The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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daily joui::;al, I'd:;tla:;d,
:il l,
Mayer Assures Delegations
That All Parts to Be Treat
cd Fairly Under Plan if Bond
Issiie Carries.
Hundreds of men nd women from
'very district la the city and same from
Lents, soon to become a-part -of the
city, appeared before; the;, city y park
'' Isoard yesterday to clamor for. more
parks. The board assured each delega
. tlon that Its district Will bs looked af
ter if the $2,000,000 bond issue passes
y. in Jure. Otherwise, there will be, noth-
v." ing doing, aa tlte park board has long
alnca' exhausted ita funds. .
' .Mayor RUslillght told the Visitor
that they need" have mo fear that any
one aeotlon- of the city woufd be showiH
. particular favors to the detriment of
other sections The complaint had been
made that hundreds of thousands of
dollars are being spent on tha. South
Pprtland" boulevard, while, other parts
; of the city can get no mojiey at all for
; parks. The : niaor called attention to
' the fact tbatT3roEosed bond issue
! for parks n -pla'i:rounds""but. not
for boulevards.. . . . ' -
Council Crest JSecommendtd. .-
The board" voted to recommend to the
, city council that nine artres on the top
' of Council Qrest be porchased, A dele
gation' of Portland Jlelghts residents
told the board that this much of the
Crest can be acquired and - Improved
.for.,90,000.-The : board will" ask the
council to place -on the; ballot a" pro
posed bond Issue of 190,000 to be. voted
on separately "from the $2,000,000 issue,
McElroy's band will ; furnish t park
concert during : the coming . cummer
"'srasonrTho408jdnaitlmously awarded
the band the contract at HA2 concert.
- Thcre-wlH be-"41-concerts.Th band
consists of' 32 musicians.;- '"
. Although bids for the paving of Ter-
v llllger .boulevard were received yes
terday and were . ordered tabulated,
they vmay all be rejected, 'as JMa'yor
: Ruslillght believes money can be saved
If bids aro. again Invited and tho bid
Will be tiecided upoiii at a special meet
ing next Friday w hen bids for the pav
ing of the Mt. Tabor parkway will a Is if
be consldrre-d. H is very probable tluft
the mayor's plan will . be adoried anJ
Jt Vr: Eirr:-r-,T-s-'ty- --H jj W . ,
. The lion at the city oo Iiasto have
his-toe nails trimmed as;ain. This fact
was announced by Parkfceope't Misi'lw
to the board yesterday. The pnrkKoeper
added that any one who wants may taekl
the aforesaid job of trimming. The Hon
was pawnicured several years ago.. If
the nails are not, kept down the animal
fa liable to hurt himself lnMils restless
movements about the cage.
' ' . 1 r r
Secretary of ' Interior lane
: Writes Favorably to Ne- '
' . vada Man.
i lers are required to purchase crushed
"rockjrom the,- city.
. ITice Job Tor , Someone.
' Thousands of torts of this .fork are
'available at tho city prison at Llnnton.
i,' The question of paving the boulevard
(Washington Bureau -of The Journal.)
-Washington, ,ApTil l.-rSecretary of
the Interior La no has' addressed a let
ter to Senator Newlands, Indicating that
Clay Tallman of Nevada will have one
of the best positions in tho Interior
department.. He is to start to Work inK
hvedlately, but his appointment 'wilt not
be sent in until the extra session. - The
present duties assigned , to Mr. Tall
man are as legal adviser, to the recla
mation service, -.; -,: .. . '
ilrt Tallman's name was presented by
Senators Neewlands and Pittman as a
worthy candidate. In the first instance,
for secretary of the interior, and was
one of the candidates indorsed by eight
Western senators. When Mr. Lane as-'1
sumed the secretaryship he indicated
toMr Newlands that he would like to
see Mr. .Tallman, and thereupon - Mr.
Tallman came on to Washington.- -
The letter f Mr, Lane Is as fol
lows: - .. ; ,-: , . - -.
I have decided to. give Mr.. Tallman ..dis
posal, and, inasmueh as he Is here. I
woufd ask that you have him-call upon
me witn a view to taking office -at
once, if he is so disposed. He seems
to me entirely worthy of the great con
fidence yon have 4k firm" and a fine rep.
resehtaUve or jh) state '-at- WevadaJ?
Clay tailmari if Tonopah, Nev,, was
formerly a member Of the Nevada state
senate, and last year, ran as Democratic
candidate for congress, but was defeat
ed by,. a very narrow' margin, ;
' Journal Want Afls brtr.g results.
. - .
Oregon. Track Captain Has
. Points Doped Out to ; Fig
; u re M , A. A', C, Contender,
tlnlversity of Oregon; Eugene, April
i Oregon must win the 'relay, -race
from Multnomah club a week from neat
Saturday if It is to maintain its repu
tation as annual Winner of the Colom
bia. Indoor meet, and Oregon's chance
of winning the relay is slight.. Such is
the track "dona among the university
dopesters In Eugene, who are worried
at the" nearness of the meet and. the'
tacx mat dbci weatner made, any sort
of training well nigh impossible, A
small' body Of "loyals" has been faith
fully 7 poundliig. -the hard mud on the
covered track for the past, three weeksn
bSV;witft.r.the,;excejDtlon.-'ot the distance
men there aire sercely'enoughr athletes
to go around the list of events. :' .
- Captain McCIure figures that -MulU
noman.'.anu not corvauis,, will be Ore
gott's most serious contender at ' the
polumbla. meet. H has tha points jili-
viuea up something as follows: - s
man. Two' Oregon men, MoClure and
Wind nap !o. senior and fresl'iman rivals,
will be the principal contenders in. the
half and mile with- Austin, the former
l'acifio man, pow of Multnomah, third.
The hih Jump will go tgCorvallis
ir iwferice" and rV'oodw6FtV'Tiire""'wiiat
they arc cracked up to be, but Captain
McCIure believes one of hlifreshmen,
Stellar or Fee, is equaPto a second
Place. All four men hover about the
ftve-ntno mark. The, broad Jump, too,
is hard to locate. Hawkins of Multno
mah is a least good for second, but
ttregon has , two freshmen. Parsons of
Portland and Bounds of Kugene high,
who can go well over 20 feet.- Oregon
might have had this place cinched bad
not Jteed, a 22-footer from Amherst,
given up track for baseball. Sam Cook
.of Coeur d'Alene, or Foster of' Dayton,
should follow Wolff of Multnomah for
second and third in the -shot
College. Wea Over Sttcka. :
In the hurdles both Oregon and O. A.
C. are weak. Hayward intends to edu
cate McConnei; who two years ago
broke the half-mile record at Columbia;
to the low hurdles, but a bad leg has
kept him off the tracks for two weeks.
Boyce Jb'enton and Dal Stannaed are two
unknowns In t!n; hiu!f. St.-iiinai-J ul
to sprint a littie Bt Washington hiRh,
but has no hurdle records. Hawkins,
Lautourette find Bibco .'will 'give Mult
nomuh club about all three places.
In the polo vault much ileptnds upon
wiititner 'Beiiah vautra w'notr"im.'aS6
he does not Oregon has three possible
contenders for second or third against
Millet ing (O. A. C.) and iloklnins.
Ttjese are Miller, a junior who has been
working all winter, and who has passed
the 10 foot mark, in fact' all three have
passed the 10-foot stage; McCormick,
a sophomore, who Friday surprised b-y
climbing over 10:4, and Watson, Ore
gon' second pole valuter .three years
ago, ,who Is beginning to come back into
form. . y --v. .-. . . .'. i . "
The Oregon track season consists of
four meets. The first is that with Co
lumbia; the other three are in May. Maw
10 Oregon meets tho University of
Washington in Eugene; on May '24 O. Ay.
,. vviiua, ana on .nay ji . tne
conference colleges in Walla Walla,
p.M'.l ventliT conlinms. The meet
t ii 1. ticln du led to t.'iUe plitco two wcks
bko, but on aecatirit ot tlio bad condi
tion of the track it was impossible to
hold the races.
i Motorcyclists : to Race. . '
The - two day motorcycle race meet
at Forest Grove will be held Saturday
and . Bundajf afternooits, provided the
Aimttyiir aiakes Jligli lun.
Philadelphia.' ' Pa..' April- 1. Joseph
Mayer of 'Brooklyn, N. Y.," made a nw
high run for amateur hllliard players
here yesterday when he ran 106' points
against Percy Collips of Chicago. Mayer
alo made the high average of 14 22-87,
He defeated eollins 400 to 321. C. F.
Conklln of Chicago beat E. C. Morton
of Philadelphia . 400 to '253. ' Morton
averaged,J7 -23, ' i -
. AVilliard Majr Fight Lester. 1
(Cnltefl Press feared Wire.)
San 'Fi'ahcisco, April 1. Jess Wil
lard vs. Jack Lester, ' four rounds,
April 11.; . , , .''-.. ..'. -, ,
This Is the card Promoter Billy Kyne
is -endeavoring to arrange here Hoday.
Upon his arrival here Willard - con
ferred with Tom Jones, and the big cow
boy Is now a member o the Jones
string, WUIard, who' is '' now. a bit
heavy, weighing aout ' 235 . pounds.
lo.iks w itii favor upon Kj nc's i-trj-..
Promoter Coffroth also is eniU-a vur
ing to match Willard with' Gunboat
Smith for a bout here in tlie future,
WUIard la hot.-on the, trail; of Luther
McCarty. ' " ' T.- .' ' "
" Overall Says He'll iteport.; . .
' United rress Leased Wire.)
Chicago, April 1. Orval Overall, for
mer star ".twljler of the Chicago Na
tional League team, has . accepted the
terms of President Murphy and will
report to the 'Cubs April io, according
to an announcement made here today
by Murphy. Overall is at present in
Visalia. CaL '
Eliminate Chicken Worry
- Now is the busy tlme.Vlth the poul
trymen. If vou ire having any trou
ble in buying or selling settings, "this
can be easily eliminated If vou will let
your want be known through1 .The Jour
nal's poultry columns. Particular at
tention .is called to the- Saturday paper,
which contains a: poultry- department.
Make it part of your business to read
cniH leaiure every weeK.
50-yard dash ',
220-yard dash
440-J'ttrd dash
Half mile
Mile ..... ... .
HUrh Jump . . ,
Broad jump .,
Pole vault . . .-.
Shot put
High hurdles ,
U. of O.
.... I
.... 3
.... 4
.... 8
.... 8
.... S
'. . . . 1
.... 0
.... 4
..t. .0
O, AC,
6, -
1 ' '
g -0
6 .
'1 '. -..
o ;
"TWi leaves Oregon two points be
hind, not counting the relay. ' but seven
points to the bad if Multnomah wins
this event Oregon's quartet will con
sist of such men as Boyien, Kay, Bar
bour and Windnagle or Cook. Against
these Multnomah ' will run Hawkins.
Dart,Schmltt and Grant The chances
do not look good.
In the 60-yard, event Oregon has two
new men who might place, but they are I
doubtful. They are Barnett and Bryant. I
from Pacific university, ifor new men
they are excellent. - Baker of Corvallis,!
according to MCCIure'a "dope," should!
win this, giving Grant of Multnomah
second, but Grant should be first in the 1
next eVent, the, 100-yard dash, with
Baker third. In the 100, Kay or Boyien '
of Oregon should finish aecond. Thej
quarter will be a pretty-race between
Boyien, winonagie and "Walters, with
the advantage in favor of .the Corvallis
Bother mother
( for penmes?
Not 'iHteft'.x;
Yet . this little girl,
beautiful teeth fine
strong digestion !
1 ' ' ' " ' aVV' ; '''I' " . '
She's always espying this little-cost,
long-lasting pastime : r
Brighten irjteefli, your family's teetii, with
out burdening their digestionT Refresh i ybiir
aidutti with the beneficial tidliti
l It coyts.lcss antt stays iresli. until used. -
, for the spear
Avoid imitations
2 4I-o)(D) Miss
''''' '' "' " .--',,-' '.'.".'. ,.. '..' .1. '.- ' ''.. ,'..' . . -'
kinds have been placed on the market, but none could pass muster with THE
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- Reduced Illustration of the- $4 Book
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IMcttonair of the Kngltsb language. .
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Anthracite Production.
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Birth Htnue.
.t'oal Production of the tT. 8,
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Coffee Eixrtatlon of 4h WorM.
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derivation, nnd Development of the Eng.
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Heretofore practically all dictionarjs have been but revisions o the uncopyrighted editions of tlrt original book turned '
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