- 4 ' A..ij.tU, T" T-lf f 1 A.-t'.vCAA. X iiUiiiL i... i.L LliiL "FALLSOF 0HCIIY" Vessel Will Sail From London for This Port March 14 Sailing -Dates for Other Ships. ; l :. . Announcement wag mad this morn- ing by A. T. Prfchard local, representa tive or Frank Waterbouse & Co.; that the Koyal Mall Steam Packet company ;,:Bie,uay enarterea the British steamer 'alls OfiOrehv for nut mnn vnun on the Trannpaclflo line,; belhar due to sail from thin nnrf . nn rttni-n - in i-urope via Puget aound porta on June SO. She is scheduled to sail from Lon- don for this coast on March J 4. The charter tf this , steamer. : which has been here before, fills a gap between the chartered steamer Harpagms, due to sail from here April 10, and the steamer to sail July 28. ;. Another steamer for May loading Is being lookwl lor, and if the right out can be found it will be ' chartered to. come between the Harpa gus and th Falls of Orch'y..1 y- With the exception of the Harpagus, all of tht steamer will cojjie from Lon don, and their -sailing dates from that porf have been announced to the first of , aeit year. ' However,, the names of. three -of the regular liners have hot yet been . LUMBER INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK -; 'i;feAl:tOSW'TOBK,'IN THE STATES WclNSmr YOmt-A fe R&o iSSSt&S9t' t9 insurance Commi..lon.r .t. Amount of capital stock paid up. ..... . .:S r, ,V.V. . . .' i:M,MM - EfilJ Vc,v:?d duI,n wi' cash . vV..i407,iei.i i - Interest, dividends and rents received during the year, 29.496 65 ' Income from other sources received during the year.,., 2 250.77 " ' Total income ....... .''V'm 'loV- ; BZRBTrXSSXXVTI. ' Tr5" d1ng the year ,v v"1" ie SVOl llpflnuon BrtA tint nai1 .lnln. Tl. Amount ot all other axpendlturea ", .v.-. .Total expenditure -', ;:, Cash in bank and on hand ...... ................ .76,098.76 Premiums in course af collection and in transmission ,. 160.861.21 interest and renta due and accrued .....,.... .647.48 Less special deposits in any state t, 102j46.46 Total assets admitted in Oregon . 4aMUM JM J sVliB Gross claims for losses unpaid.., f 83 881 20 in01 ofnunn?riie1 pFcmlu,a on 11 outstanding. risk. 1 280,999.28 All othe liabilities v.f. .;; 7.085.8a Total liabilities XClUBlve nf ranitnl Total premiums in force December 31, Total risk written during the year.. ..,,...,,.,,.. i,...,,..:.' Groas premiums received during the year .. . X . . . . Premiums returned during the year ..." Losses paid during the year..................... .. Total a.mount of risks outsUnding 'in Oregon,' peceraber 1812.'.'.' I IIMRCD IMCIIDRMOC fnHDAMV ne alCui vnni . b. win wwii ii wuiiniiwL. wwivii Mil 1 1 Ur ivuVi I UnrV , , . By It. ,HJ McKELVET, Secretary. Statutory general agent and attorney for' service:-' " L1j " . W. S. JELLIFP. snrortas or tn Avvtru ctatxkxitt or' THE PROVIDENT LIFE & TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA rPAin tor In the State of Pennsylvania, on tha 31st Insurance Commissioner ot the 'State of . Amount pf capital etock paid up . . Premium received during the year, . ........ ,.. . , , $ 1,878,424.60 Interest and renta received during tha year ...... 8,620,300.87 Income from other sources received during year. . . 228,486.16 Total income . v.ti. ...... fPaid for losses,' endowment, annuities and sur-r . render values P. ......$ 6,641,844 38 Dividends paid to policy holder during the year... J.,690,487 80 . Dividends paid on capital stock during the year. - None from insurance fund. , Commissions and salaries, etc., paid during year.,. .1,381,049.73 j axes. uueijBcs buu iee, eic., paia during Amount of all other expenditures. Total expenditure . . . . . ; ; , , '. ; , , AUNTS'. Market or book value of real lata 0wn.1i Market value of storks and bonds owned (not in cluding capital stock) ,7. Toana on mortgage and collateral, etc. Premlurn note and policy loan., . v . , . , Cash In banks and on hand. ..t, Net uncollected and deferred Drmlum. .. 'Other assets (neU' (interest and renjta due . t cruea ....... 1 Total asset exclusive of capital t0ckt,i.4,... $77,908,070,83 ijjijminvuciiuoiuiii uy (II ny mere De;,' -- Nona in exc of liabilities id any sate ....... . Tatal assets admitted In Oregon..;..:..;.,,,',, Net reserve at t on policlea Issued after Jan. 1, 1901. and 4 on U Issued before Jaot 1. 1801.. $68,618,681.00 Total policy claim...;,,,'. ;,...... 271,046.92 Additional reserve required to compute present - vaiuo 01 an policies on me American Surphia a.. AU other llabilitlea excluding ,caplui itock Total liabilities exclusive of capital $1.000,000.... b.... Total insurance in force December 81. buiivsbs nr obboobt rom txx tiab. , Total rik written during the yeer,. including revival, increases and v Premltuns returneddurlng the year .In dividends ......... M X."! I : U88 44 Losse paid miring the year,.,.;i, ..J., . . .4 - 1000 00 Losee incurred during the year. 9'000'oS Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon December Si,' 1912. .. . .85C9!467'oft THE PROVIDENT LIFE; TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA '..J....' ' "Ivi"; "m " . t? By . H.. TROTH, Treasurer. Statutory general -agent and attorney for -Egg SOLVES'.THE COST OF. LIVING -V: D. G. BURNS CO.. 20M0 ;THIRD STREET Offers Fresh Ranch Eggs at Only 1 MAIN 61G .- - ', t: - : : ' i t".o other siJ r i iuv .M-il.i r lt;ing now under construction. The Harpagua will come here from Valparaiso, and after loading cargo at Portland and Puget sound ports, will proceed to the orient, and after' discharging, be turned over to the owners at, Manila. The steamers with their sailing dates from Xiondon and from Portland are as follows: Harpsgus, nails from Portland April 10; Falls of Orchy, sails from London March ,14 and from Portland June 30; steamer not announced, sails from Lon don, April 11, and from Portland July 28; Monmouthshire, nails from London May 8, and from Portland August 25; ten of Ruthven, sails from LondonJune 6; Glenlogan, sails from London July 4; Den of Cromble, Bails from London Au gust 1; Den of G lam la. Balls from Lon don August 29; steamer not announced, sails from London September 26; Glen strae, sails from London Octobcn 24 ; steamer under construction, sails from London November 21; Monmouthshire, sails December 19. The dimensions al the ships follow: .i. Net. : Depth Built, ton. Itn.Beani. ol now, "HarDss-as". 10W 8T2 4:!8&ra 8 2 "Kalle of Orcbx'VieoT 81 : 405 03 " 3 18 "Monmootushlre" 1904 Hl7 4iK 62 0 20 "Den of Huthren'IDOT 81 16 . 62 v 19 'Glenlogsn"...,..18; 8 420 64 1 29 "Dea of Cromble"inoT Bl 28 400 52 0 19 "Pea of ClamU".mO , S 28 . WILL: LOAD LUMBER French- Bark tr Begin to Take on H Cargo jBoon. ; ' 4 At about ' the im itbfl British ; ship Neotsf ield, Captain ' Evans, , complete her cargo of lumber for Sydney torjrtor row afternoon,, the FrencH bark General de Negrier, Captain Humbert, will finish the discharging of her inward cargo for Meyer, Wilson ft Co., and shift down to Linnton to commence taking lumber for a direct nitrate port on the West Coast Both windjammer are under charter to 1(38,849.2 ;...V,..2S5,755.75 year ....,4 jea. 073.04 ', "'P'" ,..,... 16,080.68 1467,199.27 9732,101.76) nfnrV nt :; -1912 , ................ $271,976.84 I454.4Q1.74 1639,101.00 9,565.60' 1,440.63 28,204.41 R. fins En 342,641.00 niftTsi day of December, 1912, mad to tha Oregon, pursuant to law: - . . , t , , ... , ..,$ 1,000,000.00 I ,722,S11.6i one year....,, 1 166,000.80 '801,168.18 10,769,660.3 J" $ 1,890,454.93 40,035.432.00 26,438,070.28 8,700.648.64 u 122,135.91 ,1,210,270.4)8 1,012,158.98 and ac- ... . ,$ 77,909,070.32 experience S,95,21.00 3.68,713.05 1.735,399.65 I - I7TSftftft7ftH stock of , 1913... Jv 77,909.070.83 $376,387,113.00 service: PAUIi LODEft. Dax AND A4C23 94,400.00 Co'.nyn, .v Co., i O N'Ott: I 1 a n i e Lot e j :J was ehaf- ' to luiid grain. tered for lumber while on tha way hore rrom Baliia to tins port seeking a char ter, and the da Negrier lost her charter by reason of the long passage ahe made from Europe, laden with general carpo. , The Neotsfleld Is loading at the North Faclflo Lumber mills and will nail from here for Sydney with a cargo of between 1.400,000 and 1.500,000 feet The General de Negrier wilt take, on the first of her cargo at the Linnton mills and the re mainder at one of the mills down rivor. BREAKWATER DEL.WED Steamer Is Disabled When Opposite rortlantl Flour Stills. T .. r 'While proceeding down the river on her regular weekly trip to Coos Bay lastn'sht, tha steamer Breakwater, Cap tain Macgehn, met with-a alight acci dent, which caused her to put back to her dock and" will delay her sailing a day. She is expected to sail again at 8. o'clock tonight. When opposite the Portland Flouring Mills the anchor "winch was disabled, as the key holding the wildcat to the main winch shaft broke, allowing the 1 wildcat to shift. -The repairs are being made today by the Vulcan .Iron , Works. " CARGO FOR ORIENT Robert Dollar to Carry Floor, Wheat ':;;EA:rnd Lumber. 'i'v'ii 1 I Lumber, wheat and flour for the ori ent will compose the cargo of the Brit. lab:atea.mey:obeH.;JJ!oUjirwlUon'4tr. rived at Katama last night from San Francisco. ' She will take on a, part of her lumber cargo for Japan and China at the mills there and then come up to the local harbor to finish. 5 Although sh. will take some wheat and flour, It is said that the greater part of her cargo will be made up of lumber.' She la loading for her owners, the Robert Dollar company. - , NEW1 NAVIGATION COMPANY Fifteen Freighters to Be Put Into Canal Trade. (Cplted Preu Leu Wire.) ' . Seattle, Wash., Feb. 2G.Local dock men received notification today of tha incorporation bf tha Americrfh, Naviga tion company under the, lawa of Dcla ware, which will, invade northwestern vaiter for trade with . a : fleet of 1 S freighters, to be operated via Panama. Until regular trad has been eatabllahed they will be operated a "tramps," call ing at alt coast ports for such cargoea as are offered. . . :- ' ' BIG TRADE INCREASE . ' . '-V -MMhmm 'r- POrt Townsend Imports and Exports , Up 27 Per Cent. (TJotted Frets Leiied Wlr i Port Townsend, Wash.,- Feb. 28. Showing an increase of 87 per cent over the previous year, records have Just been completed in the custom house here showing the value of its exports and imports for 1912 to reach $72,741, 00. The value of the salmon output waa greater than that of gold by nearly 1100,000, Revenue collections for the year amounted to $70,909. ALONG THE WATERFRONT '. '' Carrying 175 passenger and 900 tons of general freight, the steamer Kansas City i acheduled to arrive tomorrow afternoon in place of the steamer Bea ver. Althoug;!) no Information ha been received here, it is expected that Cap tain Mason and the deck and steward departments of the Beaver will be on her. r ' .. Captain E. , H. Svendsen, Pacific coast representative of the Scandinavian underwriters, left this morning for Se attle, where he has moved his headquar ter, hia office now being 61$ Bailey building. , ' Laden with 1,100,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco, the steamer Klamath, Captain Maro, has cleared at the cua torn house. It is expected that the German bark Olona will complete her barley cargo at the irvrng -nocK tomorrow evening. She is Under charter to M. H. Houser for the United Kingdom. The steamer George W. Elder, Captain Paulsen, is scheduled to sail tonight with passengers and freight for San Francisco, San Pedro and San Diego. -A repair to the stem of the steamer Johan Poulsen will be completed late thl afternoon at the Supple shipyard, aha will - leave down for Prescott to night to load lumber for California. Carrying passengers and freight, the steamer Camlno, Captain Ahlln, ar rived at .the ' Supple dock from San Francisco this morning. - As the Port of Portland commission has received notification that they will havf to remove their of floe from the city .hall to make room for tha office of the city engineer, they are negotiat ing with tbe county commissioners for offices in the county building. ;' Radiograms. S. S. Herrin. at sea, midnight, Feb. S5-2. (Via, North Head.) In latitude 41 degrees 40 minutes north, longitude 137 degrees. S3 minute west; westerly w(nd, light breeze; smooth aea; weather cloudy, with passing rain; barometer 29.80; temperature 84. Commander. -S. 8. Sadd Maru, at sea, 4 a. m Feb. 28. (Via North' Head.) In latitude 49 degrees north,, longitude 128 - degrees west; barometer 28.86; temperature 40; wind , west northwest, gentle bree&e; slight sea; fine weather. Commander. SURIXE NOTES Aberdeen, Feb. 25. Arrleed teanier Piril fo, from Portland. . . - . Astorli, Feb, 2S. Left up at 2:40 p. m. Brltlab ateamer Kobert Dollar, Hailed at 4 p. m. Steamer W. F. llerrla for alonterey. Arrlred at S and left up at 7 p. m. Steamer ('amino from San Franelaco. Arrived down at !1;M 9: aa. Steamer Bote CU.t, San Francisco,. Feb. 25. Sailed at noon-Steamer-Bear for Sao Pedro, balled at 1 p. a).-Steatuer Kansas t'ltr tor, Portland. Balled at S p. m. Steamor Yellonetone: at 7 p. m. Steamer F. 8. Loop for Portland. Arrlred at T P. m. Steamer Xavajo from Portland. San Pedro. Feb. 25. Arrived Steamer Gen eral Hubbard from Columbia river. Arrived 8teamer Koanoke frou Portland. - -. Tenerlffe, Feb. 25. Arrlred Danish ateamer Arablen from Portland. .. , . s s " Astoria, Fob.' 30. Condition ' at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m . smooth; wind eaat, 8 mtleei weather eloudy. Tides - at Astoria ThHraday Jiiah water, 6:25 a, 85 feett S:47 P. m.8.8 feet;low wster 12;3 b 0.T foot, ;v ., .fj, . Da, Arrive, Str. Roaaok, Can Dlefo...,.'....i."..March Btr. Bear, -Ban Francisco... ........ ...March Str. Alliance, Eureka ..March Htr. Ross City, Ban redro.. ......... .March ate Beo. W. Elder, San Dleao....... .March Str. Beam, San Pedro.. March IS ; r'v-V;" ''"' le t Depart. Stt. Georse W. Elder, SanWere c . n., ...... r . Feb. 28 pir. inmiiiB, txm Ancetea..i Str. Multnomah. Saa Diego.... ...Feb. 24 ... ........ reo, at Str, Klamath, San Frauelaco ....t..,...Keb. IUt Str, Camlno, Saa Franelaco.'..,,, ......March 8 8tr. Koanoke, Baa Dte(.V.... . , .-.Mareh 8 Str. Bear, Saa Pedro ................March T Btr. AUlaaee, Eureka ...... ........March 10 Str. Roia City, San Pdw....j......Marchia I 1.1 I 1 . 'I Tf ta.."l.i ,V "" Str. Tale, San Ilege . . . .w , .. , .Feb, M Btr. fiarvard, Ban Pedro.'.k.. ,..Fel?, 27 t.sXJa Xout ta ZmS LnmWr. Kane'V ; failed v ..' , From Arables, Mr. str., ....l,M.,.',.;.,ABtwerp Baron apler, Br. str ......Hon Konj Battle Abbiy. Br. ship..; ,.Raa .'ranelst Cnsna t Seville, Br. str., Use, 10.. ..Antwerp Dnndee, Pum. bark Pnnrne laveraa, br. itr... Sua Fr'sacl ' .! . ' A n. I V to crt 1 :ty, br. Mr t, A ;n. Bi'h., Jmu. 1.... H. 'laibot. Am. cb.... VaiiLUii'er, B. C. . .. . . Yaii'JirBiso .......... I'l'i! ........ . Honolulu lt"fianoe, Am. n h., Jan. W is. tl. Rm.iu, Am. k. 1'nttle Abtn'T, Br. brk.., , . . . ,. VnlnarH iw ....Sail Krtno!? ,...Su FrtDc'..c (stlluu Maru! Jp."itr."" .....Houoiuld T..kil Mani; Jap. itr.. Dec. 19 llcooluio Wrr Castle. Br. hlp. SaUrerry Prosper, Kur. nr 8ii Fran-ioo Vilji.loir, Am. ich.. Dee. B.............CalU Ea Sout ia load Grain. StetnbrS, Ger. nr., Ita. tf Santa Rosalia Loui I'aiteur. lr. bk..... .'ewcastis, A. . Grain Flet is Tort. Ktme tod Chartertr Brtb. Ok)B, Gcr. bk., Hminr IrtlnJ Venilw, Fr. tk.. Unmet........ Mnntun Cumbrian Frlncens, Br. bk., Houeer....Lluutoa ' Lunbcr Fleet la Fort, Kme To San tor Berth. Geo, K. Billings, Am. seta.. Sidney. ,. St. Helens Neotsfleld. Br. brk, Sydney..... North Piclfle Kobert lKUr, Br. tr., orient. .. ....Kilania Qo.ldea Sligre, Am. ek., Vet Cot, Port Lum-,- bar C:--i Elriuriido, Ais. kq., nest Co at, Fortlaod dry - tlockj. .' ' - Bangor, Xor. 9., Shunghil. .......... .Mnnlon Crowa of India, Br. bk. C. K. ...... .Weitiwrt , Alatk CsBoery Fleet la fort. r. Nioie , ,::,,;''-. .A: '''' ,;-h) Berth. Berll n, Am. Ship. . , . '. ". ; v .... ...... . .tioble Rt: MlcboU. Am. hlp......... ........ ..Gobto Str. Krntvis, Am. riiip Oregon dtydm-k W. B. Flint, Am. brk.,.......Oreoa drrdovk . mseellsaeea ia 'Yart.1 .;- '- "' Gen; d Negrier. yn . bk .5orta Haak Daily Hirer Readings. ' i-.rvi; ,'(.-!, STATIONS IS J! Luwioton 2.2 Rlprl- ..........,... l!uitlllg i... Kiigeiie , Albany .;. .... ,. (. 2.R o 0 0 St.31 -0 .03 -0.2! .12 .10 TiiTOiiniK ........ .....q O.T fortuua ... 8.4 1-0.7; ) Rising. () rlling, TWENTY-FOUR KILLED, 50 HURT BY EXPLOSION - .- (tJnited Preta Leased Wire.) Madrid, Fab. 8 Official-reports to day fix the number of dead, a re sult of a dynamite explosion atv the harbor of Oljon, at 24 with 80 injured, The disaster was caused by a charge of dynamite 'exploding prematurely. It was at first reported that 70 per sons were killed, COAL CO. MAGNATES IN FOR $168,000 SUIT (CdHcS Pn tetied Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Feb. 28. Offlcfals of the Northwest Coal company iust stand trial in the government suit to recover 2188,000 for alleged frauda in the sale and delivery of coal to the several mili tary reservation in. Alaska. A motion by the defendant to dismiss the suit lias been denied by Federal Judge Howard. There t really only one kind of nursery stock worth havinf that U tbe highest grade, beat you can buy. No man would purpoaelybny poor stock; com mon senae forbids. When you . buy our stock you KNOW you are getting the beat. We exer- ciae every care ana ingenuity Ajvjri possible in selection. Send for yfVJ our beautifully illustrated catalogue, 'Tnea, Sliniba, Viota "VvTIi sjPluhv Mtntiantttit paper. AUCTIONS BoKtrfiCo Auction Sale Extraordinary 1vT2 HAVE BEKN INSTRUCTED BY THE BANKRUPTCY COURT TO SELL THE STOCK OF THE BALTIMORE ARTISTIC FURNITURE CO. WE HAVM 40VEI THI8 STOCK TO OUR 8ALESROOMS; 168-188 -PARK ST. AND WILL- BELL THE, SAME WITHOUT REGARD TO PRICE. THI3 STOCK 40P FURNITURE, BRIC-A-BRAC AND SHEFFIELD PLATE 18 OK THE RAREST AND CHOICEST DE' SIGNS. THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL list: Hherrieid plate, vu., vases, klos ters, tea caddies, platters, vegetables, coffee pots, bread and butter- trays, bon-bon dlahea. fruits, tea seta, tea ket tles, frames, jewel cabinet, brass can dlesticks, electric lamps, ate. Mahogany baskets and trays, sewing boxes, shaving stands, pedestals, stools, sofas. Davenports, settees, chairs, desks, dressing tables, hall tables, consol ta mes, pie crust stance, tip top stands, china cabinets, bookcases, sideboards, etc. . ORDER OF SALE GOOD8 WILL BE ON EXHIBITION ON WEDNESDAY. AUCTION WILL START ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. AND WILL CONTINUE EACH PAY UNTIL ALL IS. SOLD, AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. . LADIES! THE THIS CLAPS OF AUCTION IS RARE IN OUR CITY AND DOES NOT OC CUR OFTEN. WE CAN ASSURE YOU THE SAME COURTEOUS TREAT MENT AS AT OUR FORMER BALES OB". ANTIQUES OF A YEAR AGO. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT GOODS WILL. BB BOLD (AS IS USUAL WITH TJ8) TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. i W. C. BAKER AND C. A. CROWELL. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, NEW JJODAX -On trickape, easy haul to city, just Outside of city limits; on1yT$4(X)0 j)ef acre, tasy tcniia. vvui divide to suit purchaser. ' i WATSON & THERKELSEN CO. 306 Spalding Bldp. , ' M. 7592 IOWA REALTY CO. . Real Estate, Loans, Exchanges, List your property, with usr T 629 Chamber of Commerce. Mars. 604 Money-toE:oan Ready to Servo You "in Any Amount ; tfrom S20o up. Real Estate Security, ' OEO. R. THOMAS, . aerOak St., Boom a, Alasworta Bldg. atULIOVS 19 WAUTTJTS. I can sail you first-clasa walnut land near . trnP"rtatlon, , ready to plant, cheap. T. WUhjeombe, tooux Ail, iiaja- Hciseii We have a client with a very ' fine Willamette Valley fann lo- rated about 35 miles from Port land, "arid near station on,. Ore gon Electric, desiring to ex change for apartment honse or ; other good Portland property,; : 1 his ' is an ? exceptionally good farm and shows splendid income. Another party (with unincum bered Portland realty and cash ; for well located apartment house. ' These parties will assume rea- -sonable mortgages and pay cash" difference. We do not handle properties .with inflated values. , s No Phone Information y 404-S LEWIS BUILDING FOURTH AND OAK STS. BEAVEMTOM - Close to Station ... At - S225 an Acre S acres cleared, balance in stump. Land adjoining this sold last week, for $400 an acre. Lies on good county road. The soil is black and famous. H. GUNTHER 919 Yeon Building lT50Feef OF AT $S Per Front Foot NO PHONE INFORMATION Shepard, Mills & Rogers 214 Board of Trade When you can own your own pretty little home for $100 cash and .$25 per month? A new, 5- room bungalow near Jefferson nigh School, 4 blocks from Al bina car. , O.K.JEFFERY, Mar. 3718 Yeon Bldgr. A-4484 REAL ESTATE LOANS KOVXT OV KAVO For flrat mortRaa; -loana on Portland! residence ana inaiaa oustneaa property, Mortfarss Bong-bt. COMMERCE SAFE DEPOSIT & MOKTOAGE CO. 1018 Cnambat of Comnarca. FOR SALE -Extra choice Willamette valley farni. S mllta from O. EX, 35 mllea from Port land; very beat soil; special bargain price, cloalnjf estate. Full particular obtainable 208H Stark at. " Mortgage Loans JOHN BAIN 214 Spalding Building First Mortga;e on Farm' Property. laUJKlUAUtt vUMrANY FOR AMERICA Head Office. The Ha rue. Netherlands Aineworta Building-, frortlaad. .'V- ' - i . V . - . f Arc You Going, to Build? I on ve you money on plans and specification and auarantra . nau , . . , - . , , CITY & f ARM LOANS 11000 and tip at lowest rates, 414 Corbet 114. A lt 18. rrarsisay WalerFrontage Why Pay Rent Mortgag WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY . SITE 100x200 Northeast corner of 22d and York Sts. United R. R.' tracks on 22l St. Terminal track on York St Will sell on reasonable, terms at a very-low- prieei - t":" b" "vTT Tate Investment Co. Marshall 284. 1002-3 WUcox Bide. If your name appear In eitner pnone book you can telephone your ad te 7113 A 6061 anrl have ' It elias:el Bill will be batlett te yeu the following aa for eayment ' The Journal cannot ur ante accuracy or Mum responsibility tor error of any kind oc curring ; in telephoned advert i aejnent. BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . :) CBRTIFICATES et title made. Title Truet Co.. Lewi bids;.. 4th an J Oaa. lxxila H. Nedd rt al to Marls and Karl litephan lot 15, block IT, Elmhurst. .$ 4,0 Karl (ttephan and wife to toula i. Kedd ft si west A lots 3 and 4, block IH, HolUday's sddllloa 10,006 I. O. Oppenlander and wits te Ernest . 8telnboosor et st sooth lot 8, block I. Hwsa addltloB' BOO J. W. Lundy and husband to Col. t Bond, lot 16, block 43, Venwa...'. 2,328 Gilbert H. Charter and wife to Ray W. Hopkins Ma 11 and 18. block T, Miller' addition, te Sollwood. ...... .. 1,300 Alice Bmeraon and husband to I. C, Havana-, lot !, . block JO Uulbrook a sddjtlea to 8t. Johns 1,230 Hilda GiMtataoa and husband to John . and Katie Jonas, 4.0 acres begtnnloar : II. 82 chains esst of north-went cor nn A. C. Danbae D. L. C. slao lots . 4. 5. 7, S, , 10 and 11, Bbea East I'slrrlew $,000 John earned? and wife to Donna - U. , English, kt U bloi-k IT7. Hollsday's . addition ...........,,'.,.......-.. 89,000 Ole Tbompsoa to Albert Rahlesbeck et si, lot i-i, block 18, Overlook...,..,. 1,200 Multnomah roonty to atron Co., 43 seres bef inntpf af northwest corner John Barnes D. L. C, seetloa 5, . township 1 soetb, ranee 8 asst. , 4,850 A. U Dea ton and wife to Jane Su born, kit 4, block Evergreen Park 1.2S0 Merchsnts Savings AV, Trust Co, to H. K. sletcher. trsct 1. Uamw Land . Acre (asslcoed to G. W. Grayson).. 9,000 oenry uwMunsns aaa wire to ueorg , Alnrecbt tot 13, block 12. Alblna Iloias- stesd 1,000 Sstherine Sullivan to II. H. Brosn, lot S4, Mtdlsnd Acr Tracts... ........... , 1,800 Alameda Land Co. to David K.'Mosses- sohn, lots 1 and 2, block 80, Alameda .,PrkJ"V 1,000 Alameda Laud Co. to Arba K. Uacolu lot 14, block 28, Alameda Park.....' 1,060 Louts A. Harlow and wife to Herman Kisser aorta v, or southwest , sec . tlon 80, township 1 north, rang 4 eaat, containing 16.il acres ,. J. W. McFsdden to W. E. 'Hheets et al. 1000 8.S00 TOO 1,000 eac to leei mi . ntw-K a, Newport. George Repp and wife to 'William l'ost tot a, diock 12, Ltncoia Psrk........ Buss City I'ark sasoctstien te T. Ya- pane lot 10. block 110, Hose City. Park Fred A. Jarobs et si to Nell Clswsoa Sliver lot 8, black 8,! Rldgemont.. . . . . Charlotte B. Beaa to Paul Fischer. .lot 5,ro Tl, block TU, Itvlugton 4,000 Alftoeda Land Co. te Marjorl .. H. Roas. lot 6. block 4. Alameda Park.. 1,0M Ladd Estate Co. to Geo. K. leu f el. kit 1. bloek 84. Weatworelsnd '. , . ... . . .f. 750 W. R. HAIZLIP CO.. inc. Abstractor. 171. 4tq at. bst Morrlaon and Tamhllj. CLASSIFIED AD RATES la effsrt Aorli 1. Ifltl ALL PREVIOLS RATES CAKCELXUX -CASH ADVKUTISEVIEM 1 time. e per Hue. Beoneecative tiroes, fe ear Uo per Insertion. I or asore eoasecaUve tfatea, Te par Hoe eel utasertkwt or t loaextions for price I . No ad coasted for leu than 1 lines, - Tas above rates spply to "Mew Tods aaa all other elssslflcstleos except tUtnstlooa Waat ed, To Rent and Wsote to Rent sda Situations Wanted. To Rsat sad Wanted te Rent ads (Apartment and Hotel eicepted). the ratea are; . ftc par line first Inssrtloa. 4c per Hue each subaeoueat InssrUon. No sa taken tor less than Ifte. CUAKGB AOVKKTIflKMSMS ; , 1 time, 10c per lis. 8 eonaecutlva times, te per Has per Insertion, T or mor eoasocuUv times. 8 per Ua mt Insertion, Tbs above rates apply to "New Today" and all other elssstflcsttons, except 1iltuaUoas Wanted, To Kent aad Wsnted to Rent" ads. Situations Wanted. Te Rest and Wsntsd te Rent sds (ApsrtmenU sod Hotel excepted the rale 1 7c per line per Insertku. No ad charted for less thsu two Una or 18. The Journal will sot be responsible (or mor than an incorrect Insertion of any advertise ment ordered more than one time. iM,,!,!,c,wJr"te Pn PPUesU," , pboa esll will bring a solicitor. ' . UNCALLED FOIt ANSWERS 111 fnllmrln ktfM. I. .m.wm - -- n .. . . . .. n 1 1 ,v aqvcrueo meuts sppesrlng in Tbe Journst remain us es lied for: B 244, 250. C 20. E 278, 268. - F-231L 204, 170, W, 174. 2il. Jan.... ... '. tt 242. H 100, 175. J 262, 267. '. . ', ; K 178. 172, 24. 1T8. , . . IV-m , '. ' M itfi, S4i. N 234 217, 248. , ' ,0-1-241, 237, 880. - - - - P236, 238. 234, 529, 230. . RITO, 230. H 292 2IV3, 240, 245, 240, 105. . T 248, J81, 284. 848. ' U 2;tt, 2:i8, 230. ' " ; V-e4. 238, 248, 28. 186. 278; " f MEETING NOTICES 41 CAMP j, rneeta ; every WetJneaflay evening in W. a V, temple. 1S8 11th - at. Alt membera requested to attend. Visitors wttkom. ? E. H. tf.KBY. C. C HERMAN 6CHAPK. - . . --' - Clerk. R, N.-A, Ore. Hose .Camp,- inett Kri. Manrri enter- Tttdr.,"8D - Btn at. MM . MARRIAGE UCEXSES Herbert f.x.k, 404 Feat Fteeith street, nd Kims Khtule, 4ll Ka.t Klc.-nt!i "e.-r, Kurt 11. Ieunl. t it y. . and A-l, - Nettxel. .'.'. l'i"-'!ill) el reel, P. Al.' U,.h.Uu I mif, !. L".. I C"., I ''!.:. lyilllt ?trln, 1 . -' 4 1 1 1. . Shr 2.-.. and hi- ii i. and Msrv ii. Murray, lnt north, 2'l. W. G. Smith L Co Washington Mils'.. or. 4h fo.-irf- uit for riit. Tatlorlns; Co.. SO'.l S si and floral psien!. BIKT1I3 SEBt.B T Mr, Slid Mr. Arohi V. on ast EtaHtTHKTenth strwt. Ida; . . a bor. BARRI-To Mr. and Mrs. Samwl T. H . : VM Tolman atrwt. P.-rinianr I t, a GARDSEB- To Mr. arnl Mra. Kd !. n. UaUiwa park iartmiite, t'chrMar . t (tirl. .-. - - .". BRODT To Str. and Mrs. Twrn. Bvlj. i Sfronrt" atrwl. February 18. a srlrl. CRyUHART T Mr, , sad Mrs. J. W. r , i hart, Eaat rsnt street Jaiiuarr ;i, a boy. : - " COODRirH T Mf: 1 an? Mn.. ttntm-U ( . (Joodrlch, ?15M Cbantauqua bvtih'Tr.M. rl. raary ft, a by.- ,.- - . - PlH EKAR To Mr; aa4 Mrs. Anlhonr rv-i- kari lfifl 'ortli IcBtli streot, Februarj ii, BICHARDSOX To Mr. and Mrs. Anion Rl.-h. anlarm, 3 East Tbtrty-sereata street, J in nary 24, a fir!.. : HBATH T Mr, and Srfra. ITrai&k , W. Hoath. 660 A tblna. street, Febmsry 6, m bot. U.RICH T Mr; ami tin. William A. T l rtl-h, J147 East . TweBt j-seoond street nottli, Jsnnarjr 22. a boy. . -. '' .. -;" BLLMKNHiHIClX To Mtv and Mrs. Adam Flu nrasctwiBf 203O, Xast flftj-flrH street. Jaw nary 2T. a boy. OKGTfTTt Mft sad Mrs . WlJHam Trtrcl- ly. Thirty -SPTeutb asU ; Hawlburtu . street, JTsnusry 7, a boy. , POMEKOY To Mr. and Mrs. 6nre W.' Pmi eroy, 127S Kaat Stark street, februsry 2i, boy. ' ' ' JACKSON T Mr. sod Mr. Wllllsra Mi it It son, WT Esat IwtBttetb street,. braty 8. a bor. -: s OARVER To Mrj sad Mrs, Jacob I Garrer, 450 Hall 'streak 'Huary Jl. ir.H 8tRN To Mr. and Mrs, Christian Burns, GnaA Hamarltaa Boapltsl, fpbrasrjr 11, a buy. ELHEHT To Mr, ami Mrs. Krmwt . Kiwrt, 04 BidwWl avsaue, yebrsary 13, a by. tUCHAEJ.fKLDift To Mr. and Mrs. Willl.im MlrbarMeltW, foot of t'ramyto street, ret- roary -17.- a boy. .-v. WATSON Te Mr. and Mrs. "Wslter I. tVf son, ITU Ksst XolUeentb. atreat;. f ebruary 17, a boy.' DEATHS ASP FUXKRALS 10RK& At Salem, Or.. -February 24, louls Yorke, aged SI .years, 5 sioatha and 11 days. Th funeral service will b held TIiiik day, February ft. at 11 o'clock a,-., from the new chapel ot J. P. V'lnler A Unn, Moni gomery and t'tfta Street, ftknds ttivlCBd. In terment Multnomah ee meter, . , ilrCALLIO February 29, at the resirient-R of his duosrhter Mrs. Daniel, S. Dnff. tO Kt Filghth street Berth, Jasaea McCalliir, T years, father f Mrs. Paalel S. Duff and John W. ud. W. J. McCaUtg. Kotlce o( in MAXAUBA Tlx "funoral services' ( the lme Roseanna Manaaaa iu be bold Thiirsdxv. February 27, st o'clock a. nv, from the ta. ered Heart church. Friend respect fully in vited to attend. Interment, RJvervlew ceme tery. 1 ' .' . :" "'V LUHKVSOl tbhk city. February ZH. J,h,m Lorenson, aged 82 years.- Rennlna are at the new parlors ef J. P. Finley i, Son, Mom- Si'RINUMfiVkltt Oerhsrd 11. "Spriu,tm,-yrr, ivi'i s'lrst street. February 23, aged 64; aathiu fRAKaXIN JDelbart rrauklln. 2.S7 Hu-w.l street, t'ebtuary 4, ag4 l; broachtal puuu moota. - - . ' ELW4Seeret V. Bell. St. Vlueeafs hospital, February &.sged 49i asngreMgu luiut. LODER Helen B. Loder, 321 Baat 'Jhln.r--- ood street, February 22, aged l heart dis easc': 4 i-'v, BiDB Rekro Eld, 821? Twenty-fifth svemie. February gH, a fed moelh; pneumonia. JOHXMON Norma t, Juhnson, at;,. Vincent's hospital February 25. sged 8 years; ether pneumonls, : 81-XIU Kmily Seol, 1164 Barrage atreet. Febm sry 23. aged TOt- eerebral hemorrhnge. BEAU-Harrlutt Newell Besl. at Harrison street, February B4, aged t; senility. STROl'SS Ksllle-i Strouss. ortb : Ninth street, Februsrv 23, sged SU: endocnrditl. COOK -Virginia Cook. Kmti aud Cooper streeif, Febmsry 2a, aged So daysj bronchitis. MctU HBKN Anus UeCobben, ItHT Eaxt MiKb 'street. Fetrnwry 22. saw! 6ft piwhltl". l'ONSKTH FLORAL. CCX. in 8th. clioic J ' cut flowers for all occasions: prompt rUiNCrCAt. clesigtia, flowers, alV o--.i-. a. C. Taube. 40H Mor. Mar. 6STD. MAX tit'.' SMITH, flbrtatl 14144" th"t., In Selltna; bids". Main 7111. FUME3.iL PIRBCTQ;t5 NEW HOME OF J, P. FINLET - SOX, KITNERAL DIRfcCTORS. J40NTGOM ERY ST.. AT FIFTH. A atrtctly modern undertaking eatab lishment, surrounded by secluded drivn way, Inaurtng absolute' privacy, Per fect - eanitatlon. Superior service d;r and ntrht. l4y attendant. Phone Mum , or Home A-1599. - MR EDWARll HOLMAK, the lead.n funeral director, 820 Third atreet. tan ner salmon. Lady asalatant. Phonci a 1(11, Mala (07. .. Dunning dt McEntee SSVK etery detail. Tth and Pine, r Main 43u. A-4B6S. Lny aaniatant. Ladln East did unJer- takar. Lady assistant. H- 18. E-781. B. tH c A11C-. 8.. fttJJiNlNd. INC' "Eaat Kids , Funeral Director. 414 E. Alder. . Eaat M.-B-tSSS. HEM STOCK. 1487 ETIath, 8 1122 and un Were. Park, Col, 394-395. A, R.2ELLER CO, Both phone. DC A DQflM Undertaker. E. 10S0. 36J- I 871 Rusaell at. tDIPOriM UNDERTAKING CO;, Mam UIIWUHHil A-2!85, 409 ALPKIl MOXUIOTt PORTLAND Marbl "Work. 24-2it 4ih st. Oppoaite city hall. Main 8564. 6TTO"fiCHUMAN, ranlte ami nmil. 1 work.' East 8d nd Pine, Ksxt 74 1. PORTLAND RfcALTY DEALEH3 OREGON REAL ESTATE CO,, THR (Srand ave. and Mult. J5. 7. V-W cttAPiN"-h'iiRL6w Mtci, i'Tftt'ST 'VX tit Chamber of Commerce, Main Hiv 208 Oerllnger bldy. : Ma In 1IM BRUBAKEH vBJKNEIW'frrT 103 McKay Bklg. j Main Ji t , TO LEASE CI .'.'Warehouse PACTORY ' South Portland location, at rcaonaM rsnti 3 atorv brick - warehoime, lusnr, 1 airy, new, Iniulre at Journal bubim s. ottice. FOR LEASli for lenit of 'lints, f corner 30th aud Clinton, on rr,lhi. 100x150, euiUbl for raraKc, f, t"r tote or laundry; will give less l n- i year at very reasonable term. .M i , room 403. 227 H Wu h i n t j CENElIliLLSTA'l:; ALBERT' A XaN S'o'h ve T and unimproved pralria in lias pruv,l 4 Ih su r . district of Albert- N" ' to buy. ninny of t -' ; t portion of tin. t t , . a . i "i. 'I " ' ( r - . fi If. Ml M sm." b .V utoa Duuoing. '1, t .