Q VOT. SAMSHOUSES ' CI Continued) Stop and think that Mt means money In your own, pocket when buying- real estate o( Mrs. Bright' She nulla her own property. Gives It to you at a fair market price, minus the commission. war Vat" commission when YOU CAN HAVE ITT .See Mrs, Bright; i She sells Tier i own property. , "Look for the Sign" t. blocks east of P. 0., Lents. - Foster Itoaa, $50 DOWN. I room house, lot 40x100, 2 porches, ready for bath, water In, Dutch klchen, woodshed, etc. MIMES;-. . ' Price 1400. 110 down and $$ per month, Buckly ave., Lents, close to carllne. $300- $10 DOWN 110 PER MONTH. Small house, lot 40x100,. all fenced, mall chicken-house; near carllne, ' $450- B9 down, $10 per month; small house, lot 60x100, chicken house and yard, all fenced, In food district; price $450. " $900 rooms on a corner, ft acre, chicken house, well situated, water In. 1 50 down, $10 per month. ; 81 tiff III! ' TERMS TO SUIT. $ room house, ft acre. Bull Run water 10, electrlo lights soon to be installed. PRICB $2000. . HALF-ACRES " . - $550 TO $660. All level, water in, on Gilbert Road. Short walk to car. $5 down and $S per month..- ,i ISO DOWN. BALANCE $18. rr month, C per cent; interest. Lot 40x100. 1 block of car. ( room house. quite modern, 14 miles from Friends, Or., on the Great Southern railway out or Dallas. 36 acres in cultivation., good 4 room house, barn 20X40, 1 chicken houses and chicken yards, alt fenced, small orchard, berries. , fine water; good terms; might consider trade; price $3000. We build houses $60 down and $10 per month. Put your Installments into a home instead of renting-. . . 're,-' i ,' TOEMWlfflfflT Lents, Or., t Blks. East of the P. O. On Foster Road. Tsbor 4249. B-lll. - " $300(1 Hawthorne district close In, one-half block from car, ( room bungalow, 3 bedrooms and attlo, easy terms. See Mr. Fosselman, CHAP1N-HERLOW MORTGAGE) A TRUST CO.. ' 3rd Floor Chamber of Commerce. 1-4 Acres 4 Room Plastered House $1000 Bull Run water, close to large sohool fiid 6 cent carfare, $50 down, balance like rent - GEO.'T. MOOREJ CO., 618 Ablngton Bid. MODERN home on one of best corners in Laurelburst, 8 rooms and bath, 4 good sized bedrooms snd sleeping porch, large living room, dining room, hall and i kitchen, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, $900: very easy terms. Owner, H. M. lourtnguT, 4oa reon bldg. Rossmere Bungalow: Bargain Brand new, very attractive, 5 rooms una uhiu, wren awe, cement Dasement, paneled dining room, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, double construction, lot 60x JWUjcar l mock; 83000, easy terms. Phone builder. Tabor 2152. RIVER VIEW home at Island station. on the O. W. P.: 6 room cottage, 2 lots 50x100 each, 250 berry buslies. 100 strawberry plants, 8 grape vines, chick n house, stable, city water, electric lights, 12500: half cash. Mrs O. w Alexander. Island Station. O, W. 1'. GERMAN'S SMALL HOMES? 2 rooms in the Waverly Heights dls- trlct. $760: 1 room Woodstock, 725- 6 rooms 64th st., $1100. Easy terms 'on all of these. Fred W. German Co 932 C. of C. Both phones. FOR SALE One block of Firland sta . tlon, Mt Scott street cars, a modern 5-room house, large porches, shrubbery. J amen, exc. trice Z3UO; small payment own, balance like rent 7021 62d ave. . cj. mono xaoor if. CALL TABOR 2399 TODAY: For a more complete description of mv home, a 6-rootn bungalow, in Rose City Park; must sell before April 10: price $3650; terms. ' ' FOR BALE New 5-roum cottage on East 10th and Shaver Mts.; lot 50x110 liouse equipped with electric lights and all modern fixtures, paved streets, good car service; price $3250, part cash L V. Moehnke, Oregon City, Or. T" I WILL BUILD on your vacant lot. and finance your jiuuae un ey lerms. ji. j. r urlong contractor, room 38, Washington bid. Main 1429. FOR SALE New, modern li-room bun galow, lot 75x234 ft., all kinds of fruit Address owner. Death in fam ily Is cause of sale. Mrs. D. E. Fortune 421 South Main st., Newberg, Or Fix" room , modern home, 2 lots, ciilck ens and fruit University Park, $2950 Owner. IL N. Swank, 1036 Chamber of enwmerce. BARGAIN im down, $16 per month, 5 room new modern house in Parkhurst addition, 1400 below cost. 312 Henry , lidg. - jti. iouw-cur new b room house, strictly modern throughout good view of city. This must be sold, TABORFor aale, new 8 room nwner. t-ae, journal xza mommy, inciuumg interest, aniall payment, moves you into new 6 room h 'ID Italc-wy. Inquire 630 Worcester blk. Go6d 8-room house, view, lot EOxloo garden, berries: ; $850. 728 fiherrett v. ; neuwooo car. 6UNvNrSlDB SNAP room bouse, 60x 100 lot improved street a good buy. 1,1, r. nvinsun mniri itoo. Jil'ERN 5 room bungalow, lot IOOjc 100, with fruit trees; one block from tnr llnw. Price $3160. 1989 K. Wash. TjARGII 6 . room bungalow, plastered". r-niTrr uKFi'na v far, eay ICNnS. 7 K. 14th st, K ASnapfortlanchtterglits" i.oTiage ana - lot. Aiarstiaii J991. 1 1 a 0 0 Modern i room ,ouse, I block to car. This Is a bargain; part cash. phorni Wo.tdlswn 8229. -. v ftirfiifilied bungalow, 1 block, to .r, $5250. half rsHh. Main 1008. -Tiooni iiiiw houHe,' $15 tuouth- uener, Tlor $248, MSI, THE T POnfiALK .HOUSES' (Continued) " . 61 $80,000. Nob Hill home and cash fof good city Income, u $27,000. About 0 acres land near city - von good auto road with cash for rity business property to $50,000 or $60,000. $18,000. s:o acres good land In Dutch Flat section back '.. of The Dulles for efty income end will put in other city property for larger deal and possibly some cash. , , , . $18,500. River property, on etectritf line' and good nuto road, su perb summer home sites for nearby ranch. $ $850. - Kqulty in modern Irvington home for vacant lots or near acreage $ $500. 8 lots and 0 room furnished home at Seaside for city prop erty. $ 2400. 40 acres good land unimproved ' vicinity North Yamhill for cot tage, wilt assume. E. S. JACKSON. 246 Stark St Excellent Terms The Cream of Hawthorne District High and sightly, beautiful 6 room bungalow, with sleeping porch and one room finished in attic. Beautiful buf fet, bookcases, fireplace, model kitchen, with all .built-in features, linen closet, clothes, shuts, window seat cove ceil ings, fancy panel dining room, fancy hardwood floors, isrgo porch. We ask you to see this place. You will be amply repaid. 823 & 44th st. Take Hawthorne car. Owner's phone Tsbor 851. Fine Modern Home Hawthorne District Just 2 blocks from car, corner lot, beautifully improved, real home place. Will sell for small payment or take lot In exchange. Owner 1200 East Main or call Tabor 346 evenings. Forced $1950 That's All 82500 FOR $1950. Real artistic 5 room California bunga- I low; must go today at $1950; butit-m eriects, uutcn miciien, rooms un.ieu , nicely, electric fixtures, full basement and everything for real convenience; home oroiten; your cnance; terms. Owner , 962 B. 27TH NORTH, "ALBERTA CAR." $100 DOWN. Hawthorne district new home, you folio,! n vat iha SKA V. 4?nil mt hnimn It is sold. I have one more house l!fttlon; a fine home. un iina Bireeu ine iui iibibuii jitty- ing $100 before Tuesday evening gets this fine new 6 room bungalow worth $750 for $8400, Including wood In base- mcnt end combination wood and gas I1UV, I II V'lUUi 11H "WU 111 Wso- range. Call Klmer 8. Shank, 203 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Main 3B17. $2550 New 5-room bungalow on East 84th. Hawthorne district; . full basement modern plumbing, - built-in bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, wood lift, fire place, two porches, gat and electric lights; pavement, walks and sewer all paid. 260 down, $15 per mo. Tabor UZ4. owner, Bungalow and Lot . Only $1600, $200 Down 4 rooms, modern, near Rose City Park car; plastered, tinted, wired, bath, toilet sink, hot and cold water, etc. flowers, garden, balance $15 month; also 5-room modern home, $2700, $300 down, near car. Jas. C. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. Bargain, $2450 8 Rooms, Asphalt Street Newly painted and papered, cement basement, full plumbing, soma mo fruit trees. 843 K. 8th St., north, (take Alberta or Woodlawn car). Key next door. Lathrop, Ablngton bltlg. Only $825, Easy Terms 2 Room Shack House 120x100, cultivated ground, high and sightly, close In to quick, East Side car service, at city limits, SO min. ride, water and graded street, included. See James C. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. $100 DOWN s'EW BUNGALOW NE TERMS' . $2200 Large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom, bath, gas, electricity, ground 100x100. L, S. Metcalf, 310 Yeon, Marshall 2432. NEW, strictly modern, up to date little home; beautiful lot 60x1001 nice fruit trees: alley In rear; only 1 block to car line, only 15 minutes' out; locate! at 793 Montana ave.; will accept a lot up to $800 as port payment, some cash, balance quarterly payments. Phone Woodlawn 686. Irvington 7 room Dutch colonial house, sleeping porch and bathroom with tile floor, wide cement porch the full length of house; oak floors; large built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen. Sea it today. Moar & Spenre. owners. East 6376, $750 Buys a 8 room house, lot 40x100, at 87 W. Going st., 3 blocks to car. ALBERT HARALA, 801 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 686. No Money- Just one lot as first payment on mv splendid 8 room modern home in Laurel hurst. Price J6600 only. F. Dubois, 423 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN $2300 v TERMS' New bungalow. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace. 50x100 lot. Phone L. S. Metcalf. 310 Yeon. Marshall 2432. l wo cottages, clone m, on the east suie, on Morris street, on 2 lots, $3S00. if you are looking for an Investment, this will appeal to you. M. K. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. $100 CASH for a new l io,m bungalow 2 blocks to Tremont station, Mount Scott car; cement walks; balance $15 per month; price $2000. George A. Rlggs, o i o Dpaiuinjfuiag. Marsnail Z74B AKh you looking for a home? We have 4 or 6 houses at very attractive prices and easy terms. It will pay you to see u oerore you ouy. m. js. Lee, 522 Cor bett bltlg. $000 CAStl, new 4 room modern bunga low, lot 50x100; Improved street all paia- z blocks from car, 20 minutes out. $1 500. , H1GLKY ft BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE 5 and 6 room houses. Wav- erieign Heights, J30 down, balance rnn, sinciiy moaern. 30 Railway Ex- $o0 CASH and $10 per month, nifty four room cottage 1 block from Mt. Scott HtrT vv i "-a-iaiiria a, , r, ,wl . . . i-i'- 8iLJlinilk!LtM5: i CASH, $15 per month, 6 room cot- taee. y err a firm uciW ftnif onri ... en, 40 minutes' out. only 32250. HIOLEY & B1HHOP. 201 Hamilton Mdg. COME TO TtlvmriTrw FOR FINE HOUSES, FINISHED OAK AND MAHOGANY. OWNER? EAST 273 . W. H. HERDM AK IN WAVERLY Heiihts. for $6oA less eii n,?.ctua,JJValu,l a "0Sern hungalow, $700 will hsndU thla Plmni dl f396 or R-18rr Jouina'. FOR BATehS room houses, Westmore: rent! ll"e Jlew0' all surrounding coun- J Hy. Exchange. Ford ft Co. FOLR room cottage, near in, at a snapT f - Price 61900; tern,;.; Call t'78VrKfc ,lv a ot., .uf MeterMr VO SALE: 6 room , houses, Laiirel- .Lli,rstilftStr,,nat.p-?riWB ,f ukn Week. 809 Ry. Kxnhanve. Vr.rA s. r . 2f0 CASK will buy a $35d' moWioat i . " Miuuoi ua aimosi new. . '""t Address B-84V, Journal. '-.i1!00,1 ?y,f ,art houiMvkeepIng; well fiirnished. cheap rent; - iQ0 lerms. $0 4 Grand av north. J .-- OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, SUNDAY FOB SALEHOUSES (Continued)' 61 .Irvington' Bungalow We have a modern 8 room bun- ralow In Irvington for 80000; only 500 down. This swell residence in ' the heart of Portland's exclusive .,' , district Is owned by a lady who is going abroad permanently and she makes, this sacrifice for a quick sale. , 60x100 ft lc-t; hard surfaced t refits, all paid up. Has ., all 8 rooms on one floor, 2 fire places, lobby, large bright living room, decorated dining room, 3 : toilets, laundry trays, full cement ' basement with cement floor, fur nace, largs attlo which one could easily convert Into G rooms, mak ing this a J wo 5 room flat apart ment house, a swell piece of in come property.- This fine home Is on im st., grid can be handled for $600 cash with monthly pay. inpnia to fuin call snJ ask for Mr. Vance. Call Main 7141 'ance. ... Ralph, Ackley Land Co., n v em st.. Worth $6500 v ; But I am asking Only $4500 Terms to Suit 9-room house with sleeping porch. This home is strictly and entirely modern. -Lot 50x125 Situated on Stahton street between Union ave? and E. 7th st John Dick 649 Union ave. N. MODERN 8 room house, 60x100 lot, 3 blocks from L, car, 4 from Killings worth ave. This Is no junk or boosted prices; fine location, cement basement, furnace, beam celling built-in conven iences, fine yard, cement walk around house. 276 Pine St., cor. 4th. , $4500 $2000 cash, for a 1 room house and 4 lots, 200x154, on Mt Tabor; lovely view. This property Is worth $6500; if you want a real bargain and a nice home call vi tiumwf JKxcnangw, c Dnn, KZ7T, MTTTTT ITT77TI o noom, New, Modern House on line lot, egxioo; 1 block to car ce muni wsik; near Keed colieae: now rented: worth $3000; need cash very bad; $2200 takes It; $700 cash. See the owner room 417, Heillx hotel. $2500 $250 cash, balance on your own terms. ?hl? . ? Foom modern house on E. 12th st full basement double cohstruo- Owncr, 402 Lumber uxenance rS7invr h, r 6 r l0"S, ihl.V( When lue fr nd cold water, Vult tr6r harn l,t,. i ' " V.7 -- --p "J. "J"l'' yj1 " near me D. t. SIlODS snd KMWl cnllafra hnmH place. Cheap for cash or part cash. Will sell on terms. Call 21 Beck bldg.. or phone Main, 1220. FOR SALB Modern house! 6 rooms. I lots in Piedmont; $4600; take lot part pay; also 80- acres improved, S miles of Salem, $10,500. F. L, Wood, Box 6T, Salem, Or. PRICB $3000, $250 ash, "b'al. 26 per month; fine cor. oh. E. 7th st, good 8 room house. All st improvements in, 2 blocks from Union ave. Security !). velopment company, 4th and Pine stw. PARK ST. PROPERTy--Two flats, 5 rooms each; improvements all in and paid; can make an Inside price on this. Main 1721. FOR SALE cheap, cn easy terms, a modern 6 room house, near Flrland station. Inquire Mackenzie Electrlo worn, ids union ave, rifrr n , i. GOOD 8 room nouse, near carllne. on terms or cash c, uear canine, on 6409 71t st B. E.. Phone Tabor 406, SUMIRBAN ' home, ' Oregon City line. ls-vergreen station, 6 Ho carfare. Phone owner, usk urove. Red 884 ONE good 4-room shack for sale. nwlv plastered, city water. On terms. Cheap grounq rent, iirv wacaqam. A-8B88. I 15 DOWN. 15 monthly: : $325 for small house, lot 46x100. 113 Lewis bldg. - LOT, 4-room house ready to plaster, $340; $100 cash, $5 monthly. G-63S, Journal. $7800 IRVINGTON, ft room brick bun .galow; can not be duplicated less than $10,000. East 6275. FOR SALE 10 room house, new 727 Schuyler at, Irvington, near 2 2d. FOR SALE LOTS JO 60x100 $550. 22 minutes from 2nd and Al.ler Wari surface streets, all the wav. Building restrictions. Sightly location. Terms $26 cash, $u per month. Second mort gage arrangement if desired. COLUMBIA .rtUST COMPANY. 83 Fourth street Main 8900; A-1163. METZOER lots are 60x100. " metzger lots will have water. MET55GER lots have 8o carfare. METZGER tots will double in a year. METZGER lots 30 mln frnm ra.irt. liouse. Oallan & Kaaer, 722-24 Yeon bldg. METZGER lots are all 60xl0o"rnarger. Will hftVA water tn .v.nr In,. are aireaay graaea. y&y down 85 and se cure reservation, easy monthly pay ments. Callan & Kaser. 722-24 Yeon bldg. wiib in me town or Florence, very ciieaD now; win advance raoiaiv. "or an Investment nothing that I know of can touch It. Sold on easy terms. Come In and talk it over. Phillips, 1026 Cham. oer or v ommerce. $100 CASH and $10 per month buys extra large lot 60x135. with 15 bear ing fruit trees. A big snap for $800, on Eaat 9th st N. Main 90S,. 214 Lum- nermens oldg. Rose City Park Snap 100 on E. 46th Just north of 60x100 Sandv blvd.; price - $860. C. Chamber of 'Commerce. jnexoung, 614 360 SACRIFICE on 2 lots, 40x100 each, 4 blocks Mt. Scott car; .Bull Run water; worth $400 cash; quick sale price -'Z0. ueo. A. Rlggs, 816 Sptlding bldg. mar. nM, BEAUTIFUL view lot 80x120. wesi side; only 20 minutes' car ride; fine ior couniry nome site, jprieed only viuu. iv aown, oaiance s per montn M, R. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. iRVlNGTON. T To buy or sell Irvington lots or nomes rigni, you must see R. T. STREET. 229 Henry bldg. The Irvington Real Estate Man. BUILDERS AND HOMEHEERERrf. 6 lots on Belmont car. all street im provements; corner E. 82d N. (entrance city nam), trices $850 to $1000; terms. v-nvo, journal. PIEDMONT lot for sale Cheap, all lm provements Jn and paid for: east front; one block from Union and Killlngsworth ave; six canines, izii Qarf ieid ave, ONE ACRE $3000 On Hawthorne ave. carllna evtenslnn. between 63d and 64th sts; easy terms. See owner. 2982 62d st. S. k ilRWPllBT Ruth Int.." '"illS" .'i.h "'mt Beach lots: down and $1- a month. Fioneer Land Co.. 602 Swetland bldg. BELLE CREST, 60x100, 66th, half block south Sandy blvd.. 6690: all liens paia. 11, j . (Street, fit n lenrr bids, fcAST eide view homeslte for $1000. On perk; 417, 1 improvements tn. Terms, X. ournal TflYrff,"i;aI1v"llots.11 .with ' small house. slope of Mt Tabor; only $500. Jennie toss, Jennings lyoare, ur. TWolots. 3"4xl0o each, E.'ethj sacri- floed mercilessly. Owner, 787 W. Sal mon, niuno Cj. 101, CHOICE Lents lot. $400 cash. M-63B' Journal.' - - MY ennlty In 42x125 lot, water l.i; one peat aaoitromsi cneap, si w. aim. 1148 - FOR" BAMS LOTSjf 10 . (Continued) $150 Per Lot, $3 Per Month The Spokane of Oregon. 1 Do you know how fast Bend m grow ing? Property values are advancing. People are waking up to present day opportunities.. Our land Just platted ,v lots are very large, and for a few days, Just to start things, they will sell for 160, on term of $3 a month. Call or write Tor particulars. ; Wm, Lr Graham & Co, , , . 610-11 Henry Bldg. ! Phone Main 1917. I FOR a nice lot on which to build a home, see one for sale on Till amook street south side, 200 feet west of East 86th st, N. Price only $800. Call one me for further particulars. W. A, Barnes 406 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. V , Malu 2081. ... West Side Lots, Glenelyn Ad dition . Choice building lots on west side, In side 8 mile circle, fine view of Tuala tin valley and Mt. Hood, walks, graded streets and Bull Run water in and In cluded In price, $460 and up. ' Select rour lot and we will build to suit you or small cash payment. Provident Trust Co,, Owners zii Heiung Ding 100. by 100 Snap On B. 88th sft adjoining Altamead and only 1H blocks from end of Mt Tabor carllne. Cement walk to within block. Price $900 for the 100x100 feet, or $450 for 60X100 feet; 10 per cent cash, balance $1$ per month. Only 36 minutes ride to $d and Morrison. Kauffmann & Moore, 826 Lumber Exchange. Buy This Lot 60x100 comer Holman ' aad Grand ave., 1 block from car, $650 cash. Owner wants to sell. . The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35. 102 4th St A-S600. 1 you are familiar with Heights prop ertr and annreclate the future value of that class of 'realty that Is within warning distance or the retail center, you will be Interested in this lot, ap proximately 7200 so. feet, for $2850; terms. You can build your borne here with the assurance of a profitable in vestment and with the satisfaction of always being within easy access of your business. W-87T, Journal. $250 A beautiful lot, close to large school. Bull Run water, 5 cent car line and verM sightly; most any kind of a payment down and a small monthly payment George T. Moore Co., 618- Ablngton bldg. VERY choice 60x100 view lots, west side; graded street and sidewalk; wa ter piped to the front; price $400 each, $15 cash, balance $5 per month. If you are looking for very choice home sites, this will appeal to you. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. . HERE Is a snap for someone. I have two big, nice lots on the top of Mount Tabor; has 22 fruit trees and nearly all kinds of berries, and a small house; close to Mt. Tabor Pork. Owner, 61 E. 67th st Take Mt. Tabor car to E. 68th st., and walk north. WEST side lot. It's level. It's . on grade. It has a wide sweeping view, also water view; it's only I blocks from carllne; nice clean homes nearby; size 60x100, for $1250, including graded street, sidewalks, sewer, gas, etc. Terms. Y-603, Journal. TRADERS tane notice Ten lots near courthouse In the county seat of Lin coln county, Wash. Actual value $76o; clear of Incumbrance; will take $260 cash, as party is going east in a few days. 4728 70th st. S. E. GERMAN'S LOT BARGAINS EA1 A A Unniavllla HOT.. C 1Lftoe villa, $800; 2 lots "University Park, $600; 1 lot nawmorne aisirici, oov ; easy terms on all of-these. Fred W. German Co., 933 C. of C. Both phones. HAVE a lot 60x100. near Eastmore- land's hard pavements. Good car service. Must sell. Will take $550. Part payments if desired. M-624, Jour nal. ROSSMERE SACRIFICE. Choice corner. 100x100. one block from two carlines, $1800; direct from owner; no agents, j, m. i.uflt)erg. o Park st. BEAUTIFUL view site; west side, only 80 minutes' car nae; water pipea to the rront; laeai ior nome; 101 boxizu: price $400 each, $20 cash, balance $0 per month. M. E. Lee, 623 Corbett bldg. PRETTIEST LOT in Lexington Heights. 50x100. on 43d, near Keiiey; zo min utes' ride; soso. cnas. waenue, 029 Mohawk. OOOD BARGAIN.. " T.nt on fiith at., near Sandy Road: Improvements in and paid for. Owner, Marsnail xsw. . 750 EOUITY in Laurelhurst lot. block 100- will sacrifice for cash or accept good trade of equal value. X-418. Jour nal. l,iAfl CI I tn U Vm, Inta BilwIAA r J I SSAiaXU Ujr vwiiai .rum- ium ovaiwv. on 1st avenue. Folly Park; Nos. 2 and 8, block 7: price $650 cash. R. O. Naust dal. 858 Williams ave. FOR SALE Three lots with some build- inas. near the city; only 6 minutes' walk from car. Terms. Address P-623, Journal COME to Piedmont build a borne; save cost or lot. rians to. A. H. FABER. Architect 380 Alnsworth Avenue. Phone C-2791 N. W. corner of California and Virglnm sts, faolng Fulton car line, lot 60x100, will sell on any terms; best offer gets it. i O-402, Journal. FOR SALE Equity in Eaetmoreland lot at sacrifice. A. M. Pickard, New berg. Or, LARGE Firland lot, $375; terms $5 month: graded street and water. ?zo Chamber of Commerces Tabor 771 LOT 60x100. 74th near Clackamas, M!-W carllne. $675; $278 cash, balance terms. Call 816 w. Ivannoe st, at, jonns. I HAVE 6 lota in Tacoma I Will ex change for horses or cattle. Rout 2, box 69, Newberg, or. loth 1. 4. . a. 10. block ik. waverieign will sell on any terms; best offer gets them one or all. O-408, Journal. $510 EQUITY in lot corner of 64th and Fremont St.. Belle Crest cheap, AQ dress 878 Brooklyn st. PENINSULA lot way below market value; $10 mommy win do. u-zys journal. . - 2 BLOCKS TO CAR. Lot 40x100; $5 down, $5 monthly. $12 T.ewls bldr . Nolr & Co. for west side Drop erty. Exclusive dealeels in west side I TBI I, 00, vimiPi " w,,.iv. Iron SALE Euulty in Jonesmore lot - bargain if taken at ' once. B. H. Thompson. Box 886. city. $120 EQUITY in V acre, 30 minutes or car, and $50 worth of lumber for $126 T.-408. Journal. ROBE CiTt PARK lot 60xll$i alley; Improvements m ana paioi eaat ironi, $650, easy terms. Taoor oi6. KKiAPlt fiOxl06. lust off Killings - worth ave. car-line, $750, clear title, Hatfield. 185 4th st. ONE acre, near Keed Institute, only tvnn.v t.rml HI LEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. J4.ACRE near Frland,, 80 minutes $50 cash, balance easy; ho gravel ; HIGLEY ft BIgHOP, 201 Hamilton T. eT. Bldg. fl DOWN snd $1 weekly buys 60x130, biocks rrom car, k-i, journal. FOR SALE Lot la Rose . City Park, Call Sellwood 470. 1 WAV ERLei.GH JIEIOHTS ;lot for sal f or trade cheap. Call 18JH 4fh. 1 TWO nice lot", small house,. allv kinds xruit UIB iJoston ava. MORNING, MARCH 23, 1913. FOll S AtC LOTS 10 . (Continued) Smile With Me $1000. $1800. $2250. Splendid rural view lot, close In, Portland Heights. Ono of the best Irvington lots, all Improvements In and bonded. Large lbt with rural view, rood for two bunaalows. on nothing in locality for so little . money, . ' . ' ' $2400. Two view lots.- Willamette , Heights, all Improvements in and paid. This is surely a snap but owner wants money, hence your opportunity. - Will build on any one-of the above on your plana and on terms If you have enough to purchase lot. K, S, JACKSONva4 Stark St BELLE CREST lot for sale, bargain, 1 block from car. Sellwood 1601. ACREAGE 57 "MR, LANDSEEKER, BEADI" ' No. 2010 acres, with 8 acres cleared, balance in pasture; it's 4 miles from Slfton and the street car line; it's what is called high swale land, which is Idfeal, all tillable and level; mile to school house; 20x24, 2-story and 6 rooms; barn, well; it's a fine little place for some one, .and as fine land as you can find Price only $1500; , half cash and the bal ance in 8 years at 7 per cent. -No. 2380 acres, which anyone can be proud to own; 80 acres of the finest of creek bottom land, 10 acres undet cultivation, 20 acres mors slashed and burned; 20 acres of timber, which Is al der and fin and very fine land: 60 acres level and 20 acres rolling; all tillable; creek and spring; 176 young fruit trees; NEW 9-ROOM '. BUNGALOW; barn, 80x 56; 4000 rhubarb plants, which alone will pay for the place; about 12 tons of hay; poultry, cow, caUV Pig, farm machinery and small tools; only 20 rods from the Pacific highway; school only one-quarter mile; phone in the house. Price only $4500, half cash and the bal ance on long time. It's dandy plaoo; nothing better at any price; , 8 miles from railroad and town. v E. F. GILBERT, - t 108 Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash. . $860 ' " 9.33 acres, 2 miles southeast of Amity and 8. P. electric line; part in cultivation, no waste land on the tract, no stumps or rock, all good land, spme cordwood; on a county road; small payment, bal ance $10 per month, 6 per Cent: fine for chickens, berries and fruit A 14.84 acres, part c1ar.lart tim ber, fine rich land; all can be cultivated; high and sightly, on a county road, z miles to town and railroad, in Yamhill county, only, $1113; email payment down, bal nnce $10 per month, at 6 per cent See F. E. Seachrest. CHAPIN - HERLOAV MORTGAGE! & TRUST CO.. Jd Floor Chamber of Commerce. for a splendid Investment offers today. the GKAXB J1AKBUK oisinci, wnere good land can be bought from 816 to $30 .... nn t.rml within tnm ra. dtus of 6 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoqulam, two of the best and fastest gowlng cities on Pacific coast with three transcontinental railroads a splen did, deep water naroor ana tne largest lumber industry in the world. The land is well watered, free from rocks; three schools, two stores and postoffice. If Interested, write for further Information to Washington states colonization co., Aberdeen, wasn. HARLAN PARK GARDENS, QUARTER ACRE TRACTS. Rose Citv car. fertile soil well drained, good water; the rent you now pay buys you a nice new house and a garden. Come in and talk, it over. See Manny. , UHAFIK-HlfiRIiUW MUKTUAUHl St TRUST CO.. $d floor Chamber of Commerce. SMALL house and 2 acres, fenced, eul- tivated level, beartna- rrult trees, deep soil, running spring water, $1350. Small house and 100x100 corner, fenced, bearing fruit trees; $600. Good bam and 200x100, double corner, bearing fruit trees: $575. . These are all 1 block to store, 2 blocks to school. 8 block to electric- lighted depot, on electric car line, close to Portland; food auto road, telephone. dally man. , , ,. j. vv. titan vtLnuin 807 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland 20 ACRES, t miles from Van couver, on electrlo line; modern 7 room house; all cleared, 10 acres of prunes, and all personal prop erty. Price $10,000. See Denl son. CHAPIN - HERLOW MORTGAGE ft TRUST CO., Id Floor Chamber of Commerce. 40 Acre Bargain Two miles from Oregon City, "On the macadamized Pacific highway, 40 acres of the best Soil in Clackamas bounty, with timber enough to pay all I am ask ing ror the tract journal. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap . $20 ud to $46 per acre, on terms. Tracts of 5 acres or more: deep, red shot soil, well watered: easily cleared; Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to liv town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, -703 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Main 8078. Evenings taast . BEAVERTON TEN ACRES, Only 11 miles from Portland, near Beav erton; Oregon Electric; good soil, nearly .11 in cultivation. 832E0. Hee Owner. H. O. Bunhell, 605 Blake-McFall bldg. phone A-Y5V4. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district Estacada line, electric station V. mile. New subdivi sion, Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only f to lou per aor m smaii tracts; easy terms; quica train service. Frank A McFarland Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg., rortianq, ur. A Snap -nMa It mllaa frnm cltir hall all in cultivation but 2 acres, all black onion land, xnis is a snap at su per acre. Near Oregon Eiecvrio aepot. 212 Selling bldg. r. ; - ... $26.00. -,'v;il-,,' WHO WANTS' 120 ACRES7 Knar North Plains. Washington coun ty, ort county road, $0 acres been cult, 60 acres timber, good - bottom land. Easy terms. 804 Hoyt street. Price $25 per acre. . . FOB SALE - We have some choice tracts in acreage, the best of soil, close In to Eugene. We .are selling on easy terms from $100 to $200 per acre. FOREST niLL INVESTMENT CO.. 80 Fourth St., Portland, Or. 10 Aores. $150 to $60CF : Tour ohole1 800 acres, good soil, water, school and roads, 1 hours from peruana, v If to. it will make your first navment on a 10 acre tract of good land, 1 hour and 30 minutes rrom Portland. Room 816 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner 2d and Starlt sts. ' ; ACRES for sale, 'No. 1 -anil, half In ow. Price $375 per acTe; small payment down, balance 2 or years as i per cent; In the vicinity or oresnam. FOR SALE Cheap, 60- acres of first class cleared and cultivated land, near Donald station, on the Salem Kleotrlc; generally level ; may consider part traaa. Phone owner, Sellwood 871. ' JO ACFtKij on.fircgoa Wccliic for. aula or trade by oyyuuv ,58 Caiiield ave. 67 Chance to Start Soon v . 'Fourth Street Line. to. Be Electrified Quickly1 , For detailed information see Oregonlan, March 20. Fineall steel Interurban electric cars to .. be in operation very soon, making the run from our suburban tracts- . to -the business center Of the city in , 30 minutes. Graded 'Streets, sidewalks, water, electrlo lights, , phones, delivery of mail and mer chandise will mak suburban. . home life" in this community a pleasure. The distance Is only a, pleasant rlde-the location is in the beautiful Tualatin valley, The commutation ticket rate to the first station on our tract is iV . cents and when the electrlo cars -are running, should, and we feel confident will be, less. Our prices ar $260 to $500 . per acre, $2& down on the 1250 and $50 on the $500 land, with small payments monthly. Go out with tis any day and look t!!s over. 1 Set It before se lecting yOur home, THE EliAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 85. 102 4th 8t A-2500. $47teaYear, . From Chickens- In what one woman made last year, and is increasing her flock ' to make mora money. Raynes Acreage ' Is an ideal place for CIIICKENS; sheltered location, close to Fort- land; good auto road and electrlo car service; growing community. eloctrlo-lightod depot, school, . dally mall, store, telephone, -etc. . KOW ONLY $176 to $400 per acre. , Big Increase in values bound. to follow. Let us tell you more about it Better still, let us show you. ..,. , , ,". 3. W. HEFFERLIN 107 Railwav Exchange Bldg., Portland., TWO and a third aorSs, cultlvated.run ninff spring water, level, on good rood and electrlo car line, rloh bottom land, ideal for gardening, poultry and eubur ban home, in stow In communitw. tela. phone, daily mall, only few blocks to store, school and electric-lighted depot; iuu per acre. t In same vicinity, t , acres,' partly cleared, almost level, faces on -county road. $275 per acre; 2H acres adjoining; uncleared, sloping, $175 per acre; easy terms.. . -. ,..-.?, - J. W. HEFFERLIN, - - . . :" 807 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. Secure that future California home now, where life is worth while, where the orange, olive, fig. pomegranate, etc., ? row in profusion. Beautiful palms, and lowers, balmy air and song birds all the year. The sacrifice of a little money now, and no more for 4 years, will bring all of this to you. Information' and lit erature. Fresno Irrigated Farms Co., 208 Railway Exchance bide-.. Portland. Or. 40 -Acres $800 $100 Down - 1H miles from railroad station, good soil, running water, easy terms. See Dcnlson. CHAPIN - HERLOW MORTGAGE ft TRUST CO., d Floor Chamber ot Commeroe. 5 ac. Beaverdam at Hubbard, $300 ac. 45 acres near Corvallla $ 78 ac. 400 acres near Salem ..........$ 40 ao. 182 acres near Salem on S. P. . .$ 80 ac. ii acres dairy farm, Bstacada 8110 ac. 600 acres North Yamhill $ 70 ac. 160 acres Irrigated at Baker ..$ 60 ac - H. M. CARQUKVILLBL 707-8 Selling Bldg. 160 ACRES, 140 in cultivation, 2fi' acres In hops. Good house, barn and out buildings. Also exceptionally good hop house, family orchard, berries and grapes. Creek runs through the place. A. very good dairy and clover ranch. Crop and outfit, Including, stock; cash, balance to suit RX-404, Journal. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SUBURBAN HOME I have an acre that I will sell for $1000. Good terms. Two car lines, all city conveniences, ' electric lights, water piped to the jlace; all under cultivation; must sell. 8-265, Journal. $25.00 AN ACRE). For this 40 acres of excellent land, close to small town in Willamette val ley and near where new electrlo line is now. building. 1 v J. M. FRENCH A CO.. " 412-413 Ablngton bldg, 106 H Third st ltt ACRES 4 blocks from station In Oak Grove. All in cultivation, 40 bear ing fruit trees, all kinds berries, 6 room house, about 8 miles from Port land. This Is a nice home for some body. For sale or trade for a small farm near Oregon City. K-8it Jolrnal. Good soil, city water, close to carllne; easy terms. Phone Marshall 1685, Sell wood 476. i John H. Gibson, owner. 82 ACRES, adjoining small town; good house, barn and outbuildings. Matured family orelumj of acre, crop goes. Naked land adjoining sells for more money. Price $6000, U cash, balance to suit UX-281, Journal. 85 ACRES on Marks Prairie, 2U mites from Aurora. Young orchard. 6 room house and good barn. School adjoins. ail In cultivation, una very pant of soil, $150 per acre. $5000 cash, balance to suit. RX-oa, journal. 160 ACRES, 6 miles west of Salem. 100 acres cultivated. 80 morn nasilv cleared, balanos pasture. Running water rear rouna. two a aairy rancn, no buiid- ngs, Price 76 per acre; ft cash, bal ance to suit, ma-bui, journal. SIX acres all In cultivation, on Mt. Hood electrlo car;, old house, barn, 2 acres orohard. best of soil, small navment down, oaiance very easy, A-aO, Jour nai. 40 ACRES. $30 PER ACRE, SETTLiNG ur Art XtstylAXXM &V, miles of Woodland. , $600 cash handles; all in timber; good soil and creeK. B04 Hoyt st. mm acre and 9 room plastered bouse. 2 blocks from the station at Beaver- ion, trice jzuu terms given. . BEAVERTON REALTY CO 601 Swetland Bldg. EXCELLENT stump land, within 40 miles of Portland, mile from rail, road town, in 6, 10 and 20 acre tracts. some with running water, at $35 an acre. wm. ine, ei k. sin. senwooa is. LOOK 20 acres on car line, near Gehr; modern improvements, Jnostly bearing fruit; half cash; ; terms to suitr near high school. John Velt, Orchards, Wash, 9 ACRES $1360. : 8 acres cleared, bearing ' - Orchard, small house, fine spring, fenced. $100 down, bal. easy. M3 1e wis bldg. 10 ACRES, facing on B. Glisan st., mile from city limits, 8 blocks to Mt Hood line. By. owner. Address A. L. Swaggart, Athena, Or. $10 MONTH buys acre on two car lines close In; can keep cow, chickens, strawberries, potatoes, etc Y-604, Jour nal. .... .- 15$ acres unimproved land on Tllla- mook line, near Banks; fenced, $40. Dickinson. 1013 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE ACRE, ADJOINING CITY LIMITS Mlectttlo llBhts. nhone and water. $900. 4 qitlir-ie) an Meal4ewtkw"arid- goWHcar services 8-Z8B, journal. , T.:V aore nsiir station! - all n-cultl- vation. with buildings, $11)00, easy terms,. Room 817 iatiDe mag. . SIX 60x134 lots, all for $750, suburban .line; cultivated, beautiful view, $12 per mon th. ... H-60.1,.. Journal. $lil Plik month, 2ft acres, 100 feet front oar, rich loam, no gravel, south ern slope. Price $?20. li-603. Journal. ACREAGE ACREAGE ';. (Contlnnad) ACHTSAflflV1 vr 1, hitt Nothing down, nothing for 6 years. Ckn you beat that for termsT , n?!1no.u?.1,la,nVitt ,Te' bottoml iamT, Can you beat that for soli? 7- JfaSrlley.,f'l(,inf nf acre.' Can you beat that lor crop? i,r!l 9reoa Electric., and. WJUamet JiMll1.5iouJ)?at tht 'or transportation? t IJa la?dtl" Kenuln" loganberry land, L0onttd.af;(ne', .fUon, on the Orei ?n?t iec!ri0' , in".0UtU.T Salem, S.li.T.H1? ot tht Willamette Sui,,.S roinng bottom land, Ia.ciLcaUy,AafLin "lvation. We-will V sell in 6, 10, 20 and 40 acra tracts . Tha only reaulrement we ft, rb" rTv"' V1." ; SL,a?,K1,.tW h,alt of the land pur chased be set to loganberries. We can '' ''"" " "n tips. This is a prop-?r.i1.t!!-i?0-.ma,Lof.llmlted tneans. Th?.yi.U4pital '? S!Tfl" the land. .. , ThnrJf iltV'V,1 Jlm "tart in, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 13 Fourth st. - v - 10 Acres. ' ' : 'r Five acres in cultivation, four (4) . acres slashedone (1) acre in fir grove,- and running water on ground. It has new five (6) room , bungalow, . new arn, "chicken house, and is located on the west- ti?.0'11" rlver H miles from . I'ortland, , - o,1 within the next two weeks , will take $3600; part cash, bal. ance terms. 1 . . .. , For fuller, particulars "see. The Lawrence Co, ! . 171 Fourth St., Bet. Morrison and Yimhlll Sts. - A-2815. - M. 8918. 5 Acres ALL IN CULTIVATION and the best of soil, plenty of fruit .in full bearing. On main county rpad, l H miles from electrlo sta tion; sidewalk all the way this summer; school and store hi mile; 10 miles from center ot Portland. Price $1$00; terms that will suit you. Bee Mr. ostetler at m Board of Trade. Loganberry - Land ; ;f 10 acres, T acres in jnltlvaUon and seeded to cldvec, balance In timber land is all level, deep black soli; closa to station on electric line. Price $1500. 6 acres, small house and two chicken houses, closeto electrlo line; SOo fare to Portland, ajtrlce $1000, easy terms. , A, Vester . . ! J25 Railway Exchange bldr, , Phone Marshall 2574. A-74Si. $4000 Buys 20 Acres Good 'soil, close to railroad, 2H hours' ride from Portland; good terms If necessary: only 6 per cent Interest See Hart or Denl son. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE! . - ft TRUST CO., - 8d Floor Chamber of Commerce, A FINE LITTLE TRAXi'f. ' " 20 acres fine' land at $56 per acre, with 6 acres fine bottom land along fine) wifufc eiiuaiu, tmiiuil-ll BQUUjT Miupina, , ana an uiibdio except aoout I acres good ; Tinntlire lanH with fins anrtnr ITIna . soil, no rock, easy clearing. On coun ty road near the railroad. Adjoining1 -land produced 300 crates strawberries per acre for first crop. You can buy tills for a small payment down, and bal ance monthly, Lueddemann, Ruley & Within Vi mile ot Clackamas station) 1 VII S3. X . 8a i 4 i;iDVlICUr RUVU V-iVUlU JUa i' tered house, 200-foot chicken house, old, Vinrn- 9 nrrea hlnckcatia 1 nr atrsw- berries, some- full-bearing Trult trees," ' 2 acres clover, balance .ready for plow. Incubators, brooders, all garden tool : t Included In tirtce of $4760. This is very r.loAA to Portland and a enan. Luedde mann, Ruley & Co., $18 Chamber-of Commerce. ' - ' ' 7.68 ACRES, & mile from station, on . ' saiem isiiectric, ail in cultivation rsir 8-room house, rood hon house, variety , of trait lies on county road; bargain at $200, per acre; terms; also 11.73 acres- in same tarm at same price. Iowa Realty Co,, if" 629 Chamber of Commerce, Mar. 604. . ONE acre and 4 room bungalow, ad joining city limits, water pipea to house electric Hffhts and telephone: choice 2 car lines; beautiful little home. Fruit trees, nice lawn and chicken. Good market for your produce. Employ HARDING FUKHECJK. UO., 80 4th st. i - Main 6486. A Compelling Circumstance With my mother In hospital In St' Louis, must return at once. Will sac rifice 15 acre country home in the Gresham district, on electric Una. 10 acres cultivation, 6 room house, othen improvements good, gee me this weelc at 609 Spalding bldg. Owner. 3 Acre Bareain $1900 , Just beyond Lents, all excellent soil. 400 feet to station, fine car service; all In cultivation. If you want a fine coun try home just 30 minutes out see'tliia, C. DeYoung,, 614 Chamber"-" Com- $15 Down Beats Rent And puts you In possession of a choioe half acre, 120x155, with small house, for $750; SO minutes from Hawthorne,, bridge. A. C Marsten, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3S17. Tabor 1770, A-7340. WILLAMETTE, VALLEY 1200 acres good tillable land, some Improvements; all slashed but 40 acres;, can put In cultivation at small ex pense. Price $30 per acre; easy terms,! 801 Henry bldg. ' ' j 2,67 Acres Near the Oregon Electric, doss to Portland, all cleared, excellent soil and lies well. Only $306 per. acre on your own terms. A-467, Journal. ' T $12.60 PER ARCE 820 acres, 200 acres old burn, easily Cleared, balance timber and pasture, $0 miles from Portland; terms, $1200 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent 801 . Henry bldg. - r " FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE " tlfiT.0. S acres Improved; close-In : on elee trlc; would exchange for suburban lots up to $1200. L. S. Metcalf, 810 Yeon. Mar 2432, - '- ; $36 PER" ACRE7 Buys 40 acres Lincoln county, U miles to depot Fine soil. 1 Easy; cleared. Ji'BO ClOWn, ano 1UW yer, prw Pioheer Land Co., 608 swetiana niog. FOUR acres. 4 room house, stil in cultl- , vation, 2 acres in-bearing orchard, ft mile to station, 80. minutes out , Price , 2300, $500 down. Room s6, 232 ft wasnington st. i : EOOKI LOOK! Nearly 8 very choice acres for a home, 2 blocks to car, close In running water, for the price of a lot; $1800, terms. 423 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4362. , 'f ' I ACRES IN, NEW TOWNSITE. " $100 handles, located right at. depot, on the Mt Hooi,Ry., 19 milet of Port land: fine, place to cut tap In lots and, . Tor a store, van au nuyi at. HALF acre tracts on car line, near city, $650 each, 10 per cent cash, bal. on. terms. Address Dent F. Stewart, ' 203. Wilcox bldg. , ," i v & 80 Acres Cedar Land : Yamhill countyl $1250 takes it Phone- B-l 7 54. ' i - ':" - 5 - - "BWAVKRTONACRRAGIO ? 2ft -eore tracts. Close to depot. Fins soil. 14-cent fare. Pioneer, Land Co., 602 Swetland bids:. - 28 ACRES cultivated land near Turner" f Or good soil, level; low price ana easy term w. Call East 6329. 200 ACRES, all tillable, well watered, $25 per acre; terms. 423 Chamber of Commerce, . "Continued on Psge 'len.J.