SI OKI'S AM) Oil ICES H (Coatlnfiad) ' : Ollice For Rent n-i flfftirifiir, office in Portland Trust !!., at ;!d and uak sis,, for rent at ,ii'soiui mo rate. PORTLAND TRUST CO. ' " 8d and Oak Ms , . i (iuk ron ken r. A -very desirable store, about 1600 ft. floor space, with basement, on E. Hum- lle, - cuotl location, close in. suitabln .mail, business of any description; seasonable rent. Call phono Main 386 vkwh 7 a. in. anl 2:30 p. in. DESK room for en!.. Main 6148. 1 -,- IOR RENT HALLS frn " " HALL for rent; large hall pood danc- lng floor, plenty of ventilation, .cheap mm, wcaia zuu. inquire zoa'fr 3d, xim luvai- Ml!sCt!iUjaIiiOtS Sit HEWING machine of aU makes. 190 8rd i-i, mmntu and Taylor. Main 9431. Y WAITED -TO KENT V ANTED By 18th. one large room and Kitchenette, or 2 rooms In ft private fsiully, on west side; two ladlea eni. ployed. 11-3(15 Journal . - BY young couple,-, modern 4 or 6 room ..-furnished bungalow, with piano, rea- nuuuie inn. iNzi, journal. ifan. journal. - AVANliiI-lartly furnished housekeen- ingr room 'In private family. l4-li3,j Journal. 1' URNlStliiy ; hound' by ftimlHhed: " T-K! .Tnurnal . an rareiaaers, iteCerncea .VVAJiTED to rent, a. Wail placa for"!! chicken ranch with buildings. 8-448 mtriial. ' . ' xw i. vtit'K ' i . i v 1 r?MQi P1161,? 'urntehed nungalows, also houses. Security De- Vclnnment C.a. Phono Main 17-1 i,. , ; " j V ANT cheap rent houses. Main 6111. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETO 18 SEVERAL food cheap ' ranch or delivery horses,: express wag ons and hnrriMa . if in need - of a. horse come and see me. We tell you1 Just what you are ouying. 14 Union ave.. cor ner of B'h Ash. have a Vay mares, .weight about 3400 lbs.; also a gray team, well watched, weight about 2300 lbs.; 1 big horse,-wel-ht I-S00 &s. These horses are all good woykers and would make good ranch teaMs; also one 3 inch iarm wagon. 267, Eas- 8th, near Haw- rhorne ave. ' S span of mares -2 f - t. -y-r 3 apan of horsen 2(300, 8 head of horses. Itange from 804 to 1200 to be sold cheap. Can be setm arod tried at barn, 434 Corbett at ciwnen of Alblna ave. Take Mississippi ae. oar to Alblna ave. norl - 2 head draught, Vel'very and Taneh Wtl,J-,,b?Z f.r08.n Jersev. Qu,er" marea, guaranteed good 1060 1100 de- T sy ?.w?,' younft,: tr,cS mu8t b0 rlgnt ii...., ...,fc ft. v..n,,f af p.i.imi.i. J. M. Lushere. 406 Park. Btables. Phil Suetter pint F, W, Ball, of Wheeler county. " ' " FOR SALE- terms or ti-ade, cheap, de- , livery wagon, buggy, ca Triage, harness, auiotnotme, motorcycle, organ, pnono- i winUmill, tndse., wood, potatoes, chick- ens or cow. N-680. Journal. TWO horses-and 1 colt t double seated uww, mwi ju.iijj, nun, i rubber tired surrey, 1 set new dou-l tit buggy harness. 1 wet single harness. I CaUaln's eKf can Main sun. 6-g tjpsnur st. A FINE TEAM of 3 year old colts, partly broke. Will tajie good delivery horse in exchange. 14 Union ave..cor. A GOOD cheao farm t am with good .finrnoaa on n.urlu ttAar 31 V. -fnn arntrnwl will sell at a big loss. Inquire for Ma- son rig. 14 Union ave.. corner of Ash. FOR, SALE 1 horse, wuight 1126 lbs.; ,work single oro.ooubler years old good-life and well built Call at . 174 K 4th at. phone Tabor 64. . FOR RALE Team. harnss and furnl. ture, wagon and plow. - Will also rent house and barn to aamo In Ienta, phono Tabor 4463. ' - FOR SALE 10 head' of good .heavy " wares and horses. All guaranteed as represented. Well broke. 436 E. Yam- mil.-- Kast 4634. Henry Cromer. .WANTED Steel-tired single' "buggy", from owner; give, full description ancl price in first letter; must be bargain. Kks "i""J LC A " ' ' ??4 cl,ifK,7 1S 13. Journal. ' - '115 cents: cock, for sale, 81.75. Call rSl3, Journal. rirft .mull hdrun. n. . 1 I ,', 1 1 D . .1 ,A " V. AVVV, V Will IV I ... ,,j . , V T. yeara old. Good ' to work single orl"" fa,r.. i.hi. i. tin ah a Jrl o.i I egg. 114: ; mon. A HANDSOME black standard-bred mare, pretty as a picture, a fine sad- die animal; will sell cheapor exchange "for, good livery horse. 14 Union ave. l. n.v..r... 1 .V. rsr s -i-r lit. TAKES 10-year-old team of geld- lngs, harness and light spnnr wagon. or will sell separate. H. C. Gamble, 426 V. Yamhill L r.7r V! i - AJi9OD TEAM of work or delivery mules none better. Will sell cheap cr " wr-of AshX"l,anife- M Unitt V'- Vnn- ca t Trlh OR SALE Cheap, top grocery wagon -"f " ", v umu, auiu i snd Alder. Phone Tabor 743. S200-LB. TEAM, harness and warnn. -,CLH!t PaS,vof ,waeon Af taken at once. 128 E. th st, near Morrison, SALE orotrad for good wagon r.n u 9.,room r00min h0Ufie- Call 383. Gllsan st. j.iuw 10. mure cneap or will trade tor I a ou ,hf.Winoan r,0rr' 5mKJ.6 f . " I harness, cheap, t.or. 17th and E. Pine, bPAN grays, 2(00 lbs., 6 .year olds; also sorrel horse: will work sineia or double. 248 Front st. .FOR SALE 1 team harness and wgoii, almost new platform springs, camel back. 369 Union ave. South. tOR SAf.E Light team and harness; 8S5; t ton gooseneck wagon, 311n. IBs Arthur st. . - MUST : sell cheap, farm team weleh-IV tng 2500, Harness and farm wagon. Phone (fell.' 1545. . IOUNG team, 3000 lbs., good harness ,.andwaKO'', 1 J'ounf 1600-lb. cheap. E. 8th st. N. Woodlawn car. FOR SAX.E Delivery wagon, good as I r'iVCv' ?Jiira?e for ll8ht tarm wen- Ell N. 24 H st.- Iri. Ill f ,.7. 1 : ifcAM ot: young mules, harness and I -wagon, sre new, z. 2 blocks east nf end of Esstmoreland car V m.u. TOW SALE One 2l-hand farm wagon. 12-ft. box. Economy Fuel Co.. 3 Grand ave. . i . Foil !?ALE Three, horses, 1400, 1000 L 00 weight, age, six, nine, four. Q TlolbokA, Portland Rural No. 2 FOR SALE One team of horses:! 4 we gi.i jto: lus ; .o,ui -aa good travelers. , Phone Woodlawn 6j l'OU bALE r2 nice mare colts coinine 2 vare,.. P. Pilil. 604 Borthwi'ek'sU Woodlawn 1651. , . . , w i i..i , . , , - i - a uwu an arotinii delivery hors sound and trtlo. also slnelu liurnu r.arii evti. fCT lwu, !",rse light express team. v,mi unH i,r,u.. MO' Mi Beech street f ,'i "f v: -i.rr-jr r-" - - "l&i tJ.? S'X hSri tial. 3 HI A LLS for rent cheap. 116' E 13h i N. ' PH"n li;-42 r'4. . ' . jOU( express wagon with, top , 25. Ta bor 4090. ' , . , cTxSsiNU- out harneaa s at wholesale . Taylor. - ,-. price. !06 i'nd st. cor, 225 TAKjl. , 2200 lb. team of horses, erslde HoteL St Johns. Phone Colum- new farm wagon and -double harness; bla 124. tmiet sen. 33 E. 17th st S. EGGS 76c per setting from select 1 1110 lb. sound delivery horse, works , thoroughbred R. 1. Reds. C. E'Carl- sineVe and double, also 1 ssi nf rtnnhia ton ir.?S iith u v cat ,..ron SAL1v2 dnmn HiiBon 84 T' 0. ; L - . Til.. ... fat- tVe $6. ' 309 stark st ' ' .yiiiUWlTt. Ju. .'.k w.ial.t 1 lnrca.lfc Mondav Hlhi 141 ,'0;',I learn and harafss. Snati if taken , a imiy,' Annei Kat ;f,ni.. '; :, , A wTltONG steel tired buggy, lid.' 66St erton st..- 1 ' 1 hT V.T:,-1 wv, . .heap; i win f-. . viunje lur lurger outs. - I3j' im st. , HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETO 18 (Continued) f .Commission dealers In "all classes of norsH ana mm. , . AUCTION EVERY MONDAY 10 A. M. -Horses and mules for rent to, con- tractors In carload lots. I 840 E. .8th St., near Hawthorne. East 6315. T11IS- GRADING OUTFIT . MUST BK SOLD. , , I nave some good matched teams ana I some norses. mat worn single, a goo , 1 1 1 II n, urn a .... . a 1 .. ............ I Pi harness, : three Rood wagons, some stipes and wheelers. You era not taking? any. chances on this stock, for 1 will allow you to. have three days' free ti-lul rt 9 etiv !,,..,, tl 19K ut tinnr itawuiorne ave. Ham sets in, pant. ROY NASH. FEED and, livery stable, good location for some man who wants to' go In business on small capital; room for 0 lead Dorses, plenty of wagon sheds and area yard: also six teams horses, bug gies and harness. 250 N, 16th at. Main 4587. - . . LIVESTOCK S3 FOR SALE Holsteln heifers, rfresh I yountr Holxteln " calves, either sex: I -L t. j',. i.. days: White Leghorn ahd Wvandotte pullets or cockerels, or 1-day-old chicks. same stock, or eggs for setting, same IIILEII.:-, .resKnaiblej,0CK rational prices. i;rawrora rarms, ' vuinicicitti uiuvk, iuu T daliycdwa. .fresh and coming fresh, 3 to 7 years old, roan Durham, red Durham ami Jeracy, very heavy rtillkers, $60 to 175 per head; will make a special price ort the lot. ' Take WooJ- stock oar to 60th avai walk 3 blocfta 7..".? V,!0! 0"1" .ttv'w"m X.'OCK? i 1 i BiocK-nonn, jrnone nenwooa ) 2071. J. U Mayberry. i WE HAVK a fine big list of dairy cowa ana neirers, or an ages ana dairy breeds. Our list Is too large to sdver tise. For description wire us, call on us or phone us. Geo. K. Mokel Cow Co., room 607 Commercial blk. lJhonj Main 612t). BEAR in mind, we are NOT LOCATED I at the Portland Union Stockyards. If I you want dairy cows you will find us at our office, 2d and Washington ats., room 6U7 commercial, block, or call Main 6120, I signed) liKU. ft. MOKEL COW CO. 1 i nni ft1 -iI2UJ! ,6,g.. customers; lot lOOx-110 with barn: " ro")Mca " nlar4 see Gea b'ock. Main 6120. - J UtiT, received a car of fresh dairy cows at Union Stock yards. C w. Helm. wA.Vl'Wrt I vpaHTng '.U l,,.i auu yitvn. .Auuress cawara ssenmeer, 216 E. Burr, St. Johns. Or. FOR SALE Fine Jersey heifer. 1678 " MississIppL ve. phone. Waodlawn S19U. FOR SALE 3 heifers, 7 months to 1 year old. Call 2008 E. Alder. Phone lanor .104. COW for sale. 517 Willamette blvd., opposite St, Johns water tanks. THREE fresh cow9, all tested cheap. .1427 Commercial. Woodlawn 272. FOR SALE 1 milch goat, 1 billy goat bnnnn'.. ' ; . . R??9 journX4 boars for sale. 1 - ' Auaress owner, 83 tu. lm St. N, ; . FOULTRY . . 87 FOR ; SALE Eggs from Brown Leg- horn and -noona; Shepards' best layin strain, or. will trade eggs for setting hens; 12 Brown Leghorn hens and 1 cockerel for sale cheaD. 26 Kast 26th st. Phone E. 6434. OAKHljJtvoT poultry yards thorough- hriul t.criru 1 ri phi. a a Wh(,A 1 i . Barred Rocks, S. S. Hamburg's, Buff Orpingtons, White Orpingtons, R. I. eil8i,Vb;itSftbeghorn,, 1164 E' 18tn N- Woodlawn 2906. - - . BROODER hens and extra fine White Orpington cock for sale cheap If taken tbl? week. Singers and female cankrtea n cages. C-464. Call 687 mlssissip- P' ave. v-- FOR SALE 30 pure bred S. C, W. i!1'1!,.!!8"8' i?yln rea,t andJ se- ileX or win exenange i0Jt,are,rti?2k8' ht,., ; , W;MP- ock Kf cheap, or f0I ettlns; hens; will trade Jay- Tabor 3676. Cyphers incubator. 144 814;' 3 Cyphers brooders, style ach: 1 stvla A. 38 'like new. W. I -e w r 4tt m t"u uv it , n . . I l ii I hi ill 1 1 1 1 . 1 ii ii .1 , 1 1 .iiiii.ii i,. am 1 I. . J3 T Mil .1 ' T . r . ibiT ' ' - ...i.v"i ., 1 ,.. ... . T JS. "h.TMn 2ltln'J SLH) Hs ,a-JlJiiJlgl kls1 eeli SJci1" ,an Buttercup hatching eggs and baby chicks. Buttercup Custom Hatchery, 1590 Haven st.. University Park, Wavviia M,w-'t i..i i ' 1 WjVl!,l A party to Join me in the poultry business 1 have a well equipped hatchery but want to enlarge. V-619. Journal . "-. FOR SALE Two dozen mammoth Pekln ducks, 31 apiece; 1 McClanahan 210- egg Incubator, in good order, 310. Wood- ihwii ur Amena car. izq mgniana St. unvir.'-UM,!.. wn,i ? HflVAT. Wlilla Wnilnll. ' whit rwnH tu he, wonH.. the west. We 'have 1 pen of birds for sale. 'Kelley, Tabor 2422. tOR SALE White Leghorn pullets 31 and cockerels 33. !o Barred Rock day old chicks 20c Campbell, Multno- eiation, uregon Electric. FOR SALE-Rhode Island Reds and vv I White Leghorns, fine stock. Call'Rlv- after Sunday HIGH - CLASS silver laced Wyandotte eggs. 81.60 setting: Dure whit fontnll pigeons, 32.50 pair. 1062 E. 9th st. .N. XHOROUGUBKED Buff and Whit - urDintrion pith and ciimun hmn , heatt-r fre,. Marshall 3674. : EGGb and chicks, ' thoroughbred Black Minoreas. Ovaitt, 1000 Cleveland avo H I T hi (It'lilnirtnn I'ffim KoK ..1,1.1... ii, t,uuin.n 11 ivioi -stock at reduced prices'. Felman asii Marguerite ave. -. ORPINGTONS, Leghorns. R.' I gd thoroughbreds. Lockwood. 6226. 67lh st., 8. K. Mt. Weott car. . ONLY 2 roosters left, black Minorca a'id Plymouth Rock, beauties at 32 50 each. (Jopeland, 736 Raleigh st. r TT-T-: r-r. .. . 2 , KHOUK ISLAND White eaaa tor hut-.,: lng, 2 for 18. Mrs. John Buchanan r - nroiiio r.. ' u 1 DUC"anan, KOC.m - .m h h ,.,.; ti.... n n vluin ..iT'i?? . ter KoHwurm, Forest Grove. Oregon - - - - i in - iai.i t ii nr. v I - to PURE bred. Barred Rock-pullets and cock, Myers' strain, 800. Take Mt. SVioit ar Clark sta'tioti.- t G. II. Tavlnr WHITE Leirhorn cocl.,..!. Albert Schultz, 605' E. 12th st, Phon -Sell. 867. -,k FOUR thoroughbred Black Minorca hens for Kale with or without prut i ',l f.o triiTinn. ' v i. '--iit. ,ho vv iiiiama hvb. HAiti;t.'i unci.- cockerels: fzam fnr naiuiung; zu taj-iiig hens. 1447 Mal lory.ave. w.omllitwn 1656. TWO Buckeye incubators ant one fine nrooder, two wuter tanks, cheap. Sell- .'ood 174(1. . , , HWV.. K.min and iemaW. Bradley & Bright Strain, eggs for set.titiK. 541 Going.; Tel. Wood. 1388. PURE-BRED Buff Leghorn baby chicks, Mock and'egRs .for sale. 899 Vancou ver ave. -, WHITE leghorn Chicks: week old. Mew. T man Ji2t?lc,;'" 618 Ev 39th st J. IfiLJ " ,- : , It'-JSWlS, 81, $1.50 per setting of 16. 61&., J'-r's'-ott st., cor. 11th, i Phone ttJU'lp-Orpm-gion Uby chicks for sa)e; 1 - 04m1. PPrtur.jty lb get fotifjdatlon ofA i'iUx-35 WHITE VRtiMv lVtthlig eSgr for sale, s -A,. Hoffman - 8rn 'Haight aveVcor,, Ma- W H i'TeT Wy a wbTt t eggs,. 81. per 16, Mrs Vain. 3',-Ott 791 h st. S K. ii,k tv .miiiii'i'm. nnnti, l..ri0 per sei- u4j. J., lui'iv tii 03 6JJ ave. S. E. THE 'OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL' G, !yjgg!-'JJ ...'J .1-. . ii ; J ULJH.'ULJJ I L r!.,J".L.) -iJJLA -J-i - -' ' l'OLLTKV (Contlnuea) 37 FOK KAI.l- 1 retdlimia incubator, ti ecg ea "',, padty ror .J20.60 .1 l'eihimH Incubator, 378 gg ca- . parity for... .....?... .830.00 ID 13 model, good as new. 1 also will scll for Hie month of April -ggs fur 'iMt:iiiii hi . uesi. man ngs of Jin cona-s and Huff Leghorns, at 81 for 15 " oiFi i". .oiiie anu e thenl or write for particulars to T. DtiLano, li. No. J, Beaverton( Or. At Oreenburg riiiuuii, , mi ili'K'lM r-ieCl TIC , , 'K, UhLJhVbKS in 1'oultry business '-v in Oregon having money to inyt-st In succonsfui commercial poultry farm will imu it io uieir inrcrest to address lis, We have an established iminno. mv. ing belter than 10 per cent, but to de velop find It necessarv to I capital. Bunscriptlons taken for 8100 pr more, win stand strict investiga. tion. Personnel of company : strictly urn cci!t. ju-ii.t, .journal Buff Leghorn Baby Chicks Strong and healthy, the kind that make winter, layers and Win in the showroom In. iaies, 3izg is. 49th it, Mt. M'oit car to crcston. 10U0 11)0 BABlf CHK'KS, ' I'Jace your order. From ' nH win, ning White Loghorrf stock. . Johnson joroa.- niaicnerv. mil station n. kiai, trio car,- au faro. Oo south to grocery. inquire there. Phone A-6847.. , three i-i ii as. inau apuress liiiisdalK Or. route !. - : - ojxr a tina uuveriisenienv ana oroer your naicning eggs or cockerels from my first prize winnlnr R-hnrla Tuin,( ed. White and Brown leghorns, In- vnaii unnii's iiu vvmifl Aiinorcas; also 1 Rhode Island White cock by Andrew lyraun, rnrymono, vvasn. Hox 5g HATCHINOS from the -best laying strains White and Brown Leghorns, 81.25 and 11.60 per 16; fancy White Leg- norn cocKereis ior saie. woodlawn a'J, TlTOROUGHBRED Barred Beck eggs" from trapnested stock bred to lay, $1 -per setting. 85 per hundred. Cocker el, hens and Incubator cheap. Come out see my stock. Wichita, Gresham car. Phone Mtlwaukle Black 333, George W. Cook. Buff. Leghorns 16 eggs from my nigh grade Buffs, guaranteed fertile, 81.50. LonBdale'a. 37Z3 E. 49tn st. Mt. Scott car to t;reston. , - S. C WHITE Leghorn buby cbleks. eggs for setting, trap-nested stock. Take no chances. For heavy egg yield, buy from stock whose parental produciion has been recorded. Send for price ,IL Browndale Farms. Box. 66, Aurora, Or, iUIiDV, hustllrijr ft. O, R, J, Reds; agga for hatching from 3 pens, headed ny winning males, mated to produce results in egg basket and show room. Phone Tabor 4177. Mrs. F. G. Hills, 6133 66th st.. S. E. Arleta Station, cuv. WHITE-FACED, BLACK SPANISH. Fancy and utility eggs, 32.60 and J1.0 per 18: 810 and IS per 100; stock for sale. E. J. Hufford, 212 Central ave., St. Johns. Phone Columbia 114. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, 88 per 100 until May 16. Safe delivery guar anteed. We charga f6r no dead or crip, pled chlcka. The Pioneer Hatchery, 418 6th St., Petaluma, Cal. . i - a- HATCHING egga from White am! Brown Leghorns, 84.60 per 100; Black Minorca and Buff Rock eggs. 86 per 100. 3905 49th St Mt. Scott car, Ana bel station. FOR SALE All Kinds of fancy poul try, Day old chicks and egga for hatching. Used Incubators. Portland Poultry Exchange, 279 1 Hawthorne. Phone East 6246, PORTABLE poultry house complete . and pen of White Rocks or Wyan dottes for 815.00, Laying pullets, good stock and worth twice the price asked. 1200 Commercial st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leg horn eggs 1 for 15. White Rock eggs pure Fischel stain, 2.60 for 15. 2 White Rock cockerels for sale. MacCurdy,1620 w mow at., cuy. IMPERIAL SINGLE COMB Whit 1. horn eggs and chicks from strong, healthy, thrifty and vigorous utocfc Write your wants. 11. Umstead, box 440 uiauMione, uregon. . - ANCONA settings from first cock Port land and Vancouver shows, mated with Sheppard's 110 hens, 3. Second Fen 11.60 Prize cockerels 32.60, Circular ree. E. C. Stevens Sherwood. Or BARRED ROCKS, (Meyers' strain) rim 11 nor nartinff 11 r.fl rar hunliufl Take orders for baby chicks. 2833 71st st. a. a, xapor ORPINGTONS, White. Black. Buff,, inu uaoy cnicas cneap, AVHingrcn, xjeraeiey station, y, u. "-"ark wuuu. BARRED Phymouth Rock cockerel; sell reasonable; fine bird: ood stock. 6516 Millard ooth) ave., Millard station, Mt DCUH. BUFF Orpington eggs, Cook strain "good layers, only 75c per setting. Thomp son, Foster road and 10th ave, Lents, ur puone 1 aoor .a weeK days. FOR SALE 100 S;' C. White Leghorn apiece, or by dozen. . Or trade for 'good i,:qii raw witn cair. e-it), journal. WHITE Orpington, 2-year-old hens and one cockerel for sale; also set tlnrs. 345 N, 16th. Phone Marshall ji. F-il SALE, or will trade for pulets 4 thoroughbred Buff Orpington cock. erels. 661 Tacoma ave. Phone Sell- wuoa isis. FOR SALE Golden pheasants. 33 each bv tdklnir thin hlinrh Trvln TVinnn 4th ave.. First house north of Bap- iis.i unurcn, lients. WHITE Leghorn eggs 31 per 15;. White iegnorn .year old laying pullets 31.25, cockerels 31.26. All trapnested stock 4785 62d st. S. E.. Anabel station. WHITE Leghorn eggs 31 and 12 per B--IUHS, iirst pen neaaea Dy rlrst cockerel Portland, 1912. B. A. Palmer. 101 E. 19th st. N. East 1655. INDIAN Runner ducks, white egg strain Stock and eggs. Hundred egg Mandy Lee incubator for sale. 4418 76th st S E. Tabor 2381. , ; ' WHITE Leghorn baby chicks and hatch- lng eggs. Sunny Crest Farm. Mil- Jkle, Or. Phone Rd 753. Harrison. SILVER spane-led Hamburgs eggs 31 Per 15; 3 per 100. Mrs. Chas. Heater, WHITE ORPINOTON eggs. 31.60 per IS; 87 per 100; baby chicks 26o each, R. F. D. 1. box 33, Cleonp, Or. whiie Leghorns, Buff Orpington obkb, uauy thicks, vis ijivtsion St. W R. car. . THOROUGH B RED R. I. eggs for hatch ' ing, 75 cents setting; 85 hundred "-g-lg or Woodlawn 3129. FOR SALE K-ellerstrass, White Orp- tng eggs per setting; - $1.60 per 16 956 Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 980. ' VH1TE Miuoica eggs from heavy lav ing strain. The kind that lay and pa'v W. H.- Mead, I. nits. Phone Tabor 3;is' FUR SALE One- Mandeletv- Incubator holding 140 eggs; brooder for sale' also U-46.9, Journal. M THOMPSON RINGLET Barred . Rocka eggs $1 per 15. R. F. D. No. 1, box 161.. Tabor IS". ' MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS Eggs and stork. N. McKlnley. R. t 8. box 100. Oresham, Qr. Main 4430. WHTE ROCK eggs. $lToT$27rHT$l per 15: 810 n,r lull R T KnViunn" 2K7 Hawthorne ave.; Portland. WANTED chickens ana eggs. Portland ' Poultry Exchange, . 273 Hawthorne - r,BBi - qgip, - - - - SETTINGS of thoroughbred1 Buff Orp- phone Pottw. Main 7173. c imhwiis, ii-ign eraan stOVJt; Xele- iiaHRk. - Koioockerela. ' eggs and clvfoks. Thompson' ringlets. . 6630.E. ,HTH Kli .TBI I WOO!! 18311. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn eggs" -.-$1,, setting. Hicks' strain.; A. G. Wil helmV R. 1. Osweeo. Or. WANTED broody hons"-"Staia"' -price ti. (..heshye.- gnneral delivery, POrtlSmt. ' '. weiung otj ... 9s Union ave. ,N. TRIO young purejbred ptmclled Indian Rll"",C.,diick W-oodlawn: ',2!,0.i- --f WANTEli--Goorl -Hrown Lejfliorn. cock erH. Piioj-ib j'nodiawnllll.' FOft rfAXE-LeghoT-n IiiaTTulFlayluX 1'lione VVoodlawn 1111. DOCS. AND IIOfSEHOLl) PETS .'40 BEE Boyd for bargain In dog. 10 Airedale Terrier ptips, 6 Boston Terriers. 2 Fox Terriers, Cocker Span iel, -French Bulldog, Kng- llnh Bulldogs. Boston Ter riers for tXHln and at stud. BOYD. 667 Washington. Main 2134. FOR SALE- Cups and young dogs out of blue ribbon winners. Notice the winning of Flashlight Kennel dogs at the last show. Call Tabor 63J..3119 u4Ch st. R E. - - - - ' HART MT canaries, guaranteed sing era. 1.1.60. t Panama narrots. . - Rare cockatoo, a real talker. Boyd, 667 Wash ington. laln 2134. FINE talking pa"rrot and cage, 315. Cor ner Base Lit' road and E, 72d, Mon tavilla or Mt. Tabor cars. FOR SALE Airedale terrier puppies, at reasonable price. H. D. Burrows, phone .410, Vancouver, Wash, FOR SALE Cheap, thoroughbred Alrtj- dale Terrier pup. montns oiu. nam. 6434. THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier pups 3 nior.thfc old. ,1447 Mallory ave. Wood lawn. 1656. ' . - PIT Bull Terrier pups, 3 months old, sired liv Diamond Jack out of Snow nan. -will furnisn pedigree, xaopr if FOR SALE, one thoroughbred white and tan fox terrier 4 mCnths old. Pnone Wood lawn 31 ' SCOTCH COLLIE pups. 5 and 32 50. . li ,ni: aunt nf r.ln Vrhn ta.. Oreiron CUljneC. E. Apple, Gladstone, t)r. A SluVER GKA x Persian cat ipr saie. Call East 6239. SCOTCH ' wiJie, 6, mo. old., cieap; , or j what have you?- - Tanor 1677. AIREDALE TERRIERS An all-round .1 .. , . i 1 i . ... ,1 . n a niminir, nun, jf , YOUNG Roller canaries forale. Wood- lawn 2241. , AUTOMOIIILES-RKITOKCYCLES 4 Motorcycles New and second hand, values from 126 up. Repairing a specialty. Distributers of Thor and De Luxe motorcycles. Apex Bicycle Co. 124-126 12th Bt. Phone A-3308. CADILTjAC, snap; fine 1912, 6 pass. oaaniac, eiectrio iignts, electric start er: good tires. Every ' equipment Car 'guaranteed by - u -to be in- strictly first-clans mechanical .condition. Price 31376: 3700 down, balance 3100 monthly or 31395 cash. Portland Phonograph Agency, sat) Alder St. 1 WANTED FOREMAN. For shop and service department Must be fleet class : mechanic, good trouble shooter, have knowledge car buretors, magnetos and auto parts. We want an experienced man and salary is no object If you can qualify. GERL1NER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 690 Washington St. AUTOMOBILE salesman wanted. First clasa man with selling ability and ex perience can secure permanent lucra tive position witn both salary ana com mission. Established line. Ask for Sales Manager. Gerllnger Motor Car Co., 690 Washington st, Portland JMon day morning. WANTED A 4-passenger auto, worth at least $500. Will exchange a 4-ioc, cottage in Kenton that la worth 31209, which rents for 315, for car and 360'i, 1260 cash and 3260 time. Address 234 Willis boulevard. PAINTING " " Auto, carriage and wagOhs. ' Best ma terial and workmanship which elves DURABILITY AND FINISH. PORTLAND AUTO PAINTING CO.. Phone East 3230. 315 Hawthorne ave. YOUR chance to get fine 40 H. P. Chalmers. A-I condition, would like to trade for city property and assume. See car today at United Auto Co., 16th na -Aiaer. WILL give responsible party use of automobile, motorcycle, niano. nrtsn phonograph, buggy or carriage for use or nair value money reasonable time. r-tm, journal AUTOMOBILE tires, new and slightly used, $3 to $20 each. We also sell new tires at 20 per cent off rerular price. Pacific Tire Supply Co- 828 nurnaioe. WANTED No. 1 old auto tire. 70 lb., delivered; No. 2 auto tires, So lb.; Inner tubes, 15o to 23c lb. . J. (.eve. 186 toiumoia st. Aiain diss, . FOR SALE, two good second motorcy cles, one single and one twin cylin der. Good equipped. Cheap for cash 412 Hawthorne.- G-285, Journal. WANTED Good motorcycle and some cash for first class motion picture outiit; DiacK tent, machine, eta Call or address 432 Prescott st. SIX cylinder, 7 passenger Pierce Arrow cneap ror casn or payments, if se cured; exchange for Portland real es tate. EaBt 4652. LOCOMOBILE 1912 7 oifsseneer 1nt overhauled and repainted. Will con- siaer traue ior goa property. B-613, iJOUl 1IU1 kLEGANT 4 passenger CJialmers 30 H. r. iemountaDie, runs z extra-tires, Just like a new car. $760. $400 cash, bal ance terms. Oliver, 206 Alder st FLANDERS 20, 2 pass., equipped with top, wind shield, generator and lamn: guaranteed to be In perfect condition, mechanically. A snap. 268 11th. OVERLAND 30. 4 pass., fully equipped. in- a-i condition, cneap ror casn. Some terms: no trades. For demons tru. tion. can at 266 llth. WILL exchange practically new. beau tlful Kimball piano for first class mo torcycle; Portland Phonograph Agency, aou Aiaer st. FOR SALE 1912, twin motorcycle, eauloneo. with caraee. Phone Wood- lawn 2038 or call 1279 E. ,15th st N. ' MOTORCYCLE Mechanically perfect; -iio, du casn, Dai. jie.zii monthly. Oliver. 206 Alder st. Aqjto Repairing qh?v6k.chine John J. Zimmer. ill and 123 6th st N. 'OR SALE E. M. F. 1910 five pass enger in good condition. Must have th money, a-474, journal. FOUR ton truck in first class condl tion with covered', bodv. A liar en In D-601. Journal. A BARGAIN.-Ieavlng city, must sell my 1912 6 passenger Maxwell. In first class condition. B-412. Journal. WILL trade for twin motorcvclo oi- small auto, a Mt. Tabor lot. Thin is a bargain, ftobt. .Nelson, 249 36th St. S. WILL take Ford or Overland- roadster as part payment cm White 30, late FRANKLIN, 6 pass., in fine shape; no use for it. First decent Offer takes i . i , vi 1. 1 . ki-m., Muuiaai, It. "862 32nd N... Alameda Park FOR SALE White deiivery wagon, with . new bodv. Might consider small Ar and cash difference. "S-269, Journal. 1910 Peerless,-? passenger tourinir car: splenelid condition, to trade for real estate. 616 Ahlngton bltlg. - OHIO. 1912 5 passenger, never used. Will consider nurt trndn fnr itnlnrnm. bered city- property. S-401. journal. ' WOULD like to buy a first class road ster ror cash. Portland Phonoa-ratih agency, j.iii jipr Pt. fVPlDC M5W AND ' Dayton Cycle Co., 247 Ash St near 3d A I ITA ODD I MrjQMADK AND HE 'X- u , ' v",Mrr PAIRED , :rank ng. 228 Salmon. M. 181, VVAVfl'iiri tO hill' frit ihibIi n UA. ond-hnd automobile. Must be a. lir. gain. Box 1,48 Riddle, Ctregonr CASH" equity 3475 lot 1ast7S6th..'.st. i vi kuiu niium-cyi-iB. V-PII, J O U m a I , MOTORCYCLE work my special ty7Sei me at 214 Jefferson st. J. holier. CALIFORNIA, PIRATING WKSv. 248 TSD. Auto trimmings plated and Enameled BARGAINS In slightly use tlKe:?vuU raniy.iiig aac; repwtriiTg. 207 Madlso n. .. MARfl.LL, auto repairing, radiators. -'amps, rapaired.-; Z2 Nj 15th. M. 0 6 2 0. ! FOR SALE 1910 Ford, Just overhaulfel Phone East 3359. STP A S S K NGE H .Flanders' auto for sale ni ? t i ' nictin mko, $15 storage battciy, $7. 30 36'taik s'C AUTOMOniLES-MOTOricrCLES 44 ' (Conunoad) Automobiles and Trucks GOOD ONES CHEAP. , 1912 Warren, 'SO . 'p.. light delivery, 4 cylinder truck with all new tires and everything in good shape; great buy at 3700. .- ' .;... . --V-... . -.' . Regal 5 passenger. '4- cylinder raiito hioblle, just overhauled, new tires, with top windshield, lights, tools, etc., all complete, 8400. . . .. . . Little 4 - cylinder roadster, like new, Tate' 1911 Maxwell. 6 nasseneer. fore door automobile, which has been run but very little; in A-l condition; to the casual ooaervpr it is a new auto, as n does not shqw use; all complete and muen. extra . equipment, . splendid buy 9iie on time or guv casn. .. ; : 1911 Maxwell - foredoor. model T;- cylinder. 31250 automobile with extra equipment; an commote and in f ne shape. V have to sell at once in oracr to make our deal. A big bargain? 1500 cash or 525 on lime terms. You .H.lll V. .1 . , . . 1 , .. mil uavQ iu iiuiiy, ; , . ' .. - ; t i. 1912 White. 6 nasseneer. 8 cvllnder auiuijiootie; z extra seats can . bt in stalled; an-.n-.Al shape nd car 1 poneci running condition, win ex change for Bond rent oNtAte or ncreflcn at., a mucn reuucea price. ; . , , Stearns. 60 h. n. automobile, rood for iv iu eu 'mnes an nour. tust comnieteiv overnauieu: ettiier a roauster or a 4 pas senger; original cost 34900; for 11250, """C, L, Boss & Co, 615-617 Washington St. Phones Marshall 4022. A-4959. Automobile Bargains for the . :-: y-x Week Here are few of our many bargains we oner ror your approval, over i( cars to 'select from. Every car guar anteed. Also free service "department imu maimers, 5 pass., $550, 1911 Cadillac, 6 pass., 31100, 1911 Overland. 5 nass. 8575. 19V2 Overland, 2 pass., roadster, $700. "ii f urn, o pass., f6 li.. 1913 Ford, 6 pass , $400. - 1910 Hupmoblle, 2 pass., $375. 1911 Cartercar, 2 or 4 pass., 3578. 1911 Auburn; 6 pass.,' $676. 1911 Apperaon, $975. 1912 Little. 2 pass., $550. -1910 Jackson, 4 pass., $675. .i910 Pierce Arrow, & pass., $2000. 1911 Elmore. 6 nass Ell h n Jflf,(l 1910 Bulck. 7 pass.. $850. 1910 Studebaker Garford, 7 pass., $373. 1909 Stoddard-Davton 7 mm, tmn Also a number of trucks suitable for ngiu aenvery up to 1 ton. And manv other rare bargains. Call and look them over, we can save you money NOT few We do general auto repairing. Give us inaj on your next overhaul Job, Parts furnished for anv car made. Oregon "Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder st Main 1161. A-4837. For Sensational Bargains in Used Cars See Us First High grade autos are made of sound material and -are better, as is Invariably proven, after a year's running than when new. When you hear of. a car iBBiingrom six to eight years you will find it is a high-grade car bo referred tn ,1913 Packard, 6 cyl., cost..$5600. Price 1911 Winton six; 7 pass., $985. 1911 Oldsmobite 40, 7 pass.: $1J80. 1912 Studebaker-FlandorB W V.. door roadster, brand new, demountable rims, electric lights, cost $1060. Price osa. 1911 EMF 30. B pass.: 848K 1911 Maxwell 30. ford door, '4 pass., cost Hudson roadster. $375. Mat-well rnftilolar A r' 1911 Overland 30,' fore iloor roadster. $550. 1911 Overland 30, 4 pass., practically An, A .... . ,114A f . r ucn, ui i-rice jinu. 1911. Cartercar roadster, $375. Chalmers 30. 6 oass.. i7K 1912 Stoddard Dayton 35, 6 pass., fore door run very little; cost $1700; price $1150. Over 60 cars 4n stock. Call or write uargiiui list, jt win surprise you Custom House Auto Co 2 It Corner E. 13th and Hawthorns ave. - Covey Motor Car Co. We guarantee every car to be as rep resented. . v 1912- Cadillac, 6 pass., $1400. ' 1911 Cadillac, 6 pass., $1000. ' ' 1910 Cadillac, 6 pass ' $650. 1909 Cadillao, 6 piss., $550. WW ghalme", roadster, $400. 1910 Hudson, 6 pass., $550. 1910 Krit roadster, $300. 1910 Lozier, 4 pass., $1500. J?? ?a&e roadster, $600. - body.llouT' dellVMy ana tourins Come and see these cars today. Covey Motor Car Co, ' Washington ahd 21st sts. - Automobile Bargains 1912 Packard "six.y-comniot. .,,t- ment, almost new, conditionuaranteed to be perfect. Locomobile , Toy TTmneau, newly painted and overhauled, guaranteed-by l?MCk elO." five passenger. Oldsmobilc, 7-passenger. 1910 Cole "30." . . m Also have one 6-pasaengef and one t,tv s r r lo traae ror-. city prop- H, L Keats Auto Co"' Broadway, Burnslde, Coucli streets. six little Yankees: ' xiX LITTLE YANKEES. SIX LITTLE YANKEES. " SIX L ttle Ynnb-APa Th. io. bon Killers." No liquids, ,no delav. no scraping harmless, non-eynlnatva "tJt.i. a motor of carbon In 30. minutes. In crease, Power, $2 a box. Box contains 72 Six Little Yankees, sufficient to clean a 4 cylinder rriotor 3 times. Beware ot imitators.. None genuine without the "iniKea picture or the Six Little 1 ackees on the box. dealers or direct from tis by mall.. $2 00 a box postpaid. Six Little Yankees Co.. l 1 ' 1 mmucinfiiH. millafin hlilv Dl.tu J.t-.i 1 1 ' . , viiciv, tug bargain In auto tires 30x3.., .$11.00 ? 36x414. .$14.00 87x4Vi. .$17.00 .14x5. . .$20.00 35x5 . ..$23.60 36t5 . . t'.Mfin in.! .....$25.00 ?4x3... $26.00 a-X4 ... 35x4 ... 34x4 M,... . . . .828.00 - .. .829.00 $30.00 $21.00 35x4, . . Positively the last week. , ROOM 400 PHOENIX BLOCK, f:0.ii?andOak, . . WE are sel II nFcars and lots of thent At present xmc tin-.... ...,.i- i..".' light five pass, cars and rlin-abouts of ""'. niig ju your, cars if they srebargalns. If not Vdo not want them, for we deal only n bargains. We fir1,Ba 8f ert w can "pII all of the Km. can we can get npia of. aulto , tubes ea. $3.68. Tires nr. oil nf,vi,rlBin, B,0ek2 new S-'n- auto larnps f. 13; lamps .7 In., used. ea. $2 25; 1 filled, "C. A. Nornwobd,; 6907 Foster' FTR'STMfLAST H'O WarirrinTfioTi: to speedometer, $25. Complete. 350 Abler St. . - 1 era 1 7 W A T K I motorcycle If bargain. ...Ham lUoii Blockncr, .228 First at, ' ! iwtn west Auto Exchange -'fl'1:f 30x3 auto casings, ea $8 60: c??x?ea' 12; 6-34x3ea. $14.35 J913. ' AUXOMOCILES-MOTOIXYCLES 4 1 I Continued) Stop) Look! Listen! U BARGAINS FOR' THIS WEEK Cun t be equaled on the coast; of all sizes and styles and clasnes of autimio biles. Our stock Is too numerous to item Iznjn these cplt'unns. So before buying be sure to come and" look over our, stocks. ' In otir list we have several eiec trio coupes and- runabouts, the most economical cars on the market. We would bo pleased to give a demon stration with our guarantee on each and every car we sell. ' , ; northwest- Auto Exchange M; 8121. A- 7612. 631 Alder st. LAU ACHES AND BOAT8 64 T.Arvnr for KAr.E on trade. . Ono gasoline launch, 22x5 leetj J3-M .-p. - - M One gasoline launch, 20x4H feet; 6 IL-Pi Ferrow.. Are In good condition. Adtiress, . . . v'. E. H. HELPENSTELL, Page, Wash. FOR GALEi 26 foot 80 horsepower gaso line launch with cruiser forward cabin, open cockpit, soeed 14 miles, good sea boat, engine, cycle 4 cylinder; Doat one year old. Addresg P. a Box 6T2, Astoria, Or. : . . - . I HAVE a Very fine pleasure boat for sale cheap for cash. 8. N. Steele. -43 3 Chamber' of Commerce bldg, Main 255. FOR SALE--26 rooks model, er leaving city. ft, nlotorboat frame, Call East 2678. Own- MUSICAL IXSTKUMEXTS 34 D'AHD SC3IW.IM' mm IT : SOME OF -THESE TLAYER PIANOS HAVE BEEN USED. BUT WE HAVE PUT THEM IN-A CONDITION AS GOOD AS NEW. SOME WB HAVE BEEN USING FOR DEMONSTRATING OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELLING PLAYER MUSI C T IT E S E ARE SLIGHTLY SHOP-WORN. BUT PRAC TICALLY NEW. THERE ARE SEV ERAL SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS WHICH ARE JREALLY NEW. ALL ARE 88-NOTE PtAYER PIANOS. lWm OSB "THESE PLAYER MONTH- The opportunity of obtainlnr a rood. new or practically new Player Piano at these SPECIAL PRICES and on these LOW TERMS Is exceptional this is only a partial list: 2 COLBY CECILIANS Stlckley oak, slightly shop- POQA worn. Regular $175. Special. . $03U CECILIAN - - Dark mahogany, slightly shoo-CM OA worn. Regular $575. Special. iptyL' FARRAND CECILIAN Mahogany used as demon- CKIK strator. Regular $825. Special 4vJ I J 2 KURTZMANN AUTO-PLAYERS juanoganv sngntiy shop- (DRKii worn. Regular $760. Special. JJ0L' 3 KINGSBURY INNER PLAYERS jnanogany, small apartment slse; samples, new. Regularly, tKOK $675. w Special....,.......,..; 00 2 CAROLA PIANO PLAYERS i rariy Kngiish oak, 1 mahogsnv; slightly shopworn. Regularly CMOr $650. Special., vJJ'tgO 2 MELVILLE CLARK APOLLOS Mahogany; used for demonstrating; $565 1 LUDWIG PLAYER PIANO uark mahogany; slightly shonwom. .'.,.;:;.r..7$525 1 EUPHONA INNER PLAYER Manufactured by the Cabi Co. English, oak. sample, new. Regularly $475. Special..... Early $350 The Prices Quoted Above Also Include $25 OF NEW PLAYER MUSIC -OF YOUR OWN' SELECTION. PLAYER BttlNUH, flANO STOOL AND SCARF. "EYEBY SISTiiiEIT: ' GARBIES-OUR: WMTEE OUT OF town nrm s . WE WILL FILL ORDERS BY MAIL, SHIP AT OUR LXPENSR AND RE FUND MONEY IF NOT SATISFIED. IHIMMfrCUV&GO. Sixth and Morrison Sreets 'ortland Opposit Postoffice FINE PLAYER piano, Vlctrola and fur nlture, must be sold at once am re turning to east Where f hatf,', nBf damage and property loss. Act quickliv C-383, Journal. - ' FOR SALE An oran almost new of- " L.- ci In.'. M, nil. Hn 1- . . . mv-.T inonr, uhr ciiae, o ieet ntgn, with fine mil ror. . Trice new was 3140. Will sell for $50. John Borglund, 773 Miawlsgjppl ave,, Portland, Oregon, A BARGAIN One lvers & Pond .piano for sale, in first class condition, very little used. Cost $600'. Now $260., Ana bel atation. 5401, 37th ave., S. E. FOR SALE PIANOS. $800 player piano must sell, will accept one-half. Includ ing, 50 rolls of music. 21 Burch Apt. 110 21St St. -. - FOR SALE Piano In fine mahogany for caSh, or will accept a satisfactory city lot If clear of , encumbrance. A-329, journal. . - PIA NO PLAYER to highest bidder or best -trade. Diamonds, tailoring or wnat can use. Going cast soon, E-318. Journal. CABLE piano, good condition, f7r sale by owner. $1,60 cash. Tabor 988 or call 423 -is. otu st Hawthorne ave car. - - . -- PIANO Elegant mahogany upright. Al. most' new, less than $150. Greatest bargain iu city. Call Immediately 701 Northrup, CIICELIAN piano plavr and 80 rolla of innsii't, easy terms ir wanted, or will trader diamond preferred, '.A-473,-Jom rial. ' ' ':' - ' : ,- ' -. LKAVINti- cityr will "store nico plaver piano with responsioie party giving good reference or Will sell very cheap, some terms. F-341. Journal. HIGH grade piano cheap for cash, or might consider payments -to respon slhle pay-. 6-324. Journal. " ELlAN'P ,88-not player piano, with music library,-for 4ale--cheap by'-pri vat partyi"' phone East 4661 v - '- -.. ' - - v'""' iimi r kuii KAiiK t ) n a sc h ti b e r t piano, al . nTr.inv I'ljimy t' rtey. 1289 Wilbur sf'. n-jw , my imi ur 1 rnsat . ; T.'."1 M rfwty: r vV--A-- ; I WILL sell beautiful I25rt .-ifl.m i.uii mi ioi. i uu 11, ! Tiiontn. I'ortJj Inml Phonograph Agency, 850 A Ider 37i0. player piano, for cash or Will take an -unencumbered suburban lot.- A-33S.1 Journal, : MM PIAOOdlS AS LOW AS II DIP AND $10 musical i..sikl:i::mj c i (Contiuued) IF you are looking for a good piano or player piano of a standard make at a low price, .we have listed below a few of the many fine Instruments that we have taken as part, payment on Stein-' Way upright ami bsfljy grand pianos. Th pianos we mention below have been overhauled In our own repair shop bv our own -skilled workman and are all in fine condition: . s , LUIHVIG 'PLAYER TIANO AL-' r;'$585 MOST NEW' , KINGSBURY PLAXER PIANO '$395 AUAlUSl i iliW EMERSON, SMALL SIZE WALNUT CASE, IN EXCELLENT CON-CO 7 R . , on iun I J GRAMER UPRIGHT GRAND 0245 WELLINGTON,". FiEMISif OAK (tOOR FOR ;..jy,.PZ0 VOSE & SONS. WALNUT t07P; CASE . . , , ,,CXJ DECK ICR & , SONS,- ROSEWOOD, 1 KfV CASE ...ii....;.....,..t.,,.IIJU J. & C, FISHEft EVERY PIANO , WE OFFER FOR SALE IS FULLY GUARANTEED TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. AL MOST 1SVRY KNOWN MAKE OF PI ANO AND - PLAYER PIANO HAS GONE THROUGH OUR SHOP, WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN REPAIRED AND SOLD AS SECOND HAND INSTRU MENTS, j' - V, .- . Do not hesitate to think about pur chasing a piano or, player piano if you ' do not happen to have ail the cash, ready to buy at once. - We gladly make , payment-terms so that you can enjoy, the use of your Instrument 'While It la being: paid ror. . , - Write to us today for full nartleu-' lars and our book telling you "HOW to Buy a riano.'! . . - . k Til AND MORRISON STS,. QPP. P. O. THIS instrument 7 -Is recognized as VHU V i ,119 ,1,1 J ami est type of the high grade player pianos manufac-' tured. It la equip ped With ' every known modern de vice and made in any , wood . you might desire. . . The Victor Is jeoufitructedLw 1 1 h , all of the, modern, f latest devices. The elegant simplicity of the case appeals to every cultured taste. - ' .. If vou are con. alderlng- the-- purM chase of either a "elor. uwd Piano. dt not fall t , S?-C thA BVi)n & LANE PIANO CO.'S 5i0ck-,uOur PrPosltion of selling direct rrom the factory enables you to buy a bette niano for less money ththou can elsewhere. We have on hand at all times exceptional values In used Instru ments, which have been taken In ex- Aarg'r,T0nr?US,I & LANE PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS. Many such values as these: C?SE SONS, WALNUT jlgK SCHUMANN '.i'sONR M CA WiJiN.u'i'- (.'ASE ' ' 4 Ott: CASE VICTOR PLAYER PIANO. ' &ACl( Used tor demonstration $T?U im many otners. All used nlanoo mil In nr ditlOn In OUr OWn txinrlr .hnn Anw musician will recognize their merit bush & Lane Piano Company FACTORY STORE. At Tli'lr New Location. wasnington at 12th. IP.YPJR cornet, worth $65;' will sell for $17.50. Res. 211 1st. Phone A-1845. FOR SALE nsCELLANEOUS 19 NEW HOME sewing machine. A-l con dition, very reasonable for cash. Cost new. $35. Also Victor phonograph, good as new. Phone East 6038, FOUR Incubators, 2 Cyphers. 300 capa city each; Petaluma. 172 capacity; Mendola, 100 capacity; several brooders A. P. Kruge, Hillsboro, Or. FOR SALE Sturgls folding baby car rlage complete, top, atorm curtain, new tires, A-l condition, $6. Phone M ai n S496 or call 354 Salmon st. FAIRBANKS - MORSE gasoline 'engine, nearly new. hnrtennn-r. ul.n I jack, everything complete for pumping I'Wfltpr. TnnntrA nhnn Tnhitu 9nfli . -" WATER Dower wnahinir nurhln, tin. f- old-fashioned - sewing machine'. 35! ix" rlat Larrabee st, Mrs. ilelvln CI II CI CI, BEEKEEPERS' supplies; bees, beeswax . and honeys only satisfactory hive In our climate. Write for catalogue. A. E Biirdick, Sunnyside, WaSh. SAFES New t.nd second hand, large assortment: safes opened .and re paired. .-Mosier - Safe Co.l082d et Phone Main 7676. la H. P. 3 CYL. marine steam engine -and pipe coil boiler In good running' order. . Cash $56. Will trade for mo torcycle. Main 8333. REMINGTON typewriter with Wahl ad ding attachment, easy payments. Cor bin. 206. Alder at--" - VISIBLE typewriter for sale, first clasa condition, easy action, cheap. A-478, Journal. ------ .. -... . , NEW $60 range, sell cheap; also other household furniture.' Call today 322 H N. 15th st FOR SALE Two Koken hydraullo cnairs sugntly used. Barber Supply, 72 6th. chairs, slightly used. Call at Oregon HAVE a 66 loaf portable oven In good ' rertflii for hhIa rhunn ' TnnntrA Brown, room 610 Swetland bldir. DIEBOLDx time lock safe fori sale . 4500 lbs.v Will sacrifice. Bot 661, Eugene, Or. FOR SALE Nearly new set Tolstoi's works 4 volumes $20. Also amall guitar, $4. K-681, Journal. BRICK machine and all equipment for brickyard; cheap.' J. H. McMahon. -XI.UI1 IIVIDIOII BL FOB SALE A large size foldlntr babv , miggy. cost J12 Will sell for $3. ' f 1?Z ?y rnai. ELECTIXTC vibrator with four appllca-. ,, loin, cignt root cora. uooa conai- j:lon-- Y-6 3 3, Journal, -TStb 6 In. circular cord wood saws, cheap. Sunnyside Fuel Co., B-1681 or Tabor 1644. - - - - - NEW drophead Singer sewing machine; very cheap. Mrs. Cochran, 329 Filed----ner bldg., corner 10th & Washington". BOY'S saddle for sale or trade for good bicycle. Will pay difference in cash. " 895 Williams ave. C-1087. FOR SALE 1. adjustable dress-form, 1 heater, 1 Perfection- oil stove. 1015 E. 12th N.. near Alberta. ' RIPYPI FQ Bargains new and use.! DlV7llLLO wheels. 228V4 1st ' st $12.60 Drop head sewing inacuine wUh attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. DERBY DESKS and office furnlture.- naiey uesK Co.. f 10 Broadway. M. 687. RANGES, gas stoves and fixtures, fold- tng, iron neos. 111 urana ave; '4'Wt donkey engines and complete log- I . 1 L Alt. 1. 1 . - Kins uuiiii. in i eon oiag. SODA fountain, good as new, cash only.' Phone Main 8231,,A-n78. 1 t)NE LOT tinner's tools for sale, 842 - First st. " bOME good krushes and paints .at your own price. Phone Mar. 25)5. ' ' MAGIC for ile, come quick, cheap. -fPh: IMviHlon St., city. : B-2543- , EawN mower' and hose for sale cheap. A-3615. Main 7337. . - - v '. kUST saeriftce 10 r.bares k. vasi;re? stock: make offer! R-2B7. .Totirnsl; SNAP Pool tables, show cases, coffee JS I C li 3-room v i i o u f nooiu f or nali; tiTinn A NEVfltl miige, with colls. rhtmS mii.&iim 'Vnnrtlui'i 7101! V'1 lypewrtteo new, used hut ill. lie. N-tiKt. .lotirna). - "11" ' ' ""y uiattiono r 11c vv.,. snci-l rice for $350. A-627. Journ'sl IVICTORf ) r tn' I I ALMOST cnmpletrt set. carpenter's 'iooIm cheap S52 Oillcgn sf. ' 0 , , YCoatinuvln'arz"t PagV) ' '!)