the JL JOUHIIAL, rOIiTLAIID, I lil I'll h - f f j i r ?- B! . FgllEpil East Sido Business' Men Are PJanning to Put Bill on Ba!- let Affecting S. P. and 0. W. oi) First nad Second Sts. If it Is withjti the power of 'the East Side Business Men's club, measures for tli annulment of the franchises of the Southern Pacific "and the p,V. R. & N. companies on East I'irst and East Sec ond streets, respectively, "will be-placed on the ballot at the June election'."" : The campaign which the club cdnduct ed, has progressed nicely, and, enough names havja been secured to insure the placinr Of the measures on the ballots Although 4571 names are required, rs the intention of the club-to-secure at least 000 signatures, - . If carried, these measures, will an nul boili franchises. on the two atreets and will require the companies to come In at once and ask for a new franchise under' th : present ; city charter, with common tiser provfsfons on this street "uur object" Stated Mr. Lcpper this morning, "Is . hot, a Tieht against thete railroads, as thyVeeni to think, but it Is to; open- lip the. east Bide territory to any. and ll lines who may "wsh to come in here,. ' " - - ! 'N'V.MakJii "We 'are; not fighting for; an one ompany, but for. ail lines. "WVvdd not want any company to say that tliey will keep "ouf any railway -that' nilty seek entrance to Tui t!a:id through, the east sid.v . ' - . "When the rest railroad' wants to come into Portland we want to .create suoh -a -mUtieu that we . will not i f tailed .upon to make smp a fight ts was necessary to secure iulmisslon for "the North Bank lines. . We want it to be so that they iray all come in 'cn tla fame bafcis. , . "We-feel that it is time to realise th full vrIuc of section' 20, nrtiole 1, or our Qrogfwi- constitution, which saysr- ,!. law shall be passed granting to any cltiien or class -of citizens; tprivilege3 Or immunitfes, which, upon the Sam- terms, shall not equally belong to -all citizens, v " . - . Streets Belong' to Fecple. Tutllo service- corporations bee special privileged, by the public.-must, for the good of that, public necessarily remain under public control, and "pub lic service, orpora;tions who put their money into public enterprises most ex pect and submit to reasonable' public control. And we- further believe, that this city and its streets belong to the people the human beings who Inhabit It. Its resources. its businesses, its institutions and its laws should -be utllized-or-aKered in whatever manner will best prpmote general Interest. It is time to set the general Interest! It is time to set the public welfare in the fl.vt place." .v-:v.v-:.rA::"::"rr7? . f is the Intention of the club to file the petition witHIn the next day or so. WILL ADDRESS MEETING OF PENINSULA PEOPLE R. L. Eablij and V. Vincent Jones will address a meeting of the Peninsula citi zens this evening In 4he assembly hall of the Peninsula ; public school. Mr. Jones wll tamon'Publio Parfts and Playgrounds, boosting the ' $2,OOo!3uO bond issue for parks. Mr.VSabin will urge the necessity of; making; the school the social and civic center of the com munity. All citizens of the district are asked, to attend the meeting - ' EAST IE M a hi Get Together Luncheon Proves Clearing House for Ex- Carnival; Aid Pledged tisil Iniyinc district 1.1 have Its spe cial attraction. George 1 llutehin, manager of the Hose Festival '-association, urged the members to lay 'aside air petty Jeal ousies and 'unite iii boosting Tor a great er festival, VI know no east side, I know no west sjde, forvtny heart In with Portland, greater. Portland, the summer capital of America." were the- words wi-which he closed a splendid address. , Ralph W. Hoyt,, of the Rose Festival association, .stated that in his. opinion the . human rosebud parade . was the prca.test attraction of all. He stated that it was their desire to . make that parade a permanent east side lnstltut tlon, and to that end enough money k u n iwuum oe apportioned iq mane tne pa- Cnange Of lOeaS On ROSe-mae better than ever before. r. Support Is Promised. J. Fred Larson, Judge P.obert G. Mor row, and "S. D. Vincent of the Rosarlans also addressed the meeting, and told of the Immense amount' pf effort required, and of the certain benefits which would accrue to Portland through the Rose Festival. C. A. BIgelow, on behalf, of the East ' Side Business Menj ,. club, promised the ' support of that organization-in every way possibfe.. ' At the conclusion of the luncheon the board of direetora sof the East Side club was appointed as committee to work with the other organisations - In the collection of funds.- A vote of thanks was also given the Sibson, mir sertcs for - the beautiful roses TjMfh which the table was decorated. M. B. McFaul presided. 'i Journal Want Ads bring results,- From a boosting standpoint the "Ro sarian Luncheon" of ie East Side Busi- ntss Men a club, yesterday . noon was . a decided auccess. It was a get-together meeting of the East Side men, the Ro sarlans and the Rose Festival associa tion. All former friftlonif uch fric tlonHSVer existed between .these ' 6r- ganfiations . was elimfnatedj,' and . all pledged-iheiraupport'to. each other la helping ' to make the Rose' Festival a greater success lhan, ever before. ... 'There is no other Institution of more farreachlng effect than the Rosa Fes tival, and the human rose bud parade Is theirnost Important factor of that-fe-t'ivaV? said Hy Ellers, jpf the Rosarlans, who was . the principal; speaker of the day, nd those sentiments were heaxtily indorsed by every person who-attended the meeting. .' To OlTi Anto Parade, vt Besides " the children's parade Mr. Eilers stated that. thei-east side would be given the automobile parade and' a new attraction, :A Night lrt Rosaria." This latter attraction .will-, be ,'bne 0 the mate evening features of the fes tival. ltJs planned to begin the even ing's festivities rwith a "Parade of All Nations." Tben, each block in the cen- ti!E B OF : SMALL AREAS FOR PARK LOCATiOiiS Greater East Side Improve ment: Clubs' Ass'n Takes Action in Playground Plans; Children's Parade Favored. CITIZENS OF NORTH - PORTLAND TO MEET ,"?-" y 7-S i i, 'v. . ; , -: There wIlL be a meeting ot the- Nsrth Portland Commercial club tomorrow evening at the clubrooms, corner Kil lings worth " avenue and Commercial street. Sewerage and .other-Important matters will Be up for discussion, so it is requested that all member shall be present. , .-r -'. -iv?. Quicker and 1 better results may be obtained by Including your phone nvrm in your wani aa. At a recent meeting of the Greater East Side United Improvement Clubs association Friday night, the following resolution, indorsihp th hii,n. n. rade, was unanimously carried: : esoivea. xim the affiliated East Side clubs go on record as being in fa vor of the Deroetufittftn tlon of the children's, parade, (nationally miuwa me uuman KoseDud parade), sis a feature of our' annual Rose-Festival; and that this organisation urge the' cooperation and fe It v nf on .nhAni . " v'vua pnncipalsJwithin our city to assist In the perpetuation of this most beautiful leaiure or .our Koso Festival." .-. A resolution was -also passed request ing the railroad commission to post pone the hearing of .the case of the as sociation against the Portland Railway. Light & Power company until the city council has taken some definite action in the matter, after which the hearing should proceed, or come up to the rail road commission on appeal by either party, as provided in the Malarkey act. A-commltteaof- three, -consisting of Dan Kellaher, A. N. Searle and L. Q, English, was appointed to takd up the matter with the park board and the city auditor so it will ahow on the ballot Just how much money 4s to bo spent for Parka. On the Fafit Kills nnrt tinnr-mimh on' the west sideband where: and fur- r !-, it is t! e of t! Ur- r 1 . Side clubs that t!ns money be irent iVf a large number of Kmall r-atks . with playgrouiiils near the homes so that the mothers rhav walk' there in the after-1 noons with their children, and enjoy .the parks without having to pay car fare, rather than to. have. It spent for large tracts, requiring the expense of car faro to get to and from these new parks and playgrounds. The. park board will be asked to address the east side -citizens In the near future, showing them what additions and.- improvements are pro posed In regard Jo parks throughout the city."""" " "- ' . ... It was decided thai the municipal ownership mass meeting of the east side citizens should be held on May 9. At that time experts from Tacoma will be here to toll the cltixens Of the benefits of a municipally owned lighting plant. - EA3T err r EUILD3 HEAL .lit castles i;j nnY::E REQUESTS GRADE IN BROADWAY C I Schoenfeldt, a grocer on 'Will lams' avenue and Cherry street, is cir culating a petition to have the grada of Broadway- changed-from" Williams avenue to Larrabee street At present the grade between . these streets varies between 1H per cent to 8"Ter cent, and it is his desire to have an even grade of SH'per cent established. If : this Is done It will necessitate a fill of at least three feet at the cor ner of. Vancouver avenue and Broadway; the fill would also have to, extend in four directions: north and aouth on Vancouver avenua, and cast and west o Broadway. This-w,o.ullittt tho property owners to a very, heavy expense, but Mr. Schoenfeldt believes that the great benefit of an even grade will more than offset the cost for the improvement. Mr. Schoenfeldt stated yesterday that the Improvement had met with so much opposition that the petition might not be filed. He stated, however, that the regrading of Broadway at 'this point must come eventually, and that It Is just as weu to oo it now. By th Poet of the East CIS Business Hen's Clnb. Tim ARCHITECT. I work every day from eight -until six .... -- In an office I'm only a clerk; But I'm not complaining about . my poor fix I'm contented quite well, with . my work. . But at night you should see. me, Im, then at my beet; I'm a wonderful . persbn, for fair. . , And the people all cheer me with ' . fervor and seat When I'jn building my castles-in-air. For ;'ts then that I do , some " wonderful things, For I gain both riches, and : fame; ' -.. ' Aifll what a great Joy and comi - fort It brings v ' ' To hear people shouting jny name - And proclaiming me greatest of - men among men, . . . And saying there's none can - compare; , : t sure am a wonderful being, I ' ken, ... ' . : - : ' When I'm building, my castles . in-air. f. . , My fifteen a week Is all that I ask,.. . I I'm quiet and plain, if you, please;" - -' - -And there's none that I know of can bring me to task i--.- If my trousers do bag a-t the knees.' - : But when night overtakes me, 'tis then you will find - That I've ceased all my worry and care; ' " ' ' ' "And"! show to the people my , true master mind ' ' When I'm building my castles-ln-alr. TIN TT7TT 7lT TT fh A TTTTi Tl - i - -i uj l- -vv-u) i- ifLwccn ii iM ii it i ii 1 1 it 1 1 it 1 1 j- 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i n i i ri ii MM1 HI VJUlULi.- 13irJLU;jNT AIM) JUACUIWEKY are niakliisr- tllA "KAST STDTV PAMnTTS f TIia A Tr asii Ttri... ..t- '..-. . -. 7c7lL by Hi iclicll, Lc ls & Marer, John Deere How Co., Studebaker Bros. Co., Molhie How Co., Freeman & Sons, Scott & Munsell, II. M. Wade, Beall & Co., International nari M SrnTVmv Am ffiSife81 mel,ants ln welcome you. ; TOMOKROW; WEDNESDAY, BARGAIN DATOAliA&T SIDt. EVEIti ARTICLE A BARGAIN; AS ADVERTISED BELOW. " . - east STnrc miSTVPSS AfFivr-s rr.TTit Bay Moorc" Shoes Pay Less Money Our Special Any; $5.00 Men's. ' Shoe. for. WlL'oi tomorrow only. '. a We d n e sd ay Moore Shoe Company g&ttUNiT. - WE GIVE "S. & H." STAMPS Wednesday BargainDay We arc determined to make this bargain day one to be looked forward , to each week by every woman in Portland,, and nowhere can' ' you get more for yourioney than right here. In addition to the sale of waists quoted below, we will offer a special in women's .and misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses. ' FOR THE BARGAIN SALE 33 Chiffon,; Mcssaline and Crepe dc Chincr Waists. Regular prices, $2.50 to $3.98. fjl no I'argain Day . . . . , . .. . . .7. . . . . . . .. .lVO 52 Cliiffon,; Mcssaline" and .; de Chinert Waists. Regular prices were $3.98 to CO CA $4.98. Bargain Day ............. ... .i)L.jU , mean -to be . aaovn ??. valua THE: COAT&ISU1TJ ISHOP' 388 and 390 Sat Korrisoa Ct neat Grand Ave. $1.11 CitMier Ik C4)E(BF fop 2k "'A combinationsclf basting roaster; double boiler,: mixing bowl and -pudding dish, 4 useful articlse in. 2 forNVednesday only at.S5J -and 35; J..i,.. i , Zl '!. . 1.. ..... Our : i!omlFVRHISIIEI& m; k X';n-7n East. Moopisom Sr. : Watch Our : Window We Sve Yoii 3G0fQCAST.M0OD-.0M ST. VU 'psw rnrmture . KirCDOHF BROS. 130 Grar.d Ave. ALWAYS THE BEST . tVcr.l .......... lCc a i-ivll ( t I M M tVw 20 c t AND Player SEE THEM AT MSLEY'S "The East Side Piano Store" 153 GRAND AVE. WEDNESDAY SALE Plain and Fancy Hat Braids Reg? 75c5c Braids 35c Pc Reg. $1-1.25 Braids 49c Pc at!n, Perosallne. Trusters and Mix turps -the aaon'a . mot wanted tylea in black, white and burnt. Hats Trimmed Free If you purchase your material! of us oo Wednesday. ' MRS. A. R, RAFFERTY lUlIiMr. WKk V. K. XarkaU Co, Xart MorrUon, Cor. Valoa Ara. Bargain Day . Underwear We offer for our. Wednes- Tlw fr - f -t'ttt I day bargain a .very fine The Journal Want Ad co' afford, a convenient, and c : e means pf commynication for I n?.y people a : way of ; Hccomplifhing. things 'without waste , of time or energy." ; . . ,-. , ; ' '- For getting word to those who arc interested irt your work, your realty, your rooms that you have for Tent, your advantageous busi ness propositions reaching them quickly- and at small costThe Journal Want columns are at your service... '. ' ; -. ' , ; .- . fany interesLci readers watch 1-U awt-tn-'he-tthTea'r-Df ThC" tMiics, amt ktcpr posted- regarding "'ITortiiiutids,'.-. v ' ..' " yplianr Elastic. Garment at - REGULAR $1.00 VALUE See Window Display - Leading East Side Clothiers WEDNESDAY SPECIAL, . EXTRAORDINARY ' ' ' " . s Women's Dainty $2.00 and $2.50 SHIRTWAISTS FOR $ Tailored and Fancy Styles The newest models of the season. You ought to get a few of them at this price. DON'T FORGET our Special Credit Terms $1.00 A : WEEK x.ii . Clothed. " for - Spring PACIFIC ODTHITING CO. Cor. Grand Ave. & E. Stark st: .0 . ENGLISH WALKING HATS Regular C2.C3 Values WEDNESDAY ONLY Spring Suits in Ail the Lat est , Weaves and Patterns. -tl31'GryNDVE Near - East Morrison ' Street. r99 Oil Wednesday Only1 Good 35c House Brooms 19c . rA rare bargain; made of goodquality troom, corn, fout sewed and wire bound and metal lock neck. Strong and serviceable. Not over two to a customer, and none on phone order. iRBW Wilson's Dress Hooks II Jl to every woman whb presents this advertisement at bur Notion Counter Wednesday. Not a sample, but a fulf size, 10c card in white, black or grey. 'Wilson Dress Hooks" are not ordinary hooks and eyes or snaps they will completely overcome your dress fastemnff difficulties. Thev can not mm nntmnlroii af. "ram".. open :aecidentally.,: Hold secutely without-bulge or gap. -None giva ; tn chilrtrm : ' ' " . . . ' W. H. MARKELL & CO. LEADING EAST SIDE DEPARTMENT STORE. Wednesday Special Guckenheimer ' . " ' ..... . .; - .. .- WHISKEY : $1.00 Per Qua.rt 381 EAST MORRISON ST. Phone E. 287, B-2426 A TEEIj CRIB Fo p 1 or our Wednesday bargain we offer a Steel Crib just like' cut " except sides-lift, ovcither . white or Vernis Marin.""r7r -" regular $7.00 Crib at a less price than ever, before offered in " the city, $3.85. . -, '9C' A Reasonable Z2J Furniture Store East Bupnside and Union Ave. THE CL HOTEL GRILL n Here Is Another Real Bargain ftT2 2?r Sprinpf edge, u 1 UAgV nd Spanish i zz. -f "1 and tufted. , Quartered Oak Frame" pholsterefT i Mack maroccc" ;. Plain ' : 386 E. MORRISON ST. 7 Is the plac where thoe popular hoon lunches for 23d -'are belnj served. Be ure and come. aocHTX roa baboaik day, , ,v xmik a. lm. Cream of Tomato 'with Rice. Queen Olives." Sweet Pickles. Boiled Halibut. Egg Sauce. Hamburger Bteak, Spanish. t Veal Fricassee, Green Teas. Fried Liver and Onions. . ...U! Boiled Beef Tongue. - ;r ':;t; 1 ; v - Horseradish. Bauce. ;Assorted Cold Meats. Totato Salad. Jk i. J" Le weOfl mUqq3. Green Applo Tie. , 1'each I'le. , ,S RIm CtiHtard I'uddlng. ;' Ten. Coffee. WilU. " ,. ii :-THEi:GARD2N , ' . . . i . -V''" Have Xcn Been Offered So Cheap as at Our Wednccd- Bargain Day Sale Ladies' Set shovel, hoe and i. t steel. Reg. $1.15, at Steel Bow, Rake 12-tine bes.f qu.uny. Reg. 60c, ajt .43 Malleable Rake 14-line best qualify. . .Rcff. 30c, at..;.. ..20. Steel Hoe, large size best quality, Reg. 50c, at... .......33 Long handle, round or square point Shovels. Reg. 75c, at 63 Steel Spading Eorks 4-tine. Reg."$1.00, at . , , , . . ..... . . .75 Lawn Edgcrs-best quality. Reg. 50c, at . ...... t. . . .401 ". T Strowbridge" Hardware Pthl Co;r i '. ; - 1 i 106-108 GRAND AVE. 404-406 EAST WASHINGTON