It - x THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1913. 43 (Contlnned) T.OOK TTKItEJ. 'I hnvf-- 3-room apartment in base nient' aTuI 3 !Xtra clothe closet": large Mtrttcn and pas range; private bath and phone; rooms are very light, and good vintllatlon; has been rented for 133; win rent today for $25; no objection te one or two children II well behaved: Hose to Vast end f new bridge. , Call today. Phone East 841. - ,; Xkl 11th at. Modern furnished i room arts., steam hrat; every modern convenience. Boor erden and play -yard for children; $32.60 tip. Excellent location; easy walk ing (llMmice. ' 1 t.tTintviium" 1 til'lirVTia Thirty-fifth and Belmont; firt-class, 2 rooms and bath, with large dressing toom, lurnistiea. . i'none ana ngni eluded; Hummer rate; Alt. Tabor or a. S. car. '- UNDER NEW HANAUEM C.IN 1 . IE5IRABLK 4 room unrurnished apart ment, splendid arrangement; all out side rooms, private bath, direct raclfic phone; very reasonable rent; close in lo cation. . Sheffield Apartment. 2i2 Broadway 7th st.) corner Jefferson. Harrison 1 Court ' 8, 8 nd 4 room furnished apartments ; steam beat, private baths and phone. 14.60 Per week up; Fifth and Harrison. - jwsin 6141. Overton Apartments . 21 st and Overton, 3 and 3 room - furnished and unfurnished, all outside rooms. NEW. Marshall 380. MODERN. WEST FA LL APTt, 410 BtU, 7 minutes to P. O.; 3 and 4 rooms, cosy and homelike, $37.60 to $40; fireproof bldg., automatic sprinklers and elevator; thor. .,' oughly respectable and refined class ten- ants; under new management, wain zs ,; Gray "Gables 'New 'i room apts.; 120 vpt steVm heat, Y Wectrlc light, walking distance. 28 loth. A-2S29?' Burch Apartments New, modern, furnished l-room apts.. dressing room, fine location, Marshall ' 4141. 110 21st N. W car. GODFREY COURT. 600 Vancouver ave., new brick, build ing, stands by Itself. 2 and S room apta. Nicely furnished. Private bath -and phone In each apt. Phone East Ml. HALSEY COURT. 100 "Williams ave, 2 and t room apart- ments, nicely furnished, steam beat nd private bath, from $20 to $25 per mo. Phone E. $27$. THE DEZENDORF. 20$ l$th, near Taylor, one handsome ly furnished 6-room apartment; also four and five-room unfurnished apart ment. ' : : SEE THIS ONE SURE. Nicely furnished 3-room apt 9-2.50. All outside large, light, airy rooms. Pri vate phone,, bath. On carline. B-3041. Tabor 2293. ' GRANDEST A APARTMENTS. R. stark and Grand ave., modern fur, nlshed apt, private bath, private phone. Excellent service. Always clean and warm. Moderate rates. Phone East 208. i'OR RENT' 2 room, strictly modern apartment; - all , built-in. furniture; walking distance; west side; reasonable rxnt. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg; : - i Lincoln Apartments 4th and Lincoln; all outside S room pts.. $22.80 to $30. Main 1377. A-3472. - THE LUZERNE. Corner of Third and Halt Modern 2 room apts.; best In city, walking distance, reasonable rates. CLINTON APTS., E. 16th and Clinton, 2 room, outside, furnished apts, pri vate bath,-6 minutes' walk from S. P. whop. - Sellwood 1571.- ItOSENFELD apartments, corner E. ,14th and Stark; furnished and unfur nished apartments, modern; summer rates. Phone E. $708. ALBEMARLE " I ANT) 8 ROOM APT8., STEAM HEAT PRIVATE BATH AND PHONE. 883 WILLIAMS AVE. .THE CHELTENHAM. : Just vacated one four room furnished apartment, mod ern in every respect, rent reasonable. T55 N. 19th. Phone Marshall 4599. r rarK Apanments Tnree an four rooms nicely furn ftihed.' Para? and Harrison. Mar. 3070. TWO-ROOM apartments', $7 and $&; 3 & room apanmenis, iu an tiz. h W. car. Parmalee apartments, 27th and Thurman. .."ALEXANDER "APARTMENTS; SO li 19th at., eor. Wnnh.. a wnA A rooms, large and sunny, hot air, phone, win, in una fiu, FOR KENT FLAXb 13 IvEW modern 3-room flat, walking dis tance, very private; bath, elegant wardrobe, china closet, large plate win dows, linoleum, gas range, furnace, hot water, laundry, etc; very choice loca tion. 447 W. Couch, comer 7th. APRIL 1st 5 room upper flat, east front, large reranda, gas range, water heater, furnace, fireplace, bookcase, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, elegant bath, etc. Very select 258 E. 17th St. Pear Haw- thorns ave. Tabor 2621. ilODERN 4-room flat, all outside rooms; furnace, hot water coil, Bas range ana water heater, minted and painted; rent reasonable. ,770 E, Bal '?non; phone East 6664. ' ilODERN 5 room upper flat furnace. fireplace and screened sleeping porch. ?67H E. Salmon st. Phone East 2449, cr Rellwood 453. ONLY $16 per month. 6 room modern tipper flat Good as new. 387 N. Jlst near Thurman. Key at 387 N. 2Ut oc phone Main 223 for particulars. XTE RY desirable 4 room flat, furnace, sleeping porch, hardwood floors; $20. 361 Larrabee, near Broadway bridge. Main 4868.' A TTRACT1VE 4 and 5 room flats, gas range, water heater, free jbhone, walk ing distance. Main 71S7. East 2173 8 ROOM flat, porch , $17. 706 Vancou water, crarbaire. ancouver ave. Woodawn r 1953. THREE j-oojn modern flat, bath' and pantry, $9. per mouth; no children; Williams ave- MODERN 6 and 6 room flats, centrally located, all modern, inquire 52a Ever ett St. 4 ROOMS, newly furnished, pood view .UB"eU .and Williams ave.; $22.:5. Kast 4702. . HPPER flat, $ or 4 roomB, hot and cold water, bath. 900 E. Grant, between UWO new modern a room upper flats also one 4 and one 6 room furnished flat. East 2235. "nea SWELL modern 5 and 6 room flats E 12th and Market. Walking distance! East 1616. UP TO DATE, 8 room flat new and $12 60ly 7",4 Un'n avfir,ren' MODERN 6 room flat, fireplace, fur i nace. sleeping Porch. 295 E. 21st jiiBwinwrne-car. uaoor ids. MODERN 5 room upper flat, all conveni ences, aou us oniy. biu k. Madison. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats; fine r view, low rent. 668 Market. MODERN 6 room flat 8 room furnwhi Tiai. ib tiantenoein, cor. Alberta, WEST PARK Large three-room flat, bath, gas; rent $12.60. ilODERN 6 room flat, Willamette Heights, 1010 Savler st. "W" car. il2 N EW, modern. 4 room lower flat porch, walking distance, 689 Market. ROOM modern flat, close in, Al bina. Mrs. Cramp, Woodlawn 1609. TWO modern 4 room upper flats, good location, rent reasonable. 434 College. FURNISHED FLATS SO LEAUTI FULLY furnished li room flat, i 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, Vltche n; porchesi pas, electricity, East t Mvr-1Mt ?g f?rstinm av,-y--- KTCELY furn'- 4 upuer flat -4 rooms, everv convenience, one block from car. Jnoiilre 31$ E. 26tU stM or phone Itar- yM 2420. ' ' - y .. . - i i .Ml'LI.'l i;i.Y furnished modern 3 loom fiat. 20 mo., walking distance. 3 Ucr.e MArtliall 4174. - - -i APARTMENTS CO $27.80 New, modern upper 4 room flat, porch, walking distance. 669 Market. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND . only; $1,60 and tip. European plan SUMMER RESORTS 06 For Sale or Rent Two new cuttases at A Kate Beach. with new furniture. Located close to the beach, with magnificent , view. Price $1200 and 11600. Call and ict photos. ; ; .- Knapp and Mackey 212-13 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Portland. Oregon. STORES AM) OFFICES 11 ' FOR RENT. IN THE NKW EMPRESS THEA TRE BUI LDINO. 7th and Yamhill. First class, offices upstairs, de sirable store rooms on ground floor, suitable for high class con fectionery, florist, optician, cigar, etc. Elegant space in basement arranged for high class after the ntre grill. Right in center of the atre district. Inquire McCarpar, Bates & Live ly, 301 Yeon bldg. Office for Rent One desirable office In Portland Trust bldg., at 3d and Oak ats., for rent at reasonable rate. . PORTLAND TRUST CO., 3d and Oak wt., FOR RENT Desirable store room. 389 E. Burnside, between Union and Grand aves.; suitable for shoe, jewelry, bakery and delicatessen. Inquire McCarger, Bates & Lively, Yeon bldg. WAREHOUSE . FACTORY South Portland, brick, 8 stories, on electric road, long lease. Apply Journal business office. DESK room in centrally located build ing. Everything furnished except desk. Insurance, collector or real estate man preferred. Phone Main 7376. NEW store building. 8 modern living rooms in rear, suitable location for meat market, delicatessen or grocery. STORE with living rooms, suitable for grocery or confectionery. Cheap rent V-435, Journal. . NICE store, 409 Morrison, near Olds Wortman and King; long lease, $50. DESK room for rent at 1015 Spalding bldg. . . DESK ROOM, $6.25 month, Including phone. 640 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TO RENT A WIDOWER (no children) having his Awn furniture, wanta tn rent direct from owner, 2 or 3 neat unfurnished rooms, ior home, wain, ligui ana neat, for one room, during evening and Sun day, See Mr. Sheldon, money order dept., p. u., or Kast 3zoa. V AiVi'Eu, to rent 6-room, well-furnished modern; good' neighborhood, near car. Price must be reasonable. Will give good care and references. F 277, Journal.. WANTED 1 large furnished H. K. room, or 2 small rooms, suitable' for batching, west side preferred; close In; state price. A-452, Journal. - WANTED By April 1, 2 or 3 room housekeeping suite, strictly modern; must be close to Washington and Ella sts. Marshall 8982 or A-1644. " WANTED To rent an alternating cur- rent vacuum cleaner, either Duntler or Sauto, state price; give phone num ber. K-328, Joscpal. TWO or 3 acres, with house, bam and chicken houses, on car line, east side preferred. T-660, Journal. . IF YOU want to rent houses, flats, stores or warehouses, call up Ham', the Rental Man Main 1721. 4 OR 5 room house, Sunnyslde or Haw thorne district, close to car. Tabor 2517. A MARRIED man wants to rent a small ranch with implements, etc. fur nished. Phone B-1180. FOR SALE 5 acres on Eastern lope Mt. Tabor. Marshall 3410. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 SEWING machines of all makes. 190 3rd bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Main 9431. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 18 NICE big bay road mare, 6 years old. gentle ior luay, at nome among street cars or autos. Very styiisn. weight 1125 lbs. 16 hands high. Can pull a buggy 8 or 10 miles an hour, will be guaranteed and tried out to buyer's sat isfaction. At 334 Front. BAY horse, 1050 lbs., sodnd and gentle, $35; bay mare, 1000 lbs:, gentle, sin gle or double, $25; light farm wagon, $35; double harness, good as new, $35. 302 Front st. FOR SALE 27 head horses, mares, 6 to 10 years old, 950 to 1500 lbs.; har ness, wagons, buggy and harness. 434 Goldsmith St., cor. Albina ave. AM going on farm and want to trade nice team, weighing 1600, for heavy horse or mule. Ask for Thompson's team. 14 Union ave., corner Ash. $150 TAKES good farm team, weight 2400; $150 takes good team, weight 2200. This stock all good workers. 440 East Morrison, corner 7th. SIX head horses and mares and har ness; all sound and good workers; must sell at once on account of going to Alberta, Canada. Apply 315 East 6th. ONE Emerson electric horse clipping machine with knife grinder, every thing completecheap.lJJUnhin ave. 7-YEAR-OLD team of mules, 2000 lbs., --harness and new 2'i in. wagon, $260. 2blocks east of Easimoreland car. F. Maiden. FOR SALE One bay driving mare, age 5 years, weight 1000 lbs., good trav eler. Price. $150. Inquire at 415 E. 7th. or phone East 1847. BARGAIN; must sell one 1200-lb. ranch horse, true worker single and double, $C0; also one buggy and single ! harness cheap. 33 E. 17th st, 8. ONE 2400-lb. farm term, double set of breaching harness, and new farm wagon. Will sell at a bargain; trial al lowed. r,M K pine st. FOR SALE or trade, two wagons, 'One 8V4. one 3-in. Inquire at 226 Halleck St BARGAIN 2600 lb. team, harness and wagon. Phone owner East 6171. B 2734. $jj TAKES good big work horse, double set harness jnd spring wagon, cheap. 469 East Salmon. TWO small teams for sale. Steady work. Will trade for large team. 44 East Morrison st. Ask for Dawson. FOR SALE Choice of 3 horses at your own price. Trial allowed. 19o Front st. WANTED Real wagou. 1427 lawn 272. light top Commercial. delivery Wood- PANEL top pole delivery wagon to trade for buggy. Apply Mr. Boody, Care riooens uros., 3a ana Morrison. bles, 248 Front st.; all guaranteed by G. D. Williams, FOR SALE Saddle pony, mare, age 6, quiet and gentle. Ben Alexander, Is land Nation, O. W. P. WANTED to buy One double set har ness for ranch use, collars 18 Inch. N-607. Journal. SIX head of borses for sale; weight. .1000 to 1250 lbs. 24 E. 67th t. north. FOR SALE Pretty, children, price $60. gentle pony, for 728 E. Salmon st MARE, horse and harness for sale cheap R. C. Gamble. 426 E, Yamhill. FOR SALE-r-Gooseneuk wagon, team and TEAM wanted, fall 1 8 3TFh7 v r. x,i f vti - ,.n , . $85 BUYS a smalj team. Weight 1050. Call 469 E. Salmon. LAROE top wagon, good condition, bar gwin. 247 E. 12th st. in Park. H66 TAKES nice pair bay horses. , at 469 E Salmon, ' CaU FURNISHED FLATS . .., Continued) - - HOUSES. VEHICLE, JJTO 18 THE : MUBIPESY' KIIDRSE ; Commission dealer in all classes of horses and mules. AUCTION EVERY MONDAY 10 A. M. . Horses and mules for rent to con tractors In carload lots. , 240 E. 8th s.t., near Hawthorne. . East 6318. TEAM Mara and horse,, age 4 and 7. weight 2(100 lbs.; $20. Team, black geldings, weight 2200 lbs, $160; horse, 1250 lbs., little pavement sore, $50: rub. ber tired trap with polo, double set har. iietis, one camelbacfc wagon, single buggy and harness, 350 N. 16th st Phone Main 4587. ' . SPAN of horses, 6 and 7 years old, sound and good pullers, no blemish,, weight 3200 lbs. Call Lucerne Crg. Co., 408 East Morrison st. LIVESTOCK 33 BARGAINS HOOS, ETC. HOLSTKIN BULL, RED DUROC BOARS, SHLENDIO YOUNO STOCK (READY KOR'sERVICE), FROM REG ISTERED STOCK; BULL WORTH $150: WILL SELL FOR $76; BOARS WORTH $35; WILL SELL FOR $17.50 EACH, F. O. B. PORTLAND. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND, OR H. J. ED WATtlhS. WE HAVE a fine big list of dairy cows and lieirers, or an ages ami yairy breeds. Our list Is too large to adver tise. For description wire us, call on us or phone us. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., room 607 Commercial blk. Phone Main 6120. THERE will be an auction sale of 2 carloads of liolsteln cows and heifers, al) heavy In cnlf to registered bulls, At Forest Grove, On, Thursday, .March. 27. These are, Imported from tho east and are the best milk strains. H. E. Bron- spn, Forest Grove. ; BEAR In mind, we are NOT LOCATED it the Portland Union Stockyards. If you want dairy cows you will find us at our office, 2d and Washington sts., room 607 Commercial block, or call Main 6120. (Signed) GEO.'R. MOKKL, LOW UO. FOR SAL13 3 young fresh cows, 1 Jer sey, 1 Jersey Holstcin, 1 Roan Dur ham. Take St. Johns car to East St. Johns. Walk 3 blocks north to St. Johns depot, S. TP. & S. By. Yellow house. HIGH "grade Jersey family cow with promising 8 months heifer, $100. Hageman, 10 blocks S. E. Milwaukie. Foster road. JUST received from California, 1 car load of fresh dairy cows. Holstcins, Durhams and Jerseys. Bruce Com. Co., Union Stockyards. BIG fresh Durham cow, 1200 lbs., calf 3 days old; large Jersey, will be fresh In a few days. 242 E. 69th N. M-V car. THREE fresh cows, extra heavy, rich milkers. 1480 Macadam st Fulton car. . WILL sell two of my fine family or dairy cows, your choice. . Call after- noons, 88 B. 45th st. FOR SALE Four fresh cows, 1 good springer. 1427 Commercial. Wood- lawn 272, SO HEAD fresh milk cows lor sale. Brower place, Columbia cemetery. A FINE 14-months-old heifer, $45. 1578 Mississippi ave. GOOD family cow 6 gala.; also farm horse. 1840 Division. POULTRY 37 MOVING and still have some very fine pullets and cockerels from my un equaled strain of Rhode Island Reds and White Wyandottes for sale cheap. T. V. Grant. 1633 E. Stark. Sunday Tabor 403. week Main 8133. EGGS from pen Royal White Wyan- ' dottes, headed by wnite uioud in, winner third prise Portland show 1912. $3 for 15. 787 Oregon st, Portland. Phone East 1805. FOR RENT Poultry farm; stock and equipment for sale; everything first class; 1 mile from town on good road. R. F. D. No. 6. box 21A. Phone 9F4. Vancouver, Wash $7 WILL start you in the chicken business. Let me show you this half acre, elose in. I dos. pedigreed chickens with each tract P-402, Jour nal. ANCONA and White Leghorn eggs, $1.50 per setting. 4523 72d st. Fir land, Mount Scott line. Phone Tabor 2882. THOROUGHBRED layifrguRuff Rock Bullets for sale. Call at 6JS Bldweli ave.. Sellwood car, or phone Sellwood 1891. OAKHURST Poultry Yards; thorough berd eggs. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, R. I. Reds, Buff Orpingtons. 1164 E. 18th st. .N wooaiawn zdub. OAKHURST Poultry Yards thorough bred esifs. Ancona. S. S. Hamburgs White Orpingtons. White Leghorn, 1164 K. itn in. wooaiawn zut. WHITE Minorca eggs from large biiow white hens. $2 per 15. $3.60 30. Wm Jacobs, Jennings Lodge, Or., or 32 i Ktam st. FOR SALE cheap, owner moving. 14 laying pullets. 2 cockerels, 1 portable coop 8X8, l scratcn snea xi. luu M. 7434. Monday. March 24. Fisher. CLOSING out entire stock White Orp ingtons, White Leghorns. R. I. Reds. All thoroughbreds. Lockwood, 6226 7th st. 8. E. Mt. Soott car. WHITH ROCKS (Fishel strain); fine pen, eggs, baby chick orders, choice cockerels. Mrs. J, jl .KODinson, iibi Long (47th) ave. ' . THOROUGHBRED Anconas and Rhode Island eggs. 81 for 15: l K. jl. cock erel $L50; Woodlawn car, 1416 Morton, corner Bellvue. C. E. Monroe. - PEKIN DUCK EGGS. WE CAN GIVE YOU ANY NUMBER AND GUARAN TEE FERTILITY. PRICES REASON ABLE. MOORE BROS., REX, OR. INDIAN Runner duck eggs for hatch ing from white egg strain. 4418 76th S. E. Tabor 23SI. TTTOROTJHBRET3 Black Minorca and cockerels. 1133 E. 10th N. Killlngsworth. eggs Near BUFF and Black Orpingtons, cockerels and eggs, from prize winners. Mc Lean. 1067 38th st 8. E.; Woodstock car. WHITE Orpington and Ancopa eggs for hatching; laying hens for sale. Sell- wood 111. TWO fancy White Leghorn cockerels; also White Leghorn settings, Tabor 3775. THOROUGHBRED 8. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. 1224 Denver ave. Phone Woodlawn 2762. BUFF Orpington, winners; .eggs for hatching; baby chicks; setting hens. 1250 E. 33rd, north. THREE Cvcle Incubators for $10 or 1 for $4. $10 Barred R. rooster for $5. Tabor 1677. CRYSTAL White Orpington chicks and settings for sale. Phone Marshall 4353.' . BARRED Rock cockerels, 30 laying hens. Cochin Bantam regs for hatch ing; Fox Terrier pups. Woodlawn 1656. EGGS, chicks, thoroughbred Black Mi norca, uvaitt, muu Cleveland ave. Woodlawn 1084. FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I. Red eggs for setting. Address 4103 64th St., . -K. WHITE Orpington eggs, chicks, stock at reduced price. Feldman, 360 Mar guerite ave. - FOR SALE Incubators, chickens, set ting hens and eggs for hatching. 1413 E. Hoyt st. Phono Tabor 670. INDIAN Runner duck e s for sett ne. 12 for 76c. 875 E. th st, south. Take W.-W. car. ANCONA eggs, $l per 13; heavy laying strain. 752 El Yamhill, corner E. 23d. B-3218. ' BUNDY'VS single comb Reds, dark, rich red. vigorous. Eggs $3 to $10 per 15. lis m. t8tn St., JN. M.-V. car. FOR SALE Barred SALE- Rock cockerels"; wanted, setting hens. Main .1690. .ftfr-fttiTirtay. 11 ' B. R. eggs $1-$1.50 per, setting of 16. 615 Prescott St., cor. 11th. Phone Woodlawn 960. - FOR SALFr 100 erg Maudy Lee incu- bator. Call Mondny 781 Alberta st.. B. R. EGG8 - East 23U0. fl for 15. 34i Morris. 37 - (Continued) HIGH GRADE - BUFF LEGHORNS. THE KIND THAT LAY. r i , ' This is my specialty. I breed no other. 15 eggs from healthy, real Buff birds, $1.60: special mating, $3. All eggs guaranteed fertile. A square deal to everyone. LONSDALE'S. 3723" E. 49th at Mount, Scott car to Crcston. Visitors welcome. WHh'E LEGHORN BABY CHICKS., ' f $13 PER 100, Large and utrong. We have hun dreds of them,- A hatch every day. A Sight WOrfll irillnr Inner nro.a in We have tiio largest and most up-to-date Poultry plant and hatchery of thorough bred stock in this section. Come out and j see our fine breeders and a prac tical poultry plant In operation. Sunny, crest Farm, Harrison st..- Milwaukie, Phone Red 763. Oregon City car. S. C. BUFF Leghorn e:gs for hatching, from stock with 247-egg record per year back of them; . large, vigorous Buffs. Last year's customers report good fertility and the stock, when grown, excellent layers; $2 per setting, rates on 100-egg lots. Come or order by mail; shipped safely by express or parcel Pst. A few choice cockerels for J. A. Woolsey's Poultry Farm, Route 8, Vancouver ferry, mile west, mile north 0f Minnetmha. BRENTWOOD ANCONAS are egg ma chines to be noticed, also winners in the Bhow room. No bird in my pens scoring less ,than 90. Eggs balance of season J3 per 15, or $5 per 80. Utility pen $2 per 15. or $11 per 100. Green s. & H." trading stamp with each or- uyr. '; A,?- Petersen, 6937 72d at. 8. E. in 1185. Ma SHEPPARDS' famous Anconas bred by the Mountain Brook Poultry ranch ex clusively. The world's best. Pens com- nOKeri of jkYrtAllnn, K I - A biicppard s- Madison "-uare winners, av- iiuk'iik uo. ii pays to start rtgnt. Eees and babv chiflca v.&trm to t is per 15. -Satisfaction guaranteed. Writs for matlne list. White Rnlmon Wnli EGGS tor hatching. White WvandottH. from beautiful ftlnghouse and Regal strains. Alan Whit Leghorns, 2-year-old hens mated to $25 cock bird (Ferris strain). Also White Orpington prize hen. No mate for her. Buckley ave., 4 blocks north Gilbert station, Gresham car. Mrs. Alice Williams, route 1, Lents. Or., box A-448. DUCK8. OH, YOU INDIAN RUNNERS. American Standard Fawn and White and English Penciled. Layers of 240 eggs annually, the pure white egg strain. Eggs for setting, reasonable. Order now. J. H. PHILLIPS, Lents. Or. R. F. D. 1. 8. C. WHITE Leghorn btby onicks. eggs for setting, trap-nested, stock. Take no chances. For heavy egg yield, buy from stock whose parental production has been recorded. Send for price list Btowndale Farms. Box. 66, Aurora, Or. WHITE FACED BLACK SPANISH Fancy and utility eggs, $2.60 and $1.50 per 13; $10 and $8 per 100; stock, for sale. E, J.' Hufford, 212 Central ave.. St Johns. Phone Columbia 114. INCUBATOR and baby chicks, Old Trus ty Incubator. 1912 model. 200 eras: hatch coming off 23d; B. Tt arid R. I. It. chicks, $15 per 100; month-old chicks, 1 sc. in rear, e3 K. Irving. 1GGS for hatching from priase winning siock vvnite ana Brown JLegnorns, White Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons, $1.00 to $2.00 per 15 Some fine coek rels for sale. Woodlawn 89 or C-2650. FOR BALE All kinds of fancy poul try. Pay old chicks and eggs for hatching. Used Incubators. Portland Poultry Exchange, . 279 Hawthorne, lione Kast 6246. THOROUGHBRED Black Spanish. urown ana uuiz L,egnorn laying hens, and Indian Runner ducks. L. Clyde Newell. Jennings Lodge, Or. FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred Buff Cochin, cockerel and 2 pullets, also eggs for hatching. W. C. Hansen, Wood stock station, box 18. WHITE Orpington, $1.60 per setting, from extra fancy stock. White Leg horns, $1. L, Look, care First National oanK. THOROUGHBRED White Orpington laying pullets for sale; also baby chicks and settings. Phone C-2058. 424 Tillamook st. r ORPINGTONS, White. Black. Buff. Stock, eggs, baby chicks very cheap; 8 pens. Dahlgrcn, Berkeley station, P. O. Parkwocd. HEAVY-LAYING strain White Wyan dotte eggs for hatching; $1.50 per setting. R. G. Kennedy, Oak Grove, Or.; black. 225. ' ' WHITE Leghorn eggs $1 and $2 per setting; first pen headed by first cockerel Portland, 1912. B. A. Palmer. 101 E. 19th st N. East 1655. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks from large strains, $12 per 100, Perkins Hatch ery. 1337 Burrage. Phone Woodlawn 937. WANTED from owner: Farm team, harness, wagon and plow. Will pay cash. Give particulars and price In first letter. G-270, Journal. THOROUGHBRED R.I. eggs for hatch ing, 75 cents setting; $5 hundred. Call C-1462 or Woodlawn 3129Y RHODE Island Red rooster, setting hens, eggs, also Plymouth Rock eggs at 770 Macad am street, near Grover. HIGH-CLASS silver laced Wyandotto eggs, $1.50 setting; pure white fantail pigeons. $2.60 pair. 1062 E. 9th St. N. PORTABLE poultry houses, all sizes, styles and prices. Williams Bros., north of Grays Crossing. Mt. Scott car. Anu)NA eggs from pen headed by COCKEREL direst from SHEPPARD 291 E. 62d st TABOR 618. THOROUGHBRED White Pekln ducks Leghorn eggs for setting. Tabor 2823. Otto Katzky, Lents. PUREBRED Buff .Orpington eggs for setting; excellent laying strain, $1.50 per 15. 64th and Burnside. Tabor 4409 WANTED Furnished modem bungalow- or small house; moderate rent U 452, Journal. WANTED chickens and eggs. Portland Poultry Exchange, 279 Hawthorne. East 6246. SETTINGS of thoroughbred Buff Orp ingtons, high grade stock; $2. Tele pliotie Potts, Main 7173. THOROUGHBRED burf and brown Leg horn, eggs $1 per 15, $5 per 100. Yost's Poultry Yards. It. 3, Oregon City. Ba KRh,-. Rock cockerels, eggs and chicks. Thompson's ringlets. 6630 E 44th st Sellwood 1336. FOR SALE Black game cockerel and pullet. Phone Tabor 1955" Monday. Fred Mc.tsiger. 30 FULL blood R. I. Red pullets for sale, $40. CaU Monday, 791 Mississippi ave. WHITE Wyandottescockerels, pullets' eggs. Bowen, 6200 41st St., S. E. Woodstock. MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS. Eggs and Stock. N. McKlnley, R. D. 8. box 100. Gresham. Or. Main 4430. BLACK Minorcas' sotting eggs $1 15. 729 Umatilla ave., Sellwood for WANTED Broody hens. B. Cheshire, Gen. Delivery, Portland. E. D. SCHANEN'S White Rocks, stock and fgga, R F. D. 1, box 11, Lents. Or. ANCONA eggs for hatching, $8 per 100" Aug. Rauch. Lyle. Wash. ?JG'IvPN e8S and slock. Buffs and White. Price right. Murphy, Sell. 1230. BLUE ing.. AmJALiuaiAiN egg 15 for $1. 878 Un gs for hatch- ion ave. N. FOR SALE cheap 260-egg size Correil -iw.u-r-.ator.. U-453, Journal. FOR SALE McClanahan,240-egg Incu bator, used once. Phone East 1447. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs for setting. 1101 Michigan ave. WHITE Wyandotte eggs, $1 per 16, Mrs. Valo, 3709 79th st. S. E. BUFF Orpington eggs, $1 per setting. 946 Albina ave. FOR 8ALE-280 Mandy Lee incubator and brooder, cheap. Phone Col. 832. TWENTY three 2-month-old chicks, nine STiTTTNfJ hchsYall 'breeds.'cheap! 2905 E. 49th st- Mt. sott car to Anabel. WHITE Wyandotte.horougribred eggs," $1.60 setting of 16. . 988 Union ave. N. STC. WHlTB3eghorn eggs, $1.25pe7 BUFF ORPINGTONS for sale cheap. .Writo W. A, Dcblcy, Llnnton, Or, , . POULTRY" rOl'LTUY 37 "Continue d ) 'wr.''fr'rT Baby Chicks, 10c and 12c ' Strong , White. Leghorn ' chicks from rrlae winning and acclimated stock, t'ome out and see them.. Hatch off to day. - - - Y " ' WHITE ORPINGTON eggs, chicks and breeding stock Johnston Bros. Hatchery, Capitol Hill, Oregon, Elec( car, 6 cent fare. Phone A-6847, three rings. Msll address: Hillsdale, Or., Route 2, Box 193. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD V1'ETS 46 BOSTON BULL "TERRIER ; ; bitch, bred to a regis tered dog; black Cocker Spaniel, male, la months. . small toy poodle, male, 10 months; while Bull Terrier, - will make winner; French Bhlldog pup, 7 months; cracker lack Airedale Ter rier bitch, 3 years,' broken; Boston Ter riers, English and French Bulldogs at stud and for sale, , BOYD, 667 Washing ton, Main 21.14. - ' SWEET singing German canaries, young Panama parrots, every dim guaran ted a singer or a talker. BJrds and pets bought and sold. Boyd, 667 Wash ington. Main 2134. ": ;,'-" --',- PEDIGREED Boston Terrier, female, 2 years old, nicely marked, v a proven brook bitch, house broken, no. bad habits. Will Kelt reasonable to quick buyer, 351 E. 37th st. - DOGS FOR SALE. DOGS BOARDED, DOGS AT STUD. FLASHLIGHT KENNELS, ' 3119 64TH ST. S. E. TA BOR 630. ' 1 - FOR SALE Scotch Collie, female, 18 months old. Sherwood, Or. R. 5, Box JO. ROLLER canaries, $2.60. Woodlawn 360. AIREDALE TERRIERS An all-round dog. Airedale, Estacaoa, -Ur. FOR BALE A parrot, good talker.' 5222 41st ave., S, E. YELLOW singers, $3 and up; also fe males. Woodlawn car. 890 Shaver st. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 Come See These Bargains We Have to Offer for the Com ing Week; Nothing to Equal TJiem on the Coast, i n-pass. model I Loco Roadster. 7-pass. Garfords. 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 6-pass. Bulck. . 6-pass. 4-door, Chalmers. 6-pass. Pope Hartfords. 4-pass. Flanders. 2-pass. Flanders Roadster. 2 -pass. Ford. 2-pass. Klectrlo Runabout. 1 1 6-pass Peerless. electric coupes. 2 1 New 6-ton Speedwell Truck. All at greatly reduced) prices, to maku room ior cars we nave coining in. Will say again, prices can't be equated on the coast. Northwest Auto Exchange 631 Alder St. Motorcycles New and secondhand, values from $2.1 up. Repairing a specialty. Distribut ers and De Luxe motorcycles. Apex Bicycle Co,, 124-126 Twelfth st. Phone A-8808. BARGAINS in second hand motorcycles: One 4 h. p. 1911 Harley Davidson; one 8 h. p. 1911 Harley Davidson; one 4 h. r. 1911 Excelsior; one 6 h. p. 1911 Excel sior; one 7 h. p. 1912 Excelsior; one 7 h. p. 1912 Merkel. East Side Motorcycle Co., 41 Grand ave., corner E. Pine st. AUTOMOBILE tires, new and slightly used, $3 to $20 each. We also sell new tires at 20 per cent off regular price. Pacific Tire Supply Co., 328 Burnside. FIVE pass. 1912 model. 40 H. P., with electric light, self starter, run less than 4000 miles. Looks and runs like new. Make roe an offer. Edward Busch, Oregon City , P. O. box Q. FOR SALE A 1912 6-pasgenger War ren, fully equipped; condition abso lutely guaranteed. Can be seen at the Auto Laundry, 175 S. 21st Marshall 3982 or A-1644. OVERLAND "30," 4 passenger, fully equipped, extra casing and tube; in perfect condition mechanically; cheap for cash; some terms, no trades. 268 11th st WANTED No. 1 old auto tires. 7o lb., delivered; No. 2 auto tires, So lb.: inner tubes, 16c to 23c lb. J. Leva, 186 Columbia st. Mam 6198 HAVE gilt edge chattel mortgage, $450, and about $300 cash; want late model 5 passenger auto. What have you? A-435, Journal. 1312 FLANDER'S roadster, A-l condi , tlon. fine tires. Completely equipped. Cost $900; price $475. $150 down, $35 monthly. A-340, Journal. . THE LIVE AUTO EXCHANGE Has some good bargains on second hand cars. Sale or trade. Come and see them. 68 N. 23d st. Phone Main 7763. BICYCLE FOR SALE - An Iver John eon, in fine condition, with lamp, mud guards, truss frame, etc , Call E. 1380 or A-1298. Sunday. SOME dandy snaps In second-hand cars: One Buick. 10 model. 4 passenger, ev erything in good shape. Price $400. 66 N. 23d st. ... . W. G. HARTMAN, 289 Russell, all difficult automobile and motorcycle work solicited. Phone E. 738. 1912 E. M. F. auto: extra equipment, as - J . . n.lll .nn.In. .l jot. jornan, ei juumoermens oiug. INDIAN niotorcycle, fully equipped, 7 a.-v.. lia moaei. rice uu. j.jnone Sellwood 2053. $800 EQUITY In new 6 room modern bungalow for auto. Bold Realty Co., 206 Aider st. EXCHANGE some nice city lots for late model, 5 passenger automobile; will glva good deal. N-411, Journal. WOULD like to buy for cash a 1911 or 1912 Cadiliao or cnaimers. x-288. Journal. WOULD like to purchase a first class motorcycle. Portland Phonograph Agency. 3&0' Ainer sr. FOR SALE 1910 6 passenger Ford; 110 East 20th, north. Phone East 3359. 50 H. P. Stoddard-Dayton roadster, first class condition; price $600. Phone Tabnr 650 or Tabor 224. WILL exchange first class talking ma chlne for good bicycle. Portland Pho nograph Agency,, 350 Alder. TRADE 2-year-old colt part payment good motorcycle, balance cash. J-416, Journal. - Auto1 Repairin . LIGHT MACHINE , WORK. jonn j. simmer, 121 and 123 5th st. N. BRAND new Fentress tanden motorcy cle seat $1. Pneumatlo cushion. 3o0 Alder.' ' - Motorcycles -seSIiTnd. Dayton Cycle Co.; 247 Ash Bt, near 8d. AUTO SPRINGSmadpaired RE" . Frank Large. 228 Salmon. M. 181. ELEGANT $250 Talking machine out fit to exchange for good motorcycle. Portland Phonograph Agency. ' ' C. MARTELL. auto repairing, radiators, lamps rapalred. 22 N. 16th. M, 9520. BARGAINS In used tires; vulcanising, 26c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. BIG snat for cash, second hand cars, 66 N. 23d St. Main 7763. FOR SALE Ford touring, $350.7 East 4482. F. B. Norman. A LIGHT auto truck for sale, Tall woodlawn 1970. WANT EI) Motorcycle, twin; will pay casn tor nargam. iaii ii iyianison, A 1912 3$ horsepower Chalmers, 5 pas senger, inquire $09 Everett st. AUTOMOBILES repainted at prices to suit you. 66 N. 23d st. ' i WANT the best 1912 6-pasneiiger Ford that 3400 will biiy. Sellwood 795. WANTED Motorcycles, if bargains, for . quick sale bring to 181 Madlsyn. . , AUTOMtOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 Tr.t.---r-r.iXOontinusd)'''Y?rYJ?'"''"T 'Automobile' Buys . WINTER BAnOAINS. ' ' For people who want good second-hand automobiles, and to inm, vhn v,- autos in perfect -running condition, we have these automobiles overlooked in our biiuii mm Buummeo iiifin to Tie as repre sented by us. We invite purchasers to thoroughly investigate, and we will sell on nine, lerins trie same as new autonio ones, ana, a i very tow prices. , Hudson. 6-Dassenser. 1911 autnmnhll in first-class condition; always had good care; equipped complete. Wl nfver had a better buy for the money; $1750, for fuuv on nine- or. , JDUU CBSli Five passenger Regal Automobile with new. tires and ' in good running oraer, ror very nttie money for a good auto, for , , , . ". .. ... $42.5 White automobile, torpedo, early 1911 tlon, original paint and the leather show it has not been used hard, new top, tires all good, $900 on time... . , ...$850 cash Two roadsters; good buys. Hudson 5-nassenger, 1912 automobile, not six months old. Al condition, that cost, with extra eoulDment, $1800; for sale at a third off, and it's just like new auto. Maxwell. R-naaseneer. 1911 automobile. that cost with lots of extra equipment $2000; used very little; looks like a new car; $900, or., .,.....,,.$850 cash i Stearns,- 80-h. p. automobile, good for 70 to 80 miles an hour, Just completely overhauled, either a roadster or a 4-pas-senger;vorginal cost, $1900; for... $1250 ' C, L. Boss & Co, 615-617 Washington St. Phones Marshall 4022. A-4959. SUBTLY J 1912 Studebaker Flanders, 25 h. p. pass., foredoor; can not be told from Drana new; price $575. ,- Winton six. 48 h. p., 7 equipped, finest condition, Price $985. ' pass., fully cost $4000. 1911 Overland 80, 5 pass., foredoor, practically new; cost $1130; price $650. 1910 Bulck 20, 4 cy. roadster, $250. - Chalmers 30. D-nass.. If! 86. 1911 Overland 30. forednnr roadBtop ,11.- . . . n , ' new, vusi n,v; price 007 , Hudson roadster. 1276. 1 Maxwell roadster, 4 cv., 22 h. p. $335, r.. m, r. jv, o- pass., Overland 30. 4 pass., $460. Carterrar 30. roadster, fuilv tvu.fnn. in finest condition, cost $il00; price $385. Our cars must be seen to be appre ciated. - Over 50 cars in stock. Write tor Dig- oargain list, Cor. Hawthorne ave. v-is , , ... vai OUR YyiwiIKLY BARGAIN LIST. over 50 cars to select from, All Makes All guaranteed. ivut cnaimers, b pass., $575 1911 Auburn. 6 nans.. 2660. 1,1910 Pope-Hartford, 5 pass., 1910 Maxwell. 2 pass.. $275. , $800. 1912 Overland. 2 pass., $700. 1911 Elmore, 6 pass., $950. 1911 Cadillac. 5 pass., $1150. 1912 Steams-Knight, 4 pass., $2250. 1910 Ford, 6 pass., $350. 1910 Pierce-Arrow. 7 pass., $2150. 1910 Buick, 7 Dass., $850. 1910 Garford. 7 pass., $875. 1A1A Srnririarii.f tovf An 7 rto-a 1CICA Also several light deliveries and micas ana many other bargains in tour lng cars. All makes and prices. See us before you buy. W can save you money. Oregon Auto Exchange 43-b Aider st, Main 1161. A-4837. SIX LITTLE YANKEES. SIX LITTLE YANKEES. SIX LITTLE YANKEES. Six Little Yankees. The srreat "Car- scraping, harmless, non-explosive. Rids a motor or carbon in so minutes. In creases power, $2 a box. Box contains 7 2 six kittle Yankees, sufficient to clean a 4 cylinder motor 3 times. Beware of imitators. None genuine Without the trade marked picture of the Six Little Yankees on the box. For sale at your dealers or direct from us by mall. $2.00 a box postpaid. Six Little Yankees Co, Bulletin bldg., Philadelphia. Second Hand Motorcycles 3 Twin Thors, all Free engines,... $125 1 1911 Yale, 4 Free engine.. $115 11910 Yale. Stt h. p. $ 65 1 1910 Thlem, 3 h. p $ 65 Apex Bicycle Co,, ' ' A-3306. 124-126 12th St. WANTEID Automobile to repair and naint: good work, low prices. 66 N. 23d st ' LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 MOTOR BOAT. , Glass cabin, torpedo stem cruiser; 30 feet long, 6' foot beam. Boathouse complete. For sale or trade. This Is a rare opportunity. Address Telephone Marshall 6028. FOR SALE OR FOR LEASE 3 COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMBOATS. Steamers "J. N. Teat" "Inland Empire" and "Twin Cities." .Fully equipped for passenger" and freight service. For particulars write OPEN RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO.. Spalding bldg., Portland, Or. ONE hull, 25 ft, 4V4-ft beam top, $12S; 1 hull, 28 ft. speed lines, good con dition, i200. CaU Welch, East 1447 after 6 p. m. ' A NO.-l 26 ft. cabin launch, 10 to 12 H. P., for $250; will demonstrate Sun day. Cole's Boat Yard, at G rat ton st, Sellwood car. " FOR SALE Gasoline launch; length 46 feet;. beam 10 ft.; 20 h. p. Union en- glne: has route. HX-437, Journal. (iAOLINE boat, 5 h. p., 18 ft." long, C ft. beam, in good condition; at your own price. 302 Front st. TO TRADE r22-f t. ' launch; hull good shape; for motorcycle. John Repp, Tabor 3872. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR SALE cheapT it sold at rfnee, an upright piano, mahogany case, in ex cellent condition. Phone evenings East 4634 or call at "The Grandesto,,r Grand avenue and E. Stark. Apt. 409. 8TUYVESANT pianola player piano. 65 88 note, with 125 rolls of music, orig inal cost $800. Will take $425. Burk Apt. 23. Phone Marshall 4163. - FOR SALE .$"50 'player piano, Including rolls of music, for- cash or will accept suburban lot in payment. A-437, Journal. LEAVING city, will sell nice piano cheap" for cash of might store with responsible party giving reference. V- swa, journal, FOR 8ALE-jfiano, cheap, apply eve nings. 707 Mississippi ave., near Cook ave. - - - ' .-- PI A NO teacher-, s tndent-o W teeen sltrf Conservatory or Music, wants pupils. Woodlawn 8108. . , ' - PLAYER PIANO for sale very cheap-! taken . at once, for cash. jiaypooie, Ant. 4 2. A,I forced to sell a beautiful Cable . pin no at any price. . Make me an offer Q-200, Journal ..... MS Dl III GAR WSTII WISE - AUTO GO! ." K. 13th and fj MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS !i i THE Instruments listed below .have j been taken iaas part payment on new ones; all have been overhauled hi our repair shop and are In. l'iua copdltion. Every one a bargain: ;; . f:... V PIANO CASE O RG A N, G oiD EN A ( ' OAK CASE, 8 OCTAVE T. . . . - Jp'U AUTO ELECTRIC PIANO, MHG.ttqOK, ' CASE, PEERLESS ELECTRIC PIANO,UQCn GOLDEN OAK CASE , ... ..JpoOU; CAROLA PLAYER PIANO (AL-POfiPi 1 MOST NEW) MHO. CA8E..H00J 7ICA.$190 SHERMAN,, CLAY & CO.. DARKfc 1 7 Pi CASE Q I lJ STECK BABY, GRAND, MHG.flM KA j . CASE ,; fa.:,., .... .... , . .. WU , f Ve give exchange ogreemcnt so that you can turn In a sccaud hand piano when you are ready for a new high grade make. ! ' Opposite Postofflice. IF you are consid ering tht pur Clint of either a new or used piano do not fall to. In spect the Bush -A1' Lane Piano Co.'s stock, . We have on hand at all times exceptional values In used Instruments. which have been taken in exchange on, BUSH & LANE PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS. v . All used titanos nut In first class con dition in our own workshop. Any true musician will recogpiae their merit., , Bush & Lane riano Co,, W.-'-, At Their New Location, - : -;'.',..' . ( Washington at 12th "' A PIANO tot sale cheap for cash, near- ly goua as new. xaoor io3. ( s; y FOR SALE Good piano, $150. Phopa . oiarsnaii 44no. v FOR SALE! Phonograph, 100 -records. penect conuuion, vit. Main B4-n. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 . Hoisting EnginesDerricks A Two 64x Wasnlngton P. P. P. C Three 7x10 American P. P. P. C. 'Y One 8UX10 Ledgerwood P. P. P. C " Six A frame derricks, 5 to 15 tons. Three stiff bg. derricks, 5 to It tons. Four swinging- engines, . Standard Machinery Co,, . WM RENT OR SELL. BICYCLE FOR SALE. ' Coaster-brake, clincher tires, tl. J. standard, model A, 24-lnch frame; only used 0 weeks: a bargain if sold at once. Call at 314 Columbia. Phone Marshall 107. FOR SALE New and second band carom and Docket billiard tables, and bowling alleys a id accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Bslke-Collender Co., 46-48 6th st. Phones Main 769. A-1769. LOT of household goods; dining furnl ture, bedroom furniture, kitchen fur niture, steel range, gas range, gas-hot-water heater, 8 counter showcases and large ice box. 113 Union ave., next to I'ostorrice. FOR " SALE El ectrio battery, almost new. in perfect condition; fine ror rheumatism; $6. Less than half price. Also 1 inflated rubber cushion cheap. Tabor 4367. f HE LARGEST E LECTRIC! COFFEE MILL and 3 extra good computing scales, as good as new, for sale cheap; see them at office. Jordan. 611 L,um- 1 bermens bldg. APPLE and penr stock, 1 and 2 years old; will sen very enean c- trade:' will lease ground for another year it dtsired. F. L. Newell, 5 E. 76tli St iaoor 17 2. WOODSAW outfit on good set of trucks, e h. p. gasoline engine, water tank. S saws, worth $350; will sell for $125. KUrl Kit 6c HUMfllKll. I , 212-213 Chamber of Commerce-Wdg. SECOND-HAND sewing machines; fine lot of droohead machines. $8 to $20r all makes; guaranteed, cash or pay ments; also rents and repairs. 292.3d St.. near Jefferson. Main 428. PILLOWS and feathers eleanod. We manufacture all Oregon wool mat-. tresses. Wool battinc and cardlnc. Blankets cleaned, corded and bound. Phone Sellwood 67. FOR SALE Milk depot, good location fully equipped, 65 gal. route with sup ply on hand; good outlay for creamery and Ice cream. T-65T, Journal. ipllUl 1 - U -n , - Z taui-ant range, counter and shelving, 1 coffee urn. cash register. Phone East 4432. C-1102. . MANDOLIN Brand new $50 Gibson mandolin ror sale aia sscruice; guar. anteed. See Kissuer, 16 Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington. AT a bargain, 8 show cases, 3 fireproof safes, loO loiaing opera cnairs, 2 sewing macnines. irom i up. a Front st. WILL sell or exchange canned fruit or Rosecomb R. I. R- rooster for postal size kodak. Tabor 1927. PORTLAND wood yard, 9th and Gllssn. Also teams, graaing outnt woum trade for eastern farm. Marshall 2181. FOR SALE Cheap, first class drag saw and outfit. Call or write V, 3. Steinman, isstacaaa, ur. EI,IDCTRIC blaatina machine, $10. Bilckinsdorrer typewriter. io. labor 4098. FOR SALE Small quantity old and new lumber and building material ior less than half value. Kast 1326. DANDY little printing outfit for sale; paid $95; will sell for $65; everything complete, used out nttie. t 4tn. 5 CATCHING mit for $3, used 10 times" also $2.50 catching mask for $l,2b; ised twice. di sin. POTATOES Choice Early Rose and Burbanks. Phone Woodlawn 1763, ,1666. oneonta st. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. $6. A folding billiard table, 4x2H feet, pans anu cues, nm riant vait wi. REMINGTON typewriter with Wahl at- tachment; on easy terms, coidih, 20 Alder st. LOGGING engine, 7x10 Taconia, for sal . or rent, a bargain. Standard Mtchln- ery Co., 46 2na st FOR SALE Drophead Singer aewlng macninp. t umuii .air, BICYCLE for sale; 324nch frame; everything complete; $6.60. 647 4tn. STEEL range in good condition; must sell cheap for cash. Kast t&oa. ; BFJAUTIFUL oak bed and springs, cost- mg lib. uasn o. Mam iiw. 12.50 Drop head sewing machine with attachments, call 182 Grand ave. BICYCLES, new, and second-hand. $10 and up; all guaranteed. 181 Madison. - DERBY DESKS and offics furniture. Haley Desk Co.. 210 7th st. Main 68 1. RANGES, gas stoves and fixtures,, fold ing, iron Deas. ill urana ave. FOR SALE; Turkish kilim, couch cover sise. a bargain, nasi xi t.w 4x5 "PREMO camera, complete with lens and shutter, 6716 Foster road. FOR SALE cheap, tent liouse,. 14x1$. - Call at 1484 B. 6th St. N. $10. ' TWO donkey engines and complete log- gtng outnt, - 4is eon uiog. t - . WELL rotted manure, lawn grading and lot plowing, tjau laoor a.p. FOR SALE7-F.hglieh baby cab, used only. 6 months; a-i. condition, uaji c-3066. TEN inch Leffell tiirblhe'WQi-cast Iron case. - Marshall 6162. - i FOR. SALE Two shares of coin ma- cnine. A-ia;, journal SNAP Pool tables, show esses, coffee m 1 1 ijjga b pai.e, idb re. 4tn si., IN. $475 " SCHUBERT piano, sale cheap;1 terms. iu sra st. rnone Main 8753. A STRONG steel tired buggy cheap, Ap- piy oo uverttjtT si;- OR SALIiFree ,AewJ,i)g njac most hewra bargain. 561 4th st. CARPENTER tools, good condition. $16 jnsworin si. PONY and harness for sale cheap.' 104 I'cnvnr wve., ncr"Jonps car. DIAMOND ring, H karat snap; cash wi; Apply 2ii) Globe bldg.,- .. ( OoatiBU4OB W txt Page) JY"", a