THE OREGON DAILY JGU;;.'AL; TLAND. mn ddiweq UU LI I I.UILU llnycr Are raying as High as tOH Onts f. o. b. Portland! . but Will Not Clcnn Vn Street's Supplies lit That Figure. " y Today's Prodnc Trad. Egg market mixed. .' Jlore chickens coming. Otiees trade healthy. 4 Mohair higher in southwest Wool market quiet. Spot hops felling. , Asparagus market drags.' 4 Car new Texas onions. Country calves firm. , .,.. 'v.--:.-';.-v -.-' -: The standing of the egg trade at the present time Is not exactly clear to most Interests, As high as 19ic a doien :fa being paid for supplies by f. o. b. buy ers, Portland delivery, for case count Mock, and still all of the eggs being re oelved on Front street at this time can not be sold at. that prica. Some of the f o. b. buyers who were freely Offering i)i4f a. dozen to th country were un willing to clean up supplies on Front Mreet at the same figure. Indicating that they vere not as k,een lor orjierm as formerly indicated. f . . However, there is one firm with lib eral orders from British Columbia still to be filled that Is making a little uionev even at the extreme figure. 4t Jias even been Intimated by this firm that a still higher price may be forced for a day or so. ' " Eggs 'ara not moving any too freely along Front street. The best price that Puget sound interests will offer hers is lS'yjc, and this means for delivery at ' he depots, which takes about 2c a case, off the price. ... . . . . neceipts or eggs along Front atreet are quite fair, but not heavy. Demand an be considered just about steady, and there has been practically no change In quotations during recent days. . ; MORE CHICKENS ARE COMING There were somewhat greater, offer ings of chickens on the local trade dur ing the dav, but - conditions remained pond and there was little if any change In values. . , ... . FIRST CAR OF NEW ONIONS ' First carload of new onions of the season was received from Texas today. The stock was only In fair "condition, and not nearly as arood as the old local stock which Is being freely offered at Tic a cental along the street. CHEESE MOVEMENT IS GOOD Triers continues an excellent move ment in the cheese trade. While pres ent business is confined almost exclu sively to the local field, still all offer ings are being absorbed at the prices formerly in enecu .". .'"',',: VEAL MARKET - IS GOOD There is quite a good market along the vtreet for country killed calves today. "While sales of best quality were generally maris at nc a pouna. occasional transac tions were reported above this. Mar ket for hogs was steady along the street loaay. . . ".,.'.-.,- s GOOD APPLES ARESCARCE Scarcity Is shown In offerings of good quality appies on me local market at this time. There Is only a small amount of desirable sizes to be had, and the trade aoes not lane junmy to tne small fruit. :'-..:,'.-'',. ' .v,:-.,: LOOSING MONEY IN GRASS 'TO i l i. FUZZE-TO TRADERS ALONG FRONT STREET Practically every, wholesale handler of asparagus has lost money recently. There ts a badly glutted market for anything except the best green stock. It is hard to sell white grass at any price, and previous purchases of this stock wer heavy.-.' -.! ..;.-!, - FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS. Weather bureau sends the following notice to shippers: Protect shipments as far north as Se , attle against minimum temperatures of about 36 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 32 degrees; southeast to Boise, 20 de grees; south to Siskiyou, 30 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland to night, about 38 degrees. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES The prices ire those at which wholesaler ell to retailer, except otherwise tated: IHTTEE Xomlnal. City creamery, cobes and tub 80e; print, 32c; atat creamerr. Sl:?2e lb.; dairy, 25c. HUGS Nominal. Candled local extras. 21e raae ronnt, ISltte; apot baying price, k off 19 Se 1, o. h. Portland. , , MVR POULTRY Hen ntitlgc: brollera 4f6doi.; etagi 11c; rreae 12c; Pekin ducka : . H3f;' Iiidtaa Kunnen, 18c; tnrken, 20c; dreaaed, 23i25c; pij9n, old, 1; youeg, tlM CHEESE Nominal. Freah Oregon fancv foil cream twin and trlpleta, 17c; dalaiea. irtic ' imns Amerloa. ISMiC. ' BLTTER FAT Producers price for Portland dcUrery, per lb.. 8!c. rortiintf . Fniita and VaretaWei. ritF-SH FRUITS -r- New narel orantf, $4 7 4.25; banana, 4'45e lb.: lemon. $7 60 lliiila. 81.00 per 1(K; grapefruit. California XOO3.50; Florida, 4.5Oi5.50; plne.ppieTi, iUrrrVS. ,e""a POTATOES helling price; Eitra choice Kn. cbofrtr 40c; ordinary 80c per Vck ; buyhT, - pthm.j carloads. 2ie country polnta; MvrteU. 14 tier cental: new nntitnM ai.aT. OMON'Ml. ataoctsflon selling nrlce Se ..e- onio: sl.rflb.'T " ' ' THM , WKtBI.E8--TuiI,ija, 7cT beets 75c; new rarrnta 0..C down buncbea; paraulw 7,-,c calihae, fl.0); Florida toraan,,, so' Mei-.n hig . (-); green onions 1211915. iliixen-bnnches' peppef,bell S0n5c; head let tar-e, I2.50Q2.J5 crate; Ccl,.ry, "d 4 crate; cgS plant, 2.'c lb.; c.iillfioWfr iKSc per doeen; rhubarb, local. 2ii0- ,h choke, 81.15 doxen; sproun, Joe iu ; aanar.., . fin7c lb.; aplnach. local, 8c lb.; WalU W.n; BWtfSSc box; pea. 9c. ' "Ul Itaata, FUh and ttnitUSL MtEPSF.D MEATS Country,. killed Hoc, fancy. 12c; ordinary, lc; rough and' he. ,: fancy e.l, H14c; ordinal. vA 31c: kimba, ,iuly.ric; niuttoo. 7(28c- iou HAMS. .BACON. ETC. Ham 18(S3niic bre.kf..t b.WB 17627c; boiled him, fjii-nlca. 12c; cottage, 18c. ' .'B't M It ATS Packing houseKteera. No i atori, 13al3VjC; cowa. Ko. 1 tock. 12QiaV. WANTED! WANTED! Veal, Hogs, Eggs, Poultry! Our price, today: Egg. 10 do, e... count 17. I W lb.; brolloMi, 23e to 30c; pork, 11 12c; ,e,l fancy. 13ilHc: .tor. butur V'k t. o. b. Portland, no eommllon. -CHECKS BENT DAILY - F. H.Schmalz& do. 111-148 Front St., PortlM. Or. i ; Faid-p Capital 810.000. V' HIllEPOArED)E Eszf Poultry, Mog$, Veal ! tir prl today; Egg lHe 4nzen rae cunt, f. o. b. 1'iwtlanrt. no fotnrolarlon: chMinna 17e .i t.-i lw.ller ,Hc; fancy rrk, U ta.Vie; real titm v. 14tu 15c;' 6 copimlaaion pn meat and V '..It,' . Pminpt t.ti.nt. t .... ... -;' XUBT 8t CO., 17 Tront St., Portland, Of., Ainta 830,000.00 SPOT HOP MET IS V f,M ACTIVE IN ,,. WILLAMETTE VALLEYt Further Sales Are Made With a Fractional Increase in the Jrice for Some Good's ; Contract!) it'll Cents Are Sought. . r . ' There Is a' steadier tone in the spot hop market and some late sales of small lots have been reported in the country, iiarry jj. Hart or tnis cliv yvas reported the purchaser of about 200 bales oi spot goods in the tMlvertrm Section during the last 24 hours at 13 to I4ic a pound, according to quality. These.are the highest sales reported re-centyr.-kA sale of a Eugene' lot of 24 bales is also reported at 12c a pound. The latter were said to be of extremely poor quality. The sale cleans up prac tically all the 1912s in that portion of the valley." .-v.. :. v.;. According to th linf 'k'nt 1ir fcv dealers, , which was checked up last night, there are only 3100 bales of hous remaining unsold In the hands of Ore gon growers at this time.: Last rear's crop was 118,600 balea. - there Is a firmer time in the con tract trade again and 14e Is again being freely offered for supplies of-1913s. A New York mail advice of late date sas oi tee general situation; Bales. 1.177 97.8S2 T6..T89 4 Receipts for week...........;. Receipts since Sept. 1. ...... ;.. Receipts same time last vear. r.xpuns to -urope last week... ..54.979 Exports same tlme latt year; .-. . . .49,18 Imports for week ............... .49,184 Imports for week 63 Imports from September 1. ....... 13.348 "lorts same time laift year..... 4,177 "Not much work has been done In the yards In fs'ew York the past week owing ta continuous rains. Only a little old stock remaining in growers' hands and n business to speak of. Buying Inter est on the local market has not been in evidence to any extent, and so few transactions come to the surface that we find little basis for quotations be-: rood holders' views. Is certainly easier to buy than to sllat the rates given,-and yet dealers are not euro that the naming of atill lower figures would result in much enlargement of the business lust now. A waltlnr nnlti-v in . . - . ucins pursuea generally. ' new iom nop prices per pound: State. 1912. prime to choice 21iJ2c gtats, lll. medium to good, ., , ... 16 l!ic oite, jsiz, common .......... , is16c State, lli ......... 10S 14c Pcific Coast. orima to cnoice . . . i ........... .. . . .18 190 jiiiiu; uuji, iviz, meaium to . .... , . ... 10 :a 1 c Pacific .Coast, 1912, common. ... 1314c Pacific Coast . 1 911 . . .1 1 s14n Pacific Coast, older growths. . .. 8 10c iiiporiea, 1 . . . . . ..... , .. . 43i4c 13'e; wether, iie; yetrllng Jmb.: 15Uc: pork lelaa, aoe. ' LARD Tierce, 14t4e; comnonnd tierce 'iw," Ol'STEHS Sboalwater bay per gallon 1 per 100 lb. sack (-); Olympl. p,r gallon' 83.25; per 100 lb. ack. 89; canned, e.atern S5e can; 38. BO doen; eastern. In ahell, 31 TSS 33 ner 100-, rpr.c)ro. fitSZ.SS box. FISH Komliialr - Hock cod, ioe lb.; dreaaed flonndera. Jc; hahbnt, 10&l2'4c; atrlped b 20c; cattlah, 12e lb.,' frozen ealmon, 10c; freab almoB, 16c lb.; oles, 7e lb.; ahrlmp 12'4c: perch. Re lb,; tomcor. c lb.; lobater. 30c lb : black baaa. 30e; ailer amelt, 8c; Columbia melt, f I box blick cod. 8c. t Orooarle. SUGAR Co be, 35.45; Jiowdered, 35.30; fruit ?.15! 4Ji5; ' trnuUted. 35.05;. D yellow, 34.35. ( Abort quotation ara 80 day set rh.l BICE Japan style, Ko. 1. SHSc: No. 2. Hc; New Orlen. bed. 64 7c: Creole, 6!4c. , HON BY New, 3i75 per caw. . " SALT Cotne. half ground . 100. 310 per ton; 60 310.75; table dairy, 50 318: lW, 317.50; blei: 32.25; extna fin barrel. 2, 6a and lo. 35.25J8.oo; lump rock. 320.50 per ton. BEANH Small white, 6c; large white. 8V,c; pink, 4He; bayou, 414c; ltm. 8'icj red. 6c. 'Bop Wool and Hides. HOPS Producer' price, 1912, 13QlSc, ac cording to quality; 1913 contrntu, 14c. WOOL Nominal. 1813 clip. Willamette val ley, coarse, Cotawold, 18c !b.; medium Shrop hlre, Je; ebolce, fncy lot. 20c lb.; eaatern Oregon. 148i7e, according to ahrinkage. CH1TTIM. OR CASCARA BABK 1912 nomin al, car lot. 6c; lea car lot; .UU bark, ear lot. 6i5Hc: lea ear lot Sc lb. , HIDES Dry hide, 21S22c lb.: green. Iter alted bides, 13c; bulls, green salt. Ocr -kin. 13Q14c; calve, dry, 422oc; calf akina. tailed or green, 1721c green bide. lliie lea than Mlted; vheep pelt, aalled. 85ci31.a; dry, 13e lb, MOHAIR 1913 Nominal 32'4e lb. aint. Coal 00, Ete. WHIT 18 LEAD Ton lots, 8e per lb.; 500 lb lot, 8e per lb.: lea lot. 8V per lb. OIL HEAL Carload lot, 333; leaa this ear load lota, 334 per too. TCRPENTIKB la caae. 73c; wood brrel TOc: iroa barrels 68c per gallon: 10 ea. w 72c. ., 7;... . 'v ' ' LINSKED OIL Raw. bbl.. 68e ner eal - ktl. tie boiled, bbla., 58c gl.;. raw canea. fllci boiled catea. 63e gal; lots of 25u gallons ' vit vam wni, tn yrr ion. Chicago Option Close With Stiff Upward Movement After Weak er and Lower Start. Chicago, 111.. April 23. Wheat nrW were elevated 7ic to llie a bushel at the closing today, after an opening that was c off for the- May and c each for the July; and September." May and September closed with Hia rriii rise. . There was a firm tone abroad, and With a continuance of the record export demand, together with indications that me rosy crops so generally Indicated recently will not materialize. general short covering, 4 Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that the lower American cables of yesterday were offset by firmness at Buenos Aires and opening prices were unchanged to -tu uiKiiri. runuwini me opening, there was some disposition shown for profits.- being induced -by njji.r Ue- unand for cargoes and the better weath er In the United Kingdom and France. This was later offset by renewed cover ing, Buying was prompted bv a private forecast received by a prominent houne, placing the Argentina exports this week at 3.200,000 bushels. At 1:30 p m. the market was firm and Ud to d higher. Ranee of Chicago prices Cooke Co.. 216 furnished bv 217 Board of Overbeck & Trade bulldi ing. WHEAT Open. High. . ! ICS . 91 fi2; . Wi'i PIT, COBX Month. tw. Cloae. 1t. "2iB 91 d2i -'054 ; 91a 55 ftilUK B54 6 B ( , 57 84H .. '84 . 34S 84 A UH 34 .,- .1?. . tt).V B Vay . . . July ... Sept. .... May ... . 55 . 5 69 85 Jnir ... Sept. ... 67 OATS May ... 3i? 2! 4Vi a54 BIT, July . Sept. ... ur ... Jwy ... Sept. ... Pork 1900 JWW .1975 , 3075 , lahu JH'JO 195- Sfajr Julr .. Sept. , . aOB5LJu!ll..Il J0I 1000 J l'W 1092 . A 1127 1180 A J1"0 1103 A 1083 102 B ...H0 r i.k ..1092 1085 BIBS ..1127 lisn i.ll JJOS ..1085 J087 Mar 'irv.. Sept. .. Money and Exchanire. liiRf1','11 23Consols, 74a; Kew York. April M. Sterling' " ex ver fian FtiHncli"co. April 23. ftTllng ex ehan. 60 , lay a. 84 24 ; g t,' ""''"'fy. U.K: trance ri." t'lel recent nT 1 WHEAT PRICES ELEVATED jflli OFFERING OF I LIVESTOCK TODAY AT ...... NO. PORTLAND YARDS Fcjv, Head Appear for Sale Over- Night and Situation la Generally Same as Yesterday; Sharp l,osS in Hogs East. ; v Today's Livestock Market. North Portland Hogs steady : 4 4 to weak: catie steady; " sneep 4 4 strong. .. ;:.-;v y. .' Kansas City Hogs lower; d cattle steady; sheep higher. 4 Chicago Hogs and cattle 4 4 lower; sitae g, steady. ' 4 ' South Omaha Hogs and cat- 4 4 tie lower; sheep steady. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 " ' POBTLASD UVKSTOCK Kl'X Hog. Cattle. Calres. Sheep. Wedneaday ...... S4 1& 4 . 3 Tueaday STU 4N7 2W , Monday MOfl km) ,:, .. ZSu Satinilay ' :. 447 ... 8. 10 Friday 74S ' 37 , . . l&fl Thitniday ......... lt 275 . do U40 Week ago , t 2S 5 4H3 Tear ago , 127 ' SM 3 til Two year go.., 83 27 .3 ... , There was scarcely a' sufficient atuount of stuff available In the North Portland yards today to firmly estab lish priced. The only hogs that arrived brought the top received yesterday, 18.85, which left values unchanged for the day. At Chicago-there was a weaker tone In the hog trade and a loss of 10 to ibc was sitown at the closing. Tops ruled at $9 or 15c above the figures at North Portland. Kansas City hogs were a dime lower with tops at $8.90 todar, or 6c above those ruling here. North Portland hog market range: Best light ...-.$ 885 Best heavy 4, 8.6008.76 Medium light. ....... . 1.86 Rough and heavy ,.v 7.95 8.00 Handful of Cattle Arrives. Only a handful of cattle arrived on the North Portland market overnight. Some of this was dairy stuff. There was no change In the situation since the report of yesterday. There were no steers available, the. best cows offered bringing 86.75... 1 At Chicago there was a weaker tone in the cattle trade with a loss of 10 to 15c In the price. Kansas City cattle market was steady to weak, with prices 6c off. North Porllan(Ticattle range: Heavy feed steers ,41 00 Choice steers ....... ....v.. 7.85 '815 J7.9J 7.60 Common steers . . Fancy heifers ......... Fancy, cows ... . , Ordinary light calves . Fancy light calvea Heavy calves ......... Pest bulls Ordinary bulls 1.19 7.267.3i ' 7.0 ' 8.75 5.00 8.50 6.50 4.505.90 Sheep Market Holds Tint. Only three head appeared in the mut ton yards over night, these consisting of lambs that went at 87. Some spring stock sold yesterday afternoon went up to 38.10. . . The general trend of the trade In the sheep division was favorable with most of the former values still In effect, A u Chicago there was a steady tone In the sheep market with prices un changed, i. -Kansas City heep market.was firm and unchanged in price. North Portland sheep prices: , . Spring lambs ..............3 8.10 Yearling lambs 7.60 8.00 Ordinary wethers 7.25 Old wethers 8..r0 Fancy ewes .................. 8.00 Ordinary ewes . ; . ....... . . .. 6.50; 5. 1 5 Sheared stock quoted "5c to 81 less than, wool sheep. Toaay-g juiveiioc Biupptr. Hoes O. A. Dove. Roosevelt. Wash- one load. . . Cattle U. w. Heim, HiusDoro, one load. . ' ,Lambs C. w. Helm, three nead. Tueaday Afternoon Bale. STEERS . Are.lba. PrlcelNn, 1 040 S.O0 13 1 1230 7.R3I 62 2 671 7 55) 52 Are.lha. Trice ....1200 fS.OO .... 992 7.65 .... 9U 7.30 , COWS No. 1 : Aye.llia.rrlc. ....1170 80-63 KI'RINU LAMBS , TEARUNO 1.AMBS 225 80 IS.10 83 87.00 1K2 8"-75 108 S.tXI :2 7.80 SO 02 8 2 HOGS )KS H.Htti 61 114 41 8.50; JO 7.751 7 15, Wtdsctdayi Koraipg Sale, COWS .. .o. Ne. Ave.lha. PrlcelXo. . . . . 1" 81.75 1 1020 e .vil 1 750 s.tio) . BULLS .,..1150 lfl.001 1 ATe.lh. Trice .,. 9S0 $0.63 ... 800 5.50 . 840 $5.00 070 4.tK) HOCJS Price. 211 81-85 YEARLING LAMES 113 8700 KANSAS CITV LIVESTOCK Hogs Are a Dime Off, but Sheep Are Up a Nickel for Day. Kanaa ( hy. April Hog 42,000. Mar ke lOc lower. T"! 8H.00. Cattle -TonO. Market atearty. Kheep 70UD. ; Market 0c higher. CHICAGO rliKiS DROP AGAIX Sales Made at Ixs of 10 to 15c; Similar Decline for Cattle. 7""'." Chlom. April tS.-ll S2.000. Left nrer 77')i. Bun vear am 24.IKM1. Market Hvcn.v lower.- Miiert $S.50'a.0O: heyy. 8S.70Jl.tt5; romh. 88.4ow8.b0:' light. 0.0. fttle l22.nmi. Market 10(8l5e lower. : pheep lh.OOti. , Market Heady. , : OMAHA LIVESTOCK"! LOWER Hog and Cattle Are Down; Fonnnr 15c Off for the Day's Trading. Runts Omaha. Anrll 23.-Cattlc 640. Mar ket tearty u 101 15 lower, Sleers $8.20(g 8.8ir cow and heifer. 86.7S4t8.0Q. Hog 85KK Market 15c lower t $8.40fl 8.RO. ''." - Hheep R'JtO. Market ateaily. Tearllnga $7.3.1 7.50: wet ben, 86.7S27.00;i lambs, $8:3SQ 8.75: ..ewe. 86.25ru.50. ' " . J.C.WILS0N&C0, NEW TORK. BTUCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGES r CHICAOO BOARl Of THAl3fiS - , THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANCHS SAN FRANCISCO POHTLAM) OFFICE 869 Oak St., Ground Floor, twlt Bid, fhoats Marshall 4130. A.-418T. OVEROECiv&COOKECO. ,"- Stocks, Bonds, Cotton. Orala, Htu 816-317 Board of Trada BaUdlng. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Htmbsrt Chicago Board of Tradt. Corrttpondeat of X.o;aa Ic Bryaa. CbicaiTO, Btm York. 7 fill IS GREATER AND RISE IS SHOVN ELSEVHERE Sales in the Southwest Are Made at Higher Prices but Jical Trade . Has lleen Extremely Bearish; Tariff Taken Too Seriously Here, Intercut in the mnhnlr trade U b renter and higher prices have been forced in the southwest with a lieavv volume of MMiiHriiiiK. iMcatiy mere nas oeen a weak tendency in the hair trade recently but the tranaactlons in the southwest are expected to atimulate the market nere. - - -. . - ... , . The local trada has been more frleht, ened over tariff matters than the south west and the strong holding by that sec tion naa enaoieu mem to secure better prices. . The New York Journal of CnmniRrne or late date says: ; - "tjorroboratlOn nf th rennet In these columns some time aea that the entire; clip, of Texas mohair would be placed under control before the regular season5 opened was received here .this week.- AH of thj leading collection such .as the Kernville. the San Aneelo ana tne uvaiaa, nave passed into the nanus. 01 spinners ana dealers ana. it is eHtlmated that. about 2.000.000 nounda Changed hands. Agents of large mohair consumers were on the ground weeks before the season opened and negotiations were carried on very quietly for fear the sus picions of growers would be aroused and lhat prices would immediately fly up ward. ... "The first Prices nald for rood' rnmh. Ing mohair averaged 34 'c a pound. As the contracting broadened, values roue until good material fetched 36c. which is equivalent to 37 'A 38c a Dtiund laid down here. If this hair had been pro cured oy oeaiers ior resale tne quota tion would have to be 40c a pound, the highest figure named In years. "Hie new cliD will be offered In Ore gon next week and competition for the material Is expected to be lively. Ore gon mohair la not so highly, regarded by spinners as Texas. - The quality of the latter Is considered much superior to me rormer ana we, juster or the Texas hair "is declared to be higher and. therefore, more desirable. 1 "The duty of 20 per cent that It la proposed to levy on mohair under the Underwood bill is Ktronelv oblected ta by certain woolgrowers, who say that such a duty is- inconsistent. Some mo hair growers have contended that the duty-is fair inasmuch as Anaora eoats are raised here solely for the hair. Were Turkey and Cane mohair to come in free of duty, the domestic mohair industry would be destroyed. On the other hand, those who are opposed to the 20 ner cent duty on mohair say that when the An gora goat nas outlived nis usefulness, he Is slaughtered and the flesh is sent to market. Many a goat, it is stated, when dressed, resembles lamb, and is sold as such on some markets. Those who are responsible for these statements onoose the duty on mohair on the ground that this material is Just as much a by-product as wool. If wool is to come in auty rree, 11 is argued, mohair should be placed on the free list also." ....-,'.... San Francisco Produce Market. San Francisco. Anril 23. Wheat Northern bluestem. 81.771A1.80; club, $1.67g1.60; Turkey red. $1.651.77; red Russian, tl.56K&l.hi. Barley Choice. 11.43 1.45; off g-rades, $1.401.42&. ' Potatoes Per cental. Oregon Bur- banks, 5065c: do river 6065c; sweets, 433.25. Onions California silver skins, 404 65c; Australian brown, 35 46c. . nutter Kxtraa, Z6c; rirsts, Z4c, Eees Extras. 20c: firsts. 1814c: se lect puiieis, 11c. uneeser-uregon . riats, iancy, 17c; Toun; America, lie. ": 7" ' ---! Oranges Per box, navels, standard, nra 'i; fancy. 83.25!:, choice, 2.25S. Seattle Produce Market. Seattle, April 23. Eggs Select ranch, 23c; eastern fresh, 21c, Butter Washington creamery, cubes, 31c;- do creamery brick, 82c; city cream ery, 32c; California. 29330o. Cheese Tillamook, 17c; twins, 18d: Young Americas, 20c; Washington twins, 17c. Onions California, 1'4 c per lb. r Ore gon, $1.50 per sack; green, 30c per dot,', Walla Walla, $1. , , Potatoes Local, $810 per ton. ! Oats Eastern Washington, $31 " per ton; Puget sound, $2930. Hav Eastern WaRhine-tnn tlmnthv $18 per ton; Puget sound, $15U; al falfa, $14 16jwheatnay, $1718. Today's Metal Market, y. New York, April 23. Metals: " Copper Lake, 1515Hc. Lead 14.46 bid. . - - ...... w Tin $49.50 (f?4.75. . Spelter $5.655.85. TBAHS70XTATZ0X NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Kronprint Wilhalm . , ; Xay 8 . XroaprinMaaea Cecil May 13 Geo. Waihington Mar 17 Faat Mall Sailings Barbarous (Bremen Dir t) Hay I Bremen " May 8 Print Triedrieh Wllhtlm : May 10 London Paris Bremen Sailings on 8ATCRDAX for . The Uedllerranean ? V Berlin May 10 Frinc Irene Kay 81 N0HWAY POLAR REGIONS Jun 10, July ft, from Bramea la It Nartk tcrfnaa Lloyd, carried (nor pas eaer In all claaaca. First, Second a4 Srceraf eartboaad aad tvast-bonnd-North Atlaatle service. than any other llac OELRICHS k C0. GES. AUEM'H .".6 Broadway, N. T. ROBERT CAPE1XE, O. A. P C. 2S0 1'owelt at., near t . Franrl hotel i.nd Geary St., iso Irao . ciaco, or local agent. Loa Aageles ; -lit and Baa Blaja YALE sa.wp. HARVARD Railroad or any ship to San Francisco, the , Exposition City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first class pas senger ships on the Coast; average speed 28 miles per hour, cost $2,000,000 each. RAW FBANCISOO, POBTLAHD LOS ANGELES 8. S. CO. FRANK BOLLAM, Agent Main 26 134, 3BB STREET. A-4598 BffEKESr 111 TR AIVS-ATLANTIG LIMES AMERICAN LINE K, T.-riymouth-Chrbourf -Southampton ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE wr York Leaden Direct -RED STAR-LINE- Sew York Dorer Antwtrp. WHITE- STAR LINE Kew York Queenttown Llvernonl Y. Plymouth Charbourg Southampton ''"..'. .?"" K8W Tork nd Boiton MMrrnean Egypt, E. DISNEY, PASS, A0T 619 SECOND AVENUE, MAIN .FLOOR, &EAX, SEATTLE COU.NTRY LIS HI AGAIiN BIDDING FOR WHEAT IN INTERIOR Kxport Demand Is Very Finn and IJids of 87 and 87 H Cents for Club Fall to Find Takers; Jio , Movement of Bluestem lleportetl. . 4 ' Today's Cereal Situation. . 4 4 Wheat Country millers re- , 4 enter market; export demand . heavy; prices advancing. 4 V Oats Market nxtremelv firm A at quotations. 4 Barley Southern California 4 an active bidder; prices firm. Grain 'bags Situation easier. . 4 Millstuffs Market firmer. - 4 4 Flour Trade quiet. 4 , WHEAT CARGOES QCIET ' : (Furnished by . C. Wllaon it Co.) THndnn. Aurll 23. Wheat on uataaae firm but oiilet. . ! '. Mailt Lane miller' market firm for foreign woear, Number of eareoe ari-lylor off coast of Kit. rnp aince laat reixirt, one. Two eara;et wait lag at United Kingdom out ports ottered for ale. ' FOREIGN WflKAT MARKRTS "'-' TJrernool Wheat eloaed UiSUd hither. . Kerlln Wheat ekel unehned. Antweru Wheat cluaed unehaiiied to -Hia. nigner. Iimlapeat wheat cloaed He higher, l'arla Whm eloed t.c birher to Vie lower Buoi Avres-Wbeat ciused unchnced to PORTLAND GRAIN EBCEIPTS " WbeatvBrlej.Flour.0at.Hy Mondy 24 22 24 , 2 13 Tneday ........ '; 25 10 10 S .; Wednesday at 15 a 0 14 Year ago 28 1 8 ; 6 11 Seaaon to dt.i.lB,575 1951 ' J080 t mf'SSir iear ago ,13,403 ; aoi ituv , w Z43 Further excitement In the export wheat trade and the reehtrance of coun try millers Into the markets at Interior points, have brought forth higher prices throughout the Pacific northwest. Bids for club are now almost general at 87 87 He, but bidders claim they are unable to secure supplies, as some of the In terlor mills are buying as high as 88c tidewater basis, . The reentrance nf countrv millers into th market has complicated the situa tion. In the vlclnltv of Sookano never! lots of club were taken during the last 24 hours on the basis of 88c tidewater. There la tittle club to be had there at tne present time. Most of the holdings of club In the Pacific northwest are- In the Walla Walla and Pendleton sections. These consist almost entirely of scattered small lots. , There Is little call for bluestem wheat at the fhoment, and prices for that va riety are nominal. . Kor oats tne marKet is holding firm. with bids freely made at $2828.60 for No. 1 feed, A similar tone is shown for barley, With southern California a very anxious bidder. Supplies here are find ing -favor with - buyers freely bidding $24.50. - -, ' . -, - The market for gram bags continues easy. wheat Nominal, nrotiueers' trices. track basis: Club. 87f87Uc: milling. bluestem,' SSc; red Russian, 84 85c; fortyfold. 88c; Turkey red, 8690c; Wll- lameue vauey, Bswss'ic - BARLEY Nominal, producers' nrlces. track basis; Feed, 824. 5o; brewing, 825; rolled, 821.50.. - : ' -: OATS No, i feed, 281TJ8.50rrnimiir $29.50 per ton. , FLOUR Selling; price: Patent, $4.70: Willamette valley, $4.70; local straight, $3.85(4.10; export, $3.853.95: bakers', $4.6004.75. HAY Producers' prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $16; ordinary, $12 10: . eastern Oregon-Idaho, fancy tim othy. $1617; alfalfa. $11.60 12.60; vetch and oats, $9 & 11; cheat, $9&11; clover, $8'8I9 per ton. . MILLSTUFFS Selling prices: Bran, TmAsTBFOKTATXOX. SYDNEY; SHORT LINE San Franfiteolo Australia. 18 8yi via Honolulu and Samoa, th attrartire and pleasant rout, winter or inmraer. Splendid 10,000 ton teamen (clawed by Bntuh Uoyd 100 Al). $118 HonelulM firtt-etass reund tri Sydney $S0. $325 RAND TOUR SOUTH SEAi 2$ Honolulu, Samoa, Auatralii, New Zealand, Tahiti, ete, $808 IK Claw Round th Wrld; 2nd Clan $388 Viaiting 5 continents and world' great cities (ttopOYers) Htnalulu Sailing April 8, 22, May 8, etc. Sydney rrery 28 days, Apr. 8, May 8, etc Send for folder. . Octanit 8. S. Co, I7J Market St, 8U Frintl Mt) COOSBAYLINE Steamer Breakwater Sail from Alnaworlh Dork, Portland, at 8 . m.. April 17, 23, 80, May 0, 10. 15, 20, 25, 30, and thereafter CTery five day at 8 a. no. Freight received until 6 p. m.. except day prevlon to aalllng; preylou day, 4. p. m. Passenger fire first class $10, second claa $7, including berth and meal. Ticket office t Alnaworlh dock. Portlnd & Coo Bay Steam. ahip Mo. L. U. Keating, gent. Jdala 3600; A-2332. , ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Fail Grcry Saturday to -and From New York Londonderry Glasgow Ocean Taasage IVt daya. Moderate rate. . . For Bonk on Tour. Rte. etc., pply to - HENDEHSOS JBHOTHKBS General Agent, 1:18 N. La 8lle 8t., ' Chicago (R ANY LOCAIi AGKNT Bfct)3 fiTKAUB8 FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles EB, jaear Dana v . m.i aapni ai. a Y rttv Balls a m. m' Anrll OT Th kan rraaolsco 81 Fortlaod ). I. Co, R. 8c W. Co.l Marshall 4500. A-6H1. SAN FllANCISCO, LOS AXGELE9 ; AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT North Patific S. S. Co. S. S. ROANOKE and 9. 8. ELDER Dslt Every Wednesday, alternately, at p. m. Ticket effle 122 A- Third 8t.. nef ilder. Phones Main 1314; A 151 4. . MA1ITIN J. HIUi.EY. Paa. Agent. W. H BLPHSKH. Feelrht Agent American-Hawaiian 5. S. Co. "TTHAWHTEBSO OXXTI" ' Freight Service Between New Xork-Portland-Europe. . rrequent Scheduled Ballliiga, low Batei C, D. KENNEDT, Agent. , r 210 Railway Exchange Bldg. Canadian Service "Sailing Every Saturday from Montreal and 1 lubee. ! .. ?,viE LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS : i i " i Tncludina th ' " IAH8ENTI0 TEUTONIC MIOAHTIO ' CANADA : Sent for folder of th Short1 Land locked Rt. Lawrence mitjt in Fiifada.' k. a. .JkX. BV aaaBBBT -Bjwasa (L W $ J2.50: mhMlings, . Z2 : 33; f-Tts. $.1.50 per ton. GRAIN BAGS No.. 1 Calcutta, O' r San Francisco, Cr,iin Culls. San tancisco. April 23. Graln'calls: BAKLEY. Open. Close. May ...................142 142V December .I43.UB : 144 A OATS. , W, May 164 A 164 A STOCK MART HESITATES i Trading H Slow and Almost Without Feature on the New York Ex.. change for the Day. , Xew York, April 23. Trade in the stock market showed a hesitating 'tone for the day, t'p to 2 o'clock only 1 33, 000 shares Had been traded In. The market in general was a fraction higher to lower. ... President. Pennington denies the rumor that Soo stock would be exchanged for Wisconsin Central shares. . Only routine business was declared at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania railroad today. Range pf New York pr by Overbeck & Cooke Co., of Trade building. Ices furnished 216-217 Board ItkSt'KIPTION I Oprtt'lillll)' Low bid 7T 34 47 35 60 "2 12 asi 101 5- HI o 243 14 1ll 132 40 Vi 68 10 66 2uti 2 45 140 128 2fl 18 67 180 25 87 17 t02 115 114 25 18 184 25 21 22 W 2 78 , IRVi 154 63 62 American Oau, e. Amerlean Hmelt, pf. Am. Tel. Tel.,,.. Anaconda Mining Co Atehlsuu, c, ....... Baltimore V Ohio, c. Heet Sugar hl.. M. ft 8t. r....; fhl. A X. V., c Chin Copper Chepeke A Ohio.... Cora I'roducta. c. ...... t'orrt I'tcmIuciiT, pf.,.,., Dente? A K, O., c... Krie, "c. Erie, 1st pf General Electric O. Northern, pf ...... . Ic Becurltlea ......... Inter. Metropolitan, e. Inter MetropollUn, pf.. Lrblgh Valley ......... 11., . ', . . . . . . ; MIourl Pacific ...... Nerada Consolidated., New York Central.. .... Northern Pacific, e... Pennsylvania Hallway... P. Steel car. e. ....... Ray Con. Copper...,. Beadins. . Republic I. ft 8., e... Hock Island, e. ....... St. I 8. r.. 2d pf. Southern pacific, .c,,, Southern Hallway, '.. ftonthern Railway, pf., Texaa & Pacific ..... t'nloa Paeltle,- c...... ., 11. 8. Rubber, c....... IT. S. 8teel Co., e..., C. . Steel Co, pf.... I'tah Copper Virginia Chemical .... Wabash, e. , Weatlnghouse Electric. 1 6.1 82 84 68 Total alea 163,700 ahare. , Journal Want Ada bring results. . T7i, 77 7T8 . 34 a. 84 4 . 47"4 47M,.4m, . 85 8fii . 70 70 1t,i . 108!4 loiiiia io:iv, . 130 . i;io liniai .' 8 Mi 8li SMH . 101 Mtk , W W 0S . .10 81 tj 80?4 . m no w'i . 244 241 2l.m . 14 mil.HM, . 1l4 "T4 1Mtl . i:t:t ixi y.a , 40 40 4 . m es m . 10'4 . lOTj . 6H S4 7H . 2i4 am . 30 SO U , 48 45 - 41 . 140 140t 140 . 12S 1284 12, . 17 17 1 . 88 W M . 1) io4 io , . 2'i 26 J!34 . 87M, 87 7M, . J7!4 17' 17' . 102 lmy 102'i' . 118 118 115 . 114 115 114 . 2 2 25V. . 18 m ia4 . 14 ir. ia .25 25 2fl . 21 21 21 . 24 24 23 , 0H lOOi U0 .. 2H 2B 2 . 78 7 T . 18W 1S 1 . 154Vs 155 154 , 64 84' 34 . 62 2 82 . vkv, mvt it8 . R 53 53 . 33 33 82 .! 8 M, 8 . 4 84 84 , 57 68 flat; ortiiinii?ririi a i 6 ACCOUNTS - We receive the accounts of M;ms, corpora tions and individuals. We extend to these depositors every accommodation within the limits of prudent banking. United States National Bank Capital and Surplus , $2,000,000 i Ladd&TiltonBMk ESTABLISHED 1859, Capital Stock J - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS v' Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, available in : all parts of - the world. Cor n er Third and Washington S tree tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK - CAPITAL $1,500,000 ; SURPLUS $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE rrr ROCKY-MOUNTAINS CORNER FIRST AND SISTER SITS Bl I lull (rnlled Press Leased Wire.) ' I : Koine, April 23. Pope Pius' bronchial and intestinal condition continues to im prove, but he la slightly weaker .today. The physicians at the Vatican have ar- ranged to have his sister Anna sit by hia bedside throughout the day, as the pontiff obeys all her suggestions,- and she appears to be the only one able completely to soothe him. It was admitted at the Vatican today that It is not likely: that the pope ever again will resume his. full duties. His chief ambition at present Is to recover his health sufficiently to celebrate th Pentecostal mass In commemoration of th Roman Emperor Constantlne. . He slept well throughout, the night. - NORTHWEST BAXK STATEMENT Portland Baak. Thl week. Yer tgn. .......81.N53,521.53 M.84,171.44 ...... wl. 835,015.70 , 1.861,447.08 ....... 2,11.2!W.94 8.0at,348.2S Clearlncs. . Wednesday . , 1"iieday Monday .... Week to date. . , ;5,849,83T.-1T 86,788.888.77 .. . Seattle Bank. . ... ' " ' Clearl w ........ f ........... . ... 1,8,30.00 BaUncea 124,978.00 v- Tacema Banks, Clearlnr ... 81.818 on 45,765.00 Balance New York Cotton 3Iarket. Open. High. .. 1114 1118 .. 1118 1123 1148 f 1152 .. 1148 IH8 Iasw. 1110 1111 1138 1141 1145 1129 1118 1113 1114 Jrlose. 111101S 1118(fi20 1142B 1137ifi)3S 1141?42 1148ffi 47 1116((i 18 1114M18 : 1117iil8 Jan. .. March April . May . June , July . Auk. . Hept. . Oct. i. Dec. . 1147 1132 1118 1114 1118 1167 1139 1124 1128 1124 The Canadian Bank of "Commerce HEAD OFFICE, ' Toronto, Canada, f EsUblished 1876. ' A General Banking Buainesa Transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sta. F. C MALPAS, Manager. Third and Oak. AMPLE CAPITAL MODERN FACILITIES With adequate capital and-modern facilities for transacting all branches of the banking " business, we invite the accounts of individuals, "firms and banks. lumbermens National Bank FIFTH AND STARK STS. RESOURCES 7 MILLIONS. T WASHINGTON STREETS