' - " San Marco ADartments Wa lnvlta all looking for elegant, StTlish. en ifortnhla home-like apart ment Everything in absolutely new and modern, apartments either furnished or tinrurnished. Each one is aquippeo. wun direct Faclfla telenhone. located one . block from the car line and 16 minutes' walk to business district The summer rates will surprise you. East Couch and "in hi. j-.ast znt. ..." HIGHLAND COURT APARTM ENTS. : 22ND AND GLISAN STREETS WALKINO DISTANCE. VERY EXCLUSIVE, ELEGANTLY fURN'ISHED 4 BOOM APARTMENTS. , A.IA LARGE. BRIGHT, OUTSIDE ' ROOMS, REFERENCES REQUIREO. .. . . .. MARSHALL 8162. ., tl'HB WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup St., OUTSIDE near xist sc. b room unrurnisnea apt., ith bath and all modern conveniences. including phone, gas, electrio light,, gas range, reirigerator, janitor services. eteam beat, hot and cold water, etc. Talcs W car to 21st and Northrup sts. - nonM Ma'n 4876, A-l 183. Overton ADartments New brick building, 2, t and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, all outside ' rooms, newly tinted and painted, ground and tennis court in connection. "W" car, corner list and Overton sts.; Mar- , Mhnll SKA ' - r 1ESIRABLE 4 room apartment, fur- nlshif Al nnfttpntahAri h,ut In fitv for rent, location and arrangement; ail oside clflc phone: c lose in. low rent, best service. Sheffield Apartments, 272 Broadway, corner Jefferson. CARMELITA " JEFFERSON AND liTH STS. 4 AND S ROOM - UNFURNISHED APTS. 5 MINUTES' WALK TO P. O. AIODEBN. EXCLUSIVE REFERENCES Alco Apartments Union Ave, and Couch St, Alodern new furnished 2 room apts.; wanting distance. Rates 119 to iiz. ' R0SENFELD APARTMENTS Corner East 14th and Stark. Fine. , modern 4 roum apartments, furnished and unfurnished all outsido rooms; Bummer rates. East 8703. Harrison Court ETH AND HARRISON .xceeaingiy low rates on 3 room rurnished and unfurnished apartments. Phone Main 6148. VESTFALL APTS, 410 6th, 7 minutes to P. O.; 3 and 4 rooms, cory and domelike, $27.60 to $40; fireproof bldg., automatic sprinklers and elevator; thor. vugwj respectaoie ana reiinea class ten s ants; under new management Main 2079 s MONTGOMERY iPAHTMRVTK . New brick building, cor. 3d and Mont , gomery; 3 room apts., furnished com . plete, private bath, phone and elevator service. All outside rooms. 7 min. walk I"v. Kates 25 pp. Main 9466. , " MODERN new, fireproof, automatic ele vator, hot. cold water steam heat, , ubuib, private pnones, z, s, room rur- .. lushed apartments, $20 up. Rooms $10 jiioiuii. ieeas apartments, zio Market. Marshall $597. , 6NAP for couple without children, 2 : room furnished apartment, with pan try and sink. Private entrance and vard j v nun, wain irom uroaaway bridge, i "rlvate home, good neighborhood. Cali .671 Gantenbein ave. lb.OU. AN KEN Y COURT. 22 fiO 2 and 3-roora furnished nnmts all , modern conveniences, including private1 jiuuntt. m. -aisi ana Anneny sts., E-A or "M-V" cars. - - THE NEW ClARK. 616 Pettygrove 2 room apartments, new and elegantly furnished, fireproof, brick building, elec tricity, beat and water free; price rea- t tionable. Phone Marshall 6056. TUB CLEOPATRA, 18th and Flanders sts.; 2, 3 and 4 room modern apart .jnents, furniBhed or unfurnished; ele vator, telephones, hot water and good ,, Janitor service. SEE THIS ONE SURE. Nicely furnished three room apart ment, $22.50; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private home, both, on car- 1 inc. B-304 1. Tabor 2293. J THE CHELTENHAM SUMMER RATE " Beautifully furnished 2 and 4 room apartments in the Nob Hill district. So r these before deciding. 265 North 13tr, " Phone Marshall 4599. ,. ORANDESTA APARTMENTS. " E. Stark and Grand ave.. modern fur- rilshed apt, private bath, private phone. . fcxeellent service. Always clean and 7 ar'n- Summer rates. Phone East 208. 1 GODFREx cuuRT j BOO Vancouver ave., new brick build ing, stands by Itself. 2 and 3 room v- apts. Nicely furnished. Private bath and phone In each apt Phone East 841. T11K llOWAKD-228, N..J:utli. Ji and 4 room apartments, -furnished and un furnished. play ground for children. Phone Marshall 2027. FOR RENT 4 room apartment, nicely furnished, 2' rooms with sleeping porch. 4 rooms unfurnished. 401 10th st. i Walking distance., . The Luzerne" Corner of Third and Hall sts. Modern, 2 room apts.; best in city; walk , Ing distance, reasonable rates. MORTON APARTMENTS King and Washington Sts. 3 and 4 room modern apts., furnished I or unfurnished; walking distance , iiEULAli 3 room apartments, disap pearing beds, steam heat, light and airy, cor. Bkldmore and Union ave vvoouiawn oio. : rniK Evelyn apartment 267 K21st-43 room apartments furnished and vnfuk- nlshed, strictly modern, private bath, low rent Marshall 132,3. THE ORMONDE 4 and 6 room apart ments. Furnished or unfurnished modern, summer rates. 666 Flanders st Nob Hill. Main 8251. THE DEZENDORF. . !08 16th, near Taylor. On handsomely furnished 6 room and onw 5 room unfurnished apartment. Lincoln Apartments. and Lincoln; all outsldsll r 4 th ranm HMD., $22.60 to $80. Main 137T. A-8471. Park Apartments t snd 4 rooms, furnished and unfur. rlviied. Park and Harrison. Mar 3070 1 vii RENT If room new modern apart tnmitft,. wick i building, vcry.iuw ieiit. M, J JU, $21 Corbet t bldg. - ATAR-niEXl'3 (Continued) . , MEREDITH APARTMENT. 2, 8, and 4 room furnished, modern. 712 Washington. Main 7134. . FOR KEXl FLATS 13 $22.60-5 ROOMS E, 24th st, near An, keny. ; 125.005 rooms 784 Glisan st. 1 $30.09 (-fooms, 10th, near Morrison. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699, A-26ES. NW .2-room lower flat; large kitchen gas range, refrigerator, disappearing bed, basement, etc., $18 per month. This includes your gas, electric lights, heat water and telephone. 861 East Washington. East 3261 - .L HOLLADAY addition, modern 6 room . flat, furnace, gas - range, linoleum, walking distance, fine location, - $26. 262 H East 2nd st, north, corner Mult nomah. . FINE, large, upper flat, six rooms, well 'lighted, gas and electricity, furnace lumbia st. ' i ' " ' - $22.60 New, built-in furniture, 4 rooms, finished attic, sleeping porch, 46th and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 1725. COMFORTABLE modern 6-roorn flat 406U Ross st., near Broadway bridge, $15.00 "' - . MODERN 6 room upper; furnace, fire place and screened porch. 76iw L Salmon st. East 2449, or Sellwood 453. MAIN 9015 will give particulars 6-room new flat, heart' of west side, . low price, small family. References. I NICELY furnished sleeping and house 1 keeping rooms, bath, hot and cold wa- i ter, light, pnone. Main JZ4. ra in., ivtn MODERN 4-room upper flat;- grand view: cood location: reasonable. 434 College. - FLAT for rent, furniture for sale Fur- niture 6 room nat, bargain, uwner leavine city. 147 11th. Marshall 2837. I FOR RENT Lower or upper flat, 3 blocks from Washington. Modern. In- quire 529 Everett. ' - NEAT 4-room flat. $16.60; southeast. corner E. 34th and Belmont. 1000ft Belmont st. 8-ROOM flat, $6 month, Broadway and snenaan st. inquire z wasningion. XiiARGE 6 room flat. $25. 330 ft 2d st. Can rent rooms to pay rent. 5 ROOM modern upper flat, $20. ln- quire 292 Graham ave. F1NE 6 room flat, very cheap. 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 209 McMillan. 6-ROOM modern upp-flat, gas range, neater, linoleum, io ,n;. ftiauison. I K"EW 3 room flat, very reasonable. 706 Vancouver ave. wood lawn ivos. NEW modern 6 room flat; walking dis tance: best view. ()-442, journal. MODERN lower flat. Inquire 314 ft Eu gene st. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats, fine view, low rent. 668 Market MODERN 6 room flat. Willamette Ills. 1010 Savler st. W. car. FLAT for rent. Weist Art. 69 N. i3rd st. Call flat 4" from - until 4 p. m. 6-ROOM modern flat, gas lange. water heater, $20. East 6317. . FURNISHED FLATS CO NEWLY decorated, well furnished 4 room corner flat, all liirht rooms, sood residence district, $25, including heat, Phono! Adults only. -labor MAY 1, furnished 5 room flat, oak floors, tiled bath, fireplace, sleeping porch, front porch. Dutch kitchen, dis appearing bed, woodllft, yard. Adults. Call East 291. room 43. 125 TO QUIET couple, furnished 4-room flat with sleeping porch, desirable. choice location, walking distance. 671ft Belmont. MODERN well furnished 4-room flat, adults only. Permanent nice yard. C-1160. S53 Sacramento. DESIRABLE 6-room completely fur nished, strictly modern. 2 porches. reasonable If taken at once. East 4662. PBEASaNT, sunny, 4 room furnished nat, upftatrs. Address 22 East 49th. Phone Tabor 623. NEWLY furnished 3-room and bath apartment. $17.50. Apply 240 E. 49th St.; Tabor 3468 HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan uuiyi n.ou ana up. STORKS AND OFFICES It FOR RENT. IN THE NEW EMPRESS THEA TRE BUILDING. ' 7th and Yamhill. First class offices upstairs, de sirable store rooms on ground floor, suitable for high class con fectionery, florist, optician, cigar, etc. Elegant space in basement arranged for high class theatre grill. Right in center of thea tre district. . , Inquire McCargef, Bates & "Live ly, 401 Yeon bldg. , CHANGE OF LOCATION Gives you advantaee of fine cash irro- cerv business, concrete store room, fine corner, on carline;' plate glass front. aecK storage room, vacant May 1. Low rent. See Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY, 3rd Floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT A modern store building, with llvfnflr r,ntna nhnv. - Iao nn ...... ..v....w d, iwiniu uu the car line at Thirty-third and L sts., Vancouver, Wash.; rent $25; building new, never occupied; party died who had lease. Address Wrn. Fich. II. F. D. 2. Vancouver, Wash. FOK RENT Desirable store room, 389 i!i. uurnsioe, Detween union ana uranj aves.; suitable for shoe, jewelry, bakery and delicatessen. Inquire McCareer. Bates & Lively, Yeon bldg. STORE FOR RENT. Store for lease, cood location for tailor, clearer or laundry office. 232 Yamhill. . STORE Suitabe for small drug, notion or barber store, will rent cheap: under lease; splendid location. 4fith and Haw thorne ave. Woodlawn 102'i. TWO story building, 30x70, suitable for carpentr snop or small factory; lo cation, 105 11 Hi st, N.; low rent Phone A-6211. WAREHOUSE for rent in South Port land, brick. 2 floors, on track. V-447 Journal. FOR RENT Desk room, reasonable, with or without desk, use of phone. counter and all office. 212 Railway Ex. DESK room for rent. Including phone. .1)6 Fenton hldg. OFFICES for rent Part of office reas onable. 627 Henry bldg. FOK RENT MISCELLANEOUS 3.3 LARGE room, kitchenette, fireplace. Sleeping porch, free cooking gas, heat, phone; other housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 402 Park. WANTE1 TO KENT 7 WANTED To rent by May 10, modern up-to-date house. 9 t6 12 rooms, with yard; close down town, west side; best of references, A-3560. WANTED to r.ent five or six loom bun galow furnished or unfurnished, strictly modern. Piedmont or Rose City Park. . WANTED to rent small farm with 15 or 20 acres" good potato soil not fur from Portland, or Oregon City. Full par ticuiara. L-501, Journal. . WANTED A house built on monthly payment plan by'cho who will accept $S00 equity In fine 10 acres. I have own lot. East 555. i A MODERN 6 or 6 room bungalow or cottage; must have furnace;, reliable FIVE rooniTmodern Iioubb with bath J and electrid lights, near in. Marshall ... ... . - -. WANTED at once,- Irvihgton or Holla day addition, S-7 rooms, new or nearly new, about. $35. A-628. Journal.' IP you nave property to rent, call up Harry, the rental man. Main 1721. nANT to rent furnished burifialow (,r hOU-.-0, C f 6 Toolns. Cull Wain TT'T. 43 HOESL'S, VEHICLES, ETC IS j : ' .illJLE 'M;: ; Commission dealers In all classes of horses and mules. AUCTION EVERY MONDAY 10 A. M. Horses and mules for rent to con tractors In carload lots. 240 E, Sth t.. near Hawthorne. East ,6315. ' ' ' ' ' SEVERAL good cheap ranch or dellvry horses, express wag ons and harness. If in neea or a horse come and ee roe. We ten you just what you are uuyuig. 14 union ave., cor ner Ol Hi. Asn SADDLE HORSES and children's . non leq; general purposes; horses for sale; no norse over 1200 lbs. Our horses must oe as representeo or money re funded., Have been here 6 years and Intend to stay. Come and see our new $40,000 riding academy. It is the finest outside rew Yorn, KRAMER RIDING SCHOOL, 16th and Jefferson Kt., city. FOR SALE One covered mountain hack with complete camping outfit, just the ining ror a 'trip to cvnirai uregon or mountains, une set aouoie harness, .1 bay mare, 9 years bid; 1 team of grays, 3 years old;' 1; brown horse, 4 years old. Prices O. K. Call at 797 Michigan ave., between Beach and Falling ntg. TEAM. 6 and 6 years old;, weight 2100 pounds; sound and gentle. Team. 7 and 8; rriares, well matched, weight 2100 pounds; genll6 and good workers. " .These teams will be sold cheap, ' ' 440 E. Morrison, corner of E. 7th st. BARGAIN Gentle bay mare, city broke, weight about 1250, nearly new rubber .tlrqd surrey, light harness, splendid out-1 fit for family use; price $190. Phone Tabor 819. I HAVE for sale 14 head of good young horses ranging from 1100 to 1700, also a lot of harness and fieavy wagons; also wood saw, 6 h. p. motor and wood racks. 426 E. Yamh amnwi. East 4634.- RELIABLE party on country pluce wants driving horse and rig, or horsed and wagon for care of same; give good references. Phone Tabor 298. Call 68 U &th ave S. E., Monday. WANTED To. buy saddle pony, weight between 800 or 1000 pounds, and young. Address 701 Marlon ,ave., Bell wood. Phone Seliwood 1849. FOUR good saddle ponies, guaranteed sound and young; safe for women or children, for sale. Apply 653 Karl st. TaVe Sellwood car. . ONE 2300 lb. farm team, mare and norse; good double harness: 8165 trial allowed;! also 1 new farm wagon cneap. sgt iJ. line si. FOR sale or exchange, beautiful horse. buggy and harnesR, for real estate or (itam.ond. can or aaaress 130 1st st. or jfiione Mam iss;. MARES and horses, harness and wagons, Will give 3 days' tri or written guarantee. Come and see them. 251 E. lzth, cor. Madison, uoy rsash. TEAM weighing 2200 lbs., harness and farm wagon; good workers,- they are limber; will work any place; $135 buys outnt. o s:. saimon st. SIX head mares and horses, weighing iroin liuu i itvv iuo, an young, gooa 10 wors; musi eeii hi once; puces rea sonahle. ' Stable foot of Main, west side. A BIG team weighing. 2800, with good SWorking harness, for sale, at a Bar gain, at Multnomah Stables, 265 16th, near Jefferson. ONE 2-horse gasoline motor, new for pony, cart or buggy; will pay differ ence, uan ill iNortu om si. BIG, sound delivery horse, city broke, harness and rubber tire trap. 1532 Macadam St.; take Fulton car. ONE 1000 lb. horse; good traveler, with buggy and harness; must sell; $100 lanes pumi. ha e.. inn st. s. FOR SALE 1 horse and buggy, age 7 years; safe for lady to drive. Inquire oi owner, m irranu ave. iNortn. FOR 8ALE--Mare, 7 years old, breed, and rubber-tired buggy, at 865 Vaughn st. good Call FOR SALE A span of horses, 7 years old; weigh 3200. The owner. Mr. C. Apianoip, lenis junction. DELIVERY or, buggy horse and har ness, sound, weight 1100 to 1200. 351 Burnside. CLOSING out hamees at wholesale price. 200 2d st., cor. Taylor. General team work, hauling, grading, contracting. 426 E Yamhill. East 4634 HAVE a fine pasture; would like to take in 1 or 2 horses. Hellwood 863. $75 TAKES team, 1967 E. Stark at, Montavilla. FOR SALE Horse, harness and wagon. East 4713. 342 Williams ave. FOR SALE -Large work horses. - Harry'6"11 st - Mt- cott c ar 10 U'arks station. Gibson, Barton, Or. Estacada line. FOR SALE Cheap, 10 thoroughbred FOR SALE -ineh farm wagon, in I ,aTeoc hens and rooster. first-class condition, loos Boimnnt. ?'0 E. lltn st. S. . FINE auto seat buggy; used 3 months. p. Al. venai-a. em AicKay bldg. BAILEY bike surrey; cost $450; will take $100. Call Tahor 758. GOOD buggy for sale cneap, Yamhill. 1271 K FOR SALE A team of horses, 9 years old; weight 2100. Phone Tabor 2137. BARGAIN Gooseneck wagon, horse and wagon, $160. 265 Arthur st. UtTESTOCK 33 11 HIGH-GRADE Hoisteln 'neifers 2 to 4 years old. with calf in 30 Wvn: can be seen here; also 105 head yearling Hoisteln heifers, a classy lot, located in middle west; 66 head high-grade Hoi steln cows heavy milkers, 6 gallons, and over 6 to 8 years old, located in mid dle west. One car of Jersey cows, 2 to 7 years old, up the valley, at $65. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. TEN head bt fresh dairy cows, all tu berculin tested, give from 4 to 6 gals, per day; cream test from 4 to 6 per cent, principally Jersey and Durham; will sell one or all, and will trade for dry cows and fat cows. Woodstock car to D9th ave., walk 4 blocks west, close to Reed college, riione tellwood 2071. WE HAVid a fine big list or aairy cows and heifers, of all ages and dairy breeds. Our list is too large to adver tise. For description wire us. call on us or phone us. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., room 607 Commercial blk. Fhoni Main 6120. SEVEN fresh cows, some exceptionally good for private use; some large dairy cows, extra beavy milkers $0 and up; one Holstein bull calf, a fine specimen. 1480 Macadam St., Fulton car. to Idaho street ' ONE fresh cow with calf, government Inspected. - Take St. Johns car to Rutdledge st, and walk west to white nouse 4 FRESH Durham cows, 5 dairy cows, heavy milkers; will take beef or dry cows in exchange. 95 E. 30th, cor. wasnington; Bunnysiae, car. CALIFORNIA dairy cows, big Holsteins arid Durhams, all tested. Bruce Com Co., Union stockyards. Phone Wood lawn 2400. , FOR SALB--2 fresh Jersey Durhams; tubercular tested; 6 and 6 gallons per day guaranteed. Will trade for . beef. 1427 Con; merciai street. HANDSOME, hornless, 7-16 Towgenberg buck kid; only. $5. Mrs. C. W. Post, R. 1, B. 7.19 86th and Tillamook sts. THREE fresh cows, government irv spected, sell or trade- for beef. 619 is. John St.. .Ht. jonna, pr. BROOD sows .for salo reasonable, far rowlng in 3 weeks. For information call 351 Burnside, PASTURE 100 aeren, running , water. lei. ivmwHUKie nta oaj, WANTED A good nil Ik cow;"' musHae cheap, W. F. Gray, 28 82nd st. north. WANTED A. good, rresh cow. 13T. ' 6id "' '"' ' 15 FliESli Jersey-Durham, fine family or dairy cow. 891 E. Washington. 2 FINE cows for sale. 1Q46 Francis ave. WW. car., S5tl ft. GOOD frejsh cows for sulo. 1 84 0 J)i vision street " " . S3 HAVE S cows, no use for but 1. Will soil fresh Jfersey with young calf. A very excellent-family cow. One-dairy cow, now giving 5 gallons per day by welKht or ineusure. Am no cow dealer. Ardenwald station. Eatacada carline. fare; ' second house field northwest Brown, the PoultrMan. Address Box 83, Sellwood station, Portland, Or. rouLTitr 37 THE MANOR FARM. Petaluma. Cal.. i an old established nnulM v iilimt. with the reputation of having the best Rhode jsiana Jteos out west, iast year at cai ifornia's leading shows we won 111 prises, 43 specials and 13 cups.' Also we nanaie tne best laying type Black an norcas, White Leghorns and Barred kockb. Only quality sent out, nd a square deal sruaranteed. ' Esres. chicks and stock. Send for free list The Manor Farm. Petaluma. Cal. SELLING out my entire flock of White, Black and Buff Orpingtons? a few Jan.. Feb., March and April chicks; all must be sold this week. Will deliver any part of city. Eggs 6 and 10c eaclu uanigren, Berkeley station, only io mm utes' ride on Estacada. Gresham, or Eastmoreland cars. P. O.. Parkwood. THOROUGHBRED, single comb. Buff and Brown Leghorn euars . 81 tier 15 $8 per 10,0; baby chicks 10c each; cock erels $1 eaclu Yost's Poultry Yards, Koute s, uregon city, facino pnone. i-armers 23X1. - " , tj. C. WHITE Lecrhorn bi.bv ctiicks. kss for setting. traD-nested stork. Tart no chances. For heavy egg yield, buy rrom stock whose parental produenon has been recorded. Bend for price list. Browndale Farms. Box. 66. Aurora. Or. OAKHURST POULTRY YARDS Thor ouehbred exes: White Rocks. Barred Rocks. R. I. Reds. White Orpingtons. Anconas. S. S. Hamburgs, Buff Orping tons, w hite i.egnorns. 1164 E. lstn jn, woooiawn .zsos. BABY CHICKS 10 CENTS EACH. Order your White Lea-horn baby chicks and White Orpingtons from prize wlnnlne stock from Johnston Bros. llatohery. Phone A-5847, 8 rings. Mail address, Hillsdale. Or., Route 2. Lonsdale's Buff Leghorns Big layers, real Buff. 15 eggs $1.60. guaranteed fertile. H2i iu. 4th St., Mt, Hcott car to Creston. Visitors welcome, WHITE arid Brown Leghorn pullets $1 eaun: cocnereis -.ov; pen or 19. sio: Plymouth Rock cockerel $2.50; must sell at once. Campbell, Multnomah station, Oregon Kieetric. TEN pullets, fine layers, 2 roosters, patented portable coop that cost $18; drinking fountain, feeder, enough wire netting ror runway; an ror v.ii Monday 419 E. 60th St. Tabor 8219. TRIO S. S. Hamburgs, 1 blue ribbon winner; fine B. K. cockerel and lay ing I. R. ducks; really cheap. Mrs,' C. W. Post, fcbth and Tillamook sts., It 1. 1SOX 119. WHITE Wyandotte. R. I. Red. White Leghorn and Hamburg eggs, $1 to $1.60 for 15; stock for sale.. Maguire, 77 uregon st. East iso&t CRYSTAL White Orpingtons. 18 baby chicks, $4; excellent rooster, vz.ou; few laying pullets at $1.25. Eggs. rratt. c-2316. FOR SALE Several pens of Crystal vvnite urpmgtons. neiierstrass strain, one headed by Billy S., second prize wln- ner mz. pnone Marsnau 4353. BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching; 10 day old chicks; Buff and White Cochin bantams; setting hens. 1447 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 1656. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandottes, Plymouth; Rocks, and Black Minorca eggs, 76c Setting. Phone Tabor 734 week days;' WHITE MINORCA EGGS, $1.60 A SET TING; 60 EGO BUCKEYE INCU BATOR, $4. BEEN USED 3 TIMES. TABOR 3368. W. H, MEAD, LENTS. WHITE Indian Runner ducks. Larg white egg kind. Extra choice trio $7. Drakes $3. Only a few left. George A. Sprague, Turner, Or. PURE bred Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per 15; fertility guaranteed. Cor. 64th and Burnside. Tabor 4409. PURE White and Buff Leghorns, eggs balance season 60c and $1; chicks and grownups; broody hens. Tabor 3426. THOMPSON Ringlet B. R. eggs and cnicKs. lioyee. besu k. 44th st sell- wood 1385. EGGS S. S. Hamburgs, Barred Rocks ter Roswurm. Forest Grove. Oregon. EGGS from imported thoroughbred Bo- hemlan pheasants for sale. Herman Bahlke, Canby, Or. buoT strains White and Brown Leghorn eggs. ior natcning, punets, hens and cockerels. Woodlawn 89. C-2507. FOR SALE Ducks, Trio genuine young angusn. i-encuiea Kunners. Wood lawn 2030. LIGHT BRAHMAS. extra choice stock. Mm eggs. $1.50 Per setting. 789 Division st, city. SILVER Spangled Hamburg and Buff Leghorn eggs, $1.00 setting. 2930 E. BARGAIN Pen of thoroughbred White Rocks or Wyandottes, $6 portable poultry house $5. 1200 Commercial st. THOMPSON Ringlet Barred Rocks, Eggs $1 per 15, R, F. D. 1, box 161, laoor 187. L '.. ' " " '.. wmi u Legnorn eggs, yz per 15; pen neaaea oy ursi cociterei 1'ortiana, 1912. B. A. Palmer. East 1666. THOROUGHBRED Orpington baby chicks, eggs, stock. 912 Division at; W-R car. BUFF and Black Orpingtons, pairs, trios and eggs for hatching. 105 7 3Sth n. m. Meuwooa us, WHITE Leghorn babies, 4 days old, llo eacn. special prices on iarge jots, U4( tturrage st. fnone wain. vn. HIGH-CLASS1 silver laced Wyandotte eggs, $1.60 setting; pure white fantail i"fti'"Pt iti.ov yoLU ivq xut gin ui. in, WHITE Wyandotte eggs, $1 per 15. Mrs vaio, wu vm st. a. k, ELLIOTT strain Rhode Island Red eggs ror saie. xeiepnone woodlawn 3249. WHITE ROCK day-old chicks and eggs.- r. u. wenanen s, za i nawtnorne ave, WANTED 200 White Minorca eggs or cnicKs. Must ne cneap. Tabor 3364. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neat, clean, cheap. Main 9053- HIGH grade White WTyandotte chicks, 4 days old. 20c each; 1086 El Grant. FOR SALE Black Minorca and white "Leghorn laying hens. 501 Vancouver. PAIR of China geese for sale cheap. Phone Woodlawn 662. ORPINGTONS, Buff. White and Black stock and eggs; "no Junk.'SeH.l230. FOR SALE Buff and White Orpington pullets. 1164 E. ISth st N. a rtivv pair oi gouu squaD breeulng Horner pigeons left. 1164 E. 18th st N. POULTRY 4 weeks 42d ave. S. E. old chicks.. , 6104 DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 BOSTON TERRIER, MALE 10 mos. old. Boston female, pedigreed, $15. Boston fe nale in whelp and one open( 8 fine male Cocker Span iels, two tan white Poodles, two Spitz Airedales, 3 Great Danes, registered English Setter, Boston French and English Bulldogs at stud. Boyd. 667 Washington. Main- 3134. . GERMAN canaries, male $3.60 . to $5; females $t. Will receive this week !hipment of (Panama Parrots, scarlet Macaws and Society Finches. Boyd,, 667 Washington. Main 2134. FOR SALE Cheap, best litter brlndle bull terriers you ever saw. Call Ta bor 630. Flasnllght Kennels, $119 64th st. S. E. . . CANARY birds for sale. A few fine pure yellow 8. Andsberf singers. B- 1 725. 16 E. iCth st.' THuROUGfiBRETy'W tup, 4 months' Old. 1447 Mallory, Woodlawn '1666. ' - ; -; ' I'uri bALE High, grade Spaniel pup pies, also one Irish Setter. Registered. Prices right. W. A. Taylor,' 927 Glisan. ESKIMO Spits pup for Sale, thorough- bred. 6 months old. 24 N. '10th. A1RKDALK TKHRIEUS An all-round " dog. - Airedale, Eatauada- Or,-- LIVESTOCK (Continued) AUT03IOCILj:S-MOTOi:CYCLES Automobile Buvers Are you tookinw for a. real bargain in a rsecona nana -car? we have them. 1 a-ton Kniiance truck, bought new last rail, J2U00. ' 1 40-horse Pierce Racine delivery li uiA, wun top, !u. OneJKuick truck, fine shape, $375. 1 ACitchell 6-passenger. $475. 1 Rambler 5-passenger, $400. xjuh'k itoauster, 3t0. $850. 1 Overland 6-passenger, $750, 1 Bulck 6-passenger, $800. This is only a few of our stock. PORTLAND GARAGE CO.,. 815 Hawthorne Ave. . SIX LITTLp: YANKEES. LITTLE YANKEES. . SIAl LITTLE YANKEES. Six Little Yankees. The great "Car bon Killers." No liquids, no delay, no scraping, harmless, non-explosive. Rids a motor of carbim Jn 30 minutes. In creases power, $2 a box. Box contains I'l aiv i tVL vnb.r rT.V-iMi - ; cVa.vVinSde?te tcan a 9 c.vunaer motor i limes. 15 e ware ot imitators. None genuine without, the ?;oV?""fn?...RenH. yrorVh' : ".'.iS'iiS jr - -".- ueuiera or airecL irom us nv nw . IL' on a box postpaid. Six Llttl Yankees Co., Bulletin umg.. Philadelphia. AUTO sUDnlies :i(lx3 U caMlniK. $12; 30x3. 18.60: S4y3U .. US! nnnrlc nlns-a. ouc, ai. j. casings, 2xavfe, J6.50; zsi2f $7.60;. bicyele tires,' $2 to $4.60 each; 1 set auto Inmi.a 14.R0! . SSIU nnln tubes each $$.25; 28x3, $2.60; 80x3. $2.80; 30x3 1.1 85: 34x4. J5.2S Rrinrtlna- goods of all kinds. Mail orders filled, C. A. Norwood, 5907 Foster rd., Portland. Automobile' Repairing We tiva VDll tha fiArvii'A anA i.ilAn. tee O.Ur work. This W nn nutn arhnnl but nothlnr but expert workmen em- ' Hi V- . - ; 815 Hawthorne Ave. ' ' PORTLAND GARAGE CO. CARS WANTED. If vou want to sell vour nar hrtnir it cash. Vt3 - uuv Lnem - ana dry vou tn Storage $5 per month. . PORTLAND GARAGE CO., J 316 Hawthorne Ave. ' 1911 REO. 30 horse, never been run Since it wax nuintorl: lnnlrl llktt now demountable rims, speedometer, etc. euarantBtffl A.l ,k Pn.t iKaA. itark .Uf Main' 614."' ' mm' ' ,,?.nt l!uy a 1?J3 ."'Bh Krade 1, . v., kkil Bianei, Bem covers, non-skid tires and everything as gpod as new, for $1450, on easy terms; no trades? Tf tut DM Harro .limn al KOA vvasnington st. Phone Marshall 1915. SOME SNAPS. $300. Maxwell, 5 pass., $460. Stoddard- tv"Alu,,i 1 in uegai, b pass., $550. I. H. C, light delivery. $260. ROBERTS. 93 N. PARK. FOR SALE BY OWNER. One late 1912 Overland 35 H. F: 5- passenger touring car. just as good as new; new tires all around and fully equined; will trade for unincumbered pryperty and part cash. E-345, Journal. LOOK HERE. Have assortment of oriental and fur rugs valued at $450 to exchange for lot or automobile, difference cash. 414 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 1068. AUTOMOBILE tires, new and slightly uaeu, 10 v eacn. we also sell naw I r , OA r.A , , Price. Paclflo Tire Sunniv Co.. 2 Burnside. HAVE 4 business lots in northern Cal fornia, good college town, free of in cumbrance Will trade for 6 passenger car even. Tnlne nf lnt tir,inl r'uil Main 4601. or Writn 337 Rv tTTphonor ALL kinds of repairing on automobiles, terTsTluts8 anTuK FOR RENT Shop in one of the bus! est garages in city. Equipped with tools which will sell cheap. The I-aurel Rose Auto Co..' 834 E. Burnside st. Written guar antee with every spring. 2 w. iBtn st HONEST eaultv 11200 E-rnnm hnnirnlnw 2 blocks car, for automobile and some cash, then rent place. Phone Wood - lawn 3178. 6NE 2-passenger 60-horsepower auto to LOakland as good as new, 6 passenger,! Franklin, 5 pass, iraue ior a secona nand runabout and K N h t.AK.N me cash. Phone Woodlawn 699 pr call , a1 f ,,1 L... Y "J, T i 7 Humboldt "1911 Marlon, 6 pass., completely equip. HLlotV clty' ,worth $600; will ex- change for automobile: also renl JournV' ,6 E' 9th 8t- ,0U T-7' HAVE one large automobile for sale, viieup lur casn, aiso one small auio-liniu mobile; will sell either one reasonable. 613, Journal. WOULD trade good clear lot soma cash or motorcycle: Drefer tandem. M-finO Journal. WOULD trade 10 acres good land for automobile or would pay cash. T 616. Journal. lajoi A noston ouii terrier, female, light brlndle, bob tailed. License No. aua. tie ward u returnen to 504 Karl st.) WA Nl'PTT k Twin ovi'lrt mnlnrvpla 1 01 2 model: must be in A-1 condition: state price and terms. H-328, Journal. 5 PASS. Reo for good twin motorcycle, or what have you7 Mar. 920; houfee 61 Monday, FOR SALE White steamer, 6 passen ger, excellent condition, cheap for caBn. Frank Brunn, 841 E. th N. TWO cycla Maxwell runabout, srood condition, fully equipped, $295 cash, on Awer st. riMI. y-.4 41,A, I. .rw.fr Inf. U Tn.rAAn-. listed $1200, exchange for automobile. i-none Hi. WE are ready for business at our new location, 15th and Davis sts. Henry Funk Auto Co. 44 H. P. TWO cycle marine engine with clutch, Just overhauled, $75, or trade for motorcycle. 1002 Miss. ave. Motorcycles seSIlvV Dayton Cycle Co., 247 Ash St, near 2d. NICE oak furniture and carpets of 6 rooms; will exchange for automobile. East 6046. Main 2631. WILL sell half interest In new, twin, completely equipped motorcycle. Y 632, Journal. WlLL trade beautiful ocean front lot on Long Beach boulevard for auto. Tabor 1809. Auto Repairing LIGHT MACHINE WORK. jonn j. zimmer, 21 end 123 0th st N. V ANTED Exchange $36ft equity Uni- versitv Park lot and $50 cash for auto. B-674. Journal. , FOR SALE Buick delivery 1600 lbs. No reasonable cash offer refused. 609 Washington st. Main 6922. 2 SIX cylinder high-grade roadsters. - Must be sold, make -cash of f er, Main 6922. 609 Washington street. WILL trade. 16 room- modern rooming house for good 6-passenger automo bile. Main 171.' 1 LOW auto truck, very cheap, good condition. Monarch Transfer Co. Alain 2861; A-2221. - t-: Hill TIT TXT A DTTf .4 ' 111.- ' --"''ilV I ...V?jVv;i- t"'ir .'ior' ' e-sacrificed this week for 1225: Call 715 Swetland bdg.. Sth and Washington, WANTED Automobllo for $300 dia mond and equity In lot. K-663. Jour nal. N FOR SALEr Reo auto truck, first class I condition, zou. Apply via Mississippi ave. ' t-none vvooainwn nan. . , . AUTO SPRINGSMADPAiAiED Frank Lange, 228 BaTmon. M. 181. MOTORCYCLE work my specialty. Bee me at zi jerrerson St., J. roller. ; CALIF b'ORNIA PLATING WKS.; 48 2D. ?rnd tool?A gUonSleutlL,,S t;ar' 35t) o trimmings plated and enameled. Terms, no trade. 268 11th st Auto BARGAINS In slightly used tires; vuU canlzlng, 25c; repairing. 207 Madlsoa C. MARTELL. auto repairing, radiators. 1 1 O m n m fa -i, 1 p ,-,:-. -'". tLP-motoyc,leiew Ures, nd. be1': palrea. Z3 N, lBth. M. 9520. . ter, $10. 760 ITalsey. Phone East m. HA RLE V-DAVI I )KON inotorccI fori" sale, A-1 conditton. 24H 2d.' M. 7218. GOOD bicycle wanted, rfesp. - JournaL - , . U-510, im' ; Wer w'"- BIG bargain in automobile tires; al .mobile. Anply 713 East CUnton, Rew ind guaranteed, pacific Tira & TO TRADE for runabout, new Foster Bupfly Co., 828 Burnside st . i piano, A-1 condition. D-342. Journal. Ai-rrrilviORTLK Tires! Tlres'l 11,.- 41 1 AUTOMOniLES-MOTOKCYCLES 4 1 Oregon Auto' Exchange 493-95 ALDER STREET. COR 15TII, Bargains in usea and rebuilt cars. $ho Hupmobile. I pass. . , i.t , r, . , 300 Buick, 4 pass. . . .. . Truck, 1 ton ...... Maxwell, 6 pass. . . Chalmers, 6 pass. . . 250 300 650 k.. 550 uvenami, d pass, 660 In addition to above mentioned ram we have roadsters, runabouts, four, five and seven passenger cars at greatlv icuuceu yriceo. Attention We hava a comDlete line of mntnra four cylinder tvne. ranclnar in H i - ifu' v. lueai ior motor ooati HAM OA. ,A A ' T .J , J! . . nun, ii w uv. lueiu jtur moior DOatS tinn nn nirh and hlch rn,to niia Z!,. 0'dn handu rJ? T 2 " hand automobile equim FLwairlnir, Mr. John A. Silver, al repairing. Mi 1 iiir new Drou. nas esinnnsni me new prou. nas estaDiisned a com plote service department, which is at me command 01 an purchasing cars. uecieHBuio- upseep cost. , Oregon Auto Exchange Cor. 15th' and Alder Phones Main 1161 and A-4837. unen aunaays. ' OPEN YOUR EYES Phone Main 6922. THE MOTOR BUREAU, ous wasningion street. Any of tha following- used cars. Ready lul BX31 V IUV Bulck Roadster,- good feuy 250 850 850 I TB M H" K Pa,,an Bulck Deliv Wagon,' covered body nuuson o rass., gooa condition Bulck 6 Pass. Just overhauled Buick Touring car, Al shaps Maxwell 2 Cyl. Roadster Bulck Roadster, overhal'd. rjalntfl 365 875 400 400 400 1 I'lauucia. wuitux 1 Ann Bulck Touring car, newly painted $450 E M F 6 Pass, tourlnc car 450 460 Ford Touring car eleo, lighted Overland Torpedo Roadster Maxwell 5 passenger 450 475 White Gas 6 Pasnner 600 600 Electrio casn or trade I L. M. 1. Detachable Tonneau 650 ChalrVRoadster Just loo t 625 Chalmers ( Passenffer I 650 $ 700 $ 760 iu m f & passenger Garford 7 Pass, (stage Bervlce) Bulck touring car 11 c . : $ 800 $ 800 11913 American undersluna-roadster i nn lOverland 1913 run 299 miles $1000 Hudson 5 Passenger "S3" $1209 Packard 18 5 "Passenger : $1250 juany otner attractive buys. Xiist your name with us if you want to buy, sell or iraoa a uceu car. M8T0KS1IU ONLY: .SLIGHTLY. USED At surprisingly low prices, they must oe seen to ne appreciates coma and see us, as you will save time and money ana get wnat you want, I NEW 1913 Bulck 30, 5 pass., fore I u our, luuy etiuippeu; cuat ijju; price, I nor 1911 Mitchell 30. 5 pass., fore floor. finest condition; original cost $1650; price, $685. ........... 1911 E. M. F. 30, 6 pass.; $485. 1910 Mitchell 30. 4 pass.: $325. 1911 Overland 30, fore door, roadster, ' I new: cost $1130: price. 1550. l sTa'i t ja? tjK'IF" dMr Chalmers 30, roadster; $585. 1912 Stoddard-Day ton 80, 5 pass.: $1060. - Over 50 cars In stock, write for list. Custom House Auto Co. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. ROADSTERS 9 Krlt. 8 pass.; top, windshield, $300. U 910 Chalmers, 30 h. p., 8 pass ...$400. 1 1912 Paige-Detroit, fullv eouiDned. .lean 1912 Cadillac fully equipped i9io Garford; would .make fine delivery '- " """Is, 19" Marm'o'n'wVth V pass.' touring Vnd I univci j uuuy , ...JSU'I 1911 Cadillac, 6 pass., fully equip. $1000 7 pass, peerless Touring car. .81000 1911 7 pass. Stoddard-Dayton, elegantly equipped ,$1200 1911 4 pass. Premier xison (The owner of Premier would consider real estate trade.) , lam o cyi. 49 n. p., i pass i"ierc-Ar- row $2000 If you are in the market for a good itaed car. vou own It tn yourself In lnnl, these over before buying. Our prices are the vry lowest and all cars are fully enwippea. - COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 1 21st and Washington sts. - Main 6241 I nnC Unml I IOI tl . Must have cash at once. Will sacri fice my lata unaimers, t-pass., S6-H. P., fore door, self-starting, electrio lights, seat covers, speedometer wind shield, oemaunwuie runs, monair top, ail tirei good: 8- brand new. Car in perfect conl dition. Make offer. See this car today at the Auto Laundry t ft Washington St, or Phone A-8843. A Real Bargain I am forced to sell, and must sell riKtit away wis elegant xauuu stanms for tha nrst Reasonable Offer It ts fully equipped and has lust neon overnauieu. CALL AND SEE AT 429 STH ST. PHONE MAIN 6840 , One Auto Snap One Paige-Detroit, 1912, fully equipped, self atarter, in A-1 condition. WILL SELL FOR $625 If taken before Tuesday p. m. 429 Sth st. Main 6840. SjTODDARD-DAYTON coupe Just as u r.,.,1 u now ITatr oil o-K f 1 ., n.. est of appointment and finish. Ideal car for lady or physician, Cost $2500. Price IZDU...' un easy terms, xno trades. Gerlinger Motor Car Co, 86 Tenth street. THIS car must be sold at once. 1811 jacKson ruiiy equipped. Cash, terms, or real estate. 429 6th St. Main 6840. FINE 1912 5 passenger-Cadillac, elec trie starter and llzhts: first class. Splendid tires. Price $1335' trnA .3 , C n ..LI.. . m4-- . ovu uuii. luuutiiiy, iiia casn. fortiana monpgrapn Agency, 850 Alder, f - wj - i " 'j . ' .' - WILL pay.tiair cash and balance ele Kant talking machine outfit for a-nnd motorcycle. Portland Phonograph Agency:; gov Aiqgr si, , wantedNo. 1 old auto tires, 7e NO. 2 SutO tires. En 1h lb;, delivered; inner tubes, 16c to 23c lb. J. Lava, 18 .oiumpia st. wain iis. , WA WTITD-4-naRa automnhllA .change painung, carpenter work, a part payment. . Giva full particulars to V-66Z, journal. FLANDERS 20 two passenger equlppe.i witn generaior, israpt, windshield 7'?AP - 'iTHrW - Ji11Iy.e9ud; ,n beBt f conainon; extra tire, $1200; . l.U. I E,--: 11th. cycle. Every equipment. Cost $300. Price $2667 860 Alder st. v J Jm - - " w nXokt Tires! All sizes. $3.00 to $20 00 al. Faelfle Tire & Supply Co:, 328 Burnside LAUNCH engine complete with propei- t ,Ur and sliat'tins tlu-ap. 328 BunisIda. mm ALTO:,iOHILrs.MOTor;CYCLL3 4 I ' (Continusd) REAL BARGAINS FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT THE UK ST. - 1 Model 1 Local Roadster. This is Jneof the best cars on the coast; price $1050. ; This car has been thoroughly overhauled and win (i,m,ui,. ..,. ,,.. where or any timo. vVe also have two 6 pass. Pope Hart rords. 27 pass. "Garfords, ; 1 4 pass. Garford. 1 7 pass. Pierce Arrow. 14 door 1912 Overland Roadster 1 Flanders 20. - , ' 1 6 pass. Bulck - 15 pass, air cowled Knox. 6 pass. Peerless that has been thoroughly overhauled, for this week only ,-. $750 i. ifeye,als0 oneJ,5 Pass. Buick that is In first class condition and one of the greatest bargains on the coast if taken within one week. t We have several other cars of all sizes, makes and grades too numerous to mention Jn this space, and will he pleased to, have you call and look our stock over and get prices and terms on same. We are satisfied-if you have the fever you will not go away without making. a purchase. . ' We have two electrio nmaf.i.t ,m one electrio counn At th ,yiihit,,i lo!r,pr.19 o one-quarter their actual original cost - Northwest Auto Exchange 631 TtT.nFP " Main 8121. A-7611 GREAT buy in 60 IT. P. Stearns automo bile; good for 70 to 80 miles an hour: COmPletelV OVPrhonlorl anA in A-1 dition; tires in first class condition! one extra casing; all complete for 4 pas senger or roadster; two tops; original licJAtW' now for. $1250. 1912 Reo the Fifth, great b"v for 3700. heirai k passenger. 4 cylinder automobile, over" hauled and complete; $400, , U. Li. BUHS ft-CO.. 615-617 Wash. St. ' Phones Marshall 4023. A-4969.' A NEW PaUifinder. nickel trimmings nc,i Biarier, non-sKia tires ana com--plete eauiDment nt an nor rent .liuxnunt Easy terms. . . Gerlmger Motor Car Co, A 86 Tenth street. LAUNCHES AJXi) BOATS 61 FOR charter or aale. new 16 ton fish iug. io it. iong. is rt. beam, 36-40 h. heavy dutv casnlinx encrlna uulfohl. for towing or carrying fish; pilot house control, sleeps three, D. H. Brown. 381 i 4th st. Phone Marshall 4545. A BARGAIN, motor boat and boathouse. boat 30 ft, 6 foot beam, 20 h. p.; first class condition; fully equipped. See Jamison at Motor Boat club, foot of WlLL sell very cheap new 15 ton com raerclal gasoline boat, complete equip, ment, perfect condition. Von Der Werth's, boat slip east end Morrison bridge. I HAVE new, first class launches and boats to rent by day or hour: parties a specialty. Under east side of Broad- way bridge. Phone Main 8825. 82 FOOT half cabin cruising launoi with 25 h. p. engine, In first class con dition. Will trade for city lot or equity in lot 389 Emerson st. FOR SALE Classiest little motorboat on tha. river, model exhibited at east ern Shows. Leti&th 18 feet. Hnend ill miles. Price $200. Call Tabor 181). KON-CAPSIZABLE power canoe, 2 h. p. engine, fine condition, complete equip ment Oregon Yacht club or phone B- 20 ACRES goad improved land, near 8a lem, for 35 h. p. launch, no Junk. Wil son. 1460 Na Front at. Salem, or nhnn East 448, Portland. , WANTED A gasoline launch. Must bs m gooa running order. Staterlce, Jength and h. p. G. L. Holoway, Miinton, "LAUNCHES, roawboats, canoes, for rent. Foot of E. Burnside. Opens April 26. . I HAVE a very fine pleasure launch for sale verv cheap for cash. S. N. Steele, 2 Chamber Commerce bldg.. Main 255. 43 LAUNCHES I have 10 for alo. Foot of California nt Fulton car. 22-FT. launch, 5 Vi H. P., fully equipped! , speed 9 miles; bargain. Mar. 2556. LAUNCH engine complete wih propel ler and shafting cheap. 328 'Burnside. LAUNCHES, rowboats, canoes for rent. Foot of E. Burnside. Opens April 26. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 01 HEAR the grand concert "The Holy City" Sunnyside Congregational, church, E. Taylor and 32nd, Friday eve.. May 2. Tickets 25c. On sale at Port land Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st, I WANT to borrow $300 for six month on a fine player piano. Will pay rea sonable Interest and give use of piuno free for this time. Address P. O. box 947, city. HIGH grade player piano and library . of musio for $325 cash. A snap but must sell at once. 1449 Sacramento st. Phone C-2368. PIANO Elegant mahogany upright. Al most new. less than $150. Greatest bargain In city. Call immediately 701 XMortnrup. - ... , HIGH grade upright piano, $125; terms. Also electric piano, saie or rent. 440 8d st. Main 3763. TO save storing will sell nearly new piayer piano ior zu ca8fl' wain xir:z. GOOD piano for sale very cheap. Phone Tabor 771. , ... GOOD piano," $135. Phone Marshall 44SS FOR SALE $76 takes first-class piano. Al condition. Call Tabor 630. FOIV SALE nsCJELL.lEOLS 10 REMINGTON typewriter Vith Wahl adding attachment, like new; cash "or . terms. Curbln, 206 Alder st. . . SPLENDID Smith Premier typewriter, only $18.50; $5 down, $2.60 monthly ( 850 Alder St. SPLENDID high top gas range, 2 ovens, ' 4 oiimer 1 i. a w,. aim .Aiuer St. C. SMITH typewriter, good as new. for sale chesp, 416 Chamber of Com. NEW 4-lioiue gas engine. $90 cash. Clark, Tabor 3815. BICYCLES Bargains, new and used wheels. 228 U 1st St. DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Broadway. M. 687. DESK, chairs and filing cabinets. Bushong & Co., 87-91 Stark st. ONE , peanut roaster, 1 counter cheesa case, 1 counter case. 111. Grand ave.- NEW $55 diso graphaphone and 10 rec-. ords; all for $16. L-502, Journal. SOiD Buck cook stove cheap. W'W car to 987 E. 87th South. MUST sell cheap my new wood an I coal ranae. Woodlawn 89 or C-2507. 135 New Life Vibrator, used 1 month,' for $15. P. O. Box 719. PRINTERS 10x15 Gordon at bargain; running-daily. Main 6664. ' FiRST-CLASS desk andi chairs, newl also typewriter. 816 Ry. Ex. LEHMAN air" pump and vacuum outfit, inciutiiiiy nune, nimie neu. ZB4. FOR SAI,E, cheap for casht Remington typewriter. No. 8. Tabor 4489. gXW5ni.L' for-iiml -PrtwMf-Ohmihta- 348 or w. . nmi, wnsonviiift .)r. "50 EGG Buckeye incubator, used once; in perfect order, $6. 1180. E. I.6U1 N." NEW 6x7 plate camera and outfit 106 3tn p. i'j. I'uone. Hen wood nn. ' . 4TAEASTM AN cSnit-rs, 4V4x6, leUwl case, $22,60, 689 Vsucouver ave: - - (Oontluued on Jfext rage) i " " " V