lIlE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, rMARCH 23, '1913. 11 To quickly reach the finder of a lost articleto herald the information that some one has found an article of value A Journal "Want" Ad The Quickest Means hmmnhhmhimmmmmhmJ ' " I . , 1 , .. ., , . '. . ' - . . ISXPIIANGK-IIEAL ESTATE 24 '" .t-":"-:' CContlanod) V "Here Is to .the Man7 , Who want to trade lor a good wheat ';, and stock farm, price $48,000: will take , Rood, tialticu mbered property, pricea right. '1D to $35,000. ' , ' : ,v Ono of. the finest dairy farms In Klickitat county, Wash.;-620 acre". creek through place; 100 In Clover and timothy, 200 more .ready to, seed, 00 ready to Irrigate If desired- cr eamory on adjoining farm. Price $75 per acre every -acre fine, tillable land; consider 'roVM icrall tinder ultiv.on. part in crops- consider $5000 trade. $2000 cash, balance good terms. : ':,- Wasco county Oregon, 2000 acre one : Of the finest places in the c ounty; 800 ?: acres In wheat, all goes with sale; fine ; lot d machinery; creek asd. tlon on farm. This land r"eW from 80 : to '85 bushels' per acre; consider pay ment up to $16,000, In good property. Price $36 per acre. ' ' ; . ... 18 acri farm, 1800 In wheat: build ings and fencing cost over , $20,000; i took and maohiuery thajr goes with i place worth another $JO,oOO.- Price $20 " per acre! will consider some payment ' 817 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. Trades . . Jrades Following Is list of property I will f trade for cheap land or some kind of bUlo"creB of whcfit land, Gilliam coua ' ty. free and clearji$15 per acre. , 50 lotia RosoClty car line. all or ' part. ' ' : - - . ' s lots on Portsmouth ave. . . -10 acre tract, Umpqua valley. 1 10 acre tract, Xtorvaljla, . v Houses and lots In city. . Acreage near Portland. Several first k class mortgages. In fact property al l mo anywhere you would care to have ..MstVptir trades with us. W trade .anything. Traders' Agency, :, 807-8 Henry Bldg. , , Phone Main ear?. '." EXTRA GOOD TRADES. t m without nulla- ' fngs. invoice $10,000. For stock ranch U acres, al'l in cultivation, with house, arn and orchard, for house in city. Small rooming nouse. au and ruil,,Ior a Deacn . 835.000 fruit ranch, extra good, for $35,000 fruit ranch,, income property to fun value. oti , ninu tn Kucrnne. TWO ' houses: 100 'acres in -cultivation. 40 In i timh.nd iO in orchara. KunnmB water to each house. $80 . per acre. I Trade for Portland property. Nothing against thle place, ..,' 160 aores in Clackamas county, all in -' cultivation, for house in city. ,Ah ooa n rtf hard , t v imi mo u "v TV oak timDer iana in wiBHourn . 174QU in inc6me property here for ' ... stock of . general merchandise. vv. it. riiLiix-o, Main 39'. 1028 Chamber of Commerce, Exchanges See Campbell Main 6869 Ilfi.Ood-StfO acres, fine improvements, 1-4 In Vionrlnff nriinocL 8 acres UD- PlerB T acres T grain; mortgage $4000, 7 ' percent; county hotel and livery pre-. ' lerrea. . ' $40.000 Fine 400 acre valley farm, t over 200 acres In grain; will exchange ) for income; flats preferred. It's unin- cumbered. ' - . ' , , -f $35,000 -place, 190 bearing vprunes, 18 acres larra ianu, uiwn u'.v.,.Ai .moil in tn SS ocri tracts. Call T'i for free particulars. ( trea a, jacoDs uo.f ' ? 4th and Washington. $25 PER ACEB. Stock and grain farm, 160 acres. 130 -acres plow land, good soli, fenced and cross fenced. Bet of good buildings. Plenty of wator, near small town. You can eaally make $1600 per year off this place rlirht from the start. It Is located ' fn eastern Washington. Mortgage $1000. 'rims 4 years. Will exchange equity of 13080 for improved Portland or subur ban property, clear of Incumbrance. This la a rare snup. See an at onott. , A. K, HILL CO - 419 Henry b!dg. 88 ACHS about 20 miles from Portland, near a good town on Oregon Electric, v 2 acres in cultivation and freshly -plowed, 6 acres old slashing that could be cleared for $100; balance Is prettiest grove of ash-Umber In the country; creek on one corner. S ACRES OF BEAVERDAM. This Is all the very best of land and is well located. Price $6600. Will takrf some good Portland property in ex change. N-S27, Journal. ' ii6P FARM TO TRADE. 78 acres less than mile from electric station. 81 miles from Portland, 85 acres in cultivation, 18 acres first class hop ' yari good 8 room house, large barn, ' hop house and other outbuildings, 3 , cow, horses, pigs and other stock, ;also Implements, Included.. Price $16,000. ;W111 take $10,000 in Portland property, balance cash, or mortgage. Lueddemann, t,,i.. a. t oi4 nhmhr nf tTnmmirce. jiiur Y V yv - "- - 1 '' 'I'" ' 'If ' T I " ImDroved Farm to'Trade we win iaae ruruwu hui 'See change for 65 acre farm, SO miles f Vom W,R sA'LE Part trade a ' Portland. Over 80 acres in cniuvauon, i biock of iots m0gtly ? fine 8 ' room piasterea oungaiow, Koa cultivated, also good 6 1 barn end outbuiiaings, runninB wr. adjoins large, new ' . ..''f.V' "uTTiM.. .i. l"m' vvui vane as iirsi payment ciose ' 210 Gerllnger bldg, 2d and Aider sts.)ln, Binaj, modern fcungalow and give U" iDira n.i. Viinnmivar. A milRH J v' .1..M1, tin. ot Hiftnti- 7 Bcrnn cultivation, 10 aores of timber: 5 room f house, barn and outbuildings, well andj iium ,vmi " . , ' .house, barn and outhuiiaings. wen ana Vl ij'"k rrr""f . " , ; . , hous and lot, if uninMmbered. , ' T,h..ffh.n' . h ACRES in Cowlits county, WashlngJ u 80ncret In Grant county, Or. ' ?'1 19 room country hotel, k acre ground 24 miles bf Portland. . All . clear of Incumbrance, f o good residence near in, ' , . .. h. ., i ' EWEN, REALTY CO., 811 Allsk bldg; HANADIAN LAND' TO TRADE. . 840 acres wheat land, ready for th plow, deep loam soil, within 8 miles 0 railroad, water at depth of 26 to 81 ffeet. WI11V trade for Portland propertj or acreage this vicinity. Lueddemann, Killev tk. CO.. 813-unamDer 01 urnimercj Acreage Close In We hnV it to trade for 6 or 6 roo house and low we nave au iunas , trades. ,.(K)', . - . J. K. .yncu.UliH W,i oxa 1 eon iny. iiikWi . frms -for Oreaon: whed runeh fdr valley or city; Oregon fd; Ohio, Indiana or Illinois; residence fsf . 8. E. Nebmski or good lot; 16000 nusi ness for central states gracing, Por land Land Co., 610 Swetland bldg: "- Want Rooming House ' We have sorde good land to trade f house actually wortn 4uo . ..., " J. E. NICHOLS CO., 816 Teon Bldg, Home for Oregon. T - 491. Jotirn(I. .TWO 6 -room bungalows modern. In gd renting distnct: worth -$500o cat, to exchange for unimproved acreage pr fnrm, 614 Chmner of Commerce. HOuaE. 5 rooms- fruit trees, te en car line, fbr.aoreage, Improved, clise to transportation, 422 Chamber , of rommerre. . v 8k00-iU-ll'lUi$100aMJahoc4ot Will consider good motorcycle as tort ' payment. N-625, Jonrnwl. 'WANTED A" large stock ranch, clip ped, -in ex!hann-e for city propty; Jncojne and tinlTnpioypd. P-K04, Jwiinnl. 10 oil itrtti'r.;a 'at finiion on dcirKc lino, frpn ot liKMiiviiirani'c, for Idhib In rliv. Z-filS, Ji.itirtM. ' A i T EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATE 21 (uonunnea) ills Income cltv prouertv to I35!000. for 1000 acr valley stock ranch at $35 per acre. f i ) ..'--';,. Incomi property to $36,000 for BOO acre weL Improved valley ranch at $65 Eastern Oregon or Washington ranch to 115.00 for 480 acre valley stock ranch, tock and implements,. at $50 per acre. . - .... - ' - - . . ' . JinrSrd'ed ranclt with stock and Im plement to $15,000. for close in Port land ppperty valued at $12,600. Impnved suburban home as part pay ment pr, developed . dairy xand fruit ranch,, toe k and equipments valued at $19,00(f ..-;.,:. ,...; ' ,. .'.'':-.-'-'- 20 Q 80 acres, partially Improved, to $5000,for well improved dairy ranch, stock md Implements, valued at $10,000. Moiigages and cash for well located, unim-oved Lincoln county land , at $12.5(1 per acre, . Cltfr residence to $6000 for highly devejped f and well Improved 40 acre ranct located In the heart of the val- ivfulia! Realty & Exchange Co. A Dandy Trade, 1 ' 10 acres highly Improved, only miles from Portland and locked,; right at the railroad auon ana town near ine elec ta line, srood 8 -room house, fine am and other out-bulldlncs: 1M cm hnnrlnir nrchard. no rock or &itk a n .1 oil Ham w,lr.A anil lairl acres in high state of cultiva- lon and other .4 acres pasture: " oil mostly all rich beaverdam 'and; included with, the place is , registered hog, cow, cream sep .rator, chickens, etc. Don't over ook this trade. $4000. Wants a lome in Portland. ' RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 170 8th st. (Bee Mr. Nolan.) NO. 1 BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK, A FINE VALLEY TOWN, 28 MILES OM PORTLAND; ALSO $5000 STOCK ?' HARDWARE. WILL TRADE FOR GOOD VALLEY FARM UP TO $12, On) OR $15,000. SEE MY AGENT, Ma iklOMORE, WITH WARD & YOUNGER. 428 YEON BLDG. UTI-M1I Automobile ' Throueh father's death In California re are leaving Portland and will sell ur home on snall payment down, ac leDtlna: lot eaulty. lot. scream or auto- noliile as part payment. Six rooms, fire- uace, oooKcases, ourioi, piaie glass loorfc cement basement. Dutch kitchen. milt in dresser, window shades, lino- um, pictures, large attic Give phone umber. E-603, Journal. I Want a Farm Have new modern 9 room house, i Hawthorne district, 2 blocks of ! car, to exchange for Improved ; farm, close to Portland, worth about $5000 CIIAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE V TRUST CO." 8d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. HJ3H grade apartment house at a bar- ialn; free of Incumbrance. Owner I sell direct, no agent's commission. Tls house shows an Income that is asured. . Furniture, carpets, etc., in best of condition. New brick building, oak flora and no dark rooms. Every apart mjnt occupied by desirable tenants. Oner has other interests and will sell cfeap or give good trade. See me per enally. .265 N. 19th St. Phone Marshall URGE fine house and 4 lots, 60x100 leach, close in, Vancouver, WaBh., pice $20,004); mortgage $10,000 at 5 per tint, running 6 years, will trade equity Sr stock of merchandise. U60 acres, good buildings, 100 acres in cultivation, family orchard, on good fad, 2 miles from town or 600; price 10,000. Will trade for good stock ranch I eastern Oregon. 1 ATKINSON-GILBERT, 82, 6th st Vancouver. Wash. The Oregon Locators 510-511 Rothchild Bids, Headquarters for Exchanges 4.1 you nave any Kina or property to ihange list: we likely have just what ou want in exenange lor wnat ' you fiave, desirable in orchard, room house. fireproof school- ll.MI.. Ah Cam. T, l Inner ttmA nh hnlnnra SAfiiHtv In- imvestment Co. SI 7 Wnr'pnirtor hlHir 1 7 r ' w I WANT A FARM I HAVE $12,500 vbiu in- jiuubo una 0 101s; ciose in, easi sld6i j pald 112,500 and I. will exchange ".ywiiw Mny. lv a, m. 10 1 p, in, au woyi si. jar. Oldenberg. take aood heavv vounar team horses or mules, harness and 3 inch wagon and a few dairy cows as payment on my modern 7 room house, close In. Union ave and Alberta car service. Price and terms- reasonable, P-401, Journal. "" SPEED BOAT FOR TRADE. . Guaranteed! 60 H. P., 8-cyl., perfect condition, speed 28 miles per hour. Com pletely equipped, auto top, auto control. Value $1600. , MILLER & CONKLIN, 619 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE 80 acres near, Molalla, 9 acres cleared and cultivated, 1,600,000 ft. saw timber, small house and barn, U mile to saw mtlV near carline. Cash value $3000. Want residence property, S82 Union av. N. .. WANT vacant lota, 4 or 6 room cottage or mortgage In exchange for part pay ment in my new modern 8 room borne on the east side. Might consider some close in acreage. Owner, K-323 Jour nal. -v ;, ; -- - r'-'r .- .." -'-'' . 7 ROOM house, lot 60x100, fruit trees and ahr-ubbery, house is modern. lPrlce $3000; will trade $1600 equity for lots or acreage. Seaverton Realty Co., 601 Swetland bldg. LOT 30 minutes out near Firjand, for small rooming house; valued about $450. - talGLBY & BISHOP, 801 Hamilton bldg. 8)2100 EQUITY In house . and ' lot, lT cumbrance $675, .Installments; ex change for -lots or acreage. - Hatfield, 165M; 4th st. . :.-' -.- EQUltY Jn 40 acres, Clarke couhtyi wash., for lot or house amt lot. Phone Woodlawn 460. . . r 60x100 LOT near Eastmoreland for 4 $1100 EQUITY In city property pays cood interest: will exchanae for alfu.1. fa ranch. Adifress N-626, Journal. TRADE etock of groceries, value $1100, for ncri, lot or Block. Address R. H-JRPrUHnd, 053 i 6ffth rive. H. K. 1'lVi-; rKm luoilein cottage with or without furniture fur suburban acre Ct",i or luts. Woo J'awn l0O. - 7 - - X EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 (Oontlnned) : 25 ACRES IN HOOD RlVER, MILES ; FROM PARKDALE; 1JVS ACRES IN COMMERCIAL APPLES, 3 4 AND 8 YEARS OLD. ONE OF THE FINEST PLACES IN THE HOOD RIV ER ' DISTRICT.. PRICE, $18,000. CLEAR OF ENCUMBRANCE. WILL TAKE PORTLAND PROPERTY OH CLOSE-IN ACE AO E. BEE MY AGENT, MR. PRIQMORE, WITH 'P'TV?AKt & YOUNGER, 428 YEON BLDG.' ' '..' TWO WINNERS. ' 800-acre wheat ranch, with 780 acres under cultlvaUon: 760 acres level; fine soil and about 400 acres in wheat at the present time, in Franklin county, Wash., near Page, and 2 railroads, Prlc-s, $24,000, on your own terms, or will take other property in part or full value, either city- or country property! any thing west of the mountains, What have you to offer. - - 820 ACRES. , Wheat ranch in Walla Walla county, Wash,, and only 4 miles from Eureka, and a station and warehouse at the cor ner of the place! about 200 acres in wheat: the finest of wheat land, and very fine place. Will exchange for city or farm pro $8000, 10 C Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash. Nursery Exchange acres. 1 mile of McMInnVllle, 63 thousands of all kinds of trees. and shrubs, 10 room house, 8 barns, well water, all farming machinery, $30,000. clear of in cumbrance. Old age reasons for selling. Will consider Portland property. See Easley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 3d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. INCOME PROPERTIES . FOR WHEAT LANDS. ' . FOR EXCHANGE-T-A-1 well located, finely, rented properties in California to $80,000 for improved wheat hinds in Orjfc gon or Washington. Here's a chance to enloy a steady, as sured income and live in glorious Cali fornia with its many advantages and benefits; come on to the land of sun shine and flowers. . Submit your propositions with full de tails and at true valuations to j A. H. GREENOUGH, 51 California bldg., Los Angeles. CaL Ifo YOU WANT TO GET INTO BUSI NESS T WE HAVE A FINE CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE WELL LOCATED, DOING $100 A DAY, WILL INVOICE AROUND .812,000. STORE ROOM, WAREHOUSE), B ROOM RESIDENCE AND FIXTURES CAN BE LEASED FOR $30 A MONTH. THIS 13 A-l WILL TAKE SOME CASH AND UNINCUMBERED CITY JPROP ERTY AT THE RIGHT PRICE FOR BALANCE. THIS WILL STAND IN VESTIGATION AND WANT YOU TO SEE IT. WARD & YOUNGER, SUITE 4ZB. IKUN ML.1JU nnr'vnir. PDraT HOME I have one of tho finest homes on Council Crest, with a view that is un surpassed; fine, large porch all around the house; lot 83x160; 8 rooms, f urn aoe. Price $8500; mortgage of $2250, at 7 per cent; will sell on easy terms or trade for acreage that is priced right Phillips, 1028 Chamber of Comraerco. iVIHin 2S8. I WANT A GENERAL STORE. I HAVE $13,000. A sale contract, with the title in my hands on a security of 640 acres every foot been plowed, 17 acres with paid up water right, 20 acres also with paid up water right; free and clear of debta; contract payable $2000 a year, 7'per cent. 304 Hoyt st. Mr. Clark. WANT COTTAGE AT NEWPORT. MUST BE WELL LOCATED AND FREE OF INCUMBRANCE. HAVE 40 ACRES OF FINE UNIMPROVED FRUIT LAND 4 MILES FROM MO SIEROR., FREE OF INCUMBRANCE, WORTH $6000, TO TRADE FOR SAME. WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 426. YEON BLDG. FRUIT TREES TO, EXCHANGE. 1000 TO 3000 APPLES. Yellow Newtown, Jonathan, Baldwin, Ortley, King and Winesap: Also some pear, plum, prune and cherry, Oregon Champion gooseberries, raspberries and blackberries, currants, etc., for horses, cows, auto or motorcycle. J-408, Jour nal. Wanted, hotel furniture and LEASE. . In Washington, Idaho, Canada. I have 200 acres alfalfa land, with paid up water right, free and clear, $100 per acre, $20,000. Land located near Bur ley, ' Idaho, also Newburg, Or., income nni acreage. 6 miles of Portland. 804 Hoyt st. 80 ACRES, near Newberg, Or., one-half in cultivation, balance good timber; sawmill adjoining; soil excellent; family orchard, good spring, well and wind mill; water piped to house and barn; price. $8000;. will take $700 In trade In small Portland residence that can be rented. Owner. 1140 E. 20th N. C-3033. ' LOOK HERE, . New house, on lot 100 feet by 250 feet, lot set to fruit and berries; city water, 2 blocks from paved street; value, $2000; want grocery store, house and lot or some good business north of Albany. For particulars address, JtX-846, Jour nal. EXCHANGE ROOMING HOUHJB 14 rooms. H. K., 13th st near E. Mor rison; rent $55; price $1000. all clear. Want 1 acr of land, 10c car fare, or for lots. Call 304 Hoyt st, for parUcu- lars. ' FOR SALE or exchange for small place 80 acres fine orchard land, all cleared, some Improvements, spring water, $7ii an acre. Address Salem, Or., R. F. D, 1, box 72 A. , ., ;. ,;,, 146 ACRliS 8 miles rrxm Buxton. 2a acres In cultivation. 80 acres can be cfiltlvated. No. 1 dairy proposition. Price $3500. Trade for city property. 513 Buchanan Bldg. 170 ACRE FARM TO TRADE. Will take some Portland property, clear, some money, balance 5 years; ac tual value of farm $12,000. Owner; pbone Sunday or evenings. Tabor 3918. L-431. JOurnal SIX room house fW sale or trade: mod- ern. with electricity and gas. toilet, bath, hot, cold water; reasonable for all or part cash; on Mount Scott line, 1 blocks to car. Phono Tabor 728; by owner. V TT ti t . j -m-r -- -tT- WILL exchange my Improved 80 acres ' rich bottom land at Vancouver, Wash., for Portland Income property or close in acreage to $20,000 valuation. Will deal with owners only, I Phone Tabor 671. " : WANTED Modern houses; have $12,000 worth of close-in acreage, fronting on S. P, tracks. This is valuable for fac tory sites; will, trade for good houses n 1 x t fr vt 1 1 vj , I, - m 11 1 n n - - r 1 11. .11 WILL SELL or trade my 5 room mod ' em bungalow on terms or take.your lot in trade. Address owner, 1873 E. Salmon. - -. and assume. - iiio, on""!!. . WANT runabout for my six lots, val- iiau12a. dua 2 i'eara. . Sea mv agent. TlenniiiKS ilager, t06 Mckay Diog,. aiam EXCHANGE $40 equity in fine 8-acre tract, near station, , for eaulty in houne sndilot, or auto. Call evenings. .t Tr lltflmitla fitiS Morrison ei. HAWTHORNE district CottageTl rooms, on 2&tn st., xsouo. wnat can von ofur first payment! K-327, Jour- Baj""--'y-"'""-' -. i-m . rnm EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 (Oontlnned) v S5) 5 ffT) ffn (n The choicest ifl acres of land In the state; 159 acres 4-year-old English wal nuts; 40 acres onion and celery land, 160 acres in grain; not a foot of waste land in the tract; buildings and equipment ready for farming. Fine 7 acres, house, orchard. The most beautiful home place In the state; Vi mile from R. R., 1 mile from good town; $10,000 cash will swing this deal; might consider city property up to $8000 or $10,000. 516 Lumbermen bldg. R. H, Goodkind Co., Inc. 1005-1006 Wilcox Bldg, $25,000 Country hotel, buildings and s furniture, 40 rooms, no compe petition, electric lights, city water clearing $2000 per year. Owner wants to retire; for good clear real estate, and it must be good. $10,000 Hardware store, receipts $100 per day. Owner wants to re tire, and will trade for good city property or farm. $1,(50 Restaurant; receipts $35 to $40 per day. Nice, clean, up-to-date place. Owner has other business. Take lots and cash. $400 Confectionery and cigars, trade for a good cheap city lot Cheap rent: receipts $16 to $16 per day. Big snap. R. IL GOODKIND CO., INC; 1005 and 1006 Wilcox bldg. ' Wanted Portland Property In Exchange For 7 room house and 4 lots, chicken house and barn, fruit trees' and berries. In one of the best college towns In the Willam ette valley; price $3200. See Den lson. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 8d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. Hotel for Exchange We have Just listed a 90 room hotel, owing to confidential reasons the owner must sell at onoe. This place has 80 rooms, white pressed brick building, 83 private and 6 public bathe, phone and running water In each room, steam heat electric elevator, one of Portland's best. Price $16,000. eaulty $10,000: will ex change for good farm or city property; mis piace is clearing siuo to lauu per month and we can snow you. R. If. GOODKIND CO., INC. 1005 and 1006 Wilcox bldg. $25 PER ACRE. 160 acres of choice land In Lincoln county, no Incumbrance, 2 miles from R. R. station. 2,000,000 ft. of saw tim ber, about one-half tillable and very rich land. Lots of running water, fair buildings, best of outrange for stock. Close to Big Elk river. No better fish ing anywhere. This Is a cheap cash price and will not consider Inflated val ues. Will exchange for city property and might assume from 31000 to $1600. Owner, 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark $3500 Ryan's Place, We have 1 acres at Ryan's Place, 60 car fare, 6 blocks from carllne, has fine 5 room bungalow, well and 2 ,Jpriuc, chicken houBe, lots of berries. Non-res'. Ident owns place and will trade her $3600 equity for some good clear lots. This 1 s an ideal place. Party can make good living off this place and practically live In the city. It. H. GOODKIND & CO., INC.. 1005-1006 Wilcox bldg. 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Will trade for bank stock (anywhere), for good real estate, first mortsrare note, or for California acreage or city prop erty. . Nice double, corner lot, rose bushes, fruit trees, berry vines and garden plot; 1 minute to street car, 25 minutes west side, near one of city's best schools. In city only few days. Mall me post card with your phone number or ad dress. C-617. Journal. 100x100 E. Ankeny Bt., close In, Im- proved with large modern 8 room house; $17,000. Clear, want to trade for west side apartment site up to $20,000, or would take good Irvlngton lots as part payment. See Ward. Ward at Younger, suite 4, yeon Didg. TRADE or sell for $5000 beautiful 6 acre tract right In Hillsboro, street car on both sides, good house, plenty fruit and good spring on place. Call Tabor 1630. FOR EXCHANGE-By owner. 80 rooms good lease, brick building; price $4000; Will CAUlttUKQ .Ul vl,OAHO V. BU1UJ ItUlM. close in. F-405, Journal. 1 WANT a good farm team, wagon and harness, in exchange for a $400 Lom bard piano In good condition, almost new. Call on or write 800 E. 80th- st, north. WILL trade 8 room furniture, cheap rent, good transient trade, central lo cation, for diamonds, some cash. Value JSKft W-27K Journal WILL exchange 6 acres Improved, house. uttrn, oruuuru, cuy water, on OO Car line, for city home. Might assume. H. N. Swank, 1086 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade ov owner, lot, tim- ber claim, house and lot acre in lots, 5 acres in Mexican rubber and 10 acres in .nnid, Mot, qi 9nv ttl (j 1 1 ' . 1 ' ...... I. .. M I I WILL sit on the shoro where th'S charier iiuiii,.ii, r.i 1 Willi A ftmart 0S Rotlichfld hWtr ya"i Rr"Ve . l".r?usn OriKlii BEAUTIFUL 6 acre tract, apples, pears. JLIiRIiffil namuig, uunviiiiRJCS, BLCLUOn Oil erty. H. Fallman, 250 8rd st, Portland. MY APARTMENT house cheap for cash or easy termsj every room full; will tfada for acreage or city prooertv: Unv. Lng city. uranq ave, WE exchange wha you have for what you want Peper & Baker, 444 Sher lock bldg., 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. WILL exchange good lots for 1813 Cad- lllnn n. VI 1 1 il u An 11 f ri . .la. wlA. conauion, uurpai. I WANT to trade 16i acres good land and timber for a home in Portland. 218 Woroester bldg. l'ii It tiuv. vaii ttt tr ft en 1 vx tte--rom--Petlawdr-oiaa4wpfve4 FOK small farm or acreage, large store ana aawning resiaeeoe. Lrge lot By owner. Phone Tabor 3571. WOULD trade 160 . acres i timber"? niillioij feet,-value $3000, , for buog alow or equity. F-3H6 Journal. FloO KglUTY iirbt Johns lot, to trade for vow, XM19, tTournair . LL-.D0RN EXCHANGE ItEAL ESTATE 24 ...... .. (Co&tbraed) :;, mm HOT WATER HEAT HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Rooms LOT 60x100. I am leaving the city and not needing the money, to close a quick deal I will accept desirable acreage or lots. ' There is a wide porch In front, with wire and pipe trelllslng for the roses; long plate glass , front door with side lights open into the reception hall, Thore are exceptionally large living and dining rooms, and one of the most complete, upto-date Dutch kitchens; a large ecreened-in back porch, with lav atory. .' ' -. Upstairs there are 4 large bedrooms and attic, with closets; each has dresser lights and flush switches. The house has a modern, full line of plumbing.. The full cement basement has a furnace .room with a hot water plant, a laundry with wash trays and built-in fruit closets.. . The yard Is beautiful, with a fine lawn and roses In front and side; the back yard screened off from the Bide street -by ft trellis with a pergola en trance on one io; has grape vines end roses; on the rear Is a chioken park and house; on the Inside of the lot is a trellis with fine raspberries, a covered pergola entrance with artistlo, lattice gate, giving acoess to the yara irom the front of the house. One corner of the lot has a cement garage which has conduit wiring and water piped. mere, are expensive tuecmu auuns. fixtures in each room. I'lit m la n ttAafiHftil hnm afin wortn looking at, and I will not turn down any fair proposition. Phone labor dioy B-344, Journal. EQUITY in 6 room modern bungalow in Rose City Park for good lot. 200 acres In Yamhill county for house and lot. ' 20 acres, improved, near Slfton, Clarko county, Wash., 'for house and lot 80 room working men's hotel clearing $250 per month, for good aoreage. 6 room modern house, 4 lots 60x100, for improved farm. . CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO., 801 Henry bldg. TE5ME GOOD TRADES. 80 acres, about 16 acres under plow, house, barn, out buildings, team of horses, all farm machinery. 65 acres of tillable land, part easy to clear, on road, 8 miles from station. Price $o500. Own er will accept $3000 in Portland prop erty In exchange and give 4 years on balance. . A . 20 acres well Improved and stocked chicken ranch, good buildings, team, machinery, all cnlckens, 4 acres of good orchard, price $4000. Owner will accept $2000 Portland residence property in ex- GEO.gY. MOODYCbo., Washougal.Wash. I have a good 4 -room house, new, double walls and double floors; lot lOOx 100; near car line, on the East Side, value, $2100; will trade for a farm up to $4000, and pay difference on the in stallment plan; farm must have some improvements. Call 444 Sherlock bldg., "Dir-r 1ar1 fir DEAL WITH OWNER. A- .' . . . . TT. A 1 nn,rtm.nt tf '. 1 BO aores good fruit land, 10 acres cleared, water easy, 6 miles south of town. Two room, double constructed, new and modern, 76x100 lot each Two fine Overlook lots, 60x100. All at The Dalles, Or. J. B. C. FISHER, 8U2 m. mn bi TWO GREAT BARGAINS. 6 room modern bungalow, lot 100x160. ,2 room cottage and barn, lot 100x160. 1 lot, garden and chioken park, lot 100x150. No mortgage. Price on terms. An elegant new bungalow of 7 rooms, corner lot, 60x100. A very modern place, to exchange for your lots. V-607, Jour- nm. 1020 acres-on main road. 4 miles from Brownsville; fine soil, part rolling; 100 acres In cultivation. New 6 room house, barns and outbuildings. Plenty water. All fenced; 20,000,000 ft. good timber. . i,.ii iracl fnr nuhdivlslon. jh eeifovitnij nvvi. fc - . . .. .... Will exchange for city rental prop erty. Berrey?a Realty Co., 249 4th st. ' WANT city income properties io ex ."change for cash and lands. What have you? Act quickly. Want some vacant lots In good local ity for equity in modern Irviiigton home and will give great bargain to some one. L-265, Journal. House and lot for auto. 1015 Board of Trade. Main 9416. GENERAL merchandise stock and build 1ns 207000; stock new; great stock country; &nter Irrigation district. Ho competition. Operating (mn small. Profits large. 412 Rotchild gR"50M, modern residence, completely furnished: fine lot; 1Pienu'u1v'c"; near Laurelhurst; accept vacant lots or email first payment- balance like rent. FdtEXCH ANOTfi or trade, by owner, 80-rooTn apartment house, furnished, rood lease, best location, good Income Sbove expense; want some cash. Main 7134 dmrprv fnr Trade nrnmrv store worth $1200 to exchange fo?.ome?hlng aauatly'worth $1200. 605 Y eon bldg. fSrsALB or trade, 40 acres fruit farm improved, house furnished 10 acres in trees! 60 miles from .Portland. For house or lot on east side $4000. Call East 784 Monday or. after, nrtOTFRY stock and. fixtures, about Salem property by owner. E. R. Rin- fnrnTrflern residence, 100x100 fine 8 errand- located in MontavtUa. for va can Tt or snmller Place closer In. Hallock. 50 McKay bldg. s CHOICEthree' acres, garden, orchard, new hungalow. new railroad bulld lngn8to Wt, $ZT U0Q rTfTv7TTnt has some lots in Coos Bay LAF .c"T,Th to exchange for store k8U fvw - or good rooming house. or gooa niuiuii'i -, .. j SaTpSrroEGbN wheat and stoock ET&nfv5leyflfarmst Portland propertyesajnnton rrHTnr4MO$8000, $600Tand $7000 un- erty ior -r.. - WxTi". take an automobile as first pay mt on my new 7 room house. Ad- - I5"I ' . rt,K lAni.n.1. orenwu" m, 7 ROOMING house, 14 rooms, furnished; will trade for real estate, stock or auto. Dave Andexson. Park Place, Or. iiintiAl.rll form nna, Pnrvtilt I. fi IMPROVED farm-near Corvallle to ex change for. somethinf worth $100 505 Yeonfoldg. ; .- . , FOR EXCHANGE 5-room bungalow fqr grocery or acreage. U-454, Jour- nai UfiOO-l'oiUaiiiLJiousej J-J!,it,,--rot" tageat ocpah beach. L-lOVJotfrnaT. WANT a lot close In, will excliange, with some casn. - Main t3. A CLEAR' lot in Lakeview for type writer. D. E. Gunsolus, St. Johms, 5 ACKIwS t trade for-lfouse, lot or auto, rnone nast zo3(. GOOI lot in Kastmoreland for acieutje ,r chaa lauuVXr ill Journal, EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 24 (Oontlnned) . ; See For ILII1 -Of,; mm $ 7,00060x140 lot In Walla Walla, And 25x100 corner in Estacada, improved, to trade for city up to $10,000. Cash difference. $ 7,500 2 lots on Kings Heights, frae and clear, for income up to $14,. 000. Will pay about $3500 cash. $ 7,500 3 pieces of property, home ' and lot in .Weston, an acre of land In Walla Walla, and 160 acres of timber in DoUKlas county, with a mortgage of $1260; to trade xor xarm up to r aDout jio.uuu. $ 8,000160 acres east of Bend, 133 acres under" the ditch: A-l al falfa land; alfalfa fields all t around this quarter section; free ana clear; to traaeior city prop rty. $ 9,500 100x120 fit., located close In on the east side, with 2 houses. Will trade equity of $6000 for sraau rancn. $ 10,000 20 acres, highly improved ' fruit and alfalfa ranch, with all kinjs ol berries and vegetables, irood buildings, paid ur water right, well fenced. Will trade ior city property. $ 10,0003 family flat building, and a 6 room bungalow, to trade equity of $6500 for cheap ranch. $ 10,000 5 lots in Murravmead, free and clear, to trade for residence up to $6000, balance mortgage. $ 14,0002 houses on Clay street, west side, to trade equity of $10,800 ior gooa larm, $ 15.000 High class stock of merchan dlsn in southern Oregon, gent's clothing and furnishings; to trade for A-l farm near Port land, or wheat ranch. $ 23,000 1440 acre stock ranch near Enterprise, all fenced and aood buildings; to trade for apart ment house. Will assume and pay diirerence. $ 24,000240 acres near Goldendale: 140 acres in alfalfa; 60 acres more can be sown, good bullJings, to trade for apartment house up to $ $5,000 Worth of high class southern Oregon income property, to trade for first class merchandise SIOCK. $ 26,000500 acres of A-l alfalfa and wnRi lanrr; suDtrngaisa, to trade for city, and will assume $ 27,5004 houses, 3 family flat build - lngs, 2 extra lots, house and lot in Weston, and an acre of land in Walla Walla; to trade all for gooa rancn to izo.ovo. $ 80.000 West sido apartment house site; to trade for A-l apartment nouse up to ao,uuv. $100,0002000 acres of A-l alfalfa, close to Deschutes river. Will trade ior city property ana assume. SEE , HARBOLT 710-718 Lewis Building, 4th and Oak. Marshall 4 200 v A-7158 40 ACRES at Barton; 2 houses, barn. water pipea into the house, fenced; in ...... - J ..i;- . .i ,. ' . . nticB m uunn auun: Kinaai ore nam: $4500. Will trade for house and lot in city. 80 acres, trade for house and lot. 12 rnnma t a traria fnr. Vw. A mA ul - - vw . " . "u "nu nil.. 10-room, modern house to trade for smaller nouse or ror gooa auto. 80 acres In Sherman county for house and lot. 6-roum, modern house for valley I HI III. ARNOLD & CO., Hotel Brokers, Room 307. Couch Bldg Will Sell or Trade Residence Vicinity East 20th and Taylor Seven rooms and bath. Price $6600. Mortgage $2500. 7 per cent. Now Rented . Terry & Harris Main 5387. 904 Yeon. Want Equity In house or houses. In exchange for mv 100 acres best land in th White Salmon valley. Wash. Worth $8500 cash. My iuuu vati-ries Bman mortgage or $2600 which can be paid with sale of mer chantaole timber on oart of this Balance land easy clearing. Will give ur lams umerciice. uwner. K-X8 Journal. Broadstreet's Exchange t room modern house for a grocery to $1600. We own a 30-room rooming h nil Mo Wa tnnlr fn nn a t94 fi 1 A nHJ at $3000. Now we will give it to some one, as we are not in that business. It is a transient house on west side: trade Or Cllflh take, it ut aonnnri-hn,,. .tiiicx. ui-oji ljuniuer .xcnange omg. . ' 1 . ' . 1 ' . II I III .TlltX! n THREE lots Columbia Park district 40 acres. S. P. R. R, Lebanon. $450 first mortgage. 5-room, modern house, Hawthorne aisinci. 10 acres, Clarke county. 6-room house. East Gllnan. Will consider acreage or farms close to transportation. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE." Exchange " We have desirable property to ex change, houses and lots for acreage, and acreage for houses and lots. If you want to exchange on a cash basis sea us. GLENART REALTY CO. (Inc.) 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. Tine ObDortunitv . Best confectionery In town. Invoice f.i.iw, rem i per mo,, z year lease; will take in good Portland property, balance small amount cash and good terms; closest Investigation Invited. W, C. REPASS. 525 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES, 6 miles north of Washou gal; on state road; good house and barn; 15 acres cleared and 25 acres more very easily cleared: ; beautiful place to live and fine fishing; $20 per Bern-, will tak. rxrt t.rml. cash, or give terms. 688 4th et., Port IUIIU. FOR SALE or trade, fine 800-acre latu, in naiMu rouiuj, clone to a nice 1 1 1 , 1 n . n... n .n.l ..l.kl. . , ., "wi. I"-" iTiuiiii m .luiiq inrow outbuildings.' A fine pla,ttlng propoai- linn dm (vun Ka-iiha m . i Win accept Portland property, - Geo, SWAP, COLU9IN 25 LOT 'IN Glpnliavfn park addition to trade for il'.pnmnd or whnt have you. P-241, JuiirnMi. ' OiLuhAlUiil l.i-j to"iji4iiVu.iuJ'. 23 (Oontlnned) WILL trade Cannon Bach lots, unin uumueren, iia.ouo worth or any part, for merchandise, ilrv irnnila. fnrnluli. ing goods, shoes, clothlug or groceries. Owner, U-601, Journal. . . TO , EXCHANGE Oood, small 7 wui k horse and good cow for a large work horse and single woric harness. , Apply ivu youcn St., fortianq, tr. 100 ASSORTED apple trees to trade for good Dhonucr.uh and raroMa V.l.'ix. journui. WILL consider a phonograph and small ramn oner ior equity i;i in two lot in H. St, Johns. V-264, Journal. T YPEWRI TER -Bm Ith Premier No. 1, value 880. trade for small lio-v AC WHAT have you to trade for $115 wortti . of best old lin lif insurance? N- 620, Journal, i i .1 ) WILL exchange large desk, typewriter, chairs, eta, for diamond, N-611, Jour- Typewriter to trade for good phono- 1x7 VIEW camera for vibrator or high! WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 We Have a Buyer Who will pay from $1000 ' to 80,000 fur a first-class invest ment in city property in Portland or nearby. We will take any kind of real estate that produces a large Income or which is offered at a sacrifice price. We can make you an Immediate sale on this kind of property. Ralph Ackley Land Co,, 170 6th at. WANTED A BUNGALOW IN THE HAW THORNE DISTRICT. , v The $1800 bungalow I advertised in last Sunday's paper was sold the earn day to Mr. F. C. Barber. I have 18 bonaflde buyers registered who have from $800 to $1500 to pay down, and who want homes under $2600. If you want to sell here Is an opportunity for quick action. ' PAUL A. M'PHERSON, 1117 Hawthorne Ave.; Tabor 8411. ' WAITED 6 or 8 room modern bunga-. low; must be a bargain. $1000 caeh and terms on balance. 6-room bungalow, not over $2600; $500 cash and $25 per month. These are sure customers. Waiting and ready to buy. We also have clients for aoreage . on Oregon Electrlo lines. Must be lib eral in payments. Will go high as 10 or 16 acres. , O. S. SMITH & CO. 483 Chamber of Comemrce I WANT a modern Portland bouse In exchange for my unincumbered 9-acre orchard home, with running - spring water, fine view, good neighbors, good slsed house, barn. . fruit cellar, wood shed, etc.; well fenced all in apple trees of best varieties, from 1 to 3 f ears Old; orchard in excellent condl ton; located on main county road, 4. miles from White Salmon. F-S28, Jour- nav-'-' WANTED TO BUY. ' Have several clients with $50 to $100 to pay down on 4, 6 and 6 room bunga lows, balance $25 to $30 monthly. It you have something you can sell on tnese terms can us at once, lira wans , to get located by April 1. Have two . buyers with $600 to pay down, balance $30 to Ul i month. B-2B8, Journal. SEE BECK IF YOU WANT TO SELL CITY -OR COUNTRY REAL ESTATE 4 FOR CASH WESTERN OREOON TRUST CO.. - 272 Stark st, A COMPANY who is Just about to com plete the selling of their present sub division is In the market for acreage tract of 600 to 1000 acres in the vicinity of Portland. Would consider any good selling subdivision. Will want full par ticulars with exact location, price and terms. L-414, Journal. ' ' I AM In the market for a partly or ail Improved farm about 100 to 200 acres, according to price. Prefer Willamette valley. Would like some Btock and Im plements. Will be in city until April 1. To get quick action give full description in first letter. P-620, Journal. 5 OR 8-ROOM, modern bungalow, up to $3500, from party who will tako 10 . acres worth $2000 cash, situated on the Willamette, Just ,15 miles south of Fort land, as part payment. - 614 Chamber . fANf a good home in Portland, cawh value $4500, in exchange for my 18 acre improved ranch with stock and implements, locaieu i raun i dui xmivur Wash' mv.irenta. Rtlrlara A iiarisnornn, ut inamoer oi vurn. HAVE no surplus cshIi for payment . ..... .VI. .a IEA ... n . . . 1 . 1 What have you to offer In 6 to 7 rooms Irvlngton or laurelhurst. Give descrip tion ana location, i-en, juunmi. WANT unimproved land close to trans portation in exchange -for a real equitv in modem 7 room residence. Will consider improved land; will assume some. Marshall 1671. im - I WANT to buy income bearing city property from owner worth not over $20,000, and will pay some cash and bal ance In country property, N-614, Jour nal. wo,. .. i - ..I - i n in i ii 1 ' ' WANTED First class listings of city nouses, lots, cuuiliiy i , niou ri erty for exchange. Malrf 6869. Ask for Mr. Campbell. Fred A. 'Jacobs Co., 4 th and vtasn. T HiV'm n. nartv with ready cash for 1 acres, improved, nuiiame ior cnicKen ranch, on lectrio line close to Port land. Room 14, Mulkey bIdg.Seeond and Morrison. !- - 1 WANTED good unincumbered farm or acreage in exchange for the best pay- r lng apartment house in Portland. T-66S, Journal." i VANCANT lot or small bungalow in for cash and direct from owner. 0-844. journal. 1 - " ' 1 WANT one or more lots, cheap, Exoel sior addition, or within half mile 9. P. shops; answer mall, F, F. Smith, Couch bldg. ' . WANTED lota, St. Johns, Rose Clt, Sellwood. Hawthorne, Richmond, Mt. Soott. carlines. Give phone, L-tfOJ.1 Jour nal. WANTED 20 to 40 acres, all level land, western Oregon or wasnington. 424, Journal. ; . , - , ; ; r I WANT to buy medium sled farm in the Willamette valley. Owners only. ln.r V.SAt. Journal. WANTED Lot in Waverlelgh ur vlcln ltyt giva location and. price. V-6u, Journah " ' - , '' - '.; .' ' WANTED Real estate. , -ash or traJe. Miller A Conklln, 419 .leery bldg. WANTED 5-10 acres on good elntilo ,,H nu. Vw. a 1 . 'Hi .1 lAtir.ial .-. n:il ling. Ulic yiiyii. ... WANTED House or lot wltTiiri 8' bhx'ks of East tiroaqyay. jiiunmi. LTsT your farms and acreage. tiiiilHih - wagoner -U., ait f"''.!'''..: u. Bl7VERfor house. $f206to"$160'0; 5t down. 313 Lewis bldg. ROOSITJa IIOVSFS C I LODGrXO Jiouse, aH"vapart)nt!, rented, eAitet- city,' Biwp fur Main ReMty Co., 2 :t 5 Mam u ro6m h. K. "fli.-,1 ni,.;r,' " sell:-msse nr. c SMALL' rooming . I'llpHf) If '.!.! i N I N ET f . I ' fnr hit U' t - . SWAP COLUMN