THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH U, 913. tnetti sit alSiV-married, and Marsha Warrlngtsat and Lola Jiorrii'tws. 1 ysar-old Sscramento society girls who eloped with the laat Sunday night, will fee bf-Hifht Iters for trial on tharges in volving deltfio.uncy on the part of the girls and child desertion on the part of the men. . ' Ths local police received word Of the srrest of ths iuartetts shortly befor noon today. DIM hss l-yar-old child and Csmlnetti has two children, ths youhges( being only five weeks old. Ths disappearance of the quartette caused a aensaUon In this city, where all four were prominent In social ciy cles. Ths double elopemen.t will be made the 'subject of sermons in several of the churches hers next Sxmdsy and forms the principal topic of gossip at teas and card parties. . Detectives secured today from the governor's office extradition papers for the return .to California of all parties concerned. ' i - 1 ha vaunt' women w ill be returned on the twojncij will be charged with con tributing to the delinquency of ths two. giris and causing- the dependency et thylr own Uttls children. . INDORSE RAYMOND -. ' " AS NEXT POSTMASTER M. A. Raymond of Yates & Raymond, retail grocers. Is Sn applicant for post master at Portland, and the Oregon sen ators have been forwarded a strong list of Indorsements from- prominent busi ness mn of the city, along with sn In dorsement of the retail grocers asso ciation, given at its meeting last Tues day night , '' -. ' Hr. lUytnond has been an actlt Dem ocrat, but with one exception has never been a candidal for Office , Several years ago he was the Democratic nom inee'' for connctlman against th late Frank S. Bennett, and was defeated by about 106 votes. . : , In ths list of Indorsements sent on to Washington nearly all ' the prominent a holeaIe 'grocery firms of the' city are represented, with many. of . the Jobbers and manufacturers It. Is along these lines that Mr. . Raymond has nought mast ef his support, but he has also a number of ' individual letters from friends both Republicans and Demo crats, urging his fitness fqj the post mastership. STAIETAXESIN1914 MOST BE TREBLED TO : : PAY APPR0PRIAT10NS Fiddler for Recent Legislative Jig in Salem" Comes High for Oegon, . will be 'nearly three and a half " tlnie a high as it is for this year v The total appropriations, including standing appropriations for the . two yjears, aggregate $6,500,000. -The stand ing appropriations ar $l,200,0as and the appropriations made by the recent legislature amount to $5,45Q,00f The amount of ?fund loss raised this year according fi the estimates of the tax commission Is f 2,26f9 of Which there la about $S20,000 In the treasury and about M9MQB will 1h raised tbU year through Mortises' and other Indirect sources, leaving $1,120,000 to be raised this yaf by direct taxation. Deducting the amount that will be raised this year, ths governor points out that thera will bs $M10.00 left to be raised in 114. which, after sub tracting the 1(00,000 that will be da rived from indirect soars again, leaves $2,810,000 to be raised- by direct taxa tion In 114. This sum la about three and two-fifths times the amount to be raised this year, and win increase the stats tat rate to about four mills next ELOPE 1H YOUNG SOCIETY IT , l'th Appropriate? $50,000. ' -PrtteS, l-r U4 Wlre.t -Salt Lake- Utah, March 14 Fifty thousand dollars wis appropriated to day for the Pttnaipa-Pacifio. exposition by the Utah legislature which adjourned this fnorntng. Thcappropriatlon bill Was one of "the last measures acted upon. : ;; Engine Explodes; Kills Fireman,' (Celled !' teMed 'Wlr.t Eeinnghan5i,;.tyash., March. Uv-l-Rim-sell Golitlion, a fireman on the BeUing htra Northern railway. Is dead as the result of bumi received when the loco motive of which ha was left in charge at Sumas exploded. , . -iv (Cnited rrese teaied Wus.f -: ' San Francisco, March 44. Claiming to having been beaten and robbed of $180 and his diamond ring by a thug in Carlin, Nev., Charles M. Busch, 20-yeav-old grandson of Adolphus Busch, millionaire St, Louis brewer, is here sn roots to a family reunion in Pasadena next week. Ths holdup man accosted young Busch on the railroad platform at Car lin and asked for $2, whtnh was refused him,- He then struck Busch in the eye and at the' point of a. gun forced his victim to go to a secluded spot, whera the robbery was committed. Journal Want Ads bring results. California Quartet of . Promi nent Families Arrested in Nevada Town, jSlm Bumu ef The 7oanuL) Salem, Or., March 1 4. Governor West today checked up the' total appropria tion for the recent biennial -period and pave out some Interesting figure on taxation. The tax rat for next year (Doited I'reu tinted Wirt J Sacramento, Cal., March 14. Arrest ed In fceno, Nev., where they were mas querading as married couples, Maury I. Dlggs, architect and married man; Drew charges of being dftlnqutnt minors and year. Csmluetti, son cr Htae nenaw a. lu BEGGAR ROBS BUSCH ' married IN IRIS IN RENO V t:. HI ',: ' ' . ' . .-: - " ' v EVERY BOOK THAT S FIT TO READ French and German Book Portland's Largest Book Start Exclusive Portland Agent For The Famous INNOVATION TRUNKS AND ACCESSORIES Jjp Restaurant No Groceries 'Tio Bakery No Meat Market T cI'MereKendiso of cMerit Only" No Tea Room No Pats and Pans I No Men's Clothing No Liquors A SpHiig Day for Every Woman Being a Sale of -thp Newest Suits Four Distinctly NeWvfodels 38.50Each Representing the Best in Tailored Garments -The model illustrated comes in soft, light tan only. The jacket fastens in front with one buton and the back shows a straight back with an inverted pleat down the center. In fact, the lines in the back of the jacket are the main feature, and will make the largest figure appear slender. In the front is i small vest of plain broadcloth. , , The second model is of a fine quality hairline striped serge in black and navy blue. The jacket is slightly cut away in the front, fastening with four buttons. The skirt is plain gored. ' - , -sThe third model is a novelty style, also of a fine quality serge In plain black, white , and shepherd checked cloth. The jacket has a three-button front, straight cutaway shape with a light dip in the back. The skirt is a half tunic style, draped ori one side and trimmed to match the jacket. Th6 fourth model is particularly suitable for small women, and we will state right here that we cateTeeciaiIytb7omen stature, having suits made to our order. This model is of navy serge and black and checked material Has 1 double-breasted jacket, silk piped and trimmed. Peau de Cygne lined. The skirt is gored Tbird rloot Correct, Authentic Styles In Spring Clothes for Girls You will be highly pleased with the new junior suits we are showing this season. New patterns, new weaves, new models. In tans, grays, btowrts and blues. The latest tffects axe 4 shown in the styles of thejackets. Trimmings of f.ncy silks, Bulgarian collars and also plain-tailored styles; The material are fin French serge, Bedford cord, eponge and novel fancy mixtures, The skirts show the new gathered effect In the back, as well as the strap back, and also those lovely draped effects, $14.50 to $32.50. Very modest prices, you will have to admit, after seeing the garments. , The Crepe Qe Chine Dresses f Are, Indeed, lovely being designed and fashioned for youthful figures. There are new grays blues, shades of old-fashioned roses, snuff and the attractive Nell rose Trimmings of fine laces and fancy Bulgarian collars. There are blouse effects with wide girdles at the waist. line, long shoulders, draped and plain skirts. The new button trimming is shown on these models. The prices $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00. woo 9H3ESS AH Our Regular 25c Popular Sheet Music, Now 10c -aaiimn tetsEasasssmm SSI Unexpected Cretonne Sale A Manufacturer's 'Strike-Off" Patterns That Sell Regularly at 50c and 60c cTard... All The Newest Patterns and Colorings There's about 5000 yards of ,new Cretonnes in this sale, which is. the result of a special purchase 6ur buyer , made with oris of the largest Cretonne manufacturers in this country, who is noted for his original and artistic designs, . . i. - These are the first pieces of the manufacturer's printing looms, and are perfect in print and weave. When you see them you will at once admit that they ,are the finest collection of Cretonnes ever assembled. You will find the fine Cretonnes, Chintr, Mercerized Repps, Radium Cloths and English Taffeta in many beautiful patterns and pretty floral and conventional de signs, in soft, rich color combinations. 36 inches wide." Buy your spring and summer supply now and effect this vital Saving. rim fist The New Spring Underwear Moderately Priced Perfectly Made Light weight underwear is coming into greater favor con tinually as an all-the-year-around article. This is particularly true of combination suits, which do away with the extra bulk at the waist that goes with two-piece suits. Our stock is most complete in this most comfortable of all underwear, and particular attention is given to the selection of garments that fit comfortably in addition to extra fineness of quality and finish. Prices range from 35 to $6.50 each. UNION SUITS AT 35 EACH ' Are of fine ribbed white cotton with low necks, sleeveless and knee length, light in weight. . UNION SUITS AT 50tf EACH Various brands, including Kayser, Richelieu; of fine ritjbed white cotton or lisle. Some have reinforced or spliced thighs, which add greatly to their durability. Made with round low neck and knee length. UNION SUITS AT 85? EACH Medium weight fine ribben cotton union suits, silk trimmed and finished. Low or high neck, knee or ankle length. - .. , , '. UNION" SUTS AT r$1.00 EACH : . Kayser brand of fine ribbed white lisle union suits, made with shell edge, low neck with wash ribbon or with the durable band top; reinforced thigh; prettily trimmed and finished with, "silk throughout, . ' ...-. t' - :."- .;. 4" r " fourth riaoi A Good Electric Flat Iron will do your household or laundry ironing better, cheaper and easier thin any other kind of iron. The only question itwhich elsc tric iron? There are several good ones, but the TRIANGLE LEKTR1K IRON Guaranteed Forever Is the only one equaling the best in appearance, construction and ef ficiency and at the same time being ths lowest in price. That's all but that'a a lot. Just take a look at a Triangle Lektrik Iron. Try it and the truth of what we say will be proven to you. You can always tell 4hii iron by its name and triangle trademark. Buttons, Buttons Everywhere On Dresses, Waists and Skirts Never have buttons been used more extensively for dress decor ation than now.- And the button manufacturer, both at home and abroad, has. risen nobly to the occasion with jeweled buttons, enameled, carved and painted buttons, until our "Little Button Shop," near the Alder street entrance, looks like a jeweler's coun ter. Stop and see them. The prices are extremely low. Price $3.00 Bassmsnt Roman Pearl Buttons for trim ming Spring and Summer gowns. Dainty things, in opalescent tints and also in colors 25c dozen. Quaint Hand-Painted Porcelain Buttons tiny round balls, adorned with pink and blue blossoms. The very thing demanded by the new Summer frocks 25c a doaen.' " Tiny Cylinder Buttons, with a brilliant rhinestone set in each end. Suitable for the new silks 65 a dozen. f - ' For the new Eponge and Ratine Suitings are the round ball buttons in every color 15c to 50c dozen. 400 New Trimmed fiats $5.00 The throngs which crowded our Millinery Department last Saturday spurred us on to greater ef fort. , Every wonfan who saw our special $5 Hats last week was instantly delighted at their distinctive beauty and irreproachable style and were more than surprised to see such lovely hats sold at such a low price. 'fe Our milliners were more than enthusiastic when asked to make 400 more and to make them pret tier than the last lot. Each one tried to outdo the others, with the result that they have created the loveliest hats that we have ever been privileged to present at $5. We have taken no notice of the cost tn producing these Hats. You may be able to duplicate them elsewhere, but the-price will most likely be $8.00 or $10.00, ssoo&a rieor Picture Framing By Experts Newest Mouldings Lowest Prices Our Art Needlework and Basket Classes are of delightful interest and are growing rapidly. : Our' young friends are invited to make themselves perfectly at home and learn all they wish to know in needlecraft. Expert, teachers are her to-lnstruct-them in -all ' ; - u ":. . CLASSES FREE OF CHARGE . ForrSaturdqy We Have as a Special Item Delft scene cross-stitch Pillow Covers, Scarfs ' and Center Pisces to be carried out irr the Delft blue ': ' ' ' Each Stamped or 39c Was now. Domestic Sewing Machines Ths Best Machines Mada . at This Stort Only 51.00 Dewn-41.00 Week Hoover Suction Sweepers . Combined Carpel Suseepery .and Vacuum Cleaner $3.00 Down $5.00 Month Spring' Attractions for the Boys You ought to visit our Fourth Floor and youll enjoy seeing and we will enjoy showirig, the new, snappy styles and weaves that are designed for young wearers. We've got some surprises "for you.' -. f:";,x':. : ' Ask for the New Two-Pants Suits at $5.50 In Norfolk style, for boys from 9 to 17 years.. They are the finest we have ever seen. In brown, gray and tin, both plain . and fancy mixtures. The Two-Panta Suits at $8.00 Are also superior in both the quality of the materials and the excellent tailoring. In fact, the style and the workmanship are much better than you would expect to find in suits at this price. 8 to l'J'-year sizes. Our line of Boys' EasterNeckwear: ;4V Is very attractive for 25t and 50. Bright spring colors that appeal to the boyish heart, as they' are so much like fath- , er's and oldenj brother's. There are four-in-hands, bow and Windsor styles. Also some new wash ties can be had for 25S We Now Make Our First Showing of Boys' Hats Of Terry cloth, pongee silk cord - and ratine in Tyrolean shapes, trimmed with contrasting bands and smart little feath-" ' crs. Also the newest shapes in Milans in white, brown, navy and black. Prices 65 to $3.50 each. roortii Tint . fje Costume ' Cailorinfl alon 7j.', , "" For Women Is Now Showing 1 A Distinguished Collection of Smporteb jfabriitf anb Jfrend) jftlobete This exclusive establishment is in charge of Mr, Lipschutz, who has J?ut, recently returned from the fashjon centers, and is pow fully prepared to .make to your especial order the most distinguished.' Suits and Coats Tailoring SalonSeventh Floor The "Crystal Pearl" is a beauti lul ornament a fairly regal but ton. It consists of a large fish pearl set in a bowl of clear crystal $2.95 a dozen. Shaded Crystal Buttons in col ors are the newest conceit of the Parisians 20c a doten. Tiny Bona Buttons,' each set with a resplendent rhinestone. One of the charming ideas from abroad 15c a dozen. ,t .. . . . Another imported novelty is the little button with a peg-like porce lain top set in cut crystal 95c a dozen. rirst rioor RibBorn Specials for Saturday Satin Back Velvet Ribbons, Special 33c 2lt inches wide in 11 the staple and new millinery shades,.' such as cerise, American Beauty, Alice, royal, navy, empire, r scarlet, cardinal. Novelty Ribbons, Special 49c Jacquard, Dresden and Roman striped -ribbons in pinks, ' blues, mais, lilac, navy, brown. Suitable for sashes, hairbows, millinery and fancy work. '. Picot Edge and Bulgarian Ribbons : , t ; Spedal 25c the Yard , - t Picot edge, cable edge, Bulgarian warp prints and Jadquard i ribbons which are an exact match to those mentioned above, ; and can be combined very attractively. The wide for sashes and the narrower, for hairbows or collars. These ribbons are , also shown In all the very newest colors, 5 to 6 inches wide. Ribbon Remnants HALF PRICE V These remnants measure from one-half to. three "yards in ; : length. -There are warp prints; Jacquards, 'velvets, grosgraini, aliDadUallt.tasItualLcoloiS-iand-omhinatinn cnloiL Ribbon' lengths suitable ; for millinery trimming, "dress and waist trimmings - - Tlrgtrjoo T 1 - J