THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TUESDAY 'EVENING, A1TUL 1, 1C-13. iluwti!! Or ALL OEM HERE IS DEEF BARONS DESIRE .Trout Sirwt Continues As Tlioni in Side of Parkins Inletrsls and the ; letter Are rujing More r.KSS & Than They Can. Re Sold at. Portland Prodno Trade. Fpgs Iioldinif firm.. " . -lik'kciv riiarket good., Clieese trade firm. Butter scarcity continues. Florida tomaloos soiling. Green asr-iagits oCfertd.'., ' , AU fisli is, scarce. , . v - "Meat -price advanced.-- r.iUTTON RAISED FEELiNG PIES ARE WITH BETTER IN IRES lurking Ilouso .took Is Xow QuoUmI ' Within a Fraction of 15ost I.H'f; Hams and I-aWl Are Adrauted in the Lw Trade. The .itu&Uen In the esrir market con' tinuea- one --of fitrengtli.' There are ratlr lisht offerings from the country owing- to the higher iprlces offered . o. war of extermination against; various independent produce interests.: Higher prices continue tor bo offered for eggs .in tW c (hwitr. than are ac tually., being receivedhere by Kellers, The same Interests mho are paying; about 19c to land auppHe- In- this city can purchase the sa t. e stuff from the produce trade at 1 .He. However, it Is not the policy-of the beef barons to aid Front street. They want to wipe it otf tlie commercial map. , For some time Front street has been a big thorn In the side of the beef Inter ests, i .hey wanted to make greater profits on ill. ei r purchases In the Coun try and wanted bettei? than 8c spread between the buying and selling price. Front street has always worked t on a smaller margin than' 3g. therefore the (spread remains,, uncnangea. u is 10 eliminate; Front street from the busi j. us and thus secure a complete , mo nopoly of the trade that the beef Inter ests are now paying more money for pfrgs Uian they are able to tell them at here, VEA. MARKET IS EASIER . There continues an easier feeling Jn the market ' for country .killed calves. "W hile no special cmtnges are -noted in prices,, the offerings do not move off nearly so freely as formerly and Indi cations point to lower prices. (iREEX GUASS SELLS HIGH ' There were quite . fair - arrivals of green asparagus from California today and sales were made as high as 12c a pound. ' For white stock the market was quoted as low as 80 during the day. CALIFORNIA SHAD ARRIVES , Shipments of shad fnort California are again reported in the local Vnarket. Offerings were of good quality and sales were made at lUc a pound. The price la considered high, therefore the movement was somewhat restricted. OIL MEAL TRICES LOWER ; T.ower prices were being named for oil meal in the locaL market according to announcement sent out by the Port land Unseed Oil Works. The new quo tations are: Carload Jots, 83; 6 to.. 10 tons, J34; ton lots, $36 f. o. b. works; CTIICKEX TRADE .HOLDS FIRM - wniw np runner cnanges are shown 5n the price for chickens, the market is holding firm with sales as high as 17AC a pound In a limited way for hen's. All sorts of poultry ts now showing a good request at the prices quoted. TOMATO .MOVEMENT IS GOOD The price of. mutton (Is today .ithlr a fraction oTe the' best ahie for steer beef. According to announcement made today by Fred ranlelson, head of tit'.- local house of Fryo, the market for meat. Is firm tn every lino und 'there seems to be no Indication of a ft y 1ft up. Supplies . are scarce and for that rea son, together" with the greater demand, the ojitlonk is favorable for a continua tion of present .figures, or even, a fur ther advance. sj ; -. . J " For packing house ewes 'the, market advanced "to 1 tft ',fli the dressed. meaH market this morning. Wethers ' were moved up io...12c .rxl Iambs to 14e. Lard prices are showing considerable strength and a further advance of aboutl a half cent is generally, being quoted. Cpmpoui)d lia's been forced up an equal amount owing to the greater demand.. Hams are advanced a naif cent genetv ally, although top -prices remain un 20c. The. ad Vance has been made in the medium grades.. Boiled ham Is 2c higher than former figures. Beef and pork prices are generally holding at former figures but the trade is very strong. ' ' r green. 174221c; areea bides. 1 .lfc. less ibiu iMlittd; suwui iuli s, lieu, oiui.,n; uijr, l lo. QrocsrJes, .' ' RICE Jipaa tjtot r-4-ftM XrT5orS" ew -urlcau acu. Creole, b)ie. UONK1T Stff, 2.'6 p cm. "GUUAtt Cube. S.06; powdcied, 13.30; frail or berry , i.S6; beat. Jo. to; dry ninuulaied. 5.23; !- yellow, (4.63. (AImt tiuoiatlou are 4U iya net eaab.t SALT Coarw, hair froiiDda. 100a. 10 pet ton; fiOa 10.7S; Uble Ualrr, 60 tOua, IlI.Su; balea, Z2b; eitre (in brrel, 2a, 6a tod to. 5.'JD4ttl.Ci): luifiaKick, per ton. BEANS Small white, Be; Urge wblte, Ce; piuk, Oc; tiay.iu. 4be; llmaa, Se; red. Sc. Meats, Fiaa and -tioiaiona. . UltESSKU alKA'lS Country k.llid: Uotia. faacy. HVi4ll2e; ordinary, Uc; roueh- aod neavy -ie; raucy feala, 14Vc; ordinary, 13V4cj poor, 11c; lauiba, lufeluc; aiuttou, 7yi3c; uoata.' Rdt4c; bee f.. 844 He. . HAMS, BACON, KTC llanw, iQf; breakfast Iwcun.-.. ITftaTe; boiled ham,- iutyc; ucuiee. i2; eotwae. 160. lltSA'lli'-i'aikliig houae rileer. No. I stock; laiaVfcc a, No. 1 stock. l2MliMi-: ewee, 13e; wethcra; 13c; lauiba, )4',ic; pork loliu 1HC. ': - ' wVSTERS Cboalwater bar, per folios., ( ; per 100 lb. aact )'. OlyttpU, pet gallon. 13.23; per loo lb. sack, fa; cauEd. eaatero, 36c eaor$6.30 duaen; eaatpro, la abelt, el!3t 2 per-100; ravw clams. ti!&2.2a boi. . I.AKK Tierce, H!jcj couipouud, tierces, t ISH Nominal Bock cod. 10c lb., dreiwed flounders. 7c; halibut, 10c; striped ' bass 20c; catfiah. 12c; fi'oseu SHlmoo, 9c; soles, 7c lb.; suriiuua, Vit; pen-h, 8a lb.; tomcod, Se lb.; ktbatera, -Jut. !.: berrlBla ( ); black baaa. 20c; aturgeon, lVjc; allter-- smelt, r tk; Columbia ataelt, 1 boi; black cod Sc. faiatv. Coal Oil, Eta. WHITE LAi Ion lots. 8c per ,lb.; 300 lb. lota, be per lb.; leas lota, V per lb. i Oil. MEAL Carload lots, 33; it than carload Ww, $31 per ton. - HjitftAilftii. int, 7;ic; wood barrels, 70c; u-oa bwrela. boc jvt gallon; 10 case lots, laa. -. UNSEED OIL Raw, bbla., 60c per gal.; ket tle boiled, bbls., 68c gsL; rsw caaea. 61c; boiled, esses, eje gal.; lots of 230 gailoua lc less; li cake meal, $44 per too. t, FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS There, was a Veryi good -movement at tomatoes In the local market for the day. ' Arrival of the carload from Florida yesterday replenished the street and miying was ramr noera at t tor repacked and J1.50 as shown. ' i'ORTIALTD JOnraxa PRICES -These prtees sre tboee at hlrh wholesalers Mil to Tetaller.. except as otherwise stated: .. -. Butter. Eggs and Poultry. SLTTKtt KotnluaL City creamery, cubes and tube, 40c; print,. '40',ic Estate creamery, Jijc lb.; dairy. 2Tic. EUG8 Nomlual. Candled local eitrss, 19c; cnae ewint. 1IM-1914"; flt buying price. Ions off, 18Vstt'9c t. o. b. rortlauil. LIVE POLl.TUV-Hcns. 174tl7iic; frvers JOc; broilers. 86c; staaa, lie; gore, istje; Pel kin ducks. 18c; Indian Rnlittws, it.-; turkeys iv; drcksed, 2Ziii:; 'pigou. Old, $1; youug' ft.-60-doBeB. - -?''-" -:;:;.- CHEfcMi Nominal, fresh Oregon fancy fall rreaia twins snd triplets, 17c; daisies, 17Vic; ionne Amerlcs, 18c. . BliTTKR FAT rodtiws' price, (or Port. laud delivery, per lb., 0VsC. 1 Fruits and Vegetables. FRESH FRUl'ikV-.New tavel orsuges, $3;3o fc4. oo; bsuanss, 47ifeic lb.; leiuotu, 17.004 b.00; Umes, 1 per loo: grpfruii. tsliiorBiiT $3.0O(a3AO; Florida., 4.BofeS.6o; pineapple tc lb.; pears ( boa;; craiiberrlea, local. ti.n bbL; Mstero. tl0.3oftl.ou; l'enWD jBl 11lSc lb.; Btrawberriea,' $1 itate, . AlfLEa Eatiug spplus, 00cijSi.o0; cooking 40'(i5OC a box. ' FOIAlOko Selling price; Extra choice, 60c choice. 40c; ordinary, 35c per sack; buying price, carloads. !)3t4oe vounLry poliiu; eu 4 yer ceatal; new potatoes, .10o lb. UNIONS 14il.l0,-iitlon spiling price tCc per . cvutal f..o. b. skipping point; garlic itc. '. V EQ ETABT.ES-Vf urulps, toe; beets, 75c; new carrot. 03: doaeuVuucbes; pai-snips, 73c aci cablmge, Vktrida tcuuntiH, box, ti' Mmkau ,u8t t ) aTreoil oulous, 12W4S 1S dosen buuche; pepper, bell. lb.; head K-ttacet .-s.s craie; celery, ft dozen, $4 So crate; e plant, 20c lb.; caullfl,wer, $ 3J crute; rhubarb. 60c; arUchokes. J1.I5 p,uacb, local. ,3 lb.; WuUa valla. tl uox. Hops, west nd Bides, HOI'S Produces1 price, 19W, lSt820c, se- eo c to quality. ilOU cuutraci. )dc 10 v. WOOL fcoutlasM-1813 c.ip ft iiiamette t1 l,.r - , coarse. , CoUwoid, igc h,,; .... Biediuui ti. opsbire. 18c; rboiit, lauty lots. Sue lb -e ; ru Oregon, 14jl7c, accorillng u, suilukact' .uitliM ..H t-AHOAUA hAiihlHig noui - !ml. tar tots; 5ej less ear lots. 5c ib.f lull t,.,t,i, car lot". 3ti."Mic: leas c-ar lou. 6c Ilk lluIIAlll 1013 Soiulual 30(32cib UiU Dry bides, al(X2t siieeH. nc ti ti.lfa. lie bulls, grwu.salt, vci kips' He: iJvea. arj, ai26c;v calf, Weather . bureau send the following notice to shippers: , ' ' Protect shtpments as far. north n Seattle against minimum temperatures of about 36 degrees northeast lo Kjo kane.'2S "degrees; southeaat to Boise, Jii degrees, south to Siskiyou, 30 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland to night, about 36 degrees'. . ,, . . - San Francisco Produce Market. t I United I'lvao l.fsed ti'tr.- 1 . San Francisco, April l Wheat; nor thern bluestem, il.T .80; ciub, l.57!1.60; Turkey red, 91.65$ 1.75; red Russian. J1.55ir 1.57 . Barley, pi?r cental, Oregon, $1.25 I. t'iM. - Potatoes, per cental. Oregon Burbanks, 50fi'65c; river -do., 35(fu50e; sweets, fl53.83. .Onions, per tental, California "silver Skins, 40t&u0c; Auatialiau brown, 45c. . . . Butter, extras. 37c; firsts, 3fi 'c. Krks, extras. 19C; firsts, l.c; select ed pullets, 1 7c. Cheese. Oregfl'-' ' flats, fancy, - ljc. Young America. -18c. Oranges, per box, navels, standard, II. 75-ffcS.OO: .do..- .ancy, ' 3.2&4.0l: choice. e-.l'53.00. . , Seattjc rroducc MarkPt. "' .Dnlti-d Press Lessr-d Wtrer. Seattle, Washrp-April 1. Kggs, local B'Jtter, WashingtOin creamery firsts, 39c: city creamery, '39 (ft iOi-. Cheese, Tillamook, 18c; Yming Amel-' leas," 21c; Washington ,, twins, 17 Vie; triplets, 18V.C. , ' . , Onions, California, I'ic per lb.; Oregon,- li25i 1.50 per eact-; Walla Walla, el.OO. - - , Potatoes, locair.89. Oats, eastern Watthington, J31 per ton; Puget Round, t29(ii 30. Hay, eastern Washington timothy, mixed,. $19 per ton; wheat hay, $17fil8; Puget Sound timothy, 15Q1; alfalfa, $14't 13. ' " ' , . " Apples Sell Low. (Siwlal to llie Journal:) Milton, Or.; April 1. N. V. Miimfor.l, traveling salesman for the Milton-Free-water Fruit Growers' union, who has been in the east for the past three weeks on business, writes this week from New York that- tlx. 80 car loads of choice apples which hnve been in storag there during the winter mohths -are In fine condition. Mr. Mumford' further ftate that "apples are selling at such a "low jH-ice tho apples will remain in cold storage." . ANOTHER HIGH MARK GRAIN BAG MARKET FOR HOGS AT $9.90 IN THE YARDS TODAY DEPENDS ALONG UPON CROP THE' COAST Sales. Ai n Matin nt a Fui'tlicr At. Prcst'iit IndicHtioii. Are Hint Pur- vatitu ot a Dime1 With (ho puget Sound Killers Paying Extreme Mark;, Mutton Trade rinncp. chase to Date Wi(h farry-Over Will Ik Sufficient tor the Pacific Coast IScquircments. 1' - 'Today' Livestock Trade. - Norm , l'ortlanj - i-loan 10! hi-gher, .tops- J9.9.; cattle firm; .shgcp fiVnier. - Chicago Hogs 10c higher,. tops $9.b'0; cattle and sheep steady. " Kansas City Hogs 10c to 15c higher, tops $9.40; - cattlti. and sheep firm. -South Omaha Hogs higher, tops -$8.95; cattle higher; sheep strong. . , . ' POHTLAXO LIVKSTOCK BUN. Hogs, t attle. Calvs. Kheep. Tuesday Mondaf Saturday hrioay Thursday .. Wednesday . Week ago. .. Year ago, . 2 Yrs. ago-. .. 611 ..118' . . . 384 .. S91 211 505 678 165 629 27 ' 186 . 9!) 199 80 29 400 2503 8 243 1274 92i Hob prices are lifted another dime at North Portland during the last 24'hours, asale -beln made at. 4 3.9 o.Tha:H fl: The market for "grain bans Is rather auiet. The situation Is .likely to show ta change wltiiln the immediate future. jThe condition of the market depends en- I tlrely upon thu outlook for the grain i croiw Joth tn the Puclfic northwest aiij la California, , 1 ... At the present time the outlook-is-rrot 41 . iy too favorable although no real dam. . I age has lesulted to the crops as yet. Ac .vcordlng to an indcpeudeitt dealeT, grain I bag purclitisea.tOi (lute,- including tieni 1 fnfliil-v rrv uvnr .. ,1nmliji. bnn pti gaitementai on the othervsule, total 4-7,- uoo.oyo. n increase of 4, 900,00. during the pHtrt tiioutu. This amount is ample to take care of any ordinary crop. In asmuch a California is again becoming very dry. Jn spite of the moisture of 10 days ago, and considering the height of the present, prices, they.are no't an at tractive speculation. ' 'fcihlpment - are worth $9.47 and July can bt bought at $9.50. -. If weather anrl crop conditions remain good in,, the northwest, and it rains In California, bugs'' ahuuld .renlaln neatly stationary. .In case of -any drought, however. In California, or adverse Con ditions in the interior of too northwest, quite a tumble Is possible Estimate's are as follows: Bags Kriaagements on the other side 33,800, 009 Penitentiary , ; , . , . . . ... , 6,000,0d() ..oxest ic ..... . . .". . . 4,000,0(0 Carry oye. ...... . ........ . -.4,000,00 J mafket forecast is now- within sight and ft Is quite possible that the extreme noint will. he .reached this tweck al though killers are not Inclined to be: bullish at the present value. Barton Co. of Seattle, were the ones who paid the extreme price for hogs at Month Portland--during the 24 hours. The big packing company purchased a load at th high mark. F. A. Oaylord was the roan who ae cured the high , price. He sent " In a load 'from Joseph. Other hog shippers were: O. K. Weed, Burley, Idaho, 1 load; Farmers' Union Trading Co., Buhl, Idaho. loads; O. K. Weed, Oakley, Idaho, 1 load.. . At Chicago there was a firmer Jone in the hog trade with an advance of a dime over yesterday. Kansas City hog market was firmer and 10c to 15c better than yesterday. North Tortland hog market range: Best light $9.809.90 Medium light ....:'........... . . 9.80 Best heavy 9.75 Hough and heavy 6.75 , 7.00 There was little stuff available for the market" today. A shipment of six loads of cattle from California ".passed through the yards en route to Frye & Co., of Seattle. , There was no change In the general livestock situation for the day, there being no top offerrngSj therefore ...ex treme prices were not tested for the day. 4 The shortage ef. extra good cattle Is now, apparent arid with the greater demand, killers are anxious to take Hold. ' ; 'At Chicago there was a steady tone in the ' cattle' trade with no further change lh prices. Kansas City cattle market was firm at unchanged prices. Cattle shippers -today: C. W. Helm, Hillsboro, 1 load cattle and calves; J. O. Mitchell,-Montague, Cal., 'I loads; C. P.. Mitchell, tiazelle, Cal., 4 loads. North- Portland cattle .range: Heavy feed steers ,$8.00f R.25 Choice steers -...'. .'. 7.05()7.85 Common steers 7.50, Fancy heifers 5 7.75 Faacy cows 7.25 7.35 Ordinary light cows......... 7.00 Fancy' light calves ..a. 9.01 Heavy calves 6.00 6.50 Best bulls J..' 5.50 Ordinary bulls : 4.50 5.90 Sheep Market la Firmer. There was only a small run of sheep l.u tmnli at Knrrh Pnrtlnnil for tha day. Totals were 400 head, these being Total ,.....47,500,003 WHEAT STRONG ABROAD No Market Today in Chicago on Ac count of Election;, Cargoes Held Firmer. Clili-ajto. April 1, There was iio'e. 11 ot tlm ttralu exclianitn todny on ''savant- of au election, llio markets at St. 'it lmis, KausaB Tltjr aad-Chicago wero .loned lor the same reaami. i . '. - . - .- ('iiiiilltloin sbroad were generally of a more favorable miture. nUhoiiKb the cpip auinmary of Hroomball, Indlcavtliig ei .Hem pruxiiecra, cliei ki'd "the bullish uht-u. nt. COM'UACT STOCKS OK URAIS IX CHICA00 This week .Last week. Last year. KU!h'ls Wheat a.'Srto.ooiv 4,w,ihk) n,:cl,0c . Corn ..... ...,M, Ill, OOO 8l,wm l.oiW.tKHI Oats .a.lH?,.. 1,111,1 .) 710,000 Hrwuihnll cabled from Liverpool' thiit ypHter dny's steady Anierican cables ami au expected drse In risible' canned suppol t sud thi iiiuliig wss d up. Kollnwing the iHnlng, shorts covered and further ndf a at(i It t Jjil witli tbe undertone firm. Continued demand from the. .eonrluent, firmer I Plata offers sud disappointing stocks with confirmed light Kua (lau port stocks were the inoentlres for goi l supiiort. At J:80 11. m , the market was firm and ',4 -to d -Jilgher,- . OMAHA CATTLK HIGUER Market Up a Dime for Day; Sheep Trade Firm. South Omaha. April 1. -Cattle SOOO." Marks' strong to luc higher.' Steers $S.'20Q3.00; cows and heifers, $(U& 8.15. iruSB17,0. ). Market for light 5c higher, advance loft at close; hearles, Oc higher at $."(.( ..".. . Sheep fltwii. Market steady, to strong. Year HugH tT.2:i7.5i); wethers. . l.4ofi0.- ; lambs, 85.BO; ewes, $0.oo(,0.2o. CHICAGO HOGS AT $9,00. Market Is Vp a Dime tor Day; Cat lie and Sheen Steadf. - brought In by an east side butcher, who ' Chicago, April 1. Hogs ' lS.oflfl, Ijft over. who nfforlns- timm for Krtle this morn- 26tai. .Mnrket 10c higher. Hlxed t.iifi0.4o: jne. . - j henvr, la.dBfti ji.0; rough. . S.1X ijy.00; light,' ,AU through the country a very firm '''""'"w'. fi lo nilln in the mutton trnde. The alt !.-. Market steady In "Ine.lifled toward! Kllwlh hiirhcr nrlces. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the sheen market? with prices un- 'chnngeil for the day. ,.'-'' . Kansas city sheep marKet was nrm at unchanged prices. - ' ortli . orttann streep prices; 1C.001 7,.0S.Oi , . . . 7.25 ' - .S0. . . . . 5.75 fi.ftfl(SR.5( Sheared .stock ouot'ed ,75c to $1 leas tlian wool sheep. Monday Afternoon Balea. . SXKEUS Ave.ll . Pri"eXi, ...taw H.a.i 2i K.oo! 25 i.'.Vo 1 7. W I'M 7.SS1 24 7..S3 '7 T.Mil 50 7.40? COWS vIo'iO $7.lKl I .1470 .75 1 . 04O ... 1 STAGS Spring lambs Vearllng lambs . Ordinary wethers Old welheia . Fancy ewen .... Ordinary ewes No. i :t is 'J . . ' 1 1 1 0," . Market stesdy. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Clearings. Tuemlny . .orthud Banks."-" This week. Year ago. $1.77:1,0. . i . $2.twt.2.t.2ft ....... 1.S.S0.78B.0.1 g...T3. ".J WfPk to dte....3.. 4.'1S.97 $: .038,17. 1 Tacoma Banks. Ave'.lhs. .Price . ,.170 . ..11,2 ..1170 ..104(1 . . wm ..nun ..1140 . .1212 ..1070 ..'loon ..1275 ..1100 ..1005 ,..1W ...1410 ...1120 7 .S3 7 .So 7.S.'i 7.(v 7.40 $7,00 .7r 0.50 i Cattlt for I'ortJand. . .(SpPcl(( t0 fbe Journal. r Terrebonne; v Or.,. April 1. Eleven cats of cattle: shipped olit of here this morning billed to North Portland. Rain fell ' in this section the last two duvs hut plowing is in full swing.' ' Opening the Shad Season A. Department For Consumers Tli' si-a son" for . shad was formerly (.pciied touav with first arrivals of sup. I -lies from California.. The Sacramento jivcr Is one of the greatest shad fish Imr ftreaiiiN in tile country, and Is sec .n.l only to the Columbia-of the' Ia-c-ii'ic coast rivers. . . .- -; . - The tihad that came forward from the j-mitU todav were of excellent -quality, lidt-'the price of lie 'a pound retail was iiimiiicred milicr high, tin reforw the , iiisii. I was not very etftensive.' Uiif-n the salmon season opens along i ... CoMmibia in about a month, there v ! la all probability be largo catches . !' ; (.1. For years the Columbia river i i.ig interests have-i been worrying S-S XdT !1 . 100 4 l.ltl 2 102 Jan. April May July A ug. Sept. Oct: Dec. ,...1200 $7.00 HILLS ...l."T $.:.. 1 ..: 1440 $,-,.) . ..1510 S.2r.l V ...,1450 5.23 HOGS . . . 170 $.75 Ml 173 $9.75 .Tuesday Morning Sales, STKKItS , Ave. lbs. l'rlce;No. Clearings Biilsnces Seattle Banks. Clearings . , ,. , . . i,.' , liiilauccs V..$ Tl7r752.V), 47,301.00 ,..$l,PR4.8W.O0 ... i3,412.0ij Money and Exchange. London. Apry Ji. Consols 74; silver, 26'i; bank rate &- . Neir York April 1. Sterling riehsnge: Long 4,b4; diort 4.8S; silver bulltoa. 07 V ., . . 8nn Trgnclseo, April 1. Sterling exeanjre; 00 days, 4.82:- sight, 4.86; doc.. 4.S1 . Transfers: Teh'graphlc, 5. premluui; sight, 2 pitemlum. ... - 1M TRADE M . JS SLIGHTLY FIRMER; ME Bl 0 m TIO REGIMENT iiD - WILL GIVE BENEFIT Cent More Is Being Pit Id for Export Grades; Scarcity of Xo. 1 Milling BlueMteni Is Becoming More Ap-i parent to Trade Each Day. : ,, Wheat Is Held Tlrm. . (Special Cable.) , Ruenoa Ayres, Argentina, April j..Vheat Is being held trim and recent sales of cargoes have been generally . at moro favorable 4 prices. The situation fa today tTie firmest since the present, season, atarted. i--- - I'OKKIOX WHEAT MARKETS I.lveriiool Wheat closed Vid .higher.. . Kerlin -WheBt closed lic lower. ' BudaiiestWhiPlft, closed t lie kw,;.v -!, - Parts Wheat arled unchunged. WHEAT CARGOES ' FIRM , Ionilon, April J.-Wheat cargoes on passage firm with a . continental UPininiU. KngllHU country uiurketa iulet. 1'reuch cisnutry. niurkets steady. . r PORTIAND UttAlX RECEIPTS . Wheat. Barley.-, low. Oats. Hay. Moadar : 8.1 .4 14 7 . 25 Tuesday ........ . 27 1 1 H ' 4 li Year ago " l .. 4--." l . 1 Season to date. ,15.25 1S20 102.12S4 140 Year ago ......11,07. U1U M4 1400 2270 There Is-a slightly firmer feeling In the gn an trade. ' For export club bids have been advanced, to 85o a bushel, or a cent better than tortnet .Quotation. In." a very limited way as high- as ?7c is being offered for best milling grade.".- Efforts to purchase bluestem wheat below 99c or $1 a bushel have failed completely so far as the best quality Is concerned. The shortage of this va riety and grade 1:. daily becoming more apparent and for that reason leading milling interests aVe quietly trying to secure supplies" without unduly excit ing oouhtry holders. ' . " There Is nothing doing tn the cargo market at present forwhea. The recent-sale by an exporting firm at a lower price rather spoiled the market for the time being, as other holders will not offer at tha priee recently sold at by the one firm. . . 1 , Willamette valley offerings of oats r increasing somewhat. With 'seed ing operations well under way, they have discovered mat noiaings are rar more than they need. Little of this stock will, grade No. 1, owing to gen eral discoloration. Barley market is .uiet at former prices. . WHEAT Nominal producers prices, track-basis: Milling, club, 86c;; milling, bluestem, 89c$1.0o; red Husslan, 86. 84c: forty-fold. . 87c; Turkey red, Wji S3e. Willamette vallej', 87c; export club, Sue. . - BARfiT Nominal producers' prices, track basis: Feed, $22 23; brewing. $24; rolled, $24.60. OATS-P roUucer s' prices, track basis: No. 1 milling, $28 . 28.50; 'white, $27.o9 28 per ton. " FLOUR Selling prices Patent. $4.70; Willamette valley, $4.70 ;locaI straight, $3.85 4.10; export, $3.85 3.95; bakers', $4l50(t. 4.75. , - . HAY Producers' prices Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $15: ordinary, $12 if 10; eastern Oregon-Idaho fahcy tim othy, $1516; alfalfa, $11 .12; .vetch and oats. $11; cjieat, $1011; clover, $8 9 per ton.- : MJlXsTUFFS Selling price Bran. 20()21 i middlings, $ .8.60;. shorts, $22 23. per ton. GRAIN AGS No. 1 Calcutta, $9.60 9.6i. Must Replant Oats. -: Independence, Or., April .1. Because the farmers believed some time ago that the spring weather thisyear would be sufficiently warm and dry, which would make the planting season ome .... ..1 . - .... , .. .. tn nil ij, uaifl nnc .,a ii tTTM sir ait Detiivui, and as a result of this' mistake several flelqs will have to be replanted. The work in the hop fields has been Inter fered with, on account' of the steady downpour of rain. " KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK Hogs Are 'Up 10 to 15 Cents With Top Stuff at $9.40 in VartN. 1 Kansas City, April 1 - Hugs lo.OOi). Market 10 . lfle higher. Tops $9. . Cyttle tK ki. Market firm; . Sheep . WO. Ilarket flrni. t un xi l.Vl 17t MS.1 hogs $.!I0 7it '.i.or. a S.83 . 11.7.151 aj' 4 S.tSt! . I'rlce B72 San Francisco Grain Calls. f?aii Francisco; April 1. Grain calls: BAKLEY . ;.",":- Bid. Mar m a llFceiuher ,.V... ............ . .1.'. Journal Want Ads bring results. Ak. J34-. 134 ii JAPAN-IS OFFERING :: .EGGS 9 CENTS DOZEN 4 (Cntted rrws Leased Wire.) A 4 , Seattle, Wash.,. April 1. Japan 4 4 has entered the egg market of this country with a proposition 4 to the Great Nortlierij railway to 4 furnish Its steamship lines with 4 eggs at 9 cents a dossen the year 4 4 ' round. With prices in this coun- 4 4 try ranging from 18 to 50 eents a 4 4 'dozen In the course of a year, It 4 will be - Impossible f-o'r local 4 t$ dealers to compete wtth the Jap- 4 anese. Alfred Watson, pure, as- ' Ing agent for the company, has 4 4 j-ecelved a email consignment of 4 4 the Japanese eggs sent to hi 111 -as samples. 4 fr. v. ' 4 4 The Third Regiment hand, an. organi zation of DO pieces, will give a concert Thursday night for--the , benefit of the fire and flood sufferers of the middle wett. The seat sale: Is in charge of W. A. McDougall, the .director of the hand. The following select program will he given: '"!! "" ; ;! March--"Rlllgloso". . ... 1 .P.. Chambers Ovjrturt-r-"Poet and Peasant". . . .Suppe Haxaphone - Quartet Selected 11. Ashworth, W Benueath, W. Bitkneil, ,T. S. Nlsbet. . ... CharactevlEtlc "A Hunting Scene" . , . . . ... i . .... , . . B. Burcallorse Male Quartet. .....'. , . . . By AI Kader Quartet: A. K. Davidson.'lj; GlrlingerC, Crathe. A. U. Tindolph, Charactertstlc-"Mni in the Forest':. ... . . , . . . . R. Ellenberu Cornet Solo "Lost Chord. ... .Sullivan . Sergeant I Diokinson,. Selection 'America '. Patriotic Alrsr. i ..... -.'; -. ... . ;",. Tobanr PRICES OF STOCK LIFTED oiiiim: niuo irBMHIi: '' -v ' ' 1 Mining Camp Is Growing Rap- dily This Afternoon at Sixth and Stark. If"! Timid Shorts Arc' Again on v Wrong .: Side; Europe Ttuya on. Turk1, lshlTpac Itcports. New York. April l.-lt was April fool for those timid speculators who always, get on the wrong side of the market." There w-ai general expectation for the' market to drop but a sharp ad vance resulted, Shorts were nervous and covered quite freely after the start? All of the specialties were good movers during the day. London and the Continent were good puVehasers of stocks on the report that Turkeys had accepted the peace terms of the powers. , 1 Members of the Portland Commercial Club who fail to show up tonight to take In the-"Days or 49 " cabaret shows will fool themselves badly, so says a member of the 'club's entertainment committee. "Tids afternoon, stage ;.arpentcr and stage manager, and stage hands and dec orators are transforming the large. din ing room into a mining ; country scene. with flowing water, big ioulders, forests and here and there a miniature mining camp,.- Tonight the scene will bo more animated than . anythlngever I'dreatned of I n teal prosperous mining bamp; ; -; , . Jr 1. . iI...;.... .i.. ... ,. ; .- ,-. xne run w ill oegtn ats ,o:cioc . ami coptinjie tihtll i the last 'grubstake -has been dissipated. - There'll be somethin . doing all the. time and every little stunt will have a meaning of lis own. . Jokes will be sprung at -the expense of good natured ' members, who see no - evil . In anything and-laugh at all that's good. Several thrilling, sketches will Vie staged, so' it la promised, with broncos and sombreros much in evidence. "The Discovery of the First Trace of Gold'' will be one of the sensations of - the evening. ; ; 1 -!- , ,r : President Edgar B. Piper of the club will formally open the Jinks: Range of New York. prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Company, 216-217 Board of Trade Bldg, . ' ' OKHCUIPTIO.N I 0eniHlKh! lw I Hi') Amalgamated Copper. o. American C.i F e. Auierii-sn Can, e, , Amerlesn Csn, pf..... American Ieo.," "c . . . . .". Ainerlrsn Huitar, c. ...... Amerlran Suielt. c...... Am. Tel. Tel........ Anaconda Mining Co M'i Wi :w . It4fc 7(H 132H Haltlmore . hW;rc. T.W . Heet xugar ........... 82 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 8 Canadian Pacific, c ... 2:w Central Leather, e,-.-.H.. 7 ' Csntral "fceather, f.. W Chi. ft Ci. W c....... 15 CM. O. W., uf..v. 30 Chi., M. St. K7. IU Chi. ,N. w., 1.10 Chlno Copper 41 Chesapealie Ohio. ... 71 . Colorado F. I., c. ... !IBt4 Couaolldated Gas 138 Corn Products, c, 11 Krle, e. .....;...'.,.., 28 . Kr)e, 1st pf 4TVj General Electric ....... 1 W O. Norfbern, ore lands., Bfiy4 (J.- Northern, pf 120 lest Keeurllles i. ., 25 Illinois Central Int. Metropolitan, e... 1714 Int. Metropolitan, pf... R7 Lehigh Valley ......... 18R Kansas "City Butithernw. 2 Uiilsvllle & .NashTllle 137 M., K. T.. r'..M 28 M., K, T., pf.. Missouri Pacific.. 38 National Lead 4HVV Nersrta Consolidated. New York Central... , ,,,, 10(1 , N. Y., O. W......J. 30Ts Norfolk 4k Western, c... 1( North Amerlesn 77 Northern. Pacific, e 117 '4 PprmsyWonln Hallway... UK'Z P., Steel Car. c 28 '.' Ray Cons Copper. . . . i. . 10 Keadtng,' e. ...... ..... . . 102 Uepnlillc I. a f... 2rt4 ltepilblle 1. & S.: pf..-:. SH' Itoek Island, c......... 21' . Kock Island, pf . ...... m St. L. . F. 2d pf . . 25 H Southern Pacific, e lol Houtbern Hallway, c..-. 20 . Hoi it hern Hallway, pf.. 80! Tenn. Copjier M I iiion I'a.-lfic, e-..... 152 Cnloa Pacific, pf.. ..... SO 1 S, ltiibber, e M V. . Knhber. pf........ 107 H V. 8. Steel Co., f l4 l .'S. Kteel Co., pf 107(, I'tah Copper .-.1 3, Virginia Cheoih-al ...... I 35! Wabash, pf ..... lt W. . . , Telegraph . . 70' , Westlntrhow. Klectrlc. ,1 111, Wisconsin Central. e...M4 Total sales . ts.800 shares. '74 . M H4 m 8 4H Tl 132 as . 101 4 m o 2:1s , 2S 04 . 1 112H 13S- 4214 72 8 Hi4s 11 . 20 . 46 V4 HO;, 87 1 26 'ijv 59 io 2S 13T 28 1HM, K 77 illS 2SHi 10 . 104 Vi ar W'i, 23 as '.4 2 102 2U'. Ht )Vj 3flt4 154 V. W 05 107 Vi 8!1 10S 6414 .'15, 73 Vi 61 . ! 114 7( i:4 100 8-2 8 2!W1, 27 04 15 30 110 i;m 4t 71 . 343, 1.13 11 28 . 45' 1H914 85t4 12B14 25 574 w .188 20 88 17 . Wft . 8(i 10i T7 117U, 118 28 i v4 ii 20 J K7H 2S . iota, 20 . t0V4 M 183 88 63 107 61 107 83 iiy. 7(tVsL70H 87 re I 50 I 49 ( j 74 62Vs 84 . 7 : 114 71 . 132Vi 101 83 00V4 238 2T H4 15 30 nsr 136 1 72 , 184 Uj v. 43 I 140'4 ns'.k 13(M 25 li m: 17T4 50 1,4 1180 24 i 1H6 28 83 881 4 . . 18 Hi06U 30 107 77 118 1111 28 " HMsV 183 2(1 .(I 22 T 8 26 nam 204 SOU 88 154 14 88 64.T4 li .Vi 83 loan 34 4 11 e 40 Too manv eve-neners will nlnn nut- a man to sleep. , . . EHAKCH Synopsis of the Annual Btsterasnt of th British America Assurance Co. of Toronto, In tho Dominion of Canada, on tha 81st day of .r.cenihrr. 191g.i-maUs tu'thft tii" suranee commlsKiooer -vt the state o( Oregon, pursuant to law: .- .: CAPITAL Deposit capital f 210,000.00 INCOME Pre ntlani recelred ... during, tbe year- in - cash- .04.433.6tt . , m rest, dlrldends and v - . ; -reu inTiini uui " tug ths rear 59,484.18 Income from .other , sources received -during the year... 70.00 575,2, ENT8 3.83 Edtr. -1 and 2i estr. Total Income... , . . . DI8BVKSE! Losses osld durlna the year t 6" Oomtulsslons nud sal- T arics p a I d (luring the year 3r.I,2l4.8T Tases, . ltoenses snd a tee paid during tbe j-esr 53,751.02 Amount of all other expenditures , 74,784.28 - .. - Total expenditures ASSETS Value ot stock - -- bonds owned . . . . . .1,810,591.3S Cash in bsnks and (, ' hand 237,704.10 Premiums Incourseof rolleetior. snd In ransinlsslon . . . ... , 177,194 80 Interest and rents du ; and accrued 2f,051.38 Total assets ...... 11,748,024.71 Less surplus of special deposits in any state tlf .ny .there be) . .. Ifl.NOS Total ansets admit- ' ted in Oregon .t..,. . , LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses urn-Hid 107,001 81 Amount of unearned ' pre. Mnis or nil out standing risks Due for cotntnlsslon nnd brokers a. .... All other liabilities.. Deposit capital . . . . .-. Surplus over all llatill-Hie .l,154,OO..T9 11.050,983.09 .$1,729,751.23 918,854.60 ' .1,207.60 17.416 Si 210,000.00 471,073.36 Total liabilities. es elusive:', of--capital ' . atnek . ... .' ;. '' lt.72A.7M.33 BU8INE88 IN OREGON FOR THE YEAH Totul risks written during the year f 719,475.0) (irons premiums receive.! during ine yesr ..... i . Premiums returned during tbe year Losses paid during .b rear. Ot.x Ixisses Incurred during th; vesr.dr. Total amount of risks out landing .in uregou ueoeui( .r Jl, 1U1 9 122.28 2 s:tn.,:T ft.974.Of 5,l7fOl 406.112.00 British America Assurance Cb. By B. F. OAItltOW, Rec'y. Rtatatorjr senersl sgent snd attorney for sen. ke, E.-C. THOMI'SON, Pottland.- , - - 7. 3 h't 3 Ml 8. 7. ! 143 0.00 I 425 8.00 I TBASFPBTATXOW TBASSPOBTATXOS. MIXER fiHEAREl) HIIKW 70 ffl.iK vfw York Cotton Market, fipen. High. Low. Close. 1 las list llo 1220 "1220 1210 .1229 1216 l ir04 1176 1163 1165 1200 nut 1155 1156 1159 121 K4 120.! 1 1 98 1191 1 l'SS 1152 1154 m 55 , L '20. fi'22 )210rt 1 , 12(2 9 , nr. 9 (aj 11-56 eSS 11B4 lluSWoJ OVERBECK&COOKECa . I S-Veal, Bogj. it& Ptultry-WANTED , M-r, Htay: KiKsts it. dosi'ii, case count, s -i ii'umf, iw mnit. it) at -.liL-ken, ' ', ; liroU'-rS, Jt-'w ,ki 31 .; l'ork, U - 1." : vesl, fsnev. He I. Ur; - . -.. 1 :',".:' "beck1 sent. 'promptly! Ars i Htih tlir pri.-. -yua si-b nosr-fcei: ... r (.....luce? If not, try, uj fags , ,. .... iiii. inula toAnUtid., n(i '- ,f'!iiTiriItC. ; : i ;t., Portisi.d. Or. . , .lial ;. . as to the dlaposltlon' they shonhV malt "f" or me many thousands of r.ounr1 r L-th1s fish caught annually.. ' l.aet vear- commercial pac,kinc of thad waa started, and while tfce i. .ve nient Irasf not aa'yet aanUmcd v. v Krc;it proportions, (still It, has. alreadv hemi demonstrated that tha public liken thu taste of ahad, .wlietiicr they are (rcah or In cans. ' At . first mnnera toltnifd ( tt.. big bones of the shad would ruin the sale In cans, but this has been found to be art error. The bones, when cooked aoft awl break tip-as other food. II ome mean, are found to prepare the Columbia river smelt o that the Ilwh tan be canned, . .naumerH will be able to secure this delicious .flan at all acasoris of the y-ar. Ther Im another bia uin of Mnelt In th rnu'lit .v,r tiuliernven tltot-e renort nut' th. .iio.. Is Mgdlii vyy port. Owing t,i thc '.ook iihb of th weather smelt hav. kAni iiiiii-n oeiier tins xeason 4an, usual, v '1 he ju ice 0f su-ielt . iff 'now.' pb low , 'tai .; ilixuiio .i,fok.Ulii.iii...lwtTW 0 11. nr. i( hticsv. ,hov, ever, the . cannot . - (irn hh ouch, aa 'oilier Jldi or uk-h I his Ik iiii. of the .dg (liuwbatks. t llioir txtuiil-ixe fniia " . ' Stocks, Bonds, Cotton. Grain. Etc . 216-91. Board of Trade Building. DIRECT! PRIVATE. WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Timbers Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondents of Logan Bryan, ' . Chicago. Mew York. J.C.VILS0N&CO. ansKBrss NEW TORK BTOCK EXCHAN OJE NEW TOHK COTTON KXCHANCJE CHICAGO BOARD OB' TRADE THB STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE - ' BAN FRANCISCO rOlt'fl. Ml OKKICK C69 Oak St., Oronnd Floor, enri Bldg, Phon Marshall 4130. A-4187. Oregon Horace Sod Offlc. 32a Union .., Cor. Market Sh "' 111 -mom East 1423B-a6l3. ' 'Horse ambulant for" sick or disabled animals at 1 moment's notice, . prices reasonable. Report ell caaea of cruelty to thr office. Voea day and olght. ' ' THE WHITE STAI fe . . 1 . , i'.'i "01 OTIC' FITTED WITH .. DOUBLE SIDES , AND ADDITIONAL WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS EXTENDING FROM THE BOnCThflictOP r- T T Vi ' -EL- Mrr.A t .1 troax Net. Yorlc M;uiL 12-r.IilY 3 Out Foreign Exchange Department Transacts tfvery description of lprcign banking businessJidig. the .sale, of drafts,' cable transfers, circular letters1 of credit and notes payable .all over the world. ; ; BUYS AND SELLS FOREIGN MONEYS BILLS NEGOTIATED AND. COLLECTED RESOU RCES 7 MILLIONS LUMBERMENS , " i . -. '"'", H ..- -'Vr ;3.J National bank Corner riftb nnd Stark Sts. - uid KeauIarLv Tkcafi A. E. Disney, es, A(tt (119 U ave., Itsia Fir., Eesr, Sesttlt., ot local Hallway and btssjnshlp Atrests, STEAMER HASSAL0 for Astoria mm vv ... V eaves Portland 0:30 V. IS. finny,' except Saturday, leaves Astoria 10 too' A. M. ;,. ; fltvUy except Bus Say. Gst Tickets Aih-Strt Sock' or Ctty Ticket Of ties; Third and Washington. COOSBAYLINE y Steamer Breakwater 1 Calls from Ataswortb dock. I .rtlsS il, t -. m., .March ' 5, sud. thsrft r srsrr Wrdn. Hf-trnintrL&rmt-rt!!tyt-rrf1rti) until m- y.sni.. oiiiuh x.;-rwii)rr, rare fir ,cls tW, St-cuud class $7, hii-ludlug- hertb sua meali, tCiikrt :. at All. worth . ,k, I'urt .Isii . k Ifn. . I . ; . t..jinmlitr l.tiig. u. lvt. llilt, Sliriit, Walo .(i( . i''"A.-13"y'.';. . , . -' "uTTjnir3 EXPRb3 STiCAJdKJRS VQr: :i Snirancisco and Los Angeles S3. Kansas City, 9 . mH April a -SS. Bear Sails 9S. M. , Avtil 7 " " s The San FrsDolsco fc Portland 6. a. Co. Ticket Offlc 3d and Wash, (wltn o .W ft N. Co.) Mafliall 4500. A.6li ' Ladd&TiltonB ank Is, ESTABLISHED 1859 - - ... -. Capital Stock - $l,000;)00.0 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' 'checks rued. available -in' all parts of 'the world. ' ''''"'v:.'-:.;; . :':: ' Corner, and Washington Streets SAN FliANCISCO, LtW AXGKI.ES AM) SAN pllXaO DIRKUI North Pacific S.S. Co. S.SAJiOANOKJa- ana 8. 8. ELJ)E1( Dstl Every Wednds7, sltematulr, st 6 D. m. Ticker attUV 122.A JThl,H . J"!., .1-1... t uju.ib MAim,S J. Y. Puss, As-set. ... . .... rTiTiir Avn. 5? Jolu Waht Adi Get ftesiMlts; FITilnT!.1L.Al , CAPITAL $1,5GO,C03 SURPLUS $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST 0. Th'H ..7 - ROCKY-MOUNTAINS ,;. 1 CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS . : V