i c ; ' v V, ". ( . . 1...: 1. ... : ( (C rvivr (ii-xmuK. Tin-; xi-:v "I'AV KuU. I'l'I'V." In the heart of central British Colum bia -cimiiiiainliiiir the trade of the great l'eaee river district onu hundred mil lion dollars . will lie tspent in railroad construction alone in tin; next four years, opening up this great inland em pire: JKnrt Georae is its pay roll center. If you want absolutely reliable in formation, uthout present or future, in vestments anywhere iu British. Colum- bin. about business openings of all kinds; opportunities In the trades or professions; about timber, farm lands, HWtntllM, brickyard openlmrs, address, KORT OKoKOK TRUST CO., Capital $t,nio,Cino. Fort George, p. C, Grocery Store Bargain I have one all cash business, steady customers nice, neat clean stock in a location, that can't be beat. My stock Is all new and fresh. My rent 18 only 32U, with living room, delivery wagon also, I paid $900 for this place but as I have to leave city win eaerirwe it ior ist. Buv direct and no commission to pay. First one comes gets this. Call at 680 mi - t . . m.T. ii ... .1 YOUNG MAN-onsult Advisory and Employment Department of the T. M. C A. before investing. We never tell . WHERE, but frequently are able to ad-, vine where NOT to Invest, so as to save money. Y. M, C, A. members also have the privilege, of securing rooms at rea sonable rates in the fireproof associa tion building. Use of gymnasium, swim ming pool, shower baths, and 100, other .features. -. ' ' - ' The best buy In the city. Rent f 20. Lo cation that cannot be beat, all nice new clean stock, doing $25 daily. Stock and fixtures will Invoice $ 1000. Am sick in bMio will sacrifice all for $325. See tny agent at 607 Henry bldg. All Kinds of Business If you want a grocery, drug store, del icatessen and restaurant meat market, bakery and confectionery, shoe repair shop or cigar and tobacco business, see me, as I have many good propositions for hh le. Neal Brown, 610 Swetland bldg. AUTOMOBILE school with high grade, expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming voca tion. Not run to maka money but for the good of men. , Sea or write Supt of the All the Year Round Y, M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, cor. 6 th and Tn ylor gta. ' ' Restaurant In best town In state outside Portland; long established, good trade; seats 60; clea ring $150 per month. If you want a i bargain, look this up. CHITTENDEN A NEILL. 310 Oak street. West Side Restaurant ' Best restaurant on west side at a snap price, doing a fine business, I year lease, rent about half of surrounding properties, " See Mr. Fulton, Beaverton Beany CO., 601 swetianq pidg, llKUH is -a ohanee .With small capi tal and low rent. You can buy an old, established, prosperous business that will make you an independent liv ing in the best tittle town in tne state. Call on oraddress K. N. Staehr. Forest o rove, or. SPLENDID opportunity to purchase moving picture snow complete, in running order, Edison machine, opera chairs, portable operating room, electrio signs. ; Address D. ... Kellaher, 133 ft (irand ave, A SECOND HAND furniture and hard ware store In a good location, cheap rent, doing good business, for $800. -Iowa Realty Co. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 604. GENL. MD8H., 66 miles south of Port land, $3000 required; fine town beet chol, a mills, city lights and water: retiring; 80o on the dollar. Lock box 14, Jefferson, or. PARTNER wanted; good man to join me In buying established business near Portland, clearing $500 per month; $2600 cash required; advertiser will fur- men like amount, B-475, journal. ONLY pool hall In growing town minutes from Portland. Good stock tobacco, cigars, sort drinks and candy, 4 mills In town. Price reasonable, EX- 387, Journal. SEE JORDAN 'OR ' THE BEST BUYS IN THE) CITY IN THE LINE OF UKOCEKlcia, UOIStcKATt lUNEKlKS AWU RESTAURANTS. 618 LUMBERMEN3 BLDG. 1 HAVE best .bargain ever offered In grocery, confectionery, cigars, etc.. with nicely furnished living rooms. Will Invoice double. Price $600. 501 Couch mug. RESTAURANT tn fine location, doing gooq DUBinews. vil ynamper or com. UKLP WANTEIV 51ALK WANTED Few young men to learn profitable trade, day or night school, plenty of openings, watch making, en graving school, 110 . Globe bldg, Port ia na, ur. WIRELESS operators in constant de mand. TM coming vocation taught at Y. M. a A. All The Year Round. Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; .'beet n 'Coast.''-' -.--r -.-. EXPERIENCED porter wanted; no others need apply; reference required. Ford Motor Co., 61 Union ave., cor. E, Jvls. WANTED 2 news agents to work on passenger R. R. train. Cash security required. The Brown News Co., 32$ .lonnson ave, CARPENTER work wanted, exchange dental work. Pay Borne cash. U. 8. Dentist. 245 H "Washington. v PLUSfBE'R and electrician wanted to exchange for dental. Pay some cash, U. . lntisi, ?4aj wasnington CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. 386 Yamhill Street WiS want men to learn auto truck driv lug and repairing for spring work. ail ai 446 tiawinorne ave, BRIGHT boy to help with Janitor work and run errands. 208 8d at. H FIRST-CLASS painter end paper hanger wanted. 801 Union ave. N. BARKER'S apprentice wanted. Phone Tabor 128. t Mutt Didn't Believe in Spiritualism, but He Does AH, TNAVfc 54, - t err it i'h. sunc at tne sreck ceivs 1 -.. t . ' 1 ' 1 " " '' 'S'-- -V ' - -!...' If. : ,'.'.1-. .V .V,., . . . -.-,..... ' 7-. '7 . ? . ' " ' '' Cii I-M-i ' ' r r. 4 ' VUwlivll I I Ui tly J Ads 'iKgrtetl tree for thosa in p-ed of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to th office personally ty the parties desiring work. Experienced Salesmen wanted to noil our cln.se-in city subdi visions. Our traj-ts are located on both the east and west aides of the river and are the best in the city; our price are right; terms liberal. We furnish some prospects and assist in closing sales; we will supply a lot and build to suit purchaser on easy-payment plan. Liberal commissions. Ask tor sales manager. 7 ' : Provident Trust Company, . 2d Floor Helling bids. 10 Men Wanted to work at steady work in small town 60 miles of Portland: $2.!a , per day; plant has been running for several years, and wants - more men who will make themselves permanent citizens. See Hart or Kasley, ' CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. AN AMBITIOUS YOUNO MAN may neglect his greatest opportunity If he fails to investigate the navy. Do yoij know the actual details of nayy pay, promotion, fine training, chances to learn some valuable trade, nave money and see something of the world? If you are between 17 and 25 (or. if you are under 35 and possess a trade) call at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Ex change building, Portland, Or., and find out these things. Or write for free book all about life on' a man-o'-war. Ad dress Bureau of Navigation, Box $27, Navy Department. Washington, D.C. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENTbEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; - gives two months full membership privileges, 19 months social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of . membership wltuoat fur ther charge. Record for la months ending Deo. St: Call. for men 226$ Positions filled 1691 6e Secretary Employment Depart ment Y. M. C A. . WANTED Two salesmen to sell lota In the center of a towns! te of great and unquestioned merit This situation will be developed in a large way and is easily the best onportunity for Invest ment In the Northwest. Call at 01 Wilcox, bldg between 10 and 12. Ask ior mr. f iencn. WANTED Salesman; excellent opening with oldest, strongest nursery west of Rockies. . Out terms are 50 per cent more liberal than thosa of any . other reliable nursery. Get the best cash re turns from your work by connecting with us. Write today. The Woodburn Nur serles. Woodburn, Or. WANTED Salesman, wita some knowl edge of horticulture to represent us tn a few proven territories. Must devote full time and furnish satisfactory ref erences. Outfit furnished. Cash "aid weakly. For full details write the Or egon Nursery Companv, Orenco, Oregon, ine izou acre nursery. WANTED -A driver who thoroughly understands the care of automobiles and who is willing to make himself useful around the nouse; state wages required; give refereneea In first. letter. K-431, Journal. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can secure furnished rooms at reason able rates In the new fireproof associa tion building, corner 6th and Taylor sts.. and have privilege of consulting Advis. pry ana ismpioyment jJepartment. SPLENDID opportunity for energetlo man. not difficult: general business knowledge and integrity principal quali- ncations. uox Z41, renqieton, or, BOY wanted. Apply public library, 7th ana scant. . HLP WANTED SllSC. 4 Pay, Short Hours. T'hose desiring to see the world. It offers an opportunity uneaualed. More positions than applioants on lst-class battleships, ocean liners. shore stations. Also .thorough course in leiegrapny. - special summer rates now In effect. Call or write Paclfio Coast TeL Inst, Co m monwealth bid g. Expert in struction by expert in true tors, shop and field work: tuition part c a a k, Art count Jtor cash. O r e gon Auto & Gasoline Traction School, 266-268 11th. FREE illustrated book tells of 300,000 protected positions In U. S. tervlce. Thousands of vacancies every year. There is a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime employment Ask for booklet T-368. No obligation. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOLS, 60S McKay bldg.. cor. Third and Stark sts., open Wed. and Sat nights. Phones: Main 1026, A-4IZ1. Answer ana arawing paper. VvaNTED- Railway mail clerks, 171 month: parcel poet means manv an. fiointments. Write immediately. Frank in Institute, Dept 835 C. . Rochester, . x. LOCAL representative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Na tional Co-operative Realty Co., V-908, maraen puuoing, wasningion, u. tj. WANTED Ladles to take orders for made to measure corsets. Very lib eral commission. St Louis Corset Co., St. LOUIS, MO. MEN, women to learn barber trade, 8 weeKs; positions guaranieea. ore. Barber college. 283 Madison. 868 Couch, WANT WD Man to collect and sell sew lng machines in Washington countv. flduir vvasn. si. GIRLS, learn beauty parlor business! marn money learning, sis Kothciiiict. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.50 up. lay ior, me tauor, zss Burnsiae. hi UllUUilUil MUIIO.U Ails Inserted free for t! one tn tiee.l rt work end who ar uoab'.e to pay for so dverti.semen U A iva tihenienia must be brought to the office persoiiaiiy by the parties deylrlng work, WANTED YOUN,G LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH - OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WIHLE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TII AND EAST ANKENT STS, OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. LADIES Learn how to make corsets; you can make from $15 to $30 per week; corsetmakers are-scarce; my sys tem easily learned. 350 Morrison at. room i. WANTED Girl or woman for general ' housework and assist with children. Good wages. Call forenoons, 658 Irving St., near 31st WANTED A middle aged woman an companion, in the country; It will be a gooa home for the summer. Call C- 21 ku, or e hi. Humboldt st; u cht. GIRL'for general housework, $20 nioutll, washing put out 121 Portland" boule vard and Albina ave, TEN good formed, Single, unincumbered women under 38 for vaudevle act journal. f WANTED 8 experienced hand lroners. Crystal Laundry, E. 2 1st and Sandy Road. ' - WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help. Z0 Columbia bldg. -. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture, 400 tiyKum Ding., hanitary manors. VANTED Lady cook and housekeeper on farm. Call Main 956. - - irii an hi, ni Miaiti rvv, SMALL girl for staff e; pood pay "and UUBlUIHCBt X I1UHO HI a til Oil U A. HKL11 VANTE--51AjLIS AND FEMALE 29 MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE Wanted Men and woman to leara the barber trade In 8 weeks, tools free, a chance to get In business (or yourself. Send for free catalog, or call at 85 N, 4th St.- .'-.''..-": " ' ""' SEN, WOMEN Get government jobs" exoellent salaries. Write Immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, pept, 837 C, Roch ester, N. Y. WANTED AGSNXS WOMEN! - children! earn money! Sell mending tissue for 10 cents, costs you 6c. Send 50 cents for 10 packages by mail; satisfaction promised, R. Plum- mar, zsn srfl St., yortlanq, Oregon. SALESMEN wanted to aid us In sup plying tne brisk demand ior nursery stock. Address Capital City Nursery y., oaiero, OF. GOOD money made selling the 8. & M. mop, pail and wringer combined. Call today, 308 Pine st SITUATIONS MALE " i w w iwsii w aaii.nii.as mi ji"visaji wm wt COMPOSITOR (display, tabular, cata- avfliwv. viu, , .fuaip iruui Vila cuiNif ue sires situation in modern plant: also iu Ilia rv aj HUIVU 411 till ITU I K ttj VlllUOi 4 i wit in v i ASSISTANT bookkeeper; can operate lypewrner; quicic and accuratt at rig urea; moderate salary to start. Phone WANTED Position by middle aged man as janitor, watchman or collector; no objection to going out of city, J, John. son, loze k. zsa at.-w., city. POSITION with building contractors aa foreman, 8 years' experience In con tracting; expect good pay for reliable service. , w-314, journal. IT. V lifrrj T ITMr,VT' w, A .. onisi..a want a job In apartment house or first class rooming house: can do all repairs; city reierences. v-ei, journal STATIONARY. engineer and fireman, or gasoune engine, oy young eastern mar ried man; can give reference. L-478, journal VOUNG man Id years wants work on ranch near Portland, Estacada or uresham. E. K., 6111 38th ave., Port, land. Or. CA"RPENTER First class man,1 wishes work; will take steady Job out of town. w-nti, journal KALSOMINING, " $2.60 room and up. jrainting, papering at reasonaDie rates. Finley, Bradford hotel. Marshall 8822, PAINTER, tjood all-round-: hand, mar ried, wants work, $3 per day. U-4V6, journal. POSITION by painter, good iron filler, would like position Inside. 2-689, journal. SITUATION wanted, good bookkeeper; good references, smajl salary. U-488, Journal. YOUNO man wants to learn a trade. Ha has some experience in machine shop. write to tf rat aucnnois, aus etn st YOUNG man, experienced chauffeur, wishes position driving private car. Main 8616. - CiiaUFFER wants position in private xamuy. Marry Brown, Lnts.. ft. b. x, near n.enqau station. WILL collect your current and old ac counts on commission. J-475, Journal.'-' " " '-'"- i, near Kennau station. WANTED A position as janitor, eleva- tor or nignt watchman, rnone Taoor 2983, or 7128 69th N. BOY 18 wants to learn cleaning and pressing trgae. j-455. journal. WANTED Laundry and cleaning. Main 7274. WANT day work." Mrs." 6mltti,"280e ferson st. A-S092. CHAMBER work wanted, or care of cnuaren evenings. rnone Mam 4343. CaCE-curtains, draperies, linens lauU' oerea, py expert, xanor an. ELDERLY lady wants light housekeep ing. Best of reference. L-480. Journal. EXPERIENCED woman wants day worn, can Main eui, room io. A-l litenosrraphers a' what every em ployer wants. The place to pet good ttcnok-rapiierw is at the J einingtuii Typ v. riter Employment - tifjit. No fee chwrged. Call Main S or Main 77. 85 7th. VuL'Nir laily wislies a pos.il ion In candy factory or telephone operating; Iwtve had 3 years' expeiience in both. Misa A. Ohi.-ndorf, SM M. YHmhill t.. city. MIDDLE AUii) ladv would like position in tumuli family. Oonti cook and man- aiier. I'hone Main 682,). EXPKUIENCED laundress and house cleaner wants work by day. Wood; lawn i!35, REFINED eldelly widow dealrea house keeping for old couple or widower, F-355, Journal. YOUNG woman keep house for couple employed, or take care or a enna. J44t, journal. WANTED Experienced telephone oper ator wishes private exchange. Phone Marsnau 336. MIDDLE aged woman would . like to take chai'Ke of rooming house. ' Aa dress Mrs. B. G. Busk, 428 E. Ankeny. YOUNG, attractive woman' would like position aa housekeeper; home more than wages. Miss Ine Bruce, gen. dU 1'OUNG German woman wants house work by nay. Phone Woodlawn 9A19. DRESSMAKING 40 DRE8SE8 of all klndi, also children' clothes, fit and satisfaction guaran teed, prices reasonabe. - Phone Tabor 4 i8. ' ' , SEWING in families by the day. Phone Sellwood 1952. ' - FASHIONABLE dressmaking and alter- at ions at reasonable prices, a 4 a. NLUSE3 60 MATERNITY Burse wants case; will do light housework. Main 147. WEST SIDE FOR T. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In price. Fireproof building, vacuum cJeanea; snower bams, swimming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. 6th and Taylor sta. VIRGINIA LEE HOTEL. JR TRINITY PLACE. COR. WASH. Cory outside rooms, running hot and coia water, no waier neai, treo uttiu, private phone. Quiet and respeotable. Reasonable rates by day, week or month. Phone Main 1I8B CALUMET HOTEL. American and European plans; heart of city; fireproof building: hot and cold water and teleuhone In every room. Special rates, European plan-$8 week and up, American 89 up. V AN SGitDiiH HOTEL. 105H 12th between Wash, and Stark, Strictly modern, free phone, free baths; good rates to good people; walls retinted carpets cleaned. Try us. JMar, z, ALTON HOTEL, ilth and Stark btrictiy modern, beautifully fur nished, hot and cold water, steam heat and free phones in each room; $4 week and up. . TOURItiT HOT Uli, . 150 FIRST. COR. MORRISON. Modern, nicely' furnished, steam heav ed rooms, $8 week up; tOo day. S car rrom depot. Mam 4di BAKER HOTItJL. Beautifully furnished, modern, steam heated rooms, running water, fireproof Building. Moderate ratas. itthj tin. FURNISHED rooms, always warm, hot and eold water, close to P. O.: 75c and $1 per day. Special terms by week or month. Hotel Armimus, 4ig Morrison THE KING, 809 Jefferson; nicely fur- nisnea moms: moaern, neat, cen trally located. 88,36 week u. THE COLONIAL. 165 10th, near Morri son, comfortable, quiet, steam heat MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor, Homelike, attractively furnisnea, moa ern, parlor, large porch, Bummer rates. MMiVIEI UilASSATiM -MTVi Fifth at. inilUI B U.8. miftWm Rooms $1.50 up per wk. Free phone and bath. Main 7754. FURNISHED rooms in modern hotel. steam beat, bath, $1 per week and up, Hotel j lford. 122 N. fcth st. THE GILMAN 1 st and Alder. ' H. K. rms., families ana bachelors, 81.60 up, RvjM8 and apartments In modern ho- tei, 8Z.D0 week ana up. 4i8 Alder, WEST BIOB pmZTATS rAMXCT 70 LARGE front rooms to gentlemen; mod ern residence; piaiza, piano, conven iences, ah eixtn, f 1.00 PER week, heat gas, phone, hot water, bath off hall, home comforts. 773 Kooseveit near 2Sd. Marshall 4110. FUKNISI1ED ROOA1S EAST BIDE 63 THE CLARNO. t4$H Holladay are. Modern eteem heated rooms, $1.60 week and up, with all conveniences. Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed. THE CLIFFORD" HOTfiL. E, 8th and Morrison st. new and mod ern, ateam heated, elevator, large lobby, excellent grin. 3.5u weeK ana up. THE Lanebee, 237H Larrabee, Rooms "., M. KmiH a.tvu ,1V mv and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. E. Mor. rlson; roo na $8 week up; absolutely respectable; private baths. B-833. ...i.-.. nn8X Tn MAHI - BAST BIOB PHIVATfl rAMZXT fl TWO handgome furnished rooms for young mem walklne distance: With private family. 858 Union ave., north. FURNISHED room, 2 large windows, uain, piano, iaay, 17 mo. zos Biia. BOOMS AND BO.IRD 18 The White Hall A residential hotel, with large new orch, nice sunny rooms and private atbs, family dining room in connec tion, pianos, parlors and lounging rooms. 263 Sth st. WANTED Child, over 1 years, to hoard in nice country home: $15 per month. Y-3l, journal. ROOM and board. 3824 E.' Clay. Now ONE .O T6 " " :" eiteAMyr ,5 to, fjuwjg . AT If OOR. FORMING rVP t tM(0N AClf. BARS-VIEW 1IOTEU West Paik and Montgomery; I !ch class family hotel, ail modern conven iences, rooms with or without bath, ex cellent table service; rates reaswiabla BOOM ArO IOF3 ' fjiiYAlii TAMlXiX 73 EXCELLENT tabie board in modern home, walking distance. Phone Main Pfii" 823.BU up. BOARD and room In a private family. Home cooking. Bath, phone, meals,.$5. 187 lth st. ROOM and board at Cae Rosa,. 300 Jef. ferson st. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED Room and board with pri vate family, west side; give rate and phone number. O-450, Journal. UOUSEKEEFIXU ROOMS WEST SIDE HOUSEKEEPING and' furnished rooms. Ge hotel, 865 1st st Steam heat, new bldg.: rooms $1 week up:ree phone DESIRABLE 2 and 8 room suites. $16 up. clean. 328 Mill st. near 6th. v HOOaEKEEPUfO BOOHS West bjuob pmjtatb jpamjxt . T3 NEW and nicely furnished entire lower . floor, ,,5 large rooms, private bath, everything complete, beautiful yard and roes, paved boulevard, near excellent farlines, walking distance, near new Falling school. 134 Porter, $25: worth $30. Phone Sellwood 1109. s TWO or t large unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, with privilege of bath; nice, location,- 8 carlinea; would like young couple, or 2 or 8 working girls; no children. For further particulars ap ply 1026 Front st, before 13 m. Take S car south, get off Bancroft - CLOSE In, nice suite H. K. rooms, run ning water, porch, private entrance, yard, quiet refined surroundings; house Betback from street 261 14th. near Jefferson. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for rent all modern, running water In rooms, reasonable rent, downtown loca tion, corner Morrison 13th o, 163 IStn LARGE front rooms for housekeeping, downstairs, gas range. pianOfroom for 3 to 6 persons, reasonable or let single. 348 Clay, near Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING suite consisting ' of two large rooms, pantry, running wa ter private entrance, bath, large yard. BUS Mill st. - fcwo furnished ' housekeeping rooms, J entry, bath, yard, basement west e. 593 Main st, between Nartllla and ELEGANT suite H. K. rooms, running water., low rent; no objection to chil dren; single rooms. 104 11th st, near waanington. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, phone and bath: no chil dren. 70 N. 15th st, bet Davis and ji.vej en CLEAN,' well furnished housekeeping rooms f s ana up, reterencer, ootn nones. Main ovuo. si iin, U'.. 1,1' j 1 1 I'll 1 muuia. ,i,u.igui 1 1 v - housekeeping, $2.50 and up; close in. 43a Aider st., oor. lztn. $2.50 week, front suites, completely for - H. K., water, phone, bath.- 245 Ni 17th, cor, Marshall. 361 Taylor, sunny front suite, complete ior housekeeping. SUITE and single rooms, $3 up; base- ment room, cheap, modern.' 362 I4tn. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $1.80 to $2.60 week. 24 N. th. iW0 connecting rooms with sink. walking distance. 44 etn. Mar, B48J, NICELY furnished light room for. bach ing, Close In, 360 1st. $144 furnished H. K. rooms, gas plate steei range. 111 un. main oi, THREE' housekeeping rooms on main floor, $20.50 month. Inquire 407 4th. THREE modern light H K. rooms, $19" a month. 680 Second st HOLSEKEKPTXa ROOMS 49 EAST SIDE $4 PER WEEK for I room housekeeping suite, sleeping rooms $2.60 per week na up; moaern oricic nuiiaing, steam neat. 14s m. ta st., iuu xeei sou in or . Morrison, The Beimor. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cor, Grand ave. and E. Davis. $2 per week. wood rree. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms in suites of two. $1 a room per week each. Belmont Apts. 480 H Belmont st NEW FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, light, bath. $15. 1162H Union. BOUSZXXEIT-a BOOKS BAST Spa gyv ATM TAKXLT V4 THREE room furnished apartment, en tire upper floor, closets, porch, bath, gas range, electrio light, private resi dence, 1 block from Hawthorne car. Phone B-1949. BASEMENT rooms, everything com- piete, ught, sunny, ciean ana gooa; only $7; walking distance. Phone Sell wood 1109. bB4 E. etn $2 A WEEK, nice large front room, suit able for sleeping or light housekeep- tn 4?tna 1!trli4 1 u liath, dIaoh In a a ' J f t vev bi viugg $1.50, $2.75 weekly, clean furnished Ii! rooms, gas, rree neat, taunary, baths. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver. $7.50 SINGLE housekeeping rooms and bedroom, every convenience. 664 E. 6th st. Walking distance. Sellwood 1109. $13.50 3 neatly furnished it. K. rooms. close in, modern. rJast. 14Z7. TWO furnished ' housekeeping rooms, 825 E. STARK ST., 3 room apt, nicely furnished; rent reasonable. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 $18 7-ROOM house, 610 E. Clay, block soiitn nawtnorne. Mam suae, or re. 963 NEW 6 room bungalow, large grounds. 2S.DW. itt4 Virginia, ruiton car, FOR RENT 1 room" cottage. 770 HoyT Key at 778 Hoyt; Main 6724. MODERN 6 room cottage, 134 14th st north, corner of Ifoyt st- FOR RENT 10-room house, laiaje yard. 615 Milwaukle st. Phone Sellwood 602. : - : op tmvt BscAise IT ON $0W 4 ' I ALL FOR $35 FE R MONTH. 6 room superior new home, 3 blocks to car. Surrounded with Rose Garden. 14 varieties. Native trees. Flower nd Bulb Garden, 300 plants. Strawberry patch, 300 plants. Kitchen Garden and Arbor fully planted all in perfect con dition and in full bearing this year. I-ot Is 75x100, on afphaH street. House has steam heat and all built-in features. Tapestry brick fireplace lavatories Irk bedrooms, and full length mirror. Care ful family able to appreciate a beauti ful garden can rent this $50 place for $35 a month, by calling immediately at owner's office, 823 Spalding bldg. THE MEIER 5 FRANK STORES FREE RENTAL AND I N FORMA-. TION BUREAU. Is for the convenience of both Port land people and strangers In the city who may be looking for .homes, apart ments and flats. We have an excellent private list as well as the combine! lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new buildings in course of construction. House hunters, especially, will find relief In this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent, vtalt THE MEIER ft FRANK RENTAL BUREAU. 4th Floor. Main Bldg. GOOD 8 room house, convenient close in, good furniture with or without piano: housekeeping .suite pays more than half of the rent 452 Market st, near 13th. ', COTTAGE of 8 rooms In Montavllla, $8, - plenty shade; some fruit- ; lft story house also, good condition, largtt yard, good neighborhood, $10. E. TO adults, old house. In fair condition. In suburbs, $6, including garden. Give tenant home work. References required. A. L. Hampton, 1430 Vancouver ave. INCREASE the rental value of your bouse, I do better quality repairing, remodeling. A. E. Wlkatrom-. East 1826 5 ROOM cottage, "strictly modern, $1S per month. 873 Front st S. Phone want ouui), ATTENTION. RENTERS. v House, cottages, low rent, soma fur- i.u.i . t.t..t nattn- nnr .j.-c -;.;-v. FINE 8 room house, modern' conven- lences, Willamette Heights; key 1103 xnurman st. i ROOM modern house, $15; clean: gas, yard, fine view, close in, 2 blocks to I car. i Freemont, cor. Missouri. FOR RENT Good 5 room house with basement close to two car lines, $13 per montn, inquire at 7 e. iwtn st IF YOU want to rent a house ot flat we have them. National Realty & Trust Co. Main 5129. i ROOM - house, ,' $11. lnquira24 Sherlden st FURNISHED HOUSES 30 PELTON cottage at Seaside, containing 9 rooms, . with every convenience; place contains about two acres, also a small 5 room cottage and a, garage; part cash, balance pa terms. Buchanan cottage, on the board walk at Seaside, with 4 lots; part of furnish ings included; $1500 to handle. : CALLAN & KASER, 722-724 Yeon bldg. Members of Portland Realty Board. . P6r RENT To responsible party, May 1, new modern 6 room bungalow, nice ly furnished, 16 minutas out. Near iiawmorne ave. ti-d5, journal. SIX room furnished bouse; lawn and fruit trees.- Lease If desired. Ref erences, $40 per month. J-478, Journal. FOR RENT Nearly new furaUhed S room house, close In, cheap. ... Phone U-ZUZ, E. 1441 FURNISHED cottage for rent 606 South ave. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 696. f ROOM furnished house; yard, fruit $35. 788 East Balmon. FURNITURE FOR BALK 82 HOUSES FOR RENT TEN room house to rent furnltura for sale; best location east side: walking distance; rooms an rented; iu neaitn, must leave city. Don't fail to answer ir you want a snap, r-gzn, journal. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale cheap, east giae. Mam 7495. FURNITURE FOR SALE 68 FURNITURE FOR RESIDENCE Comprising elegant leather parlor fur niture, library furniture, dining suite, beautiful bedroom furnishings, etc. Great opportunity for those starting nouseiceeping. 701 Nortnrup. FOR SALE 1 bedroom suite, 1 gas stove, 1 dining room table and $ chairs, 1 refrigerator, rockers and other household furniture. Must be sold at once, call at 1244 Cleveland ave. FURNITURE of S rooms for sale, ari good, practically new. This la a snap for $125 If taken at once; house rents for 16. call S4 N. th st MUST sell almost new' furnishings ol m v armrtment in The Rrnwna hv flat. COMPLETE furniture of 7 room house ior eaie cneap. khi ili. j.aoor Hi. inv rj. vawn. si FURNITURE I room flat, very ' deslr- aoie, almost new, reasonapie, 2&z nth. APARTMENTS 43 Park Apartments niMiieu. jram anu aairwun. iar. 3070, 5 ROOM apts., strictly modern, first class, new building, $26 a month. Phone Marshall 4448, THE DRICKSTON, 448 liths nicely Kr: nished 2 and 8 room modern outside apts.. near Heights. Marshall 87. MEREDITH APARTMENT. I. 8. and 4 room furnished, modara. 7)3 Washington. Mam 7134. HERMENIA. 400 Hall; new. JlihT roms; moaern. mraisneq. . M. 444. DIBL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny, I room. newiy rurnisnea. moaern, Kast 1808. 2 AND 8 room apartments; private bath, ..ana pnone jueureiion m inn st, e- tOHW I . I '"". ; " '.'" . . ." - " ' ",' ' 1 ' Q-e, f , rn s Otll !. V ,1 t ; - V,V invite a I I ...... . stylish,' ciai.f "i t,i:-i. , i liients. Ev iti;i: -r is i modern. pai 1 1 t n 1 - 1 uiifuriiNh. .!. 1 1 ! ih t diret-t Pacifh' t , i . i . ; i blm-k from the iar im a 11, 1 ! walk to busine.-s o I i ri.-i. '1 ! rates Will stirprls,. you. Uaal C- St. I'll 'Overton Apartments New brick buildlny, 3, 3 and 4 rwm. furnished and unfurnished, ail ontnrt rooms, newly tinted and painted, guru 1 and tennis court In connecUoiv. "'v ' car, corner 21st and Overtoil sin.; Mar shall 380. THE AVAi,OiN Corner Clackamas and Ross; beautiful 3 and 4 room apart ments, with sleeping porch, furni.sliel or unfurnished; 3 blocks to new Broad way bridge; best elas of railroad pat ronage solicited; easy walk from Union oepot. DESIRABLE, 4 room - apartment, fur nished Of unfurnished; best-In cltv for rent location and arrangement; alt outside rooms, private bath, direct. Pa cific phone; close in, low rent best service. Sheffield Apartments. 2?2 Broadway, corner Jefferson. NO KOMI 8 17th and Marshall; swellest 2 room apta. lr city; walking distance; disap pearing beds: private phone; bath ami dressing room; all outside rooms,, well ventilated. Low summer rates. Alar, 4964 or 4943. '-.: "7: vCARMELITA "'.'"''., ' JEFFERSON AND 13TH ST8. 4 AND 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED APTS. 6 . MINUTES' WALK TO P. O. MODERN. EXCLUSIVE REFERENCES . MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick building, cor. 3d and Mont gomery v 3 room apts., furnished com plete, private bath, phone and elevator service. All outside rooms, 7 min. waU m x . kj. nates up. Main smihs. NEW modern fireproof, automatic ele vator; -hot cold water; steam heat; private baths, phones. 2, 3, 4 room fur nished apartments, $20 up. ' Rooms $10 month. Leeds Apartments, 210 Market. s Marshall 8597. NEW 2 room apartment, large kitchen, j gas range, refrigerator, disappearing bed, built-in dresser, for $18 per month. This price includes your electrio lights, gas, heat, water and telephone. 861 E. Washington. Phone E. 8261. Burch Apartments -, . . New modern, furnished 2 room apts.. dressing room; fine location. Marshall 4141. 110 21st N. W ear. , .SEE THIS ONE SURE. Nicely furnished three room apart ment, $23.60; ail outside, large, light, airy rooms, private home, both, on car llne. - B-304L Tsbor 2293. . WANT square deal; two families desire two 3 or 4 room unfurnished apart ments; will pay $30 to $36; have beeri in present apartments 3: and 8 years. Phone Marshall 21 or 82. THE CHELTENHAM SUMMER RATE?, Beautifully furnished 2 and 4 room apartments in the Nob Hill district. See these bore deciding. , 255 North lath. Phone Marshall 4599."" GODFREY COURT. . 100 Vancouver ave., new brick build ing, stands by Itself. 2 and S room apta. Nicely furnished. Private bath and phone In each apt. Phone East 841. GRANDEST. APARTMENTS. E. Stark and Grand ave., modern fur nished apt, private bath, private phone. Excellent service. Alwajs - cleati and warm. Moderate rates. Phone East 808.' ' , MORTON APARTMENTS, . , King and Washington Sts. I and 4 room modern apts., furnished or unfurnished; walking distance. THE LUZERNE. Corner of Third and Halt Modem - 2 room apts., best In city, walking distance, reasonable rates. THE DURFEE. 308 STANTON. Two and three-room apartments, fur nished - and unfurnished;, all outside rooms. East 1065." ' T THE DEZENbORF. , "-. 208 16th, near Taylor. One 4 and one 5 room unfurnished apartment, or will furnish.- Lincoln Apartments 4th and Lincoln; all outside S room apts- tzz.pu to tan.. Main 1377. A-3472. BUCK APTS., 21st and Flanders. 3 an.i 4 room furnished and unfurnished modern, electric elevator. A-3885, Main JULJATTE furnished and unfurnished t. n .. n n a c ttuw, vur, iu uimi iuoillgom- ery. a-ioii. warsnsu The Elms, 191 14th St. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished apts.; excellent loca tlon, walking distance; reasonable. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT A lower B room flat near the ball grounds, at $15 per month. Z. L. Dimmick. 817 Board of Trade. Phone Main 8667, or at 410 Dover st. $20 Desirable ' 4 room flat, furnace, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 381 Larrabee st.,. near Broadway bridge. Main 4868.' - "" i . ATTRACTIVE modern 4 and 6 room flats, walkine distance., free nhnne furnished or unfurnished. ' ., Main 7157, l-.ast 2173, MODERN S room upper; furnace, fire place and screened porch. 767 E. Salmon st. East 2449, or fiellwood 453. BEAUTIFUL 8 room flat, very reanoti- ahiev io Vancouver ave. warn. i3. THREE room flat, bath and pantry, very reasonable. 72H wunanis ave. 6 ROOM modern upper flat $20. -In- quire oranam ave. ' FURNISHED FLATS MODERN, well-furnished 4-room flat. Adults. Permanent only. Walking dis tance. Nice yard. C-1160. 853 Sacramento. FURNISHED 3 room fiat Adults only. 60S JC, 23C1 St. soutn. HOTELS fit Rooms $1.25 up 247 V, Fifth fir. per wk. Free phone and bath. Main 7764. HOTEL PORTLAND .European plan uuy, ai.uv atuu up. ( By "Bud" Fisher - I;