I' 1 11 ' ' - ' 1 '" ' , ... 1 1 T 1 I ,1 T I 'I I. '. " ' 1 1 " . ..'' ... '. .' I . I. I! "' '. ".. ' ' LS ..: ,. - -r w . PORTLAND, OREGON; SUNDAY -23,' -1913. , ' , ' . ' ' . ' , ' TEne Stposig' Mbdes as Expressed siti BroisiBi Wolfe Postscript In spite of the gusty out- -bursts which occurred during; the last week,-even leaf ' ' prophetic; of us knows, that Spring real f flowering, ' bud- , . ding Spring is upon us. We have tasted it hi those perfect- ' ' days that came to us in mid March, and we are not likely -to forget it because -of the be lated snowf lakes which came . . scurrying through - the streets the other day, . ; In the tailoring salons on the seventh floor preparations for Spring go on apace not one jot abated by the chilly wind ; "for," as the master tailor re minded us, "when it eventually . comes it is the more certainly ; ' Thd .'.spacious apartments with their softly . carpeted floors, tall mirrors and deep . mahogany panels are quite as , splendid as any "atelier", in the ' Rue de la Paix, and the mod- 1 els! verily, they leave little to I be desired. They are prophetic, Their lines " and coloring are unlike ; anything .yesteryear, ; though one must perforce use words which hark back to his- , tory to describe what one sees. "Empire' "Directoire," . "Jap anese" and "Bulgarian," when used to designate the new cos tumes, are only names upon which the- bewildered scribe seises to 'differentiate rathej: thatf to depict. Really, how ever, the unexpected and xm-: - precedented in fashions has be-t come the usual t thbg, if one may state a seeming paradox. , ; The task of giving an adequate, idea of the new models merely bv usine words is daily becom-, ins more difficult v - - At the farther ndo the nwia lion removable panel revealed a collection t of , the newest, and best ' that the Parisian hbubes have pro duced this , season. KThe word "tailored,", as .commonly, used, has little application to the French .cre ations that pass under 'that name. The softly " flowing draperies and irregular lines of the new French models have little in common with the straight, uncompromising ideal which has for so long been the uni versally accepted "tailor made." . Thj wpman who accepts .the job-;' lot pattern for her , tailored suit .'is', she who has no ambition to be well dressed. The feminine world s be ginning to discover thatT the ordi nary "man-tailor" who, has for scr long been keeping her "suited" has been following the simple1 plan that . he uses with his male patrons that of making each, suit like every oth er, or,- at least, with so few varia- tions that the color and material' are the only means of distinguish ing one from another. An excel lent plan for the sterner sex, but one which has no place in the sar torial Ideals of fair woman, y,z . -.There is no reason why one's suits, which are easily the most im portant item in- one's wardrobe, and in which one must face the try. lng light of day, should not be fash- . loned on the most becoming and agreeable lines. '''- --p This is just what the Custom Tailoring: Department is doing for the women of PortlandReafeing that only , the most fortunate of us can be thrust into the conventional "tailored", outfit and ; look ; our best, the Lipman & Wolfe salons have adopted the French way of designing , for individuals. ' The fashions of today give an almost, unlimited scope, and the results are delightful. Mr. Lipshulu, who is in charge . of the department, is a designer of National reputation. His sartorial achievement In the Eastern cities have . brought him much' glory : and a goodly share of awards and diplomas. "The , Women "of Portland, he remarked, in answer to our query, "oh, they are charming.' They are conservative in their dress, but they flresrwellAnd -ther we-tairinrthe-f i .pivnuiu, ymv uses aim - the mountains." , s , : ; Five Great Special Purchase of Tailored Suits Prevailing Prices $35 On Sale Special At $25.00 This is one of those won derful -selling events that fashionable women ' -' have come to expect from us. ' , None but the best material only the finest "workman ship are employed in their construction. ; , V- In plain-tailored and fancy cut and braided styles. Of serges, Bedford cords and two-t6ned whipcords. In a variety of cutaway - and straight front styles In black; navy, tan, brown Kiytdttg!fifyy 1 silk; '"i;; '; -v:M The skirts are cut in the new gored shapes. Trimmed to match the jackets. Suits as illustrated. 1 Third rioor ripmefurnisning's In a Sale of Economical Importance i ; Room-Size Rugs for Your Approval Wl Whittall Anglo Persian Rug Special . , . . S60.00 ; WhittaU Anglo Indian Rugs, Special. $550.00 Whittall Royal Worcester Rugs, Special. . J 45.00 ; WhittaU Standard Wilton Rugs, Special. . .$39.00 Room-size' rugs rugs of quality 1 only rugs that wear in-definitely--rugsin cotorings and patterns that are fit to grace the most artistic home irt fact, these designs are exact dupli cates of the Oriental patterns. . Standard Body Brussels Rugs, Special.... .$26.45 Peerless Body Brussels Rugs( Special .... . .829.50 , i ; Whittall Body Brussels Rugs, Special. . . .'. ; $32.75 . These are all full "five-frame" quality rugs in an immense variety of the choicest patterns especially suitable for living rooms and dining-rooms. ; J Standard Axminster Rugs, Special. S19.85 Extra Quality Axminster Rugs, Special $22.50 Bigelow Axminster Rugs, Special....... . .$27.50 The Axminster rugs are made for long wear and durabil- -ity. Every rug we show is of the finest quality and every rug is also selected by a discriminating buyer, which insures the best patterns and colorings, that are woven into the Axmin ster rugs. v .4. -. "'.:, . , Wool and Fiber Rugs, Special. . ...... .. $ 8.45 ; Kazack Art Wool Rugs, Special..,.. .... . $14.75 ' Tapestry Brussels Rugs, Special. . . ......... $13.45 These rugs are especially suitable for bedrooms, and are shown in a large variety of patterns in both light and dark effects. ; A $2;00 Axminster Rug, Special $1.47 This, rug comes in sixe 7 by 54 inches. Woven in pretty hit-and-miss patterns' in mixed, tan, red and green color com binations. ,Pretty striped borders to match. 75c Printed linoleum, Special 49c Yard ;, $1.50 Inlaid Linoleum, Special $1.09 , In this lot of linoleums we "are showing many new patterns printed and' inlaid. f.Light and. dark' colors. Best standard, makes only. , . - ; , . . "Strike Off" Cretonne Patterns 29c Yard, The kind, that sells regularly from 50c to 60c Yard, , , All the New Patterns ?4Jl the New Cotorings ,J About 2000 yards of new cretonnes in this sale. These are n piuii uiu weave, luiuib ixed repps, radium cloth' and. EngbsMtafietaa.'-v 'uih anoo';)':tial $1.95. Barg'ain Events in Tempting' Spring' Apparel Exactly as Illustrated Silk Petticoats . Special-$3.25 Your petticoat should be as carefully chosen as the suit to wear over it It should fit snug ly and smoothly. The petticoats in this special sale are exceptionally , well made, and if purchased else where you would pay at least five dollars for the quality and style found in these skirts. They are made of a silk rrtes saline and soft-finished chiffon taffeta silk. One model has a deep knife plaitedflounce in a new' style with double section effect, trimmed with clusters of fine ; I other hi a 4ei eep flounce, trimmed with narrow plaiting and deep side plaited ruffle attached. In black, -navy, brown, white, royal, gray, Copenhagen,, emerald, Nell rose, American Beauty and a11 the newest changeable effects. viara rioor ui Lt ciuiinca, nuiu, luCfCCr- .; Eponge Dresses Exactly as Illustrated ; Selling at $25.00 Now $18.50 Just at the momentright at the beginning of the new season when the new ward robe is being planned, what could' be more ' opportune than this offering of attrac tive one-piece Presses ? Fashioned of 'a fine quality Wool eponge in navy, white, Copenhagen, . terra cotta and , snuff color. '.-' Every line in these dresses vnrMi tmcm and mmfnrt ' of Bulgarian embroidery and the fane v cuffs are also of the same effective trimming. ' These v dresses are made with high waist line and trimmed with fancy ball but tons. Neckwear Fashions of the Day Collar and cuff sets' in white or ecru of crepe, voile and ratine embroidered in handsome Bulgarian color ingsSpecial $2.95 set. Sunburst tuck net guirhpe of cotton net. Special $1.95 Just in from Paris some very chic little pieces of Os trich and ) marabout, light and warm enough . to ' keep off the ' chill of the early Spring days.- $5.95.' New shape silk repp Prin-, cess Imperial ' Collar . with long flat ends of same ma teriaL The entire collar and mds edged with narrow Bal- -garian- colorings., Special 95. l-- . Guimps of fine cotton net, - uc around me DOltOm. cpe- Tint looi New Spring Lingerie Waists $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 Styles For $1.95 Six Different Styles We have taken great pains and made extraordinary efforts to give you the greatest variety and the prettiest and newest lingerie waists ever shown at $1.95. J r ; . Fashioned after the latest models with long or short sleeves and high or collarless effects. , The fronts of these waists are trimmed with! rows of the finest tucking inset with Val enciennes and cluny laces and insertions. variety of different, designs. . in yokes, tront panels ana cuffs are finished with medal lions small panels of -dainty swiss embroidery and s inser tions. One model is illustrated above. TUrd noor. Combination $at anb -Mrap Bit, tfafyiim'& Hatetft Mobtlty The demand this season for things novel has been so insist ent that almost every day sees a new idea created. Many are accepted and many are rejected as too extreme. T -This delightful creation at once made its appeal to the artis tic as well as the practical sense. If you were in Europe today you would see many of these hat and wrap sets worn by the best dressed women at fashion resorts. - , The jacket is of a dull blue chiffon bound with a wide vel vet ribbon band in American Beauty. As pictured, the hand embroidery extends at least half way up from the bottom, being worked in gold threads, blue and reds, giving an Ori ental effect The hat is designed in the same color scheme, with a fancy black osprey standing up in front. This set il lustrated sells for $65.00. But we have others that can be had for $35.00. Each one a work of artistic genius. Millinery Salon Second Floor Modish Attire for Misses and Girls Budding Spring beckons a thousand clever models," each one designed to bring our exclusive "dress shop for maids and misses" into still greater popular favor. Party dresses, plain and fancy suits and one-piece dresses in youthful styles. - The New Combination Suits for Juniors The coats of these suits, are made of red Bedford cord cloth and the skirts are of white Bedford cord in the new draped style. Sizes 13, 15 and 17 years. Prices $25.00 and $27.50 The One-Piece Dresses Of eponge are wonderfully attractive, showing the new style touches. The Bulgarian blouse dresses in check and striped materials are very smart. They have a wide black satin sash and large sailor collar of lace and lace cuffs. Sizes 13, 15 and 1 7 Years. Price $1 7.50 rwirt3l rj0ot &m Custom tailoring ealon . - For Women ; Is Fully Prepared to Execute to ' Your Special Order fie eSmartet vit& anlj Coate For the Spring and Summer Season Imported Fabrics-Original French Models New Spring Coats Exactly as Illustrated Go on Sale . At $9.85 Regular $ 1 5 Quality This is one of those un usual events that comes so seldom. ; - ' -i-A sale : of the practical, serviceable kind of wraps that every woman needs. Of fine all-wool American diagonal serge a .soft, ef fective "quality. ' In navy and tan only. In the popular three-button style, slightly cut away ' in the front Mannish notched collars and revers and.; deep cuffs. Thd irtilarv'Tcvers arid'-the cuffs are faced with a self- colored moire silk. Third floor Picture Framing Lowest Prices Tailoring SalonSeventh Floor Co, The CuVut. Ribbons Something New V Whether the peculiar ideas of the Cubist and Futurist are evidence of their superior vis-' ions of the everyday sights of i the world is something we can- , not discuss,' as we very frankly declare we do not know but everything new is always to be found here first so we show the Cubist and . Futurist rib- : bons,' with , their odd design . and even odder colors. T 500 to $2.50. ; Sirs Xloo .W. B. Corset '. Sale Of the Latest Moclels Special 51.50 . Thla model has decidedly straight lines, showing the low bust, extreme length over the hips and back and abdomen, : Two pairs of heavy hose supporters are attached to tho side and front The top Is fin ished with a wide lace beading and ribbon. ' Special $1.00 . W. B. Nuf orm corsets, v?fifi the new extremely low. bust and also extremely long over the abdomen, back and hips. Two pairs of hose supporters attached. Lace trimming as -a - top finish. $6 IK B.Reduso Corset Special $3.50 These corsets are made of a fancy broche with low and me dium bust; extreme length over the abdomen, back and hips; An elastic band over the thigh, thereby reducing the fig- J ; t. ,. . -.fenri' giving the "new long; ; straight lines. Three pairs of nose supporters attacned on the, front and sides. Embroid ery finish at the topi ; BRASSIERES - Special 85c ,'., The new De Bevoise Bras sieres, made of an extra qual ity cambric ; V-shape and fine embroidery forming a yoke ef fect Dainty edging of imita tion hand scalloped embroid ery. Reinforcement under the arms. New straight button "back?;,r-1r"r-''i;-T';-s Special 42c Another new De Bevoise Brassiere of a good quality cambric, cross over back style. Under - arm reinforcement . wide band ' insertion in" front and . dainty .scallop ; edge em broidery. : rrartii yiooi " Coiffure Ornaments . Specially Reduced . Every comb and hair orna- . ment in the jewelry section is now "offered at special prices. Back combs, barrettes, hair pins, bandeaux in stone set and gold inlaid. One-third to a half 'below regular prices. Regular prices range from 25c up to $12.00. . --rirt rioor ' Newest Fiction "The Happy Warrior," by A. S M. Hutchinson. The largest seller in the East. , 'The Amateur Gentleman," by Jeffory Farnol, author of the "Broad Highway." "The Judgment House," by Gilbert Parker -"The Heart of the Hills," ;by John Fox, Jr. , -"My Little Sister," by EUz. ; abeth, Robbins. ' . "Ranching for Sylvia," by Harold Bindlass. , -"One-Woman's Life," by Robert Herrick. "New Leaf MiHs," by Wil liam Dean, Howells. The Ni?ht Riders," by Rid?weH Cullum.1 , "Amrricpfi Nobility," fy "Pierre De Coulevaln." . Satmnt.