The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Swan Island Channel Dredg
ing Plan Would Encroach
orr Harbor Lines for Bene
fit of Few, It Is' Said. . ;
M7 J. B. Zlegler. .
At tbe la$t roeetlnjr or ttat dock com
- mission" Messrs. Burgard and. Moortx
i w( re appointed a committee to take up
" with tjie port Commission the matter
' of relocatlns the : harbor lines about
Swan islanJ. The subject had .been
introduced by. Harbor, Master Speler, for
r the purpose of increasing the .harbor
area available for anchorage, and to re
lieve ?tUe curve In the channel at tho
north end of the island? Mr. Bpeler a
Information th at sometimes there tt
' ' six or seven vessels In the .harbor at
ihkt with the room required
for anchor, cables, is about the limit of
the capacity of the harbor,; will be news
'.to some. ' ,-' '!-' ''-''-"'i'l'.
Under such condition II certainly
seems, that our city fathers would con
ni.ler tha matter of encroachments upon
the harbor area as aquestion of greater
cravitv than" they appear to 00, ,
. Botli objects of. the harbor master's
nroDosal are laudable ones, but as it Is
nronnned to 'extend the wharf line far
tlier into the harbor on the West side
, of the west tfhannel, and to, fill hi adja-
"eht submerged lands 'Wltlj thj mater
ial dredged out from the end (of the
Island, it only amounts to swapping off
t area in the west channel for area at
the- south point pf the island. -A the
' -wsst channel-Is now only used for small
river craft and" the anchorage room
Necured -wOufd be out of the" w.ay of
ship's channel; the change would be t
prosent advantage, but ' it Is" still an
encroachment of the" abutting owners on
JI19 west bank, and' the, public loses
again to .them, property Improved by
fills made at public expense..
Jffo Tills "Between High and tow Water.
. In th first place, it Is not necessary
- that the whaft linea be extended, t'j
" make places to deposit dredglngs, nnf
that it' be deposited on submerged ianJs
between low and high water line, belong-
V Ing to 'the People, that, they may be
" buliclrp anl converted to the title of
the abutting upland proprietor.' TUivt
' are plenty of lowlands above the 14
foot -level designated by the Jock- com
mission as the ordinary high , water line
(the U. 8. engineers' office vail" 1? feet
-tho flood stage) which' would be bene
fited by receiving... these dredglngs.. It
' would be a little more expensive re-
, woval, but would save the public harbor
-area. .,. . . . .
. "The " map reproduced herewith wss
drawn by City Englner D. W. Taylor, by.
oraer 01 tne city council, in iS3, for
' the purpose of showing Proposed Kx
tcrior Wharf Lines,'" ii relation, to shore
Unas; and "established lines of the city.'-'
. Koto the wor.ft! "exterior wharf," hot
- harbor line," as It Is now called.
The latter Is merely a local name ap
plied by those seeking to convert Jt into
a property lino instead of a wharf line.
As fulls: shown heretofore, the claim
of the upland proprietor to ownership of
tho Wharf line is baseless, but if built
up by the dredging operations, of U10
. port, It la conferred upon the abutting
owner by a clause- in the port act.
Weod Kepeal of Vicious (ftauit la Port
; - Act,:
The repeal of this clause is a part
of the legislation I have suggested, ami
it should bo covered by hn initiative and
:". submitted, to the people at the first op
: portunfty,",.: v
The "proposed whai f . lines" of this
1 ' map were city linea. The federal lines
were not established until 1892. They
differ from the present wharf lines in
that the west channel is only 700 feet,
while the present one is 1000 to 1200
feet. Yet the submerged lands between
Front- street and the wharf Hue. is
about the same at Doekslte No. 1 (about
, 350 fect)r but Increasing to the north
ward" until it reaches about. 1000 fet
at the O. K.,& N. property In place of
about BOO on the old, map. ,
The Eastern and - Western Lumber
"company's property (EIt will be seen,
.-lies btwen these two and Is the.galnor
m submerged lands from a depth of
-'nbrut S5.V feet to 1300 fe:t, value about
v. 11,000,000.
Thts Is the property which the port
will fill first,- and is about ready to te
- , gin. Tn public foots the bill, while It
cheerfully goes begging and suing for
a site alongside tor which, If Judgu
Morrow's decision sticks, it must pay
another J800.000.
, .Great business,, isn t it? What our
nrrt and suave politicians , would . call
efficient admlnistratlen!
A Rspeatlng Process.
If thcVo men continue to have their
way, the wharf lines will bo changed
a cat 11, and this neat little process with
"'Itla "People's fund and properties will
bo. extPiidod, hy dredging out the shoals
around 8wan island, and even to the c
-; tent of buying the island and moving
It over on tho other side of tho west
- channel forthe benefit of the riparian
owners, and all at the expense of the
v nubile.
It irlght to good policy ty circles out)
a a. nart of these suoal waters ana buna
' no other parts, were it not .for the fact
that the public needs both the water
front and the money expended, and it
" : " iwmii8 tliat a "b-tter plan w Hd be to
buv the viUerfront first,-and then fill
': i-nd dredso nly as. fast as that could
i ha done.-' ' '- ' ''"
' A part of "lt demand for dredging
. . comes from it. 't-state operators any
. wnv. They have listed upon the former
. nubile levees in the heart of the city
1S encroached upon th river until they
" ' rUM that. part of 1 harbor Is ruined,
nnd it must ho mosi'l down the river.
wher trie holdings nf the largo operat
ors now are.' - I (icy y ui encroacn as inr
as permitted thenyand when the pro
cess 1h 'conip1ctp,lhey, will cheerfully
turn irp with plans-lor improvements
over on the Columbia, where doubtless
' they will-already be cosily installed In
' )OSHCHS10n. 01 UIO lvuLOiuuui. J ; ;
Present Law Should Stand.
Whv not sustain the law of public
ownership up l ordinary high water
line as established by present construo
' tlon of Ofogon courts, and stop tills
' ' . nst wawte. - One million fivo, hundred
..i,innd dollars for two little dock 11
" 1 when the people own all the river an.i
" Its tanks' ' '' '
- simple fool asked his neighbor for
a "Job. ' All rigiu,' sum nie, neignrjor,
' "move that pile of bricks to the other
side of tlie road." I"
T " 'When dune, "tTie-fOor nalff,-"What
V'-'- - -"Move, them back to.whens you found
tTl'hl'Toorr litlTdt V-irn"W9!T"11
" )ns ytacesi. There id no-wages in tie
Vorthmd pnrallel, ' -
Tl'prr .n-a om rnh'ts a,bout t)il map
wortbv of close .attention.'. The' reader
,vA! ii"tn in WIMIk' ' sddltloni plat-t-r
- 1'. Willi V that Front street H
.3 ' 4.. J 'irl' '
(4- . 5
Jjis Coal - , .1
IA XI WHif1Gi "-l-1-r - .
r 4,ine"zj- jt-
. RilNFVAer nr-"1 r ir iwtr. It ,'i A.yiu Y' V
TMTf -"e or M P. s? n. siLOC
The heavy line on West Shore, F. G. 'is the ordinary high water line. It will be Been-that at the public dock, site ft encroaches on i-ront street.
Front street has 'since been filled. : The lots appearing between it and the wharf line are submerged and: therefore, public: property,. The
.- deep frontage Qf the O. II: & N. forming a projecting angle into the, river is also submerged. ; -, ' , : .' -
and werV replaced by the' present 'maps,
showing yie river platted down to the
platted on the wa(er front, according to
the plan prevailing up to that time. It
has now' dlsappearedan! S.heFiOck-,v.t-nue,'
one block back, is the first street,
while the waterfront ' owners take,-eli
between that and the '.wharf line. .- The
high and low watfer lines also appear on
this map, showing dock site No. I (D)
at the foot "of. Seviteenth street ' t6
have been all submerged land the river
oncroaching upon Front street, as our
bid resident remembers. These line also
have disappeared. Had this man-been
retained in the city records; it. would
have established dock site NO. 1 as pub
lic property, and the public would not
have beenunder the necessity of paying
1800,000 to get it now. . .. ' ; ,
These maps "were not satisfactory;
wlWrf line .(sic!), and the Jots assessed
for taxes. . That is, public of flclals,
without legal authority or power to do
so,- for a mess of pottage, -have sought
to give away-this valuable birthright.
The public records" have .been changed
to show public property as private prop
erty, and administered in behalf of pri
vate Interests against the public, by
men salaried by the public.
It wilt.al8o be noted that, since" dock
site No. 1 was . located, that the North
Pacific Terminftl company has extended
Its tracks down Front street "past the
dock site (two tracks from'B, one
from B to E) so as to obstruct the exit
of dock-connecting tracks. This was
done, without a city franchise, on a
franchise ' claimed to - Ijaye been ' pb
taihed from the county, prior 1 to 1883.
Such a fluke as this would be obviated
by the common terminal district amend
ment to the charter I asked the revision
committee' to present to the council for
the June .election, and which they, of"
course turned down, . ;
, The American Can Company's ground
(C)-has been, eliminated from the dock
site, and the Martin" Dock company's
ground (M), on the north side, substi
tuted. This-was because the can com
pany wanted 1100,000 for their shed.
Xhe fact that a deeper water front
on the west side, opposite wan Island,
shows on the present map than this old
one, although the channel was ' maile
wider,- is due to the fact that In the
relocation, the chahnfl was located. Clos
er to Swan island.7 ; ' ' . '
(Continued "From Page t)ne.)
tending to spend his birthday, April 1,7,
there. ,
While Mr. Morsun's body lies in state,
the gaiety continues uninterrupted at
the hotel. - The nojse of the dancing and
other revelry continued until dawii.
"T""1 Beath Mask. Taken! .
nelatives of the lata financier this
morning permitted Albln Polaqeks, an
rt student from Phlladelplila, to take
a dearth mask. Poiaoeks Is studying at
the American Art academy, here, Mr.
Morgan having paid his tuition. "
The second floor of the hotel Was de
serted last night, Mr.. Morgan' rela
tives moving elsewhere. Friend's offered
(or keep watch over the body last night
but . their' services were declined, six
paid employes guardipg the corpse. ; ''
M or can and his nartv . occuDled tne
royal suite two salons and eight bed
rooms wittitla'pr.lvat Outside residence.
The. kings of Greece" and . Sweden ha'd
occupied 'thevsU'ije at various times.
Morgan occupied thTTiOrner. r.oonv-over-fSoking
the park'. ,. x .' r.1 - .
The Italian laws, which lniDOse con
siderable red tape oil ; the removal of
bodies, probably will Be obviated In this
case. .:v v;'V;;.-;.: '. ''s' '".
Death Du to Heryous Collapse..
t-Xr." Starr, Dr. Dixon and Professor
Bastianelli are preparing a formal state
ment regarding Morgan s last tHnfess, ,
i "Death-Ws due primarily .to a ner
vous eoTJapee; resulting largely trojm a
sirenuuus nie anu lacn 01 jwwer to re-
cuperata energy which a younger man
couid have expanded with: Impunity,"'
said Professor Bastianelli today.. "The
immediate cause was stomach trouble,
which, acting with the nervouR system,
fcaused the collapse. ' y :
t . 1 1 . " ...... ... ri " " J 1 1 v. iv .
mat wr, morgan s excellent-constitution
would pull-hThTthrpugh, but nature suc
cumbed, and the end came rapidly," r
Before the-' body l removed from Rome
the Revv Gardiner 'Brown. and Rev. Mr.
Nelson; rectors of the : English, and
Americwh- Episcopal churches , respect
ively, here,' will , hold funeral services.
(iiiiOiiLU i
Failure'. of Rose Festival Com
mittee to- Appear at Mcct
mg Causes Business Men's
Club to:Take Action.
both Satterlee and Mrs.-batteries de
clined. : . :
- Florists shops here 'have been de
pleted as the, result of orders . of rela
flooded the Grand hotel with flowers.
Today- is . the day Mr. "Morgan had
planned to start for 'Atx Le Bains, 4n-
Columns of Merit
T-lie Journal can give valuable assist
anew t0..all engaged In the- poultry In
dustry throueh Its Baturda nnultrv -da
tives, diplomats and tourists, who haWrfartment. Whether, you wish to buy
or sell stock or settings, this is the
medium to . use to get Lresults.. The
merit of these columns has been proven
scores of times. ..r
' It, was thought that all differences
between the East Side Business Men's ,
club and the Rose Festival .manage
ment .ha3 been smoothed. 7 over ami '
patched up at the luncheon held yester- -day
noon, but at a meeting of the East
Side club ! last night it . was decided
finally and "aecislvely that- they would
finance and assume ail responsibilities
of 4ho-chlWrenrra4evV"---:'''''.' "'
A committee from the JTeatlval man-7
ageinent was to haye met with the ,
East Side men" ana arrange-all detail
for the collection of funds on the -east
side of the river," but for e,()mo reason,
the Festival, people failed to appear.
The non-appearance of the Fes'tlval. '
committee 'cansed'' the. east elder' to :
doubt the sincerity of , the former, so ,
it .was decided that the ehiidren'a pa
rade should be held as in former years,
under " the direct .,' management of the
East Side Business Mcn'a club.- -
The whole trouble -arose-fronv . tho ,.
'fact that the Rose Festival assocla '
tion did not - promise any definite .
amount for the parade. : They promised
that if $4005 -were collected on the east .
side of the river the whole of It would
be used for-then-pa'rade. They also
agreed to finance the . automobile pa .
rade and hold it on the east side of tho
river. Y : ' .
At the meeting last plght committees
were formed for the. purpose of collect
ing the funds, and work was commenced
this morning. It is" hoped that at
least $4000 will be Vollected.
off 'All SBirimi
I j i '.Jit:-1 'I
Hoover-Suction Sweepers Domestic Setting Machines
Combined Carpet Sweeper - - The Best Machines Mad
andr Vacuum CiemyZ ti 1 af This Store Only - '
$5.00 Down-$fyjp Month r' $1.00 Down$1.00 WM
' -i '
ii. 11 ill
c'MeixkanrJis ofcff OnbT
Ratine-The; lWc oi A
Fulfills Our Prediction
Practically Exclusive Here - ;
A year ago, when ratine first made its appearance injthe
costumes o Paris dressmakers, we were convinced of its
reproduction in washable fabricsrand that it would be the
fashionable material for the Spring of 1913:
In support of our judgment, we placed. liperal import orders, with
the result that we are showing an immense assortment, which we
doubt can be" duplicated anywhere: ; As a customer remarked yester
day: "1 am astonished at the assortment of ratine that I find in
,your store, which is mjre comprehtnslve than all the other stores
combined, and the styles are infinitely more' attractive." '
Medium weight in solid colors, pinksblues, t,ans and white 27
inches-wide. " -. . " ; '
Light weight with lustrous silk finish, iri pink, golden brown, tan,
heliotrope, blue and jasper 27 inches wide.
r This is the latest Nub weave, medium weight, in pink, sky blue
cadet blue and white. (
An exceedingly, attractive novelty. in stripes, salt and pepper ef
fect arid checks of various sizes. The very latest creation in me
dium weight ratine. .
LIMO -1 Shopping Everywhere
Thafs A 11 You Need to . Means Buying at This
Know About a Glove Store -
Untrimmed Shapes Just In
New Patent Milans for $2.75
As the millinery season grows apace, certain favorites disclose them
selves more prominently among the great offering of untrimmed hats.
.This season Patent Milans .in the. smaller shapes seem to win great
favor, owing to their very attractive styles. . . . .
They are sewn so finely that at. a gjance it is hard to tell .the differ
ence between these American-made and the Italian Milans. The
shapes that we illustrate today are flanged with wide silk velvet, giving
them a softness, that adds to their attractiveness. Besides the styles
pictured, we show many other becoming .shapes.
We present them in black and. white only. '
' Seoond Ploor
Novelty Voile Waists $2.75
An Uncommonly Attractive Lot
Three new Spring model waists.of soft, fine-finishfTji
voile. They are made with round of square collars ot
fine Swiss embroidery, long or short-sleeve .stylel rimmed
-1 Ae njiwi rrs ' niton . .(rtW.f . . . V..
'Jt ',;:s;M''
First Special Sale ,
Gray Hair Goods
To our knowledge this is the first ex
clusTve sale of gray hair goods. ever held
in this city, And a mighty good rea
son, too. Most hair goods stores are
.weak when it comes to gray hair selection,
but our department makes this a special
ty, including every shadeJrom the slight
est gray mixture to snow white. Perfect
match is guaranteed, and at a price so
small as to make you more than content
ed with the article you buy.
Gray Naturally Wavy Hair Switches
18 inches long, of fine naturally wavy hair. ... .S1.85
20 inches long, of fine naturally wavy hair. . . . . .$2.85
22 inches long, of fine, naturally wavy hairr. . . . .$4.85
24 inches long, of fine naturally wavy hair. $7.85
v Gray All-Round Transformations
Of fine naturally wavy hair. . . . , . .$4.95
Of natural wavy convent hair, . . . . . ... . , . . . !$7.85
' Metzanlne Tloor
Sensible, Serviceable and Stylish
Tailored Suits at $2730
For Which You Would Not
Hesitate to Pay $37.50
Just so long as tailored-suits , are. fashioned in the prevailing .
styles, just so long will a certain proportion of -'well-groomed
women insist upon-, having the strictly plain-tailored serge and
worsted suit. . For years this store has recognized this fact, and has
specialized on the superior, better-made, better-tailored and better
materiafed tailor suit . The suits hereinafter described came to us
by express. " t . '
. They fulfill eveqr . demand of women
who seek the best m this style6f gar
ment. They are made of fine imported. '
serges and Worsteds, in straight-front " ,
and cutaway styles.
The Jadkets are lined with peau de cygne silk, and are made in a
variety of novelty effects. The skyrts are made in the. new gored
shapes, and are trimmed to match the jackets.
New Departure in Corsets
Th e Corsetless Figure
'J Is the suede corset the Etoile de
France! Made of the best Quality
white suede cloth. Finished, with
satin brocade ribbon,; daintily
feather-stitched. A feature is the
plush-lined front steel, insuring.'
perfect comfort. j ' .
Gives the ideal corsetless fig
urethe present rage, " - .
Price $10.50
rourtH rioor
Two-Piece Crepe de Chine
Matinee .
Chicness and daintiness person
ified is but a small meed of praise
for these exquisite matinees. Of
the best quality - crepe de chine,
combined with shadow laces of
the most beautiful designs,, rib
bons of corresponding color and
pink rosebuds, they are quite ir
resistible. Pink, blue and whie
are the colors. -
.' pricerl at $27.50
. . " " Pourth Floor.
Innovation Trunks Conform
to the ' New Baggage Rule
Big Trunks Barred
As Free Baggage
Interstate Commerce Board Fixes
Limit at 45 Inches
Railroad 1 Men Said Trunks Were L over
; Crowing Larger and a Haltj
Had to Be Called.
The revolt against
the ungainly trunk has
comexAccording to the
newmling by the In
terstatV Commerce
Commission,! trunks
over 43 inches in
height will -be -charged
for as excess baggage,
at 4, the rate of . five
pounds for every inch
4a inches.
W.Afi D R O B E
TRUNKS are Just 45
without incurring extra
Bulgarian. Embroidered Waists - - : NEW BOOKS .
$5.05 $G.95 and' $7.95" Concert Pitch! ty Frank Danby,
'-Exclusive with us. These., .?V35 - :
w-l-ts are a. positive delight to . The Private Life of jjen M
. . it, . . . . . r . r
thosft lookinsr for the "new
and" "smart"-hv waists.. The ;
' material is voile and crepe, in
white and ecru, which offer the
most effective background for
" the bold Bulgarian embroidery, j.
The' patter consists ot era-
broidered dollar, cuffs ; and
land, by Morely Roberts f 1.25
Guinea' Gold, by Beatrice Grirr
. shaw, 1.25 , .
, Embroidered Voile Robes
. $5.95, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00 and $18.00
-rThe acme of daintiness and exquisiteness. These beautiful
' ;robes appeal most alluringly to all( women especially those?
who are deft with the needle, for very little ingenuity is V
needed, to fashion. the loveliest .of gowns for Summer wear.
. The robes come irrali the new fabrics .and fancies white
vpile embroidered in ratineor self color voile with embroid-.
erV of macrame white hand-embroidered jn'self color and the
"rpastel shades-white voile with the striking Bulgarian shades-.
.... " ' ' . . k ' ! . . V
tenal for.maKing tne waists , Hutchirmon 1.35
in any style aesirecn ist tioor
Hail and Farewell (Ave?,
i George JWoore, Jf 1.75
nan. ana, farewell (Salve), by .. predominating. . -. - , ,.
Oeorge Moore; f 1.75 V . - - The nattern" includes 3 1-3 vards of flouhcinp-: 154 varrls t
l, bandingr'arilj'yaVaslirtJie'pla" "completing
The Happy Warrior, by A. S..M
the waist.
-rirntr Tloor
incheslhigh the. Jimit of size
If you are buying a new trunk for your Spring trip or
.. Summer tour, you might as well buy one that conforms to
the new rules.
Traveling with an Innovation Wardrobe Trunk is a great
comfort' 'Fastidious folk have found that the joys of travel
have been increased" a hundred-fold since the trunk mr '-
-on the scheme of making it rcsible ta
-mbined bureau and wardrobe direct to
end of a journey, "and have everythinj
Innovation Trunk Sale
For One Veek !y
facti'r.:.3 1
tran-ort c
one's hotel
stay put.
Througb a special concession granted I r ? manufact'.
- Innovation Trunks, who rigidly adhere to r .11, e i r ri - -'
enabled to offer during this week Innovation Trur-? i at t
. than have ever been sold before This special conccs-.i-a v
tively not be conceded again this season.
rers' tt
V 5 2.-3
' 1
$30.00 Innovation Trunks, Spec! 1
$50.00. Innovation Trunks,
'$65.00 "Inno clion Tru
, ... ".. ..
v .1