101" A STRIKE" an found-most any day in slightly used autos by reading the want ads in The Journal's Automobile column. W find over 100 machines listed, arid among them you may find the car you want at a price that you can afford to ; Tin: cregcii cur; day journal, Portland, suhday morning, ai WANTED AGENTS : (Continued) Wanted Monthly accident sgent to take charge of Portland city agency for large western casualty company. Good opportunity for a reliable man. Refer ences required. Call 803 Yeon bldg. VK START you In business; furnishing everything; menr and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating our "New System fpeclalty Candy and Popcorn Crlspette aetorles" anywhere. Oportunlty Ufe ttme, booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box AairMTM.Kuliirv nr pnmmlnHlon. (Great est Seller Vet. Every user pen and Ink buys on Bight. 200 to 600 per cent profit. One agent's sale 1(120 in sU days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Kiiif. to.,' Ji-m, crosse, wis USE YOUR spare' time to build up ra mall order business of your own. AVe help you start for a Share in prof Its. 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffa lo. N. I WOMEN! chlldrenl earn money! Bell mending tissue for 10 cents, costs you Be. Send 60 cents for 10 packages by mall; satisfaction promised. R. Plum- mer, z0 Bra St., rortiana, ureson, AGENTS New proposition Just out Does away with extra tire on auto mobiles, write quickly for ditails. Taylor Supply House, Taeoma, Wash., AGENTS make 609 per cent profit iell ing Novelty Bl"n Cards Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 varieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren st Chicago, 111. . SITUATIONS &IALI4 3 IV XXIV A 'A- A WOlUVia vj j - years' experience In groceries; prefer traveling; any good line end a new ter i. . 1 .. . - , . ..atc n mory, can get results; reierenj. banks and business firms. Give a food 1 1 wn a chance. LX-809, Journal. PRINTER 25 years' experience, wants position as manager or working fore man; newspaper or Job; In or out of city: married, sober, union. K-672, uiiunmi BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and all around office man of wide experience, over 10 years. Steady and thoroughly reliable. Five yars with last employer .-8M, journal. WANTED Position as .chauffeur for private family. If you want one that ts reliable and wide awake to your needs will make appointment to see you. X 44, Jouranl. '- - EFFICIENT salesman and business man wishes position where service will be appreciated. Moderate salary, B-663, journal. WANTED Position by a first class ma chinlst or will take any position where mechanical knowledge will be useful, gooq city references. jt-452, journal. --5UNG-rmn, -S3, good habits, expe rienced chauffeur, wants position to drive automobile or auto truck. Best references. Phone Main 157 or East 464. CASHIER, bookkeeper and general of fice man. Five years' experience. Can rive best of references and bond. WW- niff to leave city. p-4b, joumat- . MAN with family, neat and orderly, no , education, has had years of experience . caring for boilers and furnaces, wants any Kind or worn, i-rione Main P4 KALSOMINING, 13.28 per room and up; papering and painting at reasonable rates; work guaranteed. Flnlay. Mar- VOUNG married man with some expe- rience ariving ana repairing automo biles, wishes steady jaositfon; small wages to start. v-w3, journal age musical man wants position; wtll play for all occasions. . -Ask for Raul Cohn, entertainment quarters,. 26? Columbia st ' CIVIL engineer technical graduate, with iiaia ana oirioe experience wants po sition. X-446, Journal. SITUATION wanted by man of AI, han- dy with tools in private "JUaoe or as 4ln!ln, ! V-fiKO tniirnn 1 1 . . n i . . . , . .. . , - BLACKSMITH helper wants position In shop: 3 years' experience. Address 11. A BOOKKEEPER and stenographer (new beginner) wants position. Phone Main 1377. GENERAL housecleanlng; floors mopped by dajr or hour, Tabor 1768. COMPETENT and experienced book keener desires position; A-l refer ences. Aiarsnan 4(63 VOUNG man wishes position In gro eery store In city jorJeountry, N-637j Journal. WANTEb--Poaition by. steam engineer , who can do own repair work,. V-613, journal. EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant , wants set of books to handle In eve- WANTED Position by a Japanese In A. nnllltrtf In rtl Xtam n A Avn.lM In poultry keeping. J. Fuji, 267 Everett. t.K,Vfrt,tV.. "'1 1 1 ' "J .'" J I'QSITlON by exnerlenced stationary and traction engineer. Address 1163 TL 18th N. Phone Woodlawn 2908. I'OBl TiON by man and' wife as cooks, 2 girls as waiters: logging camp on . it. ti. Keener, at. unaries hotel. " AN- experienced young married man wants position on farm. N-633, Jour nal. AN experienced blacksmith helper wants position, N-639, Journal. man wants position driving one or two norses. f none Bell. 559 MARRIED man with good team wants steady work, Phone BellwOod 408. i'OUNG man wants work any kind; references, J. Swift, 216 10th ave,. S. WIDOW l,dy with nice, home would like elderly lady or little child to board mm tmn mi. nuuty vumuawn VOUNG lady beginner, wishes position in uiuce, muueraie salary. S&-I vi. .murnui, liX PERlEK'tlfib seamstress wants sew . Ing by day or at home. Suits a spec ialty." fill fe. 21st St. -N. Mrs. PeVlk. REFINED middle aged lady with child would like nice home to keep for a pentiemnn. . jwon, journal. CAPABLE woman wants thorough house cleaning by the day. Marshall RELIABLE woman wishes to cook din- ners to - serve lunches and teas; would do other day work. East 417l. PRACTICAL nurse with physicians' references wishes nursing; maternity c aes preferred. Phone Marshall 4925. EXPERIENCED cashier wants post- tlon as cashier or general office work. Pest of city reference, R-298. Journal. . - i - -i.. - - - er; all around office woman, ICroeg- i err zi ja nn m. WANTED Children to care for; good ) home and best of care; prices reason ablB. J43 E. 72d st. N. s"'lENOURAUHEn 'desires position of responsibility. First class refer- encffs lurnmnen. j-a4, journal. CARE of child or to assist with bouse work; go home nights. Main 6497. WANTED Child to board. Best carel References. B. M., 6008 62d st. S. . i anor iu IlKFlNED woman wants home, light work, some wages, oooa housekeeper ir you worn. j-4ta, joumaiv l.Al'li curtains laivV-. laundered, efmelttl prices to hoteis. g'none Mam. 148, LACE curtains, draperies, Jlnens laun dered, by expert. Tabor 817. 'YOi.'NGlsdrsg'P'ef wante pest. I tmn. ynone a-zbsz, weqn aays MATERNITY nurse wants cases. Will "o light house worR. Main hi. UIKL wauls posltl'm in ice cream par ior, experlpnce. Rotay, Msrshall 470. 'WORK by young girl; niuxt be home Pi Klit". A'ldresK 6947 FoKtpr Road. :TFAC,Wi'VH wants'.. Pfi'vate yositiwiC Main -fail.- -:-.,,.--.... SITUATrONS FEMALE (Continued) LADY Aged 881tlgJrTged ; 7, t wishr- position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower living in country or crew o 6 o- 0 men. ThoroiiRhty ca pable and respectable. Mrs. Chawford. J-488, Journal. A-l stenographers ar what every em ployer wants. The place to get good stenographers is at the Remington Type writer Employment . dept No - fee charged. Call Main 8 or Main 77. 88 7th. WANTED A position as housekeeper for small family by unincumbered widow. Must be first class. Mrs. C. Dix on, care G. P.. R. F. D. No. 2, box 81, nuiHooro, ur RELIABLE, middle aged lady, house keeper, rooming house or cook for men on ranch or camp, C-1986, 829 iveroy. MIDDLEAGED lady would like position as housekeeer in small family or cook in logging camp. Good cook and' man BBcr. mrfl, wise, nyi ewhuhi av-o, EXfEIUENCED cook wants work in camp or un large rancn; uisianue iiu object; good referenoes. East 1618 or wrue on ea m ara et. . I AM in need of i employment; would like position in or out of city demonstra- wun; cHsnier, on ice, ciers.; juuu roup ence. i-ovo,-' journal IfbuNG lady desires position as sten- ence; jrood references. Address B-663, luurniu. NEAT young widow, 2 children, desires situation housekeeper; widower, cook small crew. St. Louis Agency, 08 6th. Main WIDOW lady wishes position as work Ing housekeeper in apartments or rooming house or bachelor's home, B- WANTED position In studio, capable of all around work, 12 years' experience. Address 1111 21st st N. Portland, Or. mrs. reiriK. WANTED A position as nurse girl; Competent, reliable and can give ref erence; wages 315 to $20; will leave City ror summer. n-az, journal. fWELVE-year-old girl wants to give light services in family where can at tend Ladd school. Phone Main 717 or A-l 61 7 Monday. SITUATION wanted by woman to go out by day, washing ironing, etc. mrs. grant, z7 iNortn xttn st. Y.Afl ftnrt,4n- Innnilpfa' tArmfl Ia ilA teis. loaging nouses, pnvaia cuo up. Woodlawn 2684. . - MIDDLE aged lady wants to assist with nouseworn in ptain xamiiy, jriione. cj. 3135. WANTED Sewing or dressmaking" In families by day; reasonable and good. Address re-a4, journal. COkFORTABLfeJ home, for helpless aired: will give best of care. 805 Portland blvd. east; phone Woodl'n 662, COMPETENT woman wants day work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Main via. niwra oo. GIRL employed during the day, would like to assist evenings for room and board. C-440, Journal, WANTED To care for child between 8 and 10 years; good home and care. Reasonable. TaDor Sf8&. NORWEGIAN lady would like some day Ptinn Mnrhll 179S LADY will care for child" during Aay or Airanlnor' IpnfAPAnnAM Mflf. DRESSMAKING 40 EXCEPTIONALLY neat seamstress, plain sewing, children's clothes; dain ty mending on lingerie gowns. D-811, journal. DRESSMAKING, waists and children's dresses a specialty; prices low. 281 Hoiianay, SEWING by ithe hour. Call Marshall 1TK .1 NURSES 00 GRADUATE nurse desires hosnltal po- . . , . - . . i . a ant: Ta... PRACTICAL nurse with 4o years' ex perience; best city references, xao. a. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price. Fireproof building, vacuum cleaned; shower baths, swimming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. CALUMET HOTEL.; American and European plans heart of city; fireproof building; hot and cold water and telephone In every room. Special rates, European plan 13 week and up, American 19 up. Standisfr Hotel 18th and Washington. All outside rooms, modern, $2.50 per weeK up. Main anus, Aba4. 105H 12th between Wash, and Stark, strictly modern, free phone, free baths: rood ratea to rood Deoole: walla retlnted enrpets cleaned. Try us. Mar. 2790. ALTON HOTEL. 11th and Stark Strictly modern, beauyfuiiy rur nlshed, hot and cold water, steam heat and free phones in each room; 4 week and up. . TOURIST liOTEu 1B0 FIRST. COR. MORRtSON. Modern, nicely furnished, steam heat ed rooms, $3 week up; 60o day. a uar from depot. Main 4861. BAKER liOTEu Beautifully furnished, modern, steam heated rooms, running water, fireproof building. .. Moderate ratgs. 265H 6th. FURNISHED rooms, always warm, hot and cold water, close to P. O.; 76c and II per day. Special terms by week or month. Hotel Arminlus, 410 Morrlsoa FOR RENT 1 or 2 nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, 1 room with sleeping porch, references. Call 12 tO 8. Main 49SS. NEATLY furnished rooms with every r thing to make them comfortable; with or wunoui inmiu. opt riannerw si. ; THE KING, 803 Jefferson; nicely furl nlshed rooms! modarn. heat, oen- iraiiy locaien, 11.23 ween nm THE COLONIAL. 166 10th, near Morri i, comfortable, oulet, steam heat. is reasonable. Every convenience son, Rooms reasons perwk. Free phone and bath. Main 7754. MAXWELL HALL, llth near Taylor! HomeiiK. aiiractiveiv iurnisnen. moa. ern, parlor, large porch, summer rates. FURNISHED rooms in modern hoteC steam neat, cam, a per weea ana up. Hotel dford, 122 N. 6th. st. GOOD large downstairs sleeping room, close- in, bath, electric light. Phone Main 8899. 828 Morrison st. - CLEAN, furnished rooms for rent; new beds and bedding; heat, light, -.bath, telephone. . Main 6042; Marshall 4376. THEGiLMAN 1st and Alder: TCkT rms., families and bachelors, t.60 tip. THE KARLSWORTH, 238 Clay, ifeat . .... ..-..g, . - " ..... A.IICITIIH KlCELY furnished clean room 21.28 running wm?r. i.io wn. up. -transient Rw jM S and a part ments in modern ho tel. 82.60 week and up. 4SS Alder. 11.50, $2.00' and 32.26 week,, nicely fui nlshed rooms. 24a 6th st. - rtJfiWIffllEU BOOKS' yrgT BIBB JP. BITATB T AKXX.T 0 NICELY furnished room, private fami ly, modern conveniences, 32,60 per weeit. 403 th st. - .r;.. r.... iltAltfttisuii .N l;a. !lgitLJoqiaAjary- resHonanio. NICE' front room, 2 gentlemen, private ntinny; ib minutes' wik. 4S0H 2d. NICE large room, 33 a week. 483 Ev nT(teLY- f urnlshcT rooms; phone, bath," Tiirnnre tient. . i4 navts st. 7 MONTil,. '.'im HlngleliKht luus1et'j Ing ,rooiu.Xuaii.aiiht. iuaatlt eL- rtTBurtsfsT-ttu' ooM8 ' WEST SISB FSIVATB TA.MXLT 70 (Continued) TWO room cottage, furnished for h. k.; two beds, gas, electric lights, suitable inr worKing people, bbb Btn. war. 67tn ii PER WEEK. heat. aras. phone, hot water, bath off hall, home comforts. 773 Roosevelt, near 23d. Marshall 411. NICELY furnished rooms, clean and cozy; one $10, one $12. 663 Everett si,, cor, lv in. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman; , phone, bath; 39 per month.' 468 Tay i NICK) SLEEPING! room close in.' rea- "i , 8itrwi j o iii . pona ble rent. Phone, bath and heat Poll 1 4 n nnlA 1 LARGE! front rooms to gentlemen; mod , ern residence; plaxsa, piano, conven iences. 827 th st. - - NICELY furnished front room, modern conveniences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. . TWO ladles will rent one or more nicely furnished, rooms. 168 17th, between wiiipwi aim mmiiiH. .. FURNISHED room with alcove ia prl"- vate family, 681 E. Oak, cor. 14th st. B-1977. jworrison ana ramniu, BEAUTIFUL' furnished double parlor, suiiaoie tor a or 4 persons. 476 may. 2 AND 3 nice unfurnished front H. K. rooms, first floor. 616 Mill st, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 2 or 3 rooms; reasonable to neat tenants. Main 4844. $1.60 per week, close in light basement room. 887 Taylor St. FURNISHED ROOMSi EAST BIDE S2 HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. East Morrison Rooms $10 month ana up; $22.60 and up with bath; absolutely clean and respectable, call and investi gate. East 823. THE CLAHNO. 243 Holladay ava Modern steam heated rooms, $1.60 week and up, with all conveniences. Satisfaction apsolutely guaranteed. THE CLlFFORll HOTE1- HL tth and Morrison st. new and mod ern, steam heated, elevator, large lobby. excellent grin, 33.60 week and up. THE Larrabee, illy Larrabee. Rooms $2 w lc, up. Brick bfdg.. steam heat, hot w.n. :uiu water, until, yiiuug, giw.ti wnyi $8 FINE room in modern residence, iurnace neat, waiKing aistance. -Keu- wooa iitv TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; no children;. $12 month. 288 .Alberta; WUOQlRWn 1931, mem rooms, bost table boaru 48l T3 n H b T I n .... ' Afc7u,i?y gyp, JTilUflO Ej, OOlfD, mmnnrirn ionn BAIT tPJll 3?3VATB TAVXLX W 1 COMFORTABLH furnished room In cottars with family of 2, free Urht, laundry and bath; gentleman or ladles may have kitchen privileges. $2.26 a Wftek. Phone East1376. T Wo beautiful connecting rooms, suit able for 4 youns- men; private bath, phone, hot water, 10 minutes' walk to Broadway bridge; rent $30. East 1065. EAST, side private family strictly mod ern extra good room 2 blocks from Broadwav bridge. 881 Ross st; phone East 8010. NEAT modern front room $2; 4 blocks from steel brlrlira. LIU Plsntrnmna C-2033. - . - NEAT furnished rooms, walking dls tance; heat, phone, bath, $3 to $2.60 per weeK. s ju. ifttn st. a BEXCt IFULLY furnished front room" ftTTlAtlM T1,J ! (T h V, tlft A ardlbtn- Jlt.. NEWLY furnished sleeping room, prl- , vate lamny, warning distance. Kast oi oa, gentleman oniy. 235 Holladay, LAliGK front room south front walk lnfejdllstance; reasonable. 871 E. Sal- Jiiuia PLEASANT rooms with alcove: in vate family. 22 R. 10th. B-1153 in prl- UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, all outside rooms, bay windows; gas range; 8 room suites; very reasonable. B. 12th st. Phone East 6279 FORWENT 3 .unfurnished H. k, rms. " 269 Chapmanjst, one block from Jef- rerson car, TWO or 8 rooms with bath over Pluni- mer s drug store, 3d and Madison. TWO unfurnished rooms for rent, 17l i3tn st. cor. lamnui. Main 46i. ROOMS AM) BOARD 15 The Whitehall A residential . hotel, with large sun porch, nice sunny rooms and private baths, family dining room in connec tion, pianos, parlors and lounging rooms. 253 Hth st. PARKVIEW HOTEL. West Park and Montgomery: high class ' family hotel, all modern conven iences, rooms with or without bath, ex cellent tnnis service! rates reasonable. THE ROBINSON, 3 10th st,; walking distance of business; strictly home board; rooms clean and well furnished. Hot and cold water. . - WALNUT PARK. home cooking. Ideal private home. rnone woodlawn zuzs, ROOM, board, 291 Hall St., cor. 6th and' nan. private ianmy, a.eu ween. ynone, patn, rree. W'lLL give room and board for one or a ' coiijle. Private family. Tabor 4218. XtOOM AND BOAXI ' PttlTATB lAMliY 9 NICKi comfortable cosy rooms with breakfast board. Suitable city gentle men hot and cold water, bath, phone, walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. ltttn st., corner (iiisan. Main sudy. 669 KEAliNElf st. Beautiful newly fur nished, large rooms, near hospitals. Homelike, desirable location. Modern home,' continuous hot water, reasonable. w" car. QUIET home in country near O. E3. R. R. ror person with lung trouble; gooa board, good nursing, sleeping porch, terms reasonaDie. Mam mub ftOOM and "board for respectable gen tlemen; 6 minutes from P, O,, at 328 sin st. EXCICLLENTV,tabie boSrd Jn modern h OBwr wa iklag dls tancWr Fiione Main eos. zii.tu up. x j ROOM'and board fol lady, l'hone K-2M for particuia (J I RL to room and board In good homo. Price reasonable. " Phone Tabor 1920. TZ VANTED-ItOQIAND BOARD 39 RESPECTABLE! couple to board two babies, 3 years, 8 months. Must have Own home. Mrs. Tessis Edgerton, 648 Gideon st. HOl'StiKEEPIAG ROOMS WEST SIDE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, suitable for bachelors: free electrlo lights and phone. 264 Jefferson, cor. sa NEWLY pttpeieU and painted 7L. R! rooms, DfKlrooms, bath, phone, light free, $3 to $4 per week. 496 Davis, cor, 14th, 8 blocks from Washington st. TWO Ihikb front , rooms, suitable for light Housekeeping; pnone, Oatn. 833 Mill st. hoUfc...KKfl.NU Mnd turoiKnetl ruotns, fifn hotel. 88" 1st St Steam hiL nt-v b'dg,: rooms $1 week tip: ree phont NKKlV fMnitiol luiUJMikn:tiiun..'Ji(uUttC , 8 or s rooms, many convuuieuces, fi.&u to $3.50 week. Main 4657: ; ONK, two, or threeTituisekeepinK rooms, $2 week and up 272 Montgomery st, southeast-corner of 4tli st. KT1C1U clean, jlglit.- front housekeeping roouiijf. 50 Jefferson st. FffRNlSHED 11. K. rooTas for rent. Freg eaa..i)utiu.a. College. fltJ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS H WEST SIDE' : ; n (Continued) ' NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26tb a.ld tToshur sta.. furnished 2-room apartments, $16, $18, $20 and up. This inctuaes steam neat, not ana coia water In every apartment, private phones, pub lic bath, felectrio lights, gas range, laun. dry room, all free; also 3-room unfur nished apartments, with private bath. $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take 8. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859. TWO sunny front housekeeping rooms, with alcove, newly furnished and tint ed. Phone gas, light, heat, bath, yard, close In, west side. Main 4479. 7th-sod iamhlll. 4 room house, rear; completely fur nlshed, all clean and new;, No gas or electricity. Right closa in. 603 B Colum LARGE, light, clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 234 Jefferson. , ; r Housmtmo booms WtST BIBB PaiT ATB fiMILT 13 SUITE! 'beautiful light housekeeping rooms in private family, close in on west side, large gas range, kitchen cab inet, completely furnished, price $18; gas, lights, water, phone, and bath tree. 614 4th St. Main 2762. TWO large, modern, light, parlor rooms, furnished for housekeeping, all con veniences, only $6 per week. Also one large front room, modern, furnished for nouseKeeping, yi.bo per ween 601 Clay. $3.26, Close in single , housekeeping rooms, including cooking gas, light, heat, hot water and phone; all outside rooms, 887 Taylor - st Phone Main 7268 3 LIGHT, clean,) well furnished house- keeping rooms, ground floor, heat, hot water, laundry trays, $26. Marshall 28,85, in vresi rara, LARGE front suite, renovated; oream of locations;- walking distance; also one single room; will serve breakfast si w, . zutn st. FURNISHED flnel Housekeeping and sleeping rooms: conveniences; private family; fine neighborhood; walking dla- tance; ia up. 190 w. zza st LARGB front parlor and kitchen, com pletely rurnisned ror n. k,, neat, light and phone, bice lawn. $20 month. 696 liovejoy St., corner 19th. Mar. 8843. 2 OR ft better than the ordinary rooms, clean, convenient and nicely furnished, gas. bath, phone, yard, walking .dls- tance. 4J3 ttroaaway 7tn st. ELEGANT suite 1L K. rooms, running water, low rent; no objection to chil dren; single .rooms. 104 llth st, hear Wnnhtnirtrin. ' n LARGE, light, newly renovated fur nishea housekeeping rooms, close in, cheap. 485 Clay. NEATLY furnished housekeeping suite, conveniences; water in; walking dls tance; $2.76 pr week. 609 Johnson st 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with piano; wanting aistance, got louege st, cor. farn 1 LARGE furnished housekeeping room, heat, phone, light, bath, gas, $3 Week, fill UarHann family, reasonable. Single rooms for CHEAP housekeeping rooms, kitchen ette, sleeping rooms, conveniences, with yard, piano. ZfiS iztn st. 149 LOWNSDALB ST, Furnished housekeeping rooms, clean and neat; . i ;i ,H ., " , ii. I THREE very large, strictly modern, furnished housekeeping rooms at 68 J aiso sleeping rooms nq Bt., at fiu per momn TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable rent gooa location, gft E. th st. is,, near Hurnside. WANTED to rent a furnished six room modern house or flat on west side. Rent must be reasonable, P. O. box 904. SUNNY front rooms for light house- keeping. Running, water, heat, light and phone. 46 N. 2lst st, near Wash. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, ngnt, Dam ana pnone. ibu Morrison Hl4 4 furnlslied H. K. rooms, gas plate, steei range. ti4 tn. iwain 4oz. $8 NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite, bath and phone. 188 Chapman. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, run- nmg water, mn warxet,. cor, 8th, t WO well-furnished rooms; gas range,' phone bath; $14 month. 8T2 Columbia. S UNFUYlNISHED h. k. rooms and bath; elegant neighborhood:, 686 Glisan. FtTRNiSHElTh. k. rooms; 70 N. 14th st Fnono A-2885 CLEAN, neat furnished h. k., from $10 up. 117 N. 18th st. $3.60 WEEK, 2-rooms Suites, walking distance. 409 Columbia st, near 10th. UOCSEKEEFttrO R0031S 48 EAST SIDE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cor. Grand ave. and K. Davis. $2 per week. Wood free. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms in suites of two, $1 a room per week each. Heimont Apts. 480 Beimont st. FURNISHED housekeeping" rooms, grouna iioorj rem reasonaDie. ' dis yara. gza a. PtarK. rnone j.ast vn. TWO light, large front housekeeping rooms, iirst iioor, i montn. its East oak st. OloKE in east aide sleeping and house- Keeping .rooms, rree rent to May l. 870 10. Morrison. NEW FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, light.- bath. 1S. 11621 Union. LARGE well furnished h. k. rooms; re duced rates close in. 231 Tg. Sixth 8. CHEAP H. K. rooms at 692 'la'. Morri son, bath, lights, phone. East 201. HOtrSBKBXSPtzrO BOOMS . . EAHT BIPB gBIVATB T AMXLT M FINELY furnished suite. 2 or 8 cheer ful front rooms; kitchenette, $20 mo., modern residence, elejrant location for summer easy walking distance; close: East Morrison st. carllne, to refined couple without children, (52 Belmont sr.; cor. istn. 2 DESIRABLE iiousekseplng rooms, in family of 2; large yard, coiy fireplace, gas furnished for cooking and light; only t blocks from Broadway brldse. Call at 256 Hancock st, corner Van couver ave. Phone Fast 1868 THREE room furnished apartment, en tire upper floor, closets, norch. bath. gas range, efectrld light, private ts flence, 1 block -from Hawthorne car. Phone B-1949. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms witn pantry ana two ciotnes closets; lights, telephone, bath, furnace heat and place foreman garden. 76 Ev 20th st, in. i ei ftgBt i i. XT nasi a i a if - TVVO clean furnished housekeeping iuuiijb, lUffflr nuwr, vieuinu iigius una water free, gas and wood stove. 607 Mississippi ave. FOUR fully- furnished housekeeping room with bath, ground floor; $20 per month. 1784 Bandy blvd., cor, 7pib. Phone C-2982. $1.60-$2.25 WEEKLY, furnished house- KeepniK rnoms, iree neat, nam, laun dry, gas. 689 Commercial st, U car. ... . ... i . ..... T. i . ci n ii . , 'n"t, . light roomsi'bath, gas range, laundry, phone; large yard; . walking distance. X j.lliOMm $ LIGHT newly furnished housekeeping rooms, pain, gas. iaoor uvi, 1VU4 JBJ. Taylor. 1.60, $2.75 weekly, clean furnished IT k. rooms, gas, rree s neat, laundry, oatns. rnon cast u.i. Vancouver. FOUR unfurnishod housekeeping" rooms' ri asohaliIe."e3(l'"RrAMerrKast H2rr. HAVE 2 spare room In modern house, ciose in. rnon;? r.asi pn ,i For 8 furnished it.K. rooms. 640 East slam st. TTTkEK furnished H. K. rwnis, Kast Everett, rtiar 2uth t. Phone E, 628. ONK room for housekeeping, walking jl i st a noew Ea st 3 3 :; 2. J l( is KJ j it h st HOUS-CKBEPTHtJ BOOMS EAfcr su rnxvATu tamxlx it f (Continued) $12.60 2 neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, modern,. East 1427. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 STRICTLY modern room bungalow, electrlo lights, gas range, hot and oold water through the house, bath, fur nace fine lawn, with lots of roses. Small fruit Rent reasonable. Phone Sellwood fl. B-1122. FOR RENT 4-room tent house ' and woodshed, foot of Miles st and direct ly opposite Oaks Park river front; rent It! per month. Inquire of Mrs. Meekins, Fulton Station, or phone Marshall 417. A MODERN 8-room house with sleep Ing porch, suitable for large' family or roomers; t blocks from night school; 130 East 19th st. Inquire 887, E. Mor rlson st. Phone East 6111. fl'OUSES ANifFLATS ' , For rent on the. Fast Bids. " J. J. OEDER, Real Estate and Rentals. Cor.. Grand ave. and .E. Ankeny St. TO RENT 6 room modern house, newly tinted, 134 E. 2d st. N.. cor. Hoy. Fine view. Rent $22.50. Phone Mar shall 3491 or A-2681. , MODERN room house, newly tinted and clean, $15; 823 East 9th st. N. Key at 469 Falling; take Union ave. car or call Woodlawn 1948 or Tabor 2896. 7-ROOM modern' house, two lots; double plumbing; 3 blocks to Piedmont car barn. Only $25. East 4856; Monday, mam b4. TWO 9 room houses: 1 close in, west side and 1 on east side, Close In and suitable for boarding houses. Call Main 1Y21 home,, never rented before), a fine cosy, 6-room bungalow, all modern conveniences; a good fire place. 870 e-ast uak st. ) ROOM house, gas, electricity, furnace, 2 toilets,-wash trays, yard, central lo cation. Knott near Union, Inquire '660 Kerby. ' , . j : , - FOR "RENT Store, basement and large upstaire. 206 Yamhill; very reason- aoie, Appiy i7 Front st. Main oidu, FOR RENT 8-room lodging house. Just newly painted and papered; 830 per montn. Apply 167 r ront st, wain ttiv. 4-ROOM house, all conveniences, newly tinted, rurnace, etc., an in gooa conai- tion. eg m. uaK st NICE house of 8 rooms, suitable for 3 small families. 898 Williams Ave.; hone East 168. ACT -11. .hlili,.l"nA(f.ff nilnn. bath, gas, piano, close In. 262 Pace St., u car. SEVEN room modern concrete house, opposite Mann station on WW. car line, peter Agams. 4243 ssa ave. a. 1NCRKAHH the rental value of your house. I do better quality repairing, remodeling. A. B. Wlkstrom. Fast 1828, MODERN 6 room cottage, newly palnt ed and papered. 612 Delay st Take L car, near 0. R. N. shops. FC-R RENT 4-room cottage. East Ash st. between 16th and 17th. Inquire 22 E. 16th st MODERN 6 room house, sleeping porch, corner, nice lawn and roses, best cat service. Tabor 2615. ' 6 ROOM house, gas, bath, wood lift, full basement. Going st, between Williams and Vancouver, n&.- 2 uoing st. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern hornet oak floor, tiled bath,' Dutch kitchen. xanor 4ud. LOW RENT ior good 7 room house, near stores and school, on E. 24th. St., near Ankeny. owner, Kast 6165. FOR RENTGo'od 5 room house with basement close to two car ltnes, $12 . , , v. t 1 . , 0 rr. i fl u FOR RENT Modern five room cottage; rent $15. Call 871 Front, west side, or pnone Main abea NICE 8 room house, Hoyt near 23d; all Improvements, , good attic and yard, rent reaaonaoie.- pnone B-Z84B NEAT 7 room house, east approach of Broadway bridge, $20. Owner, Main 8918 LARGE 8-room house not far from Mt Tabor car. near 68th St., only $12 per montn. can U7 yeon niag., Monday, 10-ROOk house for rent; good transient location; part furniture for sale. Main 5-ROOM house and one aore of ground, fine chicken yard. No. 60 Bast (3d street; take Montavllla car;, cheap rent, 6-room house; one acre of garden; some iruit; ww. car to 3tn st., go norm z H diockb; no, 735 k. 3tn st. FOR RENT modern 6-room house on Mt: Tabor, fine view, east porch, nice yara. rnone; b-zssi, MODERN five room cottage,' gas and electricity, some fruit Phone Tabor FOR RENT 8 room house at Lents. 8 blocks from car, $8. Inquire 828Vj N. 17th St NEW- six room house. All modern con venlences. Excellent location near car- line. Price 820. Inquire 435 Stanton at, $28, 8-ROOM house 434 7th, corner Col- lege, gas, natn. Key next ooor. pnone woodlawn TWO room house, -lot -100x100; fine place for garden; 60 carfare. Dahl- gren, HerKeiey station. GOOD 6 room house, 409 E. Broadway; rent $22.60. James, 659 E. Morrison; Phone East 4910. WfcST illu upper flat, 4 large" rooms, good condition. bVdVt wastungton at lth. IF you want to rent, call up Harry, the rental-man. Phone Main 1721, A-4S01 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house; fine lawn and roses. 625 Hawthorne ave., inquire house m rear. 3!EW 'modern 6 room bungalow, flre place, china closet, etc., $25. 891 E. ftiorrison. Kast 44, FOR RENT A modern 7 room house ai 764 10th north, cor. Everett. Inoulre at 72 k. lutn n. 6-ROOAl1 cottage, $10 month' Broadway and Sheridan. Inaulre 428 Washing ton st. FOR RENT New -room cottage, 21st ana East UaK sts. tan Main 6(24. FRRRNf7-room cottage, 7i0 Hoyi st. Phone Mam biz. T R06M modern house. $300, balance like rent, price $2200. 613 Lumber F,, 3-ROOM house for rent. $8. Phone Bellwood 1900 or-call 6)6 hX 26th st 1 12 o-room modern house, 42$ Ste- pnen st; walking distance. SEVEN-ROOM house, N. 19th and Pet- tyyrove. inquire 298 N, 18th st. $Ts 7 room house 610 E. Clay. Mafil S03U or East IT 4 si' hniias an A $V A ofa ClntiV Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 2508. n V 1 vviii uuibo exiivs n, km.si .. ijwuui $10 4-room house and 60x100 lot 911 K. 13th st N. FLATS for rent, furnished or unfur- nlshed. Call Mftin T721 il6 WEST side 6 room house, good condition. 31Z zutn. Kent io. PORTLAND Heights, 7 rooms, bath, gas, Tine, view, cneap rent.- Main 444. 4 ROOM house, $6, 237 E. 76th St., K. Montavina car. 688 E, OAK street, 6-room modern house, clean. )iist tinted, $23.50 month. 6 ROOM bungalow, modern. Take W-W - . an.i. - . . . 1 1 n t fi. 1 . . far v ami mnimn iii" vtiaowtone. is'EW 8 room modern house,'773 2d.st Appiy next nous, tag urover st 8 ROOM turnished house for rent, $lf; zoi Hi. win; SEVEN room, bath, toilet, shades, walk lnf distance, east sll $14, K. 6116. .iiniwiii-p, wnm f.T. r.. 9 1 9, $20 MODEHr--TOom-hose,-'walking distance, ' 687 Market. - , A ONU garage and 2 slenpln; rooms to rent 824 jacKWQn. pnone 7011 FOKTR 12NT 5-rooin cot ta ge. 1 3 15 KaTra- mento street; easy -walking distance. grS-R'OOMVottais. 898" llalney st, '$2(i; hath, ns. electricity; chll'li'n y itntail. JlOl'SW for rent. Phone A-3tl-. ; 7-r HOUSES FOR ItEXT 13 . (Continued) . ' HOUSES FOR RENT ' 7 rooms, 165 N. 17th st. $35.00. 6 rooms, 769 Siivler St. $15.00. 5 rooms, 813 Savier st. $18.00 5 rooms, 411 llth st $22.50. 10 rooms, 746 E. Burnside st $35.00. rooms, 489 Davis st, $23.00; 7 rooms, 206 N, Union ave. $26.00 7 rooms. 207 N. Union ave $25.00. 6 rooms, 384 N. 19th st $13.00. 6 rooms, 491 Alder st $26.00. 8 rooms, 608 Front St. $30.00. 6 rooms, 189 Caruthers st $10.00. .8 rooms. 20 llth st $27.60. 10 rooms. 69 N. 13th St. $30.00. 8 rooms, 38 N. 21st st $40.00. 6 rooms, 607 Harrison st. East $14.00. 8 rooms, 489 tf. 22nd- st $22.60. , 6 rooms, 600 Third St $20.00. 6 rooms, 452 Sixth st. $15.00. 6 rooms, 391 Front st $20.00. 6 rooms, 294 Caruthers st. $25.00. 9 rooms 428 Hall st. $35.00. 6 rooms 658 Upshur st $15.00. 6 rooms, 730 E. Salmon st $12.00. rooms, 492 Rodney ave. $18.00. 5 rooms, 931 E. Ankeny st. $16.00. 6 Tooms, 209 Gibbs st, $13.00. 8 rooms, 686 E. Ankeny et. $30.00. $ rooms. 834 Front st. $26.00. 1 ; Flats for rent ' rooms, 808 Third st, $30.00. 6 rooms, 251 Clay, st. $30.00. 6 rooms, 662 E. Salmon st. $26.00. 6 rooms. 688 Salmon st. $25.00. , PARR1SH, WATKINS & CO. . " t 108 Second St. $100 1 0-room house, strlotly modern, corner lot Holladay Park addition, , . $so 7-room house and garage; lot 100x100; on car line, Irving ton. . jf . $60 9-room house, modern, on car line, east face, Irvlngton. J $45 9-room house, modern. Willamette Heights; good view. $45 8-room house on E. Broad' way car line, $40 6-room bungalow, modern, corner lot, Irvlngton. $36 7-room house, one block from S8 car; East Yamhill st - $30 8-room house on Kelly st, 1 block from car Una. $25 8-room house on East Har rison st, near car line. $75 Large 9-room .house for rent; something good; fine loca tion. We have others. See Mr. Jones. CHAPIN-HER LOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Id floor Chamber of Commerce. THE MEIER U FRAInK STOKta FREE RENTAL AND INFORMA TION BUREAU. . Is for the convenience of both Port land people and strangers in the city who may be looking for homes, apart ments and flats. We have an excellent private list.- as well as the combined llata nt All -a.. I - - 1 . Tir lo give advice as to the new buildings In pnura n! Mn,i,ii,H.H TTmiaA .....nt.ttw .111 l-4 relief in this special service, for wtfN i,ci jruU w ami itutCKiy, comioriauiy ana desirably located. When you want o rent visit r - - - THE MfftWB M. Plllvir otrwit. BUHEAU. 4th Floor. Main Bldg Houses and Flats for Rent S room lnnl hntiuo i hi! 30.00 26.00 9 room house, Cor. Front & Meade. 6 room bungalow, 1639 E. Taylor 5 room lower flat, 66 E, Morrison 6 room up. flat, 666 V E. Morrison 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 26.00 5 room upper flat, 784 Glisan st.. ft room lower flat lai minor, Bt 5.00 7 fin ft rnnm tirtn. fim i cii. . t.. ... - - k . i .in., . ii i ii kk. i, r r i c 1 1 iuuiii upper iiat, iBtn ft Everett THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAN 32.00 Main 85. 102 Fourth st. -A 8600 781 KELLY St., S car, 7-room house, corner lot $26. .V$,231-nea,, NicolaL 6-room cottage, $12.60. . ' EAST 8IDH '- B-roOra flat. 73 Union arm N., $16. 6-room cottage, 368 Stanton, near Union. $16, 464 Larrabee (near Broadway bridge). 8-room flat. $10. Inquire. ! 229 Stark St.. near Second. ONE 4 room flat,, $12 per month. . Two 6 room cottages, $12 per month. One 6 room house, $12 per month. Two small stores with basements, suitable for butcher shop and millinery pr dressmaking. All modern. One blacksmith shop. Apply owner, 412 Lombard st W., or yin.ijc ,,wmwn jfi.avg. pi. jqnns line. $15 4-ROOM cottage, nice yard: on Woodstock car. $206 rooms, 661 Overton st, near 17th.. .. . $20 5-rooms. .650,Pettygrove st. . $62.50 7 rooms, 768 Marshall st, near 23d st. .. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Yljg. Phones M. 8699. A-2653. 3-ROOM house end acre of around. Mil. waukla Heights, close to Oregon City car, $ per month. 6-room bungalow, pood barn, chicken house, etc., one sere of ground, adjoin ing Beaverton, $10 per month. Inquire . LOUIS SALOMON ft CO. 229 Stark at, near Second. Lady living alone would rent sleep ing room with "rivflege of cooking to either girls or married Couple without children, Take Alberta Car. Apply 982 ju. ii bi, norxn $15 FOR a 6-room modern residence on aj Delta cariine; this is a fine resi dence with lots of shade; will give " BLAKCHARD '& CLEMSON. 703-8 selling hldg. IRviNGTON 9 room modern, suitable for renting rooms, also 7 rooms, oak floors, sleeping porch, trees, flowers. Phone East 801. Keys 691 Clackamas. - p - MODERN new room bungalow, all the conveniences you could wish for. I will rent this at the right price to the right party, rPon Sellwood 1198 for particulars. Viarayes. COTTAGE of 6 rooms in Montavllla, $8. plenty shade; some fruit ' ;-H4 story house also, good condition, large yard, good neighborhood, $10. K. NEW modern 8 room Irvington home, near clubhouse.. Two fireplaces, con necting bedrooms and bath; screens; In stantaneous water heater; screened sleeping porch;- $5S, ' :$T2 Modern 5 room furnished house, west side; walking,dlstance; piano, yard and fruit trees, phone Marshall i9. 234 uituis street MODERN 6 room house, 841 E. 26th. near 8. p. shops, rent $17, or will sell fpr $2200, very easy terms. Phone Mar- snait zzuii. F6r RENT or gale Modern 10 room house with sleeping porch and ga rage in heart of Irvlngton, Fpr terms inouire or mast 3a. 6-ROOM modern, house, corner East 8th. and Pine sts.; gas, full basement 2 blocks to car; walking distance. Guy & Miller, 153 Grand av.; phone R. 378. S-ROOM house, 4?7 Montgomery street, on car line, also walking distance. Security Investment Co., 317 Worcester , . - - il ELEVENTH st, opposite new ffT brary, 15-room residence; steam heat, electrlo light, large French range, Ion- 6 ROOM house. No. 596 Madison 'st.i , yara, 20. e room rtat, zss stout at, fireplace, kitchen and gas range, yard, $30. Key at Ztitf Stout MarshalMg 20. MODERN 6 room house, 455Montnon , ery; key at 464 Montgomt-ry, Walk- "'n ".".Oilv'Ti. VI nrilfflKHl in;,. BROADWAY coiner, modern, rooms, fireplace, furnace, rosea, . $30. Phone Tabnr 1H69. or Marshall 403. ' 6 KOiJAl housB, 6u3'MissisKipi,f"HijJ i,ioi. ro st.'j iiwtr- CvW, II. & N.-shops. POR RENT (5 room mouirn Imuse st 1013 K. -12th Kt. North. U. W. ATr rlll, 42 Yeon l.l.l -, A.-!:;i and M. 7r.'.-.. Hi WA'.'ti, ciirn. i- 7 r.M.iM; t.,...t 1 ffMHOlKtlsln; I'lllii t (if i. owner, Tabr , houses ron ulm (Continued) JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ J J SAVE time and patience by 1ft- J ting our extensive free li't of. J desirable houses and flats "FOR J KKN T. TUB" FRED' A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6869, 269 Wash. St. A-6J87. J 1 3 333 3 333333 FtTLYISHED HOUSES SO - West Side ' 1 Large, nice 9 room' house for rent furnished, extra -nice, fins location. See Mr. Jones. CHAPlN - HERLOW - MTG. & TRUST CO. 8d Floor Chamber of Commerce. - FURNISHED HOUSE. Take a Woodstock or Rlciimond car, get otf at 20th St.. walk one bloclt south, house number 634 East 20th st, 5 rooms nicely and completely furnished, good house fixtures, .fully modern ex cept furnace, dandy fireplace, laundry trays. In basement, good location, good neighborhood, $26 per month, party on premises to show it. Go today; you will imo n. vy. u. lne, zs l,umbermen8 bll. FOR PDIITTV i ..... nished home look at private residence " in Irvlngton. 21 East 10th North, has every modern convenience, newly decor ated, paved streets, garage, roses, sweet Peas, nice lawn. Reasonable rent Call" Sundav onlv. Fust 4i&a FOR RENT Furnished 4 room house, , .VK!,ier"' ' -wenaiem, lis month: lot 100x100. for garden; fruit Of all kinds, hen house. Call Sunday. Phone Mai: 4040 week days. 180 Front st Eugene K-kOOM lmi.. for rent to responsible party, $30 per month, including piano, light, linens, phone and water. Adults only. Refer ences. 1316 E.Stark st, Mt Tabor car. DESIRABLE furnished 2 room eoltagf, ground 100x100; all cleared anci plowed, readv for planting; soma garden i1! no objection to children; rent only $10. 294 Jefferson. ROOM house, well furnished, 2 fire- n an.. 9 k.,h. -.Ima i , . vauin, iiiu, mn u, ruses anu fruit trees, suitable for 2 families all inuugi ii. i jo nawmornt ave., cor. Zlst TO RENT 6-room modern furnished house; nice lawn, garden spot, east front; reservation required, 1041 East S R06m modern furnished bungalow with piano, 8 blocks from car. Inquire at 856 Union ave. N. Phone C-1807 or Woodlawn 9. r - - .n rt. nui in, FOUR room furnished oottage, lialf block from Washington si, for rent Chean; bath, ms, electricity. Main $042, marnnau 44 10. FOR RENT A snap to ths right party. My neatly furnished home in Ross mere while the family are at the beacti. Call quickly. Tabor 141. FURNISHED house of 6 rooms, large garden, fruit and chicken house, rea sonable. 877 Oberlin t, Portsmouth, St. Johns car. NEW - modern 6 room bungalow, good furniture. 864 E. 25th st, at Holgate St., rent $21, or will sell at bargain on easy terms, fnone Mars nail t209. WIDOW would be glad to take ehursa of a small furnished house for tne summer or longer at a low rental; best t.s -. 4 . . i . . n. aa v . . vi rrmrffHue given, vr-iai, journal. FURNISHED house for rent, tTbO.. , 6709 42d ave. S. E., Mt, Scott car, myrtle rarit. MODERN 2 room house, nicely fui- - nisnea, very reasonable. 643 El It a st. can today. Brooklyn car. fi-ROOM bungalow for rent, furnished. in Westmoreland: fireplace, hardwood floors. Phone B-2654. MODERN 7 room house all furnished, for rent $25 per month. Neal Brown, oiu -cwetianq piqg, YOUNCJ man having piano would give use of same in exchange for room rem.- journal. TO responsible parties, a furnished, 'strictly modem 7 room house, lawn,, garden and plenty fruit, at 411 Cook ave. SIX om furnished house; lawn and' fruit trees. Lease if desired. Ref- erences, $40 per month. J-473, Journal. 7 ROOM furnished house; yard, fruit $35. 788 East Salmon. HOUSES FOR RENT -.. FURXITURE FOR , SALE 82 SIX rooms, nicely furnished, furniture for sale; modern house, furnace, ga, electrlo lights, good location, Sunnyslds car. 803 East Yamhill st. Phone E. 6046. main ioji. GASuiige, gas water heater, cookinK and Wood stoves, ice box, rug cur tains, etfi.." reasonable. Call mnrnlnsM. 306 10th st, cor. Columbia. FJH RUNT -Large 8 room house, mod- ern, -aii Monoay, aay i ront. FOR RENT Six room house, largj yard, 891 Front st. HOUSE ' for rent furniture iar salt!, cheap. Inquire 315 East 6th st. FCRXITCRE FOR SALE 5 FURNITURE FOR RESIDENCE Comprising elegant leather parlor fur niture, library furniture, dining suite, beautiful bedroom furnishings, tti. Great opportunity for those starting housekeeping. 701 Northrup. A bid bargain on account of leaving city, contents of 8 room house', piano,. parlor furniture, dining room suite, bed- room furnishings and kitchen furniture. Call at once. Cash sale. 824 Water st. FIIHnTTURE of a 6-room f lat.J eheap rent. Oak and blrdseye maple, ax- mlnster rugs, brass and iron beds, cheap. Cash or terms. 28 North 18th. ALMOST new furniture 8 room house 1 for sale, $200. or rent; two rooms rented. Hoyt bet. 14th an 15th. Main. .lit. t-prmns. rooms 't'or sate or exenange. what have youf : M-67S. Journal. - ;: 1 -- ;"-.' ''; " FFRNiTURB 5 room flatr very deslr- able; almost new; reasonable, 252 nth st. tVtLL swrifioe beautifully furnlHh-il 6-room flat on account of sickness. 4uu easily, 4i,fr q HL FURNITURE 6 rooms for sale cheap; . jari st.. east sine; nouso ror rent riiurie mroning, main ;4Jfi. FOR SALE A good nuigtv suitable for .. large family; good water coll; $25. 8 Buehtel ave. N. FURNITURE couch, small raiise din ing table, dressrr chairs, etc. Call to- day. 689 K, 21st at., near Powell. GOOD furniture o five room flat for sale or exchange for city property. Phong E-4473. . . ? FOR SALE $i0O;"FurtiUura of 4 -rooms, fine range, sewing machine. B-471, Journal, . ' - - .; FOR SALE Furniture oi " roorn fUt all good, .very reasonable. Terms l wanted. 528 Flanders, A-7470. OAK bedstead, dreKer and waslisuiiJ $18. Phone B-1243 moralngw. - FTTkNltfRB' of- room fiSusTchwi'K must srll. 369 E. Hsrrlson. lay casii for two ko.uI '.nlj a mlnstt-r riift. Ai'AUTJIEMS 4 1 THE DRICKSTON, 48 11 tr,; r '. -4 nished 3 od 3 room . ; : juLIath-: i - i. ; 2 room "I I . r ry. A-!."ii. !J i" "- Tim KdJ'h." i ''": . - loom ; '' I -1 1