THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL CD, lSli. l i r.:s:Tr houses 30 -(Continued) JUNE 13. , r, ri'm, ftriutly nudern bungs'ow, r .1 riis' ( il. fc, Everett, near 2tl t , ys2 .t.o. ' Visit house or cull owner, ' :i I tlM Hti. j itlt RENT 5 room, all .. furnished lioiiFo; beautiful view, furniture, ga jiinl electric llKhm and telephone free. 40 4 Mint t, east side., near Williams end Russell sts; . Phone East 1 327. , N- ! It'll T"l, , ii( iTimt A fi-room house, modern and furnished: cast front; garden spot; :ro.) it. from Alberta car. 1041 East 15th t. N. Reservations made. - Information obtained from pwner. ri.Ti a .ni,rliu f,i.-wfrn oritlrelv fuT- ulsbed 10 room Irvlngton home, Work,-corner, E. 21st and Broadway; 2 bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, sleeping porch nnd garage. Phone Kant 4977 or Main 1021. , JjlIIIKUIUW, rHUCiJ 4 Ml llipuvw, , . , ftle-plng porch, garage, rosea, to respon- iMtn. norm, wast FOR KENT A nicely furnished 6 room house . frftm . May 1 to November 1. Large lawrt, garden and fruit $30. . 851 ;rfiold ave. -. . ' -' ' ' . FURNITCRK FOR 8.1 LB r r HOUSES FOR KENT ; 32 NICELY furnished room house; Hi cleared per month, and $ rooma free to live In. Will take $390; easy terms. ry on east, iue. ( v-. iuu FURNITURE and furnishings complete for 14 room liouse, west side, for sale jit a Bflermce; r iarsVall 833 Oak st Phtftie Mnln 8647. iriaultM.hiiiii. tnr rent at S3 N. 8 1 R at; furniture for sale cheap, seeing It moans buying If Call at above number. i'liAT for rent; furniture of ft room flat; bargain If taken at once. 147 Htn Rt. Marshall twi, HOUSE.for rent, furniture for ale . cheap, inouire. gift iii. ntn mi. rnOTISE for- rent, furniture for sale " Iv: tA i faln TiQK -.-' tnruu. Cr,v ....... 6 ROOM houae; good furniture. .771 Sa " vier. " ' - ' FIHXITVRB FOR . BALK 03 FURNITURE FOR RESIDENCE V Comprising elegant leather parlor fur niture, library furniture, dining auite. beautiful bedroom furnishings, etc. CJreat opportunity for those atartlng liousekeeplng. 70t Northrup. FOR SALE Furniture and Monarch range; good as new; very reasonable; must be sold by Wednesday, April 23d. Call or write C. O. Nelson, 7103 S3d ave., P. B.. Whitman station. i'OR SALE Office furniture, consisting of safe, desks, taDie, lypewrjier, ruiss, chairs, etc.; all new and in good condi tion. -Phone Marshall 2218. FOR SALE Furniture of 2-room suite furnished complete ior nouBeneopinK, 140. A-2511, MarahaU 4283. Juliette AptS. ;OMPi-"TE furnishings of ft room flat. ate and blrdeye maple, Axmlnster rus. brass an Iron beds,, cheap -for .. u tma 9 M 1th A Bia bargain, account of leaving, con tents of 8-room modern house, suitable for board or rooming house, furniture Al. at a sacrmce. . r.nt. woo FURNITURE rooms complete, nearly new, at sacrifice, 243 E. 47th St. Tabor 14(. LEAVINCi ity, must sacrifice the ele irant furniture of 6-roorn apartment; verv little usea. . marBimu i ,. 1 tiAtn.n,Dn nl nn a will m 1 fnr S200. Phone-Sellwood 1849, residence 701 Marlon ave., seiiwoon. l"OR SALE or trade, office furniture. complete outfit Address 817 Hotel Multnomah. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, complete, 75; owner leaving city- must eelL W.-N. Ithst.: Marshall 3638. -ELEGANT furniture, 4-room apartmenl; 1 eavlng city; sell for half. S APARTMENTS 43 NEW fireproof, automates elevator, hot, cold water, steam heat, private batns. phones: 2. 3, 4 room furnished apart inents, $20 up. Rooms $ 1 0 month. Leeds Apartments, 210 Market Mar tihall 3597. - - MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick building, cor. 3d and Mont gomery; 2 room apts., furnished coir piete, private bath, phone and elevator service. All outside rooms. 7 min. waU to P. O. Rates $26 up. Main 9486. jHunivn . . . . . King and Washington Sts. . ' 8 and 4 room modern apts., furnlsneo; or unfurnished, reasonable rent; walk ing distance. An&rtments New modern,, furnished 2 room apts., flTessing room; fine location.. Marshall 4141. 110 Zlat JN. w ear. Nicely furnished three room apart Hient, J22.60; all ontside, large, Jlght, airy rooms, private home, both, on car- THE CHELTENHAM SUMMER RATES. . Beautifully furnished 2 and 4 room apartments in the Nob Hill district. Si- these before deciding. 255 North. 19trk ytione warsnsu o ' S00 Vancouver ave., new brick build ing, stands by Jtself. 3 and 3 room apts. Nicely furnished. Private bath end Phone in each apt. Phone East 841. n . . WT 1 1,'L-FP , D A TJTU KWTH E. Stark and Grand ave., modern fur bished apU prlvau bath, private phone. F.xcellent service. Alwajs clean and warm. Moderate ratea. Phone East 208. ' ' " THE LUZERNE. i( Corner of Third and Hall. Modern 2 room apts.. best in city, 8 Iking distance, reasonable rates. V OR RENT 2 room apartments, fine- ly furnished. Kent oniy 2 per ma. Walking distance, west eide. M. E. l.e. 623 t'orbett Diag. Two and three-room apartments, fur liihed and unfurnished; all outside rooms. Kat 1065. USE large, 4-room and bath apartment, modem, hardwood floors, elevator, fine view; a bargain; 330. Call Mar. 3 in, apartment ij. THK DK7.KNDORF. T:: "2O8 I6U1, near Taylor."" """ One 4 and on 6 room unfurnished i t'srtnicnt. or wui mrnisn. . Lincoln ADartments 4th and Lincoln; all outplde 3 room tus. 122.60 to $30. Main 1377. A-8472. We have vacant one 2 room apt. and one 4 room basement apt.; modern; prices very low. 6ii5 -leffcrson. iTJ?KAFr8., 21at and Fianders, 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished modern, electric elevator. A-3S85, Main Park Apartments Three and four rooms nicely furn !hed. Park and Harrison. Mar. 3070. r"jiOOM apts., strictly modern, first class, new building, $25 a m&nttu I'hone Marshall jllLlATTE furnished and unfurnished - r - n A A n t ,-. . K room yHB. onu iuiiuifuui. The Elms. li 14th St. Modern 2 and 3 room furnfshed apts.; excellent loca t Ion, walking distance: reasonable. VA" fNEWOoLl -APT., 1 and 2 rooms, newly furnished. 109 N. 18th st. M. i '.'0. h i n.' DiilCKSTUN. 448 11th: nicely fur. nlshed 3 and S .room modern outside Tt. nar Height.' Marshall. 67. M EREOiTH APARTMENT. S, 3, and 4 room furnished, modem 11 Washington. Main 7j34. - ii'ERMENIA. 400 HalljW'fcew. Jlghl roms: modern, furnished. M. 6444. om tiewlr furnished, modern. Kas SOS. 1 1 M r iiETELY furnished elegant 3-room j.t. w ftfi plaiio, $? 47 rlaypoole apts. 1 1 iluNricil; f very desirable 4 roam. .mi r 1 1 ni eru re ntrea wonable. a s ! S hoiu iia.rtments; private buth, . ( ri.,,M,f j)th at, ' '. ; lit Al'.IJO S roiMiiT" furnished ap- APARTMENTS 43 (Continued) , San Marco 'Apartments We Invite all looking for elegant, stylish, conifortalilo, home-like apart ments. Everything la absolutely new ajid modern, apartments either furnished or Unfurnished. Each .one la equipped with direct Pacific telephone, located one block from the oar line arid 16 mlnutea' wulk to business district. '1 he summer rate will surprise you. East Couch and4 Kth st. Kant 27TB. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS, 221) AND GLISAN STS. WALKING DI8TANCE. VRRY ' EXCLUSIVE, -- ELW1ANTI-Y FURN1SHKU 4 HOOM APARTMENTS, ALL LAKGB, ImiGHT, OUTSIBE KOOilS. REFrtiiMNCES REQUIRED. MARSHALL 3162. Overton ADartments New brick buildinir 2. I and 4 rooms. furnished and unfurnished,, all outside rooms, newly tinted and painted, grounu ana tennis court in conndction, w car, corner 21st and Overton sts. Mar- snau 8ku, Ankeny Court 635 Ankeny 2 and 3-room apart mcnts. Now building, new furniture, hot water heat, phones In all apts. $18 to $23. 60. Everything first-class. East janaeny or Montavilia car. Kast 2800 THU AVALON Corner Clackamas and . Ross; lieautlful 3 and. 4 room apart ments, with .sleeping porcn, furnished or unfurnished; 8 trtocks to new Broad way bridge; best class of railroad pat ronage solicited; easy walk from Union oepoi. : . . NOKOMIS :- 17th and Marshall;, swellest 2 room apts. in city; walking distance; disap pearing beds: private phone; bath, and dressing room; all outside rooms, well ventilated. Low summer rates. Mar. 4 or 4943. CARMELITA JEFFERSON AND 13TH STS. 4 AND 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED APTS. 6 MINUTES' WALK TO P. O. MODERN EXCLUSIVE REFERENCED WESTFALL APTS1., 410 6th, 7 minutes to P. O. ; 3 and 4 rooma, cozy and homelike, $27.60 to $40; fireproof bldg., automatic sprinklers and elevator; thor. oughly respectable and refined class ten- ants; n nuer new management Main 2078 FOR RENT 2 room, strictly modern apartments, all builtln furniture, very reasonable rent to steady tenants. M. K. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. FOR RENTFLATS 13 NEW IRV1NGTON FLATS, $25. E. 8th and Hancock, upper 5 rooms and den, all modern improvements, hardwood floors; key at 472 Hanoock. Phone East 6670. NEW 6 room upper flat, fireplace, book case, buffet, Dutch kitchen, gas range, water heater; east frdnt. large varanda, 1 block from Hawthorne ave.. very se lect. 253 E. 17th st. Tabor 822. HOLLADAY ADD., modern 6 room flat. Furnace gas range, linoleum; walk ing distance, fine location. $26. 2A2H i-.ast la si, iMortn, corner Miutnoman FOR RENT A lower & room flat, near the ball grounds, at $15 per month. Z. I Dimmiek, 617 Board of Trade. Phor Main 8667, or at 410 Dover st. $20 DESIRABLE 4 room flat; furnace, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 361 Larrabee street, near Broadway bridge. Main 4868. - .' ATTRACTIVE modern 4 and 5 room . flats, walking distance, free phone, furnished or unfurnished. Maid 7157, East 2173. NEW modern 6 room unfurnished flat, -8 room furnished flat. Cor. Alberta and Gantenbeln. HODEKN. 6 room flat, 305 Halsey, cor- ner orand ave. Fhone East 2675 or Marshall 620. MOTJiSRN 6 room upper; furnace, fire place and screened porch. 767H K- jsaimon st. Kast 244. or neiiwood 463 NICELY furnished flat suitable for "3 or 4; all conveniences; $20 month. 288 Fourteenth. VOH RENT 2 modern 4 and 6 room flats, corner Union and Holllday avea, i& ana jib. i-none raoor 2Z1. BEAUTIFUL 3 room flat, very reason- .u. nna r.nnA.... .... ii.ji- inr WHIP. I V ' ,Bl.TJUTBI flVP, VVU1II. iOO, BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats, fine view, low rent, nna jyiarsei A LARGE 6-room flat, $25, at 830 2nd. uan De nsea ior two rammes. THREE room flat, bath and pantry, very reasonanie. tz: wiuiamsave, MODERN 3 and 5 room flats, free wa ter, telephone and heat. Tabor 2515. MODERN 6 room flat. Willamette Heights. 1010 Savler st. "W" car. FOR RENT 7-room flat. Cor. Fifth and Madison sts. LOWER and upper flat, 3 blocks from Washington, modern. 629 Everett. FURNISHED FLATS SO PLEASANT, sunny .furnished flat, un stairs: 6 rooms: use of vard. frntf rent, $18. 229 E. 49th St., between Haw thorne and Belmont- cars. Tabor 623. ELEGANT apt. flat; sleepincr porch: 2 beds; yard; linen, etc. 867 East wasn., cor. zstn, n-3349, MODERN 6-room, newly -furnished flat. 290 Margin, near Broadway bridge, fronting pn river; $25. MODERN, well-furnished 4-room flat. Adults. Permanent only. Walking dis tance. Nice yard. C-1160. 353 Sacramento. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment. 48th and Hawthorne. Apply, 240 12. 49th st; Tabor 3468. FURNISHED 3 room flat. Adults only, 606 E. 22d st. South. FURNISHED flat for rent, lower floor, HOTELS 51 HOTEL PORTLAND only; $1.60 and up. European plan SUAIMER RESORTS 5(1 FOR RENT Seaside Sandhurst cottage on ouuxuwaia. 1 diock soutn Moore, for season. Call Main 6254. I MUST sacrifice my B lots at Seaside, Or., 3 blocks from station. Price $125 each. Phone Marshall 265. STORKS AND OFFICES 1 1 ONB 40x40 fireproof warehouse with deck, fixtures all complete, $50 cash trade established, present stock going out May 1; full basement, corner en trance, large display plata glass front and side, cash community, reasonable rent. Only $85. See Jones or Rohards. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. TRUST CO. 3d floor. Chamber of Commerce. RAILWAY mail celras wanted. $900 first year,, promotion to $1800. Ex aminations May 3 in every state. Com. mon education sufficient with my coaching. Full Information free. Write for booklet V-368,. Earl Hopkins, Wash ington, ix v. FOR RENT Desirable store room, 389 ii,. tturnsiae, between union and Grand aves.; suitable for shoe, jewelry, bakery and delicatessen. Inquire McCarger, Bales & Liyely, Yeon bldg. A FEW live wire business men with small capital can establish desirable connections, at the Yamhill Sanitary iiutie market. FOR RENTr-Store, fine location for . barber shop, in connection with hotel and poolroom, long lease. 1. M. B, Lee, 622 Corbett bldg.1 FOR RENT Building suitable for gar age, machine shop, factory, laundry, or.isomething of that kind on 3d and is. 1 la vis st, pnone Main 1721, A-4801 STORE jooili for 'rent, 12x40 feet. In new brick building, near 3d and Burn side sts. Will give lease. Inquire at 25 N. 3d st. on Monday. FOR RENT A good location for meat market or, similar business, heart of retail district. Phone Main 6199. long lease, very reasonable rent. M. E. iee, 6Z3 vornett.mag. FACTORY or wa re hoUe," -brick, 2 stories. long lease,, car tracK ana paveo street, will lighted. Jotirnal Pub. Co. STOR13 or shop for rent, on Matadam si near Kulton. Inquire US SdT HT()WEit(JjM for1 renL l!xl0(, clieap .r'nt-..&.3,NA lMtt b':t.'oiichHiid Pav). STORES AM) OFFICES H (Continued) for nr'NT 1 IN THE NEW EMI'Rf'SS THEA TRE BUILDING. 7tll and Yamhill. . First class offices upstairs, de-. slrable tore rooms on ground floor, suitable for high tjlaas con ,fectionery.. florist, optician, cigar, etc. Eletrant 'space 1n Imsemont arranged for high class after the atr grill. Right in center of the atre district. ' . Inouire McCargar, Bates & Live ly. 301 Yeon bldg. FOR RENT Desk space in Fit til street office building, part services stenog rapher an-single party line phone to agent reputnhlo eastern concern, seewlng permanent Portland headquarters, so di vide cost maintaining an office. Give business connection, referonce. nam and address or phone. 0-451, Journal. FOR RENT Desk space with phones, $J0 month. 309 Ry. Ex. Ford & Co. FOR KENT -MISCELLANEOUS 33 FOR RENT--Houseboat, cheap If taken for summer. Inquire R. E., McLood, ppllwoon. week pays BARN, 80 stalls, rent $25j near Broad way bridge. For particular phone bei. 1361 bEwlNG' machines of all makes. "1B0 8rd tr j 4 1 n..iM i(hIm 11 J11 dpi. iHTTiniU Hnn tuywr mntu p-r. fm ,. ).. 1 a 1 .1 u r' WANTED TO RENT 1 WANTED, small house, furnished; rent not over., $18. by the first of May. G-298 Journal BARN, close in; east side, suitable for automobile; must be cheap. Eastil944. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 Commission dealers In all classes of horses and mules. ' AUCTION EVERY MONDAY! 10 A. M. Horses and mules for rent to con tractors in carload lots. 240 E. 8th st, near Hawthorne. East 6316. - Horses and Wagons , FOK SALE OR RENT. We have 20 head of horses that art for sale under our positive guarantee. Also 1 carryall for 18 people, in good condition. 5 furniture wagons. 3 farm wagons. . I delivery wagons. ' Hawthorne Stables 420 Hawthorne Ave. - ' SEVERAL good cheap ranch or delivery horses, express wag. ons and harness. If in need of a horse, come and see me. We tell you Just What you are buying. 14 Union ave., cor ner of E. Ash FOR SALE, team bay geldipgss. weigh 2400, 6 years, 34 farm wagon, new; 1 team, mare and gelding, with new harness. 2 farm wagon. These wag ons, harness just been used for. twj weeks to exercise my horses till they were sold. JuBt have two (man; will sell at bargain. Phil Suetter. 302 IQajnt. rstliimVtlfi stah an BARGAIN Team, harness and wagon; also z Bingie wora norses; saiu noiHen Weigh about 1300 lbs. each, and I will sail hAv, with eriiarantoo nlan RAVpm I buggies and 1 surrey cheap. Roy Nash, 251 E. 12th st., near Hawthorne ave.; oarn in para B'OR SALE, cheap, 1300 lb. black geld ine. sound and true: 1100 lb. farm mare, very gentle, not quite sound; 1000 ID. -year-oiu geiaing, souna; two light wagons; two sets double work har ness; one set double driving harness; one set single harness. 446 Flanders st. LOOK THESE OVER Bargain every on: New delivery wagons at second hand prices; sizes from 1 1-16 in to 13-8 in. axles. iut union ave. jw., Oregon MoIIne Plow Co. ' THREE light teams, ages from 6 to 8; all rentla and rood workers. Cheap. 8 mares, weieht from 900 to 1600. from five to eight years old; all good workers. 440 East Morrison, corner vtn st. WILL SACRIFICE Good matched delivery team, complete; 30-lb. Dayton scales, Man's bone grind, er, grocery counters and shelving. Woodstock Market, end W-W car. . FOR SALE. Horse. Two seated trap, tiarness, lap robe, etc. Will sell entire outfit for 117b. worth taau. j-job, journal. WANT team, wagon, harness as first payment house, new. hot water, gaa. wired; terms. H. S. Oarlock, Richey St., Lents. FOR SALE. Horse, buggy, harness and saddle; all in good condition; , horse perfectly gentle. Call vvoodlawn 231. MARE weighing 900 lbs., saddle buggy, harness; gentle, ariver Tor women or children; ursi ciaas uutxii. Zj baimon. A GOOD grading outfit 3 .good big ; work teams, dtynp wagOns and har ness. Can be seen at the Unin, ave. stables until sold. . 14 Union ave. FOR SALE Team, 6 years old, well matched, true pullers, fit for saddle or any work; also wagon and harness cheap. 79 Texas St., Fulton. HAVING disposed of my ranch, will dispose of my pair of horses, harness and wagon; can be seen at Lents. Take Mt. Scott car, inquire at Coffman store. A FINE large black Missouri Jack; will sell or trade for real estate. Inquire of W. M. Johnson Transfer Co., . 1316 Belmont. Tabor 3, B-326. FOR SALi) 1 good, gentle, 4-year-old riding or driving pony. $15. H. A. Tatum, Prlndle. Wash. , TWO nearly new 34 inch Mitchell wag ons with dump beds, for sale very cheap. Lyons Stable, 222 Union ave. A GOOD rubber tired (hack) carriage, good steel tired surray; will sell cheap or exchange for horses. 14 Union ave. WILL exchange diamonds, good city lot or 5 passenger auto for live stock. 14 Union ave.. corner of Ash. BAY horse, 1100, good traveler, gentle, sound; rubber tire bggy and harness, $10(1. 667 Washington. Main 2134. PONY', saddle and bridle or cart har ness; must be cheap for cash. Ad dress box 83,-St.' Helens, Or. WANTED, a team, wagon and harness, about .1200 lbs; medium age; not ove, $350. No horse -dealers. -E-349,, Jour. FOR- sale,, at sacrifice,, team wagon. harness, good as new. Farmer & Hill. 112 Klllingsworth aye. FOR SALE Bay mare, 4 years old, 1400 lbs. J. Baumgartner,' Rothe sta tion, Oregon City line. , - ONE team,- weight 2100; good workers, 7 and 8 years old. for $100. 309 Sev- enth st.. between Market and Clay. CAR Idaho horse, broke And unbroke, gentle; also matched teams. Price ri gh t. Hubert & Hall. 38 1 Water St GOOD black work horse, fat and ready to go to work; weight Him; 1 horse wei gh s 1100. lis iqwa st.. Fulton car. A GOOD express wagon with top, $25. Tabor 4uu, - CLOSING out harness , at wholesale .price. 200 2d St.. cor. Taylor. General team work, hauling, grading, contracting. 42G 10.. Yamhill. East 4634. WANTED1 Horse and buggy, cart or 1 1 ght wagon, can 147 titn st. A SNAP 20 dump wagons, almokt new. 845 M. wtari. Phone Kast bbZh NEW Bailey bike Surrey, cost. $450," will take sio'i Tannr &. NEW express harness! brass trimmed. $15. 1 K. 7l St.. N. Montavilia, TMtJIW HORSE &;MULE'tm XLLXMlaiEopUM ON10 farm -wagon for eale. $26. ' J.267 '' East Sth. ';':;-v;-v '. : .' ; ONE bay hotjse for fiale, weight 1200. . Price $36. 267 Fast 8th. . : BUGGY and harnehS, $20, Ajply 669 Overton M, ' " ' FSh HA Llb2 aiddle.'. pottles . and m?w Hfiij'jicH, main un;, , lIOr.SLS, t-EIIICLJ-, F.TO 18 (Contlnned) WAGON and harness, horses ara a Ut tl thin but would make good ranch horses. Will sell cheap. Thse horses are guaranteed to ba true workers. 390 1 01 h, near Harrison. LIVESTOCK 35 A "MONEY MAKER," . . WILL PAY 20 PKU CENT OR , DAIRY, STOCK AND HOG RANCH. 40 ACRKS. NEARLY 300 IN CROP. FOR RENT VERY CHEAP.. LONG LEASE (NEAR PORTLAND.) , PERSONAL PROPERTY, COWS. HORSES. HiGS, MACHINERY, FULL NEARLY NEW DAIRY AND RANCH EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. ' AT POSITIVE SACRIFICE. MUST BE tfOLD. OTHER BUSINESS REWIRES OWNER'S TIME. ABOUT $3500 CASH WILL HANDLE. BALANCE LIBERAL TERMS. INCOME OVER $6000 PAST YEAR; CAN EASILY RE DOUBLED. 1 WILL CONSIDER SOME TRADE. - - - -l ;' ' ADDRESS OWNER, H. T. EDWARDS, P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. 44 HEAD of yearling Holsteln heifers out of registered bulls. , 25 head of Holsteln cows , 4 to 6 years old, givo 42 lbs. of milk, bred to registered bulls to freshen in 40 to 60 days. All located in the eat. We have here in this vicin ity one 8 months old registered Hoi stein bull, 1 3 year' old registered Hol steln bull, also a few first class family dairy cows, giving 4 to 5 gallons of , milk dally,, which we will sell on the Install ment plan to good reliable people. George R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commer- ctai btocK, Main sizu WE HAVel a fine big Hat of aairy cows and noirers, 01 an ages ana aairy breeds. Our list is too large to adver tise. For description wire us, call on 11a or phone us. Geo. R, Mokel Cow Co., room 607 Commercial blk. Phone Main sun ' JUST received from California 15 head of good young Holstens, 11 head of big Durhams, 2o head of Jerseys' and Guernseys, all tested. Bruce Com. Co., Union Stockyards. Phono Woodlawn nMi-r, , J, u unmlnff frailh 9 vVWO, liCBll nnu , .w... . ., r. " soon, 8 to 7 years old, all large cows and heavy milkers; will sell one or all. Special price on the whole bunch. Take Woodstock car to 69th ave., and walk 4 niocKS west. FOR SALE 1 fresh cow. 5 years old, &" gallons per day, Come and see her milked; heifer calf, 2 weeks old. Take St Johns car to East St. Johns, walk N. B on Columbia boulevard 4 blocks, yellow nouse on ten Riv fi-HKh enws. some verv choice Jer seys, some large datry cows, milking 4 to 6 gal. These are real bargains. Must be sold. 1480 Macadam t Fulton car to Idaho st WANTED Good family cow, rich milk er, quality more than quantity want ed: must be perfectly gentle and easy milker. F. Lape. 906 Qulmby St.. Port- lano, ur, HOI. STEIN COWS . For sale Six fine Holsteln heifers (fresh); bargain prices. Crawford farm, 608 Commercial diock, portiana. ur. WILL trade an equity in a lot and some money for a good heavy delivery horse and single harness. Ill 9th ave., Mt. Scott car, raoor ziaz A-l FRESH cow giving 4 gallons per - day. Call 395 E. Stafford st Take Vancouver car. . -. ' ; . 6 GOOD daily cows for sale. Inquire 1309 E. 16th N. Take Woodlawn car to end. 1 block east, 5 blocks south. LARGE fresh Durham cow, b milker; ' also good family or delivery horse. 1701 E. zsth st. Beiiwooa, ONE extra fine Jersey milch cow for sale, Portsmouth Aye. and Columbia bivd. at rea parn. H. Kltcning. urawiora, jiarKe 10. wn, 1 FRESH COW and calf for. sale. 239 Russell st. Phone E. 3543. TWO young fresh cows, one 6 gallons. 1840 Division. ,' CHOICE fresh Jersey cow, 4 to gallons milk. 1594 Division Bt. FOR SALE A Jersey cow at 228 Jef- ferson street, pnone wain st. 3 FRESH cows, government Inspected. 619 E. John st, St. Johns. FOR SALE 2 good cows. .1640 Mac- aaam st. ; 6 FRESH cows "Durham and Jersey Durham. 95 E. 30th: East 6505. POULTRY 37 HAVE eight laying pullets and two cockerels left from my fine strain of R. I. Reds for sale; also eggs for hatching, $1 and $1.60 .for 15. T. V. Grant, 1639 E. Stark. Sunday, Tabor 403; week, Main 8133. WHITE Orpington, great winter laying strain, 60 hens hatched, chicks week old; setting1 eggs, high fertility and vitality. Very reasonable. 416 Mechanic st.. Woodlawn car. tMarahall 3674, week days only. PORTABLE Poultry houses, broo4 coops, brooders, portable yards, vari ety of styles and sizes ; may be seen at our factory. Williams Bros., 6 blocks north of. Grays Crossing. Mt. Scott car. CHICKENS for sale; eggs for setting, 60c per setting and upiAVhita Orping ton, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns and Buff. Phone Tabor 670. 1410 E. Hoyt st. - - - - - - .-- - - BUFF Orpington hens, baby chicks. White Wyandotte hens and cockerels; eggs at a. bargain. 1031 E. 29th st, N. "A" . EXTRA quality White Minoraas, An conas, winter layers. 1075 ,E. 14th st. N. Alberta car. Woodlawn 2644. B. R. EGGS, $1.60 per setting of 15; one day old B. R. chicks. 615 Prescott st, cor. 11th. Phone Woodlawn 960. WHITE Orpingtons, R. I. Reds White Leghorns, cheap. Lockwood, 5226 67th st. S. E. Mount Scott car. TEN pullets, 2 roosters, an $18 portable coop with accessories, all for $20. 413 E. 60th. Tabor 3219. MUST be sold, 48 White Wyandotte pullets. $1.76 each. Eggs half price. W. D. Kelley. 5 E. 60th. Tabor 2422. 'i HOMPSON Ringlet Barred Rock oggs, $1 per 15. R.,F. D. 1. Box 161, Tabor 187. - DUCK eggs, Indian- Runners, $1 per setting. Woodlawn 1763. , 200egg setting; 200 egg strain. Wdln. 1763. T H O RO U G H BR ED '-B 1 adk Minorca eggs. Northrup strain. W. C. Kenney, 647 Raleigh. ' . 4 PAIR of golden pheasants, Bantams, baby chicks. Phone Marshall 779, Monday. Phone Sunday. Tabor 1855. EGGS for hatching from select prize winning Rosecomb White Wyandotte stock. $1 per J5. Phone" Woodrwn. 629. FOR SALE, cheap, about 200. pair of good equubs. breeding homer pigeons. 1164 E. 18th N.. Alberta car. EGGS S. S. Hamburgs, Barred Rocks and Pekin ducks, circular free, Wal ter Roswurm. Forest Grove. Oregon. CRYSTAL White Orpingtons, fine stock; eggs ii.ou. i-ew nens cuettji. jruoue C. 2316. SILVER Spangle Hamburgs, $1.50 set ting; a fine pen of these birds cheap. 2930 B2d st. Mt. Scott car to Clarks. tALilit!. Rock cockerels, eggs and chicks. Thompson's ringlets. 6630 E. 44th st. Sellwoocn335. ' ' " WHITE Minorca eggs $1.50 and $2, 15; 1912 Mandy Lee incubator, vsed twice, lit), 140 size. 327 fstara. WHITE Orpington broody hens and et tings for sale cheap. Phone Mar. 4353. TWO Philo coops, $6. Woodlawn "3076, 1601 Alblna. ' BLACK Mlnorcas, eggs for- sale, E. zm st. rs., cor, iviiiingswortn, FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs from prl-ae winning stock. Wdln. 1348. ANCONA egg for hatching; broody bens for sale. 7E2 E. Yamhill; B. 3216. WHITE1 . Wyandottes. thoroughbred", $1.60 -setting -of 15. 988 T'nion ave., N. R.. L Red hens, with WHITE Pekin baby ducks, -20c apiece. Washburn st. ORPINGTONS. Buff. White and Black ' stock and eggs; "no Jnnk." Sell. 1230. WHITE Rock hatching eggs, $2, set- ttng. Woodlawn S122. WHITE Wyanilulte $1 per 15. Mrs. i; v ,-iifi. a m 79th, St. S. E. 37 Buff Leghorns My bliiis won when ever shown, aim nave not only fine leathers, but are heavy layers; 15 ckbm, guaranteed fertile. $1.60; special mated pen, headed by lirst cockerel, Portland, $3. Come and sue them; no HcruhM in- niv flnck. LONSDALE'S, 3723 -E. 49th . St., Mt. Scott ca r to Creston. I OWNED may first pure bred fowls 42 years ago. Have been a chicken crank every since. 1 long ago nailed my flag to the White Leghorns, Eight pullets last year in Feb., Mar., Apr., and May laid 746 eggs. Hav won more first prizes than any one; eggs for hatching, $2 for 15; packed, shipped ana guar anteed: at the yards, $1.60; come out and let us talk It over. Yards at Ard enwald station, Estacada carline; 60 fare. W. B, Brown, box 33. Sellwood utntlAn ttn-ll. J " THE MANOR FARM, Petaluma, Cai.., is an old established poultry plunt. with the reputation of having the best Rhode island Reds out weat Last year at Cal3 Ifornia's leading shows we won 110 prizes, 43 specials and 13 cups. Also we handle the best laying type Black Mi norca!. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks. Only quality sent out, and square deal guaranteed. Eggs, chicks and stock.; , Cend for free list The '""yr r armi reiaiuma, cai. BRENTWOOD ANCONAS is what you need if its eggs and ' lots of them (large white ones),' or exhibition birds for 1914 shows.' . Have a, pair offine dark cockerels at $2.60 each;, eggs bal ance of season. $2 per. 15. A. E. Peter- sen, 6937 72d st, 8. E.; Main 1185. t. C. WHITE Leghorn buby chicks, egss ior setting, trap-nested stock. TaKe no chances. For heavy egg yield, buy from stock whose parental production has been recorded. Send for price lst urownnaie rrm, hox. bs. Aurora, or. OAKHURST poultry yard, thoroughbred eggs. White Rocks, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, White Orpingtons, S. S. Hamburgs, Anconas, R. I. R., White Leghorns; incubator lots If desired. 1164 E. 18th N.. Woodlawn 2906. v. WHITE-FACED BLACK SPANISH. Fancy and utility eggs, $2.60 and $1.50 per 13: $10 and $8 per 100; stock for Bale. E. J. Hufford, 213 Central ave., pi. jonns. pnone Columbia 114 WHY bother with setting hens? Let us do your hatching; we also sell Sicil ian Buttercup hatching eggs and baby chicks. Buttercup Custom Hatchery, iai) naven sr., university rarit. FOR SALE Cypiva incubator, 144 egg. $14; 3 Cyphers brooders, atyle B. S 10 each: 1 stvle A. IS. Ilk new. W C. Hudson, Hillsboro, Or. Phone Main fUJ. ORPINGTONS; I have some of the fin est White in the city; first and sec ond hens; Portland, 1912; a few settings very reasonable; also some good utility uirs. r. B.nane, Tabor Z993 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorns for sale cneap. Burr Orpington eggs, baby Chicks. 912 Division st, between 29tn and 30th. W.-R. car. WHITE Wyandotte eggs for setting, $1 for 15: a few cockerels left; will sell cneap. zoi w. .omoara; pnone Main 8690. F. A. Lucas. FOR SALE 12 B. P. Rocks; 12 S. S. Hamburg hens, by Charles Haener, 72d st 10 blocks south of Tremont eta.. on Mount scott line. s FOR SALE; White Orpington chicksj. weeK 01a, rrom rancy stock. For fur ther information call Tabor 350J. T 606, Journal. KLUCK, kluck. listen, fine Barred Rock, R. I. R.. White Leghorn and White Orpington eggs for hatching. By the nunorea. TaDor 4B0& ORPINGTONS, White, Black, Buff, Stock, eggs and baby chicks cheap, Dahlgren, Berkeley station, P. O. Fark- wood ' WANTED 9 hens and 1 rooster. Black Minorcas; will pay 75c apiece. Ad dress Mrs. J. R. McGarrity. Milwaukle, ur. ft. F.,U. 1Q. I. POX ZI6. -.i. i. 1 . . -. iiv, 1, uujw tip, BARRED Plymouth Rock cockerel, fine, strong- bird. Sell very reasonable. 6516 iuiilard (55th) ave., Millard sta tion. Mt. Scott. - VHITE Minorca eggs, $1.60 per 15 for tne rest or season irom stocic that is bred to lay and pay. W.-H, Mead, Lents, ur. xaDor uitsa. HOUDANS exclusively; eggs for hatch Ing from heavy-laying, prize-winning strains; fi ana xi.60 per 15. Norman L. Rogers. 920 Central ave.. St. Johns. MAMMOTH Pekin and Indian Runner ducks and duck eggs for sale, three blocks south of car line. Third avenue south. A. A. GEORGE, Lenta, Or. THOROUGHBRED Buff and White Leghorn chicks, hatching . eggs and block. iaDor 34Zt. iff and $3 Der 15: $10 Der 1D0. E Dl bchanen's, ifv 287 Hawthorne ave., Portland' HIGH-CLASS silver, laceoV W.yandotte eggs, $1.50 setting; pur iwhite fantail pigeons, $2.60 pair. 1062 E. 9th st. N. FOR SALE Four thoroughbred, 1 year oid Ancona pullets and 1 cock, cheap. 361 Sacramento. East 8219. ELLIOTT Strain Rhode Island Red eggs for sale. Telephone Wdln'5243. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD FETS 46 BOSTON TERRIER, male, 10 months old; Alrdale Jerriers, Great Danes, Spitz, Fox Terriers; extra fine English bull dog, 8 months oldr Boston bitch, registered; Boston Terriers, French and English bull dogs at stud. BOYD. 667 Wo ah i r ai , ... I, m n a HANDSOMEST Airedale in Oregon, fine hunter, pedigree. H. B Taylor, 452 TWO Scotch Collie pups, $5 and $2.60; J4 mile east of. Glen Echo sta., Oregon v.vj v. m. jvik, jianstone. or. NICE Pitt bull terrier, female. 5 montha old, almost given away; going to leave town, zss 4tn st. TWO high bred Alrdale bitches;! one dog, two Coach dogs, one Spaniel. Phone Marshall 3360. FOR SALE High grado 11-week collie puppy (male), sable, white collar. .mate nit j i 14IU ONE of the best bred Boston terriers in ' 5e?AJl; che&P- Phone (Monday) Main Of A-4088, 25 GERMAN Canaries, Panama parrot and Cockatoo; good talker. :. Boyd. 667 Washington.' Maui 2134. 1.-1 "1 TWO thoroughbred Boston terrier Ipup yiva. jrnuiie lAHUIIlOia 048. FOR SALE Yorkshire terrier. Main 2830. , -.- . fv.vv, vYuuuiawii aoif; ;n west l.mircll AIREDALE TERRIERS An all-round mm. AnruHie, I'Stacaqa, ur, FOR SALE Bridle bull terrier cheap" 4319 68th ave., S. E. W.-W. car AL'TOMOlIlLES-aiOTOItClCLES ' 44 Second Hand. Motorcycles - 1 Yale 1912 twin. 6 h. p .. $135. - 1 Thor twin 6 h. p $150 1 Yale single, .3 h. p., $65. J Zu0T Z- lre nKlne set. $125. 1 Thor IV. free engine set, $135. , Second hand bicycles from $12 to $20 Apex Bicycle Co., 124-126 Twelfth st, ' r none , A-330S WE have several slightly used demon strating -tara, roadster and touring models, which we will sell at liberal reductioris while tbey last. Call early this week and ask for demonstration. : The Stude'baker Corporation . Chapman and Alder street. . Min ;&69. ... SPLENDID C. Smith visible iypZ w,riV,r,-WItlltabH,fttor- Price, $57.50; S?!!t,,i0u- , "" flown,-I3.B0 monthly! ELEGANT ,1912 five passenger Ca'dli; niimnnteru., i.iectnc starter and lights, '.VL!1.??-. trlce. :1885; - $500 ! down; y" .niu.y. Aider st. WOULD like to purchase a first class n 1n.00torrf!'l Give make ,and .price. FLY I NO MERKEL nioloicde-for sale; good condition. Call .447 Ross st. POULTRY (Contlnned) AUTOMOniLi:S-MOTOnCYCLL3 41 (Continued) WILIS ' ' b till UYT JTVJUI Ill'lUf " a J . ...... pay the-, highest price fcr an auto when we can'seli you a slightly used car of any standard make that ,will give 'you thd Ktiriid M,.ful,'a uu a ti.a nriM-aiid at Ian Immense reduction? - 1912 Cadillac, torpedo body, electric starter ana ngnis, run oniy tavv muro, cost $2400. Price $1385. , 1911 White gas car, 30 h. 'p., 4 pass., foredoor, torpedo body, used very little, original cost $2600; our price $95. 1912 Mitchell 30,' 6 pass., foredoor. Cannot be told from brand new; orig inal cost $1660; our price $785. 1912 Oldsmoblle 40, Owen model, prac tically new; 7 pass., foredoor, cost $4000, price $1360. , ' 1911 Flanders, 20, roadster, $225. lio VJamana . runuaior, ouu, A1t ... Aa OA t T. D p. 1911 Overland 30, foredoor, roadster, $550. , ,1114 TJI X W Oft K ynum tiflK . Over 60 cars in stock. WrIte,.for list. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. UfV LITft-V. VANtfll'I.J KiX LITTLE YANKEES. , SIX LITTLE YANKEES. Six Little Yankees. The great "Car bon Killers." No liquids, no' delay, 110 unrfininir hnrmlpua non-AvnloHl va. Rids a motor of carbon In 30 minutes. In-. creases power, $2 a oox. tsox contains 72 Six Little Yankees, sufficient to clean a 4 cylinder motor 8 times. Beware; of lmltatbrs. None genuine without the trade marked picture of the Six Little Yankees on the box. For sale at your dealers or direct from us by tnall. $2.00 a box postpaid, Six Little Yankees Co., Bulletin bldg., Philadelphia. ' KEROSENE FOR AUtOMOBU.ES. The Air Friction Carburetor Co.. Day ton, Ohio, making the wonderful new CARBURETOR that uses kerosene or gasoline, was not damaged by the Day ton flood. All -orders filled promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re-funded.- . : TO EXCHANGE Crofton-Keeton road ster, Oldsmoblle roadster, White 80, 5 passenger; also chassis suitable for light delivery wagon. Trade for Ross mere lot as part payment on any of these; balance terms to suit -275, Journal, WE will exchange for real estate the following cars: 7 passenger Pierce Arrow. 7 passenger Win ton Six. . , ; 6 Delivery car. 5 passenger Franklin . f VllHIIIUri VI v,uilllliri m. AUTO AN'D CARRIAGE PAINTING. An old, faded wagon or car brings no business or friends. Have your work done where you can bank on getting the best material and workmanship. " PORTLAND AUTO PA1NTWKJ CO., 315 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 3230. . I HAVE a fine lot to trade for a good 5 passenger automobile; no inflated value. P. O. Box 42. I HAVE a 1912 Maxwell roadster In first class condition and newly painted. Will Bell for $400. ; This car is economical to operate and has been used only on city streets. Address J 303, Journal, and make appointment. IF YOU want a nice 5 passenger tour ing car, fully equipped, with practi cally new tires at a price of $450, call Main 5969 or A-2436 and ask for retail ealesmanager. FOR SALE Babcock electric runabout, suitable for lady. For demonstration call at 445 Hawthorne ave. We have a 6 pasaengec Apperson In good condition. Earnest & Harrington. AUTOMOBILE tires, new and slightly used, $3 to $20 each. We also sell new tires at 20mper cent off regular price. Paclflo Tire Supply Co 328 Burnslde. FIVE passenger White gas car, late model, fore doors, nickel plated trim mings, fully equipped and Just over hauled; will sell at a bargain.- Baldwin, 401 Yeon bldg. MOTORCYCLE sale. Making room for 1913 models: all last year's models and used machines , sacrificed. West Coast Supply Co., 31 N. Broadway )74h Bt) - - - Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15tnst WILL sell my 2 passenger Maxwell runabout complete equipment, $325; will take horse ana Duggy m gooa con dition as part payment. Y-624, Journal, WANTED Na 1 old auto tires. 7o iD., aeuverea; xno. z iuiu uic " Inner tubes, 16c to 23e lb. J. Leva, l$t Columbia st. Main is. FOK BALF 7 passPaokard; fine con dition; $1800; no trades considered; want cash, Another one at $2250. -Ad dress A-61H, journal. I HAVE $500 equity in Mount Tabor lot; will sell or traae rqr auto or iwm motorcycle. Robert Nelson, 249 36th st, soutn FIRST-CLASS 1912 Harley motorcycle, $165; $50 down, $20 monthly. Call to. day at 210 Globe bldg., between 10 and 2 OCIOCK. rnone mam mat WILL trade $1000 equity in Laurel hurst home for auto or vacant lot. Telephone Tabor 4346; res. Tabor 1149. 1912 INDIAN Motorcycle, equipped with light and tandem atachment; a bar gain, at $200. 165 E. 26th st South. AUto Repairing uouwork1nk John J. Zimmer, 121 and 123 Cth st. N. Motorcycles aE1uND. Dayton. Cycle Co.. $47 Ash St. near 8d. CLEAR lots at low valuation to trade for cheap second hand automobile; . . . t,- OCrt Tni,,nol; wnat nave yu i j-av, ,,.. I HAVE a small 5 passenger Packard touring car, - win sen cneap. j-ioi, .Inurnal. 4" TODAY and Monday only. : Franklin B pass., runs fine, new tires, $300 cash. WILL take bealitiful ocean frqnt lot on- Long Beacli oouievara ior auto. Tabor 1809. :. ' TO TRADE WInton model 1907 auto o " t.t 1 A 14 P c,.ir.ltn . mrlllA Ralph X. Marvin, R. F. D. 2., Amity, Or. FOR TRADE Furniture of - 7 room - home for good motorcycle. 488 Burn slde. Main iztio. AUTO SPRIN GS A?pAjARED K K Frank Lange, zzh Baimon. w. MAXWELL 30, 6 pass.j in fine eondl4 - tion; puce uuw.--, b, moihuwu viv&. Biarsnau oao. $500, V4 CaSH E. M. F. "30"; new tires and top; A-l condition. A. G. Inslow, STODDARD-DAYTON roadster, in fiiet class condition. . Must sell cheap. Call Tabor 652 or 224. FOlliSALE OR TRADE 10 acres Hood River orchard land. $1000 automobile prererreo. mam BARGAINS in new auto tirs Come - ana see. rcciicon ao w 427 Stark Bt, - " FOR SALE Good bicycle, coaster brake. Cai ! a ii40',t uuii'i't, incniMii, MOTORCYCLE work my specialty.. See m ! 214 jeitecpun si u. rwmr. CALIEORNtA PLATING-WKS., 248 2D. AUtO tl imilllllf," BarTGAINS In slightly usedn tires; vul cahizlng. 25ct repairing. 207 Madison, FOR' SALE Queen Indian motorcycle, cheap for cash. 919 Tlbbetts st. , r-MA RTF LI -ie-pti!iBg-sadlators. limrm rapalrTd. ; 22 ST. 6th. M. 9520. 1013 Twin Excelsior H. P., never run; nillSt Sell. IZW""- - r"'1'" 1912 CHALMERS dirt goou ooiiuiuoii. 309 Everett nt. MlWORCYC'LE. 4-H. P., magnto-liell drlv " mechanically perfect. jOrt Ahter. GOub bicycles flioap. 309 Everett-St. 11m j&iu uasiana , rutiuBier, ouu, 1910 Chalmers 80, 6, pass., $650. . '1910 Mitchell SO, 4 pass.. $375. ' ,1910 Cartercar 30, roadster, $375. ; J9H Ford roadster, $350. ' , seau ra mm ACTo:.iouiLi:so;oTo::ci'CLr-i 4 1 (Continued) We' Have as, Bargains for This 1 Week One 5 pas. Peerless, 'KM car has been thoroughly overhauled, l wouiu con sider it one of the best buys in the city for the price. It is a hfgh-grade car and would make an excellent chassis for a hotel or auto bus. It Is almost wlre- We have also one i pass. Garford which sold two.years ago in our of;V for $4865, and la as good now If not better than then. I wilt take Just $900 for this car during this week only.' , We have aV"K several 7 pass.' machines for stage use at sacrificial bargains if taken in the next week. , Also one model "I" local roadster In first-class running order; looks like new and practically aB good as new. This car would climb a tree In a pinch. Costs new $5000. Our price for this weekv $1200, and will demonstrate any place end anywhere. ' We also have one 191 1 foredoor road ster in good running order at a bar gain, and' Beveral others too numerous to mention. Be sure U call and look them over, as each one is a bargain. W guarantee and give free demonstration with each and every car we sell. -We alHO have three electrics and full leather top runabout at about" of the actual price. - ' ... ' . Be sure and call and sea these bar agnls at the old reliable i Northwest Auto Exchange1 ; Main 8121, A-7612. , .. Alder ft. Bargains for This Week Only The following cars have-just been overhauled r One Marmon. This car has both a delivery body and a touring car body. A $3000 car in No. 1 shape. Will accept any reasonable offer. Come and see it. One Fierce-Arrow 1910 model; a real bargain. - Cadillacs, models 1910. 1911, and 1912, all as good as new and sure bargains. One Kent, 191,0 roadster; easy snap. One Page-Detroit, 1912, self-starter. In No. 1 shape, $850. One Studebaker Garford, 1910, rear seat detachable; a $4400 car for $750. It you are a prospective buyer and know a bargain when you see it, come and look these over tomorrow. , Covey Motor Car Co. v Washington St. at 21st. A Few of Our Many Bargains in Used Automobiles for , . the" Week 1912 Chalmers; 6 pass.; 86 n. p.t self starting; electric lights: seat covers; demountable rims; like new. , See this car todav; if sold at once snly $1276. - 1911 Cadillac; 5 pass.; fully equipped; looks and runs like a new car; $1050. - Hupmoblle' 3 pass, runabout; $350. ' Maxwell; 5 pass.; fully equipped;' $560. Auburn K pass.! ,40 h. ; p. fully equipped; $650. . Little 2 pass, roadster, fully equip ped; this is a 1912 demonstrating car; Is good as new; snap, $575. 1910 Cadillac 6 pass.; $575. Apperson 6 pass. . forefdoorj fully equipped; $950. Pope-Hartford 6 ass.; , fully equip ped; $750. - " - And -many other bargains our trttnk , consists of over 75 cars; all rnakis. It will pay vou to see us before you buy. We teach you to drive free. . Every car guaranteed. ., ; Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder street . Main 1161. A-483T.' STUDEBAKER 20, 6 passenger touring car; nicnei -inuiiiieu; luiiy eiuifiou, has been run but a few hundred miles. Will dell for low nrlca and easv terms. Call 622 Alder st. 1912 CHALMERS. 1913 E. M. F. 80, 1911 Pope-HaTtford 50, to trade for clear Portland property, mortgages or good equities, St. Charles Land Co,, St. Charles hotel. WANT auto in exchange for 40 acres Carey act land, in Crook Co.; water right paid. Dan Catlow. 4930 E. 41st St. ' S. K.; portiana.- FLANDERS 20-,-$ passenaer; equlppeit with top, wind shield, generator and lamps. We guarantee this car.-- $350 Some terms.- 268 11th mt. " " AM LEAVING the city. Have 1913 - HudsonS passenger touring car ...L would like to sell. Price very reason able. X-460, Journal. . . CALLED away unexpectedly. Must sell my four passenger 1912 Max well this week. In A No. 1 shape. X 462, Journal. - -'- HAVE one 4 ton truck in A No. 1 con dition; has been but sllghtlv used and the price is right. A bargain.. See at once. D-461, Journal. , : OVERLAND 30, 4i passenger,' fully equipped, in Al condition; extra tire; $475; terms. zt ittn st. A PIAfJb player, standard make, to sell or trade for lot or auto.- 529 Hamilton bldg. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 6$ Want a Motor Boat In exchange for one or two choice lots In fine locatiop, Portland. Length of boat 28 to 38 feet 4-cycle engine: do not submit Junk or inflated values. Address 416 Railway' Exchange bldg. . FOR charter c.r sale, new 15 ton fish tug. 45 ft. long. .12 ft beam, 36-40 h. p. heavy , duty, gasoline engine, suitable for towing or carrying fish; pilot house control, sleeps three. D. H. Brown, 881 4th St. - Phone Marshall 4545. A BARGAIN, motor boat and boathouse; ' boat 30 ft.. ft beam, 20 h. p.; firsts class condition; fully equipped. See Jamison at Motor Boat club, foot . of Ellsworth street. Terms, r 32 FOOT half cabin cruising launch with' 25 horsepower engine. In first class condition. Will trade for second hand automobile In good condition. Ad dress 389 Emerson st. 1 , FOR HALE 19 loot motor -boat; 4 Va horse power motor; excellent condi tion. H. F. Markworth, care Howard A ii to Co.. 14th and Davis; CANOES! CANOES t " CANOES! rT painted and varnished. $4 to $6. Boat Shop.- foot of California t. I HAVE a very fins pleasure launch for sale very cheap for cash. S. N. Steele, 432 Chamber Commerce bldg. Main 255. BOAT repairing and painting. Bring your boat up for spring cleaning. Boat Shop, foot of California .St.". . FOR SALE, 18 foot launch, 3 h. p.. full equipment; bargain. . John McLain, Hawthorne dock. . 86 II. P. 4-cylinder'commercial launch, complete, at less than H. value. Own er, sio Za. Mnrsnaii 340. LAUNCHES, : BOATS, LAUNCHES A lew bargains in launches. Boat nop, root or CaDiornia st. LAUNCHES, roawboats, . canoes, ' for rent. ooi ot Hi. juurnsiue. AnrU 25. HOUSEBOAT, with skiff, and woodshed, for sale cheap. Address 123 N. 17th. 19FT., 6 h. p. or trade for motorcycle. 249 5th st. 4" . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 $85 SMALli upright piano, sweet tone. Tastheful rosewood case. Phone evenings. A-2S82. A DANDY-piano for ,. sale cheap' foe cah. l abor . (Continued on Nest Page) Ml