The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Sal. Ill, l
U Lm
and A. 1". m--i .1 1! ;
1 .
nfftly crfali'.l raiinm.l ft. mi., - .
Iiliiho, ar,i vlsitlin; wlln the . n . . ,
llilnslon tlllf Wefk, KfltlllK (I luie h i t
oi'ganlxHtlun anl m.Mhods of tiii mm
ult"lori. 1 li lilaho cointuU'.hiu Is s's- n
a larger 'scope for Its activities limn t r. v
Oregon rommlcKlon. as It will liaml
considerable of tlin buslnes that Is rtimx
by the tHt- tax iwinntlxslon in that
Htate, In addition to its.. regulations of
iallii)il and Dilhllc utllltlen. The 10s-
La France Is Chosen as Offi
cial JEose by Committee of
' ' 4 Organizations.
I ho commissioner will he .paid ' salarli
of 16000 a year. . t
(Sjioclal to Tb journal.) ,
Roeeburg, Or., April 23. -The magno
lia la Roseourg s official tree and the France It official rose. These were
decided upon by, r Joint committee of
the IJoneburg, Commercial cjub, the La
dies' Auxiliary, the '95 Mental Culture
club mid the V. C. T. IV Roseburg ha
art abundance of La France roe, but
thsr are very few magnolia tree. These
trees thrive very nltely In thin climate,
liowcver, and now that they have been
Vfflclally designated; their numbers here
will undoubtedly Increase.
Contlnued From Page One.)
aide and those representing the east
aid threw Into tb river their west side
and east side banners, leaving Miss Hen
. Mctta llcppuer waving a Greater Port
land banner.', 'V ;:Jy'.-:";:'"J V-: '' V- "''
A particularly fine showing In the
parade whs made by member of; the
ljiurelhurst club. They had 20 ma
chines In line, decorated with th color
of the "club, ; consisting of , navy blue
pennants with yellow letters. The Ton
ncauH of each' machine ; were" draped
with American flags, making a very
handaorne appearance'. X white machine
led the' Laurelhurst section with the
necretary of the club. ( ' -
,.. .Although car tracks' are laid on the
bridge and car could' be run over It'at
any time, - It may be months ' before
treet car traverse the structure. Presi
dent Josselyn of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power Co., said last week that
it might be as late as September 1. '
On . the other hand. George Heuaner,
who Is seeking a franchise for broad
gauge car up Broadway street, ha
pointed out that a temporary narrow
gaiKe connection for cars of. the Port
land Railway, Light Power Co., could"
he-laid.. nt Mississippi avenue and East
Broadway at once, and that the rails
of, ther company are already veonnected
up at -jioadway and Gllsair. streets on
. the west Hide. If the company wouldn't
stand -the expense," he said be would,
pay for it himself, so that, the public
should not je kept waiting, v :
. . Thousand Try Structur.
One car Waa run vp the west ap
proach of the bridge yesterday after
tioott a far as the west draw, bascule,
It was kept ' In operation ail .afternoon.
It was'Iii cfiarge of Motorman C. Cor
nell and Conductor R. F. Loomls.
The new bridge was used by thou
sand of persons,-both 'on foot and in
vehicles, this morning.'
Traffic over the . structure wa as
lieavy as that which formerly passed
over the old Steel bridge, and has lately
' been diverted to the Railroad bridge,
though of course there were no street
cars. Hundreds, of autos used the broad
roadway,, however.
' Many persons, from the northeast side
who ordinarily come in by street car,,
either walked-to town this morning to
cross the s new structure and satisfy
their curiosity.' concerning it, or got. off
ihe cara at Broadway an4 from there
Kieu , .... .w,.-
J About tthe only work onVtlie bridge
pot finished la that of1 Installing the
cluster lights. Men were busy thl
morning putting them in place and
screwing on th light globes.
4 Approach In Tin Snap.
All the approaches to the bridge prop
er are paved and in good condition on
both eaut and west sides., j.That part of
East - Broadway between Union avenue
and "Williams, : especially at the "Jog,"
where the street has been filled in
where a gulch used to be, is not in the
best of shape, however. - .
On the west ' side Broadway from
OHsan -soiJth to Burnslde is All torn up.
j " i ' ' i ' -
t ' 1 . " -1 u - . .. .- -
f , , r - - , i ; . i'-,; . - , ' V '
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.I'" . " vIi 'M'v..l - - '1
Old Reliable
...1.0Q CP
Scene attending dedication of new Broadway bridge, showing participants In celebration and spectators ltuutomOblles.
, - '''::';.v, single picture at left. .
W. C. North, grand marshal ot auto parade, Is shown " In
The work of widening the thorough
fare from 60 to 80 feet has not; been
completed, and beside thl the laying of
track of the Portland Railway, Light
& Power company ha almost blockaded
the street. From Ollsan street to Burn
side, stoel for the northbound track
Is now in place, but only for single
guage cars. .' Should the courts decide
that the Heusner third rail must be
laid also for broad guage , cars, it will
be some time before this part of the
street is open for traffic.
' Workmen are digging the" trench for
the southbound track, starting at GUsan
street. They are now working on thi
opposite the custom house.
(Continued From Page One.)
is calculated to . promote justice and
prevent unfairness. -
Prorides for Pair -Action.
A custom ha grown jp in the present
service which makes -the head .0(1
civil service department little more than
A figurehead.' Section 185 of the old
charter provide Jthat charges may bt
iuea against. cirii service; employe by
any person and a hearing .must be had
on these charge before a committee of
the executive .board. The chief of po
lice, assuming no more authority than
"any person," now follows thl plan;
It lessens hi authority. At the same
time it provide for a partial and pos
sibly political preliminary hearing of
the accused employe which may act
against him when he Is tried .before the
civil service board. . . - r-.-Under,
the commission charter the
head of the department has the right to
remove for cause, written charges being
filed (section 517), and the removed
employe has right to appeal directly to
the, civil service board. within 10 day.
The board in its turn is privileged, to
use discretion in measuring the degree
of guilt, if guilt is' established, and
Impose sentence accordingly. Under
the present charter, if charges ajre sus
tained, it has no alternative. The ac
cused must be removed from the serv
ice. Lighter penalty la Impossible.
Civil , service ... under the commission
charter will operate thus: Section 286b
Rives power to appoint or remove. Sec
tion 308 require that appointment shall
be by open competitive examination.
Section 817 requires that no employe
be removed savte for cause and gives
him right of fair trial. Section 20 pro
vides for the transfer of employes from
one department to another. Section 315
tells how-transfer must be made the
employe must pas an examination pre
liminary to work in another department.
Olvea Chance of Promotion.
Section 20 and 315 give chance for
promotion that does not now exist, at
the same, time making it impossible for
an efficient employe to be reduced, in
rank or treated in a way that violate
cvill service rules. Section 316 pro
vides for promotions on a basis of su
perior efficiency as measured by the
efficiency records required in section
20, and by competitive examination.
Section 309 requires the civil service
board to classify civil service employe
and to : grade position and pay on an
efficiency basis. : Section 325 bars polit
ic in the service. Section 327a define
eight hours a a day's work, and gives
preference to citizens of the city and
United States.
Comparison between old and new char
ters shows that few changes have been
made in the civil service code and fuch
as have been made are to protect com
petence and to expose incompetence.
Section 313 -which provides among
other things for re-appointment of em
ployes of six years standing is a sec
tion of the charter of 1903 and its op
eration dates from 1903. It must be
remembered that the people do not vote
on a new charter May 3, but on the old
charter so amended as to' permit of
commission government. Unchanged
section of the old Charter stand with
out change in effect or operation.
' (Continued From Page One.) s
hiding behind the stove in the kitchen.
The body of Jones, broken by six bul
lets, was found crumpled behind the
stove. Klngler was hurried to Medford
and the hospital - - '
Jones was wanted for petty ihlevery
and for holding up the town - marshal
at Jacksonville a few months ago when
he forced the marshal to dismount, took
away the officer's gun and then chased
him through the brush. For some time
he had been hiding in the hills but was
seen last week on the streets of Med
ford. Sheriff Slngler leaves a widow and
eight children. ,.
(Continued From Pag One.)
Kssad Pasha, the Turkish commander,
personally surrendered his sword to
King Nicholas after one of the most
desperate battles of modern times.
Twenty thousand Turkish soldiers were
taken prisoners. . ,
The surrender followed two days and
nights of fighting', with the Montenegrin
artillery bombarding the city. Late yes
terday the final assault was started, all
but two of t,he city's outer defenses
having been -captured days ago. Last
night a rush was made on Scutari itself.
Bulgarian Ribbons
In the latest flowered ef
fects. No. 100, 5 inches
wifle. All silk and comes
in 15. different
shades.. Sp'l., yd. J)C
Morrison at Fourth Street
We Give What We Advertise'
Fancy Ostrich Stick-Ups
and Novelties
Hundreds of fancy Feather
Trimmings and new Ostrich
Stickups. All colors .and an
immense variety to choose
"from. Special tomor- CEJp
row for : Otli
Genoimie Paeama Hafts
On Sale Tomorrow Mere!
These are the High-grade Panama Hats we speak of
AIL blocked in the. newest shapes and ready to trim-
Some of them have been selling for
much more, but we sell ihem all at jl'
uJr '7h w
V; ' AW"- '
Lace Hats
Lingerie Effects
Something New
1 -
Prices to Suit Modest
Incomes '
See our windows fbTHispIay
of these new lacy Hats.
New Milan
Fifity of the most desirable
styles of the season. Spe
cial tomorrow
Black, White, Burnt Only
t . -;' " . . I:.-.. .'.'.-' If1"
the Best Value Ever Offerer! f21 inches long and gua
IHC UCbt VaiUC 4Ver Venerea ( antced male stock J -Solid Colors and Shaded
The Turks valiantly defended the city,
rushing: out to meet the besiegers. . The
artillery of both sides suddenly stopped
firing, the opposing- troops firing rifle
volleys at close range.. Hundreds were
killed. Finally the conflict became too
close for rifle fire, and for two hours the
opposing armies clubbed, . sabred and
bayonetted. The dead ran into' thousands
before Essad Pasha signified that he
wished to surrender. . :. :
Shortly - after , the-; surrender King
Nicholas triumphantly rode through the
city, later issuing; the following' statement.-.
. . ;
' "We have merely retaken our own,
and will hold Scutari against the. pow
ers as ' courageously as we fought
against the Turks." ;
: The capital i in a- state of great ex
citement, following: the receipt of news
that .Scutari litis fallen. Business is at
a standstill and the streets are thronged
with cheering ciowuh.
Full Set of Teetb...............S5.00
Bridge Work or Teeth Without PlatM
for.., C3.50 to fS.OO.
Gold Crowns..... .....Sta.SO to t$.00
Porcelain Crowns S.t.bO to
uoiq or porcelain outings... 1
Oliver Fillings. ......... 50
best Plate Made...,...,.. ..
. No charKea for Painless ExtrantiiiK
when other work is done. Fifteen
ears' guarantee with all work. Hours.'
A. M. to 8 P. M.
Union Painless Dentists'
221 M MorrisonaStrfet, Corner First
.Eastern people who
come to Portland
are used to beautiful
Bitulithie streets ih
their home cities and
invariably.; the
smooth, lasting Bitu-
lithic streets of Port
land impress them
most favorably?"
An Opportunity to Secure
A Good Player-Piano
At a Greatly Reduced Price
-'..-.. J .--..J ..'...'-'
We have specially priced a number of Player Pianos, marking them so
lowland of ferin them on such easy terms that those who have long desired
a good Player Piano cannot afford to miss this exceptional opportunity.
; Some of these Player. P. ianos have been used, but we have put them in
a condition as good as new. Some we have been using for demonstrating
or for the purpose of selling Player Music these are slightly shopworn, but
practically new. There are several sample instruments which are really
new. All are 88-note Player Pianos.
Terms on These Player Pianos as Low as ;
$10 a Month
. This is only a partial list to illustrate the values offered reductions range from
TwentyVo Fifty Per Cent
, Mahogany, slightly shopworn. JJfg"- CQPt Mahogany, small apartment . size.
tilarly $475 ;.S?KIAt POOJ Sample, new.
1 CECILIAN ' Rclarly 1675 SPECIAL $D-SD
- Dark mahogany, slightly shopworn.' ttflQA 2 KINGSBURY INNER PLAYERS
Regularly $575 ......... ..SPECIAL WUM Sample, used for demonstrating. Reg- CROC '
t,t. ularly $675 ...............SPECIAL PiAiO
1 Sticlcley oak, 1 mahogany, slightly (P?Or 2 CAROLA INNER PLAYERS
used. Regularly $775 SPECIAL POJ 1 Early English oak, 1 mahogany, dJJQK
1 FARRAND CECILIAN 8hopWOrn- .Rehr '
Mahogany, used ' as demonstrator. fl Pi P 1 MELVILLE CLARK APOLLO,
Regularly $825 i '.SPECIAL Mahogany, used for demonstrating.' QrJC
' ,Twr r VT. ' - Regularly $700 .SPECIAL vUUtJ
, Mahoganyslightly shopworn. Reg- ePIft 1 LUDWIG PLAYER PIANO
ularly $750 SPECIAL PvUU Dark mahogany, slightly shopworn. 1 POP
Mission style., art glass shades," elec- " A. B. CHASE ARTISTANO
trie lighted, slightly shopworn.. Reg- (PPOfi Mahogany, slightly shopworn. Reg- CfiA7
ularly $775 SPECIAL vOwl ularly $875 ..SPECIAL vOt ...,
Special Prices Worth of New Music of Your Own Selection
Al f. t j A Player Bench
AlSO include tPiano Stool and Scarf
Every Instrument Carries Our Guarantee, '
StSinwmy rifl othw Plsno ,. PUyr Tlanos of All Qrtdes.
i victor isiKinc Mcninj. una an tn Kccoraa.
"Sixtlr an3 Morrison Streets,- Portland
-Opposite - Pcxtcf n ;. :