The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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101; su.r; houses ci
-Own Your Homo . -
$-roorn, io Movies, modern. In every
particular, nil street improves
incnts. in' ahd raid, f'n" garage,
new, Irvington, $4650, easy
... . , ienn3. . -
8 rooms and 2..lceplng porches, celled
attic, house new and thoroughly
modern, extra toilet on first floor,
nil street improvements in ami
bonded, Jrvington, close to tar,
$5500, terms. . -.
6 rooms and ' sleeping- porch, modern
bungalow, ML Tabor, all street.
', improvements In;, $36 50, easy
-' . terms. , ; .
rooms and Bleeplnff uorch, new Rose
v City Park, modern;-$3950, $50 J
." cash." . , .. .
8 Yooms and Jiath. new. Piedmont dls
. triet; $:!700, terms can - be . ar-;
9-room house, two stories, mortem
throughout, two bath rooms, dou-
bio construction, Sunnyslde; $6500,
terms. - 1
6- rooms ami sleeping porch full two
stories, corner 68x100, modern,
Kossinere; $4000,
6-room cottage, plenty of fruit, lot lOOx
v. 110, South Portland; $320,0. - ,
8-room bungalow .and bath, lot 60x100,
West tsidej $1650.
8 rooms, bath and sleeping: porch, lot
lOOxlS.i, three blocks t
to car, west
t-room rnodern bungalow, new. Rose
City Park, $3750.
0-ro6m modern bungalow, close to far
: ana school, Hose City Park, $3350,
7 .room a and sleeping por-ch, modern',
Laurelhurst, $3300.
S rooms
ms and sleeping" porch, modem,
Olmstead Park. $6750. '
m and ':bHth,'ff replace', Rose City
Paik district, ' $2350.: m
i room
Provident Trust Co.
212 Selling bldg.
Some- Real BuysHn. Homes"
. SOU (.'ash and balance at $50 a month,
i, Including interest, for-'elegant new
- home of 8 rooms, modern in every
way; price. $5600. Choice residence
,0 . ' district. -
1 50 Cash and payments of $25 month
and interest for 1 room..dwelllng,'
on corner.., looxioo, Modern con
veniences of course; price $3500,
; (Just been reduced from $40001.
$ 100 Cash and , $20 month, including
interest, lor room nouse, mod-
; ern. busement, lot 76x100; price
' ' $2000. ."' - ' ' .
, - $1000 Cash and terms on balance for
new and complete home In lrvlng-
ton. Just finished and it is right
up to the minute, mahogany and
white enamel finish, with oak
floors, 9 rooms. Including finished
attic. It is worth the money;
"price $6000.
i $ 600 Cash, balance easy monthly pay-.-
..ments for home In Irvington, in
-. one of best parts of the district;
8 rooms, modern of course. Owner
very anxious to sell; price $5200.
. .These are Just samples from
: I , rty bargain cbunter. If you are
' In the market for a home any
r, , . size, price or location, let me
know. ,
:' . W, A, Barnes
46 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts.
, SVtatn 2081.
We have for sal In various sections
of the city, four, five, six and nine
room houses, ranging In price from
$2000. to $9000 each. These homes are
modem and well built, with hardwood
floors, furnace, fireplace and all built
in conveniences.: Some are in highly re
stricted residence districts with all street
Improvements in; We are completing a
number of beautiful homes on the west
aide that command an unobstructed
view of city, rivers ahd mountains; all
liato good car service. 'If vou desire,
you may select one of our clioice build
ing lots and we will build to suit vou.
Our homes are sold on the easy-payment
plan. Come In and let us talk It
over with yon.
... 'Provident Trust Co.
212 Selling Bldg.
- Until You See!
Our ne West Side addition.
Near 4th street and Oregon Elec
tric car llnes-Oc fare 15 minute'
car Tideas near as Irvington,
Laurel hurst or Portland Heights
la point of time, pull Run water,
walks,, -graded; streets, parking.
. Prices 375,10 $?00 including 4m-...
provements. Many lots covered
with fuH bearing fruit trees.
It's your opportunity to secure
..choice west side lots. All fins
, view, for reasonable price. ' Get
information at once Select your
lots and arrange to. build.
Ask for Mr. Molesworth,
, . Manager Subdivisions.
, The, First Trust Co,
Washington and Third Kts.
Main 34 49 ;
Let us help you to
Finance and Build
V , A Home : ;:
V HoKMt. reliable, guaranteed
i construction.
f On Your ,0wn Lot
! The, cost will surprise you
i and .. .the terms are very
easy. -Your own Ideas lh
plani which we furnish.
j" 400 Veon bldg. -
S Modern home, Ladd addi
Thomas Vigara, owner, Eist
. (ion,
lUVKR frontage. . nanny to Portland.
idiHl for a country home.: For prlco
ni.d iurthr psrticulars see M. K. Lee.
f, - : forbett bldg. . '
l.u l ri in heart of growing district, , 3
blocks tu car and school, below value
j 1 a. month, will, handle,, P-6 2 8. Journal'
fcl.L L.e iso r CO. TOT west side prop,
rcHliy. tH 3 7 Chamber of Commerce. :
,,-iliuK Firland lot, $3j -.terms' $,i
tuci'ih; un a ded street and water. ; Tn
! amber of Commerce. Tabor 771.
i 11 n:L. view lot, close In on Con
i it M . ideMl for flat for, $1500. -M.
1.,. 623 'orbett t.ldg. , T
l.i 1 1 on L'ldwell ave., adjoining West.
...oieiflridi cheap, to settle tip en ea-,!..-
,.HMt b rawli. - , Tabor 2891. -,
a i. . hi f!ndv l)l,vd. l't lcu ilmiii
t IS m
W illailittt
' jl vh H buS 50x110,
, I K-111. Journal '
loii'i-ovf iiieiiia
' "Back euKt wa people think. wh
JLlmve beautiful -scenery along the ..
1 Hudson river, in the.Catskilla mid
Ailegfieny .motintaitis, and we
.have, but- that UK ATS , 1,'S - A...
v The above remark was made by
T prominent New Yor.T, as lie
, ,..;t(.Hid -.looking over the Tualatin,
valley and lite distant range of
. mountains, as viewed, from Lynd-
' - 'burst. - ,,- -. : ..,(
Few people In Tortlaml appre
ciate the fact that so near the,
'"down town'-' district there la '
such a desirable section as Lyhd- .
burst-sltuated on a beautiful ele
,. vation, just rolling rnougli-to give. .
excellent drainage, and td be'plc- ....
tures(iue. , ' ' ,
The electrificntlon of 'the Fourth
. street line, fast belng'completed; .V
the double tracking of the Oregon.
Jov. trie, will giv Lymlhurst ex- . '
. ceiieiit servlco of two car lines,
15 minuted from the .center, of the
- city, 5 cent car fare, no waiting ;
.'..(in open. draw bridge1, If you'own
a home in Lyiidhurxt you do not
. i have to' spend 25 to 50 rnlmiteH;
- morning and evening, between7
your hornet and business. It takes
only 15 minutes If you live In
Many people say I'd like to live
on tho West Side, but cannot af-
, ford It. Heretofore that may have
been true. Vou didn't want to pay
from $2000 to $10,000 for a Jot
.buf now it Is different.
Lyndhurst Is on the Wet Side
ami you get an excellent view lot
. , 50x100, for -$375 to $700, oa easy
terms. ' -
Puy a lot or two In Lyndhurst
; before prices advance, Proper
ty'so desirable cannot long remain
.. at t hia. low price. Hull Run w
.. tcr, electric liglita, telephones, all
modern conveniences. . Improve
ments paid. It will .pay you to
:-8e- about this at rwire.. ;
" Ask for Mr. MfltoWT)rth.
The First Trust Co.
Entrances, "
Washington and Third Sts.
Main 3449 . A-315$
. , Upper Portland Heights
Some Snaps
$54550x130; good view. .
$70050X100: perfectlv level.
$1000- 50x306; .pretty . trees.
Many more good ones. See. me for
good buys all over the heights.
J. G, Ramey
600 Teon Kldg. Marsnnll r!177.
REAL snap in choice building lot,
owner wants to leave for Cali
fornia. Paving ghd other assess
ments of $415 all paid In full.
Price' only $1:150. Half cash. Let
me show you. this one.
406 Lewis bfclg., 4th and Oak sta.
Main 20S1.
West Side Lots, Glenelyn Add.
Choice buildlner lot.n nn vhi bIiIo in
side of, ,1 mile circle; 'fine view of Tual
atin valley and ..It. Hood; walks, graded
streets and Bull Run water in and in
cluded in price, $450 and up. Select
your lot, and we -wlll build to suit you
101 BinHii casn payment.
Provident I rust Co., Owners
212 Selling bldg. . .
150 'JoWn. J10 nor
from car. level and'flnn soil j, 1 1 rio-ir
and sightly. This is a good one, and
the price 4s right. Fond .& .Hickman.
J.04 Gerlinger bldg. Open Sundays, 10
T am fnrr'rl tr, call m. lr.t lAnnnj
Holgate St.. at 2fith; not able tn keen u:i
tne payments; it cost me $S5(1 threo
years ago, now worth. $850; will take
only $475 for same. See mv annuls.
Enders & Hartshorne. 4:! I
BEAUTIFUL view lots, west side. 20
minute car ride, ideal for homo
graded streets, walks, water piped to
the front: price only $100 each, $20 cash,
balance $5 per month, C per cent inter
est in deferred payments. M. E. Lee,
522 Corbett bldg. r
Newport Beach Lots '
Close to Newport. Fine fi.flil nir anil
bathing; $35 eaoli; $5 down mid $-1 a
montn. Pioneer i,and Co., 502 Swetland
WITHIN 150 feet of Reed College,'
camous. full lot. southern nullnnl-
higli and sightly, only $135 cash, bal
ance very easy; when ready to build
can iret you good loan very cheap. II-
$2800 cash buys all of block 32, Rose
City Park. See it. Address Havid 1 1
Ryan, 1200 T st.,,. Han Diego, Cal.
A very desirable 50x100, comprising 2
lots, on East' 30th, bet. Stanton and Mor
ris. Price $500; terms. ' phone owner,
Mar. 1659. Tab.r 1032. . '.-
LOT 50x100 In Westmoreland. line loea-
tlon, close to car, for about V prlco.
Terms. 304 Gerlinger bldg. I'hone.Vlar
shall 2280. evenings Tabor 1455. Office
Open Sunday, 10 to 4.
80x300, west side, 20 minuto rar ride,
facing on two roads, one of them
crushed rock, water piped to front;
price $800; terms $25 cash, balance $10
per month.. M, E. Ie, 622 Corhett bid g.
COMEto Piedmont build a home; save
coat of lot.. Plans $5.
A. H. FABliR, Architect.
360 Alnsworth Avenue. , Phone C-I791
FOIt SALE One block, verv desir
able property and residence district-.
mice and terms reasonable. " Call a:ti
; oliege St., corner Brgadway.
17. acres, a bargain, good, level, all cleat,
with buildings, at Schefflin station.
Washington county. Portlaiid-Tillamoo::
line. -Price auu; terms. A. vvilhelni.
Cornelius. Or.
10 ACRES, all in cultivation, 1 mile
from electric line station, i mile to
S. P. station. Few daya only at $2250;
some terms. Beavcrton Realty Co., 601
hwetiami oi.ig.- i i &f
$10 a mohth, for 5 acres fine lmprn-ed
land, close to station, on electric; road
Ln Barre, 20 Conimerclal block. ' Main
9404-. .-. v- . ..... .. .;
2V4-a"re tracts, close t-o denot
fare. Finest soil' In Oregon. ,. Terms
Pioneer Land Co., 602 SWotland Bldg
3 . ACRES of unimproved land cheap
H cash, balance 1 to years 7. per
cent . One Uilie from city limits. 3
blocks to car R-256, Journal. '
HALF-ACRE tracts close in, on the
west side; only 15 minutes' car ride'
5-cent car fare, for $600; terms to suit
you.' m. ri. iee fczzveorhett bldg
V, ACRES for t-hlcken ranch, lOOifeet
fnom car; good sol r. view.- price 1720:
$1t per month, D-295, Journal
ONE aero for $4,410. very best of woil;
B4.KOAIN a acies. o.'homaa lgais,
ui,fr, r r.ast -K'liia.
40 A( RKrf TlMJ -"K. olt Mills, Oiegon.
Box 'i5. Como dud fi .. 1 .
hi" sell. U -4-e.,JU' minulee out. el'
U tichodll U-371, Journal.
--'The .'
A Chance for'a Home -
Near the city, for the man who can
upend but little money tu tttart with.
KCAPIHMJSK offers the oppou
t ii ii 1 lv to nlilnln u Imini' of from 8 tO 25
acres - a t $25 'to $65 per acre, only 25 1
miles from Portland, along tho railroiid
fine wator and extra good soil,, no rock
or Vwtvcl-T-.yuu can get work rien.r tho
land at good : waecn, to inako motet of
your "payments.---. 'i he following snows
how y,ou can-pay, for fhctn: ' , .
No. Ill lias 42 acres at $30' per
scre; -$se down, balance $10 per month;
lte along i;ounty road 1 mile from sta
tion and school: about 1-3' level bench
land, balance pasture,, Fine spring
water;-auy cleared, ,
No, 43 I fas 12 acres at $60; $73
down, , balwpce $18.25 per' -month. Li."
along railroad and county road, 1 rnilo
10 mat ion -ana scnooi, jtunning creea
nUo fine spring; lund level, all tillable:
fine "soil,, easy clearing; Will 'produce
any nwiu .u up, .
We havo ptany more .to show you.
Come in or write for literature,, maps
and Information. Can show the land
any da v. ' , 1
' , 813 Chamber of Commerce.
Choice' Acreage. Close' In .
West Side acreage, best of soil, good
drainage, part in stumps, part in cul
tivation, 2 ty. f and 10 acre tracts, prices
range' from $350 to 1553, oer acre, lust
outside 6Tinile circle from pOstoffice,
win ouiia to .suit you, .easy termsr -
-, . , v -. --
2-acre tract, on Powell'. Valley road.
2 miles east of city limits, macadamised
roau 10 i'oriianu, 14UU, one-nair casii.
Acreage near Gilbert station oh Ca
adero line, ofie-half hour to city, macad
amized road leading to city, covered
with bearing applo trees, good soil and
drainage, $1250 to $1500 per ucre, wil
build tr suit you. - '
Provident Trust Co., Owners
. . 213 Belling Bldg.
..Will srll 1 to 6 acre
tracts, 35 m 1 n u t e s'
rhfe from Jefferson
tiU and close, to 2 elec
I trie stations: splen
did chance to become
independent by rais
Ing 'chii-kena and ber
ries: only $200 to $235
an acre on "easy terms.
210 Oerllngjer Bldg..
2d and Alder,
: . Swell Suburban 'Home '
12 acres, right at.station, Oregon Elec
tric; all highly cultivated: lies beauti
ful; running creek, a swell seven-room
and sleeping porch up-to-date bungalow,
concrete basement, fireplace, all built
in conveniences, fine barn, cement walks
ardilnd bouse and barn: new wire fence;
no comparison in location- and price of
$500, with $2500 rash, will handle.
JacOB ' H A AS, 30S Gerlinger bldg.
5 and 10 Acres Cheap
$20 up to $45 per acre, on fermfl.
Tracts of 5 acres or more; deep,- red
shot soil, well watered; easily cleared;
Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege
tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo
cated on county road, close "to live town
on 11. R. and river near Portland. Own
ers, 703 Lgwls bldg., 4th and Oak sts.
Main $078. Evenings East 394
6 ACRES FOR $250
Buys 6 acre.-, of logged-off land, 1 mile
from the, Columbia river and rafHway
station. Trie soil Is free from rocks,
and none of tills land overflows'. Some
of these tracts have running streams
1 oh them.
1 p.i.-i 1 Ttvr. i-stitc fnxTPWV -
212 Railway tCitrbange Bldg,
CHICKKN and fruit ranches near Port
land; Greshaxn-distrlct, Estacada line,
electric station "A mile. New subdivi
sion, Sunshine Valley orchard tracts;
best soil, free wood; elegant location.
Prices only $75 to $160 per acre In small
tracts; easy terms) quick train service.
Frank -A. McFarland Realty Co.. 309
Yeon bldg., Portland. Or.
HERK is an opportunity to got a small
piece of land and eonlderably below
value. I have 2 acres, near., the Salem
Electric line, facing county road, run
ning water splendid -soil; this piece of
land is wen wortn $ou. its yours ror
$250 cash. Address,' Owner, A-500,
2 Acres, All- Cleared
On Oregon City eanllne, near Rtsley
station, all fenced and in clover. Price
$2000; give good terms.
Main 43S1. A-7259. 122 N. 6th st.
ONE acre with cozy 4 room cottage,
outbuildings, grand view of valley and
citv; only mile of Evergreen sta., and
Oregon City car. Land alone worth
price. $lon. Owner, room 11 Mulkey
bide., 2d and Morrison.
10 Acres, $150 to-$600
' Tour choice of 800 acres, good soil,
water, school and roads, i; hours from
215 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
If so. It will make your first payment
on a 10 acre tract of good land, 1 hour
artd 30 minutes from Portland. Room 215
Lumber Exchange bldg., corner 2d and
Stark sts. ,
$12.5(1 PER ACRIO. .
320 acres. 200 open burn, easily
cleared, balance timber; 35 miles from
Portland; terms. $1200 cash, balance
long time at h per cent. .101 Henry bldg
luuxlOO for $21, $5 per month, 3 blocka
t rom en r f me. J -4t,4ou rna K
40 Acre Farm
For Sale
40 acrs, all in cultivation, new fi
room house, new barn, 1 acre in orchard,
located in Springwater country, 1 mile
from store, P. O. and school. Might ae-c-pt.
soino. trade. Price $150 per acre.
Hawthorne Ave. Stables-
420 Hawthorne ale.
. Colonists, Attention
. We have for sale a fine little da'lrv
farm of SO acres,, located 25 miles from
Portlalid, close to O.-W. R. & N. Ry.
-Fine, deep soil, land all fenced and
cross fenced, riining stream through
property.-vv-ellent buildings, ranch will
carry frohi 0 to 40. cows. Photographs
and- full particulars at' office of Terry
ft Harris, 004 Yeon bldg.
173-aere. farm, Yamhill county, only 6
miles from North Yamhill; 40 miles
from Portland; r'lOO-twn-es under cultiva
tion, 21 ceres prurfes, balance easy- to
put in crop; good house, .barn- and out
houses: spring water; $5000 cash, bal
ance eas- terms.
CAlLAN A- KASKR, 722-24 Yeon Bide-.
2 '4 ,miles south. of Oregon City, oij the
macadamized Pacific Highway; 40
acres of the best soli in Clackamas
county, .with timber, enough to pay all
i am nsuing ior,,j.ii tract.
Jl. V. J-.,"
W,' Bo? Yeon Bldg.
You cuii'buy 80 acres. 45 acres Im
proved, good orchard, buildings, water,
on good hard road. 12 milea frojn 'court
house, for $R0 an acre. -.
WOLFSTEIN, 205 AllsKy bldg.
FOR SALLr-160 acre stock ranch; 80
acres In airaita. J acres in wheat, f
naianre ihliiiuu imisiure; plenty
outside range ' for stock; easy terms
would take, some- trade; must be sold at
once, l-iairt H. tobb. Fossil, Or.
For a farm, geV.our list and prices. All
sizes, all prices. Main 8860, ' -.
in n asnington -st
35 actes "vinlmprovfld, 4y3 .miles Si K
Oregoiv,City. Price $1600. $500 Msh,
balance 6 years, per cent. Phone EaUt
6029.. 'v.J L- ' ::y. ""''' ' " -'
T. WITHYCOMBE'S Walnut Groves are
at-tttA-axporiuiBntaUataaa. ..Mlml
year ota rrees were - loaded with nut
42 1 Hamilton bldg. Main 227B
&LVF.N. also 40 alien. le), Impim?
meiitsi. near tars Box 19, Metrger,
TWO i(i-fcte tj.acts h tin lirrcaTnbt "f ' t
out near cur. X 801, Journal,
. (Continued)
Good Farm .Buys
Hargrove & 'Sons
We have a large .list of aplcndJd
farm buys. ' We would be pleased to
have-you . call and go carefully over
Our ,entiro list. We carr be or service
to ,you- if you are in thi murket for a
r 40 Acres for $2000 .
This splendid farm buy Is Just SO
miles from Portland, in splendid com
Inunity, in Clackamas county and no
rar rrom carnnc. There are u acres.
about" 10 acre in cultivation,- balance
some stashing and nice timper. splen
did soil and the tract lies well. Good
isew 8 room house, nice large spring.
Price , only $2000, $1509 cash, balance
per cent,, . . -
10 -Acres, 5 Miles Out
This Is one of the best 10 acre Homes
near the city. The entire tract Is in a
high state of cultivation,' lies perfectly
anu there is no better sou anywhere,
no rock or gravel. . nice new 4 room
plastered 'bungalow, new barn, chicken
bouse, etc., -near school, enurdh and
store a-nd just 6 miles east from the
city limits of Portland. Prte ohlv
-ivuu, nuir casn, Daiance e -per cent.
j. 160 Acres for $6000 .
.Good dairy. farm, just 25 milt's from
Portland. There are 160 acres. 15 acres
in cultivation. 60 acres seeded and good
pasture, some nice timber, fiaio -living
stream with w'aterfall affording good
water power, splendid, soil; cheap 4
mom bouse and 2 small barns.' bearing
orchard of 65 trees; some grapes rasp
beiYles and strawberries, personal prop
erty, line neavy team" or young horses,
nea vy wagon,, now mower, - rake, har
ness. 2 plows, harrow, cream separator
small tools, 8 cows., 10 calves. Price for
all $6000, half cash, 6 per cent. Located
x't miles railroad station.
: BeautifuM 5 Acres -
This Is one. -of tho nicest " countftfn to ne rouna anywnero near tne
city. There are 15 acres. 13 acres in
cultivation, balance timber, splendid
son., all bui dings new. x room olas
tered house, barn 24x30. two arood eel
lars, electric lights In house and barn,
3 acres young orchard, r acre berries.
Price, with considerable personal prop
crty, I7U00, jii&uu cash, balance 6 per
cent. L.ocaiea just: ik nine rrom sta
tion at Tualatin, 12 miles from center
or I'ortlanu.. , ,-.
" 86 Acres,. 8 Miles Out
This place Is located Just 8 ,mlle.
soutneast or tne city limits or Portland
good graveled road all the way. There
are 86 Rcres, 80 acres In cultivation,
best of soil, balance fine body of first
growth fir. over 3000 cords wood, good
t room nouse, large Darn and outbuild
ings, spring water piped to house and
barn, large bearing orchard. Personal
property: Team, 1 cow, 8 heifer calves,
i nozen caicaens, ; wagons, a hacks,
harrow, plow, mower, rake, small tools.
hay, potatoes, grain and lots of other
personal property. Price $13,000, $7500
cash, 6 per cent.
Hargrove & Sons
122 N. 6th St.. Cor. Gth and Gllsan.
Main 43X1., . A-5J5U.
I have a great many good buys here
a,re a few of them: - '
$15 per acre buys about 400 acres In
cultivation, about 300 acres In timber
about 100 acres bottom land, that can
be Irrigated from the stream running
through place; 2 sets of buildings. This
is rolling land, .but it is good and raises
good crops. Can be divided If wished.
And can. be bad for part cash. It is a
fine stock farm. Lots of outi-anna. Th
Corvallls & Alsea R. R. runs through
$125 per acre buy's 80 acres with 50
acres in cultivation house, barn, or
chard, fenced. i mile to RrR. station.
small crcen through place. This is fine
land and Is about 40 miles from Port
land.. Part cash, balance to suit buyer.
$1600 buys 50x100 .lot with 5' room
house, partly finished, within. ,2 blocks
of carline, on good terms. Say $150
rash, balance at $15 per month, with 7
per cent Interest. This, is good prop
erty and Is a very good buy and good
.....$1350. buys - 109x182 feet on Im
proved streets, cement sidewalks, two
blocks to carline. This Is a fine corner
and Is awful cheap, and can be had for
half cash, balance on good time.
. For further particulars call on.
W. H.-KING, St. Johns, Or.
Photic Columbia 39 residence, Columbia
Z4 orrice.
ino arres; 10 acres cleared: good well
anci running water; anout J, 600,000 feet
of timber-, on county road, 3 miles from
Mation and about 42 miles frdm Port
land; half cash, balance 3 years at 6
per cent. -
. $3200'
-1G0 acres,-!U miles from depot; over
100 acres nf aood . nlow land whor.
cleared; n0 buildings on this place; good'
i:iKiiuor on aajowiing places, i nis i$
a snap at $20 per acre; half cash, hal
ance 6 per cent. ''
SO acres; 25 acres In 'cultivation, 7
acres of creek bottom; small house an)
arge barn; 20 acres of good timber,
balance old burn, easily cleared; 2V
miles from railroad; $700 cash, balance
long-time at 7 peri cent. ,
55 acres; 18 acre Hearst good tfff!-''
i"8, o goou cows, t) neirers, a lot
2J-,th,-r,.!l0(;k-; everything complete;
$3,)00-, $1200 cufch, 6 per cent on bal
ance. , i
- --. .$28 :-,
.25 acres; close to lllllsboro; 8 acres
cleared; small house; mile to station,
on electric line; half , cash, , balance 8
years.s, per cent. ;'. -
- . 505;Henfy"Building-'
522 Acres-
Only 1 hour rlda from Portland" 8
miles -on rock road from good town, a-JO
acres practically cleared, 160 4f -which
ts fine hop land, w-fll. live springs, run
ning water, lots old buildings, 800
cords fine pdle oak. Only $70 per acre,
rood trm. Call "today,
y - . VC. frtfAW & ro , 7.1 UTTT ST
COAIEv o V'ba valley,. California, where
jou will have sine crops and make
troneTwe will help ton move; exclu
sion April 12; rich Koll, irrigated ready
to plrtw; dairying, piss, poultry, fruit,
garden Jruik and alfalfa -are winners;
!"V;o with innwml see. A.. M, Hleliliuui.e,
111 CDniiibcr of Commerce bldii -
. mm
About 9 'acres lu cultivation; family
orchard; good house, large barn, other
outbuildings; 2 good springs, -ran be
piped to house and barn;' on mall route,
Peper & Baker, 444 Sherlock bldg., cor,
ja ano uaii.
FARM-WANTED. 200 acres ir more,
With stock and implements, where
water can be piped to buildings, on
cream route 'and R, F. D., tipper valley
preferred. . No Inflated values. From
owners only. Address T-584. Journal.
For Rent
'Beautiful 5 acre ranch. J. acres In full
bearing prune orchard, good assorted
raraiiy ore laru.'B- room oiaaturea nousj
citv water in house and lawn.
lutni jniiivu unuiruiuanu, line ciiiCKCii
rancn, s diocks irom car, tn city limits,
rent $300 tier vear. tKeen vour cow and
chickens and be lndeDCndent. Will sell
w.or- ai'uw; terms
Thompson Swan :.
and Main streets,' Vgnvonver, Was!
6th and
TO RENT-120 acres at Boring, Or., 60
acres in cultivation, 35 now in crop
head of .cattle .horses -and- imnle-
inents. Will- lettse for term of years.
ceiumoia Ttaist .t:o.. m tn st.
FOR RENT 75 acre Improved dairy
ranch, 18 miles south, of Portland.
Owner, 431 Chamber of Commerce. .
FOR RENT 9 acres, buildings, orchard,
good soil and creek. See owner. 122
1st ave.. Lents. Take Mt. Scott car.
olonizing San Joaquin Valley
6.000 acres irrigated land.- on rail
road, all cultivated, water ready to
turn on. schools, high school, churches,
creamery, fine water. Best alfalfa and
semitroplxal fruit land, cows furnished
to settlers. Small payment down, no
more for 4-vears. Free fare-4o buyers.
literature and Information. Flsher-Bee-
man, ?t)H Hallway KXfnange bldg.
USE your land rights on' the best to
"be had; 820 or 480 -acres., near raU
road now building, wood water; timber;
stock range no' limit. Main 8774. 191
4th gt.
LEAVING daily for finest homesteads
. ln west. Bee your claim before vou
Pay. W. T. Wood. HS9-41 Chamber of
HOMESTEADS, good land, ready to
plow. Timber, water. See In one day.
Good value. Covey. 267 Oak. Room 21
Telling about the big irrigation oro
ect or the valley. You need water
tor the dry spell. For model dairy
iarms, nog raising, gardening, fruit and
berries, you should locate at West
LAND CO., -04
Oak St.. Near 6th, Opnoslte Com
mercial Club.
CALIFORNIA" homes for 30 tnore fami
lies; big money raising alfalfa Cows.
pigs and poultry; rich level Yuba valley
land, ready to plow, long time payments,
free gravity water for irrigation: excur.
sion JMrH2; free fare coupons, a. M.
Highhouse, -441 Chamber of Commerce
bldg. , .
TIMBER tracts uip to 1,000,656,00.1 ft.
Douglas rir ana pine. Money secured
for large operating purposes ln saw
mills and limber. D. Stevens, 622 Cor-
bett bldg.
200 ACRES in Yamhill county for house
ana lot,
Equity In 5 room bungalow for good
6 room modern house. 4 lots SOxlJO
for small improved farm.
5 lots 60x100 for small grocery or
other good-business.
160 acres in Cowlitz county. Wash
ington, for house and lot or hotel.
400 acres ln Sacramento vallev. Cal..
for Oregon property.
301 Henry bldg.
NINE rooms of good furniture for H.
K. house for rent rooms, alwavs full-
income $90; will take $125 cash or trade
for lots or acreage, balance $300 easy;
daughter has asthma; have to change
climate. 62 N. 23d st. Phone Marshall
0 ACRES near Tunnel Spur station on
United Railways and Portland lower
arbor Unimproved. Will exchanee for
improved ' Portland or Seattle real es
tate. $10,000. Inquire owpeiy P. OT box
640 city.
30 acres. Improved. Within 5 miles
Mt. Angel. Want Portland home of
equal value. " Price $3500. Mortgage
$1000. See Campbell. Main 6869.
2bU Washington st. -
FOR SALE or exchange, 40 acres of
Klickitat county. Wash, land, free of
Incumbrance, for grocery store or auto.
Claude D. Greene, owner, 1018 Yeon.
bldg. Phone Main 9062. A-7S04
NEAT grocery, pew building, main stlcet
good town, large farming community.
Invoices $6000. Take $2000 cash, bal
ance real estate. Smith & Houck, 300
Henry bldg, ...
20 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In.
west side, $1500; will exchange for
house and lot of equal value or assume
difference. Phono owner. Marshall
TO TRADE for Portland residence prop-
erty or good newspaper plant on Pa
cific coast, good, Irrigated land In Payette-
vallev. Idaho. Must move to low
altitude. V-261, Journal.
TO EXCHANGK 480 acre Improved
stoek and grain ranch in N. E. Ne
braska $15 per acrel for central Ore
gon ranch or improved relln. and differ
ences. Perry Randelt, gutherlin. Or.
T HAVE 0 acres of good rich land
and a city lot to trade for grocery
stock. See Scott (owner), 519 Worcester
AND reveal to the god of-the tempest
my woes." wuy, seit anu exenange
property through Griffin & Small, 403
Hotbchlld bid.
FOR TRADB- TOPortland property or
unimproved lanJKJot' 60x100 feet. 6
room wrwern c'rafiaiow,-4ii). Aaaresg
K-HOOM modern nouse-, no incumbrance:
' price. -000, Also 10-room lioiisepfJarg'j
west side; wortn joouu. want rami or
acreage.' Call 6ZU uufflper Exchange,
MY equiiy.of $1600 in dandy home of
2 lots. 4 room house Mt. Scott line, to
trade for rrocery or ior aaie. ; owner,
D-303. Journal. y J :;- .'' ". '
HAVE clear producing ranches $2008 up,
-cash values, for securities, paving
business, city property. Stone, 219 Lum
bertnens bldg. ; '
WANTED To trade my equity in valu
able city. lot for good team, Y-610,
Journal.. ' ' 1 . .:. :
CAN'T sell my property so will trad-i
- lor miyuiioK m wun i. tx, etcotl
(owner), 519 Worcester bldg. -. . , ,
WE -exchange what you have for what
you want. Pcper & Baker, 444 Sher
lock bio sr.; 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. '
TO EXCHANGE By owner, Jfuud "River
ranch tor Portland property.'; N-fir.a
Journal.' ' ' ' ' ' r - ' -
TQ exchange, 5 acres of Willamette
valley a Abcst, for grocery or confe-
- - - ,j..n, -t,, - it- -r-" 1 iiw it b ,i iioviii, iiMin,., iui irn. ill".
tfonory, UP to, I140Q... Phone ood. ZUiAXiutouhMwaaE U-lhUlJll
WANTLLf Diamond ting for totvn lota! "! . . I
See J. H. bcott (owaier). 619 Wnr
ee-ter bldg, .
VvTlA'l lme ou to tiade Tom Tavloi,
60S NorthwestJ)i. Marshall i.;i
LOXiiTl.lainiuii l-alia, ) to tral fir
- lot In . Portland, M-2SUi JuurnaJ. .,
- (Continued) '
62-acres, half in cultivation, good 7
room housed burn, woodshed, tool house,
annliT house, etc.! fina creek and well;
on main county road, plenty timber for
farm use, well fenced, 10 acres bearing
apples, 1 acre berries, 15 acres alfalfa,
balance cultivated Iniid.i in wheat last
year; ditch from which all land in cul-
t vation can be irr gated: 'xi nuio to
school, good neighborhood; will take
house and lot m Portland. .
' 20 acres, close to station on United
uaiiways; z-a m cultivation Hearing
orchard and berries, 4 room house, burn,
well and creek: on main county road,
all best of sollr take good house and
tot in roruanu. . . ,.- ;;
20 acres. Eacle Creek, aboit half ln
cultivation; 3 acres young orchards-part
river bottom land balance first bench;
for house and lot. ,
10 acres. . NeWberg. all improved,
mostly hearing orchard, set buildings.
close to to-wnwill take good house and
Come tn and look over our lists before
you den!. '
'Chittenden & Neill
. ,110 Oak Ht.-' ' ,
Portia'nd Property and Acreage
Mear Portland to txchange
for Wheat or Stock Ranch.
$14,000 warehouse or factory site
on R. R. building on It 60x100.
$10.000--Larga' house and lot,
close In; rwita ir $60 per
$15.0oo to- $20,000 worth of acre
age on electric lino. , '
Will take a "lace up to $50,000.
Moore Investment Cor-
308 Henry Hldg.. Portland. Or.
'Have iSO-nere stocV or dairy farm in
southern Oregon,, within one-half mile
of station, dii 8. P. R. R.. with wood
DUiuiings, including 6-room dwelling;
80, acres in cultivation. 60 of this Is
bottom land;'""Hbundauco of running
water, and fine "pasture; some fipe al
falfa land. Price. 16.000. with no en
cumbrance. Will, trade for farm In
Tualatin valley tin to 100 acres, with
good buildings and not too 'far from
scnooir would go 6 or e miles irorn sta-tion,-
if "necessary,
913 -Chambej'-of Commerce. ':
oit i I'KorKKTr,
3 nlaces on Oregon Electric as fol
lows: 3 VS acres at1 Donald, im
proved with a 2-room houstv value
$1000: 4 acres Imoroved with 3-room
house and small barn; all good clear
land, ready for plantlnc: fine for logan
berries: 4H acres at Tigardvllle. In-
Qiilre of owner, 211 .Failing bldg.
10 ACRES oiioregon Electric J'or-sale or
trade, see ownr; G4 Ki 20th st.
WILL exchange new piano. for groceries,
H-293. Journal.
Bungalow Wanted
. . We have a client for a 6 or 6
room bungalow, not over 20 min
utes' out. If your prhu! Is right
and you want to make a quick
sale call at office with full de
scription. Ralph Ackley Land Co.
204-5-6Fniling Bldg, cor. Srd and Wash
WANTED 5 room modern bungalow,
near car, Mt. Scott or Rose City Park
preferred. None but owners nerd ap-
piy. Mmttn & Houctt, :j.l0 rtenry bldg
WANTED 10 to 2Q.. acres good bottom
land, or 40 acres hair bottom: state
full particulars, and whether agent or
owner. m-z', journal.
1 want a nome. 6 or 7 lHiae rooms.
modern ard up to date: mefer east
side west of 20th st. Owners only. See
me at 1113 Minnesota ave. M. C. Starr
vvaaij-.ij io Duy new nouso in re
stricted district: must be reasonable
price and small payments. Tabor 2930.
WANTED Real estate, -ash or trade.
Miller & Conkim;' 619 Henry bldg.
"Rooming House Wanted
Will trade house and lot In East ISth
near Alberta car for good furniture. No
juuk considered.
Ralph Ackley Land Coi -
204-5-6 Falling Bldg.
$300 $300 $300
Buys a 22 room rooming house, all on
one floor, cheap rert. 1 block of mv
office, worth $1000, all for $S00; J75
down, balance-$25 a month. Call 607
Henry bldg.
BEAUTIFULLY and elegantly fui-:
nlshed 12 roOm modern, house, piano
worth $400; 10 boarders, paving big
price; lovely location-; cost $1200 to
equip., Yours for $500, piano included.
605 Yeon bldg.
IF not aTraid of work you e;iii iTuv
a paying business: a" 12-room and
boarding house. 653. Washington et
Cal! between 2 and 4 p. m.
40 ROOM apartment house, centrally
located, apartments alwavs rented,
clearing $175 month.-- Price $1600 S400
cash, balance to suit. 301 Henrv bldg
16 ROOM rooming houso for sale;
cheap; rent only $25 per month; no
agents, for safe by owner.. 88 E. Knott.
HAVE pice home in suburb oY Port
land, consisting of 4 . lots with 9
room house; wRl trade for meat market
in valley town. M-6,'1!). Journal
GROCERY fori, sale at invoice, including
fixtures and horse and wacron- iu.
nnttnt it lulran ,1,1a 111.. t . .. .
ivwmt .1. vnct& liiifl niCft,. X IIUIIO VV UOI1-
lawn 40.1
WANTED Men to invest $600 or more
in an Bgricuiiurai company, with etn
ployment at good wages.
L-428, Jour-
FOR SALI& Harvest Hoins Kna ifiTT
House, 19,ftirnlshed bedrooms, grounds
in- , u i . ... . , . .
uiauo, riHL-uii- llril, WHlPr. Andrews
Harvest Home. Box 6. LongBeacli. Wn
Several good places from $iro up.
Call and see is about them. Pioneer
Land Co.. 602 . Swetland Hldg
FOR SALE First class grocery stock1,
, long lease of store and dwelling. Spe
cial opportunity and reasonable terms.
Address box 417. Newberg. Or.
FOR SALE First-class giocery, TTne
location, established trade. This is a
good, proposition; about $1500. Phone
Tabor 3017. morning or evening.
FJOR SALE Best located confectionery.
scnouijooKs ana supplies, across from
1 ', it. wnii or witnout oynoinca;
no tieents. 7i0.'iiLiWWnl,
$2000 i 1250 CASH.
, New 6BXB0 store buUd.inst, cement floor
and eiaewaik, 4 room, house, lot lOOx
mo. t:an owner, -ranor oin.-
$lia-iU YS paying Junch co'inter in rood'
; location, rnnne j ones, i'.iist 43, fronr
t:au a. m. to t.6i p, m. ,
GROCERY store that will invoice .a'lly"
-$1150 for 550; snap: living rooms,
rurnianeu. L-nion live, north.
BARBER shop for sale, good f urn i t u re,
reasonable rent, lease; -ready 'for'
ness. Call 143 H 7tlr Bt.-Vi ."' - ' "
go east, good sinali
Marshall 4769 . or A-
business $300.
453, Journal.
RIOSTA URANT with living rooms, well
located end furnishedjln S stprjrJiriijt
hoti, iitio. wain iidy, Kast 1173. . . .
POoL llALL and confectionery for sale
or 'ifaue ,j.vr luuining nousa. - lnon
Rel: 171 L. ' ' , V,
KfL'A ...... t,fc,..m. l.n...... - " l,...' .. , '
000 BUMNKhS C'AHDH $1.
Ryde.' Pig, t'o., 8th-Buriisldn. M
null JMJCJWM-.HH L.A Itua lO -
Rose City Primary. IHgi, nd st
WAN'l i'.IPaj tner in goud guiuiie. (,'aU
I N. id Sts, ,
- "'pa y roll city."
In the In-art of Central lirltlsh Colum
b!u -cuiniiiiiiidln Hid trado of the great.
Peace river district one hundred mil
lion dollars will be spent in ruiiroad con
struction ulono in the next four years,
opening up thla great Inland Empire;
Fort .George Is Us pay roll center,
If.-'you want absolutely reliable in
formation about present -or future in
vestments anywliero in Brltlnh Colunw
bin, about business openings of all
kinds; opportunities lit tho trades 'Or
professions;, about timber, farm lands,
sawmills, brickyard openings address .
Capl tHji$ 1 .000,00, ForMJeorge.JSC.
DOJ.VX ,lNvlBr'Wl''i'F'i YOUR EVES
Find out what you arc. getting before
yon spend your, money; We Investigate
any investment, either In land, securi
ties, or business, and telj you whether.
It is safe, legitimate, and likely to iiuiko
you money Whether you are Investing .
$100 or $100,000, DON'T - SPEND'
has saved money for others. It may save :
money for you. - DUNN & CO., Business ',
Counselors, 600 Concord bldg. 2d and
General merchandise business, -country,
no opppsi Hoiif-store building, two ,
houses, both modern, feed barn, 7 acrea ,
choice level land, allder -tfultl vation,,
wire TShced; net Income $2500 per an
num; $3000 cash, balance easy -terms, or '
will accept jxrxipf rty for difference. .
areas n. ts. HartnooK, uoipn, ur,
We have for Immediate sale one of the
best established cash 'grocery stores in
the 'city of 'Portland. East aide. This
Tia rare Opportunity for .the live mer- -
44-46 K. tht. N.
Giving It Away' - -
Llclit grocery, confectionery., cigars.
Turn-h and ice cream parlor; living rooms
furnished: reirt S15: good business; will
invoice $375; whole price $,200; terms.
.'viiie-riH, i. , t.
GROCERY one of the fast
growing suburbs, no opposition, for
sale at great Siacrlflce oh account of
heal tli,' if you are looking for a good
paying place with a big future it will
ay you to investigate mis piace.
ee, 522 Corbett bldg. .-
. -$75 S75 $75. :
Ruvs a clirar Rtore. rent $25, steam heat,
best "Tornor in rity, worth $400; If sold-
thts week $75 takes everything call
60I.Jlenry bldg!'- '''- : '; ;
GENL. W DSli.,, 65 nitiea south of Port
land, $3000 required; nne town, best
school, 2 mills, city lights and water;
retiring; SOu on tlio dollar.. Lock box
14, Jefferson, Or.- - .-
BAKERY, city of 2,u00, bankrupt, was
doing good business; equipment .com
plete. , Is a good opening. Will-sell,
cheap. W. D. Church, trustee,. Wall
Wat in, Wash. v, . - " ' :
GROCERY STORK established .seven
years, good clean stock, good fixtures,
horse, wagon. Cash business. Cheap rent,
all for $1000. S-428, Journal. Phone E.
5546. : ' ' ' .
Two good ones on the west side. Both
making- money. Can. be had at night
prices. Pioneer Land Co., 603 S'wetland
nldg. . - " '' ,
FOR S.vLU on account of sickness,
cigars, lo cream, and confectionery
stole. K25 .N. 23d. .
WANT- to exchange lumber- for sawmill.
J. ('. sttnonton, no-no mver,
rcr, Or, j.
MAW? 1
CLARK & CO.. 817-823
Experienced Salesmen-Wanted
To sell lots In our new west
- side addition Lyndhurst Just
opening" 5 cent car fare 15
minutes outJUXrtt Run water
walks parking graded streets
lots $375 to $700. Uest,proposttiotl
around Portland. Easy terms. We
are ready to begin. First class op
portunity for 2 or 3 high jgrade
men. If you. are the right man and -
are ready, to begin see me at once.
Ask for Mr. Molesworth. " . "
The" First Trust Company
Entrances -Washington & Id sU.
Emnlovment membership guarantee
member wl.l secure employment or re
fund of membeishlp fee; gives two -
months full membership privileges, 10 .
month's soda prlvl'eges and undertakes
to keep member employed during the '
full term of membership without fur
ther charge. ..' ' . .
Record for 12 months enaing Dec.
Call for men "???!
Positions-filled 1BI
See Secretary Employment Depart
meat Y. M. C. A. - -" :
WANTED Salesman with some knowj-
edao.of hurt culture to represent us in
a few proven territories.- Must devote
full tinio mid furnish satisfactory ref
erences. Outfit- furnished.' Cash "aid
weekly, For full details write the Or-egnn-
Nursery Company, Orenco, Oregon,
the lzno acre nursery.
EX PER I ENCED elect rlcal draughtsmen
tor woik on modern hydro-electric
power bouse design In California: sal
ary, $125. Repl" stating experience,
and with copies of work, if possible, to
J. H. Apderton, care Stone & Webster,
White Salmon, Wash, ' ' ,T
WANTED- Young men-to become trav
eling salesmen'. Many good positions - . ;
open. Training p'a.vablev partly from
earnings. Successful Salesmanship,
Inc., 426 Board of Trade. Portland.
WANTED p ew young s men to leara
profitable trade, day or night school,
niantu nt nnnnl n as. watch making, en- ,
graving . school, 2H Globs bldg, Port
land, ur.
WANTED Railway mail clerks lor
PARCELS rUB'lt ,u moaui,
land examinations May , 3. . Coaching
free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 821-B. r
Rochester. N. Y. '
ANY LADY or ''.gentleman wishing to
make some clean money on the tde ;
will not interfere with their present po
sition. See Mvers. 533 Chamber of Com. .
WANTED Man with teanf and atunip
SHEET metal worker wanted for a
partner. A little money required Ap- .
Ply LeiUs Sheet . MetaUWorks. Lents.
Or. . ' - '" '- '
; , : -voting men of good address a . ,
,t, riors. Must furnish horse rfnd
wa goii. Lohd'iequlred. -T402 Washing-,
ton tt.
WANTED--Two men to learn auto true
driving and repairing for spring work.
Cnll at Ma-llwon Oarage, 1111 Hawthorno.
lica'OR : ii' AJiiEDasUooiLlPfiat ton .''
physician and surgeon. East 1400. B-
WJb- want-men' to learu auto 'truck driv.
ing-and rnpairing for iprnig .work. Call
at 445 Hawthorne avej "L " '. , ';.' idi asliingtia tt J15 per
week and board. . ' 1 1 , :
DoY wanted to learn optical jbuslnesstv
401 Dekum bltl;j-. ' f ' ,
W..iiTI:D -AlHttross maker. 1 249 Maca
rtutn mad. TnUo Fulton rnr ..
(Continued oa Hsxt rtsj