The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 21, 1913, Page 23, Image 23

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    i t
I la i uiLliniUUuii
Measure Gives Eoards Author
ity to Let Pupils Have -Books
(Salem Bureau of Ibe Jmj'aa!.)
. Salem, Or.,- Peb. 21. Senator Patton
ct Marlon accomplished an unusual
thin? yesterday when he obtained the
passage of his optional fre text book
bill, which' hitd been adversely-reported
once then placed on the tabl?, pre
ferred to the same committee,; and fin
ally reported back without recommenda
tion. The bill passed the senate by the foil
lowing vote: Ayes Bean, Burgess, But
ler, carson, Dlmjck, Mollis, Joncph, Kel-
gheiv MCColloch, Miller, .Moser, Patton,
kln. Smith of Coos, Smith of Joa-
I i
' pplunj and. President Malarkey. 16.
. L Nots Barrett, Calkins,. lJay, Iluwley,
Hosklne, Kiddle, Leatei. Neun'er, Rsgs
' dale, Stewart) Thompson, Von der Htl-
leni-12. Absent Karrell,- Wood 2.
, ;- The bill allows school districts to buy
text books for the use of pupils, and
.to loan these books to pupils of paro--"
t hial or other schools , using . the ap
proved texts of the Oregon schools. The
bill Is as follows: '- 4 - .
"Section .l- The board of any School
district may upon Us own motion, and
; shall upon i the petition of five legal
' Voters . of any . school district of the
third class and upon the petition of 28
7 legal' voters of any ' school district of
' ; the socond class, of upon petition of 100
. legal voters of any school district Of
- - the- first class, oaH an election at any
annual or special meeting of the Voters
Of the district ,'fof or -'against' free
text books and the ballots to such ef
, . feet sTtall be received and canvassed at
such election and !f ft majority of all
the Votes cast upon the measure shall
"be found "to be In favor of free text
books It. shall be the duty of the school
board of such districts to purchase at
. '.the .expense of such district alt the
' text books required for the, use of all
the pupils attending . school in such
school district.- ahd aucBK text -books
" hali tbe loaned free' of charge to the
pupils bf all. schools In the district
tislnjr regularly the text books adopted
' ' by the Oregon Text .Book commission,
, and, except In districts, of the r, first
. . class, following the state's course of
tudy. The books to be subject to such
. jjrfes ahd regulations' as to cars and
U-Tcustody- as the board shall prescribe:
provided, that the vote shall bo taksn
Separately upon free DOoks,rof , ' high
school grades and for grades below th
liifih school. -..
".'Section 1 2. , When- any .district - has
so, decided ' by vote of Its electors to
furnish free text books to' loan to the
pupils the "school board of- laid district
shall raise and appropriate annually, in
the same manner as other school money
Khali be raised and appropriated In such
district, an amount sufficient to pur
chase text books needed for all the
students-who attend school In said dis
trict.?.''?, O i ''it pi , ' ' f. J
' "Section 3. The school board shall,, at
the, bcfftnnins of ouch school t term,
cause alt books to ba thoroughly dinln
fected ifl accordance "With rules pre
scribed by the- State Board of Health.
"Section "t. All : laws and pans of
Jaws in conflict with the provisions Of
this act ate hereby repealed." ,-
Sofia, Feb. 21. -The metropolitan .of
the Greek church at Tchataljd reported
to the Bulgarian government today that
more than 106 .Christians were massa
cred in his diocese yesterday by .Turks,
A large part of the Tchatalja .district
has, been left unprotected by the with
drawal of Bulgarian .troops, and the
Turkish troops are sold to be taking
advantage of the situation to slay very
Christian they 'meet -
The approximate number of wage,
earneia In Canada is estimated at 1,
Ml-O-NA' Stomach Tablets are guar
anteed to end indigestion ana give you
& good vigorous stomach, or. money
back,' They relieve after dinner distress
live minutes, so ccois.
Ml-O-NA for belching gas. - " - ,
MI-Q-NA for distress after eating. '
MI-O-NA. tot foul breath, ,
Mt-O-NA" tot loss of appetite.
. JII-O-NA for heartburn.
Ml-O-NA for sick headache.
MI-O-NA for night sweats.
- Ml-O-NA for bad dreams.
' ' Ml-O-NA after a banquet, : ;
, MI-O-NA for vomiting of pregnancy.
, I Makes .rich, , pure... blood puts vigof,
vim, vitality into the whole body.
A week's treatment bf Mt-O-NA will
increaso your efficiency,
Free trial treatment from l Booth's
. Ml-O-NA, Buffalo, N..Y,
nil inun "niPoinrmM
iousness, Headache,
, bout Stomach, : Loated
' Tongue or Constipation.
1 Furred Tongue,' Bad Taste, Indtges-
(ion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
lines come 'from a torpid liver and
! , clogged bowels, which cause your stom
ach to become filled wjth undigested
food, Which sours and ferments Ukg
; , ' garbage In a swill barrel. That's th
first step to '.untold misery indiges-
tion, foul gases, bad breath,, yellow
'. skin, mental fears," everything that Is
, horrible and nauseating.' A Cascaret to.
night will give yof constipated bowels
a thorough cleansing and straighten
you out by morning.' They -work while
you sleep a 10 cent box from your
-rnggtst rHl kerp yo-feHn(r gnwt f or
months. MllilotiSrf of men -and women
. take a Casoaret "how and then to keep
their stomach; liver and bowels regu-
Jalod, and nevnr know a miserable nio
,nent. Don't fprjfet tho children their
Ittle inKtdus mcd a good, gentle ct'-ans-
I L..
(('tilled I'roRS Lcasi'il Mire.)
SiMitllo, Wash., tV. 21.
Charged with "sl!rilnrf on ha-
nuna pMla for the iurpoe of d-
fiauditig raili-oRdx cut of sniull
4 sums for dainnsts," O. B. llrown,
'alias ti. W.Ward, and J, N. Case,
alms 11, A. Itoherts, arcs .in Jail
here today, italhoad offiiials
.from Northern' Pacific. Great
Northwcn arul llairiman line of-
flees claim to have been trimmed
, for- sums varying from HO- to
4 $100 by this pair. ' -'
Councilman Ralph C, Clyde,- who has
returned td' Portland .after a. two
months business trip In California,, in
vestlgaed many municipal conditions.
. f"I find that Portland. 1 far behind
many of the .southern citls "In the mat,
tcr of 'municipal ownership," said he
today. "Lbs - Angeles- has many mu
nicipal projects, the latest being munlct
pal ownership of natural gas, . which
will b distributed ta ' the . people at
cost. '. Oakland" has publlp markets that
are a benefit to the entire county.
San Francisco , bas made a success of
Us municipal railway from the very
Start and th& board of supervisors are
making arrangements to extend the line
Into interurban districts: Outslda of
our free employment bureau, we hava
Bothinff hers In operation thst 'ls worth
comn.arlng.'J I wa gfeatty surprised, lji
conversation with ' the meter Inspector
or los Anfc'ples, to learn that Gil per
cent of ths; meters wei"e defective and
tht? ' Inspector Informed .-me. that the
company whs the greatest Josor Instead
of the cotiHUiner, Ha Jnforinwl ma ths(
the . people preferred, however, to. pay
for thai inspection and know whether
they -were being overcharged or under
charged, add that 1he law. had proven
a gr&t success during the six year
It had been in operation. I Have a draft
of a similar ordinance to be presented
to the city council. --
"A rieter inspection " ordinance, is
badly needed, and if the state .railway
'commission' will do the work, that will
ba entirely satisfactory to me."
: XVhild in Los Angeles, Mr., Clyde met
Mayor Rushlight and his bride, who
were oh their way, to the Hawaiian
Islands. Mr; Clyde asked the mayor if
he "Would, bef a candidate for reelection
and Mri Rushlight Informed Mr. Clydo
that he' did not know,, ,-..-
. J (Staff CnrreitpouiIrM'a.) ' '
Balem, Oti, Feh. il.--Spwial agents
apltointd by Governor WeBt In the Port
land vice crusade last fall will receive
11659.52 from the state for their ser
vices, at lfftst tula is the amount the
house Ways and mean committee has
passed bi favorably for special appro-
pilation by the legislature, Not a slngU
cut was made fin. the recommendations
forpaylng special agents made by the
H, M.; Esterly, who had charge of the
special agents for two months, Septem
ber and Ootober. and who collected a
mass ,of evidence against owners of
property used for Immoral purposes, is
to receive J592.8S, .. . . , .;
E. , R.; Ringo, his chief deputy, who
worked In the vice cases for four months
at $150 a month, Is to receive 1600.
W. S, Asher, for work In September
and October,. Is to get 3250.
P. E. Bauer, for work in October, No
vember and tiecember, is to get $216.63,
" Rewards offered hy the governor to
taling $600 'for, convlctiohs; of illicit
liquor sales bavd also been recommend
ed. Of this $400 'goes to 1j. Metohlf for
services in seoujing convictions in Mar
cola, Oakrldge and Eugen.; L. McOros
ky for services in ontvctlng an
illicit liquor dealer, in Portland al
lowed 1100. afed 15. jTrwin, for, a tlmilar
conviction in Marlon county, Hs allowed
, IDnlted Press Iaod Wtri.1
'Rome. t'eb. 21.- Susniclont that the
condition of J. P. Morgan, the American
admitted Vas receive by the United
Press bUl-estt bre today lh ft wireless
dispatch from that captain of the, liner
Caronla. on which STdrcnn w;is in imvn
left Cairo.'!. J , . . v i '
JThs Carftnia carftain rtoctarrd that
Mornran did maka reservations on the
Caronitti-but 'that. thv wwpf rnrloltn,
at the last moment, Morgan's pafty le-
cmnnffttney mumaeti to await the liner
Adriatic and suil direct for New York,
ThlM Infnrmiitlon foIlKi'ivT HmlitHinno
here by women relatives of the financier
uiai -Morgan naa surrcrea u stroke of
apoplexy and that unothcr attack is
JMorpuns condition. today is not nec
essarily grayei but it has bcett fully es
tablished that on Monday, at the very
time Ms New fork, office was ridiculing
renorts of his illness, he wan. in a verv
sortous Condition. . .', ,
' ! (united Pr wii.i
Pan I'rancisco. Feb. 21. Cash bohds
of 80,00e for the release. from the fed .
eral prison at Leavenworth,. Kn,; of
H.' CInncy of ' San Francisco, convict
ed at Indianapolis with 33 other union
men of conspiracy to transport dyna
mite, wore forwarded, to Chjcago .this
afternoon. , . ;
Bonds, for the release ofi Cdaf;Tvelt.
moe, another Ban Francisco labor leadpr.
cohvlcted on the Bame charge,; were for-
wsvaea to cineasr? three flayw aph: -
The first bonds ;submltte to tne fed
eral circuit court- bf appeals! In Chicago
for TveUmoe's release were returned be
causae It was alleged the property val
ues were over-estimated. This time, al
though only $12,0,000 in 1 realty bonds
wrre iwtrf,hvf--tJerir-Tatiteft bond
in oxocss of H&1.000 to make certain Of
Tveltinoe's release, -
' Clancy's bond is k strictly cash surety,
and was raised principally by Kan Fran
cisco labor unlotisj, The bond was com
pleted l"t ilpht when the Tcamstar'g
union subscribtU f 10,00k. '
J p -
belIeve morganIad i
apoplectic stroke
UiilU luli,.!! b.LLO
I .Staff CiTii- iii(loin'f.
and pne senate bill, all of more or Icks
importance, were signed by Governor
West 'today. - Ralph Watson, secretary
to tho governor, declares that the senats
bill is. the most important one that has
passed this session ot the legislature.
It is S. B. 131 by Calkins and fixes, the
salary or the governor's secretary at
$3000 a year. , .. . ..
One of the Important house bills
signed is No. 433, which crratcs the
state board of control and places, all the
6tate institutions under the supervision
of this board.'. Other bills signed were
as follows:
11. B.-1!5S, by Hagood Consenting to
the purchase of the 'locks and canal, aft
Oregon City. - .- . - - . , f ' '
' II. B. J09, by Abbott Creating ft stale
board of accountancy, . This bill was
defeated once tn the house, was later
resurrected and passed and now becomes
a law.' It provides that -only the public
accountants wbo pass the examination
prepared by the board can us the title
"Certified publio accountant" ... .
, H,. B. 198,.; by Stranahan Providing
that the school board in any district in
the state may provide for and maintain
continuation of evening schools.'
H. B.. 160. by ' Bonenrake Regulating
the salg ot liquor on Sunday,.
11, B. 70, by Hill Relating to mining
corporations. ; , i s
'. ' " (Stalf Onrrtipoliaace.) ! '" .
ISalcni, Or.,-Feb. -. 21.- Senator Mc
Colioch's bill. prohtbitihg' the payment
ot more than twice tho assessed value
for property, taken for public use under
Condemnation proceedings,' except upon
specific finding by tt jury of increase in
valuation since the lat assessment, was
lost In the xennte this morning, after
MoColloch atld Kellaher had forced the
fight into the "enemy's country.' J
f "This was lntroduoed !at In the s
Bion," said McColloclt in' supporting the
biU,-''and this may account for the fact
that It Is unfavorably reported by my
colleagues of the judiciary committee.
But some-day sonic such law as this
ought to-be the- law of the state. If
the stats needs property, for the public
use It oughtnot, in justice, to have to
pay more' than twice the sum at whlga
the downer lists ' it when hi tkya. taxos
to thenta.te. .-
"Joseph opposed the bill on the ground
that the whole -Question of value should
be left to a iurv tn determine -Ksilalter.
supporting the fcM. tallied httoti tion to
the assessment of Ross island at $31,
000, while the owner wanted $3JJ,000
for It when tlis citv nronosed to buv it.
i f ha bill was indefinitely postpohed by
a vote of 23 to 4, the- latter being Kel
laher, McColloclt,' NeUnfer and Patton.
President Malarkey did not vote and the
absentees- wera Hollls and Miller.
, Ko bad has become the thieving at
police htt&dQUarters; that. Chief -Slover
has appointed Patrolman II,, A. Thatcher
custodian of prisoners' property. Here
after releasad prisoners must appear foe
their property between 7:30 o'clock in
the morning and 4:30 in the Afternoon,
while Thatcher is on duty.
Tfte thief has been so. bold bs even
to tamper with the United States mail,
abetter containing $1 for one of tua
women Inmates of the jail having been
taken. The thefts at the station during
the last sit months include: j pry goods
amounting ta, $Soo in value, returned; a
revolver belonging to Patrolman Circle;
a bottle of whiskey; complaint against
John Luciano, taken from files; $40 and
gold 'Watch-belonging tot Charles Le
Clero, a prisoner.
, Chief Slover put the men of the three
shifts on duty during the time LeClerc's
prr-perty was taken on ..their honor to
return the stolen property, but this
plan failed. Other . action now will, be
taken, - , . , , ' .. t
elianies" Hen laws to protect-workers'
Forty-six states have enacted me
wages. That Corn Is a
Sure 'Goner Now
"QITS-IT," the Kew-Plan' Corn , Cora,
. Gets Aay Oom Snrtly, Quickly..
You'll say, "it does bet all how
quick 'GETS-IT' got rid of that com.
It's almost nmBlcr' "UKTS-IT" gets
ITever Could So This Befora. 'ftSTS
, XT' Mad Every Corn Vanish Xdka
... JWaglcri4, , -
every corn, every time, as sure as the
sun rises. It takes about 2 seconds'
t0 apply It. Cora, pains atop, you for
get the corn, the corn shrivels up, and
it's genet Ever try anything like that?
You never did. There's no more fuss
ing . with planters that press on the
corn, no more salves that-take off the
surounrilng fljih, no more bandages.
No more lsntves '. files or 'razors that
make, eorns grow, and cunse danger of
blood poison, "QJSTS-IT Is equally
harmless to healthy or Irritated flesh.
It "gets" every corn, wart, callus ahd
bunion you've got.' . "v ' ;
"at:TS-ir,"is sold at all druggists
at 'ii cents a bottle, ar sent on receipt
of price by K. Lawrence & Co., Cblcagoi
Sold In Portland by'The Owl hrUff Co.
Relieved In one minute: Mosey feac quick
11 It doesn't. Get 2) or SO cent tabs pi .
Catarrhal Jelly
Use it au(rk. Finest remedy ever offered
' for Cold in Head and Catarrh, Sore Nom,
Coughs, etc. Twenty yer ot surceM. "
- XVhyf No dope in KON DON'S. Sample1
- (re. Write Quick. Address - ,
KON90N MFG. CO, MlnaeatMlla, Mian.
- j , '
i of i: liA-1 t Ci.
l'i"ftoriLj''9 Issm.
Piovlnlon fr ellmiimtlon of three cap
tains, thri-e f irt-t lieutenants and three,
second lieutenants in every regiment
was made in a bill introduced into the
house Thursday by Chairman llay of
the house military committee.-
Plain labeling of food packages with
the net weight and contents before they
are sold to the public is required by a
bill passed, by , the senate Thursday,
which already had passed in the house.'
Prohibition of , proseoutlon of labor
unions and. farmers' organizations un
der the Sherman; nntl-trust law by the
department of, justics was written Into
the sundry civil", appropriation - bill
yThursduy night, by the housev ?
; Extravagance in .the. present system
of improving waterways and the need
of closer cooperation, between states
and .the federal government., were em
phasized in the senate Thursday In a
fight over certain provisions of the an
nual rivers and harbors appropriation
bill. . '
. The senate passed without debate th
annual diplomatic and .consular appro
priation bill authorizing $3,700,000 for
the support of the government's foreign
service. The measure will have totb
perfected' in a conference committee..
The senate commute on public- build
ings and grounds completed the public
buildings bill, i which carries approxi
mately $30,000,000 more than the house
bill." A memorial bridge across the Pa
tomao river from , Washington to Ar
lington NaUohal cetiietely at, ft cost, of
$S,000,000 Is provided for,, . S "
' Western k senators Wore' Informed
Thursday that -a- threat has beoti made
by tht hQUse leaders 'to defeat the legis
lative appropriation " bill if the senate
Insists upon retaining in, that btii tbo
amendments making appropriation Tor
the asBa-y offices at Boise, Hnlena, Cat
son, Salt Ialte ahd Deadwood.
: The, hoiise bill giving the state of
Idaho authority to open for' BettlemetU
certain lands withdrawn 'or classified as
phosphate or oil lands' was passed
Thursday by tho senate. . , $ I
yt'luTf': political. i l
JDeclaration that" America would be
come a ijaven for 'Undesirable foreign
refugees -unless the United States su
pretn court "reverses the Castro and
Mylius declsidns was made Thursday by
Secretary of .Commerce and Labor Js'a
gel. A bill making it a misdemeanor pun
ishable, by a fine, of from $10 to $25
for any person to give, solicit or receive,
directly or indirectly, a tip, has been In
troduced in the Pennsylvania legisla
ture t-;;"'J -'A tyi ii. .4 .'i; U
'Municipal' "blue . laws" forbidding
butcher shops and moving picture shows
to be open on Sunday were sustained
.Thursday by the Illinois supremo court.
The decisions were on appeals from the
enforcement : of r city ordinances of
Springfield. ' " ' '
Missouri, Iowa and Michigan legisla
tures on Thursday passed bills for con
tltutlonal amendments granting" suf
frage to Women.
'' The Ohlo-titata senate eh' Thursday
adopted the house resolution ratifying
the., proposed , federal 4 constitutional
ameridment' for tiie popular election
of United States senators.
In his farewell speech to the busi
ness and professional men of Washing
ton Thursday night. President Taft
said "there is less ' graft, thefe Is less
scandal, police protection 1 better, and
nature appears mors beautiful In W asn
ln(tton than th any city In this country."
Eastern. j
Claiming it criminally restrains trade,
the! government Ms brought Suit at
Cleveland against the McCaskey Regis
ter company, makers of office appli
ances. The dfif enaant la said to own
the Dominion Register company, limited,
of Toronto, Canada.' ' ' '
Cheating ' the: "great white plague,"
Lewis S. Watt, !B7, and his wife, Jennie,
il, are the. victims of a probable sui
cide pact at Washington. Hoth were in
the last' Stages of tuberculosis., Thn
bodies were found with, the throats silt
by a rasor,'-; ;i
A jury'in the circuit court at Newark,
N. J. awarded Hugh Porter, a member
of the charivari party which In July,
111, serenaded Walter J. Force and his
bride at their home In Uvlnuston, $3000
for injuries; received when force fired
both l)rrei or a -pnotgun hud tuo
crowd.' Forte had previously been fined
$1000 for firing Into the Crowd.
What Is btlleVtd to be a rerord-brcak-inc'
carao of corn taken out of an At
lantic port n In th" steamer Varldur
which sailed rroni - uauimore lor Am
sterdam 'Thursday. There, ar stowed
tn the vessrl S24,i8 bushel. ' '
Jr. Stephen BmltN "father" ot New
tork city's sanitary laws and dean of
the surgeons in that city, has Just Cele
charges Hull in
1,'nited States. Attorney John McCOurt
last night finished his Inquiry -regard
ing the vatlillty of certain claims . to
S'lets reservation homestead lands and
a- n as tin testimony has bean w It-
ten up tt submitted. With his
opinion; to the commts-doner of the
general lund office at Washington, D.
C. Oliver Lee Hull, author of charges
that entrymen to the homesteads hud
committed perjury la making affidavits
to. recover their ' lands, was '"warmly the government attorney ' in
commenting tar record on the evidence,
"Love, ot, notoriety,"- enld Mr. Mc
Cowrt.' ''was one of the three reasons
for, tile action, . The primary roaaort,
however, was to secure a piece of land
and to pose before the' squatters.
"'The homesteaders," tn " their testi
mony," stated Mr. McCourt,, "overesti
mated the wotH they did. On the otheit
band, Hull and bis witnesses greatly di
minished in their testimony th work
that had been done by the entrymen.
'.'No charges ot perjury can be made
fcgainst these people innd there, " Is no
reason to proceed against them. I m
Satisfied that each of these homestead
eri could bring 100 men here to testify
as to their truth and veracity, In addi
tion, the statements of these me had
the r&g.m truth,"', ,- ,
Frofn-the testimony that iyw" given
and from the attltu'do of -MiyilcCourt
and Iptris M. Sharp of the Portland land
office, it Is" regarded as irtaitt; thttt the
original entrymen will soon receive per
manent titles to their claims. .' The
township in whlch'-'these- lands are lo
cated lies 30 miles west f Dallas, In
the Cbast. range, end some of them- are
j , " v y"1' 1 iT"""fi'-".""f ,
The placing ot women kCollege gr&rtu
n'.es on ttie-it,)xuis police, force, whos
ditty would be to watch wayward girls
and keep . the. eye nt the .law. on tene
ments and sweatshops, is advocated by a
a clergyman in that city.
S li
.ui. ,ot il.'i ula After
; Went to l'ress. -1
brated Ms ninetieth birthday, still in
good health and active as k consulting
surgeon of Iltllevue hospital. .
"iztv,. the Painter's" confession that
he had Vied SOU hou.-cs in New York !
at the behest of a local ."arson trust,'
bore first fruit Thursday in the con
viction of Robrt J. Rubin, u Insurance ,
adjuster. Riibin faces a term of Im
prisonment .up to 25 years. - . ' , --
The : 14 ''story Columbus Memorial'
building in Chicago, considered by arch
itects orip of tho most, conspicuous of
fice buildings In America because of
Us ornamentation aiid general design,
is to be torn down .because the corner
of Ktate ' and yvashington streets -has
outgrown' it. - Julius ftueenwald Recent
ly paid $2,750,000 for the building and
grouhd. . , .
1 I Pacific ' Coast..."i'; : -
CitisetiBj of 'i Los "Angeles 'have. Valsed
$10,000 to, be'awarded the composer of
a prise opera.s This production is to, be
of distlnctiveiAmeflcan orlgitf, .and wilt
be staged at the Panama-Pacific1 .expoM
tioil. f ' ,," ' s ,
t'p to date, '.labor anions 'of Sah Fran
dsco have rained $52,863 to aid la meet
ing the bonds of O.. A. Tvctttnoe . and
E. A. Clancy, Sail Francisco. latr lead
ers, now ia the Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
penitentiary.. ;The amount Includes $10,
000 subscribed by the Machinists union
and, $500 by the. moulders.'' -. , , ,
For thtt, second .tlme-ln''"thrce-years,
the office of a councilman In Dallas,
Or has. been declared vacant by the
council by reason, of .the non-attendance
of the councilman. .' A.. 1 Harhamhaa.
been ousted and will contest the matter
in the courts.) . 1 . "?
Mrs. KlorenVe ITart'l Moore, knowji as
'the woman" in the Ortis Hamilton em
bezzlement cane in 1909, wad found not
guilty-by la jury In the United State
dlutrict court- at Seattle of .transporting
Mens Barret from Vancouver, B. O., to
Seattle for alleged Immoral purppsesi
To determine the valu$ of a block Of
stock Owned by him in the steamers
Melville Dollar and Ressle Dollar, XV.' O.
Chrlstehdch ot (San l)ranoisca filed ull
Thursday against the Dollar Steamship
,lnr, oporating steamers .trntvoCi tlmt
port. Cluistensun claims lia bought the
stock at a fate- value, of $4062: from a
subsidiary, ot the company before It was
merged with 'the Dollar concert ' .
Destroying tthe plants ot the lipoids
butg Enterprise and Trivune ahd othlk1
business blocks; a $S0,000 fire practical
ly ' devastated the business section vt
llealdaburg, Cal.' It- IS Announced the
section will be rtbuJJt at once, ....
Ten thousand signatures, more "or
less to 4 petition, for ..the, recall of
Police Judge Charles E. Weller of San
Franolscd ' hoVe been', secured by the
Women's AVetlof RCckll leiguo, Only
7S00 names are necessary'.' ' '
i Foreign. '-ft ,,(
' Close friends of Premier AwiuUh.ara
not a little concerned about the state '
his health. If is prolonged tight for the
home rule bill and his recent, tvdublea
with the suffragettes, combined with
the different Hs in the cabin fit, Mvft told
on tils constitution, generally and espe
cially on his iterves,, llis early reaigna-.
tlon Is looked for.--" ' " --'The
police j of -St. Petersburg hive
proiilbited1 Ihi display -of moving pic
tures illustrating the life of the late
Connt Toistoy.- a-citi ."f "-.. r -King
George has donated $1000 to
the fund being raised for a monument
to Captain Robert F. Scott and bis four
companions Who purishd during a po,
lar expedition. The fund has - reached
$1Q0,00U. , f ,
A terrible three days battle 'between
lOO.OuO Bulgarians, and 70,000 Turku at
Bulair has Juttt been concluded. ' Kadi
side is said ,' to have lost 3600 men.
Enver Bey, leader of the Young Turks,
Is reported among the wounded.
The grpat collection of pictures,, carv
ings and prectus relics which had been
gathered tn the building since Its erec
tion in 1703 by- Peter the'Qrcat was
saved.: . -, .
Hust You Be Bald?
What have you done) to stop jrouf
hair from falling? Have you tried
kcxall "93" Hair Tonic? If not, wo
want you to try it at our flak;.
' If you have dandruff; U your Hair is
' foiling out and your scalp is not
glased and shiny, if you usa Retail
, ''03" Hair Tonio according to diree
, lions for thirty days, and at the end
of that time you are not thoroughly
satisfied with the result and will tell
us so, we will immediately head bank
your money. We won't ask you to
promise anything. V won't evea ,
Question you. We will take you -mere
word and return your money.
Doesn't it stand to reason that
Rexall "93" Hair Tonle must be
mighty good remedy and bare given
. great satisfaction to our customer if t
we endorse it like this? We kaow ot
HO similar remedy that is as good. It i
is because of what IlUall "M" Hair .
Tonio has done for others that we .
bark it with our owit money. .
Why suffer scalp and hslr trouble
of bo bald, when Keioli "83" Hair
Touio will remove dandruff, tmtka
your scalp comfortable and healthy,
promote hair growth and tend to ;
prevent baldaees when we will
pay for the treatment tbould it fail
to please you? , - , ,
' W don't ohlitab you to any-
tiling. . You simply buy the treat
ment; use it, ana if not pleased. ,
coreo back to us empty- landed anil
we will hand back- what you paid us.
Two siies, fiOo and IM a bottle. ,. -
You can buy Rexall "83"v Hai Tonf .
tn this community
Bold only by . . ..
TUC nil nDllf fn
I fit UWU UnUU lU. '
Portland, Ore, ,'
Stores in Portland, Seattld, Spokane, Sao
i FranclscO, Oakland, Los Angeles
. x and Sacramento. ,
There hBaII Store In BrtyTry town
nd oity in the United. 6tte, Conua sod
viw nuuu. !' mitre aiuarcut nxu p
' Kemsciy (or nearly every ordintiy human 111 -tach
eioeially deelgaeu fur Uia psniouUtt ill ."
lor Wnloh it is recommended, -
- The Retail Stor are' America's GnwtMt -Drug
Instantly Helle-va gnd rapidly Cure
all pains In the head, face and limbs.
' Al OH fViftMU, ot (ran Sole Aaent. ,
i E, FOUGERA ; & CO., Inc. N V.
tmtlmi m mrni'-J- i- i 'in-1 11 1
' Hl,.ii i' t t, 1 . , ! , A I , , i I
tt)( I'rcnrU ri.u'.:.c, ia a in- . .
pi: I lament Thur-.lay, itaa.Ie p"l!.tLlt n
cu.H'w to t:,,; ncij-.iy ol ii.i'it-a..,
Prance's military forces. :
1 1
- ' Miscellaneous.
In as -accident at the Slwash Creek
mines, near Vale, H, C., Thursday, two
men, W..1L McBtth and 3. A.-PIolli,
f?re drowned when the creek burst into
a tunnel in which they were at Work
T lynm:i(ji explosion bear Lewis Cmk;
B.. C, Thurday morning, killed - one
man and Injured four. A prematura
discharge caused the accident. '
" Seven hundred men employed at the
Britannia mines on Home sound quit
work Wednesday, and thegfeat industry
is Idle, No question of wages oc hours
enters the dispute, the men merely de
manding recognition of - the Western
IfccieratmH of Miners; " , T ' : ,
" Reports received at . Douglas, ,Ar$,
are to the effect that Pasvual Oro'zco,
Mexican revolutionary leader, reported
killed a various Mexican points,? Is
alfve at i Ptilomfts,s.oppositB Columbus,
X. M. He Is said to-be recovering from
xt serious wound, J ? '
Two physicians. Drj D. CBarnett and
Dr. J.; C. Edson, at Vern6n't TeXas tes-
titled that In, their opinion.!, B. Sneed
was tint capable of, judging) between
right and wrong Vhen he killed APO.
Boyce Jr., at, AmarIllot last September;
that, he was not, capable ot criminal in
tent at the time and that when he saw
Boyce his reason was dethroned , t
In a conference over a' proposed deal
for building jin office building at Dallas,
Texas, James It., "White, treasurer of, the
Republic Trust company,1 was shot and
killed and A. Slivers, vies president of
the Republic and' president bf "A. Silvers
& Cq., was shot, probably f&tally.i J. A.
Clapton o( $ Ban ; Antonio, : T.exas,j ' th.e
third Itittn. In the .tonierence, ia charged
with the' shooting. . , x
: Arrangements are $ being mddftx be
tween the American nd Russian "gov
ernments' for the establishment of a
regular wireless service Across Bering
soa. which, will insure telegraphic. c3nv
njunlcatlotr between America and- Asia
at all times',. 4svn In the event of. Jntev
filptioh of the cable uervice. . ; i
No Need (to Have
Gray Hair '.
Illii Simple Recipe, kade tip it Your
,"' '" " Horrle, Sofveath ; ! '
J" ?rr Prolra. -''.'; '
A 110d ,many , men - and vomen go
through life handicapped by, gray hair,
belieVInif that It cannot W darkened ko
hs to escape ' detection among- their
friends. ' This is altogether wrong. of
course. the cheap'" dyes and. stains are
ofttt' Unsatlsf aetorjr, tut)v here Is. a
simple little formula, which you can put
up at home for very little cost, that will
be found to meet Very-'reQuirement: To'
7 ounces of water add one small box of
Barho Compounct 1 ounce of bay rum
and 1 ' ounce 'of 1 glycerine, gad you'll
have a delightfully good preparation for
gradually darkening gray nalr or beards,
as wen' as s good remedy- fee dandruff
and other scalp disorders, It Js to be
applied once a week tintU the half J,s
darkehea," thn 6iii.e "every two "weeks,
It has none of the objetniongblei' Quali
ties of ordinary dyes and stains sticki
ness, rubbing off,1 and , suclt, defects--and
is genuinely reliable In .verr 'y.
If your druggist hasn't Barbo Com
pound, ask him to order It for you,
Dott par 50 cents for Worthless - h&ir tonics lit 2 cli,
' reliable, harmless "DaitifJerineVrTGet, results.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair ia mute evidence of a neglected
scalp;'-of dandruff that awfut
There Is . nothing so destructive to
the hklr as tisndruff, i robs the hair
of it luster,. Its .etrcngth. and its very
life; evebtcslly producing a feveriHi
ness and Itching of the scalp,, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink; loosch and tile then the hulr
jails ut 'fast, . ., ,- .
A rtttle Daudcrlne tonight now
Any time will surely save your hair.
Instantly doara Ah Paitagetf YpU
Breath Freelyt Dull Headecha Goett
Nasty Catarrhal Discharge Stops ;
. Try "Ely s Cream Balm."
t3et a small bottle anyway, just to iry
ir apply tt little in the nostrils and in-
! stantly your' clogged nose and stopped
j up air passages of the head will open;
1 vou will breath freely; dullness , and
I headache disappear; By morning the
catarrh, e'old-irt-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone,
f 'Knd such misery now! Get the small
bottle of '"Ely's Cream Balra'' at any
! drug store. This sweet, trogront balm
- UJLa.'iuj L. .
TS 1 iSl BALf..
I - 'il t
DMT mmm tea ill
k Mixture' of Sage : and Siil.
I - pnur rrevenis Manarun
; - vand Falling Hair, "; '
j When yyu-j, 'darken yottr Imlr . with
" Sage Tea ana Sulphur no one can. tell,
'beciniRc it's 4one so naturally; so even
ly. It ts also splendid to remove din
druf f, cure itching scalp and stop falU
tir natr.- ""' !. .
. j'lTpering.thhi mixture,1 thoiish, at
home' la a ntuosy.and tiOutilcNOnjo tank.
For abont 50 cents a bottle ypu Cn buy
at nny druir store the rady-io-iip
tonic cnlU'd "Wyeth's bikI PmI
. plitlf flair Hoim il v." i ... driufifiHt j
" put . this mj-vturu ., up thcuii5';lvi;it t -t .' i
K J t L
Portland's Ric 1". - . i
favor,itl lth Sr.y t'-e
of similar .nature held m. utin-f t
aivording Ko llalph-W. 1 iov. I
of the ilniff Pftlval, w ho i
an extended trin to the l'inn
country. West Indies end ti-
the southeast. :
.Mr, Hoyt saw the MrU (Irn f
ittcs in. New Orleans, SantL.s
Havana, and he 'says he is tonv
that PottlanJ's Ref Festival lu-id
a back ' seat for none of them.
Rose Festival is mfiTv widely alvei"t
than any, Mr. Hoyt ways, and w he
Hi went he found people who have r
ot Portland and its annual ft f-t .
Mr."- Hoyt was accompanied, by JN
Hof. oh. his travels. ..
i r . i... '
JUorra Spoils "MartlB' Vl'v-H.
' (Cnited PHMS tniA Vlr.)
Santa . Ana, Cal.i Fetji H.--Avlai-
Glenn Martin surrendered to the stoi-
that -Js- sweeptng: .southern en i; run i
late i this afterrtoon and abandoned I
Pofti6na-San DUgo fllghc here,
fiaiuli ! ifi mm ' I'M i'm ii"1-1 '" f -' .
Wire' fences,' grounded at 'about evei v
f Ifth" post, will be practically rrff r
against harm byjlghtmag,
ii to i iia
Eczema on Face and Head, ; Rav;,
Red Patches with Blisters. Later
' Dry ScaljfandCrackedt Burnlr;:
and' ltchmg Intense; Cuticura
' ' Soap and Ointment Cured, .
' lfflO Bellevlw Ave.;1! Junta; Colo.
"MX l?tth daughter hiul.'eOieraA en her face
tad bead. ? The trouble began With lrrlu-'
ting; raw. red pathe
, - with blUters hkh
t ' would break and a
..fluid was discharged.
' This lit drying formed
cabs, ' Later on th
patches becam Cry
ad ecaly aad cracl" l
and the burning in.t
Itching were tntesm.
W. bad . to . tie her
hands to keep her from
scratching, as the eruption mode sores which
we thought would ruin bar for life. . Her hair
fell put and her head was scabby all over.
She rested neither day or sight.
' "We tried medicine but stlU po relief and
finally we decided to try Cuticura Soap and
Ointment, -We pegitft using theta by trash
ing the bead and face la warm water and
Cuticura Soap, after which we anointed them
Wttk Cuticura Ointment. . This brought rest
afid'elcep for her. la two months you
wouldn't have, fc&owa the Child t the wm
curat and ha4 never been bothered einen
itb this disease,1. (Signed) Mrs. 3. Garri
son. Sept. 95, 191x7 i.
CuUcumop 2Sc) and Cntlcura Olnt
mentjtSOa) are sold evert-where; A singta
set Is often sulficlanf. - lbcrl tample of
each mailed free, with 33-p. Skin LwV . Ad
dress post-card v Cuticura. hept.T, Boston. "
- JiarTender-faced men should use Cuticura
Soap $bavlnf Stick, 15c Sample free.
Oet a 25 rent- bottle Of;Knolton's
Danderhio front,' any drug store of
toilet counter, and after tli first ap
plication you. Kill' a.y-it was the Le,3t
Investment ,you ever made, your l air
wilt' immediately take on' that in,
luster and luxMi-iuncn whicb-'is ko Ik -....-tiful.
It Will become wavy atm fluff
and have'the appearance of abuiui.uo -;
an Incomparable gloss and SoftiiPk.i, bus
what will please VQu most will be afii'
Just l a. few weeks' uc, when you
actually see a kt of fine, downy ii s i i-
new -balls growing all over the ..! tn.
dissolves by theat of the nostlii-.i
penfetratea and hala the Inflamed,
len membrane which lines the no.!-,
head and throat; .clears, the air passa
ges; stops nasty discharges and a feel
ing Of cleapstng, soothing relief romp
immediately, 1 '.'
Don't lay awake tonight tnursUrr
for breath, wltH head stuffed; nostr'U
closed, hawking nd blowing. Catnn ..
or R cold, with tt. running nose, f.,t
mucous dropping into the throat, (!
raw dryness is dlatrefcs.lhg, but trl..'
needless, , ' I ' '
Put your faith ut once in ."Ely"'
Cream lialm" and your cold pr caUirr t
will .surely disappears . ' - '
make It too Sticky so Insist you v.
"Wyeth's" then there wltl be no
pointmetit"' "
Tou Just- dampen a sponge .r i
brush with "Wyth's Ha.nn u-.i :
phur and drawlt thtouitli your i
Ukltig tfne stnall strand at a t'T",
this-at pifthi and by tKt'itlr.jf v'l r
halt disappears and after an!!n ir
cation or two becomea bcauttn.i:
ehtid and more k1iv a:i-1 t' '
than ever. Vou will ai.i. l'"''.v
dvuff is gone and luilr h. :
' (irav, f.ti.'J J Mi-, f
i$ a slsn of tl I R-m itii.i -h
j uut l.i'nl tifd ' i i ' i
Ri't bust st in v. i
ti tut Hu'Htiir y 'i f "
'a..-,i-.,,.i'V(-ii6 h