vTHE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1913. IT) SSUEOFOOiiDS IS Series' to - Run 30 Years at 4 t-2 Per Cent; To Confer on Plan to Deepen Swan Island Channel. Aside from trie adoption of an: ordi nance authorising 'a bond issue of $1, 250,000 'at 4J4 per cent for 30 years, at yesterday's adjourned meeting of ; the commission of public docks, several oth er matter of importance vers taken up, Commissioners Burgard and Moores were appointed ft committer to confer with. th Port of Portland commission , and Major J F,,McIndc-e, corps of engl- , neers, United States arrny, in regard to tha -widening and deepening'', of. the channel Ju the vicinity of Swan island. It is the Intention to dredge out a r part of the lower end of the island and to form a basin at the upper end for the better accommodation of ahipa. As a matter of fact, the Tprt of Portland 'herd planned to dredge1 out this basin, the work to commence Whep the dredge Portland la started on. the Eastern & Western Lumber company's fill back of their new bulkheadlng. Vf Aid 'Wast Bid OnaaneL ' -, For this reason i the ' commission planned td hold conference with the port, officials that more definite plans for ths proposed work; may be made. It is alao figured that this oWork will give a good start toward the opening of a e old west aide ship channel, Ths annel has not been used for a number of years, except by light draft river boats, but some river men Tsonsider.it ih better channel of the two if deep ened. - ' . The ordinance authorizing the bond Issue will ba sent,. to a firm of easOVn attorneys who are experts in such mat ters, that the validity of ths bonds may . not be questioned and thus hasten the sale of the bonds. ' . On tne request of Mayor Rushlight that the commission's engineer, (J. B. Hegardt, be allowed to design the dock and dormitories for the new flreboat station when ths site Is secured, Mr, Hegardt was authorised to make the plans. t,. . , . , WUl Meet Today, A conference will ba held at 2:50 this afternoon between the flreboat commit tee of the i commission, officials of the O.-W, It, & N. and ths fire marshal in regard to the location of the station, A strip of land owned by the railroad between the Alnsworth and Alaska , docks is desired, and it la thought an exchange can be made with the com- . pany for a street end that they desire. April 1, wngn-. the directors or ins North Paoiflo Terminal company meet, has been UMt,. for a conference between them and ths eomralsslon in regard to common user rights on tracks north of ' Fourteenth street on front. Engineer O. B. Hegardt was author Ued to go to Seattle, and to take a draftsman with him to study new docks being built there. They4 are of .slow burning construction, which has been adopted for ths structures to be built here,,, ,'",., BUVS LAUNCTI ASTORIA Rrt of Portland fctotalrts Boat 'Prom ; State Game Warden. I Master Flsb, "Warden R. E.' Clanton, acting' for the state board of fish and game commissioners, has sold the ; launch Astoria to the Port of Tortland. The boat is to ba used aa a tender for the dredges and ths purchase price was : imo.'j. .The Astoria was built for the flshjng . nalMil unlM In 190. ' While the little t gasoline vessel of thirty horsepower at first did yeoman service in catcning poachers and other fishing law violators down on ths lower Columbia, the fish ermen got to know it. and they found, out that by running for the flats with : their motor boats of lesser draught, they could escape. , Two- smaller, less conspicuous boats are to be purchased by Mr. Clanton. These ars to look like the ordinary f iah boats, but they will ba faster. ;, -w r LUMBER ' CARGO FINISITED American Schooner Bamar Ships st Crew for Auckland. . Lumber cargo was completed aboard the American schooner Samar at the Llnnton mill yesterday afternoon and Captain Marcus Assmussen shipped his crew for ths voyage to Auckland, N. Z.. this morning, Jack Grant furnishing ths men. Ths Saroar . will probaWy leave down the river on the first leg of nor voyage to the Antipodes-tomorrow afternoon, with 898,08fpt of lumber aboard. Captain Assmussen '111 be ac companied on ths voyage, by his wife and 8-year-old daughter, SThe latter knows every rope on the vessel, while Mrs. Assmussen is aa good a navigator as the captain, ths latter says, and in - case of aocident would ba able to man age ths schooner. V , WORSE PLACES, SURE Portland Looks Good to Captain, and There's a Reason. That there ars worse placet than Portland, is the opinion of Captain BiBlth, master of the British steamer,' Crown of Hevllle, which reached the Crown mills from British Columbia at 4 Oclook this morning. While the big Harrison liner was lying at Nanalmo foaling last Sunday there was a foot of snow on her deck, says ths captain, and It really seemed like a good, old fashioned winter. While at Tanoouver the Crown of Seville tobk on 75 tons of .oats for Manila, -She will load be tween 3.500,000 and . 4,000,000 feet of ' lumber for the quartermaster depart ment at Manila and about 600 tons of flour here.- . t - , .,,,. SEEKS DOCK ARRANGEMENT Fleet's Agent Now at Sound Will Visit Portland. (United Frew Tinned Wire) Seattle, Wash., March -6.Maurlce Bouvler, president of the New York branch of W. H. Grace and company, is In Seattle to arrange for docks and ter minal facilities for the fleet of ships to ; bs In service between the Pacific : coast and Atlantic, seaboard points,- He ; -will go south from, here to, -make simi lar; arrangements-. '".; fi";k'r..:;: A DAMAGED IX IIVRRICANE" ""American Schooner Zanip Reaches Aberdeen After Hard Rattle. S '(United Frees taaaftd Wire.) Aberdeen, Wash., March 2. -With her j sails split afld fore ami mnln booms I broken as the result of a session with a hurricane, 1the American schooner Zampa is in port today after a 47 day voyage from the Marshall Islands. ' ALONG THE WATERFROOT : Preparatory to dredging out a section of the local harbor, the material from which will be deposited behind the bulk heads at the Eastern & Western mills, the dredge Portland was towed up to the mills from the Port of Portland dry dock this morning. , - . The steamer Johan Poulscn, which ar rived at the Oak street dock with , a cement cargo last night, lias cleared for Ban Francisco wltlj, 140,000 feet of lum ber, . '; .- When she arrived at 7 o'clock this morning from Eureka and Coos Bay, the steamer Alliance Captain Lofstedt, had 40 passengers and 90 tons of freight, After discharging her passengers and a small amount of cement at the. Couch street dock, the steamer Multnomah, CVptaln Maro, -which arrived last nlgbt from San Francisco, shifted tjiia morn ing to tlia North Bank dock. Carrying passengers and general freight, the steamer Ueo. W, Klder, Cap tain Paulsen, is' scheduled to sail to night for San Francisco, San Pedro and Bun Diego. - The steamer Rose City, Captain Ran kin, is scheduled to sail tomorrow after noon for San Francisco. Bhe will maks ths last sailing on the winter schedule . ; MARINE NOTES Aitorls, March 28. Arrlr-4 st 6 and loft tip at k:30 a. uiv Steaoin KUmath fmm Baa Kranclico. Arrlred at S:80 a. . m.Steamet MaTartck from Man Francinco. Arrired down durlns tbt. nlsbt 8clJ(Kiuera JilitiUL sod W. Jawatt. ' r- ' - " 'gnu Franelaeo, Marco 26 ArriTed at 7 a. m. Steamer Kansas City from San Padro, Sailed at 8 . m.Mttamer Nehalera for Portland. , San Pedro, March 28. Arrivad Sttaner Gen eral Uubbara from Columbia river. . Astoria, Marco 25. Arrlvd at noon and left np at 1:1B p. tn. Steamer Moltnomab from Saq i'rancsco. Arrived at 4:10 and left up at 7:80 p. m. HrlUnta atBmer CroWn of Suvilla from Vancouver., Arrived at 8:30 and left np at 8 p. in. Staumar Catania from fort Ban Luta. Arrived at 4:80 snd left op at 0 p. in. Htaamer Joban Ponlaen rroui San FrunclBco, Arrived at :MO and left up at 7:80 v. m -Bteamer Alliance from Eureka and Cooa Bay, Arrived down at 7 p. ru. Uermau ably Stein, bek. ' ' - Bundon, March 25. Sailed at 8 p. m. Gaao. Una acuooner Anvil for tortland. San I'edro, Marco 23.tialled Steamer So. anoka for I'orllaudi steamer Olymplo for Port land. ... Kobe, March 24. Arrived rBltlah steamer Twickenham, from Portland. Aatoria, March 26. Coortltton at the month of tbe river at S a. m., amootb; wind south, ant, 15 nillee; weather, light anow, Tides at Aatoria. Thuradajr Illgh water, S:5U a. m., 8.9 feet; 5:15 p, tn., S.S feet. Vow water 11:08 a. m., O.l foot; 10:4 p. m., 3.3 feet. ,' ,s Dafly River Readings. :tf K STATIONS . 'til & 33 Lewlaton , Rlparla ... Umatilla KiiRene ... Albanf . . Salem .... WllnonvtUo Portland ., 0 4.0 I o.s 8.4(-0.2 6. SI 0.3 ,4.8 4.1 -0.2 -0.8 9.8 4,6 0.8 1.1 (-) Falllns. BAVSPOBZAXZOX NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Oeerta Waahlngton - April It Xaiaer WUhelra der Oroaas April 18 rait Mall Railloga, Frlna rrledrloh WlUulm April 8 ' OroisersXuifuersV 'April 16 London-Paris Bremen BalUngs on SATURDAYS for The Mediterranean Fruuaas Iran (via Madeira) April It Kmig Albert April 89 KOEWAT POLAH EEGIONS 7une IS, Jmj 6, from ' Bremen OELEICHS A CO., GEN. AGENTS 5 Broad war, N- 7 BOBERt CAPMXB, 0. A, P, 0, 2A0 PoweU St., near Ht. Pranel hotel and Oearr St., San Fran clue, or local ageutl. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. "3EBAT7VTEPEO XOTJTE" Freight "Service Between New Tork- Portland-Europe. rreauent Scheduled Bailings, Low Bates C. D. KENNEDY, Agent. 110 Rallwsy TJyohangs Bldg. COOS BAVLINE Steamer Breakwater Sail from Alnaworth dock. Portland, at 8 a. m March S, and thereafter ever? Wednea day morning, 8 a, m. Frelrht received until t P. Si., ou aaiilnc day, feaaenset fare flret laaa f 10. second elaaa $T. tncludlos berth and aaeala. Ticket office at Alnewortb dock. Port laud Cooa Bar Steatnahlp t.lne. h, H. Keab tag. stent. Mala 8000; A-2533. JWV At,Aae9s9 H A MAWMUV 9Jl San Francisco and Los Angeles S3. Boss City, 4 p. a,, March 87. ' CS. Kansas City, 9 a. m April a. The Baa Sraacisoo fe Portland a). B. Co. Ticket Office Sd and Wash, (with O..W. B. SI . Co.) Marshall 4600. A-SISI. SAX FRANCISCO. LOS ANGKLKS AX BAN DIEGO DIKKCT , North Pacific S.S. Co. 8.-8. ROANOKB and S. S. ELDEH Bull Kvery Wediieada alternamly, at 6 D. m. TUikat etftcs't 132-A Jhlrd St., near ildir .- Phones Main JSH A-1S14. ' UAKTIM I, HIOLSY, pa. Asent. X.OS Augslss -. and Ssa Blese YALt Btaahip. HARVARD .Railroad or any ship to San Francisco, the -Exposition City, LarKCBt, fastest and the ONLY strictly first claaa pu" eenger ships on the Coast; average speed 88 miles per hour, eost 2,0r0,0i)0 Jach! AN FRANCISCO. OBTJ,AJrb o3 ABOEZ.ES B. B. CO. FRANK BOLLAM, A sent Mai n 2 8 184 3BP STREET. A-469 SYDNEY rr Viwiiua Honolulu ami Samoa, the at. tractive and pleasant roale, winter or u miner. Slilemlld 10.000 ton steamer (claused by llrlt fell Mnyds 10(i' A4)V. ; . - - $110 Honolulu, 1st olaaa round trip, Sydney 8300 T 32&-OgAliD TOU SOUTH 6EA83aa iiouolulu.ii uk. Auetralla, New slaiid, -' Tahiti, eto. 600 1st Claas Bound ths World:' Sd CUas 8380 Vlaltlug 8 contlnenta and world's great cltls (toprer). Honolulu Mar, II, lit, Apr. 8, etc. Sydney vis Honolulu every 23 Sara, War, JL Apr. 4, etA Send tor folder. , , Oceania S. S. Co.. 878 Market St., San Frsaeiaoe JCOOS-BAX. AND EUREKA Steamer Alliance Bails Trldsy, Maroft . ... en, .t p. H. . ., - ' TOmnt PAC1TIO BTEAwrSHW CO., ' lii-A ThUU tt Heat Washington. '11 AUii-a NEW TODAY 900 ACRES Fins tillable land, (8 miles from Port land. - ' ' . In the Willamette valley. ' 400 acres ''in cultivation. ,r BOO acres In cordwood. r i Will cut 6no cord, miles off railroad, near good town and springs. Hunnlng stream on place." ' This is a genuine bargain at JMO.00 per acre, but must have H Phone, write pr call . - - f TOM TAYLOR m Northwest Bid sr. Marshall 1J80. On Alder Street , 50XO0 BETW. lSTB AVD 13TH. t This is the only lot on the market in the down town district on this street, which Js rapidly becoming one of Port land's best retail districts. The pries, is right and terms easy. - CORD SENGSTAKE 80S TEtfV BIiPO. FOR RLNT Largo new modern home at Bayoceaii; paved- streets, city water, telephone, electrlo lights and view of both ocean and bay. Completely furnished. Will rent for greater part of season. . Phone Main 694. ,.- REAL ESTATE LOANS V UOVXY OV-XAVO ' Por first mortgage loans on Portland residence and inside business property. Mortgages Bought, . COMMERCE SAFE -DEPOSIT & . MORTGAGE CO. Bl TXXBS BTKEET. L&10NDS! Bear ths td year and proa uce aioo m ou ner sore, accord in r to are. tat S plant yon a erova. WE 6UAEANTEE YOU VOX L88 THAN 8100 PER ACRE AFTER THE 4TH VEAH. 8400 oaab will start yoa ea a in sera crova ana wiu mase rou ut dependent for life. Writ for fooklat. DABHET fc'DABKET, 80T Hallway Eaehanye. Portland, Oroyen. CITY AND FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates, ' C. M, ZADOVV 414 Corbett Bldg. A-1419, KarshaU M. Money to Loan Ready to Serve Tou In Any Amount From 8300 Up. Heal Estate Security, GEO. R. TK0MA8, 067 Oak St., Boom a. Aiusworth Bldg. Well Rotted PURE COW MANURH BAST 130. CLASSIFIED AP RATES la effect April 1, 1912. ALL PJtKVIOl S BATES CANCELLID, CASH ADVEBTISBMSMS Daily or Suudar, 1 time, Se per Una. I eooaeoutlve tlmea, Be per tin per Insertion. I or more consecutive times. To per line per Inaertionl of T inaertiona tigt P'lce of 0, Ku ad counted for leas tbaa 4 linaa. The alve ratea apply to "New Today" and all other elaaelflcatloua except Sltuatluoa Want a, To Kent and Wautfjd to Bent ada. Situation Wanted, To Best and Wanted to Bent ads Aprtmests sad Hotels Mepted), the rates arei So per line flret Insertion. 4o per line aacb subsequent Insertion. Me ad taken for lees toas 15e. CUAHG8 AUVttiXISBUBNTS tins, JOe per Hue. S eoneecutlve tlmea, 9 par Una per Insertion, T or more consecutive time, So per line per Insertion. Tb above ratea apply to "New Tday" and all other elaaattlcationa, except "81 (nations Wanted, To Kent end Wanted to Bent" ada. Situation Wanted, To Bent and Wanted to Bent ada (Apartment and Hotel executed) tb rata la 7c per lice per Inaertlon. No ad charged for leaa than two lines of lSe. Tb Journal will not be rvaponalble for mora than one Incorrect Inaertlon of any sdvrtls Sunt ordered mors than on time. Contract ratea upon application, .A shone call will bring a solicitor. r REAJL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made. Title A Trust Co.. Lewis bldg., 4th and Os Frank U. . Hilton and wife to Chaa. J. Nuuan. lota T and 8. block T. Klin- borat f 3,000 Harry v. rroas ana wire to r rans a, Brlsley lot 11, block 4, Bonadair 478 Henry H, Yost and wife to aire. Ellaa- netn xosr, iec io, niocx is, Mrtn irvlngton Same to aama, lot 0 and 10, block 6, Albtna Homeatead , Queen V. Hsrrell to B. T. Lister, lot 6, block 1, Fink addition Q. A. Waaaa sod wife to Albert Wele enflnli, lota 5 and o, block 81,. Tra mont Place W. . Harris and wife to Portland Ar tificial Ice Oo. lot 8. block SO. Wat t.0W J,000 850 450 son's addition 8,000 Breng-Hanary vo, to John ueorgs lata at si lot 1, block 8, Lovelalgh , Mra. M. B. Uann and buaband to I. H. Spain et al, Jot T, went la lot 10, block 8, Sunnratde ,., Wllllsta B, Buat and wife to Tlmotliy 800 8,300 Donovan et a), lot 9, aooth II feet lot 8, block 18, Arbor Lodge William B. Bum and wife to Jamoe Oouovan part lota 7 and 8, block 16, Arbor Lodge addition C F. Wagoner and wife to M. Ullckman 864 868 lot S, block Ml, uarutner aamtlon. . . Load Estate Co. to N. Bradford Hall, lot 19, block 81, Ladd's addition , Brong-Uanary Co. to i. h. - White, lot 11, block , Bl Tovar Anna M. Forest and bueband to Oregon a Weatern CotonlaaUoa Co., lot 7, bJoeg 4, East IrrUurton A. 6. Phelps and wife t Bobart Vor palil lot 4. block 1, Baattand, traction- al Int 4, block 11 Sunnyetd atlilltion Park Land Co. to Nel Peterson at si, tot 8, block 88, Bulverelty larfc. . ..... F." V. Wllllania and wife to fira( fiyme Buell lot 6, block 8, Alameda Park, lot lfl, bloclt M, Westmoreland Sarnh E. U. rShlun, dm., to Jue. 8. A, Henderson lot 6, block 0, P. 1. Martin tract ... Chita. H. Htlleeos t VL. K. Vonnt et al lota 8 and 8, block J 75, Uulreralty Park ... Ldd Batata Co. to Jennie B. Hutcht. eon north lot 18, aontb H lot 9, block 13, Eastmorehtnd Ella K. Boblnson.and buaband to.Orac Worrell, lot '6, block , Oreeton . Sopulk Weat and buaband to Albert Ills et al, ht 4, block 2, Lorrlnton....... The Jocobe-Btlne Co. to Akf Jarobaon lot 1, Wpcs "C." f Subdivision of blocks 1, 8 and 3, Psrkburet . addi- tlon 4,500 1.890 480 I.93T S.B04 800 8,000 " . . 1,000 J': 459 't ;I,0S4 J.ooo 430 TN) W. ft. HAlZUP CO.. lno. Abatraotor.; 171. 4th ft., bet Morrison and Yamhill MEETING NOTICES 41 wAM 1 meets every Wednesday evening In O, W. temple. 128 11th at. All member Visitors welcoms. H. G. DREW. C. C 5 HKKMAN 8C1IADBJ, . Clerk. H.. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Fri. eve. " Mancnester ping., sdm. stn at. MARRIAGE LICENSES i-.Haeey-.WyUboav- 434 H4r seas,- SSpSa fennel s. uattuon. aT uain aireet. lccai. . K,- A. Kleea, 8543 Bt glsty-fourth street oumeaat, al. and O, 8. Bssn. 4941 East 8sv. autr-fo'irtb atreet aoutbeaet, ts. A. H. Bi-hm, s'ort Stevens, Or., J2, snd Minqir it. uoecurr, rmttuaifl, vr., so, -O. floerltgr, Milwaiikie, Or,, 80, and ft, H, onjoaj m bm Airi-iomj smut, a , . UARRXiGE UCEXSE3 ; (Coatinntai ' Jamee t. Stein. 801 Enat aforrlaon atret. le- gal, and Tres K. Bojlc, 601 Eaat Uorrlsos atreet, legal. . , Hyman Uardon 2704 Third atreet, legal, snd Anna Friedman, 4'IH Vint atreet. legal. H. Bernard Hallam, Kansas City, Mo., legal, snd Marion Ooodlug, 464 Park street, legal. Bmll Wachkorn. 565 Front street, 84, and wnnoimina wngner, 6115 Kront street, ih W, G, Smiths Go, ca. Washinarton bldir.. cor. 4th on wasn ton, bRESS suits for rent, all sixes. Uniqus Tailoring Co., 809 BtarK St. CLARK B BKOB.; florists, fine flowers and floral eais;ns. liMorrison st. BIRTHS SCOTT Te Mr. snd Mrs. AmbPoaa B. Scott, 2 Cornell mad, March 23. a Sin. WILSON To Mr. and Mra. Jay Wllaon, 'Jack i' Mit mart mont.. Marrb 20. a Ctrl. CONNBH T Mr. and Mra. Cbriatopber Con- ner, 418 East KUu street aortn, siarcu ml, a boy. . ' V0T To Mr. nd Mrs. Cbsrlo Vogt. 197 BVIlnutps U.rfh 21. a srlrL . t - 6CHUIA To Mr. and Mra. Auguet Scbuls, T88 Montana avenue, Msrea s. a-giri. BAL1 I'o Mr. snd Mrs. Warren B. Hale, 1028 Eaat Nineteenth atreet north, March 2, a DKIMS TO Mr - and sire. ixme jyeiuw, - Monroe street, March 1, a girl. ' BTJSHELL To Mr. and Mra. John M. Busscll, , HWI Alhlnsi BVAniiaV Mnrrh A. a bov. ' MEllCIKItm) Mr. and Mra, Thomas T. ller eler, 741 Michigan street, March IB, a girt OO R DMA N To Mr. and Mrs, B. t. Oordman. 4!i Eaat Clay atreet. March 14, girl. DEATHS AND FUNERALS ( -4 OBEO In this clty March 88, Horac Greg, -aged 66 years. . Friends Invited to attend funeral services,, which will be held at tb Portland crematorium at 8 p.: to.,, tomorrow. Thuraday, March 27. Bemalna are at Holman's funeral parlors nntu a p. m. xaxe neiiwuuq ear for crematorium. Detroit snd Pittsburg pa- 'era pleaae copy, 'ABU lu thla city March id, at the family i a Attn rr.v. ,m ftlA P. W.rtl. , kq un u . ., .1 .v. htiHh.nil nf Mra. Joy Ward and father of Mra. Mllola Ward FrUaell of BlckreaU, Or., snd Newman Ward of V. 8. Dunning, Inc., Haet Bide Funeral Kl- rectors, i uaat Aiuer street, a umrat In a later laaue.' 1 ;-.' MeLEOD In thla city, March 26, Jennie Me wife of William McLeod, of 601 Kaat Nine: teenth atreet north. The remains sre st tb new parlors of J. P. HTnley Bon, Mont gomery and Fifth streets. Notice of funeral will appear in a iter issue. WILLIAMS Earl D. WUUama, Good Bamarl. Un hoaplUl, March 23, aged 33; tubercu losis. SLACOHTEBBACK Cora Bell Slaugbterback, St. Vincent's hospital, March 23, aged 40; cancer of liver. SAN DRoSK Y John Sandroaky, 204 Carathers atreet, March 21, aged 63; heart dlaeaae. BUTHERFOKD James D. Butherford, Nla, beth sanitarium, March 22, aged 41; typbo- mania.' B08DMNT Pavld Boaumnr, 408H Sherldaa atreet, March 22, aged 10 months; pneumonia. PDLLEN Andrew I. Pullen, Eaat Seventy fifth and GUeaa streett, March 24, aged 80; heart dlaeaae. BEICHLB Rebecca B. Eelcble, 878 Union avenue, March 28. aged 8; broken spina. SINO HiXig Sing, UYi Second strut. March 24, aged 48; ttiberculoals, . ' TOliDWllllsm Todd, St. Vincent's hospital, March 84, aged 87 1 senility. BBICKSON Mrs. Ann Brtckeon, 2836 Eighty- aecond street. March 25, sged 79; cancer of stomach. . TON8ETH FLORAt. CO., 183 8th, choice cut flowers for all occasions; prompt aervice. M. 6102. A-1102 FUNERAL designs, flowers, all occa s s. C. Taube, 408 Mor. Mar. 6870. ka-X' M. 6MITH," florist, 141 6th at, in Belling, bldg. Main 7216. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLET A SON, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, MONTGOM ERY ST. AT FIFTH , A tvlitdv miApn iitMArta Vina ftJttah. Ilsbment, surrounded by secluded drive way, insuring sdboiui pnyaor, per fect sanitation. Superior service day and night Lady attendant. Phone Main p, or nome a-ios. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, ths leading funeral director. 220 Third street, cor ner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A- 111. Main 901. Dunning & McEntee HnXTl every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 410. A-46BB. Liuay assistant. is V - 'k ntT:fKCl.Td." " ' ' East Bids Jhineral Directors. 414 E Alder. -l- East 62, B-282B. I Leading East Bide under taKftr. ijauy asHieinnt. o 1888, E-7.1. E. 4th & Alder. SlSMSTOCK. 1487 E. Uth. Sell. 71, B 1129 and Unlvers. Park. Col. 894-396. A, R, ZELLER CO r Doth ohonwii Si ' . i -t".1 .' aVL 1 1 . " a " ' " SrW" JaA A T DCADCiSM Undertakers. B. 1080. 869 r LnnouM I 871 Russell St. ERICS0a MOXTjaiKXTS PORTLAND Marble Works, 184-268 1 4th St. Opposite city nan. Main boo. Schumann Marble Works ...... i . T PORTLAND RteALTT DEALERS OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. THJ3 Grand ave. and Mult. E. 67, C-17J8 CliAPiN-HERLOV Mf 5. tt TRUST CO. 387 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1648. fiHlELtia. J. H. 206 Gerllnger bldg. Main 8480 BRUBAKER V BENEDICT. 60 McKay Bldg. Main 641 TO LEASE 63 WAREHOUSE FACTOKX Bouth Portland, brick, t atorlas, on electrlo road, long lease. Apply Journal business office. "' GENERAL REAL ESTATE 03 Vi block, 60. feet of Orand ave., fini apartment siter 6 cottagea on property now. Price 825,000: $10,000 caah, balance long time at 6 per cent. . . . Ball & Kuntz 41 Lumber Eichangs bldg. " Bend, Central, Oregon Jjott $150 to $2500; close in Irrigated acres,. $S $1600 cash. 80835, 1-8 cash, balance easy. 820 aores$4$, 1-$ caah, Bend Realty & Investment Co, 622 Chamber of Commerce. T " 200 EET R. i bTTrZcKAGE and 600 teat deep on good street near center on bargain terms. P. O. bo 852. FOR SALE HOUSES el $1250 buys a room aouse. $60 down and terms to suit. 1. Don't overlook thia bargain. 4108 E. 68d et. S. Mt. rjcott car. "gUNNVSIDBi SNAP 6 room house, 6ox 100 lot. Improved street, a good buy. KEW t room modern bungalow, fur. payment flown, Marshau 990. j ... .. tl900-Aioderu 6 room housa 1 block to cur. x ilia i i'riU yan Mil, Itjfr140 4 room new house, $16 month- - ly. uwner, Taoor asas. room Iiouhu for ll!0t); your '0 terms. I'hons Tabor 82. FOR SALE ilOVSES CI fCoattsned) We have for sale in various sections of the city four, five, six and nine room houses, ranging in price from 82000 to $9000 each. These homes ar modern and "well built, with hardwood floors. furnace, fireplace "ahd" all built-in con-4 veniences. game are in highly restrict ed residence districts with all street im provements in. We are completing a number of beautiful homes on the west aide that command an unobstructed view of city, rivers and mountains; all have good car service. If yfltt desire, you can select one of our choice build ing lota and wo will build to suit you. Our homes are sold on ' the easy pay ment plan. Come in and let us talk it over with you. Provident Trust Company J1S Selling hldg. Just Facts $1950 .Buys 7 Room Modern Home Full cement basement with floor and wash trays; sleeping porch, back porch and all windows screened ; fireplaces, bath, toilet, lavatory, fixtures, connect ed with sewer; built in 1812; double constructed; cost over 81400 to build, Nice lot. 60x100; 85 choice roses, good chicken house and park; street graded, cement walks, improvements paid; lot la worth 1800 easy; located on B. S7th St., 400 feet from Gladstone ave. and W. W. oarllne; H mile of Heed college; 81000 mortgage, balance cash. Phones Main 9097, Sellwood 1543 or call 214 Lumbermen bldg, SACRIFICE) SALE -IRVINOTON HOME. TAKE LOT UP TO $1500 FOR FIRST-PAYMENT, 8 room, new, strtctly modern built. 7 months, hardwood floors, built in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full .cement basement, laundry traya, woodlift, lot 50x100; can be bought completely furnished or un-. furnished, located in 4 blocks of the Irv. ington club; a special price for quick sale. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC., ' 1006-1008 Wilcox bldg. Close to 23d St, West Side Home $6500 80x100 lot,, hard surface street, all paid; good 8 room house, fine lawn, shade, cement basemen 2 grates, only $2500 to handle, balance 8 years. Go today. 788 .-Quimby st. KFront door unlocked ) Lathrop, Ahlngton bldg. W3VS BE SOLD IN TEN DAYS As the owner is about to leave for Honolulu. I w(ll sell a 6 room modern house, lty story, half block from Bt, Johns car line, on Vincent avenue; ?lenty of fruit trees, chicken house; lot 7x109, fenced all around. Price $2250 $200 cash, balance monthly; will also sell furniture, piano, etc.. at a bargain, JOS. METER, 809 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1224, A-7884. Bargain, $2450 "8 Rooms, Asphalt Street Newly painted and papored, cement basement, full plumbing, some nice fruit trees. 843 E. 8th st.. north. (Take Alberta or Woodlawn car). Key next poor. Liatnrop, Abington bitig. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. J3U0 UAon, New modern 5 room bungalow, fire place, bookcase, buffot, Dutch kitchen, large attic, close to carllne; a good buy at $2850. . GEO. A, ROSS, OWNER, 801 Gerllnger bldg. r-none main iviv. cWrAGBTiJoeo; " 4 rooms, modern, bathroom and plumbing; lot 474x100 feet, nice yard, 1 block from canine; price $2060, on very easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. . 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8899, A-2653. $3500. 6 room modern bungalow, Rose City Park, near E. 63d and Tillamook sts.; double constructed, full cement base, ment, large attic, Dutch kitchen, fine lawn and rose bushes; near school and ear. Call or write owner, 480 E. 63d at nortn. pnone Tabor 2040; terms. $160 EQUITY, 2 room bungalow and 3 iota: null itun water and eras: rial- fSnn n II V ft V"l 1 C1R Tt M mnlk, tin reasonable offer refused; take Rose uity car to 7tn st., go south 4 blocks to No. 462, or phone Marshall sisu, 7 ROOM LAURELHURSt BUNGALOW Some responsible man can get a migmy una nome on tns very easiest terms if he will inquire of us now. First class. Smith-Wagoner Cck, 813 j,ewia piog, MATH IKJfl TlA'JL'M . W M. . . JI A ..... $1800 6 room house Archer Place. 82000 5 roome bungalow, 260O7 room house B, Taylor st Juat .Rav Mvm.nta T.a. birr. 9AQ FOR SALE One block of Firland sta. tion, Mt. Scott street cars, a modern 6-room house, large porches, shrubbery, garden, etc. Fries $2300; small payment down, paianca use rent, , vzi bia ave. ts. ej, rnone uaoor sit, 1 75x80 and 4 Room Bungalow One block to .car and stores,, zb min utes from 1st and Alder eta.: 31260. Your own terms. D-423, Journal, or evenings, Woodlawn 3058. ' A GOOD 8 room modern house and lot for sale on easy terms. $60 down. Will take cow as first payment. $16 month. 6 per oent interest. Price $2460. 1115 E. vui w. FOR RaLE or trade by owner, a new modern 7 -room house, 1303 Missouri ave,, $. blocks Of oar line and Peninsula park. On easy terms; will tnko lot as Part pay m ent, ; Phone W-iSW. HA&RIFI'E modern 7" room suburban ho'use, 2 lots and 18 fruit trees, for S160U. vn county roaa, near uregon City line, do rare, investigate tins, Phone owner, Oak Prove, Blatik 113, 4 ROOM cottage, plastered, lot 60x106, earlines, shed, water Inside, $1109 for quick sals; $800 cash, balance sub ject to mortgage yea., . w , uioya, H96 t;oo ave. Buys a new 5-room cottage, 60x100, 10 bearing fruit trees; terms. Owner, 413 tiriam. or uom. DON'T buy an unsatisfactory home; you can build for less. Plans $5. a. H FABER Arohltaor ' 860 Alnsworth Ave. Phone' C-2791. COME TO IRVINOTON FOR FINE HOUSES, FINISHED OAK AND MAHOGAN T. OWNER. EAST $78. W. H. HKRDJI AN. $1860 4 room Mt. Tabor home and splendid 100x100 corner lot; $366 cash, balance like rent. Phone Tabor MODERN 6 room bungalow, blocks from car, for $2860; 6 per oent down will handle this, balance easiest month- ly payments, j-Bt4, journal. i'OIt SALE 4 room house, furniture and fins lot. Woodshed, chicken house-, lot. Well improved. Fins terms. 685i. Taoor tun. $26 DOWN $16 monthly, buys 4 room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, jplastered, tinted; corner 60x100, $1100. $13 Lewis Diag. ROSE CITY BUNOALOtv. It nnta a I H n treiril una 4n amxia, W MVai ' a v , w wKle i I'tavssia shades, $140 worth of carpets, east fac ing. Bargain st $84Qg. Tabor 8039. IfiifC k Uehee- hs4 W eharobw-werk, $ 8 i fn. Dtn st,. city. - '""TV ",:$336--$6 DOWN ..' $3 monthlr,,sraall house; lot 45x100. $1$ IjeWlS lKlrt. BTffiURBAN home, Oregol City line", Evergreen station, 6Hc carfare; Phone owner, wait Grove, Ked S M. SUB-DIVIDING - INTO "Pilot Rock in well nr. th mail' tn prosperity because ths t!g- land owners are at last aelllna their hnMinira tn small parcels." J The above - statement . w made , by a well known and old time resident Of Pilot Rmk who ka lrmo. observed the atagnaUon In certain aec tlona of the state due to ths Unwilling ness of tbe biff land owners to aell off In small holdings. Ths sams condition is true of practically n .sectiona pf Oregon, particularly of tha western imii oi tne state. - ' Within a radius of SO mlVi nt Port. land, probably 76 per cent of ths large farms have been Kubdividad into Kmnii acreage tracts and much ol It sold to me emau rarmer or truck gardener, xnese people are making good. They have adopted the plan of intenaive cul tivation ana tnoy ara making money. Instances Art ' Cited. ' ' Thern ar numarmia antuol ln.f,nM. of enei'K6tlo. fruaal farmara unit o-r,i.r. ere supporting a large family and lay ing by a considerable sum of money every year on me prqeeeos xrom tne products of 10 acres of Willamette val- FOR SALE HOUSES 01 (Continued Hawthorne District STREET ASSESSMENTS $8100 $250 Down ' Owner leaving city and must sell at a . sacrifice. New doubts constructed bungalow, all built In conveniences, fireplace, book case, beamed ceiling, paneled dining room and buffet, Dutch kitchen, large attic, cement basement floor and launtlry trays. Handsome fixtures, window shades, screens, linoleum, kitchen range, close to car, Gas, electricity ana every modern con venience. Will sell furnished or un furnished. For appointment call Tabor 3089 $1800 $100 Cash s- A new modern" house and splendid large lot, block of cor., on 41st and Long sts., Woodstock car. Splendid view of city. Also new modern house and lot near Woodstock high school. Price $1600, $100 cash. Claude Cole, 817 Board of Trade bldg. : FOR SAIiB LOTS 16 Hear of WIKtRT? Well! You will hear of it many times In the future. Lyndimrst Is Portland's new west side residence district. It will be a revelation to many to know that within 15 minutes' ride of the business section of the city there Is being- opened up a high class residence district, where fine building lota may be secured at a moderate price. Bull Run wa ter, electrlo lights, telephones, f racled streets, parking, sidewalks, 0x100 lots, only $376 to $700, all improvements paid. This means LYNDHURST. It Is located on the west side, near the Southern Pacific (New Fourth street electric), and Oregon Klec trict lines, 6c car fare, all fins view lots, overlooking the) beautl-' X ul Tualatin valley and Council Crest. There is nothing like it around Portland in value. Lyndhurst is hearer your office' in time than Laurelhurst. Only Mi the distance to Rosa City Park. As near as Irvlngton, AND ON THE WEST SIDE. It Is your opportunity to get in "on the ground floor." It's Just as cheap to take first choice as to "Take what is left"- a month or two. Buy your lots NOW build WHEN TOU GET READY Arrange to aes this property at once,. Ask for Mr. Molesworth. The First Trust Company - Washington and Third Sts. Main 3449. A-3163. West Side Lots, Glenelyn Ad dition Choice building lots on west side, in side 8 mile circle, fine view of Tuala tin valley and Mt. Hood, walks, graded streets and Bull Run water in and in cluded in price, $460 and up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for small cash payment. Provident Trust Co., Owners 312 Belling Mrtf. West Side Bargain $2500 to Handle . Full 60x100 lot. hard surface street, all paid; good room house, rent qulfik at ui grates, cement. xmiuiii, xur naca, fine lawn, shade; price $6600, bal ance 3 years; go today, 70s Quimby, near 23d st. Front door unlocked. - La throp, Abington bldg, BEAUTIFUL view lots, 60x100, side walks, graded streets, water piped to the front, only 20 minutes' rid. west side; bst value in the city at 3400, $16 cash, balance $6 per month. If you. are looking for a home site it will pay you to investigate this before you buy. M, E, Lee, 622 corbett mag. oil frlMi tnH'lrf .x'Kn tlRflft Corner lot, 60x100 feet, fronting on macadam road and S. P. track: it is business property and can bs bought cheap for cash. Price $1500 H. P. PALMER-JONE8 CO, ifti Wllmi hi dir. Phone Main 6693, A-2668 HERE Is a snap for someone. 1 have two big, pics lots on tne top oi raouni Tabor; has 22 fruit trees and nearly all kinds of berried, and a small house; close to Mt. Tabor Pork. Owner. 81 IB. 87th st. Take Mt. Tabor car to B. 68th st., and walk norm A LOT, one block to 7 minute car serv ice for $650. Another closer to car for $625; $10 down and $10 per month. Must sell; customers only. K411, Jour. nai. TWO lots 60x05 each, close in; lots same size beside these selling for $1000 each; $1360 takes both these; $80D cash will handle, as - owner is broke; 303 Lumber Exchange. ' ' ' , bArgaW. Mr, workingman, Owner will sell at cost; no taxes or interest; only amall monthly payment; fine lot. near Sandy road and 60th st, a.. r Ll.lr. Tk4 a la B ATfi UM tWXJTTflf 'm l i, jil ) J.J. i.i II lllill . I NEWPORT beach lots, close . to Nuwf port, best beach on coast; $36 eaeh; $6 down, $1 month. Pioneer Land Co 603 pweiin.iu Coliia to Plediiant.)uild a home; save cost or jot.-" nans ,'- fvt-.--. .?'., A. H. .FABER. Architect. ; 1 860 Alnsworth Avenue, Phone C-8791. . . . . i; ii Kill i! i -iiil-h GOOD view lot, ciosa to Aiontavuia car, west slope Alt Tabor.- $600. $400 down, balance easy terms, Call Room z, waaiumtun miu. tlRG'"i'1rl4nd , lot. " $376; terms $5 month, graded Street and water, 730 unimwr o t:ummrce. xapof in, CHOICE 60x150 lots; i block from Mt Scott car, county road, 20 ft alley, ia.o, aiip van xi".r aoti PENiNjU,a4et -way- below" tmnrkKt value; $10 monthly will do, V-'t'Jt, Journal. ." i fiSE Le Noir Ai Co. for west si Je prop- erty. .Fveinsjve dealers in went blvle realtv. V..7 ( i niubfM of Cnmmpri p. 11 t)W v, , nini $1 cvl-i I:i) x a .is !,:, i blocks Itfiii car. .ivi'j:!, Joiiraul, FARMS SMALL TRACTS nian ulth wife and' three children who four, years ago bougtu five soea of logged off land, loss than 10 iuJUs In.m Portland. He Jaas Since cleared tli land, paid for It, supported his family aa t within the. last two months has bought an Adidtiohal five acre tract for which' h paid $300 cash. Anybody can flu this if he has the energy, pluck and 1 tt'lng to economlxe for a few years. Every da$ The Journal classified columns are full of opportunities f buy small tracts of the best land thatTays xt Of doors;.. y; Kany CUaaesa Offer. ' . Why hang around ttie city, eking out a mws existenca at day! labor, when you can go out a fow mlls, buy on easy .terms a small tract of land on which in a few yeara,.you. can become Independent? . 1 These lands can ba had for' a few dollars down per acr, the remainder spread over a long time at a low rate of intereut. There is-no better oppor tunity In the world to become Indepcnd. nt than by buying a rew aora of fer tile land near Portland and becoming 'a truck gai-dener to supply tbe hungry thousands of this city. FOR SALE LOTS 10 rContisued) .. Corner 100x100 E. 26th and Pacific stsn Terms. Will furnish' money to build. c 71 fin J. J. OEDER, Corner Grand ave. and E, Ankenyi ACKE.1GE 67 (Contlnnedl Change to Start Soon Fourth Street Line 'to Be Electrified Quickly For- detailed information see Oregonian, March 20. Fine all ateei interurban electric ears to pa in operation very soon, making the run from our suburban tracts to the business center of the city in 80 minutes. Graded streets, Bidewalks, water, electric lights. Phones, delivery of mall and Iher chandlse win make . suburban hpmt Ufa it this community pleasure. The distance ts only a pleasant ride; tha location is In the beautiful Tualatin valley. The commutation ticket rate to the first station on our tract is 12 cents and when the electric cars are running, should, and we feel confident will be, less. Our prices are $360 to $500 per acre, 3'J5 down on the $260 and $50 on the $500 land, with small payments monthly. , Go out with us any day-and look tlals over. Sue it before se lecting your home. THE SHAW.KKAR COMPANY, Main 36. 103 t St. A-3500. RAISE CHICKENS AND"BLURiK5,"'' Will aell I In I .r tracts, 8$ minutes' ride from Jefferson St., and close to 8' electrlo stations; splendid elianoe t be come independent by, raising chickens and berries; only $200 t $236 an acre on easy terms, - - -ATCHISON & ALLEN 210 Gerlinser bids.. , v.T ., ,y Aiuer, "k thia t?4 c', at Huber station on, iwtfaJi' noEw electrifying, 0 miles frorY Port and. 6 room plastered bungalow, furnished throughout. . water teTeSS woodshea. outbuildings, small . f "titu CHICKEN xnd fruit ranohes near Port land; Gresham district Estacada line, e ectrio station U mile. New subdivi sion Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; best soil free wood; eWgant location! Prices only $75 to $160 per acre Ju small tracts; easy terms; qutek train service. Frank A. McFarland Jtealty Co.; $09 160 ACRES, 140 In cultivation, 26 acrea Klnlhop, ood hee. brn and out h.in)i;r.JilB0 ;cePonally good hou ; house, family orchard,- berries ana grapes. Creek runs through the place. A very good dairy and "lover ranch Crop and outfit, including stock; ". cagh' ba!.nca t0 ult K X-404, Journai. ' for Subdivision r,;;.6'?" of bt land in Washington; .nty',d0!S? m,,e" ir?m Portland; Hi1 layAme, ilirOUKh it. on main cotintv' roada. ideal for subdivision; can be had m..nit"J. terK? at ,30 P acre.- Com-, munlcate with owner. B-801. Journal. 5 Acrfts- r$25f 'ER MON $io down. $5 per MdNTir;: - w VSa om tit thuaa ln.l. !... ' . . Wfewr- as. Delfer, gll Rail: $15 Down Bfiats Rpnt And puts you in possession of a choloe for $760; 30 minutes from Hawthorne bridge. A. C. Marsten, 202 Wilcox bhlar Main 3517. Tabor 1770'. A-73i0 10 Acres, $150 to$W Tour choice of 800 acres, good soil ; 'iKrUan4h00l'n rUd' lh h"urs U 2U Lumber Kxohansre Bldg. ' 6 ACRES for sals. No. rsoTiTlialff la w.rci?.a1rd' .8,ears oW- ba'nce In mead ow, prlee $376 per acre; small payment down, balance 2 or a years at 7 per cent; in the vicinity of Gresham. G-SQ1. Journal. - w' HAVE YOU $36 IN CABHV If so, it will make your first payment on a 10 acre tract of good land, 1 hour and 80 minutes from Portland. Room 216 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner 2d and Stark sts. 82 ACRES, adjoining small town ; und house, barn and outbuildings. Matured family orchard, of H acre, crop gos. Naked land adjoining sells for more money, . Price $5000, U cash, balance to suit. UX-m, Journal. 86 ACRES on Mai ks Pralii'e,' li 4i "mi'li'i from Aurora, Young orchard, 6 room house and good barn. 1 School adjoins, all In cultivation. The very bent of soil. $160 per acre. $6000 cash, balanoe to suit. RX-602, Journal, y f . 160AACRES. 4 miles west of . galem. 100 acres cultivated, 30 more easily, cleared, balance pasture. Running water year round. Good dairy ranch, no build-fngs.-prlc $78 per. mm H-cash J- 17 aores, a bargain, good, level, all cleai, -With buildings, at Schefflln station. Washington county., Portland-Tillnmoa:: XUie. Price 18400; terms. A-WUhelm, cvrnt'uuB, or. FOh BALE Finely culUvatcd orchard. 10 acres, all planted to first class fruit absolute bargain. Owner leaving rur AiHnKH, m-Bu I, journal. n ' acre. fine" soli, good 4 roum liuun. , City vater, young fruit tre, fciKt-i. So fare. Price $1600. $100 down, $15 per month.- Oyner, B-4 1 : 3, JoiirnI, IFAl'RKijr fusing on ja,TdTIsan"SOC.-. mile from city limits, $ blocks to Mt. Hood line. By owner. yAddrf? A. 1 Hwa jtgart, Athena, ur. ilAliF acre tracts on car line, iik.ic $350 each. 10 per cent CHh, in terms.; Adilress Dent ,i iiu'wau. I. .. i Wilcox bWlfr SIX 60x134 ltn, Mil for TiO. xut -., line; "frultivstod, benutifiil vt v, per month., tl- ''-, J''" ' $Ia"i'fc.it month, i;t act'".. . froiikf'ar, rlcli jonni, ii i ern slope. i -i : 1U ACK.T, l!'il ( h' ,T.ni-lol ( :