v i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH - S3. 1913 r WASTEDTO RENT A.M6v 1 rem ur - ,wu. msfced housVwalking distant, sidepreferred; reasonable; refer fall East 6227. fur east re nee s. WANTED By. responsible parties, use or rurnisnea nouse ior care vi ftood reference JX-4Z3, journal. WANT to rent, house, with stable on property. Phone Marshall 3980. - FOR BEXT-nSCELLANEOUS 33 SEWING machine of all makes. 190 3rd , bet. Yamhill ami Taylor.- Main MSI. , : HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 18 ; For Sale -Horses & Wagons Another car of homes just arrived, amongst which are some extra good farm and .delivery - horses, weighing from 1000 to 1600 lbs. All will be sold under our positive guarantee. We also have J farm,- furniture, 3 laundry, s delivery wagons for sale or - rent.-,,.- . . 4 -: . Hawthorne Stables 420 Hawthorne ave. 'THE'MURray-HOR! Commission dealers In all classes of horses and mules. . -" AUCTION EVERY MONDAY 10 A. M. Horses end mules for rent to con tracted In carload lota. 240 E. 8th et, near Hawthorne. East 6316 Just Arrived Carload Western Oregon horses, mares, ell broke and young, guaranteed. Madison Street Stables Approach of Hawthorne Bridge ' : West Side:; v 18 HEAL just arrived from country t Pew well matched teams, some mares, few good delivery horses, one span mules. Come and try them. No reason, able offer will be refused. 247 E. 12th St.. near nawtnorne ave. TEAM and harness wanted. Client has $150 cash end 2 lots .unincumbered. In growing eastern Oregon town for beat offer in team, wagon end harness, ' etc. Fred W,' German Co., 932 C. of C. Both phones. BARGAIN--Black horse, weight 1300, gentle and true, for 175. Able to do eny kind of .heavy work. , Come and see this horse J n harness. 344 Market and Front st. ," TEAM, weight 2600 lbs. Work single or double. Also one fine mare, weight 1200 lbs. Good pair of ponies. This : stock will ell be sold cheap. 1987 E. ' Stark ...' MontavlUa. - HANDSOME bay mare. 10 years old, weight 1410; blocky. Always fat; buy. er can try until satisfied; Well broke to heavy single work. Nothing better for ptisiness. 334 r ront si. IS HEAD nice mares and horses weigh . Ing 1100 lbs. to 1300 lbs.; all young, sound, well broke, guaranteed; prices reasonable, ,, Stables foot of Main, west side. ' FOR SALE 27 head horses, mares, 6 to 10 years old, 860 to 1600 lbs.; har ness, wagons, buggy, and harness. 434 UoJdsrr.ltl ' St., cor. Aioina ave. FOR SALE 2600 lb. team, true pullers, Bingie or uvuuie. win - v., uauci tiuggy horse or one 1600 lb. horse, 423 Schuyler, Phone East 4989. r $5 ICE family mare, sound and gentle, 8 years old, blocky built, fat and broke single and double. Ask for McClalne. 834 Front st, ONE 2400 lb. team of horses.good work ers, with farm wagon and harness. Also I top buggy and single harness, cheaw. 636 E. Pine st. ONE 1200 lb, horse and 1 light 1 horse farm wagon, horse is good traveler end true worker; will sell at bargain. 33 a l?th st. S. ,' NICE pair dapple grays, 6 and 7 years, weight 2270, chunky, active, well broke, sound and handsome. Come and see tnem. 3 f ront st. $160 TAKES good- farm team, weight - Z40U: sibu taaes gooa team, weigni 2200. ; This stock all good workers. 440 Kafct Morrison, corner 7th. BEST 2-year-old mure in Oregon. 16 hands and t Inches high, lots of bone end handsome, . In market for mate to mm.. g34 Front st, GOOD- 2600 lb. team, harness and ' wagon, Owner, Main 6478. O-603, jjournal.' - -" ' LIVESTOCK 33 MARKET reports here show .butter - . scarce; 74 per cent of the butter used In Oregon is shipped in from middle west arid California Why not buy your dairy cows now , before .snring opens? Heavy Influx of neople creates a large demandfor products of .the cow. WE REPEAT IT AGAIN; Look out .for the , cow" famine. Come and see us. Make your Investment now. Geo. Mokel .Cow Co., 607 Commercial Block.-Main tno. AVE HAVE a fine big list of dairy rows r and heifers, of all ages and dairy , breeds. Our list Is too large to adver tise. For description wire gjs, call on us or phone us. Geo. R. Mokel Cow, Co.. fyoom 607 Commercial blk. Phone- Main 1 20. , r FOR SALE 60 head Hereford-Durham 2-vear-old heifers. Fresh In Anrll. Very choice bunch, $60 per head takes boncn.- Don't write, come o,uick and get them. - (Phone.) J. T. Knappenberg, lone. Or. BEAR in mind, we are NOT LOCATED at the Portland Union Stockyards. If you want dairy cows you will find us at our office, 2d and Washington sts., room 607 Commercial block, or call Main 6120. (Signed) GEO. R. MOKEL COW CO. WANTED To purchase a bull, 2 or 3 ' years old, any breed; give price. Ad ; dress W. L., 9442 Central ave., St. I Johns." Ai CARLOAD of Durhams, also orders lor Durhams. Holsteins and Jerseys. Take Woodstock car to 68th ave., walk 8 fclooks west. high grade Jersey cow, will be rresn in a Tew days. Tubercular test- . .A ts 4 a . T- 1 i r m POULTRY 37 WHITE Leghorn eggs 31 and $2 per - setting; first pen .headed - by first cocKerei r-ortiana, iai2. B. A Palmer of homer pigeons, good rnoniy , maker. - Ranch can bp rntri rhun Write for particulars. Address Suuab 11X-291. Journal. VVHITE Leghorn baby chicks from large . strains, 312 per 100. Perkins Hatch- cry, 1337 Burrage. Phone Woodlawn 14 (. PORTABLE poultry housesali sizes" , , styles and prices. Williams Bros.. , worth of prays Crossing. ML Scott car 200 BELGIAN bares to close, in pairs or dosens, for food or breeding 2r,c up. Address Rabbits, 367 29th st. N. WANTED chickens and eggs. Portland Poultry ; Exchange. 279 Hawthorne. J nil cza ; THOROUGHBRED buff and brown Lesv horn i. eggs 61 per 16, $6 per 100. Yosfs y ards. R. 3, Oregon City. -. Poiiltrv I ii I tons, high grade stock; $2. Tele-I-phone Potts. Main 7173. - JbAtlKh- Rock cockerels, eggs and .chicks. Thompson's ringlets. 66Jo a. 44th st. Sellwood 1335. "'""Ton sdale s buff legiForns: Big layers, real buffs. 15 eggs, $i.50 S7S.1 K. 4th St., Mt Scott car to Creston. .".BARRED Rock and While Igiiorji eggs, $1 setting. Stock for sale. Sell- wood 4S0. VHITE Wyandottes, Barred Rocks' eggs , sj.su. f, f riant, r. o. . Box 2002. - . - ' HFTY "puilets laying 60 per cent, $1 each, O, C Hatt. Orenco. or. J-oll SALK White LeViiorn chicks, 12c. us r;. asm st.. n. 1'non Tabor 2973 k. D. SCHANEN S White Rocks, stock and sgs. It. P, P. 1. box 11. Iints. Or. ANiUNA egKS for hatching,. $8 per 100. Au. Hauch, Lyle, Wash, v . r ZT 800 -Baby Chicks for Sale Portland Poultry Exchange 279 Hawthorne S. C WHITE Legnorn bi.br chicks, egsa for setting, trap-nested stock. Tak no chances. -For heavy egg tyieIdV buy from stock whose parental production has been recorded. Send for erica list urownaaie Farms, box, db. Aurora, or. j EGGS for hatching. Mallard duck. - uouia use not water .mcuDator not Ipbi than l?ft etr csnacitv. Address a F. Wltte, Milwaukle, Or. fel. Black WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, $8 per 100 until May 15. Safe delivery guar anteed. We charge for no dead or crip pled chicks. The-Pioneer Hatchery, 418 6th St.. Petsluma. Cal. FOR SALE All Kinds, of fancy poul try. Day old chicks and eggs for hatching. Used Incubators. Portland Poultry Exchange, 279 Hawthorne. Phone East 6246. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FOR SALE CHEAP "Well bred Scotch come. r. u. box tea, main eim. AUTOMOBIlMOTORCYCLES 44 Auto - Bargains Ford 5 nassenger. fuiiy equipped, ihne condition, only 1350. w Buick, 7 passenger, fully equipped, A-l shape, $Sa0. Kegal 0 passenger, luiiy equippeu, $475. - - Cadillac 6 passenger, fully equipped, like new. $1150. And many other bargains. Over 50 autos to select from. Call and inspect tnem nerore you Duy. Oregon Auto Exchange 493. 49& Alder st. Main llfil. A-437, Motorcycle Sale We have severer new 1912. machines which' we will sell at used motorcycle trices. If you want a motorcycle this s your oportunlty to get one at cost. See us at once. They won't last long. - WEST COAST KCffLX CO., AUTOMOBILE tires, new and slightly . n . - i.a ...i. nr. .i.a new tires at 20 per cent off regular nrlcn. Paclfia Tire SupdTv Co.. 328 Burnslde. r " 1 WANT to sell my $3000 car, fully equipped; demountable rims, 4 cylinder- 30 horsepower; .everything in first class shape. . Will take $600 cash if taken at once. C-S61. Journal. WANTED No. 1 old. auto tires, 1o lb., delivered; No. S auto tires. Bo lb.: inner tubes, 16c to 23c lb. J. Leva. Itt Columbia stu main diss. V. G. HARTMAN. 289 H Russell, all difficult automobile and motorcycle anrlr .nllcltcd Phonn E. 723. DANDY Maxwell runeout, good condl- uon, complete equipment, lor quica Bale yzHU. A-0 8, uuurriBi. VGR SALE or trade, well established - automobile business In good valley town. OX-414, Journal. Auto Repairing 0kRHlli John J. Zimmer, 1 al and 123 6th St. N. Motorcycles 2&Vhnadnd. Dayton Cycle Co., 247 Ash St, near 8d. AUTO SPRINGS'"0? AiVS Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. M. 181. 1500 lb.. 4 cyL truck and steady work bv the week, for aale. Owner going east. V-450, journal, shop. C. MARTELL, auto repairing, radiators, BARGAINS in used tires; vulcaiilaliig,' zac; tire repairing, zui niaainon, MUSICAL IXSTHUSIENTS 34 THE instruments listed below have been taken in as part payment on new ones; all have been overhauled in our repair shop and are In fine condition. Every one a oargain: APOLLO CAB. PLAYER. ., .$ 40 C. H. STONE SQUARE PIANO.... $ 60 WELLINGTON PIANO, OAK CASE $175 KINGSBURY PLAYER PIANO. .. .$395 CECILIAN PLAYER PIANO $600 We give exchange agreement so that you can turn in a second hand piano when you are ready for a new high grade maice. 31 S Mnrrlmn Opposite Postof flce. FOR SALE Buescher cornet, silver piaieci, latest mooei, at a big bargain. K-801, Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE 26 foot 30 horsepower gaso line launch with cruiser forward cabin, open cockpit, speed 14 miles, good sea boat, engine 4 cycle 4 cylinder; Doat one year oia. AaareBs r. o. iox 672, Astoria, Or. HEAVY duty, launch for hire; will haul 7 tons or gdod for towing. Small Jobs or by the month. P-6:l, Journal. FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE: New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys a d accessories bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 6th st. phones Main 769. A-1769. APPLE and pear stock, 1 and 2 years old: will sell very chean o- trade; will lease ground for another year if dtBired. F. L. Newell, 6 E. 76th St. Tabor 372. JEWELL range, gas water heater, res taurant range, counter and shelving, 1 coffee urn, cash register. Phone East 4132. U-11UZ SAFES New tnd second hand, large assortment: safes opened and re paired. Mosler Safe Co., .108 2d at Phone Main 7676. FOIt SALE 1000 foot best well rig on earth, very cheap; 1so one 6x6 reversible new steam englTie, price. 390 Vancouver ave., Portland. C-2478. AT a bargain, 8 show cases, fireproof safes, luO folding opera chairs, 25 sewing aiachlnes. from $1 up. 235 Front st. r ROLL TOP Desk, swivel and! office cnairs, linoleum ana partition. 61 N. lot U. corner Davis. Foil SALE 1 Macey vertical filing cab inet and Oliver typewriter, cheap. N- i i'i. journal. GOOD ffice furniture for sale or trade. Miat have your Good bargain for new typewriter. -334. Journal $3 , Mi NICE serge HUlt, worth $10, to small person, size 32, Give phone nuinner. journ n i . lL'.ou Drop head sewing machine with uiai-nmenia. tjaii 152 Grand ave. BiCiCLES, new and second-hand. $10 ano up: ail guaranteed, iji Madison, DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley uefk Co.. 210 Broadway. M. 687. RANGES, gas stoves and fixtures, fold- ing, iron beds. Ill Grand ave TWO donkey engines aud complete log- ging outrit, 4io ireon.Diag. VANTEJ MISCELLANEOUS 8 COVELL FURNITURE CO. Pays best' price forr-yoUr aecond hand furniture, carpets, stoves. Main 3022. .'4 First, near Ta y I or. WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. N. M. Scaler, 124-126 Grand eve. East 1662. WHY sell your furniture at auction? We par highest prices. Make no mis-, take; address M. R. Beater, 348-50 Haw. thorne ave. Phone East 8134. WANTED Any kind of team work, by the day, hour, or contract phone mist g m-isst PHONK MAIN IT.l fi -Am Xlgut .jur , youii. nana furniture, etc. Exchange dept. WISE, set more for your second1 s.r.vdf.i.,rnrL,j!:,.b'r ng!it to Fori Auction Co 211 1st. Main 8961. A-2448. W 1 Wuill llflAAn'. . u . n , , ' ' 1n i r " "V110 ul su-nna iur. . f. niture, highest prices paid. Bell. 1682. POULTRY (Contiausd) 21 THE following is a list of articles found on me cars or the Portland Kail way. Light Power Co., and turned in at the different division points. , Owners may secure same by applying at barns as indicated: - - Articles found on the cars March 25. .Turned in. Sellwood barn, phone A-6131: One lunch box, one pair of overalls, one powder box, one jackknife, one cata logue. . . . Turned In on the cars March tt, Sa Vler street -car house, phohe A.-6131, trunk line: One umB-ella,-one metal tray, jone puree, ' one ialr shoes, one lunch box. one hand rrln. three nairs gloves. .- - Turned in March 26, Piedmont barn, phone A-eiSliwo umbrellos, one bas ket, one grip, one fob, three -ml scellon eous packages, two gloves. , -.- Turned. (n Ankeny barn, March 26, A-6131: One can of gasoline, one hand bag, one basket, one pair of overshoes. LOST A bunch of keys. Keftira to 21 Gran J ave. Oregon Tent A Awning Co., 21 Grand ave 1 A BLACK ribbon wifttch folv carved D ' on locket; reward. Return to Journal office. LOST Monday evening on east bide, a -lady'a small gold watch. Reward. V 456, Journal. ; --'.. ,! LOST AND FOUXD PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACT! JOH3I A. BRT. Atfy.. collections, absd-icts itmioea, wruien opiaiow on ' 117 Allnsr bldsr- Mrbll St-i. ACCoaoEoa rxEAxma I. BTBt'HAN, Udles tsilor, sceordeop, 14 and suoburst pleitlng, button cotmed. goods sponged. bmtltchlii. 888 Alder. Msle S3T8. ABCHITECI8 PLANS for bulWlngii, small bouses, barns, at your Pome, ti. v. cttiu, jo '" ART DiAUEEl P1CTUMK trsiuloi,! ssooldlng,1 plcturns. Its tnsn fwwnw. io w. rr. ARX SURTAX, wOUKS ALL kinds et brass. Iron and stssl wora, T. H. llisrck, 4oa DsTls st. ARXifiXiO WlJUt AND IftO KELIAKCIs Wire sad Iroa works. Bast lots and lander its. Baat 1398. AB8AXER8 WKLLS CO., aaaaysrs, analytUal cbsmUt. Winning tun, jamn imp. UUMAA Am. Ulllcv, lauoiator, tng. Marshall a?2B. 1W Morrlaon. AXT0RKEY.8-AI-LAW fa. C. KOBNEOAK, general law practlcj. col- lection, ini kj. nmiiii AUIO XR lUtMuaiXQ OKEOON VulcanUlog Co., "Tb Tire HhofS' AAA Waahlnilun. Marshall 370. AtflOMOBILM lOKtMT $2JK) per hour. Duplex Auto Co. M. 814; A- S81S. U1IIM wn Pima, jl, iiuUA. aiAlUbRa UOWK, 11AVU COMl-AM, 109 2d at Blank book awnutacturars; agenta fur Jones lin proTwl Loose Leaf Ledgera. Be tbe asw if rka Leaf. A-31a. Main 183. BRAba souaPRRX AMKU1CAN Brouse Brsas Works, 638 Dpsbur. Brass, aluminum, puostinor brunss eaatlngs. Main 4115; OAaOX HABUsACIURERB TUB Aldoa Cindy Coy, 12U and OUsss at. Hlsh grade fuocolates. OAHKZUlt. at RJCfAIBiKO J. A. BEhPEHSON A CO., bulldlBg Sh" Work lobDins. w aaiiaiy. u. nitw, " A. U. WlkSTUUil, houas, otlWe, slore repair ing, remodeling, Jbuildlug. East 1326. CARf EJ- CLEASlMa iOTCB BK08., Electric Cleaning worksJ eaN pats cicanea ana uia, ruiuu -..... K. 440, M-iwoa. a a nt. mui at. OaaxaX AVlJlw unDq.iuin.11 WiilllCjL run frnu old carpeu; rag rags, carpet cleaning. 1S8 Union avenue, uear naat awnwii, fa,M.seuL,A KliG WOuaa, rug from uii in grain and Brussels csrpets; slao rsg rugs. 1618 fstton STenue; wominwu .oo. CAUfalX rug weaving, ituc per yard and up. Warp rnrniiinea. . l.. n. iuri..i NEW ruga, made from old Bruaaela aud lu uraln tarpet. Phone Woodlawn ia8. If your furnace smokes or doee not best prop erly, call Acme Chlnino Sweeping Co., Uals 79177 We work ralu or ahlue. Orders tskea day or night cmaorofliai WILLIAM, Estelle sud De Wsne De?eny, the only sclentiiic cniropouwia in mo. en. lors a02 (ierllnger bldg., 8. W. corner 2d sud Alder, fbone Main lilol. OR. IV El treats all ailments of feet without pain; corns, bunions, Ingrowing nail a spe cialty. Morlaon. Main 4644. CHIROPRACTIC HYB1C1A8 Dbv'm"! U.'mcMAHON, 121 4th st $10,000 eaulpment. Chronic dlseasea 10 a montb. raiuier vfir"! , ---- rik y. o. LEHMAN, 817 AUington bldg. I HAVE NO $10,000 KQU1PME.VT. I charge $10 a week for fipert cnlrnpractlc work. DR HELENA COM8TOCK, Ml 14th., nervous snd chonlc dlsesses. 6 treatments $5. M. SQiiH. CIRCULAR LEVERS MCLTIOBAPHINO. printing, stenogrsphers. Hill A Co.. 222 Henry bldg. Msln 8006. MULTNOMAH M-iltlgrsphiug Co.. faralmll signature. 607 Ellt-ra bldg. Marabail 2H2. GOAL AMD WOOD SPECIAL pnii F.s OK .;uiruM (mnBT WO(lL) I2.2& OHKBN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60 IN81UE UKEEN SHORT, 68.M DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST for fuel a- 1 bedoing The Portland Slabwood Co, Main 8110. A-7001. SS Edlefsen Fuel Co Heat coal. Country Millwood, corawooq, CONSUMERS' rUEL CO. (Amer. Cos! Mining Co ) Coal direct from mine to consumer. Sav mlddlemen'a profit. Eaat I.S, U-1,1 18. Bunker. Raat Klrst and Taylor. N E E R Si F A R R aud ial TOrdwood? Also sswsd to ordee. Prompt delivery (VlAI VULTON Wood Co.. dealers In dry and greeu , A na whMII Arili-rltii, ontA Arm wood. . 1260 Macadam et i'boues il.lu. ihuu. A-2WW. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-IKnT PIIOMPTLT Msln pidl. K. f. BVEHT8, Foot Curry street girlkil! SLABWOOD CO. Main 3700. A-783U. UhHen short wood, blocks, big Inside, small lnalde, dry alahwood, short; plauer trimmings. POKTLalfD Woudyard. 9th aud (ill nan. Mala sooo, A wrawow, s loot w aawea, Coal, alahwood. Du. bitB aud bos wood, cord wood and coal. V-. . j . vtr.A r,. If..t MIS- R.IRDl v Biwnnpm ....1 . . - ........ t,.. i wood ti per bisd. Yard, Orand ave. aud E. Main, i'sbor IBQ. Delivered anywhere. ALBLNA rUEL CO. AU klude et ra and dry wood. Rock Bprlnaa and Mendota Col. CuAL, aud all siuds of wood. Phone Uolfaie Tnel Co.. Sellwood 4S5. VtiuaiMA suet CO. (fry wood $l.oo per, load. . , ...iiw Main 1 OOLUbOUOBH CURRENT and csellnquent. Out of tows col- Ice. Highest references. 417 Swetlsnd bldg, n . m ,.. 11mi.miiI11 Awurt. If. W . it l.tlJ-'U- V1 - ' - . . -iiv ran ,,, .1... AIT 1 1 . .1 L. IB. DUUH.iu - -m . v. ... . , ' u....r. Main 491. ' . U. OOalaUBaUOli MERCUABIS BBNRX EVERDINO, 45-47 I root st Butter, fugs, poultry, veal, hoars, hides. taaaou n.uio a-sg Co., 114 Cuius ma. naI, ler. . no'lltry. Teal, b";., , DAIRY AMD CBEAMI&Y SUPPUES MONROE A CH18ELU 145 Pmnt. dairy, enesse fctory tnrhinwT.nn winnn v DENTAL SPECIALISTS DB. A. W. KERNE, Reutlvt, Majestic Tbeatrs . bldg., 861V, Waab. t Marshall 8206. ' LOST AXB FOl .lO 21 ' PERSOXA& - 22 s . . . CCoaOailed) . fCoetiaaedi ' - LOST Brlnd: Boston Bull pup. Dark GENTLEMAN, aged 40, - mechanic face. Lost a week. Reward. . Return would like to mee-. desirable lady or to Journal. ; - - ' widow, view matrimony: please reply LOST Black feather. Please leave at In tferman. C-S70, Journal. - Journal office.' - ' HEALTH classe? quickly curennerv ' " ' ousnesb, headaches, etc. Free inquiry, FERSOXAL ' "-Si 30 Worcester blk. - ' ..-..fc. Dit. G. V. KETCH CM Women s ma - MLLE. ROBERGE, physical culture, of- dies, and acute disease. Wash, bldg.. flee. 26. third floor 360H Morrison st cor. 4th and Wach.. room 41. Mar. 448. MRS. POTTER, chiropody, facial and LESSONS in business psychology by P. ' scalp treatments. Office 326 H Stark. J. Green, psychologist and minister of ELECTRIC bake oven treatments for the Temple of Truth; 616 Ellers bldg. rheumatism.expert chiropody. 201 3d (jnMfhUDJfru C4 down. $1 week. DIVORCES jUffiMRi, j DIABETES JTr. S&t. GOlTkES. cancers, tumors, pile, cur ?'J? I"' ' SU Unlon av N" No operation. Dr. Voon. 241 1st st. MATERNIAY HOME. Graduate mid- MRS. Hamot, spiritual and mental scien- chapman MMal?lM 6" C! Ct' tlst; consultation daily. 201 3d sc .t"'1? , f " V UiZtC lftniitHAr' SPiritUal medlU,W: TdgenW Att.I ' " llla " - office 49. 3d floor. USE Bassetta Native Herbs for constl- vour " n dnt' ' M,ai'.w".rtlt 'iJ , patlon; 60 tablets. 25c. All drugglsta K," tZTtttt Mrl SAVE f 3 to $10 by buying your trunk Ivdra C Little, health expert. Tabor 1673: or wit caw at 633 Wash., at 17th. MADAME ESTELLE spiritual medium; BALM of figa.-remedy for diseases of readings dally.,, 12S 13th, nr. Wash women. 606 Davis st Main 9215. Ington. A-3286. , - 3EBIQWEB8 ASD BUILDER THlT B.m! MILLEB CO. ""'.l-"" Designers end builders, coaxal contractors. 236 Bhaeerv Phona Woodlawn 87S8 evenings EjrTIBIARirf liaAI,IEgIH fpsclallst on plate work, mils one thing I do." aoe Globe bldg.. 11th and Waahlngtoa. SEBJIAXOLOGISXS U0LE8, rlnklees, scalp speclaUats. airs. Court- rlfht. 711 Ickuni Bini. MsIn B04B. SRESBMAXDKr BCHOOl VALENTINE'S system ladles tailoring, drraa roaklng taught 168 Grand are.,, betweea Mr. rUou and Helmont. " - XLA.CXRO MOTORS AtiC fiXJHAMOf IIO'IYIIVS. ,.h.ntnr, Iwiiffht anM 9mnmA and repaired. We do all . kind of repair. Ing and rtwludlng; all work guaranteed.' H. M. U. Electric Co., 81 Xotth First street. Phons Main 8210. WE BUY, sell, rent sud eachauge uw and second hand mo tore, repair work a specialty. Western Electric works, 213 8lrth street. AX, fcAJi, MOBS ABA THROAT TREATMENT by specialist Glasses fitted. Dr. r. V. Caesedajf 418 Ueknm bldg., gd-Wsss. 1 ARM 1MPLAMBT8 AHO VJbUCLE V. E. KBBN8UA0B, 814 "TronC farm Unpl. nienta, tools, lawn snd field fence. R. W. WAUK CO., liawtnurue ai. Wholesale agricultural Implements. ICSUCATTOXAZ. PAMOIMtt PR0KE880U WAL WILSON'S Dancing School Walts, twostep, tbrewtep, schottlacbe; les sons 25p; eterjr moruing, afternoon and Te nlug; 'all 'dances guarantee J first lesson. Do you know tbat anions who walks can learn to dance t Stage and fancy dRnces uught dally. b5Vi 6th betweeu fttark. and Oak Sts. Phone Main 7637. Ma. AM JdUd. UEAia'B acnools, AUaky bldg., tkl and Morrlaon and 1J HA at, bet Wasb. snd Btsrk. Lesaona dally, fancy aud atag wnclng taugbt; waits snd two step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Class Mon., Fit. ere., H to 10, at lu 2d st. RINGLER'B Dancing Acsdemjr, prlvsU and class Instruction; latest fancy and social dances; dancing guaranteed ' in four lessons, gaiyj Morrison. ' MVUO SCHOOLS AJTO XSAEi RAGTIME Piano plajlog posItiTsIr taught' to 10 to 80 Is tons. Success guaranteed. Writs for free book let. Cbristenseu's School of Popular Music, 8U7 tfoodimuga bldg. V1KN.NA COMSERVA'lOUy. Qf MU810 All branches taught 10 lessons $4 op. Philip PeU. director. 884 H Morrison. M. 2387. , RAUT1MU positively guaranteed la 10 to 20 lessons. Ibe original teachers of popular music. Popular prices, 417 Ellers bldg. E. TUIELHURN, violin learner) pupil SavcUt 820 r leldner mog. A-4lou. Marsnaii ioa. M. 10LA SIBBLE8, practical piano teacher. 628 B. ith, corner Clinton, senwooa ion. VIOLIN, piano, maudollu, guitar, banjo, 60e to II. KolkentMH'k, Hawthorne ana a. iom. yOOBDRY ABO MACJUNX SHOP PHOENIX iron Works, - E. 8d and Hawthorn. weneral machine and tonncry wors. rURA TAXIDERMIST, rug making, all kinds of mounting. F. B. Unify, 240 Columbia sr. FURNITURE HEJrAUUMO BOWEBB A PARSONS. 100 front Mala T443. Furniture hospital; packing GASOLINE ENOINES MARINE and stationary, marine hardware, OAS puwer A ecrp. cws, leo-iia trout au betwn Morrison skd Yamhill. . OLABB AMD GLA2IMO TIMMS, CRESS A CO., 184-189 2d st Prompt ervlce. King Mais or a-woa. HAIR GOODS FEVUET A HANEBDT Leading wig aud toupee tsakers, finest stock or bnmau aair guoaa; oair uresauig, manicur ing, fac and scalp t rest men ta. 147 7th, near Morrison, ai. oso. HAT rACTORT EASTERN Bat Factory. 64-06 8d t. lists cleaned aud blocked. Panama bate bleached. Best $3 bat on eartb for men. Out of tows ordera taken by parcel poet Roval Hat Works it Ladies, gciiiiemen's bale cleaned, blocked: ranama hata bleached. Satlafactton guaranteed. We manufacture beat $2 hat. Mall orders aollclted HAY AND GRAXtf 0. R. KNIGHT, 338-80 N. 17th st Hay, grata, feed, flour and ahlngjea. INSURANCE McCARGAR. Bates It Lively, 801 Veon bldg. Every form of Insursnce, bonds. LADLES' TAILORING HIGH grsds tsllortng, expert cbtter and fitter, aulta altered aud remodeled at lateat style. We also make up your own material. Work guaranteed. H. Curdan. 270 Mi Id. M. 9874. LANDSCAPE GARDENING 1L1 1D sgaiiAarvnr st'i Si 7ur HI BjBirPPning, rxiuiAA ri An A i r r f.. .nt fiPTtlPll lM,1aiAnA atssiw na. 1 . . vinr vv ki k i ill wit. C-lfiU PACIFIC LauUavaii tiardeulug cumpauy, 61 Kotbchlld bids. 1'bnne MitrohaU 2.108. I ATHh a AND PLNDUIOB CHA8. L. M ASTICK A CO., 74 Front LeUf of every description; Up manufacturera, riud lugs. .. . , MACHINERY B. TRENKM AN A CO., bydrsuUo and spsclal pipe, amok atacka, oil tsoks, mining ua cbinery, repulra. 104 N. 4th. KMiiAta, boilers, sawmills bought, aoid and echaug-d. Tbe J. K. Martin Co.. Portland. Or. MA1ABN1IK MOBPITAJL PORTLAND Lying-in Hospital. Maternity case ouly. 816 N, i2i at. Marahall B684. i. atA.Jt'S yURNISHlNO GOODS NETJ8TADTER BROS., 6th and Anksny. Int. porters of men' furnishing goods. MESSENGERS HASTT ESSEN OEtt CO.. open night and day. Main S3. A-8168. - ' MORTOAGB LOANS JOHN -KER, mortgage loans, (nauraar. SOS Yeon biilg. Main 0285. NATUROPATHS DB. GBOVEtl Paralysis, nervous and chronic dlacaaeaf 7U3 Oregonlan bldg M. 8142. ORNAMENTAL WIRE AND IRON " PORTLAND ' WIRB A 1BON WORKS. 2M 24 at. Architectural wire and Iron, "CSTEOr-ATH10HiClAS- DR. LIIXKBE1XB "PATTERSON," Bpeclallat ee serves, scuts and rhront dlsesss. , 41s c. luaibla bldg. Main SWI1. - DR. -AG.NKd M. BROWN.' Journal Mrig Hour IO.aO-4.30. SI. 8609. Res. Tabor 2WU. OSTRICH PLUME SHOP - THB Hsrtness plume shop, 360 Ysmhlll street. cleaners, dyers, makers, remodelora of oatrlch feathers, paradise and novelties. M, 2820, - v P AVISO C0MPANIZ8 THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CQ Pork, land office 905 Electric building. PATt'NT ATTORHETB PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK, Attorney. st-Uw, late of U. 8. PAXKNT OFFICE. Book free, lpio Board of Trad bldg. W A8HINUT0N, D. C. VELAl'i BLdXi. O. 0. MARTIN - ; PORTLAND 408-B CHAM. OF COM. BLDO. PAINT. OIL AND GtABS riA-7043B ,A1S,T C0? " 1M. XH. UEAVtR VAMMaH UUUU luako goud yrmiucv. a.a your sealer HiVH6HH CO., "High Standard" paint. N. B. corner 8d and Taylor. M-A-IT7L PAIN TIN d AND PAP ERIN 0 E. T, CRANE - ' Painting and , . Decorating 168 10th st bet Morrison & Yamhill, rhone Main Iso, iou0,k motto. A. Oanoora, ttbtt u y ""'"bu. c-joi. eaat sals. PAIN'HNU and paperlug; beat work; beet price. W. L. Huiler. Tabor MM. u, bi"ttWork rJcf" tiBnt- c"u A. IMmas, 882 E. Wssh. Sellwood 1106. - JOHN BLlED Spring bargain la painting and - - . s yyci.iijT . ion; A-jtao. TINTINO $2 per room and up: painting, paper hanging. & A. Barnes, Main 1334. ' ki vtp?' nu8lu. painting, tintiug, rao. ,. worn guaranteed, call Main 6426. PIANO AMD rUBillTu-RB MOVING Wt J10N80'k41 Vaim 'ftaaa E. 4441, B-M060. Kes. Tabor 8. B-8260. PLUMBING AND KEATING CONTRACTING, repairing, bonest prices, estl , "" fnra. T. H. Crowyner. 5 Si. M. T8S8, PLUMBING AND PLUMBIMO SUPPLIES 1STARK. DAVIS CO., BATH-TLB, slaks. IWMOLtSACE-ReTWl, i a v sixties, laundry trava. ntt niu t. I "LUHdCRS tings, eontractlng. Jobbing. , Pboue Main 707. PLUMBING SUPPLIES M. L. KLINB, 84-80 Front st, wholtsal plumb7 Ing and steam supplies. v POPCORN UONP0110NS STANDARD CRISP CO.. 80S Gusa. Poocors Crisp. Kornut. salted nuta rovc" PRINTING AN8LEY Printing Co., 2S0 Oak. Mala 4STL Printing to please. UsiORGU 1. ttMli'U PKlNTNt C'J., VU4 Stark st. Phones Main 6233, A-8411. RUBBsJt b'Aaiirtt ANi aAAXS ALSO stencils, trade checks, brss tlcn. 281 Wsshlngton st Main 710; A-ilO. AL8U braaa algua, office auppUea, Utnographiua. THE IRWIN-HODSON COM PA. NX 82 Plftb Bt. Main 812. A-lli54 NTENC1L8 aud office stationery. Cusulaabam' Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. VAAUIAJUUM, KISBETU'S SANITARIUM -A' aDUrlum tw surgical, uervoua, chroslc .and U dueasn not contsglous; also maternfty Caaelr Htir. psthlc equipment snd roasayf Lovfloy, 8ttI METAL 0RRS Jacob Losll. sheet awtal works, hotel re, taurant work, roofing, general Jobbing Main 1424. A10 Vint bet. Columbia and Clay at" VaOwvlaSaS AND SLXIURES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO New and old showcases, cabinets, store, of flea window futures, 4th and Couch; HdUVVCAasiS of svsry Ue'suUliou, Yank. Oar and store fixture man to order. The Loik WESTERN TERN Fixture A Showcase Co. Furniture de snd repslred. Msr. T74. 48 10th st. BIONS ASD SHOWCARDS WAHALANDER CO., 618 Commonwsaltb bids Bhow carda. chitb sign, window trlnta. STOVE REPAIRING HAVE YOUR GAS STOVE REPAIRED BX AN - EXPERT. B. 1 232 BCH8KLL ST. TAILORING SCHOOL Kl ESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. Lears 1 .uin.im, iwiwrilig. lltn. xo VtL t SU:.. CLEAN toweU daUy, comb, bruab, aoao. Towel -44IU. . AaD- xuavaua; OREGON TRANSFER CO. EaUbllabed 170. Tranifer and forwaruiug (itnta. torge, free trackage. Offices and atoragt, 474 tiliaan atrsef. 13tb and tiUaaa. , Mala 68, A-l 180 F1REPKUOF BTtJUi.iic "JSPJL" .T"A W "w rs4 r"- " wiupieieo. rurniaa every fsciltty known tb modern waivbouMug! Aa lnspectloa will convince yun. Household guoa snipped st reduced freight rstsa. s'tr. y.w. .wiiwui, ivui sou Aearuey. Commervlal warehouse J3U r.nd Everett tret. Main Luml t. U PICK Trantr Btorag Co., uitua totuumuimui .our eiory prick Warehouse, with eeparats Iron room and -fireproof vault for valuable. N. W. corner Sd and fin. ... llano and furniture mevxd sud . packed - for shipping. Special rates made on good In our inruugo can to an uoin sane sua lorelss bwinu. Msln 698. A-1906. - BAGUAUsi A omnibus Transfer Co. liaggag checked st our "bom, furniture moved, stared or packed for shipment, park and Da via ... tl ll.l. u.. . MA LArnLoo general hauling ' - - Coos Bay- Coal A Transfer Co. - Main 8228, UNITED Trauafer Co. Storag 'snd general milling, ICQ! jetrerann. aaar. y4i A--IIHH, XyPEWRIIARS ,. TYPEWRITERS, slightly used. L t. Smiths - and U other makes at reduced prices and easy term. L. C. Smith A Rro. lpewrtiat Co., 2W0 (lak at. i , MISS REMINGTON A8KB;. Why not rant's Remington (Model 6), 8 months for SS. Ad dress, Ucnilngton Typwrlter Co. (InCI. SS 7th.' ALL makes rented, repslred, sold. CunoJuvh.ia sai a,.. i, u.ln uri7 , WHOLESALE JOBRESB EVERDINO A VARRELL, PKMluc and eommla. sloe mercbsnts, 140 front St., Portland. Or. fbone Msln 119. ' - . tTORUAN WALL PAPRR CO., 2M Sd St.. b iwrn nniunm .nq ainin. "aELEN LEWIS OROCEttlES rnsoAii (3ontlnad) BEAUTIFUL. "VAISTS Sent direct to you by parcel post"' All the l'.est styles Many delig.itful bar gains. Better workmanship better tit better matsriaL All goods tresn SJd clean, not displayed aad handled on counters or damaged la show wlnoown. Be a modern v shopper, a par-el post shopper. Write for our richly '.lluj.rat ed catalogue tod.ty. We mill H to you free. Sunshlie Garment o., 7i Mii sion St. San Francisco. Cal. THE WORLD'S MOST jTAMOUS COU.-S for banishing chronic stomach, and digestive ailments, rheumatism, liver, bladder and kidney troubles, Redicerf superfluous fat and makes tltl.i people mump. sso UKUUS , Or N'JSfxtUAlS. Write today for free information regard ing, great two course treatment and get well and stronk. berk 849. Portland. Or. - - - , ,- .,' TREA'i'MEiNTS for men and women. Ths finest equipped private office on the Pacific coast Radical curs bv the lataat natural healing methods. We use radium. "S"p ueai, vioraiion oatna, massage, manipulation and 'adjuatmunti. , Every electrical treatment we giva - No medi cine or operations. Dr. W. E. Wallory. Naturopath. 312 Kothchild bldg. Ail con sultations sre free. , " MASSEUR AND NATUROPATH., Dr. N. F. Meleen has removed to 316 Swetland bldg. Electric, vibratory and mechano-therapy treatirents for- rheu matism, stomach trouble, poor circula tion -and pervous disorders,- acute or Chronic; lady assistant; oldest 1 eatab Iishment In Portland. Main 1683, A-2820. A GOOD , MEMORY IS WORTH $$$. ' Tinlllsl vnn anri-iAorn o Lr jnnnsv tf you Is better than education. ly numc. ju cirnju gets results. - easy as reading a good story. Get It today. Send 60e NOW, Box 849, Portland Or. LADIES 2-A ntoko Mixture 'No., i, -the - most harmless and successful - regu-. lator'of the womanly functions known. Contains fro poisons and is guaranteed for sale in Portland by The Heldfond Drug Co., 220 Morrison, near 1st. OREGON Law Co., branch at Reno. Nev. former Judge, manager; competent, reliable lawyers. All; cases attended to 'without delay. Fees reasonable Credit given. 53u Lumbermen bldg., 6th ana Stark st. ' - - - ' THE place for hair work. Banltary-j oeauty parlors, 400 to 414 ueaura oiag. dyed $1, shampoo 26c, hair dress 26c, massage zoc, scalp treatment hoc. arg- est tip-tq-oate parlors on tne coast, MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental ami spiritual scientist, 302 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison st Wednesday, 8 p. m., Question meeting. Main 6824. Mental. spiritual and - physical disturbance ireaieo. - MRS. STEVENS, ) t years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale, 667 Williams ave., corner Knott prnce nours i a. m, to 9 p. m, NEW Thought Sanitarium, 806 Portland boulevard E. Mrs. D. Allison, quali fied nurse and mental healer. If you are tired taking drugs, phone Woodlawn 662, C-3128. y ..-" J. - SCIENTIFIC Electro-Magnetlo Treat ment for all chronio and nervous dis eases. Consultations free. 602 Buchanan bldg., 286V, Wsshlngton st. MATRIMONIAL paper, descriptions; wealthy marriageable people. Many marriages. .Paper 10C Mrs, BelL 181$ Magnolia ave., Los Angeles, Csl. SPIRITUAL, MEDIUM, REV.. MAY A. PRICE. READING, HEALING, nut v cinpf to iriiira d, turn a Km SIJN.. 6. 304 MONTGOMERY; MAIN 7327 LOANS WANTED 30 FIRST mortgage loan wanted on east side business corner of $2760; cash value of property i $6500. See Manny. iCHAPIN-HUKLOW MTO. - 8. tJ 832 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $3000; will pay 8 per cent. On $20,000 close in property. N-bOH, journal.-. ' - FEVANCI.1L f 31 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES ..lis.'. In nnntran. A mm Un real estate In Washington or Oregon. hH. E. Noble. Lnmbermens bldg. Loans. SHORT time chattel loans at reasonable ; rates. R. A. Frame, 231 Fnedner bldg. Main 6239. - " I MONEY to loan on Improved real estate security. Bell Register, 201 uer-Unger- bl d g. .: . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 -AWe Will Loan You $10 to $200 Today On your SALARY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, AUTOS. PIANOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS or- LIVESTOCK. AT THESE RATES. 10.30 Weekly Pays a $10 $0.65 Weekly Pays a' $60 $1.10 Weekly Pays a $50 Loan. Loan. Loan. Full Rebate Allowed. Receipt In full given in case of death . . i ' or total disability. , - Portland Loan Co. 207 Macleav blda. Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington at SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN' NOTES jig TO $100. , $10 repaid in Installments of. ...... $".46 t O A Hnalil in In.t.ltmanl, iff . . .ftA $60 repaid In Installments of .. I.uO Larger amounts in proportion. All we require la your personal note; no mortgage; no indorser or security; everything strictly confidential. 1 - STATE SECURITY CO., 30s palling bldg. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS v On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches,, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 820 Lumber Exchange. EbBY COMPANY. ' A desirable place for ladies and gentie - men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 334 Wash., opp. Owl drug store. SALARY LOANS.' CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms, u. u. uraKet gzg Henry, pioy. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; chean rates, easy paymefnts, confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 317 Lunijer Ex. MONEY sold on installment; conflden , tial to salaried people.. - F. A. New- ton, pis xienry oiqg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- .ry. strictly confidential. HIV, ad. WILL loan $20,0bu or less, real estate. Ksrrlngton. 416 Commercial Clutrbldg. MONEY TO LOAN . 27 REAL ESTATE LOANS made on Improved city proper ly or ior Duuaing purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal j repayments privileges. No commission ! or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 242 Stsrk J loan on Improved city and farm prop-1 eny. it win pay yuu iu are up aiisi. A. K. Hill Co., 419 Henrv bldg MONEY to loan. Improved Portland property; special iacutties -ior iarg loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates Inquire attorney, rooms 10-13 MUlKey Diag.. a snq Morrison. MONEY to loan; large loans a- specialty, Duuaing loans, loweei mo., tire in- surance. w. u. necs, aip-i railing. CASH paid lor mortgages, notes, con- j . tracts; mortgage loan; reasonable, rates, r . ; I. l?wh m,, j i.ewia mug. $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, for a short time, 207 oregonian mag tioo.ooo on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensle Co.. Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE loans: city and farm. Hen ry C Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox, bldg. i MONEY to loan, to 8 per cent W. AL t a.l. fV, Sin KnaKIInir tilitv $6000 or part fer mmedit4uea- St once. is nor 1 1 1. MORTGAGE loans,, i and 7 per cent . . . n t ai rm. nun a.u .1 k Liuuii ouiomun a m, t;j omift MONEY to loan on Improved rl estttttx , L U Whit, 701' Selling bldg. , S7 I WILL finance the build-. lug of u limited number -of first class homes costing ehout $4000 and upward on positively the lowest and easiest terms In this city. You can select your ow n , builder a.id architect. -Before you sta.'t to build you can save money, by getting full particulars. P-618. Journal. . 4 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OTt FOR BUILDING PURPOSESr VERY. FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMIS SION. ' -t. ' - " . . COLVMEIA LIFE Sc TRUST CO, . 816 SPALDING RLDQ. , ' HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. !, Chamber of Commerce bldg. W have on hand f urn's fir , invest ment in good -first mortgages. . If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. Harding, 313 Chamber of .Commerce, ,'V-ia ; NOTICES .- V- 20 SEALED proposals will bq received at the office of the undersigned, 403 Tilford building, until 12 m.. Wednesday, Ptll 16. 191. for the painting of the Jonesmore school. -. Plans' and specifi cations may be obtained at the office of F. A -Naramore, superintendent of properties, 408 Tilford bulldinir. A de posit of $10 is required for plans and specifications. -Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of . the-proposal, payable to R. H. Ti.omas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board, of directors reserves the right to rw Ject any and all proposals. . n . ; It. 1L THOMAS, Dated March 26. 1913. School Clerk, i ..I 1 ju -J In all my work I am tnorougn, painstaking and careful to give' Just the right treatment required in each Individual case For 16 years I'have been proving my ability, and my business methods have always, been strictly reliable. My unqualified success Is due to a-tnorougn medi cal education, supplemented by years of experience in men's special dis orders only. My treatment is as cor rect aa modern science eao make It Maybe you have been treated and only helped temporarily or not ifct ail. Has your trouble still th upper hand pf you? Do not despair. Consul me free and let me- tell you whetner you can ever be cured. If I take your case I CURE you. 1 will give my time, my attention to your case so that you will go away cured and grateful. You need -not pay a nickel until -you are satisfied that you . are cured. - I have treated thousands. 1 have cured thousands. Let me cure you. J ' - THE NEW GERMAN REMEDY , . FOR "BLOOD POISON. It Is now two years since the In troductton of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that time I have administered this preparation in several thousand cases. I. have given thia remedy a severe tejt and can say without fear of contradiction that ii is the great est discovery of the age and the bsst remedy on earth, for Blood Poison re gardless of the stage of the disease Don't believe doctors who tell you otherwise. ". I introduce It directly Into the b.ood by the INTRAVENOUS meth od giving you the genuine German Pe'medy. You come to my office, re ceive the treatment, go about your work as usual and in ten. days' time thesyniptoms disappear. Why should you continue - taking poisonous and injurious drugs Into your stomach for years when you can come to mi and be cured? WEAK, NERVOUS MEN. Don't despair. Science has at last found a sure cure. ANIMAL. SERUM properly administered is the remedy that never disappoints my patients. Don't persist in old-fashioned treat ments that always fail, when I caa offer you a lasting one. ' My practice is limited to the dlsor ders of the male, and is further con fined to these special and , chronic affections of the pelvic tract These Include Lost Vitality. Enlarged Veins. Hydrocele, -Bldod Disorders, Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kidney Diseasee. I have take .up these ailments especially, because thousands of men ers held down by chronio weakness, which the o.aver age practicing physician- does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair the waste, CONSULT ME FREE. ? Mr advice and consultation are free to the afflicted, whether treat ment is' taken or not I am always glad to explain my methods ana give friendly advice to all who call. If you cannot come to see me. write for self-examination blank. Hours, 8 a, m to S p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. 221 morrison st., co iv first, portland, oregon. : : : a SEE 'ME FREE. "If rou are worrying bout any, ailment in ;luded among those within which - I spe rial lie, 1 . Invite you to call at ray office tnd I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and - di agnosis an3 edvlne you of ' the' proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever f vour worrv and your ailment My years of experience and mywquallfl. cations have made me an expert in the treatment of the ailment with which MEN are afflicted. ,' ., " NEOSALVARSAN : Improved Uerman Remedy for ;'"". BLOOD POISON . T5MIN1STERED by Both INTRA. VENOUS,;, and IfriTRAMUSCULAK , . ' METHODS, i v-.i ; Come to me if you have any of the following, disorders; Enlarged Veins, Pimples, . Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood - Poison, - Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments,' Piles or Fistula. - - - '- , I to 6-7 to 8 Dally; ,- Sundays, 10 tc , v x - Ekanilnatloi Advice ITrse. , , J. J. RbbHb, h. U MnX Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. $1$ H WASHINGTON 'ST., Cor. (TH, ; , r PORTLAND. OR. v . - UO.SiiY TO I.OAS iiEAU KSTATK JConUnnedi lave Built My'-Slice . ' " .."'-' Success . ilo