r-- f- i THE, OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 'SUNDAY MORNING,, MARCH 16, 1913." 1:; The "Poultry Column . , . . . . . . : chicken fancier uses to dispose of or purchase stock or settings, I I ' 1,1.. f . . . . i -. r . i' i . ' r r . ; , i r : r: - - . s FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Continued) - - 1 D. A. Knowles 4x2 steam pump 110 b. p. boiler complete wltk. fit tings. 'I'. : t ;. : - 1 Swaby 1H centrifugal pump. ': - 1 Size 2 Cameron steam pumpi 1 Slie 3 S. A. American steam pump. ': 1 F, M, power driven 34 pump. 1-10 h. p. 220 volts D. C, motor. , 1600 voftslOO K W. D. C. motor. 1 8 K. W m-volts D. C. ener- ator. - :..--.:,.,.-..:-'.'.:-. 140 h. p. 220 volts 9 phass motor.7 1 lu p. 110 volts D. C. motor..t 115 b. p. 600 volts D. C. motor. 1 2 h. p. 600 volts D. C. motor. , 2 756 h. p. 220 volts. 8 phase motors. 1 8 h.p. 220 volts 3 phase motor. ' 2 1 h, p. 220 volt 3 phase motors. 1125 h. p. 600 ' .i volts compound wounJ D. C motor. 1 -7 h. p. 220 voltso phase motor. 11 h. p. 220 volts D. C motor. t Aurora crushers. 8 No. 6 Bymonds crushers. , 1 No, 3 D. Gates crusher, 1 4 D, Gates crusher, ' 2 Hand tire setters. - ; 1 tO-'h. p. vertical bolUr. . 1 Dump wagon, boxes. 12 Stae wagons. 2 Sets crusher rolls. - 1 Street sweeper with two (2) steel brushes, ; 3 Sewer Jacks. " '' ; 2 Two-wheel ana-horse drays, r 1 B. P. traction engi,ne. - 1 Full set of tinners' shop tools. . Mm UI ... .IIIU. .VIMIIII WiU I rewinding. AH work guaranteed. n. ai. a, munAyiaus uu., tl North First Street. Phone Main (310. ONE FULL EQUIPMENT FOR CLEAN KRS AND JDYjilRS, as follows: 1 metal glove machine cleaner, 1 wood washer, length of cylinder 66. in shell 2 in.; 1 extractor, 24 In. basket (Ainer can Machinery Co. make it 1 metal washers, 28 in. cylinder, 48 in. diameter, ts in. sneu treeness macninery Co. make); 1 60 gallon copper Jacket kettle. 1 60 gallon casolins . distiller. 1 latest model Bowser benslne system with four tanks, 960 gal. capacity; 60 ft shafting with boxes; 1 26 horsepower horizontal boiler, firebox 48 inches deep: also other galvanized tanks, pressing board; flat irons and electric Irons, also 2400 square leet or space ror rent, divided in lour rooms on a lower floor, at a very rea sonable rjrlce. FOr Information lnaulre Eapt Portland Cleaning & Dye Works, urana nve.. jrortianq, ur. .feiUS following Is a list of articles found on tne cars or tne f ortiana itaaiway, Light & Power Co. and turned in at the different division points. Owners may eours same by applying at barns as indicated: , Ssllwood bam, March J3, Phons A-8181 3 umbrellas, 2 grips, 1 rake, 1 window xrame, i sneet oi jnusio, x smaii queoso, 1 pair overalls. ' . .-. ' . m Bavler-street car house. March 12, Phone A-6181 (trunk lino) 1 umbrella, 1 wrench, 1 bottle liquor. inlfAnv hflrn Mo.Mi 111 PhAllA ASA1 2 suit cases, 'l umbrella 1 eleotrlo fix ture, 1 oil coat, l caDy areas Plisdmont barn. March 12. Phone S1J1 I purse, 2 umbrellas. 1 milk can. 1 mf Aati 1 rtn S mir.UiLnAniiA Articles. FOlt 8ALO Jew and second hand ' carom and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys a .d accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, asy payments. Th; Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 stn si, fnones main tbj. m i o FOR. SALE Or rent, tent house, large garden, cbrner KlUlngsworth and Delaware; St Johns car. WANTED ansCELLANEOUS 0 STORAGE sale of sewing machines; Singer, 1; Whit. 38; New Home, 26; Standard, 9; Free, 08: and several other machines will vary from 23, to 117.50: all guaranteed to sew perfect; thread and roods will be furnished to try them. 190 Third st bet Tamhlll and Taylor. YVANTJEDPeople of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second band household ' goods. N. M. Beater, 124-J28 Grand ave. Kast igi, COVELL FURNITURE AND COMM18 SION CO. pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and Stoves. 204 1st. Main 8032. WHY sell your furniture at auctldht We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address M. R. Beater, 848-50 Haw. thorne ave. Phone East 8184; COUNTRY dealers in furniture take notice; 100 springs. 200 beds, 100 heat ers, to close out In this stock, for quick action. Bargers. 868 B. Morirson GENUINE bargain in furniture, stoves and household goods, for a few days only. Burger, 368 East Morrison. tyANTED Any kind of team work, by the day, hour, or contract, rnona East 818. B-isiu WANTED A second hand telegraph in Mtrmnant. kv und anunder: state price, etc. Address 32 K. 81st st DLinMin mum nn - A UUI AM . . 111.. to et ton figures for your second' hand furniture, etc Exohange dept WANTED Second hand Remington . . typewriter; not . over $20. F-406, journal. I BKOOD sows that will farrow be- tween Apry 1 and 16. W-404. Jour : nal. WANTED 210 egg incubator and brood er; 1 450-lb. U. 8. separator, and 1 heavy double harness. 104 1st st BE WISE, get more for youf second hand furniture by sslUng It to Ford Auction CO 811 1st MSln 8861. A-3446. WANTED Scotch collie aog. 6 to 12 months old; must be cheap; stats price. K-810, journal. WANTED to buy combings. Switches made to order. 615 E. Yamhill; phone . A. - -,. WANTED Two - housekeeping rooms, Stove; qeiwBeii uviiiduu miu wc.a,- son, cast of Parte L-649, Journai. WE want I10.J00 worth of 2d-hand fur nlture. highest prices paid. Bell. 1682. FLOOR show cas. in good condition, 4, 6 or 6H ft long.; must be cheap for cash. 'Woodlawn 1178. . LOST ANp. FOUND 1 XjOST Maroh 10, In or about Carlton hotel, lady's- ring, set with one ruby. two small pearls. Return to Journal office. , . , -LOST, strayed or stolen, 8 months Bos ton Bull brindle terrier. Answers to "Queen." Main 8670. 816 N. 19th. Re ward. LOST On Saturday last, between E. 26th and E. 8th sts.. a lady's gold watch and fob chain, bearing initials B, S. innaer return to quunim umca PAIR of brown dent gloves, between the Campbell and 19th and Marshall, Frl lay evening. Please call Marshall 1851. LOST Black cocker spaniel. In Alberta district March 7, with 1912 license on collar. Answers to name "Babe." Finder call, Wpodlawn 1616; reward. , LOST Chain and locket, horseshoe, wishbone, four leaf slover design, 2 stamp pictures inside. Reward. .Please can at journal. LOST Oval Jasper agate stons used for . a watch fob, valued as keepsake. Re ward, return to Journal. lapel watch chain with Initial T on button. Keepsake; reward. Call at journal. LOST Between Morrison and. Yam bill, a small package of embroidery. FOUND Handbag" containing some money; owner. oau journai office. LOST, Thursday, on east side, a sur s veyor's 100 ft. chain. Call st Journal. PEKSONAL 22 RAVE 22 to $10 by bnylng your trunk J or suit case at 632 Wah., at Kth. - . - VOH SALE Black Spangled dress. Bust -;.cot Jl-'taf o jrijlarshnll 117 F5r ntiy kind bf scalp trouble call at 218 Tllford bldg. 407 Morrison st. LADYS barber shop now open on Couch between 6th and 6th. ' MRS. CLARA HAY. spiritual medium.' 21 N. 11th street. 22 MARRY Matrimonial paper, up to date, containing descriptions of wealthy, marriageable people; all parts United Mates, apd descriptions of on- of wealthiest and largest societies; read Jhe marriage testimonials showing re liability and service for years; am mak ing marriages for others; why not you? Best proof is results. Paper sealed, 10 cents. Mrs. Bell, 116 Magnolia, Los Angeles. CaL MATRIMONIAL, agency of highest char ecter; a strictly private, up to date, dependable medium for placing in cor respondence congenial, marriageable neople. Seventh successful year.. Hun dreds Of testimonials from jSatisfied clients. If wishing to marry, investi gate our plan. Literature and full In formation, luc. The Ideal Introduction Club, Box 1776, Vancouver, B. C. WORKING man, 44. gooiS 'position' neat kind and loving, would like to meet a working woman not over 40 that pos sesses same qualities. Give full de scription in first letter and phons num ber; general delivery:-' matrimony If suited. N-60S. Journal. .- , ' YOUNG man of agreeabla personality, refined, musical and home loving, holding position as sales manager for prosperous corporation, wants to meet lady with some means with the objeot of matrimony, Must bo brunette, not over 20, good housekeeper. AH letters strictly connaentiai. a-n. Journal, GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUBJi " Long experience, best references: treatments for rheumatism and lumba go, eta, massage and baths. , 226 IStn St., bet Main and Salmon. Marshall 6033. Open evenings. SCIENTIFIC Electro-Magnetic Treat ment for all chronic and nervous dis eases, paralysis, lutig and. stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula; nervous headache cured in few minutes; one free treatment Consultations free. CU2 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington at, BACHELOR (Austrian) S3 years old, worth 2000,. would marry worthy working girl of Catholic faith, who is able to speak and write English.- if in terested address, t once, Ideal Intro duotlon Club, Box 1776, Vancouver, B. C. t AM a middle aged woman of good oharacter. A lover of home. Would meet an honest man with home. No objections to one child. Object matri mony.. M, DvB., Box 682 H. Rout No. L city. HAVE YOU1 SUPERFLUOUS Hxlks! Our 6-neeule method is the only ours for moles, warts and superfluous hair. Satisfaction guaranteed. r ELECTROLYSIS CO ' 604 Swetland Bldg. NEW THOUGHT SANITARIUM Mod ern theraDenties. drusrleaa mathod All kinds of diseases treated; nervous trouble, stomach disorder and cancer cured. 306 Portland boulevard. Phones u-3iz3, wooaiawn 682. LADIES Antiko Mixture No. 8,' the most harmless aid successful regu lator of the womanly functions known. Contains no poisons and is guaranteed for sale in Portland by The Heidfond ui-uk jo izv Morrison, near ist. kRS. STEVENS, ) 8 years Portland's teaoing palmist and clairvoyant, baa her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 667 ft Williams ave corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to B p. m. WANTED Neat little lady. muslcaT dressmaker, possibly little baby girt, that needs good home; refined Ameri can gent 43; object matrimony. V-442, uurueti OUNO map of means desires Xo be come acquainted with young lady not over 80. Object companionship. Ref erences. Send photo and phone number. journal ATTRACTIVE, educated widow, . 49, woujd like to correspond with re fined man having nice home and means to maintain same; object matrimony. HX-668, Journal. MISS PERRY, eastern graduate mas seuse. New York School of C. & D., treats rheumatism, paralysis and nerv ous cases. . 290 13th st. 18th st. or Jef- ternun car, upnn punoays. wain 7bBl FOR advertising purposes, give free massage with the Blackstone vacuum w.aAerPS.weF massager. Phone Main 9166. Demonstrator will call. Local office. 708 Rothwchlld. GERMAN, lonely, in the early thirties, wants to correspond with German girl or widow of suitable age; Cathollo preferred; object matrimony: no triflers. Z-407, Journal. U'Anteu First ' class dressmaker or tailor for sewing in exchange for best J?)." treatments. 290 13th st Main 7661. SPIRITUAL "medium. reV. MAY A PRICE. READING, HEALING, 5Vt, 'l"'L'i.a lut.b., t: wiuu. AND .nuw., . s WUWTUOMKKI; MAIN 7227 uinrn u ..i i.. j.. .. ' IMi;, UIIIO U1CKUB, W1HI1SS to meet gentleman of means, not less than 60 years; objeot companionship or mnrriao-n If nlti4 T-A9II T.i..i rkTTr l.A.ui.' 1 vu ucatiii tiasDBi tiuiuniy cure nerv ousness, headaches, rheumatism, etc. Private or by mail. Free inquiry. 630 Worcester blk. YOUNG . business woman. widow, stranger from the east, wishes to meet refined business man under40. X-414. Journal. r&ACHELOR. tired of rooming and board- lng. would Use to meet lady 26 to 86, objeot matrimony it suited. W 407, Journal. WILL the person who saw the boy run down by a -taxi at Second and Mad ison, Maroh 14, about 8 o'clock, call B- 1681, or write K-309, Journal. REFINED young man, 24, wishes to meet good working girl, 6 feet 7 in. FACIAL, soalp treatment, manicuring. Ladles, gentlemen, Orflco. 49, 8d iiour, peventn St. YOUNG woman wishes to meet refined gentleman lor companionship. F-327. Journal. , , DR. G. V. KETOHUM Women' mala- ill AH inrl annta Ammmm TV h cor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Mar. 448. BE your own doctor. Health certainly itraiuicu uj iu ineuioos i tescn. airs, Lora C Little, health expert. Tabor ldfl LESSONS in business nsvchaWv hv p. J. Green, psychologist and minister of the Temple of Truth; 616 fillers bldg. SOirrHAiU7Plhpnttuai and Menul Scientist : Consultation dally. 201 V4 a si. 360, $1 down, 81 week, free advice.- Wood, 491). ill fhim rVlnv lBh to see the case 1 ylAV?LV-0 can't cure (no drugs). .I, lArutm. y, i,,, .ia union ave. w, HAIR GOODS Any shade of Kalr maidv.Bi ?2r'" Hir Kmportum, no aw i,iiv; in iu uiuij, GENTLEMAN, lonely, wishes to meet lonely lady; Object matrimony. X-277. Journal. - LET All" C.tk annl vmi K annrttn. -A - 10 10 a. Ml Alios. Rov K at a i .-d 'I N. Y. City. - WOULD like the cars' of little glr. I or 4 years old. Mother's care. Mrs. W. C. Adams, 141 E. 76th st, N WIDOW1, with nice home, desires elder ly or invalid ladv or child to board. woodlawn Z7s. 16Z1 Knowies ave: MRS. BEATON, spiritual adviser, read lngs daily, circles Tuesdays and xnursoays. at tin at. YOUNG couple would adopt baby girl. Address Box 1662 Macadam Road, Portland EXPERT Chiropody, eleotrlo bake oven and tun natns. zuih d st. niVnRPFQA specialty: lawyer, 616 ui.uimtuKomcnua Diag. z7H Wn, GOITRES, cancers, tumors, piles ourad. No operation. Dr. Voon. 841 H 1st at. USE BaSBett's Native Tteruafof constR patlon: an taniets. itc. ah aruggists, BALM of flBS, remedy for diseases of voint'iii- 606 Psvls St. Msin 9216. MANICURING Most thorough and sat lsfactory work. 605 Northwest bldg. TEESONAL (Continued) t2 BEAUTIFUL. WAISTS Sent direct to yoir by parcel pest AH the latest styles. Many delightful bar gains. - Better workmanship, better tit better material. All goods fresn and clean, not displayed and handled on counters or damaged In show windows. Be a modern shopper, a parcel post shopper. Writs for our richly illustrat ed catalogua today. We mail it to you fre. Sunshine Garment Co, 783 Mis slon st, San Francisco, Cal. - TREATMENTS for men and women. The finest equipped private office on the Pacific coast Radical cure by the latest Ptural healing methods. We use radium, light, heat, vibration,baths, msesage, manipulation and adjustments. Every electricsl treatment we givt. No medi cine or operations Dr. W. E. Mai lory. Naturopath, 812 Rdthchlld bldg. AU con sultatlons are f reeJ ' j MASSEUR AND NATUROPATH., Dr. N. F. Meleen has removed to 81 Swetland bldg. Electric, vibratory and mechano-theiapy treatreents for rheu matism, stomach trouble, poor circula tion and nervous disorders, acute or Chronic; lady assistant; oldest estab Ushment in Portland. Main 1683. A-2820, tainlng hundreds of advertisements marriageable people from all sections, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, Cath olics, mailed sealed free. The Corres- yuiiurni., i oieqo, unio. perienced miUner to assist them when shopping to select proper and becoming haadwear may call A 4168 or address Designer, 141 11th st, for appointments. MARRY wealth, beauty; correspond with interested psrties; send 10c for bis paper giving descriptions and ad dresses; ladles' ads free. Address To kEFINED widow of. 40. stvllah. ioiiv , V"' Tj ffi LT T XT v rv 1 J 73 , a ... (disposition, good appearance; with means, wishes to meet-gentleman of suitable age. Mrs. Perry, General Ds 11 very. NEW Tnought Sanitarium, 806 Portland boulevard E. Mrs. D. Allison, quali fied nurse and mental healer. If you are tired taking drugs, phone Woodlawn I fttz, oatzg. I MARRY Thousands wealthy, anxious ivt,.Xti'm marriage. All ages, na tionalities, descriptions free. Western Club, Dept 8, 268 Market, San Fran- WR1TR IIlEiS tar nhntnnlaira kiK weekly, spare time. ' No experience necessary. National Institute, 1649 Broadway, New York. ACQUAINTANCE of young lady; one who Is fond of amusements; by a gen. tleman of 82. Object companionship. r-op, journal MIDDLE agsd mechanic aslres ao- quaintance or unencumoered lady zs to 38 years of age; object matrimony. F 410, Journal. BACHELOR. 43 years of agei eood hab- - its and some means, wishes to meet maia or widow; object matrimony, H 277, Journal - MARRIAGE papery highest character; Incorporated; 16th year; 8000 mem- n.fk.. .mI.i mwA In. T T. mvi pox iou, uenver, voio Patrimonial paper, descriptions; wealthy marriageable people. Many marriages. Paper 10a Mrs. Bell, 1818 magnolia ave.,,,ios vngeies, uai, MARRl'f Thousands tired living alone, all parts U.S., many wealthy. Selec tions 10 cents. Mrs. Hyde, 2677 Mission, ear, r rancisco, lai. MARRY Hundreds of wealthy mem bars, reliable olub. Mrs. Wruber, Dept. 74, Box 26, Oakland, Cal. MADAME ES TELLE, spiritual medium J readings daily, 128 ft 18th, nr. Wash- Ineton A-32SR MLLE ROBERGE, physfoal culture of- m.-p, oq nour, ou Aiaer st. FINE homemade cakes baked to order, on short notice. Marshall 8786. KOTICES 20 SEALED bids will be received by John B. Coffey, county clerk, court house, until 10 a. m. on Friday, March 28, 1913. for suDDlying three, mora or leas. recording machines (book typewriter maonines; ior tne county eierx s oriioe. The right to accept or reject any or all bids is expressly reserved. T. J. CLEETON, County Judge, D. V. HART, County Commissioner. W. L. L1GHTNER, County Commissioner. SEALED bids will be received at the of flce of the undersigned, 402 Tllford building, Portland, Or., until 12 o'clock noon. Apail 2. 1913. for scissors. Copies of specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Certified check for 10 ner cent of the amount of She bid must accompany sach proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated, Portland, Or., March 14, 1913. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED Loans of $600 and $3000, first mortgages. 8 per oent, 3 years, abstract and details all perfect, property easily worm several times amount wanted, one property acreage on the Oregon Eleotrlo and other unimproved city property. These . are conservative loans that will bear closest scrutiny. Call or phone Mr. Walton, 1001 Spalding $1600 8 per cent modern 8-roomesl- dence, tn st. vaiue iou. 81600 8 tar cent modern 7-room resi dence. Value $3600. Moris-aa-a for sale. 3795.. Close-in acre age worth $60,000. Liberal discount for quick action, a. is- tuu jo tin Henry pidg. WANTED $600 each on 2 modern bun salows. east side: also $1200 on im proved farm, 6ty miles from court house. Value, $5000; first mortgages; will pay 8 per cent 138 uenry bldg.; Marshall 8117. DEAL with established and reliable brokers. We piaceyour money with out charge on gilt-edge first mortgages, approved by you, A. K. Hill Co., 41. Henry bldg. I WANT $1600. 4 years, 6 ner cent loan, on m 23000 fine. - modern, 6-room bungalow and corner lot Write. X-283. LOANS wanted $1600. $1800,!, $5000, tAA IT A A V QUVi 1 I VV HENNINGS & HAGER-f Main 1881. 606 McKay Bldg. $760 LOAN WANTED. 60x100 and house. Alberta. S years, at 8. Smith-Wagoner Co.. lit Lewis bldg. , WANTED, loan, 8100 from private party, for 8 months; will pay $5 In- teret; Pest security. p-ag, journal. NEED $600 to extend business; good so ourlty; state interest wanted. P-613, Journal. . 7 WANTED $150, I years 8 per cent; home of 6 acres, partly Improved, with house worth $1000. Chance, Fast 6171. Quarter block on east side worth $2600; 8 per cent Interest.1; U-444. Jour. WANTED f2000 prlvats1 money two - years; security, first mortgage on 140 acres, m-szp. journal. WANT to sell good second mortgage, 8700; liberal discount - Box: 833, Port land. WANT to borrow $400; good real estate security, p-igt, juurnai. $6J0 loan out of town. 623 Henry bldg. FINANCIAL SI CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES - Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. If. K. Noble, Lumnermans bldg. Lroana, PE11SOXAL (Continued) SHORT time cliatlel loans at reasopshls rates. -R. A; Frame, 231 FUedner bldg. Main 6239. n - ' '' BUSINESS expert would take manage ment, of estate; Will give bonds. WX- 279, Journal. 51 CContinaed) ' MONEY to loan on Unproved real estate. security, ueu - egiver, v wor linger bldg. ' ' ; . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 fssas4as We Will Loan You $10. to $200i Today On your SALARY, f HOUSEHOLD GOODS, AUTOS. PIANOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS or LIVESTOCK. AT THESIS BATES. $0.30' Weekly Pays, a $10 Loan. 80.66 Weekly Pays a $60 Loan. kl.10 . Weekly Pays a $50 Loan. - fun Keoate Allowed. Receipt In full given In case of death or toul disability. Portland Loan Co. 207 Macleay bldg. . Bet 4th and - 6th on Washington st. SALARY LNS ON. PLAIN "NOTES' Sitf. " !j 1U ' IVV , $10 repaid 1 Installments of. .45 iu reyuia in luiutiiiunuu i,,. $50 repaid In installments of'..... t.00 Larger amounts in proportion. All we require is your personal not; no mortgage; no 4ndorser or seourlty; everything strictly confidential STATE SECURITY CO.. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $8 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 828 Henry bldg. MONEY MONEY Loaned on all articles of valua Strictly Confidential. We buy Diamonds. $20 Lumber Ex. Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE ' and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. TV H Tnlman room .117 Lumber Ex. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on lurmture, pianos, auws, niuturcycies, diamonds, warehouse . receipts. Bauer, A desirable place for iadles and gentle nien to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 884 Wash., opp. Owl drug store. MONEY sold on installment; confiden tial to salaried people, F. A, New- ton. El 4 nenry oiog, MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel ry, strictly confldentlsi. 141 Vj id. WILL loan $20,000 or isbs, real I estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY TO LOAN , REAL. ESTATE 2S7 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Mortgage Loan Department 4th and Stark Sts. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have the following amounts to loan on first mortgages of approved real estate; 600 to loan at 8. 800 to loan at 8 1:! 000 to loan at 8. 1,200 to loan at 8. . i,uv to loan at '" ; 1,600 to louu at 7. . 2,006 to loan at 8. ; 2,000 to loan at 7. 2,600 -to loan at 7. 8,000 to loan at 7. 4,000 to loan at 7. 6,000 to loan at IVe. 6,000 to loan at 7'. 8,000 to loan at 7. 10.000 to loin at 7V- 26,000 to loan at CHVc. ou,uoo to loan at 6. UARTMAN-THOMrSON BANK. 4th and Stark Sts. Mortgage Loans On real estate security at reasonable rates In sums from $600 and up. The Lawrence Co, 171 4th "t Between, Morrison and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMIS SION, v COLUMBIA LIFE Se TRUST CO J am cro a i nivin m.nn HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Chamber of Commeroe bldg. We have on hand funds fir Invest ment in good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department LOANS made on improved city proper ty or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repayments crlvileses. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 242 Stark MONEY MONEY MONEY MONK if 6 per c, 6 per c, 7 per c, 8 per c. $1000 to $100,000, city or country. Hen. ry A. Townspnd, 223 Lumber Exchange. 6 and 7 per cent money on hand to loan on improved city and faYm property. It will pay you to see us first. A. K. Hill vo.. 4l Henry mag. if you" have a-i keal estate se curity, we can ix)an you an.y AiliV t AV 1 n. i. Avy tf A'Cl -s. a a C ALLAN A KASER. 722-84 YEON BLD. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; ressonable rates t. it. t-ewis & to., bcwn uiuy. $500 to $2600 to loan at 7 per cent, on rood real estate security. W. 8. .. - , ..... . i . K - : rr rr: llAnnn tn mnrtavpN oltV nr f arm property, fire insurance. Mckenile A Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. la sna Alder. MONEY to loan, Improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. WILL PAY CASH FOR seller's contract and small mortgage. Bmlth-Wagoner Co., 312 Lewis bldg. o000 TO loan on improved property, terms right. Call Jannson, 480 Wor cester bldg. Main 1840. KEAL ESTATE loans, 7 per cent; chat tel loans, low rates. Room 212 Com mercial Mock, VARIOUS small sums for mortgages, charges reasonable. Ward, 210 AHsky bldg. $3000 to loan at 7 per cent on city prop erty; must be gilt edge seourlty. V 418, Journal. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates, Inqulrs attorney, rooms 10-18 Mulky bldg.. 2d and Morrison. MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. O. Beck 81S-816 Falling. PLENTY of 6, 1 and 8 per cent money on improved city property. Bold Realty Co., 206 A'd"". $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, for a short time. 207 Oregonian oiag. $1000 or $2000 to loan on good residence. Troworiage st mepnens, i vwicox Diag. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. II. Harding, $18 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. -w- I. L. White, 701 Belling oiag, MORTGAGE loans; city and farm. Hen- ry C. Frudnomme, hob w iicok Ding. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent W. H. Belts ft Co.. -io apaiaing Diag. $6000 or part for Immediate loan, phone at once. Tabor 771. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and i per cent Lou is Solomon a eo., .. Btarg at. HAVE $600 to loan at 8 per cent; pri- vate party. m-.i. journal. Prii y ATE money .lonned on real estate, first mortgage. natnia, ib.h 4tn. $1200 OR $2000 to loan on improved fnrtlarxi real estate. 'tis-svv, -journal. $1600 TO lend on house and lot In good location. M-628, Jonrpgl. ' $$000 FOR loan on income property; will divide. H-429, Journal. 15000 FOR loan on well improved fealty. VT-WOi, v ' Hi. Jl.flilJWILLrtbeWn(d on good real estate securty,TT-44S. Jotifiial.',M" $3000 TO lend on residence or business property. F-6 18. Journal. 20,006 FOR one or more loaila on select real estate. L-S07, journal. financial; PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AB8XBACT1 JOHN A. BCRBT. Atf y.. eolleetloas, abstracts lamlBsd. wrlUea eptulons os legal quMtloos 117 Allnkr bld. Mrbill K.i. ACCO&SEOa PU.AIIS9 K. BTEPHAN, Udle tailor, aeeorome, side sod sunbant plsnuie. biittona cufr4, fowli sponsxi,' bnlltohlBt- IH Aldrr. Mls W873. PIC1UBE fraulss. wouWIng, tctors, tbaa lewhr, 183 ft. r. A -731 ft. AST METAL WOkJU ALL klods of brus, lros ss4 stael wurs. X. H, AaTiSXiO WUU8 A3 A&0M BKUANCB Wire sad lros work. Kaat JOU n r Unders U. gat 138. . 7 AiHAXiHM ....... WELL CO., aiM?ra, . iMlrtksl cksauiU. SHH)4 Waitalnrtoo. Mln 76U8, UOA'IANA Amr UOius, UlwratMjr, we Ul lug. Mrhll alM. 'Inn Uorrlaoa. ' AUTO. 1-4 aiflB.XMO OBEOON Vclcinlslug Co., 'The Tire Bbop,' ,600 Waahlmton. arihll 879. ' ' JIANX. BOOi VAXXU BOWB, DAVIS COMPANY, 10 34 st Blank book nnulaciurra; t(au or Juom liu pnTd Lwwe L4t L4(ra. See lbs stir fcii tka Ut. A-BiM. Mlu U3, BBAS8 yOUMPBBT AMEKIOAN lihait Brut Works, S Opibut Braaa, aliuulaum, cbmpbor bronss eucuivu Main sua. caj OX MABUITAOXUBLBS XHH Aldoa Candy Co., 12tb sod QUaan au U l gb rd caoculatea. - OA&PUriSS ft BET AIBIHO (Sts Real Estate Bartlun.) CABX CUAKUiQ JOfCB BaOS., Elactrto Claaolng works, car- pa la eieanea aaa uia, reiitiiug our tixeiaity. CAif AI WAA NOBiaWEbT BUO WUBKS. rugs from old earpttsj rag ruga, earpvt tlsaoluf. Us Usiou aTiiu. uaar Et Uorriiion. - thf.KSLLA ULiU WUiiaa, (uga ttum oil in. Jraln aud Bruaael vaipata; alao' rag ruga. 8 Pattoa aTtuuar Woodlawn getfl, CABl'fciX rug waartug, Uuo'lxt yard and uy, u... ..H...UV.A.t k.t f 1, tt.Jil UllM.ll NEW roga, made (root old Bruaaels and lu grain carpet. Fhoue Woodlawn 1286. GHI1UIBX iWEtPs IF your fnraacs smosas er doss net beat prop erly, call Acme Cblmaay Bwasnlng Oan Mala TS1T. Ws work rsia or sbioa Ordara tskas day or Plgbt. CHIB0P0DI8TB WILLIAM. Eateils and Ds Wans Ssvsny, tba only scientific cblropodiats la tha elty. Par lora 803 (ierUnger bids., B. W. cWiar 2d aud Aldrr, Pbons Main 18U1. Lii. 1VK1 traata all ailmenta ot (Ml wltbout pain; corna, bunloua, Ingrowing nails a ape- . it Q,Ku ....( b.h l,.!.. Aha a CHIBOPEAOl'IO fHTIICIASi r npiriii muamrar not tith and chruulo diaeaaea, 6 tnaUuanU, fo. UalQ D6U8. DB. U. a. UcUAUON, 121 4th St $10,000 equipment. (Jnronlo diaeaaea 4MJ a nooui. Palmer Gregory 1'oat Oradnate. OIBOULAB LETTS B4 - MUI.TIOBAPHINQ. printing. atsaegrapesrs. Hill 4 Co.. 223 Henry bldg. Main 80Q6. MULTNOMAH MiUlgraphlug Co.,' tacal culls' algnatnrea. 607 Ellwra bldg. Marshall 2302. COAL AND WOOD i mm Prompt Delivery 1 DRY WMf 000 Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Fool' Phonk: E. 182, C-1117 Sountry mill wood, ordwood, 4-foot or sawed. Edlefsen Fuel Co, East SOS. 862 Stark. St. Quality Service. C-2303 MflUTT nffftfC BPKCIAL LIIUJ U UuSPBICK9 ON BBUU1 UUU, . 0UKBN 4 rOOT W(XJ1), f2.AO ' IKiUUB QRKKN SHORT. (3.60 IBY SUORT WOOD BAWDtST (or fuel i . bedding The Portland Slabwood Co. Uain SI1S. A-TCOl. wS1 Edlefsen fuel Co. Beat coal. Country Ml II wood. Cordwoo4. CONSUMBBS' PttL CO. (Anisr. Coal -Halng Oo.). Coal airaet from mla to conaainer. Save middleman', profit. Kaat I.S, B-lilt, Bosksn Kaat Urat and Taylor.' NEER & FARR S ill ZhiJFuZ aawsd to order. Prompt deUTsry pAAl Main aBIHI. A -.MT. UUnL t'ULTON Wood Co., daalars la dry and grass slabwood. Try oa when ordering soodT dry wood. 1300 Macadam at Pbonss Muln TtttMj, A-. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 814, B-I867. HMCOAL "UVKHtu pboMpt,t aln 8707. K. P. BVKRT8. Foot Coirr atrant. POKTLANU Woody ard, sts aud ttllaan. Main 8363. A-2288. Ourdwood, 4 toot or sawed. Coal, alabwood. PACIHC! Slabwood Co. Uain 8700, A-7860. Dry luslds aniaU, 14.75 toad, fry and grass aiau wood. planer irloiuilnsa. 1.-5 load. XiltK SX-aU and bus wood, cord wood and coal. Standard Wmd Co.. Bast -H16; B-18M5. aLBiJSA tCtL. CO. All kluda of grass and dry wood. Hoc- Bprlnta and Mendota Coal. COA-. aud all kinds ot wood. I'buus Uolsats Fuel Co.. Hellwood 4KB. , - i'UU-M- ual Co. Dry wood 61.60 usr load. Ml saaier. Mais SI,, OOjJJOTIOMI CURRENT and dellnaoaot. Out sf tows mL lacttona a specialty. Honeat, fliant serv les. Ulgbaat nfaraorss. mi-23 Yaua bldg. Tba Stasdord Urrrantlls Afaiiey, B. W. Ao.aU. Manasar. Main 4WI. C0MM1SSJ0M MEECKANH BBNBT EVKUDINQ, 45-47 -Front at, Butter, S. poultry. ?aal. boga. bid. j bitrnkitiu nun. Ij fc.g Co., 1)4. Unlos sts.' But IrrT W:" TinnWT.-vsst." anga i DAIRY AMD CBBAUXBT sTJPPLLIS MONBOB CRLSBU. 148 Proot iry, hs factory mscnuisry sue luppues, mTv hour.V liiiiilex Ao Co. UMi V Of tic actf BturS. fie Csi EEHTAX UKCLIUSTI DR. A. W. KERNE. DtnUtt, Uijestie Tbsttre bHg tUVWHt. ,t. MmhU SM. SEsioxEsa aid imszu (Sx n-ti. &tite action. BAscnro PKOFE8S0E WAL WILSOT6 Diadsg flcboal Walti, twootp, tbraeitep, scboltlacbe; les sons SOc; everr nornln, afternoon and ere blug; ail oaueea guaraatiwd finit teaaos. Do you know tbat anjrooa bo walks eaa learn lo daoreT Stag and fancy dances taught dally. &H 6tb at., between Stark sad Oak ata. Pbons Main 7637. , UB. AND UBS. BBATB'I acboolS, AUaky bldg., 84 and alorrtaos sod 109 84 at, bet Waah. and Btark. Lsaaons dally, fancy and ataga woelnc taufbt; waits and two step goarentsed In 4 leaaons. Class Uoa, fri, eve., I te lO. t 100 3d at. , BiNQLER'S Dancing Acadctny, private and class instruction; lateat fancy and aortal dances; dancing gasrantsad la four lsaaons. 281 H Mnrrlaon. - MV8I0 BCHOOU ABO TEACHES! BAQTIMK Piano playing poaltiTsly taught In 10 to SO les sons, Bbccm. guaranteed. Writs for tree bosk let. Chrlatanaen's School of Popular Unite, 3yl Oonduoagb bldg. VIENNA CONbKBVATOB- Of UD810 All branches taugbt. 10 leaaons 64 op. Pbfflp ll. director. 8tH Morrlaon. St. K3H7. HAti'ilAlal jjnaltiiroiy guaranteed In 1 U 30 leaaona. The original teachers of popolar nunlc. Popular prt.-m. 417 Bllers bldg. TUIBLUOBN. rlolln teohr; vupll Uarclkl VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo, SOe to II Kolawihark. Hawthnma and B. 10th. M. IOLA SIHULliH, practical piano teaohar. 628 B. mm, corner t;nnwn. senwooa ioti. PEMTIBT ABIITICIAX TIETH BpacUU.t on plats work. "Tbts one thing do." Ulohs bldg., 11th awd Waahlngtos. EEBBAIOLOQUTB UOLES, r!nkleea, scalp apaelaliata. Ur. Court. right. 711 neknm tldg. Mala 6012. DBES8MAKIHO ICHOOL VALENTINK'8 ay.tam bdlas' tallorlas. making taught 163 Grand ere., bstwsss Mor rison and Belmont. DB3--tA-CIBO UBS. M. BKTNOLU8 Afternoon and tTanlsg gnwna a atieclalty. 014 6' nd bids. DHK&iMAKEB wlahva orders for sns place armaoa, . Main H8-18. FAHUIO.S'ABI.K dreaamaklng and tailoring by ma nay, rnone woodlawn os. BLfcCIBft MOIOaS ABD PYBAMOB MOnORSk generator a. bousht. sold, ranted sod repaired. Wa do all kinds ot repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. U. M. H. EJectrte Co., 61 horth Flmt gtrtst. rpona aimn vzio. ELUOTHIl'AL macblnary ranted and eicuangid, Kxpart repairing. Walker Klsctrlo Works, loth iiu nuroiiui ml. WB BUY, eU, rut and skebangs saw and - tnuo nana motora, repair worn a eptcisiiy, We.tern Electric worka. 213 Blatb atrat. tLi:C'l'HlC luutur apeclalUts. Jauiea. UcKausle ti.ictrlc worka. Jiw Vnlin. Kt 117. . E.E, EAB, M08E AMP THKOAI TBEATMENT by apeclallat. Olssaes fitted. Dr. f. t. Caaaeday. 418 Dcknm bldg., Sd-Wssa. ExraiDB AUTO express 1 per boor.' Long banli s ape- ciany. yuica serrice. stain isat, a-tobs, arreniBga Sellwood 1WZ. IABJI XJKPJUliXB AUD VEHICLES P. B. EBKNSUADB, 214 front, (arm lmfle- menta, toola. lawn ana field fence. k U. WAUB A CO., 6 Uawtbons sts. Wboletale agricultural Iniplemonta. fODMDBY ABS MACK-HI SHOP PHOENIX. Irba worka, K. 8d and Hawthorns. Ueneral maclilns ana foundry work. TUBS TAXIDEBUI8T, rag making, sU kinds sf mounting.' F. B. t'lnJty, 'M Columbia at rUBBlIUES SUAIBIBO BOWEBS PAB80NS. 100 Proat Main 7448. Furniture hospital; packing. OASOUBf XBOIBES MABINB sod atatlonary, marina hardware, OAS POWKB SUPPLY CO., 108-173 front au. betwaen Morrlaon and YamhllL GLASS ABD GLAZIBO T1X1M8, CBES3 A CO., 184-1SS 3d $U Prompt aerTlce." Blng Uali or A-2028. XAIB ttOODS fEVBET k HANEBDT Lsadlng wig and tospes makeis. floast stock sf human kalr goouai hair draning, . sianlcnr log, face and acalp traatmasla. 141 7th, uaar Uorrlaon. M. 544). HAT IACTORY EASTERN Hat Factory, W-fld 3d St Hats cleaned snd blocked. Panama hata bleached. Beat man a 2.O0 nai on sartn. ont of town orders takaa by - psreel puat. 'lilt. UUlAt. HA j nouKlS. ..vl t'lrat. HAY ABD GBALK O. K. KMUUT. S28-80 N. 17th at Bay, grata, feed, floor "and eblnglee. 1B8VBABCB PACIFIC STATES HUB INSUBANCB CO. Only Oregon tire loaurancs company. UeCAM.AU, liaua A Usl', M .sua bldg. Brery form of Innurance. bonds. LADXS' 1AXLOBIBO HIGH grade tailoring, expert cutter and fitter, suits altered aud remodeled at latest styls. Wa aura make up your owa materia L wl guaranteed. 11. Cordan, 21.fr .d. M. (W74. LAKDSCAPE OAJLDEBIHO ' BETTER landacaps an. general gardening. SWISS FLORAL co..arwk f ACla'lC Laudtcaps Uardeumg eoupasy, 614 Bothchlid bldg. I'hone Mamhall -DUS. LEATUEB ABD IXNDIBOS CBA8. L. UA8T1CK CO.. 74 Front Leather of srsry dsacrlpUun; tap manufacturers, find. Inga. KACHUrT B, TBENKUAN & CO., hydraalle snd apeclsl pipe, emoss atacaa, ou uoaa, suaiag ma- chluery, repairs. ll4 N. 4th. .Wk.S, bullera, aawmllls bought sold sad aachanged. Ths i. K. Martin Co.. Portland. Ur. XAIEXHITX HOSPITAL PORTLAND Lying-in UoapltaL Uatsrnlty only. 815 N. 22d at. Maraball 8804. HEM'S rUXBISHISa O00DS KEC8TADTER BR()8., 6th snd Anksny. Im. porters of men', furnlahlng goods. HEB8EHOEBS EAST! UESSENOBB CO., opsa sight sod day. Main 68, A-31M. ' ' H0BI0A01 LOAXS JOHN HER, mortgage loaca, lasortsee, SOS Yaoa bldg. Mais VIM. OBXAHCBTAL WIU JJfD XXOV (See Real Eatate Section.) v OSTEOPArmO phtsiciabs - dr. lillebelus Patterson, Spseiaiut sa serras, scats and chrosla -issa.ee. 416 Co. Inmbla bldg. Main W0l. DB. AQNKH M. SHOWN. Sutt journal bid? etewea-ia--A:W- 61- ArtDfl. Kasv Tasss. Sua, PATma COHP AMIES THB BARBER ASPHALT PAVINtJ CO., Pert. lass on ice ouw siiKiris Doiiuisg, PATXJTT ATTOKBEYt PATENTS procured by J. K. Ueck, attomay. ai-iaw, aaie or u. B. patent sines. Boot s. 1010 Bar(l of Trade bids. WASUINOTOM. D. O. ""TailATI BLUE' - O. O. MARTIN POBTXANP ' 40S 6 CHAM. Or COM. BtDO. PAINT, OH. ASS GLASS (See Real Estate Section.) PAINTLNQ ABO PAPZBrBO (SssRrtl Batats Section.) PHOTO STUDIOS THE Area stodlo is sow located st US Wssfe- PLXTUBIBa ABD HEATIBtt (See Beat Estate Bectton.) PltTKBINO 8UPPJJX8 (See Rel Eatate Section.) 70POOBB COMfECTIOHS STANDABD CRISP CO.. 283 Glisss. Popoors ' Crtan. Knnni Mlt.l n..f ' PBIBIIMtt . ANSLBT Printing Co., 360 Oak. Mala 467a OBOKOK I. UMITU PKINTNO COH 1M4 Stark at. rnones Main 6233. A-84U. -JOBS AMD BHOWOABDS WAHALANDEB COH 618 Commonwealth bldg. whvw ir.93n aigne, winqow trims. ?. RUBBER STAMPS ABD SEALS ALSO stencils, trade cbetke, braaa ilgni. raunu CUASI BlS-if WOKSS, 131 Waablngton at. 'Main 710; A-2710 ALtiO braaa aigna, office auppllea, litliticranklBsu ' THB 1BW1N.UOD80N COMPANY , 02 Fifth St. Main 313, A-12S4 , : STENCILS aud Office stationery, Cuoainghau. yu., i mars, main IM'I. i SAMITARIQX MSBKTH'S SANITARIUM A sanitarium tw All IP ST Mi 1 ssiui-l ahrnniai .11 ...,, - ev-iwf smvBiv eaa- BIAS Hltrasfll sot contagtoas; also maternity esses. Hydro. y-m.v .UIIHUBIH Km, BIWeyej PiQ lJ0VwO SHEET HETAL VORHS (See Real Ehtate Bsctloa.) SHOWCASES ABD PUtTU&ES XHB JAMES I. MARSHALL UFO. 00. NsW and old abowcaaaa, cabinets, , store, oftlss.- window flituree, 4th and Couch. '- ' ' . KUOWCAUES ot ary dsacrlpttoa,' bask, -is eaa hot auinres msas lo urasr. Ha LStks t Mfg. Co, STAIR BUILDER (See Real Batate Bectioa.) SZOTX BEPSIBIMS BATE TOUB QA8 STOVE REPAIRED BX All EXPERT. B. 1225. 232 Bl'HSELL BT. TAILOSISa A . "( TAILORED skirts from your own material, i 2.60; first class work. 834 Mohawk bldg. . 1 . . g.aILORI-ttt SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladtea' Tailoring Collrgs, Lasrs ' dressmaking, tailoring. lia tb" -7 : - XOWEL mi.mS ' CLEAN towslt daily, comb, brnah. soaa Tewel ' Supply Co., 0th snd Couch sts., 1 per month. '! Portland Laundr- Co.. Phones Main 410. A -44 10 i : TRABSPER ABD 8Z0RA0S OREGON TRANSFER C0 , EatablUhed 1870. Trasafer snd forwarding areata. Storage, tree trscksga ' . Offices sad torage, 474 Ollaas etrett. " I8U sod Ollsaa. ; ; Usla 68. A-118S, ', FIREPROOF CTOKAOB ' ' POBTLAND VAN 8TOBAUIS CO.'g new fire. proof warehouse Just completed. Furnlahes every facility known to modem warehousing. As Inspection will convince you. Household goods ahlppsd it reduced freight ratea. fire proof wsrekonae 16th and Kearney. Commercial warehouse Wti jd Everett aireeU. Mais WiO, C. O. PICB Traoafer Storage Co., offices snd commodious' tour story brick warshouse, with sapsrate iron rooms snd fireproof vault" for valuables. N. W. corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for hipping. Special rates msds sa goods la oar through cars to sU domsatls sad foreign points.1 Main 60S, A-10SS. BAOUAUU A Omnlboa Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, furniture mured, itored or packed for ablpment. Park sad iMvls -ata. Phones Main 69HO. A-3823. ' EXPRESS TUA.NSFKtt AND ! UENERAL Hall LINO Coos Bar Coal A Tra alter Co. Mais 922S ' A-1278. Woodlawn 8001. - ' - , UNITED Tranafer Co. Storage and general hauling. 251 Jefferson. Mar. A-4WiS. t TYPEWBITEBS TYPEWRITERS, .lightly Bsed, L. 0. Smiths snd sU other makea at reduced prices snd eaay terms. U C. Smith A Bros. Typewrites Co.. 280 Oak at. UI8B REMINGTON ASBSi Why sot rent a Remington (Model 6), 3 months for 3. Ad- dreaa, Kcmlngton Typwrlter Co. lnc), t9 7th. ALL makea rented, repaired, aultl, Cunulnghaia Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. .- WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERD1KO 4 FABBELL, produce aad eommls- atoa merchanta, 10 Front at, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. ' MORGAN WALL PAPER CO..' 'MM 3d St. be. ALLEN A LEWIS UKOCEKIES HEAL ESTATE rjvANSFKKS ; CERTIFICATES of title mada Title 4 Trust Co. Lewis hldg.. 4th en.l Oak. iobn V. Pulton and wife to Mary Koouta . . ' et ai, lot io, Diors is, Bens crest. ,. TDS ' Ladd Ustats Co. to O. L. Brnbaker, et al -lots 1 and 3. block 13. IjkM's addition S.90A & 3. O. Arnold to Alvln R, Hnrat et si lot T, Mock 1. Orookham's addition. . . LlfaV - W. H. HA1ZUV CO- Inc. Abstractors, in. stn St.. oet. Mornidn sna Tsrnnlll. . If your name appears la either phone book von can telephone your au is end hsve it ehsrge. lilllS will be tnailtvi ta you the following &t If nayment. The Journaf rsntifll SJtmfBntWW S.-CKMClf-. Ait sssume rS-i.n.' i 1 1 i-.r errors of any k ! . rurring in tsi,i.o(,, ) S'lrei t',:',il. w umim At '' 31