THE OREOONM SUNDAY JOURNALV PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH '8. 19X5. a States Muster 48 Votesjn the ". : Democratic" Caucus Free . Lumber; . Wheat,' Beef and " Fruits5 Are Approved. ! B the International Ntwt Sorr U'. ) - Washington, March l.-Deroocr.Uo members of the house from state vest Of the MlssiaslBPl river are. perfecting a defensive organization against cuts In tariff duties- which they think may afreet Injuriously their local Indus trie,. About 10 members of the house have mow entered Into ttUVwrabinatkro. They Include Ua membera' from Minnesota, 'from the states alonf the, northern border" west to Washington, nd south to California, the states mustered 48 Votes In ths Democratio caucus in their effort's to secure tha seiectioa of Repre sentative Edward T. Taylor, of Colorado, s member of h ways and means committee. ...... . - Isadora In tha organization, movement . desire to head off free wheat, dairy ; products, meats and -lumber from Can - ada, f rea beets, sugar and citrus fruits and free' res front Mexico,. , They hope , to recruit strength from Texas which is opposed to free beef ; from Mexico, louleiana and Mississippi, opposed to free sugar and rice; Florida, opposed to cuts In the duties on. citrus fruits and tne Carolina, opposed t free lum ;; bar. . , . -v.- Tha committee began today to vote on items in tha wool, fiotton. Iron and too; schedules. It is doubted If mora thai) these three, bills can b agreed to before th f onvenlng of congress n special season, . . ,. W" . ' mall proportion ; of lctlm " recrulied frofla dancfl hailj, ' summer - parks and women procurers, bur principal aim is to . enact a .minimum wage law, fixing the lowest pay any woman shall get at enough, to -make her independent from want. ; Capital ia making 'Such profits out of labor that It can readily afford all that is demanded, - . . Senator Pea 11, member of the com mission, tonight disclosed the contents of letters tecelved from John D. Rock efeller. Jr., offering to aid the commis sion, with his personal influence and fortune. Rockefeller volunteered . to furnish any amount of money .neces sary. Senator Beall said, and aakad te be allowed to cooperate In some way beneficial to the Investigation"; : Z7 "The commission has accepted Mr. Rockefeller's liberal offer," said Sena tor Beall, "and will get from htm a report on the economic conditions ' of working girls In New York, Ha will have a commission sit there, we assume, to' examine witnesses as tha Illinois commission has done. We do not know the exact means he will employ, but the testimony of New "York working girls, white slaves, and, if possible, big employers, will ' bo procured in New York city." . v - , , May Cltf Mtrobasta, 5 In executive sea Ion this afternoon 'the committee decided to postpone ac tion with regard to ' Jamas Simpson, vice president of the Marshall Field company, and Kdward Hillmaa, secre tary of tha Hillman company, wbo re fused to tell what their annual pcoflta are. The lieutenant governor holds the view-, that the committee has. all the powers of a court, and may - cltf both merchants for contempt if they persist In their, refusal ' t Hillman will be on the atand again when the i investigating committee re sumes work Monday morning;. W. C; Thorne, second vlce-prealdent of" Mont gomery, Ward Co.," la slated tor fol low Hillman. Other big merchant a who have been served with subpena and are waiting, to testify arei Joseph Bason, vice-president and man ager Slegev Cooper Co.; Henry Schwab, manager Rothschild & Co., and A. Eiiinger, manager of fh Roston tore. ' SEVENTEEN INOCULATED; WITH TURTLE SERUM; r SECRET CLINIC IS HELD fCentlnued Frony Wgs Ona.) , jeoted la the thigh and in the kneo and hip cases. In both tha wrist and tb'gh. Dr, i'riedmann's technique t!s"Uftr- 4I nervous." :..-... : w ; Ckittoag ro Cur Good, ,' , Pr, Thrash WW that to the case Dr. madmanz) treated today ths chances Of a euro ware good. He selsated no case where ths disaue wag advnod or oven wall Into tha second stats, ' Beyond this "Dr. Thrasa would venture ne opinion of the efficacy ef tha "cure." Yna of tin oases we treated this af ternoon wag of a boy suffering: from tuberculosis ef the knee." said Dr. Ben jamin tonigit after bo and Dr Fried maan bad returned to their hotel. Tha urgeon who brought this patient d. dared that he was about to advise an operation. Now no. operation will be accessary," All patients Injected today were told that a second injection would be made Within two weKs. ' TSV$ were told It would require from three to , four weeks for the vaccine : to take effect," said Dr. Thraah. LOW te$ ARE - CAUSE OF VICE IS ; i O'HARAIS BELIEF (Continued From PagaOna.) WILSON SILENT AS TO APOINTMENTS FOR POSTS ABROAD (Continued From Page Ona) CALLED II ui Bmgehrade by its father, who agreed to take charge of him within a, few daya .' . ' ' tnsteaa o returning for the son. Wfl terroood ia reported ta have left tha city. Hig wifa left Portland two week ago, the authorities believing; that the couple ,met In California. Wlltarmoed Is also under7 a chai-ge of larceny la tkls county. Patrolman Crowe1 was called to the Sling home yesterday te Investigate the condition ef the ehlid ; and members of the Visiting Nurse as sociation wera also there. Mta gmrna Butler jot the Juvenile court took the - V . . . . ; . ' ?Bl4 to the cquy hospital. e- This and Oilier Insults Are Re- east SIDE WANTS NO- :-' cited to Senate lnvestiga- MORES WALK DISPLAYS tors: Rector Test ties for the i "Police. '. i ' ' ' ; state In refuging to reveal their profits. Is presumptive evidence of wealth swol len each year in big figures by paying , employ weg below tha starvation iine. ThUi Investigation has already taken step to euro one great evil that ef the subtle requirement that all glrU claim to live at heme under nenaltv of being barred from employment, so that starvation wages may be justified. Al ready Mandel brothers and Htllmana kave agred to Inveatlgate the home eondltlons of the poorest paid employes. They will knew then that these girls 5annot live on the wage they get. Thla commission has shown the world that low wages and prostitution are twin evils, or rather that low wages is- tlia mother of prostitution. It has n ahowo 'that commerce protects vice when it is profitable to do so. Big cm- , plovers cannot longer pretend ignorance of tkg fat, that the poverty created by Jlfy0?0 'm t" brothela. MUllonalrea can n longer claim to be philanthropists because of gifts, to char. ttlea when they are driving women and . girls, torn of them mere children into nouses of ill-fame. '.Later we shall show the relatively urged by National Ool- tra. Augustus Thomas, the New York playwright. rreaerick C. Fenfleld of Pennsylvania, one 6C the 'original Wilson men," and a heavy contributor to tha Wilcon cam paign fund. penton C McMillan of Tennessee. ex-governor, colleague of Bryan In the house, and ,recetjy defeated for the senatorsblp. Joseph E. Davles of Wisconsin. tary of the national Democratio committee. Charles R. Crane of Illinois, who was appointed and recalled aa minister to China by President Taft, Tentative XJgt Vf to rya. Colonel S. M. House ef Texas, who la generally credited with having assisted President Wilson In arriving at his eholce) of cabinet officials, had a long conference yrl TVlUon and Secretary of State Bryan today. Under the rule laid down by the new exeoutive, It will ba Bryana duty first to pick a tenta tive olate of diplomats for presentation to bta chief. It was believed that Bryan did give this Hat to Wilson this afternoon. Th. Secretary of State refused to eontment on the matter. It In known that one post, the filling ef - wklcn. Is causing Aryan, at-least. some concern, iff that at Mexico City Representative J. L. Blayden of the Fifteenth Texas district, is understood to be under consideration for the place. . assistant peeretanea xmea . Tha only assistant secretary thui far announced Is Byron Newton of New York, who will bo assistant aecretary of the treasury under Mr, McAdoo. Bee retary Daniels will announce his flwt assistant Monday. In moat caaes tha apaistants will come from states not represented in the cabinet, no as to make- the administration reach as far as possible around the country. MADEROS GATHERING TO AVENGE DEATH OF PRESIDENT OF MEXICO (Continued From Ige One.) , (By th jBtersatloBtl Kewa gerrke.) Washington, March . 8,-i-Miss Elsie Hill, daughter ef former Representative Hill of Connecticut, was the star , wit ness today, at thf senate hearing on the, suffragists' complaint of Improper police protection during last Monday's parade. . ,' ,;.:.,,: " .rAiu'tVi-".- Miaa Hilt told the committee that Major Richard Sylvester of the Wash ington police force, told her be feared a auffrage parade on tha third oftMaVch "Because the riff-raff of , the south would be her to aUend .tha inaugura tion Of a Democratio prestdeBt." ' The committee room wag packed to ufifooation with society people and prominent suffraglsta ' . - Iformtr Secretary f .War Stlmaen, Major Riahard ' Sylvester and Commis sioner Johnson of the District guard, all testified and each' placed tha blame for the disorder on the failure to otill for troops to assist the police. , AsHed for Protection, ,' ' MIa Alice Paul, chairman of the suf frage, congressional committee, testi fied that she had implored everyone from President Taft dowa to Major Syl vester to, give her- associate too -adequate police and military protection the Odeasiorf demanded, Mlaa Paul In her testimony ridiculed the claim o Major Sylvester that ho did not have sufficient men at hia com, mand to police the parade properly. Sergeant Early, according to a news paper man, indulged in ribald je'sta at the expense of the marchers. When one division approached, he shouted out, "All the old ones are in line," and later referred to another marcher tnaultfngly. Office Qrowi Floettona, When woraan atandlas near asked If the end of the parade, waa to sight, tho facetious officer answered; "Thero 00 end to this; women never stop," Rev J. Hennlng Nelms, rector of the Church of the Ascension, was greeted with groans and prolonged slghg by the suffragists when he testified that he considered tho orowa weu mansgeu r the police, who did all in their power to proteot the warchera Dr. Neimg waa the only witness ui y make such a sweeping statement, al though some declared that tndividvat policemen they had noted appeared to be working brd to check the disorder, What Pol10 Threatened. TTonrr n Pierce, of Indianapolis, n volunteer wltnesa who declared he waa not to aympathy with woman suffrage, stated ' that a policeman at Eleventa and Pennsylvania avenua naa low ma mn that when the time came to clear tho avenue they would "throw the worn- n over the roRes." Main Svlvester stated no naa warned the auftrage otfictaia i tn dangers of a procession around inau guration time and that they had re fused to take .his suggestions torn later date. He declared ha had af forded them every protection in fiia power and -that. it. was pot hi nio prov ince to call out the troops. HURLBURT TO PLACE F A. movement wa launched yesterday among 'the east 'side 'business men to prohibit: the display of goods on side walks in front of stores. The East Side Business Men's club started the scheme. Police Sergeant Lyons was called Into the meeting and asked his opinion con cerning the, matter. lie advised that the merchants be asked not to display goods on th sidewalks, j- - ; Throughout the world there are more than , 000,009 members of trades unions. BOFLEmIR FORCES DELAY IN IT "ll" W 'X: v't''""" , -f V,"r. i Lane and Chamberlain Get. So Many Applications They " Postpone Interview' With Secretary of Interior. (Wtfclngtn KnrMS ef Tba Jourol. Washington. March S.W'We did not get to the point of. making any recom mendations to tha secretary of the in terior after aai," said Senator. Lane thla .; afternoon , rfrrlne; to the visit ho and Senator Chamberlain made to the Interior' department with the in tention of aubmlttlng the .claims ; of Oregonlna to appointment to places In the department, . . , . ; "I found," said- tha senator "that it would take, me four or five days more to get through the, mass of letters in my of flea and assort the application and -endorsement so that they can be examined readily. t . The secretary of the interior said he would not be ready for a few -days to consider appointments either, so we shall take It up with him later." - McCormJck Ooea t Xew York. ? Waahtngton,' March E, P. McCor, inlck of Salem, who hat been In Wash ington, has departed for New Tofc. WRIT OF REVIEW ASKED IN RAY' DIVORCE CASE Following arguments regarding the JuriadlQtroa th4 dreuiH court in the. ease of a writ of review a.sked In .the tase of Po Q. Ray, ordered to pay 10 a month for-the upport of "his "wife and her doctor bJUfc CJrcuft Judge Davis took tho matter under consideration until next Monday. County Judge Clee ton heard the case and made the order, and Ray'g gttorney applied for tho. writ of reVtew because Ray had -not? been tried by a Jury ' Deputy District.At torney. Bmlley believes that if the writ la allowed t will definitely dclde the constitutionality of the npn-snpport law, as the lack of appeal provided. by. the law haa been one of the contentions made against the law, MERCHANTS BANK WILL ' - DINE ITS EMPLOYEES The : Merchants i National 1 bank ban arranged fop complimentary dinner to its employes on Tneedey' evening at the Commercial club. R. L. Durham. president f the bank will be tdaatmas ter and a number of the employea, es ccuttvea and membera of. the board ef directors will respond. The talent from the bank which aided la. the re cent amateur minstrel production by the. hankera of the cHy will aid In the Aviier-tatnmAnt ' wMfth ; will lb aunnlA- mented by piano, violin and vocal se lections from others of tha ataff J ' The occasion will-be to celebrate the prog, ress mada by tha Merchant National hank in its commercial and savings de partment alnca moving into Us new fluartera less. than a yeav.ago ,' THAT URVE ! Are Your Eyes Holding You Back? If eyestrain is making it hard for yi to catch up in your 1 itufjics, that same eyestrain, - growing wpre as you grow.old- er, will keep you from catching; ' tip all during life. " ' Eyestrain is a handicap that can be removed. "' Let 'us examine your eyes and 1uply.ihe glasses that' will re ) Jieve' the eyestrain and give you an qul ehance .with other chil . jdrejt, ' t iSufS'H this to your parents. THOMPSON , 209-J0-U Corbett Big., 24 Hoor two parsons had been killed and seven wounded in the federal garrlaon. General OJeda. commanding thla dis trict, received orders from President Huerta to withdraw all garrisons In northwestern Bonora, Including Ahua Prieta, El Tigre, Naco," Fronteras and Nogalea, and move them south toward Hermoslllo, to cooperate with tha force from Slnalo. The strength is given at oo. The Maderlstaa now hold undisputed sway m tne nortnwest. Ko orders have been received con eernlng the garrison of four hundred at Cananea, General OJeda stopped all train, aer. vice from the south, fearing the Ma aeristas would capture the train and take Agua Frleta. Caranza la Defeated. ' Mexico City, March S.r-Newa reached here late this afternoon that General Caranza, the rebel leader In the state of icoahuilla, had suffered absolute defeat at Anholo early thla morning. Tha reb el forces were dispersed with heavy The battle began at daybreak yester aay, ceased or a time during the night, aim waa resumed early this morning.. laranzas rorcea numbered over 2000 or the best fighting men In the coun try, and were well, equipped with rifles, ammunition ana norses. Opposed to them were nearly 6000 of the best fed- Aral tmnni Una..l. rr ... ueri ana Mier Aguemao, a former robe chief, with 100 men. made a wide flank i movement against Caranza to cut off possioio retreat. SURVEYORS ACTIVE ON KELSQ-SQUTH BEND LINE Iteports from Cathlamet are to the effect that Northern Pacific engineers are again active along the north bank of tho Columbia and In the towns along the river the conclusion la drawn that the railroad is reviving its dana Of Inma five years ago to build a line from Kelso to South Bond. It la said that at that time much of the right of way was se cured. A number of towns now ripnnnH lng on water transportation would be served by the line and it would dIko give a quicker route from Portland and cltiea in. Washington to North Ueach. Morgan Omitg Customary Calls. ' Br th Interoitlpnul Nw Krvl,) v,bv, iitn ,-vwihj to nis un certain tate of health, J. p. Morgan abstained from his usual visit to the aneaive ana iord Kitchener, but sent Ul-t&-in. Mnflfl y fnivf ntny 'die morgan party win it'ave CslrQ for Rome '' """ " " "t""1 "Oil" ' .' miiMinl -. Journal Want Ads bring results. BLAME OR ACCIDENT As the result of a careless blast set of( by laborers In the employ of Arhle Mason, a contractor, wno is in cnarge of the excavation work on the Barnes road, T. J. Miller was severely injured Friday afternoon, and visitors in Wash ington park were threatened by a show er of rocks and large boulders that rained all over tho northwest corner of the Park, where the Zoo Is located. City Engineer Hurlburt yesterday notified Mason to discontinue blasting- opera" tlons until an investigation can be maoa and the blame for the accident fixed. Miller, whose duty is to warn people In the vicinity of the park of Impending danger, started to run when he saw that the explosion bad been more violent than it should have been. He stumbled over some high-tension wires, knocked down by the flying missiles, and sus tained severe burns, lie will recover. Rocks uprooted by the Wast were burled clear from the bottom of tho I canyon adjacent to the park, and for aeveral minutes dangerous fragments dropped over the Zoo enclosures. More than SO windows in the animal houses were broken. Badly frightened by the bombardment, the monkeys set up a shrill chatter, the Hon roared, the polar bear splashed about excitedly, and a very bedlam of noise ensued, causing residents In the neighborhood of tho park to believe that nothing short of an earthquake had happened. Archie. Mason is a sob-contractor un der the Barber Asphalt Co. LOMBARD FILES HIS FORMAL DECLARATION IN MAYORALTY RACE! (Continued From Page One.) machinery. The ability, character and experience of men running for office, are the points that should be most care fully considered. Believes la Civil service. VI am a supporter of civil service and would like to see it applied to court employes as well as city employes. In cidentally I am a strong advocate of the plan to consolidate the city and county ) governments, believing that there can be a great saving thereby. In the mat- i ter. of civil service, 1 understand that there are afthong my opponents, those 4 who oppose .ctviricrvTce . and I would i Hue to have a public debate with any one on that subject. "Another thing that I advocate is ad equate compensation for all public fran chises and I alao believe in the munici pal ownership of street railways. How ever, in connection with municipal own- ershlp of commodities, I don't believe in rushing into those matters until the standard of efficiency in city govern ment has been' raised to -a great de gree," . , ' . ABANDONED BOY TAKEN TO COUNTY HOSPITAL Abandoned by .his father arid mother, little 6-year-old Harvey Wtltermood " ialh.JilUUl,;yag Teraay aucrnuon, wuers Do is suffer ing from pneumonia. The child waa left at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. John Sling, 308 Third atreet, one week ago 1 i 1 tIWJ in 1 i St .Ji-i.. MSEZsiSia; fBRRl'Tcn Do,,ar, Cash-il J0?l f Wf n Per Month -Bf mBm?'4 All Waxed Circassian Suits Reduced n:enA..M tt ... . t-- ... ' r-: Jcassian Walnut Bedroom Suite sold this wee,k on eay payments. . . Discount off Our regular low prices on any Cir- Icassian Walnut Bedroom Suite sold this week for cash. - This Room Completely Furnished, as pic tured, With , Brussels Rug Chair, Settee, Rocker and Table are solid oak; coverings are Span ish . leatherette over olMempered steel springs; all finished wax; golden color. $5 Down $5 a Month Velvet Hug Sen-safion "Tlgcr Velvet Rugs on Sale; at FOR YOUR BIGGEST ROOM ' 11 FEET LONG-9 FEET WIDE When it c6mes to wear, any honest rg dealer will tell you there is no rug" that laats as long as a velvet. Here is your chance to buy a genuine velvet big enough for your larg est room for. a. great deal less than you usually pay for an ordinary Brussels rug. Patterns suitable for bedrooms, dining-rooms, parlor or living-room. Regular $18.00 values, on sale for 914-$1 cash, $1 weekly sends a Tiger Velvet to your home at the sale price, imSISafllsl mWw New ProccsSeS':: pfel' I U mmif 1 V: ' f Maiiges Hundreds of them used in Portland's best apartment houses This is the range, formerly sold by Tult & Cibbs. The smaller sizes are sold us as low $15.50 .?sS.V V Edwards' New Style Pressers mm This 'is no special sale just our regular low price. The mir tors are the best 4x24 French bevel wood knobs and all larc improvements. - New Process This Style Range .00 Don't Gel Caught The high price, high rent stores offer one or two article at less than we sell for to make people believe ;v y4Wne thwerTcasOTsMe pare the cost of your, whole bill before you decide. ' " . " . ', xtend jj - credit I? " to ' WaUj A Oo od Ploc e To Trade An entirely new pattern,, right or left side ovens, eonncctions-frce and--special 10 discount if you pay cash. ,SERVICE'. A man bought a gas range recently from. a very large firm, Something 5et around to fix; it after taking 2 ays ta get it. Here you get prompt ncss and "personal attention. f! :